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Precure All Stars New Stage 2 (2013)

Posted: 02/09/24 11:54
by bunniefuu
Fairies One, two, three!

One, two...

Over here! Over here!

Wait for me!

You're so cute! Just like a princess!


Class is starting!

OP-JP: eien no tomodachi PRECURE!

OP-CH: They're your friends forever! The Precure!

name: Precure All Stars Movie New Stage

name: Friends in Our Hearts!

OP-JP: akiramenai kokoro o motsu

OP-CH: They all know in their hearts not to give up.

OP-JP: egao no shoujo tachi

OP-CH: Those smiling girls.

OP-JP: hitamuki na jyounetsu de

OP-CH: With their earnest passion,

OP-JP: tada massugu susumu

OP-CH: they march straight forward.

OP-JP: mamoritai asu no tame ni

OP-CH: Because they want to protect our tomorrow,

OP-JP: ganbaru no senaka ni wa

OP-CH: on their hardworking backs they carry

OP-JP: kibou e to habatakeru

OP-CH: something that can fly high and beyond towards hope,

OP-JP: mienai habane ga aru

OP-CH: invisible wings.

OP-JP: hitori hitori

OP-CH: Every single one of them

OP-JP: kagayaite

OP-CH: is sparkling.

OP-JP: hitotsu hitotsu

OP-CH: One by one,

OP-JP: hanatsu negai kanaete yuku

OP-CH: they reach out and make their dreams come true.

OP-JP: ima kara hajimaru atarashii sekai e

OP-CH: Now they start to face a new world.

OP-JP: toki o koete chikara awase tsunagaru kizuna

OP-CH: Crossing through time they combine their powers and form bonds.

OP-JP: minna de waraeru shiawase o shinjite

OP-CH: They believe in everyone's happiness.

OP-JP: GYUtto kataku musubi atta

OP-CH: They have a hard grip on

OP-JP: atsui yuujou

OP-CH: their burning friendship.

OP-JP: koron demo tachi agari

OP-CH: When they fall, they get right back up.

OP-CH: Spinning this legend.

OP-JP: tsumugareru densetsu

OP-JP: mirai made kake nukeru

OP-CH: They can even make it to the future.

OP-JP: eien no tomodachi

OP-CH: Our eternal friends.


OP-CH: Precure!

OP-JP: minna mo PRECURE!

OP-CH: Everyone is Precure, too!

Today I shall introduce to everyone a fabulous teacher.

Mr. Tarte, a Precure fairy!

I'm Tarte!

The fairy for the Fresh Precure!

He's a Precure fairy!


I'll shake your hands in order.

One autograph per person, please.

The Precure's fairy...

I'll show y'all what awesome things the Precure have done.

This is when they were fighting Fusion.

So cool!

Here's a question!

What's the name of this Precure?

Cure Dream!

Then who's this?

Cure Egret!

Do you know what this is?

The Miracle Light.

The Miracle Light!

That's right.

You shine this light when you want to cheer on the Precure.

Do you know how to use this properly?

Don't throw it, swing it wildly around, or look at the light up close.

Don't throw it, swing it wildly around, or look at the light up close.

Got it?


Then we have these.

Wow, a Linkrun!

A Heart Perfume!

That's right. These are Precure items.

Y'all know a lot.

It's all written in this Precure textbook.

Everyone's been studying a lot.

Precure Metamorphose!

Dual Aurora Wave!

Huh? I can't transform.

These aren't the real ones.

The Precure have them.

And you can't transform by yourselves.

You need to combine both a fairy and a Precure's powers.

That's when you can call forth that awesome power.

I have awesome power, too!

Gureru is here!

Hey! Gureru!

That's dangerous! Get down!

I don't need the Precure! I can take care of the bad guys all by myself!


Out of my way!

Are you all okay?

How about you, Tarte!?

I'm fine.

I'm a Precure fairy, after all.


Apologize to Tarte and everyone else!



There, there, teacher.

That's all for today!

I'll shake your hands and sign autographs!

Here you go.

Here you go.

Aren't you coming?

I'm fine...


So what?

Everyone's all gaga over the Precure!



The Precure are so cool...

Hey, Enen!


You're reading that Precure textbook again?

If you're that interested in the Precure,

then why don't you ask that Precure fairy about them?

Are you scared of speaking up?



What's so scary about it?

I don't understand you at all!

Do you want to become a Precure fairy?

It's impossible for me.

Only a small handful of us can become one.

Well, of course.

A weakling like you can't become one.

Why're you crying!?

Stop crying over every little thing!



Everyone's going on and on about the Precure.

They're all just normal girls.

They can't do anything without transforming.

That's right.

If the Precure can't transform,

then they can't do anything.

What was that voice?

I-I didn't say anything.

It was me.

Who's there?

H-Hey! Wait for me!

Where are you!?

Over here.


This is a forbidden room!

The teacher told us to stay away and never open it!

Doesn't that make you want to open it even more?


Hey! Where are you?

Over here.


Who're you!?

A-A shadow?

Are you my shadow?

That's right.

I'm you.

I know everything about you.

The teacher and everyone else in the class shouldn't have blown up on you like that.

That's right!

I only wanted to make things interesting!

You're right in that the Precure are just normal girls.

They can't do anything if they can't transform.

Let's prove that, shall we?

Sounds interesting!

You heard us, didn't you?

Enen! You come, too!

You have time, right?


Just come with us!


Pikapika Pikarin!

Rocks, Papers,


I lost...

I won!

How was that a rock!?

Miyuki, we're studying right now.

Let's stop for today.

I'm tired.

Let's see...


I think you should study more, Miyuki.

How about you, Candy? What about the studying to become the Queen?


You snuck out, didn't you?

But it's all my brother's fault!

He's been making me study all day and all night!

Pop's quite serious.

I guess we all need a breather sometimes.

You're right.

Let's end here for today.


W-What's that?

What's this? A letter?

It came from the fairy school!

Fairies go to school?


We study and make friends there!

Candy, can I open this?

Of course!

Hello, everyone.

I, no, everyone at the fairy school wants to hold a party for the Precure and their fairies!

Please make sure to come!

Let's go!

To the Precure party at the fairy school!



I have prepared the most popular sweets in our city.

Alice, what's that candy?

Good question. That's a candy which was very popular for a time in Osaka.

It's banned for sale now.

Natto gyoza candy.


Natto gyoza candy!?

Hey, have you ever tried it, Alice?


I-I see.

I'll try it.

What does it taste like, I wonder?

MakoPi, I don't think you should try it...

What is this?

Are you okay, MakoPi?

What destructive power!

It's a phone call!


Candy! Long time no see!

Who's that?

My friend, Candy!

Are you coming to the party, too?

What party?

The Precure party!

All of the Precure are coming!

All of the Precure?

There are Precure other than us?

There are many more!

So many Precure!

But I've never heard of a party.

Did the invitation not reach you?


I think it's because Mana and her friends just recently became Precure.

The invitation didn't come in time.

Are there Precure there at your end? Hey!


Nice to meet you! I'm Hoshizora Miyuki!

She's Cure Happy!

Hi! I'm Aida Mana!

She's Cure Heart!

Come to the party too, Mana!

Sure! We'll go!

Let's meet at the party!

Thanks so much, Tarte.

Leave the Precure to me!

Call me anytime, teacher.

Oh no! The forbidden door is open!

It's gone! The Shadow Crystal is gone!

Shadow Crystal? What's that?

It's a crystal which reflects the shadow of your heart.

It's something that allows you to face your weakness...

But the crystal can call forth the shadow in your heart and cause you to do bad things.

You can refuse your shadow's demands,

but if you do as your shadow says...

What'll happen?

The shadow will slowly swallow up all of the light and gain power!

And then things will get out of hand!

Don't get in our way!

Hey, Honoka! What's that?

I don't know!

Why is it chasing us!?

I don't know!

You got the highest grade on the last test!

That has nothing to do with this!


Hey! Over here!

Are you okay, Nagisa?


But I can't believe this is happening!

If only we can transform...


We got them!



When you steal their transformation items,

then the Precure can't do anything.

Why are you doing this!?

Don't do anything stupid!

Oh, shut up.

Black, White, and Luminous.

Up next are...

The Smile Precure.

Hey, someone's coming.


Is this the lake where the party is?

No one's here.

The Smile Pact...

So that means they're the Smile Precure!

If they can't transform, then they're just normal girls.

Go steal their Smile Pacts.

Oh yeah, Gureru.

Let him go.

That's right!

Enen, go take their Smile Pacts.

You know a lot about the Precure.

You can take them easily, right?

No... I'm f-fine just watching you!

What are you saying now?

You saw what we were doing and you did nothing to stop it.

You are a partner-in-crime now.

You can't go back now.

Isn't that right?

We're friends, right?

Just leave him alone.

He's so boring to be with.

We'll show the others how wrong they are!

Good idea!


Is anyone here?

I don't want to do this...

Hey! Go!

But I have to!


Anyone here?

A fairy!

Ah, he got discovered!

Dumb Enen!

Tch. He's useless.

Leave this to me.



He's so cute!

Hey, what's your name?

Huh? What's wrong?

Hey! Anyone home? Just kidding.


Who's there!?

Tch. I got discovered, huh?

Hand over the Smile Pact!

Please hide over here.

Let's go, everyone!


Precure Smile Charge!


Go! Go!

Let's go!

Twinkling and shining! The light of the future!

Cure Happy!

The brilliant sun! Hotblooded power!

Cure Sunny!

Sparkling and glittering! Rock, paper, scissors!

Cure Peace!

Intense courage! A straight-up bout!

Cure March!

The snow, falling and gathering! A noble heart!

Cure Beauty!

The five lights that guide us to the future!

Sparkle! Smile Precure!

That's how the Precure transform...

Wow! So cool!

Now's not the time to be amazed!

They've transformed! What do I do now!?


Smile Precure...

Let me see what their moves are...

Cure Sunny throws a ball of fire.


Sunny Fire!

Water can smother fire!



Peace Thunder!

Cure Peace att*cks with thunder.

No way!

My thunder became tiny!


March sh**t!

Cure March att*cks directly!

It got reflected!

Wow! My shadow's awesome! He's fighting the Precure on even ground!


Beauty Blizzard!

Over here, over here!

What's with that? It's so tough.

Oh! He has the Precure textbook!

The Precure textbook?

It has all of the Precure's lore, their specialties, and how they fight!

There's a book like that?

Now it's my turn!

Watch out!

Are you okay?


That's mine!


An opening!


It's over now!

Huh? What's this?

I can't move!

You'll all turn into crystals, too!

Just like them!


Nagisa! Honoka! Hikari!



Nozomi and the others, too!

What's going on?

All of the Precure are...

The Precure party was just a trap to catch us!

That's right!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Why are you apologizing?

Don't tell me...

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

It's fine.

So please, stop crying, okay?

I have a request.

Can you give a word to the DokiDoki Precure?

Huh? DokiDoki Precure?

They're newly minted Precure.

New Precure?

They'll be here soon.

Please tell Mana, I mean Cure Heart,

that we're in a pinch and need their help.

But I...


Just wait, everyone.

I'll call my brother!


We caught all of the Precure!

We're awesome!

They're real transformation items!

Everyone will be so surprised!

Yes, they'll see you in a different light.

I'll become the hero of the class!

That's right. No one can go up against us anymore.

Oh yeah.

Let's destroy the school.


It's too bright.

Hey, what did you do?

It's too bright so I'm making the sun fall and filling the skies with darkness.

Isn't that wild?

The Precure are no more.

No one can stop me!

Wait! Hey!

This is fun!

Your teacher's right here.




Run away, quickly!

This noise is unbearable.

Let me just make the school and all these fairies disappear!

Hey! Stop that!


You wanted to do this, didn't you?

You thought about it.

"School is so boring."

"No one understand me."

I am you.

That's why I know everything about you.

T-This is...

I'll destroy everything for you.

This boring school...

The fools who don't understand you...

I'll make everything disappear.

S-Stop it!

I've never had any thoughts like that!

Stop lying!

W-What should I do?

What am I supposed to do now!?

Tell Mana, I mean Cure Heart.

That's not possible.

There's no way I can do that...



Nice to meet you! I'm Aida Mana!


He's in shock.

Sorry for surprising you.

We aren't anyone suspicious.

Do you happen to know whether the Precure party is being held around here?

P-Precure Party?



Rikka, Alice, MakoPi, let's go!



Precure Love Link!


Abundant love! Cure Heart!

The light of wisdom! Cure Diamond!

A warm and sunny spot! Cure Rosetta!

The courageous blade! Cure Sword!

Resonate! The b*at of love!

DokiDoki! Precure!

DokiDoki Precure?

They're the ones?

DokiDoki Precure...

Not here... Not here...

They're not in the book!

They're Precure... Why aren't they in the book?

He's gone...

Hey, who was that?

No way...

The other Precure...

What, Enen? Don't stare at me like that!

If you want to say something, then spill it out!

Just say it! That it was all my fault!

Yes, yes, yes, it was all my fault!

Stop crying! You crybaby!

Stop crying!

Okay, that's enough.

There are times when you want to cry.

There are times when you want to get angry.

But crying and getting angry aren't much fun at all, right?

So let's stop doing things that aren't fun, okay?

Even if you say that...

There's nothing we can do now...

That's all in your head.

Do you want to give up because there's nothing you can do?

Or do you want to get yourself together and do something?

We'll help you out!

What do you really want to do?


I really...

He's my shadow.

This is all my fault.

That's why...

I want to stop him.

I understand.

Let's stop him!

What do you want to do?

How do you feel about your crying? Do you like it? Hate it?

I hate it.

So what do you want to be?



I want to be smiling like Cure Happy.

You met Happy?


Did she say anything to you?

Happy wanted me to say this to Cure Heart.

"We're in a pinch, so please help us."

All right.

Thanks for the message.

You were able to properly say what you wanted to say.

Ah... I did!

DokiDoki Precure...

It's not here.

So they're the newly minted Precure?

The Precure combined their powers and defeated the enemy...

Then I just have to make it so that they can't combine their powers!

I'll drop them here.

What's left are the four DokiDoki Precure.

Once I finish them off, then there will be no one to stop me!

Mepple, what happened to Mipple and the others?

Oh! My cell phone!

Long time no see, Mr. Mepple.


Yes, I get it.

The transformation items were dropped into the Fairy Waterfall!

If the Precure can transform, then I'm sure we can stop the shadow's outburst.

We have to get the transformation items!

Let's go help everyone!

Come on, you two.

Let's go together!


I think you should hide somewhere...

I want to go, too!

Let's go, then!

We'll definitely get those transformation items back!



It's gotten darker.

What's going to happen to us?

Everything's fine.

I'm sure the Precure will come and save us!

Found you, DokiDoki Precure!

Diamond! Sword!


I'll turn into four, too!

Gureru, Enen, go!


Enen, let's go!


After I defeat you, I will become the new legend!


Enen, let go.


You'll fall like this...

Come on! Let go!

I'm the bad guy here! I made the world all messed up!

It doesn't matter what happens to me anymore!

So please, let go!


You aren't a bad guy!

I am!

I'm the worst!

You're wrong!


You spoke out to me!

The Precure are so cool...

Hey, Enen!


You always found time to speak to me...

I wasn't alone.

You were there for me.

That made me so happy!

I want to smile like Cure Happy!

If you disappear, then I won't be able to smile!


Nice catch, big bro!

Candy! Pop!


The Precure's transformation items are underneath the Fairy Waterfall!

Please take us there!



Got it!

Over there!

Hang on, everyone!

Come on now!

Break! Break!

Gureru, use your sword!

This is just a toy sword...

All right.

Break it open!

It broke open!

You saved us!

Thank goodness you're all okay!


I'm sorry.

Thank you for saving us.

Where are Nagisa and the others?

This is the extent of your powers?

I guess it's not much!

There's more of them!

They're all shadows! There's no end to this!

What should we do?

If this continues...

The forest is being swallowed by the darkness!

Mipple, let's go!


Huh? You're going to the forest?

It's too dangerous!

The Precure will never give up, no matter how dire the situation is!

That's why we, as partners, will never give up either!


As expected of the Precure's fairies!

I've figured out the extent of your powers.

This is the end for the DokiDoki Precure!

I promised.

I promised Happy that I'll meet her!

And I will!

Big Bro!

Take the Smile Pacts to Miyuki and the others!

Leave it to me!

Huh? Where are Syrup and the others?

Watch out!

Big Bro!

It's all over...

Do your best!


It's not over yet!

Big Bro and the Precure are all doing their best!

That's why we need to cheer them on!

Do your best!


Is that Candy?


Enen, too!

Do your best!


Precure! Go!


Everyone, do you remember what I taught you in class?

Fairies and Precure can't transform by themselves.

By combining their powers, they can call forth that awesome power!

Spirit! Spirit! Spirit! Spirit! Spirit!


We'll give the Precure power, too!

Do you all have one?

Are you ready?

Let's go!

Precure! Do your best!

Precure! Go!

Everyone, let's cheer on the Precure with your Miracle Lights!

I feel...

...power rising within me.

Precure! Go!

This is amazing.

I can still fight!

Big Bro!

Do your best!


Mipple! Porun! Let's go!






Do your best!

Precure! Go!

There they are!


Dual Aurora Wave!



Thanks, everyone!

Those people are...

...all Precure!

There are that many of us?

What an unbelievable number!

Looke like we've made it in time.

Are you Cure Heart?

Yep. I'm here, Happy.

Here to help you out!

I guess you saved me just now, though.

Hey, let's all go to the party together after this.

Sounds good!

Let's finish this off quickly, then.



I was getting kinda worried there.

You better watch out now, Mepple.

You let your guard down, Black!

Hey! What did you say? It was all my fault!?

There, there, you two.

It's great we got together again.

It's a barrage!

Leave this to me!

Shiny Luminous!

Now that the shadows are gone,

let's escape!

Luminous Heartiel Action!

Calm down, everyone! But hurry!



This awesome cheer...


Thank goodness I became a Precure.

Marine, you can save that for later.

Let's stop the rampaging monster!

Right behind you!

I'll not disappoint those who are cheering us on!

That's what makes us Precure!

Marine Dive!

Blossom sh**t!



Precure !

Milky Rose, too!



b*at Sonic!

Cure Passion!

Cure b*at!

Are you okay?


You were with that shadow...

Um, Gureru is reflecting on his actions...

So please...

If you work at it, then I'm sure you can make your dreams come true.

When you tell everyone your feelings clearly,

then I'm sure everyone will understand.

Don't worry. You can do things over again.

Later, then.

Why aren't they angry at me?

Cure Passion and Cure b*at were both enemies of Precure in the beginning.


They were enemies and yet they became Precure?


They became friends with the ones they fought.



This is bad! This is bad! This is bad! This is bad!

Oh no!

Everyone, cheer them on!



Do your best!


Do your best!


Precure Forehead Punch!

Blossom Shower!

Thanks, everyone!

Thank you very much!

Do your best!

Let's cheer on Peach and the others, too!

Fresh Precure!

Do your best!

Suite Precure!

Do your best!

I know all about your att*cks!

That's why I'll win!

Precure March sh**t!

March sh**t is a direct att*ck.

It lacks technique.

I'll give you all the direct att*cks you want!


Precure Sunny Fire!

Strong and firm! Rosetta Wall!

Let us go, too.

All right. Please take the lead.

Precure Beauty Blizzard!

Sparkle! Twinkle Diamond!

Um, maybe we should fight, too?

All right, my senior.


Okay! I'll do my best!

Flash! Holy Sword!


Peace Thunder!


I should know all of their att*cks.

It should have been easy to defeat them!

No textbook will have the way to defeat us!

Our teamwork is...


Precure Happy Shower!

Let my feelings reach you! My Sweet Heart!

Oh! There it is!

Doki Doki Smile Miracle Bomber!

What is that?

Marine! Let's cleanse them all at once!

Sure thing!

Precure Pink Forte Wave!

Precure Blue Forte Wave!


The sun!

No need to worry!

There are Precure here who hold the powers of the sun and the moon!




Why do they all get in my way!?

Get out of my way!

Your selfish ways are bothering everyone!


Do your best!




Let's go!

Everyone, let's give them one last cheer!


Do your best!!!

Don't be selfish!!!

I'm awesome!

Why don't you understand?

Let's stop this.

Why must I stop?

I'm awesome! I can defeat the Precure!

I didn't want to defeat them.

I was just...

...jealous of them.

They're so popular, and everyone relies on them.

I was just jealous of them.

Who cares about everyone?

No one understands you anyway, right?

That's what I used to think.

But there was someone!

Someone who said that I wasn't the bad guy!

He's here.

I want to know more about him.

I want to talk to him more, and study with him.

I want to be your friend, Enen.


I want to become friends with everyone at school.

I want to laugh, cry, feel that hearthrobbing excitement...

I want to find out more about the feelings I never knew I had.

Don't you think so, too?

Because you're...

U-Um, I'm sorry, everyone!

I know this isn't something I can just apologize for...

But I'm sorry!

Um, Gureru has been working really hard!

He worked hard to save everyone!

I know.

We saw him, right?

Gureru is so brave!

He faced that scary shadow!

Eh? But...

The school's all messed up now, because of me.


School is a place for you to study.

I'm happy that you learned a lot.


You both were very brave.

You may become Precure fairies in the future.


Even a fairy like me?

I didn't think I'd become a Precure, too.

So all of you, too.

Smile and work hard and you'll become happy!


I'm becoming a Precure fairy!

Me, too!

Let's become Precure fairies together!

Kono sora no mukou ni wa donna yume ga aru

What kind of dreams lie beyond the skies?

Hateshinaku tsuzuiteku Mirai shinjite te o nobashite

They continue eternally. Believe in the future and hold out your hand.


P-P-P-Precure! P-P-P-Precure!

PU PU PU PRECURE! Dokidoki shiyou yo Yeah! Yeah!

P-P-P-Precure! We'll make your hearts throb! Yeah! Yeah!

Chiisa na kono te ni nani o negau no?

What do these tiny hands wish for?

Kimi wa ima doko de nani o mite nani o kanjiteru?

Where are you right now? What are you looking at and what are you feeling?

Nee Nanmankounensaki wa tooi mirai janai!

Hey! Tens of thousands light years into the future isn't that far away!

Mochiron jikan no tan i janai no mo shouchi

Of course I know that isn't a proper unit of time.

Kirameku nozomi wa hikari datte koeru

Your glittering wish goes even beyond the light.

Kono sekai tsunagu mono sore wa ai dayo

What connects the world is love.

Yumemonogatari janai dokomademo te o tsunaide

It's not a pipe dream. Let's join hands, wherever we are.

Kono sora no mukou ni wa donna yume ga aru

What kind of dreams lie beyond the skies?

Taisetsu ni kanjiteru Tokimeki o kono uta ni nosete

Feel them from the bottom of your heart. Let this song carry that excitement.

PU PU PU PRECURE! Egao de aeru yo

P-P-P-Precure! Let us meet with a smile.

The End

I have something to tell you all!

We, the DokiDoki Precure, have a movie coming out soon!

I wonder what amazing things await us!

Can't wait! Get hype!

DokiDoki! Precure: the Movie! Coming soon in October with abundant love!