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05x04 - Rebirth

Posted: 02/16/24 19:49
by bunniefuu
Jazz: previously on "I am jazz"...

It's coming up so soon -- june th.

You just said june th.

I think anything we do is dangerous at this point.

Unfortunately, there are people

That have issues with the surgery.

It just scares me.

I've been at gainesville doing school.

That's not all you're doing up there, just --

Way to make me feel awkward again.

I've matured a little bit.

And I haven't?

Am I cured? No.

Out of the closet comes another event.

It can cause heart att*cks.

I'm probably going to hold off telling the kids

The details right now until after jazz's surgery.

I think that's a good idea.

Jazz: the surgery is happening.

It's really, like, the first time

That I feel butterflies in my stomach.

Jeanette: with my dad's procedure, jazz's surgery...

...the abc interview, we have a lot on our plate.

It's like the perfect storm.

Some people think, "well, maybe her parents brainwashed her."

--Captions by vitac--

Captions paid for by discovery communications


Woman: we're about ready to start.

Okay, ready? One, two, three.

When it comes to doing interviews

And media and reporters,

I'm never % confident going in.

You just don't know which way things are going to go.

We don't have control over what the reporters ask.

There are some people who will forever think,

"Well, maybe her parents brainwashed her.

Maybe she was too young to know. Maybe, maybe, maybe."

I really, really hate it.

This was all me.

This is how I felt.

They just embraced and loved me for who I was.

Juju definitely asks probing questions.

This is not a fluff piece.

You've had to put up with a lot of withering criticism.

What, after all these years, do you say to people

Who still have those doubts?

I'd rather have a living daughter than a dead son,

And I know that if I didn't let this child

Be who she wanted to be, it was a good chance

She wouldn't be with us today.

I've had to do a lot of things to prepare for this surgery.

I had to lose pounds,

And that was really, really challenging

Because I had an addiction to food,

And it was something that gave me comfort,

And I had to let that go because this surgery is

So much more important to me than any slice of cake or pizza.

What do you say to your critics who would argue it's tmi?

"I don't need this much information

About bottom surgery."

Yeah, it is personal and uncomfortable

For some individuals, but how are we going to learn

If someone doesn't step up to the plate and share their story?

When it comes to doing interviews,

I know that whatever I say is up for judgement.

Everything is going to be criticized

By one person or another,

But I am just doing the interview,

Speaking my truth,

And if my truth resonates with someone else

And helps them, than that's more powerful

Than someone judging me and criticizing me.

This is really the last thing

That will validate my identity as a woman.

There's nothing else after this.

I just get to be myself,

Be in the body that I've always wanted,

And then I can live my life as just jazz.

And so what do you look forward to the most the moment

You wake up from the surgery?

I think just looking at my vag*na for the first time.

It's going to be, like, a new birth, you know?

Is there one thing you're most looking forward to

After the surgery?

Wearing leggings.[ Both laugh ]

I'm happy I did the interview.

Using my platform for good

And knowing that I'm making a difference

By sharing my story is a good feeling.



Greg: can you believe that's over?

You find interviews like that taxing, jazz?

Jazz: I've gotten so used to them.

I mean, I just feel like, do I sound fake

When I do interviews like that, or just, do I sound rehearsed?

No, I thought actually today she asked you questions,

And I think you were very you.

I think the abc interview went well.

Juju did her homework and knows

That a lot of questions have already been asked,

And I think she was looking for new questions to ask jazz.

I wish it had been a little bit more fluffy.

It got intense at times.

I think it just opens up the door to greater conversation

About the experience that families

With transgender children go through

And the transgender experience.

Juju did her research.

She knew all about me, and she asked good questions.

Can I ask you a question, jazz?


I don't want to sound funny about this.

Are you tired of all of this?

Um, I don't know.

I want to continue, though, because --

But she asked you very specifically

Whether you would like to ultimately

Just go off and not be in the public eye, so to speak.

Yeah, live a private life, and I said yes.

I do want to live a private life one day,

But the fact that I've been given this platform

Is really meaningful, and I think I got to use it.

Good for you. Sweet dreams to all of you.

We'll see you later.

What do you guys think of this?

Grandpa has not been back to his hometown

Where he grew up in a very, very, very long time,

And I thought it would be kind of cool

To bring him to port jervis

Where he moved when he was, like, eight or nine,

And lived there all throughout high school.

Jeanette: I really want to do something special for my dad

'Cause my dad is about to have his heart procedure,

But when it comes to telling my kids,

I tend to want to wait or hold off,

Especially with jazz's surgery coming up.

It's like, "do I really need to worry them about grandpa?"

Sander: so, we're going to surprise him?

Yeah, total surprise.

-Nobody can spoil it. -Jazz. -Yeah, jazz.

Guys, I've been good at keeping secrets.

Two years ago, I was not able to keep secrets,

But I'm able to keep secrets now.

You think jazz is going to blow the surprise?

I think there's a really good chance

She'll say something and be like,

"Whoops! I didn't mean to."

She'll blow it, yeah.[ Laughter ]


So, we're going to be right in here, and dr. Ting

And dr. Bowers will be in soon.

Thank you.

We're here in the hospital, mount sinai,

Waiting for the final consultation before the surgery,

And I'm willing to do everything it takes to get the vag*na

That I've always envisioned.

Jeanette: I am grateful to see jazz calm, and she's happy.

Greg: there's really no doubt in her mind,

And that just confirms

That we're in the right place at the right time,

And I just hope she remains this calm going into surgery.

Hello. Hello.

-How are you? -Hey, how are you?

-Good. Good to see you. -Good to see you.

Jeanette: this exam feels different

From all the other exams 'cause this is thefinalexam.

Hello. Good to see you again.

Hi. How are you? Oh, you've lost weight.


We are here. No turning back. It is happening.

How are you? Dr. Iskandar.

How are you? I'm greg.

Jazz: I haven't had all three surgeons in the same room

At the same time,

And I haven't even met dr. Iskandar,

But knowing that all three of them are experts at what they do

And that they're going to be working as a team

To perform this operation is just so cool,

And I can't believe this is finally happening.

It all feels so real.

All right, so, you have all of us here,

So we have it down to a routine.

We all find that we all have, like,

A place around the operating table,

And we all start at the same time.

So, while dr. Iskandar is working up here,

We'll start down below.

Jazz: dr. Iskandar's role is to laparoscopically

Extract my peritoneum,

And the peritoneum is the outside layer of the stomach

Which will then be passed to dr. Ting and dr. Bowers

To be used to create my vaginal canal.

The advantages are that it's pink,

It's the right color, and it has no hair.

Disadvantages, it's a little more difficult for us

To work with because it's delicate.


This surgery should be less than /, hours.

Do you have questions?

Is she going to be able to communicate after the surgery,

After she goes out of the recovery room?

She'll be a little sleepy, a little bit out of it,

But totally conversing.

Do you know what pain medication I'll be on?

We'll give you a dose of a very long-acting pain medicine.

It generally lasts for the first hours.


I think it would be probably a good idea

To talk about possible complications.


When we're creating the space for the vag*na,

We make a space between, like, the rectum,

The colon and the urethra, and it is remotely possible

That we could injure one of those structures.

Even though we repair it, there's still a chance later on

That you could develop a problem called a fistula.

It's basically just a connection

Between two structures that we don't want.

The most common would be between the rectum and the vag*na.


Jess: it's rare, but it absolutely happens.

The most common complication that we see is we sew up

All the wounds with stitches, and every time you walk,

You know, you pull on those stitches.

It's not uncommon for the skin edges to actually come apart.

Greg: we've heard about the possibility of complications,

But now we're hearing definitively.

It's to be expected.

So, if that happens, what's your advice

In terms of what do we do right away?

Call .


Jeanette: so, dad, we have a surprise for you.

You want to take off the blindfold?

Look straight ahead, dad.

Oh, my god. Wow!

Today is the day of the surgery!

There it is, mount sinai.

Feels like a dream.


A common complication that we see is we sew up

All the wounds with stitches.

It's not uncommon for, like, the skin edges

To actually come apart.

If that happens, what do we do right away?

Call .

And go to the emergency room.

If there's actually bleeding inside the vag*na,

Take whatever you can, any kind of gauze, anything,

And just pack it inside as tight as you can.

But I've done something north of , of these surgeries,

And that's really, like, twice, maybe I can think of,

Or something like that, emergency happen.

Greg: I take it seriously.

I want to make sure we don't leave new york

Until I'm almost % sure,

And they're % sure that jazz is in a good place

Where we're not going to need to call .

-Are you okay? -Yeah.

-You all right? -Yes, I'm good.

I'm just trying to stay positive, and in my head,

I'm like, "you know this is not going to happen.

None of this is going to happen."

We're going to be super careful.

Marci: this is just any case,

But you are really exceptionally difficult for any of us.


I mean, this is probably going to be

The hardest case we've done.

The penis is fairly small because her puberty was blocked

So well that she didn't get growth of her genitals

In a way that allows us as a surgeon

To use a conventional approach.

So, she'll be almost experimental

In the fact that, you know,

This is not something we do routinely.

And then, it's still up in the air a little bit

In terms of how we can make things look,

To get all of the parts, and do it all in one surgery.

If the labia aren't as defined,

If there's anything wrong with the peeing stream,

There's a good chance you would need a revision

Or a secondary operation.

I'd say we should just plan it.

Jeanette: wait, second surgery. What the heck?

Jazz: one of the reasons why I really picked dr. Bowers

As my surgeon is because she, you know,

Made it clear that she does a one-step operation.

It's one and done with her.

Clearly, that is not going to be the case for me,

And I'm just disappointed.

And that would be three to four months after surgery

Where you can touch up scars or things like that.

Jeanette: hello, curveball.

Right before the operation,

There's going to be a future procedure,

For certain, it sounds like,

That we didn't necessarily know about.

The hardest part is the cosmetics,

So that's why I think just mentally preparing

The second surgery is probably a good idea.


Sander: griffen and I are not really getting along.

What do you guys want to learn today?

Griffen: to fight.

Since I've been in a relationship,

There's been a lot more tension between sander and i,

And it's not getting any better.

Sander: so, we see the opportunity to go boxing

And maybe work out some frustrations.

Are we allowed to go at each other?

Well, that's up to you guys. I can be a referee.

Did you guys bring your mouthpieces?


What you guys can do, you're just going to do

Something called boxing to the body.

Nothing to this face area, all right?

Griffen: we're thinking that boxing

Is really going to help us relieve our tension and stresses

And focus on the thing that really matters,

Which is jazz's surgery.

Nice and light. Good. Good. Good.

You just punched me in the nose!

It was a jab.

Only to the body, guys. Hands up.


This fight is just getting started.

We've maybe laid two or three punches

On each other, and all of a sudden,

I get hit in the face, and I'm just like,

"What the heck?" What are you doing, dawg?

You want to punch me in the face here?

At least I'm not complaining about it.

If I'm going to get my anger out, I want to go for his face.

I didn't think you could take a punch or throw a punch.

Man: only body. Body.

The tension is definitely escalating as the fight goes on.

Just because you're a little bigger than me you think

You got better punches?

Keep that control. Keep that control, guys.

He's been asking for this for a while.

Someone got hit in the face...bitch.


All right, guys. Good job. Good job.

Griffen: now we need to put down the gloves,

Put our differences aside, and be there for jazz.

Guys. Guys. Center of the ring. Center of the ring.

But at the same time, I feel a big burden

Being released because...

The yellow corner.

...this guy won.

All right, whatever you say.

So, if you had to be the judge of that fight,

Who do you think won?

I got a lot of good punches on you.

You got a lot of good punches on me.

So, if you want to ask that question, fine,

But I'm not going to give you a real answer.



Is it going to rain today?

Don't say the word "rain."

Today we're going on a family trip,

And we're surprising my dad, and we're taking him back

To his hometown of port jervis, new york, where he grew up.

I know my father is definitely concerned

About jazz's procedure, surgery, and his own procedure as well,

So this will be a nice diversion.

Jazz: I am so freaking excited.

My mood has been elevated the past couple of days

Just because the surgery is tomorrow,

And I'm so happy about it.

I've noticed that. [ Laughs ]

I know. I don't expect it

To look beautiful at first, but, like,

Just, like, the general shape and stuff like that.

I'm just hoping my vag*na looks at least decent.

I think boobs are really, by their nature, beautiful.

Anything below the umbilicus,

It goes downhill from that point on.

I have never thought a vag*na as looking pretty,

But they do their job. That's important.

Yeah, they do.

[ Laughter ]

Jack: vaginas, penises, orgasms, they all get lumped together.

We've become a very earthy family at this point.

Jacky: I'm never going to be as progressive or as open,

But we go along with it, and that's the deal.

It certainly hasn't been dull.

I wanted to hear everybody's thoughts

On whether you think we need some security

Going from our hotel to the hospital. Yeah.

Why would you think we would need security?

Just explain a little more.

Me and jazz had an oopsie and we made a youtube video

And announced the date of her surgery.

So, now a bunch of media outlets

Are posting when jazz's surgery is.

Not only the date, but the location of the surgery?

The location had already been known

Based on other stuff we've done.

People definitely could know.

Most of the comments that jazz gets are very positive.

On the other hand, there's the haters.

Did he just say --

Stop, mom. Stop.

My heart raced when I hear --

They're not worth it. It doesn't matter what they think.

Greg: it's very unfortunate.

It really is a sad commentary that people could be so cruel

For really no apparent reason.

What would it take, as you have done

On a couple occasions in the past,

To have a bodyguard?

That's my feeling is I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Because media picked up on the story,

That just means people know exactly

Where jazz is going to be at a certain time

Having a procedure that haters take issue with,

And based on our experience, online threats

Can have some really disastrous results.

Jeanette: dad.

Everybody listen. Undivided attention.

So, dad, we have a surprise for you,

But we need to blindfold you.

This way you won't try to guess 'cause you have no choice.

I didn't want everyone, including myself,

To be dwelling on the surgery the entire time in new york,

So I'm really glad that we're focusing on him rather than me.

I'm wondering why we are where we are.

I'm trying to figure it out.

But now you don't know where you are.

You can't tell where you are.

Jeanette: we are all super excited to surprise my father.

Jacky: jack is the best candidate in the whole world

For not having a clue.

I think there is a town called berryville,

But I think we're too far from that.

He keeps referring to the fact that we're near

Where he grew up, but he never puts it together.

Like, "oh, I know where you're taking me."

No, he never said that.

Should I wear my jacket?yeah.

When the blindfold comes off, jack is going to be dumbstruck.

Deep drop. Deep drop.

You got it. You got it. Now you're good.

Now watch out for this thing.

Okay, now come. Keep walking forward.

A deep step.

Step up. Yep. There you go. And you're good.

You want to take off the blindfold?

Look straight ahead, dad.

-Not that way. -No.

Oh, my god.


Good morning, everyone.

Jazz is ready for the surgery.

She's been waiting a long time, almost years.

This is where we're going to give kisses and hugs.

Love you.

This is the first time

This exact surgery has ever been done.

Okay. We're ready.


Jeanette: so, dad, we have a surprise for you.

You want to take off the blindfold?

Look straight ahead, dad.

-Not that way. -No.

Oh, my god.


-What a surprise. -We surprised you. Yay.

Oh, my god.yay.


You know, I barely recognize it.

You have a picture of me sitting on those steps somewhere.

-Somewhere. -Wow.

We're standing in front of my house where I'd grown up.

How can you express coming back to a home

That you had not planned to see?

I thought I was in a dream.

It was one of the grandest all-time surprises of my life.


Can we go in?yeah.

-Heck, yeah, we're going in. -We're going in.

It wasn't the easiest thing in the world

To put this trip together.

You know, I didn't know if my dad's old house

Would even be there

Or if the owners would be receptive

To allowing us to come into their home,

But it's the perfect time to do something special for my dad.

He's got this little problem with his heart, and, you know,

I realize that life is really precious.

I think it's really important that we're doing this.

Oh, hi. Welcome. Come in.

Hi. I'm joy.

Jack: I think going back to your childhood home,

That's a tremendous gift to give to somebody.

Hi. What's your name?

Derek. Derek.

Derek and...?

How long have you lived here? Since you -- forever?

Jeanette: you know, this house, it means a lot to him,

And he's got so many fond memories there.

I lived here when I was in high school.

Is there a concord grape --

Trellis or something in the back?

Is there a trellis in the back?

Not in our backyard. Our neighbors used to have one.

The trellis helped me get to my bedroom window

When I came home too late.

This is my camelot, so to speak.

This is where things were great.

I was having a good time.

I had no fears, no worries.

I had a very happy childhood.

What grade are you in, derek?


I was about in the third grade

When I moved into this house.


This is a very important concept to me

Of having your grandchildren

Seeing you not only as an older grandfather,

To see where I was when I was their age.

It was a sharp reminder to them that I was not just an old man.

Oh, look at what you've done with this.

Jacky: oh, this is fabulous.

Jazz: seeing where my grandfather grew up

Is really, really cool

Because it's just a different environment

Than where I grew up -- so quaint and cute.

He's so adorable,

And just seeing him be really happy is amazing.

In no way did I ever think I would be back into this house

And back into these memories.

Ohh. Well, I'm holding back tears.

-Aw. -Oh.

You're very sensitive.

Life is a circle.

He got to go back in time, share with myself and jeanette,

Greg and the kids, and maybe for him to think

A little bit of his mortality, too.

That's not where jack really wants to go,

But it takes him, and it takes him in the nicest way,

And this was perfection.

Is it okay if I take a picture of him and show the house?

Oh, absolutely.



All right, one more.


Jeanette: I have one more surprise for the family.

♪ Da-da-da-da! ♪

Greg: we are here.

We are here.

Let the girls get out.

We are at the tri-state monument which his where new york,

New jersey, and pennsylvania all meet

And they built this little rock,

And when my dad was maybe like years old,

We have a picture of him sitting on the rock.

Is there a bathroom anywhere?

-A bathroom? -We're in a cemetery.

I need to pee.

I'm going in the bushes for the last time, ooh.

Jazz, where did you come by all that modesty?

-[ Laughs ] -does anyone else need to go?


You need to go? Come on, sander.

I get to be there for your last pee experience!

Am I going to miss being able to pee wherever I want? Yes.

Am I going to miss having a penis? No.

Let's go, guys. We're going to go right over there,

And we're going to get some photos.

Jack: this is my past in the background

And my future in the foreground,

And having a medical problem right now,

I think of the future in shorter time intervals

Than I used to.

Big smiles. Look at me.


Jeanette: life has been really good to our family,

And we have a lot of big things coming up,

But you never know what could happen around the corner.

We have two major surgeries,

So you got to soak up life now while things are good.

, , .


Hey, guys. Who's hungry?

-Me. -I'm hungry.

This is jazz's last meal before the prep,

So I wouldn't be eating too much.

Greg: we're on the eve of jazz having her major surgery,

And it's really just a moment in time

That we're really never going to recapture,

And I just know that the next time we celebrate anything,

It's just going to be different.

Who wants fried green tomatoes?

Did anybody order that?

I ordered three of them.

So, jazz, artist-wise, have this vision in your mind,

The most beautiful vag*na that was ever created?

No, I don't need it to be beautiful.

I just don't want it to be crazy ugly.

My biggest concern is that

I'm not going to be happy with the results.

I'm worried that I'm going to be like, "this is ugly."

Yeah, but aren't you happier with that

Than what you have now?

Yeah, of course.

I just know, like, I kind of have an artist's eye,

So if I see something crooked, I'm going to be like,

"That's crooked. This looks weird. What is this?"

Ari: I feel like there's no real vag*na.

They're just like, "oh, this is the vag*na."

Like, everyone's is different,

And I feel like no matter what, it's going to be fine

Because she's going to just have a vag*na at the end of the day,

And that's all she's wanted.

How about I show you mine, and then you can decide.

[ Both laugh ]

I don't think I've ever had a conversation with another woman

About how beautiful my vag*na is over her vag*na.

It's not about... Other people looking at it.

It's about me and my feelings. It's my body, you know?


I'm looking forward to the day where jazz's vag*na

Isn't always the main topic of discussion.

I hope one day it's just natural that jazz has a vag*na,

And we're just all happy for her.

Grandpa has something that I think he wants to share with us.

It wasn't my idea, really, to tell you about this

Until after it happened.

I'm having some medical problem,

And I'm going into a procedure myself.

Jeanette: wait, I thought we were waiting to tell the kids

Until after jazz's surgery.

I guess your dad spilled the beans.

I guess he's bad at keeping a secret, too.

This is a situation comes with age sometimes and time

And this is a lot. Yes.

Jack: I wanted my grandchildren to know

That I have a health problem.

I'm not a big believer in family secrets,

And should something serious happen,

They would not know anything about it.

I went and had a routine medical examination

And the doctor says, "you have an abnormal heartbeat."

And I said, "what's going on?"

He says, "you're in flutter."

It means I'm beating too fast.

It has to be taken care of.

You know, I hate the fact

That this is all happening at the same time,

But I'm hoping to be back in florida

By the time my dad has his procedure.

In fact, not even going there.

I just feel like we're going to be home by july th.

Is it a, like, scary procedure?

I think it works % of the time,

So I did have it done,

And then it went right back to another abnormal heartbeat,

So he has to do it a second time to make it go away permanently.

It's really scary that my grandpa has to get surgery,

But I'm so happy that we had such

A special day in his hometown.

How serious is this?

I think it's a very safe procedure.

Jazz: for the first time, I'm worried about my grandfather's health.

He has always been in great shape.

However, any time someone who is older

Is getting a major operation,

There's a risk for complications.

I love my grandpa so, so much,

And if something happens to go wrong,

I don't know how I would handle it.

We got enough going on.

You know, this stuff is minor league

Compared to what jazz is going to go through.

So, what's the worst-case scenario?

I think the worst-case scenario is that it doesn't work.

We've got your back, grandpa.

I'm in good hands.cheers to that.

Before we do a final toast -- wait. Hold on.

I have something for you.

There's the jennings g*ng.


Pass that around. Pass that around. I want to see that.

Where the heck did you get this so quickly?

Let's see. ♪ Da-da-da-da! ♪

Isn't that great?

I don't like to show my emotions.

I am someone who wants to be in control,

But I have to tell you, when I look at this picture,

I'm overwhelmed.

But right now, the future is about jazz,

And I don't want to divert anybody's attention,

Including my own, away from that.

To surgery and to good health, happiness, and love.

And to family.

[ All cheer ]




You'll do great, jazz. I love you.

Mwah. Love you, dad.

Jeanette: I'm just overwhelmed that it's happening.

I just don't want her to see me like this,

But this is a huge thing.

Love you.

She waited for this for so long, and it's -- it's here,

And I'm just happy for her.


It's : a.m. I'm feeling tired, but it's time, man.

Dad, how are you feeling, buddy?

Yeah you are.


It's surgery day, baby. Let's do it.

-Mom. -Good morning.

-How are you feeling? -I'm excited.

Today's the day of the surgery!

I am so excited.

I woke up this morning, like, ecstatic,

And I'm, like, running on adrenaline right now.

This is the most exciting thing that's happened in my life,

And I just can't wait!

Surprisingly, I got a great night's sleep.

I opened my eyes and realized, "wow. It's happening today,"

And then suddenly, all of these butterflies

Come to my stomach and I get so --

It's, like, the first time that I actually feel

A little bit nervous and flustered,

But it's not a bad nervous feeling.

It's, like, ultimate excitement.

All right, the camera's dying. Smile. Smile.

-Is everybody ready to go? -Jazz was born ready.

We're just waiting for security.

It's going to be either one or two guards.

Do you think there are going to be people outside protesting?

Like we said, it's better to be safe than sorry.

With everything that's going on today,

The one thing I don't want to have to worry about is security.

I'm greg. I'm jag.

Nice to meet you.

So, I'm going to leave that to the professionals.

If we do see or encounter any kind of security concerns,

What I'll do is we will have an evac vehicle following along us.

I'll just guide you into that vehicle,

And we'll get out of there as soon as possible.


Jacky: the world is full of crazies.

We probably will be all right, but let's make sure it is.

Once we're in the building, I'll feel a lot more secure.

I understand why he's being very cautious.

I think that there's only, like, a % chance

Of anything happening.

It's good that we have a security guard anyway.

This is just so exciting, though.

It's, like, the most important walk of your life.

Jeanette: there it is -- mount sinai.

Okay. That's the entrance.

Good morning.

Greg: I'm incredibly thankful that nothing eventful

Occurred on the way over to the hospital, you know?

It really just takes one deranged mind,

And I'm just glad that everything went off

Without a hiccup.

This is the room.

-It's a big room. -Yeah, this is nice.


Jeanette: it's very surreal.

It's like, "we're here," and I'm very impressed.

The room is big, and she has her own room.

Like, I was nervous, but then again,

I felt a sense of relief, like, you know,

"We're here. We're about to do this."

Sign there.

Bye-bye, penis. There's the signature.



Like, this is a dream, honestly.

Like, I've been waiting for this my whole life,

And now it's happening, and I'm just so excited.

All morning I've been so giddy.

I wish I was this happy forever,

But maybe I will be after this surgery.

Ari: I'm so grateful that there's a surgical procedure

To help my sister transition into the person

She really truly is inside.

Your euphoria about the surgery is making it easier

On everybody else, too.

Jazz: I'm glad.

Jacky: we're bringing her wish home.

Seeing oneself as a sexual being is very important,

And I don't think jazz has been there.

This is the missing piece.

She's got the wrong anatomy,

And this will give her the right anatomy.

This will really be a rebirth.

Having my whole family with me,

You know, throughout this entire journey

Just has been so important.

From the beginning, they have just provided me

With unconditional love and support,

And the fact that they're here on this day

Just signifies that we've come so, so far

Since the beginning of this journey.

This is really the final step.

This is the final transition,

And I'm just so glad that I have them by my side.

-Are you okay? -Yeah, I'm hanging in there.

She's a little emotional.

You're emotional?yeah.

Give me a kiss.

Aw. No need to be emotional.

There's a tiny bit, like, of, "wow.

You know, I gave birth to this little boy,

And the last reminder of that will be gone,"

But that's okay.

It's just weird.

It's just, like, you know, she was born, and it's a boy,

And now I have a girl, and, you know, I'm thrilled for her

Because look at how happy she is.

I'm good. How are you?

I'm good.jazz, nice to meet you.


There are no words

To describe how incredible this moment is.

I feel like I have been

Envisioning this day my entire life,

And now it is finally happening, and it is just so surreal

That it's all occurring right here, right now.

Now it's time.

You'll do great, jazz. I love you.

Mwah! Love you, dad.

I'm just overwhelmed that it's happening. [ Sniffles ]

[ Crying ] I just don't want her to see me like this, but...

But this is a huge thing.

You know, she waited for this for so long, and it's here,

And I'm just happy for her.


Feels like a dream.

Yep, coming

A dream coming true.

It's been a long, long journey, and there's been a lot of things

That have gone on to get to this point.


Woman: it's a boy for sure.

We're going to keep you, little guy.

Jeanette: jazz always just gravitated towards girly things,

Wearing my shoes, my little slippers.

Greg: I was like most people who would think is

That it was just a passing phase.

I have a girl brain and a boy body,

And I think like a girl, but I just have a boy body.

And I do feel like there's been a lot of bumps in the road.

Doesn't that make her into a freak?

-I can't believe you said that. -Oh, my god.

Man #: you may as well k*ll yourself back where I come from,

Trying to date at school in your condition.

Man #: this kid has a [bleep].

I wish I could take some of this away.

You know, I wish she could just be.

Greg: we're at a key point in the journey.

She's a whole person already.

This is just something that she's always wanted.



I'm on the search for america's next top vag*na.


So, this is where we're going to give kisses and hugs.

Love you.

[ Sniffles ][ chuckles ]

High five.

Be strong in there, all right?


You don't need to tell her that. She's going to be.

Griffen: I've always thought of jazz as my sister,

And I've always loved jazz as if she's my sister,

And it's just going to feel really good to see her happy

And to see how happy she can be now

That she finally has the body that matches her brain.

All right, let's do this.

-Good luck, jazz! -Good morning. -Look who's here.


She's the most difficult case that I have encountered.

For what?

Now, this surgery is going to have lots of moving parts

And lots of surgeons.

We have varying opinions.

I'm not changing on the day of the surgery.

When you change one thing like that,

It just changes everything.


Everyone's gathered. Good morning, everyone.

Jazz is ready for the surgery.

She's been waiting a long time --

Almost years she's waited.

There are very few surgeries where you tell a person

They have to wait years for surgery.

Here we are. Hi, honey.

It's not the same without jazz here.

Very concerning as parents for a child to go into surgery,

But she just seemed to be at peace.

The nurses, the doctors, and all of them, I think,

Are blown away by the courage, attitude, and being of jazz.

Now it's really in the hands of the medical professionals

To take care of what needs to be taken care of.



For what?

I'm not changing on the day of the surgery.

Let me hear it.

Jess: this is a tough surgery because jazz's anatomy

Is different than most patients who have this surgery

Because jazz has been puberty-blocked.

She doesn't have the tissue that we need

In order to make the vag*na.

So, this big question is how are we going to take the skin

That she has and maximize that skin efficiently

So that every centimeter of that skin, which is precious,

Can be used to create her new female genitalia?

So, we're using tissue called peritoneum lining

To replace the tissue that jazz doesn't have,

But there is a lot of room for improvisation.

It is the most difficult case

That I personally have encountered.

Looking at it, maybe it would be easier or better

If we just only made a little incision right down the middle.

I think it's best if we got with the plan

That I have mentally imaged in my head

And proceed with that, and I have a plan.

You know, when you change one thing like that,

It just changes everything.

So, this surgery is going to have lots of moving parts,

Lots of surgeons,

We have varying opinions.

This is the first time

This exact surgery has ever been done.

This is pioneering, so it's complicated.

Okay, we're ready.

Today we have jazz jennings,

Medical record number , date of birth //.

We're doing a penile inversion vaginoplasty,

Bilateral orchiectomy, laparoscopic harvest

Of the peritoneum, skin graft, and related procedures.

Now we just have to sit and wait.

I don't even want to think right now about what's going on.


Man: marking pen.

-Tough case, eh? -Mm-hmm.

Just marking the groin, please.

So, let's bring this up to match.

You're up to there, so that's over here.

Marci: the surgery is quite an engineering feat.

We're combining a number of modalities.

Dr. Iskandar's contribution, removing the peritoneal lining

With traditional plastic surgery

And then traditional vaginoplasty surgery.

While dr. Iskandar works to remove this peritoneum lining,

Dr. Bowers and I will be working down below

To remove the structures that we no longer want,

And to create the female structures that is our goal.

Marci: too late to turn back now.

Are you mobilizing?

I would mobilize, deep.

Deeper than that.

Yeah. Yeah. Her blood supply.

Once we get the peritoneum plus this traditional skin grafting

From the lower groin region,

I'm very hopeful we're going to have enough skin

To create a beautiful vag*na.

A little bit anxious now that she's out of sight,

And I can't keep an eye on her.

As a parent, I feel emotional.

Just keep looking at that clock.

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.


Marci: ultimately, to create the vag*na,

The penis is divided into its components.

We're going to take the skin, pretend it's like a sock,

And we're going to flip it inside out

And then push it inside.



The peritoneal lining is inserted inside

After we've developed the new vaginal cavity.

I can't imagine anybody coming in in better shape than she did.

She carried us through.

It's just a time game now. Tick, tock, tick, tock.



Oh, my god.


Jazz: next time on "I am jazz"...

Marci: the limited amount of penile skin

Got a tremendous amount of tension on the incisions.

Jess: that's going to be hard to get the result that we want

With what we have to work with.

Marci: hey, there it is. There it is. There it is. There it is.

Jess: all right. Quick. Quick. Quick. Hurry. Hurry. Hurry.

The surgery is still going to be about to / hours.

-Still? -Yeah.