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01x03 - The Folks Who Came to Dinner

Posted: 02/15/24 11:59
by bunniefuu
DAGWOOD: Uh-uh, uh-uh.
Don't touch that dial.





Come on, children, line up.
Daisy. Come on, g*ng.



Alexander, open the door.

Hurry up, Dagwood.
You'll be late.

DAGWOOD: Coming, Mommy!




My bag!


-[SCREAMS] Honey!


Wonderful dinner, Blondie.
You're a great cook.

Thank you, Mr. Dithers.

Most delicious chicken
and dumplings I ever ate.

Why don't you make
dumplings like that?

[CHUCKLES] Well, I'll ask
Blondie for her recipe, dear.

And you'll get it just as soon
as you redecorate the house.

All you think
about is how to spend my money.

Bumstead, you're a lucky man.

What you lack in brains,
you make up in a good wife.

Oh, oh, thank you, Mr. Dithers.

Look at that floral arrangement.

I wish you could arrange flowers
like that.

Someday, I'll do that, dear,
right on top of your head.

-Bumstead, stop that cackling.

Should we make
some more coffee, Blondie?

Good idea.

[CHUCKLES] Shall we go
in the living room

and get a little comfortable,



[CACKLING] Here. Here.
Right there. Uh-huh.

Here. How's that?

Now, comfortable, J.C.?

-What do you want, Bumstead?

What do you think
this is I'm smoking, a rope?

Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.

Uh, J.C., about that raise...

MR. DITHERS: You want a raise,

Cora wants to redecorate
the house.

Why don't you think of ways
to help me save my money

and I might give you
that raise?


-But Mr. Dithers, I--
-Hi, Dagwood.

Huh? What?

Mr. Dithers,
imagine seeing you here, sir.

Why didn't you tell me
Mr. Dithers was coming

-this evening?
-I did.

This is the most unexpected
pleasure, sir. What a break.

Imagine meeting a shrewd giant
of industry like you.

Now, I couldn't help overhearing
your chat about redecorating.

I have a proposition to save
you countless of dollars.

-[MOUTHING] I will--
-Bumstead, shut up.

-I didn't say anything.
-No, but you will.

This man wants to save my money.
You wanna spend it.

What's your proposition?

I represent an elite
interior decorating firm, sir,

dealing only with an established
clientele of the larger homes.

And with mansions
and a palace like yours, sir,

we're prepared to offer you
a substantial discount.

-Are you interested?
-How big a discount?

-Ten percent?
-Twenty percent.

-Uh, 12 and a half.

Sign here.

-Oh, wait. Mr. Dithers, I--
-Quiet, Bumstead.

Cora's been after me
to redecorate the house

for a year and a half.
Now, I'm getting 15 percent off.

-Uh, 15 percent off what?
-Don't ask stupid questions.

You're getting
a wonderful bargain, sir.



Dagwood, my boy, son.

I can't thank you enough
for introducing me to Woodley.

Well, now, about that raise.

I... I... Uh...

Cora, I just signed a contract
to redecorate the house.

And while the paint is drying,

we can be basking
in the Florida sunshine.

Who said anything about Florida?

You know I'm allergic to paint.

If we're gonna stay in a hotel,
we might just as well

be in a Miami Beach hotel.


You bungling, meddling idiot.

I should have known any friend
of yours would cost me money.

I can't hate you enough
for introducing me to Woodley.

Well, a minute ago,

you called me "son,"
Mr. Dithers.

Here's the plan.
You're in on it, too, Blondie.

The three of you are trying
to send me to the poor house.

Drink your coffee, Mr. Dithers.

Well, it's only 60 dollars a day
at the Miami Built Bar.

-Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Cut it out, Bumstead.

What are you trying to do?
Break my back?

how I envy you, Cora.

-Miami Beach.
-Should I take my mink stole?

No, it's too warm there.

But I saw the most divine
little jacket with sequins

in Stacy's window.
Only 85 dollars.

Eighty-- 85 dollars?

And you'll need bathing suits
and afternoon dresses.

And-- Oh, Cora,
I saw the most beautiful

alligator shoes and bag
to match.

-How much?
-Not much.

About 130, maybe 40.

CORA: Where did you see that,

BLONDIE: At Godora Thurdman's.

Oh, and Cora,
wait till I tell you.

They also
have the most beautiful

-gold lamé evening gown.

It's a steal
at only 239 dollars.


Bumstead, you fathead,
you got me into this.

You can't call my husband
a fathead.

You are right, I can't.
He's a pinhead.

Mr. Dithers!

Bumstead, you get me out
of this or you are fired.

Well, I-- Oh!
[CHUCKLES] Uh. That's easy.

Why don't you and Mrs. Dithers
stay right here with us?


My boy!

Dagwood, my pal.

Dagwood, my, my.



Hello, dear.


You're early, dear.

Yeah. I... I came home early

because the Dithers'
are arriving soon.

Oh, Dagwood, why did you do it?

Um. Blondie,
don't you understand?

It's my chance to get close
to the boss.

You will be close to him,
all right.

You will have to sleep with him.


-Oh, hey, there they are now.


Oh, hello, Mrs. Dithers.
Mr. Dithers, come in.

Here we are.

[CHUCKLES] Well...

Well, don't stand there,
Bumstead. Show us to our room.

You're going to sleep
with Daddy.

-In a pig's eye.
-Where is our room, Blondie?




Oh. Uh. Alexander, Cookie,
uh, take the bags

up to our room, huh?

-There, go ahead now.




Well, Bumstead,
take the trunk up to our room.













MR. DITHERS: Well? You wanna sit
there all day, Bumstead?



Good morning, Bumstead.

[YAWNS] Good morning,
Mr. Dithers.

What's the matter with you, boy?
You look beat.

You ought to get more sleep.

-Oh, I'd like that.
-I can't understand you.

Wonderful home like yours.
Boy, I never had it so good.

Imagine Cora wanting to go
to Florida

and spend all that money.

you did me a great favor.

I'll never forget it, my boy.
Uh. Bumstead!

-Wake up and go to work.


Cora, you needn't bother
preparing a special dinner

for Mr. Dithers.
I'll gladly do it.

No, Blondie.
You prepare your dinner.

-I'll prepare ours.
-But I'd be glad to.

Mr. Dithers happens to like
my cooking, do you mind?

That pan happens to be clean,
do you mind?


Oh, well, it isn't now. Blondie.

Can't you get these children
out of the kitchen?

Oh, are they bothering you,

All right, children.
Run along outside and play.

I'm sorry
to seem unappreciative.

You've been more than kind.
It's just that I had my heart

so settled
in that trip to Florida.

I understand, Cora.

-She's a mean old lady.
-He's a real weird.

-She's nastier than my mother.
-He's grouchier than my father.

-We gotta get rid of them.

-Rocks in his meatloaf.
-Cool, man. Where are the rocks?

Pebbles will do.

Cora, could you help me dice
the potatoes, please?

Certainly, dear.

Is it time to put the meatloaf
in the oven?



I hope Blondie is serving
those wonderful chicken

and dumplings again tonight.

-Well, she's not.
-How come?

Well, the other night,
you complimented

Blondie's cooking
and you made Mrs. Dithers mad.


I never make Mrs. Dithers mad.

-She makes me mad.

Well, tonight, I'm complimenting

Mrs. Dithers' cooking.

And Blondie is serving me stew
and Mrs. Dithers

-is serving you...

Yeah, meat-- How did you know?

I made one mistake
in my entire life.

-That was on my honeymoon.

I complimented Cora
on her meatloaf

and I've been eating it
ever since.


Your meatloaf, dear.

-Come on, children.



Oh, Mrs. Dithers,
your meatloaf is wonderful.


What an aroma.
What a bouquet.

-Here, Cora.





If it smells so good,
here, take mine.

Ooh, thank you. [CHUCKLES]

-MR. DITHERS: Take mine, too.
-Oh, thank you.

-I think I'll try the stew.









[SIGHS] Oh, dear, I can't sleep.

-Neither can I.
-Me, too.


Blondie, my head's awake,
but my feet's asleep.

BOTH: Blondie, we've got to get
the Dithers out of our house.


I know. We can borrow
a butcher's pet skunk

and put it in Mr. Dithers' bed.

It won't work.
That skunk lost its smeller.

Skunks. I'm gonna see Woodley
the first thing in the morning.


Hey, Woodley. Now, listen.

-Hi, Dagwood.

Get your lawnmower
sharpened yet?

-Great. I got to cut my grass.

Will you bring it over
or should I come and get it?

You still got it.
And by the way,

when are you gonna bring back
my sprinkler system?

Well, maybe next winter.

I read it's gonna be
a hot summer.

Oh, Herb. Sometimes, I think
you take advantage of me.

Dagwood, I'm always
doing things for you.

I just got you in solid
with your boss, didn't I?

Oh, that's another thing.

Gave him that nice, big discount
on that decorating job,

and you're taking
all the bows for it,

and you got the gall to tell me.

Yeah. Uh. Listen to me.
I wanna talk to you.

Okay. What's on your mind?

Yeah. While you're decorating
the Dithers' house,

they're living with us
and are driving us

-out of my mind.
-What's that got to do with me?

You got us into this, Herb,
and you've got to get us out.

You wanna get rid
of the Dithers?

-Very simple.

Mrs. Dithers is allergic
to paint, right?


If you redecorate,
they'll move right out.

Sign right here.

Uh. Now, wait a minute, Herb,
you stop that.

-Ten percent discount.
-Look, I'm not gonna decorate

my house just to get
rid of them.

-You gotta think of another way.
-Sorry. That's the only way.

Oh, Woodley, sometimes,
you can be pretty repulsive.

Hey, that's it. That's it.

You come over to my house
and be repulsive to the Dithers.

I can't. He's a client.
What do you mean repulsive?

You know, be the life
of the party. Play games.

-Annoy everybody, huh?
-Sounds like fun.

I'll leave my wife at home.



Dagwood, I don't know
how you manage to wear

such big holes in your socks.

-Well, it's not easy.

Don't mess up that newspaper,

I haven't seen it yet.

Blondie, I'd like another cup
of coffee.

Yes, Your Royal Highness.


Oh, for heaven's sake, Bumstead,
if you're going to lay that egg,

lay it.

Go, get me my cigar.

Uh. Oh, oh, sure, Mr. Dithers.

-[CHUCKLES] There you are.


Hi, Dagwood. Hi, Blondie.

-Hi, Woodley.
-Good evening, Mr. Dithers.

-Old client, old buddy.

Hey, this place looks
like a morgue.

Let's put a little life
in this party, huh?


Look lively, old man.
This is a party.

[GROANS] Out of my way.
What are you trying to do to me?

Trying to pep this place up.
Let's play charades, huh?

-Hey, that's a good idea.
-It's a terrible idea.

-It's a good idea.
-It's a terrible idea.

-It's a terrible idea.
-It's a good idea.


Oh, now, wouldn't you like
to play charades?


Yes, let's play.
I'll go first. Blondie.

[WHISPERING] I'm gonna do
"Moon Over Miami,"

and see if he takes the hint.

Ready. Song title.

You're a mother.

Your mother's high.


A spoon.


O... over.


Uh. My.



My hammy. "Moon Over Miami."

I've got it. I've got it.

-Hey, I like this.
-He likes this.

Doesn't that mean anything
to you, dear?

Yes, indeed, Cora.
You did that very well.

I guessed it right away.
You are very clever, dear.

Hey, it's my turn.
Hey, I got a jim-dandy. Come on.

Hey, listen.

I... I got one that might solve

my whole problem
and get him out of the house.

Oh? What is it?


[CHUCKLES] Very good. Very good.


You'll like this one,
Mr. Dithers. Song title.

Show me.

"Show Me the Way to Go Home."


Dagwood, what's going on here?



Hey, maybe I can catch him
and steer him to Miami.

That wasn't very funny,

running me out of your house
like that.

It wasn't Dagwood's fault,
Mr. Dithers.

It was your own fault, J.C.,
you stole our charade.

-That's right, Mr. Dithers.
-You don't play fair.

All right. All right.
I apologize.

Hey, let's play some more.
This is fun.

-I got a good idea.

-Song title. "Hound Dog."
-Hey, that's a dilly. [CHUCKLES]

It's a dilly, but it requires
a good actor, Mr. Dithers.

If I hadn't been the best
construction engineer in town,

I would have been
the best actor.

-I'm a man of many talents.

Go on, give me a hand.

-MR. DITHERS: Push. Move.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah.

Attention, ladies. Song title.

What's a song title
with floppy ears?

"Shake, Rattle and Roll."



Hey, hey. Come on.


-Hey! Get me out of here.

-Come on. Come on.
-Get out of here.

-Hey, hey.
-Come on.



Get rid of those dogs.
Send them to a kennel.

And while you're at it,
get rid of those kids.

They ought to be in school.

But, Mr. Dithers, this is night.

Well, send them to night school.

Come on. Time you were in bed.
And take the dogs with you.

Come on, Cora. Let's go make
some fresh coffee.

[CHUCKLES] You know,
Mr. Dithers, you're right.

You are a great actor,

even the dogs
thought you were a dog.


I was pretty convincing,
wasn't I?

You know what's funny, Cora?

He never did get your hint
about Miami.

It's not funny.
I'm still hoping to get there.

Besides, we're imposing on you
and Dagwood.

If we could only figure out
a way.

Girls, I have a solution.

Mrs. Dithers is just
as allergic to paint

in your house as in her own.

-Of course.

We can't afford to.

Dagwood said the same thing.

Oh, dear, I'd give anything
to get to Florida.

Anything, Cora?

Well, anything within reason.
Do you have an idea?

-I have.
-Can I help?

You bet you can.
It'll cost a little, Cora.

-How much?
-Well, let's put it this way.

If you bought one last dress
for Florida,

that would pay for it.

To get to Florida,
I'd go in a barrel.


Hurry up, Mr. Dithers,
I'll be late for work.

Don't give me the bum-rush,

-Let me finish my breakfast.
-Now, look, as I see it,

either you finish your breakfast
or you dock me.

-That's right, I'll dock you.

-HERB: Blondie, we're here.
-Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, wait a minute. What's this?

-Hey, what's going on here?

-[GROANS] I'm not finished yet.
-Hey, hey, hey.

What? What?

-MR. DITHERS: Bumstead!
-Blondie, what's happening?

Bumstead. Bumstead.

What's the meaning of this?

Oh, didn't I tell you?
We're redecorating.

But Blondie, my allergy.

Oh, dear Cora,
I completely forgot.

Oh. I'm going to faint.

I'll be getting itch all over.

Oh, Mr. Dithers, you better
get her out of here quick.

-Anywhere. Just get her out.

Give me air. I must have air.

All right, Cora.
I'll take you to a hotel

-where you'll be comfortable.
-In Miami?

Oh, thank heavens
for an understanding husband.


All right. Miami.

-And you, Bumstead.

You better not be late
for work.

-Okay, Mr. Dithers.



Blondie, we can't afford
to decorate the house.

-Let me handle everything, dear.

Here's your five dollars,
Mr. Painter.

-And your five.

-And your five dollars.
-And my ten dollars, Blondie.

You're a very good organizer,


Blondie, as master
of this house, I demand--

And here's your five dollars,

-And here's the new dress

I've been wanting,
all complements of Cora Dithers.



