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Patema Inverted (2013)

Posted: 02/09/24 09:37
by bunniefuu

You do understand

that we are different beings
than you.

So, then, why did you help him?

What was your purpose?

You see, the thing is,

filth like you just
doesn't belong here.

We simply don't see
things the way you do.

You are the spawn
of sinners past,

and the sky will swallow
you for those sins.

One, two...

Patema, what are you doing?

What was that?

What's all this?

We've reached another storeroom
on the lowest level.

We found vacuum packs.

And there's all kinds
of new seeds in here.

That's great. We'll have
new plants next season.

I'll go right now to tell Elder
the good news.

Make sure you wash them
all first, OK?


- Bye.
- See you later.

A gentleman wouldn't
barge into a girl's room

without first asking
for permission.

We are not gentlemen, Patema.
We are your Guardians.

Hey, I'm a gentleman.

Be quiet, will you?

It sure would be nice

to come home from
somewhere new sometimes.

You were in the Danger Zone.

Yeah. What's the big deal?

The rules forbid it.

Oh, but it's really cool there.

I found this great big
open place when I was there.

It's not like here at all.

I know we have to preserve
where we live--

I understand that--

but it's just that I want
to find more worlds

outside, as well.

Do you really think
that's something

a Chief's daughter should say?

Wait, Elder. She didn't mean it.

Lagos would never say that.

There are monsters over there,
like bat people.

They're mean,
and if they get you,

you will never be able
to come back here again.

You'll be tortured
for all eternity.

Look, I'm not a kid.
There's no such thing as that,


Well, I guess not, but--

Anyway, as the Chief's will

he expects you to set
an example.

- Porta.
- Coming. See you.

Stop filling her head
with that nonsense.

But it's true.

They do roam around
in there, don't they?

Quiet, Porta.

Don't you think it's time
we told her the truth?

It's probably more dangerous
for her not to know.

Patema is still just a child.

It just seems
so silly sometimes,

all these different rules.

We're alive because of them.

So she doesn't think Lagos
would ever talk like that, huh?

Yeah, probably not.

He is no longer
one of us, Porta.

We haven't heard
from him in many years now.

He's probably just
lying dead somewhere.

Come in.

Hey, how are you, Patema?

You were fighting with
Elder again, weren't you?

So you heard us, huh?

Where are you, Lagos?

I'm not finished talking
to you, do you hear me?

You're not leaving again,
are you?

And I might be gone
a while this time.

Why do you keep
having to leave?

I want you to stay here with me.

The thing is, I want to go
see new worlds

and explore them
so I can understand them better.

You wouldn't
understand yet, Patema.

Then take me with you.

Maybe someday,
when you're a bit older.

I'm not a child anymore,
you know.

Just be patient and stay
out of trouble here, OK?

If you promise to be good,

I'll give you
another present, see?

Pretty, huh?

Well, maybe you are getting
a little too old for that stuff.

OK, close your eyes.

It's something very old
but also very precious.

It's the world.

OK, open your eyes.

Haven't I waited
long enough, Lagos?

I'm being stupid.

Maybe I should just go back.

A bat person.

Don't be scared.

As long as I hold on,
I won't fall.


Excuse me,
but what's wrong with you?

Just help me!

Don't let us fall!

What? Fall where?

Just don't let go.

It's like Lagos' picture.

Lagos? You've got to be kidding.

Are you an Invert?
You're upside-down.

What do you mean,

Look, I don't know
what's going on around here,

but look around you.

Can't you see for yourself?

You're on the ceiling!

Sorry, I hate to tell you,

but I'm pretty sure
you're the one on the ceiling.

Yeah, right. Well, I'm pretty
sure I know up from dow--

What is it?

The bat person.

I knew it.
You're one of them, aren't you?

You hang upside-down.
I should've known.

Calm down.

Why is this happening to me?

Stop. Jeez.

Let me go, OK?

Just wait!

Do you mind telling me what
it is exactly I've done to you?

It's 'cause you--
I mean--

Nothing, that's what.

And I won't, Invert or not.

Sorry about that.
You saved my life, didn't you?

What happened?
Was someone after you?

Now what do I do?

Listen, I--

What's that?

Sorry, I've got to get back
to school.

No! Hey, wait.
Please, don't go.

You can't leave me alone.

But I've got Civics class.

I can't be absent.
They watch us.

What's more important,

me or some stupid class
at school?

You don't have to worry.
I'll come back after.

You promise?

Don't forget, OK?

I won't.

And don't tell the bat people.


Oh, and I'm hungry, too.

Something tells me you're
a real princess, aren't you?

Yes, I am, and it would be best
if you would remember that.

My name's Age.
What should I call you?


Amazing. I flew.

The time is now 8:30.

Remember, proper upbringing
leads to a proper education.

Proper education leads
to proper behavior.

The time is now 8:31.

The time is now 8:32.

Remember, proper upbringing
leads to a proper education.

Proper education leads
to proper behavior.

The time is now 8:33.

When our planet was afflicted
by The Great Change,

many lives were lost

when people were
carried off into the sky.

You see, we citizens of Aiga

who remain firmly rooted
to the earth

are left to preserve humanity.

As a result,

Aiga is the only true world
in which humanity exists.

There is no world but Aiga.

We must keep our eyes
firmly on our feet,

follow the laws
and maintain order,

as we continue to
preserve our precious land.

That barren wasteland
that lies beyond the cliff,

that malevolent light
that comes from the sky,

they are to be--

Three demerit points, Age.
Do you know why?

I was listening.


but unfortunately,
you were also looking off

in an unpleasant direction,
weren't you?

As usual, your brain
is inverted.

Can anyone tell me
why life here in Aiga is ideal?



For Age's sake,
we can discuss this

for the entire Assembly period.

We follow the laws,
maintain order,

and keep our eyes
on the ground.


Law and order are vital.

I have been told that
you were not

in the dormitory
last night, Age.

One who does not stay
in line here will--

Are you listening to me?!

You will not qualify
to be a citizen

just by showing up for class!

Like father, like son,
I suppose.

But don't worry.

I'm not giving up
on you just yet.

You too will have to shoulder
the burden of our future,

and that means your
presence here

carries some importance.

What happened to your father
was a shame, but I believe

we must not dwell on the past.

- But, sir?
- Yes?

If I'm not mistaken,

the laws say nothing
about looking up at the sky.

I can't believe we need
to look at page six again.

Nothing good can come
from looking into the sky

and the souls of the sinners
who've been carried into it.

But is it really a sin
to fall into the sky?

So it is written.

It is a despicable sin.

You can't go to the surface.

Talk to Elder.

I can't just sit here
and do nothing!


You're late! Do you know
how boring it is here?

I'm sorry.
They kept me after class.



I feel kind of weird.

Maybe eating your food
made me lighter.

Patema, does the sky scare you?

The sky? You mean,
where you're looking now?

Oh, that's right.

Yeah. The sky.

Of course it scares me.

Doesn't it scare you?

Tonight you can see the stars,
so I guess I like it.


You don't know
about stars, either?

I don't know anything
about this world,

so why would I?

Hey, come look at the stars, OK?

- No way!
- Just try.

I'm scared to look down.
Forget it!


Yeah. Of course!

All right.


You're the first one
who's ever said that.

Well, they really are,

more so than anything
I've seen where I come from.

My dad told me about them.

Your dad?

He really liked
looking at the sky.

He always said
he wanted to fly off into it.

He even made himself
a machine to do that.

To fly? How?

I'm not sure.
I don't remember.

Why don't you ask him?

For some reason,
everyone was against him flying.

They all thought
it was bad luck.

Of course, I knew it wasn't.

I skipped school that day
so I could go watch.

They all said God punished him.

But why?

It was a great thing he did,
wasn't it?

I think I understand
how your father must have felt.

The sky,
it really is beautiful.

I feel like, for first time,
I'm glad I came to this world.

Definitely inverted.

Did it fall into the sky,
or perhaps--

Sir, this incident appears
to have occurred

at some point below
the barren zone

near the education center.

Increase surveillance there.

Note even minor changes.

Yes, sir.

This may provide us with a clue

as to where the rest
of them might be,

and once we find them,

I am sure that we'll all
get along just fine.

What's it like down there
under the ground?

It's a lot smaller and darker
than it is here.

That's why I wanted
to go explore,

to find a new world.

There were books about it,

and Lagos, he once
gave me a picture,

the most beautiful picture.

I still have it.


Someone important.

So I guess

you don't like where
you're from either, huh?

No. That's not true.
Elder's there, and so is Porta.

Everyone's really nice.

They're probably
pretty worried, I guess.


I'm gonna find a way to get you
back to your family.

I promise.

And when you do,
I'll introduce you to everyone.

What's wrong?


They must have noticed
the missing food.

It's the bat people.

Just like before in the tunnel.

You saw Security Police?

Oh, no.

Why is this happening?

We have to go.

Don't you see?
They're after you, Patema.

But how?

Grab hold.

I can't. I'll fall.

It's OK. Don't worry.

They say only sinners
fall into the sky.

Do you really believe
that's true?

Of course I don't.

I can do this.
I trust you, Age.

That's the spirit.
Come on, Princess.

Lagos, please help me.

Here we go.

My body, it's so light.

Wait! Slow down!

I get it. Your weight
makes me a lot lighter.

Girls don't like it when you
talk like that, you know.

Age, Age, watch
where you're going.

I think you can
make it back.

We just have to cross the fence.

We'll hold on tight
to each other and drift down.

You mean we can fly?
Are you sure?

To get there we need
to go behind them.

Behind them?

Hey, wait.

We can make it.

It worked. Wow.

We're flying.

Two days of unauthorized leave,

unauthorized use
of a government facility,

and taken into custody by
Security Police Central Command,

and worst of all,
you were near the fence.

I'm very disappointed.

Why are you intentionally
causing trouble

for the authorities?

You do understand that
you are our responsibility

while you're here.

Are you even listening?!

Your behavior and attitude
damages the reputation

of this entire institution.

They took her.

What was that?

They took Patema.

I just--
I wanted to help her.

He's not making any sense.

They att*cked us!

They're the ones
not making sense!

Behave yourself.

Please leave us.


What you met near
the fence was not human.

If your desire is to live,
you will forget her.

Just leave all
the hard questions to us.

Or have you grown
too attached to let go

just because
she looks like a girl?

I won't tell you again.

I'd hate for you to have an
accident like your father did.

What do you want?

Send me back home.
I hate this upside-down world.

Upside-down, huh?

I am afraid you're mistaken.

After all, you're the one
hanging from the ceiling.

Don't you think that's odd?

It seems quite clear to me
that perhaps

you don't understand why
you were born an Invert.

You see, there once
were some people

who conducted an experiment.

A dangerous experiment

that attempted to harness
energy from gravity.

But Mother Nature would not
allow such foolishness.

The experiment was
a cataclysmic failure,

causing gravity to be reversed.

These people and
everything they created

all fell up into the sky.

All except, of course,
for our Ancestors.

We established the land of Aiga

to ensure that nothing like this

would ever happen again.

And to bring eternal peace
to our society,

based on law and order.


some for whom gravity
was reversed

managed not to fall.

That filth abandoned
the surface

and burrowed themselves

We have made Aiga into
a perfect society.

So what do you think
would happen if we allowed

Inverted blood
to contaminate ours?

We cannot expose Aiga
to such impurities,

especially from sinners
like yourself,

who will then be
swallowed up by the sky!

Sinners? How so?

Allow me to introduce you.

After all, this unfortunate
situation all began

when an Invert showed up here.

The Invert you see here
before you

was taken in by one
of our citizens,

and encouraged him to thr*aten
Agia's law and order.

See? All Inverted.

And that got me to thinking,

perhaps there were other Inverts
hidden away somewhere,

who might also try to come here
and thr*aten Aiga's sanctity.

That man refused to talk,
right to the very end,

but still,

his ordeal won him nothing!

You're very heavy.

I could easily drop you.

Yes, that's right.

Your very life now depends
on me, and me alone, my dear.

Man, this is scary.

Almost there.

Wait! Come back!

You know Patema, right?

Wait. What? Do you know
where I can find her?

Tell me! Where is she?

That was close.

Ow. Stupid fence.

I could hold Patema down
with my weight.

Oh, yeah. Where is she?

You know, don't you?

Come on, just tell me.

Did they catch her?

They did, didn't they?

Just tell me the truth, please!

I was with her.

You just stood there
and watched?

I'm sorry.
What could I have done?

Hey, if your gravity's reversed,

Patema, she's in
that tower, right?

OK, you!

You're coming with me.

Just come on!

Hey, he's coming.

That was quick.


One and--whoa.


It's really light.

Do you think he fell?

Hey, come on, that's enough.

Bite your--

What the hell?

An Aigan.

Hey, Porta,
what are you doing?

Quiet down. We'll talk later.

Now take us to see Elder.

It's one of the bat people.

Hey, wait!

Keep them all out of here,

Got it.

What have you done, Porta?

Really? Is that all any
of you can say to me?

Everything is

I certainly hope none
of the children saw him.


We do not teach our children
here about Aiga.

That's one of our rules.

It's important that they
grow up right.

Here we go with
the "rules" again.

The rules exist to stop
this very thing from happening!

Forget the rules!
They've got Patema!

I was worried
that might be the case.

It's true, right?
Where is she?

Somewhere inside
the Control Center.

It's a tower in Aiga.

It's located right above
the danger zone.

You went there?!

I drifted back down here
with him.

You see, their weight cancels
ours, which means with his help,

we can get in the tower
from there.

We will not break
the rules twice!

You and your stupid rules!

I'm sick of hearing it,
you old goat!

- Forget the rules!
- Would you be quiet?!

Who made those rules, anyway?

Shut your mouth!

You make me, old man!

Is that a photograph?


Looks like it's from Aiga.

I don't know how many times
I told that fool Lagos

not to show her those things.

Who's this guy Lagos?

Was he Patema's
boyfriend or something?

No way.

He's just some loon
who went to Aiga.

He should have known not to go
to such a horrible place.

What horrible place?

It can be difficult to grasp

how terrifying a place
like that can be,

until you see you have
nowhere to stand.

It's a very different world
she's seeing now.

Poor girl.

She must be terrified
in a place like that.

No, she's not.

She's doing just fine.
She said so.

Of course she told you that.

That's just the way she is.

I remember she acted the
same way when the Chief d*ed,

even though his death left her
without any remaining family.

I remember. She just hid
in her room and cried.

She didn't want us to know.

So she appeared strong?

No offense, but you're too
upside-down to understand it.

How could you
possibly understand

anything about Patema?

Yeah, that may be so.

It's possible I don't
understand at all.

But I was happy.

She said the stars
were beautiful,

and she listened
about my father.

I never told anyone
about that before.

But when she was captured,

I couldn't do anything to help.

I didn't even think
of trying to rescue her.

I'll do anything.

You have to help me.

We call this area here
the Danger Zone

because this is where the tower

reaches down into the ground.

Once, long ago, it was used
for communication

between us and Aiga,

or so I've heard.

So this is the Control
Center basement?

It's all but abandoned now.

There's no way
of getting through.

It comes down this deep?

I'm not sure why
it was abandoned,

but the Chief once said that
Aiga hoped to flourish

by cutting ties with us
and forgetting its past.

Let's worry about
the history lesson later.

Right now, let's
just sneak in there.

We simply cannot let Aiga
take anyone else.

If they catch you--

I'm going to save her.
I'll go alone if I have to.

Yeah? Well, I was about
to say that.

You'll both have
to cooperate for this

to have any chance of working.

We are well aware of that!

Remember, even though
you're upside-down--

You're the one standing
on the ceiling.

Come on, let's go.
Stay alert.

You stay alert.

It would seem that
I have accomplished

far more than the leader
who came before.

And that girl finding
her way here means

there are a lot more rats
hiding in the sewer,

don't you think?

We could just interrogate her.

Oh, there's no need to rush.

She will soon come to realize

that I hold
absolute power over her.

Once she's been softened up,

she'll tell us anything we ask.


It's not that, sir.

The look on her face
as she clung to me.

I look forward
to seeing that again.

The Invert girl
has been transferred.

Thank you.

Good work.

But why is she in the hall
of the top floor?

Apparently that frightens


I can't go over there, Age.

You go. I'll find another route.


Thank you.

I'll be right behind you, OK?


Help me.


I'm sorry.

I left you alone.

Lagos is dead.

Hey, I met your family
back home.

Porta and I came here together.


I made them a promise
that I'd do whatever it takes

to get you back to them.


We can jump,

no matter how high,

as long as we just
stick together.

Would you care to explain
how that boy got in here?

He would have needed help
from another Invert, sir.

I see. We'll find the other one.

Let's go.

Get them!


My leg.

Sir, hold on.

You are starting
to get on my nerves, boy.

First the father, now the son
seeks to destabilize Aiga.

Can't say I'm surprised.

So it wasn't an accident.

Those who violate
our laws must die,

even if they're from Aiga,

just like that Invert.

What is wrong
with flying, anyway?

Some things are not
meant to be seen.

That's it. You're afraid.

My father told me that when
you're up in the sky,

and you look down, you'll see
how small Aiga really is.

You're all just too afraid
to find that out.

I've flown with Patema.

I've seen it for myself.

Which makes it
even more unfortunate

that you won't be around to see
what happens to her.

k*ll the boy.

- But, sir--
- That is an order!

Come in.

Hey, how's it going, Patema?

Seems like you were
fighting with Elder again.

So you heard us, huh?

Where are you, Lagos?
I'm not finished talking to you.

Are you leaving again, Lagos?

But I won't be coming back.

I went to Aiga, and--

Stay here with me.

Patema, I had a dream.

That's why I went to Aiga,

but I wasn't able
to make it come true,

and that's why

I'm leaving that dream
to someone very special.


And so

you must never let him go.

Do you understand?

Age- Age.


Patema. She fell.


Those lights.

Just hang on.

It's all right.


Hey, wait a minute.

That's my backpack.


Age, is that...

It's my dad's flying machine.

So, those two sinners have been
swallowed up into the sky, huh?

She chose that boy
over my protection.


Why didn't she choose me?!

- Listen.
- Sir?

Tell everyone that the boy d*ed
in an unfortunate accident.


It's a good chance
to set an example.


I was so scared.

When I looked down,
my mind just went blank.

Don't worry. You're safe here.

I thought I understood
how you must be feeling in Aiga.

I thought my protecting you
would be enough.

But now I understand.

It's terrifying to be

Your father made this machine,
didn't he, Age?

But look at this.


The writing.
It's my dad's.

So what does it say?

It's hard to read
upside-down, OK?

September 23rd.

Something amazing
happened today.

I met a strange man who said,
"I come from the world below."

He claims gravity operates in
exactly the opposite direction

as ours for him, as bizarre
as that might seem.

This man, Lagos...

I'm hiding this man
from the others.

They mustn't know the truth
of Lagos' existence.

His appearance here must
signify something.

September 28th.

I spent the last few days
with Lagos.

We opened up to each other

and tried to get familiar
with each other's worlds.

I feel like we have
a great deal in common.

No hesitation now.

I've decided to go ahead and
confide in him about my dream.

I'll finally be starting on the
path towards realizing my dream.

I am so grateful to
the friend from another world

that gave me the courage.

We are united.

And when this test is done,

I'll help him achieve his dream.

The dream of uniting
all mankind.

It seems like your father

was much closer to Lagos
than I ever was.


It's like I'm seeing you
for the first time.

Me, too.

Age, I understand now.

You see, you all saw
the same thing.

Lagos, you, and your father.

That's why.


It's too hot here.
I can't take it anymore.

That's not it.
It's gotta be here somewhere.

I've got it. Here it is.

We'll tell everyone
about Lagos and my father.


That's some rather
unpleasant footage.

Good morning to you, sir.

Do you believe that the sinners
will return from the sky?

No, it's just...

You must realize that none
of this would've happened

if you hadn't
hesitated to sh**t.

You feel responsible.

So now you've decided to
personally keep watch yourself?

the underground patrols.

There'll be no more
of these intrusions.

The time is now 8:30.

Remember, proper upbringing
leads to a proper education.

Proper education leads
to proper behavior.

Hey, what are you doing?

"An accident" makes no sense.

Age wanted to fly,
just like his dad almost did.

Cut it out, will you?

...proper behavior.

The time is now 8:32.

What's that?

Proper upbringing...

Hey, look.

Up there, look.

...means proper behavior.

Over there. What is...

The time is now 8:33.

What's going on here?

All of you get to class.


Security Police.

We're going to have to jump.

You're not scared of falling?

I'm fine if I'm with you.

It's Age.

This time, don't wait.

- Age!
- Fire!


We did it.

We're in the clear now.

They will not escape!

Move it!

Might I suggest that
we reconsider, sir?

Where do you think
it is that they're going?

This is the perfect chance

to find the rest
of those Inverts!

Patema, may you rest in peace.


It's hard to put into words
what you...

Porta. Porta!

I'm back.


Thank goodness you're OK.

Thank you, Age. Thank you.
Thank you.

Elder, I'm afraid that Lagos...

I see.


What's this?

There's a notebook inside.

It says how Lagos--

What are they doing up there?


Elder! Porta!


You people are just like
the Chief always said!

Yes, yes.

I've finally found you Inverts.

That's enough.

Help. I'm slipping.

What are you doing?

Arrest these Inverts.
That's an order!

Do you hear me?!

This is mutiny!

Give me your hand. Hurry.

Why, you wretched
little traitor.


Hey. Over here.


Don't you see?
She's just a filthy Invert.

So then why,
why won't you let her go?

Tell me why!

That filthy sinner.

- No, don't!
- Age.

Just try to imagine it,
the world that Patema sees.

She's upside-down here,

no ground to support her.

She's uncertain, afraid.

That's why all she can do
is trust in me

and just hang on.

I won't let go, Patema.

I do admire your courage.

Next I'm going to sh**t
your left leg.

Then your right arm after that.

We'll see how long
you can hold on.

Invert, give yourself to me,

and I promise
that I'll save you.

I won't let her go.


Why won't you just die?


He fell. He fell up.

Age, good-bye.

Nice try, you repulsive sinner,

but the sky will
now swallow you up.

What's going on?

What's happening?

Next time, save me
with a little more style.


Age? Age?


You're all right.

Where am I?

Have a look.

Once long ago,

a terrible accident
happened here.

Many people fell into the sky.

Fell into the sky,
but for those few

who somehow managed
not to fall,

they abandoned the surface

and hid deep underground.

The scientists who were
at fault for this

shouldered the blame

and took it upon themselves
to remain with the victims.

You don't mean?

The Chief's final testament
told us a lot, Porta.


I want to see.
Take me out there with you.


Look at the way
they're holding each other.

I think she likes him.

I had a chance to read
his father's notebook.

Perhaps he's right.

Perhaps there is a future
for my son's dream, after all.

The people of Aiga will be in

for quite a shock
when they see this.

Who cares?

This is more important
than your love life, Porta.

Listen, you don't know
the way I feel!

I suppose you're right. Sorry.

Two worlds lay before us
both upside-down

Each one reaching out,

Each reaching out
to take the other's hand

The parted sky and earth

Come together
in the palm of a hand

Like a map of white
to cover them over

it starts with a light there

Riding on hope, it will come

For the two of us,
one day for sure

Two hearts ringing out
both upside-down

Each exchanging words
with the other

Two hearts drawn close
b*ating as one

The parted sky and earth

Held in the palm of a hand

Like a blank puzzle
to fill them in

it starts with the sound
of a footstep there

Riding on the future,
it will come

For the two of us

One day for sure

Two hearts ringing out
both upside-down

Each exchanging words
with the other

Two hearts drawn close
b*ating as one

The parted sky and earth

Held in the palm of a hand

Like a blank puzzle
to fill them in

it starts with the sound
of a footstep there

Riding on the future,
it will come

For the two of us

One day for sure