Naruto Shippuuden: Movie 1 (2007)

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Naruto Shippuuden: Movie 1 (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

Damn you!

Bunshin Taiatari!

I won't die!

Too slow!



Was it all fate?

At long last...

With the dark medical ninjutsu we've developed just for tonight,

we will bring Mouryou back to life and unify the world under one leader!

Kyouka Shohou Chakra Chuunyuu!

The injections are complete.


You want a piece of this?

Now, Gitai, Setsuna!

Katon Ninpou, Hibashiri!

Don't be afraid of his stupid fire!

Fuuton Ninpou, Kamikaze!

The time has finally come!

Wait here. The realm connecting this world to the other side lies before us.

Only I, who have been given the name Yomi, may proceed any further.

Over there!

I'm waiting. I'm waiting for you, Mouryou!

Commencing the ceremonial technique!

Min, Shin, Gan, Reppyou...

Shouzen, Mika, Dan, Raku, Shou!

How nostalgic...

So I've returned to this world.

I am thrilled to be in your presence, Mouryou-sama.

Who are you?

Have your forgotten me? I am Yomi.


I am a survivor of the shinobi clan that once
used your powers to create a ghost army.

Why have you summoned me?

The stars have begun to align.

The time is ripe for us to join forces once more
and build the Thousand Year Kingdom.

But where is my physical body?

If I leave here as nothing but a spirit, I will vanish within moments.

Please use my body.

I will use my dark medical ninjutsu to transfer your soul into my body.

Beginning the operation!

Come, enter my body!

The ceremony is complete.

Return to life, my army!


We must head toward the shrine where Mouryou-sama's body is sealed awa

No! First, there is an enemy that we absolutely must k*ll.

The high priestess of the Demon Country.

She alone has the power to seal me away again.

As you wish.

When the dawn breaks upon my full revival,

I will destroy the Five Great Nations and unite the world
into one country, the Thousand Year Kingdom!

Hey, what's that?!

Enemy as*ault!

Hurry to your positions!



They didn't work?

S-Stand your ground! Don't let them through!

Quickly... Get to his majesty...

He must know...of this thr*at...

We received a message late last night.

Someone infiltrated the underground palace
and broke the seal placed on Mouryou.

His ghost army has already begun its invasion.

We will work together with the other nations to overcome this crisis.

Be careful.


Dear! What are you doing up there?

Stand still, okay?!

Seems like we need a me!

Naruto, what are you doing?

They're calling for Team 7!

It's time for my grand entrance!

What the hell?!

Why? Why? Why?!

Why are Fuzzy-Brows and Neji here?!

Where's Kakashi-sensei?!

Lee's here in place of Sasuke.



Tsunade-sama, you shouldn't mention Uchiha Sasuke.

They're still depressed about that?

Then why's Neji here?!

He's here in place of Kakashi.

Kakashi and Gai are working on defense and intercepting the army.

They've already left for the b*ttlefield.

Neji will serve as Team 7's captain.

Why him?!

Because Neji is a jounin.

By the same token, you're the only genin here, Naruto!

That's how it is.

Then let's head out to the b*ttlefield and rip the enemy a new one!

Team 7 will not be doing any fighting.

You'll all be on bodyguard duty.


Quit complaining about everything and let her explain!


This incident started several days ago.

The enemy is making its way across country borders.

We know this so-called ghost army is actually a type of puppet technique.

Meaning they don't have any souls,
and are really just dolls that are being manipulated?

Then all we have to do is take down the person who's controlling them, right?

The one controlling them isn't human.

Mouryou, as he is called, is a demon from another world!

I...really hate...scary stories!

A long time ago, a group of ninja,

used the demon Mouryou's powers to create an immortal
army and tried to take over our world.

Mouryou controlled the army and conquered several countries.

He was just a step away from destroying the entire continent.

That's the truth behind the ghost army currently
threatening the surrounding countries.

That's when the Demon Country's priestess,
Miroku, invoked a powerful ninjutsu... seal Mouryou's soul in the Demon Country's Underground Palace,

and his body in a shrine in the Swamp Country.

By sealing him in two different places,
they were able to stop his ambition in its tracks.

Now that Mouryou has been revived,

he is using his armies to pass through the Demon Country
and head toward the shrine where his body is kept.

If Mouryou is able to reunite his soul with his body and
fully revive himself, there'll be no stopping him.

What would happen?

It would be the end of the world.

Take the Demon Country's high priestess to the shrine where his body is kept.

The only way to save the world is to seal away Mouryou's soul again!

Listen carefully. For this mission to be successful,
our protection must be flawless.

I want you to constantly be with our charge, Sakura.


If something should happen to her,
you may have to use emergency medical treatment.

I understand.

Lee, I want you to intercept any enemy att*cks.


Since we don't know what type of enemies we'll be up against,

your fighting style is perfect since it doesn't utilize any chakra.

Please leave everything to me!

I'll protect her with everything I've got!

Now, let's go.

W-W-W-Wait a sec! What about me?!

You're job is the same as Lee's.. intercept the enemy.

Okay! If any enemies pop up, I'll send 'em straight to Hell!

You may have gotten taller, but inside you're still
the same as you were two and a half years ago.


I've heard that you grew stronger while you were training with Jiraiya-sama.

But you're still a genin when it comes to
experience with missions and teamwork.

Listen up! I don't want you to forget that our mission is to serve as guards!

Don't leave our charge's side!

Neji-san's our captain, you know?

That's right! Let's do our best while practicing Konoha-style teamwork!

Yeah, yeah.

One yeah is enough!

Sakura-chan, don't pull so hard!

Are you sure they'll be okay?

With his Byakugan, Neji is exceptional at gathering information.

He's a jounin, has a good sense of judgment,
and is fully capable of protecting others.

Frankly, I'd say he makes the perfect bodyguard.

Oh, no, I'm not worried about Neji-kun, Lee-kun or Sakura.


He's never learned any techniques meant for guarding others.

Even though he's been training under Jiraiya-sama,
that was just to improve his ability to protect himself.

There are some things you can't learn by training.

Never give up, no matter what happens!

You rarely see anyone as determined as him.

But whatever they encounter, they have to succeed with this mission.

Where are you, g*ng of Four?

We are here before you.

I want you to head to the Demon Country right away.

k*ll the priestess who has been taught sealing techniques.

As you wish.

Take these with you.

You are the only one who will be able to control them.


And hurry.



You're dismissed.

Please let me stay here!

You haven't slept for three days.

This is an order. Return to your quarters and sleep.

Okay. I'll leave things here to you.

Nii-san, hurry up already!

Settle down.

Aww yeah!

I've given you the chakra types we agreed upon.

Let's go already!

Don't screw this up!


Get them! Get them!

Hurry! Strengthen the guard around the shrine!


Susuki, wait!

Don't go!

Shion-sama foretold my future.

But I don't care!

I'll gladly give my life to protect the priestess!

We're coming in!

Shion-sama, we're under att*ck!

You must hurry and escape!

That hurts!


Taruho, take care of Shion-sama...

We'll be taking that priestess's life.

Not so fast!

That's not happening!

What's with him?

He didn't even try to hide his presence before screaming at us.

Does that mean he's as strong as us?!

That or he's an idiot.

Either way, he doesn't look like a pushover...

Ha, yeah right!

Say what?!

There we go! You're not getting past me!

You think you can stop us all by yourself?

Now that the great Uzumaki Naruto-sama is here, your little plans are over!

Tajuu Kage Bunshin!

How can he make so many shadow clones?

He really wasn't a pushover!

Well? Wet your pants yet?

Gitai, Setsuna, Shizuku! Use an earth, fire, wind combo!

Sure thing!

Doton, Tsuchi Kairou!

Damn it!

Are we trapped under dirt?

Let's find the exit!


Search for the exit!

Found it!

I'm gonna leave things here to you!

It's over there!

Katon, Hibashiri!

Well, well! I've never seen such a showy fire technique before!

Fuuton, Kami Oroshi!

Damn Naruto...

Not only does he disobey my orders, but he gets beaten up!

The priestess is by a waterfall toward the back of the shrine.

One of the enemies is already pursuing her.

I'll take care of him.

You two get the ones over there and follow after me!

Got it!

Close up!

There won't be anything left of him after that!

Eat this!

Konoha Senpuu!

You're that guy's friends, huh?



Nii-san, I want more chakra!

I think we used up too much with that combo.

Okay! Gitai, search for Kusuna!


This way!

Hakke Kuushou!


Give us a chakra injection.


Damn these pests!

They won't let us get our transfusions!

We can't b*at 'em if we're outta chakra.

Okay. Let's run for now!

Please be at ease. We're from The Hidden Village of Konoha

From Konoha?


What's wrong, Shion-sama?


...trying to revive itself once more!

You are now in the presence of the Demon
Country's high priestess, Shion-sama.

I am the captain for Konoha's Team 7, Hyuuga Neji.

I am Rock Lee.

I am Haruno Sakura.

I'm Uzumaki Naruto! What's shakin'?

We will be escorting you to the Sealed Shrine, Shion-sama.

There were some fatalities in the as*ault last night.

Susuki was one of them, as Shion-sama predicted.

Of course.

But as you can see, I am uninjured.

I'm sure that was their true desire.

Now you wait just a second!

All those people d*ed for you!

What kind of attitude is that?!

Naruto, cut it out!

Sit down!

Wh-What is it?

Is there something on my face?

You're going to die.

Huh? What'd you say?

I didn't quite catch that.

Say it in a nice loud voice!





Soon you're going to be pierced through the chest and die!


Why the hell do we have to protect her?

Please forgive her.

Shion-sama occasionally foretells people's deaths like that.


But please don't worry about it.

Ah, so she gets it wrong all the time?

No. So far, all 100 of her predictions have come true.

Yeah, I bet! You can't count on fortune-telling and stuff like that!

Wait, all one hundred?! You mean they all come true?!

That's right.

You just told me to not worry about it!

I meant that worrying about it would be a waste of time.

That's not very comforting.

Isn't that great, Naruto?

You should give dying a sh*t!

It might cure your stupidity!

It might cure your stupidity!


I don't believe in fortune telling at all, not one bit!

I'm going to become Hokage!

I refuse to die before then!

Several times now, Konoha's shinobi have ambushed the
ghost army in an effort to eliminate them all at once.

However, all att*cks so far have no effect,
and they continue to march toward the Sealed Shrine.

It seems that the only way to stop them may be the Demon
Country's priestess - Shion's sealing technique.

We're to escort Shion-sama to the Sealed Shrine!

Those willing to sacrifice their lives for her should come with us!

Does everyone understand?

I'm going!

Me too!

Same here.

Me too!

This is ridiculous.

How much more time are we going to waste here?

Taruho insists on taking their armed forces,
so we have to wait until they've finished their preparations.

Even though we need to hurry?

Look at this!

No matter how sharp the spear is,
it's not gonna be able to make it through this!

Naruto, getting scared over the priestess's silly little prediction is just pathetic.

I'm not!

You guys are like, super worried that I'm gonna die after hearing that, right?

So I thought I'd wear this to help put everyone at ease!

We don't have time to worry about you dying
when fate of the world is at stake!

Naruto-kun, right now we need to focus on protecting
what is truly important instead of ourselves!

I know.

So I'm just gonna change that prediction
and save the world while wearing this!

You can't change a prediction.


I had a new vision.

You're going to be beheaded.


Then, how about this?!

- Keep it up until you die!
Then, how about this?!

Shinobi, we're leaving now.

Come with me.

Wait! I-I can't get up!

For the love of...

Naruto-kun, are you okay?

I thought I was gonna die.

This is a dead-end!

This is the waterfall where I'm supposed to purify myself as a priestess.

There's a small path behind it.

Are you sure about leaving Taruho behind like this?

I am the priestess of this village!

I can leave my attendants behind if I feel like it!

You're uncomfortable to ride on!

You should work on making your body more womanly!

You bitch!

Who's there?!


What's the meaning of this?!

It is my job to keep an eye on you at all times, Shion-sama.

You'll just get in the way!

Return to the village!

I will not.

Go back!

I will not.

If I tell you to go back, you have to go back!

I will not.

No sign of the enemy.

We'll make camp here.

But aren't we in a hurry?

We could probably keep running for several days if we were on our own, but...

Those two have reached their limit.

I'm fine!

Shion-sama, using the sealing technique is a test of strength.

Please take it easy and rest tonight.

I'm hungry! Give me some food!

Man, she's getting bossier by the minute.

This soup is cold!

I can't eat this! Or that!

I really like that.

Me, too.

My greatest apologies.

A fire would reveal our position to the enemy.

I'm going to bed!

Hey! We're gonna be running nonstop again tomorrow!

Your body'll give out on you if you don't eat.

Many thanks.

So, uh... About those predictions...

Shion-sama is only able to foretell the deaths
of those who serve her and are nearby.

Can't you avoid death if you know how you're gonna die?

No. No matter how hard you struggle,
when fate decides it is your time to die, there is no avoiding it.

However, all the objects of her predictions were people
willing to give their lives to protect Shion-sama.

I'm sure that Shion-sama would have d*ed if any one
of them betrayed their fate and tried to survive.

As of late, even the people of our village have begun to
fear they will appear in one of Shion-sama's visions.

There are even people who will try to outright avoid her.

Whether her visions will continue to come true or not
probably depends on those who appear in them.

I see.

She must be lonely.

That must be why she's so selfish.

It's as you say.

So are you okay with that, Taruho-niichan?

What if it's foretold that you'll die?

Shion-sama's mother used to take care of the people in my clan.

I'm sure that everyone would gladly give their lives to protect Shion-sama.

Our fate cannot be changed so long as our feelings remain the same.

Okay! Let's go, Taruho-niichan!

She's just a brat because of her childhood.

I should try to be nice to her.

Hey, good morning!



You've done enough.

Return to the village.

I can't leave your side, Shion-sama.

You'll just get in our way!

This brat is just a stupid priestess after all!

Quit being so demanding!

Don't you understand how Taruho-niichan feels about wanting to protect you?!

You've had another vision, haven't you?

It will not deter me.

Please tell me the truth.

When my pulse starts to b*at quickly and I hear
the sound of a bell, I see visions of the future.

Last night I heard the bell and saw your future.

If you continue to travel together with me, Taruho, you will die.

Th-This is too dangerous! S-Stop it!

I'm going to fall!

Put me down! Put me down now!

Let go of me! I've had enough!

Jumping around such dangerous-looking places like this!

Are you really trying to protect me?

There are other roads, you know!

Should we change our route?

No. This route takes us by a lot of water, even for the Swamp Country.

The main part of the enemy's combo att*cks are fire techniques.

I see. This way, no matter what kind of fire techniques they att*ck with,

we can take advantage of our position in the water and counter them.

Shion-sama, we'll be very close to the Sealed
Shrine once we get through this area.

Please be patient with us for a bit longer.

With this mission we're stuck waiting for the enemy to att*ck us first.

We have to focus completely on defense and avoid any rash decisions.

This goes double for you, Naruto.

Yeah, I know!

But how would we even get a rash in the first place?

Is your friend stupid?



Water Dragon?!

It's rather big!

They're coming after us with water, not fire!

You were completely wrong!

That doesn't matter! We've got to hurry!

Get to higher ground!

I figured you'd try to climb up the cliff.

We don't know where they'll att*ck from!

Protect Shion-dono!

I swear! How was being surrounded by water
supposed to give us an edge, exactly?!

I honestly thought Neji was the most competent-looking person here...

I fear for the world!

The one controlling the dragon should be close by.


Found you!

There are two of them at the top of that cliff.

I'm sure he had fire-natured chakra when
he att*cked us in the Demon Country.

It isn't abnormal for jounin to use multiple elements,

but I didn't detect any water-natured chakra in his chakra points at all!

That's him on the cliff over there, right?

Stop! Don't leave this spot!


He's the one controlling that dragon, right?!

I'm going!

Wait, Naruto!

We can't let Naruto-kun go on his own!

I'm going, too!


Those two!

All we can do is hope they pull through for us!

A fuzzy-brows and that idiot?

Two of them have started to move.

Well, that makes things easier for us.

They're comin'!

Looks like it.

You get the taijutsu dude.

I'll take the orange one who uses shadow clones.

Got it?

We'll send 'em both to the afterlife!

There he is!

It's coming!

Take this!

The technique disappeared!

That must mean that Naruto and Lee...


What's this?

I'm your opponent!

I wanna see how tough your fists really are!



You're going to take a nice, long nap.

While Naruto and Lee are covering us, we have to escape this valley.

Retreating from battle makes this an even more dangerous mission.

I'm counting on you.



Mizu Kamikiri!

Trying to use the forest and rocks as cover?

I love it when you people get careless!

Now you're thinking you can escape by running to the treetops?

That's even better!

Damn it!

Tajuu Kage Bunshin!

Now I'll-!

Suiton, Suiryuuben!

Konoha Dai Senpuu! Doton, Kouka Jutsu!

You're finished!

This isn't a baby fight.

You gotta get serious!


Is that your idea of being serious?

What strength and power...

But, I can't afford to lose here!

Omote Renge!

This is boring.

You really can't use any ninjutsu?

You thought your goofy little taijutsu was enough to b*at me?

Are you saying my taijutsu has no effect on your body?

I don't know who your teacher is,
but he must've been a real looser!

I don't care if you badmouth me,

But insulting Gai-sensei... unforgivable!

Gai-sensei, I'm sorry, but I need to use that
technique to fulfill my way of the ninja.

Third gate, Life Gate, open!

And the fourth, Wound Gate, open!

What's this?

It's not over yet!

Fifth gate, Forest Gate, open!

That's neat.

You got stronger in a hurry.

But I have a few tricks up my sleeve, too!

It's flowing!

The power is flowing!

What is-?

That moron...

He drank the chakra!

Hurry up!


That's the stuff!

He transformed again!

Eat this!


One of the guys who appeared in the Demon Country!

Where are the other two?




You're not going any further!

He can control Wind element chakra freely.

And in five directions at once!

Hakkeshou Kaiten!

Pretty impressive.

But, how long will your chakra hold out?

Here's another!

You're a speedy little guy!

How about this?

I'll destroy the whole place!

To get out of this situation, I need to be prepared
to die upon opening the next gate.

Lee, eat this only when you're in a real pinch.

Is this a new type of medicine?

It's a chocolate bonbon-er...

Uh... I mean...

You just chomp it and boom!

I'm so happy that you care about me that much, Sensei!

I hope my super pinch comes soon!

Well... Only use this for a super-ultra-ultimate death situation!


What is this?

It tastes like my medicine...

Did you just eat something?

What was i-?

Ura Renge!

Chomp it...

And boom! Boom!

Useless. I really thought he'd do better than that.

I've used too much chakra!

But why aren't they using their team att*cks?

Don't tell me-!

You finally figured it out.

You guys aren't the only ones who can use clones.


No one's following us.

Nothing but the best from Neji-san.

At this rate, we'll safely...

Masui Sejutsu!

I need to administer a cure before the poison spreads...

I can't move...

There's no point in playing possum!

Suishuu Gorugon!


Not bad!

All right...

They were both clones?

Just kidding!

Ninpou, Mizu Kawarimi.

I can freely transform my body into liquid.

You won't b*at me like that!

Same goes for you! You just keep running away!

I guess I can tell you now...

My job was to separate you from the Byakugan user!

Damn it!

You're too late!

You won't get off easy the next time we meet!

There won't be a next time!

The world is about to end, remember!

Say what?

Ankoku Ijutsu.

Time to start the operation.

Round and round, la la la la...

Fuzzy-brows, what the hell did you drink?

Nuthin'... I chomped it and boom!



Glad you guys are okay!

I was worried!

Fuzzy-brows took something weird, he's acting all crazy...

What's with the long faces? Something wrong?

Oh yeah, where's Shion?

No way...

This isn't possible...

I tried everything I could, but it was no use.

Neji! What the hell were you doing?!

Weren't you supposed to protect her?!

You're the one who said don't leave Shion, right?!

How could this have happened if you were with her?!

Say something!

Stop it.


What the hell...?

Why are there two Shions?

The one who d*ed was Taruho.


When we parted ways, Taruho-dono said that he'd take
a different route to the Sealed Shrine, just in case.

To think this is what he meant...


I'm finished, Sakura-san.


What in the world...?

Shadow Mirror Shapeshift.

It's a technique passed down in the Demon Country.

Once you've transformed, there's no way to return to your old self.

I couldn't stop Taruho-san from being sacrificed in Shion-san's place.

Why didn't you force him to go back to the village?

For the success of the mission.

With the fate of the world at stake,
the mission has to take priority.

Taruho-niichan... I'll make sure you get a proper funeral.

Taruho was a fool.

There's no need to mourn for an idiot who chose to die.


And just who do you think he d*ed fo-

Shut up!

Shut up! Shut up!


I said wait!

Taruho-niichan sacrificed his life!

He threw it away. He did it for you!

And you won't even cry for him?

Are you really that cold-hearted?

Don't you feel anything?

Who doesn't feel grief when someone close to them dies?!


I'm not allowed to cry.

If I did, it'd be an insult...

to all those who have d*ed for me.


Foresight is used to protect the priestess.

The moment she senses her death is near,

Her soul separates from her body,
and shows an image of her death to her past self.

And at the moment of her death, she sees those who are with her at the time

They ask the priestess about premonitions of death,

and believe that they have to sacrifice themselves to save her.

This is how the priestess's foresight works.

By sacrificing others to live on.

I don't really get it, but the visions are a warning
that the priestess is going to die?

I might as well die...

You don't know how many times I've thought that...

But that is also not allowed.

If I die, then there will be no one left who can seal away Mouryou.

And the world will be destroyed.

No matter how painful it is, I must keep on living by sacrificing others!

That's crazy!

Why do the people of the Demon Country have to be sacrificed?

That's how it is. That's who we are.

No matter how unfair it seems, we must accept it.

This is the fate bestowed upon the high priestess and my village.

That's okay with you?

Do you...


...believe that?

We've lost Gitai, but we've completed our mission
to eliminate the priestess of the Demon Country.

You fools!

Mouryou's spirit can tell.

The priestess you k*lled was a fake.

The woman with the power to seal me is still alive.

Go, and make sure you get the real one this time.

Yes, sir!


I promise we'll protect Shion!

Rest in peace.

Naruto, we're going to ambush them here to throw off any pursuers.

You're responsible for getting Shion-sama to the Sealing Shrine safely.


Neji, Naruto-kun has a death sentence on him.

It's better if one of us go instead-


That's exactly why he should go.


I got it!

Keep going and don't look back!

The Sealing Shrine is close!

Move out, Naruto!

Yeah! Let's go, Shion!


Lee saw it while he was fighting one of them.

He drank something strange, and his chakra suddenly increased.

If they have the ability to replenish chakra
from an outside source,

then there's a possibility that they can use special
chakra abilities for a short period of time.

But, to do so should carry a great risk to the user.

The ghost army just turned and retreated?

Perhaps there was a reason for their retreat?

We may be saved from the impending destruction!

No, it's probably just the opposite.

They're trying to finish everything with one huge att*ck.

Lee, Sakura, hold on for a little longer.

They're going to try and replenish their chakra at some point.

That's the time.

It's no good...

I can't do this any more...

My almost gone...

Brother, we need more chakra!

Replenish our chakra!

Hold on, I'll-!

Jyuuken Hou, Hakke Rokujuuyonshou!

Two strikes!

Four strikes!

Eight strikes!

Sixteen strikes!

Thirty-two strikes!

Sixty-four strikes!



Why isn't the chakra taking effect?

I hit all your chakra points with my Gentle Fist,

and halted the flow of your chakra!


Hell yeah!




We're here, High Priestess-sama.

There's the entrance.

Have you been here before?

No, but I've got a feeling that's it!

Hurry up and seal Mouryou so you can forget about all that destiny junk!

Destiny cannot be change-

Give me a break! I'll prove you wrong!

What's that?

That's the stone ghost army!

The stoned guys army?

Stone ghost!

If these things are on the move again, it means he must be nearby.

What do we do?

Charge straight through them!

We'll be fine!

Just hold on tight!

Eat this, stoner!

Will I live...?

Will I be saved again?

If I die here,

Naruto and the villagers...

They won't have to die yet.

Ouch... I totally back-flopped...

You shouldn't have saved me.

Then you wouldn't have to worry about dying.

At least, not until Mouryou destroys the world.



I won't die!

No way!

That's impossible.

It is not!

That means I'm the one who'll di-

I won't let you die, either.

One of us has to die!

Says who?

There's a million different things that could happen.

Don't make me repeat myself! Destiny cannot be-

I'll protect you!

You won't be able to.

Trust me.

Why am I turning away from him?


I have a plan.

This time, everything will be fine!


Come on.

Let's go.


You promise?

You bet.

I swear on my way of the ninja this will work!

I'm back!


One more!

Let's go!

You should've blasted them all away!

Easier said than done!

Do you have any idea how tiring this is?!


Go! Hurry up and-!

What the hell are you doing?! Go!

Y-You're confusing me!

Do something so I know where you really are!

This isn't the time for that!

Think of the situation we're in, dummy!

I won't lose!

None of you are getting through!

It wasn't him...

It wasn't him!

He's still...

He's still...

This is where Naruto will die...

You've grown.

You resemble Miroku.

Go forth and greet the young priestess.

My name is Yomi.

Our ambitions were thwarted by your mother, Miroku.

Do you remember what happened on that day?

We tried to create the Thousand Year Kingdom using Mouryou's revival.

If only your mother hadn't been a priestess!

Stay away!

Stay away!

What are you acting surprised about?

It can't be... You don't know?

About your own powers?

Well, this is surprising.

Just what were you taught?

For this very day, I've been-!

Learning the Sealing Technique?

Then get over here and seal me away!

Can you really do it?

I'll protect you!

You'll keep your promise, won't you, Naruto?

Damn, there's no end to them!

Let me tell you something.

I cannot k*ll you.

Nor do you have the power to eliminate me.

Because we were originally the same being!


Are you trying to confuse me?

Do I have a reason to lie?

I shall seal you right now.

The seal...

...means that we will fuse into one being.

Your mother Miroku accepted that.

That's right. Miroku...

...your mother... within me!

To ensure neither could make use of their powers,

the fused being's mind is split in two, each retaining its personality.

Each admonishing the other, staring the other down.

Though at some point, it began addressing
itself as Mouryou instead of the priestess.

Words such as light, darkness, good and evil no longer apply here.

Hatsu! Jin! Kai!

A barrier?

Min, Shin, Gan,

Reppyou, Shouzen, Mika, Dan, Raku, Shou!

Fu, Sai, Dan, Gika, Ragu!


Push 'em back!

Don't let a single one get through!

The priestess is going all out in there!

I won't let you guys interfere!

You were too hasty, priestess.

You should've waited for him to die before creating your barrier.

He did that to get inside the barrier!

We cannot leave the barrier once it's been cast.

At least, not until one of us takes control of the other.

And that will be decided by our chakra.

You like that? My att*ck?

Damn, that hurts!

I refuse to lose.

Even if I run out of chakra!


I'll be taking it back now.

My body, that is.

You have my thanks.

He no longer had the power to break this Yashiro Seal.

What have I done?

What have I spent my life doing?!


You get him?

You've sealed him away, right?


What's wrong?

Oh, you're tired, right?

I... I never...

...deserved to be protected... you, or anyone!



There's no need for tears.

As long as you have that light, I cannot absorb you.

But is that what you want?

You'll be forced to witness everything you worked to prevent.

Like the end of the world!


I'm still alive!

Then Naruto is...

At this rate, Naruto will...

Naruto will-!

Why don't you understand?

lf you combine Mouryou's power with your technique,

taking over the world would be child's play!

How foolish...

Why can't you trust others?

Trust others?

Are you serious, Miroku?


Mother, your lap is warm...

Shion, you're such a spoiled child.

I wanna stay like this forever.

What are you saying?

Do not teach her any type of technique!

These are my orders!


Take this.

It will protect you for all the days of your life.

It s so pretty!

Is this a charm?

That's right.

And it will watch over you always.

Whatever happens to me you mustn't let your heart waver.

Someday I will disappear from your sight,

For we are transient, as is the world we live in.


You've interfered with my plans long enough, Miroku!

Fine. I don't need your powers, anyhow.

But you know what that means, don't you?

Shion, the bell?


Do not underestimate the high priestess's powers!

I see. Risk one's life to traverse...


I have a plan.

This time, everything will be fine!

Destiny cannot be changed.

You're still yakking about that?



Too slow!


You...will live!


What the hell did you just do?!

I've seen that power before.

Is that what you want?

To give your charm to another person...

Very well.

If that's your wish, then I shall grant it!

You shall watch as we fuse into one being,

and witness the deaths of those who tried to protect you!

That, and the end of this world!

This is how it needed to be...

I knew from the very start!

The villagers didn't have to die!

Isn't that right, Mother?


I wanted you to live a peaceful life...

S-Such a duty is...

If Shion misused that power,
she'd become an even greater thr*at than Mouryou.

There's no longer a reason to teach her how to control it.

So I will suppress those powers within this stone,

and if there's a chance of it awakening,
use the lives of the villagers to keep it from happening.



I wanted to protect you,

and believe in you...

Do you hate me?

No, I don't!

Mother, I love you!

Wh-What's this?

I finally understand...

...what I should use this power for.


How many priestesses have been sacrificed up until now?

I can hear the voices of the young ones...

Yes. It's been so long...

I see...

That bell held your...your true powers!

This is the end.

Naruto, can you hear me?

From now on, you and your friends...

...must protect the world.

This is my destiny!

It is not!

I'll protect you!

I swear on my way of the ninja!

You're a liar.

We shall vanish together!

You stupid priestess!

Open your eyes!


Can you see me?! Can you hear me?!

What is your heart saying?!

You want to die like this?!

You want to disappear?!


I can't hear you!


Say it!

Say it in your own words!

I... I don't want to die!

All right then!


Me...and my friends...

Kage Mane no Jutsu!

...don't want to lose anyone else!

Kirikiri Mai!

You don't have to accept a destiny you don't want!

More! More!

Let all your feelings out!

You're too late!

Take this! Mine and Shion's Ultra-Chakra Rasengan!

I made a promise, didn't I?!

That I'd change your destiny!


What's that?

She says, "Good bye."

I figured this would happen in the twilight.

I says, "Good bye."

Crying while we talk is nonsense, you're not a kid.

You cried, cried, cried.

I always knew...

...That love and romance didn't matter.

She says, "Good bye."

Even as we part, you're like a portrait of an actress in my eyes.

I says, "Good bye."

She's so pretty in the moonlight, it takes my breath away.

You still cried, cried, cried.

That's why I said,

"Sorry, it's not worth it, bye-bye."

Never mind, we've got good vibes.
We'll take one drive through the town of Eden today.

This stupid, endless midnight.

My life, someday she'll be my wife.

These are the sad remains of my shattered dreams.

and our fragile, naive archives.

There's no rhyme or reason to any of it.

Oh... It's just not enough, there's something missing now that you're gone.

Oh... It's just not enough, I can't fill the gap you left behind.

You really cried, cried, cried.

And I cried.

You're all I really have, really have, really have.

Oh... You just cried, cried, cried.

I'm such a liar.

Well, let's just be glad it ended like this.

He made it into a new volcano, didn't he?

Oh man...

That's what you get for leaving things to him.

Put me down.

Guess this is the end of your career as a priestess.

No, there must be another one.

I realized this when I was inside him.

Mouryou was given life through the hearts of evil people.

If a second or third Mouryou comes,
someone must be around to stop him.

And they'll both have to be espacially carefull of genin!

I won't blame things on fate or destiny anymore

Being a priestess is my duty!

How's that, Naruto?

And my power must be passed onto the next priestess.

What do you say, Naruto? Are you going to help me?

Sure! I'll do whatever it takes!
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