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Sinbad: Beyond the Veil of Mists (2000)

Posted: 02/09/24 15:05
by bunniefuu
Calico jack: heh heh.

Well, I guess I can
tell the story

As well as anyone.

Yes. You see, it was
a long, long time ago,

But, oh...

It feels like yesterday.

You see, there was a king...

A good king, mind you...

Who ruled over a kingdom
by the sea.

The king was happy there,

As were his people...

No desire to visit faraway lands

And travel the world.

Ah, but princess serena,

The king's only daughter,


She was another matter.

Man: uhh. [Gasps]

What was that?

[Serena gasps]



Can you hear me?


Are you all right?


Ohh. My case. What?

My case.

Be careful with that. You...


Thank you.

Is that all you have?
Is that a book?

Ohh! What are these?

What's happening to you?


How... How did you do that?

Some things are beyond
the understanding

Of a mere...



I'm old enough to be queen.


You can stay
as long as you want,

But as long as you're here,

You have to promise to tell me

All about where you've come from

And how you make
your medicines and...

You're awfully...


Hmm. Everybody says
I'm too curious

For my own good.

I need to dry you off
and get you something to eat.

Do you like seafood?

I am seafood.

Excuse me?

Never mind.

Are you always
so kind to strangers?

Father always says
that suspicion

Might save you one gold coin.

Trust will earn you 2.

Your father sounds like
a very wise man.

I can't wait to meet him.



I was out at the point.
He was washed up.

He's a prince

From a place where
they've learned to...

Calm down, serena,

Before you scare
your newfound friend away.

He was nearly dead
when I found him,

And now... Well, look at him.

Your majesty.

Show him what you can do
with your potions.

Show him how
you brought yourself

Back to life.

Father, he was nearly dead.

Serena, please
let the man speak.

My creations are not something

I ordinarily share...

With anyone.

But since your daughter
did save my life,

I will make an exception.

All my potions
are derived from sea water,

The source of all life.

This, for example,

Enables a person
to see more clearly.

This improves memory,

And this extends life.

I think you should
take the one for memory,

So you can remember my birthday.

This one...

Offers long life?

I recommend...

2 Drams, twice a day.

I won't even tell you
how old I am.

How is that possible?

What some call impossible

Is only that which
hasn't been imagined.

Any side effects?

Quicker wit,

Mild euphoria...

To life in all its forms.

Your majesty,

If the prospect of long life

Is daunting to you...

To a long and happy reign.

Ohh! Tastes...

Awful, isn't it?

It's made of slime

Scraped from stones
at the bottom of the sea.

How on earth did you manage

To get something from the...






Serena: what are you doing?

Stop that!

I command you!

Guards! Guards!



Arrest this man!


The king?

[Voice different]
my daughter is confused.

Serena: he stole
my father's body!

This wizard cast a spell on her

And tried to poison me.

He's the one who cast the spell,

Not... Not him!

I saw the whole thing.

Take her to her room

And keep her there
until the spell wears off.

How dare you!

Throw him
into our deepest dungeon

Until I decide
how he should die.


Guard: but...


Do it!

Talk to them, father!


Bring him back!

I want my father back!

What have you done to him?

Darling, please calm yourself.


Look. In this book...

His potions
and how he makes them.

Darling, please.

He lied to us.

Listen to him.

Sweetheart, you don't
know what you're saying.

Is that my father's voice?

Is it?


What did you do to him?

Why, you...

Confused little girl.

Stop her!

If we don't find
my daughter soon,

She may harm herself.

When you find her,

Pay no attention to her ravings.

Just bring her back.

See her?


Think you're the king, do you?

Well, rule this, your majesty.



[Door locks]

Assassination attempt?

He'll get the drop for sure.

[Different voice] serena?



Come closer.

How can... How can I be sure...


You know your own father...

No matter how I look.

Serena, you saw what happened.

I'm not sure what I saw.

I'm not sure
of anything anymore.

Morning glories are
your favorite flower.

Purple is your favorite color.

You love peaches.

Your favorite holiday is...

Well, it used to be...

Oh, father.

[Door opens]

You must go.

If he finds you here...

I have the page from his book.

I think I know
where to find the potion

To undo the spell.

When I get it, I'll come back.

I love you.

I love you, too.


After her!

You men, that way!

You, over there!

Follow me!

[People chattering]

Man: watch it!

You, that way! Go!

Can't have gone far.

All right, check this way.

This way.

Over here.

Guard: anything?

Guard: not yet.

Guard: check that corridor.

Well, she can't have
just disappeared.

Man: guard!

Guard: let us circle around.

Guard: all right.

Guard: we've looked
everywhere, sir.

Guard: I'll go back around.

Guard: nothing here, sir.

Let's see.





I suppose this will have to do.

Excuse me, sir,

But would you mind if
I borrowed your cloak?


I'll buy it from you.

[Music playing, people clapping]

[Man laughs]

[Music playing,
people chattering]

Serena: the ship I saw
this afternoon.

I wonder.


[Men chattering and laughing]

Man: no more drinks
for that table.

A toast... To calico jack.

[Bottle breaks]

Man: hey,
I wasn't done with that.

Welcome to calico jack's.

We will welcome you.

Come in, little girl.

I want to hire that ship.

Well, that ship
belongs to sinbad.

Where can I find him?

Well, sinbad
don't work for hire...

Only works for himself.

Which of you is sinbad?

Man: oh, sinbad.

Man: do you know
where sinbad is?

I am.


I am sinbad.

Oh, you are not.

Both: we are sinbad.

Man: me, too!

I am.


I suppose you're sinbad, too.

It depends who's asking.

The daughter of king chandra.

Right. A princess.

[Laughter and chatter]


I'll take you for a sail, missy.

How dare you! Unhand me!

Man: that's enough.

Let her go.

[Belches] why?

Man: uh-oh.

Well, for starters,

You're drunk, and she's...


[Liquid splashes, men yelling]

Uhh. Ohh.

[Blow lands]

Man: it's a left, a right,

And then a left, a right.

Oh, they get this way every time

They come in from a voyage. Ha!

Look at them... Like brothers.

Man: get up, sinbad.

Get up. Oh, he's
coming up the stairs.

Oh, nice. Nice one.

Oh, and he's...

Out of the window
in under 2 minutes.

Ha ha ha!

[Laughter and chatter]

A new record.

Calico jack: oh, sinbad,
sinbad, sinbad.

Sorry about the window, jack.


Needed cleaning anyway.


For damages and drinks.

This is too much.

I owe you more
than I can ever pay.

Oh, come here,
you sentimental idiot.

Now get out of here.

Go on.

The princess has just been...

Spotted in the vicinity
of calico jack's.

What are you waiting for?



Excuse me.

You're sinbad, aren't you?

What gave you that idea?

You're the only one in there

Who didn't claim to be.

I really do need your help.

You just got my help.

My father's in jail.

Get yourself a lawyer.

He's been condemned to death.

Get a good lawyer.

You don't believe me?

That you need help?

Ha. No offense,

But anybody who thinks
she's a princess

Needs a lot of help.

I don't think I'm a princess.

I ama princess.

I can pay.

How much?


I'm not sure how much
these things cost,

But how much do you want?

Eh, I'm sorry. I don't do
damsel in distress.


Name a price.

Your weight in gold.


As soon as we're through.



Ha ha ha!

I've been called
worse by better.

Good luck getting
wherever you're going.

Going to the edge of
the earth if I have to!

I don't know what books
you've been reading, sister,

But the world's not flat.

Hasn't been for years.

But if you would listen
to me, you would...

Trust me on this one.

Do you think I don't know that?

I need to go beyond
the veil of mists.

It says so right here.

The veil of mists?

The veil of mists is a...

It's a myth. It's make-believe.

It doesn't exist.


Please, come back.


I command you!

Do that again.

Only this time,

Stick your lip out
and stomp your foot.


You can have it all.

I don't care.

I just want my father back.

So, sinbad...


What are you doing? Shut up.

Get in.

Ah, there he goes again.

Ha ha ha!

Sentimental idiot.

Where is she?

Looking for your wife again?


If you think I'm telling
the likes of you

Anything about anything...

Serena: I'll be back, father.


A pox, a plague,
and a pandemonium

On the lot of you...

Especially you!

I need to know

Where sinbad
is taking my daughter.

The king asked you a question.

Huh. That's funny.

The way she tells it,
the king's all locked up

And being fitted
for the hangman.

How dare you
speak to me that way,

You impertinent



Take him away!

Hekyll, jekyll,

Give me a lift. Up we go.

Ooh! Easy.

Ha ha ha!


[Door closes]

You ain't heard the last
of calico jack,

You heathens!


Who's there?

Who's there? Identify yourself.

Come, stranger.

That voice.

Welcome to my cell.

Oh, sire.

Those savages
have got you chained.

Oh, your little girl was right.

You've seen her?

Aye, that I have.

She came my way looking
for help and found it.

She's gone to sea.

Is she safe?

Well, if she's still
with sinbad,

Then, yes, yes, she's very safe.

Man: I make the best saltfish

This side of the bay.

Do I get any credit?

No. I just... Ooh! Ohh! Ooh!

What am i, invisible?


Sorry about that.

Huh. Women.


Good morning.

Good afternoon.

Why didn't someone wake me?

Um, we were busy sailing a ship.

Uh, about my clothes...


I would've preferred clean.

Clean's just a scrub away.

Feel free to use
the washtubs anytime.

Is it too late for breakfast?

"Is it too late for breakfast?"

Sinbad: mook!

What I'd really like
is fresh cream and peaches.

Ooh, so would i.

What do we have on
the menu today, mook?

We have saltfish,
biscuit, and peas,

Or we have biscuit,
peas, and saltfish.

I think I'll wait for dinner.


Oh, saltfish
is good enough for us,

But not for her majesty?

Mook's convinced saltfish
has stunted his growth.

Mock all you want,

But I am still twice the man

Of men half my size.


What can I do to help?

I think we've pretty much
got this under control.

I insist. I've spent
my entire life

In a seaside kingdom.

A regular sister
of the salty seas, huh?




Hold this. Hold it tight.



Let her higher into the wind!

Mustafa, ready the main!

Move it, you miserable slugs!

Lash that line!

Sailor: aye, aye.

♪ Across the seas ♪

♪ With desert dreams exchanged ♪

There must be something I can do

To really help.

♪ Turkish delight
exchanged for ♪

♪ sh*ts in the north ♪

Here. I'll do it.


[Gasps] oops.

Sailor: whoa!

Pull me in! Pull me in!

Come on! Grab the line!



Somebody do something right now!

Here you go, little guy.

Why does he get
to have all the fun?

♪ Caravan ♪

Lash that line!


Oh, great, now it'll be...

"Mook, clean this."
"Mook, sweep that."

"Mook, this plate is chipped."

Mook, mook, mook, mook.

Sailor: hold on! I've got you.


Sailor: don't worry,
brother. I've got you.

You know I can't swim!

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Caravan ♪

[Both laugh]

I told you.

Sinbad: who released
the jib line?

Mook: I'll give you 2 guesses.

I'm just wondering...
What in the world

Is going on in that
royal mind of yours?

I was just trying to help.

Next time you feel the need,

Take a deep breath,
and it'll pass.

You can't talk to me like that.

On my ship,
I talk the way I please.

Not when I'm paying the bill.

That's assuming we make it back

In one piece,

So why don't you just
sit down over there

And be a princess, princess?

It's not too late to turn back.

You wouldn't dare.


Prepare to come about!

Prepare to come about!

Mustafa: prepare to come about!

Sailor: prepare to come about!

Prepare to come about!

Sailor: prepare to come about!

Your call.

Uh... Uh, i...



There's not enough
salt in the sea.

Now you've got to add yours?

All right,
what's it going to be?

We coming about or not?

Full ahead!

I don't think he likes her.

Worse than that.

Really? Poor guy.

Baraka gave me 3 choices...

Vision, memory, or long life.

And you picked?

Long life.

Aw, should've gone
with the vision thing.

You might've seen this coming.

What happened then?

I can't quite remember.


It's always hardest
right after they go,

Isn't it?

Oh, I love that boy
like he was me own son.

How I do miss him.

Where are his real parents?

Lost at sea

A long, long time ago.

No one really knows

The last time this was used.

Get this working.

Yes, sire.

The people expect swift justice.

Ahem. Why are you doing this?


I've got bills to pay.

I don't believe you.

Give me half a reason,
and I'll go anywhere.

You would?


I've set sail for places

Because I like
the sound of their name.

I've gone to places
that no one's ever been to

Just to see
what's over the horizon.

Does that answer your question?

Serena: well, I keep
going over this,

And the most I can figure out

Is to get at the antidote
we need to find a...

Have you ever seen this word?

Must be some kind of
secret keeper or priest.

What do you think?

Where did you get this?

From the wizard's spell book.

Baraka: hmm.







Strike the foresail!

Babu, set the sea anchor!

Sailor: mmm! Mmm!







Sailor: behind you.




Sinbad: they're coming over
the port bow!

They're over starboard!


Sailor: aah!



Princess, look out behind you!


Hold on!


Uhh! Uhh! Aah!

Aah! I'm coming!

Hold on!

I will hack you

Into sushi!

[Bats squeaking]


[Swords chopping]

That was for yashim.


Sinbad! Ooh!

Ha! Aah!


What the...

Yaah! Ooh!

Aah! Aah!

Uhh! Hunh!

Serena: aah!


Ohh! Ohh!

Take that!

Back to hell with you!

[Mustafa screams]



Good! Give me another sh*t!

Closer! Come on!


Sinbad: mustafa,
it's caught in the rigging!

Pike that tentacle!



Sinbad: ever seen
lightning and water mix?



You may have gotten away
this time.

Next time,

You die.

[Reed music playing]

You did well today.

You weren't half bad yourself...


That's a pretty tune.

But nothing like
the music of the sea.


[Sails billowing]

Serena: it's beautiful.

Sinbad: if you listen,
you can always hear it.





It's like they're singing.

[Reed music playing]

Serena: in all your travels,

You must have met a lot
of interesting people.

Sinbad: I once met a man
who could calculate

The movements of
the stars in his head.

I bet you've also met
a lot of beautiful women.

A few.

Anyone special?

I never stayed long
enough to find out.

You ever think of bringing
someone with you to sea?

No. Oh.

And you must have had princes

From every kingdom courting you.

A few.

Dead ahead!

Is that...

Sinbad: the veil of mists.

They say that on the other side

There are magic fountains...

One drink and your
wildest wish comes true.

Mook is going to wish
he was 7 feet tall.

Heh heh heh heh!

I wish for a new cook...

Someone who know
how to use a wok.

And who can see over the top
of his cookbook.


That's it. I have had it
with the short jokes.

When I get beyond the veil

And get my hands on some
of that super magic potion,

We will see
who makes jokes on who.

With your luck,

You'll end up even shorter.

Go ahead, cr*ck wise.

The next one who does,
I'll cut him down to size.

Mustafa: ah ha!

Look, the tower of terror.

All my life, I have
heard the stories

About this veil.

Mustafa fears nothing.

Mustafa also have
nothing to lose.


I feel so...



I'm sorry.

I've put you in a terrible spot.

Men, I've never asked you
to do anything

That I wouldn't do myself.

All those in favor
of sailing beyond the veil,

Say, "aye."

If you go, I go.

We all go.

Aye. Aye.

All: aye!



Baraka: no, no.

Not yet. Not yet!


I've lost them.


Sinbad: mustafa,
ready at the helm.

Aye, captain.

Sinbad: babu, run a sounding.

Babu: 10 fathoms.



Serena: have you ever
seen a fog this thick?

Sinbad: never.

Babu: 40 fathoms.


Deep water.

Still no bottom, captain.

Ha ha!

Ha, hey!

We made it!

We did it! We did it!

We're the first ones to sail
through the veil of mists!

♪ To beyond the veil ♪

All: hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

[Laughter and chatter]

This is not good.

We've got a current.

I know, and it's taking us
right into the rocks.

We're turning around.

Lower the boat.

Rig the tow line.

Hmm. They call this

A life of romance and adventure.

Sunstroke's more like it.

Galley slaves
at least get shade.

I wasn't raised to be a rower.

I am a chef.

What does that
sound like to you?

[Low growling]

Mustafa: a growl...

Like... Like a monster.


Rocks like that'll rip right
through the ship.

10 Points starboard!

Another 10!

Hard alee! Now!


Toss the anchor!

Try to catch a mooring!

Stay back from the rail
and hang on tight!

Sinbad, look!

The men can't row against
a current like this.

Sinbad: I can't let them
get pulled over with us.



Let me try, princess.


Let's hope we can
catch a mooring.


Steer for that eddy!
It's our only chance!

If we don't make it,
jump ship and swim for it!


Take the princess.
Go off the prow.

From that rock up front,
you can reach the others.

I gave you an order!

What are you waiting for?!


My place is with you!

You can't hold this alone!
I can!

He's not alone.

With the two of us holding,
you can make the boat.

What are you doing?

I got us into this mess.

If anybody's going to stay,
it's going to be me.

Mustafa: I cannot let you die.


Sinbad: no!

Serena: what's he doing?

Sinbad: he's trying to lift
the keel over that rock

So we don't upend as we go over.

It might save our lives!

But he'll be crushed!

He knows!

[Wood cracking]




I thought I'd lost you.


At least the crew has a chance.

Sinbad: I hope so.

The treasure seeker was my life.


What does it mean?

Sinbad: it means we have
a long walk ahead of us.


This place is very creepy.

Watch your step.


Careful! It's a long way down.

Ugh. Spider webs.

If there's one thing
I can't stand,

It's spiders.

The symbol again. And statues.


Princess, don't move.

What? Spider.

Ugh. I didn't know
they grew that big.

Look, stairs!

These are just taking us
farther down.

Are you sure we should keep...

I don't think we have
much of a choice.




A spider! Had to be a spider!


Get out of the cave!

Unh! Aah!



Are you crazy? Get out of here!

I'm not leaving you!

Save yourself, serena!



You want to play rough? Try me!

Unh! Sounds like wood!

I've got an idea!

Yaah! Unh!

[Spider shrieking]

Aah! Unh!

Serena: now he's mad!

I hope you know
what you're doing!

So do i!

Here! Quick!


Come on, you overgrown
piece of driftwood!


Need a light?


Serena: smart idea.

I thought so.

You know when I said
fire was smart? I lied.

I thought that was your idea.

What do we do now?

Well, uh, usually I would...


How about if we just jump?

That'll work.

Aah! Aah!





[Heavy thud]

It's... It's separating
the fish! Grab on!

Like a fishing net,
it's separating the catch!


Sinbad: I think that we've
just found the fishermen.

Do you think they saw us?

So far, so good.

Maybe those creatures
are friendly, sinbad.

I make it a rule not
to trust anybody

That builds things
that swallow me.

There's a portal!

There was a picture of
this place in baraka's book.

[Both gasp]

Serena: the sky is moving!

Sinbad: that's not the sky.

That's the bottom of the ocean.

And I thought
I'd seen everything.

The symbol. That's it!

How do we get to it?

Looks like there's
only one way across.

A little squishy,
but it should hold us.

I guess the only
way down is to...

Jump! Jump!


Oh, beautiful.

Giant flying mushrooms.
Now I've seen everything.

It's almost like they're alive.

This couldn't get any weirder.


Sinbad: ok, it could.

Serena: they're farmers.

Sinbad, no!

[Sheathes sword]

We mean you no harm.

Show him the page.

Do you recognize this?

The water flows upward.

How can that happen?

You're asking me?

I got lost back at
the manta ray thing.

Always wanted to walk on water.

Are you having as much
trouble breathing as I am?

The air feels thin.

[Raspy voice] why have you come?

Oh, you speak our language?

I speak many languages.

What brought you here?


Where did you get that?

Why have you come here?
What do you want?

This symbol...

What does it mean?

Creature: it represents
the path of water... Of life...

Yielding and resistant.
That book?

A wizard named baraka
washed up on our shore.

He took my father from me.

All we want is what
we need to get him back.

We mean you no harm.

Do you know this man? Baraka?

He is not a man like you.
He is...

He's one of you, isn't he?

My brother.

My brother was always different.

He dreamed of domination.

He could not stay among us.

He went above the waters.

To my father's kingdom.

Until today, they thought
your kind were a myth.

Creatures from tales
we tell our children.

Mostly... To scare them.

But you and your brother
know all about us.

Theories and guesses.

Theories and guesses

Wouldn't have taught
you our language.

How do you know so much?




This place, it's...

Most of what we know
about your kind,

We learned from this.

Sinbad: shipwrecks.

Sinbad: a music box?

You don't have music?

Only the music of the sea.

Of course.

Serena: sinbad, this wreck
is from the royal fleet.

Are those...

My mother and father.

So this is how baraka
learned of your kingdom...

His chance to rule.

You're hurt.

Sinbad: serena,
that scratch on your arm,

Is that from the spider?


Sinbad: let him look at it.

Do not be afraid.

We harm no one here.

That is our way.

Is this the potion I need?

Healed! Like magic!

[Sinbad and serena gasping]

You can barely breathe.

You have so little time.

For my brother.

Thank you.

I am sorry.

Especially for what
my brother has done.

Sinbad: thank you and good-bye.

Serena: sinbad, look!

Jump for it!

Sinbad: we'll head
for that whirlpool!

Uhh. Can we get home on this?

Sinbad: well, I was
trained more as a sailor

Than as a... A mushroom pilot,

But I'll try.

A little higher.


Up! Up!

Uhh! Ohh!

[Straining] all right.


I can't... Higher!

This is as far as I can, you...

Uhh! Ohh-ho!


Order an assembly.

Prepare the prisoners.

On your feet!

Oh. Move... Foot.

What's happening?
What are you doing?

Judgment day.

Serena: what if we're too late?

Sinbad: don't worry.

We've got strong winds,
clear skies,

And a full-thresh sail.

[Crowd murmuring]

Argh! Unhand me,

You pus-pickled pissants!

What crime am I charged with?

High treason. Subversion.

Attempted m*rder.

And general naiveté.

Let him go!

He has done nothing
to deserve this.

I refuse to stand by

And watch an innocent man die.

Fine. You go first.


Misjudged the breeze,
your majesty.

You've misjudged my patience.


We carry out the sentence
of the assembly of justice.

[Sighs] I guess wemust
have missed the trial.

There it is! Over there!

We offered this stranger

And he betrayed us.

[Clears throat]

We gave him food,
he gave us poison.

He repaid our kindness
with crimes.

I could forgive him
for trying to k*ll me,

But never for what he's done
to my dear daughter.

The dear, dear girl

Who should have
and would have become...

Your queen.

Guard: do you want a hood?

Since this is his face,
not mine,

I want the people
to watch himdie.

What is that?

What is that?

It's coming right for us!


What is it?!

Do it! Now!

I said do it!

Guard: it's stuck.

Allow me.

Serena: sinbad!

Serena: sinbad! Use the potion!

Uhh! Brought you a gift.

It's from your brother!



Up we go.

Uhh, I thought I'd lost ya.

You little whippersnapper.

Ha ha. Can't get rid of me
that easy, jack.

Well, I guess
that's the end of him.

Whew. Looks like
mook's fish stew.

I beg you, your majesty.

Next time use your ears,
not just your eyes.

Sinbad? Come here.

[Gasps] look!

Did you miss me?

Ha ha ha! Sinbad!

We made it!

Ahoy! Ahoy!

Ahoy! [Laughs]

Calico jack:
and that's how it happened.

the little ruffian sinbad

Learned what true treasure was.

And the king's daughter?

Well, she got to
travel the world,

See far-off lands, and even...

Well, that's another story.

Hee hee hee hee.

Captioning made possible by
trimark home video

♪ Caravan ♪

♪ Across the sands ♪

♪ And ♪

♪ And you sailed from ♪

♪ And you sailed from ♪

♪ Foreign lands ♪

♪ Caravan ♪

♪ Across the sands ♪

♪ With rules and regulations ♪

♪ In your hands ♪

♪ Seeking treasure ♪

♪ Made to measure ♪

♪ Seeking treasure ♪

♪ You came ♪

♪ Seeking treasure ♪

♪ For your pleasure ♪

♪ Now we ask you to play
our game ♪

♪ Ha ♪

♪ Ah-ooh uhh ♪

♪ Ah-ooh ♪

♪ Ah-ooh uhh ♪