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A Question of Faith (2017)

Posted: 01/28/24 19:40
by bunniefuu


I score and I win.

That's if you score, squirt.

- I win.
- Best two out of three?

Okay, but you're
gonna lose again.




[birds chirping]

[phone ringing]

Sorry, baby.

You're still at the office.

This new construction project
at the church,

it's just...
there's a lotto sort out.

No, I-l get it, babe--
it's just that dinner,

-you know, is almost ready
and... -Theresa, I get it.

- There's just a lot
on my plate, honey. -Mm-hmm.

I could use
a little understanding.



- Yes, ma'am?
- What have I told you, baby,

about leaving your toys
all over the floor'?

They're collectibles, Mom,

-not toys.
- Well, please stop leaving

your collectibles
all over the floor.

It's okay. I think Dad
can help me fix it.

All right, well,
dinner's almost ready.

Why don't you guys
get washed up?

Come on, squirt.

I'll finish whipping you later.

♪ I'm broken and bruised ♪

♪ Seems like ♪

♪ There's no more I can lose ♪

ISol ♪

♪ Feel ♪

♪ I'm better off alone... ♪

MAN [over phone]:
Mr. Danielson,

we've done all we can.

Okay, listen, uh,
is there any way

I can get another extension?

You're currently $40,000
in arrears,

and the bank just can't sustain
debts like that,

and we definitely can't see
a way into further credit.

I understand. I understand.

L... [sighs]

I mean, nobody's building new
right now, okay'?

And I've already laid off
over half my staff.

I'm having a hard time
making payroll as it is.

I'm really sorry.

I wish there
was more I could do.


Okay. Uh... look, I-l know
it's a bit of a long sh*t here,

but my daughter's about to sign

her first major
recording deal, okay?

So just give me
a little bit more time--

maybe she can give me a loan,
I can work this all out.

Mr. Danielson,
if you can't find a way

to catch up
by the end of the month,

we will have to foreclose.

A' Oh... 3

J" Oh, oh, oh ♪

J" Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. ♪

Guys, that was awesome.

Thank you so much.
That was incredible.

Let's just do it once more,
okay, everybody? One more time.

Dad, we've rehearsed it
three times- they're ready.

Sweetheart, you're singing
for a record contract tomorrow.

- Just do it one more time.
- I know, but they're tired...

Just do it for me.
Just do it for me.

Okay, once more, everybody.
Thank you. Thank you.

I'm sorry. Can we just do it
one more time, please?


Here you go.

Hope you enjoY-

Can I get you
some more water, or...?

Okay. Well, let me know
if you need anything else.



What have I told you
about texting and driving?

[Maria sighs]

It's okay, Mommy.

No, it's not okay.

What if you got
into an accident?

You could hurt yourself, or...

Or what, Mom?

I was just parking.

Not that big of a deal.

- Yes.
- I got to go.

- Uh-huh.
- Hey.

Back burning
the midnight oil, I see.


Whatcha got?

Just a couple things.

Take a look at these.

Those are preferred contractors

for the new
construction project.

We really need to take care
of those, Pastor.

- I know. I know.
- Yeah.

I'll tell you what, I will take
a long look at them tonight,

and we'll start interviewing
next week.

Awesome. Sounds good.



I just wanted to tell you
that I appreciate you.

Thank you
for stepping up, and...

-helping out.
- That's what I'm here for.


you know I plan to meet my wife
in this church one day.


What's funny?

You? Married?

Come on, now.

It's my time, it's my time.

I'm telling you, my beautiful,
hardworking dream girl...

she's out there.


- You just have
to find her, huh? -Mm-mm.

No. She's got
to find the church.

Yeah.And I'll be waiting.

And I don't care how long it
takes- 'cause you know what?

The beautiful thing is, when
she comes through those doors,

it won't be
because she chose to,

it'll be because God
sent her to me.

And, man, just knowing that

makes every second
worth the wait.



♪ If you confess the Lord ♪

♪ Call Him up ♪

♪ If you confess the Lord ♪

♪ Call Him up ♪

♪ If you believe
in the Father, the Son ♪

IAnd the Holy Ghost ♪

♪ Call Him up ♪

IAnd tell Him what you want ♪

♪ Jesus ♪

♪ Jesus ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Jesus ♪

♪ Praise His holy name ♪

♪ Cam step S

♪ Praising His name ♪

♪ I just can't stop ♪

♪ Praising His name ♪

♪ I just can't stop ♪

♪ Praising His name ♪

♪ Jesus! ♪

It's been three weeks.

You don't have to sing today.

- You can just rest.
- Mom, I'll be fine. It's okay.

Okay, so, the record people
are here-- are you ready?


She still has these headaches.


maybe it's just nerves.

- Yeah. -Honey, just go
out there and do your best.

We're gonna get
a record deal today.


Yeah. I'm fine, Mom.

We'll just go do it. It's fine.


It's fine.


IO Lord ♪

- ♪ I tried to ♪
- ♪ O Lord ♪

♪ Find out for myself ♪

IO Lord ♪

- ♪ God will ♪
- ♪ O Lord ♪

♪ Yes, God will ♪

IO Lord ♪

♪ Keep the faith ♪

IO Lord ♪

- ♪ God will ♪
- ♪ O Lord ♪

♪ Take care ♪

- ♪ Of you... ♪ -Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah.

[organ playing]

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In closing,
I would just like to say

this is my last message to you

as your associate pastor.


Thank you.

I want to thank God

and you all

for co-laboring with Jesus,

preparing me for the day
that I stand before you

as your senior pastor.

It's an honor
and it's a privilege,

and I want to thank you.


- J' I need Thee ♪
- ♪ I need, oh ♪

II need ♪

II need Thee ♪

♪ Every hour ♪

II need Thee ♪

♪ O mess X

♪ Bless me now ♪

♪ My Savior ♪

- ♪ I come to thee ♪
- J'
O Lord, I come ♪

- ♪ I come to Thee ♪
- ♪ I come ♪

- ♪ To Thee ♪
- ♪ I come ♪

♪ To Thee ♪

- ♪ To Thee ♪
- ♪ I come ♪

- ♪ To Thee I
- J' I come, we come ♪

♪ I come to Thee I

♪ I come ♪

♪ I come to... ♪

♪ Thee--- ♪

[low, distant murmuring]

Look, Dad.

Can you fix it?

Yeah, I think
I can do something with this.

What happened?

Don't ask.


Are you still gonna pick me up
from school tomorrow

-and take me to my
basketball game? -Of course.

Promise this time.

I promise, Eric--
I will pick you up.

- DAVID: Ooh.

Time for bed, buddy.

Big day tomorrow, hmm?

Let me see this.

Oh, yeah.

It goes right there.

H 9Y-

Love you, son.

- Love you, too, Dad.
- All right.

Oh, Dad.

Yeah, son?

I'm gonna score the winning
basket for you tomorrow.

I know you are, son.

That's why you need
some good sleep.

Good night.


[monitor beeping rhythmically]

MOORE: Michelle has
a congenital heart defect.

Basically, her heart
is not functioning properly.

How bad is it?

Michelle's heart
isn't pumping enough blood

to supply enough blood and
oxygen to the rest of her body.

Wait a second. Are you saying
our daughter's gonna die?

I'm sorry, sir, but...

unless we get
a donor heart soon...

- No, I want to talk to another
doctor. -Mr. Danielson,

I am the senior cardiologist,
and I promise you...

I don't want your promises;
I want a second opinion.

And that's exactly
what I intend on getting.

Now, who do you work for?

I want to speak to your boss.

I'll contact
our chief cardiologist

and let her know
you wish to speak with her.

They're there now'?

I thought we were meeting
with them this afternoon.


ls old man Withers with them?

Of course he is.

All right. I'm on my way.



Yeah. That was
a scheduling mix-up.

The building committee's
at the church waiting on me.

Yeah. Hey, hey,
don't you worry, buddy.

I'll be there to pick you up.

- Okay.
- All right? I promise.

I love you.

You should.

I do.

{Theresa laughing]
- Bye, guys.

CECIL: All right,
I will show you guys out.

- Thank you, Cecil.
- All right.

All right, thanks.
We'll make it work.


Well, that went well.

That's one way to describe it.

Yeah, that was rough, but...

you know, with all the
construction we got going on,

you got to expect
some oversight.

A lot of it, actually.

I still don't get
why they would assign

a third-party manager
to oversee us.

Comes with the territory,

I'm reading her e-mail;
she just sent us one.

Name's Lisa Pearl.


- Pearl. -..-looks like
you're gonna meet her today,

'cause she's coming here
at 2:30 to meet you.

Today at 2:30?

- That's what it says.
- Well, I can't do today.

I'm taking Eric
to his basketball game.

Well, better start working
on a plan B.

David, at this stage
of the game,

I really don't think
you can tell the new manager

you can't meet with her

'cause you got to pick
your son up for basketball.

I'm sorry,

but there's nothing I can do.

This is a big game
for him, okay?

He wants you there.

You can't keep making promises
and not delivering.

I know. I know.

It's out of my control.

David, you know
I love you, okay?

But I've got
back-to-back meetings

the women's retreat today,

so I can't do it.

I can't help. I'm sorry, baby.
I love you,

but you got to figure
this one out by yourself.

- Okay, honey?
- Yeah, right, okay.

All right, I'll figure it out.




Oh, excuse us.

Miss Pearl is here
to meet with you.

Please, just call me Lisa.

Will do.

All right, well,
I know you guys got

a lot of work to get to,

and I'll leave you to it.
Nice to meet you, Lisa.

I know I'm early, Pastor.

I can wait in the lobby
until you're ready, if need be.

Absolutely not.
I'm ready for you now.

Oh, great.

All right.

Hey, Ma.

Hi, baby.

So, um...

this is what
I've been looking at.

This is a great college, Mommy.

But it's so far.

And so expensive.

And who's gonna deliver
the orders if you leave?


Just think about it.

I love you.

I love you more.

WOMAN [over P.A. system]:
Dr. Forrest, dial 118, please.

This is my chief cardiologist,
Dr. Timmons.

Thank you for coming.

Uh, we would like
a second opinion

my daughter's condition.

Sir, Dr. Moore is
the senior cardiologist here,

and an expert in his field.

Frankly, I don't care
what he is, okay?

I already told him,
now I'm telling you,

I want another doctor
to look at my daughter.

- We want a second opinion.
- John.

- I will handle this.
- Sir, Dr. Moore is

one of the top cardiologists
in the nation,

and I've reviewed your
daughter's charts, her scan,

her entire file,
and I absolutely agree

-with his diagnosis.
- I don't think you understand.

Sir, your daughter is
in the very best of care.

- John, we just need to listen
to her... -No, you need

to listen to me, okay?

We want a second opinion,
and we will get one

-if we have
to change hospitals. -No,

- I want another doctor.
-we do not need another doctor.

I've had enough.

If this man is one of the best
in our nation,

then he will do his job, and he
will take care of our daughter.

You will take care
of our baby, right?

If we get a donor's heart
in time...

I promise that
I will do everything I can

to save Michelle.


-[Latin pop song playing]
-[phone beeps]

[horn honks in distance]


You see, the engineering

in this area alone
took us up 20%.

MARY: Is it wrong to pray
for a new heart?

Why would that be wrong?

She's fighting for her life.

Think about what asking
for a donor heart means.

It means that someone else's
child has to die

just so that ours can live.

She needs a heart.

I'm sorry,
but I'm not gonna worry

about where it comes from.

So, what's the overall cost

of site prep going to be?

Um, let me see.
That's a great question.

Seriously, Pastor,

I know that I popped in
on really short notice,

so if you have another meeting

or somewhere else
you need to be,

I totally understand.

It's my son.

I promised to take him to his
big basketball game today.

It's a promise I've broken
way too often.

I know... to most people,

a kid's basketball game

is not as important as a huge
construction project, but...

to a father, it should be.

[singing with Latin pop song]

I'm coming, I'm coming.

[phone beeps]

DAVID: Come on, Eric,
answer the phone.

Come on, pick up the phone.


[tires screeching]

[distant siren wailing]

-[indistinct chatter]
-[phone vibrating]


[indistinct police radio

[distant siren wailing]

FARNSWORTH: "And the prayer
offered in faith

"will make
the sick person well;

"the Lord will raise him up.

If he has sinned,
he will be forgiven."

[shuddering exhale]

Not my baby. No. No.

Not my baby.

How could you let this happen?

"For this is the will Of Him

"who sent Me,

"that of all that He
has given Me, I lose nothing

but raise it up
on the last day."

[woman speaking indistinctly
over P.A.]

Good morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Newman,

my name is Dr. Burgess.

I'm chief of neurology.

I've been monitoring
Eric's condition

throughout the evening.

And... what Eric has suffered

is a traumatic brain injury
called cerebral edema.

Although his heart
is b*ating very strong,

he's had a total absence
of brain function

for the past 12 hours.

Now, I have studied his MRls
and his CAT scans, and...

...there's no easy way
to say this,

but Eric's head injury
is irreversible.

What are you saying?

Ma'am, what I'm saying is...

Eric's head injury is so severe

it is very unlikely
he's going to recover.

No. Don't say that.

Don't say that.
That's not true.

It can't be true, Doctor.

Mr. Newman, I'm sorry.

I wish
I had better news for you.

I truly do.


[door shuts in distance]

[indistinct chatter]

[rhythmic beeping]

[humming softly]

[sobs softly]

[ventilator pumping steadily]


[ventilator pumping steadily]

I admire your strength.

- I do.

If there's anything
that we can do to help you

during this time,
please don't hesitate.

- Anything at all, Mrs. Newman.
- Thank you. Um...

What is this?

This is my husband, David.

Baby, this is Mr. Mayberry from
the local organ donor center.

I'm very sorry about your
son's accident, Mr. Newman.

It was no accident.

He was struck down
by some careless teenager

-more concerned with her
texting... -Okay, baby, okay.


are you suggesting
that I donate my son's organs?

Mr. Newman, I understand
how hard this must be...

You can't possibly understand
how hard this is, Mr. Mayberry.

Mr. Newman, please,
it's been more than a week,

and there has been absolutely
no change in Erids condition.

Now, I'm afraid, at this stage,

the law gives the hospital the
right to declare him deceased.

- My son's not dead. He's
not dead. -Just listen, okay?

We'll j... we'll just listen
to what he has to say.

Is this what you want,

to rip him open,
take away his organs?

Don't let them do it, Dad.

He's still alive. I know it.

Mom, please.

No one is touching him.

Thank you for your time,
Mr. Newman.

Mrs. Newman.

I held off the hospital's
decision as long as I could.

I'm sorry.

How could you possibly think
that I was gonna allow him

to take my son's organs?

Our son-.

That's our baby in there.

I wanted him to be okay.

I wanted

to hear him say my name

and-and smile his big smile.

It's not...

it's not God's plan.

"God's plan," Mom?

[shuddering exhale]

Junior's right.

This can't be God's plan.

- He's only 12 year...
- Uh, uh, uh, uh, hey.

We, of all people,

know we can't question
His work.

You, of all people, know that.

Somebody somewhere
needs Eric's...


We have to let him go... that God can do His will.



[shuddering breaths]


[ventilator pumping steadily]

Young lady, have you any idea
the pain you've caused?

I'm sorry.

Your inability
to put your phone away

for a brief amount of time
has caused

much pain and suffering.

And as much as I would like
to sentence you right now,

this very minute, I cannot.

[shuddering breath]

The best way to end
texting and driving

is to educate everyone--

especially our teenagers--

of its dangers.

I'm so sorry.

Please, I just want to go home.

There's a 12-year-old boy
in the hospital

fighting for his life.

- You will not be going home
today... -[sobs]

-...or anytime soon.

I'm remanding you
to the custody

of the juvenile
detention center.

You will await trial there.




Mommy, I don't want to go.

- It's okay. It's okay.
- No. Mom...


- It's okay. It's okay.
- No.

Please, Mother.

-[shuddering exhale]

[shuddering sigh]

Theresa told me what happened.

They're trying to take him
from me, Ma.

No, son,

they want him
to help save lives.

So you think it's okay, too?

Just let him die.

No, that's not what I said.

Yes, Mom.

That's exactly what you
and Theresa are saying.

Theresa should've never let
that organ donor coordinator

come into his room.

Theresa did the right thing,

and I think you know that.

The right thing for who?

Some strangers we've never met?

Someone who deserves to live
more than my son?

You know, where's Dad?

He never believed in this
organ donation stuff anyway.

That's not true, son.

Sure, at times, your father
has discussed openly

the practice

and even challenged
its principles spiritually,

but he will be the first
to tell you

there are times in the Bible

where the Lord tells us
the importance

of preserving life.

Why aren't we fighting
to preserve Eric's life?

You know the answer
to that question, David.

But, unfortunately,
its the answer

none of us wants to hear.

I love you, son,

and I love Eric so much.

Please don't let his life
end this way.

Let his life have a purpose...


even in death.






I know that...

Maria has broken Your flaws...

[sniffles] wand her sin
has separated her from You.


Please send Your Holy
Spirit... [sniffles] guide her,

that she beg
Your forgiveness...

-[wolf whistle]
- WOMAN: Hey! Hey!

KATE: Wand she walk
in Your will all the clays

of her life.

In Your holy name I pray.



DAVID: Son, I remember the
first time I held your hand.

And I kept asking you
to squeeze my finger.

"Squeeze Daddy's finger."

And you did.
You squeezed it so hard.

Out of nowhere.

Squeeze Daddy's finger, son.

Oh, God, please,

just let him squeeze my finger.


I have thanked You every day
since You gave Eric to us.



But ifs so hard to forgive You
for taking him away.

I'm so sorry.


[shuddering breath]





[birds chirping]



"The Lord is compassionate

"and gracious.

"None of us lives to himself,

"and none of us dies
to himself.

"If we [we,
we five to the Lord.

“If we die, we die
to the Lord.

“So then, whether...

"live or whether we die,

"we are the Lord's.

“Porto this end Christ d*ed

"and lived again...

"...that he might be Lord
of both the dead and...

"the living.

"Yea, though I walk through

"the valley of
the shadow of death,

“I shalt fear no evil:

"for Thou art with me;

-"Thy rod and Thy staff

they comfort me."

See you around, buddy.

"Thou preparest a table
before me in the presence

"of mine enemies:

"Thou anointest my head
with oil;

my cup runneth over."

I'll see you, baby.

I will see you, baby.

[Theresa sniffling]

I will always, always love you.

FARNSWORTH: "Surely goodness
and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life."

I'm so sorry, son.


I'm so sorry.


-[sniffling] -"And I will dwell
in the house of the Lord...


[Maria crying quietly]

[door slams loudly]

[girls speaking indistinctly]

[girl laughs]


[elevator bell dings]

Take care of my baby.




[birds chirping]


♪ Give us this day ♪

♪ Our daily bread ♪

IAnd forgive us ♪

♪ Our debts ♪


♪ Forgive our debtors. ♪

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

{shuddering exhale]

Honey, you really do need
to eat.


- Junior.
- No, no. Just let him go.

Let him go.

Your dad called.

He, uh... he said he wants you
to call him back to...

discuss you coming
by the church today to...

go over
your installation ceremony

and the new construction

I don't know if I'm ready
to go back to work.

I know you don't want
to hear this.

We're all grieving.

But we have to move on.

Focusing back on the church
and your work,

that's what you need.

And, besides,
I already told him

that you was gonna be there,

[both chuckle]


Gonna check on...
check on Junior.

[heart monitor
beeping rhythmically]

Good morning.

We saw Dr. Moore today.

He says that your body's
accepting your new heart.

You're gonna go home.

This is God's work, baby.

He is so good.

[phone rings]


Mr. Newman.

This is Detective Boyd.

I'm the lead detective handling
the case involving your son.


First, let me express
my deepest condolences

to you and your family
for your loss.

Thank you.
How can I help you, Detective?

I'm calling because
we now have evidence

that we can charge a...

Maria Hernandez
with vehicular manslaughter.

Maria Hernandez?

Yes, sir.

That is the name of the minor

that struck your son
while texting and driving.

Where's she from?

I'm sorry, sir,
but the subject is a minor,

so at this point in time
all I can give you is a name.

But the D.A. should
be contacting you soon.

Can you at least
tell me her age?

The subject was...

of the incident.

Okay, I'm-I'm...

I'm sorry, wha... what is she
being charged with?

I thought it was
a traffic accident.

The tragic death of your son
was a traffic accident.

But, in this state, if we can
show criminal negligence,

i.e. texting while operating
a motor vehicle, well,

the charges of manslaughter
can be attached.

So she could go to prison.

Well, if the D.A.

elects to charge her
as an adult...

well, she'd be
a very old woman

before she gets out.


I guess I never thought
it could be so severe.

Mr. Newman,

you should be getting a call
from the D.A.'s office soon.

And they can better
update you on your case.

I thank you
for your time, sir.

And, again...
my condolences.

Thank you, Detective.

FARNSWORTH: The programs
for the installation service

go to the printers tomorrow.
David, if you would please,

uh, make your
final changes tonight

and give 'em to Brother Cecil
in the morning.


Yeah. Yeah, sure.

All right, well...

that leaves on the agenda

the new construction project.

Well, the new
construction'll be David's

first major project
as leader of this church.

So I tell you what--

we're gonna let him
make all future decisions.

- All right, well...
- All right, y'all.

David, we better to start
looking for new contractors,

like, yesterday.

One second, Cecil.

Hey, Dad.

What was that about?

What do you mean?

The new construction
was your idea.

Now you're just gonna
walk away and leave it to me?

Oh, son, you're taking over
this church in a month,

and I have no doubt
in my mind

that the new life center
will grow and flourish

under your lead.

you've pretty much
been the lead on it anyhow.

You're just leaving?

What about everything
that's happened?

Proverbs 3:5 and 6--

"Trust in the Lord
with all your heart

"and lean not on your own

"In all your ways
acknowledge Him,

and He will
set your paths straight."


That's it? You're not
gonna answer the question?

What happened to your son,
my grandson,

was a tragic
and horrible thing,

but the Lord's work
is still yet to be done.

And no, son,
I'm not leaving you.

I'm just going home.

Lord, I know what Maria did
is a sin in Your eyes.

But in her heart,

in her soul,

she is good.

Lord, I ask that
You send us a blessing.

Someone, anyone...

to show the authorities

all the good
that is in her.

[hammering in distance]

I'm sorry, John.

I just don't have room
or the work

to bring on your team
right now.

I've always been there
for you, Ed.

I wish there was
something I could do.

My father started
Danielson Construction

We invested
every penny he made

back into the company.

Hired quality workers.

But today all these guys
have to do is rely on

some government regulation.

- That's not true, John.
- No, that is true.

How many of your men

actually earned a spot
on your team?

How many
belong in this country?

Every last one of them!

You want to know why no one
returns your calls, John?

It's you.

You're always angry
about something.

And you always blame others
for your problems.

You have a lot
to be thankful for, son.

I've got a lot
to be thankful for?

I'm filing for bankruptcy
in four weeks.

Your daughter
just received a new heart.

Do you not see that as nothing
less than a blessing from God

and a reason for prayer?

Are you actually gonna
stand there and tell me

that the reason
your business is flourishing

is because you pray?

That's exactly what
I'm standing here doing.

God tells us if we ask,
it will be given to us.

I pray for God's blessings

and mercy every day, son.

I'm giving you the name
of a very good friend.

He's adding a major addition
to his church.

It's a really big project.

I'm stretched thin right now--
I'm not bidding the job.

That's all I can do for you.



Give him a call.

And when you go interview...

leave your anger
in the truck.

Children's center right there.

Yeah, that-that's a good spot
for that playground wing

-you were talking about.
- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

- I think this is...
- Oh. Okay.

Hey, Mr. Danielson, right?

I'm Cecil King.

Wasn't really expecting
a building this nice

in this area.

Well, God's been good.
He's been good.

So, let me... let me
introduce you to Pastor.

We're just back here
going over some things.

He'll be able
to make it clear to you--

you know, what his vision is
and direction he's headed.

Mr. Danielson, Pastor Newman.
Thanks for coming out.

Doesn't really look like you
need any work done around here.

What is it you're looking
to get done'?

Okay. A man who likes
to dive right in.

Well, our plans
are to build out

this whole staked-off
area here.

And maybe add
an addition right here

for our children's center.

That's a pretty big job.

- Yeah.
- Gonna be expensive.

I would have to see proof of
funds before we get started,

because, honestly...
I can't waste my time.

We would n”:
call you out here

to waste your time,
Mr. Danielson.

But only if we offer you
the job will we show you

any documentation
or proof of funds.

Which, at that point,

you'll be dealing with me.

And I can assure you
we got everything we need.

I'm probably
not the man for this.

What do you mean?
Wait a minute.

- Let me...
- Cecil, Cecil.

Pastor, he's the last one
on the list.

- Let him go.
-[truck engine starts]

DAVID: What do you mean
he's not here?

He left a note saying that
he was going for a bike ride.

He knows he can't
just leave the house

without letting us know.
And what about church?

He knew we were
going to church today.

He needs time.

He needs space.


And how do I know

there's a place in heaven?

Because scripture tells us

that in our "Father's house
there are many rooms.

"If it were not so,
would I have told you

"that I am going
to prepare a place for you?

"And if I go and prepare
a place for you,

"I will come back and welcome
you into My presence,

so you also
may be where I am."





Junior, you're home?

Listen, son, we understand
that you need space.

But you need to let us know
before you leave this house.

Especially today-- you knew
we were going to church.

We got your note, baby,

but, I mean, come on, you still

need permission before
you just leave the house.

You don't leave us a note.

Why do you care?

Whafd you say?

Do you even miss him, Dad?

Have you even visited him?

Don't you want to tell Eric
you're sorry for not

being there that day
to pick him up

-like you promised?
- Hey, hey!

That is enough.

Get in your room.

I do miss him.

I know you do.

Hi. Uh, may I speak

with your
school counselor, please?

[indistinct conversations]


H 9Y-

What is this?

Juniofs school counselor
has arranged for me

to speak to some
students tomorrow about...

texting while driving,

and being an organ donor.

No, no,
you're not doing that.

Uh, with all due respect...


I mean, I'm sorry,
but that's-that's not fair.


Is it fair a teenager texting
on her phone k*lled Eric?

Is that fair?
Is it fair

that we live our entire life
the way God asks,

and somehow
He still finds it fit

to take Eric from us?
Is that fair?

- Is that fair, Theresa?
- I don't-l don't know.

So you tell me
how is running down there

and telling these kids
about Eric's death

and how, somehow, it's part
of God's plan-- what are they

-supposed to learn from that?
- I'm not gonna tell them...

What are they supposed

-to learn from that'?
- I don't know, David!

I don't know if they're gonna
learn anything

from what I have to say
tomorrow. I don't know.

I know this:

I'm going down there tomorrow.

And if I reach one student,

then maybe

they will reach
another one.

And then, from there,
another one.

I know that my son's death

has to have a purpose.



11 teens

die every day

as a result of texting
while driving.

And 21% of teen drivers

involved in fatal accidents

were distracted
by their cell phones.

Last month...

my son was k*lled.

He was hit by a car,
and the driver...

was texting and driving.
A teenager.

I need for you to promise

that you will never
text and drive.

I'm asking you to wait
until it's safe

to use your cell phones.

I'm pleading with you
to take...

this pledge.

The "no texting
while driving" pledge.

You can challenge
your friends on social media

to do it.


...think about this-- about

being an organ donor.

Each one of you
in this very room

can save up to eight people.


if you are interested

in any of that,
if you are interested

in signing up.

Would you raise your hands?

Thank you.

Looks like we're off
to a great start.

David, we have

got to find
a new contractor.

Man, the first interest payment
on this loan is due soon

and we have not even
driven the first nail yet.

I know.

I don't know
what to do, Cecil.

I mean,
every contractor's booked.

Well, not every one.

No. I am not

-dealing with that guy again.
- Okay.

Look, I get it, all right?

The man...

obviously has some issues.

- That's a good way to put it.
- Yeah.

Well, I talked
to Ed Reynolds yesterday.

And he said
Mr. Danielson's absolutely

the best contractor
on the list.

- Cecil, so?
- Wait, there-there's more.


Mr. Danielson,
on the surface--

and probably a little bit
underneath, too--

seems like a really bad guy.

Probably is.

I don't know.

But, you know,
in talking to Ed,

I find out that the guy...

his business

is struggling,
for one thing, and then,

on top of that,
the man is dealing with

some serious family issues.

He's got a lot going on.

I mean, shouldn't we
work with a contractor

that wants to work with us?

Maybe that'd make
you feel more comfortable.

But that's not who we are.

David, we're men of God.

That means we made
a commitment to choose a path

He chose for us...

not the one
we want to choose.

David, we go where
He tells us to go.

We do what He tells us to do.

Even if it makes us

You know, I'm not
even worried about it.

I know
you'll do the right thing.

What's this?

That would be the address
to Danielson Construction.

- Cecil...
- God is good, Pastor.

Get to that meeting.

[Cecil chuckles]

Hello, Mr. Danielson.

Do you have a second?

Have a seat.

Thank you.

I thought
I was pretty clear

that I wasn't interested
in your job the other day.

No, you said the job
was probably not for you.

"Probably" still gives us
a chance to work things out.

Well, I'm not sure
what we have to work out.

To be honest,
I'm pretty busy around here.


I spoke to Ed Reynolds
on the way over here.

He had nothing
but high praises for you.

In fact, he said
you're the only one

that can get the job done
on time and on budget.

So I'm here... hoping that

you're willing to forget
about the other day,

and willing to start over.

'Cause I think there's a lot
we can work out

that'd be beneficial
to you and to me.


Mr. Danielson,

lam Pastor Newman,
and I need a contractor.

John Danielson.
lfd be a pleasure

to speak to you
about your job, sir.


- She's doing the best she can.
- I was just hoping

-she'd be singing by now.
- But she's tired.

These things, they take time.

Listen, the doctor even says
she should be further along.

- I'm not even sure
she's trying. -Trying?

John, she had
a heart transplant.

I mean, when are you ever
gonna show compassion

and concern for anyone?
Especially your daughter.

Look, I just want
to hear my baby sing, okay?

Only God and Michelle

are gonna know
when she can sing again,

and I don't believe
that she can't...

Oh, no.
Honey, I'm so sorry.


Yeah, I got it.

Yeah, okay.

You Okay?

Yeah, I'll be fine.


Um... I invited
your mom and dad over

for a late dinner tonight.


I just thought that we could
all use some time together.

Of course.

Um, it's just that...

Cecil just called.

Remember that third-party
manager I had talked about?

Oh, the one they dropped
on you at the last minute?


Uh, she called and invited
Cecil and I to dinner

to discuss,
hopefully, the approval

of the building plans
by the city.

You want to go, right?

Well... yeah, I have to.

Ever since the accident,

I've been blowing her off,

putting her on Cecil.

I will call Morn and Dad

and I'll reschedule.

No. No, no.


Yeah, you said
a late dinner, right?

- Mm-hmm.
-0kay, I'll just

g0 to the restaurant,
have appetizers.

I'll be back
in time for dinner.


Okay? All right.

- Gonna take a shower.
- Okay.

[Michelle panting]

[groans softly]


Honey, wait, wait, wait.

Let me get that for you.

- Here you go.
- Oh.

Thanks, Mom.

You know, honey, I am so sorry
that you heard that discussion.

[Michelle laughs,
Mary sighs]

Is that what married people
call a discussion nowadays?

Your father--
he-he really does love you.

He just doesn't know how
to express it sometimes, and...

I know. I just...

Mom, I just don't think
I can ever sing again.

I mean, I can barely get
from my bedroom to the couch

without passing out
on the floor.

Honestly, I don't think
I ever want to sing again.

Don't you say that.

Don't you ever say that.

God-- He gave you
the most amazing gift,

and He gave you that gift
for a reason.

And one day, He is going
to reveal what that reason is,

and somebody is going
to be so blessed by you.

I promise.

Well, maybe that blessing
will be for you, Mom.


you've been my blessing

since the very second
that you arrived.

[horn honks]

CECIL: Oh, I'm glad
you could make it.

Oh, and I invited you.

-[laughing]: Yeah, well...
-[Lisa laughs]

Well, I'm here, I'm ready.

And I'm glad
you could make it.

Can I start you guys off
with something to drink?

Uh, let's see.

- I'll just have an iced tea.
- Uh, you know what?

That sounds good. Make that
two. One that's sweet, please.

- And we're waiting on one more.
- No, you're not.

Make that three iced teas,

- Absolutely. Coming right up.
- Hello.

- Hello, Pastor.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hi. Good to see you.

Good seeing you.

I see Cecil brought his whole
project file with him.

I ain't got no choice.

- I can't put the thing down.

I mean, this has gotten
to the point this has become

-my bedtime reading
every night. -[Lisa laughs]

- No, it isn't. -I'm not
playing. My Bible's jealous.

Bible like,
"I mean, can you read me?

Can you pick me back up?
Can I be a part of your life?"


- It's crazy. -Miss Pearl,
I do want to apologize.

I know I've been out
of the loop lately,

-but, um, I just want
to say that... -Pastor,

Cecil has kept me up to speed
on everything that has

gone on with you and your
family these last few weeks.

I am very sorry for your loss.

You don't owe me an apology

or an explanation.

Thank you.
I appreciate you saying that.

Of course.

Well, let's say we go ahead

and order the food,
and while they bring it,

-we can get into
this paperwork. -Sounds good.

- Really?
- Oh, no, it doesn't.

I invited the two of you
here tonight for dinner,

not to go over paperwork.

Relax, gentlemen.

What I'm trying to say is,

I've seen all
that I need to see.

In the morning, I'll be making
a full recommendation

to the committee that
they approve the final plans

and move forward with
the two of you at the helm.

- All right. Okay.
- Thank you so much.

Thank you. That's what
I thought she meant.

- Thanks, Lisa.

It's my pleasure, gentlemen.

I do recommend that you hire
a contractor ASAP.

- Yes.
- I got a plan for that.


I can't stay in this place
anymore, Mommy.

[voice breaking]:
This place is horrible.

Baby, I know,

but, you know,
it's in God's hands now.

And He's gonna
get us through this.

[Maria sniffles]

indistinct chatter]

Did you talk
to the D.A.'s office?


What did they say?

What did they say, Ma?

Is it that bad? Huh?

- What? -They said for us
to get the...

-best lawyer we can.
- No.

I just don't know where
we're gonna find the money.

[Maria cries]

H 9Y-


Thank you for a wonderful time,

No. Thank you. Um, in fact,

hey, Cecil, why don't you
take Lisa to her car?

I have to hold back because
of the take-out box, but...

- Oh... I don't think...
- Yeah.

- No. Yeah, I don't... I don't
mind. I'll do it. -Um... -Yeah.

No. I think... I think
she's fine with it, too.

- Okay. -Are-are you okay?
- Yeah.

- Yeah. Okay.
- I got... I got it.

It's not a problem at all.

We're gentlemen at my church.

Okay. Sure. [laughs]

-[Lisa laughs]
- All right.

- It was a pleasure.
Thank you again. -All right.

- Oh. Take care. Good night.
-[laughs] All right.

- Oh, holding hands?
- LISA: Well, thanks.

Already, huh? All right.

- CECIL: More than happy to.
-oh, I got you.

- So how was everything?
- Fantastic.

In fact, do you deliver?
'Cause I have a group

of prayer warriors
at the church who would

tear this stuff up.

I'm not sure
if we still do that.

Our owner, Kate Hernandez--
she's not here right now,

and her daughter Maria
did the deliveries,

but she's not here anymore, so,

- I'm not sure if we still
do that. -I'm sorry. Maria?

Maria Hernandez?

Yeah. You know her?

You said
she's no longer with you.

Where'd she go?

Sir, we're not really

-to disclose that information.
- Please.


She's in jail.

Are you okay, sir'?


Are you okay?

Do you know Maria?



Lord, we thank You

for the meal
we are about to receive.

In Your name we pray. Amen.

- Amen.
- Amen. -Amen.

Ooh, Theresa, everything looks
and smells so good.

Mm. Thanks, Mom.

Mm-hmm. I think I'm just
gonna get myself two plates.

That way I don't have to worry
about coming back for seconds.


Hey, baby.

What's the matter?

What's wrong?
Are you okay?

David, are you all right?

I just went to the restaurant

owned by the mother
of the girl who k*lled Eric.


You heard me.

Tonight I went
to the restaurant

owned by Kate Hernandez,

the mother
of Maria Hernandez.

The same Maria Hernandez
who k*lled Eric.

Wa-Was the mother
or daughter there?

Did you talk to them?

No. I don't know.
I got this from a waitress.

Look, look, look, David,

come sit down, son.
Let's talk about this.

I don't know what
I would have done

if either one of 'em
were there.

You will do the only thing
a pastor and devoted servant

of the Lord would do.

Pray with them.

Pray for them.

Pray with 'em?

Pray with the people who are

directly responsible
with the death of my son?

Your grandson, by the way.

You want me to pray with...?

I'm-I'm sorry.
Pray for them, Mom?

Pray for 'em?

Yes... son.


I can't imagine what
that mother and her daughter

are going through.

And compassion is...

is something...

we can't just save
for our brothers and sisters.

It has to be,
as the Lord has shown,

given to everyone
without exception.

And that means
it must be given...

to the people who took
our precious Eric from us.


your mother and I understand

what you and Theresa
and Junior are going through.

It's never good
when a parent loses a child,

or a brother loses a brother,

-but we have to trust in
the Lord. -Trust in the Lord?

Trust in the Lord?

I swear, everybody needs

to stop saying
"Trust in the Lord."

Only thing me and Theresa been
doing is trusting in the Lord,

and look where it's gotten us.

- David, come on now...
- No. Please!

You know something? You guys
can sit here and pretend

nothing has happened.
Don't expect me to do the same.

Enjoy your dinner.

[footsteps approaching]

[Farnsworth sighs]

Dad, I'm not in the mood
for a sermon.

Well, neither am I,
but you're gonna listen

to what I have to say anyhow.

David, you and your family

are going through something
I've always prayed

your mother and I would
never have to experience.

I can't believe
this is happening.

That Eric is gone.

That every night
that I walk through that door,

he won't come running
in that room,

telling me all about his day

and his latest
basketball moves.

I know. I know.

But no amount of anger
is gonna bring him back.

David, I'm going to, uh...

I'm going to suspend
the installation service.

Now? You're gonna take away
the church from me now?

You're still gonna
take over the church,

but right now, your anger
toward God shows all over you.

In the pulpit,
here at home with your family.

We're gonna be fine.
I'm gonna be fine.

Yes, you will, but what happens

when a member loses someone

and they need God's word
to bring them comfort?

Who's gonna give I! to 'em?


What about
the construction project?

You're still the lead.

I'm still counting on you
to get it done.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know how to move on,
I don't know if I can move.

You know exactly what to do.

Your mom and I
taught you that.

David, you've got to turn back
to your faith,

your trust
and your belief in the Lord.

You got to accept the fact

that God has a plan
forall of us.

Young, old, doesn't matter.

My faith. My faith, Dad...

ls still in there!

I believe your love
for the Lord

is still right there
in your heart.

I believe that, son.

The question is, do you?

Do you still believe
in your Lord and Savior?

Will you stop questioning
your faith

and ask Him for forgiveness?

Will you honor Eric
for all the souls he saved

from his sacrifice?

He's still out there.

His body parts, his heart
is b*ating strong in a...

Do you know how many times
I've prayed

just to hear his heart b*at
one last time?

Go to the Lord, son.

Open up to Him.

Listen to what
He has to say to you.

All of the answers
to our good fortunes

and our suffering are-are in
His spirit and in His power,

and can be found...

right there...

in His word.


Oh, Lord, I've lost...


"questioned my faith.

Oh, God...

Oh, please...

please forgive me.


I've let anger and fear
consume me, Lord.

But You haven't forsaken me.

You never leave me.

And You say in Your word,

if I'll just believe in You,

You will show me Your glory.

Oh, please, please show me
Your glory, God.

{inhales sharply]



Forgive me, God, for not
being there for Eric that day.

[David cries quietly]

[David sniffles]

God, please show me
Your glory.

[David sniffles]

Oh, please show me
Your glory.

[David sniffles]

Whatever You say, God,
I'll do it.

[David sniffles]

If You can just tell me
what You want me to

...I'll do it.




can we talk?

Thank you.

First, I just want to apologize
for my behavior,

the way I've been acting,

the way I treated the family.

I haven't been there for you,

I haven't been there
for Junior.

I haven't been there
for the church.


I want to say I'm sorry.


But I know
what we need to do.

God has shown me
what we need to do now.

What to...

What to do about what?
What do you mean?

We need
to forgive Maria Hernandez.

We need to do whatever we can
to help out her family.

- I know...
- David?

Please. Please.

The Lord has put this
on my heart,

and I know it to be true.

We need to forgive Maria.

And we also need

to find the person
that Eric saved.

[Theresa sighs]


All right.


I-I get it.

We forgive.

And we meet the person
that Eric saved.


what do you think?

Weather permitting,

and if we don't have
any major, unforeseen issues,

ten months,
nine if we're lucky.

Great. When can you start?

You're just giving me the job?

You earned the job, John.

I mean, I can give you
some... some references.

-[Cecil laughs]
- That's not necessary.

Oh, Mr. Danielson, you got it.

- Brother, congratulations.
-[David chuckles]

- Thank you.
-[throat clearing]

All right, we'll finalize
all the details

and deposit the funds
into your account immediately.

- Thank you, sir.
- DAVID: Thank you.

Whew! Wow. Okay.

[birds singing]

I offered him my references,
but he said he didn't need 'em.

He didn't want 'em.
He just...

really didn't say anything
at all.

Just gave me the job.

I mean, who does that?

Who gives you a
half-a-million-dollar contract

like that?

God does.

Pray with me, John.

We need to thank Him
for all that He's done for us.

Lord, You are
the most merciful,

and we know
that You hear our prayers,

and You answer them
when we need You the most.

And You are the only authority
over time,

and Your timing has never been
more perfect and more...


And Lord,

we know You're good to those
whose hope is in You.

And if we seek You
with a quieted soul,

we'll be able to hear
Your whispers of goodness

all around us.

But if we're loud...

...and our hearts
are filled with hate...

[John cries]

...when You're speaking
and assuring us of goodness...


...we will miss it.

I... I missed Your goodness,

Thank You...

for giving us
our daughter's life back.

Thank You for putting
this good man in our path.

Thank You...

for allowing me
to no longer see the world

through a prism of color.

♪ Given what you know
of my past ♪

I thank You.

♪ Of all the needs ♪

♪ I have down here ♪

♪ I pray, simply pray,
that you stay near... ♪

It's nice
you spend time in here.

Dad, I...

It's all right.
It's all right.

He loved these toys,
didn't he?

[David clears throat]




Listen, son...

I'm sorry
about not being there

for him that day.

I allowed my job
to get in the way,

cause me to forget
what's really important.

That's you,
your mother, Eric.

Eric needed me
that day, and...

and I failed him.

I'm gonna have
to deal with that.

But I hope you can find it
in your heart to forgive me.

I miss him so much, Dad.


And I miss you, too.

I am here, son,

and I will always be here,
I promise.

I love you, Dad, and...

I forgive you.

Thank you.

I love you, too.

But I still think we need
to drop that line back,

we'll move that tree back--
I do it all the time,

-s0 don't worry about that.
- Yeah. Is that expensive?

I think you can afford it.

- Yeah'

- Okay.
- Yeah. Okay, all right.

Hey, Charlie. How you doing?

Let me see that.

♪ Let me hear you say, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Victory ♪

I Don't look back
till it's over I

♪ Victory ♪

♪ I declare ♪

♪ Victory ♪

♪ If you've got it ♪

♪ Let me hear you say ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪


We are officially
registered donors.

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Let me hear you say, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Victory ♪

This is the young man
and his family.

♪ Let me hear you say, yeah ♪

That's Pastor Newman.

♪ Victory ♪

And that was his son.

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Victory ♪


♪ Let me hear you say, yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

Hello. This is
Pastor David Newman.

I'd like to speak to
the district attorney, please.


Are you sure about this?

Yes, yes, I'm sure.

No matter what the cost is.

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Let me hear you say, yeah ♪

No, no, that's great news.

So... Yes,
thank-thank you very much.

Thank-thank you.

She's coming home!

- I Victory ♪

She's coming home!

♪ Victory ♪

♪ Let me hear you say ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah. ♪

My brothers and my sisters,

why don't you give God
some praise

for the new senior pastor,

Pastor David Newman!

[organ music playing]


[applause continues]

Please, be seated. Please.

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Sometimes tragedy...

strikes and happens.

And instead
of running toward God,

we get so angry"-

that we can't run away
from Him fast enough.

You see,
I know that to be true,

because it happened to me.

That's why I'm here,

ready and prepared
to humble myself

before the Lord.

As you all know,

our son Eric's life

was cut short
by a terrible accident.

We made a decision
to donate his organs.

I confess, I couldn't see

how I would ever forgive God

for taking him away from us
at such a early age.

I was so angry with God...

...I ran away from Him.

But not today.

Today I'm going to run
toward Him.


am gonna run toward God,

and I'm gonna run toward God
as fast as I can.

And I ask all in this house

to run with me.

Today I'm gonna do
a little something different,

something I normally don't do.

But I'm gonna tell you why.


I think it's a privilege
to testify

on the power of God.

I want to testify to the fact
that God transformed a heart,

and out of that transformation,
he birthed something amazing.


This is Kate Hernandez.

This beautiful young lady next
to her is her daughter Maria.

Maria, here...

is a honor roll student.

She has dreams and aspirations
to be the first in her family

to go and to graduate
from college.

those dreams and aspirations

have to be put aside
for a little while.

Maria, please.

You see, Maria here...

accidentally, while driving,

struck and k*lled our son Eric.


Mark 11 :25 tells us

that if you hold anything
against anyone,

forgive them,

so that your Father in heaven
will forgive you your sins.

- Amen?
- Amen.


So I am here today as
a representative of my family.

My family. Please stand.

I want you to know...

that we forgive you.

We forgive you.

And my prayer...

is that...

your heart
is no longer burdened

by the tragedy of that day.

You see, the forgiveness of God

is granted to us all

-by the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Yes.

Now, if you're willing
this day, Maria,

Jesus is willing to receive you
as a daughter.

Yes, he is!

And I would be honored
and privileged

to pray with you.

Will that be okay?

- Yes.
- Amen. Everyone,

please stretch
your hand forward.

- Let us pray.
-[organ music plays]

- Father...
- Father.

...please forgive me
for my sins.

[crying]: Please forgive me
for my sins.

♪ I'm gonna make it ♪

And I thank You, Lord,

for opening Your arms to me
this day.

And I thank You, Lord,

for opening Your arms
in this day to me.

Please, Lord,
send me Your Holy Spirit.

MARIA: Please, Lord, send me
Your Holy Spirit.

DAVID: And I thank You
that You sent Jesus.

And I thank You that
You sent Jesus.

And in Jesus' name I pray.

And in Jesus' name I pray.

And the family of God says...


Hallelujah. Thank you.

Oh, oh, all right,
bless you, bless you.

- Thank you.
- ♪ I believe, Lord ♪

- All right.
- I I'm gonna make it ♪

Thank you.

DAVID: Hallelujah.
Everybody, come on, now.

Give God some praise.

You all right, Mama?


If in death,

Eric can still do God's work,

So can we.

That's why I am proud
to announce today

our newest ministry,




Born from tragedy,

and championed
by our very own First Lady...


will focus
on promoting the need

for increased
organ and tissue donation,

and bringing an end
to texting while driving.

We will take this message

to our communities".

and we will take it out
into the

to the state,

and ultimately,

we will take this message
to the world.

- Here you go, boy.
- Thank you. Appreciate it.

♪ Just hold on ♪

♪ Hold on... ♪

Heavenly Father,
we just thank You.

We thank You for this day...

♪ All you got to do
is hold on, yeah ♪

♪ In Him we believe ♪

♪ In Him
we believe ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I

♪ In Him we believe ♪

♪ On His word we stand ♪

♪ In Him we believe ♪

♪ Lord, we thank you
for your word ♪

♪ And your power
and your grace I

♪ In You we believe. ♪

DAVID: God put a beautiful song
in my heart this morning,

and I asked...

my beautiful wife,
your First Lady,

to sing it for us,

to bless us
before we leave. Amen?


You got this, right?

Just look at you.

But before we get started...

I just want to say,

I am so honored
to be your husband.

I... I couldn't have made it

these past few weeks
without you.

Without your strength,

your encouragement, your
understanding and your love...

I don't know
where I would be.

God says He will never leave us
or forsake us.

He said, fear not.

That He will uphold us

by the right hand
of His righteousness.


God used you as a vessel.

He used you as the right hand
of His righteousness for me.

And... I thank you so much.

And I love you.

-[Theresa chuckles]
-[David sighs]

[laughing]: You ready to be
another blessing?

Your First Lady, y'all.


♪ Tragedies are ♪

♪ Commonplace ♪

♪ fill kinds ♪

♪ Of diseases ♪

♪ People are slipping ♪

♪ Away ♪

♪ The economy's I

♪ Down ♪

♪ People can't get enough ♪


♪ But as for me ♪

♪ All I can ♪

♪ Say... ♪


I It could have been me ♪

♪ Outdoors X

♪ With no food ♪

♪ And no clothes ♪

Ran left alone ♪

♪ Without a friend ♪

♪ Or just another number ♪

♪ With a tragic end ♪

♪ But you didn't see fit ♪

♪ To let none of these ♪


♪ Every day ♪

♪ By Your power ♪

I You keep on ♪

J" Keep on ♪

♪ Keeping ♪

♪ Me ♪

IAnd I wanna say ♪

I Thank You, Lord ♪

IFor ♪


♪ You've done ♪

IFor ♪

♪ For me ♪

♪ Oh, hey,
it could have been me ♪

♪ Thank You I

♪ Outdoors X

♪ Thank You I

- S No food I
a' Thank You S

- ♪ No clothes ♪
- ♪ Thank You ♪

- ♪ All left alone ♪
- J" Thank You J"

- ♪ Without a friend ♪
- ♪ Thank You J"

♪ Oh, just another number ♪

- ♪ Thank You ♪
- I
With a tragic end ♪

- ♪ Thank You, Lord ♪
- ♪ But You didn't see fit ♪

♪ To let none of these
things be I

- I Thank You ♪
- I
Every day by Your power

♪ Thank You I

- I You keep on blessing me ♪
- ♪ Thank You ♪

4' Yeah I
J Thank You, Lord I

- ♪ Oh, yeah ♪
- ♪ For all You've done for me ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ I wanna say ♪

I' Thank You, Lord I

♪ For all You've ♪

♪ Done for me X

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I

I' Thank You, Lord I

I Thank You, Lord ♪

♪ For a“ You've done I

♪ I wanna thank You
for Your love ♪

4' ThankYou I
- S Thank You for Your power I'

- ♪ Thank You ♪
- ♪ Thank You for protection ♪

- I Thank You ♪
- I Every hour ♪

I Thank You, Lord ♪

I I wanna thank You
for Your love ♪

♪ Thank You, yeah ♪

♪ “Wank You for Yaur power S

- ♪ Thank You, oh ♪
- ♪ Thank You for protection ♪

- I Thank You ♪
- I Every hour ♪

♪ Thank You, I wanna
thank You for Your love ♪

♪ Thank You I

♪ Thank You for Your power ♪

I' Thank You, {hank You I'

I Thank You
for protecting me ♪

4' Every hour, oh I
-a' Thank You a'

- ♪ Oh, I wanna thank You
for Your love ♪ -J' Thank You ♪

- ♪ Thank You for Your power ♪
- ♪ Thank You ♪

♪ Thank You
for Your blessing ♪

-4' Even; hour r

I I wanna thank You
for Your love I

I And Your power ♪

♪ And Your blessing,
Lord, yeah ♪

-.L' Every hour ♪
- J" Every hour, every hour ♪

L' I want to thank You
for Your love S

4' ThaonkYou, Lord a'
- S Thank You for Your power I'

- ♪ I lift my voice and thank
You I -I For protection ♪

- J" I raise my voice
to thank You -J' Every hour!

- I Thank You, oh, thank You ♪
- ♪ Thank You ♪

- ♪ Yeah, thank You, yeah ♪
- ♪ Thank You, thank You ♪

♪ Thank You ♪

- ♪ Thank You ♪
- J'
Oh, thank You ♪

- ♪ Thank You ♪
- ♪ Thank
You for Your love ♪

- ♪ Thank You ♪
- ♪ Thank You for
Your power ♪

4' Thank You I
- S Oh S

♪ Thank You. ♪










[music ends]