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Blue Exorcist The Movie (2013)

Posted: 02/08/24 10:07
by bunniefuu
Long ago, a demon appeared on the outskirts of a village.

The demon wasn't in good health, so a young lad from the village fed him.

The demon recovered its strength, and remained in the village to play with the young lad.

Because of the demon, the villagers forgot to work and spent their days in leisure.

One day, an exorcist appeared, and sealed away the demon.

Although the demon was taken care of,

the village wasted away because the villagers had forgotten all about it.

Thus, future generations held a celebration every eleven years to honor in order not to forget what happened to that village,

the exorcism of this demon in order not to forget what happened to that village.

The Forgetful Village
and the Demon

Was that the beginning?

Yeah, it's a story from a thousand years ago.

By the way, if it were you guys, what would you do?

If you met the demon from this picture book, what would you do?

Crap! I even set five different alarms!

You guys are in my way. Move!

That was a pretty bad fall for an adult!

Oh, no! This guy's nose is smashed!

Does it hurt? Are you gonna cry?

You kids think it's all right to be prowling around this late at night?

Go home this instant!

Making an adult angry is scary! Get that in your heads!

True Cross
Making an adult angry is scary! Get that in your heads!

True Cross

True Cross
True Cross
True Cross
True Cross

Hi-yu-mu... Festival?

True Cross Academy

True Cross Academy
Damn it!

They're out there having fun while we have to work.

Shura-san! Watch your head!


It sure is low.

All the sluice gates are closed for the festival, so the water level is higher than usual.

Over here?

True Cross Academy: Sluice Gate No. 1.

Slow Down
True Cross Academy: Sluice Gate No. 1.

Slow Down

Slow Down


Well, we're finally here. You need to help out too.

Welcome Home
True Cross
Town Station

The Phantom Train is, um, a train possessed by a demon,
Welcome Home
True Cross
Town Station

Welcome Home
True Cross
Town Station
The Phantom Train is, um, a train possessed by a demon,

He's late! What on earth is he doing?
that is heading towards Gehenna from Assiah.

that is heading towards Gehenna from Assiah.

Also known as the Man-Eating Train.

The correct name is the Soul-Eating Train.

True Cross
Volunteer Society
Welcome Home

You've studied really hard for this, Shiemi-san.
True Cross
Volunteer Society
Welcome Home

True Cross
Volunteer Society
Welcome Home
You've studied really hard for this, Shiemi-san.

Welcome Home
True Cross
Volunteer Society

True Cross
Volunteer Society
Welcome Home

True Cross Academy Town

It's here.

That's our exorcism target this time: the Phantom Train.

Lord Pheles has restored the ancient ruins that were originally buried here.

There are twenty-eight such places surrounding the town.

Every eleven years, the seals have to be reactivated to protect the town from demons.

This year is exactly eleven years from the last time we did this, so—

Spare us the explanation.

Pick one.

Oh, yeah!

You'll be in charge of activating the new barrier.

And I'll deactivate the old one.

Let's get this over with quickly and go grab a drink!



Please be careful.

The demon waits for this kind of opportunity and drags the unfortunate passenger to Gehenna.

We'll be riding this one.

But there are people inside.

They are the ghosts of the people who boarded the train.

They probably haven't even realized that they're dead.

No way... We have to help them!

It's impossible.


Once we exorcise the Phantom Train, the ghosts inside will disappear as well.

True Cross Academy Town

It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid we don't have time to help the ghosts this time.
True Cross Academy Town

True Cross Academy Town
It's unfortunate, but I'm afraid we don't have time to help the ghosts this time.

True Cross Academy Town

Is this a tool for exorcism too?

This is a special car prepared specifically for this mission.

Rin still isn't here.

Can't do anything about it. This mission will have to be carried out by the two of us—

He's here!

Rin, over here!

Shiemi! Hold on! Wait up!


Hurry up!

Keep at it! Just a little more!

What on earth were you thinking, being late for a mission?!

Do you really want to be an exorcist, Nii-san?!

I poured my heart into studying.

That's why I fell asleep...

Anyway, I'm sorry.

But I made it, so it's not a big deal, right? Stop nagging me.

More importantly, we should exorcise this thing quickly.

Rin, don't!

It hurts!

Seriously. You never listen to what others are saying.

Well then, I'll explain today's mission.

It is 11:50 right now.

You two will stay in the railcar and wait.

I will go to the front car by myself.

At exactly midnight, the Phantom Train will reveal its true from in order to return to Gehenna.

I'll exorcise it when it transforms.

After the exorcism, you two will pull the brakes on the railcar and stop the train.

After we have safely stopped the train, we'll wait for the Recovery Squad to come and get us.

And that will be the end of this mission.

What the hell? So we're only here to pull the brakes?

However, if I am unable to exorcise the train, we'll all be headed for Gehenna.

And if I were to fail, press that red button to separate the rail car from the train.

Then, pull the brakes and make your escape.

And what will you do?

Forget about me and focus on your part of the mission.

That bastard's acting all cool.

Rin! There are ghosts inside.

Yuki-chan said we don't have time for them, but I wonder if we can help them.

Is there a way that we can help them?

We might be able to if we use the Japanese Lantern Plant.

It has the power to gather spirits.

Although we won't know until we try.

Got it. Leave it to me!

Well then, we'll proceed as discussed.


He's doing pretty well.

Well then, I should get started too!

Let's get goin'.

Can you do it, Shiemi?


The color, shape and scent of the Japanese Lantern Plant,

written as the "Ghost Light", bestows upon it the power to summon ghosts.

That's what my grandma told me.

Five more minutes.


Wait up a bit.

Shiemi's helping the ghosts right now.

What on earth are you doing, Nii-san?!

Those people are still alive!

We need to hold a proper memorial for them.

That is completely unnecessary!

It's not unnecessary!

We're helping people!

Helping people is not our job!

An exorcist's job is to exorcise demons!

You're wrong, four-eyes! An exorcist's job is to help others!


It's still early.

This is happening because you did something unnecessary!

All right! We're done!

It really is faster with two people.

Hey, if you're free tomorrow, let's hang out.

Even without asking me, I'm sure there are other excellent people from the Japanese Branch.

I was joking.

The twins...

I've heard the older one has powers that could frighten even Satan.

That's just a rumor. It's nothing worth mentioning. He's still an Exwire.

An Exwire?

You'd be surprised if you met him.

I found a nice place nearby.

It'll be my treat!

Hey, let's take the boat to District Three—

Who's in charge?

Okumura-sensei and two Exwires.

What the hell are they doing?!

Okumura? The aforementioned twins?

What the hell is this?!

It's getting violent because the ghosts were taken away from it!

Rin, I'm done here!


This is an emergency. Let's hurry back to the railcar!

Nii-san, you hurry up too!

What're you doing? Run—

He said to hurry, but at this rate...

I guess I just gotta cut this thing down.

You bastard!

Thirty more seconds!



Damn it!

Yuki-chan, your arm...!

What on earth are you doing, Nii-san!

True Cross Academy Japanese Branch

You bastard!


Hey! Are you all right?

Hang in there!


Can you here me? Hang in there!

Hey! Don't fall asleep! Open your eyes!


Ah... This guy needs help!

So you're the spawn of Satan.

Tsk. It got away


Hang in there, Yuki-chan!


Sancho-san: Aloe. Chorogi: Chinese Artichoke.
Nii-chan, get me Sancho-san and Chorogi!

I'll treat you immediately, so just hold on,


Three kilometres of road destroyed,

three buildings under reconstruction,

fifteen cars,

three sets of construction equipment, et cetera.

Fortunately, there were only two casualties.

Okumura-sensei, as the person in charge of this mission...

I am responsible for all this. I am very sorry.

No! That was my...

Be silent, Nii-san!

Lord Pheles, what are their sentences?

That's right.

How about...

Judgment has been passed.

Okumura Yukio, you are to write a full report on this.

Okumura Rin and Moriyama Shiemi, you both are sentenced to five days of house arrest.

Submit your written apologies by tomorrow.


Okumura-sensei, it is unfortunate to see a spot on your fledgling career.


Helping people is an exorcist's job, isn't it?

To help ghosts who are dead, you would put those who are alive in danger?

You can't remain an Exwire forever.

Even if you become an exorcist, your way of doing things cannot be applied.

Enter the check for the mutual link.


At present...

Thank you very much.

Do take care.


Were you waiting for me?

It's not a big deal. I'm all right.

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

Sorry. Because of me...
Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!
Sorry. Because of me...

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

I'm really fine, and...
Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!
I'm really fine, and...

I'm really fine, andIt was kinda my fault too.
Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!
I'm really fine, and It was kinda my fault too.

Stop the Spread
of Contagion!

Hey, brat!

You brat, what was with that mess?!

Can't you do things properly, huh?!

What a joke.

That whole incident with the Phantom Train really disappointed me.

You're that guy from the boat...

Oh, you guys haven't been introduced yet.

This is Liu Seiryu, Upper First Class Exorcist from the Taiwan Branch of the Order of the True Cross.

What?! Hey!

What's going on?

He was asleep on the bed but, the moment he woke up he suddenly...

Ow! That hurts!

Hey, calm down.

Hey! You're going too far. He's just a kid...


A tail?

What's an exorcist doing helping a demon? Are you stupid?

Bring a cage!

An unidentified demon, huh?

We found the small shrine at which it was thought to have been sealed, but there aren't any records.

And even if we wanted to search for it, it's buried under all that rubble.

I see.

So, shall we k*ll it?

What? There's no need to go that far.

It's the festival season now.

We don't have enough manpower to find that demon's background and reseal it.

It'd be good if we had somebody who, even while under house arrest, is free enough to care for it.

But we simply don't have such luck—

Ah! I've thought of something!

Okumura Rin, how about you look after it?

Eh...? Why me...

You were the one who brought it here in the first place.

But if you can't do it, then we'll just have to dispose of it.

Fine, I'll do it.
But if you can't do it, then we'll just have to dispose of it.

Fine, I'll do it.

What? Nii-san{Brother}!

It's a deal.

Well then, here's the key for the cage.

If you find that it's too much trouble, feel free to say so.

I'll dispose of it immediately.

Why did you say you would do it, Nii-san!

I didn't have a choice.


Rin! Do you have a minute?

We managed to help them thanks to you, Rin.

Thank you.

H-How did this get in here?

Here, take this.

I've written down your schedule for this period of house arrest.

I've written down your schedule for this period of house arrest.

Cleaning, taking out the trash, winter vacation homework.

Make sure you do them properly!

Well then, I'll be heading out.

Crap! I fell asleep again!

You must be thirsty.

Hold it! Don't do it in there!

Made it...

It really stinks!

Like dirty mops and old man's socks.

How rude! What do you mean by "stinks"?!

You can talk?

Is anyone here?

What's the problem?

There seem to be reports regarding some supernatural activity going on here.

They're so carefree.

If it were me, I would've b*rned down the building.

That's kinda violent...

I was kidding.

Have you seen the report?

The front of the Phantom Train that was torn off has been spotted under a structure in the industrial area.

The main body that escaped is on the move while eating away at the boundary between Assiah and Gehenna,

and is suspected to be hiding on the academy grounds.

So, gaps that are weakening the barrier have been created.

We've let a really troublesome guy get away.

Damn it!

What're you guys doing slacking around?

And you call yourselves exorcists?!

I guess you're pretty useful.

I can't do it anymore... I'm gonna die.

I've lost all my confidence on the first day.

Quit complaining. This is training too.

Those MOLBs were amazing.

Okumura, are you here?

We've come to borrow your bath...

Hey, behave, will ya?!
We've come to borrow your bath...

Hey, behave, will ya?!


"Capture that girl with this charming sparkling essence."

Do you really use this?

Mephisto just left it here!


Hey, it went over there.

I caught it!

Wash it now!

Ears? Or horns?

It's kinda prickly.

Kamiki-san picked this just for you.

Thank you! It looks good!

I didn't have enough time, so I just grabbed whatever looked suitable.

Hey, it's time to get back.

Ah, already?

In the end, just using the bath took up all of our break time.

Sorry for taking up your time.

Well, we'd do the same if you were in a pinch.

Let's go.

We'll come to use your bath again.

Oh? Where's the kid?

sh*t! That brat!

Where the heck did he go?!

Did you forget again?

I remembered up until just now though!

...and that concludes it.

Next, the Minister of Defence...



Have you seen a rather small kid with a weird hairstyle around?

It's him...


Rin! I got him!


Shall we eat?

Yes, this is the Japan Branch of the Order of the True Cross.

We're heading over now!

There's a ghoul in District 3!

The party from New Delhi will be late, so can we get everyone from the Kyoto Branch to help?

We'll crush these Tokyo demons.

I wonder if Renzo's doing his job properly...

My older brothers should be here already...

Okumura-kun sure is working hard, isn't he?

Well, he's supposed to be guarding that demon.

Is it even okay to give it that much freedom?

Looks delicious!

It's the Super Yellow Okumura Rin special!

Wanna give it a try?

Thank you for the food!

It melts in your mouth

It melts in my mouth

I know, right?

It melts in your mouth!

Thank you for the food!

Thank you for the food!

It melts in my mouth

Speaking of that, I haven't got your name.

I'm Rin. You are?

I don't have a name.

Is that so? Well then, we gotta think one up for you.

Maro... Usamaro...

It melted in my mouth!

You're done already?

You gotta chew properly, Usamaro.

It'll melt in my mouth!

Thank you for the food!

Hey, Miss! More beer!

Negima refers to alternating spring onions and chicken grilled on a stick. Mentai jaga bata is steamed potates with butter and marinated pollock roe.
And some negima and mentai jaga bata!

You sure can drink, lady!

This is on the house!

Sweet! You're the best!

Shura-san, we're still in the middle of our mission!

Quit saying such stuffy things!

We're just taking a break.

I can't overlook drinking while on the job, Kirigakure Shura.


Mr. Arthur Auguste Angel!

What's the Paladin doing here?

I was asked to play the lead role in this year's festival.

Oh! It's the man of the year!

This refers to someone who is born in a year with the same Chinese Zodiac sign as the current year.
Oh! It's the man of the year!

To the Passionate Banquet
True Cross Carnival
A Festival Held Once Every 11 Years!
He's finally here!
This refers to someone who is born in a year with the same Chinese Zodiac sign as the current year.

To the Passionate Banquet
True Cross Carnival
A Festival Held Once Every 11 Years!

Really, what're you doing, baldy?

"The traces of a nostalgic festival orchestra,

I ponder about the season of white snow."

Cool! I wanna go to the festival too.

But in this form...

That can't be helped. We're laying low here.

Well then!


We've got orders!

There's been a sighting three hundred meters south. They're leading it here now.

Bon! Did you see?

It's Lena-san from Jakarta!

She's totally my type!

It's coming!


Stick insects...!

Not gonna happen. It just won't work out.

No matter what, it just won't...

It's here! Exwires, start reciting!

What's wrong? Hurry up!


What on earth are you guys doing?!

You need to get over your fear of bugs already!

Spotty four-eyes

Spotty four-eyes



The Forgetful Village and the Demon

The Forgetful Village and the Demon
What's written here?

Ah... That's nostalgic.

Our dad used to read this to us when we were kids.

Let's see...

Long ago, a demon appeared on the outskirts of a village.

The demon wasn't in good shape, so a young lad from the village fed him.

The demon recovered its strength, and remained in the village to play with the young lad.

Because of the demon, the villagers forgot to work and spent their days in leisure.

One day, an exorcist appeared, and sealed away the demon.

Although the demon was taken care of,

the village wasted away because the villagers had forgotten all about it.

That's a lie!

That's a lie! That's a lie!

This is a complete lie!

It's definitely wrong!

What's with you all of a sudden?

Don't lash out at the book.

It's kinda like a memento of my dad.

Is it true that the village wasted away?

Uh, well, it's just a picture book.

Hey! It's late, so go to sleep.

You can sleep on my bed.

Aren't you gonna sleep?

Not yet, 'cos I totally haven't finished my assignments for today.

Aren't you sleepy?

I'm sleepy, but I gotta finish all this work...

So, you think it would be great if all your homework disappeared, right?

Yeah, of course!

So, you think it would be great if all the homework could disappear, right?

Yeah... I wonder if that could happen...

That's why I have to get it done as quickly as possible.

I guess I'll go to bed too!

Let's go to bed together!

Why is it out of the cage?

Nostalgic, isn't it?

I'd completely forgotten about it,

even though Dad used to read it to us quite a bit.

Why did you let it out of the cage?

Your duty is to watch it, isn't it?

Anyway, today's homework, did you do it properly?


As expected, you didn't...

Do you understand the position you're in now that you're under house arrest?

You can't watch the demon properly and you can't do your homework properly.

Because of that, you're...

Shut up!

So it's fine if we're in the cage, right?

That demon will be sealed once the festival is over.

Until then, do not take your eyes off it.

Seriously, what homework was he nagging about anyway?

Was that the beginning?

Yeah, it's a story from a thousand years ago.

Anyway, if it were you, what would you do?

If you met the demon from this picture book, what would you do?

I would do my best to finish it off!

Passengers may not board at this platform
Exit for Passengers


Around two hours ago,

there was a sighting of the Phantom Train at the South District.

there was a sighting of the Phantom Train at the South District.

Let's get going.

Speaking of which, I heard from Shura-san that your family has quite a long history with this festival.

My ancestor was the legendary exorcist depicted in that picture book.

What's wrong? If you want an autograph, I'll give it to you later.

I can't do this anymore.

The MOLBs today were amazing, weren't they?

By the way, why are they called MOLB?

Monsters of Liquid Balloon. In short, MOLB.

So, they're just water-balloon ghosts.


Can you lend us your bath?


Come at me!

No! Kick it with your legs!

Is that okay?

They're completely getting along.

Hey! Okumara, what are you doing?

Ah! Well, one can't be cooped up in a room all day, right?

Gotta come out and play once in a while!

After you're done with your bath, come and join us!

Let's play ball!

Why baseball?


If we're talking about having fun during lunch break, it's gotta be baseball!


Go, Izumo!

Crush them!

Our hard-earned lunch break is going to waste.

My hand slipped.

H-He's signalling a homerun? Darn!

You bastard! Do you know how fast my straights are?!

What an idiot.

Hey, shall the two of us just run off?

Who's gonna run off with you?

How uncooperative...

Try and hit my straight!

I got it!


This is way too easy.

I got it

This level is way too low.

Okay, Usamaro! It's your turn next!

What's wrong?

Ah... Nothing's...

They totally look like they're having fun.

It's an eyesore.

We should get rid of it before it becomes a problem.


But Lord Pheles said...

Why are you sympathizing with a demon?

An exorcist's job is to exorcise demons!

I know that.

Do you get it?

Swing with all you've got!

It'd be better if you grip it a little lower.

Yup, that's it. Around there.

When the ball comes, swing it forward.

Don't worry about it! That was a good swing! Just do it again!

I won't go easy on you just 'cuz you're a kid!

Give it your all! Hit it really hard!

Run to first base.

Usamaro! Over here!

Ah, you can leave the bat here.

Over here!

Bon, you threw it too hard!
Over here!

Bon, you threw it too hard!

Just shut up!

You did it, Usamaro! That's a homerun with bases loaded!


That was amazing, Usamaro-kun!

Use water wisely

So, it's just another piece of it. A dead end, huh?

I'll be back in a minute.

What's up?

The rubble over that demon's small shrine is being cleared up, so I have to go supervise that.

It stinks...

My apologies!

It seems like the pump isn't working properly.

But the water level's been rising steadily since just now.

Is everything all right?

Please finish up before everything becomes submerged!

What the hell is this? Damn it.

Mephisto, that bastard. He's failing to manage this properly.

Thank you for the food!

Usamaro-kun's able to say that properly now.

He's... really cute!

Usamaro-kun, if you're this cute, why were you sealed away?

I don't know.

He doesn't seem to have any memories.

With the festival right in front of our eyes,

it kills me that we still have to work.

Quit complaining.

We still have patrol duty in District One tonight.

That was the day before.

It's District Six tonight.

That was yesterday.

Bon, I guess you're totally out of it too, huh?

You're the one who couldn't remember what you wanted at the convenience store and came back empty handed.

When did we go to the convenience store?

You can't come in here.

Did you...?

The entomophobic Shima-san just...

Somethin' wrong with ya?

Maybe you should take the day off!

What's wrong?

Those guys are getting pretty worked up.

What's wrong with the three of you?
Those guys are getting pretty worked up.

What's wrong with the three of you?

Oh, Shiemi? What happened? You've got a bandage.


Did you fall or something? Be careful!

Oh, no! I need to experience more of the festival! Give me the festival!

Give me festival!

Does everyone want to go to the festival?

Well, if everyone didn't have work to do, we'd want to go.

So if you didn't have work, you could all go to thefestival?

Of course.

If people didn't have work, then
everyone in town would participate!

Does everyone in town think that way?

I'm sure they do! It's everyone's wish.

What's wrong?

I've been trying to get in touch with HQ, but no one's picking up.

There it is.


Here ye, here ye. The legendary exorcist has arrived!

I've been waiting for you, you giant rabbit.

Now is the time for our battle!

What's everyone doing?!

What, you ask? It's obvious, isn't it?

What are you doing away from your posts? What happened to your mission?


You mean this?

No! There should've been a patrol mission!

I haven't heard of anything like that.


Oh, Okumura-sensei! How would you like to try one of these?

Where have you been, Okumura-sensei?

Are you injured? What happened to your arm?

Even the teachers are here. What on earth is going on?

Impossible! How on earth did it get past the barrier?!

What's that?

That's rare. It's a MOLB.

This is my first time seeing one. Wait! It's heading this way!


What the heck is this?!


Rin! Where are you?


Where did you go?


Shiratori-san, do you know him?


The man of the year defeated the big rabbit!

Let's go!

Are you all right, boy?

Where are your mom and dad?

Are you alone?

Boy, what's your name?

Can you tell me where you live?

What're you doing? Don't wander off on your own.


Thank goodness, looks like he's not a lost child.

Let's go back to where everyone else is.

When the festival is over, will I be sealed again?

Leave it to me. I'll do something about it.

This brings back memories. I was here 11 years ago too.

At that time, Yukio got lost,

and our Dad and I were searching for him around here.

In the end, he was crying alone on the shrine grounds.

The moment he saw me and Dad, he was so relieved that he started wailing.

Is it something sad?

What're you saying?

Is it something painful?

There's no way it's p—

Memories... of Dad... are painful.

Isn't that...?

Who's there?

Is someone there?


There he is!


Dad! Read us this book!

It's us when we were young...

It's us when we were young...

It's us when we were young...

Please. It's good, isn't it?

Yukio's here too...
Please. It's good, isn't it?

Please. It's good, isn't it?

But who's that?

Looks like you guys really like this book.
But who's that?

Looks like you guys really like this book.

I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important.

Okay, okay. I will.
I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important.

I can't remember but I have feeling he was someone really important.

What's wrong, Rin?



This is...

So you remembered the memories I took so much trouble to eat...

Don't tell me... it was you who ate those memories?

I'll eat all those unpleasant or painful memories.

This was the reason you were sealed?!

It'll be all right, Rin. I'll eat them all again.

Stop it!


So you finally show your true form, Rabbit.

To think I'd meet a "Turner of Time" in a place like this.

In the name of my ancestors, I'll seal you!

What do you think you're doing?

You bastard. You don't have what it takes to be an exorcist after all!

What happened to our backup?!

What's HQ doing?!

It's because of that demon. At this rate...

What on earth is that rabbit?

It's the Turner of Time.

It manipulates time and eats people's memories.

It's the demon that my ancestors once sealed.

It takes advantage of the smallest desires,

and has the power to destroy people's hearts.

Because my ancestor allowed that demon to dwell with the villagers,

the village was brought to ruin.

The village and the location where the demon was sealed was forgotten over time

and became a myth.

If we leave him alone, this town will be destroyed as well.

How'd it go?

Nothing yet.

Yes! We haven't found anything yet.

In the western side?

Understood. We're heading over there.



When everyone forgets their unpleasant memories, they become happy!

So why...

No! There must be some mistake!

No... I didn't do anything.


Hey! Can you hear me? Hang in there!



Which way did they go?

Shall we split up?

An earthquake?

This aura... It's the demon!


What is this place?


Hold it.


Don't take your eyes off that rabbit!

Even if it's you, Rin, I hate exorcists!

Usamaro, why are you eating people's memories?

Forgetting unpleasant things makes everyone look happy!

And yet...!

Even if you eat one person's memories, someone else will remember too, right?

So, I'll eat that person's memories too!

There are lots of people in this town.
Are you gonna eat everyone's memories?

Whether it's a town, or a country, I'll eat and eat and eat everyone's memories! And then everyone will become happy!

Even the memories you and I share?


No matter what you say to it, you're just wasting your breath.

Nii-san, you stand back!

Hold on, Yukio. Usamaro, I—


Hold on, you guys!


Let go of me, Rin!

Usamaro, you used that power because you wanted to make everyone happy, right?

That's right! And yet...! Yet...!

In that case, you're a good guy.


But you know, Usamaro,

no matter how painful or sad some things are,

No matter how painful my memories of me and Dad are,

No matter how painful my memories of me and dad are,

I won't forget them! I must never forget them!

Don't you think that true memories are a
combination of fun ones and painful ones?



That's why, Usamaro, promise me.

Don't ever eat people's memories again.

Don't ever use that power again.



I'll take this guy in and make him our little brother.

I've been thinking about this for a while.

Dad knew I was a half-demon and still raised me.

So from today, the three of us will be brothers!

What on earth are you saying, Nii-san!

I'll explain everything to Mephisto.

That's not the problem!

It's being eaten...


Thank goodness! You found Usamaro-kun!

What's going on? How's the barrier?

They're putting the last seal in place.

Anyway, an order to evacuate has been issued!

A huge amount of coal tar has invaded the town and it's a mess!

All exorcists are to gather at HQ!

You're the oldest, so don't cry, okay?

Some kids are being left behind...

You guys go on ahead!

Wait! I'm going with you!


I'll be fine, Usamaro! I'll be back soon, so go with Shiemi, okay?

Don't make such a sad face!

Shiemi, I'm counting on you.

Come on. Let's go.

What are the guys on the outside doing?!

They're eating into the barriers!

The Aria team has...!


You're late, baldy!

It's not "baldy". It's Arthur Auguste Angel.

I'll hold them off here. Continue your chanting!

Shut up! Don't try to act all cool.

Usamaro-kun, it's dangerous out here, so let's go inside.

Nii-chan, could you give me some Una-una-kun?

Usamaro-kun! Don't!



Wait right there.

It's all right now.

The town is...

Go as far inside as you can and hide!


Damn it!


What're you doing?! Get back!


I won't forget them either!

The memories I have with you!

But I'm sorry.

I can't keep our promise.

What is he planning on doing?

This is...!

Not just memories... he's eating space and time itself.

The bath, the baseball game, that delicious food, and the festival...

They were all really fun.

Thank you, Rin.

What would you do, Rin?

If you met the demon from this picture book...?

I'd make friends with it!


Well, this guy was having fun with everyone, right?

So he's a friend, isn't he?

Friend? Nii-san, it's a demon!

If it's a friend, I won't finish it off! We must make friends with it!

B-But even though you become friends with it, a demon is a demon.

If we can get along, even a demon can become our friend!

Therefore, it's a good demon!

Dad, which is the right answer?

I wonder myself.



I'm back.

Yukio! Where's Usamaro! And everyone...?

What happened to the town?

Usamaro? Are you talking in your sleep, Nii-san?

The festival's already over, so from today, please mend your ways...

He ate everything...


Don't you remember?

What are you talking about?

Okumura, what's wrong? You're all flustered.

You guys... Ah, never mind.


Due to a low pressure front building up since last night...


Do you remember?

If you have memories no one else remembers, what's the point in remembering them?

Or something like that.

Having the power to open a demon's heart...

You've shown me something interesting.


Usamaro, I won't forget.

I'll always remember.

Brother, the ending in this book is different.

I didn't like that ending very much, but he rewrote it anyway.


Where did you suddenly run off to?

Oh, shut up.

Even I have times when I just wanna think alone, you know?


Anyway, Nii-san, the only thing you should be thinking of is your homework.

Homework, homework! Are you my mom or something?

Anyway, are you hungry? I'll make some omu-rice!