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Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden (2013) Pt. 1 & 2

Posted: 02/07/24 13:54
by bunniefuu
It has been hundreds of years since people began emigrating to space colonies.

A.G. .

The survivors from the Martian settlement plan, the Vagans, destroyed Angel Colony,

k*lling hundreds of thousands.

This incident, known as "The Day Angel Fell,"

triggered the w*r between the Earth Federation and Vagan. {this incident was the origin point that began the w*r}

It is now A.G. .

The w*r rages on.

Th-This is Earth Federation Colony Nichol—{static}

We are taking heavy damage!

Requesting emergency backu—

Damn those Vagans!{I don't like veganism either.}

What are they doing all the way out here?!

Take this! You're not getting past me!{ I won't let you continue on any further!}

Stay calm, guys!{Don't panic, guys!}

Fall back and rebuild the formation!

We're not letting anyone through until those evacuees out of here!{Until the evacuation ship is safely away, we won't let one of these guys through!}{another word for evacuation ship, maybe?}

Yes, sir!{Yeah!}

Your attention please.

We have successfully evacuated to the safety zone.

We will now check everyone's identification before reaching our destination colony, Tordia.

We request your cooperation.

This is Ensign Elisha Murai,

communications operator of the spaceship Murasame of the Sixth Federation Field Army.

We request your liner's registration number, as well as all passengers' passport IDs,

or equivalent form of identification.{SPLIT THIS}

The registration number is AOR.

My passport ID is TTD, Daz Roden.

He's TTR...

Zeheart Galette.

We were on vacation, on our way to visit Colony Nicholas,

when we got caught up in the battle.


The Federation will ensure your safety until we reach Colony Tordia.

Thanks, we're grateful.

Our intel division is something else.

No problems with either the fake registration number or passport IDs.

Don't let down your guard.

Our goal is to destroy the enemy's colony.

I know.

But it sure is ironic that the Federation is escorting people

who want to destroy one of their own colonies.

So that's...

an Earth colony, huh?

Hey brats, I dunno what your stupid Mobile Suit Club is all about,

but I'm sick of that racket you make behind the school building!

It's bothering us.

B-But the school gave us permission to work here.

Shawee, they're threatening us to get our money!

If you've got money, then why not share some with us?

You've got no right to ask for money when you've got the brains of an antique AI chip!


What did you say, brat?

He was just saying he won't do what you want!

You're Asemu Asuno, right?

Don't get cocky just because you're the son of a Federation Forces commander!

I'll make you regret that!{"i'll make you regret being the son of" wat. people like this dont' exist}

Damn it!

Son of a...

Why you...{KONO}

Come on, then!{Come at me}{bro}

Hey! What are you doing?

But man, that was close.

It wasn't close at all.

Even if the teacher hadn't come, Asemu would've beaten them black and blue!{beaten them black and blue}{wrecked them}

Don't be stupid!

We can't fight at school!

And besides, they might try and get revenge or something!

Let them try.

I'll just b*at them up again.



Romary, you're cute today as always!




Come down here. {and talk with me properly}

That's right! Come on down from there!

You're being rude to your childhood friend!

So, what's up?

I heard you got into another fight.

Even though I keep telling you to stop.

Th-That's because they were messing with Shawee and Macil...

And you didn't come to the party.

What party?

Must be a m*llitary affair.

You know, Asemu's dad's a commander and Romary's dad's a commissioned officer,{If I'm interpreting it correctly Asemu's dad is a commander and Romary's dad is a commissioned officer: --> You know, Asemu's dad is the commander and Romary's dad a commissioned officer of the Federation. Plus, a lot of veterans seem to live around here.}

and there's a lot of retired servicemen who live around here too.

Still don't like them?

Or are you just sick of hearing about your dad?{Or you just don't want to hear them talk about your dad?}

I'm not that childish.


You've got some dirt right here.

I'm worried about you.

That all this fighting is a sign that something is bothering you.

Th-That's not true.

Where are you going?

The parts store. {the store is actually called Parts Store}

I just remembered that this guy's drive system could use some tuning. {Is this really "engine" or "drive" or something else entirely?}{- using the dictionary definition, "drive system" or "drivetrain" of that robot.}


Happy th birthday!

Happy birthday, Asemu!

Thanks, Unoa.{Now you see the huuuuge plate of spag...}

Anyway, it's rare for you to be able to come home, Dad.

That's right.

How long has it been?

Flit's a Federation Forces commander now.{Now you don't =}

He can't just leave base to go play with his family.

You're now, right Asemu?


What is it, Dad? What did you want to show me?

This is it.

The Gundam AGE is the mobile suit that I piloted.

And this is the activation mechanism, the AGE device.

It will protect you, and those you care about.

AGE device?

But why are you giving it to me?

Listen, Asemu.

If anything happens, you need to protect everyone from the Vagans. {fade}

That's the duty of the heir to the Asuno family.{to be saviour!}


I'm sending a recommendation to Srysrains m*llitary Academy for you.

Elite schools can be tough.

Your Mobile Suit Club is fine, but don't start neglecting your studies now. {more like, "A mobile suit club is all fine and good, but..."}


Dad wants me to be a soldier...

No way! You sold it?! {mfw the store is actually called "Parts Shop"}

Yeah. Just now, actually.

I didn't think anyone else would be enough of a geek to buy that.{I was sure that such an esoteric part would never sell, though.. }{ifyou can think of something better than esoteric, be my guest}{how about something like "I didn't think anyone else would be enough of a geek to buy that."}

It was a guy about your age with long silver hair wearing a red coat.

I've never seen him around before, though.

Long silver hair and a red coat?


Well, that's that.

We'll make do with what we have for the competition.

That's the emergency evacuation alarm.

Look! Over there!


the Vagan!

But how? They said that Tordia's security was really tight, so we'd be okay!

Was that a lie?!

They're headed to the residential area.

Listen, Asemu.

If anything happens, you need to protect everyone from the Vagans. {fade}

It's no use. I can't get through.


What are you doing here?


I hurt my leg.

Get on!

It's dangerous here.




Where's Unoa and Mom?

Don't worry!

They took shelter under the house.

Romary, what happened?

She hurt her leg.

It's been a while, Vargas.

Asemu, if you're here, then...

Yes, I'll pilot the Gundam!

We've already begun the activation process.{ok. "The initial activation is already complete." ()}

There's no problems with the system or the drive.{idoukei?}{the 'drivetrain' stuff from earlier. ()}

The Gundam's performance is much higher than when Flit used it.

Got it.

I'm removing the lock parts.

Dad isn't here right now.

I have to protect everybody.

Destroy the Vagans, and protect everyone!

Now stand, Gundam!

Get back, the Gundam is going to stand up!

Asemu is piloting that?

Be careful, Asemu!

I know!

Let's go!

So that's the Gundam?

I never expected to see it here.

Daz. The Gundam has appeared.

We'll regroup and att*ck him.

Yes, sir.

Why is the Gundam here?

I'm Asemu Asuno, the son of Flit Asuno, the commander of Big Ring!{what is he, a dwarf listing off his forefathers?}

I'll support you!

Asemu Asuno?

I'll help you take them out!

What are you talking about?

Civilians must evacuate, now!

I have to do this!

I have to protect everyone!

I can do it too!

Damn it! I'll b*at them no matter what!

Oh, he's dual wielding{Two-sword style}? {the school of fighting where you use two sowrds}{how do you tl ryuu that doesn't sound gay?}{i thought about dual weilding but he's referring to a style, not just "you happen to be weilding two swords"}{Niman/Jar'Kai for starwars fans?}{i wouldnt go putting other terminology in here. Either "He fights with two swords?" or "He's dual wielding?" is fine}{swords akimbo}


Calm down, Asemu!

That's right.

Calm down.

Calm down, Asemu!


Damn you!

One left!

It's over. Did I win?

Asemu did it!

Wait, Asemu! There's something else!

He blocked it?!


This is it, Gundam!

Not yet!

Damn! I let my guard down!

I'll finish this now!

Another one?

Damn. Too shallow.

Master Zeheart! {wat did we do w/this?}

I've got you!



I won't k*ll you,

but you need to stay put!

Federation Forces mobile suits!

Damn, did we take too much time?

H-He's running away.

This is a Federation Forces facility under Flit's command.

It should be safe to hide the Gundam here.

Don't worry.


I apologize, Master Zeheart.

It wasn't your fault.{It can't be helped. }{www}

It just means that we can't underestimate the power of the Gundam.{As I expected, the Gundam is not an enemy to be underestimated.}

What did Downes HQ have to say?

At present, due to the many concurrent operations,

they apparently don't have any backup forces to send us.{ok. missions -> operations?}

The plan to destroy the colony is on hold.

Until arrangements to extract us are in place,

we are to collect information on the Earth forces.

Intelligence gathering?

It's just a fancy way of telling us to stand by.{It sounds pretty, but it's really an order to stand by.}

And we no longer know the location of the Gundam.

What should we do about Asemu Asuno?

Leave him be.

Though he is the son of Flit Asuno, he's just a student.

I doubt he has access to classified m*llitary information.


I must assume the identity of a student as well.

As much as I hate to do it.{ok. "as much as I hate to do it."}

Everybody, be quiet.

He'll be joining your class as of today.{dat teach has huge lips}

This is Zeheart Galette.

Be nice to him.

Nice to meet you.{hmm a bit short}{Salutations!}

Huh? It's that guy...


You bought a mobile suit part at the parts store in town the other day, right?


Oh, come on.

If you bought a part like that, you must like mobile suits, right?

If you like, why don't you join the Mobile Suit Clu—

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Perhaps you mistook me for someone else.

My mission is to collect intelligence as a spy.{ok}

I must stand out as little as possible.

Even so...

Why are they all watching me?!

Jeez, that transfer student looks out of place.

Is he standing out because he's not trying to stand out?

Asemu, you know him, right?

I don't really know him. I happened to see him in town.

I think he bought some mobile suit parts.

Oh, really?

He totally denied it, though.

That's the gym building, and this passage leads to the technical studies building,{the start of a beautiful romance~}

and around the corner over there is the general purpose building.

The first floor has things like the cafeteria and the registrar's office.

Why are you showing me around like this?{because i want the d}

Because I'm the class representative.

That's what I do.

Is that so?

Am I not supposed to?

I don't know. This is the first time I've ever transferred.

I see. Things may vary from colony to colony.

Did you do any club activities in your previous school?

Club activities?

We have a bunch of them here.

Soccer Club, Basketball Club, Art Club, Literature Club.


a Mobile Suit Club!

Mobile Suit Club?

Hey guys!


And the transfer student?

What's up?

I thought I'd bring him to see the club while I was showing him around campus.

Are you meeting outside today?

Yeah, we fiddled with some settings so I want to see how it performs.

Hey, you wanna join the Mobile Suit Club?

We may not look like much, but we won the Tordia Tournament last year!

We'd love to have you!{We'd welcome you!}

I'm not interested.

Don't say that. Let's watch them, okay?

Here we go!

How about it? Pretty cool, huh?

Shut it off now!{not sur ewhich switch}{not sure what you're not sure about. just "Shut it off right now!" will do}


Run, Romary!

Are you okay?

Thank you.

Shut it off, Asemu!{same as :}

I'm doing it!

There's a malfunction in the module that governs the right leg joint!

So that's it. That's what's messing up the control signals!{So that's messing up all the control signals! ()}

Cut all signals to the right leg!

I'm already doing it!

And shift all the weight to the left leg!

Then I just have to put it in a stable position and cut the power, right?

Man, that was scary.

Romary, are you hurt?

No, I'm fine.

Thanks to Zeheart.

I see. I'm really sorry.

It's okay, really.

Don't worry about it.

Thank you, Zeheart.

It was nothing.

Jeez, it's completely burnt out.

The control module was too old.

I really want to thank you.

Thanks to you, Romary is fine,{slightly mistimed}

and our mobile suit didn't get totaled. {didnt become scrap}{didn't get totaled w}{I like the way you think}

I knew you knew a thing or two about mobile suits. {edit this}{I knew you'd be good with mobile suits.}

How about you help us out?

A club?


Somehow I ended up joining.

That sounds fine.

In order to avoid suspicion, you should try to fit in as much as you can.

You're right.

At least it'll keep me from getting bored.

A training camp? {what is the right expression for this}{usually that or just "a camp"}

At the colony beach?

That's right!

Zeheart joined, and the tournament's almost here!

You'll get to really know each other, improving your teamwork in the process!

I don't really get it.

Yeah, that's something we could do here.

Why do we have to go somewhere else to do it?

What are you two saying?

Who agrees with me?

Me! Me!


Then it's decided.


Don't get too rowdy!

We're here for club training, remember?

Don't be so uptight!

I still don't get it.

Come on you two. Let's go!{dem jugs}

I'm asking you why!

Everything I said was true.{I didn't say anything incorrect.}

Well yeah, but...

What's going on?

Asemu and Zeheart are going at it.

Zeheart says that if we want to win, we should exploit enemies' weaknesses.{ok, but something stronger for "target" would be better. how about "exploit the enemy's weaknesses"?}

Asemu says that we shouldn't.

Exploiting the enemy's weak points is a well known successful strategy.

There's no reason to question the necessity of it.

I'm saying that we should fight fair and square!

All that matters is we win.{It's all to win.}

It's how we win that matters!

It's cowardly to att*ck where the enemy is weakest!

This is a sport!

You're naïve.


Change places with me. I'll pilot during the tournament.

We can't win with you in the cockpit.{lel cock}

Let go of me.

I told you to let go of me!


Stop it, both of you!

Stop it, Asemu!

You too, Zeheart!


I'm sorry about before.

No, I went too far.


I'm a newcomer here.

I should follow whatever you guys say.

Don't say it like that.

We're friends now, right? {comrades sound dumb}{yeah I usually go with teammates or friends}


Hey, what are you doing?

That's mean, Zeheart!

That was nothing to hold a grudge over!

It's not like that.

I hit him earlier, so I let him hit me back.


But man, that hurt.{yeah. the tone's like "But man did it hurt!"}

Men are such idiots.

But, it must be nice being a guy.{yeh. penises are great}

{insert song}

It's so pretty!

It feels like I can almost reach them.

Be careful, Romary.

Don't forget that the colony itself is rotating.

I'll be fine. {what hte f*ck are they doing without tethers?}

I told you so.

We're going to graduate soon.


When we graduate, everyone will go their separate ways.

I'm going to go to college, Zeheart will return to his home colony,

and Asemu's going to attend m*llitary academy.


That's what you decided?

Well, it was more like...

Doing what your father says yet again?


It's not like that.

Never mind.

I'm not one to talk.

Cut it out, you two.

Don't look so down.

I had so much fun because you two were here.


Me, too.

Same here.{Me three.}{lolno}


What's that song?

It's the song we'll sing at the graduation ceremony.

Do you know this song?

I know the tune, but the lyrics I know are completely different.

The lyrics? Wouldn't it be another farewell song?{ok. "The lyrics? Is it like another farewell song?"}

The version I know is a lullaby.

I used to sing it to comfort children.

Oh, I see. A lullaby.


Well, thinking about how this song connected us to Zeheart,

even though he was born on a different colony, made me happy.{Oh, I just got happy thinking that this song connected us to Zeheart, even though he was born on a different colony.}

That's right.

Even the light from the stars that we're looking at now

was actually emitted many, many years ago.

It's traveled a great distance to connect with us.

That's why, even when we graduate and get separated,

we'll still be connected somewhere.

Connections between people don't disappear that easily.

Hey Zeheart, teach us.

Teach us the version from your home colony.


{Zeheart's song}

{Graduation song}

Hey, look at these!

This really brings me back.

Hey, do you remember this?

It was half a year ago.

Can I take it?

I already sent you the data.

I want the one that was pinned up here!

What did you summon me for, Master Zeheart? {is there a better way to say this}{What did you summon me for, Master Zeheart?}

Lord Ezelcant sent these orders personally.

Read it.

This is...

The day for us to withdraw from Tordia has been appointed.

But, on that day...

The rendezvous cannot happen at any other time.

I must abide by that schedule.

It was just a temporary lifestyle.

Confirming four Vagan mobile suits outside the colony.

The patrol unit has already engaged them. {alternate - defense unit}

Two enemy suits are believed to have infiltrated the colony.


You were discovered by the Federation's patrol unit?

Fine. We'll help you deal with it.{ok. or "Fine. We'll help you deal with it."}

Such carelessness.

Master Zeheart!

Who is it?

My uncle.

The ceremony's going to start soon.

You two get to the evacuation shelter! Hurry!


I'm going to deliver Master Zeheart's Zedas R to him.

You two, cause a disturbance within the colony so we can withdraw.

But don't att*ck the residential areas any more than necessary.


They're here.

Master Zeheart.

The Federation has already located your unit.

We must withdraw immediately.

I know.

We must create diversions in each area to split up the Federation forces.

Then it won't matter which route we take.

I will give the timing for the withdrawal.

Yes, sir.

Memories, huh.

I might have lingered too long here.

Zedas R, heading out!

The Vagans are believed to have hidden a unit within the colony.

At present, there are three enemy mobile suits within Tordia, and two outside.{ok, but they do explicitly name the colony (Tordia)}

A total of five suits.

As soon as I take up a new post, this happens.

The Vagans sure are considerate.

Vargas, bring out the Gundam!

I'm going to take down the Vagans that infiltrated the colony!

I thought you would say that, so I've already loaded it into the trailer and sent it your way.

Be careful, Asemu!

I will.{missing line}

Romary, you go hide in the school's underground shelter with everyone else.


That's from our club room!

I've got to save the pictures in the club room! {god is this bitch stupid or what}


Is that Asemu?

Romary, it's dangerous{to go alone. take this} here! Hurry up and evacuate!


I won't let you mess up our school any further!

Get out of here, Vagans!

The Gundam!

So it was still here in the colony!

So that means Asemu's piloting it?{Is that Asemu who's piloting it?}

His movements...

C-Can he predict everything I'm going to do?

Come on!

The response time is too slow!

Zedas R...

You can't keep up with me after all?

I've got him!

No! They're disappearing!{honey, you've got the data}

Our memories together!


That voice...


Is that you, Zeheart?


What are you doing in there?{Why are you are inside that thing?}{YES, THAT IS WHAT'S REALLY IN THE SUBS}

Are you really...

a Vagan?{Were you really a Virgin?!}{Past tense?}

You... lied to us.

It can't be!

Say it isn't true, Zeheart!


If I wasn't bound to this fate, perhaps we could have remained friends.

However, I...

I have a reason to fight.

Do you have something like that? Something that gives you resolve?

Could you sh**t, knowing it was me?!

That's right. A kind person like you shouldn't fight.



Why? Was it all a lie?

The memories you made with us... were all...

Why are you two... it can't be...




Yeah, I decided not to go to m*llitary academy.

I'm joining the Forces. {not sure about this but i wanted to avoid repeating "m*llitary"}

That's the fastest way to be able to protect everybody.

Yeah. Thanks.

I was the one being a child.

I didn't know anything.

But I... I...

Those bereft of ideals have no right to enjoy freedom.{sup garterbelt}

You must face the many trials that await you

with courage and unwavering justice.



Congratulations, Asemu!


This all feels so unreal.{But I feel kinda weird.}{surreal is correct but its a bigh complicated word}

I was still in school a little while ago.

That's right.

Most of your classmates are going to college, right?


I was really surprised Romary joined the Federation Forces.{miss... derp. nuking}


You're enlisting?


Why all of a sudden?

I don't know.{yeah, you do. you want zeheart's D}

But it's the same with you, right?

Suddenly deciding not to go to m*llitary academy.

Well, that's true I guess.

Is it because of what happened with Zeheart?

I wanted to confirm things.

About myself,

and also how Zeheart felt when he spent time with us.

Could it be that you...{yep, you got NTR'd}

Welcome back from your long-term infiltration mission.

The Federation combat data you've provided may turn the tide of the w*r in Vagan's favor.

Zeheart Galette.


I'm putting you in command of the Earth Occupation Forces.

I am most honored.

May Vagan witness the Day of Return.

This is...

A Gundam.

Oh, Haro!

Dique, what do you mean, this is a Gundam?

Well, it can change between flight and humanoid forms as the situation requires.

It's the second Gundam created by the AGE System...

The Gundam AGE-.

Gundam... AGE-?

Old man Vargas gave me your previous combat data to help develop it.

It's a state of the art unit.

Where's the old Gundam?

The AGE- will be upgraded at Big Ring so it can be used without the AGE System.

Hey, new guys!

The mobile suit sightseeing tour is over.

Everybody get over here.


Everybody's here.

I'm the commander of the Diva's mobile suit forces, Woolf Enneacle.

Apparently he's pretty wild, and he's a nuisance to the higher-ups. {a nusiance to the higher ups} {this is Arisa's only line in the whole thing. It makes me sad}

So it's you, huh?

The one who was doing all that crazy stuff with the Gundam.

I'm sorry.

Jeez... I guess you get that recklessness from your father.

I used to fight alongside your father.

Are you a friend of my dad's?

Listen, all of you!

Starting today, I'm your boss.

My orders on the b*ttlefield are absolute.

That's the rule.

Got it?

Yes, sir!


This ship has been ordered to transport classified materials.

We'll head to Olivernotes on Earth by way of Big Ring.

Preparations for departure are complete.

All hands are at their stations.

Diva, ahead slow.

Set a course for Big Ring.

Gundam, the evolving mobile suit.

Our target is its core, the AGE System.

The Gundam again, huh?

Either captured or destroyed.

In either case, we'll have to fight the Gundam.

If we seize it, we can stop the Gundam's evolution.

The Zeydra is a machine created specifically to enhance the powers of an X-Rounder.

A red suit?

The color was chosen specifically by Lord Ezelcant. The red of Mars.

It shows how much he's expecting from you.

Wear this when you sortie.

What's this?

It'll help you control your X-Rounder abilities, Master Zeheart.{by helping you look cooler?}

Technically, it stabilizes your abilities and lets you communicate with the machine.

In your case, using your full power would destroy the mobile suit.

A mask, huh?

Perhaps that is most appropriate for me right now.

The Diva is about to enter the XD shoal zone.

All hands, report to obstacle navigation stations.


Picking up something on enemy detection systems.

High possibility they're Vagan!

All hands to battle stations!

All hands to battle stations!

All hands to battle stations!

Now searching for matching data!

All emergency crews, report to your stations at once!

Do they know the Gundam is on this ship?

Listen up, rookies!

It's too soon for you to be fighting in a shoal zone.

But the enemy's here, so we don't have a choice!

Just keep your cool!

Yes, sir!

Asemu Asuno, Gundam AGE-, here I go! {rem gonna fiddle with this}

Asemu. Can you sh**t me now?

Ah, jeez...

Got you!

Okay, that's one down!

Asemu! He's heading your way!

This machine can keep up with me!

Is that all you've got, Gundam?!

So this is the power of the new model?


He can tell what I'm going to do?!



That's you, isn't it, Zeheart?

Answer me!

Is that you, Zeheart?

So what if it is?!

Why are you doing this?

So what if I'm your opponent?

"So what"?! How can you say that?

If you don't want to fight, get off the b*ttlefield!

You don't even have the resolve to give up, do you?

I'm here to destroy the Gundam!

So I'm the only one who thinks we're friends?

Am I, Zeheart?!

If you want to fight, then come at me!

I'll end this!


This is the end, Asemu.

This is the power of an X-Rounder.

It's not just your softness that makes you unfit for battle.


Never let me see you again.

Desil, I'm coming in.{we're gonna cut it once, we'll cut it every time}

It's been a while, Desil.

I've returned from my infiltration mission.

I heard you finished your cold sleep,

so I wanted to tell you about...

Infiltration missions sure are hard work.

Commander Zeheart, may I have a minute?

Come in.

Commander, {I'm here to tell desil you're a commander. that is all}all units are ready for the operation.

I've been promoted to commander of the Earth Occupation Forces.

It was after you went into cold sleep.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner.


You're ranked higher than I am?!{Wow mister inferiority complex}


Did you let me go?

Are you saying I'm not strong enough to fight?

An X-Rounder...

Even I...{sooooo Ret*rded}

Commander Zeheart.

I'm Dole Frost, the captain of the X-Rounder squad, the Magicians Eight.

Our lives are in your hands.


The lives of subordinates are wasted in the hands of an incompetent commander.

Our lives and the wish of the Vagan nation...

Don't forget that they are resting on your shoulders,

Commander of the Earth Occupation Forces.{i think commander should be capitalized here?}

I will take that to heart.

I'm glad, Asemu.

I was worried because you weren't coming out of your room.





The battle ship Diva has arrived at Big Ring.

The original plan was to have the Diva continue on to Earth,{ was supposed to go to Earth after this,}

but now its mission has changed.

Our intelligence division found out that the Vagan are planning a large-scale att*ck on Nortrum.

The Diva will be participating in the operation to defend Nortrum.

Yes, sir!

What's going on{wrong}?

There's this thing about an "Advanced Pilot Training Program for Next-Generation Types."{american quotes whatup}

I wonder what it is.

It's a program spearheaded by Commander Asuno

that puts each pilot through various training regimens to determine their attributes,{menus -> regimens? I know he says "menu" in english, but that just sounds dumb.}

so they can improve our forces with pilots that have better integrated fighting abilities.

I hear it also indicates their X-Rounder aptitude.

Each of you will now undergo testing with the machines here.

We'll gather data from these machines

to determine the strengths and weaknesses of each pilot, {motr like, special characterisitcs, aka "what you're good at"}

after which we will make your results available.{and then announce the result.}

Do your best, everyone!

Yes, sir!

I'm going to catch up to Zeheart.

As quickly as I can...

And my dad, too!

The maintenance records for the Genoace II?

Yes. The left leg's response time felt a bit slow during the last battle.

If it isn't too much trouble, could you show me?{If it's not too much trouble, could you show me?}

Sure, but I'm not in charge of the Genoace II.

Rem{Oh, Rem's a girl}i!

Rem{RemRemRemRemRemRemRemRemRem}i Ruth!

Yes?{lol what a cutie}

What is it?



Sorry about before.

No, it's fine.

Zeheart was a Vagan.

He was in that red mobile suit during the last battle.

Wait, did you get to talk to Zeheart?{She jelly}

Yeah. He's... changed.

I see.

I'm {jellyjellyjelly}jealous.



I see...

So you met Zeheart.{inb she defects}

X-Rounder Aptitude Test... D? {D for d*ck, what Zeheart is going to give Romary}

That means I...

I can't become an X-Rounder?


I saw the results of your advanced training program.

It's a shame that you scored a D for X-Rounder aptitude,

but I think you can do it.

I believe in you.


I saw the results—{yes, double hyphen}{fix'd}{O U}

Yo, Asemu.

Commander Woolf.

What's wrong?

You down because your X-Rounder aptitude was a D?

Don't worry about it.

These things happen.

Please don't make light of it.

I took that program because I wanted to catch up to him as soon as I could.

If I can't become an X-Rounder, it'll never happen.


You always over-think things.

Come with me.

I'll take you someplace that has more "adult" distractions.

What's this?

A combat simulation machine he made.

I told you I'd give you a distraction.

Isn't this...?

The cockpit's from a Genoace,

but we've loaded the Gundam AGE-'s data.

No time for day dreaming.{You'd better hurry.}

The enemy's coming.


Take 'em down, Asemu!

This is your chance to b*at your dad!

I can't fight these two at once!

No complaining.

Take it easy, Asemu.

Sure, Flit's an amazing guy,

but you don't have to copy him.

You just do what you can.

What I can...

You b*at a Vagan mobile suit without any training, didn't you?

Move more freely.

Move however feels natural to you.

Move more freely...

However feels natural.

That's right, Asemu.

You're you.

Be strong in your own way.

The ones who are really strong, are strong in here!

Be strong in my own way!


I must go back to being a warrior.

You stand in the way of that goal.

It's not your dad that you need to surpass, or anybody else.

It's yourself.

I know that!

I know that, but...



What are you doing here?

I came to tell you something you need to understand.

Something I need to understand?

I am destined to live my life in battle.

But you're different.

You can choose a path that doesn't involve fighting.


And what'll happen to me if I do?

You can remain yourself.

Remain... myself?

Yes. Stay the way I liked you—as my kind friend Asemu.

That's impossible. {SORRY, I'M NOT GAY}


I... don't have anything else.

If I don't fight...

If I don't fight and produce results,

nobody will acknowledge me! {nobody will notice me/acknowlecg me}

I'm jealous of you.

You have power.

Are you really going? To see Asemu Asuno?


I thought you'd already given up on him. {no, his love will never die}{totsugeki love heart!}

Let me go.

If it weren't for Asemu, I could go back to being a warrior.

And if he refuses to leave the fight...

While you're on the b*ttlefield, I can't be myself.{My boner keeps getting in the way of piloting, pulling ont he wrong joystick, etc. etc.}

You stand in the way of my goal.


I am a Vagan.{more like vegan}

Stop it! {SUP}{fucki hat her}{What? I don't see any hats}


Zeheart...{I want to f*ck you}

Why{ are my panties so wet}?


I've... wanted to see you for so, so long!{SO MUCH NTR}




Don't move, Zeheart!


Call the Diva!

Tell them we've captured a Vagan soldier!



I can't turn back now.

Asemu, please! Put down the g*n!

What are you doing?

How could you do something like this?




As we depart on our long journeys,

we carry the memories of these days

When two people have met,

they support each other...

As I remember

my distant, distant hometown...

hito to hito wa deatta nara

sono hito wo yoriageteiku

umareta basho umareta hi mo

chigatteru bokura no

mirai no moyou oriageru tame

asu no hi wo egaku tame ni bokura no jibun ga

kagayakumeki basho wo mitsukeyou


dekakeru n da ittekimasu

hito to hito wa deatta nara

sono hito wo yoriageteiku

umareta basho umareta hi mo

chigatteru bokura no

mirai no moyou oriageru tame

asu no hi wo egaku tame ni bokura no jibun ga

kagayakumeki basho wo mitsukeyou


dekakeru n da ittekimasu

When two people have met,

they support each other

in different places and on different days

but we can support each other

to weave the pattern of the future

Let's find a wonderful place to call home

so that we can paint our futures together

We're going, let's go

Dialogue: ,::.,::.,graduation trans,,,,,,

When two people have met,

they support each other

in different places and on different days

but we can support each other

to weave the pattern of the future

Let's find a wonderful place to call home

so that we can paint our futures together

We're going, let's go

kabe ni motarete hitobanjuu

All night I sat leaning against the wall

kangaete mita n da jibun no koto

and pondered who I want to be

eranda ikusaki wa koko de ii no ka

I wondered if the path I chose is right

wakaranaku naru n da

and got nowhere

demo kotae nante denai mama sa

But, you know, we never find answers to that

But, you know, we never find answers to that

doko ni ita tte hisshi na mono sa

Nobody really has it

Nobody really has it

utsumuita shisen wo sukoshi age mieta asa wo sundeta

I raised my eyes a little, still downcast, and saw the dawning sun break

I raised my eyes a little, still downcast, and saw the dawning sun break

boku ga boku de aru tame ni

What are the things I can't lose

boku ga boku de aru tame ni

What are the things I can't lose

ushinaccha ikenai mono wa nani

if I want to be myself?

ushinaccha ikenai mono wa nani

if I want to be myself?

kantan ni denai kotae wa tsurakute kurushii yo

The answer I can't seem to find has weighed heavily on me for a long time

kantan ni denai kotae wa tsurakute kurushii yo

The answer I can't seem to find has weighed heavily on me for a long time

tatta ichido no miss wo

You shouldn't brood over

tatta ichido no miss wo

You shouldn't brood over

nandomo kuyokuyo shinaide

a single mistake in the past

nandomo kuyokuyo shinaide

a single mistake in the past

arukeba aiseru kara

You can find love if you come out of your shell

arukeba aiseru kara

You can find love if you come out of your shell

boku ga boku de aru tame ni

So that I can be myself

sore ga nanika wo sagashite

I have to look for something

kizutsuki tachidomari tsurakute kurushii yo

It's painful and hard to be wounded and frustrated

kizutsuki tachidomari tsurakute kurushii yo

It's painful and hard to be wounded and frustrated

dakedo ichidokkiri da jibun wo kuyokuyo semezu ni arukeba

If you came out of your shell but once without being so hard on yourself

dakedo ichidokkiri da jibun wo kuyokuyo semezu ni arukeba

If you came out of your shell but once without being so hard on yourself

aiseru sa my world

you could find love in my world

aiseru sa my world

you could find love in my world

Commander Algreus!

What is it?

L-Look at that!


is that?

We're going to capture Nortrum, one of the Earth Sphere's major production bases.

Then we'll forcibly link{raep} it to this mobile fortress, Downes,

and make it our forward operating base{brothel} for the invasion of Earth.

Now is the time to stand up and reclaim our homeland of Earth!

All hands, prepare for battle!

There's a message from the flagship Amadeus.

Commander Asuno, we've been waiting for you to arrive.

An approaching enemy fleet is—

I'm aware.

As soon as the Amadeus is resupplied, we'll be setting off immediately.


One more thing, Algreus.

I'll be commanding the fleet from this ship.

Once you've come aboard as my chief of staff, we'll make the Diva the flagship.

That{ old as f*ck} ship, sir?

So you're going out after all.

I can give more precise orders from the front lines.

I hear you're returning to the Mars Sphere once this operation is over.


I heard about the battle formation for the operation.

I'm in the reserve unit?

Why am I not on the front line?!

Master Desil!

Get back, Desil!

Keeping forces in reserve is basic tactics.

I'm ordering you to stand by just in case.

I refuse!

You're letting your strong feelings for Flit Asuno control you.{"special feelings"}{seriously?}

Those emotions will...{such a thing...}

"Strong feelings"? What's wrong with that?{MY UNDYING LOVE}

I'm going to defeat Flit Asuno!

That's why I came all this way!

We can't overlook this any longer. {overlook this any longer}

What should we do?

I'll consider his punishment.

Strong feelings, huh?

Mr. Obright!

Um... please come back, okay?

What? I can't hear you very well.

Um... Mr. Obright...

Wh-What is it?

Please come back, okay?

Because this ship is our home.

Yeah, I know.

And, um...

I know it's not the time, but...

What you said before...

About marriage... my answer is...

I-If you'll have me, I think I'm okay with it.{MY ZEHEART}{I-If I happen to survive until the third act, I think I'm okay with it.}

Really?{nah, jk. don't die f*gg*t}




Getting steamy in there, you lovebirds!

C-Commander Woolf!

You better wrap it up. We're launching.

I'm sorry, Asemu.

No, I am.

Um, come back, okay?

I just really wanted to tell you that.

Make sure you come back alive, okay?{Live and come back, for sure! }{awkward as f*ck plz fix}{come back alive?}


Okay, let's go, Asemu!

Yes, sir!

Gundam, let's survive this together.

Asemu Asuno, Gundam AGE- Double b*llet, here I go!

Woolf Enneacle, G-Bouncer, heading out!

Woolf team, Obright Lorain, Genoace II.

Max Hartway, Adele .

Arisa Gunhale, Adele .

I'm heading out!

Don't die, guys.

Commander Zeheart.

This operation is too reckless.

We should reconsider.

Dole, remember the{disastrous scene of} plight of our homeland.{conflagration... wait no, i don't think that's right}{Split properly please. -sm}

I made a vow.

That I'd help Lord Ezelcant create his Eden, even if it cost me my life.

Vagan has no future without that Eden.

Y-You truly do...

I'll open it with my own hands.

The door to our future.

Electromagnetic terminals are fully deployed.

All right.

Begin electron acceleration.


Beginning electron acceleration sequence!

There are so many!

We can't let them get through!

Damn it!

Is the Diva okay?


Let's do this{Here we go}, Gundam!

This is the power of the Double b*llet!


I've found you, Gundam!


You're not Flit.

{This is no fun at all!}I'll get bored at this rate!

nd squadron,

pursue the enemy mobile suits!

Send in our {commando}as*ault forces!

What is this feeling?

What's wrong?

What's going on? The formation of their forces is unnatural.

Deputy Commander Zant.


Move Downes to coordinate F at once!

But we're preparing to launch our mobile suits—

Call them off!

Set propulsion system to emergency response mode!

The Federation Forces must have completed it.


Emergency order to all forces!

Cease pursuit of the enemy! Withdraw at once!

Nonsense! We've finally broken through their lines!

Photon ring ray, emission ring confirmed.

Initiating final sequence.

Preparing to fire photon blaster guide beam.

All forces, withdraw from the photon ring ray's line of fire!{derpy as f*ck}

We've detected a powerful photon emission behind enemy lines!

So he was right!

Activate the Gigantes Shield system!

Ready to fire guide beam!

Okay, fire!

Photon blaster, fire guide beam!


No major damage detected!

So we made it in time?

The electron beam was dispersed!{>electron >photon ~_~}

No damage detected to the enemy fortress!


They adapted to our strategy that quickly?


My machine's moving on its own!{troll this line please}{it's already troll enough}

What's going on?

Damn it!

Don't get worked up, Asemu!

I can take him!

Wait for Arisa and the others!

Now's my chance!

I can take you, easy!

{Poop}sh*t!{g*dd*mn sonofab*tch}

I'll finish you before I k*ll Flit!



Asemu! Get the Commander, quick!

Commander Woolf!

Are you okay?

Please respond!{Ever notice how characters who are important to the plot have expl*si*n-resistant mobile suits?}

Doesn't look like... I'm in great shape here...

Commander Woolf! I'm coming!


With this injury, it's too late.

Y-You can't mean...

Eject now!

Please open your hatch!

Listen, Asemu...

Then I'll open it from the outside!

Get as far from the hatc—

I said listen, Asemu!

You really are a pain in the ass to look after.

But it's fine...

for you to be like that.


If I'd only done better, this wouldn't have...{that's right}

I can tell.

You're an amazing guy.

Even if you're not an X-Rounder, you're really something else.

Asemu... become a super pilot.

More amazing than anybody...

More than me...

The best pilot in space.

Commander Woolf...

I'm expec... great thin...


Commander Woolf!

Damn it!

Commander Woolf!

What's happened to him?

I'll make you pay!

{You, at least!}You're not getting away with this!

I-I can't read him!

Why not?

He's not even an X-Rounder!

What... What...

What are you?!



...the super pilot!

Asemu Asuno!


I can't lose!{inb he comes back alive and dies to the third asuno}

It's impossible!{inb he comes back alive and dies to the third asuno}

You let your own brother die.

Was that your plan all along?

Watch your mouth, Dole.

If someone gets in my way, even if he's my brother...

I swore I'd get there, no matter what.

To the future Lord Ezelcant showed me.

The future...

That's strange.

What is?

Why aren't the enemy attacking Nortrum itself? {nortrum or nortram?}

I see it now!

Order the fleet to launch a full att*ck on the enemy mobile fortress!

The enemy isn't out to destroy the colony.

Algreus, I'll leave you in charge.

I'm gonna squish you all like the bugs you are!

Take this!

Don't lose your cool!

I'm not as responsible as you are, Commander! {not as much of an adult}


That's Zeheart!


No matter who the enemy is, I'm going to fight!

He's so fast!

He's not supposed to be an X-Rounder!

I'll defeat you!

I'll defeat you and protect everyone!

You'll never be a true warrior, so you'll never defeat me!{I can't be defeated! Not by you, who can never be a true warrior!}

I'm different now!

Remaining forces are to temporarily fall back and enter as*ault formation!

Take this, Vagan!

Gundam, I know I'm no match for you.

But if I set the Mu-szell to full power...

Is he sacrificing himself?

Is that all?

I can still...

Master Zeheart, lead Vagan to the future!


I'll do it anyway!

I must!

Commander Asuno! Are you okay?

Yes. I'll return to the Diva for now.

You regroup and return to the front lines!


We can't keep defending the photon ring ray!

We won't last much longer!

Captain! Cancel the f*ring sequence of the photon ring ray.

But at this rate...

I have an idea.

Let me set a target for the photon blaster, instead of the photon ring ray.

Attention, all mobile suits! Withdraw from the line of fire!

Photon blaster, fire!

The interference screen has shut down!

The collision has badly damaged our propulsion system!

While the enemy mobile suits retreat, have ours pull back from their fortress.

We managed it, somehow.

Commander, look at this!

The enemy fortress's propulsion system has completely shut down!

At this rate, it'll collide with Nortrum!

That's ridiculous!

Have the Nortrum government order an emergency evacuation!

Commander Asuno!

I'm aware of the situation.

The enemy fortress has lost its shield.

This time, we can destroy it with the photon ring ray!

But the damage from multiple sh*ts could disable the navigation.

If we don't do it, Nortrum will be destroyed.

Now! Fire!

Photon blaster, fire guide beam!

We don't have enough power!

Diva's engines switching to post-f*ring output tuning mode.

Enemy fortress is slowing down.

It's veering off of its collision course with Nortrum.

It-It's heading toward this ship!

Emergency evasive to port!

All hands, brace for impact!

At this rate, this ship and the fortress will enter the atmosphere!{ we'll enter the atmosphere along with the fortress!}

If it falls to Earth, massive damage will be unavoidable!

First, we'll get away from the fortress!

Then we'll use the full strength of the fleet against it!

No change!

Then we'll have to use the photon blaster again to make an opening!

It's no good!

Part of the f*ring system is damaged!

Unless we replace the resonance control unit on the side of the barrel...

Begin repairs immediately! {Added. Please check. -sm}

Starting repairs on the unit.

minutes until atmospheric entry.

Replacement complete!

Now we can—

You k*lled my comrades!

You won't get an easy death!


You're in the way! Move!


Damn you!

Photon blaster, fire!

Mr. Obright...

Remi, just hold on!

I'm coming for you!

I wanted to make a family with you, Mr. Obright.


I was alone.

Hey, wait!

The Diva's our home, right?

We're going back together!

That's right.

It's our home... isn't it?

Mr. Obright...

Get home safely, okay?

Promise me.{she turned off}





It's falling...

What's happening?

This is...


At this rate, the Earth will be...

A message from Asemu!

Commander! There's still a way!


I'll break into the enemy fortress and detonate the energy core.

If I'm successful, it'll be destroyed before it hits the atmosphere.{I'll be able to? -sm}

But there isn't time...

You can't be...

Hear me out.

As I am now, I can save everyone.

No, I'm the only one who can.


Come back, Asemu!


I lost sight of what I was fighting for until now.

My head was filled with impatience and jealousy.

But I'm not confused any more.

I just want to protect everyone.

So please let me go.

Dad... Romary...



I'm sorry.

Master Zeheart!

It's unfortunate, but at this rate...

Downes will do enormous damage to Earth!

I know.

We'll have to switch to the backup plan.


We're unable to activate the fortress's self-destruct system!

Then I'll figure something out.

Surely you don't plan to destroy the energy core yourself.

We have no choice.

Yes, sir.

Earth is to be our Eden.

I will save it.{Is it sukuu or tsukuru? Please check -sm}

There's no need to restrain it anymore.

I'll use my X-Rounder power to the fullest!




I'm planning to destroy this fortress from the inside.

Our goals are the same, huh?

But if you go that far in, there won't be enough time to get back out.

I know.

So what are you going to do?

I'll destroy the energy core, even if I have to ram it with the Gundam!

That won't be enough!

We'll use the colony destroyers!

Follow me!


This is the energy core?


I'll show you the detonation point.

I didn't think we'd ever work together again.

Same here.

I've been fighting for so long...

As a Vagan warrior.

To make our wish come true.

But it wasn't enough.

In the end, there's very little you can do by yourself.

That's not true.

Haven't you saved a lot of lives?


What I wanted to protect is the land destined to be our Eden.{who's gonna be ur Eve, mr. adam lololo}

Earth.{Maybe The Earth for dramaticness? -sm}

The Earth is your Eden?

I am determined to create an Eden.

Where we don't have to fear disease, or k*ll each other in w*r.

A utopia.

Is that why you fight?

I didn't know why I was fighting.

The only thing I could think about was catching up to you and my father.

I was jealous.

But you're here now.

You're risking your life for the people you want to protect.

You're a warrior, too.

A warrior?

What's this?


It's connected to the outside?

What's going on?

Just follow me!

There was an escape route here?



Destruction of the enemy fortress was successful!

Effects on the Earth will be minimal.

And the Gundam has escaped safely.


The Gundam is entering the atmosphere.

Have the Diva enter the atmosphere, too.

We're saving Asemu, right?

We can't lose the AGE System.{Can't leave alone? -sm}



I won't allow you to die.


I already told you. I've given my life to you.

And I want to believe in what you're trying to create.

The future of Vagan.

The future that the Vagans have dreamed of for countless years.

I will entrust that wish to you.

Use your life for the sake of Vagan.

Our lives and the wish of the Vagan nation...

Don't forget that they are resting on your shoulders.{from ova }


Master Zeheart, lead Vagan to the future.


How does it feel to have sacrificed and outlived the majority of your subordinates?

Oh great Commander.


Just how much can you accomplish?

We'll always be watching you.

We'll always be looming over your shoulder.{be right behind you. }{stuck to your back}



Yes, I know.

How are you feeling now that you're awake, Master Zeheart?

Who are you?

My name is Leil Light. I'll be serving as your aide. {did they never reveal his last name during the series?}

As will I. I'm Fram Nara.

How long was I asleep for?

About years.

Where are we?

The homeland of Vagan. Mars.

My brother gave his life for yours.

He was the leader of the Magicians Eight, Dole Frost.


I will judge if you are a man worthy of my brother's sacrifice.

Do as you like.

We have received reports from our comrades stationed on Earth

that the preparations for the simultaneous uprising are complete.

The space fortress La Gramis is awaiting your orders

to execute the plan to destroy Big Ring.

If it is successful, Project Eden will enter its final phase.

Project Eden.

The plan that Lord Ezelcant proposed. The dearest wish of all Vagans.

Its success depends on your orders from here on out, Commander Zeheart.



Went MIA during a battle years ago.

Romary married Asemu and they had a son.

His name is...

Kio Asuno.

I did it!


So we're opponents yet again?{You oppose me once again?}

This feeling...

Is that Flit Asuno in the cockpit?

But the other one is...

When you realized he was Asemu Asuno's son, you showed him mercy?


I thought you had already given up on him.

Of course I have.

For Project Eden, I have...

In that case, why did you withdraw?

The Gundam evolved!

Don't make excuses. You should have k*lled him.

Like when Downes was destroyed,

you should have left the Gundam and Asemu Asuno behind

to die in the expl*si*n.

I couldn't do such a cowardly thing!

But his life is worth the same as mine, or theirs.

Your naïveté cost your comrades their lives.

You've had more than enough chances to destroy the Gundam.

Or are you saying that Asemu Asuno's life is worth more than those of your comrades?


You've been lying to us all!


I believed in your ideals.

I gave you my life for the future of Vagan.

Don't betray them.

You're already drenched in the blood of your dead comrades.

Excuse me.




Master Zeheart?

My apologies.

N-Never mind.{Missing stutter -sm}

What is it?

Er, yes.

In accordance with our plan,

we have established control over Luna Base, the Federation's moon base.

All that's left is for you to go there.

I see.



I will make Project Eden a success.

For the nation of Vagan.

For our many fallen comrades.{Doesn't sound like shitteita... Please check -sm}

I have no choice but to move forward.

If at any time you judge that I am not worth your brother's life...

feel free to end mine.{Split, please check -sm}

We are now moving to phase three of the operation.{don't see any reason phase number should be capitalized}{consistency, but i couldn't care less}

All hands, prepare for launch as per the time schedule.

We will now set out to recapture the Federation's Luna Base from the Vagan.

To stop the Vagan's Earth invasion,

we will now begin a decisive operation to recapture Luna Base!

Enemy mobile suits are within f*ring range.

Fire at will!{Open fire!}

This is Control.

Establish an airhead as soon as you reach the designated landing point. {the f*ck is airhead. This line is: Immediately after you descend to the designnated location, begin construction of hte airborne fort}{*}

They've broken through our defense lines.


You've taken on a new form once again?

The pilot seems to be a powerful X-Rounder.

I'll have to go out myself.

What is it?

Let me deploy as well.


I cannot allow you to die.

Are you okay, Kio?



I can't dodge forever.

I won't let you take down Master Zeheart.

Watch me, Master Zeheart. I'll show you what I'm capable of!

Kio! Don't get dragged into her pace!


You've found your own way to fight, right?

Then believe in yourself, and fight on.





Zeheart! You...

Cold sleep.

In order to achieve the goals of Project Eden, I transcended time itself.

Asemu! I can't believe you lowered yourself by becoming a pirate!{ok but edit, italicize the "you"}{unitalicize the correct you!}

I decided it was the best way to protect everyone.

I'll defeat you here, for the future of Vagan!

Zeheart... do you know Ezelcant's true goal?

The Eden he speaks of isn't meant to save the Vagan!

My son heard all about it from Ezelcant himself.

You're all being deceived.

How can the Earthers possibly understand Lord Ezelcant's ideals?

I fight for Lord Ezelcant's sake.

I'll never listen to your words again!{Intentional bleed; please change if it looks bad -sm}

Zeheart, listen to me!

Ezelcant isn't trying to save the Vagan!

I told you, I'm not listening to your nonsense! {an alternative would be "bullshit"}

Ezelcant wants to ensure that only the superior humans survive!

He's trying to select a new race from the Federation and Vagan!

Are you willing to follow someone like that?

Wake up, Zeheart!

Shut up!

You still don't get it? After all I've said?

I told you to shut up!


At last we've come to the Earth Sphere.

Here we will win our victory and take back Mother Earth.

People of Vagan! Our prayers will now be answered!{I think these should be italicized... since that hologram thing is basically an intercom}

Eden is in our hands!

Eden is in our hands!

Lord Ezelcant.

You made it, Zeheart.

There's something I want to talk to you about.

Before that, there's something I'd like to ask you.

What is it?

Lord Ezelcant, what exactly is Project Eden?

So you've found out, then.


To seize Earth, and create an Eden where the Vagan people could live in peace.

A utopia free of w*r and disease, where people could be truly human.

I've given up everything to reach that utopia! {tell me again why utopia is capitalized because there's no reason it shoudl be}

But your plan wasn't meant to save the Vagan people.

Were you deceiving me?

I, who have believed in you for so long?!

Lord Ezelcant, please tell me the truth.


I wanted to turn Earth, our place of origin, into an Eden

where people could live like humans again.

And so I've been selecting a superior race to live in that Eden.


Selecting a race worthy to carry on into the future.

So people can truly be human.

That was Project Eden, which would open the door to a new world.

In other words, the creation of a new human race.

Are you trying to become God?!

Can't you understand, Zeheart?

Selecting a human race? Of course I can't understand!

Even if Vagan does take back Earth, the same thing will just happen again.

We'll only be like beasts who gained a bit of territory.

We'd act like animals, fighting out of instinct.

To guide people to a higher level, to make a better world, someone must choose.

And I've been making those choices.

The better world you speak of is just a dictatorship made for you to rule!

You'll become just another one of the tyrannical rulers in Earth's history!{oh man, what's with teh script this week}


What I want to make isn't a dictatorship!

It's the future of humanity!

To gain the power to fight the Earth Federation,

I read the history of warfare recorded in the EXA-DB.

The long history of w*r that began when humanity migrated into space.

The Earth recorded within was far from a utopia.

It was truly a planet of fools.

As people left Mother Earth and history passed,

they became monsters, who thought nothing of contending with and k*lling each other.

In all this time, humanity has almost forgotten how to be human.

I realized that unless I created a new human race,

a true utopia would never be realized.

Lord Ezelcant!

{It's hardly surprising.}Don't be so surprised.

The Mars Rays have taken their toll on me, just as they have on everyone else.

I've gone into cold sleep again and again to buy time,

but it seems as though I've finally run out.

But you can't...

Listen, Zeheart.

Unless we destroy the past and move on, we can't create the future.

I don't want to be a ruler.{Perhaps dictator would work better here, please check -sm}

I want to make humanity evolve,

so it won't repeat its foolish history.

That is my...

final wish.{Please check splitting -sm}

Lord Ezelcant...


I'm giving you full authority over Project Eden.

You will lead all of Vagan!


If you think me mad, then so be it.

Now that you know everything, will you follow me?

In my madness...

Lord Ezelcant.

Are you telling me to become God and create a new humanity?

Not God.

You'll become a light... illuminating humanity's future.

A light?

Do you understand, Zeheart?

Lord Ezelcant.

I, Zeheart Galette, shall carry on your will.

Hey, are you serious, Zeheart?

Has Ezelcant's madness infected you, too?

I must lead the way to Project Eden's success.{dake here, so maybe "All I'm doing is leading..."? Please check -sm}

For the nation of Vagan.

For the future of Vagan.

But not for all Vagans.

Just the chosen ones.

The ones who weren't chosen will die.

It is all for Vagan's future...

For the future of all humanity!{plzcheck split -sm}


It was for humanity's sake that he fought so hard.

And will the rest of them be satisfied with this?

Most of their families won't be selected, and they'll die.

That's not what they gave their lives for.

I can't turn back anymore.

The future you believed in.

The future we believed in.

It'll mean that you deceived them and lied to them.

It's in order to make sure their lives were not wasted.

And now you'll lie to those who are still alive.

The plan must succeed.{I must accomplish the plan.}

And what about you?

I am a warrior of Vagan.

Zeheart Galette!

You'll willingly fall into madness?

Well, whatever.

We'll be watching every choice you make.

Only I alone should bear all the hatred and sins.

The time has come for the final battle!

This battle is the only way for we Vagans to move forward into the future.

Whatever happens, we must forge ahead with all our power,

and grasp the new future that awaits us!

Eden will be in our hands!

We must not hesitate.

Lord Ezelcant has laid down a clear path before us!

Victory is before our eyes!

Eden is in our hands!

At last, the final battle is drawing near!

La Gramis, the spearhead of the Vagan's Earth invasion,

dealt us a grave blow by destroying our command center Big Ring.

Now we must destroy that thorn in our side{the hated La Gramis},{ so then it's fair >:( }

and keep Earth out of Vagan hands!

And with that victory, this w*r will come to an end!

La Gramis's fortress cannon, {Digimon-Digivolve}Digmazenon.{Sounds like a Digimon's name, yeah -sm}

They're probably under the impression that we can't fire it right now.

Just as planned.

Something's not right.

That's it!

The enemy fleet in the center is a decoy!

Order all units to withdraw!

Do it.


Warships Faraday, Stiles, Baker, Elliot, not responding.

All mobile suits teams, come in!

The enemy will try to take advantage of the time needed to recharge the Digmazenon,

and will attempt to break through our center.

We will face them. I will go as well.

Master Zeheart!


Please do not deploy.

You must remain in command on the ship!

I can't do that.


I swore it.

That I myself would bear all of the hatred.



I must thank you.

Because you were by my side, I was able to reach this point without hesitation.

I need you.

You are my precious...

Master Zeheart is bearing the burden of many, all alone.


Gundam Legilis, the launch port is all set. {the launch point is all set}

Activating X-Transmitter.

This Gundam Legilis, entrusted to me by Lord Ezelcant!

With this, I will...

Let's go!

{We're breaking through in front, too!}We'll be launching a frontal att*ck too!

That mobile suit is...

I also predicted they'd att*ck here!

I'll sh**t you down first.

Back me up.

Yes, sir.

Enemy vessels deploying rapidly!

They're quickly forming a defensive line around the fortress.

Flanking att*ck from the enemy fleet!

At this rate...

Our top priority is to support the Diva.

Prioritize life support systems!

Reading damage throughout the ship!

But the main engine systems are still working!

Photon blaster, final sequence.

f*ring preparations almost complete!

Photon blaster, fire!

Photon blaster, f*ring!

Master Zeheart, please return to the ship!

Direct the battle!

I'll take care of things here.

Can I leave that to you?

Of course.

Damage reports from all units.

Zanald's fleet is badly damaged.

The fortress defense line is collapsing.

Enemy fleet has begun breaking through.

Throw in all our reserve strength!

Don't let the enemy break through right under our noses!

Yes, sir!{Added, please check -sm}

Why should I hesitate now?

I'll eliminate those who hinder the plan, along with the enemy fleet.

I must reach Eden, no matter what!


Yes, sir.

Link up with Second Moon.

We'll use its engines to fire La Gramis's Digmazenon cannon again.{>digmazenon}{stupid bandai, youtube description calls the cannon Digma-xenon}{its too f*cking late to change thier minds, too bad Bandai}

Make the preparations.

But with the b*ttlefield in such chaos, our forces will be caught in—{caught up in the crossfire}

For the sake of the plan, I'll make any sacrifice!

Do it.

La Gramis, switch to f*ring mode!

La Gramis has begun transforming?

What's going on?

Master Zeheart, what are you...

Master Zeheart.


Everyone who fights beside you shares your desires.{has the same desire you do.}

Please follow the path you believe in.

I believed in your devotion to Eden.


That devotion cannot be false.

Hey, what's wrong, Zeheart?

Desil! {How about, Desil, my brother! Desil. }

You're the one who got me k*lled. {led me into a trap}

You couldn't possibly be intimidated by something like this, right?

I... can't turn back anymore.

The only path left to me is the path that leads to Eden.

Then you've got no choice but to follow it, right?

Even if it tears your body apart!

Master Zeheart, what is it?

Fram, lure the Gundam into the Digmazenon cannon's line of fire.

I'll destroy it along with the Diva.

Together with the Gundam?

I'll stop their advances and crush the Federation's chances of victory.

That will decide this battle.

But, Master Zeheart...

I understand.{Remember how she said she was going to judge if zeheart was the kind of guy who just threw his subordinates lives away?}

Leil! I'm going to lure the Gundam!{I think she's going to k*ll zeheart}

You take command, okay?{either that, or THE POWER OF TRUE LOVE will make her throw her life away}


Do you know what that order means?

If you follow it, you'll...

Now get into the cage!

This is the end!

Kio, you okay?


Out of the way, pirate!

Leave her to me!



Leil! If you come here, you'll...

I'm prepared to accept that. {I'm ready to accept that/I'm prepared.}

What is this?

Something's coming.

Something terrible.

I won't let you get away!

Not so fast!

Kio, Asemu!

I'm evacuating the crew from the ship.

Draw the enemy's attention!

Everyone, grab onto the Dark Hound!

I'll use the Hyper Boost to get us out of the enemy line of fire!


I won't let you go anywhere!


Take this!



Stay here until the last minute, so the enemy flagship doesn't realize we're escaping.

No way...

I can't... not like... like this!


Damn you! {again, curse you is awful cartoony. You can replace with Damn you}

This is for the Commander!

Damn it!


Just this one!

I'll destroy you! {Die! Be destroyed!}

You're just small fry!

Struggling now won't make a difference!

Take this!

All three Gundams are now in range!



Fram!{SECOND BEST GIRL}{Yurin > Remi > Fram}

Master Zeheart!

I'm sorry.

I know an apology doesn't make it forgivable.


Master Zeheart, I...

I'll succeed with this plan, and repay the spirit of your brother Dole.{would reward make more sense here? how about recompense? or something}

Forget about my brother. {wwwwwwwwwwwww f*ck her whole reason for being, she wants zeheart's ass now. Forget brothers}

I'm proud that I was able to fight for you.

Fram, I...

Master Zeheart...

please obtain Eden. {obtain Eden, said in flowery way}

I promise.

I will, definitely...

Master Zeheart...


Five Federation warships have been sunk.

We did it.

Of course we did.

I've sacrificed even those who loved and adored me.

I'll surely reach it!

The Gundams!


There's no mistake!

It's the Gundams!

I... I...

I'll defeat the Gundams no matter what!

I'll win this fight!



Zeheart! {here we go again}


You even sacrificed your own allies!{What hte hell are you doing?! You just sacrificed your own allies!}

What the hell are you doing?!

I must accomplish it!

I threw away my human feelings long ago!

I've... I've sacrificed everything for Eden!

I have no regrets!

Zeheart, you...

I see.

Then I'll stop you!

You're always in my way!

You're always making me question myself!{ throwing me into confusion!}{does this work?}


You're always like that!

Just disappear!


What's the point of a cause that makes you throw away your humanity?

What do you know?!

Wasn't Eden a place where people could be truly human?

I've got no choice but to...

move forward!

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

You idiot!

Zeheart! Zeheart! Zeheart!

Zeheart! Zeheart!


Zeheart! Zeheart!


Asemu. {convex plz check all the rest of these lines closely}

It's your win.

We can still make it. Come on!

Zeheart!{Added, please check -sm}

It's fine. I understand now.

You never change.

You have.


Going into cold sleep, rebelling against the passage of time...

Why are you clinging so desperately to Ezelcant's plan?

I did know the true goal of Project Eden.

And it was not the future I wished for.

Then why?!

The Eden that Lord Ezelcant wished for was certainly not the world I wanted.

But if I acknowledged that, what about all the lives sacrificed up until now?{what would become of the sacrifice of all the people that have d*ed up until now? }{sunk cost fallacy}

What would become of their earnest desire for the Eden that they gave their lives to?

I can't invalidate that.

Even if it leads to a false future?


I have to bear the weight of all the emotions of the people that have accumulated

and been woven together over the past years.

Even if they went against Lord Ezelcant's true intentions,

I wanted to leave a mark of their fleeting lives on history,

and grant their small wishes.

That burden's too big for any one person to bear!{alt. That's not a burden that a single person can bear!}

That's the Eden I wanted.

To spend more lives for the sake of those already dead...{this guy knows what's up}

What kind of future could possibly come of that?

I couldn't wish for the future unless it came at the expense of lives.

But, like you said, if one could spin the future using the threads that connect lives,

it all may have been different.

I may have been able to stay friends with you two.

That's not it, Zeheart.

We may have gone down different paths,

but the time we spent together will never disappear!

The times we hurt each other, and the times we didn't understand each other too.

When we cried together, and laughed together too.

We'll always be friends. {oh jesus}{he's literally space hilter, dude}





Thank you, Asemu.



You are the light of the faraway stars that we saw that day.


A.G. .

The long w*r has drawn to a close.

The Earth Federation and Vagan signed a peace treaty,

and the human race began once again to write a new history.

As we depart on our long journeys,

we carry the memories of these days

When two people have met,

they support each other

We were all born

None of us is like the other

I'm sure it's this way

only so that we may

weave the pattern of the future

From far away the stars gift us their light

and the constellations adorning the sky

will never change

Let us find a wonderful place to call home

so that we may paint our tomorrows together

We're going now, let's go