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Zone 414 (2021)

Posted: 02/02/24 08:57
by bunniefuu
Begin in three, two, one.

You're cleared.

This place... it must end.

Look at me.

Look at me!

I'm so afraid for you.

You know,
I hear the future like a voice.

Do you know what it says?

It says that all of these men
will perish

along with those who help them.

Complete, time recorded.

Please leave, Mr. Carmichael.

Mr. Veidt will be with you
in a moment

to finish your evaluation.

You said you take
your coffee black, yes?

Yeah. I prefer my food


That's a way to put it.


I'm Joseph veidt.

You're the one who contacted me?

No. No, I'm the one
who sees the candidates.

I'm the psychologist
of the family.

Times like these,
I prove my usefulness.

Sit down.

Virtually no hesitation.

This is the fastest time
we've seen.

Jaden was programmed to defy,

to evoke an empathy response.
Most people never take the shot.

I know what's alive
and what isn't.

Because we told you
that Jaden was a machine.

But we could have lied to you.

Then you would be a m*rder*r.

Then the veidt corporation
would be my accomplice.

You make machines.
You said it was a machine.

I usually find the simplest way
to look at things is best.

You have military experience.

Do you have problems
with authority?

Anybody ever answer that
question with anything but a no?

Do you have problems
with authority?


You were a police detective.

You retired.

Uh. The file gives no reason
for your retirement.

You're a top-ten listed company.

I'm sure you found out
why I retired.

Well, I would like
to hear it from you.

During the apprehension
of an assailant...

My partner and the assailant
were both fatally wounded.


The assailant took
my partner hostage.

I did not follow protocol.

Why didn't you follow protocol?

Do you regret what you did?

I live with what I did.

Instead of charging you
with a crime,

the police department
allowed you to retire.

Is that a problem?

Not right now.

We reached out to potential
hires through uncommon channels.

It wards off some people.
Why did you respond?

I need the money.

Even though you don't know
what the job is?

Still need the money.

And if I told you the job
was k*lling someone,

would that change your mind?

Yeah. I'd tell you
to go f*ck yourself.


My part of the evaluation
is done.

You've earned the right
to meet my brother.

Hello, David.

Welcome to my humble empire.

Come, come.

The task is my daughter...


Three weeks ago,
she went missing.

And you didn't go to the police?

I don't need them
to find her for me.

I know exactly where she is.

I need someone discreet...

Someone that won't ruin
pragmatism with principle.

I'm not sure I understand.

I'm sure you don't.

Let me assist you.

What do you know about zone 414?

Well, that's the only place
where androids are allowed

to freely interact
with human beings.

My androids.


Do you know what I did
with my technology?

I built the antidote

to the loneliness
of the modern world.

is rare these days.

I saw a gap, and I filled it.

So the government
rewarded me with zone 414,

a place where I could
field test my creations

to see how they interact
with humanity.

Zone 414, the city of robots.

Have you been there?

Uh. A cop's wage doesn't usually
afford luxuries, no.

It has become quite
the destination, hasn't it?

My little metropolitan Eden

with all the grime
and none of the crime.

I was advised to charge
100,000 pounds.

I said,
"no, charge one million."

Five days later...

I had a six-month waiting list.

For 20 million pounds,

you could buy
one of my beautiful creations,

and I sold 17 last year.

Of course you have
to apply for a license,

submit yourself to government
monitoring and blah-blah-blah.

I didn't know it was legal
to have 'em outside the zone.

It isn't for someone like you.

Mr. Carmichael...

My daughter is in zone 414,

and I need you to retrieve her
for me...

Without incident.

You see, my Eden is fragile.

It may look like a city,
but it is as much a construction

as the machine
standing behind me.

People must feel that the place
is safe... controlled.

Police searching

for my
troublemaking offspring...

Would upset the balance.

I need you to bring her
back to me.

Your original offer
was one million pounds.

Well, now it's two...

'Cause you are
the right fit for this.

I can see that.

How do you know
she's even in there?

It is the only place
she would go.


That will get you into the zone.

And whatever else you need
whilst you're there

will be provided for you.

And when you get there,
find Jane.

Who's Jane?

Jane might be my best creation.

Problematic at times,
but, oh, so unique.

Melissa was always
so fond of her.

I would start your search there.


Well, hello, Jane.

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling fine?

I wanted to see
what you're made of, Jane.

I would die for you.

I'm gonna make you die for me.

I'm gonna have to hurt you bad.

The veidt corporation

cannot be held responsible
for any damage

to personal property
in the zone.

Any Android malfunction
should be reported immediately

to the veidt corporation.

Please use our androids

Continuous use of droids may
result in behavioral anomalies.

Turn around.

Face me.

And I can ask 'em
anything I want?

Anything you want.

Tell me you love me.

I love you.

Tell me again.

I love you.

Um. Not this one.

She looks too smart.

Let me show you the others.

One of our top sellers.

Turn around.

Face me.

Touch her.



You're warm.

Tell me that you love me.

I love you.

Tell me again.

I love you.

No, not this one.


Follow me.

If you would like a man,
all you need to do is ask.

What you choose here
remains absolutely confidential.

Vehicle approaching. Stand by.

Go in.

Open the gate!

Warning. Gate opening.

Warning. Gate opening.

Warning. Gate opening.

Any Android malfunction

should be reported immediately
to the veidt corporation.

Please use our androids

Continuous use of droids
may result...

Did I get it right?

It's important
that I get it right.

You look beautiful.

Something's still wrong,
isn't it?


Her hair was blond.

That's it. Just like that.


I don't want to look like her.

All I want is
to feel something real.

But I can't control that.
Only you can.

I do what you want.
You make this real.

I want to see more of you.

Then ask me.

Unbutton your shirt.

Stop, stop.

Leave it there.

Just like that.

Tell me more about her.

Take us away from here.

I saw her in an alleyway
behind the school,

and she was...

She was...

Smoking a joint.

She saw me, she called me over

and said that if I promised
never to tell anyone,

she would let me try.

And she did. She let me.

On the joint, I could taste her.


You didn't taste her.

You tasted me.

I never told anyone I saw you.

I know.

So I'm a... I'm a good boy.

Yeah, you were.
You kept our secret.




Yes, Jane?

How many more do I have today?

You can remotely access
the mainframe and have your...

No, I'd like to hear it.

Of course, Jane.

You have two more
appointments today.

After my appointments,
I want a maintenance session.

I look forward
to our conversation.

Will there be
anything else, Jane?

No, thank you, Alpha.

The veidt corporation
cannot be held responsible

for any damage to personal
property in the zone.

Any Android malfunction

should be reported immediately
to the veidt corporation.

Meetings are appointment only.

Reported immediately

to the veidt corporation.

Please use our droids

Continuous use of droids may
result in behavioral anomalies.

Any Android malfunction

should be reported immediately
to the veidt corporation.

Please use our droids

Continuous use of droids may
result in behavioral anomalies.

Any Android malfunction
should be reported immediately

to the veidt corporation.

Continuous use of droids may
result in behavioral anomalies.

Thirty-second floor.

Hello, David.

Is there anything we can do
to make your space

more comfortable?

Yeah. Don't speak to me again.

When I'm alone,
I like to be alone.

Of course. Let me remind you

that your special request
is in the other room.

Good evening, David.

Welcome to the zone.

I met a man tonight.

I can make him want me.

Yes, you speak
of client 389, Mr. Russell.

Mm-hmm. I can...

He has requested never
to be matched with you again.


He was completely
satisfied with your encounter.

He did not want to ruin
the memory of it.

You did well.

I want to put a shotgun
in my mouth

and pull the trigger.

Was I programmed
to feel that way?

Despair, yes.

Powerful men are very attracted
to those who suffer,

to the helpless.

Client 389, Mr. Russell,
will speak with his friends.

They will request you.
You will do well with them.

There's something else.

Someone has been
sending me messages.

What kind of messages?

Voice messages.

The voice is distorted,
but it's a man's voice.

He doesn't tell me his name.

What does he say?

That he's going to k*ll me.

And you believe
that you are afraid.

Yes, I believe I'm afraid.

I will review these messages.

I am certain
there is a simple explanation.

Yes, someone wants to k*ll me.

Or someone is paying
for the ability

to make you believe that.

You were created
to serve the clients, Jane.

If a client wants
to thr*aten you,

I am certain
he is paying to do so.

And what if he's paying
for the right to k*ll me?

Zone 414 does not allow clients

to pay for that experience.

Oh, I should mention
you will have a visitor tonight.

His name is David.

The veidt droid 6855
drl firmware.

Using veidt corporation's
aided and dimensional

emulation biotechnology...

Any Android malfunction

should be reported immediately
to the veidt corporation.

Hey, you Jane? I'm David.

I'm looking for Melissa veidt.
Her father sent me.


Yeah. Can I come in?

- What happened to Melissa?
- I don't know.

That's what her father
sent me here to find out.

You look uncomfortable, David.

Well, you have an apartment.

I do.

Why does a machine
need an apartment?

So the machine forgets
it's a machine.

Nah, I'm good.

Not a drinker?

I try not to be.

The last time
I saw Melissa was weeks ago.

She used to come here.

I found her pretending
to be a synthetic.

- Why would she do that?
- She hates her father.

She hates the fact
that she's a rich girl

who hates her father.

She calls herself a cliché.

She told me she came here
to pretend to be a synthetic

because synths
don't have to feel anything.

So you're a friend
of hers, right?

Hmm. We had conversations...
When she came here.

I'm the metal girl
who wants to be real,

and she's the human girl
who wants to be a machine.

It's nice and corny.
Look, I haven't seen her.

I told her to go back
to her big house.

The last thing I wanted was Roy
believing she was a synthetic.

Who's Roy?


The meat who manages us,

preps us for the clients
for purchase.

Can you take me to see her?

- Me?
- Yes.


See, you asked me.
That makes you can't make me.

And if you can't make me,
then my answer is no.

I don't need anymore trouble.
I have enough of that.

Give it time.
Melissa will go home.

You said you don't need any more
trouble. What kinda trouble?

Are we negotiating?

If you help me find Melissa,
I'll look into it for you.

And how exactly can you help me?

Depends what's required.


- Alpha.
- Yes, Jane?

Play today's messages.

Well, hello, Jane.

How are you today?

I'm feeling fine.

I wanted to see
what you're made of, Jane.

I would die for you.

I'm gonna make you die for me.

I'm gonna have to hurt you bad.

It started a few weeks ago.

Now I get one every few days.

Sometimes once a day.

He's probably a client
paying the zone to do it.

People have paid
to do worse things to me.

It'd be good
to put a stop to it.

Listen, you're the first
synthetic veidt made

for this place.
I'm gonna need your experience,

and you're gonna take me
to see this Roy, okay?

Now that you're telling me,
then yes.


I think you might
have a visitor.

Lock the door behind me

and don't open it
till I come back,

until you hear my voice, okay?

Don't move!

I said don't move!

Any Android
malfunction should be reported

to the veidt corporation.

Stay right there.

Don't f*ckin' move.


He was in my loft?


I'm not supposed to feel
emotions, but I'm terrified.

Explain that to me.

He's not gonna come back again.
He knows I saw him.

He'll change what he does.

You want me
to stay here tonight?

Then you can take me to see
royale in the morning.

- Yes, please.
- Okay.

You're helping me.


That's not why you came to me.

No, it's not. Does it matter?

I'm just trying
to understand you.

Well, good luck.

Quid pro quo.

I need your help.

I like to listen to music
when I rest.

However you do it.

Resume playback.

Turn it down.


You're almost there.


The veidt droid 6855
drl firmware.

Using veidt corporation's
aided and dimensional

emulation biotechnology,

the Android model is capable
of providing a nice physical

and psychological communication.

Any Android malfunction
should be reported immediately

to the veidt corporation.

Please use our droids

So veidt has a daughter?

Old fucker hid that real well.

When did I see this girl?
I know it wasn't today.

Well, how about where?
Where did you see her?

I appreciate the fact
that Jane is your tour guide,

but I don't talk about my life
in front of the help.

Jane, would you step outside?

Did you f*ck her?


Good. Don't trust her.

See, veidt won't tell you,

but there's something wrong
with the way they made her.

She doesn't turn off
like she's supposed to.

She asks questions.

Questions she shouldn't want
the answers to.

Marlon should reprogram her,

but he's too proud
of what she is.

Not for me.

You know what I told veidt?

I told him he should
break her down into tinfoil,

but he thinks she's some kind
of technological snowflake.

Beautiful and unique.

When god makes
something special,

he makes it fragile.

When we make something,

we want to keep it
alive forever.

Can we get back to Melissa?

Where she is... where she is.

I know someone who might know,

but I have to prep you
for it first.

See, I'm the rarefied air here.

My world is a brochure.

You know what rich people want?



I facilitate.

There's some ugly in it,

but all in all,
it's a fine solution

to mother nature's f*ck-up
inside the core of humanity.

But it's not the only
world here.

Some people
don't want them pretty.

They want the metal.

There's a building
at the edge of the zone.

Here's the address.

I'm writing it down
because I don't like hearing it

in my own voice.

I put in a lot of effort
trying to pretend

that place doesn't exist.

That's my tithe
to your noble cause.

Now I have dreams to fulfill.

Someone's been stalking Jane.

They were at her apartment
last night.

So you were at her apartment
last night.

Jane thinks maybe
somebody's paying

for the ability to do that,
to stalk her.

You think I would know about it?

Well, you're the rarefied air.

I don't get paid to give
these sickos what they want.

I get paid to keep the world
from finding out

what these sickos want.

I am discretion.

If I did know,
I wouldn't tell you.

But I don't.

You trying to save Jane now?

Veidt is paying you
to find the girl.

It's a shit job,
so you need the money.

Find the girl,
get your money and leave.

Royale, hi.

Someone's coming about the girl.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Tell him where she is,
and you keep me out of it.

Mention me, and I will k*ll you.


Melissa veidt?


Forgive the mood lighting.

My skin reacts badly
to sunlight.

I'm George,
and this is Hamilton.

Say hello, Hamilton.


And this is our friend, Jaden.

She's a little bit shy,
I'm afraid.

Royale gave me the impression
you may know the whereabouts

of Melissa veidt.

So you've endured
a conversation with royale?

My condolences.

Yes, Hamilton found her
at the entrance of the building.

She was lost.

And I... I thought
she was a synthetic.

You say she was human?


She was only here
for a few hours.

She seemed...

Well, she seemed frightened.

I didn't ask her why.

A young girl turns up
on your doorstep frightened,

and you didn't ask
any questions?

When you don't like
to answer questions,

you quickly learn
not to ask any.


She seemed rather... delicate.


I have a penchant
for damaged things,

don't I, Hamilton?

Your model is lovely.

Did Melissa tell you
where she was going?

They can feel pain, you know.

In their own way.


They scream.

Did she say where she was going?

You haven't asked about my face

or how a human has taken up
permanent residence in the zone.

I have no interest.

I'm just trying to find
Marlon veidt's daughter.


Let me think.
She did say something

about where she was going.


Any information
would be helpful.

Yes, so it would seem.

Or perhaps a trade
would be in order.

I could tell you
everything I know

about the whereabouts
of your Melissa

in exchange for one small favor.

What kinda favor?

Two hours with your model.

She's lovely,
isn't she, Hamilton?

Yes, lovely.

You provide me with that,
and then I'll tell you

where your little girl
scuttled off to.

Oh, don't worry.

I wouldn't do anything
too drastic.

At least nothing the veidt
corporation couldn't repair.

I'm not interested in sex,
per se.

I have slightly more intricate,
less obvious interests.

Where did Melissa go?

- Get her off me!
- Where did she go?

I tell royale,
she'll have you broken down.

Not if I k*ll you.


Royale gave her to me.
I... I didn't know she was human.

- What did you do to her?
- N... nothing. She... she disappeared.

H... Hamilton went to find her,
but she'd slipped away.

She was gone.

The boatyard! The boatyard!

- Boatyard.
- The boatyard?

- The boatyard.
- The boatyard! Where's the boatyard?

It's at the end of the zone,
b... behind the dump.

No one ever goes there.

That's all I know.

Do you know where that is?

Get her off me! Get off!

Let's go.

Get off!

I thought you were
gonna k*ll him.

I can't imagine you're
supposed to be doing that.



You wait here.

Mr. Carmichael,

were you successful
in finding Melissa veidt?

Mr. Carmichael?


Well, it seems
the matter is resolved.

I don't think it's resolved,
Mr. Veidt.

Melissa is dead.

I don't believe
she committed su1c1de.

You found her hanging.

In an empty shed
with nothing to stand on.

I've seen suicides, sir.
They don't look like this.


I understand.

And there will be
a trail of evidence...

Your services are
no longer required, David.

We will Bury her and...

That will be the end of it.

You have a m*rder*r in the zone.

There's not been one single act
of v*olence in zone 414

since its inception.

That must remain.

My clients pay for the absolute
certainty of their safety.

With all due respect,
some of your clients

are questionable, and I think
they ought to be investigated.

Destroying a multi-billion
pound empire...

Will not bring my daughter
back to life.

An investigation of the zone
will end the zone...

And I will not allow
that to happen.

I also think
you ought to investigate

some of your employees.

Royale, for example.

You look,
but you do not see, David.

David, the man with the name

of the second
and greatest king of Israel.

The giant slayer.


Are you a man
of religion, David?

I can't say that I am.

Ah! See, I disagree.

You have a god.

The god of reason.

But there is another god.


The god of power.

And for zone 414...

I am that god.

Do you understand?

Can you reach
into your working-class mind

and see a glimpse
of my responsibility?

Can you, David?

The man with the name of a king

who thinks like a soldier.

The purpose of a king
is not to grieve his Princess.

It is to protect his kingdom.

You are a small man, David. Hmm.
A very small man.

And if you have any intention
of destroying what I have built,

if you stand in the way
of the god of power,

he will crush you
under his heel!

I am not a Goliath
that you can slay.

I am not.

I have no intention
of destroying

what you've built, Mr. Veidt.

My daughter is dead.

Do you understand that?

My daughter is dead!

Small men need to be
paid too, Mr. Veidt.

Of course.

Money, money, money.

You'll finalize the matter
with my brother in the morning.

Before you leave tomorrow,

the funds will be
in your account.

Now go.

I need to mourn.

Just promise me
you'll take these feelings away,

and I'll give you
anything you want.

We didn't k*ll her.

Melissa veidt k*lled herself.

All you have to do is choose.

Choose to believe that.

Choose to put it all down.

That's what I do.

Just stop thinking
and everything will be fine.

Be what I want,
and I'll take care of you.

Don't you want me
to take care of you?

Can I come in?


Please don't ask
where I've been.

You want something to drink?

What you're having.

I k*lled Melissa.

She snuck into the zone a lot,
more than her father knew.

I knew who she was,

and she made me promise
not to tell anyone.

I introduced her to Roy,

and I didn't tell her
she wasn't synthetic.

It's my fault, David.

You didn't k*ll her, Jane.

Roy might have put that rope
around her neck and I...

You can't tell Marlon, please.
You can't tell him

because he'll destroy everyone
he knows that was involved.

- And Roy, right?
- Your master.

Mr. Veidt will destroy
her too, yeah?

Well, I wouldn't be
too concerned.

Veidt's gonna pretend
it didn't matter.

I told him already.

He's just gonna
Bury his daughter

and act like nothing happened.

So Roy's got nothing
to worry about.

Your master is safe.

Roy is not my f*cking master.

Yeah. Well,
you tell yourself that

if it makes you feel more human.
It's one of the benefits.

Believe as many lies
as you want.

It's what Melissa did, right?
She believed you, yeah?

She believed
you were her friend,

that you're capable of love,
more than just a f*ckin' robot.

She trusted you,
and she trusted this place.

That's what k*lled her.

You have no right.

You can't just come in here
and say these things.

Can't you see I'm just
a f*ckin' prisoner here?

You know what I see?

I see people coming here
to avoid their lives.

And yeah, you're part of that.

But you're
not the prisoner, Jane.

You're the prison.

Carmichael, David Hansen.

Served in the marines
for three years

with an honorable discharge
due to injury.

Became a police officer,
rising to the rank of detective

until held accountable
for the death of his partner,

Henry Franklin.

Left the police
after a lengthy investigation

that would've likely resulted
in criminal charges.

Current status,
freelance investigator.

You can access my file.

Personal records...

Married once
to Katherine m. Grant

until Katherine Grant,
renamed Katherine Carmichael,

was found dead in the residence

of David
and Katherine Carmichael.

Cause of death...

Self-inflicted overdose
of sleeping pills.

Previous to her su1c1de,

Katherine Grant was
diagnosed as schizophrenic...

But was not receiving treatment
at the time of her death.

Why didn't you treat
your wife, David?

Do you blame yourself
for her death?

I believe you do.

I see all types of people.

They show me parts of themselves
they never show anyone.

I know things about the meat...

And you're the kind
that blames himself.

You need to get the f*ck out.

Would you like me
to tell you what your fantasy...

Your dream is, David?

I want you to leave now.

You fantasize about
being above it all.

Above me, above this place.

You're living your fantasy.

Judging me...

Convincing yourself that you're
not broken like the rest of us.

I can look like her.

I can have her red hair.

Would you like that?

That little fire of guilt
you carry,

I can help you put it out.

There's your fantasy.

Being strong enough
to tell me no.

Did you tell Marlon...
That I att*cked that man?


You protected me.


You hate me...

And you hate
everything that I am.

Why protect me?

Because you're right.

That is my dream,
protecting, okay?

But now I'm awake,
and I'm outta here.

I'm leaving tomorrow.

You can't leave tomorrow.

You told me you would
stop the person

sending me those messages.

He's gonna k*ll me, you know.

You know, I actually think
maybe that's what you want.

You're never gonna leave here.

No one's ever gonna
purchase you and take you away,

and you know that.

So death may be the only answer.

And they do say
it's when you feel most alive.

That final moment.

I didn't get treatment
for my wife

'cause she didn't want me to.

She knew she was gonna spend
the rest of her life broken,

and she...

She wanted to leave.

So I let her.

I bought her those pills.

I... I don't understand
what you're saying.

I'm saying I know
what it looks like

when somebody wants to die.

Thank you for your discretion
about Melissa.

We buried her this morning.

How did you like
your time in the zone?

Uh. Not my kinda place.

The gallant knight finds no home
in the city of robots.

I admire that.
Most people get lost there.

Well, a job well done.

I'm arranging a transfer
of two million into your account

as per our terms.

You're not wealthy... but you're rich.

About the person
who m*rder*d your niece...


You suspect royale for that
and for stalking Jane.

Most rational people would.

We will have justice
for Melissa,

but like everything here,
it will be...


Yeah, I'm sure.

What can you tell me about her?

What do you mean? About who?


Oh, I wouldn't know
where to begin.

In many ways, she was
my family's conscience.

What did you love about her?

I beg your pardon?

What did you love about her?

Let me rephrase that.
What did you hate about her?

You're being cruel,
Mr. Carmichael.

You never asked if she suffered.

Families usually ask that.

Her death was violent.
I assume she suffered.

Royale's obsessions
have always been problematic.

Well, royale's a sociopath.

Marlon considers that a benefit.

She's also a coward... like you.

But royale doesn't have to live
in her brother's multi-billion

pound shadow, does she?

Sharing his name
and yet being a servant.

My brother is a visionary.

He leads, we follow.

He must be some kinda god.

I hope you're getting
something in return.

I mean, I wouldn't wanna be
a loyal subject for nothing.

You don't even get to manage
his creations, right?

That's royale's
responsibility, yeah?

So apart from paying
a few bills...

You don't do much at all.

I have a role here.
I have value.


Doesn't look like it.

Jane's your brother's
favorite, right?

Marlon's favorite?

That's why you stalk her,
isn't it?

To get to him, to hurt him.

Of course, the best way
to hurt him would be

to m*rder his daughter.

And then you get to watch royale
suffer in her judgment,

you get to toy with me
'cause I'm just the help...

And then you get
to feel like you actually

do have a... role here...

That you do have value,

even if you don't.

I didn't k*ll Melissa.

And yet we both know you did.

I could k*ll you too.

You could try.

I want to show you something.

It'd be nice
to finally show someone.

I built this myself.

I keep parts of them
to remember.

My brother pretends
they have accidents.

He doesn't like to believe
someone might be k*lling them.

But you k*ll people.
You know how it feels.

Marlon thinks true pleasure
lies in creation,

but I... I don't.
Do you know what I think?

I think god found no meaning
until he created death.

Sweet Melissa.

Melissa hated her last name.

The weight of it just...
I... I don't mind it.

But she raged against her father

and liked to run off
into the zone.

She felt more kinship
with those things than with us.

Something I'll never understand.

I didn't know she was there.

She found me
hurting one of them.

She was gonna tell Marlon.
I couldn't let that happen.

You see, it's the cardinal sin.

He would never
forgive me for that.

And you think he's gonna forgive
you for k*lling his daughter?

Well, he's never going to know.

Why did you hire me?

Melissa's story
needed a conclusion.

I couldn't be the one
to find her.

The police would make an issue
of it and raid the zone.

You were my solution.

And poor royale...

Will have to be the monster
that Marlon needs to find.

Well... I think that concludes
our business, Mr. Carmichael.

You do excellent work.

If the need arises,

I will have no hesitation
recommending you in the future.

I oughta put you away
for a long time.

No, I'm not going to prison.

My brother won't allow it.

And you have no proof.

You are not a cop anymore.


You wouldn't get your money,

and Marlon...
Would make your life hell.

So what, you're just gonna
keep terrorizing Jane?

Well, for a little longer.

I... I just love seeing
how human she is.

And what's more human than fear?

Yeah, I might k*ll her too.

If I do...

Which part of her should I keep?

Perhaps her brain.

You can go now.

In your opinion,
zone 414 is safe.

In my opinion, yes.

I did not see anything
that led me to believe

that there is any danger
in zone 414.

The veidt droid 6855...

Hello, Jane.

You are afraid.

Oh, my.

Marlon doesn't know
I have one of these.

There's a lot
my brother doesn't know.

Just gives us
a little more time together.

Keeps you still.

And quiet.

But I know you can hear me.

And I know you can feel me.

emulation biotechnology.

The Android model is capable...

Melissa liked you.

She thought you were her friend.

She didn't realize
you can't be anyone's friend

because you're a lie.

You're my brother's lie.


My brother didn't miss a detail.

Not with you.

I feel pain.

I feel love.

I loved Melissa.

I feel hate, and I hate you!

I'm alive.

I'm alive!

I'm alive!




You have a job to do, so do it.

I won't stop you.

What do you mean?

It's okay. I don't wanna
live like this anymore.

You can set me free.

You really wanna be free?


He's Marlon's brother.

Yeah, and he k*lled
Marlon's daughter, your friend.

It's my g*n, Jane,
and you don't have fingerprints.

It's gonna look like I did it.

The only thing that matters is
if you can live with yourself.

Please, please.

Why did you come back?

'Cause I never should have
bought my wife those pills.

They'll destroy us both now.

In my investigation,

I was unable to locate
Melissa veidt,

despite my complete efforts.

And yet, upon returning
to the veidt estate...

I found Melissa there
with her father, Marlon veidt,

and her uncle Joseph.

We have a deal, Mr. Veidt.

And I will honor it, David.

So Marlon's daughter is alive.

As I understand it.

A parent's not meant
to Bury their children.


I would like
to never see you again.


Thank you, father.

You're welcome, sweetheart.

State your name for the record.

David Carmichael.

That should be sufficient.

End the recording.

Any attempt to refute
any element of this story

will be met with every legal
resistance, Mr. Carmichael.

Even if you engage
in legal action,

realize it will be your word

against the word
of Marlon veidt.

Yeah, sure.

Warning, gate opening.

Warning, gate opening.

Warning, gate opening.