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03x04 - Aretha: Unforgettable

Posted: 02/13/24 14:18
by bunniefuu
ARETHA: Previously on Genius...

It was just like this with your wife.
Poor Barbara, bless her soul.

My past ain't got nothing to do with you.

-You had relations with a...
-Shut your mouth.

-Shut your mouth! I said...
-You got with...


ARETHA: They put a crown on my head
and you punch me in my face.

Don't let that queen stuff
get to your head.

I'mma let that queen thing
go wherever I want.

You gotta step away from him, baby.
He's dragging you down.

You know, I had six singles on Epic
and not one is charted.

Sometimes I look at you...
Do I even have a chance?

NEWSREADER: Today marked the fourth day
of looting and arson in Detroit.

Now they been telling me
the best way to raise money

is to hold benefit concerts.

I'd like to join your tour, Dr. King.

And we'd love to have you.

WOMAN: What you mean
you left your baby at home?

Who you say his daddy was again?

WOMAN: I knew your mother.

She had the same shine you got.

I don't think Mama would be proud of me
having a baby.

WOMAN: If your mama was around,
that baby wouldn't have happened.

DR. KING: Every time I talk about
freedom for our people,

I'm also talking about
freedom of the mind.

Personal freedom.

NEWSREADER: Martin Luther King
was sh*t and was k*lled tonight

in Memphis, Tennessee.



ANNOUNCER: Here she is,
the queen of rhythm and blues,

-Aretha Franklin.

[SINGING] I can't get no satisfaction

I can't get no satisfaction

And I try, I tell ya, I try

Believe me, I try
I sure enough try

-But I can't get no
-Yeah, yeah, yeah

-I can't get no, no
-Oh, yeah

-When I'm drivin' in my car

And a man comes on the radio

Tellin' me more and more
About some useless information

That's supposed to power my imagination

I can't get no

Oh, no, no, no


Yeah, yeah, oh

Hey, that's what I say
Yes, it is

Hey, hey, yeah

Oh, that's what I say, don't I?

I tell you that, I can't get no


I can't get no satisfaction

And I try, I tell ya, I try

Baby, I try, I sure enough try

I can't get no

I can't get no

Well, I know what I can do

And I just can't do it no more

Each thing new and different I try

Seems to turn out to be one big bore

I can't get no

Oh, no, no, no


Oh, that's what I say, no, no

Hey, hey, yeah

Oh, that's what I say
Yes, it is

I can't get no satisfaction

All I need is some reaction

Hey, yeah

Oh, yeah

I can't get no satisfaction

All I need is some reaction

Hey, yeah

Oh, yeah



Thank you.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Whoo, that was wild.

White folks dig you.
That's a whole new level.

Yes, it is.

Let's take this worldwide.

-That's funny you should mention it.

A journalist contacted me earlier.

He wants to do a story on black singers
about the sound of soul.

And you're someone
he wants to talk to.

Now who does he write for?

-Time Magazine.

This is international.

Your concert fees are gonna go up.

Now, they wanna do
a bit of an interview.

-How little?
-Half a page.

They might need more than that?

-Oh, yes, they will.

RUTH: Come on, Queen, tell him.


-Erma, thank you. [LAUGHS]
-You're welcome for the job, dear.



Thank you, Ms. Franklin,
for giving our Time readers

-a peek at how you make the hits.
-Mmm. Here we go.


[SINGING] Billy Ray was a preacher's son

And when his daddy would visit
he'd come along

When they gathered around
the party talkin'

That's when Billy would take me walkin'

Through the back yard we'd go walkin'

Then he'd look into my eyes

Lord knows, to my surprise

The only one who could ever reach me

Was the son of a preacher man

The only boy who could ever teach me

Was the son of a preacher man

Yes, he was

Yeah, he was, he was


Bein' good isn't always easy

No matter how hard I try

When he started sweet-talkin' to me

Kiss and tell me,
"Everything is all right"

"Baby, baby, everything is all right"

Can I sneak away again tonight?

The only one
who could ever reach me

Was the son of a preacher man

I tell you, the only boy
who could ever teach me

Was the son of a preacher man

Yes, he was

Yeah, he was, he was



How well

I remember

The look that was in his eyes

Stealin' kisses from me on the sly

Takin' time to make time

Tellin' me that he's all mine

Learnin' from each other's knowin'

Lookin' to see how much we've grown and

The only one who could ever reach me

Son of a preacher man

He's the only boy who could ever teach me

I hope you're looking forward
to spending more time with me.

Just got off the phone with my boss

and the banners' going to read
"The Sound of Soul."

They want your picture on the cover

because they want the whole story
to be mostly all about you.

Oh, that's what I'm talking about.
A full-length article, Aretha.

That's a lot of people reading about me.

You're not just part of the sound of soul,
you are the sound of soul.


-ERMA: Congratulations!



-CLARENCE: So take the word.
-ALL: Yeah!

His word.

-Now, you let it fill up your day.
-WOMAN: Amen.

-Fill up your every thought.
-MAN: Preach it, Reverend Franklin!

Y'all ain't listening to me.

Oh, amen. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I said let it fill up your every thought.

Fill up your every deed

till you are like the right-hand
of his mighty sword of justice.

-Can I get an amen?
-Amen! Amen!

-WOMAN: Yes, Reverend Franklin.
-Man, amen.

My brothers and sisters,
I would like you to welcome

my devoted wife, Barbara,
who will lead us in song.



[SINGING] O Lord my God

When I in awesome wonder

Consider all the worlds
Thy Hands have made


I see the stars

I hear the rolling thunder

Thy power
Throughout the universe displayed

Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

-How great Thou art
-How great Thou art

-O how great Thou art
-How great Thou art

Then sings my soul
My Savior God, to Thee

Savior God, to Thee

O how great Thou art

How great Thou art



Amen! Yes, Barbara.




Reverend Franklin,
you give a fine, fine service.

My favorite passage,
"We are a proud race

[SING-SONG] "who need not
bow down their inner soul."

-Is she singing to him?
-It set my heart racing, Reverend.

-For justice.


WOMAN: Thank you, Reverend.


So have you picked out names yet?

If it's a boy, we'll name him Clarence.

-After the Reverend, of course.

-And if it's a girl?

-It's a family name. [CHUCKLES]
-Oh, beautiful.

-You were great. Bless your soul.
-Thank you.

That was a good sermon, son.

Thank you, Mama.

Uh, where are Erma and Cecil?

I couldn't get them out of the playroom
with Sister Margaret and that tambourine.

-Pleasure to meet you.

You must be very proud of your son.

I wonder who that man is.

-MAN: [CHUCKLES] He certainly is.

Got a nice suit on.

-We'll be in touch with you.
-Thank you.

-Hey, Mama.

Almost feels too quiet
with them both asleep. [CHUCKLES]

It's going to get pretty noisy
when the new one gets here.

-I can't wait.
-Mmm. Me either.

What'd you think about my sermon?

I particularly liked
the Psalm 62:5-6 passage.

"God alone is the mighty rock
that keeps me safe.

-"He is the fortress where I feel secure."

Yeah, it complemented my theme
of self-reliance.


And I appreciate you choosing that hymn.

Although, in my mind, I think
you should have sung another verse.


So you gonna tell me
who the man in the nice suit was?

-Or you going to keep me wondering?

Is he from the radio station?

Uh, no. You are...
You are not going to believe this,

but he was from Nashville, NAACP.

-Was he lost?

That's what I thought.

But two weeks from now,
they want me to come down

and speak to the leadership council.

They think I can be a voice
for our people.

Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you.

-That's wonderful.
-Thank you, baby.

What's that look for?

-What's worrying you?

I just wouldn't want the world
to pull you away from us too much.

You don't have to worry about that.

Besides, I told him that I'm only coming

if it's the two of us.

I told him to find some accommodations
at a very lovely establishment nearby.

What would I do in Nashville?

-We are a team.

A wife of noble character,

she's worth far more than rubies.


Good things are coming for us, Barbara.

-That, too.


To you, on the cover.
Right where you belong.

-I still can't believe it.

Now remember, this is not Jet or Ebony,

so they're not gonna be
asking softball questions.

Time Magazine is going to ask
what they want to ask.

Not to worry, Ruth.
We gonna have all the right answers.

-Look, baby, you deserve it.

You got more top ten hits
than any black singer ever.

[CHUCKLES] We're big time now.


MAN: Hey?

-Private party, friend.

I want to dance with the Queen of Soul.

-Yeah, well, not tonight, buddy.
-Come on, Queen.

I buy your records. Dance with me.

Don't touch me. Get off of me.
Don't you dare touch me!

What the hell?
Folks can't have a drink in peace?

Shouldn't go to your favorite spot
if you're trying to duck the press

-MAN: I just wanna dance...
-You really gonna do this to me, sis?

WOMAN: Tabloids will pay
a fortune for this.

Come on, come on. It's all right.


Who d*ed?

My career.


Oh, maybe this will cheer you up.

Photos from that paparazzi woman
of you shoving that drunk.

-Thank you.
-Don't ask me how much it costs.

Thank you, baby.

This could have ruined everything.

Maybe I shouldn't do this Time thing.
I don't exactly like reporters...

Hey, hey. You're gonna do it.

You're just ain't gonna leave
nothing to chance.

All right, well,

we'll invite the reporter here
and put on a show.


-Help me clean up?
-Whatever you say.


-Come on, now. Listen.

No, no. I...

Nobody is gonna mess this up.

Re, we know how to get through
one dinner with the reporter

without making fools of ourselves.

-You sure about that?
-Don't worry about me.

Carolyn's going to be sorry
she missed this one.

Oh, she is, very happily, in the studio
recording Baby Dynamite.

But I'm here for you, sis.

Re's right. We have to have her back.

The cover story in Time Magazine.
That's really something.

Um, Cecil, can you run point
if the conversation lags?

I'll talk about how you'd
hide from the piano teacher

'cause you liked playing
more than lessons.

Ruth, if he starts to talk
about the business side...

I'll mention your tour dates.

Thank you. And Daddy, you just talk about

my musical background
and my upbringing in the church.

-Nothing more.
-No, no. No.

Well, I'm gonna talk about
how your father was a sharecropper

to put food on that table for his family

and how that man cheated on me.

No, no, Big Mama,
Um, just happy, upbeat stories only.

Don't worry. Just feed us the line,
we'll do whatever you want.

CLARENCE: I promise you, this time,
reporter's gonna see a perfect life,

perfect family, or I'm gonna k*ll somebody
trying to make it work.


After you get this worry off your plate,
I want you to come home.

There's some young brothers
I want you to meet.

They're taking up the cause of our people.

They call themselves
the Republic of New Africa.

Daddy, don't be dragging Aretha
to those people, okay?

Some of their ideas are pretty radical.

They're fine young men.
They're dedicated to uplifting our people.

After the dinner tonight,
we can talk about schedule.


Aretha, it'll be fine.
We'll all play our parts.

Why are you looking at me?

Well, because, Daddy, you said
you gonna k*ll somebody.


CLARENCE: Bless this family, O God.

And we ask in the precious name
of Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen.

ALL: Amen.

So, I'm curious.
Why did it take you over a year

to record the Preacher Man song?

Well, my father being a pastor
I didn't think it was appropriate.

-Didn't quite seem respectful.
-A little racy.

And your father's an important man.

She told me about it. I liked the tune.
Plus, she's gonna make it a big hit.

Do you have to approve
of all of her music?

-Oh, no.
-ARETHA: Oh, no.

Honestly, I don't sing
anything I don't like.


When we were kids, the girls would sing
and dance and work out all the moves.

We've even let Cecil join in
from time to time.

They would take turns singing the lead.

Except when I had to steal the microphone
from Aretha's hand.

Everybody who ever heard little Re sing
knew she was gonna be a star.

Ooh, from her first solo in church.

She was a little itty bitty thing.

I remember the first time...

Ted, let's let the family
tell their stories.

Yeah, 'cause you were more focused
on Dinah back then, remember?

Was that Dinah Washington?

Yes, it was but, uh, we don't want to have
to get started on that

because we'll be off-topic.

To my daughter.

-Who busts my chest with pride every day.
-BOTH: To Aretha.


Well, you are a family
that genuinely cares about each other.

Thank you for having me in your home.

You can quit all that formal stuff.
You had Aretha's fried chicken.

-You're practically family.

That was your cooking?
I thought that was catered.

Honey, I love to cook.

Oh, what are some of your favorite dishes?

Uh, fried chicken, corn bread,
peach cobbler.

-Can't get enough of that peach cobbler.
-Shush, dear, stop it.

-No, come on, tell me more.
-I like barbecue.

So when we're on the road,
I try to find a good barbecue spot.

Now what is a typical day
in the life of the Queen of Soul?

Well, I'm in a studio a lot.

So I rehearse and I record.

-Are you an early bird?
-Oh, no, she's a late starter.

But what artist isn't?

Did you learn cooking from your mother?

I did.

I know she d*ed when you were very young.

I hope she had time to pass on
some of her love to you.

She did. Uh, music and piano playing.

Those were her loves.

Losing her mom at such a young age,

it's hard.

She was wonderful.
We were very close.

So, yes, it was devastating.

CLARENCE: Some folks can help make
this country a better place.

They know what their ills are.
They know what the problems are.

But they don't take action.

Speak the truth, Pastor.

-To do nothing is easy.
-MAN: Yes.

-To shun your responsibility is easy.
-MAN: Mmm-hmm

There's folks in this country,
they don't want things improved.

That's right, Reverend.

But when you are doing the righteous work,
be like Nehemiah.

You tell these doubters, "I am doing
great work and I will not come down."

-CLARENCE: You are our doctors.

You are our lawyers
and you are our business owners.

You tell these naysayers "I am doing
great work and I will not stand down."


You put work for our people.

Are you prepared for what's coming?

For what his rise will mean?

-I try to be a good helpmate.
-But you also have to get ready

for the harsh glare of the limelight.

This isn't ain't all fine house
and furnishings.

You'll have to make a trade-off.

Your family's privacy
in exchange for your husband's celebrity.

It won't be easy.

I love Reverend Franklin for who he is
and what he can do for our people.

Cling to that then, because it's clear
he soon won't be just your man.

He'll belong to the world.

[LAUGHS] You were amazing.

Thank you, baby, thank you.

You know, I just feel like
you belong here.

Uh, we belong here.

Look at these houses.

-How about you pick one?
-Oh, I'm gonna pick one all right.

You don't wanna pick one?
How about that one?

Can I help you gentlemen?

We followed you both from Memphis.

Seems like you've got a lot to say.

-I've had the invitation...
-We know why you're here.

Yeah, that's right, n*gg*r.
We heard about what you were saying.

We got ears everywhere.

It would be a shame
if something was to happen

just because he can't keep his mouth shut.

Y'all have a good night.


It's okay. It's okay.

ARETHA: "She sleeps till noon,

"then mopes in front
of the television set,

"chain-smoking and snacking compulsively."

"Her mother deserted the family
and d*ed later.

"Two shocks that deeply scarred
the shy, withdrawn girl."

Our mother never deserted us.

"Her husband,
a former street corner wheeler-dealer."

"Last year, Aretha's husband, Ted White,
roughed her up in public.

"It was not the first
such incident by White."

Why would he say this?

That that I'm obsessed with soap operas?

That that my songs are all about sex?

Because it's a piece of trash
written by a no-account white man.

And after we let him into our house,
I knew we shouldn't have trusted him.

We didn't trust him.
We didn't trust him.

We were careful
about the way we spoke,

what we said, how we acted...

We just go back to the studio
and make hits. That's what we do.

How the hell did he know all this sh*t?

Did... Did you speak to him by yourself?

He called me, yeah.
He called everybody, you know that.

-What did you tell him, Ted?


I told him the Queen's favorite takeout.

The Queen's favorite shows.

He acted like I was a gopher,
talking to me about that crap.

-Did you tell him about our personal life?
-Why would I tell him that? Huh?

-I got your back baby, you know that.
-Answer the question, Ted.

-What did you tell him?
-I made nice.

Like you told me to do.

He was only acting friendly
and you fell for it?

I felt for it, you fell for it,
we all fell for it.

I don't know why the Franklins act like

they're so much better
than everybody else.

You was pregnant when you was 12.

Your mama left you
and probably d*ed of heart break.

-Stop it! God damn it!
-Because your daddy couldn't

-keep his business out the streets.
-I can't believe this.

-That's your life, Re. Deal.
-I cannot believe this.


It's good to be home.

So come and meet Daddy's guests.

-I don't know.
-Oh, they're a group of young men,

very passionate about their politics.

They even have a catchy name.

Republic of New Africa.

I'm not up for meeting new people.

Re, the Time Magazine thing
will blow over soon enough.

Easy for you to say.

It's not your face splashed
all over that magazine.

And I'm not releasing
"Son Of A Preacher Man."

ERMA: Hold on, it's a good song.

It's too controversial.
It's gonna live on the shelf.

You've gotta get Jet or Ebony
to do a puff piece.

Something to take the stink off.

Y'all need to understand
there's no such thing as bad press.

I've been getting more calls to book her
than ever.

Las Vegas, more dates in Europe,
offers are pouring in.

Which means the real people
are with you, sis,

no matter what somebody puts
in some magazine.

Tell you what. I'm gonna
contact some lawyers

to take out a lawsuit against them.
We won't stand for it.

-Thank you, Daddy.
-Now come on.

I wanna introduce you
to these young men out here.

They're the voice of the new generation.

And unlike Time Magazine,

these folks was vetted by me.



Republic of New Africa, yeah.

I'm not disrespecting the elders,
but the Republic of New Africa believes

we have to fight as guerillas
and soldiers to hold the line

and protect our sovereignty.

Are you suggesting that black people
take up arms?

If we're met with v*olence,
then we respond with v*olence.

You seem very dismissive
of Dr. King's non-violent approach.

Dr. King was a patsy to the man.

They used him to quell
our legitimate discontent.

Just like your music is sometimes
used to pacify people.

Excuse me? My music ain't a pacifier
and Dr. King certainly wasn't...

What I mean is they're not gonna give
our leaders real power.

They tore down King, and that Time
article denigrated and disrespected you.

White man can't stand to see
a black woman have real power.

White men aren't the only people who have
trouble seeing a strong black woman.

Let me refresh your drink.

ALL: Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.

And if I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Lord, keep all those who we love, safe.

Who do you want to pray for
tonight, Clarence?

Miss Kathy at school.

-Oh, is she sick?
-No, she's just mean.

[LAUGHS] Okay, we'll pray for her, too.

And Teddy?

I pray for you, Mama. That you get
to stay home all the time.

I pray for that too, baby.


Why didn't Daddy come home with you?



He'll visit you soon.

He misses you. All of you.

Let's pray for Daddy, too, hmm?

In Jesus' name.

ALL: Amen.

Everybody off to bed now, come on.

In you go.

[SINGING] Amazing Grace

How sweet the sound

That saved

A wretch like me

I once was lost

But now I'm found

Was blind

But now I see


Morning, Mrs. Jennings.

Morning to you, too, Sister Franklin.
Is the Reverend home?

No, he's in Detroit.

Another speaking engagement.

I had to stay here,
with the baby coming.

-All the way up in Michigan?
-Mmm, he'll be back next week.

Is there something
I can help you with, sister?

No. No, ma'am.
It's not that important. Sorry.

-Will you join me for some tea?
-No, ma'am.

I won't be taking up no more of your time.

Well, I'll be sure to tell
the Reverend you stopped by.



-Pam, our crib's arrived!
-Oh, it's lovely, isn't it?

-Yes, it's so pretty.
-I'll be with you directly, Barbara.

So sweet.

Um, Barbara, honey,
your crib is right over here.

Why is there a second crib here
with C.L.'s name on it?

This is the crib we ordered.

Oh, I'm sure it was just a mistake.

You know how Walker is, he insists
on being in charge of everything.

But why would C.L. be buying another crib?

I'm sure Walker put C.L.'s name
on the other tag by mistake.

It could happen. Walker's a good husband.

And C.L.'s a good husband, too.

-We all try to follow the Lord's lead.

I, uh, have been keeping busy
with my hands,

-and I made two baby blankets.

It would be a shame
for one would go to waste.

Who else is expecting around my same time?

Well, you know, everyone passes
through the store here.

If you'd like to bring the blanket in,
I can make sure it gets to a deserving...

But it would mean so much more, I'm sure,

if I delivered it in person.

I can't be certain,
I haven't seen them in a bit.

But I think the Jennings family
is expecting.

You know them?

She and her daughter are in service
at the Duncan House.

Mmm-hmm, that's right.

Sister Jennings came by
just the other day.

-Is that so?

Mildred, come on out here.

Yes, Mama.

What you got?

Thank you, baby.



I heard that Erma went and recorded
Son Of A Preacher Man.

RUTH: Huh. She did?

Maybe that's why Aretha's so mad.

Hey, Ruth, my dad wants to talk to Aretha.

He got into a huge mess with those
RNA folks got Aretha to meet in Detroit.

They had g*ns outside his church
and there was a sh**t-out with police.

-A police officer was k*lled.
-Good Lord.

I told Daddy that Aretha
was in a recording session,

but he says he's gotta talk to her.

What does he need her to do?

Maybe help them smooth things over?

Tell him Aretha's busy,
she can't be disturbed.




I got a great arrangement
for Don't Play That Song.

Is Jerry gonna say something
about you doing another cover?

Wait until he hears it.

He's gonna want me to record
a whole album of covers.

Teddy not showing up today?

I wanted some space,
so I put my foot down.

He said he always has my back,
but he says a lot of things and he lies.

Don't let him throw you.

-You know he don't treat you right.
-He never has.

Maybe this Time Magazine thing
was for the best.

Maybe it's the straw
that broke the camel's back.

Whatever you do,
you've got to take care of yourself, girl,

'cause you've got something,
even on your worst day,

that outshines anything he's ever seen.

You think you need him.

But he knows, deep inside, you don't.

'Cause your voice, in the way
you put all that music together,

is something that nobody can do but you.

I got a voice but when you play,
you're my second voice.

I'm the second voice to Aretha Franklin.

I'll take that.

How... How come we didn't
never get together?

Maybe 'cause I love you too much.


Okay, Tom, let's give it a go.



[SINGING] Don't play that song for me

'Cause it brings back memories

The day that I once knew

The days that I spent with you

Oh no, don't let them play it

Oh, no!

Fills my heart with pain

It hurts

Please stop it right away

'Cause i remember just what he said

-He said, darling
-CHORUS: Darling, I

And I know that he lied


-I need you
-ARETHA: You know that you lied

CHORUS: Darling, I

You know that you lied

-You lied

You lied to me

I remember on our first date

He kissed me and he walked away

I was only 17

I never dreamed he'd be so mean

He told me, darling

Darling, I love you

Baby, baby, you lied

Darling, I need you

You, you lied

Darling, I love you

You know that you lied

-You lied, you lied
-You lied, you lied

You lied

To me

RUTH: She's exorcising her demons.

They don't call her
the Queen of Soul for nothing.

Oh, darling

Darling, I love you

You know that you lied, yeah

Darling, I need you

You know I know you lied

Darling, I love you

You know that you lied

-You lied, you lied
-You lied, you lied

You lied, you're all that I need
You lied


Oh, you lied

CHORUS: Don't play it no more

I heard what happened with the RNA,
what the hell were you thinking?

I was thinking I would support
the young man trying to make a difference.

-They had g*ns.
-So did the cops.

This is gonna bring me more bad press.

I don't need stuff like that
spilling out on the streets.

All you care about now
is your damn bad press.

I'm tired of all the mess, Daddy.

Well, then maybe
you shouldn't have married Ted.

I gotta go.


Say hello to the preacher
that took Detroit by storm.

The Congregation of New Bethel said

they ain't never heard someone
preach like me


Don't come near me.

Someone been talking to you?

About me?


Hold on. What is wrong with you?
Have you lost your mind?


I got my mind finally.

Underneath everything,
I always had suspicions

But I made excuses.
"He's got temptations,"

"He can't help his appetite."

But at your core, I thought you were
a good, loving man.

-Baby, I am...
-But you are not a good man!

You are evil and disgusting.

Who's been talking to you?

You made a baby with a child.

-A 12-year-old!
-That girl was... She...

Take your bags!


What do I tell people? Hmm?

My parents, huh?

Please, just go! Get away from me!



Good, precious baby.

She's such a blessing.

She's a miracle.

You spent time with Baby Re,
now you can go.

-I wanna earn your forgiveness.
-You can't.

I can make it up to you.
Like I promised.

We can leave Memphis, okay?
We could start all over.


Where can we go?

Everybody knows what you done.

Lord, forgive me. I have sinned.

-Okay? Against my wife, against you.

I'm not praying for myself, okay?

I'm praying for my family.
My wife, my children.

-They need me.
-Leave, Frank, please. Just go.

I am a sinner.

I have done wrong.

I have been led by my appetites
and I am ashamed.

I am a broken man.

And I know I'm not worthy
of your forgiveness, but I am seeking it.

I am a wretched man.

Don't let my stain be on her garment.

And don't let my wrongs
cast a shadow over her beauty.

Forgive me, Lord.

[TEARFULLY] Move her. Just move her.

So that she could forgive me,
for I am a wretched man.

I forgive you.

[CRYING] I'm a wretched man.

I forgive you.

A wife of noble character,

she is worth far more than rubies.

I'm so sorry.

Here's the keys to the room upstairs
in this hotel.

I was hoping that's why you invited me...

Oh, please, it's not for us. It's for you.
I packed your stuff. It's upstairs.

-Is this is a joke?
-It's not a joke, Ted.

I'm done. We're through.

Look, we've been through a lot.
We always figure it out.

-Not this time.
-I'm gonna get my act together,

-Go on a trip, take the boys.
-You'll always be their daddy...

Of course I'm gonna be
their daddy!

We are through,
I don't wanna do this no more.

You don't want a man, do you?

You want someone to tote you,
and to carry you

and then put up with your family's sh*t,

cheer you on
while you're in the studio.

There's a lot of things I need,
but I don't need you.

This is not happening, not now.

You have one choice.

You can leave or I can.

-You need me, Re.
-The hell I do.

I pulled into Nazareth

I was feelin' about half past dead

I just need some place
Where I can lay my head

Hey, mister, can you tell me
where a girl might find a bed?

He just grinned and shook my hand
And "No," was all he said

Take a load off Annie
Take a load for free

Take a load off Annie

And, and, and put the weight on me

Catch me a cannon ball
Now take me on down the line