Genesis Code, The (2010)

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Genesis Code, The (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »

Man on PA: Heading for
the neutral zone.

Avoids a hit
along the boards!

Now in the net, sh**t...

And that one is smacked away
by Patrick.

The puck is driven
behind the Panther net.

Going after it is Stayner
for the Monarchs.

And a solid hit by
Van Fleet in the corner,

as Temple now controls the puck
and breaks out of the zone.

Here comes Teller
along the boards.

He fires one top,
sh**t it just wide.

And here he comes again,

the Monarchs' young sensation,
Blake Truman.

You can feel the electricity
in the crowd when Blake

gets in his zone.

It's Truman,
in alone on the net.

Panther goalie Tony Patrick
hasn't had much success.

Now it's Little Pistachio,
heading into the board.

And a thunderous hit
by Walhart

sends him
tumbling onto the ice.

He's spun around by
the Panther defense.

Jumping on the loose puck
is Truman,

and Patrick covers up.

Gets himself to the net.

He sh**t, he scores!

Nice shot by
Blake Truman.

There's a scramble
in front of the Monarch net.

And Monarch goalie Tyler Ross
comes up with a glove save,

and he's joined by a host of
players from both teams.

Building up head steam
through the neutral zone.

Avoids a monstrous hit
by Green.

And he's finally
upended by Bradford

with a vicious hip check.

Truman over
to Shane Thomas.

Breaking in all roads.

He sh**t.

He scores!

Time is winding down now in
the third period,

which has 15 seconds left.

The crowd on their feet,
cheering on their Monarchs!

And here they come, their final
rush to the gate!

It's Truman slicing
the puck to Laughton!

Now Laughton back to Truman as
he's taken out of the play!

Truman with the puck!

That's it!

It is over!

A one-sided affair
by the score,

but Temple fought all the way.

That was insane!



Hi, Blake Truman?

And who wants to know?

I'm Kerry Wells.

Hope you don't mind if
I sit down for a minute.

So I see you're
a classic-lit major.

What, are you writing
a book?

No, actually,
I'm with the school paper

and I'm doing a story on Madison
College's new hockey super jock.

Aren't you the lucky one?

So, Blake, tell me
about yourself.

This isn't gonna be
one of those


epics, is it?

I have to start
somewhere, I'm sorry.

Let's just skip the trivia

and get right to
the important part.

You know, the "how'd you get
to be so great" part.


So where were you born?

You know, in order for this
to be a really good story,

there needs to be
some serious empathy

between the writer
and subject.

Here, I'll show you.

Kerry, wasn't it?

Classic lit
and a steel-trap memory.

So tell me, Kerry.

- How's your love life?
- Excuse me?

You heard me.

You hooking up with anyone
special right now?

I don't think that
that's any of your business.

But it is--
You know, the empathy thing.

Creating that link between
the interviewer

and the interviewee.

So are you?

I was, if you must know.

Was, huh?
Was it serious?

Well, I thought so.

- Who broke it off?
- I did.


Because he wanted something
I don't plan to share

until I'm married.


Classic lit, staggering
intellect, but very bad hearing.

No, I just-- I thought I heard
you say you were--

"Chaste" is the word I
believe you're stumbling over.

Close enough.

It's just, I've never met
a chaste girl before.


Well, this must be
your lucky day.

Let me guess,
I bet you're a believer.

And you figured that out
with only one question.

- You're so smart.
- man: There he is.

- What's going on, man?
- Hey.

Don't forget about the chalk
talk this afternoon, all right?

Yeah, man.

We know, we know, we just
wanted to get a closer look

at your new friend
over here.

Kerry Wells,
this is Shane Thomas,

Tyler Ross and
Chase Laughton.


I'm good, thank you.

- Guys, I'm gonna be famous.
- All right.

Front-page news,
"Madison Guardian."


Hey, you know, I got some
pictures of this superstar

Lying naked on a bearskin rug
when he was just a cub.

Can I get some copies
of those?

- I will sell them to you.
- Come on, guys.

All right,
it was nice to meet you.

Bye, you guys.

We'll see you at
the rink, yeah?

- Take it easy.
- All right.

- Pound it, pound it.
- Bye.

- I gotta get to the rink.
- See you tonight.

Are you coming
to the game later?

I wasn't planning on it.

Change your plans.

I'll score a goal
for your story

and then later we can go to
Gatsby's and have a drink.

I'll tell you all about
the long walk to school.

I'll think about it.

Hey, just sit close
to the ice.

I'll look for you.

What's going on, buddy,
how you doing, man?

You got some stuff on your--

oh, oh, no.

How's it going, guys?

What's going on fellas, man?

Glad you made it,
glad you made it.

Yo Blake,
who's the new squeeze?

That's your girl?

Seriously, dude,
she's really cute.

She's got those big
baby-deer eyes.

Like I told you guys, man,

she's just writing a story on me
for the "Guardian."

- Uh-huh.
- oh, right.

Dude, you score more off the ice
than you do on, I swear.

That's a quote for the
article, dude, take that down.

No, no, no, not this one.

She's a Christian,
Bible thumper.

Pure as the driven snow.

man: All right, everybody,
settle down.

Gather round, listen up.

Pay attention, guys.

You all played a great game
last night,

but Temple's a team that

bounces back strong
after a loss.

Tonight's gonna determine
whether or not we deserve

our number-one ranking.

- Ross.
- What's that?


Now, this has been a team
effort and we all know that.

But I'd be disingenuous

if I didn't point out the
obvious fact here that Blake

has brought an extra dimension
to the club this year.

Is there anything you'd like
to say to the guys, Blake?

No, Coach,
just that I really--

really glad to be skating
with you guys this year.

Really glad, man.

Now look, I want you guys
to get an early dinner,

be back at the rink
by 5:30.

First, we're gonna go over
a few plays for tonight's game.

woman: Becky, you're late

with the first part
of that anthology.

That story is due
next Thursday.

The ad file.

I need that want-ad file.


Anytime now, kids.

Thank you.


[ phone ringing ]



I swear, nobody knows how to
handle deadlines anymore.

Hey, come here.

What are you guys
doing tonight?

Well, we thought about
flying to Paris,

but the airport's snowed in.

So why don't you come
to the game with me then?

- What game?
- The hockey game.

I don't know anything
about hockey.

I know the players
are kind of cute.

- Why?
- I'm doing a story.

man on PA: Good evening,

and welcome to
Madison College's Sportsplex

for tonight's game between
the Temple Panthers

and your Madison Monarchs.

If last night's game
is any indication,

we should be in for a
fast-paced affair this evening.

For those of you who are on
another planet

or simply missed it,
last night the Monarchs sailed

to a six-one impassioned

Look for the Panthers
to be in a foul mood tonight.

They're looking for some

And you can bet your skates
that Coach Edwards

isn't gonna let his
Monarchs go complacent

after last night's big win.

You gotta remember three weeks
ago when Temple

took a similar trouncing
at Baldwin Friday night.

And reversed the upset
the very next night.

Oh, I remember well.

Let's sit down here.

Tonight's clash will be
the final game

before the Christmas break
as the Monarchs seek

to hold onto first place
in the Western Conference.

All right, Kerry,
which one is Blake?

oh, he's right there,
number three.

How come you get all
the good stories, Kerry?

- You know what I'm working on?
- What?

Where kids are going
for Christmas.

Beats my assignment--

writing about the computer
upgrade in the admin office.

Who's that guy
in front of the net?

oh, that's Tyler,
he's the goalie.

He's cute.

You think all hockey
players are cute.

Yeah, well,
he's more cute.

We're all set to go as
referee Tom Oliver

gets ready to drop the puck
and signals both goalies

that this game is
about to get underway.

Madison in their home
red uniforms

and Temple once again donning
their ominous black sweaters

for tonight's game.

And here we go!

The opening face-off
controlled by Temple.

And they can't control
the puck,

it's intercepted by Greg Shift
for the Monarchs

and driven into
the Panther zone.

Again, the action is end-to-end
as both teams

have had scoring chances...

... from the Monarchs goes back
to retrieve the puck

and circles around
the back of the net.

... along the goal line...

And here come
the Monarchs back

as this capacity crowd
is back on their feet.

He sh**t, he scores!

And there's two minutes!

Just as he releases
the pass...

... Panther zone
along the far boards...

He sh**t, he scores!

What a move by Truman,
dipping his shoulder to Shockey

and flipping the puck over his
shoulder and into the net!

Monarchs win!
Monarchs win!

And Madison will head to the
Christmas break in first place

with this big weekend sweep
over Temple.

Good night and
Merry Christmas, everybody.

Thank you very much.

Bull, Bull, Bull, Bull,
Bull, Bull, Bull, Bull!

Bull, Bull, Bull!

Yeah, Bull, yeah!

Bull, Bull, Bull,
Bull, Bull, Bull!

A wellspring of talent,
this place called Gatsby's.

oh, Bull just might
be that missing link

you paleontologists are
always talking about.

oh, wait,
you gotta watch this.

Bull, Bull, Bull!

Bull, Bull, Bull!



- Is that a trick?
- No, no, that's for real.

I gotta go take a leak.

Hey Bull, Bull baby,
Bull, Bull, Bull, Bull,

when you go to the bathroom

and you eat that little white
mint in the urinal,

it's gonna taste
like bad cottage cheese,

just a warning, bro.

I got your... back,
in the...

oh, hey, yeah.

Yeah, good tip.

oh, Blake!

Good game.

- Thanks, Bull, yeah.
- Yeah!

Ladies, ladies.

These puck smackers,
they're not doing it for you,

I know it's true.

How about you come over here

and have a beer
with some real men?

Why don't you just take Tiny
and get out of here, all right?

Blake, funny one.

You know, hockey,
that's a game for fairies.

This is so educational.

You know, you guys
almost make me a believer.

- Believer in what?
- Darwin.

I mean, you guys actually
make me think that some men

did devolve from apes.

- We're monkeys.
- Like from the zoo.


Very, very nice.

Chase: I don't-- We don't even
know these ladies.

- oh, yeah.
- Rita.

Rita, Chase,
nice to meet you.

I'm Shane, I'm Shane.

Nice to meet you.

You should ask him
to eat a chip.

oh, do you want
something to drink?

Hi, yeah, I'll have
a Diet Sprite, please.

I'll take a Coke.

I'll have what he's having.

Actually, Kerry's going to
change her order to wine,

because that's what
Jesus drank.

Thank you.

Thank you, Tyler, I am actually
aware of this fact,

but I happen to like
the taste of Sprite better.

Can I touch your hand then?

'Cause I've never touched
purity before.

I see I've been critiqued.

I just call it the way I see it,
that's all.

Seriously, Kerry, you seem
like an intelligent girl.

You don't really believe in that
religious hokey-pokey, do you?

That hokey-pokey was
out the door,

Like bazillions
of years ago, right?

Like, the first stuff in the
beginning of the Bible.

- The Genesis part.
- The Genesis part, yeah.

The heaven and the earth
created in six days?

Six days?

It was a "quadrillion"
at least.

They have, like, a pile of dead
dinosaur bones to prove that.

You believe whatever
you want to believe, but--

Religion is only for people
on death row

or little old ladies
with lots of cats.

Whoa, present company

Thank you.

The Bible's a fantasy,
like a really old Harry Potter.

'Arry Potter!

Well, I happen to see things
a little bit differently.

That being what?

Well, I believe that science
will catch up with the truth

of the Bible one day.

Doesn't really seem like
we're gonna get

much interviewing done tonight,

so can I talk to you
over there?

Tyler: Well, I guess that
puts us in our place

about all we know
about science.

- Excuse me.
- Right, Little Pistachio?

Chase: I have a present for you,

- Yes?
- It's a pistachio.

Shane: Nobody wants your
pistachios, Chase.

- He always carries them.
- I always do, don't I?

It's his thing.

It's the--
It's my thing.

We even call him
Little Pistachio.

- Why?
- Because he's nuts.

Not as big as full-grown

Come to church
with me tomorrow.

- I don't think so.
- Why not?

What harm could it do?

I don't know, I just--
I don't want to.

It's the church at the corner
of Lafayette and Third.

Starts at 10:00 a.m.
and I'll meet you outside.

I gotta go,
but I'll think about it.

Guys, I gotta go.

- I gotta go.
- Dude, oh, whoa.

What, what, no.

- I gotta meet somebody.
- All right, man.

- All right.
- What's her name?

Just tell me her name.

Have fun on your date.

He's got more girls than
a dog's got fleas,

and you can go to the
Humane Society and count that.

- That's a promise.
- Charming.

All right, bro.

[ door opening ]

Are you gonna be staying
tonight, Blake?

No-- no, not tonight.

- Are there any changes?
- No, nothing.


[ choir singing ]

I almost gave up on you.

Yeah, well,
I almost didn't come.

We don't bite.


# This is our Father's world #

# oh let us not forget #

# Although the wrong is great
and strong #

# God is the ruler yet ##

In the beginning, God created
the heavens and the Earth,

and the Earth was
without form and void.

And darkness was on the face
of the deep,

and the spirit of God hovered
over the face of the Earth.

Genesis is a book
that answers most,

if not all of the basic
questions of human life.

Genesis, in some ways,
is almost philosophical.

It is the Jewish
and the Christian answer

to the origins of human life.

Almost every thinking person
in virtually every culture

around this planet has,
at some point in their lives,

asked themselves this question,

"Where did the world
come from?"

Now, if you are attentive
to your surroundings,

if you notice how the world
changes and develops,

then at some point, you must
have wondered about this.

The sheer size of the universe
compared to the minute detail

of a DNA strand amazes me.

Think about that
for a minute.

Some night, drive out of this
city, away from the lights,

and look up at the night sky.

Millions of stars.

Too many even to take in.

Lights in the sky so far away
that their distances

are almost
incomprehensible to us.

And then the amazing detail,

the microscopic detail
of a strand of DNA

that forms the basic structure
of a human being.

All the strands
and parts in place

and each contributing
to the formation

of an individual
human person.

Genesis is not an easy book
to understand,

and that is
a problem for you and I.

We are post-Enlightenment

We've been trained,
whether we realize it or not,

to think scientifically...

Mom, is Dad coming with us
to church today?

No, sweetheart, not today.

Daddy's going to Alaska.

He's gonna help some people try
to put together a mining deal.

He's gonna help them
raise the money.

We want to know
the dates and the weights.

We want to know the distances
and the times.

But the author of Genesis
is much more interested

in the big picture of life.

In the Book of Genesis,

we're gonna see the basics
of human life

Lived in relationship to God.

We're going to see that God
created the universe.

We're going to ask ourselves,

did God create our planet
and everything in it?

We're going to be
looking at such questions

in the coming weeks and see how
Genesis answers them.

For today, though,
let us close in prayer.

Lord, we pray that you bless us
and keep us.

Lord, make your face
to shine upon us

and be gracious unto us.

Turn your face toward us
and give us peace.


Have you eaten
breakfast yet?


There's a cafe a little bit down
the road that I usually go to.

We can grab something to eat
and continue my interview?


You know, I thought we'd see
your parents in church

- this morning.
- No, they-- they were there.

You know, you would actually
like my dad.

He's all into, like,
g*ns and weightlifting

and all that manly stuff.

So, you have any plans
for Christmas?

Still a week away.

Haven't really given it
much thought.

You know, I was
wondering about the group prayer

at the end of the service.

Does it work better
if more people do it?

What do you mean?

I mean, does God pay more
attention to a lot of people

asking for something
rather than just one?

God hears everyone's prayers.

It's kind of like a pack
of K Street lobbyists

converging on a congressman.

I didn't know
you were political.

Yeah, well, I'm not.

It's just this image
I've conjured up

of all these
people bombarding God,

trying to get 'em to do
what they want.

I don't think
it works that way.

I don't think it works
at all.

So what's your major?

I'm a double major,

Journalism and paleontology.

Christian paleontologist.

That's somewhat of an oxymoron,
isn't it?

I don't think so.

Believe it or not,

you can actually believe in
the Bible and science.

If you say so.

I really, really like
paleontology a lot,

I just don't really know
what I'm gonna do with it

once I graduate.

So you got a second
fallback major,

something practical
like journalism.


You know, someone like you
with an engineer's mind

would really
like paleontology.

You should monitor my class.

That's Tyler who's into
the dinosaur bones.

That reminds me.

Last night at Gatsby's,

you were the one who said I was
a paleontology major.

How'd you know that?

I looked you up on
the school online directory.

I had to make sure
you were legit.

I see.

Charles Dickens Coffee Shop.

That's an appropriate place for
a reporter to hang out.

- Been here before?
- No.

No, but I assume it's named
after the same place in London

that Charles Dickens kept
offices in in the late 1860s.


A knowledge of literature other
than popular comic books.

See, if you're not gonna listen,
then I'm not--

No, I'm not gonna help you,
'cause you're not listening.

No, done, whatever.

- oh, hey, high-five.
- Hey.

Blake, I'd like you to meet
my brother Marc

and his fellow physics whizzes
Lin Chen and J.T. Bochner.

A real honor
to meet you, Mr. Truman.

Just Blake, Blake.

Not much of a hockey fan
until this year.

You brought
a real spark to the team.

We were at the game last night--

It locks up first place,
doesn't it?

For the time being.

I mean, there's a lot of season
left, so...

- Please, sit down.
- We don't want to intrude.

No, don't be silly,
this will be fun, sit down.

So I was hoping I would see you
in church this morning, Marc.


She bugs me about this
every week.

I leave religion
to Kerry and my dad.

For me, science answers
all the big questions.

Except for what happened

before one to
the minus-43rd second.

It's one times ten
to the minus,

and religion doesn't have
an answer for that, either.

Actually, it does,
but you don't want to listen.

It's not something you can prove
through empirical analysis.

Marc is one of those people that
doesn't believe anything is real

unless you can put it in
a test tube and shake it around.


Marc is a good physicist,

but he's a real genius
in movie history.

Go on, Blake,
ask him anything.

All right, Marc, 1940s
sports movie, Gary Cooper.

"Pride of the Yankees,"
good choice.

Starring Cooper,
Teresa Wright, Walter Brennan,

- and... and?
- Dan Duryea.

Yes, produced by Samuel Goldwyn
directed by Sam Wood,

distributed by RKO Pictures
with a cameo by Babe Ruth,

and it opened in New York,
July 14, 1942.

How much popcorn
did it sell in Biloxi

in its third week
of play there?

I don't-- I don't know.

See, he's not really as smart
as he thinks.

- Hey, Shane.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- I'm good, what's going on?

You guys, this is Shane,
Blake's friend.

Shane, I'd like you
to meet my brother Marc

and his fellow housemates,
Lin and J.T.

Hey, it's nice to meet you.

A friend of Blake's and also
a pretty darn good right winger

on the ice-- great game
last night, Shane.


Kerry: Would you care to join us
for some breakfast?

Thanks-- thanks, but no.

I just came here to get
a cup of coffee.

I'm helping Tyler
with his math assignments.

He's into fractions now
and he's a bit stumped.

Well, I'll catch you at
the house in a couple hours.


- All right.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- See you.

Are you guys roommates?

Yeah, yeah, he rents a room
at my mom's house.


Marc, what kind of physics
do you study?

Astrophysics, minor
in quantum field theory.

J.T. is primarily molecular
and atomic physics,

and Lin is specializing
in general relativity

- and gravity theory.
- Wow.

Three pretty
exciting companions

for a New Year's Eve party,

- oh, hi.
- Hey, Pops.

oh, hey.

Blake, I'd like to
introduce you to my dad.


I wanted to introduce
you at the church,

but you were late.

Meet the Reverend Jerry Wells.

You look a little different
without the robes on.

You look a little different
without your uniform on.

That was an interesting
sermon today, Reverend.

oh, Jerry, please.

And Blake, I'm a huge fan.

Kerry tells me that she's
writing a story about you.

She's trying, I haven't been
very cooperative.

Speaking of my story,
why don't we move over there

so I can actually
get to work?

Actually, I wanted to ask Marc
about quantum entanglement

- and Schrodinger's cat.
- Come, please.

Kerry, you gonna be home
for dinner tonight?

- Yeah, I'll be there at 6:00.
- It was nice meeting you.

Good to meet you.

How did you know about
quantum entanglement

and Schrodinger's cat?

I didn't,
I saw it on TV last week.

oh, clever you.

okay, so let's see what
we've got so far.

You were born in a log cabin,

you walked six miles to school
and back every day,

uphill both ways.

Then you went on
to become a nude model

and Chase has some pictures

and then you become
a super hockey player

for Madison College.

Sounds pretty good so far.

So I know you're
an engineering major,

which I found out from
the online directory,

but I'm sure my publisher

would like a few more details
here and there,

so why don't you
tell me a little bit more

about that log cabin?

Marc: It's all based in
Einstein's theory of relativity

and time dilation.

There's two brothers
and one of them is 23 years old

and he's an astronaut,

and there's a younger brother
and he's 16.

And his older brother
is always watching out for him,

and the older brother is put on
the first mission to the star

Proxima Centauri,

Now, this mission takes

Marc, please,
I can't see through you here.

okay, fine, but for
the astronaut,

when he returns to Earth,
only four years have passed.

So he's like what, 27 now?

But the younger brother
who stayed on Earth,

and he's now 36,

so now the younger brother
is now nine years older

than his older brother, and--

How can he be
nine years older than--

And, I'll just tell you why.

He's a police detective and he's
turned into one of those

tough-guy, streetwise,
kinda seen-it-all kind of cops,

and he has to shepherd his now
younger older brother

who has returned to this
world that is so far different

than what he knew.

What do you think, huh?
Make a good TV show or not?

Younger older brother?

Couldn't it just be that he goes
back in time and then he--

I don't know, he knows things
that other people don't know.

They did that already.

"Quantum Leap,"
Scott Bakula.

He played Samuel Beckett.

It was created by
Don Bellisario,

it was on NBC from March '89
to May '93.

Besides, you can't
travel back in time,

but in the starship headed to
Proxima Centauri

traveling near
the speed of light,

time actually moves much slower
than it does on Earth

during the same time period,
and that is time dilation.

It's not that time seems to pass
more slowly in the starship,

it actually does.

Four years pass in the starship,

That is proven science
and it is true.


Come on, guys,
dinner's ready.

Can we just wait until I see
how this call turns out?

No, now.

I made baked ziti
and sausage casserole,

and I don't want it
to get cold.

Just put it on the TiVo
and record it, Dad.

All right.

If it were anything other than
your mom's casserole,

we'd watch
the rest of the game.

Yeah, right.

Random verse time, Kerry.


"Before the mountains were
brought forth,

"or ever thou hadst
formed the Earth and the world,

"even from everlasting to
everlasting, thou art God.

"Thou turnest man to

"and sayest,
'Return, ye children of men

"'for a thousand years in thy
sight are but as yesterday

when it is past
and as a watch in the night."'

Psalm 90, thank you.

Let's pray.

For these gifts we are about to
receive, we give you thanks.


Pass the casserole.

Let's tell the doctor
what we want to do.

Go ahead, you tell him.

- man: Put the time on it.
- man: It's already been signed.

man: So as we've seen,

Life first developed
here on Earth

much earlier than
previously thought.

In fact, right after the first
water appeared

as attested to by the fossils
of stromatolites

at Warrawoona, Australia.

Now, this little fact creates
something of a problem

for the most simplistic of the
evolutionary interpretations,

which rely on billions of years

for the first single-celled
animal forms to evolve,

and that is purely by chance.

I'm gonna leave you
on that note,

and that completes our review
of the Ediacaran Era,

so we will move right on to
the Cambrian, or Cambrian Era.

This era is often referred to as
the Cambrian expl*si*n,

reflecting a rapid, sudden
appearance of

most major complex animals

around 530 million
years ago

and the accompanying
wide diversification

of other organisms
such as phytoplankton,

calcimicrobes and so forth.

Now, Charles Darwin,
you remember him.


he considered this sudden
proliferation of animal life

with little or no antecedent to
be the single greatest threat

to his theory of evolution,

to the point that
he included an entire chapter

in "The origin of the Species"
to this problem.

Now, why am I
not surprised Kerry

would have something
to add to this?

[ laughter ]

Well, it seems to me that this
sudden expansion of life

gives a clear example
of order emerging from chaos,

and left to nature itself,
this never happens.

order does not
emerge from chaos.

Chaos devolves into
greater chaos.

okay, I'd agree
with that assessment.

And doesn't this lend credence
to the argument

for a watchmaker?

A creator guiding
the process?

Well, I'm a scientist, Kerry,
so I have to remind you

that there is
no scientific evidence

to support the idea of
a creator.

And back to the issue
of order emerging from chaos,

Darwin addresses this, using
the eye as an example

when he says,

"To suppose that the eye, with
all its inimitable contrivances,

"could have been formed by
natural selection seems,

I freely confess, absurd
in the highest possible degree."

That's very good.

Kerry, why don't you just give
science a chance for a while?

You might be surprised by some
of its answers.

Well, I love surprises.

If we may.

Back to the Cambrian era.

oh, and heads up,
in the coming weeks,

we're going to be
reviewing the contributions

of a number of men and women,

going back to the British
geologists like William Buckland

and his detailed writings

Blake: Well, that was fun.

"Aldinian," "Tabotian,"
"Atibanian," "Tomin"...

I had no idea what
he was talking about.

Well, then how about we talk
about something

more interesting?

Like some more information for
my story, please?

Why not?

I want to apologize for Chase
and Tyler Saturday night.

They were out of bounds.

You have every right to believe
whatever you want.

No matter how
stupid that might be.

I didn't say that.

That's okay,
I'm used to it.

Most people think that
Christians are dim or naive

or just need a crutch to get
past the fear of death.

I didn't say that, either.

I happen to know that a lot of
what's in the Bible is true.

oh, do you?

Things like the Bronze Age

and the Battle of Jericho
and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I've even seen possible
scientific explanations

for the ten plagues and
the parting of the Red Sea,

but it's really just
the opening verses.



Yeah, Genesis.

God created the heavens
and the Earth in six days?

I mean, it just isn't true.

I mean, science has
clearly proven,

it took 14, 16 billion years.

I mean, you open up a book
and the first thing you read

is untrue, it's kind of hard

to take the rest of the book

So you believe that
the Bible is true post-Adam?

With a lot of parables
and aphorisms tossed in.

But Genesis is fiction.

Look, I think Genesis
is a fable constructed by men

who lived in a pre-science era
trying to explain something

they could have no way
of understanding.

So then if I could prove to you
the truth of Genesis,

you would take
a fresh look at the Bible?



Yeah, you prove that science
and Genesis are not in conflict

and I'll reconsider.

Fair enough.

All right,
back to my interview.


What is your favorite color?

Are you serious?

I have to have some
foundation, okay?

Blue, what's yours?

I'm doing the interview.

No, but like I said Saturday,

there needs to be some serious
empathy between

the writer
and the subject and I just--

- I don't feel the connection.
- It's green.

What's your favorite food?

Meatloaf, mashed potatoes
and gravy with green beans.

Mine's huevos rancheros.

I had them one time on a trip
to California.

What's your favorite book?

And comics don't count.

Anything by John Jakes.

And you?

And the Bible doesn't count.

"Jane Eyre" for the old

and any mystery by Sarah Andrews
for the new.

Favorite actor?

Gary Cooper.

For the woman, Vivien Leigh.

Mine would be Denzel Washington
and Janine Turner.

Favorite movie?

- old or new?
- old.

"Sergeant York."


"open Range."


All time,
"Ten North Frederick."

No way.

Yes, starring Vivien Leigh,

Suzy Parker,
Geraldine Fitzgerald and--

- Gary Cooper.
- Very nice.

Maybe we have a little bit more
in common than I thought.

That's a scary notion,
isn't it?


Moving in a new direction...

what do you want to be
when you grow up?

World chess champion.

That's an interesting...

- goal for a hockey superstar.
- And that's off the record.

I think you're supposed to tell
me that before you say it.

Don't worry,
it's off the record.


Are you good at chess?

I played a couple of times.


Look, I gotta get to class.

Well, do you think we could
pick this up again later?

Deadline, you know.


I'll get ahold of you

You wanted to see me, Tanna?

How's the story on
Blake Truman coming?

Little by little,
but it's coming.

Did he give you anything
on his mother yet?

Like what?

Her name is Beverly.

I shouldn't have to do
your work for you.


"45, mother of Madison College's
hockey superstar..."


oh, sorry.

Let's get some lunch.

You, tell Billy that
I need the pictures

from that Florida thing, now.

- Mm-hmm.
- Now!

- okay.
- Chop, chop!

Have you ever noticed
that Tanna's clock

runs at a different speed
than everyone else?

You okay, Kerry?

Blake's mom is really sick.

- What's wrong with her?
- She has pancreatic cancer.

She's in the hospital
in a coma.

That's awful.

I'd like to suggest to Blake
that a little faith

might give him some comfort,

but he's convinced that science
has proven the Bible

to be a fantasy.

The only comfort guys like
Blake get is from

smacking someone
around on the ice.

Don't get caught
making this guy

into some type of a cause,

You're probably right.

What's he like?

He's very cynical,

and he's built sort of this wall
around himself.

He's strong
and he tries to act tough,

but underneath all that,
I think he's a decent person.

Kerry, girl, wake up,
he's a jock.

Every jock thinks the sun rises
and sets in their shadow.

Anything exciting with
the computer upgrade in admin?

I don't know why Tanna didn't
give this story

to someone who knows
something about computers.

All this giga this,
RAM that.

I have no idea
what's going on.

You prove to me that science and
Genesis are not in conflict...

You ever noticed
that Tanna's clock

runs at a different speed than
everyone else?

Chop, chop!



It's not that time seems to pass
more slowly in a starship,

it actually does.

Four years pass on the starship,

That is proven
science and it is true.

"Return, ye children of men

"for a thousand years
in thy sight

"are but as yesterday
when it is past

and as a watch in the night."

Jerry: Psalm 90, Psalm 90,
Psalm 90...

oh my--

[ dialing ]

Marc: Greetings, sis.

Marc, I need you to figure
something out for me.

Chase: You hit me
one more time

and I'm gonna
slap you again, dude.

I will-- What, do you live
in a barn?

Who's gonna clean this up?
It's not gonna be me.

You can dive in, dude.

What are you studying so hard,

- No, he's shopping.
- Shopping for what?

A girlfriend in
the school directory.

Tyler: You guys can laugh
all you want.

Check this chick out.


Lisa Bonner.

Why you laughing, man?

Look, we got a lot
in common, dude.

Like what?

Like she's from Springfield,
Illinois, and I'm from Wheaton,

which is, like,
right there on a map.

Yeah, dude, it also says
that she's majoring

in artificial intelligence
and robotics

and she's a member
of Mensa, so forget about it.

There might be something
to that

intelligence thing, man.

Wait, what's Mensa?

It's a society of really
smart people, so.

Yeah, they can handle fractions

without drawing circles
on paper.


You should keep shopping.

What happened to that girl Rita
on Saturday, Kerry's friend?

I thought you hit it off.

I'll see you guys later,
I'm out.

Yeah, I saw her
looking at you, man.

I don't know, man, she was
looking at everybody.

She was the look
machine that night.

Blake, I'm so sorry.


I mean, about... about...

About what?

Nothing, no, I mean--

Betty, what is it?

I thought you knew.


I just came from the hospital.

I heard what you guys are
planning on doing.

We wanted to tell you,
we just couldn't find the way.

- You can't do this.
- We can and we must.

It's what your mother wanted.

No, you don't have the right,
she's my mother!

She's our daughter
and we do have the right.

Listen, when she found out that
she had almost

no chance to live,

she wanted to avoid putting you
in the position

of having to
decide what to do.

I want to decide!

It's not what
we want to do, son.

It's what she wanted.

It is!

No, I won't let you do this.


Hey, man.

What's wrong?

Is it your mom?

They say they can take her
off life support.


My grandparents.

Can they do that?

They say they can.

You need a lawyer.

Let me call my brother.

Hey Dalton, it's me,

Yeah, I'm fine, it's Blake.

He's got a real problem,
we need to see you.


All right.


All right, he's out of town,

but he said to be in his office
tomorrow morning, 9:00.

All right?

Thanks, man.

Marc: Kerry!

Kerry, wake up!

- woman: That's Marc, right?
- Who else?

Marc: Kerry, wake up!
I gotta talk to you right now!

What in the world, Marc?

You will never guess what
I figured out.

[ phone ringing ]

I called Dr. Hoffer.

He said my grandparents
have a patient-advocate form

that my mother signed.

I'll prepare a petition
requesting an injunction.

Get us into probate court as
quickly as possible,

see if we can
get Judge Hardin.

Dalton, I don't have
much money.

- Don't worry about that, man.
- No, I want to pay my way.

We'll work all that out,

Right now, we need
to try to block this.

Now I need you to think back.

Think about anything your mother
has ever said

that would indicate that
being taken off life support

would not be what
she would want.

Lin: This idea of the Big Bang
all came about

as a result of Einstein's
theories of relativity.

Marc: one day to the next
the same, here, on the moon,

across the universe, today.

Lin: It's a concept in physics
we call time dilation.

Marc: A mass of pure plasma
expanding at the speed of light.

J.T. : And at lower
normal speeds,

the difference
is imperceptible.

Marc: The universe
does not exist.

Lin: And gravity has the
same effect on time as does...

J.T. : This idea of
two different frames...

For an object that has
zero or low gravity--

man: It cooled and expanded
to a point where...

Lin: The idea of the Big Bang
all came about as a result

of Einstein's theories--

Marc: The temperature was in
the trillions of degrees.

This total image, the cosmos...

Any change in the
wavelength or cycle

or frequency of light...

Lin: The trees and buildings,
everything along the highway,

appear to be moving.

So I found out his cousin
is on Jeff Gordon's pit crew,

and I asked him to get us
a couple of pit passes

for you and me.

of course, I told him
you'll be happy

to drag the car
around the track

by your teeth a few times,
sort of a promotional thing.

What do you think?


You haven't heard a word
I said, man.

Sure I have.

okay, so you're going to do
the thing with the teeth then?

- What?
- Man.

We can't do anything 'til
we hear back from Dalton.

Just try to relax.

You're right, man,
you're right, but--

I know.

So I need you
to do something for me.


I need you to call Kerry up

and invite her to the karaoke
bar tonight.


Well, you know how
Tyler and Chase

have been kind of
hard on her, right?

Well, I got something for her
to make amends.

- What?
- It's a surprise, man.

Come on,
do me this favor.

[ phone ringing ]





That was Dalton.

He's got you on the docket
to present your petition

at 10:00 tomorrow morning

Thank you, man.

Now, the karaoke thing.

So this sets up the relative
positions of the parent starship

and the survey craft in respect
to the event horizon.

[ phone ringing ]

Marc: Uh-huh, but...


Hi, Blake.

Yeah, yeah,
I know where it is.


Can I bring Michaele
and Rita?

Cool, well,
we'll meet you there.

okay, bye.

oh no.

I have to go, I have a meeting
with my academic advisor.

- Lin: See ya!
- Adios.

Come on in, Kerry.

I've been reviewing your

GPA 3.9, "A"s in all
your science classes.

Double major.

- Very impressive.
- Thank you.

Still planning on grad school?

Yes, Professor Allitt,
I am.

You know you're gonna need three
letters of recommendation?


Well, these grades
will certainly help

get those letters,
mine included.

And as your academic advisor,
mine is especially important.

But I must tell you that I have
some reservations.


Well, I notice in here

that you're not very active
on campus.

The only extracurricular
organization you belong to

is Young Life College,

that's a religious group,
a Christian group.

It's a nondenominational
group, yes.

And that you live
at home with your parents,

your father's a minister
in the local church

and you are quite outspoken

in support of your
Christian beliefs

and your notion of
absolute biblical truth.

Kerry, we live in the
postmodern world.

You have the right to
believe anything you want.

You know, there is no conflict
between science and God.

There is no issue between
is there a God or isn't there,

or be it a Christian god or
a god of any other religion,

it is simply irrelevant.

You know the only reality

is the reality that each of us

That's what's great about living
now, you know, in this era?

There are no absolutes,

there are no restraints,
there are no restrictions.

The only truth is subjective,

a truth that each of us believes
and that works for each of us

as individuals.

Now, I have no issue with your
father being a minister, mm-mm.

I think that, really, he serves
a very important function.

By giving the common folk,
you know, something to fear

and some sort of hope of
salvation to cling to,

sort of keeps the masses
under control;

as Voltaire said,

"If God did not exist, it would
be necessary to invent him."

This absolute biblical truth
that you speak of

with such a passion,

I sort of see as an insult to
those of other beliefs

or to those
who don't believe at all.

It's also insulting to the very
intelligent men and women

who have come to
understand that life evolves

through random mutation,
not through some, you know,

divine transcending

This absolute biblical truth
of yours, Kerry,

simply does not exist.

All right, well,
let's talk about college.

Now, you really
must understand

that more important than
a college

teaching some
sort of specific craft,

it's more important that it
teaches young men and women

to serve as leaders
in the new world order.

Leaders who understand
postmodern thinking.

Yes, exactly.

Kerry, I mean,
you have a chance

to become part of something
really important here.

I mean, your time
on campus can open doors to--

to the ranks of
the cultural elite

and the leaders of
the country.

All you have to do is become
a little more active

in college affairs, you know,

and mix, accept the views of
others and, you know,

put aside this notion of
absolute biblical truth.

"When I was a child,
I thought like a child,

"I talked like a child,
I reasoned like a child,

"and when I became a man,

I put aside
my childish ways."

I didn't know you were
religious, Professor Allitt.

What do you mean?

Quoting first Corinthians,

I'm not religious.

You don't have to be religious
to know the Bible.

Then it's Sun Tzu...

"Know your enemy."

oh, my gosh.

You think that--
That we're your enemy?

We are trying to help you.

You believe that,
don't you, Kerry?

We are trying to help you.

of course.

Kerry, you have such a passion,
it's a wonderful thing,

it just needs to be redirected.

You must accept the reality of
the postmodern world,

there is no truth.

Truth is relative.

Reason and rationality
are social biases.

All lifestyles, religions
and worldviews are equally valid

and the only real sin is that of
criticizing someone else's views

or moral choices.

Think about what
I'm saying, Kerry,

and put aside
the childish ways.

Kerry, don't let this adherence

to something your parents
might have believed

stand between you
and a wonderful life.

Between you and a career.

Between you
and an opportunity to serve

as a member of an elite group

and to help shape
a brave new future.

We'll plan to talk about this
a bit more next week, okay?

Dr. Allitt: I have some

Put aside this notion of
absolute biblical truth...

... something your parents
might have believed

stand between
you and a career.

men: # Rudolph
the red-nosed reindeer #

# Had a very shiny nose #

# And if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows #

# All of the other reindeer #

# Used to laugh
and call him names #

# They never let poor Rudolph #

# Join in any
reindeer games #

# Then one foggy
Christmas Eve #

# Santa came to say #

# Rudolph with your nose
so bright #

# Won't you guide
my sleigh tonight? #

# Then all the reindeer
loved him #

# And danced around with glee #

oh, come on, man.

Hi, how are you?

oh, you remember my friends
Rita and Michaele.

What's going on?

what is the surprise?

Just be patient, be patient.

I'm so anxious.

You're not gonna sing,
are you?

That I am.

# You'll go down in history ##

Great job.

# No one seems to notice #

# The man beside the road #

# He was just a ragged soldier
out there in the cold #

# But he seemed
to have a purpose #

# only known to him #

# As he walked along the streets
that night #

# To the town of Bethlehem #

# In his head he held a memory
of all the wars he'd known #

# In his hand
he clutched a medal #

# For the bravery he's shown #

# But the weight of every battle
he carried in his heart #

# But his eyes were clear #

# Searching for a manger
in the dark #

# Some are born for greatness #

# Some are born to fall #

# Some are bound
to be forgotten #

# Like they never lived at all #

# But we're all born
to know him #

# Stand before his light #

# Like a soldier who found
the king tonight #

# He had marched
for politicians #

# Served under their command #

# He had fought for all the
causes he did not understand #

# But something deep inside him
now led him on his way #

# With a single star to guide
him to where the baby lay #

# He stood before
the son of God #

# To come to pay our debt #

# He smiled up at the soldier
that the world #

# Will soon forget #

# He held up his medal and said,
"This for you I bring" #

# Then he swore allegiance
to the newborn baby king #

# Some are born
for greatness #

# Some are born to fall #

# Some are bound
to be forgotten #

# Like they never lived
at all #

# But we're all
born to know him #

# And stand before his light #

# Like a soldier who found
the king tonight #

# oh yeah #

# Like a soldier who found
the king #

# Tonight ##

[ cheers and applause ]

oh man, that was good, dude.

Aw, thanks, man.

It means a lot,
I appreciate it, bro.

Thanks, man.

that was so beautiful.

Thank you, thank you.

Did you know he could
sing like that?

You know,
I've known him ten years

and I've never even
heard him sing.

So I had a few more questions

I'd like to ask you
for my story.

Do you think
I could see you tomorrow?

I've got something in the
morning, some personal stuff.

Is it with your mom?

Why didn't you tell me?

Because it's a personal matter
and it's not something

I want in your story.

I wouldn't
put it in my story

if you didn't want it there,

There's more.


My grandparents are trying to
take her off life support.

I'm going to the court
in the morning

to try to get
an injunction to stop them.

I'll come with you.

Part of your story?

No, as your friend.

Dalton: We're meeting
Judge Hardin's court clerk

in the conference room "A."

Relax, don't say anything,
just follow my lead.

[ phone ringing ]

Dalton: We're here to see
the clerk.

You two stay right there.

- Mr. Thomas?
- Yes.

Please, have a seat.

Judge Hardin will be joining you
in just a few moments.

man: Thank you, thank you.

Keep seated, keep seated.

All right, we have a petition
here brought by Mr. Blake Truman

to adjoin his grandparents

from removing life support
from his mother,

Beverly Truman.

Mr. Thomas,
you may make your argument.

Your Honor, I represent
Blake Truman,

who opposes both the
rights of his grandparents

to order this life-ending action
as an action not permitted

under their
patient-advocate agreement.

He also contends this is
not a decision

with which
his mother would concur.

Are you represented
by counsel?

No, Your Honor, I'm not.

Are you comfortable proceeding
pro se,

representing yourself
without an attorney?

For what it's worth,
Your Honor,

I was the head of
my company for 35 years.

Well, let's see what
you have to say.

We have here
the patient-advocate form

signed by our daughter
giving us the right to--

Giving us the--

Giving us the right to take her
off life support, Your Honor.

She came to us after she was
first diagnosed

and she knew that there was very
little chance of her recovery,

and she didn't want to be
a burden to her--

To her parents
and to her son.

Mr. Truman, do you have
anything to add?

Your Honor-- Your Honor.

My mother would not
have wanted this.

She was always a fighter and
would never give up like this.

The idea of her being a burden,
it's just--

It's just not true.

When did you plan
to remove life support?

After Christmas,
on the 28th.

Well, I'll look over this

and let you know my decision

That's all for now.

Look, I don't want
to sound like

the caricature
Christian girl here,

but prayer might give you some
peace of mind, Blake.

You know,
I tried that before.

My dad was in Alaska
on another one of his

get-rich schemes.

He disappeared, my mom and I,
we prayed every night.

Turns out he
fell into a crevasse

and they didn't pull his body
out until next spring.

Now tell me,
what good did praying do?

Marc has something he wants to
show you later today.

He works at
the science museum.

You know where that is,


Think you could come by there
tonight at 7::30?

You too, Shane, and you
can bring Chase and Tyler.

It's not really
a very good day.

Come on, man.

There's nothing more we can do
at court.

He's really
excited about this, Blake,

and I honestly think you'll find
it very interesting.


Will Lin be there?

Yes, Shane,
Lin will be there.

She's helping Marc
with his story.

Come on, Blake, let's do it.

Don't be sitting around
the rec room all day

watching reruns of "Rawhide."

We'll be at
the dinosaur exhibit.

It's right when you go in the
entrance, just--

Will you please come?

All right.

Kerry: Sorry I'm late,

Marc: Now that
everybody's here,

I think we can go ahead
and get started.

I think everybody knows
my father and my sister,

and these are my housemates
and physics pals,

Lin Chen and J.T. Bochner.

I've also invited some others
here to join us.

This is Professor Campbell,

he is the Instructor of

And Dr. Tolley,
he's the head of

the Department of Astrophysics
and Cosmology.

Why are we here right now?

How do you spell

So a few days ago,

my sister asked me to check
something out for her.

I was a bit skeptical
at first,

but for the sake of the harmony
of my family, I agreed.

Like in most families, we
don't see alike on many things.

My father is a man of the cloth
and my sister followed him

in that way of thinking.

I myself took a different path
and got wrapped up in science,

physics, to be precise.

- We still love him, though.
- Kind of.

Thank you very much.

And everyone generally
accepts the fact

that science and the Bible are
at odds with most major issues,

especially when it comes to
creation of the universe.

Genesis says the Earth
and the universe were created

in six days.

Science says it took some

The Bible seems to be at
complete odds with science.

It's just another religious
mythology spun by the ancients

to explain the unknowable.

Dad, what is the biggest doubt
most people have

when it comes to
believing the Bible?

It's Genesis.

The idea that the heavens
and the Earth

were created in six days

when all of science says

Follow me.

J.T. : So I think I'm like
a lot of people.

I believe in a creator.

But the conflict between
the Bible and science

has kept me from a total
commitment to my Jewish faith.

Those first six days, the first

you just can't get past.

You either accept the Bible
or believe science.

What's the answer?

Is it six days
or 16 billion years?

- You can't have it both ways.
- Until now.

Like I said,
Kerry brought me an idea

and Lin and J.T. worked
with me on it

and we asked Professor
Campbell and Dr. Tolley

to go over what we found.

Something we're now calling
the Genesis Code.

I think that now
we can show you.

Drumroll, please.

I think the answer to
the question of,

is the Bible right
or is science right?

And it's that both are
absolutely correct.

- This ought to be good.
- oh, it is.

- So now...
- Let's play some football!


Dad, okay, you be the
quarterback, right there.

Dr. Tolley, you be the left end
of the offensive line.

Chase, you're the center,

Tyler, you're the right end
of the line.

Lin, you be there
and be the running back.

And the defensive line,

Professor Campbell,
Shane and Kerry, over here.

Kerry, milady.

You'll be the left end
of the line here, okay.

Been wanting to get a crack
at you, Tyler.

Go for it, Kerry, come on.

Blake, you be the middle

and J.T., my man,
you are the safety.

okay, this is good,
this is good.

okay, Dad, so this is gonna--

- Peyton.
- Peyton, sorry.

It is going to be a running play
to the right,

so you're gonna
pitch it or lateral it

over here to Lin, okay?

Here we go-- hike!

Peyton Manning takes the snap.

oh, now he's trying to turn
the right corner,

and oh, my gosh,
what happened?

oh, personal foul
on number Kerry.

Uh, I will take out
the red handkerchief

and I'll review
that, please.

okay, well, while the referees
go under the hood,

Let's take a look
at what happened.

What happened is Kerry punched
Tyler in the heart.

I mean the play itself.


- I'm sorry, Peyton.
- Thank you.

Describe the play.

Well, I lateraled
to my running back

and she tried to make
her way around

the right side of the line.

And Blake, you were
the defensive linebacker.

What did you see?

I tried to run around the left
end of our line.

You saw it going to the right

and you saw it going
to the left.

So who's right?

We both are, we both described
what we saw.

You saw the same events
in different ways, why?

I saw it from
my perspective on defense

and Reverend Wells saw it
from his on offense.

This is an example of two
different frames of reference.

This is an essential part

of what we are discussing
here today.

Hey, Marc, I'm gonna need
an X-ray, I can't make it--

How about some Gatorade instead,
my friend, okay?



This is Paddington.

The car is Paddington's
frame of reference.

From where Paddington sits
driving along the road,

trees and buildings,

everything along the highway,
all appear to be moving

while he is stationary.

This is Albert.

He is standing
along the road.

He is in a different frame
of reference than Paddington,

who is in his car.

From Albert's frame
of reference,

it is Paddington who is moving.

Is this idea of two different
frames of reference,

with one frame accelerating
in reference to another,

where all this becomes

Time itself is actually
different for observers

in different
frames of reference

when one frame is in motion
relative to another.


And at lower normal speeds,
the difference is imperceptible.

But, as the speed approaches
the speed of light,

the impact is overwhelming.

Follow me.

So you're saying the greater
the speed within

one frame of
reference to another,

the slower time passes in
the accelerating frame?


And gravity has the same
effect on time as does speed.

See, time passes more slowly in
a given frame of reference

where the force of gravity is
greater than in another frame

with weaker gravity.

Now, how about the universe?

Scientists used to believe the
universe was "steady state."

Go outside at night
and look up at the stars.

There they are.

Right where they were last night
and the night before

and the night before that.

Steady state-- the universe
had always been here

and always would be, forever.

And time.

We all knew what time was,
it was the ticking of the clock,

always the same, one day to
the next, the same.

Here, on the moon,
across the universe, today,

a thousand years ago.

Let's go!

And time.

Time was a constant that had
nothing to do

with anything else.

Time moves forward from today
to tomorrow and on and on,

always forward
and at the same speed.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Then along came Albert Einstein
and everything changed.


I knew this was
gonna be a physics class.

I knew it, man.

Learning is rough.

Marc: Does everyone know
The Big Bang Theory?

- ooh!
- Yes, Tyler.

Um, it is a TV show about
two really nerdy dudes

who live next door to this
really hot chick who--

It's about these
two really nice guys

and a really pleasant girl.

It's a great TV show, Tyler,
but I'm actually talking about

the other Big Bang.

We have a little computer
imagery to show you what it was.

In the beginning,
there was nothing.

The universe did not exist.

No planets or stars,
not even empty space, nothing.

J.T. : Not even time.

Marc: And out of this complete
nothing was a flash,

and a speck was formed
no bigger than a mustard seed.

J.T. : And in that tiny speck
was all of everything

that ever would be.

And that speck expanded

at hundreds of millions
of miles per hour.

It was a ball of pure energy,
dense and massive

beyond imagination.

J.T. : And the temperature was
in the trillions of degrees.

Marc: A mass of pure plasma
expanding at the speed of light.

Everything that
ever would be, I mean,

the material from which
everything exists today,

the planets and the stars,
all living things.

Time and space itself
was created at that moment.

And this was good news for
Bible thumpers like me and Dad

because science was saying that
there was a beginning,

just like it says
in the Bible.

of course the bad news was,

is the Bible said this
all happened in six days.

This idea of the Big Bang
all came about

as a result of Einstein's
theories of relativity,

where he established
that in the physical sciences,

nothing was absolute.

Everything was relative to
everything else.

- Even time.
- Time is relative to speed.

It's a concept in physics
we call time dilation.

I'd imagine you've
all heard this example.

Imagine Lin and J.T. are twins
living here on Earth.

I know, weird, right?

Lin boards a spaceship
and flies off traveling

near the speed of light
to some faraway star.

J.T. stays here on Earth.

Now for Lin, the trip takes,
oh, about a year.

But when she returns to Earth,

she finds that J.T. has aged
nearly 20 years.

oh no.

For me, traveling at
near the speed of light,

time passed more slowly
than it did for J.T.

waiting here on Earth.

ooh, like that--

Like that one W.C. Fields joke
where he's like--

it's a wonderful town,

spent a week there one night."

- Right?
- No.

It's not something that
seemed to be,

and it's not that her
clock just ran more slowly.

It's that less actual time
elapsed for Lin

as she traveled
near the speed of light.

J.T. : Think of it this way.

For an object at rest, time
passes as we are accustomed.

As the object begins
to accelerate

and as its speed
approaches the speed of light,

the amount of time that passes

The passage of time
is relative to speed--

as Lin said, time dilation.

Um, are we-- Are we done
with all the physics stuff?

You'll like this next part,


[ imitating fanfare ]

So this time dilation thing
is just like

in "Star Trek," right,
is that what he's saying?

Like when young Spock
meets old Spock.

Just like that,
yeah, yeah, yeah.

- That was weird,
- That was so weird.

But I didn't think that
was a real thing,

that's a movie thing, right?

- No, that happens.
- oh.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the planetarium.

Please have a seat over here,
remain seated!

Permanecen sentados,
por favor.

J.T. : To gather another visual
to show you what we mean

by time dilation.

We took some footage
from an old sci-fi movie

and created this
little clip.

Please, enjoy yourselves.

Get comfortable and lean
your seats back.

Imagine this is the bridge
of a starship on a mission

of deep-space exploration.

A mission at the very center of
our Milky Way Galaxy

where most scientists
now believe

we will find
a super massive black hole.

The black hole at the center
of our Milky Way

was once a star
with a mass estimated to be

some 2.5 million times
that of our own sun.

Lin: When that star collapsed,
all of its mass was condensed

into a tiny spot in space
of infinite density.

The size on the
scale of a grain of sand.

Marc: This is called
a singularity,

and the gravitational attraction
it exerts is so powerful

that nothing, not even
light itself, can escape.

Hence the name,
"black hole."

Lin: The commander
of the starship

has sent one of his smaller
survey craft

to explore the black hole.

Let's call the commander of
the survey craft Captain Chen.

Can I be the commander
of the starship?

- Sure, why not?
- Cool.

Commander Chase on the starship
is watching Captain Chen

on the bridge
of the survey craft

as it approaches
the event horizon.

J.T. : That's the edge.

Lin: The edge
of the black hole.

As Commander Chase and his
helmsman look across

at the bridge of the survey
craft through their monitor--

Looking into one frame of
reference from another.

That's right, yes.

Lin: Chase and his helmsman see
the movements of

Chen and her crew
are slowing down.

They now seem to be in slow
motion, but for Captain Chen,

everything is normal.

She will log the results of her
mission into her ship's computer

and then take her survey craft
back to the coordinates

where she expects to
find the parent starship,

but it's not there.

J.T. : They will hail another
passing ship and experience

a startling revelation.

Lin: Those to whom Captain Chen
will ultimately give the report

of her one-hour survey at
the edge of the black hole

will be the distant descendants
of her starship mates.

During the one hour
described by Captain Chen,

the clocks of these

will have recorded the passage
of thousands of years.

During what Captain Chen
and her crew experienced

as the passage of one hour
at the event horizon,

thousands of years
have elapsed in the space

they occupy prior to their trip
to the black hole.

As I said earlier,
this is time dilation.

The effect of increased gravity
slowing the passage of time,

just as does speed.

For an object in a zero-
or low-gravity environment,

time passes as we are

As the force of gravity
on an object increases,

the passage of time narrows.

Time slows down.

To sum it up,
time is not fixed or constant.

Lin: Time or
the passage of time

is affected by speed
and by gravity.

The greater the speed or the
greater the force of gravity,

the slower the passage of time.

There is also
one more thing

that affects the passage
of time.

That is the
stretching of space itself.

I could use your help, Tyler,
come here.

oh, uh...

Come up here, it'll be fun.

Tyler, go.

How's the chest?

I'm a little dizzy
and nauseous.

Blow this up.

Looks like they finally
found a way to use

some of your
hot air there, Tyler.

Blow it up a little more.

Hold it there,
hold it there.

Now, science tells us that in
the instant of the Big Bang,

everything that ever would be
the universe

and anything in it--

--Including time and space

--was compressed to a speck
the size of a mustard seed.

Now, as the universe expands,
galaxies form,

so think of the black dots
on the balloon as galaxies

and the balloon itself
as the universe,

and notice as
the universe expands,

the distance between the dots,
the galaxies, it increases.

J.T. : There's
no more of anything.

No more matter
or space or time.

It's just the distance between
what there is is increasing.

Space itself is stretching.

And as space stretches,
so does time.

Just as time is affected
by speed and by gravity,

it is also affected by
the stretching of space.

But the stretching of space
affects time

from one moment to another

rather than just from one place
to another.

And this brings us
back to Genesis

and the quandary of six days
or 16 billion years.

- Can I keep the balloon?
- Sure, Tyler.

Now, in order to understand
these first six days,

we need to identify the frame of
reference in which they unfold.

How, Dad, is the story
of Genesis conveyed to man?

Well, depending on
who you believe,

the first five books of
the Bible, including Genesis,

were given directly to Moses
by God,

or God inspired certain others
to-- to write those books.

So the source of the
story of the first six days,

directly or indirectly,
is God.


So Genesis is told through
God's perspective,

from his, scientifically
speaking, frame of reference,

Like Peyton Manning, or Blake
in our football game.

Jerry: Yeah, that's correct.

So just what was God's
frame of reference?

God's frame of reference
when telling the story

has to be somewhere not affected
by local distortions.

Like the speed of gravity.

Yes, and that somewhere has to
be the universe itself,

the total universe,
the cosmos,

not some isolated locality
within it.

So the question is,
how does time unfold

in this cosmic frame
of reference?

How is it recorded?

To understand that,

we must first define what
a clock really is.

Quite simply,
a clock is anything

that repeats itself periodically
and where the rhythm of those

repeating cycles can be used
to note the passage of time.

That's like straight from
the dictionary,

tick, tock, tick,
tock, tick, tock.

A clock is not something
that creates time,

a clock only
records the passage of time.

So the cosmic clock that
God uses to relate

his time of
creation to man is what?

The answer is simply light.

Light is the only constant
in the universe.

It provides a method of
measuring the passage of time

in the cosmos.

Light can be used as
a cosmic clock

to measure
the passage of time

by any change in the wavelength
or cycle or frequency of light.

The distances between the crest
of the light wave.

Ding, that's right.

We'll skip all the math

I mean, listen,
if you'd like us to,

I'd be happy to go through
the details.

- No, that's fine.
- No, no, no, no.

No, we're good.

Then let's just say that science
has proven this

by measuring the
stretching of the wavelength

of the light from the sun
compared to the wavelength

or frequency of the same light
created on Earth.

The results confirm the
predictions made by Einstein

and by the theory of
time dilation.

In order to compare time today
with time at the Big Bang--

--And the passage of time
between then and now--

--there has to be a source
of light which exists today

that also existed at the time
of the Big Bang.

Marc: This light source was
found in 1964 by accident

when two astronomers
discovered what's called

cosmic background radiation,
or CBR.

Lin: This is a residual
radiation left over

from the time of the Big Bang.

J.T.: It fills all space today
as it did then.

The property of the CBR which
make it the perfect cosmic clock

is the change that has occurred
in the wavelength

of the decaying ash
between the moment when matter

first was formed following
the Big Bang and now.

At that Big Bang moment,

the temperature in that
initial plasma mass

was nearly

and the frequency of what is now
CBR corresponded.

The original
frequency of the CBR

was some 3 trillion cycles
per second.

As the universe cooled
and expanded, space stretched,

and with it, the wavelength
of the CBR.

Today, that CBR has cooled
to only 2.73 degrees Kelvin

and the wavelength to some three
cycles per second.

The ticking of this
cosmic clock has slowed from

to three cycles per second.

The stretching of space and time
as the universe expanded

in turn stretched the distance

between the wave crests
of the CBR.

The passage of time
just after the Big Bang

occurred at a rate a trillion
times faster than it does today.

So God telling the story of
the first six days to Moses,

he was telling it from his
frame of reference.

He told it based
on the passage of time

reflected by the cosmic clock.

Lin: God related to Moses what
happened on each of

the six days of Genesis

based on the passage of time
as kept by the cosmic clock

as it recorded the passage of
time as it occurred.

There's-- There's a simple
formula which can be used to

break the rate of change
in the passage of cosmic time

down into steps.

Lin: But in doing this,
this rate of change,

the amount of time passing
will be seen from

our local frame of reference.

our perspective, here on Earth
today, in the future.

Yes, we will be
looking back in time,

measuring time by our
clocks today.

our clocks that run
a trillion times slower

than the cosmic clock just after
the Big Bang.

Yeah, exactly!

J.T.: With every doubling
in the size of the universe

from the instant
of the Big Bang

until the time of Adam,

the stretching of the wavelength
of the CBR

reflects a slowing of the
passage of time by one-half.

Marc: obviously, each doubling
in the size of the universe

takes longer
than the previous double.

Each doubling expansion has
twice as far to go.

Whatever that means.

Now, we are going to break this
universe expansion

up into six steps.

We are calling
these steps Pots.

It's a term we coined meaning
"Passages of Time."

Each Pot reflects the passage of
time from the Big Bang to now,

with each of the six doublings
in the size of the universe

and a trillion times stretching
in the size of the universe.

The first of these six Pots,

Looking back and based on
our time today,

would reflect the
passage of 8 billion years.

Lin: Let's assume Paddington was
there right after the Big Bang

and saw the events of the first
Pot as they occurred.

All of that information will
be wrapped up inside the coils

of this Slinky.

The universe expands, space and
time stretch a trillion times,

the extended distance between
the coils of this Slinky

indicating that stretch.

J.T.: And now Paddington
comes up and tells Albert

about the events of that
first Pot.

Lin: He describes these events
as they took place

in their original
time frame, one day.

But as Albert looks back,
he sees those events

from the perspective
of today's clock,

a clock that runs
a trillion times slower

than the original cosmic clock
used by Paddington.

He sees these events
unfolding with the passage

of 8 billion years,

which reflects the stretching
of space and time.

With an adjustment
in the logarithmic scale,

the second of the Pots would
reflect the passage

of 4 billion years.

J.T.: And then 2 billion
and 1 billion and so on.

Marc: Add up the length of time
reflected by these six Pots

as seen from our current

and you have

as the age of our universe,

six days, as measured
by the cosmic clock.

And this is a scientific

based on proven science

reflecting the same period
of time

as it occurred in the two
different frames of reference,

the time as it unfolded based on
the cosmic clock

and the amount of time as
measured by today's clocks,

measured by today's time

What God described to Moses

and what Moses described
to the next person

using the passage of time

are from different frames
of reference,

different perspective.

God telling Moses the story of
the six days of Genesis

is like Captain Chen
relating the events

of her one-hour survey
at the edge of the black hole

to people whose clocks had
marked the passage

of thousands of years
during the same one-hour period.

And you might just find this to
be an interesting quirk,

except for one thing.

Let's look at what science says
actually happened during

each of these Pots and compare
them to the six days of Genesis.

Dad, if you could, summarize for
us the first day of Genesis.

"In the beginning, God created
the heavens and the Earth

"and the Earth was without form,
it was void.

"And the darkness
was over the face of the deep

"and the spirit of God hovered
over the surface of the waters.

And God said,
'Let there be light."'

Are there some points that need
to be clarified?

Yeah, three, really.

You need to understand
something of Hebrew

to understand
the Book of Genesis.

First of all, in the ancient
Hebrew language,

there is no word
for "universe."

Secondly, the waters
are really representing

everything that there was,

and darkness is a symbol
for a state of chaos.

Dr. Tolley.

Day one would have started

and ended

What does science say
happened on Earth

during this time period?

At the instant of the Big Bang,
everything that would ever be,

everything that would constitute
the quarks,

protons, neutrons, electrons,

from which everything
that now exists

as well as time
and space itself were created.

The Earth only existed in
the form of stardust

that would later
congeal into the planet.

As to the verse,
"Let there be light,"

you need to go back to your
Big Bang video

and correct something.

The name "Big Bang"

conjures up the impression

of this brilliant
expl*si*n and flash of light,

Like an atomic b*mb.


That's how this event is
generally pictured,

but it's not accurate.

From the initial moment
of creation

and as the universe
initially expanded,

it was a ball of plasma of such
incredible heat and density

and gravitational forces

that no light could have

there was no light at all,

just a swirling opaque mass
of pure energy.

It was only when
this primordial primal mass

had cooled and expanded
to a point where

the gravitational forces
were reduced enough

to permit electromagnetic
radiation to escape

that there
would have been light.

So "let there be light" is
clearly a separate event

from the initial creation in
both the Bible and science?


And during the remainder of that
first 8 billion-year period,

the early stars
and galaxies formed.

Dad, day two?

Day two, the heavens
as we know them were created

and the chaos that would
eventually become the Earth

was separated from
the rest of creation.

Marc: Dr. Tolley, cosmic clock,
day two,

what happened
during this time period?

our own galaxy, the
Milky Way, formed,

as did our sun and planet Earth
in its earliest incarnation.

Marc: Daddy, day three.

Jerry: The oceans and
the dry land appeared as well

as the first forms
of plant life.

Professor Campbell,
we're in your arena now.

What does science say
happened on Earth

between 3.75 billion years ago
and 1.75 billion years ago?

Well, some

the Earth cooled,
liquid water formed.

Almost immediately, the first
plant and animal life,

algae bacteria appear.

Back to you, Dad, day four.

Jerry: Day four, the sun,
the moon and the stars appear.

Marc: Same time period,

and 750 million years ago.

Dr. Campbell: Well, initially in
the first part of this period,

atmosphere on Earth would have
been nearly opaque,

then with the rising
concentrations of oxygen,

the atmosphere would have
become translucent.

And then the sun,
the moon and the stars

would have appeared for
the first time

from the surface of the Earth.

Marc: Dad, day five.

Jerry: Day five,
life is created in the oceans

and the first reptiles
and birds.

Marc: Professor,

Dr. Campbell: Well,

sea life would
have been dominant

and then came the Cambrian era.

Cambrian expl*si*n about

when every species
of land animal

Literally appeared
at the same time.

So instead of a tree of life,
it was more like a bush of life.

Touche, Kerry.

Marc: And the Bible
on day six.

Jerry: Day six, the land animals
become dominant...

and God created man
in his own image.

Marc: 250 million years ago
and to the appearance of Adam.

a mass extinction.

followed by
a rapid repopulation,

mammals, land animals

Lin: That was the Permian-
Triassic event.

Depending on
how you define them,

there have been between
five and 20 ELEs,

or extinction-level events.

Marc: Like in the Tea Leoni/
Morgan Freeman movie,

"Deep Impact."

Tyler: But I didn't think
that was a real thing,

- that's a movie thing, right?
- Chase: No, that happens.

Lin: Anyway, about

around 250 million years ago,
the dinosaurs appeared

and dominated life on Earth
for about 150 million years.

Then, 65 million years ago,
another ELE,

this one known as
the KT extinction,

k*lled off the dinosaurs
and opened the way for

mammals and birds to become
the dominant land animals.

Then the first hominids.

Lin: And finally,

human beings, as we know them
today, appeared.

Now, isn't it true that at
the time Genesis was written,

there was no awareness of any
of the scientific stages

that you and
Dr. Tolley described?

Well, at that time, Kerry,

most people thought the Earth
was flat.

Today, the cosmic clock
continues to tick

to measure the passage of time
at the level of the cosmos.

And as the universe
continues to expand,

the rate at which it measures
time continues to slow.

But that doesn't mean anything
to us now.

From the moment God breathed
the neshama of life into Adam,

when God gave man his soul,

we on Earth have denoted
the passage of time

by our Earth-based clocks.

Lin: Where one second
is part of one day

which reflects the rotation of
the Earth on its axis

and a year that marks the
completion of one Earth circuit

of the sun.

You said God told the story
of Genesis to Moses

or that it was
written down by others

inspired by the word of God,

but what if there
just isn't any God?

The idea that Moses or anyone
else at the time

Genesis was written,

a time that Bob reminded us,
just a minute ago,

when most people believed
that the world was flat,

could have created a story
that so perfectly reflects

what science has now proven
to be true,

all on its secular own--

To believe that,
for me, anyway,

is harder than
to believe in God.

But isn't the same thing as
the old day-age argument?

No, not really.

The day age or concordist

is an attempt to
rationalize the Genesis story

and reinterpret the words that
the original authors used

when they presented
the six days of creation.

There is no science
to back that up.

I mean, what we are talking
about here today

is a result of applying
proven science to the issue.

This is a scientifically derived
answer to the question

with no spin or
subjective interpretation.

So you see, science and its

and the six days of
Genesis are in complete accord.

Science has proven what
religious leaders

have been unable to prove
for thousands of years.

Spoken like the scientist
you are, Marc,

but in reality,
science has just caught up

with the truth of the Bible.

Science has simply deciphered
the Genesis Code.

I think what I find
most amazing about this

is the uncanny brilliance of
biblical Genesis,

which is presented
to us in such a way that

mankind has to evolve
to its current level

before we're able to understand
the story

as it was originally written.

Um... question.

Are we gonna have a test
on any of this?

'Cause I don't
know if I'm gonna--


No, Tyler, no test.

That's it.

So if you guys have
any questions,

we would be happy to
try to answer them for you,

but if not, I just thank you
for coming

and I bid you a good day.

[ applause ]



okay, okay.

okay, I haven't the foggiest
idea what he's talking about,

but it sure gives me a lot to
talk to that Mensa girl about,

you know what I'm saying?

Time dilation, time dilation,
she'll think I'm brilliant.

This was so--

Chase: I think I'm gonna go take
Albert home.

Do you think you
can meet me in the morning

at the rec center?

- Say 9:30?
- Sure.

Thanks for coming,
by the way.

See you.

Been here all night?

Are there any changes?


Her prognosis is the same.

Her vital signs are

I know it's hard,

if not impossible for you
to accept it.

It might be for the best.

woman: # Everyone you'll learn
someday #

# To get out of their way ##

Kerry: So I was actually
looking for Blake.

Shane: Yeah, so was I,
but he's not here.

My story's due tomorrow
and I sort of have, like,

a few things I have
to wrap up,

- so maybe you can help me.
- I can try, what's up?

Well, actually,
there's probably a few things

I'm not gonna put
in the story

'cause I know
Blake wouldn't want me to.

Like what?

He told me that he wanted to be
world chess champion,

but he doesn't
really play chess.

He told you that, huh?

I assumed that he was just
being facetious,

but he sounded
so serious when he said it.

I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to
back off that one, Kerry.

If he wants to tell you more,
he's gonna have to do it, okay?

What about his mom?

What other hope is there?

I don't think so.

- Have you seen her?
- In the hospital?

No, no.

He hasn't taken you
to see her?

He's asked me to, but...

I grew up in a rough part
of Detroit.

I had a little
brother who was shot

during a drive-by.

He was in the hospital for
six months before he died

and I was there every day.

Every single day.

And it felt like the walls
were suffocating me.


Hospitals are just something
I can't deal with.

[ rock music playing ]

The church secretary
said you were down here.

She said it would be okay.

oh, absolutely,
glad to have you.

You want to give it a try?

That's a little above
my pay grade.

[ grunts ]

Jerry, push.

Push, push, push.

That's a lot of weight.

What is that,

And it feels
every pound of it.

I was actually hoping I could
talk to you for a few minutes.

In private?

No, no,
it doesn't have to be.

Well, Bob and I are
about to take off.

Would you care to join us?

- I wouldn't want to intrude.
- oh, you wouldn't be at all.

You-- you ever done
any sh**ting?


Great, you'll join us,

You'll have a great time.

Come on.

Not bad.

Yeah, well, my dad taught me
.22 and a.410

when I was seven
and I kind of worked my way up

to the heavy stuff.

I was thinking about what
Marc presented today

and it makes
a lot of sense to me.

- But?
- Not his conclusions.

I mean, to my engineering mind,
that makes total sense.

I guess I'm just reappraising
my doubts about the Bible.

But somehow that just doesn't
feel right.

Yeah, that's it.

I've always thought to find
your own faith,

it had to occur from within,
something from your heart.

So finding it through
some cold scientific analysis

just feels false
or phony to you?


Blake, how somebody finds
their faith

is different for each person.


It's finding that faith
that matters,

not necessarily
how it comes about.

I guess I'm just trying to
rationalize it all

instead of
just believing in it.

Well, if God didn't
want us to think,

he wouldn't have given us the
power of deductive reasoning.

There are many,
many different ways

that people come to faith.

Sometimes it's through their
parents or their upbringing.

Sometimes they have some big,
traumatic experience

and sometimes it's
through the intellectual path.

I know you-- you feel like you
should have this big epiphany,

but sometimes it's a lot more
mundane than that.

You don't have to
feel bad about that.

There are all sorts of different
ways to come to this conclusion.

If somebody had to hang a label
on my faith,

I guess I would call it
a form of theistic evolution.

I mean, I'm a theist.

I believe in one supreme,
transcendent God

and as an active,
eminent force in the universe.

But I also believe in
the dinosaurs

and I believe in the
science involved in creation.

I believe in microevolution,
evolution within the species.

I don't believe in

one species becoming another.

And as a theist,
my one god

is the God of Judeo-Christian

Jeez, remind me never to argue
about dinosaurs with you.

Not bad for an egghead.

I see no problems
with my beliefs

or the tortured intellectual
path that I have taken

to my faith.

However, there are
some that think of me

as somewhat of a pagan
for my beliefs.

Try that.

You know what, Bob,
anybody that would criticize

the way somebody else comes
to their beliefs

presumes to know
the mind of God,

which means that
either they're arrogant

or I think perhaps

- Hey, Dad?
- Yeah?

Your career
is your religion,

but what if it wasn't?

And what if your religion

was going to cost you
your career?

How would you handle that?

Well, it sounds like I should
have an easy answer for that,

Kerry, but I don't.

It's a very real dilemma
and I'd have to think

very carefully about it.


[ phone ringing ]

- Hey, what's up, man?
- Hey man.

You know, Kerry was looking
for you earlier today.

Yeah, no, I-- I forgot.

Well, I'm gonna make myself
a sandwich, want one?

No, no, I'm not hungry.

[ phone ringing ]

Hey, what's up, Dalton?

Yeah, he's here with me.



All right, the judge made
a decision.

We gotta be back at
the courthouse in 30 minutes.

Mr. Truman, do you have anything
more you can give me?

I mean, anything that would
indicate that your mother

would no longer agree
with the instructions

she gave her parents under
the advocate designation?


No, nothing specific,

Well, without any additional
factual information

to counter the instructions

she gave to
the advocate designees,

I have no choice but to deny
your motion for injunction.

I'm sorry, son.

I'm gonna file an appeal.

Blake, honey.

Please let this go.

Your mother does not want to
live like this.

If you file an appeal,
it'll just prolong things.

It won't change anything
and your mother

will just suffer
that much longer.

I'm glad you asked,
but the most important thing

that you're gonna find
on the midterm

is going to be
material that you see

in chapters one
through seven.

Pay special attention to
chapters 1 1 and 12

because of the content
regarding law and possible...

[ heart monitor beeping ]

man:... American

including Charles Walcott--

This absolute biblical truth
of yours, Kerry,

simply does not exist.

Don't let this adherence
to something

your parents might
have believed

stand between you
and a wonderful life.

Between you and a career.

Between you
and the opportunity to serve

as a member of an elite group

and to help shape
a brave new future.

man: And the more recent work of
men like Harry Whittington...

man: Let's pick up the intensity
a little bit.

Good job, Todd.

Come on, keep up the tempo.

You guys are looking good,
you're looking good,

way to finish out here,
way to finish out.

Stay with the puck.

Good transitions,
good transitions here.

Good job, Sam, that's what
I like to see.

Blake, come here, son.

I'm really sorry, Coach,
it's just I got--

Listen, Shane told me what
happened earlier today.

Go home, get some rest,
try to pull yourself together.

Godspeed, son.

Thanks, Coach.

Let's go!

Keep it going, guys,
let's go!

Shane: # No one seems to notice
the man beside the road #

# He was just a ragged
soldier out there in the cold #

It's what your mother wanted,

It won't change anything,

and your mother will just suffer
that much longer.

Her prognosis is the same.

Her vital signs are

woman: It's what your
mother wanted, Blake.

man: I know it's hard,
but it might be for the best.

Jerry: Lord, we pray that you
bless us and keep us.

Lord, make your face to shine
upon us and be gracious unto us.

Turn your face toward us
and give us peace.


Shane: # Some are born
for greatness #

# And some are born to fall #

# Some are bound to be
forgotten #

# Like they never lived at all #

# But we're all born
to know him #

# And stand before his light #

# Like a soldier
who found the king #

# Tonight ##

There's a Professor Allitt
here to see you.

- Thank you.
- oh, please--

Well, send her in,
I guess.

Professor Myra Allitt.

So this is what the inside of
a church looks like, hmm?

Yep, pretty much.

Electric lights,
indoor plumbing.

Everything except the panes
on the ceiling.

You mean like--

Like that church in Rome?

Yeah, like that church
in Rome.

I came here to talk
about your daughter, Kerry.

I'm her academic advisor.

Kerry, yes,
she's our daughter.

She has a very bright future,
do you know that?

We are very aware of that.

Did she tell you
about our meeting?

She told me that when you
met with her,

that actually,
you sat down and you

quoted the book of Corinthians
to her,

and yet a moment ago,

you couldn't remember the name
of that church in Rome,

the one with the painted
ceilings, the Sistine Chapel.

Actually, I looked up that quote
right before

she walked into the room.

You trying to develop
some kind of

simpatico relationship with her?

to help make a point.

- Look, Mr. Wells--
- Reverend Wells.

okay, of course,
Reverend Wells.

I came here to ask your help
with something

that's very important
to Kerry's future.

okay, regarding?

Kerry's a bit too dogmatic.

I appreciate the passion
she has for her faith,

but that kind of
passion can stand in the way

of her making full use of
her incredible mind

and of getting ahead
in that world out there.

Not entirely sure I follow.

Kerry's simply too absorbed
in her faith

and she is so
absorbed in this notion

- of absolute biblical truth.
- Now, hold on a minute.

That's one of the reasons
why her mother and I

are very proud of her,

but that shouldn't have anything
to do with the fact

that she's looking at
a potential career in science.

Reverend, I know that
you're a minister

and you're obviously
a very well-educated man,

so you surely don't believe that
there are absolute truths

which are always
and everywhere true.

Well, of course I do.

Don't you?

I mean, you must,
you're a scientist.

Science, yes, but I'm talking
about the realm of

religion and morality.

I believe that each civilization

what is right and wrong

based on its local customs
and beliefs,

but nobody has the right
to impose those beliefs

on anybody else.

Sometimes I'm a little thick,
so I want to make sure

I absolutely understand this.

When it comes to science,

you believe that there are
absolute truths

that are always
and everywhere true,

but when it comes to ethics
and morality,

you don't think
that there are any,

so in other words,

it's basically every culture
for itself

when it comes to ethics.

All I'm saying is that when it
comes to morality and beliefs,

it's perfectly acceptable
for someone to believe

that something is true
for themselves,

but they have
no right to impose that

and enforce it on
anybody else, ever.

Let me ask you this.

Are you familiar with this
practice that occurs

in some cultures
around the world today

called female circumcision,

in which young girls
are mutilated

so that they never experience
any sensation during sex?

I know about female

Actually, for years,

I've been on the international

that has been combating this
barbaric treatment of women.

How is it that
you're part of something

where you impose your
belief system,

your understanding of right
and wrong on another culture?

- of course you are.
- No, no, no, it's plain wrong.

It's just plain wrong,
female circumcision,

it's flat-out wrong.

oh, so if you feel passionately
about something,

then that's
an absolute truth.

Well, that's not exactly
what I'm saying.

Yeah, but isn't that
exactly why you came here today

to talk to me about
my daughter?

I don't think we're
going to reach an agreement

about this, do you?

Mmm, probably not.

Walk with me.

- We lost the injunction today.
- Yeah.

I saw Shane.

I think my grandparents
might be right.

What they want to do
may be the right thing.

Taking your mom
off life support?


Dalton's drafting up
an appeal.

I told them I'd let him know
what I wanna do with it.

That's only something
you can decide.

I want to ask the hockey team
to pray for my mother.

There are two kinds
of prayers, Blake.

There's the one where you ask
God to do something

and then there's the one where
you acknowledge his supremacy

and your own limitations.

That just sounds like an excuse
where praying doesn't work.

That's not what I meant.

Can it hurt?


Not at all.

Kerry, what's wrong?

What's bothering you?

I've been given an ultimatum
by my academics advisor.

on what?

If I want a career
in paleontology,

I have to put my
beliefs on the back shelf.

What is it?

I remember something
from the Bible.

Something about the Devil
tempting Christ in the desert,

offering him all the kingdoms
if he would forsake God

and worship the Devil.

Thank you.

When you do your prayer,
can I come with you?

Yeah, I'd like that.

- At the arena?
- Yeah.

I'll meet you there.

Hey, Coach Edwards,
can I ask you something?

Sure, what do you need, bud?

I was wondering if
the hockey team could come out

and pray for my mother.

You know, they should-- they
should be done getting changed.

I'll bring them out,
all right?

Thanks, Coach.

I asked my dad and
Professor Campbell to come.

- I hope that's okay.
- Yeah, thanks.

I need all the support
I can get.

I haven't talked to any of you
except for Shane about this,

but most of you probably
already know,

my mom's in the hospital and
she's in a pretty bad way.

I don't like to
ask things from people,

but I need to ask something
from all of you now.

I want to ask
you guys to pray with me.


... I know this isn't the way
it's supposed to be done.

People aren't supposed to come
to you only in a time of crisis

and expect you to help.

I'm sorry if that's
what it seems I'm doing.

But I'm not asking
for a miracle

or for anything for myself,

or to try to convince you
to do anything other than

what you've planned.

There's no way for me to know
why you do what you do.

I accept that now.

When kids are young,
they do stupid things,

they say stupid things
to their parents.

Most of the time, they
get a chance to make amends,

to tell their parents they
didn't really mean

what they said.

My father.

He was always trying to make
that big deal.

He was k*lled
on one of his trips.

I told my mother the reason
why he wasn't around,

the reason why I didn't
have a dad to play ball with

Like the other kids

was because of the way
she treated him

and all she wanted was
for him to make more money.

I could tell when I said that
that it hurt her.

That's what I wanted,
I wanted to hurt her.

But what I said
just wasn't true.

I never told her that.

She worked two jobs
and saved every penny

to put me through school..

and now she's in
the hospital

and she probably
won't make it out.

What I'm asking, Lord...

is that somehow you let her know
that I didn't mean what I said.

And I'm sorry.

And I appreciate everything that
she sacrificed for me.

That's all that I ask.

She's been wonderful
to me.

And she just
doesn't deserve to die

without knowing how much
I really loved her.

Thank you, Lord.

- Amen.
- all: Amen.

Thanks, guys.

So where are you going now?

I thought I'd stop at the
hospital before I go home.

The prayer was beautiful,

I've never done
anything like that.

I was real close to asking your
dad to do it for me.

No, you did just fine.

You know, you asked me
a question a few days ago

and I avoided answering it.

Why you wanted to be the world
chess champion.


For a long time now,

I've felt like I've had
no control

over anything
going on around me,

and I would go down
and watch these kids play chess

at the rec center.

And they had so many moves
planned ahead,

Like their whole world
was laid out on the board

and they knew just what to do in
response to any move

their opponent would make.

I just want to have
that feeling,

that sense of control
just once, just--

Even if it's
just for a little while.

[ phone ringing ]


All right, I understand,
I'll be right there.

It's Dr. Hoffer.

My mother took a turn
for the worse.

He doesn't know if she's gonna
make it, so I'm gonna go.

- I'm going with him.
- We'll meet you there.

woman on PA: Paging
Dr. Battaglia,

call extension 1-9-8.

Dr. Battaglia,
extension 1-9-8.

Extension 1-9-8 for
Dr. Battaglia.

Blake, my dad called.

- Is it all right if I go?
- Marc, I-- I appreciate it.

Blake, I--

When I called, I--

I don't know how to explain
this to you.

We're too late.

Blake: And she just doesn't
deserve to die

without knowing how
much I really loved her.

Kerry: A little prayer might
give you some peace, Blake.

Jerry: Lord, make your face
to shine upon us

and be gracious unto us.

Turn your face toward us
and give us peace.

Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen...

No, no, no, no, no,
that's not what I meant,

I'm sorry if you
thought that.

It's just that I don't know
how to explain this to you.

When I called you, I was certain
that she was slipping away,

but something's happened,

and I don't know if this is
a temporary reprieve or--

Blake, your mother is awake and
her vital signs are improving.

She's asking for you, Blake.

- Can we see her?
- Absolutely.

Thank you.

See you in church.

[ phone ringing ]


Yes, it is.

She's-- She's awake?

oh, my God!

She's awake!

- oh my...
- Hello?

Thank you.

Thank you.


Mom, you okay?

I think so, I feel okay.

I see you have
some new friends.

Mom, I--

- Hi, I'm Kerry Wells.
- Hi.

- This is my brother, Marc.
- Hi.

My dad, the Reverend Jerry
Wells, and Professor Campbell.

And yes,
we are friends with Blake.


oh, well now, there are
three faces I recognize.

Shane, Tyler... Chase.

I haven't seen you boys
in quite some time.


Don't stay too long.

She needs her rest.

We'll keep an eye on her.

Tyler: oh, you know what this
reminds me of?

This old western
movie I saw once.

It was about a town where
outlaws like Wild Bill

and Billy the Kid go to die

and see if they're
going to heaven,

and then there's
a big gunfight

and all the bad guys
get whacked,

and at the end, a stagecoach
driver comes up and he says,

"The creator might be tough,
but he ain't blind."

Marc: That was "Purgatory,"
it was a 1 999 TNT movie.

Sam Shepard, Eric Roberts
and Randy Quaid.

It was directed by Uli Edel

and the coach driver's name
is R.G. Armstrong.

I saw that movie, Tyler.

I liked it, too.


I want to explain
about that day.

- About Dad, I didn't mean--
- oh no, Blake.

Blake, I know.

I know, son,
I've always known.

I think perhaps we owe a word
of thanks, Mrs. Truman.

- Beverly.
- Beverly, thank you.

- Do you mind?
- Not in the slightest.

Let's pray.

Lord, the Earth is yours
and everything in it.

You made the heavens
and all their starry hosts,

the Earth and all that
is in it.

You are our
refuge and our strength,

our ever-present help
in our trouble.

we will not be afraid

because we are yours and you
are our fortress.


Jerry: In the beginning,

God created
the heavens and the Earth.

The Earth was without
form and void

and darkness was
on the face of the deep.

The spirit of God hovered
over the waters

and God said,
"Let there be light."

And there was light.

And there was evening and there
was morning the first day.

God said, "Let there be
an expanse between the waters

to separate water from water,"
and it was so.

And God called
the expanse heaven,

and the evening and the morning
were the second day.

God said, "Let the waters under
the heavens be gathered together

into one place and let
the dry ground appear."

And the gathering together of
the waters he called "seas"

and God saw that it was good.

God said, "Let the land
produce vegetation.

"Seed-bearing plants and trees
that bear fruit with seed in it

according to their various
kinds," and it was so.

And there was evening and
morning, the third day.

Then God said, "Let
there be lights in heaven."

And God made two great lights,

one to rule the day and
the lesser to rule the night

and he made the stars.

And there was evening and then
morning the fourth day.

God said, "Let the waters
teem with an abundance

"of living creatures and let
birds fly above the Earth

and across the expanse of sky."

So God created the great
creatures of the sea

and every living thing that
moves according to its kind

and God blessed them, saying,
"Be fruitful and multiply."

And there was evening and there
was morning the fifth day.

Then God said, "Let the
land produce living creatures,

"livestock and wild animals
and all the creatures

that move along the ground,
all according to their kinds."

And then God said, "Let us make
man in our image,

"in our likeness,

"and let them rule over
the fish of the sea

"and the birds
of the air and the cattle,

"let them rule over
all the Earth

and over all the creatures
that move along the ground."

So God created man
in his own image.

In the image of God,
he created him.

Male and female,
he created them.

And God blessed them
and said unto them,

"Be fruitful,
increase in number,

"fill and subdue the Earth.

"Rule over the fish of the sea
and of the birds of the air

and over every living thing that
moves on the ground."

And God said, "I give you
every seed-bearing plant

"on the face of
all the Earth

"and every tree that has fruit
with seed in it,

"they will be yours for food.

"And to all the beasts of
the Earth and birds of the air

"and creatures that move
on the ground,

"everything that has
the breath of life in it,

I give every green plant
for food."

And it was so.

And God saw all that
he had made

and it was very good.

And there was evening
and there was morning

the sixth day.
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