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I'm in Love with a Church Girl (2013)

Posted: 01/28/24 13:22
by bunniefuu





Now, I know what people mean
when they say,

"I wish I knew then
what I knew now."


Ain't that the truth?

Probably save me a whole lot
of pain and suffering.

That's for sure.

But I guess
in the whole scheme of things,

it's part of God's plan,

and alls we can do
is just roll with it...


'Cause when it comes
right down to it,

God's running the whole show

There ain't nothing we can do
to change that.


Believe me.
I've tried.

He'd say go left,

and I'd go right.

He'd say slow down,

and I'd smash on the gas.

Wasn't trying to hear
nothing he had to say.

Maybe that's why
I had to go through all this.

Maybe that's why things
had to happen the way they did.

Go, man.


Someone once told me

that God sometimes
needs to use extreme measures

to deal with
extreme circumstances.

Guess I was one of those
extreme circumstances.

Sometimes I feel like
God took me

all the way around the block

just to get me next door.

I've seen and experienced
a whole lot

in my short time
on this earth--

loved, laughed,

cried, won, lost.

Through it all,
I can honestly say

I don't have
too many regrets.

It's been
a long, long road, man.

Let me tell you.

Better yet,
let me show you.

Let me take you all the way
back to the beginning,

when life
was a little easier.

Well, sort of.

Look, y'all really need
to tighten up y'all money game

and stop playing around,

start thinking
about your future, feel me?

Yo, Miles,
what's there to think about?

We make money,
then we spend it,

and then we make some more.


Y'all think this is a joke,

Yo, this ain't no game,

Look, I spend half my time
just looking at all the angles,

covering all my tracks,

so I ain't got no problems
with the IRS or nobody else.

What, you think
I don't get noticed?

Young dude
in a $300,000 car,

$1-million home,

and mommy, daddy
ain't nowhere in sight?

Write a check, man.



Use a credit card
once in a while, you feel me?

All right, now,
let's get this money.

All right, man.
Check this out, Miles.

Say no more, partner.
I feel you, man.

I'm in it to win it.

Here's my cash right here.

Let's do it.
What y'all got?

Get it poppin'.


Not light.
Not light.

All right, it's all here.
It's looking good.

So listen, man, we gonna
come back here tonight,

chop it up,
have a few drinks,

celebrate a little bit--

you know, do what we do.

Y'all go ahead
and get out of here, man.

I'll see y'all later.

Wik, you looking a little light,
too, over here, man.

You sure this is 75?

You crazy.


Is that you, Caesar?

No, it's me, Ma.


What a surprise, baby.

What are you doing here?

I just came by--

put some paperwork
in the safe.

I'll be right back, okay?
All right, sweetie.

Ah, what you cooking on?

Oh, some spaghetti.

Looks good.

I've always wanted
to go there.

Sandals Resorts?

So why don't you go?

Like it's that easy.

We're not all millionaires
like you, mister.


Stop it.

So how you doing, baby?

I'm good.

In fact, I'm extra good.

Extra good, huh?

Well, Mr. Extra Good,

when are you gonna give me
a grandchild, huh, mister?

There you go
talking about these grandkids.

Look, Ma, I told you,

don't be expecting no grandkids
anytime soon.

You need to come to church
with me

and find yourself
a good woman there.

Church, huh?

What, Miles?

You act like
you weren't raised in church.

I took you every Sunday.

Yeah, I was bored every Sunday
too, though, Ma.

I mean, I'm sorry,
but the music was horrible.

The service was gloomy.

All those painted pictures
in the glass

and them spooky little statues
all over the place?

I don't know.


I mean, really,
think about it, Ma.

Why do you think I really got up
on Sundays to go to church?

'Cause I knew we'd go
to that brunch afterwards,

and you know I love
that buffet.


You go light a candle
for that one, Miles Montego,

because if I have to start
making you go,

you know I will, okay?


You know that I will.
Uh-huh, I know.

Because you have a lot
to be grateful for.

I guess.

I tell you what, though.


If you find one of those

nice young ladies
down at your church...


You give them my number

and tell them I'm down
for whatev.

Whatever, huh?

Love you, Ma.
Love you too, honey.

All right,
I'm gonna go on and go,

but tell Dad I said hello,

and I'll holler at him later,


What is "holler," Miles?

See you later, Ma.


Have a seat, gentlemen.

You know what these are?

These are time
and expense sheets

for the Montego case,

and you guys spent
way more time and money

than I ever authorized.

Sir, we believe
very strongly

that this crew
is one of the biggest

operating in this region,

with ties
with several other states.

This guy lives in a house
that's worth

more than all of our houses
put together.

One of his dozen cars

is worth more than
all of our cars combined.

He wears what we make
in a year on his wrist.

So we're working on this one
around the clock, chief.

Well, you ought to stop
right there,

'cause that's your problem.

You're working around the clock.

Now, "around the clock" costs
this office a lot of money.

So what now?

We're gonna put a price tag
on justice?

This conversation is over.

I want a full progress
and status report

on my desk by the morning,

and I'll decide
whether or not to shut it down.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah-ah ♪
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ All you rappers gonna wish ♪

♪ I never got in the game ♪

♪ 'Cause when I get
my first hit ♪

♪ Everything fittin'
to change ♪

♪ The whips and slang... ♪




Come on. Come on.
Out of the way, man.





Got to be kidding me, man.

You in a hurry today, son?

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.


Yeah, you're probably right.

Drivers license,

and proof of insurance.



All right, gentlemen,
listen up.

And ladies.

Let me tell you
what we got today.

First up,
we got Percy Taylor,

aka P-body.

He's the muscle of this crew

that we've been keeping
an eye on for some time.

Next up we have
Martin De LaFuente.

He is best friends
with the leader of this crew.

You can be sure
wherever you see the leader,

you will see Mr. De LaFuente
not too far behind.

Next we have
Taylor Delmonico,

better known as "Wikki."


I know. I know.
I agree with you.

He's got a stupid name,
but don't be fooled.

He's just as dangerous
as the rest of this crew.

Next up, Chris Mayor.

Now, this guy is the number one
moneymaker for these guys.

Don't let his baby face
fool you either.

Last but not least,

we got the leader of this crew,

Miles Montego.

We have reason to believe

this guy is the biggest
drug trafficker

in all of northern California,

which is exactly why we want
to nail this guy.

He's smart, he's rich,
and he's good-looking,

but I don't
necessarily think

I'd want him marrying off
to my daughter.


All right, listen up.

All kidding aside,
this entire crew

is considered to be armed
and very, very dangerous.

The way they work
is very tight and efficient,

and they do not like anyone

coming between them
and their money.


To the money, baby!

To the money!


Yo, let me get
another round of those.

Yo, Miles, let me holla at you
right quick, dog.

What's happening?

Yo, man,
check this out, dog.

I know you don't like to hear
this kind of stuff no more--

and I get that dog,
I do--

but your boy Jesse,

he owe me a whole lot of loot,

He been giving me
the runaround

for, like, the past
two, three weeks, homey.

All right, Marty.

This is the last time.

Like I told you before, man,

I don't want
to hear nothing

about no what, when, why--

none of that, you feel me?

I feel you, boss.
I'm serious about this, man.



How you doing?

I'm doing good.
I'm hanging in.

Not as good as you.

You got to learn to leave
some of that cash around

so we can make some.

Aah, stop it, man.

Anyway, look,
it's the Fourth of July weekend,

and I got a real great
group of people coming over.

I got steaks from Argentina.

I got lobsters from Maine.

All I need is for you to come by
and hang out

so I don't feel like
I only know old people.

Sounds good, Nick.
You know what?

I think I'm gonna
take you up on that.

So you gonna come by?

I'll probably sh**t over there
in about an hour.

Okay, good.

I'll see you in a bit, then,

All right, cool.
Okay, good.

♪ 'Cause I'm ready to give
right now ♪

♪ And I'm ready for love
right now ♪

Yo, Miles!

My youngest and coolest
friend in the world.

You made it, man.

Hey, everybody, I told you
I got cool friends!

This is Miles.
Man, get out of here.

I'm trying to get like you
when I get older.

Who you calling old?

you putting on a little, man.

I'm putting it on.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So who you with?

I'm solo today.

Well, just don't let money
run your life, Miles.

you're gonna end up

like these guys out here.

They look like they doing
all right to me.

I'm serious, Miles.

I'm asking one of these guys
to pass the chips,

and he wants to ask me

what the market closed at

Come on, man.
Get a life.

I used to be the same way,

But my career
almost cost me my family,

and it got to the point
where me and Karen--

we didn't know each other

She said the only thing
that kept us together

was answered prayers
from her church group,

so I had to commit
to going to church every Sunday

as a family
and one date night a week.

I never figured you
to be a religious guy, Nick.

Well, we really don't like

that word "religious,"

It's kind of like
the word "margin call"

in the stock market.

I'd prefer "man of faith."

All right, guys,
food is ready.

Oh, let's eat.

So can we all gather around

and have a word of prayer
before we eat?

I'd like to thank you all

for coming to our home today.

We are so thankful
and blessed

to have such wonderful people
in our lives

and so happy that you were able
to come over and join--

Honey, could you, um,
get to the prayer?

I mean, this is not the Oscars.
Everybody's starving.


Well, I was just about
to thank my wonderful husband

for putting this all together,

I guess I'll just get
straight to the point.

Dear Father, thank You
for this glorious day.

It's easy to believe in You,
to have faith in You,

when we're blessed
with such beautiful weather,

such delicious food,

but most importantly,

for the friends and family
that we have

joining us
to enjoy this today.

For this and more,
we give You thanks.





Oh, that's Vanessa.

She goes to Bible study
every week with my wife.


Bible study, huh?

Mm, Bible study.

She come over a lot?

Come on.



Hey, ladies,
how y'all doing?

I'd like to introduce you

to some of my girlfriends
from Bible study.

This is Shari...
Hey, Miles.

Nice to meet you.

And Sarah.
Pleasure to meet you, Miles.

You as well.
And then there's Vanessa.

Hi, how are you?
How are you?

I'm good.
Miles is a very cool name.

Thank you.

Uh, can I get my hand back
before I call 911?

Rm 50"'!!-

It's cool.

Hey, Dad, watch this!

So how do you know
the Halston family?

You know, Nick's my broker
and my money guy,

so we hang out
from time to time.

So young and into stocks.

So how do you know
Nick and Karen?

We actually all go to
the same church and Bible study.


So you go to church
on Sundays, then?

Yes, sir.
Every Sunday.

So, uh, what was
your religion again?

I guess I'm "Christian,"
but, you know,

we don't really
like to call it that.

Right, right.
You like to say "men of faith."

Or in your case,
it would be "woman of faith."

so you know exactly

what I'm talking about,

Well, yeah,
doesn't everybody?

What church do you attend?

Oh, well, right now,
I'm kind of in between churches.

Between churches, huh?


In between churches.

All right, well,
what was the name

of the last church
you attended?

I really don't remember,

but I'm sure I could call my mom
and she, you know--

You are so playing with me
right now, Mr. Miles.

All right, you caught me.

But I do go to church
on Easter Sundays with my mom,

and on Christmas, I mean,
if that counts for anything.

Look, I grew up
in a Catholic church,

but, you know, I don't know--

I never really stuck with it.

I think I just didn't
feel comfortable in my church.

Well, you should find a church
you do feel comfortable at

and stick with it.


Wow, I guess we shut
this joint down, didn't we?

We sure did.

So you think
somewhere between school

and saving the world,

you could make a little time
so I could see you again?

Please, Miles,
my life is not that serious.

But yes, I'd love to.

Hold on.

Give me your phone.

Okay, here we go.


I got a good idea.

How about we not play

the "who can wait the longest
to call who" game?

Yeah, I don't like
that game either.

Okay, I got a better one.

How about we play the
"who can call who first" game?

Ah, see, I'm into that.

I'm into that, too.

Yo, it's definitely time
for me to go.


So, uh, I guess I'll
be talking to you tomorrow?


Not if I talk to you first.

Yo, we in San Jose,
not San Francisco.

Yo, you good?



Good morning, Vanessa.


See what she talking about...


Good morning, Mr. Miles.

Look, I know
it's a little early,

but, you know, my Sundays start
when the sun comes up.

Just wanted to say
that I really enjoyed

meeting you yesterday,

and hopefully I look forward
to hanging out with you again.

Well, have a blessed day,
Mr. Miles Montego.

By the way, I win the game.







Well, aren't we
quite the busy bee at 6:00 a.m.?


You're awake?
Ain't no question.

My days usually start
at 5:00 a.m. anyway, so...

What are you?

Like, a baker?

You know, I deal a lot
with the east coast,

so the time difference
gets me up.

Okay, big sh*t.

So how about it?

Want to come to church
with me today?

You know what?

I got a g*ng of stuff
I got to get done by tomorrow,

but I'll definitely take
a rain check on it

if that's all right
with you.

Of course.

Yeah, anytime.

Well, I actually got to run
right now,

but maybe we could talk later?

How about we leave
the maybes out of this

and just get together

after we done doing
what we both got to do?

Not only does he get to flaunt
all that money around town,

but he gets
the pretty girls, too.


Is that a little jealousy
I'm sensing, McDaniel?

Oh, no, it's not jealousy.

When I slap the cuffs
on this guy

and he gets 25 to life

while I'm home
all warm and cozy in my bed,

that's when you'll see
some jealousy.


You live here by yourself?

Well, yeah,
unless there's some roaches

I don't know about.

Miles, this place
is beautiful.

Thanks, babe.
I'm glad you like it.

Like it?

I love it.

So how many bedrooms
does it have?

Uh, last time I checked,

Eight bedrooms
for one person?

Now, why would you buy a house
with eight bedrooms?

I needed
some extra closet space.

I'm playing.
I'm playing.

You so wrong.

I'm joking.
I'm joking.

Oh, even the kitchen
is sick.

You cook?

I do a little something.

You know, maybe
you come over one night and...

put something together
for you.


So this big house,
for one person?

I don't use all this space.

I usually end up sleeping
on the couches half the time.


Yo, I always pass this place,

but I've never actually
eaten here.


I hope you're hungry,

'cause the food here
is amazing.


Oh, my goodness.

No, I know.
You got to get it.

I got to take this one.

I'm sorry.


Hey, what's buzzin', cousin?

T, what's going on, man?
What's happening?

I'm just trying to make
a dollar out of 15 cents.

You know.

So, hey, did you fire off
that package?

Oh, yeah, man,
that should be on your desk

by tomorrow morning,
probably around 10:00.

Man, I like your style,

So you all locked and loaded
on your end, right?

Oh, yeah, for sure, man.

Everything's set up
just the way we planned it, man.

I got y'all hooked up, man,

so I'll see y'all
in a couple of weeks.

One love, baby.

What do you make of this,

You ever hear
of this guy T before?

Can't say that I have.

Where'd the call come from?

Cell phone outside of Ohio.

Could be one of his clients,

maybe even a connection.

That would be my guess.

This is good, right?


Real good.

Do you have to go?

'Cause I would totally

Oh, no, no, no.
Know what?

Matter of fact, let me
turn this phone off right now

so we can enjoy our dinner.

Don't you dare, Miles.
No, no, it's okay, really.

Yo, it's clearly business.

Like, I would never ask you
to do that.

You know what?
That's dope.

I mean, you know,
a lot of women,

they'd be like, you know,
"You're being rude,"

or, you know,
"Could you turn that off?"

so did the stock market

get you all of this--

the house, the cars,
the jewelry--

or did you, like, run into some
amazing family fortune?

I like to keep my hands

in a lot of different things.

You know, right now,
I got a string of shows

that I'm doing right here
in the Bay.

Matter of fact,
I'm doing three shows.

I got one in Frisco,
one in Oakland,

and I'm doing one right here
in San Jose.

Wow, Miles, that's--
that's exciting.

You know, I was thinking,

I don't know--
maybe you might want

to come hang out with me
for a couple of the shows.

You ain't got to go
to all of them, but you know...

Mr. Miles, are you
asking me on another date?

Why, I think I am,
Miss Vanessa.

I'd love that.

Well, then it's a date.

Look, Miles, I really
had a good time tonight.

You know,
I really did, too.

I'm not just saying that!

Me neither.
I had a great time.

Yo, I still cannot believe

you spent all this money
on this big house

to live in it by yourself.

I don't know.

Well, maybe one day,
I'll find somebody

to, you know, fill it.

I mean, does it really
make a difference

if I get the house first

and then find somebody special
to share it with?

I guess not.

Silver convertible, huh?


You want to hear
a funny story?


A few weeks ago,
I'm driving,

and I come to this stop sign,

and I look over
at the intersection,

and I see this convertible,

but what really caught my eye
was this--

this beautiful woman
that was driving.

I mean, she had, like,
long, beautiful black hair

kind of like yours.

And she was wearing
these shades--

these really hot shades.

I mean, I was on her.

I felt like
I had to catch her.

So I--
you know, I get in pursuit.

I'm holding up traffic.

I'm bobbing and weaving
in between cars.

Anyway, to make
a long story short,

I get pulled over
by the police,

but you know what really,
really bothered me?


Was that I didn't get a chance
to meet her.

I didn't get a chance
to know who she was.

What kind of car
did you say this was?

Um, hmm.

A silver convertible Sebring.




Oh, my gosh.

Oh, my gosh.

Yo, he's in the store.

The guy you just met?
Yes, he's in the--


Don't say his name so loud.

He's gonna hear you.
Girl, he is so fine.

Ooh, he sure is.

I so hate you right now.

Well, don't just stand there.

Go over there and talk to him.

We all know
he didn't come here

to buy a Jesus bumper sticker
for his Bentley.


Hey, you.

What are you doing here?

You know,
I was in the neighborhood.

Thought I'd stop by
and surprise you.

Well, I am surprised.

I love the spot.

What kind of store is this?
Thank you.

We are a faith-based
product store.


So I guess
there's a pretty big market

for this church stuff, huh?

That's right.

Aw, they look really cute

She looks really happy.
Yeah, I know.

Her last boyfriend
was such a jerk.

We have, like,
a bunch of T-shirts

and, you know, books, and CDs
that are Christ-like themed.

Stuff like that.

And these are all
Christian artists?

That's right.

This dude right here
looks like a real rapper.

Come on, Miles.
He is a real rapper.

He just, you know,
raps about the Lord.

Nah, nah, nah.
That's not what I'm saying.

I mean, look, this dude
looks like a gangster,

and the music that was playing
when I came in

made me feel like
I wanted to stage dive.


Yo, you never listened
to Christian music?


I mean, well, you know,
my moms used to play,

like, Elvis Presley gospel
albums on Sundays,

but other than that, nah.

Well, yo,
I am about to hook you up

with some really, really hot
Christian music,

hold on a sec.
I'ma get you some CDs.





What you got for me?

All right, so I hooked you up
with some really hot CDs.

Trust me, you have to listen
to this, Miles.

You're really gonna like it.

If you say so.

How much I owe you?

Consider it a gift
from me to you.

I love gifts.

Oh, look, look,
I got a birthday party

that I'm going to tonight.

You want to go?

A party?

I might be able to,
you know, swing it.

All right.
How does 7:00 sound?

All right, cool,
you pick me up at my spot,

and then you can meet my family.

Meet the family?

This is getting serious now,

Oh, please.
They don't bite.

Sure about that?


All right,
I'll see you at 7:00.

Oh, my gosh.

Mad cute, right?

He's gonna meet my parents


Seriously, is someone
gonna get that?


Hold on.

Have mercy!

I got to call you back.

Hey, how you doing?

I'm Alyssa.

I'm Miles.

I'm here to pick up


somebody's here for you!

Mom, have you seen
my phone charger?

Hey, you must be Miles.

Hi, I'm Julissa,
Vanessa's younger sister.

Do all you guys yell
around here?

You're k*lling me right now.

Yeah, pretty much.
Loud as can be.

Well, it was nice
meeting you.

You too.

Hello, I'm Miguel Leon,
and you are?

How you doing, Mr. Leon?

I'm Miles Montego.

Wow, Miles Montego sounds like
a secret agent name.

Man of mystery.

Well, sorry to disappoint,

but no mystery here.

What you see is what you get.

Honey, this is Miles.

He's here to pick up Vanessa.


You're Miles?

Uh, yeah,
last time I checked.

Nice to meet you, Mrs. Leon.

And what church do you go to,


Well, um,
I'm kind of looking

for a new church
right now.


And what is it that you do?

enough drilling already.

Well, I just want to know

who our daughter's
hanging out with.

All right, well,
I see you've met everyone.

We're gonna head on out,
you guys.

Good night.
Love you, Dad, bye.

It was nice meeting you.


♪ I want you
to possess my body ♪

What's happening?
Could it really be?

Is it Miles Montego?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What up, baby?
What's happening?

Montego, wait a minute--
I thought you left the country.

You lucky you showed up,

I was gonna go straight
to your house from here.

You know I wouldn't have
missed that for nothing, man.

Appreciate that.

Fellas, I want y'all to meet
my new lady right here.

This is Vanessa.

Vanessa, that's Chris.

That's Wikki, Percy,
and this one right here,

that's my right-hand man,

Hey, Marty.

It's such a pleasure
to meet you guys.

You know, Miles talks about
you guys all the time.

Yo, let's go inside
and get some drinks.

Man, let's do it right.
Come on.

Thank you, baby.

Don't let me see you
around here again!

You all right, baby?


Bootz, man, you always
up to something, man.

What's going on?
Nothing much, man.

All right.
All right.

What's up, big homey?

Good to see you, man.
Looking sharp.

♪ Abracadabra ♪

♪ Fill me
and possess my soul ♪

♪ Your life is so beautiful ♪


Hey, what's up, Miles?

Hey, Jerry,
what's going on, baby?

You what's up.
Hall-of-faming it this year.

You know how we do it, man.

Definitely, man.

Congrats to you, Jerry.

Really, man.

Hey, thanks, Miles.

Oh, Vanessa,

this is Jerry Rice,

one of the greatest receivers

to ever play the game.

Jerry, this is my girl, Vanessa.

I know who he is.

Pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Rice.

Oh, "Jerry," please,

and it's my pleasure
to meet you.

I want to wish you guys
a good night,

but also, Miles,
I don't want you to forget

about those tickets
for that show.

Oh, Jerry, come on,
I got you, baby.

And, Vanessa,
it's really nice to meet you.

Pleasure meeting you.

Yo, babe,
you know Jerry Rice?

Oh, yeah,
Jerry's a good dude--

my dad is gonna trip out

when he finds out
I met Jerry Rice!

How are you?

Ladies, I want y'all to meet
my baby, Vanessa.

Vanessa, this is Nicole,


that's Simone,

and this is Shanice.

Nice to meet you guys.

Hey, yo, what's good, Chico?
Let's have some sh*ts, man.

Ah, not tonight, Marty, man.
I'm driving.

Not tonight?
Man, it's my birthday, homey.

I mean, that's why we all here

I mean, just one sh*t, man.

All right, maybe later.

Psh, man,
I remember that one time

he was hanging out the window

with g*ns blazing
like a madman like--

[IMITATES g*nf*re]

Hey, Vanessa,
you don't even know.

Miles Montego?

You're sitting
with a real legend, Ma.

I seen my man--

Let's go get that sh*t
on me.

Yeah, yeah.

♪ Supersonic,
cybertronic ♪

♪ All up on it ♪

♪ No need for that
gin and tonic ♪

So, Vanessa,

is everything they say
about Miles true?

About what?

You know.

Oh, wow.

Um, I'm not trying
to keep you girls in suspense,

but I wouldn't know.

You mean you two
haven't slept together yet?

Look, we're just trying
to, you know, take it slow.

That's all.
Nice and slow?

Are we talking about
the same Miles here?


So what,
y'all trying to make me

look like a psycho or something?

She ain't trying
to hear all that, man.

Does she look
like she's impressed?

Do me a favor.
Tone it down.

Tone it down, man.

Just saying, man.
Just saying.

You went out there,
talking all that stuff, man...

I'ma finish his drink.

Wow, that was...

quite an evening.

Babe, I am so sorry.

I thought they'd act way cooler
than that.

You don't have to say
you're sorry.

Everybody has a past.

We all do.


You know you can talk to me
about anything, right, baby?


Look, I got a past, baby.

One I'm not
particularly proud of.

And if you were
to hear about it...

I don't know, I--

I feel like you might not want
to see me no more,

and that kind of scares me,

Miles, what's the matter?

Look, I know this great
little restaurant.

Great coffee.

Best pie in town.

I mean, if that's all right.


Let's go.

What's wrong, Lydia?

Please go to sleep.


How can you sleep
when our daughter's out

with that--

That boy.

He's a boy, Lydia.

I got a really bad vibe

from that so-called boy,

He doesn't seem her type.

According to you,
she'll never have a type.

Please go to sleep.



Now, promise me
you're gonna have an open mind

and not freak out on me.

I promise.

What'd you think
about my friends tonight?

They looked like gangsters
and drug dealers.

That's because they are, V.

I mean, they're not, like,
Mafia or anything,

but they live that lifestyle,

and to be honest,
I used to live just like them.

In fact,

they all used to work for me.

Work for you?

Doing what?

Here we go.

Thank you.

Folks, let me know if
there's anything else you need.

Thank you.

Work for you doing what?

I used to be a drug dealer,

and those guys you met

that was my crew.

I mean, basically,
we was into any and everything.

Wow, Miles, I don't--

I don't even know
what to say.


I don't talk about it
'cause I'm not proud of it.

I mean, I don't know
how I did it.

I don't even know why I did it.
I just did.

But I can honestly say

I'm a better man
from all of that.

Wow, Miles.

about your friends, baby,

the Bible says that bad company
corrupts good character.

You really think
this is a wise idea,

still hanging out
with these guys

when they do what they do?

Those are my friends, V.

I mean, those dudes--

they're like my family,

and I can count on them
for anything.

Look, I've been trying
to tell these guys

there's other ways
to make legal money.

I mean, I spent
the last two years of my life

just trying
to wash and shake all that off.

Shake it off, huh?

Look, I'm not
this perfect guy, V,

but I'm trying.

that was a mouthful.

To be honest with you, babe,

it almost sounds like
a testimony

of someone who's had their life
turned around by God.

Thank you

for even wanting
to share that with me.

Am I okay with it?

I don't know about all that.

Does it make me
want to pull away from you?


If anything, it...

makes me want to get closer
to you.

Would it be wrong to say

that I'm falling in love
with you?

No, baby,

'cause I'm falling in love
with you, too.


Well, since you just
had the floor, Scarface--

Oh, I'm Scarface now, huh?

Yeah, it's my turn now.

Baby, do you know
what "equally yoked" means?

What do you mean,
like eggs or something?

No, silly.

In the Bible, God refers
to our spirits as equally yoked,

so in order for you and I
to be equally yoked,

it means that we have to feel
the same way

about each other and God

and put Jesus in the center
of this relationship.

Now, do you think
you can do that?

I mean, it sounds
like a whole lot, babe,

but I care about you enough

to give it a try.


Good morning, sunshine.

So it's the big weekend,
eh, Miles?

I hope so.

So these are your events?

Yeah, well, you know,
I got a few partners,

but yeah, for the most part.

Well, we'll say a prayer
for you and your shows tonight.

Thanks, Mr. Leon.
I appreciate it.



Tams, what's going on?

How we looking?
Everything's great.

The groups are checked in
to the hotel.

Sound check's going on
right now.

You got yourself a sellout.

That's what I'm talking about.

Oh! 'my



♪ Gave you my money ♪

♪ Gave you my time ♪

♪ Why you want to hurt me,
girl? ♪

♪ Are you serious? ♪

♪ I'm just curious ♪

♪ Why you want to hurt me,
girl? ♪

♪ Just because
you're not for real ♪

♪ Why you want to hurt me,
girl? ♪

♪ Just because
you're not for real ♪

♪ Why you want to hurt me,
girl? ♪

♪ Never ever had another ♪

♪ Put the pedal to the metal
and burn rubber on me ♪

♪ Charlie,
oh, no ♪


Look at you.

"Yo, I'm Miles Montego.

"Ain't no question.


Oh, hold up."

Who that supposed to be?


That is not how I act,
talk, or any of that.

You were amazing today.


Like, honestly,
I was so impressed

with just the way
the whole show came together.


I'm glad you liked it,

Loved it.

Well, we should get some rest,

'cause tomorrow's gonna be
a long day.



Where are you going?

Oh, see,
you can lay back down,

see, 'cause, Mr. Montego,

you have the sofa tonight.


I have the king-size bed.


Love you.

Don't forget to say
your prayers.


Oh, boy.


♪ My God is awesome ♪

♪ He can move mountains ♪

Baby, these are mad hot.

You like those?

What about these?

Oh, I'm into that, too.

You like them?
Yeah, those are really hot.

I'll take them in every color.

Yo, we should take
a little break

and actually
get something to eat.

You hungry?

I know a spot up here.
It's nice.

Key word "break."

I'm not done.

I'm not done shopping.

Ain't that something?


Where have you been?

I've been calling and calling.

I just--I been
rippin' and runnin'.

You ready, babe?

Oh, I'm sorry.

V, this is Celine.

Celine, this is Vanessa.

Oh, how do you do?


Celine's a old friend of mine.


Okay, well, babe,
the kids are ready,

and, you know,
the jet is waiting.

Wheels up at 6:00.

It was nice meeting you.


For real?

Kids waiting?

Wheels up at 6:00?

Where'd you get all that from?

I watch the E! Channel.

Did you sleep with her?


I shouldn't have even asked.

So why did you?




♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

Get out the car, homey.

Get out the car!

Don't do it.

Open the door, Jesse!

Get out.

Miles, don't--
Miles, don't do it.

Lock the door and get down.

Oh... my!

Come on, punk.

Ya! Yo, yo, ya, ya-

Get up, homey.

What's up, dag?

Get him, Miles!

Back up.

Is there a problem here?

is there a problem here?

Man, just sh**t him,

sh**t this punk!
Nah, nah, nah.

Ain't nobody gonna get sh*t

What we gonna do is, Jesse,

you gonna get in your car,
and you gonna get out of here.

You hear what I'm saying
to you?

Get in your car
and get out of here!

This ain't over, punk.

See you around, homey.

Let's go, man.
Let's go.

Meet me at the spot,

and make sure
nobody follows y'all.



Baby, are you all right?

Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay, Miles.

Who were those guys?
Were they trying to k*ll you?

Look, baby, just relax.

Just relax.
It had nothing to do with me.

Look, I was just trying
to defuse the situation.

That's it.

It had nothing to do
with you.

It was between Martin
and whoever that guy was.

So what am I supposed to do,

Leave him out there alone?

Let some dude
come blow his head off?

Is that what you telling me?

Don't think so, baby.

So you're just willing
to give up everything

including your own life

for something that had nothing
to do with you?


And they would do the same
for me, baby.

Look, a few years ago,

this whole thing would have
turned out a lot different.

I was just trying to get us
out of there safe, baby.

That's it.


Would you like to tell me

why there was a g*n
in your car?

Babe, it's like I told you.

Whenever I do shows like this,

there's always large amounts
of cash around.

You know that!
You see it!


What do you want me to do?

Listen, I know this whole
situation and everything,

it's all new for you,

but you got to understand,

when it comes to protecting you,
my family, my friends,

I'll do anything, babe.

You understand that?

I thought
I was gonna lose you.

Come on, baby.

Really, Miles.

I don't ever want to feel
like that again, ever.

Promise me
I won't ever lose you.

I promise.

I ain't going nowhere.

You understand me?

Give me your hands.

Heavenly Father,
we come before You.

We thank You, Lord,
for getting us through

a hard day of work

but most of all
for protecting us.

Lord, we ask
that You would continue

to show Miles that You are
always there with us.

In Your name we pray.




Happy birthday, baby.

Thank you.

Love it.
But you guys--

you guys really didn't
have to do this.

Thank you.
I appreciate it.

Now, Miles, we got you
a little something.

We hope that
you'll not only use it

but enjoy it as well.


I mean, y'all really
don't have to do none of this.

This is too much for me
right now.

Go on, Miles.
Open it.

I know!
Hurry up.

Okay, okay.

Let me--
let me open this.

Get out of here.

You guys got me
my own Bible?

Look, it's got my name on it
and everything.

Let me take a picture.
Love it.

Miles, you need to understand

We have done
everything we can

to raise all of our children
in the ways of the Lord.

Now, the Bible says
that we should pray

for our children's spouses
from early in their lives.

Well, we have been praying
for a godly man for Vanessa.

are you that godly man?

I don't know.

How come
I can't I figure out

who you really are?

Bet she has no idea.

I see
you're working late again.

I told you we had
a solid case, right?

So if they're working late...

We got to be working late.

If there's something there,

you'll find it.

This ain't for me.

after church tomorrow,

you want to go to the movies?

About tomorrow...

I don't think
I'ma be able to make it.


What's the matter, babe?

You all right?

No, Miles,
I'm not all right.

Look, just tell me
what the problem is.

There is no problem,

I just got some things
I got to take care of tomorrow.

That's all.

We all have a lot of stuff
we have to do.

You're always gonna have
a lot of things you have to do.

Look, I'm gonna put aside
the fact that

my entire family
is expecting you

and that, hey,
I'd actually like you

to come to church with me,

and what I'm really
concerned with

is what the real issue is.

Why don't you just tell me?

There's nothing to tell.

There's nothing to tell?

Look, I'm not even buying that.

What is so bad
about going to church?

God don't want somebody
like me in his church, okay?


What are you smiling about?

Look, babe, I'm not trying
to belittle your feelings.

Look, I'm sorry,

but you're just so off.

Like, so off.

And to be honest,
I'm a little relieved

'cause I thought
you were actually

keeping something from me...

something ugly.

Well, don't be getting
all happy just yet.

I haven't told you
why I feel this way.

It doesn't matter.

God doesn't care about
what you've done in your past

or what you're in the middle of
right now.

He just wants you
to come as you are.

You sure about that?

I'm positive.

Look, the Bible says,

"What causes a man
to gain the whole world

and lose his soul."

Baby, I don't want you
to lose your soul.

Once you really get to know
God and His Word,

you'll see that that book
is better than life,

better than the cars,
better than the money.

For a man like you,
even better than--

Better than what?

Look, please,
better than sex.

Yes, I said it.

Yeah, this must be
a great book, 'cause...

Hey, watch what you saying.

Ain't too many things--

Hey, we're talking about God.

Better than anything.

Don't get crazy.

♪ I love you
like Sunday morning ♪

You ready, babe?

I guess.
It's crazy, though.

This is like
a sold-out show.

This is the best show
on earth,

and it's free.

♪ Of the feeling
that I get ♪

♪ It's a Sunday kind of love ♪

♪ Like a classic gospel song ♪

♪ You just have to sing along ♪

♪ I wish that
every day was Sunday ♪

♪ Oh, happy day ♪

♪ The darkness gave away ♪

♪ To the light that shine ♪

Come on, babe, let's go.

♪ Everything
will be all right ♪

♪ It makes me want to say
thank you ♪

Good morning, Vanessa.

How you doing today?
I'm good, Jerry.

this is my boyfriend, Miles.

Hey, pleasure to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

This is Jerry.

Hey, I'll seat you
with your parents.

Follow me.
Thank you.

Am I supposed to tip
this guy?

No, baby,
he doesn't get paid.

He's a greeter.

This is his way
of serving the Lord.

♪ I love you
like Sunday morning ♪

♪ It's a Sunday kind of love ♪

♪ Between the two of us ♪


Hey, Mommy.

Hey, Miles, good to see you.

Good to see you too,
Mr. Leon.

How you doing, Mrs. Leon?

Good morning, Miles.

♪ I wish that
every day was Sunday ♪


♪ See, I'm so glad
the troubles don't last ♪

Who's that?

That's Pastor Galley.
He's our worship leader.

He's a pastor?



♪ The troubles don't last ♪

♪ I'm so glad ♪

♪ So, so glad ♪

♪ Troubles don't last forever ♪

♪ If it's a song You want,
Lord, I'll sing it ♪

♪ And if it's an offering,
You know I'll bring it ♪

♪ 'Cause You are worthy ♪

♪ So, so worthy, worthy ♪

♪ Worthy of all praise ♪

♪ Lord, my life for You,
I'm gonna live it ♪

♪ And every ounce of praise ♪

♪ I'm gonna give it to You,
Lord ♪

♪ You're so worthy, worthy ♪

♪ Worthy,
worthy of all praise ♪

♪ And as I sing ♪

♪ I will sing
of all Your glory ♪

♪ Tell the world Your story ♪

♪ Of Your strength,
Your power, Your love ♪

♪ And as I live ♪

♪ I will build
my world around You ♪

♪ I'm so thankful,
Lord, I found You ♪

♪ I forever will pray ♪

Babe, everybody
doesn't have to see that.

Oh, my bad.
My bad.


How much are you giving?

I don't know.
About that much.

That's not enough?


Babe, that's plenty.

Let me explain how this whole
offering thing goes later.

♪ And as I live ♪

♪ I will build
my world around You ♪

♪ I'm so thankful,
Lord, I found You ♪

♪ I forever will praise ♪

You smile and behave.
You heard me?

All right, I'll see you
in a little bit.

Amanda, what's up, baby?

Pastor Galley,
how are you today?

I'm wonderful.
How are you?

It was an awesome worship.

I loved it.
I had a great time, too.

The Spirit was really moving,

Oh, it was in me.
It was everywhere.

I'll see you on Thursday
at rehearsal.

Don't be late.
Yes, I'll see you there.

All right, Ma.
See you.

Hey, Pastor Galley.

Vanessa, how are you, Ma?

Pastor Galley,
this is my boyfriend, Miles.

Miles, Pastor Galley.

Miles, you got some church in
today, huh?

Yeah, it wasn't
what I was expecting,

but it was good.

That's right.
That's right.

So you really,
like, a pastor, huh?

I mean, like a real pastor.

As opposed to, like,
an imaginary, cartoon pastor?


Nah, that's not
what I meant, man.

I mean, you don't really look
like a pastor.

I don't, huh?

So what's a real pastor

supposed to look like,

I don't know, man.
I mean, look at you, man.

your jewelry...

You're kind of tight to death
yourself there, Miles.

Yeah, but I don't drive
no Lambo, Pastor.

The Lambo, huh?

I recall pulling into
the parking lot

and passing
a four-door black Bentley

that I've never seen here

and I'm assuming that's yours,

Yeah, but I ain't no pastor.

True that, but the last time
I read the Bible,

it said nothing
about style being a sin.

Kind of goes back
to that old saying

that you cannot judge a book
by its cover, you heard?

Yeah, I dig.

So what made you
want to be a pastor anyway?

Well, God had a calling
on my life, Miles,

and as much as I tried
to avoid that call,

I couldn't avoid it anymore,

and here I am.

He's got a calling
on your life, too.

On everybody's life.

But you got to answer
the phone

when He calls, you dig?

A calling, huh?

A calling.
I tell you what.

We'll talk more about that
in the future.

I'd love to see you around here
a little bit more.

All right.

You have a blessed Sunday,

Such good worship today,
by the way.

Praise God.

It was a pleasure.

Pleasure's all mine.

Hope you two
brought your appetites,

because your mother cooks enough
for an army.

It looks good too, Ma.

So you got Miles
to go to church?

Just this Sunday.

I cannot believe this.

you are an angel from heaven.

You just don't know

how hard I've been praying
for this boy.

Whoo, you and I both.


Okay, let's say grace.

Dear Lord,
thank You for the food

we are about to receive

for the nourishment
and health of our bodies,

for our wonderful son, Miles,

and for bringing the beautiful
Vanessa into our lives.

She is truly
an angel from heaven.

In Jesus' name we pray.


Now, Vanessa, honey,

don't you be afraid
to cr*ck the whip on this--


If he gives you any trouble,

you just let us know.

We'll straighten him out.

All right,
I like the sound of that.

Let's eat.



Man, what took you so long?

Sorry, big dog.

Let me tell you something, man.

Don't ever have me waiting
like that ever again.

You hear me?
Yeah, I hear you.

Man, here.

just like you like it.

All right, here, man.

Get out of here.
Get out of my car.

All right.

See you soon, Martin.
Yeah, whatever.

Got you.


Babe, I got a question.

What's up?

Have you considered,
you know,

taking that walk of faith
during the altar call?

I ain't gonna lie to you.


I'm still trying to figure
this whole thing out.

I mean,
I know there's a God,

and I'm supposed to act
a certain way and everything,

but to be real, babe,

I'm still researching
this whole salvation thing.

I mean, I just don't want
to dive into it.

Does that make
any sense to you?

Yes, it makes perfect sense,

I get it.

I will say this, though.

What will you say?

I feel real good
when I'm in church.


I mean, it feels like
everything's moving

in the right direction,
you know?

But then I get to thinking,

if God is this all loving,

all seeing, all being God,

then why does He allow
things to happen

like r*pe, m*rder,


Like, that part
I don't understand, babe.

I see you clearly have been
giving this a lot of thought.

Well, yeah, I mean,
just the other night,

I'm sitting in bed,
and I'm watching this program,

and this Muslim speaker's

and he's talking about
the book that they read,

the Koran.


He's basically saying that,

you know, they believe
that Jesus existed

but that he was only
a prophet,

and then he started getting into
all these scientific facts

that exist in the Koran

that, you know,
scientists didn't even discover.

I thought it was--

I thought it was
really, really interesting.

All right, well,
how did it make you feel?

To be honest?

I don't know,

it's a lot to swallow, babe.

All right, well,

whenever you're ready.

Whenever you're ready.

Hopefully sooner
rather than later.

Merry Christmas, everybody.

Merry Christmas.

What a special time of year
this is.

To think that God
would become flesh

and dwell among us,

that ought to fill our hearts
with joy.


Vanessa, honey, it was so nice
meeting your family.

Thank you.
You're all so beautiful.

And with such pretty daughters
as you three,

it's no wonder your father
turned to the Lord.

Man must spend
a lot of time on his knees.


Look, Mom, Dad,
me and V

want to give y'all
a little something.

We know y'all been trying
to, you know,

get away
for quite some time,

so we got y'all something

we think y'all might like.

Wait a minute, son,
what is this?

Open it up.



Sandals Resorts.

Look at this place.

Oh, my gosh, it's the one
we saw in the commercial.

Thank you.

Look at this, honey.

Son, this is beautiful,
but you shouldn't have.

Aw, come on, Pop.

You and Mom been trying
to get away for years,

so this is our gift to you.

Baby, I love it,

and I'm so glad to finally
get to go to Sandals.

Sandals, here we come.

Merry Christmas, Mom.

Oh, merry Christmas.




Listen to this.

"How much more pleasing
is your love than wine,

"sweetness as the honeycomb,
my bride.

"Milk and honey
under your tongue.

"Your two breasts
are like two fawns.

"I slept,
but my heart was awake.

"Listen, my love is knocking.

"My head is drenched
with dew.

"I've taken off my robe.

"Must I put it on again?

My lover thrusts his hand
through the latch opening."

Now, that sounds like
late-night HBO to me.

Hold up.

If you could hear
how you just read that...

I read it how it's reading.

That's what it is.

Babe, okay,
are you trying to say

that the Bible says
that it's okay to have sex?

Babe, I don't know what
the Bible is saying.

I guess I'm just trying
to figure this all out.

That's all.

I can almost assure you

that these people
that they're talking about

are married.

Now, the Bible says you can

totally enjoy
your spouse sexually.

Now, how did you interpret it?

You know what?

I'm sorry I brought it up.
Just forget about it.

No, no.
That's a good thing.

It's good that
we discuss these things.

Just forget it.

It's important to discuss
the Word of God.

Drop it.




Y'all in trouble now.

Uncle Freddie.


Miles, my man, man.

Marty, what's up?
What's up, baby?

Where you been at, man?

Ain't seen you around
in a minute.

Just been rippin'
and runnin', baby.

You know,
rippin' and runnin'.

Hey, you all right, Miles?

Don't I look all right?

I mean, not really,

but if you say so.

Hey, where's Vanessa at?

Man, I don't know.

She's around somewhere.

She just ain't here with me,
you know?

So what,
you ready to party

with your boys tonight,
then, or what?

You know what?

Let's do that, man.

Drinks are on me tonight, man.

I ain't been with y'all
in a minute.

Let's do what we do.
Let's do it.

Keep them coming all night,

Okay, I'll be back.

Baby, thank you.

Hey, yo, Miles,
what's going on with you, man?

For real?
With what?

With what?

With you, homey.

I mean, we don't ever

see you around no more, dog,

and when we do,

it's never without Vanessa.

You say that to say what?

Look, dog,
I'm just saying, man.

You ain't nowhere near
your normal self,

and to be honest with you,

me and the fellas is just
concerned about you, man.

That's all.

Look, I just need
a little vacation.

That's all.
I'm good.

Look, dog,
me and you go back, man.

We go back further than
all these cats right here,

and if there's one thing
I know about you,

the only thing that can get you
off your square is a girl,

so if you need
to talk about it,

for real, I'm right here
like I always been, man.

I'm all ears,
but if not,

then that's cool too, man,
'cause I got something else

that can get your mind off that,
you feel me?

Hey. yo, ladies!

Ladies, come on in here.

Let's get this thing started.

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Come on, you can catch me
in a big body ♪

♪ S-class with chrome spinners ♪

♪ Pulling up to the club
with a brim ♪

♪ Iced
and a chinchilla ♪

♪ Stacking the skrilla
in a legal way ♪

♪ Rock stadiums from Nicaragua
down to San Tropez ♪

♪ Hey, and I ain't even
got a curse in my raps ♪

♪ I keep it gully while
I'm spitting this fire ♪

♪ On hot tracks ♪

♪ My skills
speak for themselves ♪

♪ I'm like a young LL
back in the day ♪

♪ When he was
rocking them bells ♪

♪ The Sly Stallone
of the microphone ♪

♪ I'm old school like
Special K, turbo, and ozone ♪

♪ What, rep for my people
like I'm Che Guevara ♪

♪ With a derby and linen pants
plus a guayabera ♪

♪ Oh, I'm so sick
they sending ambulances ♪

♪ To resuscitate the mic
from my verbal thrashing ♪

♪ Cash advances
and top-brand fashion ♪

♪ Guaranteed to rock the spot ♪

♪ And keep
the party peeps dancing ♪



I got to go-

Why, Miles?

God help me.

God help me.


Miles, it's your mama.

She's very ill.

Hurry up and get down here.

No. No.

"But if any of you
lacks wisdom,

let him ask of God"--

I'm so sorry guys.
It's Miles' dad.


Vanessa, it's Caesar.

Hi, Mr. Montego, how are you?

Not good.

It's Miles' mom.

She's very ill.

Thank God you're here, son.

Hey, Pop, how you doing?

I came as soon as I could,

How you doing?

Hi, baby.

I'm sorry.

I ruined the trip.

What you talking about,

Don't worry about that,

You just concentrate
on getting well.

How you feeling?


She's under a lot
of medication right now.

Let's let her rest.

Don't worry, son.

It'll be all right.


I need to talk to you.

Come on.

Well, son,

it's not good.

Not good at all.


How does somebody go
from perfectly healthy

to dying overnight?

It wasn't overnight.

Apparently, your mother
lived with this for years,

and you know your mother
and doctors.

There's no way to know.

Your mother always thought

that an aspirin
could fix everything.

So what do we do now?

They said the best thing to do

is to try to help her
feel comfortable.

But, Miles,

right now, I need you
to be strong for your mama,


Yeah, Pop.



Miles, I'm so sorry.

I can't even imagine

what you're going through
right now.


V, I want to explain
something to you.

Miles, you don't
have to explain anything.

I know this is not
the right time.

It's not the right time.
Just listen to me.

I don't know
what's going on right now,

but I've never felt
like this.

It's like--

it's like I'm feeling guilt

and shame.

It's like--I don't know--
I don't deserve anything.

All at the same time.

Then I get confused

about what I think
God is telling me.

I never feel like
I'm doing the right thing, babe.

I want you to understand

Look at me.

I want you to know that
nothing happened that night.

Miles, you don't have to--

Hey, babe, just--

I love you.

I love you,

and I would never do anything
to hurt you.

Is that the whole truth,

No question, babe.

I believe you, baby.


I need you
to do something for me.

Anything you ask me to,

I'll do it.

Don't cry.

Just listen.

I need you to take care
of Miles for me.

I know there's a reason

why you two met.

God has something special
for you two.

God knew

that the only way to his heart--


Was through a woman like you--

beautiful, wonderful,

godly woman.

Please don't ever

give up on him

if you really love him.

I do.

I really do.


Now, I want a big wedding

and lots of grandbabies,

Ma, don't do this right now.

You're gonna be fine.

No, Miles, I'm not,

so I need you

to keep seeking the Lord.


He's the answer

to all your problems.

He's got big plans for you,

Big plans.

My love.

She's really tired right now.

Let her get some rest.

It's been a long day.





May the Lord
now welcome Julia

to the table of God's children
in heaven.

With faith and hope
in eternal life,

let us assist her
with our prayers.

Eternal rest
grant unto her, O Lord.

May her soul and the souls of
all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God,

rest in peace.


Looks like a nice party.

Have a little respect
for the dead, Brian.

You want to send
some flowers?

I just don't see the point
in keeping an eye on him

while he's here.

I don't buy this.

You don't get to be
where a guy like that is

and just flip it off.

This guy's smarter
than the average crook.

This could all
be a smoke screen.


You believe in God,

Oh, don't go getting
all religified on me, Jason.


Do you go to church?

Yes, sir.

Every week,

wife and kids,
Bible study,

the whole nine yards.

You do, huh?

Why didn't I know that?

You never asked.


I just wanted to tell you

that I am so sorry
for your loss.

Your mother
was a beautiful woman.

I saw the look on her face

and felt the warmth of her heart

when she saw you in church.

I'm sorry
if I haven't always been

the easiest person
when it comes to you.

I want you to know
I'm always praying for you.

Remember, you may
not always understand

why God does certain things,

but I can promise you

that it's all part
of one big plan for your life.

Just know that
this family loves you.

Thank you.

That means a lot to me.

Hey, Mrs. Leon.

Hi, Miles.

I hope you have an open heart
and mind about this.

I really love your daughter.

I mean, she means
the world to me.

I want to spend
the rest of my life with her.

I want to marry her.

I mean, with your permission,
of course.

It'd be an honor

to have you as part
of this family, Miles.

Do you think you're
truly ready for this, Miles?

Well, I know I got a long way
to go, Mrs. Leon...

...but no one's gonna
love or treat Vanessa

the way I can,

so, yeah,

I'm ready.



Okay, okay.

Loving it.
Look at you.

Thank you, baby.

So you ready for your big
birthday surprise?

Yes, but seriously,
you're crazy.

Come on, we could have
done something

super simple like dinner.

It ain't too late.

We could always cancel.

You know,
Jimmy's is open 24 hours.

That's what we won't be doing.

Come on, let's go.

Where are we?

You know this is crazy,

Who does this?

Okay, babe,
is there steps or--

Come here. Come here.
Okay. Okay.


Right here.

It's windy.

Happy birthday, baby.

Oh, my gosh.
Are you crazy?

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.

Oh, my--
is this for real?

Hi, how can I help you, sir?

I'd like to see
the flight plan

of that last private jet
that went out, please.

I'm sorry, sir.

That information
is confidential.

It's okay.

I'm Mr. Confidential.


Look, babe.

Look out this window.

Know what I see?


I see God, baby.

You do?

I mean, only He could have
created all this.

I look, and I see a world
with no limits.

With the right drive
and hustle,

anybody could have anything
and everything they want.

It's been a rough
couple of months for me,

but I learned a lot.


Like what?

Well, I learned

I'm not as in control of things

as I thought I was.

I learned that life

can be taken away from you
just like that.

I learned that God is...

really and truly
in control of all of this.

But the most important
thing I learned...


Is that I never
want to be alone.

I never want to be
away from you again, baby.


Vanessa Leon,

will you marry me?


ain't no question.



Show me your hands!
Don't move!

Put your hands
behind your back!



Get him!
Hold it!

Hold it right there!

Show me your hands!
Show me your hands!

I got him!
I Got him!


Put your hands--

♪ Sitting here ♪

♪ Guess I didn't make bail ♪

♪ Got time and a story to tell ♪

♪ Started when
I was nine years old ♪

♪ Woke up
and Daddy was gone ♪

♪ I started hustling ♪

♪ They couldn't
tell me nothing ♪

♪ Fronting in the hood,
trying to be somebody ♪

Y'all always trying
to blame it on me, man.

I told you not to--
Shut up!

Shut up!

We in this position here.

We got to wait for Miles
to get us out,

and that's it.

We here.



Hey, yo, Miles, man, listen,
don't say nothing, okay?

Just listen.

We got hemmed up, dog.

Me, Percy, Chris, Wikki--

all of us, man.

We locked up right now.

You got to be kidding me.

Man, does is sound like
I'm kidding, dog?

Listen, and to top it off,

it's the feds that got us.

The feds?

Yeah, man.

They set our bail
at $112 million right now.

All right,
what you want me to do, man?

Look, dog, I need you to
get us out of here right now.

All right, I'm on it.

So what happened?

Man, they came at us hard,

I mean real hard--

feds all over the place,
SWAT cars, g*ns.

They took us all down
in different places, man.

It was not good.

They charge you
with something?

What's the charges?

Man, the indictment had
all kinds of stuff in it, man.

Still trying
to figure it all out.

What about the spots?
I mean, was anybody dirty?

Did they find anything?

Nah, man,
but I'll tell you this--

they tore my spot up
real good,

and thank God the only thing
they found was a g*n.

Mine too, man.

They left that joint
a mess, dude.

Yeah, man, them dudes bust
the door down, dog.

They act like they was looking
for bin Laden or something, man.

Man, check this out, man.

They got some of my people,

but I got my lawyer on it.

Says he won't know nothing
for a few days

till he gets the reports back,

but they was pressing us
really hard, Miles.

About what?

About you.
About me?

Man, look, this guy told me
I could get up

and leave right then and there

if I told them
something juicy about you.


Told me the same thing.

This Agent McDaniel dude?

He got it real bad
for you, Miles.

Yeah, that's real talk,

Man, they offered to take me
right back to my house, man,

and forget like any of this
even happened.

What'd you say?

Man, I asked them if I could
get ESPN in my cell, man.


Yeah, what about you?

You really got to ask me that,

After everything
we've been through?

I think they was just
fishing for something

and trying to use
me and all the fellas

as bait to get at you.

I'm buggin'.

My bad.


Just stay out of their way
till we can figure this out.

I feel you.

Man, done.

Thanks a lot, man.

Thank y'all, man.

Hustle it up, man.
Come on.

So not one of these guys
gave us anything on Miles.

Not one, sir.

I'm surprised.

I thought that little guy Chris
would have talked.

Maybe there's nothing
to tell, Chief.

What are you saying?

That Miles is some
squeaky-clean choirboy now?


Just get this guy.

Let's move out.

Man, Pastor, I'm sorry.

She's usually on time
for everything.

Hey, don't worry about it,

Listen, we spend half our days
waiting on the Lord

and the other half
waiting on our wives.

Hey, don't tell her
I said that to you, though.

I won't.
I won't.


Excuse me, Pastor.
I got to take this.



It's Alyssa.

Hey, Alyssa, what's up?

Vanessa's been
in a car accident.

What happened?

Her car was hit by a truck
that ran a red light.

How is she?

She's not well, Miles.

She's still in surgery.

Mr. And Mrs. Leon?

Well, here's where we're at,

She has internal bleeding,

suffered severe head trauma--

she's in a coma.

Is she gonna be all right,

I mean, she gonna live,

Only time will tell.

We've done all we can for her.

We just need to see
how her body reacts

to the procedures
and hope for the best.



You say hope,
and they say pray.

I mean, can we all get on
the same page here at least?

Take it easy, son.

Take it easy?

You said you've done
all you can for her, doc.

Yes, we have.

You sure about that?

Miles, please, calm down.

It's in the Lord's hands now.

"It's in the Lord's hands."

I'm tired of hearing
it's in the Lord's hands.

I heard that
when my mother d*ed.

"It's in the Lord's hands."

Look, I'm sorry,
but somebody else

needs to step in
and take the wheel here,

'cause it seems like
He is out to lunch.

Look, I promise you

I'll do everything I can
to save her life.

You have my word.


I'm sorry.

There's somebody
I got to go talk to.

Miles, wait.


I'm glad You're here,

'cause we got some serious
issues to talk about.

First of all,
You took my mother from me,

and that just about k*lled me,

but I kept my mouth shut
and let that one slide.

I've done some bad things
to people for a lot less,

but I've been trying to give You
the benefit of the doubt.

I've been faithful.

I been going to church,

reading your
precious little book.

I even drop stacks of hundreds
every Sunday

in that little velvet bag
they pass around.

I've changed.

I'm a changed man,

can't you see that?

Oh, my bad.

Of course You can.

You see everything, right?

So what's the problem, then?

What do You want from me?

I know I haven't made You proud.

How could I with
all this mess I got going on?

What happened?

What happened to all the things
I've been reading about?

Grace, forgiveness, mercy?

Where was the mercy
for my mother?

Now You want to take Vanessa
from me?

Nah, that ain't gonna happen,
big guy.

Look, I'm a stand-up guy.

If anybody needs to pay
for they sins,

then let it be me.

Please just leave
everybody else out of it.

Just take me!

I'm ready
for whatever You got coming.

You want to send me to hell,

book the flight!

But please.


I'm begging You.

Don't take Vanessa from me.

Just tell me.

whatever You want me to do.

Tell me what You want me to do

to spare her life.

I didn't mean a word
I just said, Lord.

I'm sorry for yelling at You
in Your house.

But, God, You got to know
this is rough on me.

Just let me know
what I got to do

to make this right.

I'll do it.

I surrender, Lord.

I surrender.




Okay, Miles,

get out of the car.

Get out of the car.

Put your hands in the air

right now.

Is there a problem,

Turn around!

Turn around!

Walk backwards.

Put your hands on your head.

Down to your knees.


House is clear.

House is clear.
House is clear.


All right, Miles.

Now, let's just see
what you're made of.

Mr. Montego,

my name's Agent Carey,
and this is Agent Stokes.

We're with the IRS C.I.D.

You know what that means?


but I'm sure
you're about to tell me.

IRS criminal investigation

All right, yeah, and?

And, well, Mr. Montego,

that means that we have
a series of questions for you,

and we would appreciate your
full cooperation with them.

Do you know these guys,

Yeah, they're friends of mine.

How good of friends?
Old friends.

We went to school
and grew up together.


Is that all you did
together, Miles?

What's that supposed to mean?

It means that they've been
indicted on drug charges.

It means that we found
these check stubs

that show large payments
made from your company

to each of these

It means that this

looks like you're in business
with these guys,

and if you are,

you're in a deep mess.

First of all,
I'm a legitimate businessman.

Man, I don't have any illegal
dealings of any kind.

All right,
so I wrote them some checks.

Last time I checked,

that's still legal
in this country.

Well, that depends on why

the checks were issued
in the first place.

I'm a concert promoter.

They invested
in a few shows of mine.

Do you know your friends'
source of income?

No, and I don't really care.

Well, I hate
to tell you this, Miles,

but their problems are quickly
becoming your problems.

Oh! yeah?

What kind of problems
are those?

It's a problem

when you use
illegally gotten funds

to fund even a legit business.

That makes all
of its gains and assets

up for grabs to us.

Make me believe you, Miles.

I really want to believe you.

Look, does it look like
I'm trying to hide anything

from you or anybody else?

Miles, we're giving you
a chance here

to save yourself a long
and dirty investigation

that, in the end,
can only hurt you.

Fellas, if y'all
want to go down this road,

let's do it.

I got a CPA that handles
all my financial affairs.

I'm sure,
together with my lawyer,

they can answer any questions
that y'all might have.

So if y'all gonna charge
and arrest me with something,

I suggest you go ahead
and do it

so I can bail out
and go on with my day,

but if not,

I'd appreciate it
if you showed me the door.

You have any luck with him?


Looks like it's bad guys: 3.
Good guys: 0.

Why don't I give it
just one last sh*t?

All right.

Okay, everybody out.

Let's go!

Real smooth, aren't you?

You got those guys wondering.

But I think
you're as dirty as sin.

Yeah, sin.

Isn't that what you talk about

in those sweet little
church meetings of yours?

Whatever, man.

I'm not a churchgoing man,

but I take guys like you
very seriously.

So let me give you
the raw and uncut version.

I'm gonna walk out of here.

I'm gonna give you
a few minutes

to gather your thoughts.

Then I'm gonna come back,

and it's gonna be time
for confession.


You know confession.


I think he's clean, Chief.

Who knows?

He just might be
that choirboy after all.

We probably
should just let him go.



I'm gonna say a prayer.

Don't laugh at me, okay?

You know I'm new to this.

Dear God...

what can I say?

I give up.

I finally figured out
that You are who You say You are

and I can't do nothing
without You.

I know that You run
this whole thing

and that everything I have
really belongs to You...

including Vanessa,
even my mom.

I'm humbly asking You--

no, I'm begging You, God,


please spare her life.

Please allow her
to come out of this coma

and be healthy again.

I'm here to do or say

whatever You want me
to say or do, God.

I know I don't have much
to offer.

But what I do have is Yours...

including my heart.

I want You in my life.

I want You in my heart, Lord.

I promise--

I promise to be
as faithful to You

as I possibly can.

I love You,

and I pray all these things

in Your name,

Christ Jesus.


♪ You're my first ♪

♪ You're my last ♪

♪ You're my future ♪

♪ And my past ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ You hold the key ♪

♪ To my heart ♪

♪ Even death
would have a hard time ♪

♪ Keeping us apart ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ baby ♪

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Yeah ♪








You awake?

Hey, guys, she's awake!

Come here!
Everybody come in!


Good morning, church.

ALL: Good morning.

if you have your Bibles,

say, "Got it."

ALL: Got it.

James 1.

This is what the Bible says:

"Consider it pure joy

"whenever you face trials
of many kinds,

"knowing that
the trying of your faith,

"the testing of your faith

develops perseverance
in your life."

And we should allow

to have her work in our life,

because God uses that
to complete us and to mature us.

And I'm looking at a family here
this morning

who went through
a severe trial,

a beast of a trial,
the Leon family.

And you know, church,

we all prayed for them,

and we asked God
to do a miracle,

and God did answer our prayers,

and Vanessa woke up
from her coma,

and I tell you,
I just want to thank God.

To God be the glory.




To God be the glory.

finally the Bible says this,

that today is the day
of salvation,

that now
is the acceptable time

to receive
the Lord Jesus Christ

as our savior.

And I'm just going to open up--

I'd just like you to all
stand with me,

and I really sense

that there may be someone
here today

that would like to come forward
and kneel before us

and say, "Yes,
I'm going to open my life up

"to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I'm confessing Jesus
as my Lord today."

Anyone want to come,
kneel before us

and open their life
before the Lord?

Excuse me, Pop.

Where are you going?

I'll be right back.

I made a promise to somebody
I need to keep.

♪ I surrender ♪

♪ Yes ♪


♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Lord, I surrender ♪

♪ I surrender ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yes ♪

♪ Yes ♪

♪ Lord, I surrender ♪

♪ I surrender all that I am ♪

♪ And all that I've got ♪

♪ Everything I am ♪

♪ Everything I've got ♪

♪ Lord, I surrender ♪

Yo, fellas,
I hope all of y'all

are in the best
of health and spirits,

and I hope y'all
are staying out of trouble,

'cause I know how y'all like
to wild out.

Ah, man, I can't tell you

how much I miss y'all.

I can't imagine how hard it is
in there.

And as for me,

man, what could I say?

I guess God
has a sense of humor, right?

Vanessa's doing great.

She sends her love.


So much has happened

over these last couple of years.

It's been crazy
but all to the good, though,

you know?

It's a new season, man.

I finally turned in
my player card

and wifed Vanessa.

Yeah, I took the plunge.


In more ways than one.

God has been so good to me.

Sometimes I can't even
understand it.

I mean, after all I did
throughout my life,

and He never gave up on me.

And if that ain't love,

I don't know what is.

I've even been taking
these Bible classes

just so I can understand
Him and His Word

a little better.

Good news is that you guys
are short-timers now.

Just a little ways to go,

and it's all over, yo.

Just remember what
we talked about on our visits.

God is good,
and He is faithful,

and I promise
that He's inside those walls

just as much as He is
out here.

I sent some money
to your books already,

and it should be enough
to last y'all

until you get out.

Man, I love y'all, man.

Can't wait to see you out here
in real clothes.

Steaks are on me, baby.

Love, respect, and blessings,


P.S. You guys
are gonna be uncles soon,

so straighten up,

'cause I don't want my kid
around no knuckleheads, you dig?

Okay, Mama, look,

Daddy's about to preach.

Good morning.

ALL: Good morning.

I'm Pastor Miles,

and today...

today, we're gonna talk
about change.



It's important to me, man.

I'm serious.

We'll deal with Marty,

I mean,
we'll deal with Jesse.

Here's my cash right here.

T-bone's in.

I don't mean t--


No worry.

Can you get out of my light?

I'm joking.

Sweep the leg.



Let me get
another round of those.

Hey, Jesse, let me--
dang it.


Hello, I'm Miles Montego.


You are?



Oh, "Jerry," please,

and it's my pleasure
to meet you.

But, uh--


That's what we won't
be doing.

Oh, I can't dis Jimmy's,
though, right?



I mean, you say hope,
and they say pray.

I mean, can we get an--

My bad, y'all.

Yes, I'd like to see
the flight pa--

Back to one?

I'm--I'm feeling
bloopers reel here, baby.

All right.


Oh, hold on.
I got to take this.

Okay, good talking to you.



Y'all embraced me,
y'all loved me,

and I--and I--

I don't know what to say.

I'm at a loss for words.



We want to speak life
over you today.

Every person listening,

we want you to understand,

no matter where you've been

or where you might
currently find yourself,

it's not over.

When God is in it,

there is no limit.

♪ Oh, it's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ Until God says so ♪

♪ Until God says so ♪

♪ And so I counted on y'all ♪

♪ I counted on y'all ♪

♪ You make all things new ♪

♪ You make all things new ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ Not till God says so ♪

♪ Till God says so ♪

♪ So I counted on y'all ♪

♪ So I counted on y'all ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ Until God says so ♪

♪ Until God says so ♪

That's right.

♪ If you can just believe it ♪

♪ I believe, I believe ♪

♪ You make all things ♪

♪ All things new ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ It's not over ♪

♪ No matter
what the doctors say ♪

♪ Until God says so ♪

♪ He's still got y'all
in the picture ♪

♪ He will convince you ♪

♪ It's not, it's not ♪

♪ It's not ♪

♪ Whoo ♪


♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Rain down Your love ♪

♪ Rain down Your love again ♪

♪ Can you do it once again? ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Rain down on us, yeah ♪

♪ With Your love again ♪

♪ With Your love ♪

♪ Oh, till we see You
face-to-face ♪

♪ Let us feel
Your warm embrace ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us
again ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Rain down, rain down ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Again ♪

♪ Again ♪

♪ Rain one more time ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us
again ♪

♪ Your love on ♪

♪ Love on ♪

♪ Your love, oh ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Rain ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ We need You, Lord ♪

♪ To rain it down ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Rain down ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ Rain Your love on us again ♪

♪ Pray for the day ♪

♪ Your pain goes away ♪

♪ And for the time ♪

♪ Wasted on good-bye ♪

♪ Can't get back the time ♪

♪ But You stay on my mind ♪

♪ Forgive me for the lies ♪


♪ And all the tears
you've cried ♪

♪ Hope to see you
when I get there ♪

♪ Mile-high heavenly skies ♪

♪ Will be a breath
of fresh air ♪

♪ G5 ♪

♪ Nobody on my plane
'cause it's private ♪

♪ On my way
to Saint Elsewhere ♪

♪ I swear ♪

♪ I know they say
the good die young ♪

♪ And I guess that's why
I'm so scared ♪

♪ And I refuse to die ♪

♪ And I won't die ♪

♪ Until history records
my greatness ♪

♪ Amen ♪

♪ I see angels ♪

♪ I see demons ♪

♪ I hear laughter,
people screaming ♪

♪ Makes me wonder
what's my reason ♪

♪ For being here ♪

♪ And so I'm kneelin' ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Don't matter
what it looks like ♪

♪ Or feels like right now ♪

♪ My God has promised
for my good ♪

♪ He will work it out ♪

♪ No, no, no matter
what it looks like ♪

♪ Or feels like right now ♪

♪ My God has promised
for my good ♪

♪ He will work it out ♪

♪ No, no, no matter
what it looks like ♪

♪ Or feels like right now ♪

♪ My God has promised
for my good ♪

♪ He will work it out ♪

♪ No, no, no matter
what it looks like ♪

♪ Or feels like right now ♪

♪ My God has promised
for my good ♪

♪ He will work it out ♪

♪ No, no, no matter
what it looks like ♪

♪ Or feels like right now ♪

♪ My God has promised
for my good ♪

♪ He will work it out ♪

♪ No matter how ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ He'll work it out ♪

♪ My God ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Trouble don't last forever ♪

♪ Trouble don't last always ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ Hey ♪


♪ Ooh, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪



T-bone, come on.

They told--they told me
I was in this scene.

Come on. Come on.
Come on.