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Inuyasha the Movie: The Castle Beyond the Looking Glass (2002)

Posted: 02/06/24 11:57
by bunniefuu
I hoped there would be

the glow of the fallen dew. But nothing I can see.

So why did you go yonder to the Mount of Ogura.

The moon seen through a physical body is truly beautiful.

You promised.
So let me have this true freedom.



There is one more thing I need.


Princess Kaguya made all her suitors undertake rigorous tasks.

And there's mention of cloth from a fire rat.


The Jeweled Sprig of Horai

The Crystal from the Dragon's Neck

The Stone Bowl of Buddha

The Swallow's Cowrie Shell

and the Robe of the Fire rat.

That's why Kaguya came after your kimono.

Nice cozy twosome, huh?

Unrequited love...
What? You're in love with Kagome?

When I first glimpsed Miss Kagome through the steamy mist...

I thought it was a celestial being from heaven.


So you were the peeping Tom!

Hush! Don't ever say that aloud!

Then you will be my servant from this instant!


Maybe this Princess Kaguya in the legend

didn't really want to return to the moon.

Huh? What're talking about?

A sh**ting star!

Make a wish!


Do you still want to become a full demon?


You're awfully strong already.

Hah! Be quiet, will ya!

I made up my mind to become a full demon.
So don't say anything more.
But... l've been thinking...

there's nothing wrong...

with you remaining a half demon.

I like you just the way you are.

What do you mean ridiculous?!

Can't you be a little serious?

Inuyasha... You...

So what?

What's this?

How strange... cherry blossoms at this of year?

What's happening?

The time has now come.
Behold the robe from heaven to drape upon me.

And for you, it is only this deep sadness that I feel.

Thanks for saving me the trouble of going to you.

Not you again?

What luck I have to come across such fools.

Where is the Celestial Robe?

Celestial Robe?


No way!


Do not interfere!


No wonder you're so weak.

You're just a half demon.

So what of it?!


-Kagome! -Inuyasha!

Yes... that is it! The Celestial Robe!

Run, you fool!


Of all the impudence...!

A sacred arrow?


Release Inuyasha!

Fool! Stay back!
Just try it.

You dare me?



Watch out!



I'm so glad, Inuyasha... you're all right.

Stupid! Why'd you do a foolish thing like that?
You're always doing the same for me...





Damn! Lemme go!
If Kagome dies, you're gonna pay!

Rest assured. I won't let her die so easily.

Tell me, will you become my servant?

Then I shall grant your wish.

Go to hell! Release me now!

I'm taking the girl.

Where're you taking Kagome?!

If you have the will, come to my Dream Castle.

Are you running away?!


Where's this Dream Castle?!

How should I know?!


There's a saying taught to my family by a certain monk.
The Castle of the Celestial Being lies in the Lake of Motosu...

unreachable by mortals.
Say Hachi...

Why didn't my grandfather use his Wind Tunnel?

Isn't it obvious?
We're talking about your grandfather.

This celestial maiden was probably a real beauty.

Kaguya... I can't wait to meet her.

You never get tired of it, do you?

Is this the cave of the shrine?



Someone got here first.

Don't move!
Please... Please wait!


Why're you?!

I longed to see you!

H-Hey Miroku!

What're you doing?!

Stop it! Let go!

Oh, how my hands remember this feeling.

And oh, how I remember this pain.

It's been a long time, Sango.

You haven't changed a bit, Monk!

You know how it is...
I'm glad Kohaku is alive.

Yes, but his memory is still blurred.

The mirror as well as the Jeweled Sprig.

And Kagura stole the Swallow's Cowrie Shell.

This poses a serious problem.

Master Miroku...

So this cowrie thing was also necessary to break the seal?

Yes, the five treasures taken by Kaguya represent the five elements:

Wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

This cloth of the Fire rat...
Could it be the same cloth as Inuyasha's raiment?

If so, we'll probably meet up with him.

A castle in the lake!

What an immense demonic aura!

Time and the full moon

Are fully aligned once more... An eternal dream
A celebration this night And now, let it all begin

What's happening?!

The demonic aura's getting stronger!

She stops time with her undisturbed mind

and destroys all living beings.

There's a glow beyond the forest.
Are you going, Inuyasha?

I think it's better to stay away from danger.

Then, don't concern yourself!

You can wait here.


Akitoki, this is bad!

If demons accost us now, we'll be dead meat!

I agree!

Let's go, Kirara!


Master, we can't get close to it!

Watch out, Hachi!


Hachi, are you all right?!
It's not a serious wound, Hachi!




Kohaku, hang on tight!

Miss Sango...

There's something in the water!




So you've appeared, half demon.

Kagome, are you all right!?




The wound has disappeared.
Behold the power of the Celestial Robe.

My wish will become true.


I'm coming to save you!

So hang in there!


What's this?!

W-What the hell...?!


I knew I shouldn't have come.

Wind Scar!

What a waste of time!
I'll use the Backlash Wave and blast it in one blow!

I can't use the Backlash Wave when they're coming at me from everywhere!

Now I possess limitless power.

That robe doesn't suit a fake celestial maiden like you, after all.


Wouldn't att*ck one of your own, huh?

They would!

I see... They're all connected at the base.

If I destroy that...
Take this!

Wind... Scar!

That arrow!

Inuyasha, the rest I leave to you.

That held me up too long!

Huh? Defeated already?

After all that talk, how pitiful.
Your fake celestial maiden act is starting to wear thin.


Then she's not a real celestial being?
Kanna told me...

You're just like Naraku.

A demon that absorbs the flesh of other demons

to increase your strength.

I'll bet you devoured the real maiden

to gain immortality.

Naraku must've really wanted that eternally young body of yours.

Hmph... I detest all these half demons.

Your hatred goes pretty deep, huh?

But I am a woman borne out of Naraku.
And I'm really getting tired of your antics.

So you'll put on a side show?

How about I suck out your soul?

What's the matter, Kanna?!

Fools! You think you can easily take my soul?
I shall tell you just why I sought the Celestial Robe.

Power of the Mirror of Stillness!

Damn! I can't move.

Do these things really heal injuries?
Kagome's first aid kit has things with strange powers.

Shippo, you were never more courageous than today.

I guess you can be useful sometimes.

Akitoki, make sure his bandage is extra tight.



Hey, I was praising you!

Didn't sound like it to me.

Hey Akitoki! Put a bandage on the knee.

Shippo, who is this?

I believe I've met you somewhere...

Oh, really?

Ignore him. He's not worth an introduction.
Hey, what're you doing, Miroku?

I don't feel quite right without it.

Hmm... I can't write well with my left hand.

So he's come.


But he won't get in my way.

Those who move within the flow of time...

disappear into the empty void of illusion.

Inuyasha, stay back!
Power of the Mirror of Stillness!


What's happening?!

It's Kaguya's Power of the Mirror of Stillness.

She's making time stop?
It's coming! It's coming!

It's all over!

Pa... I'll join you soon!


I'm okay.
But why?

Akitoki and Hachiemon aren't moving.
This is...?!

Kagome's medicine box!

It seems Kagome's things can put up a barrier against time.

My eyes are burning!

Didn't we go overboard?

You're right.

Oh, my beautiful perpetual night... No one shall get in our way.

It ain't over yet.

Huh? You!

Why do you still move?!

Who the hell knows!?
That pendant!

And he said he didn't want it!

Now it's payback time for all you've done!




Where did you go?

Unsightly half demon! He was never here.

An illusion?
This is the dream of the pentacle mirror.

Illusion... The castle beyond the looking glass.


You're all right?

Where's Kagome?

Kaguya took her into the castle.
Where did the castle disappear to?

Take a look.


Inuyasha, what's with that unsightly sleeve of yours?

Why take it out on me?!


In here?


Let's go!


'Kay! Me too.
But... l'm just a little kid!

Wait for me!

Where is everyone?

Wait! Don't leave me!
Such fools... Pursuing me inside the mirror.

Hey you!

What's so good about stopping time?

Only humans like you prefer time that passes.

I'd rather die than stay in a place like this!

Don't worry.

I am going to devour you.
You possess the spiritual powers of a priestess

and are able to put up a barrier against time.

Those powers shall be mine!



You're all okay!

All thanks to your medicine!

Tell me, have you decided to become my servant?
Don't count on it!

Damn it!

I can't watch idly by!

Divine punishment!


Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!



Fox Fire!

You can take over, Miroku.
Take a good look, Inuyasha...

at the dark spirit which lurks in your heart.

What're you babbling about?

This is the true form you desire.

I shall grant your wish.



The world of the night is where I rule supreme.
I possess the power of darkness!

I shall release your true form from the mirror!


He's transforming into his demon form!
But it's different from before.

No! You mustn't transform!

Look at Inuyasha in the mirror!

He's transforming!

This is your true form!

Become the true demon monster that you wish to be!
Forever seal your human blood in this mirror.

What's going on?!

It's over if he transforms into a full demon.

He can never be a half demon again.

What did you say!?

But Inuyasha is able to stop the transformation now!
This is the world of the mirrors.

Perhaps the dark desire of the heart is stronger in here.

Does that mean he's changing into a ferocious demon?


If we break the mirror, we can stop it!




I'll get you out!


Snap out of it!
Will you sell your soul to Kaguya and forget about us?!

Well done.

Only by releasing the power of darkness

can one realize true freedom.
Kagome... Inuyasha is still unsure of himself.

But we can't reach him.

Only you can stop him!

More than ever, I wish I had my Wind Tunnel.



The Sacred Jewel shards...

Shippo, please!

Get my Jewel shards!


Throw the whole bottle at me!



Stop this! I beg you!

Don't transform!

Try what you will, it's useless.

The human heart which he possessed is locked in this mirror.
He can never be a half demon again.

Kagome! Move away! You'll be k*lled!

I love you as a half demon, Inuyasha!

I like you just the way you are.

Just be you, Inuyasha.


I love you as a half demon, Inuyasha.

What's the matter, Inuyasha? Why the hesitation?

How can I stop his transformation?

Set free the beast of carnage inside you...

And bring me the flesh of that girl!

Inuyasha, you want to stay by my side, don't you?

What is happening?!


What's this?

Inuyasha, you're okay?

Silly fool, why are you always so reckless?

I'll stay a half demon a while longer. Just for you.

Don't! Stop that, Miroku!

Don't get any ideas!

Fool! Casting away the chance to have your desires granted.

Come into my arms!

Kohaku! Are you all right?

A mere half demon bares his fangs at me? You shall regret it.


The Robe of the Fire rat has returned to its place!

Wind Scar!

So you're no different from Naraku!

That makes things easier!

What's the matter, Kohaku?

My shoulder is burning!
This can't be...!

The Wind Tunnel?!

What did you say!?

Hurry, Miroku! Cover it up!

Get away from me, Sister!


What's happening?
It can't be...!

Looks like it.
Kohaku, hang in there!

Run away!


I'll never leave you again!


It's been a while, Kaguya.


I thought you had d*ed.

I did. Just long enough to lure you out.
So you faked your death for a while

and erased my Wind Tunnel?!

How cruel! How could he do this?!

Inuyasha! Naraku intends to absorb Kaguya!


You will not get in my way.

Hang on! I'll cut you away from Naraku!

Run, Sango!
Let me go, Miroku!

Naraku will absorb you, too!

Damn you, Naraku!

No! He has Kohaku!

I know that!

Become one with my flesh!

Do not touch me with your disgusting body!


Where's Naraku?!

Is he dead?

No. He's not dead.

He's hiding somewhere.
Damn it! He's just going to watch from the shadows!

If we defeat Kaguya,

Naraku will consume her body and become immortal.

But if Kaguya wins, then Naraku would be rid of us.

In either case, Naraku benefits.
From the beginning, we were just pawns in his game.

Quit babbling.


We just k*ll them both and solve the problem!
Well, I can use my Wind Tunnel to my heart's content.

Don't you interfere!

Kaguya is mine!

You do not have the power to defeat me.
Please Shippo... Change into a bow.

A bow? But there's no arrow.

It's all right, just hurry.

Why you!


The mirror is glowing!

It's the one that blasted Naraku.
Wind Tunnel!

Hey Miroku, I said stay out of it!

I knew you'd say that.


She's coming again!
Inuyasha! A direct att*ck won't work!


Disappear into perpetual darkness!

Take this! Backlash Wave!
That trick won't work on me.

She's gone.

Inuyasha, it's coming right back!

I know!

A frontal att*ck's the only way!
Ready Shippo?




Never mind me! sh**t!
Wind Scar!

You don't have the power to push it back...



How's that?!
A mere half demon... and a mere human...

We did it!

Are you all right, Kagome?

Thanks, Sango!
We're fine here!

He's such a headache!

What is that?!

My body may be destroyed.
But I am an immortal celestial being.

You there, with the sacred powers.

You will be my new flesh!



Come, Kaguya.


Get down!

Wind Tunnel!

Are you all right, Kagome?



Let us hurry!
How do we get out?

I think we can get back to the surface by following Naraku.

Wait! Don't leave me!

Inuyasha, you coward!

Where's Kaguya?

It's safe. She's gone.
Take a look.

The castle is disappearing.


It's all over.

Not quite.

Naraku is still alive.
But we destroyed what he was after.

So that's something.

Hah! Just one isn't enough!
Hey, Master Miroku!


So you're both all right.

Miss Kagome! The Celestial Robe has returned.

And look, your staff!

When I came to, it suddenly fell from heaven.

Wow... It returned to its rightful owner!
Just like a dog.


Right at the end, Kohaku called you "Sister".

That's something at least.

Thank you, Miroku...

I think so, too.
Grandfather, you were right. Kaguya was beautiful.



What are you thinking, Miroku?!
Do not worry. You are the only celestial maiden for me!



The sh**ting star granted a little part of my wish.
Princess Kaguya of the legend returned to the moon.

But our journey will continue.



How mean of you to leave me!

Then quit daydreaming!

How rude!
Come, come. We destroyed Kaguya.

Yes, so no fighting for today.

Awai sora ga utsushita
A jewel reflected by the pale sky

Omoi ga kezu me ni tonde kita houseki

Unwittingly leapt into my field of view.

Hokori kabutta mama no zutto nemutteta kokoro ga madarete yuku

My long-slumbering, dust-covered heart becomes distraught.

Kemuri no naka sagashimotomete koi no ANTENA
The antenna of love that I sought in the smoke.

Negai komete kumorizora o tsukinukete

Holding fast to desire and piercing the cloudy sky,

Hikari o sashita

I pointed toward the light

Daremo shiru koto no nai aoi hoshi o
I swim on through

Yura yura oyoideku

While wandering through the azure star

Kedaku mo habataku tori no you ni

Like a proud bird in flight
Jiyuu sae mote asobu gurai no kiseki

It's a miracle that even allows me to play with freedom

Jareru ka no you ni warau kimi no manazashi ni tokimeki o oboeta yo
My heart fluttered at your gaze when you laughed teasingly

Kimi ni deaeta koto wa heibonna boku no nani yori mo mirai de

For someone as unremarkable as me, meeting you is the best future of all

Kusatte ita nurui kisetsu ni yokotawari
If I continue living a lazy, passive life

Sabotte ita ukemi darake no seikastu ja

Reclining in a tepid, rotten season
Nani ma kawaranai

Nothing will change

Sore demo kitto

Even so

Fuan ya kanashimi o kesayashinai keredo
I cannot vanish things like uncertainty and sadness, but...

Semayoi nagara mo aoi hoshi o

I swim on
Yura yura oyoideku

While wandering through the azure star

Kedaku mo habataku tori no you ni
Like a proud bird in flight

Jiyuu sae moto asobu gurai no kiseki

It's a miracle that even allows me to play with freedom

Oh, this feels sooo good.
Oh yes!

Sango, we too...

What do you think you're doing?!

Well... We should follow Kagome's example and...
No! I don't know anything! I don't remember a thing!

It wasn't like I wanted to either!

What does that mean?

Err... nothing...

Besides, you're the one who came at me.

Inuyasha! Sit boy!

Inuyasha, grow up will you?