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01x06 - Einstein: Chapter Six

Posted: 02/13/24 13:45
by bunniefuu
I'd like to talk to you about
something other then relativity.

I wish I could move
beyond the damn theory.

This is the idea I had been
missing to complete relativity.

Acceleration and gravity
are the same thing.

And an astronomer could prove it.

Planck: I found you an astronomer.

Name is Freundlich.

Einstein: I will never
feel anything but

love for you, Mileva.

Mileva: You had plenty to
say to that chesty brunette.

Einstein: I have never
been unfaithful to you.

Elsa: Professor Haber,
have I ever mentioned that

my cousin is Albert Einstein?

Einstein: Haber?

He's legendary.

Mileva makes life at home unbearable.

Elsa: Not every marriage
is meant to last forever.

Haber: He's just the kind of
man we want in the academy.

Lenard: He's a dreamer.

Not a rigorous scientist.

Planck: It's an official offer.

Einstein: The Prussian Academy.

I don't know if I can accept.

Planck: I can't go to
Berlin without an answer.

Einstein: I can't move to Berlin, Elsa.

There are other people to consider.

Most importantly, my sons.

It would only be because
I want to be with you.

Elsa: Is that so terrible?

♪ [Theme music plays].

Freundlich: Of all the planets
and stars there is only one

Venus, named for the
goddess of beauty and love.

Kate: Erwin Freundlich, are
you attempting to seduce me?

Freundlich: I'm merely
pointing out that we are

in the ideal position to observe Venus.

On Venus day, in fact, which
was later named Friday,

in honor of Frigg, the wife of Odin.

Kate: I'm quite certain you
didn't bring me all the way

out here for a lesson
in Norse mythology.

Freundlich: I, uh.

Kate: You what?

Freundlich: Kate Hirschber,
will you do me the honor

of being my wife?

Kate: Yes.

Freundlich: That is,
uh, quite fortunate.

Because I have already
made arrangements

how does Zurich sound?

Freundlich: It's an honor to
meet you, Professor Haber.

Einstein: Erwin and I are
hoping to recruit you

as an ally in our mission.

Haber: Mission?

You make it sound as
though you're going to w*r.

Einstein: Aren't I?

You know the vitriol
that's been aimed at me.

Haber: That tends to happen
when you make radical claims

such as "gravity bends light."

You've ruffled quite a few feathers.

Einstein: And we intend
to unruffle them.

By offering up something
that the critics can't

argue against, proof.

Freundlich: In the form of
astronomical photographs.

Consider Mercury, the
closest planet to the sun.

Unlike the other seven
planets, Mercury's orbit

doesn't conform to Newtonian laws.

It's off.

Le Verrier proposed that
Mercury's path is affected by

the pull of a yet undiscovered planet,

a planet he named Vulcan.

Einstein: There is no Vulcan.

Haber: Then how do you
explain the anomalous orbit?

Einstein: Picture, if you
will, the vastness of space,

and through it, a framework of
invisible lines like wire mesh

supporting a pillar of concrete.

Yet unlike rigid wire, this
grid work is curved,

like fabric around any object of mass.

Freundlich: Which
causes Mercury's orbit

to change each cycle.

Haber: Extraordinary.

Einstein: I believe that
this same effect occurs when

starlight passes by the sun.

But the only way to confirm this theory

is during a solar eclipse.

Haber: Why an eclipse?

Einstein: Can you see
the smaller stars?

Haber: No.

Einstein: But if we block
out the light from the sun,

you can see them more clearly.

During an eclipse, Erwin can
photograph the position of

stars in the daytime sky, and
we can compare them to their

position in the night sky.

Thus proving.

Haber: The sun's
gravity bends starlight.

Clever, indeed.

Einstein: Fortunately, for us,
just such an eclipse occurs

in a few months' time.

Freundlich: And the ideal
position to photograph the

fullest point of that
eclipse is in Crimea.

Haber: Russia?

Such an expedition would cost.

Einstein: 6,000 marks, give or take.

Haber: An extravagant sum.

Einstein: Which surely the illustrious

Prussian Academy can afford.

Haber: And you expect
me to convince them?

Einstein: Well, I'll make the
proposal, but a few good words

from you in advance could
help settle the matter.

Haber: Albert, your
idea, it's astounding.

But I fear the wheels of the
academy don't turn as fast

as your nimble mind.

These things take time.

Freundlich: We don't have time.

There won't be another
eclipse for years.

Haber: Well, then, I suppose
you'd better come to Berlin

as soon as possible.

Einstein: Of course.

I just have to settle a
few family matters first.

Kate: I suppose I should
be cross with Erwin for not

telling me the real reason
he wanted to come to Zürich.

Mileva: And why didn't he?

Kate: I imagine he thought
I'd object to his working

during our honeymoon.

Mileva: And having a complete
stranger foisted upon

you as hostess?

Kate: I'm sorry.

If it's an imposition.

Mileva: No, I'm simply saying
it's hardly the honeymoon

a bride dreams of.

Kate: It's a small concession, really.

The price we pay for being
married to men with brilliant

minds, don't you think?

Mileva: I think you should
expect honesty in a husband.

Kate: Men all have their
secrets, don't they?

Are you looking forward to Berlin?

Mileva: Berlin?

Why would you say that?

Kate: I'm sorry.

Erwin mentioned that
you were moving there.

Eduard: Papa, papa.

Einstein: Ah.

Hans Albert: Eduard sank
our boat in the pond.

Einstein: Well, then, we need to find a

more reliable vessel.

Why don't we build a kite?

Eduard: Yes, a kite.

Einstein: Go fetch your coats.

We'll buy some materials.

Mileva: Berlin?

Why didn't you tell me?

Einstein: I d- I didn't want to

worry you before
everything was arranged.

Mileva: I'm your wife.

You didn't even think to consult me?

Einstein: It's the
Prussian Academy, Mileva.

You know what this
means for our future.

Mileva: Are you really concerned with

our future or yours?

We just returned to Zürich.

Einstein: Because you were
so miserable in Prague,

but nothing changes.

You're sullen and short
with me for reasons that

I don't understand.

Mileva: How is it that you
can grasp the most intricate

concepts in science, yet you
pretend not to understand me?

We were to be partners, Albert.

In everything.

Hans Albert: We're ready, papa.

Mileva: Now I'm not even
included in decisions that

uproot our children.

Einstein: Trust me, Miza.

This is for the best.

Pictures alone won't
appease my skeptics.

The theory has to be
mathematically solid.

Grossman: It's not as if we've been

sitting around here eating sausages.

Though we have consumed
our share of schnitzel.

Einstein: Be serious, Marcel.

I need proof in hand before
Freundlich departs for Crimea.

It's the only way to rally
the academy behind me.

Grossman: Albert, since when
are you so concerned with

the opinions of the
overstuffed establishment?

Einstein: You know, my
father once told me physics

is not a vocation.

And he was right.

For me, it's everything.

And general relativity is.

Well, it's the most
beautiful idea I've ever had.

The culmination of all my
hours daydreaming as a boy,

all, all the years of study, of
battling those who doubted me.

I want the world to see,
finally, what I see and

marvel at the magnificence
of what God has created.

Grossman: Well, if you want
to make them marvel at the

magnificence, perhaps you
shouldn't rush off to Berlin

before our work here is done.


Why are you suddenly in such
a hurry to return to a country

whose citizenship you have renounced?

Elsa: I counted the hours, Albert.

And now, finally, here you are.

Einstein: You made it all happen, Elsa.

Elsa: Oh, I wish you
could spend the night.

It would be so lovely to make
you breakfast in the morning.

Einstein: With you, it's all sunshine.

At home, a cloud of anger.

Elsa: You should know.

Clara Haber has invited
the girls and me to dinner

with your family.

Einstein: You cannot accept.

Elsa: Albert, Clara is a keen woman.

Refusing her invitation
would only arouse suspicion.

Clara: And, so, how
are you finding Berlin?

Mileva: To be quite
honest, I miss Zürich.

It was home.

Haber: But you're originally
from Serbia, of course?

Mileva: Yes.

Haber: I'm sure you
read in the papers of

the Archduke's assassination.

Einstein: Shocking news.

Haber: They're saying it
was at the hands of a Serb,

protesting Austria's
annexation of Bosnia.

Do you think we'll
continue to see anarchy

in the Slavic territories?

Mileva: In my opinion, Dr.
Haber, I imagine the Slavic

nations will continue to
defend against anyone who

views them as mere
"territories" to be acquired.

Einstein: Naturally, Mileva would

never condone assassination.

Mileva: And yet I do
understand the impulse

to protect one's homeland against the

aggression of imperialists.

Haber: You cannot be
suggesting that these

rebels are justified.

Elsa: Fritz, surely a strong
patriotic spirit is a quality

any good German can appreciate.

Now, let us speak no more of politics.

I've heard the opera has mounted a new

production of Tosca.

Mileva, do you enjoy Puccini?

Mileva: I do.

Thank you.

Elsa: For what?

Mileva: For making me feel welcome.

Elsa: Think nothing of it.

Mileva: Albert's mother has
always been so critical of me.

I fretted for days about
meeting more of the family.

Elsa: Oh, well, you must
put your fears to rest.

Mileva: You're very kind.

It means a great deal to me.

Einstein: Herr Freundlich's
expedition will travel through

Austria, crossing into Russia,

arriving at the Crimean peninsula.

There he will have
approximately two minutes to

complete his observations
during the eclipse.

Planck: And have you
calculated the cost

of this excursion?

Einstein: 6,000 marks.

Planck: Hmm, does that include caviar?

Einstein: I must assume my
esteemed colleagues of the

academy see the value in
furthering new research rather

than simply regurgitating the old.

Lenard: Old, as in the
distinguished scholars

sitting in this room?

Haber: What I believe
Professor Einstein is trying

to say is that his generalized
theory of relativity merits

investigation, and financial
investment, as well.

Planck: Would you mind
giving us a few moments,

Professor Einstein?

Vladimir: Good afternoon, Madame.

Please excuse the intrusion.

My name is Vladimir Varicak,
and I've just traveled from.

Mileva: Zagreb.

I hear it in your voice.

Vladimir: Is it possible
I have the good fortune to

encounter a fellow Slav here
in the heart of Prussia?

Mileva: Is there a heart
b*ating in Germany?

I have yet to hear it.

Vladimir: I don't suppose
Professor Einstein is at home?

Mileva: I'm afraid not,
but I can direct you

to the university.

Vladimir: Well, yes.

I had an appointment with
Professor Einstein at the

university, but unfortunately,
he was not in attendance.

Mileva: You're more than
welcome to wait, if you like.

He should be home shortly.

Vladimir: Thank you.

Lenard: You can't
seriously consider funding

this charlatan, hmm?

Haber: I admit Herr Einstein
is eccentric, but his theories

are driven by the same
curiosity that led

Professor Planck to his
discoveries about quanta.

The same thinking that led you
to your photoelectric effect.

Lenard: There is nothing about
Einstein that is the same

as us, Professor Haber.

Although I understand
your natural sympathies

are with him.

Haber: What do you mean by that?

Lenard: I think you know
precisely what I mean.

Has he promised you a
share of his profits?

Planck: That will be enough, Philipp.

Lenard: Need I remind you both
that the kaiser's directive to

the academy is to further
practical science,

not uproot the very foundations
upon which it is built.

Vladimir: Plum brandy?

After all these years, a glass
of fermented prune juice

is what you miss most?

Mileva: I miss almost
everything about home,

if you must know the truth.

The smell of the spruce trees.

The boats on Lake palic.

Vladimir: And what about your family?

Mileva: My brother Milos
has enlisted in the army.

I'm worried for him.

Do you think it will come to w*r?

Vladimir: Well, we both know
the spirit of a Serb is never

to surrender to tyranny.

Oh, good lord.

I hadn't noticed the time.

Mileva: I.

Vladimir: You must excuse me.

Mileva: I can't imagine
what's kept Albert,

but I apologize on his behalf.

Vladimir: I'm staying at
the Excelsior, should

Professor Einstein find
time to reschedule.

Mileva: I'll be sure to tell him.

Vladimir: At the risk
of sounding forward,

may I say I'm almost
thankful your husband

was otherwise occupied.

Good day, Frau Einstein.

Einstein: 2,000 marks.

Such a pittance won't
even get Freundlich to

the Russian border.

They're obviously trying
to deter me altogether.

It's an insult.

Elsa: Perhaps I could
introduce you to Gustav Krupp.

Einstein: The industrialist?

You think he would pay
for the expedition?

Elsa: He fancies himself an
intellectual, and he funds

the Prussian Academy.

Why not go directly to the source?

Einstein: Can you arrange a meeting?

Elsa: Only on the condition
that I accompany you.

Einstein: You can't bear
to be away from me.

Elsa: True, but I also know
you're not always as adept at

social niceties as you
are with equations.

I can help iron the
inevitable wrinkles.

Einstein: What would I do without you?

Elsa: Margot, dear.

I was just congratulating
cousin Albert on his

upcoming expedition.

Mileva: Where have you been?

Einstein: The academy.

Mileva: You had a visitor, a
mathematician with whom you

broke an appointment.

Einstein: Varicak?

He's of no consequence.

Mileva: He waited for hours.

Einstein: He writes almost
weekly trying to poke holes

in my theory.

I only agreed to the meeting
him to get him to stop.

Mileva: He traveled for hours.

The least you...

Einstein: I'm afraid
it will have to wait.

I'm leaving tomorrow for Essen.

I'll be gone several days.

Mileva: You're barely home as it is.

Einstein: Mileva, I have
spent the entire day defending

myself to the academy.

I will not be forced to
do it in my own home.

Mileva: I was under the
impression it was our home.

Einstein: Mileva, I am trying
to prove the most important

discovery of my life.

You of all people should
understand how important it is.

Mileva: I moved here
with you, didn't I?

Einstein: Yet not one
word of support since

we set foot in Berlin.

Mileva: How am I to offer
it if you're never here?

Can't you see how miserable I am?

Einstein: You're miserable everywhere.

If you want to know the truth,
I'm looking forward to this

trip, as I do any reprieve
from your dark moods.


Krupp: Well, what do you think?

Einstein: I.

I think that your k*lling
machine is as magnificent

a monstrosity as they come, Herr Krupp.

Krupp: I am going to
present "big Bertha"

to the reichstag next week.

Einstein: A fanciful
name for such a w*apon.

Krupp: I named her after
the most combustible

person I know.

My wife.

Bertha: I must admit, Elsa.

I was surprised to see you here.

A bit of a precarious
position, is it not?

Accompanying Professor Einstein on such

a public errand?

Elsa: I can't imagine
anyone who would find fault

in my supporting the
endeavors of family.

Bertha: Yes, your cousin.

I can assure you that rumors
remain at the speculation

stage, yet I would tread carefully.

A scandal once unleashed is
difficult to reign in and

always ends up much worse
for the woman than the man.

Elsa: Thank you, Bertha.

But I'm afraid you'll
have to excuse me.

Einstein: And so clearly the
deflection should be precisely.

.83 seconds of arc.

And to get here, we employed
riemannian geometry,

since it contains certain
invariants under coordinate

transformations that.

Elsa: And when these
measurements are taken and

photographs published, Albert
will be hailed a genius.

Certainly in line for the Nobel prize.

Einstein: Elsa is perhaps too kind.

Elsa: Professor Einstein
is perhaps too modest.

His name will be forever
pressed into the history books

for changing the way we
understand the world.

The question is, does Herr
Gustav Krupp want his name

printed alongside Albert's?

Krupp: As you know, I
have many acquaintances

in the academy.

And there are those who
believe your theories to be,

there's no polite way
to say it, pure fantasy.

Einstein: At the risk
of sounding boastful,

there are those who
said I wouldn't prove

the existence of molecules.

They denounced my theory
of special relativity.

If I'm right again, this
expedition will revolutionize

science in the way that your big Bertha

will revolutionize warfare.

What do you say, Herr Krupp?

Krupp: I like a man who stands
by his dreams, Herr Einstein.

Einstein: The academy be damned.

I must wire Freundlich immediately.

Elsa: I told you we could do it.

Einstein: You are my champion, Elsa.

Thank you for believing in me.

Elsa: Albert, stop.

Einstein: What's wrong?

Elsa: You're becoming famous.

You draw more attention
than an ordinary man

kissing his mistress.

Einstein: Elsa, you
are not my mistress.

Elsa: Are you not still married?

Einstein: I'm here with you.

Look what we just
accomplished together.

You know what you mean to me.

Elsa: I do.

But I'm beginning to see what
perhaps I should have all along.

Einstein: Elsa.

Elsa: I allowed myself to be
swept up in the whirlwind

that you create.

I was blinded by my feelings,
but Bertha has opened my eyes.

Einstein: We can't
care what others say.

Elsa: We must.

I need to think of my daughters.

What happens to them if I
become the object of ridicule?

What about your family?

Einstein: Mileva's furious
with me regardless of.

Elsa: We've certainly given her reason.

Einstein: She doesn't know.

Elsa: Even so, she is not the
monster you made her out to be.

Does she deserve the scorn
that will surely be heaped

upon her if word spreads?

Do your boys?

Einstein: Elsa, I moved my
family to Berlin for you.

Elsa: You came to join the academy.

Einstein: Because it
brought me near to you.

And now, now I can't imagine a
single day without seeing you.

Elsa: I'm sorry, Albert.

But as long as you're still married,

we cannot be together.

Clara: I believe even Fritz
is secretly jealous of

your husband's breakthrough.

Mileva: I am, too.

I miss working with him,
being a scientist, myself.

Clara: Yes, my years in the
laboratory with Fritz were

among the best of my life.

And now we are playing cards while

they pursue their passions.

Mileva: Listen to the two of us.

I do wish Elsa could have joined us.

She brings such levity.

Clara: I called on her
yesterday, but apparently,

she's gone away for a few days.

Mileva: Where?

Clara: To Essen, I'm told.

Mileva: Essen?

That's where Albert is.

Clara: Mileva.

I'm sorry.

I assumed you had some idea,

or I would have spoken up sooner.

Mileva: How could I not have seen it?

Clara: Perhaps you didn't want to.

Mileva: How long?

Clara: If I'm not mistaken,
it was Elsa who helped make

arrangements for your move.

Mileva: She was so kind to me.

Clara: Elsa is not a bad woman.

They rarely are.

And you must find a
way to cope with that.

As we all must.

Mileva: Fritz?

Don't you want to k*ll him?


Clara: You may rage in moral
superiority, as I did, you can

sulk in futile silence, or you
might find it more satisfying

to allow yourself the same freedom.

Mileva: I couldn't.

Clara: Don't you deserve to feel loved?

Vladimir: Frau Einstein.

To what do I owe the pleasure?

Mileva: I came to inform
you that my husband has been

called away on extended business.

I'm afraid he won't be
able to meet with you.

Vladimir: Disappointing news.

Mileva: Albert can be awfully
thoughtless sometimes.

I felt you were owed
an apology in person.

Vladimir: Well, it seems that
neither of us has a dinner

companion this evening.

Would you care to, to join me?

Vladimir: They say Tesla is
as mad as he is brilliant.

Mileva: Perhaps that's simply
a persona he's created to

distinguish himself from
the likes of Edison.

Vladimir: Hmm, a fascinating theory.

Mileva: Then again, he is
a temperamental Serb, and

there's nothing entirely
sane about the lot of us.

Vladimir: I've had
a wonderful time with you

this evening, Mileva.

Mileva: I'm afraid I've taken
leave of my senses, dining in

public with a stranger
while my husband is away.

Vladimir: Stranger no more, I hope.

Mileva: Good evening.

When were you going
to tell me about Elsa?

Are you in love with her?

Einstein: I'm sorry.

Mileva: Do you know
where I was last night?

Einstein: I have no idea.

Mileva: I went to a hotel.

To meet a man.

A man who finds me
fascinating, who takes

pleasure in my company.

Einstein: Who was he?

Mileva: The mathematician
from Zagreb, but I couldn't.

Einstein: Perhaps you should have.

Mileva: Do I really
mean so little to you?

Einstein: Dollie.

Mileva: Do not call me that.

Not unless you can
look me in the eye and

tell me you still love me.

Einstein: It's time we were
honest with each other.

Love has abandoned this
marriage in equal parts.

Mileva: What about the,
the life we've built?

Einstein: There is no sin
in drifting apart, only in

punishing each other for it.

I want a divorce.

She refused.

Haber: Why are you so
intent on a divorce, anyway?

Why not do what the rest of us do?

Take a mistress.

There's been no talk of
divorce under my roof.

Einstein: Elsa won't
see me as things stand.

She certainly won't resume
our relations as long as

I'm still married.

Haber: Elsa means that much to you?

Einstein: She looks after me.

She believes in me.

She, she makes me happy.

Perhaps Mileva can find
someone to make her happy,

too, but not as long as she
clings to this marriage.

I must make her see that
somehow and set us both free.

Haber: How do you plan to do that?

"If you wish to remain
married, you must agree to

the following conditions.

A: You will ensure that my
laundry is kept in good order,

that I receive three meals in
my room, and that my study is

kept neat, left for my use only.

B: You will renounce personal
relations with me insofar as

they are not necessary
for social reasons.

C: You will not expect any
intimacy from me, nor will you

reproach me in any way."

Clara: Has he gone mad?

How could you agree to
be party to such a thing?

Mileva: "D: You will stop talking to me

when I request it.

You will leave my bedroom
and study immediately and

without protest if I request it."

It's absurd.

To honestly believe one's own
wife is so without reason that

she must be shocked into
accepting a divorce?

Clara: Not even the decency
to issue the demands himself.

Mileva: Such theatrics can
only be intended to incense me.

Clara: He's given you
no choice, Mileva.

How can you retain any
dignity if you hold on?

Give the man his damn
divorce and be done with it.

Mileva: I'll do what you want.

Einstein: I'm sure in
time you'll realize

it's for the best.

Mileva: Not the divorce.

I mean your list.

I'll wash your laundry, clean
each floorboard, deliver three

hot meals to your study.

Einstein: Mileva.

Mileva: I'll respect
the letter of the law in

Albert Einstein's household.

Those were your terms, were they not?

Einstein: Yes, if you are
intent on forcing us to remain

in this intolerable situation.

Mileva: I am.

For the boys.

They need their father.

Einstein: I would be
near, no matter what.

Mileva: You aren't near as it is.

We both know if you move out,
weeks will go by without them

laying eyes on the man they adore.

Einstein: Would that be worse
than growing up with two

people who can't bear to be in
the same room as each other?

Mileva: I am not letting
you walk away from the boys.

And yes, I am aware this
relationship henceforth

is merely a formality.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I must shop for your meals.

Einstein: You know what
force makes the kite fly?

It's called lift, a curious
effect of air passing over

the kite's surface.


What do you say we go
and get some cake, huh?

Hans Albert: Yes, please.

Einstein: All right.

Let's bring her in.

Hans Albert: You know what, papa?

I don't think you're nearly
as cruel as mama says you are.

Mileva: I hope you understand this was,

what it was and nothing more.

Perhaps in another time.

Vladimir: Of course.

Since it's clear I'm never
meeting with your esteemed

husband, I hope you'll
show this to him.

I've devised a proof which
demonstrates that his

theory does not satisfy
mach's principle.

Mileva: Are you certain?

Vladimir: I came to warn him
that if he proceeds with this

expedition, he will be testing
a calculation based on

a flawed foundation.

His results will not
match his predictions.

He could become a laughingstock.

Mileva: Albert, there's
something I must show you.

Einstein: How long
have you been poisoning my

sons against me?

Mileva: I don't know what
you're talking about.

Einstein: They seem to think
that I'm a cruel person.

I wonder where they got such an idea.

Mileva: Do you honestly
believe I need to conspire to

make the boys see what they
witness with their own eyes?

The way you treat me?

Einstein: You twist reality.

But this stops now.

You are never to
speak ill of me in front of

the children again.

Mileva: I will add it to the list.

You should look this
over before Freundlich.

Einstein: My patience
is exhausted, Mileva.

Mileva: It's for your own.

Einstein: Item d.

You will stop talking
to me when I request it,

and you will leave my study
immediately without protest.

Be sure to send a telegram the
moment you arrive in Crimea.

Freundlich: Not to worry.

By the end of the month,

the world will be
cheering Albert Einstein.

No one will ever doubt you again.

Tobias: The kaiser's declared w*r.

Freundlich: On Serbia?

Tobias: No, sir.

On Russia.

Assistant: We are officially
across enemy lines.

Freundlich: Keep your voices down.

Tobias: If we change trains
at the next stop,

we could be back
into Austria by nightfall.

Freundlich: No, the worst
thing we can do is panic.

Tobias: But Herr Freundlich.

Freundlich: We only need to
keep quiet, make it to Crimea,

take our photographs
and get the hell out.

[Lieutenant speaking Russian].

[Lieutenant speaking Russian].

Einstein: Has there been a
telegram from Freundlich?

Mileva: No.

Einstein: Are you sure?

Is it possible that you
missed a messenger?

Mileva: I haven't left
the apartment all day.

There's been no telegram.

What's happened?

[Lieutenant speaking Russian].

Freundlich: We are astronomers.

You must believe me.

We, tell him, tell him.

[Speaking Russian].

[Speaking Russian].

Freundlich: Stars, the stars up.

No, no, no, please, don't touch this.

This does not.

[Lieutenant speaking Russian].

Einstein: Thank you for coming.

Planck: Your message sounded urgent.

Einstein: Gentlemen, I fear
that Herr Freundlich and

his men have run into
trouble in Russia.

I haven't received word from
them since the w*r broke out.

Haber: If you haven't heard
from them, you can't be sure

there's a problem.

Einstein: His instructions
were to wire me the moment

he arrived in Crimea.

Planck: How do you expect us to find

three astronomers in
the middle of a w*r?

Einstein: Max, this
is the kaiser's academy,

for God's sake.

Men of your stature must have
a connection at the reichstag.

Planck: If we go to the
reichstag, they are likely to

question the wisdom of your
insistence on embarking on

this expedition at
such a volatile time.

Einstein: Who cares
what people think of me

when lives are at stake?

Just help me find Erwin.

General: This is a camera, no?

Freundlich: Yes, but.

General: To take pictures of
troop movements, encampments.

Freundlich: No, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no,

nothing like that.

General: You enter Russia from
Germany with trunks full of

photographic devices,
and you want us to believe

that you are not a spy?

Freundlich: I, I'm a scientist.

I'm here to photograph an
eclipse in a matter of days.

Please, if you would release
me and my assistants,

it's not too late.

General: Who ordered you to come here?

Freundlich: I-I'm here on behalf of

the great physicist, Albert Einstein.

General: You work for Albert Einstein?

Freundlich: Yes, you know of him?

Einstein: Well?

Planck: The kaiser has heard
through diplomatic channels.

Freundlich is alive, as are his men.

Einstein: Wonderful news.

Planck: In part.

They're being interned in
a prisoner-of-w*r camp.

Einstein: On what grounds?

Planck: Espionage.

Einstein: That's absurd.

Planck: Albert, you sent him
into a w*r zone a trunk full

of surveillance equipment.

Einstein: Well, let's clear up
the misunderstanding and

get them out of there.

Planck: It's not that simple.

There may be a way to resolve this.

But it requires the cooperation of both

the kaiser and the czar.

Einstein: Whatever must be done.

Planck: Albert,
there is no guarantee that

he's coming home.

Freundlich: Where are you taking me?

[Lieutenant speaking Russian].

Freundlich: No, please,
please, I have a wife.

General: Go, go, [Russian].


Freundlich: Go, let's go, go, go.

Einstein: Mileva, Erwin's
been freed in exchange

for Russian prisoners.

Mileva: Thank God.

Einstein: I know.

Isn't it wonderful?

Mileva: And the photographs?

Perhaps it's a blessing.

Einstein: Why would you say that?

Mileva: Your foundation for
general relativity is flawed.

Einstein: What?

Whatever would lead you
to such a conclusion?

Mileva: Herr Varicak.

Naturally, I didn't believe
his ideas had merit, but then

he showed me his proof, and
Albert, your theory does not,

in fact, satisfy mach's principle.

Einstein: You saw this proof,
and yet you said nothing?

Mileva: I tried.

Einstein: You, you tried?

Y-you're telling me that I
could have been ruined,

and you stayed silent?

Mileva: I was obeying your orders.

Einstein: So out of spite
you let me send those

young men into danger?

Mileva: How were either of
us to know the kaiser would

declare w*r on Russia?

Einstein: You wanted me to fail.

Mileva: Yes!

Yes, somewhere deep within
me I wanted to see the look

on your face when you
experienced real pain.


The harsh judgement of the world.

I wanted to see those
dreams crumble for you

as they have for me.

Einstein: You hate me that much?

Mileva: I don't hate you.

I hate the person I've
become because of you.

You're right, Albert.

We can't stay together any longer.

Elsa: Albert.

I thought we decided.

Einstein: Mileva's
agreed to end things.

Elsa: She accepted the divorce?

Einstein: Not entirely.

A separation.

Elsa: Oh, Albert, that's not.

Einstein: It's a start.

I'll be getting a flat of my own.

We'll have all the time in the world.

Elsa: You know there is
quite a difference between

separation and divorce.

Einstein: Can we please
simply enjoy this moment?

I know it's been difficult,
but I beg your patience just

a little while longer.

It's only a matter
of time before we're able

to be together.


Einstein: Mileva?

Boys, boys?

Mileva: Let's get our seats.

Einstein: Mileva, Mileva,
Mileva, don't do this.

Mileva: It's already done, Albert.

Einstein: You don't have to
go all the way to Switzerland.

Mileva: It will be easier for everyone.

Einstein: You can't.

Mileva: You pushed so hard.

Now you have what you wanted.

Einstein: I wanted to end our marriage.

I didn't want to lose my whole family.

Mileva: The move to Berlin was for you.

I never wanted it.

Einstein: But what about the boys?

Mileva: You can't have
everything, Albert.

Einstein: You have your kite with you?

Eduard: Yes, papa.

Einstein: Good, I'll come and
fly it with you very soon.

I'll write every day.

Hans Albert: Will you remember where

we left off on circumference?

Einstein: I will.

I'm sorry, Dollie.

I wanted so much for us.

Mileva: Good-bye, Albert.