House of the Lost on the Cape, The (2021)

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House of the Lost on the Cape, The (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »


This area is called "Cape Fox Cub."

Just a little bit further now.

From now on, we'll all live
in this house together.



Pretty, isn't it?

Flowers bloom even with
no one there to tend to them.

It's my first time
living in this area too.

It's so exciting!

Is it dilapidated?

Oh, it seems like you did your best
to make this a nice place.

What's this?

It actually looks nice?

It's an "L-shaped" house.

In the old days,
they would tie up horses over there.

All right, you two. Sit, sit!


A wolf?

Don't ya mind, now.

There are no wolves or anything
around these parts.

Now, come take a seat.

So, starting today, we three
will be living in this house together…

Yui, Hiyori, and myself.


That's quite all right.
Don't force yourself to speak.

Just relax and it'll come back to you.

Go grab your bags and relax a little.

After that, there's something
I need a little help with.

Is this… home?


Is that better?

What's your name?


Everyone! We have some provisions here,
courtesy of Senda Foods!

The packaging is a little smashed, but…

the food inside is fine!

Please start forming a line.

What do you want?

You just ran into that girl!

And? You got something to say?

Come now, dear, you're all right.

Oh? What happened?

You shouldn't get so wet
or you'll catch a cold!

We have some towels over there.

Tanaka! Could you help get this girl dry?

Sure thing!

That girl's mute, you know.


She lost her voice, rather.

Probably from the trauma of
that terrible tragedy…

She lost both of her parents
in a car accident this past New Year's.

She hasn't spoken since.

She had just been left with
some relatives in this area, but…

then we had that huge earthquake…

She showed up here all on her own.



Hiyori, I heard school starts back up
after the spring holidays.

Yoshi, could you lend me a hand?


Hey, are you a high school student?

Have you put your name down
for registration yet?

No, I…

What's your name?
Are you staying with family?

-What's your address?

Don't you have any family in the area?

No… I'm fine.


That girl's my granddaughter.

Her name is…

not Akemi… not Sanae…

It's some trendy name…


Oh! That's right! Yui. It's Yui.

And then this one, uh…

Hiyori too?

That's right! Hiyori!

You're really Hiyori's grandma?

Of course.
That's why I came to pick her up.

She has gone through so much,
but she never gave up.

She has done so well.

They're my grandkids,
but it's our first time meeting, you see.

My memory's not what it used to be…

and it's quite difficult for me
to remember names.

Shall we get going, Yui?

-You ready too, Hiyori?

Um… can I ask your name, ma'am?

Kiwa Yamana.

And you live in…

I'd like for the three of us
to live in Kitsunezaki.

We'll have a chat about it.

In any case, I'm very grateful.

If you two don't have anywhere to go,
come along with me.

Don't ya mind, now.

It means "don't worry."

It stopped raining too.

I was just kinda
going with the flow before, but…

can we trust this old lady?

Yui! Hiyori!

There's something I need your help with.


What do you mean?

Come on!

For today, you can just
cut up to around the well.

Then go clean the halls, okay?

The well?

For real?

Jeez! What's the big idea,
making us clean?


Does a sliding door usually make
that sound when it gets torn?

Great work, you two!
Why don't we have something to eat?

First, we have urui miso soup.


They were in the grass clippings
you two cut earlier today.

We'll also have mugwort tempura
and wild rocambole fried in oil.

-It's all just grass.
-Well, hold your horses.

We have hamburger steaks
as the main course!

It smells good.

Well, eat up!

Thank you.

It's delicious.

Try some of the tempura too.


We have milk pudding for dessert.

This has grass in it too?

It's amazing.

Thanks again for the food.

It was nothing special.

Food was never like this at my house.


Go put your things away
and hop in the bath.

Do you need some clothes?

I have some…

Really? But, there's probably
a lot of things you need, right?

Let's all go to the Masuda Mall tomorrow
to do some shopping.

Don't let your guard down
just because the food was good.

Somewhere I read a story…
How did it go again?


Kids got fed delicious food…

were fattened up, and then eaten.

Are you two about ready for your bath?

About that story before…

if I remember right, an evil witch
invited abandoned siblings to her house.

Then she prepared
a big pot of boiling water…

so she could cook and eat them.

A big pot of boiling water…

How was your bath?

Oh, well…

What's the matter?

This house… why is it…

out here?

I mean…

Look, we--

You two, come sit over here.

Drink some tea.

This tea's made from dandelion root.

It's really good for you.

Have you heard stories like this before?

The ones that start with,
"It happened in times of yore"?

-It's just a local phrase.

It's kind of like saying,
"Once upon a time."

There once was a village.
In this village lived an absentminded…

But very kind and honest woman.

One day, the woman went into the mountains
to collect some butterbur.

As she looked for the best butterbur…

she rapidly ventured
deeper into the mountains.

There, she happened across
the most magnificent gate she'd ever seen.

"Oh my, who would build a house
so deep in the mountains?"

Hoping to take shelter from the rain…

she nervously stepped through the gate.

"Is anyone home?" she asked,
but there was no answer.

The woman cautiously entered the house.

Even though no one was there…

the hearth was lit, and there was
a delicious feast spread out.

"Who's going to eat such a feast?"
the woman wondered.

She quietly left the house.

Some time later, the woman was
doing some washing by the river.

The next moment, she saw
a beautiful red bowl drifting past.

The woman picked up this bowl…

and started using it to measure out rice.

When she used this bowl,
no matter how much they ate…

their rice supply never seemed to go down.

"Why don't we ever run out of rice?"

the members of her family asked her.

The woman told them about
the bowl that came down the river.

It was so pretty,
so she took it to measure rice.

She said it looked like the bowls
she had seen at the mountain house.

That house was a "Mayoiga."

It's a house that bestows hospitality
and good fortune onto its visitors.

If you come across a Mayoiga, you can take
anything from the house back with you.

Some rumored that because the woman
neither desired nor took anything back…

the Mayoiga might have
given her the bowl as a gift.

From that day forward,
the woman's family prospered…

and she came to be known
as the village elder.

What folk tale was that?

The story is called "Mayoiga."

They say good fortune will befall you
if you come across a Mayoiga.

I wonder why she told us that story.

What's this?

She laid out some futons for us.

But when did she…


I tore a spot here before, didn't I?

Did that old lady do this too?

Oh, you must be tired, right?

That's right.

If things go south, I'll run.

I'll take the kid with me.

Good morning!


Did you sleep well?

Probably the best I've slept in a while.


That weird noise again…

Is there anything to drink?

Shall I make some tea?

Just water will do.

I'd like some ice too!

What's going on?

What's up with this house?

I told you last night.

This is a Mayoiga.

It's a house that's hospitable
to whoever wanders inside.


It repaired the sliding door you tore…

it laid out the futon for us too.

It even prepared
the hot water for the bath.

Everything the house did was for you.


It's for you.

It's all for your own good.

I gotta get out.

I can't…

What? Can't bother to welcome me home?

Welcome hom--

If you've got time to cook, then study.

You know how piss-poor
your grades are, don't you?

What? You got something to say?

It's your own fault
for making me treat you like this.

It's why your mother left us.

She left!

I'm saying this for you.

I'm saying all of this for your own good.

Are you okay?

Did you get hurt?

I'm sorry.


You don't have anywhere to go either…

Do you, Hiyori?

Yui? Hiyori?

Is everything all right?

Oh! Did you fall over, Hiyori?

Are you all right?

Don't be scared. Don't be frightened.

The Mayoiga only wants
to show hospitality to people.

It would never hurt you, Yui. Or Hiyori.

So why don't we go back?

Well, shall we have some breakfast?

Is it really safe? This house?

As people live inside it,
the house quickly improves.

If you care for it properly
and speak well of it…

it will grow into a great home.

Just like a person.

I'm sorry.

It's delicious.

Is that really all you want?

Most girls would want a hair dryer
and stuff like that, right?

What about cushions for the sofa?

I may not look like it, but I worked at
a lot of different places back in my day.

I stockpiled quite a nest egg of savings.

So don't hold back.

Holy crap, that's cute.

Why don't we get it, then?


You like it, don't you?

"Holy crap, that's cute."


Are there any other "crap" things
you two forgot to buy?

That's not really how you use that word…

But, you know…

no one bought me this many things before.

Well, I sure am exhausted
from all this shopping!

How about we do something easy for dinner?

All done!

It's still hot!

It's amazing!
You can really smell the miso.

Just rice balls and pickles today,
I'm afraid.

I just got too tuckered out from shopping.

Well, you did go a little overboard…

like with the rice cake maker.

Oh, come now!

Who was it that got a bread maker, again?

That was because you said
you wanted to try homemade bread!

Someone said they wanted to try
my fresh rice cakes too.

Who was that, again?


You don't have to laugh, you know?

You're going to school after a break.

What year are you in?

Will you be okay alone?

Oh, wait a sec.

It's partially used, but…

use this when you wanna
say something in class.

Maybe I should head into town.

I'm so glad you didn't
change schools, Hiyori!

I know Kana moved away…

but I was so worried you were going
to go off somewhere too!

Makio! Practice for the fox dance
starts today, right?

Yeah, it does!


You should come too, Hiyori!
You haven't seen it yet, have you?

No, that's the Bon Festival dance!

Perfect timing!

I was just thinking about
visiting your house.

How is it? Everything going smoothly?

Oh, yes.

Has everyone finished
their change of address forms?

Make sure to do the move-out paperwork
for the place you lived before, okay?

Why aren't you in school?

I dropped out.

Oh! Really?

-Hello there!
-Oh, hello!

I'm glad to see you looking so well!

Are your grandma and Hiyori
doing well too?

-Oh, I'm so glad!

Well, I'll be going.

Tell your grandma what I said
about the paperwork!

Take it easy.

Is the house all right?
It's quite old, isn't it?

Not really…

My great-grandfather lived there,
you know?

It had quite a bit of damage…

but Kiwa did some repairs
and says it's all fine now.


Are there any problems?
Do let me know if anything happens.

Kiwa gives me money for rent, you know?

No, it's perfectly fine.

But isn't it a little out of the way?

Do you have a bicycle?

I don't.

And with all the hills,
riding one would be kinda hard.

Do you have your license?

For motorbikes.

No way! Really?

This is my nephew.

Oh… thanks for this.

Not at all. My old man's gone now…

and I quit doing delivery orders.

So if you don't mind it
being so old, use it!

I'll pay you for it.

I'm a little short now, but…

There's no need.

No, I insist.

-It's really fine.

I'm gonna look for a part-time job,
so when I find one, I'll--

You are?

I remembered Tomoko was just
advertising for a part-timer.

Are you in school?

No, I--

She dropped out.

She was all by herself
at the evacuation shelter.

But then her grandma came
and picked her up.

Oh, and Hiyori!
She was alone at the evacuation shelter.

They have the same grandma…

Wait, does that mean…

You and Hiyori's mother or father
are siblings?

I see. You must have gone through a lot.

I can't offer much,
but if you don't mind that…

Thank you very much.

-Welcome home.
-I'm back.

Where did that come from?

Yoshi's relative that runs
a noodle restaurant gave it to me.


I got a job too.


Senda Foods was looking for some help.

That's wonderful!

What's that?

I was thinking of making
some pancakes for Hiyori.

What a great idea!
That would make her happy.

My family used to be
the head fishermen here.

They say there'd be tons of fishing boats…

and lots of fishermen here too.

I'm home!

-Oh, Reiko! Welcome home.
-Welcome back.

This is my grandpa and brother!

This is Hiyori,
the girl in my class I mentioned.

Yeah, the transfer student.

I heard about that.

You've never done the fox dance, right?

How about she play the flute?

Yeah, good idea.

I'll bring it to you later!

This is great!

Makio, it's almost time.

Roger! I guess we'll get started.

Good afternoon, everyone.

-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.

Thank you for making the time
to be here today.

The summer festival has been
canceled this year…

but I'm hoping we can hold
the autumn festival as usual.

I'm sure many of us
are struggling right now.

But even so, let's unite our efforts
and give it our best shot!

So, let's try going through
the musical accompaniment.

Let's sit.

Towards the waves

Coming home


Towards the waves


-Hey, hey!




And I gotta change the address
on my license too…

Yes, I see.

I'll take care of that for you.


But I need a change of address form
for my old place too.

And we're not related.
We have different surnames…

Don't ya mind, now.

I'll figure something out. It'll be fine.

Ah! She's back.

Welcome home.

How was school?


The fox dance?

Ah… it's a traditional ceremony
in Kitsunezaki.

Children dress like foxes
and dance around.

They dance with fox masks on their faces
and ceremonial arrows that purify evil.

If we're so close to the ocean, why a fox?

That can be explained…

with a story that happened
in times of yore…

It was a time before this beach
even had a name.

A sea serpent monster that
could grow eight feet tall…

drifted towards this land.

When people approached the shore on foot,
they were sent flying.

When they came from the sea in boats…

their boats were severed in two
and sunk into the ocean.

When anyone looked at the monster's eyes…

they saw terrifying visions.

The people had no idea what to do,
and then one day…

some foxes showed up
at the house of an old man.

He lived by the beach and had always…

given the foxes fish to eat.

The foxes brought the old man a gift…

a small knife that could cut through evil.

"Use this to s*ab the monster's eyes,"
they said.

The people of the village played music…

and danced with the ceremonial arrows.

Because ceremonial music and arrows…

have the power to weaken evil, you know?

Evil that appears in the human world…

can only be vanquished by humans.

At the cost of one human life…

the monster was defeated.

And ever since then…

this cape came to be called
"Cape Fox Cub."

And they lived happily ever after.

Wow. And that was the start
of the fox dance?

It seems so.


You ran away?

From the fox dance?



She lost both parents at once, didn't she?

They were hit by someone
sleeping at the wheel.

Who's gonna take her now?

-She's got a relative in Kitsunezaki.
-Is that wise?

I mean, she can't speak…

I heard she was the only one who survived.

She's all alone now… Poor thing.


Good afternoon!

A cat?

I was thinking…

since there are no dogs here,
you guys should have one or something.

But I couldn't find one!

Then this cat showed up.

It's soft, so I figured
it was a house cat.

Yeah, a cat's good too!

Can we keep it?

Yeah, that's a good plan.

That's great!

I'm sure it's pleased
to have found a home too.

We'll name it Kofuku.


Kofuku means "tiny luck."

I've had many cats before…

but I always give them that name.

Our good fortune doesn't have to be grand.

I just hope we can find…

small moments of happiness here every day.


This is amazing! It's like a real picnic!

Make sure to eat up, okay?


It's so yummy!

Here's some tea.

Thank you!


No way!

I was probably being too pushy,
wanting you to come along.

Your family are shrine parishioners,
aren't they?

Oh, yes!

My family has organized the festivals
for our guardian deity for generations.

I see!

So do you also help out
with the music and dancing?


I always perform in
the summer and autumn festivals.

Oh, my grandpa asked me to teach Hiyori
the flute part for this year's festival.

But only if she wants to.

Ah, that sounds lovely.

What do you think, Hiyori?

I'm so glad!

This is delicious!

I'm so jealous, Hiyori!

Do you always eat yummy foods?

What are you looking at?

That place over there is called Sodegaura.

There was an Inari shrine
at those three kilns…

but the tsunami washed it away.

It looks like they're surveying
the damage now.

Three kilns?

They're the three coves at Sodegaura.

The first kiln, the second, the third…

The third kiln is huge.

Even a sappa boat can go in!

A sappa boat?

It's that kind of tiny boat.

The inside is hollow, so…

on a nice day,
the water is a pretty, clear blue!


The truth is, there are four kilns.


Four kilns?

It's so deep,
you can't even see it during low tide.

I never knew!

The fourth kiln is
the biggest of them all.

Everyone probably just wanted to forget…

the fourth kiln ever existed.

Well, anyway!

I've got something tasty for dessert!

Yui, we're having some guests over
tomorrow evening.

I'd like to stock up on
a lot more food than usual.

Would you mind lending me a hand?

Sure, but… how many people are coming?

Around seven or eight, I imagine.

They're a bit unusual, though…



Yui, can you make some sort of pasta dish?

Like carbonara?

How wonderful.

Yui can show us
a bit of her cooking magic.

Looks like it's going to rain tomorrow…

Good mornin'!

Thank you for coming all this way.

Oh, come off it! We just came down
the river. It wasn't far at all.

This is a matter of great importance.
We will do whatever we can.

But I've never gone diving
in the sea before…

I wonder if it's the same
as diving in a river?

I'm sure it's easier than being on land!

Probably just a little salty.


My, you surprised me!

I'll introduce you.

-The Sarugaishi River Kappa.

-The Shizukuishi River Kappa.

-Next, the Kitakami River Kappa.

-The Kozuchi River Kappa.

I'm from the Toyosawa River!

I'm from the Mabechi River.


This is my granddaughter, Hiyori.

She's having a bit of a hard time
speaking at the moment.

That's too bad.

If you take it easy,
you'll be able to talk in no time.

No need to worry.

You can see those three openings, right?

There's a fourth opening next to them.

It seems the entrance is below sea level.

Could you go inside it for me?

The thing sealing it is probably gone.

I think the shrine was
a replacement for the real cap.

Ah… removed by the tsunami.

I see!

So you think the cap was taken off.

-Got it!
-All right, let's go!


-Here we go!


Wait, wait.

It's been a busy morning, hasn't it?

I'll have to have you two
help me prepare dinner.

Were you frightened?

You know they're not evil creatures,
don't you, Hiyori?

Even if they are kappa…

a good heart matters most!

Now, let's go wake up Yui.

What exactly have we been making all day?

It's almost all cucumbers!

Well, they're a kappa's favorite food.



You're in on it too?
You don't have a fever, do you?

Thank you so much for your help.

Wash off the salt water at the well first.

Even for you guys, being in the sea
all day must have been difficult.

It was a real pain finding the entrance.
Man, that was rough!

Try to stay calm, Yui.

Kappa are real.

They're not just creatures
from folk tales.

There was something I wanted to check…

so I invited them here.

There aren't many humans that know
kappa are real.

Now you and Hiyori are among
those humans that do.

Since we're a family
and living together now…

I didn't really have a choice
other than show them to you.

Please don't go telling this
to anyone else, of course.

What do you think? Are you angry?

Do you feel sick?

Are you okay, Hiyori?

You're not scared?


If you're okay with it…

I'm okay with it too.

What a great older sister you are.

You're so sincere and tenacious.

I really love that about you.

Well, back to work.

-Pardon the intrusion.
-Excuse us.

-Sorry for barging in.
-Pardon me.

-Forgive our imposition.
-Coming through.

Man, this looks delicious!


So you were able to enter
the fourth kiln, right?

-We did manage to go in.
-Man, it was a huge cavern.

It was just as Granny feared!

We sensed that something
had been sealed there.

It must have run off.
The inside of the cavern was empty.

When the shrine that replaced the cap
got swept away…

the seal must have come undone.

We must stop it before it can do evil!

If it does, call us again. We'll help.

Whoa! What on earth is this? It's amazing!


-It's perfect! More like kappa-rbonara!
-Hey, this is mine!

My granddaughter Yui made it!

-Really? It's so good!

-Quit it, give it back!
-My kappa-rbonara!

-I've seen this before…
-But that one's mine!

-but never tried it.
-Don't ya mind!

-But you're a kappa!
-Aren't you one too?

Granny, who are you?

Are you even a human?

All these strange creatures…

I call them "enigmas."

Very rarely, there are humans…

Who communicate with these enigmas.

-Hey, I wanna sing a song now!
-Don't even think about it…

-You're gonna spoil my dinner.
-Sounds fun! My turn!

-What will you sing?
-They sang it at a school by my river…

and I memorized it all!
It's got dogs and cats…

-It's such a cute song!
-It's "cute"?

Just do a ballad or something!

-Here I go!
-Good grief…

-Oops. I forgot the words.
-How can you forget?

-Thanks for the food!
-See ya!

Come on, you.

I just can't sleep at all.

What the…

She had fun?


What was that? A snake?

I'm going to work.

Oh, that reminds me!
I prayed to a Jizo guardian deity.

What for?

That you and Hiyori will be
able to stay here.

Oh… thank you.

What are you making?


You can make soap?

I put herbs in, so it smells nice too.

It really does smell good!

Teach me how to do it sometime!

I wanna try it.

See you later.

Have a good day.

See you next time!

Thank you for coming.

Could you do a delivery for me?

You can just drive home when you're done.


-Oh, hello!

Oh! I…

Perfect timing!

Those forms I told you about before
had actually already been completed.

I was mistaken.



We're really understaffed at Town Hall.
Sorry for pestering you.

Oh… It's fine.

Senda Foods!

I'm here with your delivery!

Great, thanks so much!

Could you just put it there for me?


That's right, you have rehearsal today.

You doing all right?

How's the motorbike doing?

It's been great.

Good to hear!

You here to observe the fox dance?

So you're gonna join?

No, it's a delivery--

It's more exciting the more people we get!

No, I…

The teens dance while holding
one of these arrows.


But, I…


Thanks for the help today.

Sure. See you next week!

Yui, be extra careful, okay?

Things have been really odd lately!

My poor dog hasn't stopped barking
since last night…

and a neighborhood cat suddenly

Lots of people said
they've seen ghosts recently too!

Murata, the guy from the skewer place…

saw his late wife right at his front door!

Dear, let's get going already.

That was probably the reason
he actually did end up leaving…

And Komiyama said he saw
his neighbor, even though…

she had moved very far away.

You should move too, Komiyama.

You won't miss it.

-It must have been a dream, right?
-It was in broad daylight.

That was kinda freaky.

I wonder if it has to do with
the snake thing yesterday…

The kappa did mention that
a seal was lifted and something came out.

What was it?

Is something there?

What is it? That snake from yesterday?


Yui! Hiyori!


We're very thankful
you two came all this way to help.

These are the lion-dogs that guard
the evacuation shelter shrine.

Oh, I remember!

These lion-dogs are going to
stay with us for a while.

What was that thing before?
With the red eyes?

It happened in times of yore…

During the fox dance story,
I told you about a sea serpent monster.

Because of its eye color,
it was called "Red-Eyes."

Red-Eyes used its eyes…

to make people see terrifying visions.

Visions of their dear friends dying…

Visions of loved ones…

Red-Eyes feasted on the cries
in peoples' hearts and grew bigger…


it drove out everyone else…

from where it decided to live…

so that not a single soul would remain.

In this place, now devoid of people…

the monster would make
a home all to itself.

The monster from the fox dance story…

was this very creature, Red-Eyes.

The fourth kiln is
the biggest of them all.

This story didn't end happily ever after.

"Feasted on the cries in peoples' hearts"?

A heart's cry is full of fear,

sadness, and mournful feelings.

Hiyori, before you came to Kitsunezaki…

you suffered a terrible tragedy, right?

And then you went through the earthquake
after you got here.

You probably felt hopeless and scared…

What kind of things go through
your mind now, Hiyori?


It's not just you, Hiyori.

Whenever anyone goes through
something tragic and terrible…

they think, "Why me?"

It was out of your control.

So don't be so sad.

There are so many feelings
spiraling in this town now.

"If only I did this…"

"If only I didn't do that…"

The loneliness of being unable to see…

those people who are gone.

The guilt of being the sole survivor.

These feelings are now…

piling up, spiraling higher and higher.

Red-Eyes is eating our grief
and building up his power.

Don't ya mind, now.



What now?

What are those?

Ah… Follow me into town for a bit.

I think it's around here…

Ah… That must be it, over there.


Could you turn off that light?

I deeply appreciate you
coming all this way.

This is Tanaka, a Jizo guardian deity
from Morioka.

But what were you thinking,
leaving and coming here?

What kind of chaos is Morioka
going to fall into without you there?

But, Granny! I was so worried!

I had to come for my own conscience!

Look, I get that you were worried.

But you can't help
but stick out like a sore thumb!

All right, I get it.

Don't get so mad at me!

It's not that I'm mad.
I'm grateful, of course.

Where have the others come from, then?

There's the Jizo of sumo fighting spirit…

Zaimokucho's Jizo of business success…

The Jizo from Nishine and Hanamaki…

The Jizo from Ichinoseki…

The pair of lion-dogs from…

the Ikkeijima Shrine in Miyagi.

Then everyone else is all smaller, right?

That's a relief…

But Granny, with how things are…

it may not matter whether
we stand out or not.

When there's serious danger…

we'll all come at once.

Just say the word.

Of course.

Thank you very much.

I haven't gotten a reply from Kana.


Kana said she was
going to Kanagawa Prefecture…

and that she'd write letters
once she got an address over there.

But I haven't heard anything since.

I think she just forgot about me.

I bet she just wants to
forget all about me…

and all about Kitsunezaki…

My mom says Kana just wants to forget
about the earthquake…

and until she does…

she probably can't move on.

She hopes I can understand.

But I'm here…

I'm still here…






You've gotten so good!

You seem to have a natural talent for it.

Oh! Welcome home.

Did something happen?

He came.


My dad.

I ran away.

Living like that…

I was about to break…

So… I left.

Then the earthquake happened.

I always wondered…

Why does this always happen to me?

I always…

wondered that.

Don't ya mind, now.

Didn't I tell you before?

You're so sincere and tenacious.

I really love that about you.

Yui, you get weekends
off at your job, right?

During the next long weekend,
why don't the three of us go to Tono?


We'll get to Tono in this?

Yep, that's right.

How long's it gonna take?

We're going against the current, so…

it'll probably take a day.


It's fun, isn't it?

I'll go as fast as I can.

Don't overexert yourself!

I'm switching with the Toyosawa Kappa
halfway, anyway.

-It's been so long!

Is everyone doing well?

-How have you been, Granny?

I've been doing really well!

Ah, you've been such a big help.
Thank you.

A Mayoiga passed through here
a few times before, right?

If a Mayoiga suits your fancy,
you ought to stay put!

When I was a little girl…

this forest was my playground.

Maybe I was around the same age as Hiyori.

I'd get lost,
and then somehow find my way.

For you see, the house wanders
through the mountains.


There it is.

Isn't this incredible?

This is the oldest Mayoiga, you know?

It's very elegant.


Isn't it?

We'll be spending a little time here.

Does that kid live here?

Oh, that's a house spirit.


Mountain Guardians,
Mountain Man, the Mountain Witch.

The God of the Home and
the Snow Woman came too?

The Ball Spirit from Aomori…

The Persimmon Spirit from Miyagi…

The Fog Spirit from Fukushima…

The Drop-Pot Spirit from Yamagata…

Even the Liquor Spirit from Akita!

Oh my, so everyone came!

Well, we enigmas from all over
the Tohoku region were worried.

This goes beyond Tohoku.

There's a sense of worry all over Japan…
No, all over the world.

Not only the enigmas…

but humans also worry for the area
afflicted by the earthquake.

They are about to face even more troubles.

Red-Eyes wants to run the humans
out of Kitsunezaki no matter what.

We were thinking that…

we'd lie in wait in the mountains of
Kitsunezaki for a little while.

I'll go too!

It's dangerous. Kids can't go.

Please be careful, Granny.

-That's right!
-Please be careful!

Yes, I'll be very careful.

You enigmas coming would give me
a huge peace of mind.

This was the best trip home
I could have asked for.

Well, let's get some dinner, shall we?

Looks like lamb and veggies tonight.

That reminds me…
what are you going to do after this, Yui?


Your future.

Is there anything you'd like to do?

I had never considered it.

Things you'd be interested in,
anything fun you'd want to do…

things you like.

Well, just think about it.

Think deeply on it,
get lost in your thoughts.

If you do that,
you'll probably come across something.

Just like we came across this Mayoiga.

That's how you'll do what you can.

We've all got no choice
but to do what we can.

This is nuts…

She said we'll be staying here a while.

You don't like it here?

Do you want to go home?

Back to our chatterbox Mayoiga?

I see. You're right.

That place is our home…
You, me, and Granny.

Thank you.

So the time has come for me to use this.

Take care of those two.

You see her?

Why? Open up!

Open it!

If you don't…

Don't ya mind, now.

Don't ya mind, now.

We have to go!

Because Granny, she…

I was scared…

so Granny tried to protect us
all by herself…

I know I can't do anything…

I don't have any special powers…


we're a family!



Let's do this, shall we?

What's this?

That's not good!

What's that?


I looked everywhere for you, Yui.


I've been so worried.

Why did you leave so suddenly?

I wish you would have told me
if something was going on.

Why are you so quiet?

Why won't you answer?

We're going home.

Don't touch me!

You're a complete stranger!

I see. You're right.

That place is our home…
You, me, and Granny.




Don't go!

You said we were a family, right?

You said we'd stay together, right?





Let's go!

Let go of me!

I have my own family now!

I have a little sister!

We're going home.

My life is here. I live here.
I'm going to stay here!

Because this place is my home!

Let go of me!

Leave me alone!


Thank goodness.

Hiyori, your voice…

Yeah, I can… talk.

Your voice is so cute.

You can call me "Sis" whenever.

I was… really scared.

I was scared too.

Let's get going. We have to save Granny.



That's right.

I have to go. I have to leave this place.

This knife won't work…

Not when everyone's sadness
has spiraled this much.


You're here?

Granny's in trouble. Hop on.

But what can we do
against a monster like that?

Look over there!

Granny! Are you hurt?

Jizo guardian deity, Tanaka!

If we don't stop the fire, the town…

Yes, it seems to have
fired at the mountains…

to trap our reinforcements there.

Right now, everyone's working
to keep the flames at bay.

It's huge… How on earth can we beat it?

Granny said we have no choice
but to do what we can, but…

The people of the village played music…

and danced with the ceremonial arrows.

Because ceremonial music and arrows…

have the power to weaken evil, you know?

Yui! Follow me!


Everyone has stayed and fought
so hard for nothing…

This is something I can do.


With this simple bow?


Now there's something I can do!

Granny! Hiyori!

It seems no one in town
remembers what happened.

It's quite a relief.

Kind of an odd place to be enshrined.

I guess Red-Eyes had something
it wanted to cry out too.

What are you planning to do now, Granny?

Will you go somewhere?


Oh, you're awake?

You slept for quite a while.

I was afraid your eyelids
would stick together.

I'm so glad to hear your voice.

Please don't go.

Please stay with us.


I lost my parents early in life too…

but with everyone's help,
I managed to carry on.

After traveling to so many places…

I made myself a family.

Unless you two decide that
you want to leave Kitsunezaki…

I'll be here.

Even if I go somewhere else…

I'll always come back here.

I love this place…

It's become my hometown.

I want to visit Tono again!

I want to play with the house spirit…

thank the kappa for everything…

and I want to see
the lion-dogs and Tanaka again!

So you like the enigmas too?

Well, I am your granddaughter!

That's right.

I made friends with the enigmas
when I was a kid too.

It might be unusual, but…

unusual things happen every day.

You will truly treasure
those relationships, Hiyori…

Just like I do.

What? Does that mean
Hiyori's gonna be like you one day?

Well, that's no big shock!

She is my granddaughter, after all.

She's bound to take after me.

That reminds me…

there's something I want to show you two.

It's a cherry blossom tree.

I found it washed up on the beach
and planted it here.

I don't know whether
it will get tall or not.

But this tree found its way here…

and took root.

Will its flowers bloom?

Of course, they will.

And its flowers will be
absolutely beautiful.
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