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Tamako Love Story (2014)

Posted: 02/09/24 12:14
by bunniefuu
In the music room as the sun sets

OPROM: Yuuhi ga shizumu ongakushitsu de

OPJP: 夕日が沈む 音楽室で

As you played the piano your

OPROM: Piano kanaderu anata no

OPJP: ピアノを奏でる あなたの

gentle face

OPROM: yawarakai yokogao ni

OPJP: やわらかい 横顔に

I'm amazed and

OPROM: Hikitsukerarete

OPJP: 惹きつけわれて

I couldn’t take my eyes off you

OPROM: me ga hanasenakute

OPJP: 目が離せなくて

Your home’s telephone number

OPROM: Anata no ie no terefon nambaa

OPJP: あなたの家の テレフォンナンバー

I repeatedly wrote and memorized

OPROM: Kurikaeshi kaite oboete

OPJP: くり返し 書いて おぼえて

But all I do is take the receiver

OPROM: Juwaki wo hazushite

OPJP: 受話器を はずして

And dial the number, just that

OPROM: Daiyaru mawasu sore dake nanda

OPJP: ダイヤル回す それだけなんだ


OPROM: Dakedo

OPJP: だけど

I don't have the courage to do more than that

OPROM: Sonna yuuki mo dasenai kara

OPJP: そんな勇気も出せないから

At least

OPROM: Semete

OPJP: せめて

I will sing this song

OPROM: Kono uta wo

OPJP: この歌を

just for you alone

OPROM: Anata no tame dake ni utau

OPJP: あなたのためだけに歌う

I want only you to listen to this song

OPROM: Kono uta wa anata dake ni kiite hoshii

OPJP: この歌はあなただけに聴いてほしい

Yuuhi ga shizumu ongakushitsu de

In the music room as the sun sets

Piano kanaderu anata no

As you played the piano your

yawarakai yokogao ni

gentle face


I'm amazed and

me ga hanasenakute

I couldn’t take my eyes of

Anata no ie...

Your home’s...



Sonna yuuki mo dasenai kara

I don't have the courage to do more than that

Mabushiku hikaru

Shrine brightly

anata no kotoba

o words of yours

Mabataki shiteru


watashi no moto he

towards my direction

Watashi no uta wa

I send my song

anata no moto he

to your direction

Southern Islands

Dera-chan of the


In a certain southern island

Default - top: is a small, yet bountiful village.

Default - top: I am an ancient and honorable servant of the royal family, Dera Mochimazzui.

Default - top: an amazing, fortune-telling, talking ladies' bird.

Is it okay if I take a break, Dera?

I've looked after this guy ever since he was young.

Default - top: This country's prince, Mecha Mochimazzi.

Default - top: This girl is the country's fortune teller who always cares for the prince, Choi Mochimazzi.

Pounding this mochi thing is pretty hard.

It's because you're not putting your hips into it.

What a rude thing to say to the Prince, Dera!

I've overstayed my welcome, Choi-sama!

Because you do nothing but laze around and eat mochi

you're getting rolls as you gain weight!

I'm sorry for being fat, Choi-sama!

And please share the mochi with others.

Everyone in the palace is looking forward to it.

I'll pound the mochi now, my liege.

No, it's fine.

That's right. Pounding mochi requires strength after all.

You do it, Prince.

I told you to watch your mouth when addressing the prince!

Forgive me, Choi-sama!

It's fine, really.

Aren't you thirsty?

I'll bring you a drink.

I'll do it, my liege

But you're supposed to be shaping the mochi.

Don't try to order me around as if you're of importance.

Just shut up already, you lowly bird.

As you wish, Choi-sama.

A bird that flies is just a bird,

but a bird that talks is valuable.

I'm gonna go get the drink.


I bet the people at the Usagiyama shopping district are feeling lonely right about now.

With me being gone and all.

Even Shiori...

I'm pretty sure that a noisy bird like you going away,

is a relief to them.

I would have liked to stay in that mochi shop a bit longer.

Tamaya,ya {store top}



rice cakes,Cakes

rice cakes,Rice

rice cakes,Famed

I was supposed to go find the prince a wife,

but fate unexpectedly led me to this mochi shop in the shopping district.

In that shop was a girl named Tamako.

"Don't leave me Dera-chan."

Don't stop me young lady, I must return to my home.

The islanders are awaiting my return at this very moment.

"I understand, Dera-chan."

"I'll be sad, but do your best!"

Here. One of my finest feathers.

Think of this as me while you make good mochi.

"Thank you. I'll treasure this, Dera-chan."

That girl was really surprised when I told her you're the great Empress Choi,

Default,TLC,,,,,but she was so wrong about you.

Sorry for causing you so much trouble.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Come on! Let's shape the mochi, Dera.

Making them all in the same shape is boring.

We should make more original mochi.

How's this look, Choi-sama?

What's this?!

A peach-shaped mochi.

Peach? A peach?

Could it be that you thought this was shaped like a butt instead?


Well then.

How about this?

Cut it out!

Are you teasing me, Dera?!

I got them.

Prince! You mustn't look!

What do you think of these, my liege?


How magnificent.


You think that thing is...

I like it.

You like these kinds of things too, my liege?

Yeah. I love them.

No way...

That's Dera shaped mochi right?

Excuse me?

Don't create such misleading things!

While I am an amazing bird

why do I always feel useless?

Enduring and bearing with me, is this blue sky.

Dera Mochimazui Yamazaki, Takumi

Choi Mochimazzui

Yamaoka, Yuri

Meccha MochimazzuiShimono, Hiro

Animation Studio Kyoto Animation

Producers Usagiyama Shopping District

What's that you assh*le?

Your mochi is too sticky!

And your mochi is too chewy!

I'm so sorry about this, Father.

This dude is your dad.

Forgive me, father!

You cut it out too, pops.

Shut it junior.

Default - top: I'll settle this with you one day.

A certain town's shopping district.

Come again.


Care for a taste test?

It maybe small, but in this lively

and festive town

both a son and a daughter of mochi makers

lived opposite each other since birth.

chizou{that white cup with 'For Mochizou' on it, The other one says 'For Me'}


For me {white cup}

Famed {famed/well known rice cake}

Rice {famed/well known rice cake}

Cakes {famed/well known rice cake}

I don't think anybody has realized,

that I'm in love with this childhood friend of mine.

Mochizou, do you copy?


I can't say something like that.


I'm so bad at catching no matter how hard I try.

I wonder why.

You'll get it if you just frantically grip at it.

I see!

Staff Room

Excuse me.

We're taking applications!! {bottom of Marching Festival sign}

I gladly accept.

Excuse me.

Okay. That ends today's practice.

Good work.

Good work.

Wait a sec.


Sorry for being late.


What is it, Makino-san?

It might be a bit sudden, but I have a serious proposal to make.


Truthfully, I have ambitions that surpass those of you in this committee.

Might you still be aiming for club president, Kanna-chan?

I obviously would if I could.



I want to participate in this.

Usagiyama marching festival.

This is the last month for applications.

How sudden...

First of all, we haven't prepared anything.

And on top of that we're not at a level where we can compete.

It seems fun,

but the shopping center festival is soon

and we have to make new mochi.


I want to make memories.


We're retiring before summer starts.

I thought that we should make some memories as the baton club before that happens.

So high.

Give me, the president...

some memories!

Kanna, I'm the president.

Do you plan to waste your youth on just shaping mochi, Tama-chan?

You can shape mochi all your life

but our youth in the badminton club only lasts now!


and then Mido-chan!

How intense...

This might be good, though.


What about you three?

Of course!

We want to try it!



it's decided.


Oh well.

Then, for one month

let's combine our strength and do our best!



By the way, this is the registration form.

Can you fill it out, Mido-chan?

OK. You have to work on your catching, Tamako.

That's true.

Try my best, right?

What are you doing?

I thought you might be stiff.

What is?

It reminded me of butt-mochi.

What about me, Tama-chan?

I can touch?

Go ahead.

Yours looks firm.

What is it like in mochi terms?

I want to touch you one more time, Midori-chan.


Default - top: Come on, please?

You guys done with practice?

Turn your butt towards Tama-chan.

Default - top: Just once!

Is there something on it?

Default - top: No way.

Default - top: Let me touch, please.

Oh, no...

Please participate in our perverted mochi girl's research.

Come here!

How's this?


Think it's good enough?


"Well." You say.

She's so sparkly.

Must be cause it's spring.

What's this, Ooji?


I think I'm gonna study filmmaking.


That's Tokyo, you know?

You'll be separated from Kitashirakawa-san.

I know that.

You fine with that?

No. That's why I've decided.

Decided what?


What do you girls have on your future survey forms?

I wrote Tama-shop.

So you are succeeding the business.

That's good.

Her head is full of mochi.

Is mochi, life?

Or is life, mochi?

So are you going to look for a mochi-making partner?

I haven't thought that far ahead.

What about you Shiori? Still going to study English Literature?

Yeah. That's what I thought,

but studying abroad might be nice too.

Hi Shiori, how are you?

I don't know if I can take that lifestyle seriously.

Don't say we're through just yet, Shio-chan.

Sorry Kanna.

No problem. It's okay.

You want to take Architecture, right Kanna.


I see. Your family line is made of carpenters, right?

I actually hate heights, though.

Is that so?

I'll overcome it one day.

What about you, Midori?


gonna go to University, I think.

I haven't decided what to take and where, though.

I'll probably choose a local one.

You're not going to succeed your grandpa's toy store?

I haven't thought about it.

But then you can just keep visiting him like you have so far.


See you tomorrow.



Western Clothes: to your business! {post-bottom}

Western Clothes: We clean{post- top}

Western Clothes: We look forward {post-bottom}

Western Clothes: western clothes{post- top}

Everyone's put some thought into their future already.

usagiyama shopping: yama

usagiyama shopping: Shopping District

I'm back.

Nice Cleaning: Nice Cleaning {signs}

shape: g {signs}

Yo, Tama-chan.

I'm back.

natural fish: Natural{bottom panel}

natural fish: Fish{bottom panel}

Sashimi: Sashimi {main store 刺身 ·刺し身 }

Sashimi is good when grilled with salt.



Can you bring me mamedaihuku?

Sure! Thanks for the business.

Usagi Yama {store name, green}

The Cockscomb {big letters}

Usagiyama Business Office {big letters}

Welcome back, Tamako.

I'm back.

Oak-tree Specialties Shop{left side, top}

Manufactured Goods{left side, bottom}

Poultry {red flag}

Welcome back.

I'm back.

Oak-tree Specialties Shop{left side, top}

Manufactured Goods{left side, bottom}

Poultry {red flag}

Welcome back.

You know the baton club

is gonna enter a competition.


Midori-chan is so into it!

Is that so? How nice.



Can I have some please?




I wonder if Dera's doing well.

You know...

I'm already a third year highschooler.

A lot of things are going to change.

The present will always be different from the past.

That's what makes life good

and at the same time sad.

That sadness turn gives our everyday life some flavour.

Just like coffee.

How bitter!

Milk please!

Welcome back, Mochizou.

I'm back.

I'm home.

Welcome home.

Hey! Eighty pieces of the forever love you souvenir mochi is fine right?

Yeah. Eighty pieces of forever love you mochi.

I'm back.

What is it?


Don't mind him.

Gohei-chan will give up soon enough.

I think going to Tokyo is fine.

More importantly, have you told Tamako-chan?

Why? It's not like I have to.

It's better to just tell her.

I know.

I know.

I decided I'd tell her.




I'll just start with going to Tokyo.

No, if Tamako goes on the line, if she catches it...

I'll... I'll...

She caught it.

Even though she only has a % success rate.

That's great, Tamako!


I, uh...

I'm not my older sister.

Mocchi. It's me, Anko. Not my older sister.


W-W-W-Why are you there?


It's fine isn't it?

I ran out of lead, so I came to get some.

All of them broke.

Well they do that, right? Lead...


Well, my heart broke too.

Dinner, Mochizou!

Okay. I'll tell her about going to Tokyo on the way to school.

Thanks for the food.

Then I'll say I have something to talk about.

I'm off.

And then... Maybe I'll use the cup phone after all.


Tamako? Yo...

What are you doing?

I heard you threw the cup-phone across earlier.

Huh? Oh...

It's high time you two used your phones.

Listen. That cup phone connects our hearts.

Oh Mochizou.


Tomorrow morning

we're practicing for the baton club.

We're entering a contest next month.

That's great! Good luck.


I'm asking for your support, Mochizou.


So that means I can't talk to her tomorrow.

Let's go in, Anko.


Say, Anko.


We're finally going to start the trials for the butt mochi.

Dad's just going to reject it anyway.

That weird mochi.

You think so?

Then how about stringing mochi together like a buddhist necklace?

You think Grandma and Grandpa will like it?

Man... You're so true to yourself.

I'm going ahead.

Anko, be careful with my e-mochi-ons.

Just my emochions. Just kidding.

Oops. I went in with my contacts on.

It's fine just for today.

Oh, sorry.







What do you think of boob mochi? Think they'd sell?

What the heck are you saying?

I'm being serious, Anko.

Maybe I should make it with gyuuhi dough. Soft things can be nice too.

I'm leaving!


Have you warmed up enough?

Here you go, Mochizou.


That's right.

Don't catch a cold.

I have to tell her properly.

Let's see. We entered the contest with no problems.

First things first, let's select a song.

I mixed everyone's songs together.

Listen to it for now.




Say, Ooji.


Did you tell her?

What are you talking about?

So you haven't.

I knew it!

I thought so.

I asked what you're talking about!


Hey, you're being too loud.


See? Let's go.

Tokiwa is scary.

I heard a lot of people get scolded by Tokiwa.

I think I understand a little.

It's a valuable life experience.

You guys are annoying.




Oh, Midori-chan. I'm gonna go for a bit.

OK. Take this with you.



You starting now?


Say, Ooji.

You're pretty obvious.

What do you mean?

You're probably down because of something Tamako related.

What are you talking about?

Before now you guys haven't had a single class together, right?

That's why I didn't think this far ahead.

You check her out ALL the time.

I don't!

She just gets in my peripheral vision sometimes.

You check her out. I'm sure.

But, you keep it at that.

You've been like that since the start and from now on.

You'll just keep orbiting her.

I won't. I'm going to a university in Tokyo.

And don't worry, I'll tell her.

Oh, sorry! This doesn't have anything to do with you.

When will you tell her?

Rock paper scissors go!

I lost!

When are you going to tell her?


Damn it, Tokiwa.

Tell her today.

You just k*lled my momentum.

Huh? It's Mochizou!

What's wrong?

You couldn't make it to the toilet? Poor you.

Tamako. Ooji has something to say to you.

What is it? Are you giving me something?

He's going to tell you today, he said.

It doesn't have to necessarily be today.

You promised me earlier.

Tokiwa... You're as dumb as a kappa.

How about this. Can you tell me after practice?

You have film club activities too, right?

Let's go home together after you finish.

Yeah, let's.

Ok, then. See you later, Mochizou.


Today... Starting today...

What's wrong?

Just a bit of self-loathing.

I hate myself.

It's okay!

I'll love that part for you!



Ok. Let's go!


What's wrong?

You okay?



Is there something we can do?

You can count on us anytime if there is.


That makes me happy. We're definitely friends.

It's been that way ever since and will be from now on.

I swear by my pinky.

I swear.

As if!

Make up your mind? Yeah!

It feels really good. Right on the mark, even.

Did that turn your emotions around?

It sure did.

Come in.

Pardon me.



I came to get you. For some reason, I finished earlier than you.

Good day!

Good day.

I'll be waiting out here.

No matter what happens, come to school tomorrow.



What did you want to talk about?

Is it about the shopping district?


Is it about the store?

Still no...

Must be about mochi!

It's not that either.

What is it then?

Are you filming a movie again?

Well it kind of has something to do with mochi.

When you talk about mochi, you think about mochi.


Yeah! It's about Mochizou - about me!

Stepping stones, eh?

Oh. We used to jump around these back when we were kids.

You used to scare me over there all the time.

Oh, sorry. What were we talking about?


Were we talking about you?


This is nice. Boob mochi must feel like this.

The other day I saw some incredibly big boobs at the bath house.

I interrupted you again, sorry.

No, it's okay.


Mochizou! What about our talk?

It's fine.

Is it?

You know...

Huh? You're not coming?

Say, Mochizou. Doesn't this rock look like our mame daifuku?


It really does.

Mochi is so small, yet it makes all kinds of people happy.

I'm like several times bigger than mochi now,

but I still can't compare.

It's soft,



smells good,

and warms you up.

I thought I can't become a person like that.

Do you think I could?


I started talking all about myself.


I'm falling!


Are you okay?

Thanks! That surprised me.

That really helped out, Mochizou.

It's different from when we were kids.



I'm uh... going to a university in Tokyo.


I've always thought about actually studying filmmaking.

So I thought I should tell you my feelings before that.



I'm in love with you.

I'm madly in love with you!


Wait- Mochizou, what are you talking about?



I'm honoured.

I'm honoured!

I will have to excuse myself.

Um... What happened?

What did Mochizou just say about me?

Moreover, how should I reply?

Mochizou is...



Welcome back, Tama-chan.


What's wrong?

You're soaking wet.

Welcome home, Tama-

What's wrong?

You're completely wet.

Get some clothes, Anko!

I'm gonna go run the bath, so go take one.

I'm in your debt.

What are you saying, Nee-chan.

What am I hiding for?

I lost my contact lenses.

The hot-pot is getting burnt, nee-chan.

I can't believe you!


What is this mysterious thing? Unbelievable.

It's like mochi, right?

What about Mochizou?

We're talking about mochi.

Speaking of which, Yoshida ordered mochi for tomorrow.

A hundred Mochizous right?

The hell are you saying? Damn kid.

Thanks for the food.

Huh? You're done already Anko?

I'll bake some Mochizou for you.

I absolutely don't want any.

Oh, okay.

Pass the soy sauce, gramps.


I'm coming in.


Go take a bath, Anko.


Huh? What's my bag doing here?

Mocchi brought that for you.

Seriously, what's wrong?

Do you have a cold? Your face is red.

Yeah. I might have one.

Go to bed early.

I'll do just that.

I screwed up!



Sorry for oversleeping.

You had a cold, right?

Go sleep.

No, I'm fine.

How much oak leaf Mochizou are we making again?

What's with that sickening mochi?

We're making fifty mochi.

We're going to make the red and white Mochizou for the festival soon, right?

That's bad luck, you.


All the mochi will turn into Mochizou.


Sorry. I guess I still have a cold.

- then turn, toss!

How was that?

It was fine.

Then for the last part, we'll pose to make an illusion.

We're doing an illusion?


Turn, then...


Turn, then toss.

I see it!

Thank you.

As expected of Kanna. You don't miss catches, huh?

I calculate the angles.

Really? Wow!

Sorry, Kanna-chan.


Are you aware of your center of balance?

Kind of.

To be completely honest, I think what's making your tossing off

is that you're often not aware of the baton's center of mass.

This point between the ball and tip.

Then you check the angle of the baton as it falls.

What's wrong, Tama-chan?

The ball looks like mochi.

Gotta hand it to the perverted mochi girl.

The only one who would think this thing looks like mochi is you.


Watch your pattern.


Relax your wrists.


Well then, until the next after-school period.






Stop it.

That's hilarious.

What are you doing, Tamako?

I'm practicing the illusion.

Stop it.

The hell?

With nothing better to do, I have spent whole days before this inkstone...

This introduction...

Did something happen yesterday?

Nothing. Nothing...

I see.


Let's go?


Something feels off.

Nothing's changed.

This sense of discomfort is seeping from your lunch.

There's no mochi!

Now that you mention it, she usually has daifuku or something in there.

I forgot to put one in.

I find it hard to believe that this perverted mochi girl forgot to put mochi in her lunch.

Just what kind of crisis happened?

A crisis!

I'm just kind of growing tired of mochi.

Is this a slump?

A slump?

A slump from mochi?

By the way I've had a slump from nails before.

Bang bang bang

I practiced nailing things too much in elementary...

that the mere smell of hardware became unacceptable for me.

You take everything too far.

Did you shape too much mochi, Tamako?


Well, you used to hate mochi.

What did you say?

During her childhood?


You're a mochi shop's dumpling.

Kitashirakawa Tamako.

Yo dumpling


How repetitive.

You two are so cute.

So how did you come to like mochi?

When I was really depressed

mochi spoke to me.

Don't cry.

It was probably dad though.

How charming.

And now you're in a mochi slump.


You have to grasp the strength of your heart to fix this.

It's nothing like that.

I just had a cold or something.

A cold?

It'll get better sooner than later.


Don't let it get worse.


By the way, the method I used to recover was completely opposite from yours.

I walked around carrying nails, constantly smelling them...

Now lunch is starting to smell like metal.

This w*r for independence...

came about from the conflict with Greece desiring independence from Ottoman Empire control.

Why is our house a mochi shop, Grandpa?

Because my grandpa was a mochi maker.

I already knew that.

But why mochi?

There you go again with your nonsense.

What's wrong, Tamako?

Are you crying?

Mochizou was bullying me!

He's just jealous of how cute you are, Princess Tamako.

Oh cutie cutie Princess Tamako.

Mochizou must love you.

It was because of leaders like Jacques Laffitte and Louis Philippe,

that this Revolution came to happen.

It's here. {the text on the Baton}

It's here. {the text on the Baton}

It's here. {the text on the Baton}

Welcome, Tama-chan.

I'll come by later.

Welcome back, Tama-chan.

I'm back.



You look healthy, Tama-chan!

I've wanted to see you.

Let's go to the bathhouse tonight.

Okay! See you later.

Welcome back, Tama-chan.

How's it going?

Just Meet

Want to eat the extras, Tamako?

Wait a second.

You have to grasp the strength of your heart to fix this.

G-Grasp the strength of my heart and recover.

Grasp the strength of my heart and recover.

Sorry, Mochizou.


This thing's so hot.

These are delicious regardless of when you eat them.

Thanks! I'll come back again.

Meat Croquettes

Just Meet

Just meet: Just Meet

Take one more with you, Mochizou.

Rabbit Bath {store name}

Rabbit Bath {Or: Usa-yu ;store name}

Is your cold gone?

Yeah. I fought it off.




Thanks gramps.


It's Mocchi.


You doing well, Mochizou?

I am. Later.

Morning. You're early today.




Go rest for a bit.

You're not feeling well, right?

You don't have to help in the shop for the time being.

It'll be bad if you get injured.

After Hirako-

Your mom passed, you've never gotten a chance to rest.

It's fine to relax once in a while.

I'll have to take you up on that offer.

Thanks, Dad.

Oh, Tama-chan! Good morning.

Good morning.

You're early. Taking a walk?

Huh? Good morning, Tama-chan!

Good morning, Tama-chan! It's gonna be sunny today.


Oh, Tama-chan.

You're up early. Good morning.

Good morning, Tama-chan.

Good morning.

Everyone's the same as usual.

Beautiful Day.

Same as usual.

The same?

Good morning, Tamako.


I can't receive them properly. The baton, as well as...



will you listen to me?


Mochizou said he's going to a university in Tokyo.


The other day, when he said he had something to tell me

he confessed his feelings for me.


He wasn't like himself.

It surprised me.

When you asked me what was wrong,

I said it was nothing.

And what did you do?

I don't remember.

I ran away.

Mochizou has always been with me from the start.

We were both children of mochi makers

and were always by each other.

We grew up together,

so I thought things would never change.

But Mochizou has actually thought about his future.

It seemed like he was so far away.

I don't really know what to make of it.


actually thinking all these things through... I thought he was amazing.

His bedroom window is always shut.

What should I do?

I don't know.

I don't know either.

But seeing you like this,

doesn't make me happy at all.


Influenza is rather common these days

so be careful.

By the way, my wife gargles every day in the morning and night.

and is very healthy.

Thanks to that I get to eat good food every day

and am very happy.

Okay. Practice is starting.



What's wrong?

I'm fine.

You should rest a bit, Tama-chan.


It's almost time for the competition, and if you're not in a good state...

I guess.

Oh? Tamako.

Oh, Shiori-chan!

Is practice over?

I'm just taking a break for a while.

I see. I'm on my way to English cram school.

I know! I should participate in a home stay during summer vacation.

Nobody's agreed to take me in yet though.

That's great.

Instead of worrying about studying abroad, I might as well try it out.

I'm just a bid worried.

But there's always a first for everything.

Tamako? Is your cold back?

Hey, wanna go watch a movie on Sunday for old times' sake?

Sure! Let's do it.

Welcome back, Tama-chan.

I'm back.

Oh no.

I got some debut performance tickets.


Welcome back, Tama-chan.

Hey, is it fine if I go on a break?

Yeah, go ahead.

So fate severing mochi are a no go?

Eat the mochi and break free of your fate, kind of thing.

You should make it something less ominous, Gohei-chan.

What? Mochizou was supposed to push it forward anyway.

Oh! Tama-chan.

Welcome back.

I'm back.

Make sure you let us know you're home, Onee-chan.


What's wrong?

I was just thinking that everyone's got their fair share of problems.

By everyone, you mean...


I don't get it.


Isn't this a song dad made?

Back when he asked mom out.


Why are you listening to it?

Nothing. I, uh...

Sorry! I want to be alone for now!

Can you go buy some tofu, Mochizou?


The star and the clown

F Recorder

F Recorder and Coffee

Has she come around lately?

No, not really.

I see.

Thank you.

Can I have sugar?

Maybe it was too sudden.

It must have been.

Youth is fleeting.

Young people can't even wait for a spoonful of sugar to dissolve

and bitter regret is proof of that.

Bit by bit, you get a taste for it.

How bitter.

What happened, dad?

Nothing too serious. Fuku-san fainted.

Apparently he choked on mochi.

I wasn't supposed to talk to you.

Why are you being so immature at a time like this?


Where's Mamedai?

He's out on a delivery.


He's safe now, Tamako-chan.

Who's going to accompany him?

Me and my sister.


Me too.

You two should follow by taxi.

Got it.

It's gonna be okay. Let's go.

Excuse me, I'm riding too.

I may have pushed it with how big that mochi was.

Were you trying to commit a romantic su1c1de or something?

Cut it out.


It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay.



Oh, what. You're alive.

Don't just k*ll me off.


It's fine.

Goodness, that old man...

You're going to Tokyo, right?

How many times have I gone drinking with Gohei.

What do I do, Mamedai-chan? My junior...

Shut up. Keep your mouth away.


You're a man.

You picked this for yourself. Nothing wrong with that.


Just remember

to come back.

I'm going home after he gets officially admitted, okay?

I'll wait for him too.

No, It's fine.

Drive everyone home, dad.


Makes sense. Let's go home first.

You go home with Tamako via bus, Mochizou.

I-I'm staying behind.

Who's driving then?

I'm hungry. Let's go home quickly.


Make sure to come home as soon as possible, you two!

Thanks for everything, Michiko-san, Gohei-san.


Sorry for making you come on a whim, Mochizou.

Thanks. Who knows what I would have done.


Sorry for the other day.

It's okay.

It's fine if you pretend it never happened.

Just don't mind it. Let's go back to the way it was.

Yeah. Back to the way it used to be.

I wonder if grandpa ate already.


What's hospital food like?

You can ask him tomorrow.

Oh, okay.

You're going to visit him, right Onee-chan?


Oh, what?

Are you visiting grandpa?

Oh yeah. I'll go after club activities.

I'll show you something tomorrow.


Good morning!

Good morning!



It's fine. Okay, from the top.

Sorry. We don't have enough time, yet...

I heard about your grandfather.

I know it's hard on you, but this creates a problem.

I've thought up something good.


I'm going to make a glove filled with strong magnets.

I'll put magnets on the baton as well.

How strange it is,

the mutual attraction of a magnet's South and North poles.


You have morning practice again?

What do you think about the North and South pole?

They attract each other regardless of anything.

If you accidentally use two South charged magnets, the baton will fly away.

What's wrong, Tama-chan?

Was talking about magnets that touching?


Did you catch a cold?

I'm done for.


When someone tells you to forget something that happened, how fast should It happen?

The other day you ignored me at the bridge, Shio-chan.

Sorry. Please pretend that didn't happen.


That fast.

It feels bad and you want to forget about it as fast as possible kind of thing.

I see.

Did something happen, Tamako?

Ooji-kun is amazing!

You were shocked when he confessed.

That's why he wants you to pretend it didn't happen.

This makes you sad, though.

You like him.

Don't cry.

Hinako-chan is smiling.


How cute.

This is how it went if I remember correctly.

Little Gray.

So, what are you gonna do?

Are you gonna answer him, or not?

You should do it and fast.

So there's going to be some drama in the hallways after all.

When you see Ooji-kun on standby at the edge of the halls in a degree angle diagonally from here

Go "ah," fall to the ground, block the way, then use that as a chance to say,

"Thanks for the other day.

I was really happy you felt that way.

Next, please build me a house."

That doesn't have anything to do with this.

I want her to say that.

That's so like you.

I think it's fine to stick to "It made me happy."

Mochizou! Thanks for the other day.

It made me happy. Next, please build me a house!

Huh? Huh?!

I'm borrowing this.

Kanna-chan, no!



I thought you wouldn't tell her.

I was sure you wouldn't tell her.

I've changed my opinion of you.

That's it.

Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for the food.


Just kidding. I'm fine.

Thank goodness.

You really like this song, don't you?

Sorry. Was it too loud?


Good thing nothing bad happened to grandpa.

He's going to be working again tomorrow.


Say, Anko.

Try wearing this.

You're going to be a middle schooler next year too.

It really suits you, Anko.

You think?

It's a bit too big though.

Come here.


Are you scared of change, Anko?

What do you mean?

Feeling like the world as you know it changes all of a sudden.

To Mamedai-san.

What was that?

Mamedai-san sent me a really good song.

I want to give him something in return.

I'm sorry for running the other day.

It's mom.

Without further ado, I'm going to sing.


She kind of sucks at singing.



I'm going back to work tomorrow.

I see.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Fifty pieces of mame daifuku.

Got it.


Good morning.

Good morning.


I feel like I can catch the baton properly at the competition now.

Sorry for making you worry.

I'll give Mochizou a proper reply too.


Let's go.

Let's give our all for this performance that we will never regret!


Okay, lets go. Call out what you like!


Fried eggs!


Right angles!





Please welcome the next team.

Usagiyama High School's girl baton club.

First aid?

Yeah. Since there's a lot of students affected by influenza.

Is that so?

The last one on the call roll is Ooji-kun. So give him a call.


Oh, okay. Thanks.

Say, Anko.

What happens if I don't continue a call chain?

The next person is gonna be out of the loop?




Do you think he'll notice?

Not at all. He's watching TV with Gohei-chan.

Are you okay with just that?


Want to make a new one?

No, this is fine.

Thanks, Michiko-san.


When I went to your house, they told me you went to school.

You didn't pass the message to Ooji?


He's not coming.

I saw him a while ago.

He said he was going to Tokyo.

He made up his mind.

That's pretty emotional of him. Transferring all of a sudden.


Well, since he's aiming to go to a University there

it might be best to move now.

He's taking the Kujisugi b*llet train.

You might make it if you hurry.

Thanks, Midori-chan.



I thought I would make a new cabinet while everyone was away.

What's that?

What's wrong with Tama-chan?

She was running like her life depended on it.

I told her a white lie.

Excuse me?

I told her Ooji is transferring.

He's actually just going there to take entrance exams.

An illusion, huh? I like those.

Huh, Mido-chan.

You have a nice expression right now.

Thank you, Kanna.

Say, Mido-chan. Maybe I'll try to go somewhere high up.

It's so spacious.

Spacious it is.


It smells like spring, Dera.

Tamako's wind, huh?

Choi, Dera. There's snacks.

My liege!

Where is he?

I have no idea.




Where are you?






The doors are closing.




W-Why are you going to Tokyo?

That's far. Tokyo's far.

Yeah, but... Actually, why are you here?

We've always been together, so why are you leaving me?

I still haven't told you anything.


Let's see... "Mochizou, I"


love you, Mochizou.


ED: In the music room as the sun sets

EDROM: Yuuhi ga shizumu ongakushitsu de

EDJP: 夕日が沈む 音楽室で

ED: As you played the piano your

EDROM: Piano kanaderu anata no

EDJP: ピアノを奏でる あなたの

ED: gentle face

EDROM: yawarakai yokogao ni

EDJP: やわらかい 横顔に

ED: I'm amazed and

EDROM: Hikitsukerarete

EDJP: 惹きつけわれて

ED: I couldn’t take my eyes off you

EDROM: me ga hanasenakute

EDJP: 目が離せなくて

ED: Your home’s telephone number

EDROM: Anata no ie no terefon nambaa

EDJP: あなたの家の テレフォンナンバー

ED: I repeatedly wrote and memorized

EDROM: Kurikaeshi kaite oboete

EDJP: くり返し 書いて おぼえて

ED: But all I do is take the receiver

EDROM: Juwaki wo hazushite

EDJP: 受話器を はずして

ED: And dial the number, just that

EDROM: Daiyaru mawasu sore dake nanda

EDJP: ダイヤル回す それだけなんだ

ED: However

EDROM: Dakedo

EDJP: だけど

ED: I cannot say these things to you

EDROM: Sonna koto iidasenai kara

EDJP: そんなこと言い出せないから

ED: At least

EDROM: Semete

EDJP: せめて

ED: I will sing this song

EDROM: Kono uta wo

EDJP: この歌を

ED: just for you alone

EDROM: Anata no tame dake ni utau

EDJP: あなたのためだけに歌う

ED: I want only you to listen to this song

EDROM: Kono uta wa anata dake ni kiite hoshii

EDJP: この歌はあなただけに聴いてほしい

ED: Just looking at the innocent smile

EDROM: Mujaki na egao miteiru dake de

EDJP: 無邪気な笑顔 見ているだけで

ED: Though this twisting story will not end

EDROM: Enen hanashi tsukinai kedo

EDJP: 延々はなし尽きないけど

ED: When you stop talking and time stops

EDROM: Fui ni damatte toki ga tomaru to

EDJP: ふいにだまって 時が止まると

ED: You suddenly looked like an adult

EDROM: Kyuu ni otona ni mietan da

EDJP: 急に大人に見えたんだ

ED: Though it is not that I’m sad

EDROM: Kanashii wake janai no ni

EDJP: 悲しいわけじゃないのに

ED: but why I feel like I want to cry?

EDROM: nakitai kimochi ni naru yo naze?

EDJP: 泣きたい気持ちになるよ なぜ

ED: If only I could convey at least one word

EDROM: Hitokoto demo tsutaerareru no naraba

EDJP: 一言でも 伝えられるのならば

ED: This very bright space

EDROM: Mou kawari hajimeteiru

EDJP: もう変わりはじめてる 

ED: which has started changing

EDROM: azayaka na uchuu ga

EDJP: あざやかな宇宙が

ED: Going around the edge it calls out to me

EDROM: Mawari megutte watashi wo yobu yo

EDJP: 廻り巡って 私を呼ぶよ

ED: Toward the shining world even if in barefoot

EDROM: Hadashi demo ii kagayaku sekai he

EDJP: 裸足でもいい 輝く世界へ

ED: If the stars smile down

EDROM: Hoshi ga hohoendara

EDJP: 星がほほえんだら

ED: reach out your hand

EDROM: te wo nobashi chiisaku

EDJP: 手をのばし小さ

ED: and just let go of the heart that was swaying

EDROM: yureteita kokoro wo tada tokihanatsu yo

EDJP: く揺れていた心をただ 解き放つよ