Black Scorpion (1995)

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Black Scorpion (1995)

Post by bunniefuu »


Angel City, 1975

Don't shush me. What are you
doing up this late?

Dad, I'm trying to listen.

Hey. That's lieutenant to you. I told
you the two way's off limits.

- Now get your butt in bed.
- I can't sleep.

Why, don't you feel well?

You're fine. Get your butt in bed.
Come on.

- I miss mommy.
- Huh?

- Do you ever think she'll come back?
- I don't know.

She always told me stories
to help me sleep.

I could tell you a story.

- You?

But just one, then you're off to
bed, OK? And I don't want any arguments.

Up, up - oh God, you're
getting big. OK...

Well let's see, uh...

usually they start with...
"once upon a time."

Thanks, OK.

Once upon a time there was a scorpion.

What's a scorpion?

Oh it's a scary spider, with
a long tail...

with stingers.

-I'd rather hear Cinderella.
-Well, I don't know that one.

So anyway: this particular scorpion
wanted to get across the river.

But she didn't know how to swim

so she asked a frog if she
could ride on his back.

Wasn't the frog scared of her?

Oh he was scared alright, but she
promised that she wouldn't sting him.

So he got about halfway across,
and then he felt, like,

a burning shot
through his back.

And he said, "oh my -
why did you do that?

Now we're both doomed to die."

And what did the scorpion say?

She said, "I had to -
it's in my nature."

And then what happened?

They both drowned.

- That's it?
- Well, yeah, that's it.

I was better off listening
to the police band.

You're better off in bed, now, OK!?

Attention all available units,
we have a high speed chase in progress.

Suspects robbed the first bank of City
of Angels. All units please respond.

Hey man did you see how that
fuckin teller's face looked

when I fuckin shot her, man??

Let's get drunk, man! Yeah!!

Yeah, that was pretty cool man. But
the b*tch got blood all over my money!

They're driving a red Camaro
and they're heading west

on 8th street toward
the Fountain parkway.

They're coming right past us.

Not if I can help it.
I'm gonna call Mrs. Johnson

and see if she can come
down and watch you, OK?

Dad! I can take care of myself.

Are you sure?

I want you to lock the door behind me;
brush your teeth and go straight to bed

And you stay away
from that two-way radio.

-We got that clear, officer?
-Yes, sir.

I'm gonna blow some cops away!

You got it, baby!

f*ck, man!

This is Walker;
I got them.

both men are armed and dangerous.

Man, God damn. Heads up,
who's that following us now?

-It's a cop.
-f*ck, man.

Man, I can't seem to shake this guy.

I'll shake him, baby.

I'm requesting an ambulance,

We have a couple suspects who are
about to get severely injured.

Oh man, now I'm bleeding all over
my own damn money.

Where'd you learn to drive, man?

This might be a good opportunity to use
some of those new experimental devices

on these trauma patients.

Are you the Good Humor man?

No, I'm Dr. Noah Goddard. Orderly,
take this man up to Trauma.

Nurse, prep his friend over there,
I'll take care of that glass myself.

Whatever you gotta do, Doc,
just keep him alive.

This boy's got a life sentence to serve.

I'm not going back to jail, man!

Don't worry, you're going to surgery.

Excuse me, do you mind
not smoking in here?

Everybody's got an opinion.

Hey, what the hell are you doing, man?

Give me that g*n!

Is there a doctor in the house?

-Yeah, man, I got one!
- Don't sh**t!

Let him go and I'll let you live.


Officer needs assistance!

We need 8 units...
...right away...

It doesn't look good, huh?

It hit in both lungs.

-Turn off the radio and go to bed.

-That's an order.

Dr. Goddard? Oh my God!
Oh, Dr. Goddard...

- Darcy?
- Yes, sir?

I love you.

I love you too, daddy.

Eighteen years later...

-Alright girl, come on let's go get 'em.
-I'm right behind you.

-Come on, you know you want it honey.
-Come on.

- Hey... you want me baby?
-Alright babe.

-Come get some of this brown sugar.
-I'll take some of that.

-Come on boys.
-Come get me.

Come and get it.

Work it baby, work it - you're
getting the hang of it.

I can't believe this is
what I do for a living.

Hey Darcy - You like listening to your

You're funny, Michael.

Scorpio: If today's your birthday,
be prepared for a change.

A gift becomes more
than just a token,

and think about
adding to your wardrobe.

Come and get it, baby!

Words to live by.

Somehow, I just don't see these boots
becoming part of my wardrobe.

What's the problem, don't you
like my sense of style?

Sorry Tender Loving, it's not
your style, I just, uh...

none of this is me.

Well maybe there's another you
that you don't know about.


Where is she?
She around here?

No offense Darcy, but I
wouldn't quit your day job.

Does that mean you don't want
to be my first customer?

And ruin our professional relationship?

Yeah, right.

Give it up girlfriend, it ain't
never gonna work.

It better work; your pimp's k*lled

I ain't talkin' about him -
I'm talkin' about HIM.

-I seen the way you look at him.

Michael's my partner.

Oh please. Now if there's
one thing that I know, it's men.

and honey - that man don't
want what you're offering.

Well, I guess you are the
expert on men.

Well, I guess I am.

My name is my fame. They don't
call me Tender Lovin' for nothin'.

Here comes the pimp-mobile.

E-Z! That's my man!
Come on baby.

-You're on girl. I'll be over here.
-Shit. Good luck.

Hey baby.


Well, it's all set, and he'll meet us
at the club around the corner.

You're gonna arrest him, right?

Do you copy, Michael?

I'm with you - just keep it public.

If you don't, he'll
go crazy like before.

But this time he'll go crazy on me.

That won't happen.

I promise.

Act two's comin' up baby!

This is Darcy, the new girl
I was telling you about.

Darcy, this is E-Z Street.

E-Z Street: is that your name
or your address?


Well, I'm lookin to move into
your neighborhood.

You think you could help me out?

No. I don't think so.

Why not?
Is there something wrong with me?

You look a little too uptown
to be downtown. Now step off!

Well, maybe we can go somewhere else.

Let's go.

- Where?
-Oh, you'll see. Come on, let's go.

Darce, where are you now?

This is it - the honeymoon suite, baby.

Looks more like a storage room.

Yeah I got something in store for you.

Storage room? Oh that's real public.

You haven't told me if this was
business or pleasure.

From now on, pleasure
IS your business.

-I can't do this.
-And why not?

Because I'm scared.

Ain't nothing to be scared of.

What about that guy k*lling
all the hookers?

Oh you ain't gotta worry about him.
Just trust old E-Z.

-How can you be so sure?
-Aw, enough of this talkin, huh!

Through there.

It's just gonna be quick, fast -
bang, boom baby.


I didn't give the signal!

What signal? What's up?

You're under arrest.

For what?

Next time wait for my signal.

If I had waited for your signal
there wouldn't be a next time.

Yo, true blue!

-Sit down.
- Argyle! What happened? Did you resist?

Yeah, I resisted being carjacked!

Well, you know what they say:
What goes around comes around.

Well, at least the cars
I steal are empty.

Besides, this wasn't just a car.
It was a computer on wheels.

We're talking state of the art control
systems; my baby did everything except-

Except to fight crime.

Well no, I wasn't thinking about that.

But I could program it
to fight crime too!

Where you goin?

Look out.

He's out. Take him away.

Don't ever do that to me again!

-What is your problem?
-You are my problem!

Darcy, Russo, in my office.

Say, I know y'all are having
some problems here but uh...

Sit it down!

-Hey man, could you uh, help me out?
- Hey man, I ain't got no money.

No I'm hoping you got a key,
see what I'm saying?

Brother, I have the
key to spiritual fulfillment.

Aw, shit.

Mr. Aldridge?

What the hell were you waiting for?
That maniac could've k*lled you.

I was trying to get him to talk, sir.

Did he confess to anything?


-Are you alright Thomas?
-Nah it's the damn smog.

When's somebody gonna
clean up the air in this city, huh?

Really. Right now though, I'm
more concerned with the streets.

Can we hold this
scumbag on solicitation?

- He offer you any money?
- Not exactly.

Then I can't prosecute the guy.

Chuck him.

What? Captain, you can't
turn that guy loose.

It was your screw-up, Darcy, not mine.

You need to take better
care of yourself, Thomas.

You wanna work out with me on
Tuesdays and Thursdays?

-I wasn't the only one who screwed up.
-I was trying to protect you.

I'm tired of you trying to protect me.

Nice bust, Darcy.

Hey! If you got something to say,
Try saying it to me.

See? There you go again.


So, you let the perp walk
on a loophole, huh?

It wasn't a loophole, dad.

Show a little respect, OK?

I may be off the force, but it's
always been "lieutenant" to you.

The DA said we didn't have a case.

God damned lawyers.

I'm telling you, that's the reason
I'm not a cop anymore.

You're the reason you're
not a cop anymore.

That's a bunch of crap, OK?

I didn't mean to sh**t that doctor.

I was just trying to help him,
trying to save everybody.

You were trying to be a hero, and
instead of waiting for backup

you took the law into
your own hands.

-I had to.

Like the scorpion said to the frog,
honey: it's in my nature.

Well, it's not in mine.

So what about E-Z Street?
You just gonna walk away?

I don't have a choice.

The public defender
slapped us with a restraining order.

You know, back in my day, we never
walked away. We always got the job done.

Yeah, no matter what the cost.

Your mother knew I was a cop
when she married me.

She thought she was
marrying you, not your job.

Being a cop isn't just a job, OK?

It's not something you just do,
it's something you are.

If you don't know that by now,

you might as well just trade in
your badge for a wedding ring.


Whoa. I don't want to fight.
Let's sit down.

I don't want to fight either, dad.

I brought you a little present
for your birthday.

I didn't think you'd remembered.

Daddy's little girl.

-What's he doing here?

The DA.

Oh no, I can't take him
after what happened today.

Buck up, here he comes.

-Mr. Aldridge.

You know my father,
Lieutenant Walker.


Daddy! Oh my God...

B.R.E.A.T.H. Headquarters

Eyewitnesses claim that
District Attorney Thomas Aldridge

appeared disoriented prior
to last night's fatal sh**ting

prior to last night's fatal sh**ting of
retired police lieutenant Stan Walker.

One report went so far as to say that
Aldridge may have acted

in anger and frustration at the recent
local government cutbacks

of staff personnel in the DA's office.

- Who is it?
- Your partner.

-I've got visitation rights, you know.


-How are you holding up?
-I'm fine.

Come on Darce.
It's me.

Michael, I've just been going over and
over this thing in my head;

it just doesn't make any sense...

Why did Aldridge do it?

Well, his lawyers say he just snapped.

Oh come on, don't tell me you
buy that insanity defense.

He doesn't remember going to the bar,
he doesn't remember pulling out his g*n-

he just doesn't remember.

I don't believe that.

Not unless the lab confirms drug use.

It's not going to.

What? How do you know?

I saw it. There's no trace
of narcotics in his system.

-What about alcohol?
-Just asthma medication.

Then it was premeditated.

Darce, what possible motive could the DA
have for k*lling your father?

I don't know, Michael.

Maybe he'd prosecuted an old case
of the Lieutenant's.

It's worth looking into,
don't you think?

You're trying to make sense out of
something that defies explanation.

We see it on the streets every day.

Sometimes the world just doesn't
make sense, Darce.

I need it to, Michael.
I need it to.

I need it to.

Walker. I didn't expect to
see you down here.

I couldn't sleep.

I'm glad you came. Look,
Walker... I...

I can't tell you how sorry
I am about your father.

I don't want apologies,
I want answers.

I'd give them to you if I had them.

You're going to give them to me!

Walker, what the hell are you doing?

-What did you have against my father?

I swear to God I will k*ll you.

-No, please, please...
-Why did you do it!?


Think about it.

-You wanted to see me, Captain?
-Yeah, have a seat.

I just got off the phone with the I.A.D.

You know how this thing works?

What is it?

It's a smokeless ashtray, it's supposed
to suck all the fumes out of the air.

What did I.A. say?

Pending their investigation on the
police brutality charge, you're...

You're officially suspended.

What about unofficially?
At least let me work this case.

-I can't do that.
-Why not?

Because I agree with the I.A.D. on this.
I think you crossed the line.

With all due respect, Captain -

The men in this precinct cross the line
everyday, with your full support.

This has got nothing to do with you
being a woman, Darcy.

Officer Walker.

You assaulted the District Attorney!
I mean, his office is all over this.

He k*lled my father!

Yeah, well, maybe you're
a little bit like the old man.

Meaning what?

Meaning ... he was self-destructive.

He did what he had to do, Captain.

I'm gonna need your badge and your g*n.

I'm a good cop.

You WERE a good cop.

Hey Darcy. E-Z Street's looking for me.
He knows I set him up.

- I can't help you, Tender.

-You promised!
-It's not my job anymore.

I'm sorry.

Work it, baby.

You want me to work it, baby?
You want me to work it, baby?

Work it baby!

You want some of this, baby?
Yeah I bet you do.

I would like a little of that,
I'd like a date the way you work it.

-Hola bebé.
-¿Hola bebé?

Where you been? I been lookin for you.

- I been around here.
- Oh, you been around, huh?

You know that toot you brought me?
You know she was a cop? Huh?

-I know.
-Oh, you know that.

-I know, she tricked me, too.
-She tricked you?

Well that's alright, baby. You
ain't gotta worry about that. Know why?

Because I was hip to her game.
Because nobody fools E-Z.

-You know that?
-I know.

I said nobody!

Open up, child - we got business!

-I trusted you.
-Oh God...

You said you would protect me!

Was it Street?

Nah, child.
It was you.

In my day we never turned our back. We
always found a way to get the job done.

Being a cop isn't just a job.

It's not something you do,
it's something you are.

I just don't think any of this is me.

Maybe there's another you
that you don't know about.

Maybe you're a little
bit like the old man.

We see it every day on the streets.

Sometimes the world doesn't make sense.

It's like the scorpion said to the frog:
it's in my nature.

It's in my nature.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Sorry, I can't do this.

It's too late for second thoughts.
You just grin...

And bear it.

Huh? What?

Didn't anyone ever tell you that when
a girl says no, she means no?


Put your clothes on and get out of here.
E-Z Street's about to become a dead end.

Wait - wait now, hold on now.

Hey, we could work something out.

I know a lot of cats that's
into this, but me,

I'm a romantic type.

I'm not.

It's just gonna be quick, fast,
bang, boom, adios bambino!

Damn, b*tch!

Hey E-Z Street. You OK in there man?

So, someone finally got E-Z Street?


What are you doing here?

I had to give a statement to the IAD.

-Do you have any leads?

I got an eyewitness who says there
was a masked vigilante.

Probably one of his girls
looking for revenge.

-You going after her?
-She k*lled somebody.

At least the streets are safer.

You sound like your father.

All I'm saying is that justice was done.

Not yet; I've got to catch her first.

Nice shoes.

Welcome to B.R.E.A.T.H. headquarters.

The main source of
air supply for our city.

You, my army of asthmatics,

My wheezing warriors - together we will
bring this city gasping to its knees.

With a spree of seemingly random crimes.

Excuse me - what do you
need all this money for?

None of your business, cue ball.

That's what you say.
I think it is. Hey-

I have embezzled $300,000
of my firm's money

and I have no idea why I did it.
What the hell is going on?

Thinking for yourself
can be dangerous.

Have you been to the pharmacy lately?

The pharmacy? Oh boy.

I'm talking embezzlement and
old blue eyes here is talking pharmacy.

OK, I'll play your little game. What the
hell does that have to do with anything?

They're red eyes.
Maybe you need a new inhaler.

Why? Read my lungs -
I have no trouble breathing.

You do now.

How does that feel?

-You were great, Frank.
-It's Hank.

That's what I said, Hank.

You know, for $25 you could
remember my name.

What do you expect for a hand job?

An orgasm...?

Stupid ass white boy - maybe if I could
find it maybe he would have an orgasm.


Who's there?

Give me your purse!

Hey there big boy.

You know, that's really not your color.

Come any closer and I'll do her.

Look, just take the bag and go.
I won't hurt you.

Get back.

You said you weren't gonna hurt me!

It's a woman's prerogative
to change her mind!


Those are some bad ass boots!

You should get yourself a pair.

Girl, where'd you get them from?

She just came out of nowhere,
and she was all dressed in black,

And she had these bad ass boots!

And she had this
long braid, like a tail.

No, like a stinger.
Like a scorpion! Like a scorpion.

And what message, if any, would you give
this so-called Black Scorpion?

You go, girl - this city needs you.

This is Leslie Vance,
Channel 8 news.

Wow, hats off to Leslie Vance; she
certainly knows how to track them down.

In other news this evening,
escaped convict Robert...

Ever made it with a mayor before?

Uh, only a couple of city councilmen.

You know, I hope I can
count on your vote.

Let me take a look at my constituency.

Oh boy, am I gonna enjoy this.

What the hell is this?

This is Mayor Ward. Give me the 21st
precinct! Right now!

Attention, attention.
Any available unit please respond

to a mobile distress call
on Angel Avenue.

The Red Dragons are attacking
the mayor's inoperative auto.

Please respond.

Hey guys.

Looks like the g*ng's all here.

Who is this...?


That was fun.

Man. I liked her boots.

Our new assignment.

Scary Mary and Connie The Crusher.

The wrestlers? They've
turned jewel thieves?

Alright, alright guys, listen up:
The mayor, he just drilled me a new one

because of this morning's headline
in the Angels daily news.

Masked marauder saved mayor... oof.

I don't get it. I mean, what's he
so upset about? Look at that.

That... is a great picture.

It's not his wife.

This is an election year. Officially
the mayor's got no comment.

Unofficially he wants this
whacked-out broad behind bars.

And so do I.

- Captain, you alright?

Yeah, I quit smoking this morning,
I'm a little stressed out.

So what are you guys doing tonight?

I gotta pee.

That hurts.

Here we go!

Did that hurt?

Robbery in progress at the
City of Angels Jewelers'.

Security guard is requesting backup.
Please use caution.

Yep, he's a bleeder.

-Lets go, girl!
-Let's break some glass!

Mind if I drop in?

Well, if it isn't the Black Scorpion.

Hey - didn't we wrestle her in Philly?

- Yeah!
- How about wrestling me now?

Come on, Connie, kick her ass!


Good job!

- And she's down for the count!
- Hey!

-Let's take off her mask!
-Yeah, let's see who she really is.

Freeze, police!

- Don't sh**t!
- Alright, OK, do what they say...

Put your hands where I can see them,
and no funny stuff!


Hands in the air.

Hands in the air!

No sudden movements.

-I'll get the roof.
-I got the alley.

OK. No g*ns.
Just you and me.

You are under arrest.

Left side. Left side.
Watch your step.

Who is it? Hey wait, you stop!
Where'd the woman go? Halt!

-Russo, what are you doin?


Who are you, Black Scorpion?

Captain, that week at the range
really paid off.

I mean at least this time
I hit the door.

Don't look at me, I was on the roof!

I want all the auto body
shops notified ASAP!

So what do you think, Argyle?
Can you get me a new door?

Uh, read the sign, white girl.
"Wholesale Meats."

Yeah, which means chop shop.

Hey, I don't do that anymore.

Besides, in case you forgot,

I was forced into early retirement.

I know the feeling.

In English, True Blue.

I'm not a cop anymore.

Oh you're not? Well why
didn't you say so?

Right this way, young lady!

You better hope your parole officer
doesn't find out about this place.

Are you kidding? I just put him
behind the wheel of a BMW.

On his salary?

Hey, I said the wheel was BMW;
the body was Ford Motor.

You haven't changed a bit, Argyle.

Yeah, but you have, True Blue.

I told you not to call me that, OK?
I'm not a cop anymore.

See that's what I mean; you've been a
cop as long as I've been stealing cars.

Yeah, well, things change.

Come on, give me the 411.

What do you want to know?

Well, to start with, what happened
to that fine automobile?

-Can I trust you?
-About as far as I can trust you.


Sorry I'm late.

That's OK, sweetheart.

-How's the eye, Russo?
-Not as bruised as my pride.

They say you only hurt
the one you love.

- Mikey's got a girlfriend!
- Oh Michael, Michael...

Cut the crap. Tell the mechanics to
keep an eye out for an orange Corvette.

Orange Corvette.

Yeah, with a door shot full of holes.

At least you'll be able to find it.

That's true.

Let me have a light.

Capitan, you're already lit.

That's why I'm getting ready to cough.

Alright, come on,
get out of here, all of you.

See ya, Russo.
I need a cigarette.

No, no, no, no.
You just cannot be the Black Scorpion!

Be quiet! Please!
Why can't I be the Black Scorpion?

Because you are about the whitest
white woman I have ever seen.

Argyle, can I count on you?

I don't know Darce, because it's not
my style to turn against my own kind.

Oh come on, turn against your own kind-
I wanna get the K*llers!

Well now, I hear that.

Because the streets, they aren't even
safe for criminals anymore.

Then I can count on you?

I'll tell you what, Darce.
I'll think about it, OK?

The Black Scorpion is a white woman.
What do you think about that!?

And the City of Angels got a
breath of fresh air today,

the bureau of research and engineering
in atmospheric technologies for health

unveiled its 12 ionization towers;

funded by an anonymous philanthropist,

the towers are designed to put an end to
our smog problem

by filtering the toxins out of the air.


Thanks for picking me up.

I would have come to the door.

-I saved you the trip.
-It's a little late for that.

So, what's wrong with your car?

Haven't been able to start it
for the last couple of days.

-Want me to take a look at it?
-No, no, that's OK.

It's probably just the battery.

So, where are we going to eat?

It's a surprise.

You're cooking?

Why not? You've done it for me
a hundred times.

Do you have a beer?

It's usually in the fridge.

There's nothing in here,
are we just having eggs?

Sure there is.
There's leftovers.

There's not enough
leftovers for leftovers.

Watch and learn.

First we chop up the burger and tomato
from "Fast Burger"...

Then we add the jalapeño,

and cheese from "Taco Hombre"...

How about a little beer in there?


Spice it up with some onions
from "Mr. Footlong"...

No comments, please...

A splash of Tabasco
to mask the flavor...

A pinch of... what we can
only assume is pepper...

And you've got "omelette a la Russo"!


The eagerly-awaited towers
are spread out in a ring around the city

and are designed to put an
end to our smog problem

by filtering toxins out of the air.

Thank you Leslie. On the flip side of
the news tonight, we have a report...


It's interesting.

Yeah... right.

I guess you forgot to pay
your electric bill this month?

The towers must have
caused some sort of outage.

I think I've got some
candles in the kitchen.

I can help you find them.

Darce, I...

Darce, Darce...

What are we doing?

It's OK, we're not partners anymore.

In other news, WAM - Women's Assertive
Movement - has named

that masked vigilante the Black Scorpion
as their "woman of the year."

But while the feminist groups support
the recipient's independent spirit,

they admit to being less enthusiastic
about her costume - or lack thereof.

Oh, can we please turn that off?

I... I... Darce... I can't do this.

Why not?

It just... doesn't feel right.

It's because of her, isn't it?

What, the Black Scorpion?

Yeah. You kissed her, didn't you?

How do you know that?

The guys down at the bar told me.
At O'Brien's.

I'll k*ll them!


I didn't kiss her,
she kissed me.

I thought you didn't like
aggressive women.

I don't, but...

There's something about her.
She really knows how to handle herself.

I never met a woman like that before.

What about me?

Darce, you're a great cop,
but you're no Black Scorpion.

Oh, take me home, Michael.

Why are you making such
a big deal out of this?

It didn't mean anything.
It was just a kiss.

Hers or mine?

Forget it, I already know the answer.

Darce, I didn't mean to hurt you.

-I'm not hurt, I'm just...


Me too.

Wow, Argyle!

No applause, please.

What are you doing here?

I'm fine-tuning a few extras.

I didn't ask for extras.

Well, you got them anyway.

This baby is now customized
for crime fighting.

Argyle, what did you do?

Well, let me take you for a test
drive, and I'll show you.

Come on, you go in over here,
I'll open up your door for you.

So how much are these extras
going to cost me?

Don't sweat it!

Come on, what's your angle?

You've got a suspicious mind,
you know that?

Mhm. Are you looking for payback?

You got it backwards, True Blue.
This IS payback.

What for?

I figure if it hadn't been for you
cracking down on me,

I'd be doing hard time like the rest of
my old g*ng. I figure this squares us.

Check it out! I patched in your
AM/FM into the police band.

I have a call for a 6.18.

-That's Michael.
-What's a 6.18?

Illegal entry.

Go ahead 2962. What's your 20?

Makeway Chemicals, west gate.


Roger 2962.
Proceed with caution.

He didn't ask for backup.

Makeway chemicals is only

But I don't have my costume!

You wanna bet?



Hope this is enough
barrels for that guy.

Better be. You got your inhaler?

Yeah, that's better.

What's next?

You morons are trying my patience.
Why are you just standing there?

The chemicals should be loaded by now!

-How many of these do you want?
-Five more barrels.


-What do we do!?

Get your hands up in the air!

Why stop with the hands?

Is this high enough?

What the hell?

Destroy him.

Officer needs assistance.

Mmm. The fumes of fuel...

Let me out here.

Stay close!

I'll be driving around, OK?

Give it up!

You, jack booted thug.
It is not I who will surrender to you.

It is you who will surrender to me.

Stop or I'll sh**t!

Can't we all just get along?

Cut him down!

It would be my pleasure.

Hang on, pig.

I'll deal with you later,
Black Scorpion.

Go, go! Move!

More amateurs.

What the...?
Freeze! Police!

Take a deep breath of this!

Watch it, you idiot!

- Did we get him?
- Who cares?!


Come here, quick!

The Black Scorpion! Come on,
let's go, let's go!

Oh man, she's heading outside.

-I'm gonna get Russo's back.
-Alright, go!

Attention all units!
Black Scorpion,

west gate, west gate! Go!

Thank you, officer.

Let's do it to it!

Whoa... My boys did good on this one!

They're almost as smart as me!

Yo, computer. I can't get to where
I'm going without a map, you dig?

Uh-oh, wait a minute, there she is now!

The white Black Scorpion.

Going my way?

Argyle! am I glad to see you.

-What happened to my car?
-This is your car, True Blue.

I thought it needed
a secret identity too.

Yeah, we're in pursuit.

Looks like we've got company.

Argyle, what exactly
happened to my car?

My boys, they lifted this thing
called a "transformer box"

off of this engine prototype
over at Angel Tech.

-Yeah, for a military vehicle.

Somehow this box reorganizes
atoms at a molecular level,

to change its size,
shape and color.

Wow, that's great!

And you ain't seen nothing yet;
just watch this!

Don't worry, this glass
is polarized and b*llet proof.

And it also acts as a computer screen!

It connects to all the
biggest data bases! Let's see-

We've got maps, we got police files,
we got...

Credit references too!

Uh-oh, that visa bill looks like
it's getting kind of high there!

How do we turn that off?

And these b*ll*ts- I think they're
getting kind of close!

You don't have a smoke screen
in here, do you?

With all the smog in the city?
No way.

Well then, what do you suggest?

-Use the oil g*n.
-Which button?

Ask the computer.

Computer, activate the oil g*n.

I find it works better if you say "yo"!


God, I hope the rookies
weren't in there.

Now, a Black Scorpion update...

Geez, I had to pee.

Oh look, there's Leslie yapping
about the Black Scorpion again.

Man, that Black Scorpion is fine. I'd
like to do her for a one night stand.

Leave her mask on, and you'd never
know who she is!


I would drill her like an
oil derrick on the back 40.

Oh man, you're snapped.
Come on, let's get out of here.

Like the scorpion said to the frog:
can I have a ride on your back?

Adios, Black Scorpion.

There are still more questions
than answers surrounding

the Makeway Chemical plant robbery.

Not the least of which is
why two security guards

opened fire on a police officer.

Lawyers for the two men claim their
clients have no memory

of the burglary or the sh**t.

In other news, there doesn't seem to...


-Can I come in?

-You alright?
-No, I'm not alright.

I've been doing a lot
of thinking, Michael.

About your father?

About how he self-destructed.

Alrighty... What are you talking about?

He gave up his whole life to be a cop.

Including my mother.

I don't remember much about her.

But she sat up nights, listening to
that police band, waiting...

for the Lieutenant to come home.

And then, when he finally came home....

she was gone.

I don't want to self-destruct, Michael.
I don't want to be alone like my dad.

Ok, I was just going to go down
to O'Brien's to get a beer, wanna come?

Michael, I have something to tell you.

Just let me get a change of clothes,
I'll be right back.

To recap today's top news story,

One of the new ionization towers
unexpectedly shut itself down today,

no word yet on what
caused the problem, however,

the other 11 towers are
operating without malfunction.

I'm sure we're all breathing
a lot easier tonight.

In other news, the...

What's going on?

Good evening. I am the Breathtaker.

Beneath my chest lie circuits
and steel. The key to my survival.

And if you want to
survive, listen closely.

At midnight tomorrow,
I will release a gas

that will asphyxiate every man, woman
and child in the City of Angels.

Your only hope is to obtain a gas mask
at B.R.E.A.T.H. headquarters.

Act now. Supplies are limited.


Must have been thirsty.

Do you mind if I take this from you?

Sure, yeah.

Just gonna keep looking here
for the naked ladies.

It was a joke, lady!

Jesus, what are you gonna do?

These people nowadays,
they don't even get a simple joke!

That's a list of the toxins that the
Breathtaker just ripped off.

Well this doesn't make any sense, then.

If he wants to smother the population,
why doesn't he do it?

What's the point of going
on television to warn them?

Turn the page - it gets
even more confusing.

he stole a ton of litro-
something or other.


That's it. I never even heard
of that stuff before.

Well it says here that it's an
undetectable hallucinogen

that the Justice Department
is doing experiments with.

What kind of experiments?

They're rehabilitating
murderers by removing

any kind of negative impulse
from their subconscious minds.

Sounds like brainwashing to me.

Wait, Argyle... If litrosonia
can turn a hardened m*rder*r

into an outstanding citizen,
why can't it do the opposite?

Say what?

...Turn an outstanding citizen
into a hardened m*rder*r?

Now who's talking crazy?

No, it would explain why the
security guards shot at Michael,

and it would also explain
why Aldridge k*lled my father.

You might have something there...

See? It said the drug
had to be inhaled.


So, Aldridge uses
asthma inhalers.

And my hunch is that the security
guards use them too.

Boy, you're really stretching it now
Darce, but I'll check it out.

Check it out.

Is there an echo in here?

Russo, get over to B.R.E.A.T.H
headquarters; we got a riot.


They're supplying free gas masks
to the public. It's a stampede.

-Can't wait.
-Oh, and do me a favor.

Pick me one up while you're at it?

You know what I don't understand?

Why are all these people
using asthma inhalers?

Yeah, especially when some
anonymous philanthropist

has spent a whole lot of money
building ionization towers

to clean up the air in the city.

The towers! That's it! I know how
the Breathtaker's going to do it!

And I know who he is!

Well you were right
about the security guards...

They were both on the
union health plan...

and the doctor prescribed inhalers,
just like Aldridge.

Was it the same prescription?

Oh, it was the same doctor.

Come on, Argyle.

It was Dr. Noah Goddard.

Noah Goddard. Why does that
sound familiar?

I did a background check. Dr. Goddard
is a cardiopulmonary surgeon

who did a lot of weird shit with
artificial hearts and mechanical lungs.

And his career got cut short when
he took a b*llet one time

in an emergency room sh**t.

but that was like 18 years ago.

Oh! According to the ER report, the
b*llet tore through both of his lungs

and they just left him for dead.

But then, wait a minute, 13 minutes
later, his heart started beating again-

...oh my God - only by then,
his brains were fried.

He lost everything, poor man. His
private practice, his government grant-

He couldn't even breathe without
the help of a machine.

like the ones that he invented,
like that suit...

Yeah, but why m*rder my father?


For what?

It was your father's
b*llet that k*lled him.

We need to get a complete list
of Dr. Goddard's patients.

I'm way ahead of you, True Blue.

There must be hundreds of them!

Imagine what he could do
if the whole city had to use inhalers!

Or wear gas masks...!

-Say what?
-Argyle! That's it!

That's why he warned everybody!

The gas masks are filled with

You mean he really doesn't want
to destroy the city?

No, he wants to control it.

Ah- then that would mean that everybody
at B.R.E.A.T.H. is his patient.

Look, the company's on the list!

I think it's time for you
to pay them a visit.

Maybe its time the Black Scorpion did.

Hey, I thought we were supposed
to bring these to tower 5?

I don't know.

Is it true wrestling is staged?

-It's time for a rematch.

Just like the old days.
Let's get hot!

Come on Scary Mary!
Get her!

-Is it Halloween already?
-Get your mask on, Russo.

If the Breathtaker makes good on his
threats, we've got to be ready.

Very funny. Who took my gas mask?

-Better check with the b*mb squad.
- Uh-uh.

All their masks have been issued.

What am I gonna do?

I don't know, try B.R.E.A.T.H.
headquarters. Not my problem.

What a surprise.

Tap me, tap me!

Get her Scary, get her!

Ah-ha! And what brings the
Black Scorpion to my hideout!

Show yourself, Goddard.

It seems you have me at a disadvantage,
Black Scorpion.

You know my identity,
but I don't know yours.

My name is Darcy Walker.

You k*lled my father.

Your father k*lled me!

He's the one in the coffin, not you.

What do you call this armor?

I can't even remember the feel
of a human touch!

Your father's lucky he's
dead inside his coffin...

I'm alive inside of mine!

Not for long.

Do you really think you could win,
Black Scorpion?

Why are you doing this?

What is it you want?

I want to be normal again!

That will never happen.

Oh but it will.

If I can't breathe like everyone else,

then I'm going to make
everyone else breathe like me.

I've lived the last 18 years as a
helpless victim of society.

But now I'll be the one in control, not
only of the air, but of an entire city!

They'll breathe through gas masks,
helmets and tubes!

-You're insane.
-Am I?

It's quite possible. Being dead for 13
minutes can do that to you.

Not enough oxygen to the brain.
I know. I'm a doctor.

Yes, and as a doctor you took an oath
to relieve pain and suffering...

But that's exactly what I'm doing!

It's just that the pain and suffering
I'm relieving are my own.

Wait! Dr. Goddard, please!

Save your breath, Black Scorpion.
You'll need it.

No, no!

Anybody in there?

-I tried to tell you.

You have the right to remain silent.

No, let me explain, please, Michael.

Anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.

You can't arrest me now. Not yet.

I can't look the other way.

Michael, I'm not asking
you to, please...

just give me one hour
to find the Breathtaker

and I'll surrender myself,
I promise. I promise.


Yo, computer.

Give me a map of the city.

God. Incredible.

The force could use some
of this technology.

OK, let me see if I got this straight.
The Breathtaker said

he was going to release the gas
through the ionization towers...

But before we can stop him,
we have to find him.

You have any idea where he is?

I have a hunch.

The towers.

The question is, which one?

The news said that one
of the towers is inactive.

Yo, give me the address of an
inactive tower.

Something tells me that tower's
anything but inactive.

backup at the basin ionization towers.

Breathtaker is inside. Over.


Can't you knock before you enter?

Russo found the Breathtaker.

Alright! Let me get a cigarette.
Let's go.

-Let's do it.
-Let's go.

We might need these masks.

Michael, don't. They're filled
with Litrosonia.

After you.


I'm out.



Well, the Black Cockroach is back.

Let me end your misery.

Come on.

New command.

Abort! Yes...!

-Michael, radio for an ambulance.

No, no ... don't bother.
Black Scorpion...

your father has finally k*lled me.

This is 2 niner 6-2,
requesting an ambulance.

Yo, computer, activate
color change.

Go ahead 2962.

Yeah, this is 2962, requesting
an ambulance, over.

Russo, what's the situation?

It's over, Captain.
The city's safe.

How the hell did you stop him?

-It wasn't me, Captain.
-Then who was it?



You've gotta be kidding me.

Hi Michael.

-Hey, could I have a beer?
-OK, Darcy.

Thank you.

So, Strickland said you'd fill me
in on our new assignment.

I'm putting in for a transfer.


How am I supposed to trust you again?
You lied to me...

Took the law into your own hands.

-I had to.

It's in my nature.

Look, couldn't we just go back to
the way things were before?

I wish we could Darce, but I can't
forget what you did.

Yes you can.

There's always Litrosonia.

So, I'll see you tomorrow.

Um, why don't you come in?

You can make me one of those
famous "omelettes a la Russo."

I didn't ever make you one of those.

-That night we...

Never mind.

Darce... You alright?

It's just been a really long day. I'm
not used to all this attention, Michael.

Well, get used to it. You're a big
hero now, whether you like it or not.

I know.

How'd this get here?

-You don't remember?
-Remember what?

See ya.

Darce. Darce, am I missing
something here?

Bye Michael.

Must be the guys playing a joke.
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