Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation (2022)

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Final Transmutation (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Is that a picture of your family?

Hmm? Uh-huh.

I actually met up
with my oldest son recently.


He is an adult now. He has strong eyes.

You know, I don't think
he has any need for his dad.

My, my, my. Let's take a breath here.

Shut it!

Who are you, woman?

I'm an average housewife.


How are you feeling?


Wow, who'd have thought
I would meet Ed and Al's father here.

Meeting my sons' teacher here
is quite the surprise.

I hear that you took great care
of them both.

I didn't do very much.

Well, I left.

I was never much of a proper parent
to either of those boys.

Maybe you should've told them goodbye
and talked to them before leaving.

Maybe their grief
wouldn't have taken over.

Then they wouldn't have tried
to bring back their mother.

You're right. I didn't want to drag them
into my problems.

Izumi? What's going on?

Please, Sig, bring around the car.

- Hurry!
- I got it.

Izumi, you've seen the truth, haven't you?

Tell me, what did you give up?

They took some of my organs.

I tried to bring back my dead child.

And then, I was left with a body
that could never have a child.

I see.

It feels better.

I cannot fix what was taken from you
back then, but I reorganized your insides.

Reorganized? And you were shot before...

Just tell me who you are.

You are one of the few people
who opened the Portal of Truth

and managed to return in mostly one piece.

You are probably being targeted
as a candidate for a human sacrifice.

A candidate? What on earth is that?

The promised day will soon be upon us.

If I cannot win, Izumi...

this country and all its people
will be erased.

This really isn't looking good, is it?


It can't be! Brother.

What should I do now?

How should I know what you should do?

I think Father will be mad.

Father? You have a father?

We do.

The person who made the Homunculi?

Yes, he knows all.

Then he might know where Brother went.


That's right.

Brother isn't necessarily dead.

Get it together, Al! We both promised
to get our bodies back.

Gluttony, take me to your father.

Mr. Scar, wait for me. I only closed up
your wounds temporarily.

I want to know the truth.


k*ll me.

Please. k*ll me.

Please, k*ll me.

- Watch out!
- I want to die! Save me!

Wait! Hey!

We can get out. Look,
I think we can get out of here.

Help me, Envy!

I had no idea something
this impressive was under Central.

Those are guards.

Don't worry, they won't hurt you
since you're with me.

If the Homunculi are really the ones
in control of this country,

we have to do something to take it back.


First, we need to clarify who in
Central Headquarters is a friend or foe.


Lieutenant General Raven.

Yo! How have you been doing?

Fine, thank you.

Hmm. There's something on your mind?

Nothing in particular,

but I'm disturbed by these baseless rumors
going around the headquarters.

Don't worry about rumors.

However, what are you hearing?

Like Scar was seen
feeding a cat with black spots.

That there are humans who don't die.

Or that Führer King Bradley
is actually a Homunculus.

These people spreading this
are quite confused.

The higher ups like you
don't need to be worried.


Colonel Mustang has told me
something very interesting.

Wait till you hear this.

What was that joke

you just told me?

The Führer is...

...actually a Homunculus?

What's wrong, Colonel Mustang?

What have you heard
about me being a Homunculus?

Is there a problem?

Father, I'm back!

I brought a sacrifice. He's here for you.

Who did you bring?


That should be everything.

Just as I thought.

This is a human transmutation circle,

but the base represents a regular human.

What does that mean?

So, I had an idea.

You can't perform human transmutation
on the dead,

but what if you transmuted a person
who was still alive?


Basically, there's a chance

I might be able to perform
a human transmutation on myself.

And because of the human transmutation,
the door will open.

So we'll be able to get out of here, then,
if the real portal opens up?

What if it fails?

It rebounds.

In the worst case, we perish.

But we die if we don't do anything.

All right, let's get to it then, guys.

Let's go.

Go ahead, Ling. Jump in.

I'm trusting you.

Damn alchemist!

Good. I made it.



Al! Quick, let's go!

I can't go. I need to have my actual soul.

So I can't leave.


I promise to come back for you.

Wait here.


Oh, look. This means...

We made it.

Brother! You're okay!

That hurts, Al. Calm down.

You're alive. Thank goodness.

I'm sorry.

I worried you.

Metal arm and leg,

and armor.

You must be the Elric brothers.




Van Hohenheim, you mean?

How exactly do you know of that man?

Technically, he's our father.

What a surprise.

He was actually able to have children?

Okay. Okay.

In that case,

you must take care of those bodies
until the promised day finally arrives.


What are you? It's wrong.

There are many inside of you. Too many.


Wrath mentioned you.
You're the Xing prince, huh?

Gluttony, you may eat him.

Whoa, hold on. This man is my friend.

I have no need for this human.

Gluttony. Go.

I don't think so.

My alchemy doesn't work here?

Settle down.

What's up with that bearded guy?

You are a spirited group.

Oh. That's right.

I suppose I shouldn't waste you.
Perhaps you'd be a good human to use.

You're going to do that.

What do you mean?

If you pour
Philosopher's Stones into the blood,

you can make Homunculi from humans.

Most lose to the stone's power
and die, though.

Philosopher's Stone.

Currently, Greed's spot is open.

So perhaps your body will work for him.

Turn him into a Homunculus?

Stop right there! Bastard!

There are people waiting for him
to come home.

Shut it, now!

I came here to get my hands
on the Philosopher's Stone.

And now he's going to put one
inside of me.

That's exactly what I wanted.

Now, now, my Greed is what you desire?

How interesting.

Give me your body.

I, Greed, will use it for myself.

All right, fine. You, the greedy one,

I'll give you my body!

You've got spirit, kid.
I hope you don't regret this.

I'm not leaving empty-handed.

I couldn't bear to face my loyal retainer
who was willing to cut off her arm.

Is that so? I like your greed.

Come on, Greed.

I'll take you in!


This body is nice.

Thanks for birthing me, Father.

Where's Ling?

He was an interesting kid.

But sorry, this body here
belongs to Greed now.

There's no way he'd let you
take over that easily.

Ling Yao! Answer me, Ling!

Oh, the guards.

How dare you hurt Lord Alphonse.
Let's go now!

You can't use your arts here.

How are you able
to use your alchemy in here?


Yes, I can see how this works now.

A body disrupting attack.

No, you're disassembling.

One second more and I would've been dead.

Mr. Scar!


I think we have to retreat.

That was so reckless!

A dust expl*si*n. They've done it now.

Greed's gone too.

Good grief.

Even reborn, I couldn't fix
his rebellious nature.

I'm not like
the other Homunculi.

You see, I was a human.

A Homunculus can be created

by pouring the Philosopher's Stone
into your blood.

And because of this, Wrath...

courses through the blood in my veins.

If you used to be human, isn't there a way
for you to be human again?

Don't misunderstand.

Homunculi have superhuman abilities
and pride.

Then let me ask you this,
why are you allowing me to live?

Because you still may prove
to be useful to us.

I'm glad you're safe.

It was an enormous mistake to think
the leadership here was corrupted.

- So then Führer Bradley isn't...
- No.

Everybody is.
The entire group of leaders are corrupt.

Where the heck have you been?


I called the military
and they didn't know where you were.

I leave a message with Mustang
and you finally call me back.

What? I don't care if he's a damn colonel!

She's still so scary.

What did Teacher say?

She said we need to go and see Hohenheim.

See Dad?

He's probably in Reole right now.

So we should go ask him
about the Promised Day.

The Promised Day?

The Promised Day. It's the same one
that bearded guy mentioned to us.

Looks like it's almost finished.

They've really dug this impressive tunnel.

I'm sorry, everybody.

Please, let me use you.

Is that your secret w*apon to defeat him?

This is all the research
my brother left to me.

What's it about?

It's a fusion between Xing's arts
and the Amestris's alchemy.

Okay, so what's it say?

It's well put together, but there isn't
anything new I can see in it.

What is this "Promised Day" then?


Well, well, still got that appetite.

Oh! I'm alive.

I'm glad to see you.
Happy that you're Ling.

No. I'm still a Homunculus.

But you...

This Greed, who took over my body,
is quite rebellious.

Before he disobeyed his father
and was k*lled for it.

So you're still Greed right now?

I'm not exactly him. We're scrambled.

I managed to take control for now,
but I don't know when he'll take it back.


But there's something
I have to tell you quickly.

I've got tons of questions to ask you too.



Hold on. Keep fighting!

The Promised Day,
he's going to open the door.

The Portal of Truth? Is that
what you mean? What's he planning to do?

Ed, you have to stop him.

Hey, Ling!

Curses. That stupid Xing prince
blabbing all these secrets.



Whoa, I don't wanna fight you guys.

Just as Ling told you.

By now I've cut ties with the Homunculi.
They're on their own.

Then tell us what you know, yeah?

All about the Promised Day, Greed.

Well, I can't do that either.
I'm not going to be on anybody's side.

Find the answer yourselves.

See ya.

It's okay if we let him go?

Yeah, he's still half Ling.

He won't let Greed
take him over that easily.

Oh, no. The research got really mixed up.



Listen, I noticed this research mentions
gold and immortality so many times.

So what?

So what if we take all the pages apart
and align those words together?

Sure, let me help.

See, now these sketches look to me
like they could be connected.

Hold on.

This is a Transmutation Circle
for the Philosopher's Stone.


Hold on. These represent locations?




This is Amestris.


A nationwide circle...

If they transmute a Philosopher's Stone
with a circle as big as the country,

just how many lives will be sacrificed?


All the cities
that form the points in the circle

are areas where coups
or civil wars occurred.

Does that mean the military is involved
in making those crests of blood?

This is why so many lost their lives
around the country.

So the Ishvalan civil w*r
was a part of this plan?

They intentionally caused the civil w*r...

to k*ll so many innocent people.

Ishvalans were just a casualty.

They will pay for this.

The military is involved
in all the crests of blood.

I'm sure Lieutenant Colonel Hughes
realized this.

That's why he was k*lled.

Of course.

The first civil w*r was around
the time the country was founded,

so this plan has been going on
for over 300 years. Wait.

There's still one more place up north

where the crest of blood
hasn't been carved yet.



Find Hohenheim
and ask him about the Promised Day.

What about you?

I'll go to Briggs to try and stop them.

I'm headed north.

Yes, Edward just left for Briggs
in the north.

I gave him a letter of introduction.

The defenders of our border with Drachma.

Known as the Northern Wall of Briggs.

Can he move Major General Armstrong?

Meanwhile, Alphonse headed east.

They said he went to meet his father.

Say what?

My only lead
is that he was heading to Reole.

I wonder if I'll find him. Dad.

They say mountain weather changes easily,

but this is way too sudden.

I've completely lost sight of the path.

Teacher said she survived here
a whole month in the winter

back when she was training.

There's no way she did that!

She even said she k*lled a bear.

A huge bear almost seven feet tall.

A bear!

Hold on.

You're in uniform.
So you're a Briggs soldier, am I right?

Don't try to resist, you Drachma mole.

Wait, I came here as a friend.
I'm the State Alchemist, Edward Elric.

I came to Briggs to meet commanding
officer Major General Armstrong.

I have a letter of introduction
from his brother, Major Armstrong.


What is it, Buccaneer?

Ma'am, I apologize for the commotion,
Major General Armstrong.

Major General?

So the Major has an older sister.

They look nothing alike.

This is Alex's.


I have no use
for a letter of introduction.

I will judge a man myself.

What the hell?

Come in, Fullmetal Alchemist.

There has to be something more.

There is no way my brother's research
would only guess at what their plan was.

We rearranged the pages
hundreds of times already.

Any more would...


Don't give up.
There has to be a flip side to this.

Flip side?

Mr. Scar. That's it. Come on.

Help me turn over all of these pages.

That's what we needed.

With this, we actually might be able
to stop what they're doing.

Your brother was truly amazing.

This is a fusion
of both countries' knowledge

that will nullify
the nationwide Transmutation Circle.

And on this side, it's the flip circle.

So this is the impregnable fortress
protected by the elite soldiers of Briggs.

How is my brother, Alex?

Ah, he's doing very well.



What is it?

We have an intruder underground!


What the hell is that?

What a pain.

This is huge.

Can I stop digging now?

A Homunculus!


The b*ll*ts do nothing.

Stop the alarm!
Don't let Drachma hear this commotion.

Take out the fuse.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Move them in.


Fire everything we've got.

We're all out!

Then charge!

Come on!

Go forward
and push it outside off the cliff.


What a pain.

It's a blended fuel used in the north.

It vaporizes immediately,

even in this cold,
freezing your body instantly.

You can hibernate there until spring,
giant oaf.

What on earth is this place?

Has that monster been digging this hole?

What is Lieutenant General Raven
doing here?

He said it was an emergency.
He just arrived from Central.

He's asked for me as well?
How does he even know I'm here?

Good to see you again,
Major General Armstrong.

Winry! Why are you here?

You came
because the military asked you to?

They said you would need
your automail fixed

for winter at the northern stronghold.

I'm sorry, I had no idea
things were this dangerous.

It's clearly a warning.

If I step out of line,
then they would do something to you.

Basically, right now you're their hostage.

I'm their hostage?

No, I'm holding the two of you back.

No, you're not. I swear.

Without you, I couldn't do alchemy.

All you guys want is to get back
the original bodies you both lost.

And yet you have to take
all these detours.

It's okay, Winry.

Don't worry.

So that big oaf was digging this hole?

This is enough.

Don't worry
about anyone overhearing us here.

I was relieved
as Briggs' commanding officer.


I was...

told to return that monster
back to this hole.

Apparently, it wasn't a threat,
but a secret military operation.

However, I don't care who it is,

I won't let anybody
do whatever they want here.

Fullmetal Alchemist.

Tell me everything you know.
Don't hold back.

I mean it.

The Philosopher's Stone, Homunculus,
King Bradley, Father,

also the Promised Day.

This is all a little hard
to believe, right?

And you're saying you came to Briggs
to stop any unrest that could be building,

to carve their crest of blood here?

Then I ask you, what is this hole for?

I can't say for certain about this hole,

but for alchemy, you need
a Transmutation Circle to do it.

Here's what I'm thinking.

This hole right here
forms part of the circle

that's part of all of Amestris.

What is it?

Drachma is here
and they've launched a surprise attack.


Why would they attack now of all times?

Raven. He did something.

Dammit. They beat us to it.

Drachma's army is great.

A victory would cost both sides
heavy losses.

And the crest of blood will be carved.

There's no way to avoid it.

Forgive me.

Engage them right now.

Yes, ma'am!

Right, begin the attack!

Listen, we hit them all at once!

Now is the time to show them
that Briggs is the strongest of all.

Yes, sir.

Go with them.
The Briggs soldiers will be helping you.

They'll get you back to Resembool
safe and sound.

You don't have to worry about me.

Hey, Winry.

Take Pinako and Dan
and get out of the country.

What do you mean, get out?

I thought you were planning on stopping
whatever bad thing was happening.

I am, I know.

But just in case...

But there is no "just in case"!
Ed, you have to stop this.

Please, protect the country.

And then you and Al
will get your bodies back and come home.

I'll do anything to see that happen.

Okay then.

I'll put an end to this Promised Day,

and I'll make sure
to come back to you then.

An apple pie better be there for me,

What did
the Fullmetal Alchemist tell you?

About the origin of this country,
the Homunculi.

Also, about your true identity.

So you know all this information
and you still answered my summon?

Well, the thing is, I am very interested
in obtaining eternal life.

Führer King, I want to...

No. I want the seat occupied
by your last idiot, General Raven.


Very well. I shall give you his seat.

In exchange,

you have to give me your Briggs soldiers,
at once.

They're all yours, sir.

They are strong soldiers.
I trained them all well.

And I assure you,
you will be pleased with them.

Oh. This brings back memories.

But I have to hurry up and find Dad.

- Yo, boss, how's this?
- Hmm?

Mr. Hohenheim, go on,
you can take a break.

No. I mean, you took care of me.

And gave me a place to stay.
This is the least I can do.



That's the armor from my study.

No, no, it's me.
Didn't Granny Pinako tell you?

Alphonse? Son?

I see. So you met him.

He looked just like you.

So your new plan is to stop
the Promised Day in any way that you can?


Okay. Okay.

Then this could be our destiny.

Alphonse, I suppose...

I need to tell you.

Hey. Hello.

Over here.

Right here. Behind you!


are you?

You gave blood for an experiment.

I was born from that blood.


I am known as sl*ve 23.

Huh? You don't have a name?

Then let me thank you by giving you one.


How about Van Hohenheim?

Hmm. Van Hohenheim, huh?

Yeah, yeah, it's spelled...
Wait, do you know how to read and write?

I can work without knowing
how to do those things.

Then you don't plan on trying
to get out of this situation?

Freedom, rights. You don't...

want any of that?

I shall give you knowledge.

And with that,
I'll help to free you from sl*very,


What should I call you then?


You can call me Dwarf in the Flask.


You've come a long way
from being a sl*ve back in the day.

Whoa, you grew a beard.

You look quite impressive now, Hohenheim.



Why does everyone with power
always want that?

The king is here.

Oh, it's fine.

Enough with the talk.

Immortality, can you give it to me or not?


Immortality, I'll tell you...

Look at that.

We'll have an immortal king.

A time that will be remembered forever.

Oh. This is it?

What's happening?

What's wrong? What did you do?

What is happening?

Right now, you and I, the two of us...

are at the center of everything!

Everybody is dead.

What the hell has he done?


just answer.

They can't.
They've all had their souls removed.

My king! You're all right...

I've created a vessel

based on the information from your blood.

My God.

Are you the dwarf I kept in the flask?

As a thank you to you
for giving me your blood,

I gave you your name, knowledge,
and a body that won't die.

And in exchange, I took the souls
of everyone in this kingdom.

How could you?

Well, I actually only took
about half of them.

Thank you for all your help,



May, it's me.

Is Lord Alphonse back?

He hasn't come back yet? Where's Scar?

We figured out the true meaning
behind his brother's research.

It's the flipped Transmutation Circle.

Mr. Scar left to start preparations
to execute our plan.

Flipped Transmutation Circle?



It's Greed.

You really still don't trust me, do you?

Of course not. You're a Homunculus.

Even though I'm here
to help you with recon?

Give Ling back his body.

I can't do that.

I rather like this body quite a bit.

I'm going to drive you out
one of these days, you know.


You're finally here.

What's wrong?

You all right?

Ed! Get away from him!


That was close!

Greed, so you joined their side?

Your soul is too weak.

You know this one?

Yeah, this is Pride.

He's my oldest brother.
Even I think he's a monster.

Man, you're back again?

It's good to see you again.

I've been waiting for you, Lan Fan.

Ed, leave this to Lan Fan.
We have to find Pride's vessel.


His real form is hiding
in the shadows in this forest.

You really had me fooled, Selim.

To think a brat like you was a Homunculus.

Appearances are very deceiving.

Don't you agree?

Little alchemist.


Cut off his shadow. It will disappear
if it's not attached to his real body.

Running your mouth.
What a bad little brother you are.

Wait. I sense him nearby.


You know, I don't appreciate the trouble
you've brought to both of my sons, Pride.

You finally showed up.

The hero should always turn up late.

You're the hero?
Are you planning to beat me then?

No, I won't do that.

You are a frightening one.

Distract me and attack me from behind?

This plan you came up with is boring.

You showed up just to become my hostage.
This son of yours is a super weird one.

Don't insult my son like that.

Al, no!

It's complete darkness.

Now you can't use your shadow power.

But you're stuck in this place too.

It's a test of wills.


we'll stay here
until after the Promised Day passes.


You... Hey!
You dropped Al in there too, idiot.

This was all Alphonse's idea.

He spent a long time thinking
about how we could all survive this.


Everything's ready on my end.

The flipped Circle, right?

There are several routes that head
to the underground at the center.

We should split up.

Now, while Alphonse has the most
dangerous of his minions occupied,

we gotta take down the boss.

Who put you
in charge here?


We're heading out. To knock out
that underground bearded guy.


There will be an eclipse today.

Where are the Briggs soldiers?

Sir, they have not arrived
due to the train accident yesterday.

Mustang is planning a coup.

You're sure of it?

I'm heading back to Central.

You're quite late, Colonel.

We almost left you behind.

You weren't followed?

He would've reacted
if someone were here.

He's so useful.

Honestly, I almost think
he deserves a rank.

Forget Mustang. He's a traitor.

Success. All right!
The Führer was caught in the blast.

Colonel, your orders?

Right now, all we have
is a one-way ticket to a b*ttlefield.

Which means
I only have one order for you all.

Don't die. That is all.


What's happening? Mustang, you say?

A coup d'état?

Blast! We don't even know
if the Führer is alive!

The Briggs soldiers are heading
to Central Headquarters.

I thought the Briggs soldiers were
supposed to be running drills in the east?

What's going on, Armstrong?

What? I don't know.
They're not my men anymore.


You know something, right?

Soon we will be a part of the new world.

Everyone here will become immoratal.

And you choose to go against...

the chosen ones?

This is the end of all of you.

Are you a traitor, Armstrong?

Not a traitor.

When all this is said and done,
I'll be known as a hero.

You're back again?

Come at me, big oaf!

Major General Armstrong is taking control
of the headquarters.

We will be crushing the Central Army
once and for all!

Hey, Sister, are you hurt?

Who do you think you're talking to, Alex?

What a pain.

Putting in a serious effort is a pain.

He's incredibly fast.

I'm the fastest Homunculus.

You're just
a regular child now.

Wait. Are you doing some sort of signal?

Pride, hello. There you are.

You kept me waiting.

I'm so tired from waiting.
I need to replenish my energy.


No, wait up, Pride. I don't want...

What is this place?

There's a Transmutation Circle
for a Philosopher's Stone.

What are these people?

Man, you guys again?

They're never-ending.

Do you need some assistance, Edward?

Way to turn up in time
to steal all the glory, huh?

Their heads are the weak point.

This okay, Scar?

The Colonel is one of the State Alchemists
they used in Ishval.

The hell? You're still around?

Yeah, I am.

I don't know if you know this,
but I'm the one who k*lled Hughes.

I really love, love that.

Look right there. It's no fun
unless we hate each other like humans do.

You don't need to say another word, Envy.

I'll burn that tongue out of your mouth
and you'll never speak again.

Your eyes will be next!

I'll make you suffer this pain
over and over until you die.

You stupid human. Don't look down on me.

So this is your true form.


No. Stop it. Help me!

I'll take my time roasting you.

What is this, Lieutenant?

That's enough, Colonel.
I'll take care of it from here.

I'm just one snap away.

- Put your g*n down.
- I cannot comply.

Stop screwing around! I said put it down!


Hand that thing over.

I can't do that.

Give it to me, Fullmetal. Now!

Or I'll burn your left arm off right now!

Just try it. Go ahead!
I'll throw down with you now.

Mustang, take a look
at the way you're acting right now.

You plan on standing
at the top of this country like that?

You know this is not at all
what you were striving for.

I don't believe I have the right to stop
someone else's vengeance.

But it would be quite a sight to see,

the world that you create,
after you've strayed from the path.

That makes you human.

I won't let you k*ll it!

This thing is what m*rder*d Hughes!

Right now, you're not...

acting on behalf of the country
or for your friends, Mustang.

You're doing it
to satisfy the rage that's burning inside.

You promised
you wouldn't give in to that side.

What's going on? Subordinates scolding me.

Talked down to

by a man who once wanted to k*ll me?

I am a giant fool.


all of you to act this way.

Please, lower your g*n, Lieutenant.

I'm so sorry.

Hypocrites. You're all so dumb.

Why? Why?

Because you're jealous of humans, Envy.

No matter how hurt, discouraged,
or misguided we become,

we take on challenges.

The people around us help us.

And so you're jealous of us humans.


You inferior life forms.
Stupid humans, figuring me out.

This is the ultimate insult!


What a coward.

You came alone?

sl*ve 23.

Well, now, have you become such a bore.

You used to be more interesting
and way more emotive.

Right, Dwarf in the Flask?

Lust, greed, sloth,

gluttony, envy, wrath, pride.

You cut out these emotions
and released them as Homunculi,

furthering yourself
from humanity even more.

Becoming human was never my goal.

I want to become a perfect god.

I'll take the 500,000 plus people's worth
of Philosopher's Stones inside you.

You finally changed your expression.

What did you do?

The souls that you stole from me
and put inside of you

are all on my side.

Impossible. They were mere energy forms!

You think it's not true?

I just spoke with them,

the souls of the 536,329 Xerxes citizens.

All inside of me.

We will work together

to destroy that vessel of yours!

You look down upon them,
but they'll teach you a lesson.

Now you're the one
who's looking down upon me, aren't you?


Do not think
you are the only ones advancing.

Where was it again?

I have to find an entrance
to the underground.

Listen to me, Sis. This is your chance.


I came to help you guys.

I'm dying?

Oh well.

Living is... a pain.

Are you the woman, Izumi Curtis?

Did Ed say something about me?

Wait, you were the one who toyed
with my Briggs soldiers for a month.

Sister, it's Captain Buccaneer.

What is it?

We took down 90% of Central Headquarters.

Victory is ours!

Well done, Buccaneer.

Greetings, men.

Oh, shit, he's still alive.

King Bradley!

Where is he?

- Right at the front.
- What is this?

Is there a reason that I have to use

a back entrance to enter my own castle?

Greed, I will not show mercy
if you interfere.

What can I say? I'm greedy.

And I wanna take your life.

Not bad, old man.

You're Greed now, was it?

My prince's body is giving off
some strange energy.

So this is the man who ripped
the arm off my precious granddaughter?


The time has come
for you human sacrifices.

It's finally time
to fulfil your roles for us.



Are you the Xing prince?

Here you are again,

putting yourself in danger
for those you don't need to take care of.

You can't become king if you're that soft.

My prince,
please let go of an old man like me.

That's not the kind of king Xing deserves.

This man is unworthy of being a king.

You're right, he must be defeated here.

Harden yourself, Greed.

Protect my prince's body!

Become our king.

This old man right here

will take his life. It's time to go!

Please don't do it!

You may have the eyes of a god,

but you can't stop an attack
from a blind spot.

Old man, I'll join you
when you go to hell.

You have my thanks.


You have to let go, now.

My job is to protect you.
You're my prince.

Idiot! Help your grandfather!

No. It's too late.


What's happening here?


We're still one short.




Sorry you have to see me like this, boys.

What is this enormous black thing?

It's the one
that the Homunculi call Father.

Huh? The bearded guy?

I welcome you, my human sacrifices.

There's no time left.

Colonel Mustang, do a human transmutation
and open the Portal of Truth?


We're short one human sacrifice.
You can transmute anyone you like.

Maybe a dead parent. A lover? A friend?

I won't do it.


It doesn't matter
if you don't want to.

I will force you to open that portal.

I have him now.
Move out of the way, Wrath.

All right. I can't wait
to see what they take from you.

Now, let's start the human transmutation,
Colonel Mustang.


We have five now.


Are you okay?

Fullmetal, where is this place?

We're at the final boss. What happened?

I was sent in front of a giant door
inside of a white space.

You opened the portal?

What did they take? Your arm? Your leg?

What are you doing?
I can't see anything here.

What are you saying?

I've lost...

my sight.

The truth is very cruel, isn't it?

Those who sought the warmth
of their late mother,

one lost their arm and leg,

while the other became something
that could no longer even feel anything.

Another, who sought the child she lost,

received a body
that could never have a child again.

And the one who had his sights set
on the future of the country,

had his eyesight taken away.

It gives the appropriate punishment
to overconfident humans.

That is truth, what you humans
have come to recognize as...

your God.

Mr. Scar, this is the middle.
It's below here.

I sense the presence of numerous people.

Lord Alphonse!


I will not let you interfere with him.

Now I've blocked your right arm.

You completely overlooked my new left arm.

I just recently carved it.

A Reconstruction Transmutation Circle
my brother gave to me.

The time is here!

Have you ever thought

of the Earth as a single life form
that lives and breathes?

It records all the information
of this universe.

What kind of power could you have

if you could open the doors
to the center of the Earth?

I will use you, my human sacrifices,

to open that door.


Oh, no! He got us!


Hohenheim, I'm gonna

k*ll you when you're here.


Answer the call of my soul!


Yes, I will drag you down to Earth,

and make you a part of me!

Okay, what now?

It's really quiet.

My goodness.

Has he turned us
into Philosopher's Stones now?

That's right.

All except those in the center.

Dammit. You actually did it.

Thank you for cooperating.

Human sacrifices.

Everyone, get close to me.


Goodbye now.

Everyone, stay close to me here.


You're able to hold on
with just 500,000 Philosopher's Stones.

You will not withstand the next attack.

No way.

I finally obtained God Almighty.

I'm now able to create a mini sun
in the very palm of my hand.

Alchemists, it's time to perish.

You finally noticed.

That heartbeat
that's pounding in your head.

The souls of this country's people.

They're connected to their bodies
through their spirits inside of you.

What have you done, Hohenheim?

After years and years of calculations,

I have placed all my allies

in the Philosopher's Stones.

The ones inside of me are all around.

I placed them around the country.

And what would that do?

You need a circle
to activate an alchemical reaction.

I have a circle.

Descending from the sky,
it is an incredibly powerful circle.

The darkness,
the shadow the moon casts on the Earth,

from the eclipse!

You mean to stop this, Hohenheim? Huh?

That's why I'm here right now.

Your time is over now, Dwarf in the Flask!

You okay?


are you okay?


All of the people's souls
were finally returned to their bodies.

I won't let you repeat
what you did in Xerxes, ever again.

He still has this much energy left in him?

I can't hold it.

Dad, don't give up.

Don't you let up now. Just keep fighting!

What? What am I to do?

I really wanna make the both of you proud.

How much longer, Scar?


Heaven has sent the proper guest.

You'll avenge your grandfather?

I will allow this.

Do you have any last words?


My life was a set path that I followed.

But thanks to you humans...


It was a challenging...

and really good life...

towards the end. Thank you.

This is the center.

Big brother.


You can't stop our alchemy anymore.

Serves you right.

This is the power of Scar's brother.

The flipped Transmutation Circle!

How's that, huh?

It's taking all of your effort
just to contain that god inside of you.

Step aside.

He's planning on procuring
more Philosopher's Stones.


Go on ahead.

I'll do something about him.

Let's go, Al. Let's stop him now.

Don't you lose, Ed!


Become a part of me now.

Okay then, don't mind if I do.

You turned yourself
into a Philosopher's Stone

to force your way inside of me?

I've got you now, Pride.

You're no longer allowed inside of here!

So this is your true form then?

Colonel! Colonel!

Are you okay, sir?

I've lost my sight.

Are you still able to fight okay?


Wait there for now, bad little Selim.

Just stop resisting.

Not yet. I'm not finished yet.

There are endless resources.

You bastard.

Please, no.

You saved me. You saved my life.

He's getting close to his limit.

Keep chipping away at his power.

Did I hit him?

You barely missed.
Five degrees to the right.

Whittle it down!


Run now.

May, I need a favor.

Brother sacrificed his right arm
to put me in this suit.

Which means
the opposite should be possible.

The law of equivalent exchange.

What do you mean?
Lord Alphonse, what are you saying?

You only need to create the path for me.

If I do that, Lord Alphonse will...

The Philosopher's Stones.

May, please.

Run away!

Edward! Run!

What are you doing, Al?

Win, Brother.

No, Brother.

No, Brother!

You're really certain?

Yeah. I know Brother will finish it.


So you got your soul back.

You think he'll come to take you back?

He will. I know he will.

I can't wait to see what he sacrifices.


It's working.

Edward, do it.

Edward, do it!

Do it, Edward!

Do it now!

Edward, go!


Do it, Fullmetal.

Get up, you loser.

I'll show you how we are not even
remotely on the same level, you and I.

What is this?

How could I lose bare-handed?
You're a mere human and I have God.

Oh, hey, pops,
I'm gonna take that god from you.

Give me your stone.


Don't give up, Greed!

I wanted everything in this world.

But what I really wanted
was to find friends like you guys.

You're already our friend!

Xing prince, become a good king.

See ya.


Lan Fan, do it!

why do you disobey your father?

It's a late-stage rebellious phase
I'm going through.


Bastard. Be gone, Greed.

Do it now, Ed!

Go back to where you came from,

stupid little Dwarf in the Flask.

No! I don't want to go back!

I don't want
to be tied down there anymore.

Stop it!

Despair for the overconfident ones.
It's the end you desired.

What's wrong? What happened? Did we win?


Except, Alphonse isn't returning
from the other side.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's not your fault. It's what Al wanted.


Use my life to bring...

Alphonse back from there.

I have... exactly one person left.

What are you talking about?
There's no way in hell I could do that!


Al and I decided we wouldn't
use someone's life to get our bodies back.


The thing that happened

with your bodies,

that was all my fault.

And I'm sorry.

Let me at least...

do something fatherly in the end.

Stop being a dumbass, stupid Dad!

Never say that again, okay? I'll hit you!

Oh, wow.

You finally called me your dad.

We know this much is true, Al...

Giving up is not in our blood.

A human Transmutation Circle.

I'll be there for a while.

The Fullmetal Alchemist's
last transmutation.

You came to take your brother back.

But what will you pay?

Will you offer your body?

I've got it right here, behind you.

It's a big one.

The Portal of Truth
exists in all people.

That means every person
has the power to use alchemy.

You mean to revert to a regular human
who cannot use it?

I was always a human to begin with.

All is one, one is all.

Even if I can't use alchemy,
I have great people in my life.

My precious friends and family.

That's the correct answer, Alchemist.

You've beaten me, so take him.

You can have all of him.

That's some stunt you pulled.

Brother, I came to get you.


Let's go home together.

Everyone's waiting.

Al! Al!

Lord Alphonse!

Oh, May.

Sorry. I know I asked you
to do something painful.



Welcome, son.

I'm back.

I can feel the heat.

Al, I'm proud of you.

Don't cry, Major.

You're more handsome
than your big brother.

Ling, you gotta be joking.

Oh, stop crying, Major.

Major General Armstrong
will be taking custody of you.

I'm allowed to stay alive?

Come back to Ishval with me
and help rebuild it.

Ishvalan blood courses through me,
though only half.

Both of us
can save the citizens of Ishval.

Are you saying there is a purpose
to my second chance?

Big Brother.

The next emperor's throne
belongs to the Yao clan.

But do not worry.

The Yao clan promises
to protect your clan.

The Chang clan and all the others
will be welcome.

Now, let's go

back to our country.

This is where you hid.

I no longer...

am capable of seeing the future.
What do I do now?

You promised to be a cornerstone.

You were supposed to protect this country
with everyone, together.

I'm sure we'll find a way
to get back your eyesight.

Until then,
I will be your eyes for you, Colonel.

Now, let's go.

Come and feel the sun.


You old idiot.

Why are you dying alone
with that blissful look on your face?


Hi there. You made it, did you?

Mission is done?


We fulfilled all of our duties as parents.

The world will raise our children
to be strong now. They have what it takes.

Winry, I'm back.

Yep, I'm back.

Welcome back.

Make sure to oil it every day.
The screws need to be tight and...

Are you listening?



So you could've gotten
your leg back if you wanted, right?


But it was a good reminder, I think.

I can't wait to see
what's out there in the west.



It's you. No matter how old you get,
you can't sit still, can you?

Listen, don't be reckless.

You can't use alchemy anymore.

You're right, I know.

See you, then.



Um, you know, uh...

What's wrong? Ed, talk to me.

Equivalent exchange!

I'll give you half my life,
so please give me half of yours.

Man, are you stupid?

What's wrong?

Why are alchemists always on
about the law of equivalent exchange?

You are stupid.

I won't give you half.
You can have it all.


No, sorry, sorry.

Yep, you really are awesome.

You turned the law of equivalent exchange
right on its head, didn't you?

Are you making fun of me?

Wait for me, Winry.



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