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Lupin the Third: Bye Bye, Lady Liberty (1989)

Posted: 02/09/24 11:21
by bunniefuu
It's 87 francs, monsieur.

Give me a receipt.

Don't forget the change!

Save it.



Inspector Zenigata of the ICPO.

I need to see your file on P-26.

Please wait for a moment.
I'll let you through.

sorry for taking so long!

Here's the data concerning
P-26, Lupin III...

on 16 tapes and 1348 disks.

What about the data on his people?

Jigen Daisuke, Ishikawa Goemon,
and Mine Fujiko?

I'll go get them if you wish.

This will do for now.
I'll borrow these for a few days.

You can't take them out of here!

You can trust me.

I'm a police officer
among the police officers.

No need to see me off,
I'll find my own way out.

But, but sir...

That's a reasonably good
impersonation of me.

Oh, hi there, Pops...

You know what this
is, don't you, Lupin.

You're under arrest!

Gotta hand it to you...

But aren't you getting
a bit to old for this?

If you keep doing this, you
could strain yourself...

Get a desk job.

Wait up, Lupin!



Don't catch a cold, Pops.
You're no duck.

Why you...

Well, gotta go.
Nice seeing you again, Pops.

You won't be able to
shake me off that easy!

Zenigata doesn't give up that easy!

What the...

Stop resisting, Lupin!

A small gift for you...

Lupin III
Bye-bye, Liberty Crisis!


Get lost. I'm looking for somebody.

Where's 536 Camel Street?

Much obliged.

Want some?


So it's true that you've retired?

Huh, what did ya say?

What's the use?


They know our every move.

It's all in the police database.

So that's why you're stealing
the data from the police.

I was, but it's useless.

The data is in the police computers
all over the world.

It'll take 50 years
to steal it all.

That's no reason to hang
around doing nothing.

I've retired from the business.

How 'bout one last job?
I got us a perfect one.

You can retire after that.

Besides, I've found love.

You got a woman?


I'm wasting my time.

Why can't you believe in love?

It has destroyed too many men.

So long.


I'm home, darling!

Have you been a good boy?

I missed you.

I found a gorgeous
bracelet at Tiffany's...

so I bought it.
I hope that's okay.

Sure, anything for my baby!

I'll make dinner.

Leave me out of it.

Lupin is useless. I need your help.

Jewels don't interest me.

And I don't approve of
your association with Rooster.

I'm off on a training trip.

How much enlightenment do you need?

I'll know when I've had enough.

I'm glad that I met you, Jimmy.

Well, I'm grateful that you belong
to me, and no one else.

Phone call, sir.

Excuse me.

Oh, don't take too long.

I'll be back in a flash.

Don't worry.
I've tracked him down to New York.

No mistakes, Number 3.

Get the diamond
before Number 2 does.

I understand, Number 1.

The whole world shall
be in our hands.

In our hands.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi.

536 Camel Street.

What do I owe you?


Give me a receipt.

Come out, Lupin.

I know you're in here!

Come out, Lupin.

Lupin and his chick are gone.

Are you Lupin's kid?

I'm lookin' for him, too.

Looking for daddy?

No. Aren't you Zenigata?

Uh, yeah.

You botched up his
arrest 738 times...

and as a result,
your pay is 28% lower.

- Uh, yeah.
- Tough luck.

Hey, wait a minute.
That's confidential info!


I guess it's just me and
you, Rooster.

They've got the place secured.
It's impossible to even get close.

I remember what you
used to tell me...

"I'm doing it because it's
damn near impossible."

And you'd do all those crazy jobs.

That's history now.

You're still alive and kickin'.

Wish I was young again.

Move, and you're dead!

Go ahead and plug me one.


I thought you only
lived for love now.

Love's okay, but a man needs a job.

So Judy left you then?

Ah! Do you have to put it that way?

So she did leave you.

Did a broad ever do
a darn thing for you?

She was two-timing me!

By the way, who are
those guys out there?

I bought her everything
she ever wanted.

She ran my credit card
right over the limit.

Not only am I flat broke,
I'm 300 million bucks in debt.

$300 million?

Got no choice but to
get back in business.

At least, you realized
what a fool you've been.

All set.


Who are they?

If we survive,
I'll tell you 'bout it.

Okay, do your best.

Are they after the old man?

I'll take care of them,
so get the hell outta here, Jigen!

Hey, wait a sec!

Adios, amigos!

Over here, ol' man!

Through here.

That's smart.

This is a helluva way
to get back to work.

I'll show these bastards.

Here I go.

Go back.

Where are they?

Lime Street and Riverside?

We'll be there.


You're Lupin, aren't you?

A thief.


You have committed 3331 thefts...

of which 88.752%
were successful...

no permanent address...

membership in 32
credit associations...

holding a total of
327 credit cards...

Excuse me,
but I'm the phantom, Lupin...

III... not your ordinary thief.

I got a job for a
competent thief like you.

I'm too busy to play
with good little boys.



Don't move!

Rooster, where is it?


Where inside the Statue of Liberty
did you hide the Super Egg?

We'll get you medical
attention if you talk.

No! You talk and you're dead!

I'll start with you!

Go ahead!

- Alrighty then.
- Stop!

Too late!

Ain't no sweeter dame than you...

Hey, Rooster.


So Rooster pinched the
world's biggest diamond...

the Super Egg, and hid
it in the Statue Of Liberty?

But now that he's dead,
we'll never know exactly where.

Who sent those assassins,
that tried to k*ll us earlier?

The Three Masons.

- That secret group?
- Yeah.

What will you do now?

Rooster did save my life.
I'll make them pay.

Revenge, huh?

What about you?

The diamond sounds intriguing...

Prediction for Lupin's next move.

Destination: Liberty Island.

Means of access: From
the sea, by motorboat.

Time: Misty, early morning.

Can we get there
without being seen?

Place must be crawlin' with 'em.

I've got a few
tricks up my sleeves.

What the heck is that?

Oh, my god!

We're trapped.

Blow me down.

I came well prepared.

- Do you want a duck?
- What?

These little duckies.


Go play!

Cute, huh?


Quit playin' around!

Time to go.

Everyone on deck!
Don't let them escape!

We gotta buy some time.

The only way is to
relocate Big Momma...

here so we can work
without interference.

Thank you.

Take that.

Good bye, New Yoooork!

The question is, where
do we take this dish?

Can't take her to no motel.

The North or the South Pole.
Somewhere out of the way.

Wh... Who's there?

Calculation complete in 3 minutes.

I'm calculating the
optimal location.

You must be richer than Arab kings.

This is so wonderful, Jimmy.
This airplane is fantastic.

You're too much.

I'm glad you enjoy
this little sky cruise.

You're the only man for me, Jimmy.


Don't take your eyes off me.

What woman could possibly
interest you more than me?

It's Lupin.

Yo, Fujiko-chan! Hooked
another billionaire?

Damn, go after him!

Get the statue back!

But, but, but, sir...

Why you, Lupin...


Please help me. I'm in trouble.

Out of the way!

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I'm forbidden to speak
to women during my training.

But I cannot help
noticing your beauty.

I won't interfere...

with your training.

However, allow me to
express my gratitude.

Won't you tell me your name?

Ishikawa... Goemon.

I'm Isabelle.

You're a wonderful man.

I still lack discipline.

We are going to jump.

Stay here.

He's over there!


Once again I must cut
a worthless object.


Aren't you coming to bed?

Well... I... Eh...



Hello there.

There's no time to waste.

Even the FBI and CIA are after us.

The police are still looking
for the Statue of Liberty.

The President issued a special
nationwide search order.

Hey, it's Pops!

The same glum expression.

With a height of 46m and vital
statistics of 31m-28m-33m...

she's a bit too
voluptuous for me.

I'm whispering sweet
little words into her ear.

But she isn't about to
give up her secrets.

Why couldn't old man
Rooster leave a hint or two?

Tough luck, I guess.

He hid the diamond,
disguised as a...

worker during her
"facelift" in 1986.

It could be embedded
in the concrete.

Lousy sausage.

Can't your computer
tell us where it is?

No way,
not without data on Rooster.

If you hid the diamond,
I could figure out where.

I wish.

By the way, what about my request?

Can't you see that we're busy?

What the hell is this?

A computer image of my
present state of mind.

Are you 3 years old or what?

So what do you want me to do?

Steal a program that
controls computer viruses.

What on earth is a computer virus?

It infects a computer
and destroys data.

But the one I want not
only destroys data,

but also manipulates
other computers.

Explain it so we laymen
people can understand.

This floppy contains a virus.

If I insert this and call up
previously inputted data...

It spreads and destroys the data.

What do you mean by
controlling the virus?

This virus only destroys data.

But there's one that
someone invented...

that can actually alter data.

It's a virus that
controls other viruses.

Can you alter the data in
the police databases too?


Who's the inventor of
that special virus?

Where's the data for it?

Unknown. The only one capable
of finding out is Lupin III.

Sorry, Jigen.
The diamond hunt is off.

I got a virus to find.

Help me, Jigen!

Really, you shouldn't leave
unfinished business.

Just kidding, Jigen-chan.

Haven't you found the statue yet?

We're sorry, sir.

What about the whereabouts
of the Neovirus data then?

Not yet, sir.

Where's number 3?
Summon him immediately.

Yes, sir!

The CIA and FBI are
soliciting public assistance.

The police suspects
the perpetrators...

to be a major
criminal organization.

How much is it?

You gotta be kidding.

What do computers know?

My hunch says Lupin
is the one guilty.

They're coming!


Number 3! Number 3!

This is Hummingbird.

Number 3! Number 3!

Go ahead.

For you, sir!

Jimmy here. What's up?

Your "runaway daughter"
has been found.


Good news? You seem happy.

You're the good news.

You always have such
a way with words.

You own this building?

Yes, you can say that.

Wait in my office 'til
my meeting is over.

That'll cost you
something from Tiffany's.

You're too much.

Welcome back, sir.

Catch you later.

Okay, hurry back.

He's got no taste in furniture.

Dreadfully old-fashioned.

I know this is the headquarters
of the Three Masons...

the jewelry smuggling group.

Well, Fujiko will
relieve you of it all.

Such frighteningly bad taste.

The worst kind!

The whole world shall
be in our hands!

In the hands of the Three Masons...

Our success depends on
you, Number 3.

Yes, sir.

Give a 123 year old man
a peace of mind.

Please be patient, Silverman-sama.

Sir... Please.

Code lock... No problem.

I cant?

It can't be helped.

I did it.

I had so much hope for you.

I'm doing my best, sir.

We must have the Neovirus...

along with the world's largest
diamond, the Super Egg!

Super Egg?

The black magic
handed down from our...

ancestors of the Three Masons...

is no match for
the newest technology.

We need the Neovirus
to stay on top.

I want that virus, Number 3!

Recover it from that
traitor Number 2!

I want the data from the
Super Egg infont of me now.

If you fai I, you'll die.
But if you...

succeed, Number 3,
you shall be my heir.

I've mobilized our troops
to obtain the Super Egg.

But Number 2...

Wait! Number 3!

You should've stayed
at Tiffany's, you fool.

But you won't buy me
the whole store, right?

Time to die.

What are you saying?

Stop it, Number 3.

She can be useful to us.

Hey, I thought we
weren't goin' very far.

It's nothin' but desert out here.

Where are we goin'?

We'll be there soon.

I've got business at
the end of this desert.

My hunch tells me that Lupin and
the statue are in the Grand Canyon.

You're joking.

It'll take another
day even at 100mph!

I'm seein' my family tomorrow,
so I gotta get back.

Please do it as a favor.

Forget it. Get out.

for the sake of world peace.

You owe me $1238.45.

Oh man! Wait, what?

What's the big idea!

Wait a minute!

So you wanna race, huh?

You're a racer?

My friend's cousin is.

Where are we goin'?



You know anything about him?

Not a bit.



She's finally tellin'
us her secret!

This is great!

That Rooster's clever.

What better place to
hide something shiny?

It was right in front of
our noses all along!

That thing is as big
as a dinosaur egg!

We're done here.
Time to get you back to school.

Camping is over.
Time for some bang-bang.

- Hang on tight, kiddo.
- Okay.


That bum is still alive.



Watch it!

Can I call it the day?

It's only a few miles more
to the Grand Canyon.

Is that so...

Thanks for all the help.

Same to ya.
To bad we ran out of gas...

How much do I owe you?

Well, that'll be... $4385.20.

Send the bill to the
ICPO, including the tip.


Don't forget the receipt.



I've finally caught you, Lupin!

Jigen, were you trying to drink
the Colorado River dry?

Goemon, weren't you in Alaska?

Yes, but the lady wanted
to see the Grand Canyon.

J-Jigen Daisuke.
N-Nice to meet you.

I'm Isabelle. Are you a
friend of Goemon-sama?

More or less.

Really? That's a wonderful thing!

You bastard. What kind of
training were you doing?

We met on the train.

You got the hots for her, huh?

What, I do not.

That's right.
So you know what to do.

You know what I mean!
Just do it, will you!

And it's Zenigata. ZENIGATA!

Well, so anyway, a chopper
will be here either tonight...

or tomorrow morning
to take him to New York.

Keep an eye on him 'till then.

So this is that notorious Lupin.

Yes. At any rate,
we're going for a bite.

For all these years
I pursued Lupin.

How I've dreamed of this day!

Lupin has really gotten so low.
To kidnap a kid...

Don't worry sonny.
You're safe with me.

What's going on?


Why you!

You can't escape from me!


Why do we come to New Orleans?

Isabelle wanted to
hear Dixieland jazz.


Goemon's head over heels over her.

He considers himself her bodyguard.

It ain't easy when the
dame's a real high class.

You gotta put her up in
a better hotel than this.

Some dudes are after her.

Besides, I've got business
here in New Orleans.

I know a friend here who'll pay
generously for the Super Egg.

Rooster's share is one-third.

I want to send the cash
to his widow and kid.

Lemme see that Super Egg.

Sorry, Jigen, but
I don't have it here with me.


The white horse really
suits your beauty.

A friend of Goemon-
san is a friend of mine.

Well, Goemon's chick is my...


It's unfair.

I don't like it!

This is the key to your room.

It's unfair.

And this is ours.

I don't like it.

It's unfair.

It can't be helped, Lupin.
After all, he's her bodyguard.

I don't like it.

Stop making a fuss.

Good night.


Ring, ring, ring. Is this Isabelle-
san? This is Lupin. Go ahead.

You can have this back.

We're finally alone.

No, up there.

I knew it was too good to be true.

I wanted to be alone with you, too.

I must talk to you about something.



If you're selling it,
why not sell it to me?


I'm talking about the
diamond, the Super Egg!

I'm a traveling jewelry collector.
I'll buy anything unusual.

What do you think?

Then, Lupin-san, tell me...

Tell me where you hid the diamond.

You fool! Don't k*ll her!
We're to capture her alive.

So the Three Masons
are also after Isabelle.

I think I got a fever.

Are you okay?

I guess so.

How about...

If I take Goemon's
place for a few days?

It's hard on him
to do it every day.


placed myself entirely
in Goemon's hands.

I see.

Why you!

I'll take care of her!

I thought you had enough women.


The Statue of Liberty
has finally returned...

from the Grand Canyon
where it was found.

Why are we in New York?

Yeah, with the Three Mason's
headquarters right in town...

and the cops looking for the
Statue of Liberty thieves...

isn't it kinda risky, Lupin?

I gave that kid the same gum.

We'll be able to locate each
other if we're separated.

He's heading this way
along with the Super Egg.

So you gave it to him.

We have a deal then?

It'll cost you.
We incurred a lot of expenses.

Fine. I'll pay in cash.

Tell me why the Three Masons are
after you, and you'll get 15% off.

No thanks, I can't.

You have the devil's luck.

You were spared.

We have a perfect job for you.

Nothing strenuous, I hope.

Only Lupin's friend can do it.


We're finally here, Michael-kun.

Wake up.

That's it.

Excuse me, I was job shortage
as a result for me for years...

Oh, please sit down, okay, okay.

Thank you.

Excuse me.

I have to go pee.

Yeah, okay.

Here I go.

Howdy, Michael.

He sure is taking long.

Okay, Michael, lemme see it.


Tah dah!

I'll buy you an ice cream.


Is he asleep?


It's all over once the
cash changes hands.

Guess so.

Hi, Lupin.


Give me a ride.

Oh, okay.

What's gotten into you?

No questions.

Hey, hey, Lupin, how come,
how come she was flying?

I dunno...


She's asleep.

What is this, the twilight zone?


Let go, Fujiko-chan.

I got work to do.

She's out cold.

It's cash. Count it.

Check your diamond.


I'm taking the woman, the
diamond, and the cash!

Stay back!

Stay down kid and don't move!


What did you say?





What the...?

Your mom's a hottie,
ain't she, Michael?

Imagine a computer whiz kid
like you lookin' for his mommy.

My mom is the one who
created the Neovirus.

What the...?

She's a computer scientist.

She left home soon
after I was born.

According to my grandpa who raised
me, Mom was a fine scientist.

When I used my computer
to gather data on my mom...

that's when I learned that
she developed the Neovirus.

And so you came to
me to try to find her?

If you find her, what will you do?

Let her take care of you?

You're wrong!
I'll tell her, "I hate you!"

Because, she abandoned me.

I see.


Who are you? Bastard.

I'm holding Isabelle.

I'll exchange her
for the Super Egg.

If you say "no," I'll k*ll her.

Where and when do
you want to meet?

At our headquarters.
Tomorrow at 10 am.

Long time no see, Lupin.

It's been a while, Isabelle.

You're as beautiful as ever.

I mean it, Isabelle...
No, Number 2.

Thanks for the compliment,
but I still hate your guts.

Don't talk big.

Once you've betrayed us, you're no
longer Number 2, but just a woman.

And once we have the
Super Egg, we'll also have...

the Neovirus, and then
you're no good to anyone.

Why don't you beg for your life?

You fool! Why are you still
listening to that fossil?

You know what I had in mind
when I betrayed the Masons.

I can't do it.

Sure you can.

How could I ever do such a thing?

I have the expertise in computers.

And you have the capabi lity
to run the Masons.

Why don't we join forces?

Don't you want your mommy's
kiss, boy?

Let him go, Jigen.

He blames himself for
Isabelle getting abducted.

He can do better than
that woman with a kid.

Talk about lucky.

No way! I'm no babysitter!

Fujiko, we can't take him along.

No way.

C'mon. Wait here with Michael.

Forget it.

Don't worry, Michael.
We'll bring your mommy back.

It's time, Lupin.

Love ya, Fujiko-chan. Thanks, bye!

Not that much!

It's a waste to give it to them.

See ya later!

Who's there?

It's Isabelle, Silverman-sama.

That can't be.

Who let you out of your cell?

How did you get in here?

I want to atone for my sins.

Please open the
curtain and let me in.

I trusted your computer genius
and made you Number 2...

but you forgot everything
I did and betrayed us.

What do you want?
The throne of power?

Don't think you have everything
coming to you just because...

you're brilliant and beautiful.

That's where you're wrong.

Beauty is beauty and nothing more.


The world shall be in our hands.

Now you're Number
1 and I'm Number 2.

Jimmy-sama! Jimmy-sama!

What is it?

We caught an intruder...

and another is on the loose.

Fools. I'll be right there.


Are you going to k*ll me?

Love is cruel.

The snow of Alaska was beautiful.

I'm sorry.

There he is!

Out of my way!

I shall do what I must.

I was expecting you.

Where am I?

Would you believe me
if I said Disneyland?

We're a minute and 15 seconds late.

Let's have Isabelle back.

We'll keep our end of the bargain.


Now, the diamond...

Sure thing.

Don't even think 'bout it, Lupin.

That goes for you too, Jigen.

You two have been good to me.

You're welcome.


There's one more coming.

As they say, evil cannot
live forever, Lupin.

They also say the good die young.

I hope I make it.

So close, but still so far.

How's this trick?

He made it!

Hey, Lupin, what about us?

Look after your own backs,
I'm out of fuel.

I'll come back for you... If I can.

My, my, my!

Our Number 1 is simply stunning.

You'll conquer the world
with your beauty...

aided by the power
of the Neovirus.

Don't touch me.

I have to take Isabelle back with
me whether she's a Mason or not.

But first,
explain the connection...

between the Super
Egg and the Neovirus.

Figure it out yourself, airhead.

All right, all right!

The diamond originally
belonged to the Three Masons.

But Isabelle took
it and disappeared...

once the Neovirus was completed.

She hid the data from us.

Where? Inside the diamond?

No. If that's the case,
we'd just go after the diamond.

But we must have both
her and the Super Egg.

So, knowing that she
wouldn't be harmed...

she set her sights on the world,
with the Neovirus as her w*apon.

She's a frightening woman.

So, where's the data
on the Neovirus?

You couldn't imagine...

how truly powerful
that virus is.

I want the power of the Neovirus!

Huh, strange...

Super Egg,
open the door of my heart...

and bring forth the
world's most powerful program!

I see now... self-hypnosis.

She hid the data where
no one else has access...

in the depths of
her subconscious.

The Super Egg is the key that
unlocks her subconscious.

Heh, look at her imitating
the Statue of Liberty!

Arrange the following
words, symbols,

formulas, sounds and images...

into infinite combinations,
and record them.

The Legend of the
horseman, chapter 628.71:

"Thrust the crystal dagger into
the breast of thy beloved!"

"The Swan's betrayal has
contaminated the evening air."

Record these words a hundred times.

Play Amadeus Mozart's
Requiem in D Minor.

Record these tunes.

Alliyah. Alliyah. Alliyah...

Analyze the following images and
arrange them on 4-D coordinates.

You've done it, Isabelle!

Now, we, the Three Masons
have nothing to fear.

- Jimmy.
- You must be exhausted.

Leave the rest to me.

Isabelle, watch out!

Rest peacefully.

Oh no!

The world shall be in my hands.





- Out of the way!
- k*ll him! k*ll Lupin!

Do I have to do
everything around here?

Right on! Let's go!

You can't go.

You guys will pay for this.


Go to the roof.

There's a helicopter there.


It's no use taking me.
I won't make it.

You fool, Michael is waiting.


We gotta hurry.

Now is your chance to
tell her off, Michael.

You've grown.




Just "yes?"


It's nice to see you.



Uh huh!




Yes, Michael?

- Michael!
- Mom!

It's not my day.

Just when I'm finally Number 1, and
the world was going to become mine.

But I won't die without
unleashing the...

power of the
Neovirus upon the world.

Neovirus has infected
the Pentagon's computers.

Now, the Soviet High
Command computers.

Infection successful.

Ready to launch U.S. missiles.

Ready to launch Soviet missiles.

What's going on, Michael?

It's an emergency alarm.

Not good. Both the U.S.
and the Soviets...

are issuing a worldwide
emergency alert.

Launch buttons have
been activated at...

all U.S.
and Soviet m*ssile bases.

T-Minus 120 seconds before launch.

Probable cause: Computer
virus infection.

Route of infection unknown.

If the missiles are
fired, the chance...

of mankind's
survival is 0.0018%.

T-Minus 110 seconds before launch.

109... 108...

It's Jimmy!

He's using the Neovirus!

I must do something.

Once they're launched,
it's all over!

Mom, I'll go!

Leave the computers to me!


I'll come with you.

I'm going too!

Me too!

T-Minus 90 seconds before launch.

T-Minus 89...

T-Minus 88...

T-Minus 87...

- Go, Michael.
- Right!

Curse you...

Big Daddy, you've done enough.

How's it going, Michael?

What the... Let's see...

T-Minus 32... 31... 30...

Anything I can do
to help, huh, Michael?

T-Minus 25... 24... 23...

Those buttons, I can't reach them!

No problemo.

T-Minus 19... 18... 17...

Right... left!

The last one's up there!

Go for it Michael!

- We did it!
- Yay! We did it!

We did it!

All right!

Right on!

Hurry. The self-destruct
button has been pushed.

I'd better get outta here.

Lupin, hurry, hurry!


You're much like Michael's father,
the man who was my first love.


Give mommy a kiss, Michael.



Mom! Mom!


Isn't she beautiful, Michael,
just like your mommy?


Forget it. You'll never make it.

I saw Isabelle's data
with my own eyes.

There's no reason why
I shouldn't be able to recreate it.

What the-

Are you still at it?

I'm in debt up to my ears,
and the cops got all my data.

I need that Neovirus!

I'll do it no matter
how long it takes.

So you're not interested in a
job, huh?

Not right now.

How 'bout me?
What's the job about?

You opportunist.

What's the matter?

Do you want the job, after all?


Once I have the Neovirus, I can
pay off my debt and make a bund le.

I'm not interested
in your cheap jobs.

So Goemon's back in Alaska?

Yep. He's starting
his training from scratch.