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Apocalypse, The (1997)

Posted: 01/28/24 10:16
by bunniefuu
[ music playing ]

Zelta Base, this is

the Agamemnon. Date:

October 18, 3026. Destination:

Galaxy 39-E. Time of Arrival:

December 12, 3027. Crew status:

14 members in hibernation

in Cryo-Bays One and Two.

System check completed.

Next communication:

November 18, 3026.

[ steady beeping ]

[ steady beeping ]
[ water dripping ]

[ water dripping ]

[ water dripping ]
[ ventilators breathing ]

[ ventilators breathing ]

[ fast beeps ]

[ gas hisses ]

[ gas hisses ]
[ heart b*ating ]

[ heart b*ating ]

[ heart b*ating ]
[ buzzer blares ]

[ buzzer blares ]

[ buzzer blares ]
[ gas hisses ]

[ gas hisses ]

[ gas hisses ]
[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]

[ power hums off ]

[ power hums off ]
[ alarm beeping ]

[ alarm beeping ]

[ alarm beeping ]
[ power hums off ]

[ power hums off ]

"Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him,

Horatio; a fellow of infinite

jest, of most excellent fancy:

he hath borne me on his back

a thousand times. And now,

how abhorred in my imagination

how abhorred in my imagination
it is.

it is.

Where be your gibes now?

Gambols? Your songs? [ laughs ]

Your flashes of merriment,

that were wont to set the table

on a roar? Not one now, to mock

your own grinning?

Quite chapfallen? Now get you

to my lady's chamber, and tell

her, and let her paint an inch

thick, to this favor

she must..."

I don't like it, Captain.

I didn't like it then,

and I don't like it now.

But you're here.

Yeah. Damn right.

Greed conquers all fear, right?

So keep your mouth shut.

The Agamemnon's our biggest

score yet.

Yeah, but Goad, of all

people? Look, she's a freak,

right? What, she spend the last

five years in a mental


That freak is the best

programmer money could buy.

Hey, was that before or after

she told that she was

the Messiah?

the Messiah?
[ beeps ]

[ beeps ]

[ beeping ]

All systems reactivated.

Please enter new passwords,

and confirm final

course destination.

[ beeping ]

Accepting new passwords.

[ humming along with beeps ]

In three hours, Goad'll

transfer all that Solarium to

our ship. Enough energy to power

a space station for the next

10 years or annihilate a small

planet in a matter of seconds.

Either way, I don't care,

'cause it's going to the highest

bidder. Let's just hope that

bitch can stay off the juice

long enough to get the job done.

long enough to get the job done.
[ beeping ]

[ beeping ]

New final destination: planet

New final destination: planet
Earth, population 22 billion.

Earth, population 22 billion.

"To be, or not to be-- that

is the question-- Whether 'tis

nobler in the mind to suffer the

slings and arrows of outrageous

fortune, or to take arms against

a sea of trouble, and by

opposing, end them?"

opposing, end them?"
End them. End them.

End them. End them.

Got her. Coming in on audio.

No visual.

"The heartache and

the thousand natural shocks

that flesh is heir to--

'tis a consummation devoutly

to be wish'd."

What did I tell you, right?

Shut up. Goad, is everything

going according to plan?

Is there any reason why it

shouldn't be, Captain?

No. No. What's our E.T.A.?

No. No. What's our E.T.A.?
"To sleep..."

"To sleep..."

"To sleep..."
Main engines activated.

Main engines activated.

Captain, we have a problem.

She's coming in a little bit

fast on us here.

"...perchance to dream--

ay, there's the rub; for in that

sleep of death what dreams may

come, when we have shuffled off

this mortal coil, must give

this mortal coil, must give
us pause."

us pause."

us pause."
sh*t. Goad!

sh*t. Goad!

Cut your engines. You're heading

right at us.

"There's the respect that

makes calamity of so long life."

Captain, look at her.

She's right up our ass.

She's right up our ass.
All right? She's--

All right? She's--

Full stop! Goad!

"...would bear the whips

and scorns of time,

the oppressor's wrong..."

We're not going to make it!

The freak is going to hit us!

The freak is going to hit us!
Hey, screw you!

Hey, screw you!

"Go to, I'll no more on't."

"Go to, I'll no more on't."
Coward! This is my ship.

Coward! This is my ship.

Coward! This is my ship.
"It hath made me mad!"

"It hath made me mad!"

"It hath made me mad!"
[ yell echoing ]

[ yell echoing ]

[ yell fades ]

Computer: Failed.

On reactivation of main

engines, course,

final destination, Earth.

The illiterate, uncivilized,

warring masses, they know not

what they do.

[ soft voices whispering ]

"I am a very foolish fond

old man, fourscore and upward,

not an hour more nor less.

And to deal plainly, I fear

I am not in my perfect mind."

"Give me the cup; let go;

by heaven, I'll have't...

Things standing thus unknown

shall live behind me."

"The rest is silence."

"The rest is silence."


"All the world's a stage,

and all the men and women

merely players."

"I knew him, Horatio; a fellow

of infinite jest, of most

excellent fancy: he hath

borne me on his back

a thousand times."

"...fourscore and upward,

not an hour more nor less."

"Come what may, time and

the hour runs through..."

"Where be your gibes now?"

"To be, or not to be--"

"Your songs? [ laughs ]

Your flashes of merriment

that were wont to set the table

on a roar."

"All the world's a stage..."

" heaven, I'll have't...

Things standing thus unknown,

shall live behind me."

"Now get you to my lady's

chamber, and tell her and let

her paint an inch thick,

to this favor she must come;

make her laugh at that."

"Come what may, time and

the hour runs through..."

Computer: Zelta Base, this is

the Agamemnon. Zelta Base,

this is the Agamemnon.

Zelta Base, this is

the Agamemnon. Zelta Base,

this is the Agamemnon.

[ overlapping chatter ]

[ music playing ]

♪ Every ring cuts through

♪ The places

Don't worry. We'll get it

there on time. Yeah, I promise.

♪ Inventing my other flume

♪ Give me direction...




♪ ...From your station

♪ Send me a signal

♪ Bring me home

♪ If you can't be

♪ My salvation

3 million years of evolution,

and you can't make me

a dry martini?

♪ Then I'll face

♪ The universe alone

♪ Save a seat for me...

There you go, Captain.

What is this...


It's a martini.

Actually, it's Matt.

Actually it's a single

martini, and I asked for

a double martini. It's been

a double martini. It's been
a long month, and I deserve it.

a long month, and I deserve it.

Bartender: Two beers?

Where you been?

None of your business.

None of your business.
So, what's your name?

So, what's your name?

What kind of ship do you fly?

What kind of ship do you fly?
Man: Thanks, man.

Man: Thanks, man.

How's that for 3 million

years of evolution?

Bartender: We'll see you

next time.

You wouldn't be looking

to hire someone, would you?

I mean, 'cause this isn't--

this isn't really what

I do good.

You know, Lennon, you talk

too much, and you ask too many

questions. I'll make a deal

with you. I'll answer all

the questions you've asked,

the questions you've asked,
and then you'll leave me alone.

and then you'll leave me alone.


Wayne is my name. I just

got back from Star System Six.

I captain a 3000-series salvage

ship. I don't hire lousy

bartenders. No, the martini

stinks, but I'll have another

one. Now shut up,

and do your job.

♪ Lost inside

♪ The starlight bloom.

Good going, sh*t for brains.


It's all right. She was just

talking to me.

I'll buy you another drink.

Not if you were the last

earless ringworm in this--


[ new fast song playing ]

[ new fast song playing ]
[ singer vocalizing ]

[ singer vocalizing ]

[ singer vocalizing ]
♪ Blue, blue celestial glow...

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow...

Hey, bitch, take this.

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Hey


[ electricity zaps ]

♪ Blue, blue

♪ Celestial glow...

[ electricity crackling ]

Son of a bitch.

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

Man: Wayne,

you've been posted.

[ buzzer blares ]

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow
[ buzzer blares ]

[ buzzer blares ]

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Blue, blue

[ vocalizing ]


♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

You all right?

Where the hell am I?

Take a drink.

♪ Blue, blue, blue

♪ Blue, blue, blue
♪ Blue, blue.

♪ Blue, blue.

You ready to get out

of here?

Thanks for bailing me out

again. I owe you.

again. I owe you.
Don't thank me. Thank him.

Don't thank me. Thank him.

Just trying to help.


I'm going to kick your--

All right, all right,

all right. Listen to me.

They found the Agamemnon.

In one piece? Thought it got

destroyed 25 years ago.

Yeah, well, we all did.

It's been floating in space

all this time.

What about the Solarium?

That's a good question.

They don't know yet. Could be

the biggest take in years. Now,

we have the closest licensed

salvage outfit, and they're

giving us first cr*ck.

We take off in three hours.

Let's get going.

Gather the crew. You, I never

Gather the crew. You, I never
want to see you again.

want to see you again.

Why is it you seem to get

into a fight every time we have

a couple days off?

'Cause I have friends like

you butting in all the time.

Butting in? [ laughs ]

Told your father I'd keep an eye

on you. You remember that?

Next subject. We need

to crew up, and fast. How many

regulars can we get back?

Well, Charlie and Willis are

available. I got to check

on Mason. Everybody else is on

the Stellare, and that doesn't

get back till next week, so--

Where does that leave us?

Six short. Look, J.T., I know

you're not going to like this,

but the only experienced crew

is Vendler's.


Out of the question.

J.T., look, he's the best

cargo captain in the business.

We need him on this.

Not if they're the last crew

on Zelta.

It is the last crew on Zelta.

Think about this, all right?

A score like this happens once

in a lifetime. A person could go

back to Earth and retire.

Hmm. Back to Earth and

retire. Huh. I could spend some

time with my husband and kids.

Oh, that's right. I don't have

any, do I?

Look, I'm getting too old for

this crap. This is it for me.

I want to go home, and I want

to live my life out under a blue

sky. I need this mission.

How do we make it work?

Okay. Now, Vendler's a mean

son of a bitch. I'll give you

that, but he's competent.

Especially at screwing


All right. What happened

between you two is history. It

doesn't matter anymore. You are

not that same naive girl who

fell for his line. You know his

deal now. You can handle him.

Handle him, yes. Like, no.

I'm not asking you to like

him. If there was another way,

I'd be the first one to tell

you, believe me. But, J.T., we

need two teams on this, and I'm

having enough trouble getting

one. Vendler is ready to go.

All right, I can live

with it. You'll head team one.

He'll head team two. I'll fly

the bird. But just keep him

out of my sight.

out of my sight.
You got it.

You got it.

[ overlapping chatter ]

Oh, man! Did you see that?

Oh, man. That's cold. Bam.

[ music playing ]

[ music playing ]
Get up, man!

Get up, man!

That could give you a bit

of a headache. Got communication

from Suarez. We got our ship.


If you can break the code.

It should only take me

a couple of minutes. If you're

sure about the information.

Believe me, I would not

pay this kind of money

for a faulty password.

Hmm. I hope you're right.

♪ Thinking you're

♪ So brilliant...

Don't you ever question me.

♪ We'll push you down fast

You just do your job.

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it...

What about the schematics?

Got 'em. There's a shitload

of Solarium, and I know where

to find it.

♪ Prepare yourself...

Good work, girls. [ laughs ]

But here's Toto.

[ laughs ]

♪ ...Be a star

♪ In your own mind...

All right, listen up. Here's

the deal. 60 for us. 40 for you.

We leave in two hours.

Be there with your crew.

Excuse me.

Did you say, "Please"?

Ah, God, I love it when he

gets tough.

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening...

You know, I'm only going to

say this one time. I don't want

any problems. I stuck my neck

out for you, so if you step out

of line, you're dead.

[ laughs ]


♪ They say you're

♪ Reasonable, but you're...

And stay out of J.T.'s face.

And stay out of J.T.'s face.
♪ Better off, better off...

♪ Better off, better off...

Want me to take care of him

and your ex-bitch?

All in good time.

You're not over her yet,

are you?

Let me think about that.

Am I over her yet?

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it...

Let's go.

♪ ...An evening of it.

What you been doing?

What have I been doing?

I'm on rotation.

On rotation?

I'm getting this load.

Two weeks, I'm going back...

Yeah. yeah.

I bet you will.

Yeah, they ain't going to let

you back.

Hey, Rugby, how's it going,


How's it going?

Oh, pretty good.

Are you ready for this mission?

Ah, yeah. What about you?

Ah, yeah. What about you?
[ overlapping chatter ]

[ overlapping chatter ]

Woman: Bitch didn't even

say hi to us.






J.T. Nice flight.

What's he doing here?

I didn't invite you.

That's the best I could do.

Plus he tells me he knows a lot

about wiring on big ships.

about wiring on big ships.
And, J.T., you owe him.

And, J.T., you owe him.


And don't you forget it.

And don't you forget it.
Let's get going.

Let's get going.

Slow it down to 75%.


How's Lennon?

Don't know if he's

going to make it.

going to make it.
Oh, he's going to make it.

Oh, he's going to make it.

"Try a salvage run.

Easy money."

We got 10 minutes.

10 minutes is all I need

if the system's in good order.

How 'bout Suarez?

Adventure, vomiting...


And J.T.?

And J.T.?

Once we have Suarez,

Once we have Suarez,
she'll do whatever we want.

she'll do whatever we want.

Willis: Are you okay, kid?

Oh, yeah, good. I just heard

something kind of weird,

something kind of weird,


Man: I'm on rotation.

Man: I'm on rotation.

Suarez: There she is,

Suarez: There she is,
all in one piece.

all in one piece.

Let's take a closer look.

I don't see any damage

to the hull. Wonder what

happened to her?

Who cares? She's a job and

a paycheck. Just a little bit

bigger on both counts,

but nothing more. Let's hold

stationary at 2,000 yards

and do the drill.

and do the drill.
Holding steady.

Holding steady.

Barring any contingencies,

this should be a cakewalk.

Standard start-up. Fly her home,

nice and easy. Suarez's team and

the bartender, enter Airlock

Number Four, initially checking

on the main crew cryo-bay.

Even with the reserve power,

the crew should be all right.

Then they proceed on to the main

engine reactors. Vendler's team

enters Airlock Two, proceeding

to the bridge and the computer

center, establishing

navigational control.

Any questions?

How 'bout the cargo?

What a surprise. When it

comes to money, some things

never change.

Listen, sweetheart,

if you can't handle it--

No, no, no. You listen.

You'll have plenty of time

to check on that cargo when

we're flying this monster home.

I got the monster you used

to fly on right here.

Fly this, you--

Okay, that's enough!

All right. Okay. Any other

questions? No one? All right,

the atmosphere checks out fairly

stuffy in there. Otherwise,

we're in pretty good shape.

Keep it in mind.

We got three minutes

to the first dock, which is

two minutes more than

your monster ever lasted.

[ laughs ]

All right, let's get it

together. No time to waste here.

Take this. I don't trust him,

and I want to be in contact with

you at all times.

Your private unlisted

number? I'm very honored.

Oh. Just don't call collect.

Oh. Just don't call collect.
Now get out of here.

Now get out of here.

Can I talk to you

for a second?

Sure. You all right?

Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's just

that when I was ralphing

upstairs, you know, I heard

Vendler talking, something about

you and J.T. It was

kinda strange.

Yeah, well, most of what

Vendler says is strange.

Look, it's no secret we don't

like him, he doesn't like us.

That's just the way it is.

No, no. But this was like--

Look, whoa, whoa, whoa.

We got a job to do here,

all right? We don't have a lot

of time to do it. We also don't

have a lot of time to analyze

every nasty rumor that you

think you heard. Plus, you were

sick at the time.

Puke comes out my mouth,

not my ears. I definitely heard

something strange on this.

[ alarm beeping ]

Get moving!

Boarding in 30 seconds.

You hear that? We don't have

a lot of time. Don't worry

about it, all right. I've got

everything under control.


We'll talk later. I promise.

We'll talk later. I promise.

We'll talk later. I promise.
Team Two, you're a go.

Team Two, you're a go.

Team Two, you're a go.
Let's do it.

Let's do it.

Noel, computer, stat.

Noel, computer, stat.
We'll be right behind you.

We'll be right behind you.

We'll be right behind you.
J.T.: Team One, you're a go!

J.T.: Team One, you're a go!

God. That smells like--

Smells like another job.

All right, let's move out.

All right, let's move out.
Misha, let's go.

Misha, let's go.

[ laughs ]

Nice. That's nice.

Suarez, what's your progress?

On the cryo-deck

in five minutes.

Let's juice this baby up

Let's juice this baby up
and go home.

and go home.

Computer: All systems coming

online. Please enter password.

online. Please enter password.
[ beeps ]

[ beeps ]


[ water dripping ]

[ water dripping ]

This one's been opened.


Someone else onboard?

Someone else onboard?
No, not likely.

No, not likely.

The whole ship's powered down

unless they're in conservation

mode. It would have saved

the last bit of power

for life support.

Charlie, bring that system up.

Charlie, bring that system up.
Ought to do her.

Ought to do her.

There we go.

Please stand by.

Analyzing password.

Computer coming online now.

Good work. Everything's going

according to plan.

We're on our way.

Just like stealing

Just like stealing
from Mom's purse.

from Mom's purse.

from Mom's purse.
It's frozen up pretty good.

It's frozen up pretty good.

All right, guys.

Let's check 'em all.

Hang in there, Lennon.

Hang in there, Lennon.
Yeah, I got nothing left.

Yeah, I got nothing left.

Override. Override. Override.

Oh, don't do this to me.

System error.

What is this sh*t?

Invalid password.

Invalid password.
Please enter a new password.

Please enter a new password.

Just looks like you

might have overpaid

for that password.

And what's that supposed

to mean?

It means it's not working,

and I'm not in.

Well, the password obviously

activated something, so just

figure it out.

Yeah, I'm closing in on it.

Right after I eliminate the sh*t

password you gave me, and that

just leaves me then--

let me see-- infinity minus one

possibilities. Yeah, next time,

possibilities. Yeah, next time,
give me a real challenge.

give me a real challenge.

give me a real challenge.
[ beeping ]

[ beeping ]

Computer: On reactivation,

final destination, Earth.

What do we have here?

Suarez, what's your progress?

All right, J.T. We're on our

own here. Crew of the Agamemnon

didn't make it.

Copy. Proceed to

the reactor bay.

Over and out. All right,

guys. We're on the move.

guys. We're on the move.
Awaiting new password.

Awaiting new password.

We should have helm control

in a few minutes, and we're

waiting for reactor status.

Any word on the original crew?

Yeah. They're all dead.

We're moving to the reactor bay.

We're moving to the reactor bay.
Over and out.

Over and out.

Mailai, Misha, controls.

Noel, status report.

I'm hooking in to the system

with my pass-code unlock

program, and I should have us

up and running soon.

Music to my ears.

Wayne, are you there?

Go ahead.

Minutes away from having full

control of the ship.

Just waiting for Suarez's

reactor check.

What do you want,

a commendation?

No, just what I got coming

to me. Over and out.

to me. Over and out.


Mason, Willis, get on this

main console. Charlie, give me

a core reactor on Number One.

You got it.

I got Reactor Two.

I need to get on that board.

I need to get on that board.


What you got, Willis?

Just a hair on.

What about you, Charlie?

Same here.

All right, the power-up.

There she goes. Level one,

check. Level two, check.

Level three.

Pressure shutdown.

[ alarm blaring ]

[ alarm blaring ]
Do it.

Do it.

[ groaning ]

Everybody all right?



I got him.

Lennon, talk to me.

What have you got?

Charlie, help him out.

Barely breathing.

He's not going to make it.

We got to get him to a doctor.

The cryo-bay. We can keep him

on ice till we get home.

All right. That's all we got.

All right, easy, guys.

Willis, you all right?

All right.

All right, I want you

on that reactor. You find out

what the hell happened.

All right, guys, up. Up!

J.T., code level 10.

Code level 10.

What's the situation?

A reactor blew and took out

Mason. Putting him on ice

in the cryo-bay.

And the rest of the team?

Willis is banged up.

Rest of us are all right.

All right, take care of

Willis, and get back to me

with a status report

on the reactors.


Not a good start.

Not a good start.

Computer: Analyzing.

Please stand by.

Misha, how do the main

controls look?

In good condition.


The same.

Noel, do we have control?

I'm running the password

program now. 30 seconds

till we're in.

till we're in.
Rugby, get us ready.

Rugby, get us ready.

What do you think

happened in there?

I don't know. Accident?

Buildup of pressure

prior to shutdown?

I don't trust Vendler.

Lennon, I don't trust

Vendler, either, but if he set

this trap for us, he did it

while he was in the Boy Scouts.

He came on this ship

the same time we did.

Suarez, how's the reactor

for start-up?

I had an expl*si*n in the

reactor bay, one man injured.

One casualty.

How's the reactor for start-up?

Reactors are fine

for start-up. Willis is on top

of it. Over and out.

Lock and load, people.

It's time for you to earn your

money. Let's hit 'em while

they're down. You know the plan.

I want Suarez alive.

All right, all right,

All right, all right,
all right.

all right.

all right.
Come on. Come on.

Come on. Come on.

Override. Override.

What the hell? Override?

What's this override?

Whoa. What do we have here?

[ beeping ]

[ alarm blaring ]


Incorrect password.


Well, get it fixed.

I'm on top of it, all right?

Well, get it fixed now.

I hear you, man. All right?

I don't have time

for this sh*t!

Yes, sir.


Initialization sequence failed.

Initialization sequence failed.
Please enter correct password.

Please enter correct password.

All right, all right,

all right, all right.

What happened here?

All right, Charlie.

This should take care of him

till we get back to base.

till we get back to base.
Put him down.

Put him down.

Down! Down!

Things don't usually go

Things don't usually go
like this, do they?

like this, do they?

Not if we can help it.

Not if we can help it.
God damn it! I knew it!

God damn it! I knew it!

I'll find Willis and create

a diversion. You meet us back

at Airlock Four

at Airlock Four
Airlock Four. Go!

Airlock Four. Go!

Airlock Four. Go!
[ yells ]

[ yells ]

[ yells ]
Lennon: I got you.

Lennon: I got you.

You all right?

You all right?
Yeah. I'll make it.

Yeah. I'll make it.

Yeah. I'll make it.
[ Mailai grunts ]

[ Mailai grunts ]

Noel, scramble all

communications except

communications except
our frequency.

our frequency.

Channels scrambled.

Channels scrambled.
Get me control of the ship.

Get me control of the ship.

Get me control of the ship.
Go, go, go! Down! Down!

Go, go, go! Down! Down!

Go, go, go! Down! Down!
[ g*nf*re continuing ]

[ g*nf*re continuing ]

[ g*nf*re continuing ]
This sucks!

This sucks!

[ yells ]

I'm getting a major warning

signal. They must have hit

the cryo-tanks.

Incompetent assholes.

Misha, get out of there.

It's going to blow.


I can hardly hear you!

Any second.

Stop sh**ting, you idiots.

It's going to blow.

It's going to blow!

It's going to blow!
One more round!

One more round!

Rugby, let's go.

Think they're done?

I don't know. We can't wait

around and find out.

We got to get out of here.

That cryo-t*nk is damaged.

It's going to go.

All right, Lennon. We're going

in that ventilation shaft.

First over-pressure should push

us past the hermetic seals.

As soon as that door closes

automatically, we're laughing.

[ laughs ]

I believe you.

Let's go.

Let's go.
[ grunts ] Ow!

[ grunts ] Ow!

Oh, no.

Oh, no.
You're on your own, kid.

You're on your own, kid.

You're on your own, kid.
[ yelling ]

[ yelling ]

Holy sh*t! Suarez! Anyone.

Holy sh*t! Suarez! Anyone.


Vendler! Suarez! Will someone

please get back to me? Vendler!

Will somebody please answer?

Hull breech. Airtight hatches

activated. Expect total

decompression in Cryo-Bays One

decompression in Cryo-Bays One
and Two.

and Two.

and Two.
[ groaning ]

[ groaning ]

[ groaning ]
[ screaming ]

[ screaming ]

[ sighs ]

I think we should forget

the hostage scenario. There will

be no survivors. It's a shame.

Oh, you sure know how to make

a grown girl cry.

So do I.

So do I.
[ laughs ]

[ laughs ]

Suarez, come in. Status

report. Do you copy? sh*t!

Suarez, are you receiving me?

Vendler, this is Wayne. Are you

reading me? What the hell is

going on down there?

Do you copy?

Full power to the engines.

Full power to the engines.
Here she goes.

Here she goes.

Son of a bitch. Oh, no,

Son of a bitch. Oh, no,
you don't, not without me.

you don't, not without me.

Computer: expl*sive purges

activated. Decompression in aft

section 11A through 16J.

It's our show now.

Noel, could we please have helm

control? Now!

control? Now!
I'm working on it.

I'm working on it.

Block all outgoing

broadcasts, and set a course

for the belt.

Wayne's on our tail.

Don't worry about her. If she

moves off to try to signal,

she'll never find us again,

and if she tries to follow,

we're going to overshoot the

belt till she's out of power.

Zelta Base One, this is

the Salvor. We have a class-one

the Salvor. We have a class-one
mishap. Do you read?

mishap. Do you read?

Initialization sequence

failed. Incorrect password.

All systems override.

Please enter correct password.

Noel, are you in?

My decoder's working

overtime, but this computer has

a mind of its own.

Break the code, or I will

gladly rip your face off.


Password accepted. Level one.

Password accepted. Level one.
We're in.

We're in.

"To be..."


"or not to be-- that is..."

What kind of game is this?

Game? That's it. It's a quote

from Shakespeare. "To be, or not

to be, that is the..."

I don't read that kind

of sh*t. Now, Noel,

you figure it out.

[ beeping ]

Vendler, you better take

a look at this.

Idiot. "To be, or not to be--

Idiot. "To be, or not to be--
that is the question."

that is the question."

We're in.

We're in.


Computer: Final target,

Earth, one hour, 18 minutes.

Agamemnon picking up speed.

Maintaining pursuit.

Have plotted a course analysis

with destination--

Sol Three? That's the Earth.

Sol Three? That's the Earth.
What the hell is happening here?

What the hell is happening here?

Noel: Earth!

Vendler: Earth? What the hell

are you talking about?

We have negative helm control

on all levels. The ship has

been programmed to collide

with Earth.

At this rate, we'll hit

the Earth in an hour and

17 minutes.

There's only one thing

waiting for us on Earth,

and that's a lifetime in jail.

I used the password it

requested. Misha, do we have any

controls whatsoever?


You've got one hour and

16 minutes to figure it out.

"A horse! A horse!

"A horse! A horse!
My kingdom for a..."

My kingdom for a..."

My kingdom for a..."
That's easy. "A horse."

That's easy. "A horse."

How do you know this sh*t?

Chalk it up

Chalk it up
to a misspent youth.

to a misspent youth.

Hey, Wayne. Wayne,

you around? It's Lennon.

Lennon? Where's Suarez?

Wait a minute. Let me isolate

my signal. Okay, go ahead.

Vendler, he double-crossed

us. He m*rder*d the whole team.

He's armed to the teeth.

Suarez is dead?

Yeah. Misha k*lled him.

I'm sorry. I know you two

I'm sorry. I know you two
were close.

were close.

Were. I told him we couldn't

trust him. All right, we have

to get you out of there.

What's your position?

I crawled into an air shaft

somewhere aft of the cryo-bay.

Cryo-bay's gone,

blown into space.

If I can get into Airlock

Four and get a repair suit,

I can E.V.A. back to the ship.

E.V.A.? We're moving

at 85 light speeds now,

faster every minute.

You in pursuit?

All over you.

How about a dock?

At this speed? Are you nuts?

[ beeping ]

Damn! I'll have to get back

Damn! I'll have to get back
to you.

to you.

Meteorite activity.

Diameter up to 100 meters.

Three- to five-minute duration.

Damage projections?

None. We're too big

to worry.

Good. Now let's see how well

our dear friend can fly.

Lennon, hold on. It's going

to be a bumpy ride.

I don't suppose they have

I don't suppose they have
any barf bags onboard here.

any barf bags onboard here.

any barf bags onboard here.
Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Yeah. Other than the fact

that I almost got blown into

outer space, I've been sh*t at,

and I'm stuck in a tube with

nowhere to go, I've never been

better. Thanks for asking. You?

Very funny.

But we're in deep sh*t.

Glad to hear we're

on the same page.

Listen, I can isolate your

position and give you some

directions. If you can make it

to Airlock Four in 10 minutes,

I'll do my best to pick you up.

Your best? Can you do

a little better than best?

All right, well, you better

get going. You got another

100 meters to go.

Thanks anyway, Captain.

Thanks anyway, Captain.
Me and my big mouth.

Me and my big mouth.

"All the world's a stage..."

Oh, Jesus, not you again.

"and all the men

and women..."

Don't insult my intelligence.

Don't insult my intelligence.
"Merely players."

"Merely players."

"Merely players."
"O pardon me..."

"O pardon me..."

We are one hour from

charted space. Then there's

going to be no hiding.

"thou piece of

bleeding Earth..."

Maybe you and Misha can help

me out. Oh, say, Rugby, you got

any idea how to complete this?

"O pardon me, thou piece

of bleeding earth, for I am meek

and gentle." Blank, blank,

blank, blank, blank.

Forget you.

No, no, no. I think it was

from Julius Caesar. That's

a very good guess, my man. "Meek

and gentle." "Meek and gentle."

Got it. "With these butchers."

[ chuckles ]

If you knew computers as well

as you know this sh*t, we would

have control of the ship

by now.

by now.
I'm almost there.

I'm almost there.

I'm almost there.

All systems override.

All systems override.
Magnetic field activated.

Magnetic field activated.

Please enter password.

Take the t-intersection


I copy, but there's something

funny going on down here.


A magnetic field. It's very

strong and fluctuating

regularly. What's the deal?

I want you to time

the field fluctuation. I need

to figure out when the constant

magnetic field will be reached.

The Agamemnon is carrying

The Agamemnon is carrying
22 million tons of Solarium.

22 million tons of Solarium.

I got a second and a quarter.

What's up?

Listen, Lennon,

Solarium is highly unstable.

It's transported embedded

in a solid silicate that keeps

it from going critical,

like heavy water in an old-style

nuclear reactor.

Or like, say, packing TNT

in sawdust.

Yeah, right. A magnetic field

would cause the Solarium

to collapse.


And when the magnetic field

is constant, boom! We have

an expl*si*n the size

of a little, tiny nova.

A little, tiny nova like

the sun blowing up?

Ah, yeah, something

in that range.

How long till that happens?

An hour and 10 minutes.

This ship isn't

the Agamemnon. It's the g*dd*mn

apocalypse. So what are we going

to do?

We? I'm going to get as far

away from here as possible. Now

get to that airlock, and I'll

pick you up in three minutes.

pick you up in three minutes.
I bet you I make it in two.

I bet you I make it in two.

What's she doing now?

Crazy bitch is trying

Crazy bitch is trying
to dock.

to dock.

Two seconds from docking.

Two seconds from docking.
Okay. I'm ready.

Okay. I'm ready.

Turn on the deflector

Turn on the deflector
shields. That should stop her.

shields. That should stop her.

sh*t. Vendler must have seen

sh*t. Vendler must have seen
me. Sorry, kid.

me. Sorry, kid.

So what's plan B, Captain?

Leaving you here and saving

my ass.

You're not still mad about

that martini or the stun g*n or

the jail, are you?

I told you you talk

too much.

But I can sense you're

growing attached to me.

Shut up, and let me think.

You know where to find me.

"I am poor as Job,

my lord, but..."

I know it. "Poor as Job,

I know it. "Poor as Job,
my lord, but not as patient."

my lord, but not as patient."

my lord, but not as patient."


"To be, or not to be.

That is--"

"A horse! A horse! My kingdom--"

"All the world's a stage,

and all the men and women--"

"...pardon me--"

"...pardon me--"
"of bleeding earth--

"of bleeding earth--

"To die--"

[ gagging ]

[ gagging ]
" sleep--"

" sleep--"

" sleep--"
[ gasping ]

[ gasping ]

Lennon, I've got something.

You've been sitting on it

the whole time.

What? My ass?

No, the main reactors.

You're going to shut them down.


You said you were a wizard.

I might have overstated my

abilities a little bit on that.

I mean, if I screw up

the sequence, we're all toast.


All right, then we'll go

to plan C.

What's that?

I hightail it out of here,

and you solve the problems.

Any other suggestions?

I think I like plan B

a little better.

Thought so. Shut those

monsters down, shields go down,

ship stops. I pick you up,

and we'll be back with a posse

before they know what hit them.

That's a good plan. I see why

you're the captain.

you're the captain.
And don't you forget it.

And don't you forget it.

And don't you forget it.



Computer: Override.

Override. Override.

What happened?

You tell me.

You were out cold.

Must have been a strobe-lock

in the program. I haven't heard

of someone using that trick

in years, never in this kind

of platform.

Yeah, whatever. If it

Yeah, whatever. If it
happens again, you're dead.

happens again, you're dead.

Another intellectual genius.

Computer: Negative

helm control.

"What's mine is yours,

and what's yours is mine."

You got more?

Bring it on, pal.

All right, I'm in.

Okay, bring the field

strength down, and cut the fuel.

But you must do it in perfect


And if I don't?

Boom. Bye-bye, Lennon.

How did I know you were going

How did I know you were going
to say that?

to say that?

Whoa. We're way past critical.

I don't know how she's

holding it together.

holding it together.
Start shutting her down.

Start shutting her down.

Power's faltering

on Reactor One.

It's not faltering.

It's being shut down.

We missed one of 'em.

Affirmative. We've got

manual override on valves

one through 16, 17.

Can we stop him

from up here?


Rugby, Mailai, go down there,

and bring me back his liver.

With the depressurization,

we have no access

to the aft sections.


If this computer goes down,

If this computer goes down,
we're screwed.

we're screwed.

It's falling steadily.

Everything's holding together.

Containment levels?

All clear. As close as can

be expected.

"The night is long

that never finds..."

that never finds..."
Let the best man win.

Let the best man win.

Computer: Power failure.

Manual override, reactor bay.

"The night is long..."

Should be flaming out...

[ echo ] "...finds the day."

in approximately...

What's that voice?

I don't know, but we're back

I don't know, but we're back
in override.

in override.

Override. Override. Override.

Reinstalling power.

All systems online.

sh*t! We're headed

for the sky again!

Lennon, it's okay.

It's not okay!

Lennon, control yourself.

Lennon, do you copy?

I say we go for plan C.

Stay cool.

Stay cool.
I'll think of something.

I'll think of something.

God's on our side.

I think God's got better

places to be right now. We got

lucky, and luck doesn't cut it.

Computer: Negative

helm control.


Please enter final

sequence password.

I just don't know.

It's on a mission to Earth,

and time's running out.

He is really starting

He is really starting
to bug me.

to bug me.

Final target, Earth,

57 minutes, 31 seconds.

Lennon, listen. Central cargo

dock is as weak as paper, barely

there at all. When the cryo-bay

went, it probably took

the power conduit with it.

What's the access?

You're not going

to like this.

Ventilation shaft.

Bingo. You got it.

Get moving. I'll meet you there.

"The night is long

"The night is long
that never finds..."

that never finds..."

I want to know what's going

on back there. Can we monitor

basic functions?


Good. Now let's see what

our friend's up to.

Yeah! I got it! I'm getting

close. I can feel it!

close. I can feel it!
Look, handle this.

Look, handle this.

Got it.

Make sure it's the right one.

It should be smaller in diameter

than the other.

than the other.
Oh, yeah. Don't worry. It is.

Oh, yeah. Don't worry. It is.

Oh, yeah. Don't worry. It is.


Day just keeps getting

Day just keeps getting
better and better.

better and better.

Okay, Wayne, I made it.

I'm at the junction.

Take the fourth shaft

Take the fourth shaft
to the right.

to the right.

God, why did I think this was

going to be fun?

He's in the ventilation

service duct.

Can we seal him in?

No. The latches are all

on manual mode.

Then let's freeze his narrow

ass. Bring down the climate

control. That should

control. That should
slow him down.

slow him down.

It's getting a little cold

and breezy in here.

Climate controls have been

reactivated in your sector.

They know you're there.

Well, that's great.

There's a hatch ahead of you.

There's a hatch ahead of you.
Yeah, I can see it.

Yeah, I can see it.

You're almost home.

You're almost home.
[ shivering ]

[ shivering ]

[ rattling ]

Come on, you piece of--

Come on, you piece of--
Uhh! Damn it!

Uhh! Damn it!

What's wrong?

It's frozen. Can't without

freeze-burning my hands. Okay.

freeze-burning my hands. Okay.
We'll finish...

We'll finish...

We'll finish...
[ yells ]

[ yells ]

Are you okay?

Yeah, I'm in the pink.

Great, Lennon. You're almost

there. I'll be there

any minute.

I'll be showered and shaved.

Vendler! You might want

to take a look at this.

What is it?

The Salvor.

What is she doing there?

It looks like she's got

It looks like she's got
her docking apparatus out.

her docking apparatus out.

Here she comes. This is

going to be a dock like you've

never seen.

That bitch is going

That bitch is going
for the cargo bay.

for the cargo bay.


Lennon, door opening.

Lennon, door opening.

So I guess I didn't really

dress for the weather, hmm?

What do you say we blow

this iceberg?

That's the best idea I've

heard all day.

They're getting away.

Forget about them. We've got

the cargo. Have we established

helm control yet?

I'm close, very close.

I'm close, very close.
I'm gaining on this guy.

I'm gaining on this guy.

"To be, or not to be--"

That quote again.

"that is..."

Running out of quotes,

Running out of quotes,
are we? "The question."

are we? "The question."

This is getting monotonous.

Computer: Override.


Override. Override.

Negative helm control.


All systems failed.

All systems failed.

Override? What's going on

here? You better hop

in Station Two and get ready

to relay my commands.

What's wrong?

Right now, the ship can't

find its own assh*le,

let alone navigate.

You run a diagnostic?

Way ahead of you.

Can you keep up with me?

I can manage.

I can manage.
Don't sweat it, Captain.

Don't sweat it, Captain.

Vendler: What the hell's


Noel: I'm performing a total

reboot. It's not going to take

more than 15 minutes.

Look, then just do it!

Computer: Rebooting

all systems.

15 minutes, if we're lucky.

Estimated time, 15 minutes.

This chick is good.

Damn! We're tied into the

Agamemnon's system tighter than

a young girl's you-know-what.

I get the picture.

We're going to do a hard cut.

We're going to wipe so clean,

I won't even be able to fly her

on manual. No communications

either, so drifting is out.

Well, I hope you got a plan.

Not quite, but these should

Not quite, but these should
come in handy.

come in handy.

You know, the last time

somebody handed me one of these,

things didn't go so good.

[ laughs ] Well, it's going

[ laughs ] Well, it's going
to be different this time.

to be different this time.

Have you figured it out yet?

Yeah. We're about to meet

our Maker.

Okay, Noel, we have to get

out of here.

Hmm. How do you

suggest we do that?

There's an escape pod

There's an escape pod
in the front of the ship.

in the front of the ship.

What are you going

to do about Vendler?

I'll take my chances with

Vendler. Look, Noel, it's

between him and the Earth, and

between him and the Earth, and
he's a hell of a lot smaller.

he's a hell of a lot smaller.

Not yet. There's still time.

I can b*at this gal.

Rebooting in progress.

Please stand by.

Please stand by.
We'll see.

We'll see.

We'll see.
Yeah, you'll see, bitch.

Yeah, you'll see, bitch.

Here's the kernel. It came

through the status channels,

God only knows how, and then

branched up, down, and sideways.

branched up, down, and sideways.
Here it is.

Here it is.

"To be, or not to be--"

"A horse! A horse!

My kingdom for a..."

"To die-- to sleep no more;

and with a sleep to say..."

and with a sleep to say..."
[ mouths words ]

[ mouths words ]

[ mouths words ]
Don't look at it. Turn away.

Don't look at it. Turn away.

What happened?


Optically induced epilepsy.

Optically induced epilepsy.

A worm. Plain as day.

Not encoded or anything.

Whoever wrote this didn't seem

to care who saw it.

She wanted somebody to see

it. She wanted someone

to understand.

Final target, Earth.

Holy Christ. This isn't

a ship. It's the biggest m*ssile

outside the Hebron Comet.

Everything makes sense.

The engines, the field in

the cargo bay, the trajectory.

We're headed towards Earth with

22 million tons of unstable

Solarium, with a fusion reactor

to act as the primer. She'll

go at about 100 miles out and

scorch a quarter of the Earth.

God only knows what

the aftereffect will be.

But we have to save it.

Okay, here's what we have

to do. We cross the decompressed

breach and under the forward

compartment. Then we go to the

main computer and shut it down.

Okay, how do we get back

on the Salvor?

Answers are given

on a need-to-know basis.

Well, I need to know.

I don't have a clue.

That, I didn't need to know.

Well, saddle up, cowboy.

Well, saddle up, cowboy.
We're moving out.

We're moving out.

"O pardon me,

thou piece of bleeding earth,

that I am meek and gentle..."

Oh, my God. It's a continuous

loop. There's no way out of it.

Vendler b*at us to it.

He pulled all the L-rings

so they won't seal.

Well, we could run an oxygen

purge if we have a breach

in the suit.

Okay. That'll give us what?

About three to four minutes.

Well, that'll give us

30 seconds to cross the gap.

No problem.

I'm a bartender, you know.

Final target, 39 minutes,

40 seconds.

It's over, Vendler.

We got to get off this ship.

I'll tell you

when it's over!

It's over, man! It's over!

You just keep working,

You just keep working,
damn it!

damn it!

Do you hear me?

The number one priority is

that we don't go hurtling off

into space, so I hope this

carbon-dioxide gadget

of yours works.

No reason it shouldn't.

Just point it in the right

direction, pop!

You damn bartender.

You damn bartender.
Ready, now?

Ready, now?

Ready, now?
[ console beeps ]

[ console beeps ]

"To be, or not to be--

"To be, or not to be--
that is..."

that is..."

Let's get out of here.

[ electricity crackles ]

[ electricity crackles ]
There we go.

There we go.

There we go.
[ yells ]

[ yells ]

[ yells ]
[ blade scrapes ]

[ blade scrapes ]

We can't stand you. I am

not going down on this ship.

not going down on this ship.
You bitch.

You bitch.

You bitch.
[ respirators breathing ]

[ respirators breathing ]

Lennon: There's the other

door. I'd say it's about

150 meters away.

150 meters away.
We got two minutes each way.

We got two minutes each way.

We got two minutes each way.
Let's move.

Let's move.

[ Kn*fe clatters ]

Try this, bitch.

If this works,

I'll never drink another

double martini again.

double martini again.
You hardly drank 'em anyway.

You hardly drank 'em anyway.

You hardly drank 'em anyway.
[ creaking ]

[ creaking ]

Lennon: What was that?

The line's caught.

If we release it, there's no

going back, and we're running

out of time.

out of time.
Don't let go of me, Captain.

Don't let go of me, Captain.

Come on.

Come on.
We're not going to make it.

We're not going to make it.

We're not going to make it.
Come on.

Come on.

Come on.
Got it.

Got it.

Hurry up. We got to make up

some time.

I'm working on it.

I'm working on it.
Just give me a break.

Just give me a break.

Just give me a break.


[ groans ]

[ beeps ]

Lennon: This should do it.

We're almost there. Come on.

We're almost there. Come on.
[ air rushing ]

[ air rushing ]

We got to get moving. We got

33 minutes before this thing

hits the Earth.

We got two minutes worth of

We got two minutes worth of
air to get back to the Salvor.

air to get back to the Salvor.

[ gasping ]

Listen to me, Vendler.

Listen to me, Vendler.
We're going to die.

We're going to die.

I'm listening.

I'm listening.
And only cowards die.

And only cowards die.

And only cowards die.


Would you like some, sweetheart,

Would you like some, sweetheart,
before you die, huh?

before you die, huh?

[ laughs ]

You look so sweet.

[ gasping ]

[ gasping ]
[ spits ]

[ spits ]

How 'bout you, Noel?

How 'bout you, Noel?
Would you like some?

Would you like some?

Oh! I forgot.

Oh! I forgot.
You're still working.

You're still working.

[ grunting ]

[ grunting ]
[ bones snap ]

[ bones snap ]

[ bones snap ]
[ bones cr*ck ]

[ bones cr*ck ]

[ bones cr*ck ]
Girls just want to have fun.

Girls just want to have fun.

Girls just want to have fun.
You're next.

You're next.

Main computer bay's our best

bet, two flights up. It's here.

Vendler probably knows by now

this ship's going to crash into

the Earth. He's probably trying

to stop it.

Don't count on it.

What do you mean?

He has a problem. He doesn't

give a sh*t about anybody.

We got boarders.

Rugby, Misha, let's go.

Rugby, Misha, let's go.
Noel, you stay here.

Noel, you stay here.

We're not going to make it.

You know him that well?

We were partners once.


I want Wayne alive.

Wounded is all right, but alive.

Yeah, got you.

And the other one?

I don't give a damn. Rugby.

Vendler and I were the best

in the business. There was

a biological outbreak

a biological outbreak
on an outlying colony, bad.

on an outlying colony, bad.

Still space-cold.

They got to be close.

Rugby, they're coming your way.

The freighter carrying

medical supplies locked up

en route, so we got out there

and started a tow.

Yeah? What happened?

We got stopped by hijackers.

They wanted to black-market

the stuff. Same destination,

bigger money.

What did you do?

We bluffed. We told 'em if

they didn't let us through,

we'd blow the freighter and then

no one would get the supplies.

Yeah. So?

They didn't believe us.

They stole the supplies?

No. Vendler wasn't bluffing.

He blew the freighter.

What about the colony?

2,000 colonists d*ed.

And Vendler, he was so proud

of himself, the assh*le.

And believe me, he doesn't give

And believe me, he doesn't give
a sh*t about the Earth either.

a sh*t about the Earth either.


You mine now!

You mine now!

Damn it. Class-three armor.

I knew I should have gone

for his head.

Yeah. You just pissed

him off a little.

All right, tactic two.

All right, tactic two.
Run for it?

Run for it?

That's the one.

All right, I'll cover you.

I got to get used to this

sooner or later.

sooner or later.
[ r*fle f*ring ]

[ r*fle f*ring ]

[ r*fle f*ring ]
[ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

Damn you.

You are one mean woman.

And don't you forget it.

Let's get going.

"Patient as not..."

"What's yours is mine."

Computer: Please stand by.

Analyzing password.

[ gasping ] Vendler.


This better be good.

The ship is programmed

to blow.


In 33 minutes, when we

collide with Earth.

Then why are you

Then why are you
calling me now?

calling me now?

'Cause I thought you'd like

a little heads-up, man, on our

imminent demise!

In 33 minutes, I'll worry

about my demise. Right now,

you worry about changing

the course of the ship.

Listen, Vendler--

Listen to me, you punk.

[ yells ]

Just sh**t me! Just sh**t me,

you son of a bitch!

I will gladly come down

there and gore out your eyes

before it comes to that.

Do you understand me?

Will that hold him?

For about five minutes.

Then I'm going to have to put

my g*n down his throat.

"All the world's a stage,

and all the men and women..."

[ sobs ]

[ sobs ]
Oh, I just...

Oh, I just...

[ laughs ]

We'll cut 'em off

in the cargo annex.

Good call.

We can take the straight sh*t

down the corridor. If they

catch up with us, it's going

to be a sh**ting gallery.

How 'bout cutting through

the cargo hold?

Yeah, that would be great.

The computer bay should be

on the other side.

Computer: Please enter

password. Please enter password.

password. Please enter password.
Please enter password.

Please enter password.

We're f*cked. We're f*cked.

Oh, we're f*cked.

"For who would bear the whips

"For who would bear the whips
and scorns of time..."

and scorns of time..."

It should be right there

at the end of the corridor.

[ buzzer blares ]

You got company.

I can almost smell 'em.

I can almost smell 'em.
Remember, she's mine.

Remember, she's mine.

Remember, she's mine.
[ machinery whirring ]

[ machinery whirring ]

[ machinery whirring ]
[ g*nf*re continues ]

[ g*nf*re continues ]

What are they f*ring at?

Aw, they don't know what

Aw, they don't know what
they're sh**ting at. Assholes.

they're sh**ting at. Assholes.

All right, look. You take out

the junction box, and I'm going

to keep them covered.

I could do that.

What's that?

Oh, it's a little surprise

Oh, it's a little surprise
I have for 'em.

I have for 'em.

[ grunts ] Damn!

[ grunts ] Damn!
What's going on? Unh!

What's going on? Unh!

Get this off of me, will you?

Get this off of me, will you?
[ grunting ]

[ grunting ]

[ grunting ]


Hey, Wayne, she won't die!

What am I doing wrong?

What am I doing wrong?
sh**t her in the face!

sh**t her in the face!

sh**t her in the face!
[ grunts ]

[ grunts ]

[ grunts ]
[ buzzer blares ]

[ buzzer blares ]

You can run, but you

You can run, but you
can't hide.

can't hide.

I finally got something

I finally got something
to show for all this.

to show for all this.

to show for all this.
We're damned, man.

We're damned, man.

We're damned, man.
[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]
Oh, Wayne.

Oh, Wayne.

[ gasps ]

I got you. I got you.

Better get to it.

Close that door. It's not going

to hold him much longer.

We don't have much time.

It's our last chance.

You didn't have

You didn't have
to make this personal.

to make this personal.

This guy tried everything.

He was trying to regain

control. We're not. I can't shut

down the CPU or that monster

tower right there.

Little pigs, little pigs,

Little pigs, little pigs,
let me in.

let me in.

But I can cut off every bus

that carries data to it.

We won't get navigational

control. In fact, we'll probably

spin out at random.

And miss the Earth.

Exactly, unless we slam into

a star or something.

a star or something.
Do it.

Do it.

Now I'm going

Now I'm going
to have to huff...

to have to huff...

and puff.

How's it going?

How's it going?
40%. Halfway there.

40%. Halfway there.

[ beeping ]

[ beeping ]
70%. 90%. We're almost there.

70%. 90%. We're almost there.


Okay, there should be a jolt.

"All the world's a stage..."

Oh, no.

"and all the men

and women..."

Please enter password.

No! It's rerouting somehow.

No! It's rerouting somehow.



What the hell didn't she

think of? She thought

think of? She thought
of everything!

of everything!

Time of impact, 29 minutes,

56 seconds and counting.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, yeah?
[ beeps ]

[ beeps ]

Hope she didn't think

Hope she didn't think
of that.

of that.

of that.
[ groans ]

[ groans ]

Not so fast, sweetheart,

unless you want him

on your conscience.

Program's still running.

Program's still running.
Save yourself.

Save yourself.

Save yourself.
Go on! Get out of here.

Go on! Get out of here.

Go ahead, Wayne. Step through

that door, and I will splatter

that door, and I will splatter
his brains all over this deck.

his brains all over this deck.

his brains all over this deck.
And you know I don't bluff.

And you know I don't bluff.

[ g*n clatters ]

Worst decision you

Worst decision you
ever made.

ever made.

Hey, Vendler, guess how long

we have till the ship blows.

Next person that mentions

Next person that mentions
this ship exploding dies.

this ship exploding dies.

Hey, Wayne, how did you hook up

with such a loser?

Just lucky, I guess.

What's lucky is I got a way

for us all to get out of here,

for us all to get out of here,
except boy wonder.

except boy wonder.

You all right?

You all right?
I'm alive.

I'm alive.

What about the Earth?

What about it? Nobody can

prepare for a detonation

this size.

Does Vendler know about it?

I don't know whether he

doesn't believe or he just

doesn't care.

You know, you're bleeding

a little bit.

Yeah, I know. I took a hit.

I don't know what kind

of craziness is going on inside

Vendler's head, and I don't

care. He's drunk with greed,

like some long-hauler with

shore-leave poontang.

You sure know how to turn

You sure know how to turn
a phrase, Captain.

a phrase, Captain.

Listen, I've been thinking

about the Salvor.

So have I.

Maybe we could use her

to blow this ship off course.

Never work.

Engines aren't strong enough.

We could blow her up.


Think about it. It's a small

ship, and she's right at

the midpoint of the Agamemnon.

We'd have to blow both engines

to ignite the Solarium

in the front holds.

Blow up my ship?

It would tear this son of

a bitch right in two. Engines in

the rear. Solarium in the front.

The engines would still go

The engines would still go
critical, but that's all.

critical, but that's all.

It'd be like pulling the primer

out of a stick of dynamite.

There's just one

small problem.

small problem.
What's that?

What's that?

We're in here, and the ship's

out there.

Yeah. I was hoping you might

Yeah. I was hoping you might
have some thoughts on that.

have some thoughts on that.

have some thoughts on that.
Activating systems.

Activating systems.

Activating systems.
Analyzing. Please stand by.

Analyzing. Please stand by.

"To be..."

"To be..."
Analyzing final password.

Analyzing final password.

I've got it. Vendler doesn't

care about much, but his ego is

easily bruised, and I know just

easily bruised, and I know just
the button to push.

the button to push.

the button to push.
That should do it.

That should do it.

[ Lennon groans ]

What are we waiting for?

Ahh. Ow. Ah.

J.T.: Yeah.

[ both groaning ]

J.T.: Ah, yeah. Yeah.

J.T.: Ah, yeah. Yeah.
[ moaning ]

[ moaning ]

[ moaning ]
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[ moaning ] Yeah.


It's definitely enough.

It's definitely enough.
[ moaning ]

[ moaning ]

Not yet.

Yeah. [ moans ]

Not yet.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. Yeah.


You bastard.

You bastard.

Should have done that

a long time ago.


All right,

I'll do it the hard way.

I'll smash his head in.

J.T., come on.

We don't have time.

We don't have time.
[ gasps ]

[ gasps ]

You're still mine,

You're still mine,
and you know it.

and you know it.

and you know it.
Self-destruct initiated.

Self-destruct initiated.

"All the world's a stage,

and all the men and women..."

[ distorted ] "All the men

and women..."

and women..."
"A stage..."

"A stage..."

"A horse! A horse!

My kingdom for a horse!"

My kingdom for a horse!"
"To be, or not to be..."

"To be, or not to be..."

Computer: All systems online.

Computer: All systems online.
Analyzing final password.

Analyzing final password.

Analyzing final password.
"...and by a sleep to say..."

"...and by a sleep to say..."

Computer: Analyzing.

"To be, or not to be..."

Please stand by.

Please stand by.

Please stand by.


Initialization sequence failed.

Do the best you can.

I'll take care of this.

I'll take care of this.
I'm all over it.

I'm all over it.

All for nothing.

All for nothing,

All for nothing,
that's all you ever were.

that's all you ever were.


Initialization sequence failed.

You really think that's

going to help?

Does decompression

still throw us off course?

still throw us off course?
We're coming back on.

We're coming back on.

...destruct initiated.

I don't think we're going

to make it.

Finally playing the hero?

You should stick to what you

You should stick to what you
were made for.

were made for.

were made for.
"All the world's a stage..."

"All the world's a stage..."

You know something?

You know something?
You've become one useless bitch.

You've become one useless bitch.

You've become one useless bitch.
Two minutes!

Two minutes!

Two minutes!


[ blade stabs ]

[ blade stabs ]

[ blade stabs ]
Now, that's good, kid.

Now, that's good, kid.

Let's go.

Let's go.
You okay?

You okay?

Do you want to try

the engine stunt?

We both know it won't work.

If we do destruct, you want

to make a run for another pod?

We could try.

We could try.
We won't make it.

We won't make it.

I know.

We could get off now,

but a billion people will die.

I know that, too.

I know that, too.
Do it, J.T.

Do it, J.T.

I've flown her before.

One minute.

There's no time to lose.

There's no time to lose.
I'm sorry about that.

I'm sorry about that.

Hey, Captain...

Hey, Captain...


You're beautiful.

You're beautiful.

You're beautiful.
And don't you forget it.

And don't you forget it.

Computer: Self-destruct.

Computer: Self-destruct.
[ garbled computer voices ]

[ garbled computer voices ]

"I feel within me a peace

"I feel within me a peace
above all earthly dignities..."

above all earthly dignities..."

above all earthly dignities..."
Come on, show me a miracle.

Come on, show me a miracle.

Come on, show me a miracle.
[ electricity crackling ]

[ electricity crackling ]

Hey, Lennon.


You know, I've been lying

the whole time.

About what?

Your martinis.

They really are good.

But I told you, that's not

really what I'm good at.

really what I'm good at.
Yeah, that's true.

Yeah, that's true.

"So shines a good deed

in a naughty world."

in a naughty world."
"All's well that ends well."

"All's well that ends well."

"All's well that ends well."
[ rock 'n' roll playing ]

[ rock 'n' roll playing ]

♪ You go around

♪ Thinking you're hot stuff

♪ You got no money to spend

♪ On dr*gs

♪ You run around

♪ Thinking you're so brilliant

♪ We'll push you down

♪ We'll push you down fast

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it
♪ Now

♪ Now

♪ Prepare yourself

♪ For a splendid evening

♪ You're going to be a star

♪ You're going to be a star
♪ In your own mind

♪ In your own mind

♪ We think you're better off

♪ They think you're better off

♪ And I think

♪ And I think
♪ You're better off

♪ You're better off

♪ But

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Now

♪ Better off

♪ Let's make

♪ An evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Let's make an evening of it

♪ Now

♪ Now
♪ Whoa.

♪ Whoa.

♪ Whoa.
[ new song playing ]

[ new song playing ]

[ new song playing ]
[ vocalizing ]

[ vocalizing ]

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Yeah

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Hey, yeah

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

♪ Blue, blue celestial glow

♪ Ahh

♪ Ahh
♪ Blue, blue...