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Girls und Panzer der Film (2015)

Posted: 02/09/24 14:35
by bunniefuu
A tea stalk's floating upright.

Do you know of this English proverb?

"If you see a tea stalk floating upright,
you'll soon be visited by a splendid guest."

Forgive me for saying so,
but a guest is already at our door.

Although I'm not sure how splendid it is.

Yeah, yeah, that's it!

Ooarai Girls'Academy Victory Exhibition Match
Don't let your guard down!

Exhibition games are so cool!


I wonder if that's an important quality for Sensha-do.

Why did you choose to do Sensha-do then, Mika?

I chose it because Sensha-do
exemplifies all the important aspects of life.

However, most people fail to notice that.

What are you on about?

I know this is a friendly match,
but aren't we a bit too relaxed...?

Breaking this encirclement
will not be as easy as breaking a scone.

Compose yourselves.

"Be graceful in all matters."

That's the St. Gloriana Sensha-do Style.

They're not returning fire...

Don't they seem a bit too at ease?

I bet they're drinking tea!

Do you want me to put on some green tea?

I could go for a milkshake.

I've got some eggs and milk in the cool box.
I could whip you up some!


So? What should we do, Miporin?

Please stop f*ring.

It's going to take a while
for the detached force to get here.

Just keep advancing slowly
and narrow the encirclement perimeter.

Let's try to stay on safe ground
and we'll aim for a close-range victory!


We've got plenty of time, so be careful, and...

Panzer Vor!


Commander Nishizumi, what does "Panzer Vor" mean?

Oh, it means "All tanks, move out".

I see! That's what it means! That was very instructive!

What's with this Chi-Ha-Tan Academy?

They're a bit weird, huh?

But they all look so serious and brave!

All tanks, move out!

All tanks, move out!

All tanks, move out!
All tanks, move out!

All tanks, move out!

Well then, once more...

Panzer Vor!

All tanks, halt.

Duck Team, f*ring preparations complete!

Rabbit Team, all ready!

All purrfect.

f*ring preparations complete.

We're ready to go!

Ooarai and Chi-Ha-Tan's
joint att*ck forces are now ready.

What's the status on the garrison?

We're slowly getting there!


Another five minutes should do it.

Five minutes, she says!

Not that I think they'll even last that long.

Copy that.


Chi-Ha-Tan Academy: Matilda II, bull's eye!

St. Gloriana is falling!

It's an outstanding achievement!

What a great victory!

Amazing! It's the first St. Glo white flag
we've scored since the Stuart!

Nishi-dono! We can finish them if we charge now!

Precisely! Charging in is our school's trademark!

What is there to do if not charge?!

Well, I wonder...



Let's scatter them with a good old righteous charge!

W-w-w-wait a second,
if we scatter them we'll lose the advantage!

Let's show the whole world
what the Chi-Ha-Tan spirit's all about!

Victory is ours!

Well, whatever...

Very good, let's rush them!

Wait, Nishi!

The scone broke on its own.

Now we just have to pick it up and relish it.

Moreover, our sandwiches are almost done.



And we were almost there, too...

Can we still win this?

No, we probably can't...

Yes, we can!

Oh, my...

Oh no! This isn't looking good! If this keeps up...!

It appears our Chi-Ha-Tan first battery
has chosen to charge!

Good! We'll follow their example!

Of course!



H-hey, wait a second!


We'll follow you!

All tanks, move out!

Sheesh, we can't go on like this,
everyone's too impulsive!

Please, let us go!

How can we face the others if we fall back now?!

Being aggressive's good,
but what's the point if you just end up losing?

But our Chi-Ha-Tan Academy...!

Hey! Commander Nishizumi
ordered us to defend this position.

Orders are like rules.

But, Ma'am-

And rules are made to be followed.

The enemy's about to break through!

Let's withdraw and converge!

Come on, let's go.

What are you doing?!

It's okay, it's okay!

Sorry for the wait!

You've had us wait so long that the tea's gone cold.

It's not my fault!

I thought I'd be able to break through
the enemy more easily!

We could have just taken a detour.

More importantly, are you ready for the pincer formation?

No problem! Now that the great Katyusha
and her comrades are here, this battle's over!

All tanks, aim for the flag-t*nk!

Do you think we can deal the decisive blow on this golf course?

Yes, hopefully everything will go according to plan.

Nonna, Klara! You have to speak Japanese!


We possess 1.4 times more tanks
and 1.95 times more a*mo than the enemy.

And our reinforcements are almost here.

Let's go, Katyusha.

Don't say it first!

It's me who should give the order!

They're running away! Don't let them converge!

Let's bring them down!

What is that thing?!

Looks like a crab!

It's a MK VI Crusader!

It's fast, so be careful!

Stop f*ring!

We're completely surrounded.

We're done for! We can only hope for
a good old righteous death!

That's the Chi-Ha-Tan spirit!

Don't be rash!

Commander Nishizumi, what should we do?

We're at a disadvantage here. Let's retreat!

You mean for us to turn our backs on our enemies?!

I hate retreats!

That's the rule.

We'll recover later!

Let's descend the mountain.

Once we're down, focus on dividing the enemy forces!

Copy that!

Roger that!

They've wasted a perfect opportunity!
What are they thinking?

Man is an animal prone to failure.

The important thing is learning something from defeat.

Here, here!

Try eating this 57mm cannon spike!

Take that!


Maybe that trick would have worked
on Kuromorimine, but not on us.

They're fast. We'll get trapped.

Mallards, please take the lead.

After you've gained some speed, cut them off.
You've got the weight advantage, so don't worry.

Copy that!

Hippos, go after them.


Don't rise to their provocation!

Just focus on following the flag-t*nk!

The plan to divide their forces isn't going so well.

Should we go for another
one-on-one battle with their flag-t*nk?

It'd be dangerous with all the other tanks around.

Mako, please start going as if you're
trying to run away but you can't quite make it.

Got it.

Rabbit Team here, could we take care
of the units in the rear?

Please do. Be careful.


Here comes the heavy t*nk k*ller!

Give it your all, Karina!

Let's do it!

Good, let's go for the usual one.

And if you can't take it anymore, why don't you try f*ring?!

Ooarai means business!
And if you can't take it anymore, why don't you try f*ring?!!

They're so strong!

It's alright!

There's no way they can sh**t us like this!

Stop, stop!


Advance, advance!

Close the gap!

Why, you...!


What do we do, what do we do?!

What now?


Saki's trying to tell us something...!


Nonna, why the delay?! What's wrong?

It's nothing.

We're about to pass through point OY-12.

As you wish!
Sic est!

Alles klar!

Sorry for the wait!


Bull's eye!

It's our first takedown IRL!

We've gotten better!

But when are we going to charge?

Well? What are you planning, Katyusha?

Call me MISS Katyusha!

We're gonna advance, what else?!

I'll take these puny tiny paltry measly guys and
chop, mash and squash them into pirozhki filling!

Couldn't the Panzer IV circle around
and sh**t the Churchill From behind?

It's possible. We are talking about Miho here, Klara.

Hey, you two! You have to speak Japanese!

Nonna, advance!

Copy that.

You escort the flag-t*nk.

Copy that.

Rosehip, the Panzer lV's objective is me.

Taking that into account,
act in the most appropriate fashion.

And don't only focus in trying to outrun it.

But of course, Ma'am!

They're back.

Found 'em! I'm moving in for the k*ll!

Everyone, don't push yourselves, alright?

President, please, do push yourself a bit!

It's a straight line!

Retreat one block!

What are you vanguard tanks doing?!

Miss Darjeeling's precious tea will go cold!

Is she for real?!

Vanilla, retreat! Cranberry, on pursuit with me!

Sorry, coming through!

Very well, now withdraw for the moment!

Understood! Jawohl! Alright!

The transmission's bad...

Sorry! I couldn't hear the orders!

We are to fall back!

Say again?

Fall back!

F-A-L-L B-A-C-K!

G-R-O-U-N-D A-T-T-A-C-K, you say?

I acknowledge!





I'm terribly sorry! I was an unworthy opponent!

They're coming!


Commander Nishi!

How dare you do that to her?! How dare you?!

How dare you do that to her?! How dare you?!

Please, don't stop me!

I'll lose all my honor if I give up now!

Wouldn't it be worse if we lost everything right here?

It's alright. We'll just hit them back later, with interest.

This t*nk is St Glo's swiftest of foot. You can't escape me!



Good! One t*nk left!

Leopon here!

The OY defense point has been destroyed.

Oh, and we're also done for.


It appears the tables have turned!

Found ya!

Please turn left.

I'm not letting you run away!



I'm jealous! They're only wrecking your place!

It's time to wrap this up!

Lady Duck! What should we do?!

Open spaces only put us in danger! Then...

Damn it, we should have the numerical advantage, but...

If we keep playing tag like this,
those with fixed turrets will be at a disadvantage...

Very well, let's do that thing we learned
from Hina-chan... no, Carpaccio!

"The CV33 Turn"!

Also known as "The Neapolitan"!

Go, Oryo!

Hell yeah!

No, not from that side!

Mako, do a feint to the right
and then curve onto the left road!


Hello everyone!

That's not fair!

This is a no-fire zone!

We know!

Lady Duck! What should we do now?

I'm gonna try a D-Quick, so just try to keep up for now!

I acknowledge, Lady Duck!

It's a bit weird being called that...

Anteater Team is about to reach target location!

We're ready as well.

We gotta do that thing again?

Why not! It's a cinch.

Here we go! Super Hall Monitor att*ck!


Not yet...

Just a little bit more...


Yeah, we did it, baby!

Let's go down these stairs.


Are we gonna make it?

Mako's driving, so we'll make it.

This is stupid! Miho, you reckless fool!

Do you want to go back and find another way?

No! We're going to keep going, of course!

Everything Miho can do, Katyusha can do better!

I know.

You fool! The same trick won't work twice!


Well done!

I can't see well...

I want a side under mirror...

Hey! I found the flag-t*nk!

They were just sitting there drinking tea.

Understood! Let's join forces!


Lure them here, to your trusty comrades!

Will do.

ARE they trusty?

It's all right! Just keep a close eye on that g*n barrel.

Eat this sh*t!

Eat this!

Hurry up with the loading!

I know, I know!

Shell loaded!

Rotate the turret!

It's so slow!

Hurry, hurry!

My, my!

The KV-2 can't rotate at that angle; it'll just tip over.

Take cover!

Please focus your fire on the flag-t*nk!

Our first take-down...

Do your best for us too!

Kawashima-senpai, keep fighting!

k*ll 'em all!

Hit it, hit it!

Be careful!

It looks like this is the end for you!

How about it?

I wouldn't mind letting you go if you apologize!

Try to remain close to the Churchill.

It's safer if we stay right behind it.

And now for the main attraction.

Our first take-down...!



If you please.

I guess I've got to!

Aqua World - Ooarai Aquarium, Ibaraki Prefecture

Next round!

The Ooarai/Chi-Ha-Tan flag-t*nk was taken out!

Consequently, the victory goes to
the St. Gloriana/Pravda team!


They lost!

Yeah, they did.

We should have attended too...

Why didn't we participate?

It's not a matter of should or shouldn't.

Didn't you say you were opposed to our participation?!

There are several important moments in one's life.

But this is not one of them.

Well done, everyone! Good work!

First of all I would like to praise the winning teams,
St. Gloriana and Pravda High.

Secondly, I cannot help but feel grateful to Chi-Ha-Tan
Academy, who gracefully consented to fight with us.

Moreover, I extend my thanks
to the Japanese Sensha-do Federation,

North Kanto branch, Ibaraki, 2nd jurisdiction
for providing us with a referee.

And to us all, who managed our first takedown-

Kawashima! Enough.

Well, that's all I'll say then!

Everyone, enjoy yourselves!


Exhibition game or not, winning's a special feeling.

"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong."

Enough! I'm getting out!

If you can't stay in long,
you won't make for a good commander.

Stay in until the water reaches your
shoulders and count to 100.

One... Two... Three... Four...

Count in Japanese!

I don't know how to apologize to you,
Commander Nishizumi.

If only we hadn't rushed in blindly...

Don't worry.

I'm glad we could unite our two teams.

It's been an instructive experience!

Which parts were instructive?

Your spirit, I think.

I see!

The new semester's beginning in a week, huh?

I still haven't finished my homework...!

I've gotta go back to waking up early, huh...

I wish school would just disappear...

But we struggled so hard to keep it open...!

Calling Ooarai Girls Academy's Student Council President, Anzu Kadotani.

Your presence is requested at the Academy with the utmost urgency.

I repeat. Anzu Kadotani.

Your presence is requested at the Academy with the utmost urgency.

What could be so urgent?

Who knows? See you later.


ls everybody packing up for something...?

I wonder... Maybe minimalism has become a trend?


Who was it?! Who would do such a thing?

Did someone leave graffiti or something?


"Keep" what? I can't see!

Maybe they want us to "keep dieting"?

But you've stopped! Out you go!

Shut up!

This is no time for jokes!

Hey, you can't go inside there.


We're students of this academy!

No. You're no longer students.

What is the meaning of this?!

You take care of the explanations.

Council President?

What's going on?! President!


The Ooarai Girls Academy...

...will close down on the 31st of August.

Accordingly, all campus grounds are being dismantled.

But they said it wouldn't be closed down
if we won the Sensha-do championship...!

It seems that was not a real promise.


It appears it was more along the lines of a
"we'll consider keeping it open."

It was not an official decision.

That can't be...

But this is too sudden!

It is! The original plans were to
close the school at the end of March...!

After careful consideration, it was decided
that the end of March was too late.

How could they do this so soon?!

So... This means all our battles were for nothing...?

And we fought to keep this school open...!

I can't accept that!

We'll protest! We'll stand up to this!

What are you doing?!
We'll protest! We'll stand up to this!

I'll occupy the school!

It's the Mutiny on the Bounty!

Potemkin! Potemkin!

The Cannery Boat!

It's The Caine Mutiny!

That's fictional!

I'm sorry to say this, but the school WILL close down.

If we won't comply,

they won't mediate for the reemployment
of all the ship's personnel.

They'll all be fired.

This is too cruel...


So what do we do now?!

How can we be hall monitors
without a school to monitor?!

That's not the point.

Isn't that important?!

We'll lose all the clubs...

The Volleyball Club will never be restored...!

Is the Automotive Club disbanded?!

Our dreams of an academic Grand Prix...

Will we stop being first year students?

What will we be if we're not first year students?

We'll be NEETs IRL...

Are we to become ronin?!

Let's forfeit our lord before our feudal clan falls!

The clans have already fallen!

Everybody, be quiet.

For now, just be calm and do as you're told.

President... Are you okay with this...?


You've heard what she said.

I'm sorry but I must ask those of you
who live in dormitories to return there.

All of you should get ready to move with your families.


What will happen to the tanks?

The Ministry of Education will take them all.

They're even going to take away our tanks?!

But that's...

I'm sorry.

I didn't think this would be how I'd leave the academy...

The documents for the resolutions
and the draft budgets...

We won't need them anymore, will we...

I'm going to take as much as I can with me.

This is...

This is our history, after all.

I'll take this chair!

Here, get into the cage.

It's not my responsibility to take care of these...

I'm no good with animals.

You'll get used to them!

I can't bear to leave these darlings behind.

Our Volleyball Club will never come back...

It'll be impossible without a school...

How about one last match? For the club!


Ooarai Girls Academy
High School

We were here, every single morning,
keeping track of all the tardy students...

What will we do with our lives from now on?

Let's take home the school plate.

That's a good idea!

I was kidding.

What are you doing?!

Sorry about that!

It's the last time we'll run this track...

Don't say such sad things!

Hit the pedal!

This is our final lap.

I'll give it my all in a last drift!

Knock yourself out!

All hands dismissed, huh...

We've been relegated to Kudoyama...

[Nekonya] Even if we get split apart,
we'll still be able to meet [^3^]

[Nekonya] Even if we get split apart, we'll still be able
to meet [^3^] [Piyotan] Even in the middle of the night

[Nekonya] Even if we get split apart, we'll still be able to meet [^3^]
[Piyotan] Even in the middle of the night [Momoga] So I'm not sad about it

[Nekonya] Even if we get split apart, we'll still be able to meet [^3^] [Piyotan] Even
in the middle of the night [Momoga] So I'm not sad about it Momoga declared w*r on you!

[Nekonya] Even iF we get split apart, we'll still be able to meet [^3^] [Piyotan] Even in the middle
of the night [Momoga So I'm not sad about it Momoga declared w*r on you! Piyotan declared w*r on you!

It's the end...!

When we reach land, this shop will-

Don't worry about it!
When we reach land, this shop will-

You too, Yukari.


Milady's school did what?!

It seems it'll be a while until they decide
what new school I'll attend.

Then, please, come back home!

I can't be the only one to go home.

Moreover... Flowers can bloom in any place.

As long as your heart doesn't wither.

Got it?

All the bedding must stay here.

I had just finished collecting them!

I can't sleep with a different pillow.

But you've slept everywhere...

That's sleep of a lower quality...

And that should be everything.

The boxes will stay here and we'll leave tomorrow...

I knew you'd come here too, Commander.

Everybody's here!

You were so tiny, yet so full of force...

We didn't know each other for long,
but thank you for everything.

The sh*t you fired during
the Saunders match was amazing.

The Pravda match was good too.

There you are, Miporin!

We looked for you in your room...

But you were already here!

It looks like everyone's come here...

Are you going to sleep out here, Mako?


Well... This might be goodbye, so...

It's the Saunders'...

C-5M Super Galaxy!

It looks like Saunders will take care of our tanks.

Really? ls that alright?!

See, I've drawn up these documents
that say they've been lost!

This means they won't be disposed of!

Sorry for the wait!

Sheesh, you really owe us big time.

Thank you, thank you!

Don't sweat it!

Well then, everyone! Hurry up!


Well then, they're in our care now.

Give us a call when you find out
where you'll be transferred.

I will! Thank you very much!

I'll deliver them back to you.

Will they be alright?

Can they take off? It looks heavy.

Come on!

Thank goodness...

We weren't able to save the school,
but at least our tanks are safe...


Is everyone here?


She's leaving port...

ls this goodbye...?


This is harder than breaking up with a boyfriend...

You've never broken up with anyone though.

Don't go away, please!

Let's see her off with a smile...!
Don't go away, please!

Thank you for everything!

Take care of yourself!



The buses are splitting up more and more...

Since there are a lot of students,
every department is getting its own lodging...


It looks like everyone who did Sensha-do
is sticking together.

Let's eat some snacks for now!

Let's all eat it together!

You will wait here until your new schools
have been decided.

Every class has its own classroom.

Please go inside, quickly.


Are you alright, Momo-chan?

These are precisely the times
in which we must stay strong.

And besides, I'm sure the President
has something in mind...

We're in the same room!

Leave it to me!

We've got all sorts of rations.

Just wait a bit, okay?

She seems so energetic.

She's strong.

I want to be like her.

We're not at sea...

I can't hear the waves anymore...

And the air doesn't smell of sea salt...

But the mountain's fine, though.

And there's a lot of green around.

There sure is.

They really did deliver us the tanks, like they promised!

Thank goodness...

I feel calmer just looking at our tanks...

I kept my promise!

Thank you so much!

You're gonna have to work hard to pay off this debt!

Keep doing Sensha-do. That's how you'll pay it off.

And the next time, we'll wipe the floor with you!


It seems like we could do worse than here, for now.

Is it alright for us to stay here?

Even if we're here, our duty is the same as it was
when we were on the school ship.

Do the roll call every morning,
and check that everybody is okay.

I understand.

Come to think of it, what happened to the hall monitors?

Hey! You're hall monitors, you should behave as such!

Pull yourselves together!

Our school is no more. Even if we pulled
ourselves together, nothing would change.

It doesn't mean anything anymore, wouldn't you say?

What's even the point of us-

Yeah, yeah, whatever! Just do your job
until all the transferral paperwork is done!

Gather, y'all.

Without a school, what's the point
of waking up in the morning?

They said they're still going to do a roll call every day.

Go wash your face at least, Sodoko!

Yeah, whatever.

Sodoko, that's me. That's my name.

I'm gonna take attendance now.

Everybody's here, right?

Alright, done.

That was a really sloppy roll call...

Never mind the heat, let's do this!

Let me hear your voice!



Let's take this chance to train our bodies...

Yeah, let's...

We've got a long road ahead...

I lost!

It sure looks like that.

What are you fishing for?

A goosefish.

I think you should give up.

Then I want to catch an oyster.

That's even less likely.

Then I'll catch a goby.

This is some good practice!

Just take it slowly, okay?

I never thought I'd ride a t*nk to a convenience store...

My t*nk driver license has come in handy.

Couldn't you have at least opened your eyes
for the license photo?!

Mine could even be used for a marriage interview!

Don't get so psyched over nothing.

Oh... If I recall, there's a bus that goes from
the convenience store up to Ibaraki.

I've gotta check the timetable though.


I've gotta go back to my parents' place.

Apparently you need your parents' stamp
for the school transfer documents.

A guardian...

You've gotta go visit your granny, huh?

Ugh, what a bother.

She'll just scold me again...

I'll have to pay a visit to my parents too.

What about you, Miho-san?

Do you want us to tag along?

I want to see the birthplace of the Nishizumi Style!

Don't worry. I can go back on my own.

Is that so...

You're welcome to come play some other time!


As for me, I'll go back tomorrow.

Maybe I'll do that too!

Yeah, me too!


Please, stop the t*nk!

Could you go back?

What's wrong?

Punchy Museum
Take a left 500m ahead


I had no idea! I didn't know this place existed!

That's the most excited I've ever seen you.

Hey! Well done coming here, you guys!

I'll be your opponent for today.

I'll punch you all!

It's a live Punchy! He's so cute!

Wh-what are you doing! Stop it!

We're not doing anything.

You... punched me...

I'll get you someday!

But we haven't done anything...!

He acts cool but he's rather weak.

That's what Punchy does best!

He reminds me of the Italian 10th squadron.

Are we the only customers in this museum?

Hey! Well done coming here-

"lt's a Punchy World".

"Punched Mansion".

“Space Punch-tain“.

Hey! Why don't you look where you walk?
You bumped into me!

What a wimp! Get 'im!

This'll be fun! Two can play at this game!

He's all bark and no bite!

Take this! This! And this!
He's all bark and no bite!

Everybody, lend me your strength!

Don't give in, Punchy...

More, I need more!

Hang in there!



Keep fighting, Punchy!

Don't give up, Punchy!

Hang in there!
Keep it up, Mr. Punchy!

Go, Punchy!


Here it comes, here it comes!

Your cheers gave me strength and power!

You have my thanks!

And you, I'll take you all down-

Take this! And that!
ls that all you've got? Huh?

What is this...

He's the one that got punched...

That's what Punchy does best...!

I... lost again...

But I'll try harder next time!

Punchy really gave it his best, didn't he?

You think so?

Super-rare Punchy!
Only one left!

I know, but it's cute...

Don't worry, you take it!

I'll come back some other time.

She didn't even bother thanking you...

I'm sure she was just embarrassed.


My decision is final.

I know. However, you said the academy
wouldn't be closed if we managed to win.

Surely you know that a verbal promise
is no promise at all.

There have been precedents in which
even verbal promises have had legal validity.

It's recorded in the civil code,
articles 91, 97, and several more.

We have done the best we could.

Please understand.

I see.

ROOM We've run out of bug spray.

We've run out of bug spray.

Okay. We'll buy some more.

There's not enough rice for the meals!

Very well. I'll ask the farmers if they can spare some.

The corridor light has broken!

I'll call the electrician.

We have a problem!

The hall monitors have started fighting
with some local students!

Then I'll be the referee for their match!



You're really working hard, Momo-chan.

I thought I'd hear you cry and moan a lot more.

"The school is closed! This is the end, Yuzu-chan!"

I've got no time for that!

If this is not the right time to give it my all,
then I don't know what is.

You're right.

I wonder where the President is...

She must be doing what presidents do,
and thinking presidential thoughts...


If the Ministry of Education has already decided,
then it's not gonna be easy to overturn that decision...

Because in doing so you'll
disrespect their judgement, right?

Something like that.

If you're talking about disrespect,

then it is the Sensha-do Federation
who has been disrespected

by the dismantling of an academy so competent
and able that it won the championship.

Chono-kun, you're a member of the
Federation Committee too, aren't you?

If I may, Chairman.

This decision goes counter to our country's directive
of putting more focus on our Sensha-do.

SENSHA-DO NEWS The girls who protected their own school with Sensha-do
have been betrayed. And moreover, it will tarnish our image.

We fought believing that our victory
would mean the withdrawal of those plans.

And then we were told that
the path we believed in "never existed".

We cannot abide by that.

Even so, right now the Ministry of
Education's completely wrapped up

with the upcoming World Championship
two years from now.

They're trying hard to establish a Pro League
that could bring in a large audience.

They won't listen to anything else.

A Pro League, huh. That's interesting.

I think this is the time for a dramatic pivot turn.

Scarlet Sweet Potatoes



Big Sister...

Welcome home.

Is it alright?

This is your home.

You don't need to be so restrained here.



Is there a guest?

It's a friend from school.

Is that so.


What is it?

It hasn't changed.

Show me the documents.


Wait here.

Um... okay...



But that sign and seal...!

Are you sure you want to take the train?

Yeah. Thank you.

This hasn't changed either...

You win! Try again

Scarlet Sweet Potatoes A


Chono-sama has arrived.

Very well.

If the Ooarai Girls Academy is not participating
in next year's championship...

Kuromorimine won't be able to deliver them
the crushing defeat they deserve.

If we don't train the youths,
we'll never have professional players.

I think I will have to turn down your offer.

I could not preside over the Pro League council
with such a difference of opinions.

But, that's...

You must realize that to ensure a strong audience
we must establish the Pro League within this fiscal year...

Isn't closing down the winning school contrary
to the founding principles of the Ministry of Education?

Well, that win was merely a stroke of luck, so-

There is no luck in Sensha-do.

There is only skill.

How can I make you understand?


If they managed to win against
a university-level pro Sensha-do team...

Very well!

If we win, you'll withdraw your decision, right?

Let's write something down. Here and now.

Apparently, SOMEBODY said that
"a verbal promise is no promise at all".

A belated congratulations on
inheriting the Nishizumi Style school.

Thank you very much.

I need your consent as Head of the Shimada Style,
and as manager of the university professional team.

Very well.

Just so you know, I have no intention
of going easy on them.

The battle is over.

The Phantom Technique never fails.

They don't call it the "Ninja Strategy"
for nothing, you know.

We'll make everyone know:
This is the true Japanese Sensha-do!

Thanks to her, the heiress to the Shimada Style...

It's already begun...

Thank goodness. I'm glad I'm recording it...

Captain? Do you have an appointment?

Nothing important. Don't worry.

You had a call from the family head during the battle.

From Mother?

Be sure to destroy them completely.

Finally the name of the Nishizumi School
will be dragged through the mud.

I have understood my mission regarding the match.

May I ask for a favor?

A favor?

If we win, I want us to become
the new sponsors for the Punchy Museum.

If it keeps going like this,
I'm afraid it will have to close down.

Very well.

Thank you, Mother.

It's alright.

I'll save you.

I'm home.


Emergency gathering, emergency gathering!

The President has come home!

All Sensha-do members assemble in the auditorium at once!


I repeat. Emergency gathering, emergency gathering!

Let's go, meow!
I repeat. Emergency gathering, emergency gathering!

I repeat. Emergency gathering, emergency gathering!

The President has come home!

All Sensha-do members assemble in the auditorium at once!

Can't you hear a weird wailing in the background?
All Sensha-do members assemble in the auditorium at once!

Scary, scary!
All Sensha-do members assemble in the auditorium at once!

I repeat. Emergency gathering, emergency gathering!

Momo-chan, can you please be quiet?

Everybody's here...!

Mallard Team isn't here.


Where are you going?

I've gotta do a roll call.

What are you doing?

Who cares what we're doing...

There's a gathering.

Don't wanna.

Get up. Come on already!

Don't touch me! Go away!

Just leave us alone!

Who's gonna monitor the halls if not you, Sodoko?!

Plus, it's a bit lonely.

We're not lonely... We're not, so...

That was for your eyes...

Everyone, listen up!

We've got ourselves a match.

A match?!

Against a university-level professional team!

If we manage to win against that pro team...

our school won't have to close down.
And this time it's for real.

I've got a written pledge from the Minister of Education.

And I've got the OK from the Sensha-do Federation,
the University Sensha-do Federation

and the High School Sensha-do Federation.

That's our President...!

I knew you were working hard for us...!


You're not hiding anything else from us, right?

Not a thing!

You swear we'll get our school back if we win?

I do!

I know this will be an unfair battle.

But we have to win.

We'll win, and we'll take back Ooarai.

We'll take back our school ship!

Let's do this!
The losers rise again!

Let's give it our all!

Hey, hey, you have to cheer too!

Yeah, yeah.


UPSET VICTORY Sensha-do Bulletin A Hand-Picked Team Crushes the
Corporations Team The team that smashed the Corporations Team?!

UPSET VICTORY Sensha-do Bulletin A Hand-Picked Team Crushes
the Corporations Team But this is unfair, we'll never do it!

I feel like I've seen the commander
of the hand-picked team somewhere before...

Apparently they call her a child prodigy. I think she
skipped grades or something. Commander Alice Shimada

She's the daughter of the
Shimada School Matriarch, right?

So, as you can see, this match will be
the Nishizumi Style versus the Shimada Style.

Um, how many tanks is the opponent using?


We're finished!

Tell them, Nishizumi! There's no way to win, right?!

It's true... At present, this battle cannot be won.


I'm sure that even with these conditions,
getting the Ministry to agree was hard.

However impossible they may look,

no roads are impossible for a t*nk.

A t*nk can keep going, even through a volcanic eruption.

I know the path we're on is a hard one,
but we have to find a way to get to the end.


I understand.

What's an "annihilation match"?

It means that the side that destroys
all the enemy's tanks wins...

ls that so?

We're just eight against thirty, and we weren't
thinking it would be an annihilation match...

The Pro League we're planning will only
feature annihilation matches,

so this match will comply to those rules as well.

The tournament has already been organized like this...

If you want to retire you'd best do it now.

I've dumped a lot on you.

Oh, no... Don't worry about it.

What have you decided? For tomorrow's match.

There's always the easy way out...

We can't retire.

If we fall back, we'll lose ground.

It's going to be a harsh battle.

Our battles have always been harsh.



As long as we have them...


"Violins complain..."

"...of Autumn again,
they sob and moan."

"And my heartstrings ache,
like the song they make..."

"...a monotone."

"And in the northern lands..."

"...friends will gather to drink."

What an intense tea this is.

I've never tried English tea...

A tea party sounds delightful!

I cannot share the worldview
of those who live only in the moment.

If we manage to lure the enemy into the mountain zone,

split them up and deal with them individually,
we could make it...

But they've got the advantage
in both experience and skill...

Don't tell me this is it...!

Well then, the match between the Ooarai Girls Academy
and the hand-picked University Team will begin.


Let's have a fair f-

Let's have a fair f-


Big Sister...?

My name is Maho Nishizumi.
I'm from the Ooarai Girls Academy.

And I am Erika ltsumi. Same school.

The 18 members written here
will also participate in this match.

All the paperwork for the
short-term exchange has been filed.

We've even got permission
from the Sensha-do Federation.

Big Sis...!

Thank you...!

Ooarai Girls Prefectural Academy

Bringing in other tanks is against the rules!

Are you sure they're not just personal effects?

Was there a rule against bringing your own things?

That's not fair!

Meet your new transfer students!

We're gonna be teammates for this match.

I hope you're ready.

Saunders is here!

With Saunders and Kuromorimine plus our own...!

That's like giving a sword to a demon!

Or like giving wings to a tiger.

Are we the last to arrive?!

Who's the one who wouldn't wake up?

Well, it's not like I've come because I wanted to!

But you DID want to be the first to arrive,
to act cool in front of everyone.

Quit being so nitpicky!

Maybe it would be better if we wore
our old trusty t*nk jackets for the match.

Then why did you prepare an
Ooarai uniform for each one of us?

Everybody said they wanted to try wearing it.

Even Pravda and Gloriana are here?!

Ladies of Ooarai!

The Duce of the country of
energy, spirit and pasta has come!

Shake in your boots!

Thank goodness we made it this time...

We're here, Taka-chan of the Hippopotamus Team!


My name is Caesar!

Hello, everyone, we're the new
transfer students from Jatkosota High!

Even after saying all that,
we still decided to come save them, huh?

That's not it. We were just carried here by the wind.

Sorry to have kept you waiting!

Yesterday's enemy is today's sworn friend!

22 of our brave steel tigers, at your service!

I told you we only needed
22 TOTAL tanks for reinforcements.

Just six from you will do.

I'm sorry, I got my intel muddled up!

Put sixteen tanks on standby!

We can win...!

Isn't it illegal to add more participants
right before the beginning of a match?!

The only one who can raise an objection
is the opposing team.

We don't mind. We'll rise up to the challenge.

Please, go ahead and start the match.

Team formation 1: IV, Churchill, Matilda, Crusader, BT-42, CV-33, B1 Bis, VK 4501 [P], Type 3, Type 89 2: Tiger, Tiger
II, Panther x2, T-34/85 x2, IS-2, KV-2, StuG III, Hetzer 3: M4, M4AI, Firefly, M3, Type 97 ShinHOTO x2, Old Chi-Ha x3, Type 95


Who will be squadron leader?


Big Sis- Maho Nishizumi,

Kay, and me.

Everyone's from the Western Bloc!

Is this unsatisfactory?

Do you want to be squadron leader?

How long do you think we'll last without me as a leader?!

W-well, maybe this time it won't matter...

Katyusha, can I ask you to be vice squadron leader?

Do you want me to?!

Well, since you asked so nicely I'll do it!

Darjeeling, you and Nishi can be vice leaders
for the other two squadrons.

Very well.

I'll devote myself, body and soul, to this duty!

You will be the Commander, right, Miho?

We'll follow you!

Commander Miho-dono,
please tell us our squadron names!

Let's see...

Maho Nishizumi's team will be Sunflower.

Kay's will be Petunia.

And I will lead the Dandelions. What do you think?

They sound nice.

What is our strategy?

Isn't a "sh**t on the move" strategy our only choice?

As the name suggests, to sh**t while advancing.

We should drive a wedge between the enemy lines
and penetrate their ranks!

I adhere to the firepower doctrine!

att*ck a single t*nk of theirs with ten of ours.

A double encirclement!

Then we'll wait for winter and
General Frost will take care of them!

After all, there are no time limits in an annihilation match!

As for me, after taking into account
many different hypotheses,

I believe the only way is to charge into them!

How about thinking it through
over a good plate of pasta?

- General Frost - Charge - Pasta Everyone
said they'd follow what Miho said, right?

- General Frost -
Charge - Pasta



Sunflower Team will comprise the main force,
while the Petunias and the Dandelions will be the flanks.

Be careful not to get too far from one another.
Maintain the right distance for joint maneuvers.


And - this is the important part...

What is the name of this operation?

Since we'll be attacking from three directions,
we'll call it "Operation Three-cheese Pizza"!

I prefer "Operation Beef Stroganoff"!

Onions, beef and sour cream
make for a delicious combination!

How about "Operation Fish and Chips and Vinegar"?

"Operation Glühwein and Eisbein"!

"Operation Chicken Fried Steak with Gravy Sauce"!

"Operation Goosefish, Dried Sweet Potato and Clams"!

Please, President, don't make things worse!

Why don't we settle for "Operation Sukiyaki"?

What do your favorite foods have to do
with an operation name?

Then what would you name it?

How about "Operation Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg"?

It's an opera in three acts, and-

Too long!
It's an opera in three acts, and-

Commander, please decide.


How about "Operation: Punchy Punch"?

In this operation, we'll push out the enemies
and then att*ck them. "Take this!"

What is this? No impact whatsoever.

Let's go with that.

"Punchy Punch," is it? I see!

Why not?

Then, the Dandelions will be the right flank,

the Petunias will be the left,

and the Sunflowers will be at their center.


Let's start Operation: Punchy Punch!

Panzer Vor!

What should we do, Commander?

We won't underestimate them
just because they're high schoolers.

The enemy possesses a considerable strength.

First we'll take down Pravda
and Kuromorimine's heavy tanks.

Azumi, Rumi, form a large, long line with your platoons
and we'll advance together, slowly.

Look out for assaults from the sides.

Scout tanks, do not engage the enemy,
even if you're spotted.

Copy that!

All tanks, move out.

Rumi here, Roger that.

Azumi speaking, copy that. Now moving out.

Megumi here, I'll follow you with my platoon.

We should make contact in 20 minutes at the earliest.

This is the Commander speaking.

We still have no visual on the enemy's movements.

Proceed with prudence!

Duce, your twin-tails are in my face.

This is only a two-seater! I can't see anything like this!

Then why don't you get off, Pepperoni?

No way I can do that!

Then get over it!

Can't you just take off that wig?

It's real hair!

Is that so!


There they are!

I've spotted an enemy group.

They're advancing slowly in line formation.


Commander, Sunflower has arrived at the foot of a hill.

I'm sending a vanguard t*nk ahead.

There appears to be no enemies at the top.

Then we should take it for ourselves!

We'll let the Commander decide.

Be on the lookout. It might be a trap.

Spread out and advance,
but be careful to maintain an escape route.

If you encounter the enemy, don't overdo it. Take it easy.

We have the advantage here,
but we risk having our encirclement broken.

We might not be able to work together
with the other teams.

Their M26 is slow on the slopes,
so this is our best chance!

If we take this hill, we'll have tactical superiority.

It might be the right choice, as you say, but...

They could have left the summit unguarded for a reason.

No problem!

Don't tell me you don't trust your sister's
judgement, after all you've said!

Do you want to know how much Nonna trusts my words?

If I say that snow is black,
then she will say that it is black as well!




Trust and adoration are two different things.

However, if this match drags on too long,
the advantage will go to the most experienced team.

I want to settle this as soon as possible.

Shall we?


Alright, let's go!

It's "The Battle of Port Arthur"!

"The Battle of Port Arthur," huh?

Does Pravda know how that w*r ended?

Do they want to lose?

Petunia, continue flanking Sunflower's left side.


What about us?

Dandelion is to cover the right flank of Sunflower,
and advance on the hillside.

Be sure to cover Sunflower.

"Success is the child of audacity."

And audacity belongs to those who act first.


Hey, Nina!

I'm sorry!

Enemy platoon, going north up the hill.

Approximately five minutes away from the summit.

Should I engage?

Let them pass.

Azumi platoon.

Advance at full speed towards
the western woods of the hill.

If you encounter an enemy squadron, destroy it,
and head for the back of the central group.


All platoon tanks. Advance at full speed.

Rumi platoon, you advance along the east side
of the hill until you reach the wetlands.

If you encounter the enemy, do not engage.
Just make sure it remains rooted in place.


Break ranks, and get into a slope formation!

Alisa here. No abnormalities here.


Kay here, come in, Nishi. How are things on your end?

Chi-Ha-Tan squadron here!

We are proceeding smoothly and carefully.

No enemies detected on the right fl-

Enemy att*ck at 3 o'clock!


Petunia has encountered the enemy!

Darjeeling speaking.

I have spotted an enemy t*nk.

Calling all Dandelion tanks.

Commence a slow retreat and return fire.

Have they started to att*ck
from Dandelion and Petunia's side?!

Pershings spotted at 11 o'clock!

The enemy forces are increasing!


Give us orders.

This is the Commander speaking to
Dandelion and Petunia.

Move back and forth, and be sure
not to move into the enemy's line of fire.

Try to resist until Sunflower reaches the summit.


Try all you can to avoid rushing in needlessly.

U-uh... Certainly!

Sunflower here!

We have reached the summit.

We'll take back Port Arthur!



We've done it!

Sunflower, split in two and provide
fire support for Dandelion and Petunia.

Copy that.

I've spotted an enemy squadron farther north.

They intend to assist their own.

Open fire!

They're coming here!

Don't give them even an inch!


Alisa! Naomi! Rabbit!


I feel like they're going to
smash through your side, Chi-Ha-Tan!

Let's advance!

We'll protect them!

Copy that!

I'll fi-

We're under heavy enemy fire!

I can't go on!

Unable to provide backup! Unable to provide backup!


Damn you!


We'll show them!

Hey! It's too early to charge!

Ikeda here, we are unable to continue
due to the att*cks and our own carelessness!

Nagura speaking, we put up a good fight
but we were defeated!

We've lost both a new and an old Chi-Ha!

We have no excuse for this pitiful display!

Petunia speaking; Sunflower, come in!
The enemy has breached our defenses.

We're in pursuit!

Alisa! The pursuit is in your hands!

Yes, Ma'am!

Everyone who can still move, follow m-

Reporting damage to both left and right treads!

I can't move!
Reporting damage to both left and right treads!

I can't move!
Our turret is broken!

The engine won't start!
Our turret is broken!

The engine won't start!
Let's regain control of the situation! Hurry up!

Let's regain control of the situation! Hurry up!

The enemy have breached Petunia's defense
and they're invading us from behind.

We'll back up the Petunias!

I'll kick you down a notch!

Everyone ready?

Preparations OK!

They're in f*ring range!

Platoon Leader! Give the word!

You have my permission to att*ck.



What is going on?!

What happened?!

Sunflower here.

Something fell from the sky. I think.

It was a really big something. Maybe I just imagined it...

Of course you didn't imagine it!

This must have been it!

A Brummbär!

The expl*si*n was too big...


Maybe it's...!

A Sturmtiger?!

What is this.

Does it sh**t people instead of shells?

They're 380mm!

Panther No. 1 has been destroyed!

Panther No. 2 unable to proceed!

Let's advance before a third shell hits us.

The 12 o'clock enemies have opened fire!


This seems a waste, but I'll fall back!

It's no use!

Go back, back!

Huh? Don't tell me...

We're surrounded!

Half an encirclement behind us...

Central Group Petunias Dandelions Sunflowers
A mysterious att*ck from above...

Central Group Petunias Dandelions Sunflowers And
we've got the main enemy force in front of us.

We'll be annihilated if we remain here!

Please do something, Platoon Leader! We're done for!

I told you we're not done for yet!

We'll go down the frontal slope.

All platoon tanks, advance at full speed!

We'll join up with Dandelion!

Come on, take a good look!

You won't hit me!

The Pershings are drawing nearer!

What is this? sn*pers?!

Katyusha is in danger.

We'll break through their lines.

We can't make it like this.

We'll act as decoys.

Don't be absurd, Klara!

If you do that, Katyusha will hate you!

If it gets her out of this situation,
then she can hate me all she likes.

You two, I told you to speak Japanese!
How many times must I repeat myself?

Please, go on ahead, Katyusha-sama.

Farewell, my lady.

What?! You could speak it all along!

Klara's very proficient in Japanese.

Well then tell me earlier next time!

What is she doing?



It was an honor to fight alongside you, Katyusha-sama.


For Pravda!


They're f*ring at Katyusha-sama again...

Sheesh, our chibi Commander's
always putting herself in danger...

But, if she were to fall here...

Say... Our t*nk's pretty big, so...

it can become a mighty fine shield!

Should we?

Let's do it!

Ya wanna do this?

The KV?!

Y'all ain't seen nothing!

I'll sh**t all I can!

You'll learn the true fear of the
"Phantom of the Crossroads"!

This doesn't look good.

Run away, please, Katyusha.

A Commander doesn't run away!

I'm begging you.

Don't come here!

I don't want to lose you too, Nonna...!

You're an essential player for this match!

I know that in your heart you possess ideals
higher than the Ural mountains,

and a prudence as deep as Lake Baikal!

Therefore, please...

Hurry up and retreat!

Take this chance!


I know you will manage to win.

Even without me at your side.


Katyusha! What are you doing?


Hurry up and go!

We have to...

We have to retreat!

Ooarai's KV-2 is out of commission!

The following tanks have been destroyed: Type 89, one unit.

ShinHoTo, one unit.

Panther, two units.

T-34, one t*nk.

IS-2, one t*nk. KV-2, one t*nk.

Nishi speaking. The squadron who broke through
Petunia has ceased their pursuit of Sunflower,

and is now going to join with the central group.

Copy that.

Please keep up with the scouting.

Seriously though, what was that att*ck from the sky?

It's probably THAT...

THAT?! No way!

How can you tell?

Wiretapping again?

Alisa seems the type who'd even spy on her boyfriend.

Talk about a short leash.

That's why Takashi rejected her...!

How the hell am I supposed to have been rejected
if I didn't even confess to him?!

And why do you know about that in the first place?

Don't be grumpy, Alisa!

Being single is not so bad!


Don't mind!

Aren't you engaged to your t*nk anyway?

Shut up! I don't want your pity!

Onto more important business...

Was that t*nk ever authorized?

The jury was still out when we asked for it
to be added to our team.

Sunflower said they managed to escape
but they only have five tanks left!

Do you want to cease hostilities
and rejoin with Sunflower?

However, if we don't do something
about that thing that att*cked from above...

If I had to guess, based on the sh*t timing
and on the impact sound...

It's probably a shell from a 1 ton-class warship g*n.

However, I couldn't hear the sound of
a rocket propulsion engine, so...

it probably isn't a Sturmtiger...

But that means...!

President, Isobe, Anchovy, Mika,
I have a favor to ask you.

Advance at full speed, Acorn Squad!

Sorry for the wait, 'Chovy!

Don't call me 'Chovy!

There are four tanks moving towards us.

Their most likely target is the Commander's t*nk.

Do they want to disrupt our chain of command?

Are they that desperate?

All tanks, open fire.

Don't let them get close to the Commander.

They're gone...?!

It's a feint. Let them play their hand.

What the hell is that?!

It's a Karl!

Karl Wolff?

No, not him.

Then what kind of Karl is that?

It's a Mörser Karl!

It sh**t 600mm shells, you know!

Six hundred?!

Our Carro Veloce has an 8mm machinegun, so, um...
How many times is that?

Can't you even do division?! It's 7.5 times!

No, it's 75 times.

So this match was the reason why it was authorized...!

I will ask you to refrain
from making such false accusations.

But isn't this against the rules,
since it's an open-top t*nk?

Well, it depends on how you look at it, really.

The Karl is protected by three Pershings!

Let's withdraw, President!

Maybe we should att*ck with four tanks?

That'll never work!

It's as silly as trying to eat raw pasta!

We have no choice but retreat!

Please, wait!

I just got an idea!

Don't tell me you wanna ride on top of a t*nk again?!

Oh, that's good!

No, that's not it.

There's no way we could get on top of that Karl.

The idea we had is...

The "k*ller Ball Strategy"!

And the strategy is...

Go to hell!

Come back here, Rosehip.

That could work!

Could it really?

Jatkosota-chan, did you get all that?

We need your help with this...

I'm afraid I can see no point in that strategy.

So we're not gonna do it?

However, I'll trust the girls' judgement.

Let's go.

Squadron! Follow that t*nk!

Is this one of life's many battles?

I'm afraid so.


Oh, no!

Don't worry.

We'll pulverize them!

It's looking at me!

Just one more!

Mikko, turn left.

What?! But they've got no treads!

Don't you take the Christie suspension lightly!


Final technique!



We did it!

We're so smart!

Now's the time!

Aim for the muzzle!



But we made such a good trampoline...

Mission failed!

Mission failed!

Retreat! Retreat!

Hey, 'Chovy, try turning the treads.

Don't order me around! Who do you th-

I'll cook some dried potato pasta for you.


For real?!

Looking good!

Fly high!


Take the sh*t!



Good luck on the rest of the fight, everyone!

We've lost a BT-42, two Panthers, a T-34, an IS-2,
a KV-2, a Chi-Ha and a ShinHoTo.

Eight tanks in total.

But, but, we managed to destroy that Karl
and five Pershings too!

Which makes it 22 vs. 24, right?

We've lost so much...

On the contrary, we've done
a good job of resisting the att*ck.

Jatkosota really came through for us.

We did too!

Of course you did!

It's all thanks to the Volleyball team and the President.


I am terribly sorry for letting two of my tanks
get separated from the line of battle!

Don't worry.

I, Katyusha, am the only one left from my team...

We'll be fine.

As long as we still have you, Katyusha.

Alright, I get it!

I apologize. It's my fault.

I thought it would be a fair struggle.

You played too much by the book.

It's not like you.

You should fight your way, Miho.

What's the plan, Commander?

We'll take the fight to an enclosed area,
and use teamwork to fight.

Let's make use of everyone's special qualities.

How can you expect teamwork
out of these hastily built teams?

Even if they were built in a hurry, a team is still a team.

We have to compensate for each other's weak points.
That's the only way.

Reform your teams and let's head over there.


It'll be easier to fight inside there.

It does seem so.

But this will become like the Battle of Tao River!

Those kinds of battles are my forte!

Anzio too! They're our forte!

Are they?

Well then.

Panzer Vor!

We've retreated so far...

You're wrong, Tarnada!

We're just choosing our b*ttlefield!

I see! We're choosing, are we?

This has all the makings of an interesting battle.

Forgive me for saying so, but according to the data,
this will be a ferocious battle.

We're well prepared for that.

"Fortune is a fickle beast."

It is not always the weakest who taste defeat.

Isn't that so, Commander?


Let's just fight this battle the way only we can.

"The way only we can"...

Which is...?

A charge...?

No, that's not it...

All tanks, to that amusement park.

The southern entrance is guarded.

We are stationed at the eastern back entrance.

Western door, deployment complete.

The central plaza will be ready in three minutes!

Are you serious, Duce?

I'm serious.

Won't the enemy spot us?

Our tankette is small, thus hard to see.

If they find us we'll have no way to retreat.

The enemy has grouped up
and is heading for the southern entrance.

They're planning a deep operation, huh?

First squad, please move to the southern entrance.

Everyone stationed at the northern and eastern
entrances, don't let your guard down.

Saunders, stand by.

ETA: 3 minutes.

Wow, they're really kicking up a lot of dust.

They could just be trying to intimidate us
by driving in a way that makes a lot of dust.

Like a bluff, I see.

Kinda like our Operation: Macaroni.

I think it's a bit different.

Prepare for battle.

They're coming. Calm down, everyone.


Damn it!

I can't see a thing!

I'm jealous... I wanna be in the heat of the action too...

Don't you think something's strange?
The rain has just let up, but there's all that dust...

That's not dust!

sh*t, they tricked us!

Commander! It's a feint!

That's not dust, it's a smokescreen!

"Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west"!
Number 6, from "The Thirty-Six Stratagems"!

"Stutter... gem?"

Nishi, keep a look out on the western back door.
They're trying to circle around.

Saunders, I'll need you to provide support,
so please prepare yourselves for battle.

Roger that.

Alright, as soon as we see the enemy, let's ram 'em!

The time for payback has come!

We'll show them what Chi-Ha-Tan does best!
The all-out charge!

With all due respect, I disagree!

What Chi-Ha-Tan does best...

is uselessly charging into the enemy
and getting completely wiped out!

What did you say?!

Fukuda, you dare disrespect our traditions?!

I have no excuse!

Wait, wait.

Fukuda, it sounds like you have a plan.

Come on, Chaffee, let's have a fight, fair and square!

Turn back, Rosehip!

What the hell...

They've got a T-28 Super Heavy...


Maybe it's this?

She said "Super Heavy," so maybe... This-

We should have brought a Tortoise with us...

We don't have one.

Duce speaking! There's no mistake,
this is their main force!

Saunders, please head to the eastern entrance.

Already on the way!

Ooarai team, provide support.

I want a T-28 mod kit...!

They're not selling those!

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son."

“The hummus Bandersnatch?

Sorry for the wait!

That thing's huge!

Let's retreat two blocks.

Megumi platoon here.
The eastern entrance has been breached.

All is according to plan. We're now headed for point Z.

Copy that.

Commander Nishi! Our friends are in danger!

Shouldn't we head there, all g*ns blazing?

Don't say that, Tamada. This, too, is part of the plan.

I can only see four tanks...

It seems they just want to keep us busy.

What should we do?

Got it. Let's go.

Erika, if you please.


No sign of the enemy.

Nobody on this side either.

Enemy spotted.

Alright, now!

Well done, Tamada!

And I'm not done yet!

No, don't overdo it!

Come back!

Damn you!

Advance, backwards!

They're trying to confuse us with firepower.

That is why they're attacking all of us at once.

We won't crumble so easily!

Southern entrance att*ck squad here.
We're fleeing north.

The western rear entrance squad
has completed tread repairs.

The enemy is responding unconventionally,
with deep defenses and guerrilla tactics.

Change of plans.

If they don't like being scattered,
then they'll get what they want.

Copy that!

Copy that.
Copy that!

Commander Nishi, can we get out now?!

Not yet, not yet!

But I'm sure this would be a good time...

Not yet, not yet!

I'm about to run out of patience...!

Hey! Stop moving around! These things are delicate!

Oh, sh*t!

Retreat, retreat!

It's here!

Run away!
It's here!

Wait, no, not that way...!

Be careful.

You'll get surrounded.

Take the west road!

Go around the main dome
in a counter-clockwise fashion!


Which way is west?!

I have no idea!

Central team speaking.

I feel some kind of ploy behind the Chaffee's movements.

Side gate team, be careful.

They've noticed me, but it feels
like they're ignoring us for some reason...

ls it just my imagination?

End-of-line t*nk here, the att*cks
from our pursuers are growing sporadic...



They've managed to destroy all the Pershings,
one after the other!

They're trying so hard...

It's not a matter of trying or not.

Why are you always saying such contrarian things?

Pay attention.

This is bad, isn't it?


Oh, no...

Not good, not good...

This is no good at all...!

Nishizumi-san, they intend to surround
the side gate group in the auditorium!

I see. I'll head there immediately.

South gate group, west back door group,
please head towards the auditorium at once.

We're rushing there too.

Prevent them from completing the encirclement.


They tricked us!

They're going to join them too?

That's why nobody showed up back here!

I'm lost...


Wedge 'em apart!

Encirclement complete.

I feel sorry for them. This was too easy.

Leave the rest to us.

I'm not exactly sure, but...

didn't they get surrounded?

This is bad!

Let's charge in and b*at them!

No way. We only have one t*nk.

But if we don't save them...


Never mind that butterfly, we're in the middle of a match.

Ferris wheel.

I see! A Ferris wheel, so...!

'Get it!

Here we go then...

Commence "Operation Mifune"!


We did it!

Saki-chan, you're a genius!



Wait! Why are we running in the same direction?


What is it?

Evasive maneuvers!

A Tsar t*nk?!

It's the Great Panjandrum!



How quaint!

It's not "quaint"!

Who thought of this plan?!

Let's run away!
Who thought of this plan?!



Follow it!

What do you plan next, Commander?

The enemy is about to take control of the park,
so we'll go with Plan F.

If you need a GPS, leave it to us!

We've gotten even more scattered than them,
so please pay attention to unseen allies.


It seems like our dear Ferris wheel
is about to breathe its last.

Thank you for everything, Mr. Ferris wheel!

Bye bye, Ferris!

Be well!

See you!
Be well!

So, in the end, what is "the way only we can fight"?

We're the heavy t*nk K*llers!

I don't think that's it.

Let's try to bring the fight more to our level.


They're getting close to the perfect place!

Activate IT!

Well then, let's go!

It's time for a dress change!


We should run away now, little Katyusha.

Don't call me "little"!

Then I'll call you Katya!

Don't shorten it!

Whatever, Katya, let's hurry up!

If you want to run away be my guests.

I'll keep fighting here!

Stop bluffing, Katya.

If you fight, we all fight.

Even if Nonna and the others are no longer here... can still count on us!

We're teammates now, meow.


Ooarai's destiny depends on this battle!

Everyone, give it your all! Give it more than you've got!

Tamada here, I'm about to suffocate,
I don't think I can go on!

Don't worry!

I've called the ultimate supporter!

The big boss is here!

They've arrived!

All correct!

Master arm, on!


Anzio's special Macaroni Strategy: Zwei!


And now... come get me!

The cavalry has come!

I did it!

No, that was teamwork, Sodoko!

Master arm, on!


One more, one more!

We're surrounded! Geronimo!

What should we do? Geronimo!

Who're you calling Geronimo?!

Get between the buildings!

And don't worry about destroying them! It's a set!

Roger! Geronimo!




F-Quick, let's go!

Nimble plan #6, right?

We're all set!

Damn it!


Ignore it! Just sh**t straight ahead!

Oh, no...!

Brilliantly clone, Tamada!

What should we do now, Lady Duck?

A knuckle serve from the ceiling,
a double block and then a close-range spike!

As you wish!

Our cannon will get stuck in the ground!

Swivel it to avoid damage!


att*ck, Fuku-chan!

Roger that!

Double block!

Push with all your guts!


How do you like this?!

I really don't think you're doing anything...

Hosomi here, humbly providing support!

Nice fight!

She can't rotate her turret in a road that narrow.

As soon as you've got her, don't let her go.


Sorry about that, Commander Rumi!

We were destroyed!

I request one more Pershing and
one more Chaffee as reinforcements.

Let's surround them with numbers!

Beware of ambushes. Hetzers have low profiles
and cannot be seen over the hedges.

Get the IV first!

Hey! Be careful!

Oh, sorry about that!

It's as if they knew all our movements...

Is it just natural intuition...?

Then we'll have to drive them into a cul-de-sac.

Good, they're cornered!


This is no longer in the realm of natural intuition...


These guys will keep coming at you, you know.
No matter how battered and ragged they get.

They're not that strong, but they'll never give up.

I didn't think some high school girls could get this far...

How insolent can they be...?!

What now?
How insolent can they be...?!

What now?
I don't want to go crying to the Commander again...

I don't want to go crying to the Commander again...

But if we keep thinking about saving face...

"Here I go, here I go, here I go, hey!"

"Here I go, I will punch all the bad guys!"

"When I pick a fight I'm confident I'll win!"

"With the wind behind me and an insult on my lips!"

The Commander has started singing!
"With the wind behind me and an insult on my lips!"

The Commander has started singing!
Which means...!

Forward, platoon!

The T-28 is coming this way!

This gate is too narrow for that bulky t*nk.

It undressed?!

Master arm, on!

Not this time.



Our disguise was perfect!

A Centurion is entering from the western back door.

Be careful!

Copy that.

Oh, no!

They found us...!

Don't sound too excited about this...

Stay calm and carry on.

The path grows narrower beyond this point,
so they won't be able to follow.

I'm not 100% sure but, let's go! Full throttle!

She's super excited about this.

And then we'll invert direction and return fire!

No way.

They're here!

All tanks, advance!

Watch out! Duck crossing!


They got me!



My apologies!

Don't mind!

Taste my spirit!

We're always losing like this...

It was a valiant attempt, considering our enemy.

Why are you so carefree?!

According to my data, its weak point should be here.

This is a far cry from an elegant victory.

This time we're just here to save Miho.

We're not winning for us.

Are you ready, Miss 17-pounder?

I was born ready.

Here I go.

Please do.
Here I go.

Mission complete.

Sometimes it's good to have a
data freak like you, Assam.

However, according to my data,
the chance that we come back from this is...

Good luck, Miho.

And remember, the battle is decided
in the last five minutes.

It's not like us to stay in a neat line.

Should we do our thing?

Let's do the usual.

Bermuda att*ck!

They're so persistent...!

We're stuck in an infinite loop.

Duce, in front of us!

It's a pincer att*ck!

What should we-

It doesn't matter! Fire!



Next one, next one...


We really are the heavy t*nk K*llers!

What? What?!

What happened?

I don't know...

A land mine?

No! An enemy got us.

The Centurion is heading your way.

We'll finish them in one fell swoop
and then we'll join with the Commander.

Stop there!


Damn you...!


They got us!

Damn it!

It's time to take off the kid gloves!

Head for the central plaza.

Copy that.

Let's go with a combination, Big Sister.


Hey, taxi!

Yeah, yeah.

Prevent the Centurion from joining with them!
Anything's fine, let's ram it if we have to!


We've spotted a stray Pershing!

Is it picking off the survivors?

How impudent...

Pincer att*ck!

Copy that!

Can we act on our own like this?
This looks like it could be against the rules...

Rules are made to be broken!

If we go on like this we won't be able to catch up, so...

Floor it!

Try to follow in our slip! Good luck!

Slip? You're going to slip?

She means their slipstream.

Take this!

We're too low for you!

Squash that micro t*nk!

Here we go!

T-square strategy!

That one's never worked!


Don't worry, it's a shallow pond.

Hurray! We did it!

Tankettes are the best!

You'll never be able to catch up like that, you dummies.

The rules are strict on the engines...

but not so much on the motors!

Go, Super-sonic Prince!



Are we going to be okay?

I'm counting on you too, Mako.



A blank?!

Centurion, Panzer IV, both out!

Checking for remaining tanks.

I have completed a visual check.

University team, no tanks left.

Ooarai Academy, one t*nk left!

The victory goes to the Ooarai Girls Academy!

Hell yeah! Milady!

What?! Did we win?!

Well done, pirozhki!

We won!

We did if!

Now we really saved our school!


Thank you!

We did it! We did it!

Well fought, Commander.

Congratulations, Miho.


Well, congrats!

It was a good match!

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Thank you so much!

It is we who must thank you!

It's a medal. From me to you.

Thank you.

I will treasure it forever!

Let us hope our next match will carry no grudge.

My thoughts exactly.

You were right, Sensha-do really does
exemplify all the important aspects of life...

Don't you agree?

Hitomi tojite
If I close my eyes

Mimi o sumaseba kikoeru
And I listen really close, I can hear it

Mada sukoshi osanai koe
I can hear a voice, still somewhat young

Tawai mo nai oshaberi de nanjikan demo
And I remember, all those times I used to laugh

Waratte irareta ne
For hours, without a care in the world

Hikari sasu watari rouka mo
The hallways bathed in the sun

Chime no neiro mo
The ringing of the bell

Aimai de tashika na hibi o tsunagu
They connected all my days, so confused and yet so clear

Taisetsu na piece
Irreplaceable pieces of me

Ano koro no bokura wa mada
And thinking back, at that time

Asu no chizu sae motazu ni
We had no map of the future

Atarashii nanika o sagashitetanda ne
But we were searching for something new

Egaiteta awai yume mo
And those faint dreams I used to dream about

Fui ni fureta yasashisa mo
The sudden acts of kindness

Sono hitotsu hitotsu ga hora
Look, they all come together

Bokura no ima o tsukutteru
And they make up what we are now

Nandome ka no kisetsu ga megutta aru hi
And one day, who knows how many seasons from now

Futo tachidomatte kizuku
You'll suddenly stop and realize

Me no mae ni wa
That all along you had a choice

Sorezore chigau iro shita michi ga attanda ne
And you will see all the different-colored paths in front of you

Yomikake no hon no shiori mo
A bookmark in a half-read book

Nakaniwa no hana mo
A flower in a courtyard

Kaze ni aorarete fuwari to mau
Dancing quietly in the wind

Itsumo no houkago
Or even the same old after-school

Ano koro no bokura wa...
And thinking back, at that time...

Ano koro no bokura wa mada
And thinking back, at that time

Asu no chizu sae motazu ni
We had no map of the future

Atarashii nanika o sagashitetanda ne
But we were searching for something new

Kawaranai yuujou mo
The never-changing friendships

Hatasenakatta yakusoku mo
The promises I couldn't keep

Sono hitotsu hitotsu ga hora
Look, they all come together

Bokura no mirai tsukutteku
And they make up what we will be