Prince Vladimir

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Prince Vladimir

Post by bunniefuu »

Long, long time ago there lived wise volhvs in Russia.

They knew the past and the future alike, and taught people how to live in accordance with the law.

Three great princes ruled in Russia in that time, three brothers, sons of Sviatoslav.

Yaropolk had Kiev, Oleg was the prince of Drevlian lands, and Vladimir, the youngest, ruled in Novgorod.

There was peace between brothers, and all was good. Until one volhv's apprentice had thought of a dark and cruel plan...

This is how it happened.

Secrets of fire, of earth, of water, of beast and man I've given you...

But do not become proud of it, do not make sacrifices in vain.

Good and Evil walks different paths.

Take the path of Good and your name will be Pravzha. Take the Evil path - and you'll become Krivzha.

Why did you do this? Why?

[Apprentice]: I want to rule!

Princes rule.

And who stands higher than princes?

The Law stands higher than princes.

Then give me the Law, teacher!

It is not time for you yet.

You need to travel the land and for every good deed of yours make a notch on the staff.

But I want it now!

You must learn. Learn.

Watch the fire, would you?

I'm so tired...

I want to rule...

My rule...

My Law!

[Teacher]: Krivzha is your name now.

[Girl screaming]: Daddy, Daddy! I want to go with you!

Where are your nannies?

[Nanny]: We've just looked another way, and she's gone!

Take her home!

[Nannies]: You can't go, Olenka, it's not for girls...

And lock her there!

Let's go home, Olenka, we have pies for you and milk for you...

[Olenka]: I'll run away either way!

[Man on the boat]: Hurry up, Novgorodians! There are riches waiting for us over the sea!

Grandpa, why are they is such a hurry?

They want to sail before the river freezes and while the sea is still. Do not wander away!

[Vladimir]: Whoah there, birdie! Careful, I've almost hurt you!


Yep, a prince.

Whoa, what a sword...

Do you like it?

[Vladimir]: Hey, boy, what are you afraid of?

[Grandpa]: Aleksha!

[Vladimir]: Hey, come with us! I need such brave warriors!

We'll be back right for Maslenitsa!

Where is the Prince? We gotta sail!

Loud mouth... You forgot the bread. For the company..

Variag takes his food by the sword!

[Dobrinia]: How did we became brigands...

To the first blood!

I'm tired of you. Will you ever be quiet?

Let's split this!

Now is not the time. First, we must buy horses...

... new swords and such. Prince took a lot...

Why are we in such a hurry to sail home? There so many cities to plunder!

I miss the snow... It's time to go home now.

Their land, Byzantium, is across the sea...

[Aleksha]: Sea...

[Grandpa]: It's three days sail, across the sea, with water everywhere you look.

And what's it like, Grandpa?

It's strange... beautiful...

There stand palaces of stone, with roofs and spires of gold.

I wish I could see it...

We came there with princess Olga, our prince's grandmother. She was baptised there, you know.

Their capital is Tzargrad, they call it Constantinople.

Am I late, eh?

Whoah there.... Here!

Now do what you've promised to do.

What, are you afraid to be seen with me?

It's better to be unseen.

[Kurya] Don't worry, there was only some old man.


Seize him!

He won't run far.

[Grandpa]: Run, Aleksha!


And where are you going, little rabbit?

Give me the boy! He'll make a good sacrifice.

Hey! He is my prisoner!

My son, Giyar! Let him take what he wants.

Gold is yours, but people are mine!

I remember our agreement, Krivzha! First open Kiev's gates for me!

I've hold my part of the bargain - your villages are burning!

Now it's you turn. Pit the brothers against each other.

Write... Write...

From prince Yaropolk a letter to prince Vladimir. Our brother Oleg is dead because of treason. The traitor is a priest wearing bear's pelt.

After his lies have k*lled Oleg, he had ran to pechenegs to make us fight each other and take our father's lands to himself.

Let's forget our old quarells, for only together can we defend Rus' against them. I'll be waiting for you and your army in Kiev. Sighned: prince Yaropolk.

Here it is...

Now Vladimir is mine. And you, Yaropolk... You will not live long...

[Vladimir]: Beautiful...

- I've seen a dream tonight.
- And what did ya see?
- A girl and a goat...

Hey, here's the girl! Where are you going, such... eh...

Don't tell me you don't know. Today is Maslenitsa.

- Well, we've seen the girl, but where's a goat?
- Wha..?
- A goat! It'll be good to catch a goat. Dad needs one.

Oh yeah, yeah! A present for Dad!

Oh heck, now we've miss a girl and a goat...

Hey! A goat! Get it! There is a present for Daddy!

[Dobrinia]: Those studs... That was a new fence!
- A fence... These guys can crash the gates and they won't even notice!

Yeah, they have muscles in abundance.

[Olenka]: Why don't you take them to the prince's army?
- Oh yeah. Thet are good only for scaring horses.

- What are you laughing about?!
- Haha, got it, hahaha!

[Vladimir]: Hey, you warriors and you, merchants from across the sea! Drink the wine and then drink the mead!

How do you like our girls, eh?

They are beautiful, prince!

Our Empire also have its fair share of beauties.

Nah... There is no girls prettier then ours.

- Yes, they are good, but we have one of such beauty...
- Princess Anna...
- Emperor's sister.

There is no one better than her.

Huh, a princess...

Hey, a horn! Here. Bring it to your princess as a gift from me. If she'll like, than I'll ask for her hand. She will be my princess.

[Dobrinia] Your health, Greek!

And who is that?

It's Krivzha, priest of Perun.

It the priest of Perun, Krivzha.

Come, join us. We are pleased to see you, priest. Drink with us, have fun and help yourself with prince's treats.

I have no time to drink. Treason builds a nest in your own household!

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about your own brother, prince Yaropolk.

- Know your place!
- Counsil of the Gods is my place! And you're too young and trusting!

Silence, old man! Be silent...

- Your brother is a traitor!
- I'll have your tongue!
- Here, take it! This. Is. My. Tongue!

Keep calm.

- What is this?
- This is a letter. From Yaropolk.

But it isn't to you. It's to your enemies.

[Vladimir]: Here, take a look.

I've found it on the corpse of the messenger in the forest. Messenger from Yaropolk to Kurya.


It's true, prince! It's just like the priest said!

[Cries from the crowd] Yaropolk betrayed us for the pechenegs! Pechenegs burns our villages!

I do not believe you!

Gather the counsil!

O Kurya, chief of the mighty pechenegs! We've split Oleg's lands between us. Now it's time for Vladimir's as well!

In the North, in wealthy lands of my brother uncounted riches of gold and furs awaits us.

As soon as snow'll start to melt, we'll move our armies North and take Novgorod.

Sighned: Yaropolk, prince of Kiev.

- I can't believe it!
- How could he?!
- Alliance with Kurya?!
-Alliance with his father's m*rder*r!

- I don't believe it!
- He wants to rule Novgorod now?!
- Never!

- Is this trully Yaropolk's letter?
- It bears his own seal!
- It means nothing. What if it's forged?

- And who invited you?
- This is what was with Yaropolk's letter! Wolf's ear, a sigil of Khan of Pechenegs.

- Well I'll be...

[Krivzha]: You have no choice but to believe it, prince.
- But he is a brother of mine...

There is nothing to think about. Treason!

- Novgorod is with you, prince!

Kiev is a rich city...

- Variag's company is with you!
- We'll be first in Kiev!

You word is our command.

It's decided. As soon as ice breaks, I'm marching to Kiev!

Lowly sl*ve! Whatcha looking at?!

Stop this.

- He is always looking to escape.
- Where is he from?
- He's Russian.

- I'll buy him.
- Wha..

This sl*ve is not for sale; he is my master's servant. What will I tell my master?
I'll tell him that he escaped...

- Anastasiy, we gotta sail!
- I'm coming!

Don't be afraid of me. Come.

[Aleksha]: Pechenegs burned our household. I'm the only one left.
And where are you from?

[Anastasiy]: From Byzantium. You'll like it there.

I want your spirit to grow strong and I want you to forget all your sufferings.

- Grandpa, you are alive!
- Well, why not?

- Where are we going?
- What do you mean "where"? Tsargrad!

[Man]: Constantinople!

Tsargrad! It IS golden!

Tell me. What did you see in Russia?

[Anastasiy]: Pechenegs troubles our borders, and russian princes are at each others throats because of a treacherous plot.
This boy is a witness of this conspiracy.

[Emperor]: We need strong Russia! It shields us from the pechenegs.

So, this Vladimir is smart, young and fierce?

Their discords are a danger to the Empire.

Young and fierce, is he now?

But they say it's quite cold there.

- Russian prince sends his gift to you, princess!
- Open it.

It is their music instrument, my lady.

And this is what he calls "prince's gift to a princess"?

-What did he want to say with it?
- Sometimes music says more than words. Aleksha, please, play for us.

We need peace between princes. Depart for Rus' immediately.

Go on, don't be afraid.

Tell Vladimir: his present pleases me.

[Anastasiy]: Moor! We'll wait for prince Vladimir here.

You see? Bear has come to meet you back.

Greeks are here! They are here!

- Whoa, what's that? Is it Greek cranberry? So big!
- Help yourself with it.

- Here's for you, and for you...
- These are grapes. Come, try it!

- Whoa, what's that? Is it Greek cranberry? So big!
- Help yourself with it.

- These are grapes. Come, try it.

Foreign filth...

And what's this?

You! You dare to laugh at me and greet them?!

It's pepper. Careful with it, it has quite a fire in it.

If I were you, I would be more concerned about Perun's fire!

Anastasiy, I'm afraid of him. He recognised me.

Don't be, Aleksha. Prince won't allow any harm done to you. You'll tell him all about this.

Greek ships, Greek merchants. And merchant always comes with the gold!


Take the Gospel! It'll protect you from fire and water alike.

Strange fog... It smells like ash.

There was a village nearby, but I can't hear it.

Fog, smoke - no difference. We must wait for it to clear!

- Look for my signal fire!
- Wake up, be on guard!

- I've dreamt about a girk again...
- With the goat again?
- Nah, with buckets now...

- Hey brothers, have you seen my dad?
- What? Ah, he went that way.
- That way.

- Who is that?
- I found him near the shore. He was asleep in some boat.

- Are you cold?
- Olenka, why won't you take and feed him?

- Come on, don't be scared!
- I'm not scared...

You know what's best in the army? Eating, ha!

- What's it called again?
- Constantinople.

- Come on, don't bug him!

We are sailing to Kiev, you know. And I'm sailing too. I've sneaked on board! Dad throwed such a fit!

- Why?
- Really, I don't know! What's this?

[Krivzha]: He's not from here, give him to me.

Lies! He's ours! He is Russian.

- He is not. Look, his clothes are foreign.
- So what? You look like a fool in your clothes, so what about you?
- Yeah.

- He was with Greeks.
- Hm... He can be a spy. Yes, he is a spy!

- Oh come on...
- There was a village nearby. Greeks burned it to cinder.

- You are lying, Krivzha...
- We must sacrifice him.

What?! I won't allow it!

Who are you to challenge me, Dobrinia?

- Why you...
- Hold your horses, Dobrinia! It's for me to decide!

- Where are you going, general?
- You already have your counselor...

Don't you dare to touch this boy! He is of no concern now - battle is upon us...

As you say, prince.

- Hey, Aleksha! Why are you awake?

I need to speak with prince...

Speak to me, why won't you?

Tie him to a tree in the forest! Prince's orders.

Prince's orders, huh? Well...

- I don't get it, what did he do?
- Have you heard about pepper?
- Pepper?
- Yeah, it's some foreign poison, he has something to do with it, ya know...

[Vladimir]: Kiev's walls are strong...

- Can we take it by force?
- Not to worry, prince, we'll take it... And we'll get 'em all.

We don't need to get them all. We need to get only one.

Two brothers I had...

- Aha, there you are!
- Are you scared?!
- Surrender now, pecheneg scum!

- Oleg, you've lost! Ask for mercy!
- It's not fair, Vladimir
- Now I'll be the great prince!

[Yaropolk] Never, you lowborn!

Yaropolk! How many times have I told you: do not fight. You are brothers, you are sons of Sviatoslav. You all have one home and one father.

I don't care! You are no brother of mine!

You are not my brother anymore!
You are not my brother anymore...

- Gates of Kiev will open itself for us.
- Yaropolk won't open them.

You do not believe me, prince? You'll believe Gods!

- I don't get, why prince hates this boy so much?
- Well, at least he is well fed. How ya think, did we tie him too tight?
- Naaah, your belt is too thin.
- I'll show you who's thin!

Relax, tommorow we'll bring him some stew. I got some for myself.

- Olenka!
- Aleksha! I've found you!
- Untie me.
- Hold one second!

- Come on, hurry up! Untie me!
- Wait, one second, one second!
- Hurry, he's close!
- I can't!
- Come on!

- Done!
- Run!
- Not without you!
- I said run!

Are you lost, Krivzha? Wnat some? With honey..

Want some?

You're still alive, I see.

Well. It's too early to die today.

But you'll still need to someday.

So, how are you?

You wish.

Well, sometimes it's the goat who eats the wolf.

Want some?

Are you still serving the gods?

Yes, but not people.

Wow, that's a loud one!

Are you not afraid of Perun's fire, old man?

Well, the gods are helping us.

Did you made an idol of Perun?

Wha? Idol?

You need to hold on to something yourself, if you don't want to drown in the river.

In the river or the swamp.

Careful, it's slippery.
Stand on the grass instead.

Hey, Hoten! It's... ahh... dad.


What are ya doing here?

Just sitting here. Looking at you.

-Hello, sons.
- Hi...

Have you decided to become brigands?

Naaaah! We are with the prince.

Wait, we'll help ya!

Look, it's a goat!

It's ours! Get it!

Get back!

You'll scare everyone, not just some goat.

It's a present! For you, dad!

So you were chasing it?

It's from Novgorod itself. For you.

- From Novgorod?
- Yep!

- Chow was good, so we fed him

- He's a good boy...
- And what was his crime?

We don't know...

It was an order of the prince.

So, did you bound him good?

- I think so...
- Nah, we forgot the rope!
- Then how?
- We used a belt!

A belt?

So what, you just came to army like this?

Without pants, but with clubs?

Well, it's time to go, dad. Work!

So what was the boy's name?

- Aleksha, I think...
- Aleksha?
- Yeah, yeah, Aleksha!

And the old man's?

Old man who came to Vladimir?

We don't know...

Look here. Does it look like him?

Like who?

Like an old man who was talking to prince!

He had a stick! Looked like a chicken's paw!

Ok, let's go.

I'll see you two off.

Dad! What do girls like?

Oh, I see...

- Apples?!
- Nah, berries! Certainly berries!

Who's going there? Who are you?

We are here for a righteous cause!

It's Vladimir and his army.

- It's Vladimir!
- Vladimir?! Yarololk is waiting for him!

Behold, Prince! Perun's might opens any gates!

- The priest was right!
- Sorcerer...

[Kievans murmuring] Why are Variags here?

[Murmurs] The Prince asked them to come.
- Why are they holding weapons?
- We need to call an army...

I'll go and tell Prince good news...

Stay here, variag! He's mine!


Why are you armed, brother?

Defend yorself! You k*lled Oleg, brother!

The fault is mine, but it wasn't treason!

- Coward!
- You whelp!

You want this power? You want to rule Kiev now?!
Lowborn! Never!

It's not my fault...

Oleg's death was not my fault...

I don't believe you, brother!
Prove it!

Someone else...

Someone else wanted all this bloodshed...

[Krivzha] Do what was asked of you, variag.

Here, take it. You wanted this...

[Vladimir] No, brother... No!

No, stop!

What have you done, variag?!

What we came here to do.

Understand... Will you understand...
Sin... What sin you have commited...

You are brothers, sons of Sviatoslav.

Oleg's death was not my fault

Blood is on my hands...

What have I done?


Do you live alone?

Well, not alone. There are a lot of us.

Hey, what are you doing?
Give it back!

Then tell me, how can you grow so much stuff?

Well... They grow because I love them. All of them.

So that's why?

And love is attention... and nurture.

Even to bees?

Bees? How can I not love them?

But they sting...

They do not sting without reason.

And what about gnats and mosquitoes?
Do you love them too?

They live for a reason too.

Ha, didn't get it... Fly then, bloodsucker.
Why do we need 'em?

Birds are eating them!

It's in their nature.

- They are not afraid of me.
- That's because you are my guest.

Yeah... Guest...

What's in the bag?

- A book.
- A book?

- A holy book.
- Holy?

- It's about a god.
- Oh, about him?

Nah, about an indivisable God.

So about Rod? Yes, Rod is indivisable, but with many faces.
Rod created all of us and we live with him.

- It's a book about the son of God.
- Son of god? Was he like us then?

Because all of us are children of Rod.

- It's about Christ.
- And who is that?

Christ had bring us an evangel.


He said that God is love!

[Vladimir] Darkness blinded me... Darkness and fury...

What if they lied about him?

[Dobrinia] Stop punishing yourself, prince.
You can't undo what you've done. We need to gather tribes, to unite the land.

You are right, Dobrinia.
Send the messengers, gather the chiefs.

Let me in!

[Kurya] Rus' is weak. Princes are at each others throats.
Soon the gold of Kiev will be ours too.

Good news from Kiev, my lord! Prince Yaropolk is dead.

Take some.

Vladimir is in Kiev now.

Careful with the bow-string.

He is gathering tribes.

And that is good news?!

Power is based upon fear!

Fire in the sky, oh, the almighty fire!

My power, my might!

Bring them fear, pit the tribes against each other.
Vladimir won't be a Great Prince.

[People speaking]
- What are we waiting for?
- We are all here.
-All of Russians!

- At last! Vladimir shall unite all Russians!
- It's about time to unite!
- Gods are coming together too.

- Here it comes!
- Dark ritual...
- Perun is not a cheerful god either.

- That's a big bull...
- There will be plenty of blood for all gods.

- Why are variags bringing the sacrificial bull? Don't we have our share of mighty men?

Oh Gods!
We bring you sacrifice to bound our holy unity in blood!
So there will be no animosity between us!
So we could stand together through happiness and grief, for we are brothers!

- It's about time!
- Death to traitors!

- Look! Look!
- All fire is under Perun!
-What about our gods?!
- They didn't honor our gods with fire! Liars!

- We came together for that?
- Prince lied to us!

- Let's go!
- Krivzha is the ruler here!

- Answer them!
- I do not answer to people. Perun is our god!

This is not the Law.

I'm the Law.

Lies, Krivzha!
You lie to me and to the gods!

You lie to me and to the gods...

Here it is - power.

You won't have it, Krivzha...
And no sorcery will help you.

Prince, fall, fall to the ground.
Die, prince, die by my word.
Pechenegs shall k*ll you, burn you, can't run from me, can't hide from death.

I'm the Law! I'm the Power!
I'm higher than Perun himself!

Pechenegs were seen near the river! And Vladimir is hunting again!

- It's like he lost his mind!
- Maybe he is cursed?

It's hard for the prince. He needs something to hold on to.

And what will that be?

- Here, take apples!
- Nah, take berries!
- Apples!

Love is something to hold on to.

- Do you remember the Greeks? And their princess Anna?
- Hmm... And all of Byzantium is behind her.

We need to marry him to Anna...

- Where is the wreath?
- Maybe it stuck somewhere. Let's find it.
- Look, girls, someone's hiding there!

- Aleksha! Is it you?!
- Yep.

- What are you doing here?
- Fishing.

It is my river! And my fish!

Hey! Don't touch the net!

Get him! Get him! He's aiming for the forest!

- Nah, this won't do. That's not a hunt, brother!
- Sure, I prefer fishing myself.

Where are we going?!
It's a swamp! Calm yourself, prince!

I'm tired of your second-guessing!
Leave me!

He is breathing...

He is alive!

He just swallowed some water...


He's awake!

Where am I?

Not at home, that's for sure.

Shame about the nets.
What will I tell old man?

- What's your name?
- Giyar...

- Giyar... Funny name.
- Yeah, and he has a funny pony-tail!

- It's done!
- Not done!

I'm telling ya, it's done!

Run, I'll delay them!

Hey, fatso! I'm here!

Get him!

Praise the Gods, young lord, you're alive!

- Pechenegs!
- Ho, look here! I told you he is alive!

You dare to touch our fish?!

- Have you ever seen a pecheneg without a horse?
- Nope.
- Well look here...

One! Two! Three!

- What's after "three"?
- Don't know, I can count only to three.

Whoo, I'm done counting!

All burned up! We are too late...

- We need to warn the prince.
- But where is the prince?

It's the prince! Prince! Prince!

Hey boy! Come here!

-Where were you, Aleksha?
- I was... fishing, then... pechenegs... I ran...

Look out!

I didn't have the time to tell him the words of princess Anna...

Grandpa, will he die?

Don't worry, Aleksha. I've had much worse cases.

He's in pain... Moans...

Wait till I make him a salve, he'll get better.

- We just have to wait.
- Wait for what?

For him to fight his traumas. I can only help him, but he must do it himself.
Vladimir is at the threshold. He has to choose

- Choose what, Grandpa?
- Whether to lie in darkness or to climb to the light.

Read your book for him.

And I will make some more salve.

[Aleksha reads from the Gospel]
The light... shines in the... darkness

It the prince alive?

Grandpa, look!

So, at last you came, sorcerer...

So that's how you want this?

Heh, still packs a punch.

Brace yourself...

Little bees, come out!

So weak, are you?
Night is my time!

Don't oversell yourself.

Well look at this...
Hide, Aleksha!

Rod, help us!
Please defend the prince and the child and all this land of ours!


This is for Yaropolk!

This is for Oleg!

And this is for your lies!

Here your Perun's fire!


Are you afraid of a fair fight?!

What kind of a warrior are you?!
Coming at me at night like a common thief!

What are you waiting for?
Here I am! Alone, with no army!

- Father!
- Giyar!

Take the sword!



This was a fair fight.
We'll leave!

Did you see that?!

All things must return, Aleksha.
It's time for us to go home as well.

[Aleksha reads from the Gospel]
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.

Whoever loves his brother abides in the light,
But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness.

And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.

Whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.

For God is love...

Daaad! Hey Daaad!
There were a lot of pechenegs, more then raindrops!

[Hoten and Bluden are making stuff up, it's kinda untranslatable]

All brawn, no brain - that's the right way!

Variag commander is in Kiev, there are riots!
He says that Vladimir is dead somewhere in the swamps, and general is also dead!

What do you mean "dead"?

He's lying, the knave.
Here I am.

Grandpa, prince is gone!

What do you mean "gone"?

It's too early to bury me!
The bride is waiting for me!

- So, she liked the horn, didn't she?
- Yep!

Happy trails to you!
And good luck!
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