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Bill Collector, The (2010)

Posted: 01/28/24 12:22
by bunniefuu

[male] Uh, be that as it may, Mr.

my client is very unhappy
with the way things are going

and is considering taking
legal action against you.

Yes, sir, that's right.

Unless you can, somehow,
come up with $336.

My bosses are really
breathing down my back

to get this case closed.

[female] Lump Sum Collection Agency.
Lump Sum Collection Agency.

Yes, well, you ordered
an x-ray machine,

and you haven't finished
paying it.

You have got
to pay something.

Really, this is ridiculous.

There's a such a thing
as cash flow,

needs to flow
from you to me.

Needs to flow from you to the
Lump Sum Collections Agency.

Hello, Mrs. Sweeney,
this is Bob Carmody

from Lump Sum Collections.

Top of the morning to ya.

Top of the morning to ya.
It's an Irish greeting.

I'm busy too.

I'm trying to do my job.

Well, you said a couple
weeks ago to give you a call

and so we can hopefully
put a little payment

on your past due bills.

What do I want you to do?
Pay the bill.

We will pick up your
equipment if we can't get

a payment from you today.

He hung up on me,
can you believe that?

What's that?

Do you remember Mr. Jenkins
calling you?

Yeah, he is a very nice man.

Your wife has been well
for at least a month.

Payment on this account,
it's 90 days past due now.

I'm starting to get
the impression, Mr. Lojer,

that you think this is
some kind of game.

Come on, let me talk to him.

Mr. Lojer, or it is loser?

You borrowed money to go to
school now you don't want

to pay it back?

You heard me.

What'd you major in in college,

World music?

Hey, we can end this
conversation here now,

Mr. Loser.

That's 3, 3 months in a row.

Makes me feel like
a red-headed stepchild.


Oh, Lorenzo, I don't know
how you do it.

Truth be told, I don't want
to know all the details.

But you've really proved
yourself again this month.

Great job and congratulations.

I don't know what
to say, I mean...

Lorenzo doesn't know
what to say, come on.

[Lorenzo] I mean, 3 months
in a row, what does one say?

[Bob] Sit down and
shut up, why don't ya?

Y'all mean so much to me.

It's like we're a family,
isn't it?

I mean, I really love you guys.

And Stan, Stan, the truth is,
I couldn't have done

the great job I did
without every one of these guys

standing behind me,
working as a team.

So really, I thank you, people.

Thank you.


Thanks, Lorenzo.

And now, let's get back
to work, people.

I need to see you
in my office.


[Stan] I was trying to remember
the last time I took a vacation.

Do you remember?

I really can't
remember, Stan.


Marcia's gonna leave me.


She says I don't
love her anymore.

Well, that's crazy.

That's what I said.

She ain't buying lt.

Hold your ground, chief.

It will blow over.

She says I'm never home,
and I put my job before her

and the family.

Come on, you run a business
for crying out loud.

You've been married,
what, once?

Twice, actually.

You know, 30 years
with the kindest,

most forgiving woman
in the world.

And if I don't do something
quick, I'm gonna lose her.

Anyway, we're leaving tomorrow.


Owen Island,
here we come.

Owen Island?


It's in the Cayman Islands.

I mean, it's out in
the middle of nowhere.

You have to take
a boat to get there.

There's no phones,
no Internet.

I mean, you are out there.

Which brings me
to you, Lorenzo.

I need you to run things
while I'm gone.


How long will that be?

Three weeks.

Heck, maybe 3 months.

However long it takes 'til I
know my marriage is fireproof.

Nothing else is
more important.

You got nothing
to worry about, Stan.

We can kind of run the office
without ya anyway.

The greater metro
hospital system.

I closed the deal yesterday to
buy all their outstanding debt.


And I want you to make that
your focus while I'm away.


Details are
all in here.

What's your margin?

Margin, come on, Lorenzo,
you don't need a margin.

That's why I pay
you the big bucks.

Yeah, boss, but
for the dilettantes

in the office, you know.

Let's say, 80 cents
on the dollar.


Hey, that girl
you're engaged to.


Yeah, the cute little
brunette or red head, or just

what is the color
of her hair anyway?

This week, it's
somewhere in between that.


Any plans on tying the knot?

Lorenzo, remember what's
important in life.

The rest will take
care of itself.


Hey, I owe ya one.

Hey and Lorenzo, don't
mention anything about the...

It makes me look bad,
you know what I mean?


[male] Okay, poker face, what ya got?

Well, my fine-feathered friends,
the eagle has just landed.

Two pounds, three kings,
just the way I like it.

That's what I love
about this game.

That's what I love.

Gentlemen, there ain't
no faking in this game.

I haven't seen you
in a while, Lorenzo.

What brings you around?

[male] Gentlemen, let's play cards.

Feeling lucky, I guess.

[male] Translation, he blew
his kazoo at the track.

What do you care?

Or had a fight
with his girlfriend.

[Lorenzo] You got a big
mouth, you know that?

All right, Lorenzo,
you in?

- Deal me in.
- My man.

I'm in.

[male] If I don't win this
game, a wheel don't turn.

[Lorenzo] Hey, come on, you're
gonna have to put some money in

if you want to see these cards.

[male] Carmine, Carmine, my man.

He don't never get tired
of listening to you.

That was fast.

I hate that.

Hey, Lorenzo, you ever
live in California?

Why do you ask?

No reason.


[phone ringing]


Did I wake you up?


Obviously, I did.

Aren't you going to work?

Look, I'm sorry
about last night.

I shouldn't have left you
there like that.

I guess you took
a cab home.

Why don't I come by
and fix you breakfast?

You know I don't
eat breakfast.

You need to eat.

Breakfast is the most
important meal of the day.

That's fine, Ramona.
It's fine.

[Ramona] And you're drinking
too much, way too much.

I like to drink.

[Ramona] And I like
to cook, so there.

I have to give you back
your car anyway.

Just brush your teeth
before I get there, okay?

No, Ramona.

[Ramona] You can drop
me off at work, bye.


Good morning.
May I help you?

Sure, I'm here
to see, Lorenzo.

Lorenzo Adams.
And you are?

An old friend.

Certainly, Mr?

I kind of want
to surprise him.

Keep our friend company
while we go say hi to Lorenzo.

That apartment number again?

Four thirty-seven.

Yeah, thank you.
We won't be long.


[Doorbell rings]

I'm coming.
I'm coming Ramona.

I'm coming. I'm coming.
I'm coming.

Wait a minute.



Aren't you gonna say hello?


I thought you were unemployed,
homeless or something.

It's not what you think.

Oh, it's not what I think.

No, everything
is on credit, man.

- Everything, it's a...
- Credit?

Who would give a scumbag
like you credit?

I'll make it up to ya,
I promise, with interest.

You owe me so much
money in interest,

I can't even get all the numbers
on my calculator.

But, it's okay.
It's okay.

'Cause if you don't pay me,
I'll just take a pound

of your flesh.

A pound of flesh?

[male] Tell Omar to get up here.

You know, I've been a long time
tracking you down.

It's a kind of
a tour of America,

West Coast, East Coast.

What do you do now?



He does collections.

The irony is not lost
on me, Frankie.

Let's get back to business
'cause I am a businessman.

Now what's more,
I want to be merciful.

Yeah, Frankie the merciful.

Suena bien, verdad?

Look, if you can
give me enough time.

How much time?

I don't know, 6, 9 months?

[Frankie] Look, you and I both
know you can't pay this debt.

But I'm Frankie the merciful,
so I want $150,000

by the end of the month.

A hundred and fifty thousand?

I only borrowed 50,000 and
that's also 3 weeks from now.

Do you want me to call
in my chips now, today?

[Lorenzo] Well, how am I gonna
come up with that kind of money

in 3 weeks?

You know what?
That's your problem.

That's not my...
don't give me your problems.

It's bad karma.

Omar, I want you to meet
Lorenzo, the scumbag.

You'll be staying here
for a few weeks,

and if he gives you
any trouble,

any trouble at all,
I want you to pick him up

by the scruff of his neck and
throw him over this balcony.

Now Omar doesn't talk much,
but he takes great pride

in doing his master's will.

Ain't that right, Omar?

You're leaving him here?

Is that a problem?

How will I ever feed him?

Look, I need to be free
to come and go.

I can't... how can I raise
that money with him

hanging around my neck?

Lorenzo, I'm gonna go back
to California in 18 days.

I want to take
my money with me.

Do you understand?

No, do you understand?


We'll be in touch.

[Doorbell rings]

Don't move.


Hi, honey.


Have you known
Lorenzo a long time?


How did you two meet?

Business, strictly business.

Hmm, I see.

What sort of business
are you in, Omar?

I know his uncle.


Yeah, yeah, it's
all about business.

Strictly business.

I see.

Well, you'll have to tell
me more about this business

sometime when you
aren't quite so busy.

Can you pass
the sauces please?

Oh, sure.
Which one would you like?

All of them.

Thank you.

What's the matter with you?

What's wrong with you?
Are you nuts?

Who is this guy?

- It's fine.
- Are you crazy?

Omar and I go way back.

His uncle and I,
we played football

in high school in Chicago.

Omar needed to get away
for a while.

The w*r had a major impact
on him, psychologically.

Everything's fine, uncle.

He's been discharged
for a while.

How long has it been, 6 months?

And he's looking for work.

We may try him out
at the agency.

He'll need to talk more
than he does now, though.

Maybe I'll send him around
in person to collect

on some of the more
difficult accounts.

Hey, Omar?

Do you like your omelet?

[Ramona] I do.
I do.

L... you're a very good cook.

I enjoy cooking.

Iggy, my man.

All right, let's go people.

Why don't you just
stay here by my desk?

I gotta go talk to the boss.

No, no, no.
I insist.

So do I.

You're late.
Lorenzo, where you been?

Unexpected company.

This is my nephew,
Omar Adams.

Pleased to meet you, Omar.

I didn't know you had a nephew.

Neither did I
until yesterday.

Haven't had much to do with
my brother or his wife.

Well, come in my office.

Well, Lorenzo, I can't tell ya
how happy I am that you're

gonna take over for me.

I'm feeling nauseous.

Here, take one of these.

What are these?

Charcoal tablets.

Go on, chew a couple of 'em.

What are these gonna do?

Looks like we're getting
a new boss for a few weeks.

Speak for yourself.

Can I come
with you?

You're uncle's
a real comedian, isn't he?

Keep an eye on him
for me, will ya?

That's my job.

Well, that does it.

Make yourself at home,
but don't overfeed the fish.


No luck, huh?

Two ex-wives
and my own mother.

Why does everyone
want me dead?

How about you?

You want me dead too?

What are you
playing there?

Ultra Ninja Rivals.

How you doin'?

I'm on the final level.

No kidding?

You're pretty good
at that.


Wow, that's
really impressive.

You got quite a talent
there, kiddo, you really do.


- You want to play?
- Me?

Nah, can't teach
an old dog new tricks.

Go ahead
I insist.

Well, all right.

You'll have to show me how
'cause I don't have a clue.

[Omar] Okay, this is a
fighting, punching, jumping,

all that stuff.

This is how to change
the weapons to sh**t at.

All right, where's the thing
that blows them up?

Where do I do that?

That button
right there.

It's not working.

Oh, come on.

Well, where do... well, l... hey,
why don't we take a walk, huh?

Get some fresh air.


[Lorenzo] That's
Portsmouth across the way,

and over there is
the PAHC headquarters.


You mean Pac-Man?
What are you talking about?


Protecting Animals
From Human cruelty.


Maybe they can
help me.

I had a dog once.

Yeah, no kidding?


His name was Bombozzle, but
I had to leave him in Mexico.

What happened?

Well, when my parents d*ed,
uncle Frankie took me in,

but he hates dogs.

He probably keeps
scorpions as pets.

So what did you do that made
Uncle Frankie so mad at you?

He loaned me money
to start a restaurant

and it went belly up.

And I skipped town.



I want to have
a restaurant someday.

Get out of here.

Yeah, I do,
but Uncle Frankie says

I'm not smart enough.

Ah, what does
Uncle Frankie know?

Uncle Frankie know's a lot.
You'd be surprised.

You've been with Frankie
since you were a child?

Since I was 7 years old.

I see.

What in the world is that?


[Lorenzo] What's that
swimming over there?


I think it's one of those
little Chihuahuas.

He must be trying to make
it to PAHC headquarters.

What is it?
I don't see it, where?

Over there.
I think it's drowning.

Where is it?

Over there!








Watch it!



All I wanted to do
was take a walk.

Just clear my head.

I trusted you!

Don't do it, Omar.

Your fingerprints are
all over the place,

and my girlfriend saw you.

She can identify you,
and she will.

You k*ll me
and Frankie goes free.

You think I'm stupid?

Why would I think that?

A lot of people
think I'm stupid.

I don't think
you're stupid at all.

Maybe misdirected
a little bit,

but definitely not stupid!

Definitely not.

If anything,
you've got a kind heart,

kind of a like a gentle giant.

Very gentle, in fact.

That's what I think.

A lot of people
say that about me.

They do?

Well, I still
have to do this.

Do what?
No, please!

[Saxophone music playing]

You like jazz music?

Want to go listen?

We'll settle
this later, okay?

Let's go.

♪ Surrender to your plan ♪

Don't make me hurt you.


How you guys doin'?

Hello gentlemen,
you all here

for the volunteer training?

Well, let me get you to put
your names on here,

and then I'll help y'all
find some seats.

I'll see you later.

See ya later, Liz.

All right.

Hey, you guys
did a good job.

- See you Thursday.
- All right.

God bless you, now.

All right, now
y'all just follow me.

I'm Pastor Kevin,
the director of the LEC,

and I want to thank all you
volunteers for coming out.

I don't believe it's by
accident that you're here.

Something has stirred your
heart, and you've decided

that life is more than just
"what's in it for me?"

Jesus said, when we minister
to the least of those among us,

we're ministering to him.

And who are these people?

Who are the least
of those among us?

Well, there are many
different people.

There's the homeless,
for instance.

And the drug addict.

And there's the ex-con
or even the current con.

And there's
the pregnant teenager

or the high school drop-out
or the prost*tute.

These are people
that are hurting.

These are people
who need a break.

What kind of rank
is this guy right here?

[Pastor Kevin] That's the
gospel, my friend, sowing seeds

into broken lives.

[female] Well, a lot of our people
need computer skills so they

can get entry-level jobs.

So I hope you'll come back
and volunteer.

- Definitely.
- Looking forward to it.

God bless you, Tina.
God bless you, Mark.

- God bless you, Pastor.
- Thanks for coming.

Thanks for coming.

You do funerals?

- Nice piano.
- Thank you so much.

We need to have a payment.

What did you say?

- All right, here we go.
- I got you covered.

- Three points!
- That was good.

That was good.


Sixteen days left.

Didn't your boss say
not to overfeed the fish?

We all gotta go sometime.

Big guy hates the little guy.

C'est la vie.

That's why the little guy
needs help.

Help from who?

Who ever helps
the little guy?

I figured you would have learned
that lesson by now.

Life Enrichment Center.

Sowing seeds into
broken lives.

[Lorenzo] Not that I haven't
wandered from the straight

and narrow sense.

I just feel like it's
time to give back.

What does it say
in the good book?

Come unto me, all you
who are tired and weary,

all ye huddled masses
yearning for bread.

Well, I can't remember
it right now.

I'm not sure where
that is in the Bible.

Lorenzo, it sounds like that
could be another good book.

Yeah, well
you get my drift.

[Pastor Kevin]
Sure, I do.

Actually, we work with
several area businesses

to find entry-level jobs
for our people.

So I'm not the first
to come up with this idea?

[Pastor Kevin] No, but that
doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

We call it our job
readiness program.

Job readiness program?

I'm sorry, Pastor,
I just get really emotional

when I think about it.

I hope you understand,
though, a lot of our people

might not have the skills
you're looking for.

Well, that's where
I come in, Pastor.

They'll get one-on-one
training from me.


So what do you say?

Got any applicants for me?

[Pastor Kevin]

How about the whole center.

I'll need to hold
interviews, of course.

I want to make sure I give
a fair shake

to the least qualified,
you know?

I understand, Lorenzo.

God bless you.

[male] Ain't none of
my business, huh?

[male] That's right,
none of your business.

[male] Did you look
in the 'frigerator.

Look, ain't no refrigerator
around here.

I need some milk
for the coffee.

- No refrigerator?
- Coffee tastes like motor oil.

What kind of place is
this no refrigerator?

Whoo, you got that right.

[female] I had to go
to prison for a while.

I was in the car with my
boyfriend when he went in

and robbed the liquor store.

How many children
do you have?

Three or four.
I'm not sure.

What do you mean
you're not sure?

Well, I know I have four.

I just don't know where
one of them is now.

It doesn't look like you
have much work experience.

That would be true, but I'm
willing to learn and work hard.


Any office skills?

Like what?

Typing, dictation,
that kind of thing?

No, sir.

So what do you want to do
with your life, Kasheera?

I want to sing.

- Sing?
- Uh-huh.

You're part of the choir
at the LEC.

Yes, I am.

[Lorenzo] I saw you
there the other night.

Uh-huh, I'm good.

You like to talk?

- Talk?
- On the phone.

[Kasheera] Oh, I love to talk.
Yes, sir.

You're hired.

- I am?
- You start Monday.

What are you looking for?

[male] I need to get some milk, man.

Look in the 'frigerator.

Do you see a refrigerator?

Oh, man, I
can't believe this.

Good morning, gents.

Good morning.

God bless you, man.

I'm Bob Carmody.
How's things?

You got any milk
around here anywhere, man?


[male] Yeah, milk,
man, for the coffee.

Are you kidding?

All we ever get around
here is that powdered crap.


Oh, man.

Hey, you got some of that
other stuff, you know,

it's kind of like milk
but not really.

It's in a little packet
and you always spill some

'cause it's so small.

What do they call it?

- Half and half.
- Yeah.

No, I wish.
I mean...

Yeah, me too.

So where you guys
from anyway?

The LEC.

What is that some sort
of division of welfare

or something?

[male] Hey, hey, I ain't
on no welfare, all right?

I didn't say you were.

And don't be all up in
my face talking about

being on welfare.

You don't even know me
like that, man.

I never said you
were on welfare.

Have you ever
been on welfare?

Do you even know what
it's like to be on welfare?

Do you know anybody
on welfare?

Have you ever given
to a welfare fund?

I didn't think so.

So all these people,
they come from the LEC?

I think they do.

So just what is the LEC?

Hey, Alex, get
on up here, man.

I'm saving you a place.

Life Enrichment Center.

Hey, you got any
donuts down there?

Bring me a couple donuts, man.

Life Enrichment Center?

What donuts?

What's the Life
Enrichment Center?

Hey, look, all I'm doing is
trying to get a job, all right?

What about the donuts?
I need some donuts.

Excuse me, brother man.

God bless you.

Can you spare some change?

I only have enough for
my peanut butter crackers.


But I could share some of my
crackers with you, if you want.

Oh, no thank you.

I appreciate it,
but no thank you.

I'm allergic to peanut butter.

You know, lactose intolerant,
kind of swells my ankles up.

Yeah, my nose starts running
and my ear lobes get...

Okay, who's next?

Good morning, sir.

What do you need a job for?

I'm currently unemployed.

PhD in Romance languages.

Professor of English Literature
in Medieval History

at Weimar Mary College.

Adviser to
the Bush Administration?

That was Bush the father.

Father Bush.

What happened?

I beg your pardon?

How'd you end up
at the LEC?

On a daily basis, and for
many months, years in fact.

You're a wino?

In so many words,
but reformed.

Ever done any
bill collecting?

It doesn't look like it.

[male] Not exactly, but
given the breadth of my

interdisciplinary studies
and teaching experience,

I don't think it
will be difficult.

What languages
do you speak?

The Romance languages,
of course.

Of course.

[male] And a smattering
of several others.

German, Swahili, Russian.

- Russian?
- Yes, Russian.

- Bahasa Indonesian, Tagalog.
- You're hired.

I'm... I'm...

[Lorenzo] Bye-bye.
Who's next?

I was told that this was
a training opportunity?

You heard correctly.

It might lead
to full-time employment?

Anything's possible,

Let's just take things
one day at a time, shall we?

Send in the next guy.

What'd you find out?

For the moment, I have
more questions than answers.

Knowing Lorenzo, however,
even a good deed has

an ulterior motive.


♪ We're gonna lift up ♪

♪ We're gonna lift up ♪

♪ We're gonna lift up
the wondrous name ♪

♪ of our Lord ♪♪

Oh, hallelujah.

Come on, church.

Give the Lord some
praise in here.

Give him some praise tonight.

Thank you, choir.

Thank you very much.

Oh, yes.

Welcome, welcome, welcome to
our Thursday night service.

Now we have some exciting
news for you this evening.

I want to see the hands
of everyone who went

to the Lump Sum Collection
Agency earlier today.

Let me see the hands.

Oh, Wanda, look.
That's great.

That's fantastic.

Now, we have with us
tonight the co-owner.

Co-owner, is that right?

The co-owner of the Lump Sum
Collection Agency,

Lorenzo Adams, has agreed
to give each of our applicants

And get this, those 2 weeks
of on-the-job training

could lead to
full-time employment.

Oh, come on people.
Come on.

My, my, my.

Can I get an amen?

All right now, Lorenzo,
come on up here

and share what's
on your heart.

That's right, come on, son.
Come on.

Let's give him a hand
as he comes, hallelujah.


Thank you.

Thank you.

I don't have a lot
to say this evening,

except I know God is
for the underdog.

I'll say that again,
God is for the little guy,

the common man who, in this
cruel world in which we live,

doesn't stand a chance
against the fat cats

lounging by the fish bowl.

As the prophet Jehoshaphat said,
first seek the counsel

of the Lord, hallelujah.

And then the king of Israel,
he said, shall we go to w*r

with Ramoth-gilead,
or shall we refrain?

And that's the point, isn't it,
brothers and sisters?

Shall we go to w*r
for the Lord?

Shall we do his bidding
and help the little guy

who needs a helping hand?

Or are we gonna sit by and let
the fat cats in the hats eat

the little guys in cold blood
and spit out all their bones?

Well, I say no.
A thousand times no.

Get rid of the fat cats, I say.

Never let the little guy
go down without a fight.

Samson fought the giant,
didn't he?

And what about Baberham
and the baby?

And what about the whale guy?

He was in the whale.
Did he stay there?


Praise God, he got out
and he worked and he got...

and that's what we're gonna do.

We're going to work.

And I'm a champion for
the underdog, Pastor.

Always have been,
always will be.

Now I'm getting things ready,
tomorrow, for all you people,

workers in training,
and I want you reporting

for work at 9:00 a.m. Sharp
on Monday.

And as Tiny Tim once said,
God bless us, everyone.

Thank you.


Well, it seems that God is
opening some unexpected doors

here at the LEC, amen?

And we are certainly looking
forward to the good

that will come out of
this partnership with

the Lump Sum Collection Agency.

Now, I would like to review
some of the activities

for the week.


Mr. Lorenzo.

Yes, how are you?

That was such an inspiring
message you gave just now.



That was beautiful,
Omar, just beautiful.

You have a wonderful
gift, Omar.

[Omar] Uncle Frankie doesn't
like it when I play.

Who's Uncle Frankie?

I have to go now.

No, Omar.
You don't need to go.

You need to stay.

Who are you?

[Kasheera] This is my
daughter, Tameeka.

I was telling her what
a wonderful person you are.

[Lorenzo] What are they
doing over there, anyway?

They're praying
for your nephew.

Well, have them say
a prayer for me too.

Lorenzo, what are
you doing over here?

I was on my way to...

Your nephew is giving
his life to Jesus,

isn't that wonderful?

That's amazing.

He needs you
by his side.

And who is this
awful Uncle Frankie?

Trust me, you don't
want to meet him.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Thank you, Jesus.

♪ I surrender all ♪

♪ all to thee,
my blessed Savior ♪

♪ I surrender all ♪

There's something
troubling that young man.

Did you hear me?


That young man, Omar.


He's in some
kind of trouble.

I just don't know
what it is.

Well, he belongs
to Jesus now.

And that Lorenzo.
Are you listening to me?

Yes, yes.

I don't trust him.

You don't trust who?


Well, Wanda, he's doing
a great service for us.

Hmm, something tells me
he's doing

a great service for himself.


No, no.
Oh, dear.

Oh, dear.

I've been here for 2 years.
I just can't believe it.

- How long have you been here?
- I've been here 5 years.

Oh, help me.

Well, Milly, we're
all in the same boat.

Don't take it so hard.

Omar, I need to see you.

- Well?
- Well, what?

Well, what'd he say?

Not much.

I've been let go.

He can't do that.

According to my
contract, he can.

Yours too, I would imagine.

Yeah, well, we'll see
about that.


[Lorenzo] Have a seat, Mr.

I don't know what kind of
stunt this is you're trying

to pull, but I'm gonna put
a stop to it right now.


What do you
think you're doing?

f*ring the entire staff
in one day?

It's not the entire staff,
Mr. Carmody.

Oh, no?
Oh, okay.

Well, who stays on
besides you?

That is
confidential information,

and you'll never draw
it out of me.

Wait 'til Stan
hears about this.

What you fail to realize,
Mr. Carmody...

Oh, come on,
my name is Bob.

All right, Bob.

What you fail to realize is
that Mr. Davenport, Stan,

does know about this and has
given it his complete approval.

I don't believe it.

Stan has been unhappy with
most everyone's performance

around here for a long time.

The numbers are simply
not adding up.

The numbers?
What numbers?

The numbers, Bob.

Why do you think he's gone
away for who knows how long?

He's taking a vacation,
that's why.

Au contraire, Bob.
He's cleaning house.

Getting rid of the deadwood,
the barnacles

on the hull of the ship.

And guess what?

He's left me to do
the dirty work.


Because he fears

Doesn't know how to call
a spade a spade, and I do.


What are you doing?

I'm calling Stan,
right now.

You know he's

Oh, yeah?

Well, I happen to have
his private cell phone number

right here.

We'll see about this.

If I were you, I'd sue him.

Sue him?

[Lorenzo] Take him to the
cleaners, you got rights.

You bet I do.

He can't do this to you.

I'm gonna fix you,
Lorenzo Adams.

Come on.
Just let it out.

I don't trust you,
and I never did.

Just get... vent all
that rage and hostility.

Yeah, don't sweet talk me.

[Lorenzo] You think I
like doing this, Bob?

You think I like letting
Maude and Milly go

or putting jaded Johnny
out on the street?

Of course not.

Stan's private cell phone,
may I help you?

Omar, would you please
escort Mr. Carmody out?

Thank you.


No, I'm not gonna let
him get away with this.

get your hands off me.

What are you doing?
Knock it off!

- Oh!
- Oh!

[Falling down stairs]
Boom! Boom! Boom!





[Lorenzo] I know this is a shock
for everyone, but please,

we really need to try
and handle ourselves

in a more professional
manner, okay?

Now finish clearing out
your desks

and come back in 2 weeks
for your final pay checks.

That is all.

[Bob] Milly.

Iggy, come into my office.


Watch your...
Move my arm.

Iggy, where you going, Iggy?

I'm sorry, Bob.


[female] Don't move.
Can you move your head?

It hurts.

[Lorenzo] So anyway,
today at the agency,

we set all kinds of records.

It was an unbelievable day.

You're not... hey, what
do you got there, big guy?

One of your favorites.

Fettuccine alfredo!


You're gonna love this.

Cilantro and other special
ingredients, only known to me.

You're the best, Omar.


Nope, down.

Give me your hands.

God, thank you for the food.

Help Lorenzo get the money
that he needs.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Hey, can I have
some of that?

Welcome to your first day
on the job, folks.

This handsome gentleman right
here is Ignatius Pendergas

or Iggy for short.

He'll be walking you through
the day today, helping you

with the ins and outs of
the computer software

and telephone scripts
you'll need to memorize.

Over here is Omar Adams,
my nephew.

Just returned from
another tour of duty

with the U.S. Army, learning
to reintegrate into society

after experiencing fierce
battles involving

vicious hand-to-hand combat
and not a few fatalities.

Don't mess with him.

I'm Lorenzo Adams.
I guess you know that by now.

And I'll be directing operations
from my command post over there.

Now, let's be clear
about something, folks.

This is, first and foremost,
a business.

Sometimes business is rough.
Sometimes business is hardball.

Collections can truly be
a classic struggle

between the forces
of good and evil.

- Amen.
- Amen, sister.

Shout for glory because
with God on our side,

we will prevail
over Ramoth-gilead.

Now sure, we can all relate to
the poor schmoe who gets himself

into a financeable bind.

But, people, we're
here to collect money.

I'll say that again,
collect money,

collect hard,
collect fast.

Never give up.
Never give in.

And think about it, you're
doing your company a service.

You're doing your nation's
economy a service.

You're doing your
family a service.

You're even helping the poor
schmoe who owes money

in the first place
'cause at the end of the day,

you're helping him get
the monkey of debt off his back.


L... I love this job.

Okay, let's go over
how this works.

Iggy, I need your help
here on the bridge.

Now debtor X originally owed
$1,200 after Medicaid paid

its portion of the bill.

Debtor X has successfully
resisted all efforts

by the hospital to collect
on the amount due.

Enter Lump Sum Collection
Agency along with

the rising stars of the LEC.

For the next 2 weeks only,
we're gonna offer debtor X

the opportunity of satisfying
his debt for only pennies

on the dollar.

That's right.

We're gonna offer debtor X
the opportunity of satisfying

his debt for only 40 cents
on the dollar,

or in this case,
$480 instead of $1,200.

And very important,
if debtor X actually comes

into the office
and pays in cash,

we're gonna take an
additional 10% off!

Any questions?

Let's weigh anchor, Iggy.

Let's get started.

Kasheera, can I see you in
my office here just a second?

What did I do now?

Come on in here.
Have a seat.

Have a seat.

I need you to take dictation.

I've never done that before,
Mr. Lorenzo.

Don't worry, I'll
show you the ropes.


Ah, ah, oh.

You all right,
Mr. Lorenzo?

No, a football injury,
never mind.

I just need to lay down.


Mr. Lorenzo.

All right, just right here.
I'm gonna just lay down.

Go ahead.
Go ahead.

Have a seat.

Can you just help me
put my feet up there?

Oh, yeah, that's better.

Now, where was I?

You wanted me
to take dictation.

I remember now.

Should I go get
my writing pad?

Maybe later.

- Boss!
- What?

We got a problem!

I thought I hired you
to handle problems!

[Iggy] Some of these people,
they can't even read.

Oh, I can't believe that.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.


The dictation can wait.

Yes, sir.

Go help Iggy.

We need a crash course
for everyone who can't read.

The basics and get the
professor on it right away.

He used to be a teacher.

And see who's got
a good memory.

Maybe they can't read, but
they can memorize the script.

Oh, man.


- [Pastor Kevin]

- Pastor Kevin?
- Yes.

Lorenzo Adams here.

[Pastor Kevin] Hello, Lorenzo.
How are you?

Yeah, say, do you have
any volunteers who help

with literacy training?

[Pastor Kevin]
Yeah, yeah, we have a few.

Good, good.
Send them over.

- All right.
- Thanks.

How are things going?

♪ I remember the day
when I was lost ♪

♪ in a world of mistakes ♪

♪ Nowhere to run,
I had no escape ♪

♪ from the troubles in my life ♪

♪ The walls were closing in ♪

♪ I could hardly breathe ♪

♪ From the depths of my soul,
I cried help me please ♪

♪ God, if you're listening,
I need you to come ♪

♪ and rescue me ♪

♪ Got a second chance ♪

Pennies on the dollar,
paid in full.

Is that it?

That's it.

Oh, okay, thank you.

Thank you.


♪ You never turned
Your back from me ♪

♪ You brought in
the sun and rain ♪

♪ and took away all
the pain in my life ♪

♪ Now that you came
and changed my life ♪

♪ The vision is clear
and the future is bright ♪

♪ I know it's your grace that
gets me all through... ♪

You know, this stuff
comes natural to me.

I think I can make
a career for myself.

Oh yeah?

Come natural to you.

Come natural to you.

Hey, how
you doin'?

It do sound
kind of Good, huh?

You know what I really
need is a check.

I'm gonna need a check.

Hey, how you guys doing?

First day on the job?

First day.

Well, how'd it go?

I mean, is Lorenzo
behaving himself?

It went great, man.

I collected on nine
different accounts.

I did 12.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

You got 12 different
clients to pay their bills?

Yeah, that's right.

You got nine?

Yes, sir.

And you?

Over 20.

Ha, ha, ha!

How'd you do that?

[Alex] We did our job, that's all.

We got trained, man.


Well, I've been in
the collections business

for 16 years, and the most I
ever collected in a single day

was on 10 accounts.

Well, God bless you.

Hey, is this
the help wanted section

that you're reading
over here?

'Cause l... no,
that's crosswords.

I like that too.

You finished with this, huh?

Oh, he need training.

Yeah, he needs
some training.

I was gonna help you
on number 27 down.

I knew the answer.

Look what the cat
dragged in.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Is there room at the table?

Lorenzo, Lorenzo.

Fancy meeting you here.

Do I know you?

Does he know me?

- You look familiar.
- Well, whatever.

Scoot over.

Come on have a seat, man.

Deal me in.

[male] Off with the dresses
and on with the suits.

Oh, yeah.

[Frankie] All right, fellas,
all right, fellas, here we go.

[male] Shoe shine, shoe
shine, come on buff 'em up.

Shine 'em up.

I see that 50
and I'll raise you 100.

Come on, come on, the inhale
to the exhale all day long.

I got it right here, man.

[Frankie] You stiff now,
getting stiff, fellas.

[male] Ain't no time for
tremblin' now, gentlemen.

[Lorenzo] Come on, put
it in, put it in.

I'm out.

There we are, gentlemen.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.
Thank you.

[Frankie] Don't get
too lucky, Lorenzo.


[Frankie] You gonna guard
your money or you gonna deal?

I'll deal.
I'll deal.

[male] Don't let it go to your head.

[male] Man, the name might change,
but the game is still the same.

[Lorenzo] What am I gonna
do with all this money?

I have no idea.

[Lorenzo] I think I'll buy me an
island somewhere off the map.

[Frankie] Okay, I'm gonna see
that 500 and raise you 2 grand.

I'll see that
and raise you 3 grand.

[male] Gettin' to be
some crazy money.

And change.


Lorenzo, Lorenzo,
always the optimist.

I call.

There you go.

Read 'em and weep.

Full house beats a straight.

Thanks for stopping by though,
and I'll see you

in less than 2 weeks.

Don't be late.

And whatever you do,
don't be short.

[male] You got a card
up your sleeve, sucker.

Easy guys.
Calm down.

Ta bien.
Ta bien.

Let's be easy, gentlemen.

Why don't you get your hands
off me, and we'll inspect

my wardrobe in a more
gentlemanly fashion.

Carmine, help me w'my coat.

Good night, gentlemen.

Now how we gonna
leave this?

I'm outta here.

Yeah, good riddance.

Oscar, let's roll.

Watch your back, Mr. Cholo.

Okay, gentlemen, now that
the weak ones are gone,

let's play some cards.

- Let's play.
- I'm in.

Where are we going?

We're going home.

I don't want
to go home.

You need to sleep it off.

I need to die,

Would you k*ll me please?

'Cause I'm drunk.

Come on.

I'm by a riverside.

Put me in a plastic bag
just like a p*ssy cat.

Throw me in, just like
I tried to do to you.

I know.
Let's go home.

You know what Hell is?

Hell is other people.

[Knocking on door]

Come in.

You wanted to see me, sir?

Yeah, come in
and shut the door.

I just got a telegram
from Stan.

We're authorized to offer

Thirty cents
on the dollar?

Twenty cents on the dollar
if the client comes

into the office in person
and pays cash.

Wow, that's something.


Stan wants all the hospital
accounts wrapped up

before he gets back.

Must be having
a great time.

That or the sun went
through his head, right?

I'm sorry.

I need every hand on deck.

Aye-aye, sir.

[Lorenzo] Because of eminent deadlines,
over which I have no control,

starting today we're gonna
split you into two groups

and extend the workday to

We'll man the phones
around the clock

'til every account is settled.

We'll fight them on the seas
and in the oceans.

We'll fight them on the fields
and on the hills.

I ain't working
more than 8 hours.

Who said that?

God bless you, Lorenzo.

[Lorenzo] I make the
rules here, sailor.

Get in line or go home.

Now, who wants to work
the day shift?

Who wants to work
the night shift?

It makes no difference to me
because I'm gonna be here 24/7,

leading the invasion.

He got to be crazy.

I know the check
better clear.

Could you please hold, sir?

I'll see what we can do.


I see that you have
an outstanding balance

of $1,972.33.

Yes, no, not you.

No, he is.










[phone ringing]

- Hello.
- Lorenzo?

- Hello.
- Lorenzo?

- Yeah?
- It's me, Stan.

How are you?

[Stan] Great.
How's everything going?

Great, great.
Where are you?

[Stan] I took a boat over to
Little Cayman this morning.

I was going stir crazy,
just had to call somebody.

How's Marcia?

[Stan] Oh, she's fine.
Everyone's fine.

In fact, we're coming home
a few days early.

- No!
- What's that?

No kidding, boss.

That's terrific.

I am so happy for you.


How are the hospital
collections coming?

Oh, fantastic.

You... you wouldn't believe
how good it's going.

It's really...
it's hard to believe.

That good, huh?

Oh, boss.
Oh boss, yeah.

Yeah, it's really

We're working on it
day and night.

[Stan] Day and night?
Go Lorenzo.

What's Bob have
to say about that?


[Stan] Yeah, he's always complaining
about something or other.

Oh, yeah, Bob.

Well, you know Bob.

He's... I'll tell you all
about it when I see ya.

[Stan] Great, see ya on Friday.

No, I need more time!

More time for what?

What, Stan?
I can't hear you.

I was saying, Marcia needs
all the time you can give her.

Yeah, you're right.

I'll see ya
on Monday then.

See ya then.

[Stan] Thanks, Lorenzo.
Thanks for everything.

Good morning.


Ah, thank you.

I needed that.

Oh, I need to see
the professor.

Yes, sir.


I say all that to say
mission accomplished.

The hospital accounts are
settled, thanks to each of you.

And to show each of you my
appreciation, I'm gonna

give each one of you
one of these Lorenzo dolls.

Alas, poor Lorenzo.

I knew him, Iggy.

A man of... a man of.

"Alas, poor Yorick!”

I knew him, Horatio:
A fellow of infinite jest.

Where be your gibes now?

Your Gambols?
Your songs?

Your flashes of merriment
that were wont to set

the table on a roar?"

Yeah, that's it.

Well, I wish you guys
all the luck in the world.

It's been quite a ride.

Iggy, let's pass out the dolls.

Thank you.


Are you leaving us, Lorenzo?

Or f*ring us?

[Josefina] All good
things come to an end.

[Lorenzo] Only in
this world, Josefina.

Only in this world.

God bless you.

What do we do now?
Where do we go?

I think we should just
take the rest of the day off.


You know, I was thinking
the same thing.

Yeah, you should
quit every day.

Eat, drink and be merry,
professor, tomorrow we die.

Lorenzo, you need to eat.

What's the point?

You need your strength.

I've robbed Peter to pay Paul.
Now there's the devil to pay.

Well, I'm gonna pray.

Go ahead.

God, thank you
for this food.

Give Lorenzo peace,
Give him the rest he needs.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


You working hard?
Or hardly working?

Lo tienes todo?

Déjame a verlo.

Did you count it?

A hundred and fifty grand.

I was hoping I was gonna get
a pound of your flesh today.

Looks like you got
the better deal, Frankie.

I was kind of hoping
for a pound of your flesh.

How many old ladies you had
to rob to get this chump change?

It was a group effort.

So we're square now, right?


- k*ll him.
- What?

Go on, break his neck!

What are you doing?
I paid you your money.

It's all there, count it!

You made a fool
of me, Lorenzo.

Word on the street is
Frankie Gutierrez has gone soft.

I'll make an example out of you
and send a message

to all them other chumps.

No te metas con
el Frankie Gutierrez.

Well, what are you waiting for?
Break his neck.

I gave you a command.
You will not disrespect me.

You were an orphan
when I took you in!




[Speaking in Spanish]

Uncle, please.

Oh, please, God.


[female] Dr. Riddell, Dr.
Howard Riddell...

What have we got?

He spent the night in
an alleyway nearby

and got caught
in the crossfire.



Last known address,
Eastern State Hospital,


The loony bin?

That's what he says, though
he rambles most of the time.

How'd he ever
get to the hospital?

Seems like a good Samaritan
brought him in.

Get a confirmation
on the DB report,

Frankie Gutierrez.

[female] Dr. James, Dr.
Christopher James,

please report to ER stat.

Dr. James,
Dr. Christopher James,

report to ER stat.

Well, hello there,
Mr. No-name.

I guess you'll be
turning me in now.

I advise you to go
to Stan and confess

and return the money.

You got the money?

Every penny.

You see, it may
not be too late.

God gives grace
to the humble.

That rules me out.


I lie, cheat and steal
for a living.

[Pastor Kevin] Look, man, on
the day Jesus was crucified,

there were two thieves hanging
on crosses beside him,

and they were both guilty,
but one humbled himself

and said, "Lord, remember me
when you come

into your kingdom."

And the Lord replied, "This day
you'll be with me in paradise."

That simple, huh?

It all depends upon
your heart, Lorenzo.

Is that all you have to say?

k*lled some of my fish too.

I'm sorry about
that, too, Stan.

If I might interject for
just a moment, Mr. Davenport.

I believe Lorenzo is sincere
in his remorse.

He fired all my regular workers
and hired your job corps people.

Quite a few of them have
gotten pretty good

at collections, boss.

What are you doing up here?

How come you're not
down there working?

You asked me
to come upstairs.

This is just about the most
bizarre set of circumstances

I've ever seen.

[female] I used to give my kids
chamomile tea with ginger root

and a dash of whiskey.

It knocked 'em right out.

[male] The Bible says
be in debt to no one.

Trust me, I know what it's
like not to have a job,

and you don't know how
you're gonna pay your bills.

But I know good things
are gonna happen.

I really believe that for you.
Good things are gonna happen.

He was an American Poet
of the 19th century,

and he wrote these words
of a village blacksmith.

"His brow is wet
with honest sweat.

"He earns whatever he can
and looks the whole world

in the face, for he owes
not any man."

I did a bit of
teaching in my day.

Mr. James, that's
wonderful news, sir.

I'll just make a note you're
paying your debt in full.

Thank you, sir.

Allow me to be the one
to say that...

[female singing] ♪ The clouds
may gather in the sky ♪

♪ and billows 'round me roll ♪

♪ However dark the world may be,
I have sunlight in my soul ♪

You see, Ms. Wainwright, our
peace doesn't depend on

what's around us,
but what's inside of us.

Sunlight in my soul.

♪ Sunlight in my soul ♪

♪ Sunlight in my soul ♪

♪ However dark the world may be,
there's sunlight in my soul ♪

Iggy, you have that
performance report I asked for?

It contains the results
for the past 2 weeks, sir.

You verified all this?

Yes, sir.

This is unbelievable.

Your folks, they
come from skid row?

Some of them do.

[Stan] Well, they just set an
all-time collections record

at Lump Sum.

I don't know how they managed
to get results like this,

once Lorenzo left the scene,
but seeing is believing

and I'd like to offer 'em
full-time employment.


And also pay 'em for
the training period

they endured under Mr. Adams.

[Pastor Kevin] Thank you so much, Mr.

[Stan] I left this
company in your hands.

I trusted you.

And you let me down completely.

I have no choice
but to press charges.

Don't you have anything
to say for yourself?


What can I say?

Well, you've never had
a problem with that before.

You brought these unsuspecting
folks down here

for your own selfish ends,
criminal ends really.

But at the same time,
you taught 'em the basics,

with an ulterior motive, mind
you, but you did teach 'em.

And you returned the money
you stole, most of it.

I want that $12,000 you lost
at the poker game.

And if I see you within
a hundred yards of this office

ever again, you're gonna be on
your way to jail so fast

it'll make your head spin.

It'll make your head spin.

Hey, Lorenzo.

You speak Dutch?

Every dutch person
speaks English.

Don't fall for
that one, Josie.

But this dude sounds
like the terminator.

You need to talk
to him, man.

I don't work
here anymore.

Say what?

I hope you understand,
it's not that I don't think

they can do it.

I just need a couple more weeks
to find out for myself.

In the meantime, I guarantee
minimum wage and commission.

It's always best to reward
performance, you know?


Oh, I'm sure that will
be fine, Mr. Davenport.

[Pastor Kevin] Lorenzo, hold on.
Where you going?

I didn't get a chance...

To say good-bye?

No, come on.

I want you to come by
the LEC later.

We have a Bible study
every Wednesday night.

I don't think so,

You seem like a nice guy,
and I appreciate all you tried

to do for me, but a tiger
don't change his stripes.

You know what I mean?

I am what I am,
and I always will be.

You're gonna pay
back Stan, right?

I'm gonna try.

You really mean that?


Well, I rest my case.

Lorenzo, you have a lot to offer
the world, and God is a giver

and he wants us
to be givers too.

Let me give you
some advice, Pastor.

Don't waste your time
on lost causes.

Lorenzo, I invest my time
and my life in lost causes.

[Alex] The way I see it,
Lorenzo, maybe you meant

to take advantage of us,
or maybe you didn't.

I don't know.

But I do know through you, God
has given me a second chance,

and I just want
to thank you, man.

Me too, Lorenzo.

Me three, boss.

[Kasheera] We love you, Lorenzo.
We all do.

Every one of us knows how
I feel to get caught

in a situation
that you just can't seem

to get out of, don't we?

Yes, we do.

We don't judge you, Lorenzo.

You're a hero to us.

We'll always be
there for you.

We got your back, man.

We got your back, man.

[The Professor] Lorenzo, there's
something I'd like to say.

It's been a long time since
I've been able to help anyone.

It's been a long time, still,
since I've wanted

to help anyone.

But things are different now.

Things are changing.
My life is changing.

And I have my own lodgings now,
and I have a spare room,


It's for you
anytime you need it.

And I'm building up
my library again.

I have some first-edition books
you might like to read.

Wednesday night?

Wednesday night, son.

Choir rehearsal is Tuesday.

Bob, Johnny.

I'm sorry.


Yeah, you're sorry
all right.

Maybe, I'll never make it up
to you or the others,

but if I can make it
right someday, I will.

Yeah, my number's unlisted.

It's kind of touching
in a way.


Thank you very much.
Have a great day.

Good food and
excellent service.

Well, thank you.

Thank you very much.

I hope all of you
have a great day.

[Piano music playing]
