Sign of the Pagan (1954)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Sign of the Pagan (1954)

Post by bunniefuu »


Fifteen hundred years ago,
shortly after Christianity ...

declared official religion
of the Roman Empire,

the empire was divided into two halves
with their corresponding capitals.

The eastern one was called Constantinople.
The western one was Rome.

That division weakened the empire and attracted
to the barbarians who roamed Europe.

Like a plague, it appeared in the north
a fierce people descended from the Mongols:

The Huns!

They started by conquering others
Barbaras tribes,

spreading terror and death
among the pagan peoples,

who united their cruel horde, ruled
for the most ruthless conqueror of history:

Attila The Hun!

He rode with six others
near the camp

He defended himself so well
We didn't want to k*ll him.

Are you Roman?

My name is Marciano.

And I am centuri n of the
Imperial Guard of Rome.

Guard Guard!

He carried a message from Valentiniano lll
to Emperor Theodosius II in Constantinople.


Yes, father.

Release the Roman!

Let him release it?

Do what I say.

What message did you take to Theodosius?

A message to prevent it.

To prevent it?

Against me?

Against you.

This Roman is brave.
He is not afraid to tell the truth.

Bring me light.

Hold it!

I will extract the arrow.

We know your plans against the Empire.

You will never conquer Rome!

Your hordes will be annihilated!

Because only one Roman ... is worth
twenty barbarians!

All the soldiers of Rome will be
They will face and defeat you.

He is dead.

He has only lost consciousness.

I like the value of this Roman.

The arrow that knocked him down.

Since when does my father feel
So much appreciation for the Romans?

I don't feel any appreciation for them,

But I need this one.

I want him to teach us
The way of fighting of the Romans.

When he is healed of his wounds ...

He will be our instructor.

Order that you do not take prisoners!

But he is a king. And his family.

Prostrate before my lord and his daughter!

What's your name?


Ld ldico!
Drop it!

And take her with my women.

Have mercy!
- k*ll the others!

Why do they have to die?

I do not understand those Christians.

A living enemy, follow
Being an enemy

Unless it is a woman.

If you give me a son, maybe it's my
favorite wife

My father pretends to have so many children
like horses

He has more wives than any other king.

The Romans are drawn from this,

because they only have one wife.

A good wife is everything to a man.

You can have more than four hundred
And none be the favorite.

How can you choose the best
if you don't have many to compare them?

We were drinking together for my victories, Roman!

I would drink for your victories,
But not because of your killings.

As a soldier I can k*ll,

but it kills me to k*ll for no reason,
in cold blood

I have a reason!

The more feared it is,
The easiest will be my conquests.

Thus was your mighty Empire founded,

You conquered small nations and,
submitting them, you became great.

I only do what I learned from Rome,
when you held me hostage ...

and you forced my father
To accept your impositions.

I was a child then.

Now is the time to
conquer others and impose my will.

But we still have a lot
What to learn from Rome.

The art of w*r, for example.
I want you to instruct us in that.

I ... I am just a simple centuri�n.
Little can I teach you.

The m*llitary discipline!

A simple cent ...

But of the Imperial Guard
and trusted messenger ...

Surely you know enough.

We'll start tomorrow!

Does the Roman observe the horses?

Your father is interested in our weapons
and me for your horses.

Do you know how to distinguish a horse from an ox?

The ox is as stubborn as
Most women.

Look at that. It's a good horse!

It is the fastest and strongest.

It's my father's.

Does the great Attila ride in him?
I did not know.

It is from Cappadocia. There is no better one.

Gold and silver landings!

There is no among your horses
None so good.

No Roman has a horse like this.

I could not ride it.

Too bad!

Learn the Roman!

Stop the Roman!

My horse!

Who has let them steal
My horse?

How did he do it?

The Roman tricked me!

If you were not my daughter,
I cut your head!

It made me believe that I didn't understand
of horses!

It will take a long time to find another one like that.

Where is the Emperor's palace?
- After that square.

Thank you.

I bring a message for the Emperor.

Take me to General Paulino.
He will receive me.

Why do you come to see me first?

Valentinian has commissioned me to greet you
Like one of his children.

The Emperor honors me.

He said we could talk
From soldier to soldier.

You can talk.

The emperor trusts
your loyalty to Rome ...

And ask for your help.

Nothing would please me more.

It is restless because they have
informed that the Emperor ...

that Emperor Theodosius
He intends to break with Rome.

Theodosius intends to rule this
Eastern Empire with total independence.

He has signed secret treaties with
large number of barbarian tribes,

thereby buying their friendship.

Try to gather allies for the
Time to break with Rome.

If Valentinian had sent a legion
instead of a cent, that won't happen.

His Imperial Majesty
grant hearing within one hour.

Thank you.

Come with me.

We are going to put on more clothing
according to an envoy from Rome.

I forgot one thing:

Valentinian is upset
with Princess Pulqueria.

Does he also want to break up with Rome?

Who told you that?

His love affairs
They are the talk of Rome.

We must not pay attention to these rumors.

Those who defame the princess ...

they are just fools that
They do not know what they say.

Always keep in mind that Princess Pulcheria
She is not an ordinary woman.

Its Imperial Highness the
Princess Pulqueria!

Did you call me?

Did I call my sister?


For the banquet issue, Majesty.

Oh yes!

For reasons of status ...

I have invited some barbarian kings
to a banquet I'm going to give ...


Have you also invited that northern Hun?

- Yes, Attila.

No. He has never been to this court.

It is the bloodiest savage.

Also invite him to the banquet.

And my imperial sister will attend too.

And I want you to behave
as the Emperor's sister.

No, it won't!

I order you!

Other times, when you had fun
You ordered me to stay in my rooms.

This time you will be present!

- No discussion!

Augusta Majesty,
The emissary of Rome.

Mar Marciano introduces himself,
Imperial Guard centuri�n!

I bring greetings from Emperor Valentinian
and of the bishop of Rome, Pope Leo.

Do you also have a message?

I think this messenger
It is somewhat suspicious.

He has lost along the way
The escort and the message.

It did not bring any written message.
He was entrusted to me in word.

Emperor Valentinian deplores your
Secret alliance with the Barbarian tribes.

The agreement only refers to the
surveillance of our borders.

And the tribes are divided.

They hate each other.

But among them it has emerged
A terrible boss, Attila.

In Rome they fear that I will take
Your hordes against the city.

Yes, I have already heard that Rome
Fear that wild.

If Rome falls, Majesty, it will be difficult
may your empire not be att*cked too.

This is not Rome!

We are not weak!

We will rule here without the
Valentinian advice,

and we will defend our borders
as we see fit.

May each one take care of himself ...

and God take care of everyone!

The hearing is over.

Leoncio Agrippa, Majesty.

Tell General Paulino to send
That emissary to my garden.

I have to talk to him.


I have attended your audience.

You have been very bold to speak to him
to the emperor like that.

I called you because I need
know news from Rome:

the palace talks,
how women dress.

Madam, I have few relationships
With the upper classes.

I am not of noble blood.

My father was just
A modest shoemaker.

And now you are centuri�n
of the Imperial Guard!

As a child I wanted to be a soldier of Rome
and enlisted in the fifth legion of llidia.

Then, I ascended to carry you standard and
I was chosen for the Guard.

Only the bravest carry the banner.

Now I understand why Valentinian
He has chosen you to be his messenger.

How I miss Rome!

I'd give anything to be
again in his court.

And why don't you go? The journey is long
by land, but not by sea.

Do you think I can go anywhere?

I can't even leave the palace.


There near the water.

Madam, I only bring m*llitary news.
I don't know the social life of Rome.

I must introduce myself to the general
Paulino to receive orders.

And you can't talk a little with me?

I fear losing track of time
contemplating your sovereign beauty.

Your attitude is less gallant
than your words

Give this to General Paulino.

You will send the guard
of Princess Pulqueria.

Me, captain of your guard?

You have brought the appointment yourself.

It would be a very nice mission,
but I have come to serve Rome.

That is a way of serving it.

I do not get it.

Pulqueria is a prisoner of her brother.

Before the two ruled,
but then he assumed all the power.

Theodosius knows that Pulcheria is
supporter of the union of the two empires.

If she objects, when he
Go break with Rome

Your life would be in danger.

As captain of your guard, you will send
one hundred loyal men quartered in the palace.

She foresaw the events.

So you will be at his
Orders at all times.

You must escort her
in all official acts.

The first of them will be
The feast that Theodosius is going to give.

Princess Pulqueria!


Who are the barbarian kings?

Madam, that's the one
King of the gamers, Gundahar.

That other is Sangiban. Poison
to his father and proclaimed himself king.

And there are the basquis, a town
of thieves. His king is Tula,

that now...


In the name of the emperor, stop them!

King Theodosius gives a banquet,
And perhaps we are not also friends ...

like those others?

Who is that barbarian?

Tell me your name.

Say what my name is!

Those are my vassals
and obey my orders!








Say what my name is!

I'm Attila!


For my part, I never intended
Offending the noble Attila.

Make it a place!

Lucius Maximus,

Make it a place at the table.
Make it a place!

Sit down and be welcome.

Make room for my daughter!

That Captain Martian
He feels here by my side.

That feels among the Huns.
That is more than enough.




What amusements have you prepared?
for our guests?

Majesty, I have a surprise!

The strong Herculaneum will challenge
to these barbarians in combat,

and, since there is no man who can defeat him ...

They will not forget the lesson.

Chambel! Call Herculaneum!

Where is my father's horse?

Well maintained and fed.

With lustrous hair.
Tomorrow I will return it.

A horse is vitiated when
Ride a stranger. You do not have to return it.

Now I have a better one.

Romans and friends!

The strongest warrior
of the Empire of the East,

challenge everyone to a fight
body to body!


Some of you dare
to fight our gladiator?

Surely there will be one of you
to accept the challenge ...

What do you say, Myrrai of the Savarios?

And you, Sangiban?

They are afraid, Majesty!

There is no man
Among the Huns you accept?

Our prize to the invincible Herculaneum!

The king of the Huns challenges
to the invincible Herculaneum.

k*ll him!

I give you his life!

I don't need your life!

I just wanted to show you
how the Huns fight.

Although in reality,
There has been no enemy.

Long live the great Attila! ¡Viva!

They are impressed by
Attila's victory.

Soldiers! Soldiers!

Calm down! Calm down!

Stop fighting! I order you!


Let's give them the gifts, Majesty.

You will find valuable presents
In that room.

Gold, silver, pearls and precious stones.

Come on!


What do we need for?
we all this?

We are not women to whom
It is bought with jewelry.

We prefer another present!

Say what!

We want to know the weapons of
Romans and their instruction.

Give us someone to teach us!

I grant you what you want.

I choose that Roman!

Be at your command!


Majesty, I have other duties!

Why teach who
Will one day be our enemy?

The throne does not need
the advice of a centuri�n.

The cent will teach us
Handle the weapons of the Romans.

First, the sword cuts.
Then the sword and the shield.

Who will be the first?

This is only for men.

The women of the Huns fight too.

Be on your guard like me.

Now att*ck me.

Again, Roman style!

att*ck with the tip! So!

On guard again.


This is the stop that leaves
exposed the chest of the adversary.


This is the stop that leaves
exposed the back of the adversary.

No! Roman style!

On guard, and then you att*ck!

I like that Roman!

I take it with your permission!

Leave me on the floor!

Get me out!

Attila's daughter must learn
more appropriate things for her.

Give this young woman a bath!


They told me you were waiting for me.

I was eager to receive your visit.

Please sit down.

Why did you call me?

I want you to return me to Marciano,
The captain of my guard.

They have given it to you without my consent.

I need your captain!

Would this be enough to rescue him?

I am willing to talk about business.

Give me other reasons
to give it back to you.

What can he teach your warriors?
Our soldiers fight on foot ...

and yours fight on horseback
and with other weapons.

About us, what interests you
is to know our weaknesses,

Am I not right?

I already know that your dream is to enter Rome
as conqueror

But that dream will not come true.
Rome is very big and very strong.

Instead, with your help, you could be king
of all the barbarian peoples,

and rule them from
Hispania to Persia.

And the price?

A secret agreement with Valentinian
against Theodosius?

Against any enemy of Rome!

Princess, you are demanding too much from me.

First you wanted your captain
and now save an empire.

Tell me, how could I persuade you?

You are a savage!

With the battles, ...

The same goes for women:
They are worth more how much it costs to earn them.

You wanted to know how they kiss
those you consider wild.

And I wanted to know how they kiss
the princesses.

So we have both satisfied
our curiosity

When you miss the ring, remember ...

that ring is ...

the price you paid for
a kiss from the barbarian Attila.

The issue is as follows:

I have signed treaties with the barbarian kings
to secure the borders of my empire.

But I think now it would be better to sign
a friendship pact between you and me.

I just came to Constantinople
With that purpose.

For the current treaties,
I pay each king a hundred pounds of gold.

How about five thousand for you?

For protecting your borders?

For something else!

For the total certainty that you and
the other barbarians will never att*ck my Empire.

I know they obey you.

Make the conquests you want,

but you won't att*ck me,

me neither.


Take them to my cars
The first delivery of gold.

Can you give me your word?

What are the words?

A brief and slight noise
That dies forever.

Your gold will be your best guarantee,


I've waited to speak to you alone ...

of an issue that we are both interested in.

Tomorrow, you and yours will leave.

Will you return to the Danube or undertake
The road of Italy?

The Huns go where the wind blows
Now here, then there.

And the wind direction is a matter
That does not interest a Roman.

Don't go against Rome!

Did I say I will do it?
You say it, not me.

I fear you try to conquer Rome and I
come back then against Constantinople.

How can you know my intentions?

I can't, it's true.

But listen to me:

don't let me blind you
Your hatred of Rome.

As you say, Rome conquered
and dominated the earth,

but now it has been conquered ...

and not by the sword, but by the
Christian sign of the cross.

Pretending to defeat him is useless.


Because there is no one who can against God.

Are you sure that Rome is still invincible?

It is very beautiful!

Who is it? Your goddess of peace?

It is Mary, mother of our lord and savior.

What I miss!

Since I was born, I've only known
The life of the Huns.

A world of struggles and intrigues,
of bloody victories.

But here, inside this temple,

I feel that I have discovered something new,

A world of peace

I would like to stay now in Constantinople ...

to be able to return to this place.

Maybe someday you can.

My father will never consent to me
separate from your side.

If there were any means of ...

Oh, if you would like to come with us!

A soldier is not the owner of his life.

And you will send the guard
of the princess, right?

I cannot discuss the orders.

Of course not.

She is very beautiful.

Come on, Kubra! Are you ready?

Let's go!

What happens?

I do not want to leave.

It is not wise for you to stay here.

Mount immediately!
You will ride by my side!

I don't want to keep riding.

You have been the one who has upset
My daughter's heart and head?

I have observed that every day
He speaks more like Christians.

Then leave it between us!

Atila's daughter?

Attila's daughter no longer shares
the desire to k*ll and destroy his father.

Do you always dare to say
What you think!

To another, those words
would have cost life.

Ride a horse!

Obey me!

We may see each other again.

I hope it's not in combat!

I have summoned you all in secret
Kings and bosses.

And you will keep secret what
What will I say.

Listen to me all!

The time has come for
Stop fearing Rome.

Rome is no longer a great empire.
It has been divided in two.

So your strength is
divided in half.

Even so, his army
is very powerful.

He is right.

Not as powerful as we are.

If we all join ...

we can get the biggest button
that the world has known and annihilate ...

the power of Rome, destroying
First one empire and then the other.

If we att*ck an Empire,
The other will come to your aid.


I have made a pact with
Emperor Theodosius.

When we att*ck Rome, he doesn't
I will intervene in the fight.

But even if they joined, we could b*at them!

The Romans fight on foot,

therefore they are slow
and give space.

Our army is fast
Like lightning fighting on horseback.

We will form several legions of cavalry
They will att*ck head on.

We will run fast like the wind,
k*lling, burning and destroying.

What if we lose?

We can not lose.
There are signs and omens.

Tell him

It is written that, when Rome was founded,

Twelve Vultures perched on its hills.
It meant that, for twelve centuries,

Rome would be powerful.
And then it would be sh*t down.

And at what season will that prophecy occur?

When the leaves darken to fall,
Rome will begin to fall.

Have you heard?

Sorry sir.

Is not true.

There were seven vultures that perched
on the hills and then they took flight.

And what does that mean?

Seven centuries of glory for the Empire ...

and seven for his fall.

The deadline is still far.

The deadline is near!

And now, are you with me?


I believe in the prophecy of the twelve vultures!

And there is an old song that ensures
our victory

I want to share with Attila
The riches of Rome.

There will be gold for everyone.
- The Scythians will ride with Attila!

And the savaros!
- And the baskeys!

Gundahar, king of the hunters,

and Chilote of the Dacians,
They don't compromise.

They will fight as one.
- The two empires are Christians!

They trust that their god will save them.
- The Christian god is not a warrior,

He is a weak god who preaches godliness.

There is only one god who can lead us
to victory and this is his sign.

It is a bad omen.

It's a warning.



He was sh*t down by divine fire.

Attila has offended the god of Christians.


If that were true, it would be
I the fulminate.

The gods k*lled him because they spoke
by his mouth when he says the prophecy.

Well, they don't want the prophecy
It is stained with words of men.

Are you interpreting this signal like me?

Yes, my lord.

It's fine!

You already know my purpose. You have heard the prophecy,
seen the omen!

Now, come back to your villages.
When the time comes, I will call you.

Be prepared!

Before the leaves darken
we will gather on the banks of the Danube ...

an army so powerful that the world will shake
under the hooves of our horses.

We were looking to hunt some piece and we have
cashed these two-legged animals.

We are pilgrims from Scotland.

We will fulfill a vote visiting
The place where our savior was born.

They did not carry more than this,
But they are gold.


Those are holy men of Christians.
I do not want to antagonize your god!

Take them! Save them!

Hang them up high!

That will please your god.
- If you want to please him, lose them.

Have mercy on them!

I will never understand you Christians.


Let them live!

Take the sign of your god.

When you arrive at your destination,
Tell what Attila did for your god.

And say that it does not harbor bad
intentions against him or his faithful.

Give them food and horses
and let them go in peace.

Father, it's okay to fear
To the god of Christians.

I fear nothing, Kubra.
I'm just looking for an ally in it.

But the god of Christians
He is not a warrior god.

Did the Roman tell you?

Whether or not a warrior god, I have seen his lightning
and it's very powerful to have him as an enemy

Get going!

I have spoken with merchants from the north,

with sailors, with pilgrims
who were going to the Holy Land ...

And everyone says the same.

Merchants and pilgrims!

Attila has requisitioned all ships
to cross the Danube with his troops.

And now they go south.
- Do they come here?

They march towards Rome, Majesty, with such
army that could destroy the city.

Attila has long thought to att*ck Rome.

I'm sick of such talk!

I'm sure that if Attila takes Rome,
Then I will inv*de your empire.

We have signed a treaty!

And who assures you that I will comply?
after conquering Rome?

- Silence!
Your insolence is unheard of!

I don't want to hear more!

So, I ask for a license to go
to prevent the Emperor Valentinian.

Now he wants to go to Rome ...!

I don't know what supposed dangers
He will go to prevent his emperor.

Stay in the palace
Until I decide to call you again.

Now I fear for your life.

Me too.

But with or without permission, I will go to Rome.

Well, don't waste any more time.
I will give you horses and men.

I thank you,
But I don't want to compromise.

Goodbye, Paulino!
- May God be with you!


You haven't eaten anything, ma'am!

Take it away!



I have spoken with the emperor.

And he doesn't want to listen to me.

And now, no doubt,
You will leave for Rome.

He has ordered me to
Stay in the palace.

But I will leave. I just came
to say goodbye

Then go. And be careful.

If they turn you on, you will lose your mind.

I've already lost her, ma'am.

Madam! Madam!

How dare you come in here?

The captain is imprisoned.

In whose order?

Of the emperor, highness.

Get it!

All the kings and princes of the north
they are already vassals of Attila.

Ld ldico, came!

Those who opposed, have been
slaughtered by the sword.

We have traveled the northern seas
and the east of the great swamps.

Thousands of warriors
They will join you next to the Danube.

We will march on Rome!

Kubra, call the Persian.

Our victory is certain.

I don't want any button for me.

I do not want riches or cities.

I only want to rule the world
from one end to the other,

where the Roman Empire will not be
more than an insignificant part.

Cities and palaces, everything built
will destroy it, and what they destroyed will restore it.

Everyone will feel victorious and can
Go back to your previous life.

And when the Empire is annihilated
and his forgotten victories ...

the barbarians may
sing a big name:

Attila, conqueror of Rome!

And they will also sing to the doctor,
his favorite wife!

He should cut his tongue out of him.
- He only speaks of defeat!


I called the Persian.

As predicted, there will be good news.

What do you see now in the stars?

Compliance time
of the prophecies is coming.

Roma fall!
- We already knew that. And what else?

Well ... I don't see anything else.

Come on, don't be afraid, say it all.
- We will not harm you.

They speak of a Roman.

From a Roman!

Of the centurine?

What do they say about him?

For the stars and other signs
Prophetic, I see something strange.

I see the centurion on the imperial throne of Rome.

At the centurine? How can a simple
soldier get to emperor of Rome?

And I also see something else, half confusing ...

The Roman crosses his sword with you
And you get scared.

Do I get scared?

The Persian tells the truth, brother.
That's what he sees ...

although you do not like it.

He fools himself, he sees everything confusing!

No soldier can reach emperor

Unless I want to!

As you see everything confusing, you don't see this:

When I own Rome, I will name
A Roman who rules in my name.

I will look for that centuri�n and sit it down
on the imperial throne under my orders.

And then I will teach the Roman struggle
And I will cross his sword with mine.

That is what the prophecies say!

By order of the Emperor,
No one is allowed entry.


Do you think I was going to allow
to behead you at dawn?

Theodosius will know that you have come to help me.

Fear not, believe it has been
One of your loyal soldiers.

I have horses prepared
For you to go to Rome.

Hurry, there is no time to lose!

No, I will not leave.

But Rome needs you!

Rome needs legions,
Not an emissary.

You know that Theodosius will not send
Help Valentinian.

And the army would not obey your orders?

No. I will only obey orders
of the Emperor.

So, there is only one way left.

Force him to abdicate!

That would be treason!

Greater than that of Theodosius?



Let's talk low, nobody knows I've escaped.

Madam, it is clear that Theodosius
He does not plan to help Rome.

Yes, I will not take a step to help her.

The empire needs another sovereign.

One who wants to help Rome
- Theodosius must abdicate!

And if not, die.
- You will occupy the throne in its place!

Thus, the army will obey me, and I will be
a faithful servant of Empress Pulqueria.

You have a hundred loyal guards.
If we seize the palace ...

But Theodosius has
Five hundred men.

Almost everyone is sleeping.

We can surprise you!

Make me your guard's captain again and I ...

You still are.

I have not put anyone in your place
And I don't want to replace you.

This Eastern Empire was created
With the effort and blood of the legions.

Not for Emperor Theodosius!

But he considers himself the owner
and absolute lord of everything.

You have signed a treaty with Attila,

whose hordes barbaras march
right now against Rome.

I speak to you as an envoy of
Emperor Valentinian.

And I assure you that, instead of sending
reinforcements to our imperial city,

Theodosius prefers to see destroyed
their buildings,

to his slaughtered town,

and all the country devastated.

And if you doubt that there may be a
such a mean man, hear the Emperor himself.

Bring it here!

What is this madness?

Sign this abdication certificate!

Do it, or send the legions
in aid of Rome!

�I must obey you and give up the throne
by imposition of some soldiers?

That never!

Before the sun rises, the blood of
your men will water the palace courtyard,

and you will be hanged.

You are alone in the palace
and I have an army.

The legions are at my command!

What if the army doesn't obey you?

If you don't obey me,
I will sign the abdication certificate.

Well, there are the bosses.
Give them your orders!

We'll see if they obey you.

The emperor orders you to turn on
The princess and the conspirators!


Get them!

Obey or you will be beheaded!

Get them!

I am the Emperor and I order you!

Get them!

You just had the test.

The army does not obey you.



The ex-emperor Theodosius
He will remain in his rooms.

And also his advisor Crisafio,
I will wait to be judged by Rome.

By order of his Augusta Majesty
the Empress of the East Pulqueria,

the captain of his guard is promoted
Commander in chief of all legions.

His Majesty also orders that the general
Paulino, the most noble and loyal of his friends,

stay in Constantinople,

and that, in the absence of his august person,
I represented her in the affairs of the throne.

All the legions of this Empire,
except those of the Guard,

they will march west on Rome's auxilo.

When the barbarian armies are
defeated and the danger has passed,

The first thing I will do when visiting Rome
it will be to thank God ...

and ask Rome to be eternally,
for all Christians ...

A symbol of faith and hope.

Long live Empress Pulqueria!

The Roman garrison has fled.
Pilo is yours!

Destroy it forever!

Turn it on!
- Let's go to Rome!

The leaves are falling!
Similarly fall Rome.

Oh? What are those voices?
- Many people flee there.

It is a Christian temple ...
We do not want to enter.

Let's get out of here!

Come out!

Speak Now.

My lord, do you want to hear the truth ...

Or just what you would like?
- The truth.

Because the truth is always the same.

Tell me, Persian, what does the cross mean?
What did I see when entering that temple?

An advert.

An advert.

I'm going to tell you a secret.

When I was a child, a sl*ve girl looked after me
I had visions, like you,

and one day he had a vision
That haunts me until today.

He said he saw me, already a man,

lying on the ground,

motionless, with the bloodied body
Under the shadow of a Christian cross.

Is that written in my stars?

I don't know!

Did she see it and you can't see it?


Each one of us only sees
A part of the future.

Only a small part!
No one can see it completely.

Well then answer me at
another question.

What do you see now about my future?

Tell me the truth, the whole truth,
And I will reward you.

Lately, with the eyes of the spirit,

I've seen a white haze ...

and, in it, a man dressed all in white.

A big man, a saint.

He brought an army of men
and bloody women.

He was dead, but he wasn't.

And you contemplated it so closely
as you are hearing me now.

Who was it?

I do not know.

Nor what it means.

But I am telling you the truth,

Well, you ordered it.

All the signs and omens that
I have been able to read in the stars they say:

Don't go south!

Get away from Rome!

We are ready to go, brother.

Let's go south!

Let's go to Rome!

Attila is north of the forests.
Even many leagues from Rome.

But those barbarians are very fast.

They are countless. It would be said that
They form two hundred legions.


- This man brings news.

What news brings us?
- Valentinian leaves Rome!

Didn't you tell them we're going to help you?
- Fear the barbarians!

But it is certain that
Your legions will defend the city!

He has ordered them to leave with him.

Leave Rome to Attila!

That the cavalry is ready!

Form a detachment.
We will ride tirelessly to Rome.

You, with the bulk of the army,
Follow us to forced marches.

Yes, sir!

I must get ahead.

The time and the distance
They are our enemies.

You carry few men
Against so many barbarians.

I will show you that I am worthy of
charge you have given me!

Until very recently,
You were no more than a centurion.

And I, a poor slandered princess
and stripped of their rights.

Now you are the Empress!

But I can't rule an empire alone.

Come back and rule with me!


A simple soldier?
- Now you are the champion of Christianity.

Excuse me, Majesty! Lord!

Men and horses are willing.

Emperor Martian!

May God grant you the victory!

Blessed is the day you can
come back with me

Close the doors!

Who are you?

Martian, Majesty, back
from Constantinople. - Marciano?

This I take.


Oh yes, I sent you with a message.
But that doesn't interest me now!

And that bust!

Who has given you that rank of general?

Empress Pulcheria, who rules
the East instead of his brother.


You will come with me and you will tell me.
- But, Majesty, I go out at dusk!

Majesty, I have legions loyal to the
Empress on the way to Rome.

How many?
- Five.

¿Five? With two more, there are seven.
And Attila has a hundred!

Seven legions are enough
To reject them.

Seventy would not be enough, and yours
They haven't arrived yet.

Order that they leave the walls.

If there is no resistance, maybe Attila
Respect the people. I hope so.

Attila will not respect anything!

Rome has strong walls and I know
that Attila has no means of as*ault ...

Like towers, catapults, Majesty!
- Majesty? Imperial Majesty!

If you leave Rome, it won't be long
much to stop being emperor.

Sorry, Majesty. Everything is ready.

Cars must go on the Via Apia.

Majesty, news arrives
that Attila is near.

Atila? I leave the city in your hands!


Inform everyone that
Rome is under my command.

Let the officers of the other legions come.

Close the doors after departure
of Valentinian and his sister.

Now, the city depends on us.

Soon, there will be no
a Roman alive behind those walls

Not a single house will remain standing.

Are you going to destroy everything?

It is the sacred city of Christians.
- It's Rome!

I beg you to have mercy.

Maybe give up!

It will not be necessary to shed blood.


Hija My daughter dislikes
that Roman blood is poured?

Powerful Attila!

- The Emperor has fled the city.

One moment!

The city has a new boss
That has come from the East.

The Roman!

The Roman?

Yes, my lord.

Are you here?

Rome rules in place of the Emperor.


Have you heard?
- Yes, my lord.

There is talk of legions that come by sea.

He is in Rome as Emperor!
And you dreamed we fought and b*at me.

Don't challenge it!
- But I'm here!

How many legions defend the city?

Two, nothing more than two.

I was right.

We must end that Roman as soon as possible.

Oh, everyone!

� Command that anyone
I find him k*ll him for me!

Bring me wine!

We will att*ck tonight!

- How will we break the walls?

We have no catapults!
- Have you become cowards?

We have battering rails and scales
for the as*ault!

And not only that: we have
One hundred men for every Roman.

We will att*ck in one place!

We will open a gap, only one,
and we will enter through it like a torrent.

Kubra, came!

Where is my daughter?

We will fake an as*ault here.
- While I att*ck the north door.

And forcing those points,
we will tear down the east door ...

and we will penetrate the city.
- We will att*ck at dawn!

In the final as*ault the sun will be at our
back and face the eyes of the Romans.

My lord Attila, a message from the city.

An emissary from Rome asks to speak
with you on the banks of the river.

I do not want to negotiate with Rome.
- Pretend you agree, maybe you can find out something.


Look, a white haze.

And the man!


Who are you?

I am Leon, servant of God's servants.

Pope Leo?

I do not face holy men. I make
the w*r against the Romans, not their god.

I will respect your temples,
But I will destroy the city.

Rome is a Christian city
and a temple of God.

A city is not a temple!
- A temple is where men pray.

And they pray in their streets and squares so that
God make you give up your purposes.

I've sworn on my sword!
- Who lives by the sword, will perish by it.

Rome is the one who will die for my weapons.

Only if God wants it.

Who sends you?

The brave Marciano?

When he enters the city, he will k*ll him.
That also swore on my sword.

You are not looking for just that.

That, and take revenge on the walls that one day
They took me prisoner.

Knock them down and leave forever
The memory of my terrible revenge.

You already know my purpose.

Yes, I already know him.

I don't want to antagonize you.

But it is written
that Rome will fall this year.

Written! Who for?

Who can know the designs
of divine providence?

If God were with you,
Rome would be destroyed ...

but if God is against you,
you will not touch a stone from its walls.

Rome does not depend on earthly weapons.

We have an army of martyrs
sanctified by blood.

Protecting those who have to die
there are those who d*ed before by the cross.

An army you can't see and who
you cannot defeat in any way.

If you face him, it will be your end.

Remember: God fulminated your false prophet,
leaving him lifeless at your feet ...

and annihilate any man who
I dare provoke his divine anger.

Are we attacking now?


I came to watch while
You talked to the holy man.

Do we att*ck tonight?
- Everything is planned.

The plans can be changed.

Elldico, came!


- Don't wait any longer, Attila!

att*ck tonight!

The Persian told me the truth.

But now I ask for an omen
And he doesn't give me any.

Get out of the city and
Do not trust omens!

Let's go meet the
army of the East!

There are two paths ...

and nobody tells me which one is the best.

What do you expect that talk to say?
The same as the holy man of Rome?

Before talking to him,
You were willing to att*ck.

Elldico, came!

Only two legions defend the city
and it will easily fall into our hands.

What do you want, Attila, to deceive us?

Maybe they cheated on him.

It is incomprehensible!

Who has been able to tell you ...?


You hate me.

But even if you would be able to do it,
you could not.

How is it possible that he knew?

My blood freezes a suspicion.

Tell me, my daughter, why?
Has that holy man come?

How do you want that ...!


Who told the holy man ...

What I could not know? Who told you
That lightning k*lled my astrologer?

I told him, father.

Just like the Roman,
you dare to tell the truth.

I must k*ll him!

It has influenced you so much that it has changed you.
You are no longer the daughter I adored.

Father, get out of Rome!
- You have betrayed me!


I am a Christian!

Rome is a Christian city.

And they want to scare me with
an army that nobody can see?

A army of ghosts
to which I added another one!


There lies a part of me.
My own blood throws the ground.

Tell me: this is what I prophesied
The old sl*ve girl when I was a child?

My lord Attila, there is none
shadow over her.

There is no shadow.

There is no shadow of a cross on Kubra.

Now, she is dead.

And with her, everything I loved in the world.

Get away from Rome, he said.

And the Persian says the same:

Go east ... Go south ...

I don't know what to do.

If I fall asleep, wake me up at dusk.
Then I will decide which path to take.



Kubra! Kubra!

No, no, Kubra is dead.

Edec�n, where is the Persian?

Bring it to me!

Brother, listen to me, what's wrong with you?

Don't spill more blood, she said.


Persian! Persian! Wake up!

Come with me.
- What happens?

Attila had a nightmare
and screamed like crazy.

We don't know what's wrong with him, but he calls you.

� Wake up to camp,
Let everyone get up!

Didn't you hear it?

Have you not seen it?

See what?

I was in another place ...


Think, tell me!

My armor, my sword!

He was right, I've seen them!

Persian, I have seen the army of ghosts.

An immense army of martyrs
bloody moving forward ...

advancing against me.

And he hears it, he hears the firm step of his legions.

And Kubra was among them.

And he kept shouting at me: Go away, father,
Get away from Rome!

Calm down, Attila!

It has gone mad.

I was before the walls of Rome.

And b*at them!

But when they fell, he got up
from the ground another army of the dead.

I've seen everything with my eyes
what the holy man said.

And yes what it means.

Mighty Lord, do not go against Rome.
Come back, go back north.

Come back!
- Never! I said never!

Atila fears that holy man!

Before, Attila didn't fear anyone.

We will enter Rome!

Let's go back!

Let's go north!

They say that in the barbarian camp
Confusion reigns, fighting each other.

The barbarians withdraw from the east gate!
- Attila goes north with his army.

It can be a trap.
A clever ploy.

There is a prominent legion to the north.

That legion is in Pilo,
The city that Attila set on fire.

Then att*ck him in the rear.

Today, we will win or lose everything.

The barbarians raise the siege of Rome
and they go here.

Place your soldiers strategically.

Place the archers in key points
and heavy infantry behind the walls.

They are coming!

On horseback!



So, is this the end?

Your god has defeated me!

Everything was written in the stars!


Get me deep inside!
Well deep!

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