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02x01 - Welcome Back, b*tches!

Posted: 01/31/24 13:58
by bunniefuu
[mellow music plays]

[Ginny] Growing up,
it was the two of us against the world.

That beautiful face.

Everyone always noticed her,

and she would smile,

and I knew she only belonged to me,

like we had a secret.

As a kid, I used to think
she was kind of magic.

Danger is supposed to come
with warning signs.

[tense music plays, ends]

What you readin'?

Something angsty and emotional?

"Parable of the Sower"?

I don't know what "parable"
or "sower" means. Sounds farmy.

Like Farmer Ezekiel uses
a parable to sower the crops.

- That's Octavia Butler.
- Oh, I loved her in that math movie.

- That's Octavia Spencer.
- [Georgia] Come on.

You don't know what it means either.
What's a sower?

- Use it in a sentence.
- Can I help you?

- Why the face?
- This is my face.

[mockingly] "This is my face."

It details the demise of America
through capitalist fascism.

Oh, that sower.

- [Ginny] Mm.
- Hmm.

- Okay, come on, don't settle in.
- I'm worried about you, Peach.

Is that why your wrinkles
are so pronounced?

Don't hurt Mommy.
Mommy feeds and clothes you.

Referring to yourself
as "Mommy" is creepy.

- Hey!
- [Georgia] Come on!

- [laughs]
- Okay. Okay, you're a child.

- You're my child. You're my child.
- [Ginny] What?

- [laughs] Stop.
- Follow the parables.

- Follow the sound of angels singing.
- A parable is a moral story.

- Shh. Go into the light. Shh.
- [muffled] Mom.

[muffled] Mom, stop. I can't breathe.

You're okay. You hear me?

It's all gonna be okay.

Mommy's gonna take care of it.

- [muffled] Mom!
- I love you, Peach. You're okay.

- It's all gonna be okay.
- [tense music plays]

[gasps, pants]

[Zion] Ginny?

[Ginny exhales]

Are you good, Gummy Bear?


- [gulps]
- You sure?

[sighs] Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.


[breathes heavily]

[whispers] It's all gonna be okay.


[opening theme plays, ends]

Welcome back, b*tches!

don't call Nanna and Pappy b*tches.

[Pappy] Hi, honey.

- [Nanna] Hi, sweetheart.
- Hi.

[Nanna] Look how big you've gotten.

How are you?

[Nanna] I've missed you so much.

Ask Clint if he's ready
for the Pats to lose today.

[Max and Nanna laugh]

In your dreams, old man.

Did I see "old" in that?

[gasps] Are these pumpkin whoopie pies?

- Yes, they are.
- [squeals]


Ellen. Where's Marcus?

[Ellen] Uh…

He's not feeling well.

- Yeah.
- [Nanna] Aw.

He's got a bad case of "I'm an assh*le."

He'll be down in a little bit.

["I Hate It" by again&again plays]

Nanna and Pappy are here.

Mom's gonna freak
if you're stoned at Thanksgiving.

- I'm not coming to Thanksgiving.
- [scoffs] Okay.

Marcus, your grandparents are here.

I don't feel good.

He's a little tired.
His eyes are a little red.

[Ellen] You know
what's not feeling good?

My mother asking me
one more time where you are.

I'm not in a very thankful mood.

Oh, well, then by all means,
let's just cancel the holiday.

We celebrate a holiday
that praises our success at genocide.

It's a white celebration of colonization.
That's not sadistic enough.

We package it up
with the image of a happy, smiling turkey.

The emblem of the holiday
is the animal that we slaughter en masse.

- That's dark.
- You don't have to eat turkey.

- It's not about that.
- Tell that to the turkey.

- Do you not wanna go either?
- No, I want a whoopie pie.

Ten minutes,
or I'm taking away your phone.

Good. We're wasting our lives chained
to these screens for our dopamine hits.

Does it actually make us
more fulfilled? No.

If I could have my phone surgically
embedded into my hand, I would.

[Ellen] Right. Wrong child.

I'll paint your walls white
and I'll confiscate your art materials.

Artists thrive under fascist regimes.
Prague Spring.

[Max] Okay. I'm not a psychologist,

but something is very clearly
clinically wrong with him.

- Let's send him away.
- I would love that, actually.

[screams] Ten minutes!

Uh, have you talked to her yet?


- You know who.
- Oh, your secret side piece? No.

- She's missed over a week of school.
- Oh my God, that's not dramatic.

I missed three weeks of school
in seventh grade 'cause I got mono.

That actually was dramatic.

'Cause Mike Kates made out with me,
Norah, and Abby,

and I was the only one who got mono.

- So maybe you gave her mono or HPV.
- [Marcus] She's not sick.

She took my bike.

- What?
- [Marcus] My bike.

It's gone. She took it.

So that's like grand theft auto.
Or grand theft bike.

- It's a legit jail-time crime.
- Do you even care she's gone?

No, I really don't.

["Pasta" by Angie McMahon plays]

-== [ ] ==-

♪ My bedroom is a disaster ♪

♪ My dog has got kidney failure, failure ♪

♪ I've been sitting at the bar too much ♪

♪ Kissin' people in my head ♪

♪ And saying rubbish things
I should not have said… ♪


- You okay?
- What? Yeah.

Just Lil Klepto stole my shirt.

- Oh, so that's your shirt?
- Mm-hmm.


- You miss them.
- No, I don't.

I like them gone.

It's peaceful, quiet.
Less watching my every move.

I don't know about that.
I quite like watching your every move.

- Oh.
- [Paul] Mm-hmm.

Come here.

Hey, you…

[kisses] …are going…

[kisses] …to marry me.

- I've been having second thoughts.
- No backing out. You're marrying me.

Oh, well, all right, fine.

And as your fiancé,
I like to think I know you pretty well.

Less than some, better than most.

You miss them.

You haven't talked to them in two weeks,
and you're hurting, and that is...

Well, okay then.

- [chuckles]
- [Georgia] Mm.

- [Paul clears throat]
- Just wanted my shirt back.

I know you're upset.

I'm fine.

If she wants to throw a hissy fit
and run off without a word,

then that is just fine.

They wanted space,
I'm givin' 'em space. Lots of space.

Well, you seem fine. Very zen.

How could she run from me?
After everything I've done for her?

I don't know. But we're not gonna
take it out on the cast iron.

The cast iron is already mad at us
because we put it through the dishwasher.

Cast iron would like to rest now.
Okay. [chuckles]

[clears throat] Listen,
their mother is getting remarried.

That is a lot to take in.

And as far as Ginny goes,
she's a teenager.

She's rebelling.
That's what they do, right?

And that's why I'm not upset. I'm just...

Fine. Right?

I'm just nervous… to meet your parents.

Why? They're nice.

Kind of. Look, they're gonna love you.

The unmarried widow
and single mother of two?

They will love you because I love you.

Oh, that is such sweet bullshit.


♪ Don't worry 'bout me,
I'm doing good, I'm doing great, alright ♪

♪ It's about to get ugly, flow so mean… ♪

Mom, Thanksgiving.

And I'm very thankful for you.

Where are my car keys?


Zion's gonna pick you up any minute
and take you to Gram and Pop's,

and see you tomorrow, okay?

Other kids get to spend Thanksgiving
with both their parents.

Thanksgiving is time and a half,

which means we get to have fun things
like food and electricity.

[Georgia sighs]

Thanksgiving is lame.
You know what the real holiday is?

The Friday after Thanksgiving.
You know why?

'Cause all the food's half off.

'Cause all the food's half off.

- And we're gonna deep-fry it.
- Everything?

- Name a thing.
- Pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin pie. Give me a hard one.


Deep-fried Twinkies are a delicacy.

You can't deep-fry a Twinkie.

[gasps] You absolutely can
deep-fry a Twinkie.

Because this is Fry-yay.
We fry everything all day.


- Yay!
- Yay! Yay!

[tense music plays]

This here is wolfsbane.

It's extremely poisonous
and it causes heart att*cks.

Why would your mother own this plant?

Why would Kenny Drexel,
a man in peak physical condition,

randomly have a heart attack?

If your mom did this…

if she k*lled someone…

do what's right, Ginny.

Ginny, what are you doing?

Just thinking what it would feel like
to have a heart attack and to suffocate.


I don't think it would feel very good.

No, it would suck.

Are we ever going back home?

Do you want to?

Why doesn't Mom care we ran away?

She cares. Trust me, she cares.

She hasn't called.

[scoffs] Well, aren't you still mad at her
for never sending Gil any of your letters?

What about Fry-yay?

If you wanna go home, go.

You and Mom and Paul can all be
a happy little blond Wellsbury family.

But you're my family.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Hey, so there's still
a hundred things to do,

and I know I'm usually calm,
cool, and collected,

but my mother has never set foot
in a place I've lived before

because they were all, uh, crap.

And they're coming in 45 minutes,
and I could use a little help.

Austin, can you get your toys
out of the living room?

Thank you.

Ginny, can you… get up?

What's wrong?

Nothing. I'm fine.

I know you're upset
about your mom's engagement.

- [scoffs]
- I know you thought we'd be a family.

Because you told me that.

- Ginny, I can't control what your mom...
- Dad, I'm fine.

You're gonna wanna rehearse that
before your grandparents get here.

So it's a little more natural,
rolls off the tongue.

- I'll be down in a minute.
- [Zion] Okay.

Hurry, or you won't get to lick the spoon
from the sweet potato pie.

- [in singsong] Okay.
- Okay then.

[tense music continues]

[monitor beeping]

[Zach] Mom, when's dinner?

Hey. Do you want a muffin?

- We have lots of muffins.
- We're not having turkey?

Dad always carves the turkey.

[upbeat music plays]

This place is busier
than a weatherman in a tornado.


This is why it'd be nice
if my employees didn't disappear on me.

Don't look at me, I'm just picking up.

I have an order for your famed
homemade-style cranberry stuffing.

Paul's in the car.
I'm headed to his parents,

meeting the future in-laws.

Yikes. [chuckles]

Oh, is this pumpkin pie good?

Yep. It's the last one.
Padma, can ring you up.

Yeah, Joe, the scanner thingy
is doing the beepy thingy again, and...

- Okay.
- How about you, Joe?

Got fun Thanksgiving plans?


Okay. Is that all?

Hey, take a breath, captain.

Oh shit. She looks terrible.

Be kind.

How would you look
if your husband was dying?

I looked amazing.

Hi. I know it's last minute,

but can I place an order
from the Thanksgiving menu?

I didn't think, and it was today,
and Zach really wanted turkey...

Of course. Whatever you like.

Oh. Um…

- Okay, Padma?
- Yeah.

Two turkey dinners, cranberry stuffing,

any potatoes that we've got left,
and the last pumpkin pie.

[Padma] Okay.

You get the muffin basket
Paul and I sent over?

Here you go.

[Joe] Oh no. It's on the house.

You don't have to do that.

It's not a problem.

Thank you.

[upbeat music plays]

[door knocking]

Oh ho, my Virginia baby!

Oh, Good Lord, you are choking that girl.

Look at her. She's beautiful.

- Hey. [chuckles]
- Hey.

You know your jeans
have holes in 'em, baby?

Corbin, that's the style. Stop it.

Don't listen to him.
He doesn't know anything.

He is not cool like your Gram.

I hang out with the kids at Jack and Jill.

Jack and Jill ain't cool.

Like, do you even know
anybody Black named Jack or Jill?

What's Jack and Jill?

Tell me you have a white mom
without telling me you have one.

Come give your Aunt Rayna a hug. Oh…

[Lynette] There he is.
Come get these bags from your aunt.

- Hi, honey.
- [Zion] Hey, Mom.



- Hi, Gram.
- Who is this strapping young man?

- How tall are you?
- I don't know.

- You don't know?
- [Rayna] He don't know?

[laughs] Give me a hug.

- Hey, boy.
- Hi.

Hey, do you remember what I taught you?

That's right. Nice handshake.
Good and firm.

What's with the face? Are you good?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Mom, let me give you the tour.


- [Rayna] Oh. Nice.
- [Lynette] Very nice, honey. You did good.

[Rayna] It's better than good.

I see you with your new success.
Okay, Zion.

Okay, look at these beams.

Yeah, it's a good foundation.
It's a good building, Zion.

Thanks, Dad. I'll tell my landlord.

My baby Zion grew up so nice.

[Lynette] It was a little rocky

when he didn't wanna go to college
to be an artist.

Well, actually he is an artist now, so…

- [Rayna] Mm-hmm. [chuckles]
- [Lynette] Okay.

[in Korean] Smile
or Gram won't leave you alone.

[in English] Um, English, please.

- It's Korean, Gram. [chuckles]
- Yeah, it's rude.

- Is Georgia coming?
- [Austin] No.

We had a fight 'cause she didn't mail
the letters I wrote to my dad in prison,

so we ran away.

Okay there, little guy.

They've been living with me
for the past few days.

Georgia is spending the day
with her new fiancé, Paul.

I see.

Lynette, don't get messy.

I didn't say a word. Did I say a word?

You can say whatever you want.
I don't want her here.

Uh, excuse me,
you talk about your mother like that?

No, ma'am.

Paul's the mayor.

He is, is he?

Well, I'm hungry. Who's hungry?

I could use a drink.

[tense music plays]

Oh shit.

- What?
- You grew up inside Zillow.

[Paul chuckles]

I don't like you nervous. It's unsettling.

I'm not nervous.


- I'm excited.
- [chuckles]

Let's go meet your rich parents.

[Paul sighs]

[Paul] Hey, we're doing this.

Sure are.

- [clear throat]
- Here we are…

doing it.

[doorbell rings]

[birds chirping]

[whispers] I'm gonna buy you
a house like this one day.

- Georgia.
- Hi.

- So nice to meet...
- Let me see it.

Wow, Paul. [chuckles]

Come in. Can I get you a drink?

- Yes, ma'am.
- [Patricia] We have everything.

Georgia, this homemade cranberry stuffing
is fabulous.

Thanks. Old family recipe.

[Patricia] Good, she cooks.

- [chuckles] Yeah, she cooks. Apparently.
- [Patricia] Mmm.

- Chris, you want some?
- Oh, I… I don't eat stuffing.

I don't like the texture.

- I'm sorry, Georgia. It's a sensory thing.
- [Georgia] No, that's okay.

Stuffing is like mush.


Georgia, uh, what did the turkey eat
for Thanksgiving?

[Georgia] Hmm…

- I don't know.
- [Chris] Nothing.

- He was already stuffed.
- [all laugh]

- Oh, woof.
- [laughs]


Anti-anti-humor. [laughs]

Whit, I hear you once golfed
with Arnold Palmer.

Indeed, I did. But get this,

after the course,
he turns to me and he said, and I quote…

- [all] "Nice game, Whit."
- [Whit laughs]

"Nice game, Whit." Huh?

Wow, impressive.

Don't encourage him.
Anybody need another drink?

Mom, slow down.

Drinking is what Thanksgiving's all about.

[Corbin] Today, Dear Lord,
we'd like to thank you

for the many blessings and love
that you have given us.

Thank you for this delicious food
that we are about to eat,

and those gathered around this table
to enjoy it.

And the ability to gather together
under one roof.

We know that all good things
come from your hand, Dear Lord,

and for that, we are eternally grateful.

[Lynette] Mm!

- Amen.
- [Lynette and Rayna] Amen.

Okay, Austin, would you like
some mac and cheese?

Yes, please, and potato salad.
No green beans.

- Green beans are good.
- They're good when you deep-fry them.

That's what Mom does. Right, Ginny?

Fry-yay's my favorite.

- [Zion sighs]
- [Rayna] Where is the wine?

There's not nearly enough alcohol
on this table.

Right here, Aunty.

So, Ginny, do you have a boyfriend?

[Zion] Ma, leave the girl alone.

Yeah, leave the girl alone.
Ginny, do you have a boyfriend?


No because you're playing the field,
or no because you're focused on school?


- Ah, see, smart girl. She always has been.
- [Rayna chuckles]

Zion, put the game on.
I wanna see how my Eagles are doing.

Dad, I don't need to put the game on
to know how the Eagles are doing.

They're losing, Dad.
They're always losing.

Okay, that's it, boy. You are disowned.

- [Rayna and Lynette laugh]
- Okay.

Green beans are okay.

Right, that's how they're supposed to be.

Not ruined in some casserole
with cream of mushroom soup on 'em.

More green bean casserole?

- [men] What are you doing? What...
- [mouthing] Oh my!

The game.

[Paul] The Pats are asleep at the wheel.

[Chris] Remember you said Belichick
would be nothing without Brady?

Then he won the AFC East...
How many wins does he have again?

He has 280 wins.

Chris with the stats once again.
Well done.

It's so lovely to see
how warm your family is.

And your house.

I was telling Paul on the drive-in,

it must have been something
growing up in such a beautiful home.

Well, the boys did their best
to trash the place.

- [Chris] Mm.
- [Whit] Really?

Paul tells me
that you have two kids of your own.

Yes, ma'am. Sixteen and nine.
They're with their dad today.

Which dad?

[cutlery clinking]

Um, my daughter's.

[Chris] Georgia, another joke.

What did the mother turkey say
to her disobedient children?

I don't know.

If your father could see you right now,

he would be turning over in his grav-y.

- [laughing] Oh, double woof.
- [Patricia] Oh…

Slow burn.

- I like that one.
- Actually, it's pretty good, yeah.

- Georgia, you work with Paul, right?
- Mm-hmm.

It's a great time
for women to be in politics.

- Wh... What does that even mean, Dad?
- [Whit] What?

I'm a feminist.

I want you to go golfing
with my old frat brother,

Arty Closs, he's a congressman.
He can help you.

I don't need help, Dad.
Just got re-elected.

This is a game of chess,
it's not checkers.

Can't stay in Wellsbury your whole life.

The town loves him,
especially now that he's a family man.

Georgia, will you pass that stuffing?
It's so good, I just need more.

[upbeat music plays]

[inaudible sigh]

They showed up
in the middle of the night upset.

I called Georgia.
She said they could stay a few nights.

How many days ago was that?

She's engaged, huh?

Her husband hasn't been dead a year
and she's engaged already.

- [gasps] You know who I really liked?
- Here we go, right on time.

[Zion] Look, Mom, Raquel and I broke up.

[Lynette] That's the kind of woman
that you should be.

You know, she went to Spelman,
she's educated.

She's got a lot more in common with you.

- So are you seeing anyone in Boston?
- Mom, I just got here.

[Lynette] Well, honey,
you need to get back out there.

You know, find a partner
on your own level.

- Someone who can help you with Ginny.
- What's that supposed to mean?

[Lynette] Ginny needs exposure
to her community.

- [Rayna] Right.
- [Lynette] She needs roots.

Georgia's got that girl movin' all around,

and now they're settled
in that Wonder Bread town.

I mean, Ginny doesn't even know
Jack and Jill.

Do you think Georgia has any idea
what it's like for Ginny?

She doesn't know.

And you only need eyes
to see that Ginny is not okay.

She didn't speak at dinner, honey.

- Something is up.
- She's going through a transition.

And Georgia, she is so self-involved.

- [Rayna] Mm-hmm.
- She has no idea what Ginny needs.

- [Zion sighs]
- [Lynette] I'm sorry, honey.

[Paul clears throat]

[Patricia] Paul…

[scoffs] Guys, it's been a great day.
Can we not do this?

She comes with baggage, huh?

- You two are from different backgrounds.
- How stable is she?

She moves around a lot,
there are multiple fathers…

You guys are unbelievable.

This is the kind of woman
you have fun with. [chuckles]

That's not the woman you marry.

[Patricia] She doesn't have her kids
for Thanksgiving?

There's something off about that.

[Paul whispers] Mom, don't go there.

[Patricia] Her kids are going to be
your kids. Have you thought about that?

Yeah, Mom, I've thought about it.
I've thought about all of it.

I love her, love her kids.
I'm marrying her.

This is marriage, and this is huge,

and you're attaching yourself
to that woman forever.

Now, I have nothing against her,

but this, this is not the woman for you.

- She's very pretty, I can give her that.
- [Paul] This conversation's over.

- What happened to Meredith? I liked her.
- [Paul] Mom...

- Hey.
- It was so lovely meeting you.

Really. I can't wait to join
your beautiful family.

[Patricia and Georgia chuckle]

All right.

[Paul and Georgia] Happy Thanksgiving.

- Bye now.
- Same to you.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.

- [sighs]
- [door opens, closes]

Well, I like her.

[tense music plays]

I think your mom is dangerous.

I don't want kids living under the roof
of someone capable of m*rder.

If your mom did this,

if she k*lled someone…

[Ginny sniffles]


[lighter clicking]

[Gabriel] Do what's right, Ginny.

[sobs, sniffles]

- [sniffles]
- [lighter clicks]


[exhales] One, two, three, four…

- [lighter clicks]
- [exhales]


[exhales, winces]

- [sniffles]
- [door opens]

- [keys clacking]
- [Paul sighs] Oh boy.

[door closes]

I feel like I'm driving a car
that's bigger than I'm used to,

like I'm not used
to the dimensions right now.

- Let me get some water.
- Okay.

[phone vibrating]

Hey, Peach. Have a nice Thanksgiving?

Do not "have a nice Thanksgiving" me.


What kind of mother
doesn't spend Thanksgiving with her kids?

Georgia, this was your idea.

Do not blame me.
You are always blaming me.

I'm never blaming you. What...
What is going on here? What happened?

I'm not a bad mom. I'm not.

- I think you're a great mom.
- [Georgia] Oh.

Now you're patronizing me.

Oh! Oh, I see. So we're in a fun mood?

Do you think you're trying to pick a fight
with me because you miss your kids?

Do you wanna talk to them?

No, and don't tell her I called.

[scoffs] One of you
is going to have to give.

What happened tonight?
Something upset you.

Oh, you know me so well, is that it?

No, right now, I can safely say
I don't know you at all.

Is it Paul?

Families are supposed to be together
on Thanksgiving.


I mean, I get it
when I had to pull doubles, but…


How was your night?

My parents send their love.

Okay. [chuckles]


Ginny's upset.

Yeah. Well, get in line.

Do you wanna talk to her?

She wanna talk to me?

[Zion] Mature.

Austin was talking about Fry-yay.

[Georgia] He was?

Really? [chuckles]

[mellow music plays]

Remember that Fry-yay
we tried to deep-fry beer?

We were dumb.

We were drunk. [chuckles]

Come on, have Fry-yay.
You're their mom. They love you.

But they ran away,

like I ran away.

Not like you ran away.

Nothing like how you ran away.

[inhales, sighs]

Look, you've gotta be the bigger person.

You are so annoying.

So Fry-yay is a go? We're on?

It's a go. [sighs] We're on.

- Good. I'll drop 'em off tomorrow.
- [Georgia] You're welcome to join.

Deep-fry a crap ton of shit with us.

I… don't think so.

[Georgia] Yeah. Okay.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow.


Whatever got you this upset,

screw 'em.

Thanks for picking up.

Was that Mom?

[grunts] She misses you.

I don't care.

Yeah, me neither. I don't care.

She misses controlling us.
She doesn't miss us.

That's not fair, or true.

- You don't know her, Dad.
- I think I know her pretty well, actually.


[Paul] So who'd you call?

You're not as sly as you think,
Georgia Miller. Remember, I know you.

Oh, you do?

- [Paul] Uh-huh.
- I called Zion.

Ooh, Mr. Penguin. My favorite.

He's bringing the kids back tomorrow
for Fry-yay.


Good. [chuckles]

It's about time. That standoff was
starting to get a little ridiculous.

[Ginny] What?

- Dad, no.
- Ginny, come on, it's time.

No, you have no idea.
You… You don't get it.

- So tell me.
- She'll pretend like nothing happened.

She's gonna put on a smile and act like
my entire world didn't just crack open.

I know her, Dad.

I know her, Paul.

She's gonna sulk and be a brat.

I won't give her
the satisfaction of a reaction.

Uh-uh. I'm just gonna smile
and be pleasant.

That's what families do on holidays.
Pretend to like each other, damn it.

I'm starting to feel like
I shouldn't come to fried food day.


[Paul] Fry-yay. Sorry.

I know it's not as fancy
as a Randolph Thanksgiving.

That's not what this is about.

Is it Zion? He isn't staying.
He's just dropping them off.

It's not Zion.

Look, if the kids are this upset about us,
maybe it would be good for you guys

to have your family tradition without me,
just this once.

I told you it's not about you.

Of course it is. It's about us.

I mean, this is going crazy fast.
I get it.

I mean, it's… it's gotta be…

It's gotta be jarring, you know?

[Georgia rubs hands]

Yeah, that is true. [chuckles]

It's… jarring.

Gummy Bear,
I know this engagement is fast, okay?

It's not easy for me either
if I'm being honest with you,

but your mom deserves to be happy,
and Paul makes her happy.

It's not about Paul, Dad.

Mom always has a new guy.

She farts
and like eight guys fall in love with her.

If I freaked out every time
Mom had a new guy, I'd be medicated.

I am loving this,
really making me feel good.

I like Paul, which makes this worse.

It's not Paul, it's Mom.

I don't know what you
and your mom are fighting about,

but your mom misses you. She's hurt.

This tradition means a lot to her,
and not going would upset her.

I don't want to upset Mommy Dearest.


Dad, just tell her I'm sick, okay?

Tell her that I have scarlet fever
or something.

You want me to tell her you can't come

because you have
what Beth died from in Little Women?

Yes. [breathes heavily]




Hey. Hey, it's okay.

No. No, it's not. It's not okay.

I'm not okay. I'm really not okay.

Don't you see that?

[breathes deeply]

[winces, sniffs]

[moans, sobs]

[winces, chokes]

Hey, hey, hey. It's okay.
It's okay. Breathe, breathe.

It's okay. I'm right here.

Okay? I'm right here. Hold on to me.

Hold on to me, okay?
I'm here, okay? Breathe.

It's okay. Look at me. Look at me.

- [gasping]
- Okay?

Okay, put your hand on your chest.

[whispers] Breathe.

Breathe. I'm right here. I'm real.

I'm not going anywhere.

I got you.

- [breathing heavily]
- [Paul whispering] It's okay. It's okay.

You're gonna be okay.

- You're gonna be okay.
- [sobs]

- What was that?
- A panic attack.

Has that ever happened to you?

[inhales] How'd you know how to do that?

Your mom used to get them.

- Ginny, what's going on?
- [sniffles]

It's okay.

I'm always gonna be on your side.
You can tell me.

Don't get mad.

I won't be mad.


Ginny, what is going on?

[breathes deeply]


I do this thing…

[moans] …where I hurt myself.


[Ginny sniffles]

[splutters] What...

What do you mean you hurt yourself?
Hurt yourself how?


[sobs, sniffles]

[sniffles] I burn sometimes.

I'm sorry, Dad.

I'm sorry. [sobs]

Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

[sobbing] I wanna be okay.

I'm so glad you told me, okay?

[sobbing] It's gotten worse.

[exhales] I'm so sorry, baby.
I had no idea.

I want to stop. [sniffles]

I'm gonna get you help, okay? I promise.

[sobbing] Can I live here with you?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Don't worry about it.
We'll figure it all out, okay?

we'll talk to your mom about this.

Dad, no. No, please.

Baby, we can't keep this from her.

Okay? We gotta get you help.
Get you into therapy.

The only help I need
is you not sending me back to Mom.

Please. That's what I need.
I… I don't want her to know.

Honey, she has to know
if you're hurting yourself.


You're on my side, and then you just...
You go and turn me in to Mom. [sniffles]

You know, she has you right where
she wants you, just like always.

I know I can't trust her,
but I trusted you, Dad.

I trusted you,
and I need you to be my dad right now,

and you can't even do that.

- I am doing that.
- No, you're not.

God, Dad.

Maybe if you'd been there more…

[sobs] …you would've seen this happening.

You would see what she's really like.
What she's capable of.

But you weren't there.

I don't know why I thought you could help.

I can help. I'm going to.

I wish I never told you.


[Ginny sniffles]

["Colors" by Black Pumas plays]

♪ I woke up to the morning sky, first… ♪

I love Fry-yay.

This is quite the spread.

♪ Baby blue, just like we rehearsed… ♪

I'm on 40 hours no sleep.

I'm running on steam,
Twinkie cream, and a dream.

You're a pretty great mom. You know that?

You're not so bad yourself.

♪ I'm headed to town, town, town
In style ♪

- [Ginny laughs]
- [motorcycle engine revving]

- ♪ With all my favorite colors ♪
- ♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ All my favorite colors, right on ♪

♪ My sisters and my brothers ♪

♪ See 'em like no other ♪

♪ All my favorite colors ♪

♪ It's a good day to be ♪

♪ A good day for me ♪

♪ A good day to see
My favorite colors, colors ♪

♪ My sisters and my brothers ♪

♪ They see 'em like no other ♪

♪ All my favorite colors… ♪


Welcome back.

I borrowed your bike.

Yeah, I noticed.

How've you been?

I've been texting you like...

I was at my dad's.


I'm sorry I just took it.

And I'm sorry I didn't answer your texts.

Is that all then?

Do you forgive me?

Hey, all good.

Look, Marcus, it wasn't about you.

Didn't think it was.

Ginny. What are you doing here?

I'm just returning Marcus' bike.

Your motorcycle's back
'cause Ginny returned it.

[chuckles] That's new information.
Were you ever gonna tell me about that?

Okay. I think that I need to have
a chat with your mom.

Okay? Come on.

You two can stare at each other later.

[upbeat music plays]



Okay. [sighs]

That's how it is? We're mad?

- Yes.
- [Georgia] Well, I'm more mad.

I'm furious.

I'm so mad I'm gonna…

Ah… [laughs]

- Mom, stop!
- [laughs]

Oh my God, I hate you.
Go away. Leave me alone.

- You're holding on to me.
- I said go away!

Oh my God, I am serious.

- [chuckles]
- Ew!

Oh my God, look at you.
You've grown at least two feet.

- What is Zion feeding you?
- It's only been two weeks.

Hey, thanks for dropping them off.

We need to talk.

- Okay. Sounds serious.
- It is.

[door closes]

- [Austin] Paul.
- What's up, buddy?

Zion's gonna stay after all.


Wait. Are we deep-frying Twinkies?

You haven't lived
until you've deep-fried a Twinkie.

Engrave that, put it on my tombstone.

[Ellen clears throat]

Your daughter was just returning
my son's motorcycle.

Apparently, she borrowed it.

But you probably knew that
and just didn't tell me.

Nope, sure didn't.

We wore helmets.

That's good.

Safety first.

I ride all the time with Dad.

That's different.
He's driving, you're on the back.

You're not on the back.
He lets you drive. Of course.

Just in the parking lot.

- What's all this?
- Fry-yay.

Okay, whatever.

Just keep Ginny out of my garage.

Ellen, clearly
I can't control my daughter.

[mellow music plays]

Nice jacket.

You know, I'm gonna have
a deep-fried banana.

And I'm not gonna question it.
I learned my lesson after the Oreo.

Does anybody want one?

- Austin?
- Sure.

Great. Ginny?

Ginny, Paul asked a question.

[mellow music plays]

So… you two together now, or…

No, we're not together.

[Georgia sighs]

On second thought,
I'm gonna work some of this off.

- Do you wanna go kick a ball around?
- [Austin] Sure.

[Paul] Okay. Come on.

[Paul grunts]

♪ Yeah, you can take the breath
Out of my lungs ♪

[car engine revving]

♪ But I used to talk to God
When I was young ♪

[car door closes]

♪ Oh my love ♪

♪ I feel so numb… ♪

["Peaches" by Justin Bieber
& Daniel Caesar & Giveon plays]


♪ I got my peaches out in Georgia
Oh, yeah, shit ♪

♪ I get my weed from California
That's that shit ♪

♪ I took my chick up to the North, yeah
Badass bitch ♪

♪ I get my light right from the source
Yeah, that's it ♪

♪ And I see you, oh… ♪

- [Ellen] Max, Abby's here for brunch.
- [door closes]

♪ It's the texture of your skin ♪

- ♪ I wanna wrap my arms around you, baby ♪
- [turns off music]


Brought the pizza bagels.

What are you doing?

Come on, Max, we've always done
post-Thanksgiving brunch,

since we were like in the fifth grade.

[chuckles] You're unreal.

I'm really sorry, Max.

I feel really bad.

You're really sorry?

- You feel really bad?
- I apologize.

- Don't look at her. Look at me.
- [Abby] Max...

You're supposed to be
one of my best friends.

Then you keep this huge secret from me
about my own twin,

then you show up uninvited
with your pizza bagels,

like, "All good, g*ng g*ng"?

- Norah?
- It's the betrayal for me.

- It's the secrets for me.
- Guys.

No, I don't know. Maybe you're just fake.

It's disgusting.

I don't get it.
Maybe that's just who you are now.

I don't know, I don't care, I'm numb.
I'm generally numb.

So love you, mean it,
hate you, kidding, bye.

All right.

- Oh my God, that was a little harsh.
- Are you kidding? She deserved that.

Ugh, look, I know you can be mad,
but I mean, that was a little intense.

It was really intense, wasn't it?

Oh my God, you're actually evil.

Yeah, I just feel the power,
like, pumping through my veins.

I'm now a monster fueled only by revenge.

- Happy Thanksgiving.
- I do wish she'd left the pizza bagels.

Oh my God, stop.


[birds chirping]

- What's wrong with Abby?
- Her parents are getting a divorce.

She's going through a lot.
She's in therapy for it.

Lot of good that'll do.

You don't think therapy can help?

I think therapy's a scam.
It's about making money.

Whining about your shit
never helped anyone I know.

[Ginny exhales]


Ginny, help me in the kitchen.

- [Georgia sighs]
- [door closes]

[plates clatters]

You think I'm the evil parent, right?
Not like Dad.

I see you guys looking at each other.

"Oh, Mom's crazy. She's evil," right?

That's why you ran away to Daddy.

It's not fair.

I'm the one who sacrificed everything.

You could judge me all you want,
but I was there.

Where was he when it was just
you and me and we had nothing?

Oh, he was off in exotic places,
living his best life.

But not me.

Not evil Mom, huh?

Where are ya?

Where are ya, Zion? Zion?

- Yeah?
- [door closes]

Okay, that is such bad timing.

- What's going on?
- You said you wanted to talk.



wants to come live with me
for a little while.

[Georgia] Of course.

- Of course she does.
- I don't think it's a bad idea.

- You don't?
- [Zion] For a little while.

Give you guys some space.

- You wanna move out?
- [Zion] Just until you and Paul settle in.

'Cause this is about Paul, right?

- No.
- What?

I said no.

I'm your mother,

and God, in his infinite wisdom,
put me in charge of your well-being.

- I have rights. I say no.
- Georgia...

What about Austin?

Hey, Austin, you wanna move home?
We can have lots of ice cream.

[Austin] Yeah!


Austin wants to live here.

Dad, no.

- No.
- Look, there's more to it.

[Ginny] Seriously, stop.

- Ginny's been...
- Stop.

- Ginny, we have to.
- No!

- Dad, no. Just stop.
- Ginny... No...

I'll move home!

I wanna move home.

Just stop.

["Drop The Game"
by Flume & Chet Faker plays]

Sounds like we have a decision.

[Georgia] Ginny, you little shit.

You missed the greatest night of my life.

Paul won.

Guess who the first lady of...

♪ I've been seeing all
I've been seeing your soul ♪

♪ Give me things that I wanted to know ♪

♪ Tell me things that you've done ♪

♪ I've been feeling old
I've been feeling cold ♪

- ♪ You're the heat that I know ♪
- [exhales]

♪ Listen, you are my sun… ♪

[inhales, exhales]


[breathing heavily]

- [grunts]
- [metal clanks]

[Ginny] A puzzle piece that was missing
suddenly slides into place.

And I see it.

[sobs, sniffs]

I see her.

♪ Hush, I said there's more to life… ♪

[Ginny] Who she really is.

♪ Not gonna leave this place with us ♪

♪ Drop the game, it's not enough… ♪

[Ginny] How did I miss it before?

This is who she's always been.

[groans] I just ate a leftover sandwich
and I'm ready to die.

You almost done?

I'm just working on the lesson plan
for next week.

Lesson plan? They're third graders.
What's the lesson?

Cat rhymes with bat rhymes with gnat?

That's what you learned
in the third grade?

And you went on to an Ivy League school?

- Well… Mm.
- I'll be done soon.

♪ Drop the game, it's not enough… ♪

[Ginny] That beautiful face.

♪ I said there's more to life than rush ♪

- ♪ Not gonna leave this place with us ♪
- [winces, exhales]

♪ Drop the game, it's not enough ♪

♪ Things that you've done ♪

♪ I've been seeing all
I've been seeing your soul ♪

♪ Give me things that I wanted to know ♪

♪ Tell me things that you've done ♪


♪ I've been feeling old… ♪

[Ginny] She looks the same
because she is the same.

- ♪ You're the heat that I know… ♪
- [exhales]

[Ginny] It's me that's changed.

♪ Listen, you are my sun ♪

[song ends]

[gasps, coughs]

[coughs, pants]

[Ginny] Now it's my face
I don't recognize.

[melancholic music plays]

[phone vibrates]

[window opens]

What are you doing here?

- Should I go?
- Yes.


[" Don't Let Me Go"
by Lane 8 & Arctic Lake plays]



♪ We're so close to touching now ♪

♪ I hold my hands up… ♪

I'm sorry.

- I shouldn't...
- It's okay.

Me too.

♪ I'll see you again… ♪

I had to leave.

I couldn't be around her.

Your mom?

What happened?

It's bad.

- It's so bad. I don't know what to do.
- Okay. It's okay.

My whole family's broken.

- I'm broken.
- [Marcus] Hey.

♪ We're so close to touching now… ♪

I'm broken too.

You don't understand.

I don't know a lot.

I don't know anything, but…

you make sense to me.

♪ I'll see you again… ♪

I'm not letting go of that.

♪ All I've ever dreamed… ♪

Can you stay the night?

Yeah, definitely.

Come on.

♪ Don't let me go ♪

- ♪ Don't let me go… ♪
- [tense music plays]

[car door opens, closes]

["Save My Soul" by Extreme Music plays]

- [man] Georgia!
- [door banging]

Open this door!

Just open the door, Georgia!

[door banging]

[screams] Georgia!

You think you can do this to me?
I'm going to k*ll you, Georgia Miller.

I'm gonna k*ll you! I'm gonna k*ll you!

[door banging]



[breathes deeply]

[dramatic music plays]

[Ginny] If you or someone you know
is struggling with thoughts of self-harm,

information and resources are available


[dramatic music continues]

[dramatic music ends]