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Christiana (1979)

Posted: 01/28/24 19:48
by bunniefuu
(light music)

(dog barks)

- [Crowd] All hail to the man on his pilgrimage,

his pilgrimage his pilgrimage.

He had to go to save his lost soul

but he ended up in a mighty hole.

On his pilgrimage, his pilgrimage.

All hail to the man on his pilgrimage.

His pilgrimage his pilgrimage.

He tried to do right

with all of his might and fought with the devil

for a half a night on his pilgrimage.

His pilgrimage his pilgrimage.

- Yes, yes, what a wise man you have proved yourself.

You are honored in this city.

To think you had the good sense to return

instead of following that nitwitted pilgrim.

- But Mr. Ob...

- Yes, yes, yes a man of wisdom.

That's what you are Pliable, a man of wisdom.

- [Girl] They say he now walks in white.

He has a crown of gold beset with pearls upon his head.

Pilgrim, is well it is said,

he drinks from the fountain of life.

He's without labor and sorrow.

There's no grief in the place where he now abides.

- What idiotic nonsense!

The man lives a fool and on his gravestone

they inscribe him as saint!

- They said Mrs. Pilgrim is sorry.

- They say, they say, they say.

What kind of chatter is that from a man

who has proved himself so wise as you?

- [Woman] He's in a place of eternal blessedness.

- [Woman] So I've heard.

- [Woman] But is it so?

- Eternal blessedness?

How can that be?

As my husband says, and for all his cantankerousness,

he's a man of high intelligence,

he says that when we die we die as a dog dies.

- But have you heard about his wife?

How she is almost completely repented of all her ways.


- Mrs. Pilgrim repenting?

- Oh yes Mr. Obstinate.

Repenting even worse than her husband did, some say.


- What troubles mother?

- She misses father.

(foreboding music) (gasps)

- Look mommy, there's a evil, look out the window.

- Christiana, listen to what the book says my dear one.

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

The soul that sins shall die.

We are all as an unclean thing.

All our righteousness is as filthy rags.

If we keep the whole law yet offend in one point,

we are guilty of all.

Guilty of all Christiana.

Guilty of all.

- Oh Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner!

(eerie music)

- We must be watchful of this foolish woman.

We dare not lose her as we lost her husband.

- [Children] We must be watchful of this foolish woman.

We dare not lose her as we lost her husband.

- I don't know what to do.

I just don't know what to do.


In whose name do you come?

- I come in the name of the lord of hosts.

(slow instrumental music)

May God's peace be upon this house.

I have many names.

I visit you with the name of Evangelist.

It is said you are aware of the evil and the folly

of your former ways, of the hardening of your heart

against your husband and that you have a repentful spirit.

- Oh yes, you have heard the truth!

- Good.

I bring you a letter from the King of Kings,

the Lord of Lords, in whose presence your husband

now dwells.

It is a letter of invitation and guidance.

- He just vanished!

- Was he real mother?

- Perhaps too real for our eyes to any longer behold.

- It's written in gold!

- It's beautiful.

- Come unto me, all you who labor,

and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

You shall seek me and find me

when you have searched for me with all your heart.

- What does it mean?

(eerie music)

- [Christiana] We must follow your father.

We must find the way to the Celestial City.

- I can't let that happen.

Go tell her Pliable, go on!

Knock you fool!

Go in and stop her!


Tell her!

Tell her!

- Come in Mr. Pliable.

- Don't go Mrs. Pilgrim.

I made the journey myself once you know.

But I was wise, I came back.

- Do you think my husband was unwise?

- Well, I wouldn't put it that way Mrs. Pilgrim.

- [Christiana] But by returning to the City of Destruction

you were wiser than my husband?

- Oh I wouldn't say that.

I can't really for sure claim that I've ever done anything

very wise in my whole life.

Not for very long anyway.

But I've heard it said, Mrs. Pilgrim,

that all manner of evil await those who make the pilgrimage.

Peril and hunger,

nakedness, the sword.

- All these my husband faced, to be sure.

But he reached the Celestial City Mr. Pliable.

You can't deny that.

- On the truth, we cannot Mrs. Pilgrim.

To be really truthful, I wish I'd gone on with your husband.

(whistles) (laughing)

Oh dear me, that's not what I came to tell you.

- Why don't you speak with some of our neighbors?

Perhaps we could make the pilgrimage together.

(dramatic music)


- What's this we hear?

Is it true Mrs. Pilgrim plans to follow after her husband?

- It's as true as true as ever true!

- Blind and foolish woman!

Will you not take warning of your husband's afflictions?

- Oh, let her go, it'll be good riddance, I'd say!

- We must help her.

- Help her?

- Yesterday I was at Madame Wantons house.

With us was Mrs. Lovetheflesh, Mrs. Still

and Mrs. Lechery.

Such a wonderful time we had.

- Come Mrs. Pilgrim, let's go visit our happy neighbors.

- Nothing can deter me from my plan.

- [Woman] What of your precious children?

Your husband forsook both you and them.

You are of no better cloth than he.

- By my own foolish choice I chose not to follow my husband.

My children wish to go with me.

- Mere babes they are.

Of course they want to follow their mother.

But have you told them what kind of a journey it is?

- I have as best I know to do.

- She is a waste of time.

Let her go!

If she stays here in this frame of mind

she'll be a miserable neighbor to all of us.


Not another fool!

(light instrumental music)

- Good morning Mercy.

- Good morning Mrs. Pilgrim.

I came to borrow a measure of meal but...

Are you going on a journey?

- The children and I have chosen to follow the path

of my dear husband.

- Mrs. Pilgrim!

- I was wretched and a fool

but I have repented of my sins.

I have an invitation.

- This is written in gold.

- That is because it comes from the King of Kings

and Lord of Lords,

he it is who rules the place where my dear husband dwells.

You could come with us.

- But is it not very dangerous?

- Not nearly so dangerous as to stay here

in the City of Destruction.

- But I am so unworthy.

- The lord of the place where my dear husband dwells

tell us that the more unworthy we are

the more he welcomes us.

- I'm without faith.

I'm so full of doubts.

(light instrumental music)

- We are promised faith, we can be delivered from doubts.

Please come with us.

- I will come.



- Here they come!

- Mr. Obstinate, they're leaving!

- Fool!

Made a mess of things again.

- You tend first and I'll tend right after.

- What is said mother?

- That something we don't talk about dear.

- Why doesn't she come back?

The one thing she couldn't bear about her husband

was the scoffing he brought to their family.

- I don't like people scoffing at me Mr. Obstinate.

(dog barks)


- Mother, where's Mercy?

- Wait!

Come on Mercy, let's go!

- Come on Mercy, let's go! (laughing)

(dramatic music)

- I'm not sure I can go with you all the way.

But on your confidence I might.

- My confidence is in the promises of the lord

of the Celestial City.

I've been directed to a wicket gate.

Go with me that far.

- I will Mrs. Pilgrim, I will.

- I think for this pilgrimage,

I should like to choose the name Christiana.

- Christiana, oh it's very good

and it really suits you.

Thus far it's been a pleasant journey.

- But for my dear husband,

there were many trials and pitfalls

and so it is I'm sure for every pilgrim.

(foreboding music)

(light sweet instrumental music)

(birds squawking)

We should seek a place of shelter.

- [Mercy] Do you think we should have

come on the journey at all?

- [Girl] I'm a little bit frightened mother.

- [Christiana] Come, nothing is to be gained standing here.

The slow of despond in which

my dear husband nearly perished.

Avail stay here!


(foreboding music)

- Boy.


- Watch out!


- [Christiana] Come, let's go in this direction,

away from the slow.

- [Mercy] Oh Christiana, let's turn back!

We don't know what other evils might befall us!

(dramatic music)


- Where are my children?

- Anything well of that there.

- [Children] We will take care of them.

We will look after them.

We will supply their every need.

- Can't you see we're only pilgrims?

We have no money!

We depend even for our food upon the kindness

of those we meet along the way!

- We don't want your money even if you had any.

- No, we want you.

(dramatic music)

- Isn't she a lovely one?

- Lovely, lovely, lovely.

- Some day she will give great pleasure

to our master's disciples.

- All this for your small favors.

(dramatic music)

- I've never seen such splendors!

- God is faithful who will not permit you to be tested

above what you are able.

But with the testing also make a way of escape.

- May it be so Lord.

(instrumental music)

Let us rest here tonight.


- Will we be safe now?

- Has not our Lord just shown us his protection?

- Christiana? - Yes?

- Why was I so tempted by the treasures of those evil men?

- You innocence excuses you much.

I too considered their treasures for a moment.

My fault is much greater than yours.

- I have so much to learn.

- There is much you're not told about the pilgrimage.

One thing we know, it is meant to be a time for learning.

(foreboding music)


- Come on Credence!

(instrumental music)

- Oh look at that beautiful fruit!

(dramatic music)

- Avail, don't!

(dramatic music)

- [Mercy] I thought the fruit was beautiful.

My eyes must be blind to evil.

Christiana, do you think I should return

to the City of Destruction?

- [Christiana] Do you want to return?

- [Mercy] I'm not sure.

Is the evil one constantly watching us,

plotting against us?

- [Christiana] Yes.

- [Mercy] Back at the City of Destruction,

evil one was rarely mentioned.

- [Christiana] I think the evil one pays much more

attention to us on our journey

than to those who remain back in the city.

- [Mercy] The Village of Morality.

That must be just outside the Celestial City!

- I think that's the wrong path.

(foreboding music)

The gate!

It's the gate Mercy!

Oh we have come the right way!

(instrumental music)

- Good day Madame.

I am Mr. Goodwill.

From whence have you come and to where are you going?

- I'm Christiana.

I believe this is the gate through which my husband,

a pilgrim before me, once sought entrance.

- Ah yes, I remember him well.

Who comes with you?

- My children are with me and...

- Awaken daughter.



- I am unworthy.

I do not have an invitation as does my friend, Christiana.

She has an invitation from the King of Kings.

I have but an invitation from her.

I am unworthy.

- If one were worthy, which no mortal can be,

then there would be no point to passing through this gate.


- I think I should turn back.

(sweet instrumental music)

- [Man] Enter in at the narrow gate.

For wide is the gate and broad is the way

that leads to destruction and to many there'll be

you'll go in that way.

Because narrow is the gate and narrow is the way

that leads to life and few will there be who find it.


- Welcome.

(sweet instrumental music)

- [Christiana] Mercy, look!

- Love not the world,

neither the things that are in the world.

When the chief shepherd appears, you shall receive

a crown of glory that fades not away.

- Is this a man of the world?

- You speak correctly and muckrake shows his carnal mind.

- Is the crown being offered to him?

- Indeed.

In exchange for his muckrake, but he sees only the things

of the world, the lust of the flesh,

the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

He has no time for celestial consideration.

Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid,

which is Jesus Christ.

Now, if anyone build upon this foundation,

gold, silver, precious stones,

wood, hay, and stubble,

everyone's work shall be tested.

It shall be revealed by fire.

The fire is God's judgment.

It will destroy the mere labor of this world,

but it will purify and preserve that which is eternal.

- A dirty pig!

What's the meaning of that Mr. Interpreter?

- The fatter a pig is, the more it desires the mire.

So also, the healthier the lusty man is,

the more he is prone to evil.

It is easier to watch a knighted who than a whole year.

So also, it is easier to begin well

than to hold out to the end.

If a man would live well, let him remember his last day

and make it always his companion.

He who lives in sin and looks for happiness here after,

is like someone who plants weeds and thinks to fill

his barn with good grain.

- Your pictures and your proverbs are most helpful.

Did my husband come this way?

- Aye, and as earnest a pilgrim as I've ever met he was.

This will give him great joy when you also reach the city.

(instrumental music)

- Does he know I'm coming?

- What is most important for you to know,

is that you are most assuredly on your way.

Come, I will show you the path you are to take.

(steps clattering)

(sweet instrumental music)

- [Man] I declare unto you the gospel.

Christ d*ed for our sins, according to the scriptures.

He was buried and rose again the third day,

according to the scriptures.

(dramatic music)

He was wounded for our transgressions.

Bruised for our inequities.

His suffering brings us peace.

By his strife we are healed.

- My Lord and my God!

This is he in whom I have believed since the first day

I repented of my sins.

- Repented Christiana? - Yes.

He d*ed for our sins.

- Our sins?


- Yes, Mercy, for your sins.

- I do not wish to boast,

but I haven't committed great sins.

- [Man] We are all as an unclean thing.

All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.

There is no peace says the Lord, for the wicked.

- There is no peace in my heart.

- He is our peace.

- [Man] He who know no sin was made to be sin for us,

that we might be made the righteousness of God in him,

to as many as received him.

To them, he gave the right to become the children of God.

- I receive.

- [Man] Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,

and you shall be saved.

- I believe.


- What's wrong? - I want to believe too.

- [Boy] Anyone may believe.

(instrumental music)

- You need not fear.

You may rejoice!

I am Great Heart, the comforting one,

protector and guide, promised and available,

to all who repent of their sins

and journey to the Celestial City.

- He's big!

- He's nice.

- He's my friend.

(dramatic music)


(dramatic music)

- [Christiana] Who's done this to them?

- They have done it unto themselves.

Their names were Simple, Sloth, and Presumption.

But they have unnumbered other names,

hypocrisy, vanity, apostate.

Many names.

- Were they once pilgrims like us?

- False pilgrims. - False pilgrims?

- They walked on the way but the Celestial City

was never their destination.

Instead, they're claiming to be pilgrims,

they led many astray.

- Can they never reach the Celestial City?

- Neither they nor the many who follow

their counsels of folly.

(dramatic music)

(sweet instrumental music)

- Great Heart?

I'm very troubled about those three men.

- And the many others like them.

- Why could the Lord not forgive them?

- If only they had asked him to.

- My faith and my understanding are so small.

- Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God,

so also comes understanding.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Concerning those three men whose bodies you have just seen,

the sacred book speaks of them

as having the understanding darkened,

being alienated from the life of God

because of the blindness of their hearts.

We must be on our way.

(instrumental music)

Just yonder is an arbor, a place for pilgrims to rest.

(fire crackles)

- [Mercy] Beautiful!

- [Great Heart] Our Lord prepared it

especially for pilgrims.

In a world of much trouble and suffering,

there remains a rest for the people of God.

- A rest for the people of God.

- To rest in one's Lord is one thing,

to sleep through indifference is quite another.

- I remember your words from this morning Great Heart.

The way to the Celestial City is like climbing a ladder.

The way to hell is like going down a hill.

- Blessed are the people for they shall

see God.

- It is correctly stated,

blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

- Blessed are the pure in heart

for they shall see God.

- That's right.

- I wish I had pure heart.

- In the sight of God, you do my son.

And only what appears to his eyes about you is important.

(instrumental music)

(eerie sounds)

(mumbled yelling)

- [Great Heart] So it seems.

You must be careful.

- [Man] Stay where you are pilgrims!

I am Giant Grim!

Sovereign ruler

of the kingdom of the unknown!

(dramatic music)

Only fools

enter the kingdom

of the unknown!

- These pilgrims enter in the name of one

who knows the future better than they remember the past.


Peace I leave with you.

My peace I give on to you.

Not as the world gives give I unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled,

neither let it be afraid.


I am with you always, even on to the end of the world.

- You will be sorry you came here.

- Permit your way unto the Lord.

Trust in him, he shall bring it to pass.

- Your friends will call you fools.

- We are fools for Christ's sake.

- Great dangers await you.

You will fail, you will fail.

- I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

- [Mercy] Are we going to make it safely Great Heart?

- A wise pilgrim, who like you walked with the Lord,

once said, "Never doubt in the darkness,

what your Lord told you in the day."

(foreboding music)


(instrumental music)

- Will there be anymore danger?

- Yes,

but for the true pilgrim, bound for the Celestial City,

the greatest of dangers becomes an opportunity

for experiencing faith.

- But I have so little faith.

I'm so full of doubts!

- Remember Mercy, faith comes by believing the promises

God has given us.

- Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Lean not upon your own understanding.

In all your ways, acknowledge him

and he shall direct your path.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help

in trouble, therefore we will not fear.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.

No good thing will he withhold from them

that walk uprightly.

- Oh Mercy, let the promises of our Lord flood your heart

just as the sun warms the Earth.

- But I have so little faith, and you...

- Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord

and savior, Jesus Christ.

- Grow in grace, everyday stronger,

more sure of your faith.

- [Great Heart] The name of the Lord is a strong tower.

The righteous run into it and are safe.

- [Christiana] Please Lord, strengthen Mercy.

Give me the right words when I speak to her.

Help me to lead my children along the way.

Thank you Lord.

- Where are we going mother?

- To a beautiful place, which our Lord has made for us.

- Will it be a house?

- A place so beautiful we can only wonder

what it will be like.

- Is it far?

- I don't know how far it is.

- Does Great Heart know?

- Great Heart knows.

- Will he tell us?

- When the time is right he will.

- Where there be any bad people in this place?

I'm bad sometimes.

- But the Lord of that wonderful place

will make you so that you will always be good.

- Not ever bad? - Not ever bad.

- Will I be good as Great Heart?

- As good as Great Heart.

- I'm going to be good as Great Heart.

(instrumental music)

- Will we reach the Celestial City before I grow up?

- You want to grown up don't you?

- Be like you.

- It's important to grow up and beautiful.

But it isn't the most important thing in your life

or the most beautiful.

- Will there be many children my age in the Celestial City?

- Many and any one of them will tell you

that one moment with the King of Kings

and Lord of Lords, is more important, more beautiful

than the longest, happiest life you could life here

on Earth.

(instrumental music)

- Vanity Fair, I've heard of this evil place.

- So have I and the experience my husband had there.

- May we go mother?

- Do you wish to go?

- I think I do.

- [Christiana] If you knew it to be a place

where you might be turned completely away

form our pilgrimage, would you still wish to go?

- Is it an evil place?

- [Christiana] Very evil.

Do you wish to go Credence?

- Not if it is an evil place.

- And you Avail?

- I am very curious mother.

Do you not wish me to go?

- It is more important what you wish to do.

(lively instrumental music)

- I wish to go. - Avail!

But I choose not to go.

- But there is one place you must see,

it is just outside Vanity Fair, come.

This is where Faithful, your husband's beloved friend,

perished in the flames of his tormentors.

They did not realize they were bestowing upon him

one of the greatest honors that can come to mortals,

dying for their Lord.

- That is an honor?

- A great honor!

- I wouldn't dare to die!

I scarcely have enough faith by which to live.

I want to believe, but I have so many doubts.


- Look, pilgrims!

What fine logs for a fire tonight.

- It's only women and children.

- It would be sinful to burn them.

- Nothing sinful every happens in Vanity Fair.

(dramatic music)

(steps clattering)

- [Christiana] Let's stop here shall we?


- Oh Christiana, were it not for your faith and your courage

I should have turned back from this pilgrimage

a long time ago!

- [Christiana] Where's Great Heart?

(instrumental music)

- I am with you.

I have always been, but you forgot,

your comforter and protector.

- See how pleasant it is this way.

- Pleasant?

What is pleasing to the eye may be precarious to the foot.

(foreboding music)

- It looks pretty.

- It's very beautiful, let's go.

- But we go this way Mercy.

- Look!

Are they also pilgrims?

- Indeed, let us join them.

- Welcome, you are also traveling to the Celestial City?

- [Christiana] We are sir!

- Then join us.

We find that the joys of our pilgrimage

is in sharing our blessings with our sisters and brothers.

- [Christiana] Thank you.

(fire crackles) (baby coos)

- Some food?

(foreboding music)

- Greetings from his imperial magnificence, the Prince.

- The prince?

- The Prince of the Power of the Air.

You could be his royal princess.

Just take this pleasant way through By-Path Meadow.

Only you were wise enough to see its beauty.

Come, I'll show you the way.

- [Children] Said the spider to the fly

come into my house today.

- Said the fly to the spider, aye,

I'll come but I'll not stay.

(dramatic music)

- Mercy, don't go in!


- [Man] Come on!


- Oh Lord help us!

(instrumental music)

(dramatic music)

- Why am I so drawn to that place?

- Mortals often find it much easier to doubt

than to believe.

- Easier to doubt than to believe.

How true that is of me.

- I wish we could destroy that castle.

- You can.

- Destroy Doubting Castle?

- Aye, for Doubting Castle exists in the life

of every pilgrim, who either yield to the castle's power

through unbelief or destroy the castle

through the power of faith.

- Could we destroy it?

- You can destroy it Mercy. - I?

- But only if you would believe.

Unbelief makes a pilgrim powerless,

but if you will believe, you can destroy Doubting Castle.

- Believe.

- [Christiana] Faith comes by hearing

and hearing by the word of God.

- Faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

Without faith it is impossible to please God.

You see, faith pleases God because faith is you

acting upon the authority of God's promises to you.

- Lord, I believe.

Oh please, help my own belief.

- The storm will not touch you here.

It is only judgment upon the castle.

- In answer to your faith, dear Mercy.

- My faith?


- This is the victory which overcomes the world, your faith.

- My faith.

(eerie sounds)

In the name of the Lord,

in the name of the Lord, be destroyed!


- [Boy] There's mother!

(upbeat instrumental music)

(birds tweeting)

- You are anxious to be on your way?

So are others.

For so many years they have tended to the needs

of pilgrims here.

It is time for them to be going to the Celestial City.

So, others are needed to look after the inn.

- I'm willing to stay and help look after the inn.

- So could I!

- My wife and I will stay for a while.

- Those who would go now to the Celestial City,

come with me.

(instrumental music)

Those who will stay here and look after

Pilgrim's Rest remain seated.

(dramatic music)

(slow instrumental music)

They have gone, like so many pilgrims before them.

Safe at last in the Celestial City.

But there are those who remain.

- Stop sir, stop!

I'll help you!

(birds chirping)

- [Woman] Help me, help me, help me, help me!

- [Mercy] Come to me, come to me.

You're all right now, don't cry, don't cry.

- Those who go, their work finished.

Those who remain to serve

but there are others,

those on the pilgrimage, those who have not yet decided,

to all of them, to you my friend,

the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords says

come, enter into the joy of your Lord.