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Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny Final Plus: The Chosen Future (2005)

Posted: 02/07/24 14:00
by bunniefuu
Thou may freely eat of every tree in the Garden...

But never touch the tree that grants the knowledge of good and evil.

For the day that thou eatest thereof... thou shall surely die.

But the smartest of the creatures that were made in that time...

...the serpent, had this to say.

There is no way you will die.

If you eat the fruit, your eyes will open up to new things, and you will be able... decide for yourself what is right and what is wrong, just like God.

And God knew it was so.

It is said that the very first people ate the fruit.

We all experienced a major w*r not too long ago.

And we made a pledge when that w*r ended.

Never to repeat those mistakes again.

Stop it, you idiot!

You were on the bridge! So I'm sure you know what really took place here!

Why, this is...

What are you implying? Are you asking me to return to ZAFT?

You fought?


So how in the world could this happen?

How did these foolish tragedies arise once again?

But if the enemy proves to be a thr*at, it can't be helped.

Unless we fight when there is a need to fight...

...we won't be able to protect anything. Not even ourselves.

I don't want to fight. Don't make me fight.

Cut it out with your pretty talk! As if you have all the answers?!

But at this moment Cagalli is crying!

She's crying right now, because she didn't want things to turn out like this!

But we're now at a point where we can put an end to it.


I'm the one who will sh**t you down! Today! Right here!

Where we will put an end to it!


You're at fauIt. It's your fault!

Because you betrayed us!!

The answer to everything has always been within all of us!

I hereby initiate "The Destiny Plan."

The ultimate plan designed to transform the way humanity exists!

Archangel, taking off!

Kira Yamato! Freedom, taking off!

Athrun Zala! Justice, launching!

Rey Za Burrel, Legend, taking off!

Shinn Asuka! Destiny, taking off!

Kira Yamato. I will not allow you... exist!


All units direct your att*cks at the Eternal! It's their flagship!

Worry about the others after that!

Yes, sir!

Tell Gondwana not to let any Orb survivors get away.

Yes, sir!

ZAFT mobile suit group approaching! Twenty of them!

Green 18, Bravo.

Right 10, ascend 5! Aim main cannon! Don't let them lock onto us!

Cover the Eternal.


Korinthos! Fire!

Hey, hey! This isn't looking too good!

Where's the Orb fleet?! What's happening with Requiem?!

Meinvelt has been silenced.

It will be retreating from the Maitland battle line.

Signals confirmed for Susanoo, Kusanagi, and Tsukuyomi.

But the rest are unconfirmed! It's total chaos out there!

Carvern unit, the course is clear. Please launch.

Gironde Unit, Ravensworth Unit, you're cleared to take off next.

Gondwana located at Red 1 Alfa!

Mobile suits are headed for Orb's main fleet!


Damn it!

I won't let you get away with any more of that!

At Orb's fleet?!

We've walked right into their trap!

This isn't good, Kira! At this rate, Requiem will...

Why won't this guy just...

If we don't get them now, they'll revive their first relay point!

Station Two, distance 160 to position.

Neo-Genesis, power charge at 40 percent.

Orb's gonna be hit!

The lmpulse is approaching!


The Minerva's approaching from behind it!

Neidhardt! Fire!

Evade! Counterattack!

They're such pests!



What is it with you, every time!

At this rate, we cannot make a move!

Athrun, please go on! Archangel too!



The Eternal and I will keep things under control here.

The rest of you, please head to the Requiem.

Um, that's an order!


But then, the Eternal won't...

Your priority should be saving Orb, not this ship.

What are we gonna do, Yzak?

We'll guard the Eternal!


That's one of ZAFT's ships!

I guess.

Orb is the final obstacle to implementing their plan.

If we lose Orb, the world will be swallowed up.

We must protect Orb at all costs!

That is the only reason we are here!

So please go, Athrun. Captain Ramius.

Now, hurry!

All right.

Then we'll see you later. For sure.

Yeah, for sure!


I can't let you go! What's taking the Minerva so long?!

Rey! Freedom...damn you!

Kira Yamato.

Rey. You understand, don't you?

We're almost there. Protect Requiem to the end.

Yes, I understand.

Shinn! You go after the Archangel, join forces with the Minerva!

I will sh**t down the Freedom!


You get the Justice!

Make sure you get that traitor once and for all.

That is your job. Now end everything.
All that happened in the past.

Okay, gotcha!

What's this? How is this possible?


That's right! We'll end it!

This time, we'll end everything!

Go around to the back of the fortress!

No matter how powerful their beam is, if it doesn't hit, it's hardly a factor!

Yes, sir!


Hey, stay back. You're insignificant!

Boy, this is certainly keeping me busy!

There's no end in sight!

Would you cut it out?!

What the hell is the Freedom doing?!

What? You want someone to help you?

That's not it, you fool!

There are so many of them!

But numbers alone won't do you any good!

Gottfrieds! Fire!!

Captain Ramius!

Regroup the formation!

Speed up the att*ck on the Requiem!

From Blue Alpha to the Minerva! Distance sixteen!

Missiles approaching!

Aim Gottfrieds! Fire!!

Isolde! Fire!

The Justice?! Athrun?!

The Impulse! Is that you, Lunamaria?!


Sis! Stop it!

Why are you fighting?! Why are you fighting?!

But why did you have to take Meyrin?

How dare you take Meyrin!

Stop it, Lunamaria!

Don't run away!

Damn it!

Don't get in my way! I don't wanna fire on you!


We have no time!



Damn you! You traitor!


Are you all right, Luna?!


You're the worst!

How dare you?! How dare you hurt Luna?!

Shinn! Athrun!

Distance 100 before station two is in position.

Neo-Genesis power charge at 60 percent.

Hasn't either of them been sunk yet?! The Eternal or the Archangel?!

No, sir. No report of that on either yet.

A warning: code orange has been issued from Purple One to Green Two.

Sierra X-ray, November.

- We're can't re-link with Stavros Unit
- Sebastiano Unit is on status one standby.

But still, this is incredible.

What is?



The battle is.


People really do love to fight.

Are you any different?

I just want to win.

I don't necessarily want to fight.

But you can't always win.


Why? Why is this happening?!

Even if we fight, we can't always win.

Tell me, who are you?

Who are you?!

There are things we cannot acquire no matter what.

Then why do people bother living?

Why are people born?

I thought I told you. It's precisely in order to discover that truth.

Although you may not like it.

I'm sure you've realized by now who I am.

I'm Rau Le Creuset!

You're right. I don't like it.

I'll have nothing of it.

Neither the suffering you went through...

Nor the defeat.

Rau Le Creuset?

Mankind's dream! Mankind's future! You are its result! Kira Yamato!

Because of that, you must vanish from this world, this time for sure!

Together with us!


For the sake of the world that is about to be reborn!

Hey, where's Rau?

Rau is no longer with us.


But you are also Rau.

That is your destiny.

This can't be. Why you?! Why have you come back?!

The one thing you can never run away from is yourself.

And the one thing you can never recover is your past!

That's why we must end this! Everything!

And we shall all return to what we are meant to be!

All people! The world!



But you're wrong!

Everyone has just one life!

So, the life you're living is your own! It's not his!

Lohengrin! Fire!

Where's Athrun?!

Can't find him! It's impossible to determine his location!

Unless we get past that shield, Orb will...

I'll go!


Murasame Team One, come with me!

Shinn! Would you stop it already?!

Damn! Why you?

I won't lose to you!

Stop fighting with your mind stuck in the past!

No matter how much you do, nothing is gonna come back!

H-How dare you!

And now you're trying to k*ll off the future as well?!

I know! I know this much!

That's why the world has to change!

That's why Orb needs to be wiped out!


Stop kidding yourself!

By doing that you destroy everything and k*ll off the future!

Is that really the kind of world you want?!

That kind of power?!

Hi! Mayu here!

I'm sorry. I can't talk to you right now!

Shinn. I love you.

And that's a weakness.

You won't be able to protect anything because of it.



Shinn! Stop it! You too, Athrun!

Stella! Mayu!

Cut it out!!

You damn fool!


Damn it! Will you gimme a break?!

Why are you fighting to protect this thing, anyway?!

Don't let them hit Orb!

Gottfried number two has been destroyed!

We'll charge right through! Korinthos! Fire!

Barrel roll! Aim Valiants!

Yes ma'am!


Tristans one and two are damaged!
Launchers on both sides unable to fire!


Captain Gladys.

This is an order!

Is that your decision as a ZAFT FAITH member?

Main thrusters damaged! Unable to control the ship!

Orb Forces mobile suits at the mouth of Requiem.

Station Two positioning almost completed.

We will eliminate the Orb Forces at the mouth of the cannon.

Aim Neo-Genesis.

Where are the Legend and the Destiny?

We've lost both their signals.

At Green 18, Beta! It's the Freedom!

Rey's also been defeated? By that?

Lacus! The Meteor!


I'm gonna hit the fortress! Move the Eternal back further!

They are such a nuisance.

Lacus Clyne and Kira Yamato.

Well, it can't be helped. We'll have to deal with them later.

Starboard 13. Descend 8.

Neo-Genesis f*ring angle set. Output 90 percent.

After cleaning up the enemies at the cannon's mouth...

...we'll annihilate Orb and end this battle!

Inform our forces.

Yes, sir!


Yzak Joule?

The Messiah is about to be fired!

Have everyone in the line of fire move away! Hurry!

Athrun! Miss Murrue!


Engines to maximum! Evade!

The Malves and the Breton...

Gilbert! How could you?!

Requiem, commencing countdown. T minus thirty seconds.

Station Two, f*ring angle set. Activating Geschmeidig Panzer.

Damn it!




What's the matter, Stella? It's dangerous.

You shouldn't be in a place like this.

It's all right. I came here just for a moment to see you.

Just for a moment? You're only here for a moment?

Right now, that is.

Right now?

But we'll have tomorrow.



I was given a yesterday! Finally!

So I know. I know what it is.

Tomorrow. And I'm happy!

So, I'll see you tomorrow, Shinn.


Tomorrow, okay? Tomorrow...


This can't be happening. Why?






You're okay.

What's that?

The Requiem.

Orb was not hit.

The shield has been destroyed!

The Freedom's coming!

It's followed by the Eternal!


Captain. The Messiah...

The battle is over for this ship. All hands, abandon ship!

Y-Yes, ma'am!

Captain Gladys...

I hate to ask you at a time like this...

...but please look after everyone for me, Arthur.

I've got to go.

Ah, right!

Please take care of everyone. I'm sorry.


Honestly, I didn't think you would make it this far.

Kira Yamato.

I see. But are you sure that's the best solution?

Don't do it. We've made it this far.

If you do it, this world will once again return to darkness and chaos.

I am telling you the truth.


You may be right.

But we have the ability to choose not to let that happen.

Because we live in a world where choices are allowed.

But no one ever makes that choice.

People forget, and repeat the same mistakes.

They say they will not allow it to happen again!

That the world won't end up like this! But who can say that with certainty?!

Nobody can say so with certainty.

Certainly not you, nor the young lady...

Because nobody really knows what lies ahead.

Damn. Kira!


Look, we know that!

We also know that we can learn to understand...

...and that we can change things!

So, the life you're living is your own! It's not his!

That's why we want a tomorrow!

No matter how much we suffer...

...we don't want a world where nothing changes!

How arrogant. You're not the ultimate Coordinator for nothing, I see.

You're the one being arrogant!

I'm nothing more than a single human being!

Nothing about me is different from any other! And it's the same with Lacus!

However! That's why I must sh**t you!

Because I know that!

But between your world, and the one I've described...

...which one would the people really prefer?

Say you sh**t me now.

What will you do when the world is thrown into chaos once again?

I'm ready for that.

I will fight!





Hi, Talia.

Are you the one who sh*t me?

No. It was Rey.


I'm... sorry...

But... his... tomorrow...

I understand.

Captain Gladys.

You should go!

I'll personally deliver this person's soul!

Please tell Captain Ramius...

I have a child. A boy.

Please ask her to go and visit him sometime.

Very well.

Rey! Come over here!

I apologize, Talia.

But I'm happy.

You're such a rascal. But truly, I guess it can't be helped.

It just shows that it was destiny. For you and I.

Give me a break.

You did a great job.

So it's all right. It's all right now.

What about Kira and Athrun?


Signals from the Justice and the Freedom confirmed!

Yellow 8, Delta.

Please open a communication link to the Gondwana.

Yes, ma'am.

This is Lacus Clyne of the Eternal.

I am addressing the remaining top commanders of the ZAFT Forces.

We believe that further battle in this region is meaningless...

...and therefore do not desire to continue.

I ask for your agreement to a ceasefire... both Forces, as of this moment.

I repeat. We believe that further battle in this region is meaningless...

Is that really the kind of world you want?!

That kind of power?!

Try and remember, Shinn! What was it that you really wanted?!


C. E. 7 4 / The PLANTs and the Orb Union agree to a truce...

...and began talks to end the w*r.

Further at the request of the PLANT Council...

... Lacus Clyne, who had been serving as the mediator to the two nations...

... returns to the PLANT homeland.

Then they don't have a grave?

No. Just a little cenotaph. That's all.

I hated this place.

But I always thought about it.

It wasn't like this.

Not a place like this.

Perhaps it means they can't be fooled.

No matter how beautiful the flowers are, people will wipe them out again anyway.

But look at this place now.

I hate this place even more.




So you came.



This guy's Kira.

Kira Yamato. He pilots the Freedom.


I guess not, huh?




No matter how badly things get blown apart...

We will always plant flowers again.

I'm sure.


That is the battle that we fight.

Come fight with us.

Your appearance is similar to mine


It reverberates to my chest

As though it's quietly crying