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Lu Over the Wall (2017)

Posted: 02/10/24 16:09
by bunniefuu
Ashimoto, is that you? So cool!

Uho UFO\SEIREN Band\Vocal and Bass\Hinashi Town

Cool! Could merman actually be Ashimoto?

Kunio 920\Playing guitar in the SEIREN band\Hinashi Town

There's sand in this.

I've properly soaked them in water though.

You better open them with
a Kn*fe before soaking.

I'll soak them longer next time.

Signed up for any summer activities?

This summer is very important for you.

So study properly.

And stay away from the sea.

They come here through
the breach in the wall.

Come on, Grandpa.

There are mermaids in this sea...

Grandpa, Kai is not going
out to the sea anyway.

Good morning, Hinashi Town!

Starting at 2AM today, a workshop on fish-freezing
is going to be held at the public hall.

Please come and participate!

Good morning, Ashimoto-kun!


Why so glum?


And you're too cheery!

Good morning, star!

Huh, Grandma Tako is at it again!

When she was young, her
boyfriend d*ed at sea...

Yeah, that's rough...

Good morning, Uho!

Good morning!

How are you doing?

Everything's great!

Uho, good morning.


Good morning!


Did you know that Isaki-senpai was
the one doing the announcements?

Huh? That one?

Yeah, I'm shocked too.

And she said she'd definitely
become a model in Tokyo...

I wish I could leave this town sooner...

Uho-chan! Want a lift to school?

What about a lift home after school?
I'll wait!

Let's go out to play some time!

Ashimoto-kun! Wait!

Ashimoto-kun, are you in a band?


Join our band then! We are
short on members again!

Help us with your skills!

I didn't even know you were this good!

I was suspecting you had a hidden talent!

You're so different from
the other people here.

Maybe because you were born in Tokyo?

I can't play any instruments.

We're fine with just recordings!

I'm the guitarist and Uho is the bass player,
we don't have a drummer or key player, so...

But if you do the arrangement...

Who knew that you were THE merman.

Always a surprise to find
talented people living so close.

I figured you out by the phone case
and the boat in the background.

Did you delete it because
of my weird comment?

I do music only to k*ll time.

There you go again, don't you like music?

No, I don't.

I'm telling you, it's
definitely gonna be fun!

Just come see us practice once.

We gather at the Mermaid Isle in secret.


A secret rehearsal behind the Okage Rock.

Pass them to the front.

What'd you choose?

Me - Hinashi High.

What about you, Kai?

I didn't.

What? You're not going to high school?

I didn't like any of them.

So cool! I'll do that too!


Aww, I can't erase it.

Ashimoto! Stop slacking off!

Yes, sir...

If you can't go out to sea, you'll
properly work on the shore!

To Ashimoto Kai

From Mom

Okage Rock

Mermaid Isle

There's an old rumor, saying that mermaids
live in the underwater cracks of Okage Rock.

The rock's shadow creates comfortable
conditions both for them and the fishermen.

Plenty of ships have sunk in the area, which
makes sea navigation problematic to this day.

People try not to come near that island, even
though it's home to rare varieties of shellfish.

In order to protect themselves from the mermaids,
humans have sealed all of the breaches in Okage Rock.

Hinashi has a tradition of hanging sea urchin
shells painted white near the walls of the house

in order to fend off the mermaids,
who are afraid of the Sun.

They are considered monsters of
the sea, who consume humans...

and lure ships in with
their mysterious songs.

We practice at the Mermaid Isle!

That safety jacket is so lame!

Kai can't swim so it's okay for him.

It suits him actually.


Well, we're friends now!

It's okay if I call you Kai, right?

It's not like I've joined your band yet.

Then why'd you come with us?

By the way, our band's name is SEIREN!

I checked it on the app a couple of times,

if you swim between the
rocks you should be fine!

Why here?

Kunio has to keep his band practice
a secret from his parents.

Welcome to SEIREN's practice base!

This is a siren, a two-tailed mermaid.
Some people say they had wings too.

A long time ago my grandpa has
built this amusement park.

It even has a stage - just for us!

Kai said that he prepared something too!

Eeh? So you're with us after all?

Just for today.

Aren't you too far away?

One, two...

Always, always together...

Always, always I want to...

Hug me.

How's that?

Awesome, Uho!

We just need drums and keys, and
we will have a real band sound!

How'd you like it, Kai?

Going overboard with the vocals,
no voice at higher notes.

If you focus on the little things
so much, it won't be fun at all...

Also, you don't have any rhythm whatsoever.

That's so mean!

You just don't get it!


Hey, you've just joined and
already have said too much.

I haven't joined anything though.

Who cares?

Uho, what about the second song?

Not bad!

Lu's Dawn-Greeting Song

You even prepared the vocals beforehand?


That was an awesome song though!

What, you mean the sirens of the
Mermaid Isle came to do the vocals?

I will sink your ship with my singing!

At last, here we are!

Let's go already!

What was that voice earlier?

It wasn't you?

So the sirens did come from
the bottom of the sea!

You're not even going to apologize?

Just a "sorry".


Nah, it's okay.

Ahh, we have the swimming
competition tomorrow...

I wish the school'd just burn down.

The thought is nice, but I
don't think it's gonna happen.


Oh, sh**t!

Wait a sec!

Seen anything?

Nope, nothing! No poaching whatsoever!


Stop, you've violated the law!

You know you can't fish here!

Huh, isn't that Uho?

Ebina Uho? The daughter
of the fishery's chief?

What are you staring at?

Don't you make us mad!

What the-?

Kunio, let's go, come on!

That was close!

Dang, I have to get home soon.

Take care of it please.

How long are you going to hide it?

It's not okay for a priest's
son to play in a rock band...

I want to debut on a live concert or
a competition and get famous soon!

Okay, let's do that!

Anyway, we have both drums and keys now!

Welcome to the band!

No, I...


You too, Kai!

Ready? Don't shout too much though!

Let's go!

We are SEIREN, fait-o, fait-o!

I'm back.

Welcome home.


Why'd you start making umbrellas?

Hinashi Town always had
really volatile weather.

There's a saying "You can forget your
lunch, but don't forget your umbrella"

An umbrella is a really handy thing.

Useful even when the sun is out.

Even the fishermen use them
nowadays - so I have to make them.

Grandpa, you have seen them, right?

The mermaids...

Same as the ones in the encyclopedia.

Have YOU seen them?

Umm... No...

They definitely are somewhere out there.

They come when the sun isn't here.

Are you not sailing anymore
because you're afraid of them?

I'm home!

Kai... Have you been to the Mermaid Isle?

I heard you've joined Uho's band.

We only have umbrellas
and fish in this town.

Our grandpa is one of
the last fishermen too.

So you should study well to find
a proper job in the future.

Ebina Fishery


Kai! What about the food?

Don't come close to the sea!

They're attracted to music!

So stubborn.

Dad's band?


Are you going to eat me?

You won't?

You can understand me?


Lu won't eat!





No, my name is Kai...

No, my name is Kai.

No... Kai.



Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai! Kai!

My phone...

Thank you!

Swim faster! The girls
are catching up to you!

What, so tired you can't answer me?

If it's so hard then keep swimming!

Kai! At least don't lose to my Pappy!





What happened?

I once thought that the Hinashi Bay is too
crowded to fish in and tried the open sea!

And how right I was!

I've been to Tokyo once, when I was a
dancer. It's not that simple living there.

We had a lot of talented guys,

but how many do you think
became succesful there?


So, I gave up dancing and came back here...

Life is so mysterious!

Nothing went well for me in Tokyo,

but I guess it's good I got to see my
town from a different perspective!

You guys shouldn't strain
yourselves either!

Try a lot of different things!

That's all!

Oh, aren't you Ashimoto's son?

So your mother is Naoko!

She was a fine woman!

Teruo got a band together to impress her and then they
left for Tokyo. I heard she's still a dancer there!

Excuse me, it's about time to...

Sorry, no idea what happened next!

Just forget it!

Umm... Don't forget to properly behave
throughout the summer vacation...

All of you have high school entrance exams
coming up, so don't forget to study well.

We will see each other again this fall.

A parasol? Isn't it cool outside?

It's okay!


Are you coming for the repetition?

Let's go somewhere together!
Since it's summer vacation!

Nice idea!

I'll come for the repetition.

I've found an interesting song.

So, you will do the band thing?

As expected of a son of a
musician and a dancer...

Okay! I'm the understanding kind of person!

Let's practice!

Let's meet near the stairs then?

I'll mail you after prep school!


It came back!

Today at 4 PM the fourth fish-freezing
workshop will commence.

Again that workshop?

And the young'uns still
don't want to do it...


The children these days, they are
afraid to even touch the fish...

Stay well, faito!

This melody seems familiar...

And it's hard to figure out by ear...
Got any note sheets?

You can read notes, Uho? Awesome!

That's Lu!


I need to get the rhythm...

Lu! Come to us!





She knows you? And can talk?


This is Lu.

The one on the left is Uho,
the right one is Kunio.

Stop, don't tell her!

Uho! Kunio!

She remembered us!

But a mermaid... Isn't she dangerous?

She's so small... And only
dressed in seaweed...

Is this okay?!


You sure?

She returned my phone.

From the bottom of the sea?!


Was she the one who
helped us yesterday too?

She helped me during the
competition as well.

Stop the engine.

What's happening?

First time I'm seeing the
town from this high up!


Nobody can know about this.

It'd cause an uproar.

Fine. I'm the secretive
kind of person anyway.

Me too.

That song earlier was really nice!

What's it called?

Does it have any lyrics?

Hey, I think YOU should sing it!

Even if you can't sing. Just
do it the way you feel it!

Breathe life into it!


See you tomorrow, Lu.

Lu... I'll be late...

{\an8}To Naoko from Teruo

Those are just painted shells,
are you afraid of them?

They say if you put your hand inside and
make a wish it will definitely come true.

What did you wish for?

For Lu to get along with everyone!

Do you like it?




Nope, not eating...

That's, umm... A sign of love...


It's when someone is special for you.

Did Kai love?

No... Never.




Love! Love! Love! Love! Love! Love!


Love! Love! Love! Love!


You seem to love everything.

Me, I actually don't love
anything or anyone in this town.


Are there any other mermaids besides you?


Huh, so you do have a father.

What about your mom?

She was eaten.

Net... Boat...

I see.

My mom is gone too.

Was she eaten?

She left.

When I was little.

The same! Lu and Kai are the same!

It's the dogs.


They all are in there.

Can you eat them?


Those dogs don't have any owners.

Let's go, the sun is coming out.

Are you going to eat them?

Hey! Wait up!

Hey! Hey! Lu!



They really are weak to the sunlight...

Okay, let's go fishing!


Your grandson?

He's gotten so big!

Where did you go?

To Kunio's house. I mailed you.

Mailed me late at night!
You could've at least...


You too...

Had a band, right?

S-s-stop playing around and go study!

If anyone asks, I stayed
over at your place.

You, no way... With Uho?

With Lu.

With Lu?

Did it go well?

Oh! Kai-kun!

So you want to know more
about the mermaids...

Ah, yeah.

For summer homework?

Yeah, something like that.

Let's see...

There's a reason why we
revere the mermaids.

Many stories of old say that
the Sun is deadly for them.

One story in particular tells of a mermaid being
b*rned alive at the peak of that mountain.

At that time, the water has risen and flooded
everything in the shadow of Okage Rock.

They say the flood washed the
mermaid's remains away...

The inhabitants of the village decided that it was
Okage's Curse and built another temple atop the wall.

And that's what connects the
people of this place to mermaids.

But I've actually never seen a
single mermaid in this place!

Maybe I'm bald because of that curse?

I think that might be
coming for Kunio as well...

Stop it! I'm definitely
not going bald ever!

I'm spending too much
on your shampoo anyway.

Those are necessery expenses!

If you're interested, I
might try finding more.

Thank you very much!

If you know of any ways to combat
premature balding, tell Kunio!

Shut up!

That's not funny!

If you have it in your
genes, you'll go bald too...

Stop it! Hope is always alive!

There's no hope here.

First time I'm seeing you laugh.

You were so boring all the time
and now you even joined the band.

It's all about hope. I'm a ray of hope!

Oi, oi!

Stop! Stop already!



Dear inhabitants of Hinashi Town...

So loud!

Singer's ballad

Singer's ballad

Oh, yeah...

You don't have to be afraid
of the sun when it's raining.

Ah, singing is...

Not difficult at all.

You just leave everything to your voice...

And empty your head.

Ah, when I close my eyes...

My heart at once remembers

All those nostalgic times...

And the days we've spent together.

I've never used a boat alone...

Circles! Circles! Circles!

Circles! Circles!

The umbrella?


Circles! Circles!

Sorry! The flash...

Ah, umm...

I can't swim!

Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa! Papa!

So many...

Lu! I can't swim!



No, I'll drown!

Don't struggle!

Don't struggle!

No, no, I can't float...

Swim-swim... Swim-swim!



Don't struggle! Don't struggle!

I'm not drowning?

No way!

I thought of drowning...
and started drowning.

That means...

Dad, think it over once more!

Don't even try.

How is that even possible?

The great outside!

In these situations you
need a bit of fresh air!

And the days we've spent together...

Kai! Kai!

Are you listening to me?

I was!

Not you!


You've changed, Kai. You were
cooler when you didn't smile.

Uho wants to organize a live gig.

Please understand the Chief's feelings.
He's given most of his life to the company!

He was the one to restore it after
the failure that was Mermaid-Land!

He has built the company from the ground up, providing
people of this community with fish and fish accesories.

There's no fish left in the bay...

Even getting shark fins
has gotten difficult...

That's why we need to work the open seas!

Fuguta said so too!

Fuguta just lucked out...

Oh! Teruo's son!

You okay?


Thanks for giving us work!

Nou puroburem!

Stop discussing the inner works
of the company in the open!

Makes it look like business is bad.

Father! Maybe we could have Uho's band
perform during the lantern festival?

She and her friends are
in a band named SEIREN!


Sirens - the mermaids.

Why not?


Thank you very much!

Kunio, are you part of the band too?

Ah, no...

I'm happy for Uho!

See you!


This is SEIREN's debut!

It's because my grandpa is
a mega-super-president!

Isn't the lantern festival held as a
memorial for those who d*ed at sea?

Yes! The whole town will be there!

I'll pass.

It's already decided though!

If it's decided - then there's no choice!

I want to perform in front of everyone!

I know, right?

I'd like to keep the fact that
I do music a secret though.

That's right, I have that problem too.

What if we disguise you?

That'd be okay, right, Kai?

Let Lu sing! If it's her,
everything will work out great!

Not me?!

Why even show a mermaid to humans?

I've got an idea!

Let us thank the ancestors for providing
us with a rich fishing coast!

We are grateful for the bounty of the sea.

This was a really bad idea.

We'll definitely be found out.

It'll be okay if you don't raise a fuss.

Why do I have to lipsync her singing?

Thanks to you, Hinashi
Town exists to this day!

Thank you, Okage!


My body is moving on its own!

Can't stop!

Dammit, Kai! Stop the music!

I'm trying...


What's that?


So cool!

She's cute...

Keep going, Kai!


Who's that?

So cute!


Did you see that?

That's a mermaid!

Kunio! The box!

No names!

Hey, wait!

Stop them!

Are you serious?

Where are you going?

Wait up!

Just go!

Come on!

Just a sec...


Can't she manipulate water?

Not while the sun is out.

I'm done!

Kai! Don't talk like that!

Don't go to the sea! And
don't play any instruments!

Music lures them in!

Where's that dancing little girl?


Was that CGI?

Didn't she grow a tail?

I'd like to see that!

Look! They got me too!

Mermaid singing and dancing?

Look at the views!

That's just the beginning!

Hey, you're from that band, aren't you?

What about these two?

The video is getting popular...

Could you give us an interview?

I'm not with them...

Uho, we need to talk.


They are from our town, so please come to
the town hall if you want any information.

Are you one of them too?

They don't need us two, right?

We're very interested in your
part of the story as well.

Could you let Uho go? We'd continue
with the other two afterwards.


I'm not leaving without them.


Could you tell us everything
you know, please?

Was that a magic trick?

Man, that was a great show!

Very fitting for the Mermaid Town!

Yeah, and even the name
of the band is SEIREN.

Who was that girl, Uho?

Oi, you.

If being nice with you doesn't
work, we can get rough too.

Let's go outside.

So sorry about that. We just want to
hear anything you guys have to tell.

Hinashi Town's mermaid
legend is extremely old.

And it has always worked great
at attracting tourists.

I've tried building the
Mermaid-Land amusement park...

It was a failure.

Back then people were still
afraid of the mermaids.

But now we have a cute, dancing
and singing little mermaid!

She will be a great mascot for this town!

That was just a girl in a mermaid costume.

Right, Uho?

No, that was a real mermaid!

If they actually exist, then
we have a big problem...

They do!

Well, anyway... That mermaid-looking girl would be
a great face for the town's marketing campaign.

And what about me?

You will get famous too!

Uho, I beg you!

Please, tell your Grandpa about her!

Hey, you!

Anyone who mingles with
mermaids doesn't end well!

Gramps, we're not talking
about ACTUAL mermaids.

They have lived here since forever!
I've seen them!

They ate my mother!

That again?

Right now, even if it's a ghost or a deep-sea fish,
if they look good - they can represent this town!

It's all about the image.

They eat people!

No, they don't...

Mermaids ate my mother...

They come to the sound of music!

Your cute little lips...

And my dry lips...

When they come together...




Ashimoto is right!

If we let them roam free,
people will suffer!

My beloved also was eaten by a mermaid!

Calm down, you too! They even keep
sharks in aquariums these days.

If we do this properly, even mermaids...

Dad! Mermaids don't exist!

Forget about town renovation!
Just let it continue as it is!

This town needs change!

Okay, grandpa, grandma, go back home now.

Don't underestimate the mermaids!

They will eat someone again!

Don't let your guard down!

Yeah, yeah, we got it...

Mermaids exist!

You understand me too, right?

We just wanted to surprise everyone. Since the
band is called SEIREN, we made a mermaid costume.

It was a mermaid...

Even if it's a costume or whatever...

We won't even get mad at you
for disrupting the ceremony.

Just tell us about this mermaid!

The costume fell into the sea.

And we won't be able to
make another one like that.

That was not just a costume.

It seems we will have to
talk like this again.

TL: Stop Grandpa bullying pls.

I hereby announce an emergency meeting
regarding the Mermaid Marketing Project.

Good idea.


Ah, singing is...

Not difficult at all.

Man, they just won't leave us alone...

Well, I can understand that -
everyone danced during the ceremony!

Sorry about the situation
with your grandpa.

Lying feels really bad.

It's really hard for me to keep it secret
from Papa and Grandpa for me too...

I'm not the lying kind of person...

Lu will definitely be popular!

We need to properly introduce
her to the townsfolk!

She won't harm anyone! Grandpa
and grandma are wrong about her.

Even my Grandpa is eager to finish with
his Mermaid-Land restoration project!

He plans to make an amusement
park for anyone and everyone!

But my dad hates mermaids.

And so they argue every day...

Everyone at home is on
edge because of this.

He said it was a failure
the previous time...

I don't even want to return home...

But at least the Mermaid-Land
construction is going full-speed!

Grandpa is even planning the
opening ceremony already!

He wants us to perform again!

And Lu too, of course!

Please don't drag Lu into this anymore.

I now it's better to stay safe,

but Lu herself probably wants
to get along with everyone.

And she got a very warm reception anyway.

We can introduce her to Grandma
Tako and Kai's grandpa!

And honestly tell them everything!

Lu can't handle the sun!

We can just say that she's a creature,
that has to stay in the shade.


It's dangerous!


You used the parasol to
stay out of the sun, right?

And she even has feet while
the music is playing...


Do you want to dance with people again?


Do you like to sing and dance?


Let's do that again!
Everyone will like you!

Everyone... loves... Lu?

Yeah! All of these people are watching you!

There's a lot of them!

Just like Lu!

We will sing on the Mermaid Isle!

It seems that my grandpa has liked
mermaids for a long time now!

And everyone in this town too!

Lu made friends, made
friends with everyone!

Calm down, Lu!

But for now we will keep it a secret...

He's late...

Fish-freezing workshop

- Greetings! The alotted time has already passed. Will there be a fish-freezing class today?
- Maybe he's bored already?

Or maybe he's forgotten all about it?

You shouldn't forget it like that.

Hey, big guy, where'd you come from?

Stop it...

So this guy is the instructor?

The fish-freezing one?

That was quick!

I didn't even blink!

And it's coming out neat.


This one too!





I thought he was going to teach us...

This one is for us to remember!

Isn't he a fast one...

Oi, it's burning!


So the sunlight is a no-go?

I guess it gets spoiled
faster in the sun...

Hey, there's no more fish!

It's finally over!

Thank you very much!

Now we just need to deliver it.

Our first delivery!

Ah, you're done already?



What the-?

What's that?


This weird catch is
probably Fuguta's fault.

Sorry! Forgot my phone and ran late.
You guys ready?

What? So you're the instructor?

Okay, let's see some of
the actual problems...

For example...

This angle is alpha.

The first leg equals... let's say, 3.

The second is 4.

The hypotenuse equals five.
It's a right triangle.

What's the answer then?


Ah, yes...

The sine is four fifths.

The cosine is...

Three fifths.

The tangent is...

Eh? Do you need to stand up?

This fish is so fresh,
it's still twitching!

Maybe it's still alive?

Probably not, since it's pickled.

But it is freshly frozen!


Alive, isn't it? So fresh it still moves!

Because it's freshly frozen!

Kai! We've been waiting for you!

We just came back from the meeting.

It was so cool!

The scene was enormous and
the ceiling was so high up!

They showed us the dress
they prepared for Lu!

It was so cute!

Hey! Are you really skipping our performance
at the Mermaid-Land's opening ceremony?

- Your dad will definitely allow it. Even I will go!
- We don't need mermaids! We're against Mermaid-Land!

This might be our big debut!
It's definitely going to be fun!

I'm not doing the band thing anymore. I
don't want to make a huge commotion either.

Well, Lu will perform! Since
she thinks you'll be on stage!

At least answer the messages!

Like before!

Kai is glum again...

Are you definitely not going?

It's okay. Even if I go
it won't change anything.

You need to get out more. Not
just to the prep school.

I'm leaving the food here.

Good morning, dear
inhabitants of Hinashi Town!

Today is the day of the Mermaid-Land
Grand Opening Ceremony!

Your cute little lips...

And my dry lips...

When they come together...

My heart rejoices!

We're against the Mermaid-Land!


Protect Hinashi Town's fishing!!



Ashimoto! What the heck are you doing?

We're definitely against Mermaid-Land!


Protect Hinashi's future!


The Grand Chair Race...

in celebration of the
Mermaid-Land opening...

is about to begin!

Three, two, one...

All of the participants have begun to move!

It's going to be a close race!

Good luck!

A fall! We have the first
fall on the seafront!

Lu's father?

But I've already...

Kai, do you know him? This is our
new fish-freezing specialist.

He's really awesome, isn't he?

I'm always looking at you from the stage.

Tomorrow, today and any other day...

I only think about your heart!


At my steps!

At my movements.

I dance for you to look at me!

The voice seems different.

Where's that little girl?

This isn't interesting at all...

Uho-chan, move a bit forward!

Always, always, always want to see you...

Always, always feeling lonely...

That's how high I'm jumping!

Always, always, always with you...

Always, always, I want to be...

Hug me!

What about your son?

He said he's too busy studying today...

Have YOU ever talked honestly
about what you actually want?

She's bad at this...

Stop it! She's afraid of the light!

Don't stand up!

Get away from the stage!




Calm down, please!

A real mermaid!


Are you okay?

The music doesn't stop...


I'm not playing but the music doesn't stop!


Professional musicians?!

For insurance's sake! They're only
high school students after all!

She's afraid of the flashes!



A real one!


A real mermaid?



She's swimming!

Is she going to jump?

Making friends with everyone!

Everyone is here only for Lu...

There's an interview after this...

You even prepared a different
band in advance...

Reporters from all over the country!

I'm going home!



Kai! So it is you, Kai!

You came after all!

Everything went great!

Papa is organizing a
press-conference for us!

Come with us, Kai!

Everyone is here for Lu alone.

I know that! But us too...

Uho! You only think about yourself!

It's too early for you to perform
in front of other people.

Hey, that's too much!

This band will never achieve anything!

And nothing you try will help!

You do understand Uho's
singing is atrocious, right?

Who the hell do you think you are?

YOU are the egoist here.

You ditched us when we needed you the most!

Stop it!

This is the worst.

We're trying so hard...

We shouldn't have invited you
to join us in the first place!

It's over between us!

Stop me! Just say "wait" and that's it!

They say she was washed
away with the pool water.

Nobody got injured, so that's good.

They say mermaids have
these weird powers...

It's alive!

Because it's freshly frozen!

It's burning!

Because it's freshly frozen...

If a mermaid bites a dog, that
dog also becomes a mermaid!


It's all that mermaid's fault! They say
she can even turn fish into mermaids.

That means people too?

What if she bites my child?

But he can't swim!

Mermaids lure people into the
sea and then eat them up!

Mermaids... The mermaids have eaten them...

Ate all of them...

The heck is this?

Dad... Why'd you divorce Mom and
come back to this barren town?

I like it here...

Even though me and your mom have gone our
separate ways, we still support each other.

Hinashi Middle School
third grade student...

Ebina Uho has gone missing.
If you have any information...

please contact her family!


She's not here!


We've found Uho's phone.

This is her last message.

Which means she was att*cked by a mermaid!


Didn't I tell you?!

They're here to have their revenge!

This was obvious from the start!
The mermaids ate her!

Fuguta's fish is coming back to life!

It's all the mermaids' fault!

If... If something happened to Uho!

What a dumb idea it was - to make
a mermaid the face of this town!

Hinashi is done for!

There's nothing good in the open sea!

We should've stuck to the traditions!

Where does that mermaid usually appear?

Find her!


You sure you don't want to go back home?

I mean, I heard the announcement
that you've gone missing...

I come back home - and there you are.

The whole town is in chaos...


I don't have anywhere to go and I've
thrown my phone away into the sea...

Eat up! I have to get up early tomorrow...

Is it good?

Here's some more!

I plan to rebuild this place into a cafe
and make the second floor a hostel.

Maybe try my hand at tourism.

So, being an announcer
is not enough for you?

I didn't want to return from Tokyo, only to
be laughed at, but I actually like it here...

You're not honest with yourself.

The truth is always somewhere inside.


They say you were eaten by a mermaid...

And they even caught said mermaid...

Can't we go inside?

They put her in a cage.

Poor mermaid!

I want to see the mermaid again!

Is there a mermaid inside?

Get rid of her already!

Yeah! That's right!

What'd you do to Uho-chan?

Lu made friends! With everyone!

You didn't actually eat her, right?
Didn't bite her, right?

Friends with Kai, Uho! Friends!

Are you eating people with
that happy face of yours too?!

She's so small, how could she eat anyone?

Nah, she's at least as big as a wolf! It's scary to
live in a town where you can meet this kind of monster!

That big guy is also fishy!

I heard freshly frozen
fish doesn't die now!

He has a parasol on him all the time,
which means he's afraid of the sun!

Bring him here too!

Excuse me, Chief! The priest wants to
have a meeting regarding the mermaid.

And who do you think made him the priest?
Don't let him inside.

This is a real mermaid we're talking about! If you
do something to her, all of us will be cursed...

What about Uho?

You didn't actually eat her?

Right? Right?

Kai, Uho, Kunio - friends! Friends!

Shut up!

These mermaids sink ships, interfere with
our fishing, probably even eat people!

What did you do to Uho?

If you won't talk... If
you don't want to talk...

Open the ceiling!

He's platinum mad, on fire
and heading your way!

No, papa! Stop it!


Uho! I'm so glad you're okay!

Are you unharmed?

I'm fine!


Stop him then! Don't let
him get close to us!

Another one!

So huge!

Cower them with the bell! The bell!

Stop it already! Let Lu go!

I ran away because I was jealous of her!
She's not at fault here!

Uho, go back home! Hey!


No... Papa... Please!

Let'me go!

Get off!

The mermaids... I'm always suffering
because of these freaking mermaids!


That's the Curse of Okage!

Everyone! Evacuate to higher places!

The water... It's rising!

Uho! You okay?

Because of me... Lu...

And I don't know where Kai is!

No way to contact him either...

I guess it's about time we told everyone!

Let's go!

Uho-san, wait!

I'll get scolded for this!

Excuse me, President...


Isaki-senpai said she's coming!

Open, huh?

Everyone, this is Ebina Uho!

Speak slowly, one word at a time!

I was...

not eaten...

by any...


The mermaid...


likes music...

dances well...

And is a good kid.

Me and her...

are friends...

played together...

in a band this summer...

Circles, circles!



Is being held...

in the old pool...

under the bell!

Save Lu!


is misunderstanding her!


You know it...

better than anyone!

Lu is kind...

and just wants...

to be friends!

Tell them...

the truth!

It's safe, if you swim between the rocks!

Friends with everyone, everyone!

That's my favorite song...


How'd you know?

Because I'm always only thinking about you!

Just kidding!

The road is about to be flooded! The water
is rising, we need to evacuate everyone...

Thanks, Kunio!

I love you!

Of course, they can't come true...

All of my dreams at once.

We understand that, and you do too...

Even if the sky is about to collapse.

I will accept that.

And that means everything is fine

Even though it's just a lie...

I don't want to grow up...

Don't give up! Don't give up!

Both victory and loss...

Are equally important.

Fight! Fight!

You only live once.

When you look back...

At the days of your youth...

You will only see warm memories.

Don't give up! Fight!

Let your life burn brightly!

In this reality...

I will keep on living.

Fight! Don't give up!

We only have so many days...

But we have to let the flowers bloom...

Let the flowers bloom...

I'm going to help Lu!

Yeah, me too!

Sorry, young man...

I'm leaving this place in your care, since
I have to evacuate people on the bus!

Good job, DJ!


Kai! I...

Sorry, Uho. I only thought about myself.

And thank you for the broadcast.

I will save Lu.

Wanna help?

But I can't do anything...

That's wrong! You just have to say:

«I'm the kind of person
who can do anything!»


Let's go! That's a good song by the way.

Hey, stop!

Let him in! My family owns this building!


That's my son.

I just thought of calling for you.

You can do as you see fit.

Say what you really think.

Don't be afraid of the consequences.
I've had some rough times in my life...

but I don't regret any
of the choices I've made.

And also... I'm really glad
that mermaids are real!


Let's open the shutters!

Isn't it broken?

It doesn't move!

Has to work...

We won't lose to the young'uns...

What's happening?

It's them! They've opened the shutters!


Is the mermaid dead?

Papa! Papa!

Papa! Papa!

We're saved!

Phew, I thought we're done for.



What are you doing to the children?

Get your hands off us!

That light is similar to natural sunlight,
which means you can't do your weird magic!

Douse the lamps in water!

No! They're getting away!

What, you're going to leave us behind?


Lu, I'm so sorry. I...

Uho, Lu are friends! Friends!

I'm so glad...

Kai! Friends! Friends!

Everyone, the water is rising!
Evacuate immediately!


Don't rush it. Calm down and go slowly.

Hurry up! We have to catch them!

The water is rising!

The water...

is rising.

The town will be flooded.

Keep calm...

and get to a high place.

Let's go, come on!

I'm worried for my family...

I wonder if mine is okay?

Leave - and get fired, stay
- and I will pay you extra!

The town is being flooded!

Lu! Can't you stop this?

This isn't the mermaids' doing.

It's the Curse of Mt. Okage.

That's why the water is only
on this side of the rock.

We're evacuating to the
school grounds! Get in!

Maybe we should run too?

Granny! Wake up!

Takashi! Mitsuo! Get in the car now!

But muh PC! The data will be gone!


This is the Okage Curse after all!

Only the town will get flooded!


There they are! Ready the nets!
We're catching those mermaids!

They say the town is getting flooded!

It's the curse!

The mermaids are mad!

That's because we caught her!

Turn around!

We're getting out of here!

What are you...?

I can't believe these people!

Uho, get on!

Grandpa! Hold it steadily!

This helicopter has more
propellers than a JSDF one!

I'm going down!


So he can swim after all!

We're on!


Is she trying to save everyone?

The land is that way! That way!

It's Grandma Tako!

Watch out, Lu!


Run away, Lu!

Tako, hey, Tako!

It's me!

It's me. Do you recognize me?

I'm a mermaid [merman?] now.

TL: Ara, ikemen ja!

Save me!

Whew, saved.

No! What?

Thank you...

What about dad?

Save us!

Oh, he's fine.

The mermaids aren't evil.

One of them saved me when
I was drowning at sea.

Why haven't you visited me earlier?

Come with me, Tako!

Let's go!

I've become a mermaid!

Do as I say!

Abandon your cars!

If possible, get on a boat!

Assist children and the elderly!

Try and get to higher places!

It's the usual girl!

Get up here!

Can you swim? Come on!





We're saved...

Two more, good...

Grandma, where are you?

Yeah-yeah, I'm being helped now...

They won't eat us, right?


Thank you!

I'm so tired...

Lu and her dad are already
at their limit...

That's enough, Lu...

Everything will be okay!


The sun is out! We need to hurry!



Get me down.

Kai, you go cheer up Lu and the others.

President, drop me down too.


Here we go...

Thank you, uncle!


Is something wrong?

Let me help too, please!


Fly me to the Mermaid Isle, please!


This is Isaki.

Keep calm and stay afloat!

There are no waves, so you should be okay!

Help is coming. The mermaids are
lending us their strength too.

Relax and wait!

TL: Best girl, right there.
[Isaki, not Uho].

There's no echo here.

This is Uho.

The mermaids are here to help us!

They are kind!

Don't worry!

You can trust them!

You will definitely be saved!

A little bit more.

It's okay, Pappy-chan! They
will definitely come for us!

Ah! Pappy!

Don't abandon me!

I can't swim! Pappy!

It's you!

I really didn't mean to abandon you...



There we go.


Ah, singing is...

Not difficult at all!

You just leave it to your voice...

And don't think about anything at all.

Ah, when I close my eyes...

My heart at once remembers...

All those nostalgic times...

And the days we've spent together.

The biggest truth is...

Always hidden in the song!

And the familiar awkward words...

I couldn't tell you all along!

Today I sing again and think only of you!

The words I couldn't say
are going to come through

It won't take long, so please, just listen:

I love you!


Thank you...

Everyone loves you very much, Lu!

Umm... Me too... I love you too...

Love! I love you!

I love you so much!

That's why... That's why I want
to always be by your side!

Lu loves! Loves, loves!

Loves, kisses, loves. Lu loves! Lu...

Loves Kai!

And now, a dance to
celebrate our friendship!

Okage Rock is gone... The mermaids
can't stay here any longer...



It's so bright!

Good luck!

This is Chief Ebina's present.

Hey, today's soup is really good!

That's because I properly
washed the sand out!

I'm going to Yamamuko High.

I want to see some new places.

That doesn't seem too bad.

But I'm definitely coming
back here to become a sailor.

I want to visit all kinds of seas.

I'll look for the mermaids.

I wrote a letter to Mom too!

I want to visit her, even if only once!

Thanks for the meal!



Thanks for everything you've done for me.

Good morning!


Morning, DJ!

You too.

I think, I'm going to a school in Tokyo.

So I don't think I can
keep playing in the band.


Good luck!

You too!

I'm going ahead!

Hey, wait!

Okay, for the last time...

We are SEIREN, fait-o, fait-o, fait-o!


The town has become so sunny now!

Ah, singing is...

Not difficult at all!

You just leave it to your voice...

And don't think about anything at all.

Ah, when I close my eyes...

My heart at once remembers...

All those nostalgic times...

And the days we've spent together.

The biggest truth is...

Always hidden in the song!

And the familiar awkward words...

I couldn't tell you all along!

Today I sing again and think only of you!

The words I couldn't say
are going to come through

It won't take long, so please, just listen:

I love you!

Ah, singing is...

Not difficult at all

You just have to drop

The blindfold of your heart.

While I was floating in the clouds

I found the meaning of these words

This song is made of them

And that is how the road goes!

So what is more than feelings?
Let's go together and find out!

There's a cold wind blowing outside

It chills the shadows of the houses

And it will be our guide

To go on with a song like this!

Today, with thoughts of you,
the singer performs again!

How do I get my feelings across to you?

No matter if it's a rainy
evening, or a winter morning

Stay with me!

I'm singing, thinking of happy ends!

I found these beautiful words.

There's only a few of
them, so please listen:

I love you!

Kai, Lu and the SEIREN Band will be back
in The Real "Lu's Dawn-Greeting Song".

Enkerro: Thanks for watching, everyone!

Enkerro: I hope you've enjoyed this movie and I didn't diminish
your viewing experience with some of my translation liberties!

Enkerro: See you again!