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Mobile Suit Gundam 00: A Wakening of the Trailblazer (2010)

Posted: 02/07/24 13:25
by bunniefuu
Laser sensor confirmed.

Laser sensor aligned.

Transport shuttle has passed
through the particle cloak.

Celestial Being Hidden Dock

Fixed arm docking initiated.

Docking complete.

I couldn't wait to see you, Linda!

Is it finished?

That's why I'm here, silly.

These are the new GN particle emitters
that've been customized for use with Twin Drives.

In two years, we only managed
to produce two of them.

We were short on time
and manpower, after all.

You've done well!

In a high density particle field,
consciousness becomes unified through Quantum Brainwaves.

On the b*ttlefield, it
connects everyone's thoughts.

The machine to end w*r...

It's... the Gundam that
Setsuna had hoped for.

The 00-Qan[T].

Akaku Nureta Yubisaki de Sai wa Furare

With my blood-stained hands, I take the dice

Akaku Nureta Yubisaki de Sai wa Furare

With my blood-stained hands, I take the dice

Sora e Ochite Yuku Fukaku Fukaku

I cast them into space, down into the abyss

Sora e Ochite Yuku Fukaku Fukaku

I cast them into space, down into the abyss

Nidoto Kaerenai Yami no Kanata e

The darkness pulls us down with no way out

Nidoto Kaerenai Yami no Kanata e

The darkness pulls us down with no way out

Kasokushite Yuku Last Scene wa

Our story is coming to a close ever so quickly

Kasokushite Yuku Last Scene wa

Our story is coming to a close ever so quickly

Dare ni mo Tomerarenai

No one can stop it

Dare ni mo Tomerarenai

No one can stop it

Unmei o Kirihirake

Fight for your destiny

Unmei o Kirihirake

Fight for your destiny

Kizutsuita Tsubasa Hiroge Tobitatsu yo

I'll spread my broken wings and take off

Kizutsuita Tsubasa Hiroge Tobitatsu yo

I'll spread my broken wings and take off

Kotae wa Koko ni wa Nai kara

for what I found here isn't the answer I seek

Kotae wa Koko ni wa Nai kara

for what I found here isn't the answer I seek

Dare ga Tame ni Kane wa Naru

For whom do the bells toll

Dare ga Tame ni Kane wa Naru

For whom do the bells toll

Zetsubou ni Michita Tozasareta Sekai

This is but an inescapable world drowning in despair

Zetsubou ni Michita Tozasareta Sekai

This is but an inescapable world drowning in despair

Habataki Tsuzukeru Kasukana Hikari e to

But I'll never stop flying, seeking out the faintest light

Habataki Tsuzukeru Kasukana Hikari e to

But I'll never stop flying, seeking out the faintest light

Half of our {\i1}mikata{\i0} 's units are smashed up!

Don't falter!

Because they've bagged the Earth Sphere federal government,

the {\i1}dokuritsuchianijibutai{\i0} A-LAWS that is intending to take over the world

Note: Dokuritsuchianijibutai means Independent Public Order Maintenance Corps.

must be beaten no matter what!

With our hands, a new era...

Note: Due to Japanese sentence structure, the verb is unknown in this sentence because he cuts off. The intended verb is probably "create".

{\i1}Kanchou{\i0} ! The {\i1}yatsu{\i0} with a mane!

Note: Kanchou is Japanese for Captain of a Warship. It can also mean sticking your finger up someone's butt.


The likes of {\i1}hanseifuseiryoku{\i0} Katharon is not our {\i1}teki{\i0} !

Note: Hanseifuseiryoku means Anti-Government Power.

That's right.

Once the world is governed under A-LAWS,

permanent peace can be accomplished!


N-No way!

G-Gundam{\i1}-tachi{\i0} ?!

Note: The Yatate team combined the English word "g*n" with the last syllable of the word "freedom" to form the name Gundom. Tomino then changed it to the current title, suggesting that Gundam signified a powerful unit wielding a g*n powerful enough to hold back enemies, like a hydroelectric dam holding back floods.

{\i1}Tentaiseibutsu{\i0} !

Note: Tentaiseibutsu is Japanese for Celestial Being. Since they used English in the Japanese version, we subbed it in Japanese.

The {\i1}shisetsubusoushiki{\i0} carrying out the extermination of conflict?

Note: Shisetsubusoushiki means private armed organization.

However! It's not {\i1}kisama-ra{\i0} 's {\i1}deban{\i0} !

Note: Generally, deban means that it's your turn. Like, "It's my turn [deban] to perform". It can also be your moment to shine. Due to its complexity, we have left it in Japanese.

The world is governed under us, A-LAWS!

It's not possible for me to move!

Peace gathered by overpowering the outnumbered and et cetera.

Is that humanity's desirable world?!




Gundams are coming!

{\i1}Tentaiseibutsu-me{\i0} !

What is {\i1}kisama-ra{\i0} 's reason for fighting?!

The federal government who were
{\i1}kisama-ra{\i0} 's puppets have been dismantled.

The new administration has already started moving.


The motive of creating a new world is why {\i1}ore-tachi{\i0} fight!

Right... That is...

{\i1}Ten{\c&H78B479&}tai{\c&HDFAECC&}sei{\c&H65A7F8&}butsu{\i0} !

{\move[640,785,640,685]\be1\fad[500,0]\c&H2E3A90&}Raiser Sword!

{\be1\fad[0,300]}{\kf60}Rai{\kf41}ser{\kf47} {\kf121}Swor{\kf49}d!

{\fad[500,0]\be1\blur3}Earth Federation HRL Asia Tower District

Wasn't that movie based on a true story?

That's what I heard.

It's just propaganda for
the new administration.

You're crazy, man.

Oh come on, think about it–

That was pretty awesome!

It was really embellished...

It's a movie! What did you expect?

Reality isn't that pretty.

w*r is much more terrifying...

What are you talking about?

It's not like you were there.

Well act–



Seki called!

Sorry, I've gotta run.

No problem.

I wasn't in it...

Two years just flew by...

Private armed organization Celestial Being.

Their armed interventions changed the world.

Slowly but surely, we're heading
toward "a world without w*r".


Celestial Being's armed
interventions were nothing

compared to the atrocities committed by the
Autonomous Peace-Keeping Force, A-LAWS.

Their actions planted a fear of m*llitary
strength in the minds of the people.

The peace we have now

is a temporary peace born from that fear...

Earth Federation Hospital

That's why we can't forget.

If we ever want to see
where the world is headed

and obtain real peace...

Oh, Saji...

Your condition has been pretty stable lately.

I don't have seizures anymore

and they say I can get
discharged any time now...

No need to rush, Louise.

We have all the time in the world.

Celestial Being hasn't
appeared for two years...


I wonder what you're doing now...

Lagrange 3 Colony SOE Colony Under Construction

What do you mean we can't
inspect it in person?!

Representative Bakhtiar.

The colony is still in the beginning stages
of development so it's still quite dangerous.

We couldn't risk anything happening
to the Middle Eastern representatives.

Most of the construction workers are people
who were forced to emigrate to the colonies

under the previous administration's
Middle Eastern policies.

Surely there are those among them who
wish to return to their homelands!

We, the Colony SOE,

provide our workers with conditions which
are in compliance with government regulations.

Furthermore, since the pay is rather handsome,
I cannot imagine that anyone would want to quit.

Then even if we inspect––

As I said, it is too dangerous.

You may inspect the resource
satellite area if you wish.

I understand your situation.

Princess Marina!

Would it be possible to meet with
the workers and their families?

We would like to try speaking
with them directly.

You want to speak with them?


We'll schedule a visit to
the workers' quarters then.

I appreciate it.

See you at the post-inspection meeting.

I don't give a sh*t if they have
the government backing them...

Is everything alright?

I don't know anything about policy changes,

but we can't lose our labor force.

But hey, this is space.

Even trivial things can be fatal here.

Aren't we straying off the inspection route?

As you requested, we are heading
toward the workers' quarters.

Do you think residential quarters were put
on this resource satellite intentionally?

I am not at liberty to comment.

What do you think of this
colony's development?

The labor conditions are up to
government standards, but...

You'd rather not comment?

Of course, I want the Middle
Eastern citizens to be happy.

But I want you to be happy, too.

As long as my family is happy,

I'm happy.

This is the captain speaking.

Unidentified mobile suits are approaching.

It's probably nothing, but please
fasten your seat belts just in case.

They're not the Colony SEO's mobile suits?


They're coming!

What the hell?

A Flag!


It has particles in it...

But he can't see me either!

There he is!

I'll leave him to you!


T-They're locked on to us?!

I have control.

They dodged!?

What are you...!

I can't believe you'd––

Is this...

Is this how you intend to
make your family happy?

Get the g*n!

Stop struggling, scumbag!

The ambush failed so you
tried to assassinate her?

The Colony SEO is pretty reckless.

Who are you?

I can't give my name.

See ya!


Gene 1...

Celestial... Being...?

Don't you wanna say hi?

I don't feel the need to.

Okay then.

Damn is he dense.

Innovator my ass.

I know you have your reasons.

That's precisely why we need to
understand each other better.

I want to do what's best for both of us.

I don't want to argue with
you; I want to talk to you.

I want us to understand each other...

Despite what just happened,

I can't believe that Celestial
Being has mobilized again...

They're still fighting for the world.

Ptolemaios 2 Hangar 1

Good job!

You read my mind.

You've grown up to be a fine young lady.

How'd the mission go?

We managed to prevent it thanks
to Veda's intelligence.

I'll report to Sumeragi.

Um... This is for...

You could smack him in the face with
that and he still wouldn't get it.

You've done well.

Now the government can aid the colonies.

The new administration is only two years old.

We can only take care of small problems.

If you bring out the Gundams, it'll
hinder the rest of the world.

Mileina, the government is
pursuing peaceful policies now.

The Gundams would just cause trouble.

That's right.

I think we're better off
if we keep a low profile.

Until the time is right, that is.

It's Veda's regular report.

The Federation Army has begun removal of a
probe that entered Earth's celestial sphere.

Removal of a probe?

Can you find out where it came from?


It came from Jupiter.

Is there any detailed data on it?

I'll try to find out.

Is something bothering you?

I'll tell you when I know what it is.


Mr. Seiei has been really indifferent lately.

Setsuna's become an Innovator,

the new type of human Aeolia
Schenberg speculated about.

He's probably sensing something
we can't even begin to understand.

Is that it?

It's the deep space ship
Celestial Being developed.

Going into deep space...

Celestial Being's founder, Aeolia Schenberg

Deep Space Ship Celestial Being

came up with that plan just before
the dawn of the third century...

We've received a report from the patrol ship

investigating the probe that
entered Earth's celestial sphere.

Registration number 9374.

Name: Europa.

It appears to be a ship that was
sent to Jupiter over 130 years ago.

What's it like inside?

No life signs.

Notify the patrol ship.

Launch particle missiles
according to plan D34.

Change the probe's orbit.


I'll leave the rest to you.



I'm a Brigadier General.

How many years will it take
to get that through your head!

S... Sorry.

It's fine. Come with me.

You should study more.


We're honored that the Brigadier General
has graced us with her presence.

Can you give me a status
report on the facility?

Of course.

At any rate, it's a bit complicated due to
how many peculiar elements the system has.

Furthermore, due to its massive size,

we currently have roughly


What's that?

Quantum Computing System Veda

It's the Quantum Computing System, "Veda."

Wow... Wha-!?


They have the same face!

Those are Veda's living terminals, Innovades.


Veda accumulates information about
the world through the Innovades.

It manages and controls them.

The private armed
organization Celestial Being

was only able to carry out its
armed interventions seven years ago

because Veda was backing them up.

Now we too are reaping the
benefits of this system.

We will be entering the target's
m*ssile range shortly.

When we reach the target,

begin f*ring missiles according to plan D34.

Here it is.

Transmission from the patrol ship:

They have arrived at the target

and are ready to fire missiles.

So it's you?

The one who Veda confirmed
as a genuine Innovator...

Why don't you say something!

Greet the Colonel!

Brigadier General.


Captain Descartes Shaman.

They say I'm an Innovator.

You're pretty full of yourself.

I hate being used as a lab rat.

So what's an Innovator?

You don't even know that?

I'm pretty bad at reading those reports...

In simple terms, an Innovator
is an evolved human.

Situational awareness, spatial awareness,
increased quantum brainwaves,

and an increase in body
strength via cellular changes.

Theoretically, they can live twice
as long as a regular person.


in a GN particle field, they can communicate
telepathically through quantum brainwaves.

I don't really get it.

Do you think the appearance of the
Innovators was part of Aeolia's plan?

Personally, I believe that is the case.


GN missiles all en route to target.


Confirm the probe ship's
orbital adjustment...

It won't work.

How would you know!

I don't have a particular reason.

I just have a feeling.


Based on the orbital adjustment of the probe
ship, not even half of the missiles hit!


It has suddenly changed course toward Earth.

There should have been more than enough
particle missiles to take care of it!

What is it doing?

I'm heading out.

You are?

You want to see what an
Innovator can do, don't you?

Of course, I'll be taking the
new unit just like you hoped.

You assh*le, did you read my mind?

Well, I am a lab rat.


It's our next generation machine
built using Innovade technology.

It's about five times as powerful
as the average mobile suit.

Well, it'll probably be even
more powerful than that

with Captain Shaman piloting...

Quantum brainwave control system, check.

Gadeleza, Descartes Shaman, launching.

Third wave of particle
missiles en route to target!

It's suddenly changed course toward Earth!

What's the status of the
mobile suit squadron!?

They're chasing it, but...

The ship is too big!

Don't give up!


We don't have enough power! We've wasted
our particles going in circles...

A friendly unit?

Quantum brainwaves synchronized.

Launching GN Fangs.

All of my hate...


What power...


The power of an Innovator's unit...

The probe has been divided into fragments

which should all burn up in the atmosphere.

Is this satisfactory?

Now I understand.

This is why the m*llitary had such
high hopes for Captain Shaman.

In that case, please treat the
Captain more like a Captain.


Union Territory Earth Federation Government Headquarters

It's about the inspection of Lagrange 3.

According to Representative Bakhtiar,
the Colony SOE interfered with them.

We should send a m*llitary escort.

No, using m*llitary force is what the
previous administration would have done.

We'll issue an official request to the
Colony SOE asking them to explain their actions.

Isn't that going easy on them?

Pacifism is a fine policy, but they'll take
advantage if we make too many concessions...

Patience is the key to a pacifist policy.

Rushing into things will
only worsen the problem.

Just like when Celestial Being was around.

The m*llitary has succeeded in eliminating
the probe that was heading toward Earth.

A number of fragments appear
to have fallen to Earth.

And according to the report,

this was all thanks to the efforts
of Captain Descartes Shaman...

Captain Shaman....

He's the first recognized
Innovator, isn't he?

The research team has
demonstrated their intent

to send the Captain into real
combat to collect more data.

There is a notable increase in the
number of potential Innovators.

They want to hurry up and
establish a model case.

Problems between humans and
Innovators will likely come up

as the Innovator population increases

and normal humans become more
aware of Innovator abilities.

We need to hurry and develop an
infrastructure to deal with them.

Union Territory Earth Federation m*llitary Research Base

The test flights are going well.

All that's left is to roll it out next month.


The fragments of the
probe that fell to Earth?

Yeah, I thought it was strange that
they didn't all burn up, but...

Union Territory Earth Federation m*llitary Orbital Elevator Base

Why are you asking about that?

My ears caught wind of an investigation
decree from Brigadier General Maniquen.

You've got good ears.

It's been handed off to the
m*llitary research institute.

I'll tell you if I hear anything.

A friend on whom I can depend.

HRL Asia Territory Desert

Did a fragment of the probe really fall here?

I really saw a light.

The government claims that they all
b*rned up in the atmosphere though.

Over there! Over there!

A m*llitary investigation team?

So a fragment of the probe did fall here.

What a scoop!


What's that?

What's going on?

AEU Territory Moscow City District

Someone call an ambulance!

Are you alright?

Y... Yeah....

AEU Territory The Canary Islands

AEU Territory Germany

HRL Orbital Elevator


Louise is what!?

Um, I'm sorry, something
urgent has come up...


I'm really sorry!

Please calm down!

It's okay.

I'm scared...

It's alright!

I'm scared...

It's coming!

See ya!


HRL Federation m*llitary Space Research HQ

So there's nothing special
about it after all.

Doctor Mina.

We'd like your opinion as an astrophysicist.

Why did this fragment fail
to burn up in the atmosphere

and fall to Earth?

Probably because of how
massive the probe was.


It's probably the same reason why the
probe's orbit didn't change sufficiently

even though it was hit
with particle missiles.

In other words,

the probe was more massive, no,
heavier than we had thought...



You came to see me!

Oh I'm so happy!

You're always cutting me off, Mina.

We've analyzed the fragment.

We detected traces of radiation,

but there are no characteristics of
it in the composition or structure.

That's an intriguing result.

But you know, Billy,

we've found less than half of the
fragments that fell to Earth.

We should start to consider that someone
may have made off with the rest.

Actually, the m*llitary retrieval
team sustained some damage...

Outside of that, I can only
think of two possibilities.

The fragments have vanished spontaneously,

or they're moving under their own power...

Moving under their own power?

What a stupid, unscientific idea...

You're so smart, Billy.

Take a look at this.

These are points where fragments landed.

And these

are spots where strange incidents have
been reported after the fragments landed.

They're so close...

If we assume that the fragments
are moving, where are they headed?

I have a hypothesis.

Won't you help me prove it, Billy?

What are you planning?

I need some top secret info
from the Federation government.

The database of citizens with high quantum
brainwaves who might become Innovators.

You're going to Earth?

Do you really believe the information

about the fragments that fell to Earth
attacking people with high quantum brainwaves?

It's information straight from Veda.

If it's true, our comrades
will be in danger too.

Mileina, please contact Allelujah.


I'll use a small shuttle.

I get it. I'll go with you, Setsuna.

I can't reach him.

We should hurry.


We quit receiving power from the solar reception base.

HRL Mongolia Region

Does it bother you that much, Marie?


I kinda feel uneasy.

I'm sorry.

It was selfish of me to
ask you to come with me.

It's fine.

Making an occasional stop
or two isn't a big deal.

The electrical transformer is gone.


Excuse me!

This is...

This way.

Ms. Halevy's PTSD,

post traumatic stress disorder,
was starting to get better,

but her symptoms have resurfaced
these last few days.

Do you have any idea what
could be causing it?

I'm sorry, I don't...


No... don't come near me....

Louise, it's okay!


No way...

The power?


W... Who the hell are you!?


Don't come near me....

No don't come near me!

Don't come!

What happened...

Are you alright?

No! Don't come!

Saji! Saji!





That was just a warning.

I'll hit next time.

Ri-Ribbons Almark.

They're targeting Marie!

Hey Captain Obvious, Marie's quantum
brainwaves are attracting them.


Why are you back?!

I don't have time for chit-chat!

I'm borrowing your body, dude!



My quantum brainwaves got their attention!

What was that just now?

Heh, come and get me if you can.


A Gundam?

Sorry! Vacation's over.

Ribbons Almark...

Why are you...

Are you alright?

What's going on, Setsuna?

I don't know either...


Vice Admiral Kim.

We left the Federation
Assembly as fast as possible.

I'm the presidential
special envoy, Klaus Grad.

So what's the situation?

Please take a look...


What happened?

To be blunt, the specimen–

Rather, this girl had half of
her body turned into metal.


An Extraterrestrial
Living-Metal Shapeshifter...

We've been calling this
otherworldly organism the ELS.

Currently, these ELS have suspended activity,

but we have no idea about
it's organic structure.


there are indications that ELS are attracted
to humans emitting quantum brainwaves.

In other words, those who have the
potential to become Innovators

are being targeted.

Representative Grad,

we should shelter them in quantum
brainwave isolation facilities.

Please suggest this to
the Federation assembly.


I'll make the arrangements.

So the fragments of the Jupiter probe that
fell to Earth are the cause after all?

That's probably what's going on.

This is serious.

We, humans, have made contact
with an unknown organism.

But we don't know anything about them.

If it fuses to another body and
speeds up its reproduction rate...

We've established a crisis office and
summoned scientists from all over the world.

We've started analyzing the
various metal bodies with Veda.

Is there any danger of a leak?

The network is under Veda's
information control

and we've asked the mass media to cooperate.

Everyone involved with the incident
is in communication with the m*llitary,

so the possibility of a leak is minimal...

Everyone is communicating with us.

Please put forth your best effort.

Mr. Haptism! Ms. Peries!

It's been a while!

You've changed a lot since
we last saw you, Mileina.

That hairstyle looks perfect on you.

I'm turning into a woman.

You too, Feldt.

Are you okay, Setsuna?



What about Crossroad and his girlfriend?

They're in a quantum brainwave isolation
shelter under Federation orders.

The new administration has done well.

They have good judgment.

Anyway, what about that
thing I asked you about?

Oh, that.

Why don't we catch our breath first?


Alright then, let's meet in
the briefing room at 0012.


Hey Allelujah, Marie. You should rest too.

We left your room the way it was.


Marie, let's go.


I'll take you there.

Later, Feldt.


Setsuna, what happened?

Oh, it's nothing...

Did you sense something?

Yeah, but I can't put it into words...

You're worried about Setsuna, aren't you?

He seems afraid of something.

Ever since Setsuna became an Innovator,

he went back to being his old self.

He won't open up to anyone.
Just like when I first met him.

He's just confused by how he's changed.

Even with that ability...

He's painfully aware of how
different he is from us.

Is there anything I can do for him?

Think about him.

Think about him?

That's it.

That's what you need to do
to understand each other.

If you have a misunderstanding
and quit thinking about him,

your feelings will never reach him.

Strong emotions are what connect people.

If you truly want to understand each other,

don't stop thinking about him.


What the hell was that.

Deep in thought again?

Why don't you knock before entering?

According to this report,

if a strange metal body
collided with the probe,

the same thing might happen.

Coincidences like that just don't happen.

If that happened, it'd mean
Earth was being targeted

by evil space aliens.

When I'm with you, even
serious things sound stupid.

What is it?


Part of this facility has
started to operate on it's own.


An unidentified hatch has opened
on the satellite side...

Show me a picture!



The Ribbons Almark Setsuna saw,

or rather that human figure,

was a crew member of the manned Jupiter
probe that left Earth about 130 years ago.



The manned Jupiter mission was a
cover for GN Drive development.

It's really not that strange for
Ribbons-type Innovades to have been on-board.

The metal organism got into it and...


That's probably what happened.

According to Veda's information,

the same sort of damage has
been occurring on Earth.

What are the aliens trying to do?

I have no idea.

We don't even know if they're sentient.

The E-sensor has picked something up!

Something is approaching the ship!

It's on the long range optical camera!


Is it a Federation ship?


Mileina, compare it with known silhouettes.


It most closely resembles
registration number 9374.

The manned Jupiter probe...

It's the Europa!


How can a destroyed ship be out there?

We'll take the Gundams out!

Ptolemy, opening hatches one, two and three.

Linear catapult, charging!

Turning over launch timing to Mr. Stratos.


Zabaniya Gundam, Lockon
Stratos, locked and loaded!

Sorry, Marie.

It's alright.

If what we were talking about earlier
is true, the aliens were targeting me.

I don't want to cause the crew trouble.


Launch preparations complete.


Harute Gundam, Allelujah Haptism and
Soma Peries, heading out to att*ck.

Setsuna, I think you
understand, but just in case,

the 00 Raiser is a backup machine equipped
with a particle t*nk instead of a solar furnace.

Don't over do it.


Is that it?


They multiplied! Multiplied!

They'll have to go through me before they
can do whatever it is they're planning!

So it is the aliens!

They were targeting Marie!


The missiles changed?!


What the hell are you doing?!

Enemies approaching! Approaching!


The 00 is exiting the b*ttlefield.

What is he doing!?


This is... the same sensation...

What the hell!?




Ms. Noriega, that machine is––

I know. He came to help us.

Attention all Gundams.

Head toward Earth and concentrate
on destroying the fragments.



What was that...


But how?

Since I'm an Innovade,

I can just download my consciousness
into a living terminal.

But we don't have time to enjoy our reunion.


Why didn't you sh**t at the ELS?


That's what the Federation
is calling the aliens.

Setsuna, tell us why you
didn't sh**t at the ELS.

I don't know.

You don't know?

So it was probably your Innovator instincts.

Even with access to Veda's information, I
can't figure out what the ELS' objective is.

But you sensed something from them.

It's an unconscious response.

In other words, the ELS is sentient.

HRL Orbital Elevator Linear Train

So the ELS came to Earth again...

Celestial Being probably fought the ELS.

That's what the government
announced publicly.


Thinking about an old girlfriend?

N-No, I'd never!

Anyway... Anyway, what do you think?

Are the ELS intelligent...
er, are they sentient?

I think so.

What's your reasoning?

The peculiar radio waves coming from Jupiter.

Do you know about the so
called "Jupiter Radio Waves"?

Yeah, of course.

They've changed lately.

It's only a small portion, but some
of them resemble quantum brainwaves.

Quantum brainwaves...

They couldn't be sending a message
from Jupiter, could they?

Who knows...

I don't know anything beyond that, but...

The arrival of the alien ELS....

I wonder if this is what Grandpa Aeolia
meant by the "dialogues to come"?

The "dialogues to come" in the plan had to
do with humanity stepping out into space.

He might've been thinking about it centuries
ago, but that's definitely what's happening now.

No way. Humanity isn't
remotely prepared for this.

But it really is happening.

We have to fight.

I agree.

Right now, we're being att*cked.

That's so inconsiderate.


This is probably happening because
the ELS don't understand us.

What do you think, Setsuna?

What do you think... Setsuna?

I don't know.

I really don't know.


He senses something.

I know.

What's the status of the

Ian and the others are
working as fast as they can.

The machine Setsuna hoped
for might be our Tr*mp card.

There's no way he could
communicate with the ELS...

Haven't you considered it?

It's too dependent on Setsuna.

Federation m*llitary Celestial Being Command Room

So you're here.

It's been quite a while.

Pleased to meet you.

You'll be researching the ELS
here with the other scientists.

I'm honored to have the chance to
get such a close look at the ELS,

and to try to stop the
incidents on the surface.

You called, Brigadier General Manequin?


This is Captain Descartes Shaman.


Did you read the material we sent ahead,

Mister Innovator?

An analysis of the change in
the Jupiter Radio Waves...

You're asking a bit much of a mere soldier.

I'm not quite that widely skilled.

We're painfully lacking in
information about the ELS.

We'd like you to lend us a hand for a bit.

Then I'll answer you.

That's a "cry".

A cry?

Who are they calling?

Isn't it your job to figure that out?

Now if you'll excuse me.

Those inferior creatures...



What is it?



W-What is it?

What is this feeling!?


Honey, come here!

What is it?

What are they...

Io and Ganymede have been destroyed!

A localized gravitational field has
appeared near Jupiter's red spot.

The ring is collapsing!

They're being pulled in one after the other.

A 60,000km radius cloud is in
the center of the red spot!

The orbital elevator's astronomical
observatory is reporting the same.

I don't believe it.

A giant hole has appeared in Jupiter.

T...This is...

The ELS squadron is...

What is it...

Man, this has to be a joke.

It's the ELS!

Tell me how long it'll take
for the ELS to reach Earth!



It'll take them 95 days to reach Earth!

Just three months...

That's all the time we have
for the "dialogues to come"...

Let's go!


We can't do anything if
we just stand around here.


Mysterious aliens known as the ELS have appeared
from an abnormality in Jupiter's massive red spot.

They're moving toward the inner solar system.

However, there is little chance that the
route they're on will take them to Earth.

Citizens, please be wary of speculation
and rumors and act with caution...

So there's no chance they're
headed toward Earth?

I don't know.

But if they are, then they'd be here in about

They're coming!

Saji, I'm scared!

It's alright, Louise...

It's alright.

Time is of the essence.

During these three months, the entire world
will be kept notified by the Federation government.

Aliens from Jupiter are coming
to att*ck? You're delusional!

Union Territory Federation Great Assembly

It's not an alien invasion.
It's just a bunch of metal.

Don't fuss over details!

That manned probe might've
been a scout for the ELS!


There's no guarantee
we're not being targeted!

But the things coming from Jupiter aren't
even headed toward Earth right now!

Oh sure, but can't they change course?

Can metal do that?

Didn't that manned probe fall to Earth?

It doesn't matter whether they come or not.

We need to figure out what measures
we're taking with the citizens!

We should send reinforcements to intercept!

If we can't even protect the
citizens, what's the point?!

Do you intend to undermine the pacifist
ideology this administration came to power on?!

No matter what course of action we take,
the citizens will still be terrified.

We can roll out the next generation
of mobile suits though.

Just when we finished negotiating to
allow the citizens to come home...


Shirin, how's the assembly?

I tried to get in contact with Klaus, but
it's more complicated than I'd expected.

On the bright side, maybe that means
they'll understand each other.

I can't believe that aliens
from Jupiter are after Earth...

We should do what we can.


Supplying the shelters with
food, controlling panic.

I have high hopes for your leadership
abilities, Princess Marina.

Union Territory Federation Emergency Planning Office

Under the pacifist policy, the
army has been largely disarmed...


how does our m*llitary
strength compare to the ELS?

Frankly speaking,

since the scale of the ELS's abilities and
their bizarre numbers are unknown, I couldn't say...

If I were to give my opinion, we
should pray that they pass us over.

That's pretty desperate.

Since the ELS seem to be attracted
to quantum brainwaves,

it's probably headed for the particle
computational system, Veda.

How is the probe we sent ahead?

It should reach Mars in 16 days

and encounter the ELS then.

If the target turns out to be sentient, we
should try to figure out its intentions.

Captain Descartes has been
transferred to the fleet.

The Innovator?

Aren't the ELS attracted
to quantum brainwaves?

That's exactly why.

If the Captain's strong quantum
brainwaves catch it's attention,

it might make the ELS change course.

Won't you be criticized for
doing something so inhuman?

We have an obligation to
protect six billion lives!

The Captain is a soldier.

He should be happy to fulfill his duty if it
means protecting a great number of citizens.

Exiting Trans-Am.

Space Sector near Mars

We'll be accompanying the forces stationed near Mars

with two spacecrafts.


While we rendezvous with the fleet,
prepare for mobilization against ELS.

Yes sir!

Vice Admiral, may I ask you something?

What is it? Go ahead.

Why did you volunteer for
such a dangerous operation?

Have you heard of the Wild Bear of Russia?

You mean Colonel Sergei Smirnov?

That's right. I used to know him well.

He wasn't just a mere soldier.

He was also a man who thought about how the
army should operate and about the future of mankind.

I've spent my life obsessing over my career.

I wanted to try following his example

in the event that mankind
comes to face a great crisis.

The Gadelaza and GN-Xs have all launched.

All troops, test for contact with the ELS.

If the targets react--

Switching over to plan 31.

We aren't making any progress
by the looks of it.

I'll find out what the
ELS's real intention is!

Gadelaza has taken off.

It doesn't matter. This way we'll find
out about the enemy's real intentions.

They're on the move.

I'll deal with you!

Some mystery you are!

I can feel you inside my head!

Nothing but shouting!

The federation army has
encountered the ELS near Mars.

They have taken battle positions.

A mobile suit... was assimilated?!

In light of the current situation, I
conclude that the ELS are threatening mankind.

Enemy approaching!

Counter att*ck!

They're assimilating the missiles too!

ELS on the port side!

They keep coming!


What is it?!

The ship's structure is... transforming!


Are the ELS doing it?!

The contamination has spread
too far to stop already.

All hands to the escape pods!

A big one's coming!


Is this reality?

The mother ship was assimilated?!

I'm not gonna die here.

I'll get you all in one go!

This doesn't count as friendly
fire. It's too late for them...

Damn you!

The federation fleet has been...

Wh-What is that...

What have they done?

We can think about that later.

They're coming!

Can you hear me?!

Run! Get away from here!

A federation pilot...

All units, quit attacking!


I'll use the Raiser System to create a
telepathic field with high-density GN Particles.

You're using Trans-Am with that machine?!


Raiser System activated.
Raiser System activated.

Is he trying to communicate with the ELS?

What are you?!

Why have you come here?!

Answer me!!

Please tell me what your goal is!

The ELS are eating into the 00 Raiser!

Retrieve Setsuna quickly
and retreat to point Y32!


There's too many of them!

If this keeps up...

The 00 has used almost all of its particles!


I can use quantum brainwaves too!


Take care of Setsuna!


For the sake of the dialogues,
don't let them get Setsuna!

We've retrieved Setsuna.

Returning to Ptolemy via Trans-Am.

Trans... Am...

Damn it!




Attention! Behind you! Attention! Behind you!

New ones?!

Shield Bits launched! Launched!

Soul Braves squadron! Fan out
while making standing maneuvers!

We're retaliating!

All units, full blast!

The Gundams have withdrawn?

All units!

Avoid physical contact with
the target while fighting!


Major! Look at the ELS!

What are they doing?!

We'll use particle disruption while
we evacuate from our current location.

Celestial Being?

Meet with us at DFT223.

Mr. Seiei has entered the
medical treatment box.

Lasse, fire the particle disruption missiles.

Retreat from the current area while
taking in all the mobile suits.



We're grateful for your cooperation
with the particle supply.

It's a thank you gift.

Unfortunately, even though you got here
quickly, your allies were annihilated...


Geez, why were you so reckless?

To me, the body is nothing
but a mere container.

Besides, I didn't have any
other choice at the time.

What's Setsuna's condition?

When he tried to share his
consciousness with the ELS,

he took in an enormous amount of information
from them. That burst damaged his brain cells.

I've tried to give him treatment
to regenerate the tissue,

but it's possible he'll never regain his
memories or even full consciousness.

Oh no...


Setsuna's quantum brainwaves
are beyond our imagination.

He's a true Innovator. It's
possible he'll wake up.

I'm sure of that...

People keep scrambling for a
road to mutual understanding.

Even if the ELS weren't involved, we'd be
looking for a way to unlock the future.

I wonder if that's your battle, young lad?

Who are you?

Just a man who, in his folly, repeatedly
tried to surpass the Gundams.

But I was indeed wrong to
have thought like that.

For the one who I needed
to surpass was this boy.

But I didn't make it in
time to help our troops

and I couldn't even save him.

It's me.

Sir, we've been informed that new
ELS are appearing from Jupiter.

We'll return to our mother
ship after we've resupplied!

The new large celestial body that appeared
from Jupiter is 3,000km in diameter.

It's on about the same scale as the moon.

It's probably headed toward Earth.

Prepare counter-measures ASAP.

The object that appeared from Jupiter today

has been identified as a large ELS.

It's size is roughly the same as the moon.

Due to its size, there is concern that it will affect other
planets in the solar system, especially Mars and Earth.

Citizens, please stand by
for further instructions...


There's a notice from the chief
of staff on the private line.


We've come to an agreement as to how to
protect the citizens and deal with the media.

The public shelters will open in 12 hours.

Thank you.

But can we really deal
with something that big?

This is really happening.

We have no choice but to deal with it.

We have to protect the people and our planet.

Kingdom of Azadistan


Shirin, has the government made a decision?

Parliament is still talking about it.

And the army seems to have gotten busy too.

It's probably...

A battle.

Union Territory Federation Government Crisis Room

We'll put all of our forces out there

and create an absolute line of defense.

We'll stop the ELS from thrusting
into Earth's celestial sphere.

The front line will consist of
the first through third fleets.

For the mid line, all of fleets
five through nine will be deployed.

The remaining squads will form a rear
line in front of the headquarters.

The tactical commander is Brigadier
General Kati Mannequin.

The fleets are already en route
according to this plan.

We will finish outfitting the deep space
ship the Brigadier General already inspected

since it's being used as the front
line headquarters in this operation.

All able ships should have completed
forming the absolute defense line by 8765.

We're throwing everything we've got at them.

What if the ELS change course and
avoids the absolute defense line?

Earth will take catastrophic damage.

Guess the only thing we
can do is pray to God...

This isn't something we can leave to God.

This is something we have to do.

We have to survive and unlock the future.

Even if it means that some
will be hurt in the process.


the federal government has
quickly begun to take measures

due to the large ELS headed toward Earth.

You need not be worried about
danger reaching the surface,

but please do take refuge in the
shelters so we can avoid any accidents.

In the case of disorder, please
remain calm and help each other.


If this keeps up, there won't
be enough room in the shelters.

There are people with no place
to go to on the plaza...

This may lead to revolts.

Please open the royal
palace. Take the people in.

Princess, you should evacuate...


I will make sure that the people are safe.

So the government really has
chosen the path of battle.


But I support the president's decision.

It's something mankind must endure
before we can have the peace we desire.

Survival comes first

as does existence...

And for that sake, I'll arm myself.

Come on! Come on!

There is no reason for panic. Please
continue in an orderly fashion.

The federal government is
recruiting technical experts

HRL Tower Lower Orbital Ring
Quantum Brainwave Quarantine Facility

to help protect the orbital lift.

Volunteers require a class


You're going, right?

So I can protect both this world and you.

Be careful.

I will.

There isn't much for us to do after
the strategic meeting, is there?

Based on the behavior of the ELS,

I'm guessing they assimilate different beings

in an attempt to absorb their
knowledge and intentions.

For the hive mind to work
over such a large body,

they need quantum brainwaves.

That's why they are drawn to those
who carry Innovator potential.


Is now really the time...?

It's because of what's happening now
that I want us to understand each other.

Maybe contact with them will change us.

It'll change the future.

And change your feelings.

Please be gentle...

Roger that.

Particle count zero. Boosters detached.

We'll arrive to the
rendezvous point very soon.

The ELS are 40,000,000km away from Earth!

Seven more days or so...

Isn't there any way to
strike at them, Sumeragi?


There is.

But for that we need
Setsuna to recover and...

They're here!

Is that...

A new Gundam?

GNT-0000, 00-Qan[T].

Seems like it's a suit exclusively
for Innovators, or rather Setsuna.

They said the rate of the high-density particle
field used for shared consciousness has been raised.


Setsuna has brain damage?!

That can't be... We even brought the Qan[T].

That's all right. We'll need this suit.

I believe Setsuna will recover.

Please make the final
adjustments to the Qan[T].

I would like to make a request.


Mr. Erde!


I would like you to equip the
Qan[T] with a small Veda terminal.


So I can use Veda to manage the
information flow the ELS are sending.


GN drives, Veda, Innovators.

Aeolia Schenberg sought for those three things
because he expected contact to take place in the near future.


I get it! We'll give it our all!

Setsuna's recovery as well!

Notice to all crew members from Sumeragi.

We'll go make contact with the ELS using
Trans-Am for maximum acceleration.

Everyone, this is Celestial Being's...


This is our last remaining mission.

A few days later

Absolute Line of Defense

Distance to large ELS, 1000 and closing in.

of the long distance missiles.

It looks like we've won the
gamble we made earlier.

It begins now.

All ships! As soon as the target is within
f*ring range, take decisive action!

Use particle missiles to avoid contact
with the ELS. Set proximity fuses.

It doesn't matter if they get assimilated.

I'll be going, Captain.

How many times have I told you
to call me Brigadier General?

Don't die.

Roger that!

All wings have completed f*ring
preparations for long range missiles.


All ships, begin the first
wave of m*ssile att*cks!

Launching missiles!

Range to target: 370!

Enable the expl*si*n
system once they hit 300!

Operation confirmed! All rounds opening fire!

All rounds hit the targets!

The ELS are still alive!

Some sort of shield deployment pattern!

That can't be!

They understand our GN Fields...

Prepare to fire the large particle g*n!

Commence close-combat mobile suit att*ck!

All mobile suits, prepare for departure!

Every unit should deploy a field
to avoid being taken in by the ELS.

This is like 1 against 1000. We
couldn't be in a crappier situation.

But I'll show you how I protect

what my parents held dear.

I have an announcement to the
elites of the Sol Braves!

From here, we'll proceed
on to the b*ttlefield.

This is the real thing. You'll
put your life on the line!

But I'm ordering you all...

Don't die!

Yes, sir!

Large particle g*n, 70% charged.

Commence fire!

Commencing fire!

All ships! att*ck with particle
g*ns while the mobile suits att*ck!

Switch to a search-and-destroy operation!

Trying to deceive me, huh?!

I'm going to come back alive!

Back to the Colonel!


That's a...

The ELS are transforming into mobile suits!

Are they fusing with information from us?!

If they're doing that,
then our weapons too...



Stay focused!

So the opponent is a Gundam type!


I told you not to die!

Commander! Point 336!


Even a cruiser?!

Lost contact with two cruisers!

Back to formation! How long until recharging?

Output at 55% but we can fire!

Dampen their spirit!

Fire the particle g*n toward point 24!

It distorted the beam!

It's learning!

Wing 3 has been breeched!

Support them!

You won't get away!


The particle beam was...?!

Let's join the defensive action
against the ELS invasion.


Who cares what the reason is?!

Let's just k*ll 'em!

Setsuna ain't here but I'm locked
and loaded and ready to go!

Locked and loaded! Locked and loaded!

r*fle Bits expanded! Expanded!

It's Celestial Being!

Zabanya and Harute are joining the battle.

Ptolemy, commence att*ck.

Yes ma'am!

Ian, how are the adjustments going?

Almost there!


Their numbers are overwhelming!

As if we'll give up!

You bastards!

The ELS are breaking through
the fleet one by one!

If this keeps up...

ELS have broken through wing 7!

Mobile suit troops are in in pursuit!

What are our losses?

They did this in such a short time...

What was that?!

The big g*n turret has been
contaminated by the ELS!

Destroy the contaminated section!
Keep it from spreading!

Our treasured weapons...

The ELS have broken through
the absolute line of defense!

Whenever someone takes a breath,

Oh no you don't!

the clear water dirties

Being in this forest makes me nervous

Nothing scares me anymore, nothing

Even if the yellowed leaves

fall from the trees and scatter on the ground

I'm a soldier of the federation
army who protects the people!

Nothing scares me anymore, nothing

I say "I'm alive" and just like that,

I've grasped an unquestionable seed

I no longer need things like common sense

to get through this unpredictable sea

or any overly vague seriousness{haro say to leave literal}

Damn you!

Nothing scares me

Cruiser class ELS approaching from point 13!

Nothing scares me right now, nothing



What are you doing?

I'm so easily satisfied

Everyone is still frantically living.

In order to change the world.

Didn't I tell you, Setsuna?

You'll change.

I wasn't able to, so you
have to do it in my place.


That's right. You're still alive!


Has Setsuna woken up?


I'm sorry I made you worry.


I'm taking the 00-Qan[T] out.

Please do.

Data transfer of Mr. Erde's consciousness

to Qan[T]'s terminal unit has been completed.

Thank you, Mileina.

Mr. Erde!

It doesn't matter which form you take...

I'll love you anyway!


Oh my, isn't it great she's found
such a wonderful boyfriend?


This is no laughing matter!

Qan[T] taking off.

Say no more.

Excuse me.

We've got this covered. Go back to Setsuna.

He's so big.

He has so much love in him

that all I need to do is
keep thinking about him.

ELS have breached the absolute
line of defense again.

Zabanya and Harute returning fire!

Hatch 3 open. 00-Qan[T], prepare for launch!

Roger that.

Linear voltage, climbing over 730.

Transferring launch timing
to Setsuna F. Seiei.


Pai Hou, go around to protect Missouri!


Sorry, I messed up.

Seems I was too excited
about my invulnerability...

Get away from there immediately!

A little late for that.

But I'm not just going to die!

I'll take some of them with me!

He's here?

About f*ckin' time!

You sure kept us waiting, young lad!

Setsuna, you have to go toward
their center to interact with them.

I got it.

Leave that to me!

Let's go, Haro!

Roger! Roger!

Indiscriminate f*ring!

Hell yeah! Let's combine
our reflexes and thoughts!

Got it.


Let's go!

This is the power of a super soldier!

No! It's the power to unlock the future!



I didn't come here to fight!

Why does your heart falter?!

You should be saying that you're
fighting for the sake of living!

To continue that existence
filled with contradictions!

That's what it means to live!


Go forth, young lad!

Live and unlock the future!

Setsuna, Tieria, we trust you...

Mileina, status of the contamination?

Over 15%.

Federal fleet's losses are 55%.


Kati! Please endure a little longer.

Are you saying we have a chance of winning?

No, there isn't...


...but we do have hope!


I ain't done yet!


It's hopeless!


Too slow!

Keep going anyway!

You're such a f*cking hypocrite!

It's the right thing to do!

I'm not going to forsake life anymore!



I'm breaking into their center with Trans-Am!

You can't do that. Trans-Am is our
Tr*mp card for interacting with them.

If you use it here...



This way I can cut through the surface!

Young lad!

I, Graham Aker, shall guarantee
that you pilot into the future!

This isn't dying!

This is ensuring that mankind will survive!



Breaking in!

to the center of the ELS.

What are the ship's losses?

Exceeding 44%.

Unable to extend the GN field again!

All hands, prepare to evacuate the ship.

I can't!

I can't abandon them again
like I abandoned Chris.

I can't do it!

This time, we're all gonna
make it out of this alive!

I'll stay too!

It's too early to give up!

Keep believing until the very end!

What she said!


Celestial Being!


the future

and tomorrow!

You're right. We'll keep believing...

in Setsuna.

Fleet losses at 70%!

Over there!

That's the center of the ELS...

Is it showing us in?

Quantum System operational!

We don't know how great the ELS's
power is. Go at full strength.


Quantum Burst!

This is our last mission.

The fate of mankind depends on

our first contact!

I want to understand.

I want people to understand each other.

I believe

in understanding each other.

The consciousness of the ELS is...!

Link up with me, Setsuna.

Let me and Veda catch this
torrent of information.

Cast away everything unnecessary

except for their thoughts and reality!

I see.

It looks like their home world is dying.

Maybe they're looking for a way to survive...

It seems like they're seeking
mutual understanding

through connecting and becoming one being.

Let's go to their home world.

We need to understand each other.

Is that really a good idea?

It doesn't matter if it's good or bad.

It's just...

the meaning of life that I found.

It's the same for us all.

To live.

To know what it is to live.

But... why do we misunderstand
each other like this...

Despite our intelligence, we're thoughtless
and have trivial misunderstandings.

Whether or not that is true, we're
not much different from each other.

If we don't come to an understanding...

Even I and Anew understood each other!

You can too!

Maybe we just didn't notice it.

That's why it has to be pointed out.

For the world, something as simple as this...


The ELS are gathering together.

What the...


It stopped.

Billy, look!

A phenomenon...


Is that for real?


What is that?

I can see your thoughts, Setsuna.

That's it...

That's all it takes to
bring the world together.

It's time now  See me now

Yatto Deaetanda ne

We finally meet

Hajime kara Sou Datta

Ever since day one,

Bokura wa Dareka to Kuraberare Ikite Kite

we've lived being compared to someone else

Waraou to Shita

We tried to laugh about it

Sonna Sekai de Futari wa

In this world,

Otagai no Shiawase o Negaerunda ne

we both wished for each other's happiness

Boku no Akubi ga Kimi ni Utsutta

My boredom became yours

Kimi no Ashita ga Subete ni Kawatta

and your tomorrow changed everything

Okusen no Meguri Ai no Naka de

Among the billions of people

Saigo made Kono Deai o

who I'll meet in my lifetime,

Boku wa Hoshigaru Darou

you're the only one who I really wanna meet

Kirei ni Kikazaru Tame no Kotoba

There's no reason for us

Sonna Mono ni Imi wa Nai

to sugarcoat our words

Hitsuyou nai Suteru yo

We don't need to do it; Let's just quit doing it

Shinzo ni mo Nai Nou ni mo Nai

In my heart and in my mind, I know I have no reason to do that

Doko ni mo Miataranai Kokoro

When we're together,

Futari no Aida nara Tashika ni Kanjirareru

I know I'll be able to feel my missing heart

Aenai Hi no Sabishisa ga Hora

You know, that day we missed each other, I was so sad

Isshoni Iru Jikan no Juujitsusa o Shomei Shita

It made it clear to me just how complete I feel when we're together

Tokubetsu na Toki ni Kawatteku yo

Any moment we spend together becomes a special moment

Omoi o Jishitan Janai ne ne

I wanted to tell you how I feel about you

Tsutaetai Shinjo ga ne

But I couldn't muster up the courage to say it

Tonari de Koko Zotte Toki ni Kotoba ga

When you're by my side, I know what I need to say

Konna ni Afureteru no ni Nani mo Ienaku Naru

I can think of a thousand ways to say it, but I can't say a single thing

Taisetsu na Koto wa Taisetsu to Omou Koto o

Everything important that I think of

Arikitari na Kotoba ni Zenbu o Komeru yo

ends up coming out in generic phrases

Shinzo ni mo Nai Nou ni mo Nai

In my heart and in my mind, I know I have no reason to do that

Doko ni mo Miataranai Kokoro

When I think about you,

Kimi o Omou Toki wa Tashika ni Atsuku Yureteru

I know that my missing heart will shake with excitement

Okusen no Meguri Ai no Naka de

Among the billions of people

Saigo made Kimi no Koto o

who I'll meet in my lifetime,

Boku wa Hoshigaru Darou

you're the only one who I really want

Kirei ni Kikazaru Tame no Kotoba

There's no reason for us

Sonna Mono ni Imi wa Nai

to sugarcoat our words

Hitsuyou Nai Suteru yo

We don't need to do it; Let's just quit doing it

Shinzo ni mo Nai Nou ni mo Nai

In my heart and in my mind, I know I have no reason to do that

Doko ni mo Miataranai Kokoro

When you're here,

Kimi to Iru Toki wa Tashika ni Kanjirareru

I know I'll be able to feel my missing heart

Yasashiku Sono Subete o Tsutsumi Konde Yuku

Gently, everything takes hold of me

It's time now  See me now

Yatto Deaetanda ne

We finally meet

AD 2091

You've discovered a new type of basic
particle that can transmit thoughts,

developed the base theory for a
semi-self-sustaining mechanism to produce them,

invented a quantum processing system,

had a hand in the construction
of the orbital elevator,

and advocated for solar power.

No matter how you see yourself, you've
enriched human lives with this great technology.

But you're a misanthrope who's confined
himself to this island, forever alone.

I hate when knowledge gets misused

and people who are taken in by perceptions
and prejudice lose sight of reality.

That is the source of misunderstanding,
ignorance and conflict.

I want us to understand each other...

So that's the world you wish for?

Humanity must learn to
use knowledge properly.

If they don't,

they'll just rekindle the flame when they
try to travel out into the vast world of space.

That would be sad.


AD 2364

Have a look at the pride
of the Earth Federation.

The gallant figure of the state of the art

Outer Space Navigation Warship Sumeragi

outer space navigation warship "Sumeragi".

In a few hours, this vessel will begin
its voyage deep into outer space.

In order to endure the long voyage,

the crew is made up entirely of Innovators.

At the moment, Innovators
make up 25% of mankind.

All obstacles have been cleared and
we're finally ready to head out.

I'll be leaving on this ship myself
as a full time correspondent.

I'll report back to everyone
for as long as I can.

And now for a few words from the Chief
Executive officer of this 1200 person crew, Klaus Grad.

Who's there?

I'm sorry... I can't see very well.

Marina Ismail.

T-That voice... Is it...?

It's been a very long time.

I've missed you.

But the things we wish
for are still the same.

You were right.

You weren't... weren't mistaken.

We were...

We were... to come to understand each other.