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Doraemon - Nobita to Kiseki no Shima Animal Adventure (2012)

Posted: 02/06/24 19:06
by bunniefuu
We finally have a clue on its whereabout

Only a matter of time before we found it

I'll buy it

Sell it to me

Aren't you offer it to me first?

Gentleman, this is the place

In there?

That's right

The search will come with a high price

Miracle island, where the golden beetle live

Golden Hercules!

Thanks dad!

I really want this beetle

This time, make sure you take care of it

What do you mean?

The goldfish that we bought last year

You said, you'll take care of it

In the end mom and Doraemon who do the job

This time I'll do it




You always rely on mom and Doraemon, don't you feel ashamed?

Why not do it with your own effort?

Always rely on other, you won't be independent

Start with keeping your promises

Can you do it, Nobita?


It's hot today

How about we eat some ice cream?

I'll make sure to raise it

I promise

It's a promise!

Pinky swear

The one who break the promise, will have to swallow needle

Yeah! hit it! go!

What is that?

Insect sumo

I played it before

I'm good at this game

The right side, Kabuta


Left side, Big Rhino


b*at your opponent!

Do your best, Kabuta

Get set...


Kabuta, go forward

Strike! Strike!


Kabuta, keep hitting!

Keep up! Great!

Hit it there!

Strike! Strike!

Strike! over there! Charge!

Big rhino win

Justice is served!

How about it Nobita, giving up?

Not yet

You asked for it

Go kabuta!


Try to win

Not possible, Shizuka

I feel sorry for Nobita,

Their strength is different

Kabuta don't have a chance

Don't lose Kabuta!

Not yet

I'll win

Isn't Nobita's beetle bought from the supermarket


Only Yen

You're wrong it's Yen

Isn't that great

The fact that it's cheap

That cheap beetle, don't have any chance against mine!

Nobita, switch with me

Go Nobita!

It's Kabuta

Fight Nobita!



Alright dad?

Big rhino win

Easy win

I give up

Its body is small, nothing we can do


It won't be good for Kabuta health


I'm going home first

Everyone, don't over-doing it

Bye Yeah!

Good bye!



Your father run away

Nobita and his father is similar

My father is manlier

Your father and beetle are weakling

You guys stop that!

Don't you feel sorry

Oh my, my!

Saved by a girl!?

Nobita deserve it


Doraemon Movie

Nobita and the Miracle Island

Animal Adventure

I'm always, always picturing it in my heart

A world map of my own where my dreams come true


Fly across the sky, travel through time even to places far away

I want to open the door and go there right now

Anywhere Door!

Will i forget when i become an adult?

If that ever happens, I'll look back and remember

Sha-la-la-la Let's sing a song

Everybody hand in hand

Doraemon, fill the world

Yes, fill the world with dreams

Take me

To where?



You're being teased again?

The reason?

Because of beetle?

Kabuta is weak


Its name

I already promise dad to raise it

But i want a bigger and stronger beetle

Please take me

You should asked dad for this


You have to keep your promise

Big bro

Dorami, you came?


The show will start

Nobita, watch this too

For education


Nobita never learn

Doraemon, it'll start


Where... should i put

Doraemon! Y-yes

Moa bird from New Zealand

Many speculation regarding it's extinction is still being studied

Illegal hunt is one of its possibilies


It means there's not even a single one left alive

In order to protect other species from excessive hunt

People must be inform about how many of them is on the brink of extinction

Let's preserve the nature of century from extinction

It is our responsibility to prevent it

Something for us to learn

We have to reflect from past mistake


To prevent animal extinction

That's bad, if beetle were to extinct

Can't play insect sumo

I guess...


Did Kabuta won?

Not a chance

I see...

I guess it depends on their size to win

Oh, right!

When i was a kid

There's this huge beetle, i heard

Ah no, i think about this size?

It's a long story, i don't really remember


Tell me more about it


I store it around here

Dorami, eat the cr*cker

Sure, I'll take it

Found it!

Here it is

The beetle is Shining...

Dad really saw this?


Um, where is it...

My memory is vague


In my dream

I want that shining beetle!

Just give up

I want it

Doraemon, help me find it

All right...

Time Hole!

What is that?

Tools to find missing things on specific time

Big bro

You forgot

Sticky rod

Time Sticky Rod!

This tool work in pairs

Do it right!


Nobita, where to search?

A big and shining beetle right?

So, where to?

New Zealand, when Moa was alive




Location is New Zealand

Set the time to years back

Here it is!

This is New Zealand years ago

Quiet vast

Will be hard to find it

Search thoroughly

Got it!

Not here

Do your best

We will

Let's change spot

I'll stretch

Still nothing

Do it seriously

We are!


How can you sleep like that!

Sorry, i just doze off

Big bro, aren't beetle usually live inside forest?

You're right

Dorami, forest upfront

Move there?

Yes, go!

All right!

I got something


Big bro!

Big bro

Doraemon, do something


Something, something...



Where is it?

Kabuta, not this

Momotaro Dumpling!

Trying to find this?

That's right!

Hey, you!

Let Nobita go

Take this!


I'm going in!


I won't

What is it, mom?

That's strange?

I heard weird noises

Is that so, Doraemon?

No idea

Please clean up the room!


Almost got caught

We will be in trouble

Let's return it

But, even if we return it

It will be extinct

I feel sorry for it

Is there any place it could live on?

You're right

If only we could find such place


Let's find it!


Asking me?

Could i even find a suitable place...

I hope she'll find it sooner

We have to do something first

Mom will found out

How about...

Small Light!


Now it's safe

I'm hungry

I know!, Yesterday snacks

Let's take them




Big bro, i found it!

Miracle Island

Miracle Island?


A shelter island for extinct animal, known as Bailey Gamon

Bailey Gamon?

About million years ago

A lot of meteorite crash on earth

Forming an island

Those meteor shower bring some cosmic energy

And become a mysterious power that protect the island

Mysterious power?

All living things in there, have high energy output

Scientist use the island for research

And bring extinct animal using time machine to shelter them

I didn't know that kind of island is exist

I'll contact them to pick you up

Thanks Dorami


Next, pick Doraemon from Nobi resident


years ago


Watch the house while i'm out


Doraemon right?

What the!?

I'm here to pick you up

Let go!

Hurry inside

Let's go!

What is this place?

A lot of watch?

We're flying?

Say someting!

Oops!, i doze off

Too much work, made me tired

Hey, listen!


Open this thing!

It's dangerous to sleep while driving

Let me sleep a bit

How to get out?

Time tunnel looks weird?

Ah well, let's continue

Oh no!

I went and pick the guest on the wrong time



I'm sure i pick someone

I won't make a mistake this time

They still not come

Hey Doraemon

You sure Dorami called them?

I'm sure

They came

You're Doraemon?

So where is Doraemon?

It's me!

A blue...raccoon?

I'm not a raccoon!

Doesn't matter

Get in



You too?


What a rude pick up

Makes me dizzy

Amazing, first time i see this

Where will we be taken to?

Probably that Miracle island, Dorami talked about

We almost arrive

That is Bailey Gamon


Yes professor?

I'll be waiting on area S-

Copy that

Who is this professor?

Dr. Kelly, is the supervisor of this island


Dodo is a tame bird

It won't bite


Blue raccoon?

I'm not a raccoon!

Robot cat, Doraemon

Pardon me

It's not funny!


That's rude Nobita

Forgive me for saying that

It's fine

Dr. Kelly, nice to meet you

Yes, we are in your care

I'm Nobi Nobita

Nice to meet you





A huge tortoise?

That is Glyptodon

It looks like turtle

But it's a mammals

Relatives of armadillos

Amazing, never seen this before

Animals that live here

Supposed to extinct a long time ago

Dodo is relatives to pigeon but they can't fly

Indricotherium rhino is the largest terrestrial mammals


Yes, fascinating

This is megatherium

It's the largest ground-sloth

Elasmotherium rhino, with its enormous horn

Unicorn was inspired by its horn

That is Chalicotherium

They walked like gorilla does

Look over there



What's with him?

Doraemon is afraid of mouse

Eoscuirus is not a mouse

Relatives of squirrel

Hey! anyone here?




What is that?

Someone, please help me

So where is this Moa?

Yes, it's inside my pocket


Don't move

Calm down

That's it!

I won't forgive this

Get out!

Big Light!

What a mess

Hey, i'm busy here!

Almost forgot

Dr. Kelly

What is it?

Time tunnel acting weird

I think something is wrong


Could you drive them back

I'll go to the lab and check that anomaly

Dr Kelly thanks for your help

Good bye!

We want to learn more from her, right?


Who is Nobita?

Oh no, he used the Forgotten Stick


This could makes your forgot things

There's some malfunction, i plan to repair it

Nobita, Nobita!

Like i said, who is Nobita?

Who is Moa?

Who are you?

Nobita of course

Get me down!


Hey! wait!


I'll save you later

Wait up!

Return the Forgotten stick!

Like a stuck raccoon

Moa, where are you?


Here goes

Take this


How about this!

I'm saved


This is easier than digging potatoes

Where is Moa gone to?

Found a beetle!

This beetle looks strong

Great finding!


We have no choice, but to leave that Forgotten stick

I guess

Something happened?

Yes, can't wait to get back

I want to use it soon

I need to inspect my other tools

I'm hungry!

Can't stand it

Water won't be enough to fill my stomach

I want to eat Ramen, Soba and Katsudon

Who are you?

Where are we?

What is that sound?

Maybe there's some people there


I'll go see

A lot broken

Repair this Shock g*n

Air Cannon also out of shape

Put in repair list

Still a lot left

Always gone when i need his help

That Nobita

Here we go

Won't let you escape

You guys must know about it

Now, spell it out

Huge bird!

Who are these people?

The location of Golden Hercules?

Golden Hercules?

Tell me

Stubborn kids!

Let me do this

Damn it!

She got you

Shut up!

Hurry get them!


That's bad!





I don't understand


Nomo Korron?

Nomo Kuradove?

Nomo... korron...

I get it!

You're asking my name?

My name is...

My name... is...


What is it?





Nice to meet you Zit


His name is


Please repair these

Thanks for your patronage

When it's done, we'll contact you

Please do



He's out a while ago

He's out?

Where to?

"To win against Gian!", He said

play Insect sumo, i think

Oh my

Not even help with groceries

Sometimes kids need to act like one

You always spoiled Nobita


You are!

I guess so

Did you remember the day Nobita was born?

Yes, clearly

It's a baby boy

Let me accept

Ah, i mean thank you

The baby is here

I'm nervous

My gosh!

So cute...!

Nobi Nobita

Get big and healthy

You named him Nobita so he could stand up on his own

And you wished for him to be a good kid


Thanks to you

He's able to grow healthy

But he's too carefree

For sure he's carefree

And very good at that

Even then

Don't you think we're lucky to have him

Everytime i think of Nobita

Always gives me warmth

Yes it's a happy feeling

Because he was born

We become a happy family

I think that's enough gift

That's why

I'll work hard for you and Nobita sake

For Doraemon too

Of course Doraemon too

Doraemon is part of our family

Yes he is

That's why, help me shopping


I'm the one

For our happiness

I'm in trouble

I should have join Nobita on Insect Sumo

Insect Sumo?

That's odd...

Kabuta is still with me

Can't it be!?

Push, push more!

Don't lose to it!

Destroy that beetle!

Go for it!


Running away

I-I lose...

It's being humiliated

Running away quickly like it's owner

What about me?

Great person

Nobita, tell me about that beetle?

That's right

Where did you found that skilled beetle?

It's a secret



Don't "hey" me!

You can't take sheltered animal without permission...

Doraemon, look!


Look they came!

What is happening?

I'm suffocate


Still not found it?

We're sorry sir Sherman

Something interfere in our way


Chased out by Saber-toothed tiger

That's something unexpected

Stop hesitating!

Do anything to get that Golden Hercules

Get rid anyone in our way!


This will return it

Please obey our regulations

We are sorry


Why are you here, Dr. Kelly?

The reason i live here,

Is to investigate why these animal became extinct

Also to find a way to prevent that from happening

What is that!?

Then there's mysterious power protecting this island

Mysterious power?

For as long as million years

This island is protected by a golden beetle

Known as Golden Hercules

A golden... beetle?

Golden... Hercules?


I heard, Golden Hercules could live forever

Also, it gives energy to the living things

I want to meet it

And solve the secret of its power

Doraemon, maybe it's the same one as dad's picture

That can't be

So where is this Golden Lame-beetle?

Takeshi, it's not Lame-beetle

Yes, it's Golden Hercules

I meant that one

It certainly in this island

But i don't know it's exact location

I see...

Dr. Kelly


Could i visit the island?

For what?

It's amazing these extinct animal could live

I want to observe them in person

Thinking about it makes me excited

I'll join

Us too

Please, Dr. Kelly!

Gonsuke, drive them there

Yay! this is great!

Where's Dr. Kelly going?

Investigate Time Tunnel anomaly


I should get rid of her

Something big is forcefully tear the dimension

What Quetzalcoatlus doing here?


You look healthy


Oh no!

Where to?

Isn't it obvious

We should catch this Golden Weird-beetle


Yes that one

But it is forbidden to catch anything from this island

As long as we don't take it out from this island

We will make Nobita speechless by capturing it


What is it?




What's happening?

Run Nobita!

This is bad! Help!

Help me...


I will use...

Anywhere door...


Tool for this situation

Momotaro dumpling

Nothing left


How about this!

Decoy Robot!

It's being distracted so we're safe


That's good

What is that?

Baby Dodo

How adorable



So careless

Nobita always like this

Are you okay?


So this is where you guys at

That's hurt!


It seems there's two of me


Who are you anyway?


What about you!

Crew of those hunter?

Cheeky like Nobita

Want me to punch you!?


What do you mean by hunter?

You guys not?

What does that mean?

No idea

We are not Hunters

Look, another one showed up

This one cute

Who are you?

From where?

What is that?

I don't understand


They are not hunter

You guys knew each other?


What is he saying?

How could i know

Translation Jelly!

I'm the head of Roccoro tribe, Oars

And this is my granddaughter


And this is Hero,


Zit the Hero?

Weird name

I'm Nobita

Call me Gian

Suneo here

My name is Shizuka

I'm Doraemon


Nice to meet you

Become friends already

It seems they are not a bad people

Care to rest in our village?


Doraemon, hurry up


Welcome to Roccoro village

While we prepares the feast, you could take a bath

This is great

Nice hot spring

Hey, they even behave the same way

You're right

The Nobitas

The Nobitas?

That's fit!

From now on, you guys are Nobitas

That's not


Look how similar they are

The Nobitas!

You come to peek at me!?

Silly me



I leave your chlotes here

How cute

Looks good on you

You guys looks good too

Of course we are

You're so adorable

I'm adorable...

Sir Sherman

This woman don't know anything

Why doing this?

For money of course

Lock her!


Golden Hercules location

Find it quickly!

I got an idea

I meant, a strategy



Huge banana!


I love a person who enjoys eating

Give it to me

Here, eat lots okay

Eat this

Thank you so much

You're welcome

What fruit is this?

It's called Dragon fruit

Unusual taste


Almost forgot

Let's give you some food

What strategy?

The head of Roccoro tribe

Have a beloved granddaughter

What about it?

If we kidnap her

They will tell the location

I'm so full, can't breathe

But you know

Able to swallow that huge banana is insane Gian

That's an easy breakfast, i mean dinner


Would you trade my beetle?

You know

This is belong to Nobita

Nobita, trade

I refuse!


I just can't


NO way!

Nobita, come on trade

I already said NO!


Nobita idiot!

Now now, Korron

Take that!

Not my fault!

The wrong one is Nobita!

She's just a kid!

Hero Zit

No need to be upset

But he...

Don't mind him




Please forgive her behavior

I raised my only granddaughter with love

She become a spoiled kid

So her parents already...

They're dead since she was little


Sorry about that

Dad bought me this beetle

And i made a promise

I'll make sure to raise it, I promise!

It's a promise

Pinky swear

The one who break the promise, will have to swallow needle

That's why i'm sorry

I can't make the trade

There's no choice

Just give it up


Promises have to be kept

That's right

How about this

You could take care of this, until we return

Let me!


What kind of person a dad is?

How to describe it...

Nobita's dad is similar to him

Both of them always get scolded by Nobita's mother

Even i always get scolded by mother

That's true

Especially when i got mark

Nobita, mark again!

Everything is wrong!

At that time, Dad and Doraemon pretends to ignore

Did i act like that...

I'm the only one miserable

No way!

You don't know how mom treated me

Even when i worked really hard

"Stop slacking off, do it seriously"

She doesn't understand the pressure

They should be more supportive

When i invite Amaguri Shun to my place

Amaguri Shun the idol!? at your house?

Hello there everyone

Amaguri Shun here

Suneo is my good friend

I just wanted to introduce him to everyone

But mom is furious about it!

Furious over small matter...

Why didn't you invite me?

I can't possibly

I want to meet that idol too


Even then

Dad, mom and Doraemon

When we went out together for ramen

I had so much fun

I know right!

When we eat or went out somewhere together

That makes us happy


When i think of dad and mom

Always gives me warmth

Yes i can feel that warmth

Yes it is

They are human too

Sometimes they misunderstood and get mad

My dad and mom...

(TV) I'm home, father and mother

The most loved and important people in my life


The most loved and important...

It's warm

When i think about grandpa

My stomach hurt!

What is it?

The Nobitas had a drawing competition

Korron asked them

Nobita, what kind of drawing?

That one is Zit's drawing

That is Kuradove, good draw

This one Nobita's?


Look how bad the drawing!

Nothing bad about it

It's a good monster

Doraemon, that's not a monster

You mean this is also...

Correct, it's Kuradove!


Why is it so bad...

Even Doraemon, makes fun of me


I know!

If we use that...

Where did i put it?

Nobita, hold this for a sec

Where is it...

Got it!

Nobita, try to use this

What is that?

Air Crayon

I know, this will make you good at drawing!


With this, you could draw freely on the air


Suitable for Nobita


I don't mean to...

I don't need that

Better be used by someone skillful

Hero Zit, draw Kabuta please


What is that



Fuuko, don't interfere Hero Zit

What!, monopolize Hero Zit by yourself

Of course

I want to grow up like Hero Zit

You won't be able

I will!

You won't!

Certainly will!

Certainly won't!

Hero Zit's drawing?

Well done


Similar to guardian deity carving

You're right

Guardian deity... carving?

Yes, the Golden Hercules

Golden Hercules?

That golden beetle

This carving, left by our ancestor a long time ago

Always protected this island, the golden beetle Hercules

Because of its power, we can survive on this island

If for some reason its power is gone.

Animal and people living on this island will be in trouble

That's why we must protect the Golden Hercules

Where is Golden Hercules now?

The one who ever saw it,

Is Korron

Right, i saw it

I pick this Horn Fossil From Golden Hercules

Horn fossil?

And where's the location

Tell us

Want to go there?

Yes i want!

It's slippery so be careful

Still far?

A little more

I'm thirsty

Nobita, come!

This place is the fountain of life

Wounded animals often come here

They drink and recovered for some reason

I came here to recover too

That's when

Instantly recovered and my wound is gone

After that, i found the Horn fossil here

That means, Its nest is around here

That's why the fountain have recovery ability

Let's find it

This is gonna be awesome

My instinct tell me...

It's around there!



Golden Hercules is Roccoro's guardian deity

It's not a good idea to catch it

What was that?



Look, someone ridding it

Is that a robot?

Oh no!, It's going towards Roccoro village!

Nobita, you drank the Voice Cluster


I'm so thirsty

Give it back

I know

Nobita, that's cool!

Do it again



Just kidding

What is Voice Cluster?

One of Doraemon's tool

If you drink this and scream

Your voice will take shape, like before

Don't scream again!



Shut up!

Hey guys!


Let's go back!

I'm concern about the village

Elder Oars

Everyone alright?


We have to stop them

Let's take Korron to safety first

Leave that to me

I'm not trying to run from the fight

But Kuradove seems to rely on me, might as well take them

Good idea right...

Where's Golden Hercules?

What are you!?

Why Gonsuke here?

He's in trouble


You can do it, if you try

I know!

Some still left

Gian, drink it


Ah, right

You don't have to drink that much

I'm done

It's empty

Easy to b*at, bunch of weakling


Come over here!





Why are you here?

Dr. Kelly never came back




They got caught!

If you want to save them

Bring the Golden Hercules to Tiger rock

Also, we have one more hostage

Dr. Kelly!

That's bad

I'll wait until sunset

Bring the beetle to me


Elder Oars

You okay?

Elder Oars

Collapsed from thinking about Korron and our village


There's no injury, he just need rest

I'm glad

Glad he's okay

Now, about the hostages

Let's save them!

Our enemy is dangerous

It will be hard if we don't prepare

They might use other weapons

Just use the Voice Cluster again


Looks like the effect is over

What kind of place is tiger rock


located on far east of this island, a ruin

To go there, we must pass a steep mountains

Even to Roccoro tribe, it's not easy to reach

Are you okay, Suneo?

Don't stop!



We still need to go!


To do that,

Air Cannon please

Not here


I send it for repair

What about shock g*n?


Is that so

Anywhere door is also destroyed

Not even one tools you can use

That can't be!

Roccoro tribe have something right?

Something like?

Something to defeat them!

We don't have it

We don't use something like that

Whatever happens, this is a peaceful island

That's why we can't use weapons to fight

Even if that's true...

Then, how are we supposed to save them

Someone tell me!

Hey, Doraemon?

No need to worry

Doraemon will come and save us

Not just Doraemon

But also Zit, Shizuka, Gian, and Nobita

Nobita is unreliable, but at times he can do it

How do we save them?

Doraemon, why did you send the tools to repair?

Complaining won't help


Let's go to Tiger rock

Without tools?

At times like this, that doesn't matter!

Man up and do this!


Girl too

Shizuka, you too?

Of course, we are friends

Nobita, can't do anything without Doraemon's tools

I hate coward like that!

S-Shizuka, i'm not

Shizuka hates me


I'll come!

Korron is like a sister to me

I can't leave her

I guess so

Whatever happens

We will do it together

Let's do our best, Nobita


Combine our effort

Let's go!


I'll guide their way, you guys protect the village

Got it

Will you be okay?

We are at disadvantage

But, i trust their bravery

We'll overcome it somehow

Suneo, you scared?

Of course not

I'm... scared


How about it!

Mind telling me where Golden Hercules is?

I won't tell!

Just release the children

Do that


Let the show begin!

The star is none other than you guys

Enjoy whats coming

What is that!?

Now, will you tell me the location?

I won't tell!

I'm not afraid of you!

I will b*at you guys!

Let me go!

Release me or be destroyed!



Stop at once!

The one to save him,

Is you Korron

Just tell me and he'll be released

Don't do it Korron!

Don't tell him!

Don't tell no matter what!

Just don't!

We can't lose to them!

Protect this island together!


Korron, i'm sure everyone will come


That's why...

Don't ever tell him...

I understand, i won't

I won't tell!

This is...

That necklace may be the key to find it

With this we'll know the location

It's out

Catch it!


What is it, Kuradove?

Maybe Golden Hercules has been...


That's bad



Hurry come!




Save me... Zit

Hold on!

Be brave!

The Nobitas able to do this!




Nobita, grab my hand!

That's it, a little more

Do your best!, don't give up!

Pull up!

Everyone, you can do it!

Are you alright, Nobita?

We finally did it!

Legendary beetle, the Golden Hercules!

Quarantine it



What's the matter, Kuradove?


What is happening?

No idea

It's dead?

No, Just weakened

It is controlled using this device

I feel sorry, untied the device

Let's do that

Look at that

We have some guests

Is this a blue raccoon?

I don't care whatever it is

Get rid of them!

It's an airship

The hostages must be there

How do we sneak in?

That way

Walking inside that cr*ck to get closer

Me, Zit and Gian will check the situation

Everyone else wait here


Use these tool when needed

What a weird, blue raccoon

I'm not a raccoon!

Robot cat

Run away!

Kuradove, hang in there!


Doraemon, hurry up

Are you okay, Doraemon?

He looks like someone who lose weight

Ah, i'm fine

Let's proceed

Toy cat?

That is...

To invite...

Who are you!?

Do your best Nobita!

Do your best Nobita!

Do your best!

Calling Cat, to invite you here

So that i can use this

Nothing you can do with that

Full power, Wind Fan!

I'm stuck in here

Let me down!

Great fan

This Air glue too

Doraemon's tools is amazing!

Catch me!

Come here you bastard!

What is going on!

Way marker stickers

He is forced to follow the direction

Now, let's go


D-Doraemon, that is...

Brat! I will crush you all at once

W-We have to face that!?


Something, something!

Just anything!

Which one!


What is that!?

Where is it come from!?

Kabuta wanted to protect us

Now is the time to save our friends

But how?

Use this

Ready Doraemon?



Do your best, Doraemon

Home run!

Damn brat!


They should be scared for their friends fate


For opening the door!

I won't hold back!

Golden Hercules inside this?

What a horrible thing to do


Hang in there, Kuradove!

I'm going to check outside

I'll join


Is that all?

Not worth the fight

Please, open up




Stay there

That's enough...

Stop this!

That's reckless, Nobita!


Annoying brat!

Nobita run!

Can't feel my leg...


Watch out!

This is it...

Listen, don't leave my side

I'll protect you

Trust me!

Dr. Kelly hurry up

It's open!

Let's finish this!

Protect Kabuta!

I will join too!

Dr. Kelly!

Not yet!?

Kabuta, do your best!

We're no match...

Mom, i'm scared!

Golden Hercules!?


Save everyone!

Do your best Kabuta!

Don't lose!

Please stop!

I'll fall!

S-Save me!

Keep that up

Yes, that's it


Come on, man up!

Ah Kuradove, good boy

I'm truly thankful

We can rebuild again

About those bad guys?

Don't worry

They will be lock up by time patrol

Just move!

That's impossible!

Good to hear


Why don't you help!?




Where did you get that?

I pick it up

In the forest by the river

Don't tell me...

Everyone, it's time to go home

Good bye, Hero Zit

Take care, Korron

Take good care of your grandpa


It's time, hurry up!

Bye, Let's meet again someday

Yes, of course


Who are you?, your name?

My name is Nobi Nobisuke

Who are you people?

Where am i?

You're overstay

Let's depart!

Turns out

He's my dad

Zit is...

Thanks... Dad


Isn't he, Hero Zit?

He is Zit

Thanks Zit

Hero Zit!



Using the forgotten stick, i made him forget about this island

Yes, that's for the best


Come on!

Don't get in the way

Give us break, it's sunday

Can't do!

I'll turn this on

How about helping me with groceries?




Come on, move it


What are you drawing?

Golden beetle, from my dream

It's hot to draw in the hallway

Nobita, Dad let's go!

Here i go

Wait up

Hurry up Nobita

Wait for me Dad

The End


Was that fun, everyone?

Someone stole my bell!

Doraemon Movie Spring !

A case...

Don't missed the movie next year!

Look forward to it!