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Way Home, The (2010)

Posted: 01/28/24 12:29
by bunniefuu

- Please, god,

if Joe's alive,
just let me know.

Give me some kind of a sign
that my son is not dead.

Orders for the
30-foot section.

Yes, on Monday.

Okay, I'm about
to finish the corrections

of the McNally plans.

can take care of it.

You need to get out of here.

has his hands full

with the cedar town job.

Randy, I promise
the place won't fall apart

while you're gone,

and your wife's still
holding on line two.

put her through.

- Hello.

- Don't tell me you're
still at the office.

- All right, I won't tell you.

- Dang it, Randy, you promised
you'd help me pack the Van.

We're supposed to pick
up Zack and Tucker

from school at 11:00.

- I know. I'm wrapping it up.

- You also promised you weren't
gonna go into work today.

That's what this
trip is all about.

- Okay, I'm leaving now.

- Fine, bye.

- Tater, Cleo, cut it out!

Come on.

Daddy's home!

- Zoom, zoom, zoom.
- There he is.

- Daddy, daddy!

- Hey, buddy.

Hey, how you doing?

Wanna go to the beach?

- Yeah, I wanna see a shark.

A shark?

Big Joe simpkins,
fearless shark hunter.


- Okay, I'm a great
white! I'm gonna get you!

I'm gonna get you!

Arr! Arr!

- Boom, boom!

You got a 25-footer.

Good job, buddy. Good job.

Give me five.

- Big shark dead.

- I'm sorry, okay.

- Vacation's supposed
to be a chance for you

to spend some time with
you family for a change.

You're not getting off
to a very good start.

- We haven't left yet.

Okay, you're right.

- I thought you were gonna
take that dog to the pound.

- I was. I just
haven't had time.

- Well, if he stays
here any longer,

Joe's never gonna
let you take him.

We don't need another dog.

- Got it.

- I go to pawpaw's.

- No.

- I go to pawpaw's!

- No! Joe, you're
staying right here.

We're just about to leave.

This is what I've been
dealing with all morning.

This has got to be the
tenth time he's told me

he's going to pawpaw's.

- Hey, buddy, you can't go
to pawpaw's right now, okay,

'cause pawpaw's out working.

- There's some bags inside the
door that need to be loaded.

I'm gonna start
closing up the house.

You can go ahead and
buckle him up in the Van.

- All right, come on,
buddy, you heard your momma.

Let's get in the Van.

- I ride my bike.

- All right, well, you're
gonna be cooped up in here

for a long time so go ahead,
but stay right here, okay.


Okay, daddy.

- Whoa! Hey!

Hey, buddy, you got a
license to drive that thing?

Get daddy!

Look out!

- Hey, you are a crazy driver!

I did it!

- What are you doing?

- Just shutting
down the computer.

- No, you're not, you're
checking your work email.

- Let's not get into this again.

- Okay.

I need to go to the bathroom.

I'll meet you out there.

- Joe!



Did Joe come inside with you?

- No. You didn't
put him in the Van?

- He was just out here riding
his trike a minute ago.

- Well, he probably
headed for your parents'.

- He's never done that before.

- How would you know?

He followed Zach and Tucker
there just last week.

- Joe! Joe!

- I'll check around here.

Why don't you check
the trail to pawpaw's?

- Okay.

- Joseph simpkins!

You better get in this Van if
you know what's good for you!

- Joe!

- Joe!

- Hello.

- Hey, is Joe over
there with you?

- No, is there a problem?

- Well, we were just about to
pull out, and he disappeared.

He's been telling me all day
he wants to go to pawpaw's.

I figured
he headed your way.

- No, I'm looking out the back,

but all I see is Randy.

- All right, just keep
an eye out for him.

I'm gonna keep
looking around here.

- Okay.

I just told christal
I haven't seen him.

I'll check around the house.

I just hope he's okay.

- I'm sure he is, momma. He'll
probably show up any minute.

- I'm gonna go check sweetgrass.

- Okay.

- Joe, if you're hiding from me,

you better come out now
or you'll get the whooping

you'll never forget!

- Joseph simpkins, if you can
hear me, you better answer me!



- Joe!

- Did you find him?

- No.

- I checked the pond
behind mom and dad's.

I checked the entire
sweetgrass yard.

I don't understand it.

He could not have gone that far.

- He's probably
just hiding from US,

thinking that this is a game.

- That doesn't make any sense.

He knew we were about to leave.

- Honey, he's two years old.

He doesn't do anything
that makes sense.

I guess I'll go check
with the neighbors,

see if he went visiting.

I don't know where else
to check right now.

I turned the house upside down.

- Yeah, I'll keep
checking the fields.


- Hello, christal, is
there something wrong?

- We can't find Joe.

We were just about to
leave for vacation,

and he's just vanished.

- Well, I haven't seen him.

- I was thinking
about your pool,

and how he always
want to come swimming.

Goodness, we don't
have the cover on it.

- Okay, I'm gonna
continue up the street

and check to see if
anybody else has seen him.

Will you keep an eye out?

- My older boy's home.
We'll look around.

I don't wanna be a bother.

- Don't be silly. He's your son.

We need to find him.

- Thank you.

- Joe!



where are you, Joe?

can you hear me?


- Any news yet?

- I checked with most
of the neighbors,

and those who are out
are looking for him.

- I'll call Larry.

He's with a crew in cedar town,

but he'll wanna know
what's happening.

- I'm gonna go by miss grace's
place, and then head home.

- Lord, I just hope
that little boy is okay.

- He better pray I don't wring
his neck when we find him.

- Joe!


Carroll county 9-1-1.

Do you have an emergency?

- Yes.

What is the
nature of your emergency, sir?

- Our son is missing.

your name, sir?

- Randy simpkins.
I'm his father.

Are you
currently at your residence

on 1-5-0 wilderness trail?

- Yes.

What is the
name and age of your child?

- He's a two-year-old
boy. His name is Joe.

He was playing on our driveway,

and then he just, he vanished.

How long
has he been missing?

- Maybe, I guess 30
minutes, maybe 45 minutes.

We searched everywhere,
inside the house,

outside the house,
the whole area.

I've already
dispatched a deputy

to assist you.

Please remain at your
home until he arrives.

- They'll be here soon?

Yes, sir,
they're on their way.

- Thank you. Thank
you very much.

- You're a little close
to the phone lines.

- Randy's boy Joey's gone
missing back at his place.

I'm gonna head
home to help look.

- You want US to come with you?

- I appreciate it, but this
job has a tight deadline.

- You sure? We can just start
extra early in the morning.

- They'll probably find him
before I even get there.

You boys better keep at it.

Sorry I have to
leave you like this.

Good luck, boss.

You heard the man.
Let's get back to work.

- This is my wife, christal.

- Hi, I'm seargeant Bert Smith.

- Hi.

I understand
your boy is missing.

- That's right.

Where did you last see him?

- I already told you...

- I need to hear
it from her, sir.

Do you mind if we
step over here?

- Sir, I apologize,
but what did you say

your name was again?

- Division chief benefield,
carroll county fire rescue,

but you can call me bud.

- Okay, bud, why is he
questioning my wife like that?

I already gave him
all the same info.

- Nothing to worry about.

Just wanna maybe see if
she remembers anything

that you might have missed.

- Mind if we have a look inside?

- No, of course not.

- You've checked the
house thoroughly?

- Several times.

- Was your son in trouble?

Have you had an argument with
him or anything like that?

- No, no, he was
excited about the trip.

There was no reason
for him to be afraid?

He wasn't being
punished for anything?

- No, sir, no.

Excuse US a moment.

- What are you thinking?

- Everything seems
to check out to me.

Their stories match.

Nice home, well maintained,

Van loaded for vacation,
just like they said.

- And they're not frequent
flyers with your department

or anything like that?

- No, this is the first
time I ever been here.

Fact is, I understand the
sheriff knows the family.

- This is gonna be
a bear of a search.

There's a lotta woods
and brush out here.

This is gonna take
a lot of manpower.

- Yeah, guess we
better get to it.

- Is something wrong?

Are we suspects or something?

- No, ma'am, not at all.

We just have to be certain
that before we call the cavalry

that we understand
the situation.

- You mean, if we're
telling the truth.

- Not every call we get
is what it appears to be,

especially when
children are involved.

I hope you understand.

- Yeah, we do understand.

- Have you seen any unusual
vehicles in the area lately,

or any strangers?

- You don't think somebody
grabbed him, do you?

- I doubt it. You're pretty
isolated out here and all.

It'd be hard for someone
to do it and not be seen,

but it has happened.

Anyone you know holding
a grudge against you,

a disgruntled employee
or a family member?

- No, no, none that
I can think of.

- Seargeant Smith
and I are gonna

step outside and make some calls

for additional
manpower and resources.

Once they're on their
way, I'll need to go over

more details with
the two of you.

- If you have a recent
photo of your son,

it'd be a big help.

- Yeah, sure.

I'd like the two
of you to show me on a map

where you've looked and where
you think he might have gone.

And don't worry too much.

He'll probably come
wandering up any minute,

but if he doesn't,

we'll have a lotta people here
looking for him real soon.

- Thank you.

- Helo.

- Hello, pastor Jerry,
this is Mary simpkins.

- Mary, what can I do for you?

My grandson Joe,
Randy and christal's baby boy,

has disappeared.

We're looking all over for him.

The police are here
and everything.

My goodness,
Mary, you don't think

that someone took
off with him, do you?

- I don't know.

I think he just wandered off.

There's so many lakes
and ponds around here,

and lots of woods.

He's never just walked
off like this before.

- I understand. It's okay, Mary.

- I was hoping that we might
get a prayer chain started.

- I think that would
be a good idea.

- I'm making some calls
but there's a lotta names.

- I'll get some help.

Do they need anyone
to help search?

- I think so.

We'll get
some volunteers, too.

- Thank you.

- Mary, it's gonna be okay.

God will be right here,

and remember, he's
with Joe, too.

All members
should bring atvs if available.

Dispatch is clear, 803.

803 is gold dust command.

Randy, hang on.

I need you over
here for a minute.

- Yeah.

- I need you to stay
here for right now.

- Why? I'm just standing around.

I should be out
looking for my son.

- I understand, but we have a
lot of professional searchers

headed our way and we
gotta have a game plan

when they get here.

Plus, I need you here to
help me paint a picture

of this area so we can
get them in the field

as quickly as possible.

- Okay, I could have been
doing that the last 15 minutes.

- If you had, then they wouldn't
be on their way right now,

plus I had to call the state
emergency management office

to request the resources
that are gonna take

the longest to get,
like a helicopter,

so we can have it here
when it'll do US some good.

How's it going?

- Dnr says they
can have one in 45,

but their chopper's
not flir-equipped.

Our state patrol
friend over there

says he's got one
that's flir-equipped...

- flir?

- But it doesn't have an eta.

- What...

- it's a forward-looking
infrared camera.

It can detect objects like a
heated body through the trees.

- That's not gonna be much
good on a hot day like this.

- Maybe not but if we get
into the night, it will,

plus with all the
foliage out here,

it's gonna be hard for a chopper

to have any kind
of vision anyway.

It's better than not having one.

- Bud, the chopper will
be all set in an hour.

Tell 'em to head this way.

- Okay.

- What about the canine unit?

- They're working on drug
interdiction up in meriwether.

Eta is about an hour.

- We can't wait that long

to get the search
teams in the field.

- What's the problem?

- Normally, you want the dogs
to get into the field first.

Once the search
teams get out there,

they can confuse the scent.

It's better late than never.

Let's just get 'em
here, all right?

Randy, show me
where you've looked,

and what neighbors
you checked with.

- Is there a
helicopter there yet?

You can never tell with
these state agencies

how long it will take to
get one there, if at all.

Tell christal I'll be
there as soon as possible.

Thanks, dear.

- Is everything okay?

- The two-year-old
son of my dear friends

Randy and christal
simpkins has disappeared.

- God, that's awful.

- It's going to be very
difficult terrain to search.

A helicopter's
their best chance.

- Do you think the
Atlanta news stations

will send one of theirs?

- They won't unless
they assign a reporter

to cover the story.

That would be the hard part,

to convince them that this is
a story they need to cover.

We're just too far outside
Atlanta to get much attention.

- Okay, do you still have
your contacts at channel six?

I know you did a presidential
debate analysis for them once.

- Yes, yes, I'm sure I can
get one of the producers

on the phone.

- Okay, we have interns at
all the network affiliates.

I can call one of them and see
if they can put me in touch

with their story
assignment editor.

- Bless you, Teresa.

If you get a reporter
on the phone,

transfer it to my office.

And don't take no for an answer.

Don't worry, I won't.

- Okay.

Okay, I'm on my way over.

Thank you, Mary.

- Christal simpkins' little
one has gone missing.

There's a search
on at their place.

I'm going over to help.

- I wanna go, too.

- Okay, lock the doors.

Were closing up.

- I think you're the
third person to do that.

I was the first.

- Better safe than sorry.

Does Joe like to hide?

- No, not unless he's
playing hide and seek

with his brothers,
and they weren't here.

- Any little hideaway places
he likes to take naps?

And I checked
'em all several times.

I've already answered
all these questions.

Everybody's asking
me the same things

over and over again.

I don't understand
why you all don't just

get out there and find my son.

- I understand your
frustration, Mrs. Simpkins.

Right now, the more
information we get, the better.

Maybe you'll think
of something new

after being asked
a hundred times.

Maybe I'll hear something
the other deputies didn't.

Sheriff Reeves, these
are the parents.

- There's no need, deputy,
our families go way back.

Randy, christal.

Guess you all figured my people

needed something
to do today?

- I didn't.

I guess my son did.

- It's Joe that's missing?

- That's right.

- Okay, I'm gonna head on
over, check what the plan is,

and I'll come back and
let you know what's what.

- Thanks, Tony.

- We'll find him for you,
christal. Don't you worry.

- Thank you.

- Deputy.

- How embarrassing, our
Christmas lights are still up.

- That's what you're
worried about right now?

- No, that's not what i'm
worried about right now!

What I'm worried
about is our son,

who would be here right now
if you'd done what I asked.

- What are you talking about?

- I told you to
put him in the Van,

but you don't ever
do anything I say,

like taking down the
Christmas lights!

- I'm sorry, okay!

Somebody has to
work around here.

- Don't even start!

That's just your
excuse to get away

from the really hard
work around here.

- You think I don't work hard?

That's all I ever do,

so I can put food on the table,

clothes on our kids,

and a roof over our head.

- I know you work hard,

just not at what really matters.

- Providing for my family
is not what really matters?

- Do you think your
boys are gonna thank you

when they grow up for
all the work you did?

- I'm gonna go find our son.


Yeah, can you give me a smile?

- Okay, let's go
through it again.

Is there any way that he
might have, I don't know,

gone to visit some neighbor?

- Ma'am, I'm sorry,
can I help you?

- I'm a friend of the family.

What's your name?

- I'm Carol fulton.

- Okay, hang on just one second.

Let me get them through.

Follow them up when they go by.

Guys, can I help you?

- Pop that trunk.
Let's get this thing opened.

- Hey, there, Tony.

- Gary.

- Where we at?

- I'm ready to get
these boys in the field

and find that kid.

- Let's do it.

christal, come here.

- I'm such a failure.

- No, you're not.

- I lost my son.

What kind of mother
loses her son?

- It's not your fault.

Children wander
off all the time.

Mine have several times.

- I can't find him, Carol.

He's just vanished.

What if I never see him again?

I just don't think
I can do this.

- Yes, you can,

because god is
right here with you,

and he is out there
watching over little Joe,

and he is going to bring
him back home safe to you.

- Do you think so?

- Yes, I do,

if we ask for his help.

Let's do that right now.

- Okay.

- Dear lord, please be with
little Joe wherever he is.

Please be with these brave
men who have come to help,

and please be with christal
and Randy right now,

and bring them
comfort and strength.

We ask this in your name, amen.

- Amen.

Thank you.

You're right.

He's here with US and with Joe.

- Of course he is.

- Thank you, Carol.

Gather around, everyone.

Come on in.

- Listen up.

We're ready to
divide you into teams

and get you into the field.

The description of the
boy you're searching for,

Joseph simpkins, is posted here,

at the command post, along
with a current photo.

We have divided the
search area into sections.

Each team will be responsible
for an assigned section.

Team leaders will
check back here

every 20 minutes with par.

There's several lakes
and ponds out there,

and there's a manure pit here.

Looks for any signs of disturbance,
footprints and such,

along the perimeter of any
and every body of water

no matter how small.

Got that?


- Most of you all
know each other.

You know that our two
departments have always

worked well together but
today, we're one department.

You got me?

That said,

it's possible we could find a
crime scene out there today.

I hope to god that doesn't
happen but if it does,

the first thing I want
you to do is make certain

that the boy is, in fact, dead.

Back away from the scene,

cordon off the area,

and report in to US
using police code only.

Fire rescue is gonna
relinquish the scene,

and the sheriff's department

and the state patrol takes over.

Any questions?

- No, sir.

- Bud's gonna give you your
assignments. Good luck.

- Okay, guys, the
sheriff already has

a perimeter established with
some of his deputies out there.

- Joe!

Joseph, can you hear me?




- Do they need help?

I think...

It's my husband.

Excuse me.

- Mary, he's still missing.

- I was headed down to the pits

where we dumped the lake debris,

and they're filled with water.

- I've been meaning to
fill those things in.

I just haven't had the time.

- I've been making some calls.

Lots of people have been
coming by to help search,

plus the sheriff's over
at Randy and christal's.

- I'm gonna have a look around.

If you see anything
suspicious in those pits,

I'll get the pump.

- We figured if you were
gonna take the day off,

we would, too.

- I appreciate that,
boys, I truly do.

- How can we help?

- Just spread out
and start looking.

- Don't worry, we're gonna
find him, all right, boss?

- Okay, team three, I
want you to head east

on gold dust trail, all right?

I want you to clear every
house up to this point here.

Check crawl spaces,
storage sheds, everything.

Let me know when the
area's been cleared.

- Let's go.

- Chief, chopper's onsite.

- This is deputy
director baskins.

We are onsite requesting
where you would like US

to begin the search.

- Stand by.

- Have 'em go a one-mile radius

and survey for any
areas of interest

that might warrant investigation
by a ground crew, okay?

- The k9 team's
arrived but they say

with everybody out
here, they can't deploy.

I told 'em to stand by.

We'll just let 'em know
if we find a fresh place

to search that
hasn't been trampled.

Whoa! You
better listen to me.

- Listen, mister...

Seargant Bert Smith.

- Yeah, whatever.

Look, I'm Randy's cousin.

His mom called me to
help look for little Joe,

and that is what I'm gonna do.

- I done told you, only
search and rescue personnel

are allowed in the fields.

- I don't see that many
of 'em out there, frankly.

- It seems to me that if you
really wanna find the boy,

you'd accept any help you could.

How do I know you're
related to the family,

that you just won't go out
there and make matters worse,

like get lost, or hurt,
or trample over clues,

or who knows what else?

The fact is I got
my orders, sir,

and you ain't going anywhere

except right back
down that driveway.

- What I'm gonna do is
go through that gate,

and if you don't like
it, you can sh**t me.

Deputy Smith.

Over here.

- The sheriff wants
a word with me.

I'll tell him how you feel
and I'll see what I can do,

but you've got to agree you
just gonna stay right here

while I do, okay?

- What's going on, Bert?

- Sir, we got a little
trouble brewing.

We getting flooded with
folks that I don't even know

who want to jump in and search.

I told him polite, but he
ain't taking no for an answer.

We already got some of 'em
out there on their own.

- I just got a report
that there's folks parking

over at the sweetgrass farm
and searching on their own.

- This could get
outta hand real quick.

The problem
is we don't know

who half them folks are
and every now and then,

you get some wacko
showing up and offering

to search for a missing kid

that doesn't have the
purest of intentions.

- Well, if we
don't let 'em help,

things could get real ugly.

We could spend just as
much time on manpower

trying to get 'em
to stop searching.

- Then Randy and
Chris are gonna wonder

why we're turning away help.

- Well, it is their child.

I say we express
our concerns to them

and see what they think.

- My mother-in-law has been
on the phone with her church

and everyone else she knows.

Believe me, that's
a lot of people.

- It looks like
they all showed up.

- What do you want US
to do, Mrs. Simpkins?

- I think they're the
answer to a lotta prayers.

- All right, have your men
bring 'em to the command post.

We'll start a sign-up sheet
for those who wannna search.

We'll integrate
'em with our men.

That way we can
keep an eye on 'em.

- Deputy.

Send somebody over to that farm

and round up
everybody over there

who's searching on their own.

Tell 'em if they
wanna search with US,

they gotta sign in here first.

- Yes, sir.

- Thank you.

- Joe!

- Let's see if we can hit the
top of the grain elevator.

Yeah, you can, Joe. Go ahead.

I can't.

Pretty good.

- sh**t, that was
nothing, watch this.

- This is Randy.


- No, that bid went in Thursday.

Well, I know for a fact
because I delivered it myself.

- Daddy, watch!

- Joe, Joe, stop it,
okay, I'm on the phone.

are we gonna do?

- All right, you know what,

I've got a copy in the office.

Give me a few minutes and
I'll fax it over to you.

Thanks for letting me know.

You're a lifesaver.

Sorry, guys.

Joe, I'll come back and
watch you in a minute.

- Let's go home.















- Sir, if you'd like to
help with the search,

I'm gonna need you to sign
in at the command post.

- This is Joe's dad.

You okay, Randy?

- Yeah.

- I'm sorry, I didn't know.

- No problem.

I'm just, I'm very
thankful that you're all here.

- You're welcome to join US.

- No, no, sir, I'm gonna
head back to the house.

- If you're sure.

Let's continue our grid search.

- It'll be okay, Randy.

We're here for you, and for Joe.














- Please.

- Joe.

- Please, god,
don't take my son.

Please, don't take my son.

- I know I haven't been there.

I know I haven't spent
enough time with him.

Please give me another
chance to be there.

All right, Joe!

Joe simpkins
draws back! He throws!


Number seven,
Joe simpkins breaks open

for a huge first

- I now pronounce
you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

- Here's your grandson.

Ho, ho.

- Please, god,

if Joe's alive,

just let me know.

Give me some kind of a sign

that my son is not dead.

- Terry.

- Thank you, momma.

Find everything okay?

- Yes, but I heard the worst
thing while I was gone.

Little Joe is missing.

What was that, momma?

- The youngest simpkins
boy is missing.

They must have half the county
over there looking for him.

- What was that about Joe?

That's the boy's
name, Joe simpkins.

- Well, I guess we better
get over there and find him.

- You sure, daddy?

You just had heart
surgery two months ago.

- I'm well enough.

All right, let's go.

- Ed, I know you
wanna help, I do, too,

but they've got plenty
over there, believe me,

the sheriff, fire, state patrol.

They could use a couple more.

Make that three.

All right.

- Christal, hi, I'm joy, from
the church in whitesburg.

We've come to help
find your boy.

- How did you even know?

- Your preacher
called our preacher,

and we decided to get a
group up and come on over.

- Thank you.

What can we do?

- Excuse me.

- Momma!

- You didn't have to.

- It was no problem at all.

Believe it or not, they
closed school early.

When principal Ballard
found out about Joe,

he told US teachers
he was headed here

and invited US to come with him,

and I knew you were gonna
be a little too busy

to pick up your boys.

- Thank you so much.

- Is Joe okay?

You know your brother.

Little Joe is just
playing a game

of hide and seek with everyone.

A very good game.

Don't worry, we"re
gonna find him.

- He's dead.

- Hey, don't say that.

Your brother is not dead.

- He is so.

- It's not funny, okay.

I don't wanna hear
you say such a thing.

- Okay.

- I did not realize there
was gonna be so much activity

so if you'd like, I'll
take the boys to my place

until things quiet down.

- That would be wonderful.

You sure you don't mind?

- Not at all.

- Okay, guys, you wanna
go to miss Emma Jo's place

for a little while?

- No, I wanna stay with you.

- Does she have video games?

- Yes, I do for when
my grandkids visit.

- All right!

- You just be a good boy and go

take care of your brother, okay?

I love you.

You, too, you little

Come on.

- I'll call you as soon
as I know something.

Gold dust command,
this is 4-0-1.

Go ahead, 4-0-1.

- We've cleared all the houses
here on gold dust trail.

Awaiting further instructions.

- Roger, 4-0-1, have your men
head north across the street.

Let's clear the pine
grove all the way

up to the ward property, over.

- That's the last of the houses.

Chopper's gonna check
the swamp to the west.

Nothing yet.

We got additional
personnel Atv.

- That'll help.

- Hold on a second.

Hey, where you been?

- Out looking.

- Yeah, I understand what
you're feeling, Randy,

but I'm gonna need you here.

You got information
we that might need.

It could be crucial.

- Okay.

- You okay?

- Fine.

- All right, listen to me.

I'm gonna need you
to buck up, son.

- Buck up?

How do I do that, Tony?

My head is filled
with all these images.

My son floating
face-down in a pond,

suffocating at the
bottom of a well,

calling to me for help.

I'm not there.

- I get it. Randy, I do.

But if these people
think you've given up,

they might just
do the same thing.

They need you to be
strong right now.

Your son needs you to
be strong, you hear me?

Even if you gotta fake it, you
gotta show that you got hope.

Hell, man, we still
got several hours

of good sunlight left.

We got a good sh*t
at finding your boy.

- I hear you, Tony.


Good man, let's go.

- Your doctor would k*ll you

if he saw you walking
on that torn achilles.

- How is she holding up?

- See for yourself.

- I thought she'd be a wreck.

- You coached her in softball.

You know how tough she is.

- I'm so glad you're here.

- I come bringing good news.

We've got reporters
from channel six and 11

on their way here now,

and they're bringing
their helicopters.

- We're gonna be on the news?

- It's a good thing,

more eyes in the sky.

The more we put the word out,

the more people will
keep an eye open.

- I know you're right.

It's wonderful. Thank you.

I just feel like
such a terrible mom.

- Nothing could be
further from the truth,

and everybody here knows that.

- Thank you.

- I told you there must be

a couple of hundred
people out here.

- Let US off here.

- I'll see if there's anything
I can do up at the house.

Please be careful.

- Okay.

- Sir, can we give you a hand?

- Sure, just checking for
signs the boy mighta fallen in,

footprints, that kinda thing.

- How's it going so far?

- I'm concerned that we
haven't found him yet.

When a child this
age goes missing,

the first three
hours are crucial.

The odds of finding him alive
after that drop considerably.

- How many hours
has he been missing?

- Over four.

I hate to say this but with
all the ponds, the streams,

the swamps, and old
Wells we got around here,

I got a bad feeling
that he's laying

on the bottom of one of 'em.

- You holding up?

- Just thinking about
the coyote dens I spotted

in the woods a
couple of weeks back,

rattlesnakes, cotton mouths,
scorpions, everything else.

I used to think this
place was so beautiful,

god's country.

It doesn't feel that way today.

Hey, tiger, how
you doing, buddy?

- Joe get along with your dog?

- Yeah, well, not as well
as with Cleo, our other dog.

Well, not our other dog.

We're keeping her for a friend.

I was supposed to
take her to the pound,

but Joe and that dog
get along so well,

I don't think i'm
gonna be able to.

- Where's the dog now?

- Come to think of it,
I haven't seen the dog

since Joe disappeared,

and she was with him
right before he did.

You think the dog is with him?

- It's a possibility.

- Command to all units,
be advised that subject

was last seen with a
medium-sized black dog,

labrador mix, answers
to the name of Cleo.

That's Charles,
Lincoln, Edward, ocean.

If you see the
subject or the dog,

report to the command
post immediately, out.

Deputy, check with that
dog's previous owner,

and make sure he hasn't wandered

on back home, all right?

Watch your footing.

We got four or five
groups already out there,

and they're headed
back up this way.

We're gonna start going
from oak grove road,

and clear all the way up to
the area of the northwest.

A team searched that area
a couple of hours ago.

There's a thousand
places for him to hide.

He could have
easily been missed.

Report in every 20 minutes.

Good luck.

- Hey, hey, can we join
you, me and my daddy?

- Is he up to it?

Yeah, he'll walk
you in the ground.

- Sure, everybody spread
out about five feet,

and start combing the area.

- Okay.

- Hello.


Hi, Sally.

I just called
to see if there's any word.

- Not yet, I'm afraid.

Ijust wanted
to let you know we have

a huge prayer chain
going for little Joe.

I think every church in
the state has one going.

- That's, that's just...

Are you okay?

- I just don't think...

I guess my brain isn't
functioning properly.

I read something
recently about possums

and the way they play dead
when they feel threatened.

- Well, they don't
really play dead at all.

Their little brains
just freeze up with fear

and they shut down.

- I think that's how
I feel right now.

You just
hang in there, Mary,

and just try to feel
all the love and support

that's coming your way, okay?

- Thank you.

- Hey, Chester, we went
ahead and cleared out an area

for your media vehicles.

- Thank you, sheriff.

I've got another question.

I noticed some of your
k9 units are here.

I'm told none of the
dogs are in the field.

- Yes, sir, that's correct.

- Why is that?

- It's not like you see
in the movies, Chester.

Police dogs aren't

They can't just pick
up one person's scent

and track it in a crowd.

With all the searchers
we got in the field,

it's just a waste of
time to deploy 'em.

- I see. That's a real shame.

- What about that woman up
in polk county, Tracy sosha.

- I know her but, I mean,

my k9 officers doubt her dogs

can do anything our dogs can't.

- Don't you think
it's worth a try?

I mean it might make christal
feel that more is being done,

if you understand.

- If you think it'll help, I'll
be happy to give her a call.

- The media has arrived.

- Chester Gibson, thank
you so much for coming.

- It's our pleasure, Mr. Gibson.

I just hope we can help.

Where can we set up?

- The sheriff has got
a place right up here.

The command post
is right up here.

You can get a briefing from
chief Thomas of fire rescue,

and sheriff Reeves,

and I'll see if
the family is up to

granting an interview as well.

Good, I'd like to
do that as soon as I can.

- Of course.

Hey, Joe!



- What you thinking, daddy?

- I'm thinking we
oughta head this way.

- These guys are
moving too slow.

I think we can do
better on our own.

- Let's go.

- Currently, we have eight
search teams in the field,

plus numerous officers on atvs.

In fact, we have
so many searchers,

the American red cross
set up an aid station

to provide food and
water for everybody.

- It also looks like
you have a large number

of community volunteers.

Is it common that so many
people will turn out like this

to help look for
a missing child?

- No.

No, I've never seen anything
like it before in my life.

As a professional, i'm
concerned about the number

of untrained searchers
in the field,

but as a human being,

as a human being, it
kinda restores your faith

in the goodness of people,
if you know what I mean.

That's all, thank you.

- Yeah, I got it.

I don't want
you working in the store, Joe.

You're not in class.

I want you to be studying

or socializing with
your classmates.

- I just thought Danny
could use a hand today.

I could always use
the extra money.

- Don't worry about the money.

There'll be plenty of time later

to worry about the
money, believe me.

- I just don't wanna be
a burden on the family.

- You're not.

Sylvia and I are very
proud of you, Joe.

We want you to
enjoy these years.

You worked the entire time you
was in high school, remember?

- Thank you.

- Where are you, Joe?

- What's that, daddy?

- Nothing.

I appreciate
, little brother.

I gotta get.

Lockheed doesn't like their
supervisors to be late.

- Say, they're not really
gonna let you build planes

people are gonna
fly in, are they?

- You rascal.

All right, what
you got?

- Who's the old man now, boy?

I'll see you in the morning.

- All right, see you at home.

See you, ed.

Get in the car!

All right, let's go!

- You're thinking about your
little brother, aren't you?

- Maybe a little.

A little.

There's always also
thinking about where I'd be

if I was a boy, where I'd go.

When I was little, I
used to play back there,

around there where four
farms come together.

That was a lifetime ago, though.

- It hasn't changed that
much, let's go check it out.

- All right, let's go.

- Copy, stand by.

that, standing by.

- The team has found some marks

at the edge of a
pond in area four.

The locals call it grace lake.

- That area was
searched earlier.

They reported nothing.

- It's possible the previous
team made the marks.

- Or they missed them.

I have a dive team ready to go.

- It's the first lead
we've had all day.

Go ahead and deploy 'em.

We better do it while
it's still light.

- Bud, be discreet.

Have 'em access the
pond from the side

and use a secure radio channel.

If they find out that
we're dragging the pond...

- sheriff, the chopper needs
to return to base to refuel.

- Send 'em.

- My station has given me
clearance for our chopper

to assist in the search.

- There you go, sheriff, now
you got another helicopter.

- I'm gonna need to
get a deputy on board

to coordinate the search.

Bert, you know the area.

- You want me to cram myself

in one of those
flying contraptions?

for a good cause.

- I guess you got a point.

I hope that thing's
got a barf bag.

- Be careful what
you sh**t out there.

I've been on almost a
dozen of these searches,

and they never have
a happy ending.

- Got it, no close-ups
of a two-year-old

floating face-down on the 5:00.

- At least no close-ups.

- Hey, I'm Jack graves.

- Sergeant deputy Bert Smith,

carroll county
sheriff's department.

You keep this thing
nice and level,

and you and I'll
get along just fine.

Watch that hook!

Got it.

right, let's dive.

- Bud, we only got about
an hour of light left.

Let's recall a couple of teams

and get 'em equipped
for night ops.

- Team two and team five,
return to gold dust command.

return to gold dust command.

- I don't understand.

Why are they recalling
the search teams?

They haven't even found him yet.

- Don't worry, it's routine.

They'll be re-deployed.

- I am worried. I'm
worried to death.

Why can't they find him
with all these people?

My little boy is about
to be out in the dark

without his momma and...

- You think he
could be in there?

- When I was a kid, I
played in these woods.

- How could he have
gotten past this fence?

This bottom wire's electrified.

Why would he have even tried?

- We've been looking in
places that have already

been searched since we got here.

Nobody's looking in there.

- Yeah, for a reason.

Yeah, well.

- Hell, it's worth a try.

Keep it spread out while
I get in there, okay?

All right.


This is Tracy sargent,
her dog cinco.

- Thank you for coming.

Miss sargent figures
our best sh*t here is

to bring cinco in to where
Joe's scent is the freshest,

namely his room, if that's okay.

- Of course.

Good luck.

Check it.

Check it.

Very good.

- Mommy, look, mommy, look!

- Joe.

- Good job.

How about we?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, that's a good idea.

- Yep.


- I'm okay!

You're okay,
come here to me, you rascal.

I think it's time

for tickle w*r!

Are you ticklish
right there?

Check it.

Check it.

Very good.

- I don't know if christal
can take much more.

I feel it will k*ll
her if I tell her

what I think I have to.

- I understand.

- I asked sheriff Reeves
that if worse comes to worse,

if they find Joe and he's...

that I be the one to bring that
news to christal and Randy.

For some reason, I think that
that time is coming very soon.

I just feel it.

- Randy, any news yet?

- Not right yet, momma.

- Look, it's your dad.

- What's wrong?

- I'm gonna get the pumps

and start dragging
those pits by our pond.

- But I checked them.

- So did I. It don't matter.

He could have fallen
in and got trapped

underneath the surface
and never left a trace.

Most likely, he was
headed over to our place,

and we know he never made it,

and those pits are on the way.

- Daddy!

- Yeah!

- Found a coyote's den
but it's abandoned.

You okay?

- Fine.

- We been at this a while now.

What say we head on back.

I don't want you to
overdo it in here.

Let's just go
another 10 feet or so.

- Okay, go easy.


How is he?

- I'm waiting to
hear from Dr. Paul.

All they've told me is
that he was in a car crash.

Dan said he was running
something to the house.

A battery charger.

I asked him to do it.

- It's not your fault.

- Yeah.

God, please, lord.

Let our Joseph be all right,

if it be thy will,
god, bless you.

- I'm so sorry, but there
was nothing that we could do.

He broke his neck when he
was thrown free from the car,

and he d*ed before they
could get him here.

It was probably instantaneous,

no suffering if that's
any consolation.

- I'm coming for you, Joe.

I'm coming for you.

- What's that?

- It's the dog!

The black dog, just like
the one in the description.

I lost him. Hang on.


- I can't see a damn thing.

I'll call into.

Gold dust command,

we have spotted a black
dog in the tree line

matching the description two
miles to the north-northwest

- Copy, two miles

- You found the
dog, that's great.

- Can I tag along while
you tell the family?

Best hold off on that
for a minute.

The dog's gonna
stick with the boy

whether he's alive or dead.

Let US find out
which it is first.

- I've got something!

- I got movement
in the tree line,

directly north of our position.

Copy, aerial unit.

We're converging
on your position.

- I got the boy!
He's coming out.

- That don't look right.

it's a false alarm.

It was the wrong dog and a
couple of boys with a bb g*n.

We'll continue our
search pattern.

- Copy that.

- Thanks.

We should go ahead
and recall everybody.

Give 'em a chance to get
back here before dark.

You know we just lost our best
chance of finding that boy.

- I know that, Tony.

Once we'ere into night opticals,

it goes from finding a
needle in a haystack,

to finding a needle
in a stack of needles!

To all teams,

return to gold dust command

to await further
instructions for night ops.

Repeat, Of all teams,

return to gold dust command.

Hey, daddy!

We should head back before
it gets too dark in here.

- Okay.

Stay where you are.
I'll come to you.

- Joe!

Teddy! I found him!

Hey, Joe, I bet you like
tractors, don't you?

Would you like to
go ride in one?

Would you like to go see mommy?

Come on, come on!

Thank you, lord, thank you!

Thank you, lord.

Well, I'll be!


You want me to carry
him outta here?

Yeah, yeah, that's
where we're going.

- We found him. He's alive.

found little Joe.

job, great work.

Where is he?

You okay?

Thank you!

Ride pawpaw's bike.

Ride pawpaw's bike.

No, baby, you can't
ride pawpaw's bike right now.

Ride pawpaw's bike!

No, no, no, no, Joe.

I'm not letting you
go anywhere right now.

- Thank you very
much. Thank you much.

Thank you.

I wanna thank god for
watching over our boy today,

and for ed Walker
and his son, Terry.

- Moo cows!

- What was that, young man?

You said something
about moo cows?

sh**t moo cows.

- He was trying to
sh**t the moo cows.

That's how he got lost.

She's a really good dog.

She stayed with
him the whole day.

I guess we can't take her
to the pound now?

- Look out, look out,
Joe, for you, all right!

Fireman Joe!

- You guys, this is ed.

This is his son, Terry.

- Thank you for
finding my brother.

- You're welcome.
You're welcome, buddy,

both of you.

Have a good night.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Hey, bud,
later, thank you again.

- You okay?

- I can't believe he's back.

I was convinced we'd lost him,

that I lost him.

There's something
I wanna tell you,

that I want to tell him.

- Okay.

- Will you prray with me?

- Of course.

- Dear lord, thank you
for returning Joe to US,

and for giving me a second
chance to be a better father

and a husband.

Lord, I feel like you
grabbed me and slapped me,

and showed me what's
important in life.

I promise from now on
to put you and my family

first in my heart and actions,

and to find a way to somehow
give back to all those

who helped US today.

I'm so overwhelmed by your love

and so grateful to you.

Thank you for giving me
a chance to see all that,

and for giving me such a
wonderful family and wife.

In Jesus' name, amen.

- Amen.

I love you.

- I love you.

Man, I could use a vacation.

- You still wanna go?

- Yeah, don't you?

- Yes.

- I suppose we oughta get
a good night's sleep first.

- I don't know about you,

but I couldn't sleep
right now if I tried.

Me neither.

- Well, the Van is still packed.

I'm sorry, Cleo, you
can't come with US, girl.

You're gonna have to stay here.

Mawmaw and pawpaw will
take real good care of you.

Okay, come on, come
on, come on, Cleo!