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Case of Hana & Alice, The (2015)

Posted: 02/09/24 13:54
by bunniefuu


Someone's there!


Someone next door was spying on us.

Okay, you.

Let's see how you like being spied on!

Found you!



What are you doing?!

Are you okay?


Someone help!

Be careful!


You okay, man?

She almost got me k*lled!


Pizza's here.


What's with all the trash?

Fresh air.

Kinda plain, huh?

Looks like their uniforms are sailor suits.

I have to wear that?




This is my daughter, Tetsuko Arisugawa.
She's in ninth grade.

I'd like to enroll her here.


Yes, that's right.

The principal is out right now. Let me see.

What are these?


Y-You like snails?

They're for the students.

You'll need a transfer request.

Did you bring it?

I'll also need your old school ID.

How do I get those?

You'll have to go to city hall first.

Have you not been there yet?

I was thinking I'd go
when I'm more settled.

You should make it a priority.

Do you have your daughter's old student ID?


Oh, I do.

I have it.

Then please go to city hall
and get a transfer request.

Of course!


Once you've gotten that, come back here.

When I have the documents I can give you
your textbooks and catch-up material.

Also, you'll have to buy a school uniform
and gym clothes from the school store.

With luck she can be in
class by the afternoon.

That's great!

Thank you!


Eh, it'll be fine.

Sir, what's your name?


Tomonaga. I teach science.

Thank you, Mr. Tomonaga.

He's so handsome!

Wouldn't it be great to
be in his class, Tetsuko?


This is Satomi Ogino. She's a
homeroom teacher for the ninth grade.

I also teach language arts.


You're not her homeroom
teacher, Mr. Tomonaga?

What a shame.

Feel free to ask me anything.

The uniform store was sold out and
won't have any more for a while.

Can I wear this until then?

Sure, sure.

That's just fine.

Hey, are you dating Mr. Tomonaga?

Stop it!

No, no! We're not dating.


You seemed close.

Stop it, Mommy!

Oh, look at her!

Still calling me Mommy!

So, what?

Going to be mean again?

Just get out of here!

Stop that, Testuko-.

This is our classroom.


Good luck!

Okay, everyone!

We've got a new friend joining us.

Be nice.

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering
what the new student's name is.

Write it on the board for everyone, please.

Then introduce yourself.

I'm Tetsuko Arisugawa. Nice to meet you.

I hope everyone can see that.
Remember, everyone, be nice.


Sit at the empty desk.

Oh, Ms. Arisugawa. The one in front.


See ya.

I'm in group two.

We have clean-up duty this week, right?

Oh, uh...





Don't touch that one!

Don't touch that either!

What the hell?


What's this?

How was school?







Did you do something?

In a day? Yeah, totally.

Maybe it's the new kid treatment.

It'll pass.

You'll make friends soon.

I remember that happened to me.

When all the guys like
you, the girls hate you.

That was you?

I was as pretty as a pop star back then.

Didn't have any girl friends.

Not that I needed any.

Nope, nope.

Just a waste of time.

It was always my dream to have my
picture taken by Kishin Shinoyama.

Excuse me!


Non-burnable trash is Wednesdays!


Honestly, have you no sense?


Give it back!

Indirect kiss time!

Please, no! Just give it back!


Give it back, Chiba!

Give it back!


Hey, Chiba! You okay?

He's totally broken something!

It's not my fault.

I didn't do it!


Oh, thanks.

Take it.

I don't want it.

Then throw it away.

Hi, Kuro!

Wow! How long's it been?

Who're you?

Huh? You don't remember me?

We were in the same class
back in Hasegawa Ballet.

Oh, Fuko!

You go here?

What're you doing here?

I'm the transfer student
that transferred in.

If you're looking for a book,
this place probably has it.

Wow, talk about creepy.

That's actually kind of cool.


This is the one your mom wrote, right?

Oh, wow.

This place is certainly something
if they've got a book that rare.

m*rder or Something.

Arisa Arisugawa.

Thank you for your purchase.

I'll be returning it now.

Oh, that's Kappa Sanpeido.

It's good.

No kidding. I'm drooling.

Wanna try?

Sorry, I've got lessons.



You're still doing that?

What about you?

I did.

But I probably won't anymore.


Do it with me.

Maybe I'll ask my mom.

Budget's pretty tight, though.

That's such a shame, Kuro.

Hey, how about just coming to watch?

Right now.

Here we are.

So old!

Watch your back!

Sorry I'm late!

Mademoiselle, do you have a second?

This is an old classmate, Tetsuko Kuro-.

Tetsuko Arisugawa.

You've practiced ballet?

For how long?

Uh, seven years.

Really? Would you like to join?

No, no! I'm just watching-.

What's your shoe size?

Lucky you, huh, Kuro?

Rock, paper, scissors, Spock!

Winner-winner chicken dinner!

I lost...


Just k*ll me, Kuro!


Did your name change, Kuro?

Yeah. It's Arisugawa, not Kuroyanagi.

So stop calling me Kuro.


Arisugawa's a cute name.

Can I call you Alice?


Alice is cute.

But why'd it change?


Don't pry, Fu.

Well, this is my place.



Next to the flower house?

Flower house?

We call this house the flower house.

The flower house?

There's always someone watching
people from that window.

It's super creepy.

Look! That one!


They could be watching!

Wait, wrong way-.

Please, just stay with me!

Why're you crying?

Wipe your eyes, big girl.

What're you doing?

Do you know what time it is?

I went to a ballet studio
today so I felt like dancing.

A ballet studio?

Way out here?

It's pretty legit.

You wanna join?

You should!

Yeah, but with what money?

That's not something you
should worry about!


Money's meant to be spent.

How have you survived all these years?

Money is meant to be spent!

Alice, do you attend Ishinomori Middle?


Just like Fu.

Have you heard of the m*rder?



The Ishinomori m*rder!

You don't?

So you don't.

What? Tell me?

Ask Fuko. That's who I heard it from.

What, what?

Well, see, a boy from school d*ed.


A year ago.

Judas was the victim.

Have you heard of Judas?

Of course not.

And the m*rder*r was Judas, too.

The m*rder*r was Judas, too?


Four Judas.

Four Judas?

Is that someone's name?

Judas is in the Bible.

He betrayed Christ and got
him nailed to the cross.

I don't get it.

I was super confused, too.


It's so easy...

So what class was the victim in?

I think ninth grade, class two.


Hey, you're right.

Of all the places to move to.




Got a sec?



Don't let her run!

Get her!


What the hell?

What did I do?

Settle down!

Let go!


Calm down!

Stop kicking!

Don't struggle, Arisugawa.

Let us explain.

You've broken the barrier.



What barrier?

See, that desk was where
we sealed Judas' soul.

Sealed what?

See, we locked up his soul
and threw away the key.

But you broke the lock.

I didn't do anything!

You did plenty!


You entered the barrier.

How is that my fault?

This is my seat!

That's human logic.

It won't sate the anger of Judas' soul.

So what?



Do you know what happens
to people who sit here?


They disappear!


And go where?

To the underworld.

Who are you?

I am Mutsumi Mutsu.

I've been summoned from the
underworld to haunt this world.

Seat number: Friday the 13th.

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!
Please save the poor transfer student!

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!
Please save the poor transfer student!

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!
Please save the poor transfer student!

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!
Please save the poor transfer student!

Please save-.

The Devil's messenger!

Don't touch it!

Judas, go back to Hell!

Oh God, save Arisugawa from her curse!

Here, Arisugawa.






The underworld!

We did it!

Judas is back in Hell!


What message did you receive
from the Anaphylactic God?

A cross!

He did it!

God defeated the evil being!



Praise be to Him!

Everyone, praise Him!

Holy crap.

The Devil and demons actually
exist in some places.

I'm so glad I moved here.

Maybe I'll even meet Casper!

Cut up that paper plane.


Mommy, you're awesome!

It's a simple trick.

Then what was that, "Let my
people go!" stuff about?

There's a song, "Go Down Moses" that
talks about Moses and the Pharaohs.

It's a line from there.

Basically the chorus.

God speaks to Moses, saying,

"Tell old Pharaoh, let my people go."

Oh, and Judas is Judas Iscariot.

He was one of Jesus Christ's twelve
apostles and a traitor who betrayed him.

What I'm saying is...

I don't know.

Go Google it.

Hey, devil girl! Want a chicken wing?

Well, too bad!

Man, that's good!

Juicy and delicious chicken wings
in the morning are the best!

You ignoring me, bitch?

Who's a monster again? Huh?

I didn't say monster.

I said devil girl, duh!

Shut up. Same diff.

Where do you get off munching on
chicken wings and antagonizing people?

You're the real devil here.



Don't mess with me just cuz I'm new.

My traveling's made me wise.

Got that? Now piss off and
don't bother me again.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Please don't hit me!

Who's "Judas"?

Spit it out.


Judas was an older student.

That was k*lled?


k*lled by who?

By four other Judas.

Who are they?

Judas' wives.

They were in middle school, weren't they?

They were the same age as us.

Who has a wife at that age?

And four? Jesus Christ.

I don't understand it either!

To be honest, I don't believe
in ghosts and devils.

Oh yeah?

Yet you had no problem calling
me a devil girl, huh?

Okay, I admit that.

But I really don't believe in
such superstitious nonsense.

Now I think I do, though.

I saw Judas' ghost.


Everyone in the class has seen it.


It appeared right in the middle of class.

Scared the hell out of everyone.

Just flew into the room and possessed Mu.

Mu? What?

Mutsumi Mutsu.

You know, the girl that
started that exorcism ritual.

That's Mu.

She was possessed...

by Judas.

My name is Judas!

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!


Who k*lled me?

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!


Was it you?!

It was you, I bet!

It was you!

Jesus Christ.

It-It's true.

I was so scared I actually
voided my bladder in public.

That made me so embarrassed
I actually cried, too.

They used to call me Yuya the Fierce.

Chiba, the Ultimate w*apon.

School Hunter Yuya. People feared my name!

But after that day everyone
lost respect for me.

Now they call me Chiba
the Pisser and Pooya.

Even Diaper Boy.

You've been through a lot, huh?

Ever since I've been picking on girls and
the weaker to make myself feel better.

Well don't!

Please don't hit me, it hurts!

So? What happened to Mutsumi Mutsu?

She was discovered in the hall bathroom,
refusing to come out.

The teachers had to drag her away.

She came to school just fine the next day,
but her skirt and hair were suddenly long.

She was wearing a wig?

She said it grew overnight.

Yeah right.

Anyway, she just walked this
desk and chair out of nowhere

and sat them down by the rear window.

They remain there to this day.

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!

She would later erect a barrier, sealing
away the troubling Judas in his seat.

No one can disobey Mu.

Once there was a group of girls who
bullied her, but now they're her slaves.

This "Mu" was bullied
before everything blew up?

She was.

I participated in it as well, but that
was nothing compared to the girls.

But now Mu is invincible.

No human can touch her if
she can erect barriers.

That'd be like fighting a lion bare-handed.

People only bully because they know their
victims can't raise a finger against them.

Bullying is wrong, you bastard!

Ow! Stop it!

No punching!

On your marks.

Get set.


A relay runner?

That's great!

What's up?

Who cares if I'm fast?

I'd rather have some other skill.

Oh? Like what?

I dunno.

Something more useful, I guess.

What's wrong with being fast?

You can run in the Olympics!

I bet you could do it.

What about you? Were you fast?

Yup. So fast.

Did you run in the Olympics?

No way.

See? No way in hell.

No, you see, Daddy's always
been second in everything.

Dessert will be served next.

My, girl, your skin's so fair.

You look like a porcelain doll.

What should we order...

Two green tea ice creams.

Coming right up.

Or would you rather something else?

You sound like your mother.

You've heard of people pushing for
tenths of a second faster, right?

But whatever their time,
they're still fast as hell.

Not many people that fast in the world.

It always pained me to see
people like that competing.

When I was a kid I pit this rhinoceros
beetle against a stag beetle.

Those people always remind me of that.

And people who think like
that can't be gold-medalists.


I bet that's work.

Answer it.

Wow, you sounded even more
like your mother there.



We'll do this again.

Say hi to your mother for me.


What's up?

Mommy said you need to read this.

Oh, thank you.

What, a new volume?

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.

- Divorce.
- Divorce.




Wait, did you run all the way here?

You really are fast!

Have fun at work.

And you have fun on the track team.

Gold's gonna take some time.

Hey, it's Ms. Ogino.

sh*t, it's that trash lady
from the flower house.

Did I raise her wrong?

No, of course not.

Mrs. Arai, are you okay?

Forgive me.

The trash lady's crying!

Thank you very much.

Ms. Ogino!

Oh, Arisugawa.

Why was that lady apologizing?

Why was she crying?

Well, she's been through a lot.

She's my neighbor.


She's the Jerry to my Tom every morning.

Jerry to your Tom?

She's always going on about the
neighborhood dumping rules.

She has a daughter in our class.

Hana Arai.

You remember the empty
desk behind you, right?

That's her seat.

So that's who that is.

There's this creepy girl that's
always peering out the window.

What's her deal?

If only we knew.

What was her name again?

Hana Arai.

See you.

Go! You can do it!

Keep it going!

You've got it! You've got it!

Hooray! Hooray!


You're amazing, girl!

How did you get to be so fast?

And here I thought you were
being bullied out of school.

Everyone loves you!

When did you get here?

Just now.

I said you didn't have to come.

Well I'm here.

What're you wearing? You're
totally standing out, Mommy.

Oh, come on.

I haven't been out in three days.

I went all out.

Want a drink?

No thanks.

Have fun.

Wait, what's the next event?


I wanna go home now-.

What was that?


Why'd you go "urgh" just now?


That was my mother. What do you want?

What? Where?

I know you know. Don't look away.

Whoa, what the hell?

She's even crazier than my mom.

You saw her and got
creeped out, didn't you?

Nah, no way.

You did.

You do realize who you have to
thank for your popularity, right?

Me. Me!

I purified you so now everyone accepts you.

Basically, you owe me your life!

So what do you think you're doing,
looking at my mom and going "urgh"?

I didn't, I swear.

You did.

Not that I blame you, though.

What's she thinking, acting
goth when she's past fifty?

I told her not to come,
but she never listens.

They say men are from Mars and women from
Venus, but parents are from, like, Pluto!

No, seriously.

I wasn't scared by your mom.

Don't look.

There's a lady under that tree.

That's who scared me.

Don't look! Don't look!

How am I supposed to tell, then?

Careful, then. Careful.

Oh! That lady with the major
nasty juju coming off her?

You must be pretty sensitive
to be able to spot her.

Wow, no. She's my neighbor.


That's the Haunting Mom.

Huh? Haunting Mom?

The girl who used to sit behind
you got sucked into Hell.

That's her mom.

I feel for her.

She still holds on to the memory of
her daughter and haunts the campus.

Her daughter's at home.

Never leaves.

What, you knew?

I guess you are neighbors.


What's this Judas business?

Swear to me that you'll never tell
anyone what I'm about to reveal to you.

You do and I'll curse you
to the end of your days.

All right...

Judas was a student here last year.

He had four wives.

But none of them knew about the others.

Until one day, they found out!

And he was poisoned!

By something called "anaphylaxis".

No one knows who poisoned him.

The four wives never
talked about his death.


You sure you don't mean a**l laxative?

But he was in middle school!

How could he have had wives?

Good point.

No way it happened.

Man, you sure are smart.

Not like all the idiots in our class.

Honestly, I don't believe
in any of this crap.

Besides, a m*rder just sounds so BS.

If it was a m*rder, wouldn't like
the police and reporters come?

But no one showed up last year.

You've heard local ghost
stories before, right?

It's basically like that.

Some people just get off on that.

Just don't bother with them.

But they say you were possessed by Judas.

Hell no!

That was my seat first.

Your seat.

It sucked!

No one would talk to me.

People would call me Judas all the time.

So what do you think I did?


I got Judas to possess me.

In front of everyone.

Anaphylaxis! Anaphylaxis!


If that didn't work, I was
ready to quit school.

But it worked, so who cares?

How'd you get possessed?

It was an act.

An act?

So, what is Judas?

Don't know.

What? You don't?


I'm a victim of Judas, just like you.

I've got no clue who Judas
or his four wives are.

In fact, it was last year's ninth
graders that started this.

It might be just a rumor.

Or it might not!

Perhaps there really was an
incident that birthed this tale.

It's all shrouded in mystery now, though.

Hana Arai.


She might know something.

She's the only eyewitness
remaining from last year's class.

Never went to school after,
so she couldn't graduate.

Hey, was that teacher around?


You know! From your first day at school.

With the snails!

Actually, I haven't seen him since.

Oh, that must be the person
who used to live here.


This is Yuda's room!

Kotaro Yuda.

Man, I'm b*at.

Mommy, we need to move.

Let's move!

I can't live here!

I can't, can't, can't!


I can't!

I don't want to live in the sticks!

You're hurting me!

The anaphylaxis crap makes no sense!

- Let go, would you?
- This is all because you're splitting up with Daddy!

You just had to write it all down in
your stupid book, and now we're cursed!

What happened? Tell me.

The person who used to live here d*ed.

What are you going on about?

Talk to me, here.

Come, Tetsuko. Talk!

Forget it.

Tell me!

I swear I won't write about it, so tell me.

That was close.

What am I doing?

What do you mean, close?





Hana Arai?

Don't mind if I do.


Come out to play...

You okay?

I'm done for. Paralyzed.

What're you doing in my house?

That's breaking and entering.

I won't call the cops, so get out.

Sorry. Gimme time to recover my senses.

Like a minute.

Fine. A minute.


You dropped all your papers.

These are tests.

What're these for?

I'm cleaning up your mess.

You know Kotaro Yuda?

I do.

He used to live in that house of yours.

You were in the same class, weren't you?

I was.

Was he k*lled?

I don't know.

What about his four wives?

What else do you know?



The story goes that this
Yuda guy had four wives.

But one day they realized he was
stepping out so one of them k*lled him.

With poison, apparently.


Something called "anaphylaxis".

Heard of it?


All I know is Yuda transferred out.

Nothing else.


He wasn't k*lled?

I have no idea.

What about the four Yudas? The four wives.

Never heard of them.

Man, he want m*rder*d?

I told you, I don't know.

Go play detective and find out if he's
alive, since you're so hot on it.

Maybe he was m*rder*d!

Whatever. He transferred, end of story.

What if he actually was m*rder*d?

Can you really sleep in
his bed knowing that?

That's why I'm trying to convince
myself he just transferred!


I'll help you, so start detectiving.

Detectiving how?

We have to figure out his
current address first.


Figure that out yourself.

You said you'd help me!

Yuda's dad worked for some
company called Cobalt.

Oh, I get it. We can just ask his dad.

Ask him what?

Like, uh, "Is Yuda alive?"

You're going to scare him
if you ask his dad that!

If he is dead, you might get
mistaken for the m*rder*r.


First, you pay a visit to Cobalt.

Then you ask the receptionist
if there's a Mr. Teruo Yuda.

That's Yuda's dad's name.

You'll probably be asked who you are.

So you answer, "Kotaro Yuda."

There's a cafe on the
first floor called Sorun.

Tell him to meet you there.

The guy'll have to show.

Then you can judge from his expression
if Yuda is alive or not.

Know how?

If he's alive, the dad will look around
the cafe with an irritated expression.

But if he's dead, he'll probably
show up shocked beyond belief.

After all, he was just told his
son's waiting for him in a cafe.

He'd be totally panicked.

The definition of looking
like you've seen a ghost.

Got it?

Not really.

I'll write you instructions.

Oh, and when you go, make
sure to wear boy clothes.

If you call yourself Kotaro and show up looking
like a girl, they'll know you're a fake.

Did you just think of that?



That's crazy fast.

It's just normal.

So I'm supposed to go alone?

Yeah. You'll be fine.

Come with me!

I can't.

His dad knows me.

Go by yourself.

I'm not going.


Cuz I'm not that curious.


I know you put all that thought into it.

You better go!

Go! Please!


This is a person's life on the line!

Can you really just sit there
if someone might be dead?

What's with you? Do you not
care about human life at all?

Wow, what a bitch!

You'll curse yourself forever!

You'll wish you'd gone
and learned the truth!


All right, that's a minute.

Get out.

Here. I wrote everything out.

My phone number, too. If
something happens, call.

You better go.

Oh, what's your name?

Tetsuko Kuro...

I mean, Tetsuko Arisugawa.

Tetsuko Arisugawa. I'm-.

Hana Arai.


You were the one asking for names.

Whoa, what's that?

A balloon?


Hey! What're you doing?

It's a hot-air balloon!

Crazy close.

Don't you mean blimp?


That's not a hot-air balloon?

How can you tell?

Are you spying on me?

I can tell without seeing it.

Hot-air balloons don't float over cities.

And who cares about that?
Did you find Cobalt?

Holy cow.


Cobalt... Cobalt...

Cobalt... Cobalt... Cobalt...

Cobalt... Cobalt...

Maybe this one?

I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner.

Here's my card.

See the receptionist?


Now ask if there's a Teruo Yuda in.

Not Kotaro. First you say Teruo.

You're Kotaro, remember.


Excuse me, is this Cobalt?

Yes, it is.

Is there someone named Teruo Yuda in?

Teruo Yuda.

Teruo Yuda, from the Third Planning Office?

Yes, that's the one.

May I ask your name?


Your name, please.

Uh, Kuro...

I mean, Arisugawa.

Testuko Arisugawa.

Ms. Arisugawa, then. Just a moment.

I have a visitor for Mr. Yuda.

Yes, she's waiting in
the first floor lobby.

Should he meet you here?

Oh, I'll be waiting in the cafe.

Name of Sorun.


She'll be waiting at Sorun Cafe.


Can you hear me?

Earth to Alice!


What did you just say?

I heard Tetsuko Arisugawa.

Uh, what?

Your name!

Did you give them Kotaro Yuda as your name?

Yes. A Ms. Tetsuko Arisugawa.

Sorry. I screwed up.


Yuda's in a meeting with
a client right now.


Everyone's out right now. It's just me.

What does she want?

Actually, never mind. I'll be down soon.

Nothing else to do.


Glass of orange juice.

Coming right up.


Everything's ruined!

All our plans, down the tubes!

Can I go home now?

What're you talking about? Of course not!


I'm going back to the drawing board.

Gimme a minute.

I'll just wait in the cafe, then.

That's not necessary. Actually, that's bad.

Hide outside and watch
the building entrance.

If you see a man looking around
the cafe, that's Mr. Yuda.

I'm already in the cafe.


What's wrong with you?

Get out, now!

I ordered orange juice.

Who cares? Just go!

Excuse me. Are you Ms. Arisugawa?

Uh, no.

Hmm. A girl in a hat.



What do you mean, no?

Ms. Arisugawa?

No, sorry.

Yes, of course. Pardon me.

Girl in a hat...

Girl in a hat...

That was close.

What, what? What happened?

Mr. Yuda just showed up.

What? What did he want?

He asked if I was Arisugawa, and I said no.

He's seen your face now!


He's more like Grandpa Yuda,
not Mr. Yuda, though.

He's an old fart.

Old? Really?

Thank you for waiting.
Here's your orange juice.


Enjoy your drink.

Just get out of that cafe.

Fine, just gimme a sec.

This is no time to be drinking juice.

Crap! He's back!


One hot coffee.

Coming right up.

What happened? What happened?

Miss, please put away your phone.

You dropped this.

The plan was perfect, too.

Now your only choice is to tail him.

Tail him? For how long?

To his house.

His house?

Everyone goes home after work, right?

Tail him and you'll find Yuda's house.

If he's alive, he'll be there.

This is now a w*r of attrition.

I wanna go home.


That's not Mr. Yuda.

What's she doing?


No power!

Hey, taxi!

Follow that taxi!

Um, this is far enough.

Huh? They haven't stopped.

Yes, this is fine.

I'm kinda short.

No money?

Just short.

That's why you called off the chase?

Who is that?

How do you know each other?

Well, uh...

He's my dad!

He left and never came back!

If I don't catch him, I'll
never see him again...

All right.

Wait right here.

Uh, okay.

What's he doing?

Excuse me.


Uh, what?

I picker her up in Osamu.


She wanted me to follow your taxi.

But she realized she had no money
so she tried to get out halfway.

I took it upon myself to bring her here.

Maybe this is none of my business, but...

Oh, right.

No, I'm not talking about that.

Please see her.

Uh, what?

No charge.

Good luck!

Who are you?

I'm sorry.

I didn't have enough
money, so I kinda lied.

I said you were my father.

So that's why he was pleading with me.

I'm sorry.

Lying's wrong, you know.

But I guess you know that.


There you are!

Where are you right now?

Oh, hello?

I'm in a hospital waiting room.

Please put away your phone.




Mr. Yuda!

Thank you. Goodbye.

That'll be 1400 yen.




Do you want something from me?


Oh, I get it!

No money to get home, huh?

Where do you want to be dropped off?

Where's your house?

Please stop.

What's the matter?

Uh, nothing.

Order whatever you like.

Cheesecake and strawberry juice, please.

I'll have...



I'm fine.

Why were you at the hospital?

Visiting someone?

I, uh, felt a little sick.

How old are you?


Uh, fourteen.


Only fourteen years since
you were born, huh?

Such nice skin, too. Lovely.


I don't mean it like that.

When you get older, wrinkles
and liver spots take you over.

Your face is just a mess.

You know, I was pretty
handsome when I was younger.

I still got it over here.

Wow, mister! That one part
of you is super young!

Ew! What's that?

You've got one long hair!


Stop saying that.


I just recently spotted it.

My body's checking me into the old
folks club whether I like it or not.

But this one spot is smooth as a newborn's.

It made me check myself again.

I'm still young in a few
places, surprisingly!

Mostly out-of-the-way ones.

But they're smooth as a newborn's.

The human body is a strange thing.

Oh, excuse me. Bathroom break.

Hello? Where are you now?

I've secured Mr. Yuda!

You've got the wrong guy.

I'm tailing Mr. Yuda right now.

The wrong guy? Then who's this?

I dunno.

Where are you?

Some shop. He's paying for me.

What the hell?

You sure he's not a kidnapper?

What? No way.

So what do I do now?

Where are you?

The car took all these turns.
I have no idea.

Turns? He's totally a kidnapper!


What do I do?

Just get out of there.

I'll follow the real Mr. Yuda,
so you focus on getting home.

That's so mean!

You use me all day and now
you're leaving me out to dry?

Fine, look for the closest station.

There must be one around.

A station? Okay.

I'll look.


The train's leaving.

When you get to the station, call me.


Please do not try to board a moving train.

Please do not try to board a moving train.

Oh. Bathroom break for you, too?

Did they take our orders?

No, not yet.

They're holding a party here, apparently.

Let's go somewhere else.


Happy birthday to you!

Don't see any shops.

Oh, don't need to use the bathroom anymore?

I'm okay.

Um, I need to go home.

I see.

Where's the closest station?

Very far.

Where's your house again?

In Fujiko.

I see. That's on the way, then.

I can drop you.


No taxis, huh?


Let's walk that way.


Are you okay?



Are you sick, mister?

I'm getting better.

I had surgery last month.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just need to rest a little.


That's nice.

I'm in heaven.

That's enough.

Thank you.


Up we go.

I used to do this all the time!


How long's it been?

Two years, maybe?

What about you, mister?

Forty years.

Forty? That's crazy.

Back when my daughter was
in elementary school.

Forty years, huh?

How time flies.

That's a long time! Super long!

Yes, perhaps it is.

Hey, the station!

I guess we ended up walking there anyway.

Thank you!



Oh! How'd it go?

I found the station and bid
the weird old man farewell.


You were with him the whole time?

He wasn't a bad guy.

Whatever. I'm off the train.

Can you get to Hinoka Station?

Take the Reimei Line.

I'll be waiting.


Can't I go home?

The situation changes every minute.

Just hurry.

The doors will be closing.

Wait, wait!

Please be careful.

Took you long enough.

Good. I need to borrow this.

The Yudas know me.

H-Hey, wait! Where are you going?

Just come.

Where are we going?




How far are we going?

Say something!


There's Yuda's house.

Which one?


There's security so I couldn't get in.

I wonder if this kid's alive.

We can't leave until we find out.

How do we do that?

He should be coming home soon.

Wouldn't he already be home?

He wasn't a goody two-shoes.

Usually stayed out, ate something,
and came home around nine or ten.

You sure know him well.

We were friends for a long time.

He was my neighbor and sat
in front of me at school.

That kinda friends, huh?

It's not like that.

I can see why you're worried.

It's not like that.

Did you eat this all by yourself?

Huh? There's still more.

I was actually tailing you first.


Because I was worried.

What if something bad happened?

I mean, you were almost kidnapped!

I was not!

That's why I said almost.

You were worried about me?

You're a good person, for a shut-in.

I don't stay inside because I want to.

It's pretty late.

What do we do? We'll miss the train!

I guess we can stop here for today.
We know where they live now.

We can come back.

Boo. We got so close, too.

Maybe he's already home.

Just shout, "Kotaro Yuda, get out here!"

He might stick his head out the window.

Stop it. Please.

What if everyone in the
complex looks out the window?

Found one!

So cold.

I'm turning to ice.

I'm so hungry.

Yeah, we haven't eaten anything today.

There's a ramen shop!

Yes, yes!


Sweet warmth!

I almost froze.

What to order...

We're short on time. I'll have plain ramen.



One plain and one miso with green onions!

Coming up!

I haven't eaten out in forever.

Oh, right.

It'd suck if the food's bad here.

Oh my God, I know, right?

Oh my God...


This place looks good.

You sit there.

Excuse me.

You sit here.


That was close.


If we got here after them,
we'd be waiting forever.

Good point.


I ordered for everyone already.


All right, barbecue pork ramen!

That was fast. Man, look
at the size of that pork.

What now?

We'll be cutting it close. Too risky.

Guess we just leave.

Excuse me!


We have to go. Can we cancel?

I've already started on yours.

What now?

What'd you order?

If you want pork and green
onions, I'll give you mine.

I can trade you my fried liver set, too.

What'd you girls order?

No, no! Let us handle this!

Hey, gimme yours!


Are you serious, man?

That's one. Enjoy.

Lucky, huh?

What do you say, girls?

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Gyoza, up!

Let's eat!

Have some gyoza, too!

Thank you!

Lucky again!

Thank you very much!

Eat up, eat up!

You're so slow!

You're too fast!

Hurry up!

What line?

How much?

Which line goes to Fujiko?

Abiko? Fujimoto?

Abiko? Fujimoto? Abiko? Fujimoto?

We don't have time for this!

Which goes to Fujiko?

The last train! No!


So cold.

A convenience store!

Let's warm up in here.

What's going on?

No way.

What the hell?

We're stuck outside. What do we do now?

Freeze to death till morning.

I don't mind.

Stop that!

You might not, but I do!

Hey, I never asked. Why
don't you leave the house?



And we're back here again.


Hey! Stop that!

I won't do it!

You just did!

Hey! What're you doing?

We're gonna get caught.

It's so warm.



This is heaven!

If Yuda's really dead...

I'm the one who k*lled him.


Want to know what happened?

I'm not so sure anymore.

For Valentine's Day I'd always give
Yuda chocolate. Nothing special.

We'd known each other since kindergarten.

I always gave him chocolate for
his birthday and Valentine's.

And until third grade, he'd
always return the favor.

But in fourth grade he stopped.

I was kinda sad.

But you don't give presents
to get presents, right?

So I kept giving him chocolate
like a good person.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

But in seventh grade,

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda

I prepared a special surprise and
gave it to him with the chocolate.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

Kotaro Yuda.

An envelope.

Can you guess the contents?

A love letter?


A marriage license.

A marriage license?

I was basically saying that I
hoped one day we'd sign it.

Romantic, right?

Uh, I dunno.

What'd he say?

He was stone-faced.

Creeped out, huh?

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

I didn't mean we had to
get married right away.

Zero need to feel pressured, right?

But in the spring of ninth
grade, something crazy happened!

We were in the same class for once!

And I was right behind him!

That was the happiest
day of my life.


Did you k*ll him?

Not yet.

If he hadn't been an idiot,

he wouldn't have forced my hand.

Yuda, what'd you want to talk about?

Do you like me?

If you want me to be your
girlfriend, I can do that.

Then the deal's sealed.

Can you sign this?

What is this?

Are you messing with me?
































That's not your name.

It is. The marriage changed it.


Who married?

Your parents?


Excuse me.

Who got married, now?


To whom?

- Yuda.
- Keiko.

- Yuda.
- Keiko.

- Yuda.
- Keiko.



- Yuda.
- Keiko.

- Yuda.
- Keiko.

- Yuda.
- Keiko.

- Yuda.
- Keiko.


What's the matter, Kijima?

There must be a mistake.

He's married to me!

Was I tricked, then?


Honestly. Yuda ran away from me.

Now I have to pay his parents a visit.

He's been a little off recently, no?

Maybe it's just puberty. What do you think?


You're neighbors, right?
Aren't you friends?

Just because we're neighbors
doesn't mean we're friends.

You sit behind him.

Did he not propose to you?




Be seated.

Okay, everyone.

I have a bit of sad news.

Yuda's family is going to be
moving, so he has to transfer.

Come on, Yuda. Say something to everyone.


No way.

I'm Yuda, and I'll be transferring soon.

I know I did some bad things.
Just forget about me.

Have a fun life without me.


What's wrong, Yuda?


You can die from a bee sting, dude!


Seriously. I saw it on TV.

No way.

You die from the shock. I
forget what it's called.



Anaphylactic shock.

Huh? What?

What was that? Say it again.

Anaphylactic shock.

Are you Hana Arai?

You're the one who put the
bee down Yuda's shirt.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

I think a "bee" appears before every
criminal right before they commit the crime.

Don't you think?

I dunno.

That's all you say.

Is that why you stopped going to school?

If he's...

really dead...

then I k*lled him.


might have...

m*rder*d someone.

When I think of that, I...

I can't sleep.

Before I knew it...

I couldn't even leave the house.

She's crying.

My leg's cramping.

You're pretty good for a beginner.

You're not even looking at me.

I can just tell.

Hey, look. Tons of stars.

What dance is that?

Sleeping Beauty.

How's that story go?

Let me see...

It's about a princess
that gets stung by a bee.


Just kidding!

Come on.

She's nailed to a wall and trapped forever.


Just kidding!

Ow! Ow!

Someone's coming.



I think they're going to sleep.

With the engine on? Talk about rude.

So warmsies.

It's heaven on Earthsies.

And spacious, toosies.

With a bathroom, I could live heresies.

You think Yuda's alive?

I hope so.


My head...

Whoa, it's 7:30!

Hey, you!

Get up!

We have to get to our post!

No use. She's dead to the world.

Fine, I'll go myself.


Hana, where are you?





What is she doing?



Stop that truck!


What's your problem?

My friend's being dragged by that truck!

Someone's being dragged by a truck!

Someone's being dragged by a truck!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's she doing?




What's wrong with you? That's dangerous!

There's a person stuck under there!

There! Over there!


What? Where?



Where were you?

Yuda's house.

You wouldn't wake up.

So I went to watch alone.


What's up?


What's the matter?

Someone got run over by a truck!

No way!

I think I figured out what you did.

You've cursed me! I'm going home!

I don't care if Yuda's alive or dead!


What? What happened?

That was Yuda.


Yuda's alive.


That uniform looks terrible on him.

Is he really still using that bag?



I really will k*ll you.

Who're you?

What're you doing?

Let go!

My friend wants to talk to you.






How've you been?


I see.


Wait, what? That's all?

Say something else!


You put the bee down my shirt, right?

That really hurt.

I'll never forget it.



Why'd you run off like that?

What else do you do when someone says that?

He was basically confessing
his eternal love.


"I'll never forget that pain."

He's, like, head-over-heels for me!


Don't say anything.

I don't care if I'm deluding myself.

I just want to lose
myself in this happiness.

She's gone.


Is this how you wear a sailor suit?

Why not? Everyone has their own way.


Where are you going?




First day in a sailor suit, huh?

They finally got one in stock.

First day in a long time for you, too.

One year, four months.

Looks lame!

Looks lame!

Let's get to school!

Let me hear the sound of
your heartbeat on my toes

let me touch my ear on your chest

it rains cats and dogs

I'm a little soaking mouse

here wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

I don't like this time we have

'cause I'm here afraid of when we lose it

can you hear the rain above

it sounds like a tiny march of angels

please don't leave me
here just watch me dance

pointé passé fouetté

whenever we meet it rains cats and dogs

I'm a little soaking mouse

I'm wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

LA LA you know

I knew you'd no longer be
here when the summer was over

and now I knew you'd be back
and without any words or hints

it must be fate

the world is a dream in rain

the splashes of water shines don't you see

watch out

don't step on the fish in the pool

I'm a little soaking mouse

I'm wet with a blanket of rain

and I dream of you

let me hear the sound of
your heartbeat on my toes

let me touch my ear on your chest

it rains cats and dogs

I'm a little soaking mouse

here wet with a blanket of rain

and I'm dreaming of you