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01x15 - The Rummage Sale

Posted: 02/15/24 12:07
by bunniefuu
DAGWOOD: Uh-uh, uh-uh,
don't touch that dial.






You missed me.

Just gotta be a little careful,
that's all.

Hurry up, Alexander!
You'll be late for school!



Gee, I'm sorry, Mr. Beasley.

Oh, that's all right.

I knew that sooner or later
I'd have to face

a whole new generation.


Good morning, Mr. Dithers.

Well, how are you coming
with those figures

-on the Bosswell job?
-Oh, I'm just about finished.

Mm-hmm. It's time for my pill.

-Oh, dear.


-Oh, that's all right, go ahead.
-Oh, thanks.

Yeah. I didn't want you
to swallow the goldfish.

-A what?
-The goldfish.

Hello, Gwendolyn.

What's that doing in there?

DAGWOOD: Oh, that's Gwendolyn.
She belongs to Ms. Willowby.

You see, her bowl's broken
and Ms. Willowby

had to go out
and buy a new one,

so she's just in there

I think I'll need another pill.

Oh, then I'll get you
some more water.

Ugh. No, thanks.
I'll take this one straight.

Well, what's the matter,
Mr. Dithers?

Oh, it's all those
club activities, of course.

Do you know she belongs
to no less

than five organizations,

and she's an officer
in every one of them?

Oh, well, Mrs. Dithers is quite
a willing worker, isn't she?

-Oh, that's just it.

She's been working too hard.

Oh, I pleaded with her,
argued with her,

demanded that she give up
these activities,

but no, she refused.

Kept on taking
more and more responsibility,

heading toward the inevitable.


A crack-up. And now, finally,
it's happened.

-This strain has been too much.

Wh... what happened?


...I found out that my wife is--

Oh, I can't say it. [SOBS]

Boy, boy.
There, there, Mr. Dithers.

I hate to see
a strong man crumble.

You can say it.

-Your wife is a what?

What? You... you can talk to me.

My wife is a kleptomaniac!

There, there.
Is she taking anything for it?

Yeah, she's taking everything!

-Oh, stop that!
-Oh, kleptomaniac?

You mean she's a person
that steals things?

Oh, that's impossible.

That's what I thought
until I found the box

-in the hall closet.
-Oh, did she steal a b*mb?

Oh, no, no, no, no.

In it were bookends,

cigarette lighters, radio vase

and not one of them
belong to us.

Well, there must be
some explanation.

-Now, what did Mrs. Dithers say?
-Oh, nothing.

I gave her several things
to explain...

-...but she refused to answer.

And the next day, I found
even more things in the box.

Jewelry, watches,
articles I recognized

from our own friends.
Oh, there's no doubt about it.

I'm sure there's something
we can do, Mr. Dithers.

Not we, my boy.

-It's my problem.

And as you know,
I'd be the last person

in the world to unload
my troubles on anyone.

-Oh, Dagwood.

Help me! Help me!

Oh. There, there, Mr. Dithers.
I will.

-Wha... What can I do?
-Talk to Blondie.

-She's a good friend of Cora's.

Maybe she knows what's going on.

You know I will.
I'll talk to her, Mr. Dithers.



-Hello, Cora.
-Hi, Blondie. Oh, dear.

I wonder if I can ask
a big favor of you.

Of course. What's all this?

Well, it's the annual
rummage sale at the women's club

and I've been collecting things.

Uh-oh. I thought Mr. Dithers
wanted you to give up all that.

That's why it's a big favor.

I have so much stuff
at our house

that I can't hide it anymore,
and I wondered

if you'd keep it for me
until the sale.

All right. We can keep them
in the basement.

Good. Oh. One more thing,
you gotta promise

not to say anything about this
to Dagwood.

-Oh, you know, what...

he just might possibly,
um, uh, that he could...

Oh, let's face it.
The man is such a blabbermouth.

We will just keep him
out of the basement, that's all.

Cookie, Alexander?

Oh, Blondie, you're a lifesaver.

I have some more things
in the car.

Children, Aunt Cora
has some things in the car,

I want you to help
bring them in.

-Okay, Ma.
-Oh. Oh, children?

Uh, we're storing these things
in your basement,

but your father mustn't know
a thing about it.

That's right, children.
It's a secret.

But, Mom, you always said,
in family,

we shouldn't keep secrets
from each other.

Well, this is the exception
to the rule.


Say, as long
as you're breaking rules,

how about breaking that
what about me doing my homework

before I go out to play ball?

That doesn't happen
to be an exception.

-Grownups. Ha.
-Baffling aren't they?


That does it. Am I full?

You should be.

-Four lamb chops,

three helpings
of mashed potatoes,

-two salad...

...nearly a quart of milk,

and seconds
on the banana cream pie.


The fella's gotta eat
to keep going.

-DAGWOOD: Thanks, son.
-The way your father eats,

he's always been there and back.

Can I help
that you're the prettiest cook

in town? How about a round
of applause for the chef?



-Attagirl, Daisy.
-Thank you, fan club.

And now, if you'll excuse me,

-I'll clear the dishes.
-And I'll help you do it.

-Make way for an expert.
-Here mom.

Here, Mom.

-There you go.

Well, tonight,
I wash and you wipe.

Let's scram before something
goes wrong

and we end up doing that.

Well, how are things
at the office, dear?

Oh, just fine.

But I'm afraid Mr. Dithers
has a problem.

-In fact, he wants to know

if you noticed anything strange
about Mrs. Dithers.

-Oh, it's so slippery,

I guess you left
a little soap on it.

Oh, no, be careful
with your hands,

I will get it off
with a dust pan.


Here we go.

-Well, do you?
-Do I what, dear?

Do you know anything
about Mrs. Dithers,

-kinda, acting funny?

-Why, uh, no.

Hmm, I guess you wouldn't.

Well, I better get this down
to the basement

-and dump it in the trash can.
-Oh, no, dear, don't!

Well, if I leave it up here,
somebody might cut themselves.

You're absolutely right.

I'll take it down
to the basement.


That doesn't seem right
her going down there.

Trash has always been
my department.


Well, this is certainly
a pleasant scene.

Pretty wife, two children,
and six dogs.

What else could a man ask for?

The only thing missing
is a fire in the fireplace.

I'm going to the basement
and get some wood.

Oh, no, dear, don't!

-Huh? Well, Blondie...
-[BREATHES HEAVILY]'s kind of chilly,
we could use a fire.

Never mind. I'll get the wood.

Well, hey,
those logs are heavy.

Ooh, ooh.

Alexander will help me,
won't you, dear?

Well, do I have to?

Yes, dear. Now,
you just sit down and relax...

-...and read your paper,

and I'll get the wood.

Come on, Alexander.

You know something, Cookie?

You have a very
remarkable mother.

Not only she's pretty and fun,
but she's as strong as an ox.


Anything I can do for you,
Mr. Dithers?

why must you do this to me?

-My ulcer can't stand this.
-Do what?

Oh, never mind.

What did Blondie have to say
about Cora's actions?

Oh, nothing.

She doesn't know
anything about it.

-Oh, dear.
-Huh? What's the matter?

Did... did you find
some more boxes

-with stuff in it?
-No, just the opposite.

I looked in the whole closet
last night

and they're all gone.

Oh, well, there's nothing more
to worry about.

Oh, Bumstead. Don't you realize
what this means?

It means that Cora has unloaded
the loot.

-Probably sold it to some fence.

Yeah, well,
maybe she just moved it.

No, no, no. I looked everywhere.

All the other closets.
The attic, the basement.


-That's the secret word.

Oh, well.
I guess it's really nothing,

but all last night,
my family wouldn't even let me

near the basement.

And Blondie even brought wood up
from the basement

just so I wouldn't go
down there.

You know, it's kind of funny.


-You don't think so, huh?

I think it's very suspicious.

Yeah. Blondie and Cora
are good friends.

Cora knows I suspect something.

Of course!

She brought the stuff
over to your place!

Oh, now Mr. Dithers,
you really don't believe that.

Oh, we've got to find out.

Dagwood, I want you
to go home right now.

Go home? I just got here,
it's early in the morning.

That's just it!
Blondie won't be expecting you.

You can sneak in, snoop around,
and see what they're up to!

What they're up to?
Now, Mr. Dithers,

you don't believe
Blondie's in on this.

All I want you to do
is to go home and have a look.

But you're asking me
to spy on my wife.

You don't think for one minute
I'd do that, do you?

do you like your job here?

Mm-hmm [INHALES]
Agent X42 volunteering for duty.

Oh, stop that!




-CORA: Oh, Blondie!

I'm glad I found you home.
I just made another haul.

Wonderful. I will put these

in the basement
with the rest of the loot.

Hey, you got some
nice things in this batch.

Oh, well, you know me.

If it's no good,
I don't bother to take it.

-Is this platter real silver?

Golly, you ought
to get plenty for this.

We'll get plenty for everything.
We'll just hit them

over the head
until they pay our price.

Come on, let's put these
in the basement.

You know, Cora, another
couple of days like this,

and we won't have any
more room left down here.

He... Hello, Mr. Dithers?

This is Dagwood.

You know that nephew of yours
that's in law school?

Well, tell him to graduate
as quick as he can,

we're gonna need him.



Are you sure they brought
the loot down here?

I know they did,
I saw them with my own eyes!

Well, turn on the light,
let's have a look.


-Mr. Dithers!
-Great Scott!

Looks like a sweat shop!

Oh. Oh.
What has happened to Cora?

Well, it looks like to me
she's turned out

to be a pretty good crook.

-Cora's not a crook!
-I'm sorry.

-She just steals things.

-I didn't mean that.

-This mirror.

Isn't this the mirror
that used to hang in the--

In the market's front hallway?

-Yeah, absolutely.
-Oh, dear.

-And this, look!

This statue.

I could've sworn it belonged
to Mrs. Johnson.

Yeah. How about this radio?

It's even got Jerry Grier's name
on the back of it.

Oh. All our neighbors
and friends.

She must've sneaked
all this stuff

out of people's houses
on the QT.

Yeah. Well, that's the system
most crooks use.

-Shh! I'm sorry again.

But it does look
pretty suspicious.

Well, don't you forget
that Blondie's in this

-just as deep as Cora.

She's the one that's hiding
all this stuff.

Oh. Oh, my.

Well, what are we gonna do,
Mr. Dithers?

Look, it's our duty
to report it.

Oh, but then if we do,
our wives will go to prison.

Yeah. I might not see
Cora again for years.


Oh, no, no, no.
What am I thinking of?

Oh, there must be
another way out.

-I have it.

Suppose we sneak
these stuff back

the same way
that it got here.

Nobody would be any the wiser.

Oh, you mean be thieves
in reverse?


But what... what if
they found out?

What... what would happen?

Oh, no.
That's out of the question.


Is this the way to show
your friendship? Your loyalty?

After all,
what am I asking you to do?

-About ten years.

All right, all right.
I'll do it. Oh.

But how are we going to get
all these stuff out of here?

-It'll take a truck.
-Or a station wagon.

Do you know anybody who has one?

Yes. Yeah. Herb Woodley,
lives right next door.

We'll get him over here tonight.

-Good. Oh, Dagwood.

I want you to know
I appreciate this.

-Oh, thank you, Mr. Dithers.
-You know, you're a true friend.

what's a friend good for

if you can't help
another friend.

-Oh, that's true.

Gee, and it isn't your fault,
Mr. Dithers, that...

-Mrs. Dithers' a crook.

Shh! Shh! Shh!

So you see, Herb,
you just gotta help us out.

I'm sorry, Dagwood.
Stolen goods?

That's playing around
with dynamite.

Herb, I appealed to you
as a dinner neighbor.

Hmm, no.

Ugh, but I appealed to you
as a friend, a close friend.

Sorry, Dagwood.

Well, it's no use wasting
any more time.

Oh, wait a minute.

-You give up too easily.

Now, didn't you just
buy yourself

-a new flexi glass fishing rod?

Now, suppose you would loan me
that new flexi glass

-fishing rod this weekend...

...with your new deluxe

-...and those new wading boots,

-I just might change my tune.
-Oh, you might?

-Well, you try me.
-Okay, Herb.

Uh, Herb, uh,
if you will help us out,

I will gladly loan you
my new flexi glass

fishing rod next weekend.

With your new deluxe reel
and those wading boots?

Yeah, yeah.
They'll go along, too.

Dagwood, you darling.

You always hit me
in a soft spot.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, look,

may I have the station wagon
over at my house

about nine o'clock
and we'll fill it up, huh?

-Okay, buddy-buddy.

Remember, you buy the gas.


Well, this is the last of it,

let's get it up
to the station wagon.

See, this lamp
it'd look pretty good in my den.

Do we have to return
all this stuff?

-Just kidding.


It seems a shame, though.

Okay, let's go.
What's the first stop?

The Marts is on Elm Street.
We'll return the mirror to them.

-Yeah. Well, come on, let's go.
-All right. All right.

-Bumstead? Wait, wait, wait.
-Huh? What?

-Oh. Oh, yeah.

-Come on.
-Yeah, I'm sorry.

Now, come on. Get going.
Hurry up. Hurry up.


-Hello, Cora.
-Oh, Blondie.

I was hoping you'd answer.

Is Dagwood in there
watching TV?

-No, he's not even home.
-Oh, good. Neither is Julius.

That's why I was able
to sneak over with another load.

Alexander, come here, dear.

you certainly are a worker.

I'll have Alexander
take 'em downstairs.


Holy smoke. Another one?

You put it with the others
like a good boy.

Okay. Gee, Mrs. Dithers.

With what you're going,
there won't be anything left

for the Boy Scout drive.



Hey, Mom! Come, quick!

-Something's happened.


They're gone!
Everything I collected!

But it's impossible!

They just couldn't
have walked out.

-BLONDIE: Daisy, be quiet.

Certainly, it couldn't have--
they've been stolen!

-Yeah, Mommy. It's a heist.
-A what?

Better call a police
to report an 802

and tell them to be
on a lookout for a 703.


And don't forget to have them
put out an APB.

Huh. Television.

Come on, Cora.
Let's call the police

and let them decide
what's to be done.

You're right!

Hey! Daisy smelled something.

Maybe she can lead us
to the robbers.

COOKIE: You think
she's picked up a trail?

Could be.
She's part bloodhound.

-I think.

That's right officer,
we just discovered it

-a few minutes ago!

-Children, where are you going?
-Daisy picked up a scent.

-[SCOFFS] But Alexander.
-CORA: What's that?

Anything suspicious?

Well, I did see a station wagon
drive away just as I came up.

A station wagon? Yes, ma'am.

Thank you, ma'am. Okay.
I'll put the call up right away.

-Let's get going, Herb!
-Bumstead, were you spotted?


-Does that answer your question?
-Well, this is no place for us.

What's that? A prowler?

Are you sure?

You what?

You saw a make
of in a station wagon?

Help! Help me!
Thief, thief, thief!

Stop! Help! Thief, hey!

Burglar? Are you sure?
You did what?

You grabbed his coat
as he was going out the window?

Any identification?

Well, look in the pocket, man.
Heck. There's a what?

A sandwich? [CHUCKLES]
What kind of a sandwich?

Chicken and bologna. Yeah.


Cheese? Liverwurst?

Sliced oranges?

Bacon? Molasses?

Peanut butter.

Sliced bananas?

Thank you, Sir.

Robbery detail.

Some more
on that station wagon g*ng.

You won't believe it,
but here it is.

Careful, careful, careful.
That was another close call.

Yeah. But what about me?
I lost my coat!

What am I gonna do
about my coat?

Oh, never mind your coat.

Yeah, but I had a sandwich
in the pocket.


Well, I think it might be
a long evening and-- Oh.

Hey, there might be
some fingerprints on it.

with some teeth marks, too.

Oh, shut up!
Now give the neighbor that lamp.

Woodley and I
will give you a boost.


Why don't we boost you
in the window, Mr. Dithers?

Why does it always
have to be me?

For a number of reasons.

You're younger,
you're more agile.

And if you don't do it,
I'll fire you.

Oh. Well,
I guess I am doing it. Yes.

Come on, this one's open.
Hurry up, we're wasting time.

Go in. Go in there!

-We'll help you go, Dagwood.


-Shoo! Get up!


-The station wagon g*ng!




What's happening?
What are you doing here?


All right! Get them up,
the lot of you!

Looks like we got
the whole g*ng red-handed.

Three men, two kids, and...

-...six dogs?

Well, now, look officer--

How low can you get,
using kids and dogs

as accomplices?

This is ridiculous!

-We can explain.

We... we were just out
for a little walk.

With a table lamp
under your arm?

Well, we, uh,
it was kind of dark out

and that we had to see
where we were going. [CHUCKLES]

I'll tell you
where you're going.

You're going to jail,
the lot of you.

See here.
Do you know who I am?

No. Who?

I'm J.C. Dithers.

Well, you may take
two giant steps.

Oh, it's true.
He is J.C. Dithers

and I'm Dagwood Bumstead,
his employee.

-Up until now.

I'm not even in this.

I'm a respected member
of this community.

Woodley is my name.

Uh, innocent Herb Woodley.

You're all sweetened in this--
Wait a minute.

Bumstead, Dithers?

That's the names of the women
who filed a complaint.

-Our wives complained?
-Blondie and Mrs. Dithers?

That's very clever.
But I didn't swallow it.

Yes, but it's true,
you can check it.

I intend to!

We'll stop by and see
if they can identify,

and now move on, single file.

Believe me, I'm just a victim
of evil companions.

-I am a good boy!


Oh. Where have
the children gone?

And why isn't Dagwood home
at a time like this?

-Now, Blondie.



-I live right next door, so--
-Hold it.

Can you ladies,
identify any of these men?

Identify them?

They're the ones
who robbed your basement,

they have
a station wagon outside

loaded with all the stuff
you reported missing.

They stole all my cartons?

Now, Cora, now don't you say
another word.

We'll prove you're innocent.
We'll get lawyers,

-Prove I'm innocent?


You see, they'll show
that you didn't really mean

to steal those things,

and that you're
a compulsive crook.


What in the world
are you talking about?

I collected those things
for my rummage sale.

-Rummage sale?
-Well, that's very funny.

They thought that you two
were... [LAUGHS]

I thought I told you to give up

these club activities.
I ordered you.

Oh, you did, eh?

Ordered me?


I'm not sure I can identify

-this man.
-What's that?

Well, if this man
were my husband,

he'd be saying he wants me
to keep on with my club work.

-He'd insist on it.
-But Cora!

-Well, all right,

I want her to keep on
with her club work.

Does he insist on it?

-And do you insist?
-[CHUCKLES] All right, I insist.

He's my husband.

-How about this one?
-Oh, that's Dag--

Uh, aren't you still wearing

-last year's hats?
-Well, yes.

What's that got to do with...

-Oh, that's right.

You know, I really don't know
if this is my husband or not.

-You see, my husband is a man

-who wants to buy me a new hat.
-Yeah. I'll buy the new hat.


Well now, let's go next door
and have you identified.

No, no, no! Please, please.
Take me to jail.

-I can't afford

to be identified.
My wife wants a mink coat.



-Oh. Good morning, Mr. Dithers.
-Oh, someday--

Oh! How's every little thing
at your house?

Now that you've given
your blessing to Mrs. Dithers,

I suppose your house
is just chockful of things

-for the rummage sale, huh?
-No, no.

I told her she couldn't make
our home a warehouse.

-I put my foot down.

Oh, did she let you do it?


I merely told her that our home
is like a ship

-and I'm the captain.
-Oh, captain? Oh.

-Well, let's get to work.
-Aye, aye, Sir.

-Oh, and Mr. Dithers?

Your office is over there.

I know that
but for the next few days,

I'll be using yours.

But what's wrong
with your office?

Dagwood? Dagwood,
you come back here!

You-- I said keep out of it!

Huh? [CHUCKLES] Hey, Captain.

It looks like someone scuttled
your poop deck.

-Oh, shut up!

