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Lupin III: Lupin Ansatsu Shirei (1993)

Posted: 02/09/24 11:16
by bunniefuu
Now you've done it!

Shut up!


What's he up to?

Some kinda trap, you think?

I'm alone. Open up.




It's booze.

Lupin! Why don't you drink with me?

Oh, that's pretty high-class
alcohol for someone like you, Pops.

I received this this morning.

"To Inspector Zenigata..."

"As of July 23, you are officially
transferred from the Lupin the 3rd case..."


Which means that as of noon today
I've been kicked off your case!

I can't blame them...

I've been chasing you all these years and
still haven't been able to arrest you...

That's humiliating enough as it is,

but you getting arrested by my
successor will be even worse!

I'll drink with you, Pops!
Let's have a congratulatory toast!

Idiot! What's there to toast about?!
I'm drinking out of despair here!

I guess so, huh.

By the way, who did they put
in your place to go after us?


Keith?! Keith Hayden?!

Who's that?

That was perfect, Keith.

When you were fired from the
ICPO I was sad to see you go.

You're indeed a splendid mercenary.

With you on the case you'll
surely be able to arrest Lupin.

I've been trained to k*ll.

I'm not all that fond of keeping
people alive to arrest them.

"Arrest" is just a word of formality.

Dead or alive, it doesn't matter.

That is the reason why I got
rid of Zenigata and chose you.

So how many people am I k*lling?

There's Lupin, Daisuke Jigen,
Goemon Ishikawa, and Fujiko Mine.

If you need us to provide you with anything,
just let me know.

Coffins and tombstones.

So who's this guy you were talking about?

A highly trained professional.

So they replaced Pops with a young guy, huh?

Be careful, Lupin.

We ain't as young as we
used to be either, you know.

Huh? What do you mean by "we"?

Now that you mention it,
you're starting to look old.


Right, Pops?

That his transfer notice?

There's more to it.

Oh? What's it say?

"Your new assignment is to destroy the
weapons smuggling group known as sh*t Shell."

sh*t Shell?

It's one of the largest w*apon
smuggling groups out there.

That's what I thought...

Weapons bring in lots of cash, you know...

Which they've got stored somewhere...

Hey now, what're you thinking about?

Eh? Oh, nothing... Just about when I retire...

You sure?

You weren't thinking of stealing
sh*t Shell's money, were you?

Do you know of anything we've
never tried going after before?

You got a point there!

OK! Let's go take a side trip!

This place has all sorts of weapons
for your militaristic needs.

A bunch of it's you've never seen before...
A lot of it handmade even.

Chew this and 10 seconds later it explodes.

Let me see.

A sleeping spray.

Oh yeah?

Hey, it works.

I give up!

You bought nothing but junk!

Come on, I'm fond of weird items like that.

You buy anything?

Nope. I only put faith in my p*stol.

I was really hoping we could find
clues about sh*t Shell there...

Nah, you wouldn't in a place like that.
sh*t Shell deals in expensive goods.

That market was at most a guerilla band.

What do you say we get everyone
together and look for it?

Goemon and Fujiko?

Pops'll be absolutely ecstatic if we destroy
sh*t Shell while we're taking its money!

Why is it you always have
to go the extra step?

Being a hard-boiled guy means you
always gotta do the classy thing.

Lupin! I'm so happy that you
have this much friendship for me!


Moscow University

Nuclear Physics Research Laboratory

I suggest you keep quiet,
Professor Karen Korosky.

All I have to do is scream and the security
guards will be here before you know it.

How do you think I got in?

A little pushy, don't you think?

It's best to not waste time,
even if it means being pushy.

Consider the conditions and
timing as being perfect.

You are Russia's top nuclear physicist.

Which country sent you?

No country.
We're an international organization.

Karen! Come with me! I won't hurt you!

Damn you!

How annoying!


That would be great!

If you'll help eliminate sh*t Shell for me
they'll have to put me back on your guys' case!

But there's no way I'm helping you guys out.

Come on, sneaking around and
stealing things isn't that bad.

sh*t Shell is a heavily armed organization.

We can't just walk in the front door,
you know!

I know that.

So don't you see?
We need to bring them a present instead.

A present?

Yeah, a present huge enough that
they'll insist on contacting us.

Don't tell me this is a...!

That's right! A nuclear submarine the Ivanov.

Lupin- you're insane.

If Russia gets mad and causes
an international incident...

Come on, Pops.

sh*t Shell would probably do
anything to get the Ivanov.

They'll definitely contact us
to ask us to sell it to them.

And this is the only way to
find out who sh*t Shell is, huh?

I thought you wanted to get back
on our case right away, Pops?

Well, you've got a point there.

But are you sure you're
not after something else?

Of course not.
All I want to do is help you, Pops.

Oh? You don't trust me?

Come on, Pops, it's called "friendship".

All clear.

Is friendship really the only reason?

I've only ever lied once in my entire life,
you know.

Is that so?

Hey, Lupin.
Do you know how to pilot this thing?

I've got it taken care of.

Where are you going?

We're an American TV crew.

Here are our permission papers.

Hey. Check it out with HQ.

Arrest them!


We're going to jump straight onto it!

Hi. Been expecting you.

Get out.

Over here, Fujiko!




We want you to drive this thing,
Professor Karen Korosky.

She's a professor?
But she's so young and beautiful...

She's also Russia's top nuclear physicist.

And she was involved in
the Ivanov's design too.

Wow, that's really something!

What do you plan to do by stealing the Ivanov?

We're not going to use it for anything bad.

I can't believe that.

Please, get this thing moving.

I'll explain everything
once we're somewhere safe.

Please, Professor.

Engine output at full power.

Engine output?

At full power?

Engine output at full power!

Water vents open!

Belt open?

Vents open!

Full nose down trim!

Now submerging!

Distance to the sea floor?

Distance at 30 meters.

Get assistance from the
CIA and locate the Ivanov!

Get assistance from the
CIA and locate the Ivanov!

The Ivanov is a state-of-the-art nuclear att*ck
submarine equipped with 30 SRBM missiles!

Find the Ivanov at all costs!

No matter how poor the state of our m*llitary is,

...we must not allow the world
to know of our m*llitary's shame!

Relax, Karen.

As if you were at home.

This isn't my home.

I guess it isn't.

Explain why you kidnapped me.

We want your help.
Once we're done, we'll take you back home.

In a Cadillac limousine.

The Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia...

I've received similar invitations
from all kinds of countries.

"We'll pay you 10 times what
Russia is paying you now."

"So come and help out our
country's nuclear development."

Nuclear physicists from the former
Soviet Union are in real demand.

I have one condition.

A condition? Sure, name it.

The Ivanov is loaded with nuclear missiles.

You'll let me disarm those nuclear warheads.

We don't need any nukes.

Our goal is to crush a w*apon smuggling
organization known as sh*t Shell.

Of course it's no problem
once we get what we're after.

After all we're pretty sure sh*t Shell
would like to get its hands on some nukes.

That's why they tried to kidnap you,
a nuclear physicist.

But all we want from you is to
show us how to pilot the Ivanov!

What... eh?

I'll just take a break while you disarm them!

There aren't any polar bears out here...

Lupin. Any fish?

None at all.

Aren't you cold dressed like that?

Those two are really
heating things up down there.

I should have guessed as much.

Intelligent women don't pay
attention to you, do they?

I guess.

Now I am cold...

How can you stand having
such light clothing on?!

Talk about cold...

Is this your first time in Russia?

No. I've been here once before.

Do you suppose we've
met somewhere before?

Don't know.

I've run across lots of people
all over the world in my time.

It looks like you really
know how to handle your g*n.

It's just like a woman.

Both it and I have what you
might call compatibility.

I can't leave it...

...and it can't leave me.

The only thing that makes it different
from a woman is that it doesn't betray me.

I wouldn't know, I've never used a g*n before...

The same goes for most people.

Could you show me how?

I want to see what it's like to sh**t a g*n.

Your shoulders are too tense...


Hold it firmly with both hands.

When a novice sh**t with double
action the g*n will wobble.

Always sh**t single action.

I just aim for the heart?

Don't assume 1 sh*t will be all you'll need.

Aim for the center of the body.

That way if you miss you'll
still hit somewhere on the body. k*lled my father.

I followed my father that day.


You're Korosky's daughter?

Not good!


It's Keith.

Showing up so suddenly?
Guess he really means business, huh?

Take us down, Jigen!

You've succeeded in stealing what
Russia kept highly classified!

We are prepared to reward you handsomely

if you assist the United
States' Department of Defense!

We're waiting for your call!

What is this, an infomercial?

Are you trying to bring Russia to its knees?!

m*llitary might is the only way to
revitalize our country's economy!

The Ivanov is a loss leader! Give it back!

Come on already.

What is this world coming to?

Addressing the brave warriors
who have stolen the Ivanov.

Our country welcomes you warmly.

The president is just an old man.

But I am modern...

It's nothing but commercials, Lupin.

They haven't responded to
your achievement at all.

Are they really going to show up, Lupin?

Don't worry, they will.

Hey, Lupin.

We might as well give the
Ivanov to the Americans.

I think they'll pay us a lot for it...

Women always go after the quick profit.

We're dealing with what some would
consider a great romantic tale...

I wonder how many times a man's idea
of romance has gotten you into trouble?

Hey, Lupin. Sounds like we have a caller.


Let's see, what country are you from...?

No country.

Please raise your satellite dish.
I will transmit video feed shortly.

You certainly are courageous to
steal something like the Ivanov...

It's just our job.
Nothing to be praised about.

In that case, allow me to get down to business.

What do you say?
Will you sell the Ivanov to me?

How about telling us who you're first, Mister?

I can't do business with just any old stranger.

I am Jean Claude.

I run a certain organization.

People such as yourselves who can steal

something like the Ivanov
probably have heard of it,

...but the company's name is sh*t Shell.

I've observed the Ivanov's movements with
my surveillance satellite this whole time.

And you are?

As manager of sh*t Shell
you probably already know,

but I'm Lupin the 3rd.

Oh, is that so?
I'm pleased to make your acquaintance.

So you wanna buy the Ivanov?

That's right.

Then let's negotiate in person.
I really don't feel like being swindled.

Let's meet at your place.


Please wait 50 km off the coast of Guam.

I'll send someone there to show you the way.

Sure thing, Mister.

Please, call me Jean.

Right. Jean.

I look forward to seeing you.

The plan worked.

Everything so far was just the hors d'oevure.

Now we start on the main dish.

We'll be stopping by Maui before going to Guam.


We're splitting into 2 groups.

We've come to an agreement.

Go and greet them hospitably.

No mistakes this time!

Yes, sir.

Okay then,
have fun on your Maui vacation, Karen.

Goemon, Pops. I leave her in your hands.

You better contact me once you've
slipped yourself into sh*t Shell, Lupin.


but the plan is going to have
to change for now, Karen-chan.

Bye bye.

Did something happen between you
and our beautiful nuclear physicist?


Whatever you say.


There they are!

Lemme have those!

Damn, it's that girl.

Put your engines at full throttle
and follow the helicopter!

Did you hear him, Lupin?


Alright, will do.

Do you suppose it's that island?

Aren't any others around, so yeah, probably.

How are we supposed to get onto it?

I don't see any docks.

Head straight forward.

He says to keep going straight ahead, Jigen.

Straight ahead is a waterfall.

With capital investments like these,

there's no doubt we're
dealing with a top corporation!

It's gonna be tough to find
where on the island the cash is.

It won't be in an ordinary safe,
I can tell you that.

We'll find it!

I'll lead the way. Please get in.


Please go on in.

I've been waiting for you, Lupin-san.

Sorry for the wait, Mister.

Please call me Jean.

Right. Jean.

I've heard much about you all.

I've been wanting to speak to you in person.

Please, sit.

This is some company you've got yourself.
Your stock of weapons is really amazing!

They're not anything special.

They look like new on the outside,
but they're basically garbage on the inside.

Countries such as Russia have taken to

selling weapons as a way to
revitalize their choked economies.

If they're allowed to continue,
our business will dry up.

So what do you think I should do?

Deal with new merchandise, right?

Deal with merchandise that people
want to buy but normally can't.

Would we be talking about
nuclear weapons here?

That's right.

But the warheads have been disarmed.

I am aware of that.

It will be simple enough to
re-arm them if I bring in a expert.

That's true.

What I want now are nuclear submarines.

Especially the Ivanov.

And you.

Why are you packaging
us with the nuclear sub?

Because you are the best thieves in the world.

You use the Ivanov to steal, and then I sell.

Then we obtain large sums of money.

Assuming we agree to steal for you.

For us, thievery is an art.

But Lupin,
we should listen to what Jean has to say.

What are you saying, Fujiko?

You're going to go bankrupt with the
way you overuse your credit cards.

Give it up.

And aren't you're worried about
your retirement funds too, Lupin?

Yeah, I guess you've got a point!

I suppose for now we can hear you out!

The targets are abandoned
nuclear submarines.

They're stored at Vladivostok, Russia.

With the signing of the
disarmament agreement,

aren't they just heaps
of useless junk now?

Are you starting a scrap
iron operation or something?

There is a nuclear generator.

The deserts of Arizona in America.

In accordance with the nuclear treaty it
was dismantled and then put into storage.

I see.
So we steal it for you and you assemble it here.


OK, then! But leave the planning to us!

We don't need unnecessary help.

I leave it in your capable hands, Lupin-san.

Then it's decided!

By the way, what did you do with the woman?

Woman? Which girl would that be?

I know so many woman that I'm afraid
I don't know which one you mean.

The Russian nuclear physicist, Karen Korosky.

Oh, her? She got off at Alaska.

We didn't need her anymore once she
showed us how to pilot the Ivanov.

I see.

Where do you think you're going?

Where am I going...?

Give back the object you put in your bosom.

Come on.
I just want to go shopping by myself for a bit.

Isn't that alright?

No, it isn't! Lupin gave strict orders!


If we need to go shopping I will do it.

I get it.
I should just stay in my room and behave.


Is that the sliced-up nuclear reactor, Lupin?

I didn't expect to be doing this sort of work.

No complaining.

We just need to play along with him
until we find where the money is.

All done here. Now it's up to you, Fujiko.

Got it.

I think it's about time we split, Jigen-chan.

They're on their way! Standby, OK?




Lupin! Is it really a good idea
to hand those over to sh*t Shell?

There's nothing to worry about!

They don't have anyone who
knows how to assemble them!

Vladivostok, Russia

Hey! Can't you even catch breakfast?

Alright! I got somethin'!

It's huge!

Brad! Take us down and make it snappy!

Excellent work.

You're even better than your
reputation makes you out to be.

Knock it off.

Russia should be thanking us for
taking this junk off its hands!

Breakfast time.



You... you're Keith!

Zenigata. Where's Goemon?

Can't say where your friend is, huh?

No! I can explain...

Drop your Zantetsuken.

You don't want anything to
happen to this woman, do you?

There's no need for me to arrest you
and drag you back to the ICPO.

You're going to k*ll me?

They told me dead or alive.


Are you going to k*ll Daisuke Jigen too?


Take me with you.

There! It's a little too heavily guarded!

What do you say, Fujiko-san?
Won't you come cruising with me?


I certainly am jealous of your wife, Jean!

You being so successful at such a young age...

Er... I'm single.

How come?

How come? Well, it's just that...

I find it hard to believe you haven't

happened across a nice woman
after all this time.

I'm capable when it comes to
things like selling machinery,

but when it comes to women...

You should find a woman who can
understand your intelligence.

No such person exists.

Are you sure?
If it were me I would never leave you alone.

I see. Alright.

It seems Lupin and the others are back.

I'll be taking a cut of the profit for myself.

I'll take a lot more than you will.

That's fine.
Let's meet again tonight at my place.

Did you find out where the money's hidden?

Lover boy has a building without windows.

- Inside is...
- Shh...


Yes, Jean?

If you're up to it, how about some tennis?

Hey, sounds fun! Go on, Fujiko!

Sure, Jean!

Wouldn't you know it!
The entire building is a vault!

So it's dropped in from the top pipe
and sucked out from the pipe below.

How do we get it?

We set up a bypass pipe
and suck out the money.

We'll set up the bypass.

How long will it take to suck it all out?

Good question, I'd say about an hour or so.

Okay, then I'll stall Jean for you.

You gonna be OK?

Leave it to me. He invited me to dinner.

Be careful now, Fujiko-chan.

He strikes me as the type who doesn't
take his time when it comes to women.

Are you jealous?

I suppose.

I'm happy.

I can't stand listenin' to this.

You know where Jigen is?




It's me, Claude.

Did the Karen Korosky part of the plan go well?

Everything is going perfectly.

She decided to come of her own free will.
How are things on your end?

Everything is going perfectly here too.

Lupin and the others have
completed a job well done for me.

Meaning you have no more use for them?

I feel a little bit of regret,

but I'm sure if I leave him alone
he'll come up with some sort of scheme.

Who knows,
he may have hatched a scheme already.

Anyway, I'm going to continue my mission.

This is amazing, Jean!

Not even my condominium in New York
has a room this extravagant!

If you'd like,
you can use it whenever you want from now on.

Thank you.

I had no idea w*apon
salesmen made so much money.

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

But why do you say that?

You interest me.

The truth is, weapons smuggling
isn't all that I'm doing.

I'm setting up wars.


I'm planting the seeds of
w*r throughout the world.

I have secret agents spread throughout
the world for that very purpose.

Even high ranking officials in the West.

If so much as a small fire breaks out,
it will develop into a w*r of grand proportions.

Then you can sell weapons?


You now know my secret.
Which means from now on you're my partner.

Tell me, what is Lupin planning?

I... I don't know.

Maybe you're just overanalyzing things?

Am I?

If you're so concerned,
why don't you try asking Lupin himself?

Excellent idea!

Get me Lupin.

What?! He's not in his room?!

Look for him! I'll be there right away!

Excuse me.




What's up, Fujiko?

They know something's up! Hurry!

Jigen. How much longer?

I've found the pipe. 15 minutes should do it.

Fujiko. 15 minutes, the Ivanov, be there.

I'll see what I can do.

I'll take care of Claude.

He's all yours.

Find Lupin!

Found him. I'll display it on the main screen.

He's coming this way!

Transmit this to my room.

Yes, sir!



I've been waiting for you, Lupin-san.

A certain man will be coming to k*ll you.

Keith Hayden, eh?

He's an accomplice of yours?

He's a secret employee of my company.

Why are you telling me this?

Because even if you try to plan
something it'll just be a waste of time.

Thanks for the advice.

I can save your life, but...

But on certain conditions, I bet?

I want you to work for me from now on.

Sorry to disappoint you,

but I can get plenty of
profit on my own without wars.

You'll regret it, Lupin-san.

I only ever regret things
that have to do with women.

That's too bad...

It really is too bad.

Oh, would you look at the time. Later.

Goodbye, Lupin-san!

Drop the g*ns!

If your boss's brains get blown out,
you're all out of a job.

Doing so would be useless, Lupin-san.


Why don't you sh**t and see?

A hologram...?!

This is to protect both
myself and the organization.

Don't take it personally.

Damn, I can't believe
I've been tricked like this!

I'm so pathetic...

Your g*n, if you would.


How about a last request?

What is it?

Think you can let me have one last cigarette?

No funny business. And face this way.


Oh yeah, oops! I'm trying to kick the habit!

Would a last piece of gum be okay?

Fine! Just hurry up!


Okay, that's enough, let's go...

Lupin's getting away!

Keep on laughing!

What the...?


Outta the way, Lupin!

I owe you one.


Fujiko hasn't shown up.


Yep, it's Keith all right.


If I don't show up at the Ivanov,
leave without me.

What's going on?

I have to settle things with Karen.

Well, guess there's nothing I can do about it.

Good luck!

Hey...! Lupin!

Huh? What's going on?

Damn bastard!

We can talk in private here.

There's nothing to talk about.

I need to tell you the truth.

Truth about what?

About your old man.

That day,

your old man and I went out to
pick up some money owed to us.

He and I were partners.

But all that was there
was an empty briefcase.

There was nothing inside.

Someone I trusted had betrayed me!

Suddenly, I heard a sound from behind me.

I pulled the trigger with near-instant reflexes.

You're trying to say it was in self-defense?

No, it doesn't change the fact
that I k*lled your old man.

If you want to k*ll me, go ahead.

I'm going.

Daisuke Jigen.

Time to die!


I'll take care of him.

You can't. Don't get in my way!

No... let me do it!


You're a pathetic man, you are.

What'd you say?

Deserting your friends and
running off by yourself?

I'm just taking temporary evasive action.

I'll be back for them soon enough!

For whom?

Daisuke Jigen is dead.


I must admit that stealing my
money was quite the feat, indeed.

But it'll all be back in my possession shortly.

As will your corpse.

What happened to you, Jigen?!

These are terrible accommodations
but please try and bear it.

You're going to lock me up in here?!

I'm not locking you up.

Keith won't find you in here.

Keith Hayden? Find me?

I'm putting you in here while I have
you removed from the "to k*ll" list.

You are my partner, after all.

The m*ssile that was fired was an SRBM.

Do we know where it was fired from?

Yes, based on observations of its trajectory.

What about its orbit?

Computer calculations determine it will be
above the Hawaiian Islands in 5 minutes.

Launch the counter missiles!

Should be above Maui soon...

It's all my fault...

If I had just worked harder...

If I had just caught Lupin
and the others sooner,

I wouldn't have been
transferred from Lupin's case...

...and Goemon wouldn't have d*ed!

God! Please, punish this fool that is Zenigata!

I'm sorry! Save me Buddha! Save me Buddha!

No need is there for you to pray to me, Pops!


Save me Buddha...!

Lupin's m*ssile was destroyed!

So that just leaves Fujiko.

If you're hiding her,
I'd appreciate you giving her up right away.

You're in no position to give me orders.

You'd best be careful.

That woman will double
cross you before you know it.

So Goemon d*ed here?

This washed up on the rocks.

Jigen was k*lled too?

What are we going to do, Lupin?

So you were the ones who
tried to kidnap me in Moscow?

Forgive me.
I desperately wanted you to assist us.

You'll direct things and
make it so we can use this.

If I say no?

"No"? Why?

You k*lled Jigen.

Jigen? I thought you hated him?

I did! But I wanted to k*ll him myself!

Stop the car!

Hey, Lupin, what are we going to do?

Contact America or someone and have
them help us destroy sh*t Shell!

Don't be stupid! That's crazy!

It's just the 2 of us now...

Hey there, give that back.
It's really important.

No way! A man asked me to get it for him!
I won't give it back!

A man?

Hey, tell me,
what sort of man asked you to do this?

OK! If you tell us
I'll give you a chocolate bar... with almonds!

A man in a kimono.

He's in that house!




This is great! I'm so glad!

Let go, that hurts.

Oh, right...

But I can't believe you're alive!

Thanks to the Zantetsuken, my life was spared.

The Kn*fe deflected off
the Zantetsuken's blade...

...and stopped before hitting my heart.

I really thought you were dead...

I was rescued by this boy's father,
who is a fisherman.


OK! Can you walk?

I will be fine.

Shall we go then?

Both Goemon and Jigen are dead.

Keith is looking for you.

Lupin's alive.


I can feel it.

I don't feel that Jigen is dead either!

Hey, Lupin.

Can we really destroy sh*t Shell
with just these metal barrels?

We got no other choice.
Your expense account isn't very big, you know.

If we mess this up the ICPO will
give me the axe on the spot...

You'd make more as a thief!

I can give you some pointers
if decide to switch over.

Thanks a bunch!

Keith is in a frenzy,
scouring the entire island looking for you.

But with my underlings guarding you here,
he won't get to you.

Keith is just an excuse, isn't it?

And you're trying to say...?

You just want to keep us on the payroll,
don't you?

The word "payroll" isn't quite suitable.

I want to borrow your abilities
to magnify my profits even more!

To magnify w*r, you mean!

That's nothing. The future is space!

Outer space and high technology...

Both are absolute
requirements for any future wars,

meaning I will realize unlimited profit!

I have everything for it already
prepared and waiting to go.

I particularly need Karen's
assistance very much!

No! I can't stand this anymore!

Let us out of here!

What are you doing, Karen-san?

Open the door!

So what are you going to do?
We're surrounded by ocean.

Come, give up, it's hopeless.

Quietly hand that over to me.



But even if we get out of here
there's no way off the island!

That's correct.

But let's see for ourselves, Karen!

There might be a helicopter or something!

Give me the g*n!

Out of the way!

- Fujiko!
- Karen!

Let's go!


Bye, Jean!

Fujiko got away!

OK! I'll take care of her right away.

Even dogs will become emotionally
attached if you give them love!

Isn't that right?!

It's best to k*ll stray dogs!

Damn it...

I see it!

Give 'em the fireworks!

Got it!

Fireworks? More like firecrackers.

Here we go!

Now! Bombs away!

Pops! Goemon! Now!

Come on, open...!

You are in quite the hurry.

It opened!

Help me!

Eh? No more fuel?

Guess I should be going too!

My factory...!

Hold it right there!

I'm Zenigata from the ICPO!

You're under arrest for...

Come back here, Claude!


Come back here!

Now you die!


Goemon! You're alive!

I'm so glad!

Hey, if it isn't Fujiko!


What happened to the money?

Isn't it still in the Ivanov?

Did you make real sure of it, Fujiko?

I didn't have time for it!

Goemon! Fujiko! Get out of here!

Let's go!

He just doesn't give up, does he?

Yo, Lupin. It was fun.

Feeling's mutual.

I've got your coffin ready.


That bastard...!

I didn't think you kicked the bucket!

I didn't have a g*n,
so things got a little too tense for my liking.

I found a basement door
in just the nick of time.

I managed to survive, but it was a close one.

You're one lucky guy.

Guess so.



This concerns me and her.

What's wrong? Do it!


Karen... There's still one b*llet left...

He just can't take a hint...

Use this...

...I don't want the Ivanov used for evil...


So you survived Keith?

You truly are something else.

Your praise doesn't make us happy,
or anything else for that matter.

What do you say?

Why don't we forget everything
that's happened and team up?

So after all this you're going to
make us listen to your bad jokes?

I think we can be excellent partners.

With my brains and your skill,
we would have nothing to fear!

Let's work together!
If we do, then my money will be your money!

It goes without saying that
we'll be taking it anyway...

That's too bad... Really too bad, indeed...

Put them out of their misery!

No! I don't want to die!

Save me, Claude!

Fujiko! I don't want you to die either!

I'm the only one who can save you!

Take me with you!

Oh, Fujiko!


If your fingers touch your
triggers this man is dead!

Don't sh**t! She's serious!

Get out of here!

Did it go well?

We've finished loading a new nuclear m*ssile.

Excellent. A nuclear submarine equipped
with nukes is absolutely invincible!

We have nothing to fear!

Isn't that right, Lupin?

I'm taking the Ivanov from you.

Thank you for the splendid gift!


Do it.

Are you sure?


Go ahead.

Do it.

I'm in your debt again.

There goes our hope for a nice retirement fund.

Means we can't retire yet, huh.

We pray that with her beautiful heart our dear

friend Karen Korosky will forever rest in peace.

We pray that her spirit will...

All that money...
it wasn't on the Ivanov, you know.


Apparently it was moved
to a different location.

Where to?

I found this at Claude's place.

What is that?

A contract with a French satellite company.

Which means...

Lupin! You destroyed sh*t Shell,
so they put me back on your case!

Eh? Huh?

Don't take it personally!

You can't be serious, Pops!

See you later, Lupin!

Wait, Fujiko-chan!


Wait, Goemon...!


Hey, come on!

Hold it right there, Lupin!

That came in pretty handy.

That's not fair, Lupin!

Come back, Lupin!

Hey now! Come on, let go!

Minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4.

We've gone for main engine start.
We have main engine start.

Check it out, pretty scary, huh...

A woman's tenacity, that is.

We did it!

Look, Lupin! The money!

Money! Money! Money!