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Bleach: Fade to Black, I Call Your Name (2008)

Posted: 02/06/24 16:21
by bunniefuu

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one two three four


I've completed it.

Who's there?

What is this device?!

Master mayuri.

- Is there something wrong?
- Who are you?!

Master mayuri?

Stay away!
Are you here to apprehend me?!


Stay away! Stay away!

Master mayuri, what-?7?!

Let go of me!

Abnormal levels of spiritual pressure
have been confirmed

inside tower seven of the department
of research and development!

Destructive activity has been
detected on the fop floor.

An extremely high density
cloud of reishi

is currently spreading
throughout the area'

I repeat.

Requesting emergency assistance
from all squad members and the kido corps!

- What the hell?
- I know.


What are those things?!

Move quickly!

What the-"?!

Captain kurotsuchi, please stop!

Don't come near me!

What're you going to do to me?!


So you've finally lost it, eh?


What is this?!

Damn nuisance.

What's happening?!

No! You mustn't go.

Who's there?!

We will erase...

Your existence!

The seireitei...

Hurry to high ground!

Serves them right.

I hope every soul reaper dies.

All they do is take.
All we do is lose.

What was that just now?

What's that you're doing?

Reading the letter sis left behind.

It's written in a code,
so I don't know what it means.


Let me see...
It's just a bunch of gibberish.

"This drawing is your clue"?
What the heck?

Don't go trashing her artistic drawing!

This is stupid.

And besides, who's "sis"?


Sis is sis, of course!

What're you talking about?!

Did you become senile?!

You're the one who's senile.

I'm b*at.

I'm calling it a day.

Hey. We're not done yet,
you bastard.


Lets go, ichigo.



I'm not going to thank you!

You must become a soul reaper.


Hey, kon!

Wake up!

What is it now?

This drawing that looks like a cockroach
with a watermelon next to it...

Could it be a rhinoceros beetle?

Which means...

"Returning to the soul society
for matters to attend to."

Soul society...

Urahara's shop


Oh, thanks, ururu.

So... you and... uh...

Rukia kuchiki!

Ah, yes! Rukia kuchiki.

And who is that?

What're you talking about?!

It's rukia,
one of your best customers!

One of my best customers?

Oh yes, there is such a name here.

You see?

But... I'm sorry,
I really don't recall such a person.

What's going on?

Beats me.

But for a second there,
you also forgot about sis, remember?!

Did something happen to rukia?


I don't know if this has anything
to do with this rukia person,

but an unbelievable incident happened
last night at the seireitei.


Yes. Squad 12 captain mayuri kurotsuchi
lost his mind and destroyed his facility.

One third of the seireitei
apparently is in shambles.


If these two occurrences
are connected,

it could mean that something
is affecting our memories.

Be that as it may,
what is your relationship with this rukia?


A close friend!

She's my beloved sis!

Ichigo! Let's go!
To the soul society!


Urahara, I need you to open
the senkaimon.

I see.

It appears the abnormal leakage
of reishi has calmed down.

Each of the thirteen court
guard squads

have begun deploying inside
the grounds to determine the cause.


Good grief.

I-lchigo! It's t-terrible.

- L-look at this!
- Yeah.


What kind of joke is this?

It's no joke.

You think everyone's been wiped out?

I don't know about
the captains, but...

Where's sis?

Sis is all right, isn't she?
Isn't she?!

Shut up! Keep quiet.

I et's find rukia.

The gate's closed.

They're in our way.


You know him?

By face.


What the hell happened here?

Do it.

What is that?

It's coming.


What the-"?!

Here it comes!

Hey! Don't run, you guys!

This is the path
we walk with rukia.

Let's go.

Hey, what was that just now?


What's with all these people?

Huh?! What's going on?!

That mask... who are you?!

I-lchigo, weren't they supposed
to be your friends?!

Hisagi, it's me!
Ichigo kurosaki!

Apprehend him!

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

Just a minute!

You damn intruder!

Hey, ichigo!

I don't know what's going on here,
but doesn't this look bad for us?

Hisagi, I have no desire
to fight you!

- Stop!
- Stop!

Damn intruder!

Abarai! Don't let him get away!

Is this all your doing?!


It's me, ichigo!
Don't you recognize me?!

What're you talking about?!

Stop it, renii!

I don't want to fight you!

How do you know my name?

Listen to me, renji!
Rukia's in trouble!


What are you babbling on about?

Don't tell me...
You've forgotten about rukia as well?

It's rukia we're talking about!


There's no way
you'd forget about her!

Come on, renji!

Stop talking nonsense!


What's going on?!

That's what I'd like to know!

Follow abarai!

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

What're you going to do?

For now, we'll...


You're not getting away!


There he is!


Hang on tight!

Oh, I will.

Curse you!

Bankai! Kokujo tengen myo-oh!

What's this humongous thing?!

Look out! Here it comes!


This place is...


Hanging dog...


Hey. What is with you!

Who are you?!

Who are you people?


She won't recognize you unless
she can see your face clearly.

Yes, I know that.

Rukia, look... look at us.

Damage report.

The damage from the reishi leak covers 200
spirit miles in the east-west direction,

extending over one-third
of the seireitei grounds.

What is the status of
the casualties?

We've never seen anything like it.

They were enveloped by reishi
which turned into petrified stone.

At present, we can't even confirm
if they're dead or alive.

What about kurotsuchi?

It appears he lacks
a grasp of many things.

The current situation,
and even things about himself...

It's as though he's lost
a portion of his memory.

Captain komamura.

I am told you engaged
an unidentified intruder

wearing a squad uniform
in battle.


The intruder possessed
a hollow-like mask,

and I believe his spiritual pressure
is at captain-level.

Are you sure?

I'm positive.

The thing that I don't understand is that
he seems to be very familiar with us.

Captain kuchiki...

In particular, he identified himself
to lieutenant abarai

and appeared to be
speaking to him.

With regard to that,

abarai reports that it was someone
he had never seen before.

This is most disturbing.

Regarding what?

About everything that's happened to us...
Myself included.

There is a crisis at hand!

Consider this the most serious thr*at
in the history of the seireitei.

All squads are to coordinate their efforts
to find and apprehend the intruder!

I'm so sorry! Forgive me!
Please don't k*ll me!

Where am I?

In an underground sewer passage.

I was cleaning here when
you suddenly fell from above.

Your treatment is
as incredible as ever!


You know about me?

Come to think of it...

I seem to recall treating
you before.

I-I'm sorry.
I'm sure I'm just imagining it.

Don't get our hopes up like that.

Let me guess!

You're troubled right now, aren't you?

You can tell?

I can.

When we treat our patients,
we also touch their souls with our palms

and feel the pain of their wounds
and the pain in their hearts.

I guess worrying about things here
won't do any good.

Are we leaving?



Up I go.

Thanks for your help, hanataro!

Oh, don't mention it.

How did he know my name?

Here rukia,
this will make you feel better.

How is it?


I'm glad!

Can I ask a question?


I know the two of you.

But I'm sorry.
I can't remember clearly.

Dear rukia, we'll be waiting at the castle ruins of
east 15. When did I receive this letter from you?

Pretty good, don't you think?

I mimicked the style of the drawings
you used to do for us.

I was sure you'd recognize it.

Why didn't you write your names?

Because we don't have any.

What? You have no hames”?

But you promised to give us names.

L... promised you?

Yup. In the world of the living,
parents give their children names.

That's why you said
you would give us names, rukia.

I would name you...


For goodness sakes,
what were you doing to get so wet?

What were you going
fo tell us, rukia?

What is it?

Oh, yes.

You two don't have names, right?

If you wouldn't Mina,
would you let me name you?

Not having names can be quite...

What's the matfer?

If you don't want fo,
I won't force you.

I'm so happy!

I've always wanted you
fo give us names.


Name us/

please do rt!

- Name us!
- Name us!

Actually, I've already decided
on names.

Yay! _ yay!

We're gonna have names!

- Yay!
- Now, now, don't get so excited.

- Rukia!
- Rukial

it's coming to me.

You were those small siblings!

What are our names, rukia?

What? You mean I didn't
give you your names?

Rukia! What's wrong?

Are you all right?!

Yes, it's nothing.

Forgive me.
I can't remember clearly.

I'm sorry.

What was I doing until now?


You were sleeping, rukia.

For a long time.


That's right.
You were hurt and sleeping.

So take it easy.
We'll always be with you.


Is something the matter?

It's nothing.

That photo!

It's sis!

Keep your voice down.

Sorry for sneaking in like this.

I don't want to cause
3 commotion here.

That's a photo of hisana, isn't it?

She looks a lot like rukia.

Don't you sense something, too?

What're you talking about?

Don't play dumb!

Hisana is rukia's older sister,
isn't she?


That's right. Rukia.

Rukia is your younger sister-in-law.

The younger sister you tried to protect
even if it meant breaking the rules.

So you don't remember either, huh?


How do you know about
my wife, hisana?



Stand down.


Damn you!

Why are you here?!

Wait, renji!

Shut up!

Roar, zabimaru!

You never were a guy
who listened to reason!


That's why I'm going
to pound it into you!


What's the matter, reniji?

Damn it.

Aren't you going to release
your bankai?

Bankai? Me?!

You trained so
you could save rukia!

Don't know what
you're talking about!

Roar, zabimaru!

Remember, dammit!

What're you trying to
make me remember?!

Don't push it!


Hisana was born in south rukon
district 78... in hanging dog.



Can I come over?


Rukia... is something wrong?

I feel like I'm breathing the air in
this town for the first time in ages.

But I feel uneasy,
not knowing anything about myself.


The two of you waited
for me all this time.

Waiting for the names
I said I would give you so long ago...

I wiff remember those names,
I promise.


What is it?

That... hill...

That's right. It was that hill.


What is the matter with me?

You were never a guy
who listened to reason'


Why didn't you use your bankai?


Stop being intimidated!

Your soul should know us.

Have you forgotten the exchange
your soul had with us?

How pathetic!

What're you talking about?

Byakuya... byakuya...

Did you go to the rukon district
again yesterday?

Yes. I'm sorry.

Its all ight.
I'm not scolding you.

I was concerned about your health.

/t is something I have fo do.


I'm all right, byakuya.

No, you're not.
You have fo take it easy.

No, I must continue searching.

No matter what it does fo my body.

Search... for what?

I have news to report.

The hakuto gate has been breached.

Is it the same intruder?

Yes. A team made up of members
from squad 10 and other volunteers

are already in pursuit.

I see...

But how is it that this intruder is
so familiar with the premises?



Are you sure this is where sis lived?

Yeah. That's what I was told.

- Huh?
- Huh?

There's no way sis would be
in a place like this.



It's rukia.

Let's go!

That's right.

I grew up here with my friends, and...



You're all right...


Who are you?

What? Sis?

What're you talking about, rukia?

It's me.


Soul reaper!

What'd you come here for?

Who are you guys?


Stay back.

Who are you?!
How do you know my name?!

What about me?
You remember me, don't you?

Quiet! Funny-looking creature!

F-funny-looking creature?


You really don't remember me?

Come on, rukia.

It's me, ichigo!




It's that guy's fault!

Soul reaper!


What's with you all of a sudden?!

Stop it!


That's right!
k*ll that soul reaper!

I said stop!

What the-"?!

That wasn't flash step.

What are you guys?

You're our enemy!

What was that just now?

It felt like it passed right
through zangetsu.


Hey, you!


Who's there?

Now there's someone
I haven't seen in a long time.

An unpleasant face to see,
as always.

It would seem you remember me.

So what's the big deal?

Surely you didn't come all this way
just to confirm that, did you?

You're right.
I thought I'd interrogate you a bit.

And if I refuse?

You have no option.

Your memories became confused,
and after that,

it seems our memories of
"a certain person" disappeared.

What are you talking about?

This is what I think happened.

I'm guessing both you and
that person ran into the same enemy.

If that was the case...

Do you recognize this?

I had the hardest time
finding this in your room.

Though in your present state,
you probably don't even remember.

Now then, let us begin

the process of regaining
what we have all lost.

No matter how I look at it,
this series of troubling incidents

has to be the doing of
those strange guys we met earlier!

And they took sis away.

But I can't believe she doesn't
even remember who we are.

Sure hurts us here in the heart,
doesn't it?

Say something, man!

There's nothing I can do.

They're both the same.
Rukia, renji...

In their minds, I don't exist.

I held on to the hope that
rukia alone would be different.

You little...

You disappoint me, ichigo!

What are you acting
so depressed about?!

Did you whack your head or something?

You realized that sis was in danger
even in the world of the living.

Even when everyone forgot about her,
you didn't!

You and sis are still connected!

I'll save her,
even if I have to do it alone!

I don't care if
she's forgotten about me!

You can just sit there forever
and think about it like a moron!

Who was that guy?!

Are you all right, rukia?

I know that guy.

Yes, I know that soul reaper.

I wasn't asleep
this whole time, was I?

What was I doing until now?

Why do I know that soul reaper?!

I don't know.

Stop it, rukia.

You're lying!

It's the truth!

After all, we were at
a faraway place, so...

A faraway place?

We finally made it back.

We came back to see you, rukia.

It took about a hundred years, though.

That long?


- Rukia!
- Soul reapers are all alike.

They exist to only take away!

That's right. They took everything.

Happy things, fun things...

Even you, rukia!


Rukia? What's wrong?

Rukia! Rukia!


It's their fault.


The soul reapers!

What's that you're doing?

Hey! Don't look, you fool!

1 didn't look.
Isn't that why I asked?

It's a surprise for later!

I was looking all over for that!

You! When did you steal
that lovely letter from me?!

Man, she's too good for
a loser like you!



Sorry about that.



I never thought
you could teach me something.

I have a lot to learn, I guess.


Hey, don't be so full of yourself!

So did you pull yourself
together or what?!


Uh... y-yes?



W-well, I'm glad
I got through to you!

I mean, you also forgot about sis
when this all started, remember?

My ties with her are deeper
than yours, after all!

You can't escape anymore!

Give yourselves up quietly, intruders!

That's quite a show of strength, toshiro.


How do you know
captain hitsugaya's name?

Of course I know it!
I'm supposed to!



I wouldn't forget you-
even if you've forgotten me.

Huh?! What's that mean?

It's just nonsense, ikkaku.

Who the hell are you?

I'm substitute soul reaper,
ichigo kurosaki!

Substitute soul reaper, you say?

Then show me... the proof!


Stand back, madarame.

I'll handle this.

It appears the reports were correct.

You are familiar with
our style of fighting.

I'll ask you once more.
Who are you?!

Like I said, I'm ichigo kurosaki!

I don't know you!

Bakudo 63: Sajosabaku!



You are...

What is the meaning of this, abarai?!

Get up.


Don't get all friendly with me!

You're the enemy!
An intruder who disrupted the seireitei!

You're supposed to be the enemy!


I can't think of you as an enemy.

I know in my head that
you're the enemy,

but my soul...
Is telling me something different!

That's why I'm following my soul!


I'm sorry, captain hitsugaya!
Please let us through.

Treachery will not go unpunished.

Head captain...

The intruder must be captured.

Please hear me out, head captain!

That's right! We can talk this out!

You're wasting your breath!

Apprehend them!



Kisuke urahara”?


It's been a while, head captain.


The soul reapers are enveloped.

What's the matter?
There's nothing to worry about.

We're invincible.

Maybe we sheared too much?


If things stay this way,

rukia might never remember our names.



No matter what,
we must make sure that

she doesn't remember
what happened that day!

If she does...

You know what will happen, right?

It'll work out.

If we wipe out the soul reapers,
rukia will be with us forever.

Even if she can't remember our names.

Let's go.

How did you get back?

It wasn't that
I haven't had the means.

I simply chose not to.

What have you come here for?

I see you have a crisis here.

We have no need for traitors!

Not so fast, soi fon.

Lady yoruichi!

Haven't you all forgotten
something important?

And what do you suppose
this important thing is?

Lately, I've been having trouble
sleeping from all this commotion.

I do hope you could enlighten us.

What is it that you know?

The root of all evil.

The root of all evil?

Yes, but before I go there...


As I suspected,

kurotsuchi and rukia's memories were
both sheared by the same enemy.

The same...?

You mean the two with
the huge sickle?!

So you've met them?

Then you'd better hurry.

Go after them and
let us take care of things here.


Rukia is in grave danger.

Got it!

Let's go, renji!

I told you not to act so friendly!


I'm sure you're all starting
to feel it too.

An unexplainable feeling that
something wasn't right...

A feeling that you had
forgotten something.

A sense of uneasiness...

That's why even during
a crisis in the seireitei,

you came all the way out here
for a mere intruder.

Isn't that right, head captain?

Tell me something.


What exactly are you trying to do?

I'm going to find rukia!

So, who is this person?

She's rukia!

You still don't remember?!

You were the closest to her!
You two go way back!

L. Was?

- I can't help it because I don't remember.
- Water for sale!

- Don't say, "you can't help it"!
- Delicious water.

I'll make it cheap.

- What's the matter, renji?
- Would you like some pure water?

Gimme back my water! 1 k*ll you!

This way!


That's right! Rukia!

Call out her name!

One, or two hundred times
until you remember!

I have a question.

Why are you willing to do
all this to save her. . This rukia?


She's someone who
changed my world.

She shared her soul reaper powers
with me

when my family and I were
on the verge of death.

Thanks to her...

I'm standing here today!

What are you saying happened to us?

Simply put, a portion of
our memory has been erased.

Let me explain in sequence.

Shortly after I established the department
of research and development,

I was conducting a study
of a certain hollow.

It lived parasitically on souls and
took over its consciousness.

When its host became debilitated,
it moved on to another.

What was particularly unusual
was its ability

to use its sickle-shaped tentacle
to shear its host's memory.

Now if this parasite sheared off

all of rukia kuchiki's memories
from her life as a soul reaper,

what do you think might happen?

No. That's not possible.

The best it could hope to do was attach
to souls with weak spirit energy and

erase its host's memory
for only a short period of time.

I don't believe it could
shear away enough memory

to erase an individual's existence.


You're suggesting a separate power
joined with it?

In all probability...

Memories are connected
with each other.

You could call them "bonds."

In other words, if one person's memories
are completely sheared away,

at the same time, every past event
related to that individual

will disappear from the memories
of the people around them.

This time, however,
there was one exception.

You mean that kurosaki fellow?

Yes. Kurosaki's soul reaper powers
originally belonged to rukia kuchiki.

That is why we had forgotten
about him as well.

A transfer of soul reaper powers?

That is a class one capital offense.

Yes, that's right.

However, we owe him
enough of a debt of gratitude

that we can accept that offense.

Of all the people we shouldn't forget,
we forgot about him.

The truth is,
I've forgotten about him too.

Fortunately, I had kept a log,
so it didn't get out of hand.

Just a minute.
How do you explain kurotsuchi?

We still have memories of him.

Exactly. That's just what
was puzzling me.

But, as you are aware,
kurotsuchi is an odd fellow.

I wondered if perhaps he did
something to himself?

With that in mind, I did some checking,
and just as I suspected...

Kurotsuchi regularly made
backups of his memories.

Anyway, because of that,
all of you remembered him.

Let me repeat.

All memories are connected.

Well, kon?
Were you able to tell where rukia is?

It's no use.
The seireitei is too big.

But I could tell that she passed
through here a short while ago.

Damn it. What should we do?
We're out of clues.



Didn't you say that

you received your soul reaper powers
from that rukia person?

Yeah. I did.

Then your spiritual composition
might be similar.


I'm saying we might be able
to trace her spirit ribbon!

Spirit ribbon?
Isn't that impossible here?

Yeah. You're right that visualizing it
here in the soul society

where things are comprised of reishi
is normally impossible!

But since you possess
a similar spiritual composition,

you might be able to trace
rukia's remnant spirit ribbon.

I'm not very good at
this sort of kido,

but I'll help you,
so give it a try!

There's no harm in trying, right?

Are you kidding me?!
I'll put every effort into this!

Rukia and l... are connected!

I'll find out where she is,
no matter what!

Okay then, let's do it!

You bet!

Does it work?

We did it!



I'm so glad you're okay.
Does your head still hurt?

What is this place?

This is... uh...

We're going to chase away
the soul reapers

who've been making you suffer!

Chase away the soul reapers?!

So you two used this device to...

You mustn't!

Have you considered how much
destruction this device will cause?

It might destroy the seireitei.


Why are you standing up
for the soul reapers?!

The soul reapers will come to
take you away from us again!

L... I... don't want to be separated
from you anymore!

What're you talking about?

I'll be with both of you forever!

I'm not lying. Trust me.


Absolutely not!

We have to get rid of them!

Why is that?

Because... because rukia, you're...

What's that?

Don't know what it is,
but it seems to have started!



- Leave this one to me!
- Hey!

Roar! Zabimaru!


I said to let me take care of this!


Hihio! Zabimaru!

You... used your bankai...

Hey, watch it! You almost got me!

Shut up already!

How's that?

Zabimaru can be used like this too!

I know!


Never mind. Go!


Tensa zangetsu!


I'm okay.

What's wrong?!

I hate soul reapers!

Soul reapers are...


Rukia, I've come for you!


That's rukia?


Go back!

Go back, soul reapers!

Rukia doesn't know you!

That's not how it goes.

Rukia is our friend!

Rukia doesn't want that!

Rukia is not like you anymore!

Try to remember, rukia.

The rukia I know wouldn't give up
being a soul reaper!

You put your life at risk to save me,
a person you only just met.

You shared your powers with me
so that I could protect my family.

You're that kind of strong person!



No, rukia! Don't look that way!

No! No, rukia.

You mustn't go back
to the soul reapers.

Go back to the soul reapers...

So I was a soul reaper?

Soul reaper.
Tell me your name once more.

It's ichigo kurosaki.

I'm the great kon!






Don't move!


We won't let you have rukia.


We'll never let you have her.

We'd rather...

What's with her?

We will become one with rukia.

Then rukia will disappear.
Is that what you want?

All right.

We'll be together forever.



- Rukia!
- Rukia!




Disappear... all of you...


So this is the root of the evil
that messed up the seireitei.

We're going to stop them, renji.

You do something about that woman!

Isn't that what you came here for?!

They're yours.

- Rukia!
- Sis!



Evacuate! Now!

Lieutenant hisagi,
lieutenant matsumoto, look up there!

What the-?! What is that thing?


Shear him away.

Yes, shear him away.


Rukia! Please! Snap out of it!

It's me, ichigo!

Try to remember, rukia!

It's no use. At this rate,
it'll swallow up the seireitei!



Are you okay, matsumoto?


What is that thing?

Not sure, but it looks like
it means business.

From what kurotsuchi tells us,

the enemy should have
the control lock

for the reishi convergence device
that he created.

This terrible state of affairs resulted from
that device functioning out of control.

At this point, the only way to stop it
is to destroy the device.

But I don't think that thing's going
to just let us walk in there.

Kurosaki and the others
are already inside.

We need to keep the reishi
from spreading any further.

He makes it sound so simple.

He's always been like that.

All things in the universe
turn to ashes! Ryujinjakka!

Way to go, old man yama!

I'm ordering all captains to stop
the wild spread of reishi!

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

All waves rise now and
become my shield!

Lightning, strike now
and become my blade!


Flower wind rage
and flower god roar!

Heavenly wind rage and
heavenly demon sneer!


Let's go, soi fon!

Yes, ma'am!


Oh no!

Soi fon!



Lady yoruichi...

Forgive me, lady yoruichi.

It's okay. It's okay.

Let's go.

Yes, ma'am!

Follow my lead!

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!


Growl, haineko!

Reap, kazeshini!


Matsumoto! Hisagi!

What is this hard thing?

Hey, this is...


Are you the bastard who messed
around with my head?!

Morning, Kenny!

Hold on, yachiru!

Aye-aye, sir!

Damn it!
If I could just destroy this thing...

Stop it!


That man...
I will shear away his memories.

Once that's done,
no one will remember rukia.

Right. We will be
the only ones dear to rukia.

Morons! Memories aren't everything.

Renji's soul remembered me!

Rukia will, too.

You can't take away our bonds!


Damn it!



It's not going well.
They're too big.

We're not going to make
any progress

until we destroy the device
in the lab tower.

But we can't get to the lab tower
with this in our way.

What is that?

Don't fall behind, yumichika!

Zaraki? So he's back!

Now's our chance, everyone.

It'll be difficult, but we have to avoid
that creature and get to the lab tower!




Nice moves, byakuya-boy.

I'm going in ahead.

We're counting on you,
captain kuchiki!

Daiguren hyorinmaru!

Thank you, captain hitsugaya!

Don't mention it. Let's go!


Well then,
I think I'll get serious as well.

Kirisaki benihime!

Look out behind you, ichigo!

Bakudo 61: Rikujokoro!



Who are you?!


If what you say is true,

then all the more reason
I must resolve this situation.


Rukia is still in there!

No matter what happens,
we're still connected!

Rukia! Isn't that right, rukia?!

Her spiritual pressure is turning
into that of a hollow's!

It's too late.

Damn it.



Please... please save sis.

Please save her.

Do you want to save your family?

Of course.

Is there a way?!

There is one way.

You must become a soul reaper!

I don't know if it is possible.

But if it isn't the two of us
will both perish.

She sacrificed herself
to save me and my family.

She took a chance on me.

That's why I will never give up.

Do as you wish.

Shear him! k*ll the soul reaper!

Here it goes, rukia.

This time I'm sharing
my powers with you.

Wake up, rukia!


Ichigo... kurosaki!


What is he doing?!


Senbonzakura kageyoshi!

Hikotsu taiho!

Looks like we managed somehow.




Go to them.

You two!

Rukia? Is that you, rukia?

Yes, it's me.

We were punished, weren't we?

Because we didn't listen to you.

Rukia, please don't hate my sister.

Help me, rukia!

- Where are you?
- Rukia'



a soul reaper?!

Stop it!

You two!

- Rukia!
- Rukial

are you all right?

Rukia! Behind you!

That was amazing, rukia!


What is that guy?!

I want... your spirit energy.

This body is useless now.


You're not a soul reaper! Monster!


Gel away from rukia,
soul reaper!

You're in my way!


Yes, I remember now.

But when I came to,
the two of you were gone,

and I forgot about it.

That's because that hollow
sheared your memory.

And also because the siblings possessed
a special ability to perform teleportation.

In all likelihood,
moments before they d*ed,

they placed that hollow into
their own bodies in order to protect you.

After unknowingly becoming
parasitically attached to a dead body,

the hollow rushed back
to hueco mundo.

However, the two took over
the hollow instead.

And it was their overwhelming desire
to see you again that brought them back.

Do you remember now?

I'm sorry we lied to you.

You see,
our lives ended at that time.

It hasn't ended.
Death is not an end.

You came back, didn't you?

I was happy. I was so happy!

I wanted to see you again, rukia.

You're the only person we had.

You're not alone.

You each had the most important person
right next to you the whole time.

I remembered your names.

Homura. And shizuku.

Together, it means
the two of you shine brightly.



Yay! _ yay!


they're nice names.

That's what we wanted to hear.

I'm so happy.


Thank you.

Goodbye, rukia.

Homura! Shizuku!

Don't go!

No... no!

Homura! Shizuku!

Answer me, please!

Dear rukia, we'll be waiting at
the castle ruins of east 15.

Pretty good, don't you think?

I mimicked the style of the drawings
you used fo do for us.

Ichigo, are you going back?


You saved me once again.

You were the one
who originally saved me.

You know,
if death isn't really an end,

then that time we met might
not have been the first.

We might have been connected
from long before that.

I'm not really sure,

but I think maybe once a bond is formed,
it never disappears.

If that's the case,
even if we forget everything,

we'll be connected again
somewhere in the future.

That'll be true for you,
and those siblings as well.


Well, I'll be heading back,
soul reaper.

Don't call me soul reaper.

I'm rukia kuchiki.

What will the moon shine upon tonight?
A thick cloud blankefs the sky

who is holding you tonight?
Alone in the rain, I cry

Ashamed at thinking we could
understand each other completely

I go up to the rooftop with a dazai book in
my hands and grumble about this world

when I spat into the sky,
it just fell back on me

I consider myself a traveler, but I hate
losing my way and making detours

under a roof that protects me
from wind and rain,

I look at the world through Google

words of love that never reach you

what will the moon shine upon tonight?
A thick cloud blankefs the sky

who is holding you tonight?
Alone in the rain, I cry

my unyielding bluff and pride
follows me into my relationships

making it hard fo even hold on
fo the hand that is letting go

though I knew I'd never see you again

if can't see the moon tonight,
I'l wait for a break in the clouds

when you look up at the sky tonight,
can you see the moon?

I want to go out into the wilderness
and see the angelic light

I get tired of myself and the way I am

I talk big like everything is stupia,
like I know everything

I hide my incapable self
and conceal the truth

all it lakes fo see the invisible is
fo close your eyes

even if you're not here,
even if we can't see the moon tonight

Hey! Somebody!

Why won't anyone come to rescue me?

Ichigo! You haven't forgotten me,
have you?

First sis, and now you? Dammit!

Sis! Sis!


Don't forget me!