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Kizumonogatari Part 2: Fierce (2016)

Posted: 02/09/24 17:21
by bunniefuu
1. Opening

Now then, let us begin, pitiful boy.

Minion of Heart-Under-Blade.

Wait, let's confirm the terms first.

If I win,

you'll return Kiss-sh*t's right leg.

Sound good?

If I win,

you will tell me Heart-Under-Blade's location.

Fine by me.

Then let us begin.

Original Creator

Araragi Koyomi
Kamiya Hiroshi

Ebara Masashi

Irino Miyu

Ōtsuka Hōchū


Hot-Blooded Arc


2. Night

Aikido for Dummies


- One
- Basic Movements

- One
- Basic Movements


Force into Submission

Force into Submission


Force into Submission


Aikido is Powerful

Aikido is Powerful

Aikido is Powerful



I surrender

Staff Techniques

Staff Techniques

Staff Techniques

I surrender

I surrender


Pivot att*cks

Pivot att*cks

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- Two
- Pitching Techniques

- Two
- itching Techniques

Try this

Left-Handed Pitch

Try this

Left-Handed Pitch

Let's go

Oriental Tornado

Oriental Tornado

Let's go

Let's go



- Throwing is Key - Grip the ball
- Direct power from your lower body to your upper body - Swing your arm


Dramaturgy is a vampire.

V- Vampire?

He's a vampire?

Just look at him.

Are there humans of his stature?




In the 500 years I've been alive,

I've never met a single human like that.

But, why would a vampire specialize in vampire slaying?

I don't get it.

A vampire that kills its brethren

is not that unusual.

An eye for an eye,

a tooth for a tooth...

And a vampire for a vampire, no?

Is that you, Araragi-kun?



You can't see them today.






What are-

What are-

What are you talking about?

I don't-

I don't-

I don't-


- Stand.

- Stand.

- Stand.

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about!

Um, what?

Did you forget?

You saw my panties.

You were staring at them.

I saw them.

N- No!

This is a huge misunderstanding!

I only saw the lining of your skirt...

Y- Yeah...

I was only paying attention to the lining...

That's still pretty perverted.


what are you doing out here?


Taking a stroll, I guess?


At this hour?

Whatcha reading, Araragi-kun?

A baseball book?

- Throwing is Key - Grip the ball
- Direct power from your lower body to your upper body - Swing your arm

- Throwing is Key - Grip the ball
- Direct power from your lower body to your upper body - Swing your arm

- Throwing is Key - Grip the ball
- Direct power from your lower body to your upper body

What's wrong?

Got something to hide?

Ah, is it actually a p*rn mag?


I've never even touched such filthy publications.

They would taint my soul.

'Kay, that's it...

See ya.


Hold on, we rarely hang out!

Let's talk some more!


About what?

Huh? Good question.

Okay, Araragi-kun,

what did you study today?

I focused primarily on math.

M- Math, huh?

U- Unfortunately, I only studied Spanish.

Spanish? Woah...

Darn, I'm not very fluent in Spanish.

W- What a shame.

Yeah, I'm only at a conversational level.


"Spasibo" is Russian.

Also, spasibo doesn't mean "wonderful."

That's not good.

You need to remember the correct definition.

R- Right.

You really do know everything.

I don't know everything.

I just know what I know.

Anyways, who cares what I studied?

We all learn something new every day.

Hm? Great quote, Araragi-kun!

So let's be more constructive...


Like by considering how to improve society!

Sure thing.

How can we put an end to bullying?


you should head home soon.

And so should I.


Well, I was gonna leave soon anyway...

You shouldn't be out at night.

You might run into a vampire.

Actually, I was kinda hoping that would happen.

I do think it's just a rumor,

but anything's possible...


Why do you want to meet a vampire?

I haven't thought that far ahead.

I'm just at that age where I'm craving for the extraordinary.

I'd like to meet a vampire,

have a little chat-



S- Sorry!

Did something I say irritate you?

No, you irritate me.

You piss me off

and make me sick.

I prefer to be alone, so stop following me.

A- Araragi-kun, what's going on?

Weren't we having fun talking until now?

No, we weren't.

I was only pretending to have fun.

I was only after your money!

My-My family isn't that rich, though!

Kishi Gymnasium

I guess you're trying to be a good teacher's pet,

'cause a genius like you would never give a damn

about a failure like me!

You must feel so superior, so good about yourself,

but no one asked for your sympathy!


Don't touch people's phones without permission!






Huh? Huh?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?

Delete 1 entry?



Get out of my face.


All right.

It's fine.

With this, I've regained

a bit of my strength as a human.

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

- BASEBALL - Guide to Pitching
- Nashitako Utsuo

I've gotten stronger.

That's why...

That's why

fighting Dramaturgy,

and retrieving Kiss-sh*t's right leg,

should be no problem at all.

For now, that's my priority.

A broken heart is no big deal.

3. VS Dramaturgy

March 31st

Naoetsu Private High School Entrance

What's the matter?

Merely running away, minion of Heart-Under-Blade?

Don't refer to me like that.

How's that?!

- Two
- Pitching Techniques

- Two
- itching Techniques

Try this

- Left-Handed Pitch
- Left-Handed Pitch

Left-Handed Pitch

Left-Handed Pitch

Try this

Try this

Let's go

Oriental Torn

Oriental Tornado

Oriental Tornado

What are you doing, Dramaturgy?!

Exactly as it seems. Surrendering.

I cannot afford to be struck by that, with your strength.

I would need two full days to heal.

You don't understand.

Not all vampires can instantly regenerate.

You are an exception.

You are the minion of Heart-Under-Blade, after all.

Despite the gap in raw power,

I assumed I could win via my experience. However...

I stood no chance.

I am incapable of hunting you.

But still...

Perhaps you'd be satisfied if I said this?

I will never lay another hand on you.

Please spare my life.

Naoetsu Private High School Entrance

One down...

Right leg, obtained.

4. Friend

What was that?

Hey, Araragi-kun...

I'm not sure 'cause I was watching from afar,

but weren't you doing things out of a light novel?

Mind your own business.

Or rather, why are you stalking me?

I don't get it.

I told you to stop following me.

Don't pretend to be my friend.

You're not the type to say these things.

It's probably my fault for making you saying that.

You're in a situation that's forcing you

to act this way, right?

Nashitako Utsuo

- Nashitako Utsuo
- Guide to Pitching

- Nashitako Utsuo
- Guide to Pitching

Nashitako Utsuo

Nashitako Utsuo

Nashitako Utsuo

- Nashitako Utsuo
- LL

- Nashitako Uts

Sorry for not noticing sooner.

I'm sorry!

But if that's the case, I want to help!

- Nashitako Utsuo
- Guide to Pitching

You're too damn pushy!

Don't overthink it.

I simply got bored of you.

I prefer to be alone.


Someone who hates people or the entire world...

That's not who you are.

This much I know!


Because you at least seemed to enjoy talking with me!


Like I said, I was only after your money!

- (Finance)
- Assets

I told you, my family isn't that rich!

- Assets
- (Finance)

Then I'm after your assets!

Aren't those the same thing?

It's a double entendre.

No, I meant your body!

- Assets
- (Finance)

- Assets
- (Slang)

Which is it, my money or my body?!

Your body!!

Listen, if you wanna make up,

show me your panties again.

Got it.

Is this good enough?

Can you see them?

If you want, I can take my blouse off too.


I'm sorry for saying all those terrible things!

Please be my friend.

5. Right Leg

He really gave it back, huh?

That's what negotiators are for.

Catch, Heart-Under-Blade.

What'll you do with it?

It's a different size than your current leg.

You can't just swap them.

I'm doing this.

Don't watch me, ye barbarians!

Let me eat in peace!

Show some manners.

By the way, Oshino...

Hm? What's up?


After my left arm was blown off by Dramaturgy,

it quickly grew back.

So why didn't Kiss-sh*t's limbs regenerate?


That's because Heart-Under-Blade's vampiric immortality

had almost run dry by the time you two met.

Don't you agree?

That's what I thought, but-



After my arms were cut off, they regenerated,

and the severed ones disappeared.

So, Kiss-sh*t's limbs should have disappeared as well.

But they haven't.

Why is that, I wonder?

They've neither regenerated nor disappeared...

That girl's a special case, Araragi-kun.

Those guys want to take her body

and make it their own.

Her severed limbs are still intact, right?

Meaning, what they stole wasn't only her limbs,

but also her very existence as a vampire.


Can I... really become human again?

Well, if you retrieve all of Heart-Under-Blade's limbs,

then you can.

Ain't that what she said?

Yeah, but

isn't it possible that she lied?

In order to recover her limbs, she lied-


Don't say stuff like that.

It's pathetic.


How can you doubt the one who saved your life?

What an ingrate.


Hey, hey. Why the long face, Araragi-kun?

Did something good happen?

Don't talk like you see through me.

6. Change

April 1st

It's probably my fault.

Uh, what is?

That you met a vampire.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," right?

Maybe that also applies to supernatural entities.

Spread rumors about them, and they'll appear before you.

Huh. That's weird, then.

Since you were the one who told me that rumor,

shouldn't you have met a vampire?

I didn't say one has to.

I just meant the possibility increases.

Besides, in a way, a vampire did appear before me.


Rumors aside,

you were out searching for a vampire yesterday.

Why would you do that?

You wanted to meet a "superhuman being"

and chat with it or something?

It's not like I was seriously searching for one.

That'd be asking for the impossible.

How do I put this...

I felt like I hit a dead end,

so I wanted a change in my life.

A change, huh?

In the end, I'm just escaping from reality.

I want to go back to reality.

I'm sure you will.

Although I said I wanted to help,

considering the situation you're in,

there's not much I can do.

That's not true.

You brought me clothes and daily necessities.


No, don't worry about it.

Anyway, you should change.

Your clothes are all torn up.



W- Well, um...

Guess I'll change my top half...

Are you a size medium?

Y- Yeah!

I bought both boxers and briefs.

Hm? What's wrong?

Not gonna change?

I will...

Stop right there!

I knew it.

I noticed this yesterday, but...

Araragi-kun, your physique has changed.

You looked like a different person from behind yesterday.

Your muscles are more defined.

They've gotten leaner, or rather, firmer.

Becoming a vampire restructures one's body.

The regeneration keeps thy body at peak condition.

Pardon me.

You don't feel different from other humans.

But you have a bit more muscular elasticity.

"Different from other humans"?

Hanekawa, have you touched the bodies

of other men?

No, no!

Not even once!

Y- You got me.

That was all baseless conjecture.

Sorry about that.

Hurry up and put on a shirt.

O- Oh!

Looks good.

You're a lifesaver, Hanekawa.

I definitely owe you one.

Don't worry about it, this is nothing.

I wouldn't call it "nothing"...

Truly, thank you.

S- Stop it!

Isn't that what friends are for?!

If there's anything else you want me to do,

don't hesitate to ask, Araragi-kun.

This is the best I can do for now, though.

Okay! Why don't we clean this classroom up?

It's a total mess!

It's fine, it's always been like this.

That doesn't mean we should leave it this way.

Any place that can be cleaned, should be cleaned.



What's this?



I forgot to mention,

that bag thou dropped seemed important,

so I took it along with me here.

Why, you little-!


You encountered a vampire

after you left the bookstore...

on March 25th?

The night you ran into me?

So, what's this?

7. VS Episode

April 4th

Episode is a half-vampire vampire hunter.

End of Flashback

I know what those vampire-related terms mean,

but don't you have any more details to share?

I forgot.

W- Woah-

Patience. I shall remember forthwith.

I remembered.

What did you remember?

Episode despises vampires with a passion.


How come?

Isn't he half-vampire himself?

Simply put,

half-vampires are not accepted in the vampire world.

Likewise, they are not accepted in the human world either.

Thus, he hates his vampire blood.

Above all, Episode bears a strong hatred towards vampires.

Unlike Dramaturgy, who was driven by work,

he is driven by self-interest.

That's hilarious!

I'm laughing for real!

Mister Dramaturgy got wrecked by a brat like you?

Anyhow, I'll finish you off without leaving a mark.

Fair warning,

don't think I'll go easy on you.

I hate picking on weaklings,

but I love picking on bad guys!

Am I a bad guy?

Of course!

You're a monster, after all.


You're the...


I'm the what?

If you got something to say, spit it out!

No, never mind.

I have nothing to say.

Let's do this!

T- The cross?

A- Araragi-kun!

It's too early to give up!

Your opponent turns into mist!

Mist! In other words-


Hanekawa! Hanekawa! Hanekawa!!

Araragi-kun, be quiet...

Get it together...

Your opponent is mist...


Mist. In other words, water.

What'll happen if I cover you in sand?

That's enough!

Go any further, and you'll lose your humanity.

O- Oshi-O-

You-You could've-


Don't yell.

You sure are energetic today.

Did something good happen?

However, even if you still have energy,

the match is over.

Look, he fainted.


Hanekawa was...

Hanekawa was...

Hanekawa was...!

Yes, I was watching.

Why did you just watch?

Why didn't you stop her?!

Not part of the fee.

I was only paid to negotiate with the three vampire hunters.

Anything else costs extra.

I'm not concerned with ordinary people.

Then tell me that from the beginning!

If you told me...

The fee for Class Rep-chan...

How's another two million yen sound?

Two million?

I'd even pay three million!

This ain't a comedy, Oshino!

Life's no comedy, it's a commodity, Araragi-kun.



A commodity worth three million yen.

I'll give you a hint:

Use your head, Araragi-kun.

What's your immortal body good for?



Why are you caressing my stomach so lovingly?

Oh no, my uniform's been ripped up.

Araragi-kun, did you...

Sorry, Hanekawa.

Stay put a little longer.

8. Left Leg

April 5th

My body is now in much better shape!

I daresay my immortality has almost returned.

Nice. Can you take over for the next battle?

Sadly, I remain unable to fully access my vampiric skills.

I'm merely harder to k*ll than before.

I may be able to fight Dramaturgy,

but perhaps not Episode, in this state.

And if I were to face Guillotine Cutter...

Guillotine Cutter, eh?


He's a human, right?

Indeed. He is neither a vampire like Dramaturgy

nor a half-vampire like Episode.


He is, for all intents and purposes, a mere human.

I don't believe he's a mere human, though.

Hmph, fair enough.

That man is... a priest.

Heh. Don't tell me he's from the Christian Special Forces.

Close, but not quite.

Whatever he is, isn't he only human?

No matter what tricks he uses, isn't he no match for a vampire?

He is a human, neither a vampire nor a half-vampire,

who specializes in vampire slaying.

Thou mustn't take him lightly.

Lest thou forget, he took both my arms.

Admittedly, I was careless back then.

Moreover, I was in poor physical shape.

If Dramaturgy hunts for work,

and Episode hunts for self-interest,

then Guillotine Cutter hunts vampires for his faith.

In my opinion, this thing called "religion" is nothing but trouble.

9. Promise

Hanekawa, how's your stomach wound?

The thing is,

there's no wound left.


I wonder... Show me.

What do you mean, "I wonder"?

Hey Araragi-kun, want a sandwich?

This one has tomatoes.


Nah, I'm good.

You sure?

For you, Araragi-kun.


Oh, thank you.

And for me, a Diet Coke.


Now that you're naturally muscular,

you won't get fat no matter how many calories you consume.

Any girl would be jealous of you.

Hm... I dunno.

It's more like... I've totally lost my appetite.

Like I'd be fine not eating.

Don't vampires eat by sucking blood?

Ah, good point.

On that note, do you ever get the urge to suck blood?


Now that you mention it, I don't.


You shouldn't come here anymore.


I knew you'd say that.

Please, don't put yourself in danger.

It's different than last time.

The other night,

I just didn't want you to get involved.

To be honest, my emotions got the better of me.

I vented my anger out on you, and I regret that.

But this time, it's different.

How so?

Yesterday, when Episode's cross gouged out your side,

I lost my mind.


The blood rushed to my head.

I thought someone was gonna die.



Remember our talk about my strength as a human?

When you were wounded, it felt like I was too.

No, it hurt worse than my own wounds.

Hanekawa, I...

I don't want to become human again if it means losing you.

Losing me?

I don't think you'd ever let that happen to me!

But have you thought about what you're doing?

Wasting your precious spring break on someone like me,

almost dying as a result...

Don't you question your actions?!

N- Not at all!

I don't get it.


For example, if we were to switch places,

I wouldn't be able to do what you do.

I wouldn't have the guts to expose my mortal body

to such a dangerous guy.

And yet, you did it without a second thought!

You... scare me.

You really do.

Don't feel bad!

I didn't mean to hurt you!

I just can't figure out why you'd go this far for me!

I'm some classmate you barely know.

Yet, for whatever reason, you're so devoted to me.

You're like a saint.

But your self-sacrifice is too heavy a burden for me.

It's more than I could hope to bear.

It's not self-sacrifice.

It's not self-sacrifice at all!

Then what is it?


Araragi-kun, you have the wrong impression of me!

I'm not that good or that strong of a person!

I just do whatever I feel like doing!

There's likely no one more self-centered than I am!

I'm deceitful, as well as stubborn.

At least, enough to scare you.

But, if my presence only makes things harder for you,

then I must've gotten my priorities mixed up.

It's time for your errand girl to retire.

Looks like there's nothing left for me to do.

No, there is something you can do.

Wait for me.

Next school term, in that school,

please wait for me.

I'll look forward to talking with you again

from the bottom of my heart.

Woah there!

Bi-bi-beep, bi-bi-beep, bi-bi-beep.

What's that sound?

My heartbeat.

Uh, that's the sound effect of a girl's heartbeat?!

That was dangerous.

I almost fell for you.

So deeply that you'd have struck water or oil?

Do you always hit on girls with that line?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I rarely talk to girls in the first place.

Says the guy who buys dirty magazines.



I'll lend you these.

Give them back when we meet next school term.

Araragi-kun, you like panties, don't you?


Ah, if you don't want them...

No! No! No!

I never said I don't!

It's not a matter of whether or not I want them!

What did you say?!

I can give them back next term?!


Sorry, I can't give these back.

H- Huh?

Actually, I'll never give these back.

They'll be passed down as an Araragi family heirloom.

Please stop.

These panties have parted with your body for eternity!

What the hell?!

I won't give them back,

but in exchange, I promise to repay this debt.

Whenever you need me,

even if there's nothing I can do,

I promise to be by your side.

As of today, repaying this debt

will be my life's purpose.

Just gimme back my panties!

I'm currently going commando

with nothing but a low-security skirt on,

and I have to walk all the way home!

Araragi-kun. Compared to this,

b*ating that Guillotine Cutter person

should be a piece of cake, right?!

That's right!

Then, good luck!

Good luck!

See you next term!

See you next term!

Sorry, I screwed up.

Class Rep-chan got kidnapped.

10. VS Guillotine Cutter

What should I do?

What the hell should I-


give up on being human.

A- Araragi-kun!

S- Sorry... Araragi-kun, I-

What the hell are you gonna do to Hanekawa?

Nothing at all.

As long as you don't do anything.

While I may not have superpowers like you lot,

I've had quite a bit of training.

I can easily k*ll one little girl.

And you call yourself human?


It's okay.

I swear I'll save you.

Tsk. How unsightly.

I haven't the patience to humor your juvenile chitchat.

Why don't we get started?

"Get started"? With what?

The instant the fight starts,

you shall raise both hands and declare, "I surrender."

In other words, the fight ends as soon as it begins.



Forget about me!

As if I could ever do that!

If I can't see you again,

then there's no point in being human!


give up on being human.

This is clearly... inhuman.

I've thrown away my humanity, I know.

I'm nothing more than a monster.

11. Credits

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Le monde est beau

The world is beautiful

Vous êtes le monde

You are the world

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu ce que je vois

Everything I hear

Tout ce que je ressens

Everything I feel

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe

Je veux vous entendre appeler mon nom

I just want to hear you call out my name

Je peux te sentir dans mes bras

I want to feel you in my arms

Et c'est I'amour

And this is love

qui va durer pour toujours

that will last forevermore

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe

Je veux vous entendre appeler mon nom

I just want to hear you call out my name

Je peux te sentir dans mes bras

I want to feel you in my arms

Et c'est I'amour

And this is love

qui va durer pour toujours

that will last forevermore

Étoile, et toi

A star, and you

Et toi, et moi

And you, and me

Tu es mon univers

You are my universe

12. Preview


I was bored the entire time.

However, thou never bored me, servant.

I am leaving. My job is done,

though it ended in failure.

Didn't I tell you?

If you knew the real me, you'd be disillusioned.

It's my fault... It's my fault. It's my fault!

Thou did not save me because I was special.

Thou would have saved anyone who looked weak.

Please die, my master!

Prepare to die, my servant!


Cold-Blooded Arc



p-please fondle my braless boobs.