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03x04 - One Night Stand

Posted: 11/17/13 13:45
by bunniefuu

♪ Ice-cold beer everybody's here tonight ♪
♪ ice-cold beer ♪
♪ everybody's here tonight ♪

[singing high note] [Laughter]

Wow, that was so bad, you guys.

I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

We probably scared all of the fish away.


I never catch anything anyway.

What, two beautiful women don't rate?

You kidding me? Pretty thing like you, you're not even a keeper.

I should toss you in right now.


[Both laughing]

So I'm gonna get some more beer.



That's good.


Oh. Ooh, boy.


[Phone ringing]

Oh, what do you want?

No, no, no, no.



You little pervert!

What do you think you're doing?

[Scoffs] You were not just walking around.

I saw you spying on us. I'm gonna tell dad.

If you don't want me to tell him, you need to get your butt outta here.

What do you care about Jake?

I mean, he doesn't even know that you exist.

Look, you're never going to be the same as them, you know, so you need to stop trying to become something that you're not. Now, go.

What, no beer?

Changed my mind.

What's the matter? You scared of me?


[Both laughing]

[Both panting]


That was incredible.

You're incredible.

You're not so bad yourself.




No! Help! Help!

Get out of the water!

What's going on?

Get out!


Dan! Dan!

[Tense music]

[Panting and coughing]



[Grunts and coughs]


Dan! Dan!

Well, this is the last of your stuff.

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Whoa, wait, what?

Of course this is a good idea. This is a great idea, 'cause you and I...

No, no.


Not that.

I'm just... I'm saying I-I have so much stuff, and your house suddenly seems a lot smaller.

No, there's plenty of room. Plus, look.

It's a golden opportunity for me to get rid of some stuff.

What are you going to get rid of?

Oh, you kidding? Any number of... like... or... you know, like this, for example.

Well, that's a start.

This was presented personally to my great, great Uncle Bernard by Sigmund Riefler himself when Bernard retired from the clemens Riefler clock works in Munich.

Sigmund was the son of the founder clemens Riefler, but it was actually Sigmund who invented the Riefler escapement, which is a mechanical device for precision pendulum clocks.

And I actually have one right over there.


I think everything should stay right where it is.

Even me.



I cut up some fruit. You want some?

Yeah, please, and a lot of coffee.

Got you covered.



That's what makes this so great.

Yeah, I really missed all this, like, everyday stuff.


I missed that too.

See you after work.

Hey, hey, what about the doctor's reports?

Oh, he was supposed to send me the email yesterday.

Just check my email, see if it came in.

Tell me if I'm still alive.

Gillnetter out on government island fished him out of the river this morning.

I cross-checked with missing persons.

A report was filed yesterday matching his description, name listed as Daniel Hopkins.

Same as we got.

Report also lists as a possible as*ault.

Looks pretty beat up.

Probably from river debris.

I don't know about these marks on his ankles.

Yeah, same here too, like scratches.

Yeah, scratches or claws.

Maybe something pulled him under.

What are we talking, a loch ness monster?

Who filed the report?

Uh, Jake Barnes.

Filed last night at 9:15.

Let's talk to him.

One second.

[Clears throat]

Jake Barnes?


I'm Detective Burkhardt. This is Detective Griffin.

You filed a missing persons report for Daniel Hopkins.

Oh, God, did you find him?

Mind if we talk inside?

[Sighs] Yeah, sure.

So did he make it out?

Afraid not, they discovered Dan's body this morning.

Oh, man.

Oh, man, I was afraid of this.

You know, he was... he was pulled underwater.

By what?

I don't know, I just saw something, it got me too.

All right, we're gonna need you to go over everything that happened yesterday... where you were, who was there, anything you can remember.

Oh, jeez.

He's really dead, I can't believe this.

All right, was anyone else there with you?

No, not at first.

We were fishing up near steelhead, and... and then these two girls showed up.

You get their names?


Sarah and Anna.

They were sisters, I didn't...

I'm sorry, I didn't get their last name.

You must have got a number, right?

I never had a chance.

I mean, one thing led to another.

Did things get sexual?


Who were you with?

Sarah. Dan was with Anna.

We were all in the river. Sarah and I...

Anyway, afterwards, we were swimming, and... that's when I heard Dan.

He was screaming, and Anna looked really scared, and she was yelling for us to get out of the river, and... And then something... something pulled him under.

Did you try to get to him?

Of course, but...

I mean, and then something pulled me under too.

And then that's the last thing I remember.

Look, I told all this to the police last night.

I don't think they believed me.

How'd you manage to get out?

I'm not sure.

I mean, all I know is there was this...

This what?

Girl, I think, but you know, I mean, I'm not even sure she was real, man.

I mean, I was still just trying to breathe.

It wasn't Sarah or Anna?

No, this one was younger, but I don't know, man, I don't know what I saw.

How'd you get those scratches?

I'm telling you, I mean, it felt like something, like, grabbed me.

Okay, what kind of something?

I mean, it's a little hard to focus when you're drowning.

Why don't you take us to the place where this all happened?

My car was parked behind these trees.

We came down here and made a campfire.

My clothes were right here, Dan's too.

I mean, I looked all up and down the river for him.

I should have gone in after him, but after what happened...

Is this where you went into the river?


And where'd you get pulled out?

Down there, I guess.

What happened to the girls you were with?

I don't know, I...

I mean, I thought maybe they got grabbed too, but then their clothes were gone when I came to.

You said there was another girl that pulled you out.

What happened to her?

Uh, I think she ran off as soon as I was out of the river.

Now, when'd you call 911?

Soon as I got back up here.

I couldn't find my phone, so I used Dan's.

How'd the girls get here?

Uh, just from back there.

You didn't see a car?





I'm not gonna hurt you!


What happened?

She dove in.

You see her come up?

Yeah, about 50 yards out.

She swam all that way underwater?

What are we dealing with?

Hey, hey, I think that's the girl I saw when I came up.

Where'd she go?

I'm not sure.

River patrol didn't find any bodies matching Jake's description of Sarah, Anna, or the girl Nick saw jump into the river.

They're probably still alive. Somebody went back to the campsite and took the sisters' clothes.

Jake said they were scared.

They probably got out of the river, grabbed their stuff, and ran.

The girl I saw go into the river was a lot more than a girl when she got under the water.

You know what she was?

Not yet.

Let's round up the unusual suspects.

[Text alert]


[Phone ringing]


[Both speaking French]


















In the river?

You know, I'm not really that much of a water person.

I'm really more of a Mountain and land kind of lubber.

There was this girl I knew in Seattle, she was a naiad, lived out on Bainbridge island.

She's was kind of weird, nice, though.

But she could swim, man, like a fish.

Uh, naiad?

Oh, naiads. Yeah, no, I've heard of naiads.

I've never seen one, though.

What are they, like, a water nymph or something?

Sort of. Very close-knit families.

They never stray far from the water.

That's probably why Jake can't describe who saved him.

I bet you'd have something about them in your trailer.

Well, at least we have an idea of what we're dealing with now.


Right, we should be going.

Looks like you guys have a lot left to do.

Yeah, we do. We sure do.

Hey, you know, but if you guys need any help, you know, in the trailer...

I mean, I probably shouldn't leave with so much left to do.

Go ahead.

Are you sure?

I mean, it's not gonna take that long.

Please, take him.


Oh, listen to this, it's dated 1755.

Looks like a Grimm working for the East India company.

"A strange event aboard the merchant vessel Doddington.

"Jory, our third mate, disappeared overnight.

"The rest of the crew grows superstitious.

"Recently, Jory had taken to raving "about a beautiful woman "swimming alongside our ship like a fish.

"I have decided to stand the man's watch "as we round the cape "to see if there is any truth to these rumors.

"It turns out Jory was no lunatic.

"I saw the creature known to my kin as the naiad.

"After capturing it in a net, "I was able to haul the creature aboard, "where she donned her human shape.

"I find her mesmerizing "and have kept her hidden from the Captain and crew.

"After some hours on board, "the woman's skin began to dry and peel.

"She begs me to return her to the sea, "but I am determined to prove Jory true.

"I have questioned her regarding his disappearance, "but she refuses to betray any secrets of her kind and only pleads to be let back into the water."

Oh, wow.

"At sunrise this morning, the creature died "from what I assume was severe dehydration.

"I'm afraid whatever secrets the naiad was keeping have died with her."

[Phone ringing]

It's wu.

Got something for us?

We ran the number from Jake Barnes' missing cell phone.

GPS puts it at the andersen marina.

That's not far up the river from where they went swimming.

How you want to handle this?

Meet us at the marina.

We should bring Jake along in case he can I.D. whoever took the phone.

You ever been here?


You know anybody who lives here?

Not that I know of.

Stay in the car.

See if you recognize anybody.


The phone's still on... In one of these houseboats.

Looks like this one here.

Sir, I'm Detective Burkhardt. This is Detective Griffin.

We're following up an investigation about a drowning.

Need to ask you a few questions. Who drowned?

Can I have your name, sir?

Abel Mahario.

I don't know anybody who drowned.

We're tracking a stolen cell phone.

It was taken from where the victim went into the river.

The signal led us here. Mind if we take a look inside?

I haven't done anything wrong, and I told you I don't know anybody who drowned, so this must be a mistake.

Should be easy enough to find out.

Calling the stolen cell phone now.

[Phone ringing]

That sounds like probable cause to me.

We're going inside, sir.

[Phone ringing]

Sir, will you stay right here?

[Phone ringing]

So how'd Jake's phone get in here?

Girl on the left looks like the one I chased into the river.

The naiad?

Let's find out.

Sir, do you want to take a crack at how this cell phone got in your house?

I have no idea how it got there.

This girl, is she your daughter?

Why? Elly didn't do anything.

She may have been in the area at the time of the drowning.

We need talk to her, see if she saw anything.

Well, you can't talk to her.

Sir, this is a police investigation.

She's deaf, so unless one of you can sign...

Hey, Sarah. Sarah.

Sarah, hey. Yeah, it's me, Jake.

Sarah, hey.

Hey, hey, hey. Whoa, guys.

Guys, guys, wait. Whoa, hold on.

Look, they found Dan's body.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Dan, he drowned. The police are here.

We have to go.

Wait, I'm sorry, did you hear what I just said? Dan's dead!

Why don't you just leave us alone?

Guys, these are the girls I was telling you about.

Sarah and Anna. Sarah, Anna, get in the house.

Everyone's gonna stay right here until we're done questioning them.

Who was with Dan?


I was swimming with Sarah.

I don't know what he's talking about.

What, are you crazy?

Look, we were together yesterday.

All right, we're gonna need to see some identification.

My girls didn't do anything wrong.

I.Ds. Now, you wanna tell us where you were yesterday afternoon and evening?

We were here with our dad.

They were with me and Dan.


Hey, what the hell's going on here?

It's a police investigation, sir.

I need you to stop right there.

Investigation of what?

Who are you?

We live over there.

Then I suggest you go home and stay out of it, unless you want my sergeant to put you in the back of his car.

I already told you, my girls were home last night.

You recognize this girl?

Yeah, I mean, that looks like the girl who saved me.

You want to explain how this cell phone got in your house?

That's my phone. They had my phone?

Fine, you don't want to explain here, I get it.

Sarah, Anna, you go back to the precinct with us.

Let's go. This way, please.

Anyone else want to go?

Let's get back in the car.

Listen, you can't do this.

Sir, we can make the same arrangements for you, unless you want to clear this up right now.

You don't understand.

Well, I guess we have more to talk about than I thought.

But I'm going to talk to your daughters first, give you some time to think about it.

Damn it.

I told you I didn't want this kind of trouble.

Why did you do it?

Because you forgot where you come from. We haven't.

I haven't forgotten anything.

I know what it takes for us to survive.

Your world died 200 years ago, and now you've jeopardized all of us with this fundamental crap!

It was Elly, your daughter.

She pulled him out.

Which is how that phone got in your house.

She has to be cut.

Are you crazy? Nobody does that anymore.

Where we're from, they do, and we don't have these kinds of troubles.

And this is your fault, old man.

This is what happens when you don't raise your women right.

No, no, wait.

Please, she's just a girl.

I'm not gonna let you touch her.

Who's gonna stop us?

Jake says this is the girl that pulled him out.

You want to tell us what happened?

We're the only two here who know what you and your sister are.

I don't know what you're talking about.

You're naiads.

You really want to spend the next 24 hours drying out in a holding cell? 'Cause that's where you're going if you don't start talking.

I have nothing to say.

Well, let's hope your sister does.

[Door opens and closes]

Jake saw Dan pulled under.

Jake is only alive because Elly saved him.

That means you either saw what happened or were involved with what happened.

You need to tell us, Anna.

Because I know naiads can only be out of the water for so long.

And you will die in here if you don't start talking.

Who pulled Jake under the water?

Who k*lled Dan?

Knowing what they are and what will happen to them, we don't want to keep them locked up.

But they're not giving us much choice.

At the very least, they know what happened and didn't report it. So they might know who did it.

That's the problem, we think they're protecting somebody.

How much time do you think they have?

I doubt they'll survive the night.

And what about the girl who saved your victim from the river? Can't find her.

So how do we explain two dead women in our holding cells?

We can't very well say they're naiads.

We'll get blamed for something we had no control over.

And they're playing a very serious game.

If they're involved, what do we do, just let 'em go?

No. This is their problem, not ours.

If they choose to die, we let the M.E. explain it.

Just 'cause they're wesen, it doesn't entitle them to special treatment.

[Knocking at the door]


Girls' father, Abel Mahario, is here.

Apparently, he wants to talk.

I k*lled that boy. I did it.

You need to arrest me and let my daughters go.

How'd you k*ll him?

I drowned him.


I have my reasons.

I know you didn't do it for a cell phone.

We know you want to save your girls, but we'd rather leave here with whoever's really responsible.

I am! I told you I did it!

I-I pulled him underwater!

Were your daughters there too?


Jake Barnes says they were.

Well, he's lying.

Why would he lie?

He just saw them.

Then they were there?

I saw those two boys attacking my daughters, and I did what I had to.

So you're telling us you were saving your daughters?

They were being r*ped.

Then why did your other daughter pull Jake out of the water?

Who gave you the black eye?

Did you know she was there too?

What time did you get there?

How did you get there?

You walk? Take a car?

What did the other guy look like, the one you k*lled?

Was he tall, short, fat, black, white?

We need some details here.

Why don't you take us to the place where it happened?

You see how difficult this gets when you're not telling the truth?

Why does it matter?

I'm offering my life for my daughters'.

[Door opens]

Not easy being a parent.

Yeah, but it could be what we need.

Those girls may be ready to throw their own lives away, but they might not be so willing when it's their dad's life they're dealing with.

Use his confession as leverage?

Might be just as tough being a daughter.

I guess we'll find out if it's a loving family.

[Tense music]

You're the one who saved my life.

What's your name?




What are you doing here, Elly?


Oh, you're deaf?


But you can read my lips?



You know, I almost thought I imagined you.


Um, the police need to talk to you.


The police, they're looking for you.


What are you doing?

You want to show me something?

Something about you? Okay.

[Chuckles] What are you doing?

You want to go swimming?

Huh? Now?




Oh, my God.


You... you're what I saw.

My God, you're real?



[Shrieks] No! No!

[Whimpers] [Grunts]

[Both struggling]

Hey! What's going on down there?


We gotta go.





The last in a long line of boxes.

What have we here?

Oh, I'm not sure.


That was in my brother's apartment.

This is really...

It-it's interesting. Oh, wow!

I have not seen that since I was a kid.

Belonged to my grandparents.

They brought it with them from Holland.

[Exhales] Wow.

Well, in that case, it should sit in a place of honor.

Hey. [Laughs]

Don't try so hard.

I know this is a big deal for you and me, moving in together, but we have to be honest.

That is butt ugly.

I know, but...

But what?

I mean, maybe there's things of mine that you don't like.

What are you afraid of?



There have been other... you know, but no one I ever even considered moving in with.

Are you getting cold feet?

No. God, no. I knew it would sound like that.


It's okay. It's all going to be okay.

I just didn't want you to think... stop thinking.


I love you, you love me, and we both hate this.

And if you can't build a relationship on hate...

Right, then... I mean, what do you have?


Your father confessed to everything.

You are free to go. What?

What did... what did he confess to?

The m*rder of Dan Hopkins and the attempted m*rder of Jake Barnes.

That's a lie.

You think we'd be letting you go if we didn't have a confession?

No. This isn't right.

Sarah, they're letting us go.

And arresting dad? He'll die here.

We can talk about this at home.

It's dad, Anna.

Sarah, don't.

Dominic did it.


And Jesse too.

It's those two guys from the marina.

They'll k*ll us, Sarah.


You don't have much time left. We need to get you out of here.

Sarah, he's a Grimm. You can't trust him.

I have no choice.

Let's go.

Anna, come on.

We didn't even know they were there.

Dominic and Jesse?

They must have been waiting for us in the river.

Dominic pulled Dan under, and Jesse pulled Jake.


It was time to start our families.

You start your families by k*lling two innocent victims?

That wasn't supposed to happen.

In the old days, maybe, but we don't do that anymore.

At least we didn't...

Till Dominic and Jesse showed up about six months ago.

From where?


Did you know them prior to that?

No. Our relationships are arranged.

Dominic and Jesse come from a family that believe in all of these... Old traditions.

We didn't think that they would actually do anything, we just... we just thought they were talking.

This is some kind of ritual?

I think that's what they want us to think, but it's more about revenge.


We can only conceive and give birth in the water.

Naiad men are born sterile.

They know we have to mate with other men.

Otherwise, we'll die out.

I mean, they're not very happy about it, but neither are we.

Well, I can see where that may cause a little bit of tension.

Our men have to raise the children of other men.

I mean, some of them are okay with it, but...

Others aren't so... Accepting.

[Phone ringing]

It's Jake. Hello?

Detective Burkhardt? It's Jake.

She was just here, the girl who saved me.

Where are you?

At my apartment.

She was in the pool.

Those two guys from the marina, they jumped me and took her.

Stay where you are.

We're gonna send some uniforms your way.

Jesse and Dominic beat up Jake.

Elly was there, and they took her.

Oh, my God, they're gonna cut her.


They'll cut the telae between her fingers and toes.

It's how they used to banish those that broke our laws.

Where would they take her?

Where they can make an example out of her: Home.


You left us no other choice.

I know you can understand me.

This is for the good of all of us.

Ugh! Shouldn't have done that!

Now you're gonna get it!



Tie her legs.

You like their kind so much? Now you can be just like them.



Ow, damn it! She won't stop kicking.

I'll make her stop kicking.


[Muffled screaming]

Come on, Elly, you gotta breathe sometime.


Stubborn little bitch.

Not for much longer. Breathe or drown, Elly!

[Muffled screaming]

She's breathing.

That's a good girl, Elly.

Cut her quick!


Damn it! We're gonna have to hold her under again.


[Sirens blaring]

Push her in.





No, no, you don't!


Come on.

You're staying right here.



Nick! Nick!




You all right?

I think so.

Are you okay?

I got Dominic and Jesse handcuffed.

How do you want to deal with them?

Lock 'em up.

They won't last long.

They should've thought about that before.

You know how long you were under that water?

Thought you were dead.

You sure look like it.

Oh, my God! Elly?




Oh, thank God she's okay.

Oh, baby, come here.

You're okay.

I'm so sorry.

Oh, my girls.

"I can't find anything medically wrong with you, "except you appear to have a metabolic rate "half a normal person's.

"I can't explain this, but it doesn't seem "to be interfering with your life.

You seem healthy, with tremendous physical endurance."

[Chuckles] [Email alert]


"Haven't been able to spend the money.

"Royal assassination causing much turmoil.

"No longer safe. Must leave now.

Love you, M."

"Love you, M"?


Who the hell is M, Nick?

Europe and the world have gathered today in Vienna, Austria, to mourn the passing of crown prince Eric Renard, second in line to the Cronenberg throne and empire.

British media report allegations by an unnamed source that an underground movement may have been responsible for the crown prince's assassination.

Austrian police are working with French and British intelligence to find those responsible.

The question on everyone's mind is who will be given the reins of this royal family?

Number three.

You sure?


[Knocks on glass]


Look, can I... can I ask you guys something?



I-I'm not so sure how to say this, but...

You know that girl that pulled me out of the water, Elly?

What about her?

Well, I don't know, but I saw something really strange.

Like what?

Like, I...

Think she's, like, a mutant or something, some kind of, like, mermaid thing... I... ugh.

Okay, I know how that sounds, believe me.

I just... She came over when and she just wasn't... Normal.

Nobody is, Jake.

It's Portland.