Devil and Daniel Webster, The (1941)

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Devil and Daniel Webster, The (1941)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ma! Mary! All ready?
First bell's a-ringin'.

Yes, we're all ready.

Mary's comin'
through the back door.

Now, son, cheer up.

We're all healthy,
and we've still got meal in the barrel.

Look at that sky.

Big cracks in it
like it was ice on the mill pond...

a-crackin' up to show us
spring's a-comin'.

If that ain't enough for a God-fearin',
New Hampshire family, I want to know.

- Oh, Jabez! Help!
- Coming!

- [Growling, Barking]
- Quiet, Shep! Quiet!

- Down, Shep! Down!
- He only wants you to throw
a stick for him, Jabez.

I guess he's feelin'
the spring air comin', too.

All right.

- Get it, Shep!
- [Barking]
- Mary? Jabez?

Comin', Ma. What's the matter?
Anything wrong with me?

- No, nothing.
- Then what's the smile on your face for?

Now, Jabez. You've got a clean shave,
and I've got on my Sunday best...

and I'm going to church
with my husband.

Almost the first time
since the beginning of winter.

- And if that isn't an occasion -
- I don't know what is.

- [Barking]
- [Squealing]

Now, what the dickens?

Shep! Come here, Shep!

- [Barking Continues]
- [Squealing Continues]

Shep! Shep, stop it!

Leave that pig alone!
Come here, Shep!

- Jabez, what's the matter?
- I don't know.
Something's wrong with the pig.

- Quiet, Mr. Porker.
- [Pig Shrieks]

He's worse than a greased pig
at the county fair.

Yep, his leg is broken.
Get me the box, Mary.

I remember Dad used to say...

"When they were handing out hard luck,
the farmer got there first."

Now, Jabez.
Don't you remember your own wedding?

We said it's for better or worse.
We said it's for richer or poorer.

- That's what we said.
- Oh, your pants! They're soaked.

- Let me take them.
- Oh.


- Guess we won't be
goin' to church today.
- [Mary] I guess we won't.

Anyway, I can read you
from the Good Book.

There won't be
any objection to that.

Now you won't catch cold.

Ha! I call that
coddlin' a man.

Now, Ma. Seems to me you
used to do it for Dad, too.

Well, always did my duty.

Mary, hold the splint tighter.

"There was a man in the land
of Uz, whose name was Job;

and that man was
perfect and upright -"

Consarn the consarn -

Jabez! What kind of talk
is that on the Sabbath,
and me a-readin' the holy word?

Sorry, Ma. This man, Job,
he had troubles, didn't he?
Hard luck, like me.

Now, Jabez Stone, as for what
you're calling hard luck...

we made New England out of it -
that and codfish.

There. That'll hold him.

That's nice and warm for you.

Don't get him too close to the fire,
or we'll have roast pork for supper.

- Not on Sabbath you won't.
- You didn't really think
I'd forget, did you?

Give me the book, Ma.
I'm going to read us something
cheerful from the Book of Ruth.

- That is, if you don't mind
changing the lesson.
- Land sakes, I don't mind.

I never did hold much with Job,
even if he is Scripture.

He took on too much to suit me.

'Course I don't want
to malign the man...

but he always sounded to me
like he come from Massachusetts.

Yes, Mary.
You go ahead and read.

- "And Ruth said in -"
- There's a rig turnin' into the gate!

- Who is it?
- It's Tom Sharp and two other fellas.

Well, let's, uh, let's see
what they want.

- Jabez!
- Oh, Glory! My pants.


- Mornin', Mary.
- Mornin', Tom. Come in.

- Mornin', ma'am.
- There's a mat there
to wipe your feet on.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
I plumb forgot.

- Howdy, Jabez!
- Howdy.

- This is Van Brooks, Massachusetts.
- Howdy.

- Howdy.
- This is Eli Higgins. He's Vermont.

- Howdy.
- There's a mat there
to wipe your feet on.

- Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am.
- Come over to the fire. Sit down.

- Little pig hurt himself?
- Yep. Broke his leg.

Hmm. Too bad. Had a pig
one time broke all four legs.

Yep. Spoiled all the hams.

You may smoke on Sabbath
in Massachusetts, but not here.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

Rains kinda hard
in New Hampshire, don't it?

How's the year been
in your part of the country?

Well, had a good stand o' corn.

Comin' along right nice...

and then we had a hailstorm -
a hailstorm in June.

Hailstones so mighty,
the chickens got to settin' on 'em,
thinkin' they was eggs.

Yep. Makes you wonder what in tarnation
Providence was thinkin' about.

That ain't nothin'.
We had a snowstorm in August.

- In August?
- Yeah. Much obliged, ma'am.

It was so cold, a man got out in it,
and it froze him solid.

- All except his heart.
That was frozen already.
- Loan shark, eh?

Too bad it didn't happen
to Miser Stevens.

- Are you one of old
Stevens's customers, too?
- Sure am.

It's the debt and the lien
and the mortgage.

Quite a problem
to us farmers nowadays.

City folks has
their troubles, too...

but when a farmer goes bankrupt,
he can't crawl out so easy.

Laws oughta be changed somehow.

We oughta have
more consideration.

That's the reason the three of us
met up together, Neighbor Stone.


Farmers oughta have a sort of grange,
as they call it in Vermont.

[Tom] What do you think, Jabez?
Sound reasonable to you?

Well - Sure does,
but I'll, uh...

I'll have to sleep on it
a couple of nights.

That's fair enough.

Man's got a right
to mull things over.

Mighty fine pie
you got here, ma'am.

- Would you like another piece?
- I sure would.

Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you.

Oh, Ma. I thought
we'd save that for tomorrow.

It's the Lord's will
to feed strangers...

even if they eat you
out of house and home.

Well, you read this, Jabez. We'll
drive around again in a week or so.

I was just thinking...

that, uh, they might not like the idea
down in Washington.

Why not? There's a bill up
in Congress now...

to give us
a uniform law of bankruptcy.

- Daniel Webster's fighting
for it right now.
- Black Daniel?

Yep. Biggest man
in the whole United States.

Senator from Massachusetts. He's gonna
be our next president, sure enough.

I know. They say when he speaks,
the stars and stripes
come right out of the sky.

Listen, Black Daniel.

You're only wasting your time
writing speeches like that.

Why worry about the people and
their problems? Think of your own.

You want to be president of
this country, and you ought to be.

Inauguration day parade,
bands playing, prancing horses...

sun shining on the Stars and Stripes
waving in the breeze...

crowds cheering,
"Daniel Webster...

president of
the United States of America."

Don't be a fool. If you go on with
that speech, you'll never be president.

Be still!

"I would say to every man
who follows his own plough...

"and to every mechanic, artisan, and
laborer in every city in the country-

"I would say to every man,

"who wishes by honest means
to gain an honest living...

'Beware of wolves
in sheep's clothing."'

"The insolvent farmers cannot even
come to the seat of their government...

"to present their cases
to Congress...

so great is their fear that
some creditor will arrest them
in some intervening state."

"We talk much and talk warmly
of political liberty...

"but who can enjoy
political liberty...

if he is deprived permanently
of personal liberty?"

"If the final vote
shall leave...

"thousands of our fellow citizens and
their families in hopeless distress...

"can we, members
of the government...

"go to our beds
with a clear conscience?

"Can we, without self-reproach,
supplicate the Almighty Mercy...

to forgive our debts
as we forgive our debtors?"

- That's wonderful language
Mr. Webster uses there.
- It would move a stone.

If it would only move Old Miser Stevens.
We've still got to pay him.

- Yep. Can't get around
that mortgage. I'm sorry.
- It's all right, Sheriff.

I wish I could really do something
for you, but you know Stevens.

- He'll throw you off the farm
if you don't pay him tonight.
- He would!

The law's the law.
Good-bye. Good-bye, Mary.

- Bye, Sheriff.
- Bye, Sheriff.

- Well, what are we going to do?
- We've still got my butter money.

- Your butter money?
- Do you think I'm grudging it?

- Mary, it's gone.
- All of it?

All of it. I had to pay the vet
in full. He wouldn't have
treated the horse this time.

After all, we can't very well
do without a horse.

That's all right.
We'll find something to pay Stevens.

If the pig hadn't broken his leg,
we could have taken him.

Couldn't you take
a sack of seed instead?

To save us work
on the spring plowing?

You always said
the field uphill needs a rest.

- But if you think-
- I'm a farmer, Mary. Always will be.

To me, seed isn't a thing
to pay debts with.

It's alive - more alive
than anything.

But I guess you're right.
We just got to do it.

Jabez, you ought to talk to Tom Sharp
about joining the grange.

- I will, Mary.
- [Ma]Jabez.!

How'd you know to have
the calf ready, Ma?

I just figured you
didn't have any money.

Yes, and you figured right,
consarn it!

That's a word you're
too free with lately.

Consarn this and consarn that.

But it helps sometimes
to say it, Ma.

All right, son, if it helps.

Jabez! What's this?

- Seed alone won't do it.
We'll have to throw the calf in.
- But we were countin' on it.

- Get up on the wagon.
- [Cow Moos]

- His mother's bawlin'.
- I can't help that.

It's such a lovely calf.

You're right, Mary.
It's a fine calf.

That's why old Stevens will take it
for the rest of the payment.


- [Groaning]
- [Barking]
- Mary! Are you hurt?

Ma! Quick!
Mary fell down!

- Ma.!
- Carry her into the house. Be careful.

No, no, no. Put her down here.
It's too cold up there.

Get some water, quick.

Quiet, Shep!

- What's ailin' that dog?
- I don't know.

- Well, keep him quiet.
- Let him howl if it makes him feel good.

- Consarn it! He's better off than I am.
- Hush up such talk!

I mean it, I tell you.
I've had more than my share.

- Nothing ever goes right for me.
- [Chickens Squawking]

- Now, what the dickens?
- The fox! The fox is in my henhouse!

Give me that g*n.

- Did you get him?
- No, I didn't, consarn it.
He got two of your hens.

Well, we'll have to do
without them. You run along,
get the seed. I'll tend to Mary.

[Dog Continues Barking]

That's enough to make a man
sell his soul to the devil!

- And I would for about two cents!
- [Barking Stops]

I guess nobody heard.
I hope not.

- [Thunder Rumbling]
- Good evening, Neighbor Stone.

[Livestock Shrieking]

- [Whistling]
- [Shrieking Fades]

Who are you?

My name is Scratch.

I often go by that name
in New England.

I don't have
any business with you.

Do you deny that you called me?

I've known people in other states
who went back on their word, but I -

I didn't expect it
in New Hampshire.

You can't say that to me.
I'm New Hampshire.

And if I say I called you,
I did. Guess I did.

You've had a lot
of bad luck these days...

and yet it's all
so unnecessary...

[Chuckles] when I think
of your opportunities.

My opportunities?

- Of course. Why, man, you have one
of the richest farms in the county.
- Hmph!

You just go about it
the wrong way.

[Chuckles] Oh, so many men do.

Hard work. That's all right for people
who don't know how to do anything else.

It's all right for people
who aren't lucky.

But once you're lucky,
you don't have to work for other people.

You make them work for you.

Why, Mister, that sounds all right.
How do I go about it?

Clever man like yourself,
he can find money anywhere.

Money to pay his bills,
money for his wife and children,
money enough to be a rich man.

All he needs is a friend
to point it out to him, like this.

- Isn't real. It can't be.
- Oh, no. Wait.

Touch it.

Touch it.
Feel it with your hand.

- [Tom]Jabez.!
- Someone's calling you, Mr. Stone.

- Jabez Stone!
- Oh, there he is.

Howdy, Jabez.

- Howdy, Jabez.!
- Howdy. What do you want?

We just come to ask you if you'd
made up your mind to join the grange.

- Grange? What grange?
- That farmers association we were
talkin' about the other day.

No, I don't want to join.
Go away. Leave me alone.

We don't mean to force you, but it's
only for your own good, neighbor.

- I look out for myself!
- We oughta stick together.

- Now, after Daniel Webster's speech.
- Daniel Webster can't help me.
Leave me alone.

Tell me, where did it come from?

You know the old story.

The Hessian wagon train that was
ambushed on its way to Saratoga.

Some of the gold has been
buried under your barn.

- Yes, why shouldn't it?
- Yes, of course.

People forgot, or the man
who knew about it d*ed.
You know how these things happen.

- It's mine. It's mine.
- Yes.

Yes, that's right,
Mr. Stone.

Oh, uh, there is just
one little formality.

I would like
your signature... here.


And when it's done,
it's done for seven years.

It's our usual form.

Of course, we can take up
the question of renewal in due time.

What does it mean here,
about my soul?

Mmm. Why should that worry you?
A soul. A soul is nothing.

Can you see it, smell it,
touch it? No.

This soul -your soul - a nothing
against seven years of good luck.

You'll have money
and all that money can buy.

Upon my word, Neighbor Stone...

- if it were not for my firm's
reputation in generous dealing, I -
- No! No!

Give it to me. I'll sign.

All right.

I'm afraid I'll have to...
prick your finger, Neighbor Stone.

- [Groans]
- But what's a little pain
to a lucky man?


Sign here.

[Thunder Booms]

- Afraid?
- No.


A firm, fair signature.

One that will last
till doomsday.

I congratulate you, Neighbor Stone.

You're going to be
the richest man in New Hampshire.

- Well, I'll be -
- Yes.

Yes. Yes, indeed.

But not now.

Not for seven years.


Oh, by the way,
I almost forgot.

- What is the date?
- April 7.


That would take us up to the...

seventh day of April...


Just to remind you.

Though, of course, we'll be
seeing each other in the interim.

Ah, what a beautiful sunset.

- Mary! Mary!
- Mary's all right again.
I thought you'd gone.

What would you do
if you had a pot of gold?

- Oh, Jabez.
- Mary, what would you do?

I don't know.

I would pay our debts,
and maybe I would buy a new bonnet.

- Really, I think I would
live quite the same.
- Mary...


Hessian gold.
I found it in the barn.

- Found it in the barn, eh?
- Yes, Ma!

I was getting the seed, and I saw one of
the boards warped up, and I stumbled...

and - and there it was.

Most outlandish thing
I ever heard tell.

But it's true, Ma!

Here. Take 'em in your hands
and feel 'em, Ma.

Mary, Mary, you feel 'em.

Feel 'em.
They're real, all right.

What's the matter?
Aren't you glad?

I don't know, Jabez,
but I'll try hard.

- I just can't take it all in.
- Oh, Mary.

Hessian gold.

Well, I hope it'll do us more good
than it did the Hessians.

Ma! We'll none of us
have to worry anymore. We're rich.

Well, that's comforting.

Mashed potatoes and milk.

It's not going to be mashed potatoes
and milk anymore.

It's gonna be turkey and oysters.
Seed corn and cattle.

A new bonnet for Mary,
and a new dress for Ma.

We're going to have the best farm
in New Hampshire...

and I've got it
right here in my hand.

That cap doesn't belong
on the table.

Lord, we thank thee
for this food.

Bless it to the good of our body
and help us to do thy will. Amen.


** [Whistling Continues]


* Nothing else to do
There's nothing -**

- Hello, Jabez.
- Hello, Sheriff.

I was just talking to Stevens about
a little extension on your payment.

You didn't get it, eh? Come on.
We'll have another talk with him.

- [Knocking]
- Who is it?

Jabez Stone.

- Hello, Stevens.
- Stone, you're wasting
your time and mine.

I'm not gonna
give you an extension.

Well, uh -
[Clears Throat]

Now look here, Stevens.
Uh, can't we, uh, talk that over?

It's kinda cold here.
Why don't you make a fire?

I can't afford it.
Nobody's paying me these days.

Stone, have you got the money?

I, uh, I managed
to scrape up a bit for you.

- I thought if I made
kind of a part payment -
- No, Stone.

- In gold.
- I'd like to know where you'd get it.

Well, you know,
some folks are just lucky...

and others pick it
right out of the air, like that.

Sheriff, you're a witness.
This money was paid me voluntarily.

While it doesn't satisfy the mortgage,
it has become my property.

Count that one, then, and that one
and that one and that one...

and that and that and that
and that and that.!

Sheriff, you're here to witness.

Well, that makes
everything clear now.

Come along, Sheriff.

Eight, nine, ten, eleven.
Eddie, that makes us all even.

Yep. It certainly was a big day
for our store. Come back again soon.

Oh, Eddie!
Here's one for you.

[Yelps] Golly!

I hope I run up against a pot of
Hessian gold one day myself, Mr. Stone.

Jabez. Jabez, what do
you think of this?

Yeah, looks right elegant.

Newest thing by last fall catalog
in Godey's Lady's Book.

- Do you think it's too fancy?
- Did you say "too fancy"?

Lands to goodness, child.
Not for you.

Nothing's too fancy for you.
You keep it right on.

Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt
to have a few roses on it.

They're right pretty, Mary.

Now may I pick out
a shawl for Ma?

Sure. Go right ahead
and take your time.

I'm going over to the blacksmith shop
and pick up a new plow.

- I'll be back in 30 minutes.
- I'll be waiting for you.

- [Toots]
- Oh!

Eddie, where are you
going with that horn?

Haven't you heard, Mrs. Stone?
Daniel Webster's coming
to Cross Corners.

- Daniel Webster here?
- Aren't you going to the reception?



Martin! Hey, Martin!
Where's the blacksmith?

- Playing horseshoes
with Daniel Webster!
- With who?

- Daniel Webster!
- Oh.

Crazy galoot, thinkin' he could
take on Daniel Webster.

Daniel pitched shoes from his cradle,
didn't you, Daniel?

- Yep, with my granny,
and she wasn't bad either.
- [Laughing]

Well, I really have to go now.
The people at Cross Corners
must be waiting for me.

It's really not very far,
Mr. Webster.

Oh, it's you again.
What do you want?

I thought, with the
presidential election coming up,
you might need some help.

I'd rather see you
on the side of the opposition.

Oh, I'll be there, too.

- That was pretty good, young man.
- Pretty good? That's perfect!

- Ten throws, Mr. Webster?
- All right, 10 throws it is.

- Let me take your coat, Mr. Webster.
- [Laughing]

[Tuba Tooting]

Friends! Neighbors! I beg of you
to have a little more patience!

Now, let us rehearse the parade
once more. Over here.

Get in line, now,
as we rehearsed.

Now, attention.!

- Go!
- [Drumroll]


Well, ha! You win.
That calls for a drink on me.

- I really must go now. Will you
ride into the village with me?
- Oh, certainly!

Thank you, son.
Thank you.

This is a great day for me.!

- Oh, Lem! Lem, will you
take care of my buggy?
- All right.!

- Thank you!
- All right, we're goin' to the village.

[Children Shouting]
Daniel Webster is here.!
Daniel Webster is here.!

Daniel Webster is here!
Daniel Webster is here!

Daniel Webster is here.!

[Cow Lows]

I guess I'm not very popular
in Cross Corners.

Daniel Webster's here!
Daniel Webster's here!

And look who's with him.

Well, of all the people.

- Thank you for the game.
- Welcome! Welcome to Cross Corners.

That's it!
That's it!

We are greatly honored
with your presence, and I'm-

- Your health, Mr. Webster.
- What about my friends?

Let's all have a drink, and a bumper one
for the champion, Jabez Stone.

Right away, sir.!
Right away.

Here's a man who knows
what's good for Daniel Webster.

Medford rum.

A breath of the promised land.

And here's to the champion
of the iron horseshoe, Jabez Stone.

Thank you. Here's to the champion
of the whole United States...

- Daniel Webster!
- Daniel Webster!

- Where's the band? Where's the band?
- I don't know.

Oh. Go get them!
Go get them!

Go and get 'em?

What are you lookin' for, Colonel?

- What's your name?
- Martin Van Buren Aldrich.

My pa is the only Democrat
in Cross Corners.

He said you had horns and a tail,
Mr. Webster, but I ain't seen 'em yet.

You see, Martin, I only wear them
when I'm in Washington.

But if you ever get down there,
I'll be glad to show 'em to ya.

Gee, would you?

Of course. And you tell
your father for me...

that we may be
on opposite sides of the fence...

but I'm always glad to hear of a man
who holds to his own opinion.

As long as the people do that,
this country is all right.

- You understand, Martin?
- Yes, sir. I guess so. Gee.

- Speech, Mr. Webster.
- Speech, Mr. Webster.

They're asking for a speech,
Mr. Webster.

A speech? Oh, no.

I'm a little tired,
Squire Slossum.

- [Giggling]
- Besides, it's so pleasant here.

The sun, the air-
So pleasant in Cross Corners.

- But, Mr. Webster.
- You talk.

Listen, folks.

Well, I don't know much
about "speechifying"...

but I feel it my duty to -

- What's the matter with him?
Cat got his tongue?
- Hush up, Sarah.

Well, folks, what I want to say is,
when a man like Daniel Webster
visits us...

we shouldn't ask him
for a speech.

It's for us to speak, to tell him that
we farmers thank our lucky stars...

every day in the year
for what he's done for us.

If anybody's gonna have
corn in his crib, or hay in his barn...

it'll all be due to our good friend
and neighbor, Daniel Webster...

who stood right up in Congress
to protect us from loan sharks
by a new law.

After hard work like that,
well, it's only natural that
Daniel Webster gets tired.

He's tired of makin' speeches. He just
wants a little rest in the sunshine.

And, folks, ifhe chooses Cross Corners'
sunshine to rest in, that's mighty fine.

And I want to say this
before I quit talkin;

We'll be hoein' corn, all due,
like I says, to our good neighbor,
Daniel Webster.

And we'll keep on hoeing corn
until he's in the White House
in Washington where he belongs!

Hooray! Hooray!

Hooray! Hooray!

Hooray! Hooray!

An eloquent speech,
Neighbor Stone.

I couldn't have done better myself,
under the circumstances.

Thank you, Mr. Webster.
Thank you.

I'd like for you to meet
my wife, Mary.

- Well, if it isn't little
Mary Simpson from Franklin.
- It is.

You've got a smart man.
Hang on to him.

- I'm going to try, Mr. Webster.
- That's just fine.

Well, I have to be getting on
to Franklin before night.

- Good-bye, Mary.
Remember me to your mother.
- Thank you, Mr. Webster.

- Good-bye, Jabez. God bless you both.
- Good-bye. Thank you.

- Good-bye, Squire. Good-bye, everybody!
- Good-bye.

[Shouting, Cheering]

Remember, Mary, how he said it?

"Couldn't have done better myself,
Jabez Stone."

It was my first speech.

I don't know
what happened to me.

I just stood up, and the words came
flowing like water out of my mouth.

Yes, Jabez,
it was a wonderful day...

but I'm glad to be home again.

- Tired?
- Well -

- Well, what is it?
- I'm a little worried.

There's nothing
to worry about now.

- Jabez, I -
- Mary, you just wait and see.

This is just
the beginning-

just the beginning
of everything.

I'm going to be the biggest man
in New Hampshire...

and you're going to be the wife
of the biggest man.

[Dog Barking]


Quiet, Shep!

Don't take cold, Jabez.

- There's a new moon, Mary.
- Yes, I know, Jabez.

There's hope and promise in it.

Planting and promise
of a good harvest to come.

- What is it?
- Nothing. Nothing at all.


[Horn Blows]

Lord, we thank thee
for this food.

Bless it to the good of our body
and help us to do thy will. Amen.

Now, look here, son.

I'm glad to see a Stone
come up in the world again...

- but things that grow
too fast will never-
- You look here, Ma.

I'm not a boy anymore,
and I want that understood.

I don't aim to stay a one-horse farmer
the rest of my life.

Jabez, once you said
we'd never change.

Never mind what I said once.
Listen to what I say now.
I've made up my mind.


Was that my son talking?

But what's a farmer to do, if-

if he don't want to get roped in more
by them loan sharks?

You don't have to go
to Miser Stevens while I'm around.

- Don't I?
- Nah.

Say, that's mighty white of you.

Not at all, Hank.
I'm glad to help ya.

Thank you, Jabez.
I really wouldn't need very much.

If you could just let me have
some seed to start off with -
enough for spring plantin'.

Seed? Easiest thing
in the world. Come along.
Pick out everything you need.

- Sure you can spare it?
- Sure. I just bought some seed.

- Say, about the interest -
- Don't you worry about that.

Leave it all to me.
We won't talk business today.

You just bear this in mind:

I am not a man to get rich on
other people's hard luck. Nope, not me.

Say, that's mighty fine
of you, Jabez.

I've been through the mill myself,
and I know just how you feel.

Here. The best seed you'll find
in all New Hampshire.

- Asleep, Ma.
- That's good. Sit down.

I feel fidgety, Ma.

Not right.
Not right at all.

Lands! I'd think you were gonna have
the baby, to hear ya.

- Sit down. You make me nervous.
- [Groans]

The way a man always is.

Thinks his son is the
most important thing in the world.

- Say that again, Ma.
- Oh! Made me stick my finger.

A son.
Do you really think so, Ma?

Oh, get along with ya.
As if it matters to a grandma.

Perhaps you have
an even chance.

[Wind Whistling]

q*eer sort of weather
we're having.

Weird, like everything else.

Thank God you can always depend
on New England for weather.

We've got enough
for the whole United States.

[Whispers] A son.

An heir.


Money is a funny thing,
ain't it, Ma?

I figure it depends a might on how
you get it and how you spend it.

- But I don't spend any.
- But you should, son.
That's all it's good for.

Do you really think that?

That's just common sense.

Now, a man like Daniel Webster.

Guess they pay him high
for what he does...

but he's worth it,
and he helps others.

Makes all the difference.

I know.

But suppose a man
got his money in bad ways?

Wouldn't profit him none.

You see, son,
I'm old, and I've lived.

When a man gets
his money in bad ways...

when he sees the better course
and takes the worse...

then the devil's in his heart,
and that fixes him.

And yet, a man could change
all that, couldn't he?

A man can always change things.

That's what makes him different
from the barnyard critters.

Where ya goin; son?


Oh, come, come, Neighbor Stone.

No need to get so excited.

I wouldn't try to cut
that tree down, if I were you.
It means a breach of contract.

I don't care!

But you should, now that
you're becoming a father.

You keep your tongue off that!

Yes, of course. Certainly.
I shan't even come to christening.

It would be tactless
and in wretched bad taste.

But I may send a friend of mine,
just for old times' sake.

- Yes, I think I'll do that.
- [Ma]Jabez.!

Get away! Get away! Get outta here.
Quick! Hurry! Get away!

Your mother.
I find her rather difficult.

Hardly the type
for my sort of thing.

- Jabez.!
- Bye, Mr. Stone.


Here you are, son. I was worried
about you. Look at that hail.

The crops will be ruined!

- It don't matter.
- What's that you say?

- I say it don't matter.
- Now, that's the way to talk.

I know you've worked hard
for this crop, but we'll make out.

Make out?
We'll do better than that.

I never thought
I'd be glad for bad luck, but I am.

I never thought I'd be glad of
a hailstorm at harvesttime, but I am.

I'm glad of the rain,
the storm and the hail.


What's the matter?
What are you crying about?

All the fields ruined.

[Jabez] Yes, it's terrible
what the hail has done to the fields...

but not to my fields.

Look, Mary.! It didn't touch any
of my wheat.! I'll have a rich harvest.!

Hello, Lem, Hank.


You'd think that Stone was standing
good with Providence somehow.

My wheat's no more use
than a last year's crow's nest.

Maybe you'll let me
help you out a bit.

Seems like someone's
giving us the horselaugh.

I guess you're ripe and ready now
to join our grange, eh?

Wait a minute! I can make you
some better terms.

- Hi, boys!
- Howdy.!

Did ya ever see such hail?
Big as bowling balls out our way.

Broke all the windows
and nearly k*lled the cat.

I'll take cider... hard.

[Scratch] Boys...

- I'm here with an offer
from Jabez Stone.
- What's that?

Well, seein' as how,
due to yesterday's hail...

nobody's got nothing
to harvest in his own field...

Jabez thought maybe you might
help him harvest his.

Never worked for anybody else
in my whole life...

'cept when I was a shaver...

and that was for my old man.

- I wouldn't do it.
- Well, I don't know.

- I'll think it over.
- What's there to think about?

Here's a dollar in advance for everyone
who will work forJabez Stone.

* Come, ye thankful people, come *

*Raise the song
ofharvest home *

*All is safely gathered in *

*Ere the winter storms begin **

- ** [Music Playing]
- [Man Calling Dance]

Hurry up. Hurry up.

Ma, how is she?

You'll be a father
any minute now.

Golly, Ma!

Consarn that music. Shouldn't have
had the harvest dance tonight.

She don't hear.

She's got better music
than that to listen to.

[Baby Cries]

There. That's what I mean.

[Crying Continues]


Here's your son.

Howdy, son.

- I told you you had an even chance.
- [Giggles]

- Anything else, Doctor?
- No, just keep her warm.

Be careful, Jabez.

- Dorothy.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Fetch a hot brick.
- Right, ma'am.

Look here, everybody!
My son!

- Hey, it's a boy!
- Hooray forJabez Stone!

- Hooray! Hooray!
- Hooray forJabez Stone!

That's enough.
Want him to catch a death of cold?

Don't be cross with him, Ma.
This doesn't happen every day.


- Jabez, I have a wish.
- Yes, Mary, what is it?

I want to name him Daniel.

After Daniel Webster?

Yes. I wrote
to Mr. Webster...

and asked him to be
the godfather of our first baby.

- You don't mind, do you?
- No, I don't mind.

Why, lands! What's the matter
with you, Jabez?

I should think you'd be flattered
to have Daniel Webster as a godfather.

- Now, go down and see
what's keeping Dorothy.
- Sure, Ma.

- Oh! Thanks very much, Doc.
Thanks for everything.
- It's all right, Jabez.

Hurry up, Dorothy.
What's the matter with the brick?

Mary needs it.

- You're not Dorothy.
- No. She's gone.

- She couldn't be gone.
- But she is.

I have taken her place.

Don't you remember?

You wrote me a letter.

- Looks like my writing.
- It is.


I have other recommendations, too...

from a very dear friend of yours.

Never mind.
What's your name?


- Belle?
- Belle Dee.

Belle Dee?
Where are you from?

From over the mountain.

From over the mountain.

[Ma] Jabez?

No, that's for me to do.

- Night, Ma Stone.
- Good night, Dr. Simpson.

Who's she?


No, it's me.

And this will keep you warm,
Mrs. Stone.

You're not resting well.

Oh, I know.
It's that music.

You need your sleep.

Is there anything else
you want, Mrs. Stone?

- What's your name?
- Belle.

Thank you, Belle.

What a nice and kind girl.

- Who is she?
- The new maid, Jabez says.

But I don't like her, and I don't
think we ought to keep her on.

That's forJabez to decide.

He's the head of the family.

- You all signed?
- Yeah, we all signed.

That's fine.
Leave all your worries to me.

- Have a cigar.
- Ah, thanks.

- Go on inside and have a good time.
- Sure. Why not?

* Pop goes the weasel
Swing them high and swing them low *

* People swingin' in calico *

*Here we go and do-si-do
and everybody dancin'*

*Here we go
The old fast wagon *

*Hard to go
with the axle draggin'*

*Right foot up and the left foot down
Pop goes the weasel **

Shall we... dance, Belle?

Oh, no, Mr. Stone.
Your place is with your wife.

[Scratch] Everybody dancin;!


Grab your gal.!
Hold her tight.!

Swing her now
with all your might.!

Faster! Faster!

Faster! Faster!

Come on.! Faster.!
Faster.! Swing her faster.!


Faster.! Faster.!
Swing her faster.!

Faster! Faster!

[Baby Crying]

Consarn it!

- [Wailing]
- ** [Singing, Indistinct]

* Sleep, baby, sleep *

* The little brooks
together weave *

*Baby, sleep **

Jabez, where are you going?


What's the matter, Neighbor Stone?
Your conscience bothering you?

Ha! We take care of that.
Give me your hand.

Make him go faster, Jabez.
Faster! Faster!

Golly, Belle,
this is wonderful.

You know, we should
go sleigh riding every Sunday.

- Why not every day?
- I can't. I got too much work to do.

- Others can do it for you.
- That's an idea.


Hey, you! You can't fish there!
That's private property!

I'm Jabez Stone!
I'll have the sheriff after you!


Golly, it's fun to scare people
and watch 'em run. Hey.

Look. He caught
some nice ones.

- Well, let's have them for breakfast.
- All right.


Mornin', Mary!
Brought you some fish.

I want you to cook them
for breakfast.

- But, Jabez, it's Sabbath.
I'm going to church with Ma.
- [Bell Ringing]

- Please, won't you come with us?
- I want you to fix the fish.

Oh, no, she won't.

I'll not have the scorn of God in this
house with the smell of fish in it...

- polluting up the Sabbath.
- [Groans]

And as for you, let me tell you,
young woman.

If you think
you're running this house...

because Mary hasn't put you
in your place, you're mistaken.

- But, Ma -
- Don't you "Ma" me!

- Let's go, Mary.
The second bell's ringing.
- Comin', Ma.

Good-bye, little Daniel.
Take good care of him, Belle.

I certainly will, Mrs. Stone.

Jabez, you're sure
you won't come with us?

I'll cook the fish myself.

It seems a little hard
for your mother to get used to me...

but I'm quite sure
she will, in time.

Which way do you like 'em best?

[Glass Shatters]

Who did that?

The fella I caught fishing
in my lake.

- I'll get him yet.
- [Sleigh Bells Jingling]

- Your friends are coming.
- Well, let's get ready.

Here we are. Hurry, Belle.
Get the drinks.

- Morning, Jabez.
- Ah, morning, Squire.

- How are you, Jabez?
- Hiya, fellas.

- And how's little Daniel today?
- By the way, Jabez...

did you know that Daniel Webster
was up in Franklin last week?

- Without stopping at Cross Corners?
- That's never happened before.

- I hope he has no grudge against us.
- Oh, no.

I had a letter from him
the other day. A nice one.

I offered to lend him money
for his campaign...

but he thanked me
and said he didn't need any.

- You offered money to Daniel Webster?
- Sure. I got enough.

You never know.
He might be president one day.

Gentlemen, what's the game?
Same limit as last Sunday?

- Well, I, uh -
- Ah, you'll have
better luck today, Squire.

- Before I forget it,
here's the money I owe you.
- Oh, thanks, Squire.

[Jabez] Cards, gentlemen.

- [Crying]
- [Jabez] Card, Squire?

- [Crying]
- ** [Singing In French]

- [Jabez] How about you, Stu?
- ** [Continues]

- **[Singing Continues]
- [Jabez] And I'll raise you a hundred.

** [Continues]

[Jabez] Four eights, gentlemen.
Now it's my deal.

** [Humming]

And it is this kind of men
of whom the Bible says...

"Either make the tree good
and his fruit good...

"or else make the tree corrupt
and his fruit corrupt...

for the tree
is known by his fruit."

And now, let us pray.

Almighty God, who has given us
this good land for our heritage...

save us from discord
and confusion...

and pride and arrogancy...

and from every evil way.

- [Congregation] Amen.
- Oh, Lord, hide not thy face from me...

on the day
when I am in trouble.

Incline thy ear unto me.

Cast out the evil spirit...

and lead Jabez
back into thy kingdom.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- ** [Singing In French]
- I bet $50.

- I'm out.
- I call ya.

- Three aces. I win.
- Well, you win!

- You know, the sheriffs
lucky for a beginner.
- You French?

No. I'm not anything.

- On with the game, Squire.
- [Laughing]

- [Church Bell Ringing]
- That's all for today.
You'll have to go.

Next time, as usual.

- [Bell Continues]
- Good-bye, Jabez.

I'll see you next week.

- [Jabez] Better luck
next time, Squire.
- Oh, just a losing streak.

You better be careful, Jabez. People
are talking about you in the village.

The village. Hmph!

[Man] It's like the Old Nick
has got into him.

Gettin'worse every year.
The more he gets, seems more he wants.

The deal he made with Hank.

He used it as bait
for the rest ofhis neighbor folk...

to make them sl*ve for him, too.

At first it seemed like
out of the goodness of his heart.

Now I know different.

I used to think Miser Stevens
was an ornery cuss.

He'd pinch a cent
till the eagle squeals.

But now I'm thinkin' he ain't
so all-fire bad, compared with Jabez.

Every year he builds a new barn,
and now look at him.

Buyin' machinery and hirin'
other folks to work for him.

He don't do nothin'
but gamble and tend his horses.

That Hessian gold.
You can blame it all on that.

That girl he's taken on as nurse
for the boy, or so he says...

but anybody knows who she is.

It's a miracle his wife is standin'
for that sort of thing all these years.

You know what
a fine woman she is.

A man likeJabez could do
so much good with his money.

A strange sickness
seems to have come over him.

A plague, sorta.
Like the Bible tells about.

Look at the mansion he built.

- Granny!
- What is it?

When are we going
to move to the new house?

Oh, we ain't a-gonna move.

The old one's good enough for us.

But I like the new one better.

[Chuckles] Well.
It's just too bad for you, Daniel.

- Strawberries.
- Don't grab!

Children ask for things.
At least good children do.

- Go and help your mother.
- [Chicken Squawking]

Now, lands to goodness.
What's happened to that old hen?

Daniel, did you use
that slingshot again?

- I did not, Granny.
- Oh, yes, you did, Daniel.

I saw it from the window,
and then to lie about it.

Give me that slingshot, Daniel.

It's mine, Ma. Pa made it for me,
and I'm not gonna give it to anybody!

- Daniel, give me that slingshot!
- No, I won't!

- No, no, no! No!
- Oh!

Daniel! I've stood
as much as I can bear.

- Come along.
- [Daniel Crying]

[Jabez] Hey.! What's going on here?
What happened?

- Where are you taking him?
Oh, no, you won't!
- I'm going to lock him up.

And why not?
I'm his mother.

And I'm his father.

You're not supposed
to punish my son.

Now, it's all right, Daniel.

- What did he do?
- He lied to me again.

- I did not!
- He never lies to me.

[Belle] Now, come along,
and we'll put on a nice red coat.

- Shall we?
- [Daniel] Oh, yes!

Jabez, how can you let her
talk like that when the boy's present?


- He won't respect me anymore.
- Isn't that your own fault?

My fault?

Oh, Jabez, all I want
is to be proud of him.

He could be such a fine boy,
if only we show him how to be.

He's my son,
and I like him the way he is.

Why do you always pick on the boy?
If it's not him, it's me.

You don't like the way I live,
my new friends, the house or anything.

- But I never said that.
- You don't have to.
It shows in your face.

Jabez, I am worried
about the way you've changed.

That was something you said
you'd never do. Remember?

Oh, for heaven's sake.
Leave me alone.

- I'm all ready!
- Ah, that's fine, son. Come on.

- We're gonna go fox hunting.
Up in the upper pasture. Huh?
- Hooray!

- Granny, look at me.!
- I see ya.

Bye, Granny.
Bye, Mom.


Fox hunting? A Stone
going fox hunting on a weekday.

And the earth crying out
for the need of him.

Now, Ma, you just try to keep hold of
yourself and set a good example for me.

Me? Why, look here,
Mary Stone.

- I'm worried about you.
- Worried about me?

Well, you can just stop.

- What's that?
- I said you should just stop worrying.

Because I've made up my mind.

Hey there, Black Daniel!

- Hello!
- Someone to see you, Daniel!

[Daniel] If it's the British minister,
take him around to the pantry.

Give him a drink.
Tell him to wait.

Just someone
from New Hampshire!

Oh, that's different.
Well, boys, I gotta see a friend.

- Mary, do you mind if I indulge?
- Oh, of course not.

No, you wouldn't.

You're not the kind of a woman
who is afraid of smoke or fire.

Now, let's talk about your affairs.

Oh, goodness, Mr. Webster.
I've done nothing but talk
about that all through dinner.

Yes, you've been chatting a lot,
but womanlike.

Nibbling around the edges.

But you'll forgive
an old lawyer's legal mind.

I don't think you ever once
came to the point.

And there is a point,
isn't there?

Why, yes. It's -
It's hard to put into words.

There's the matter
of little Daniel's schooling...

and the new house.

And there's something else
that's wrong.

It gets worse year after year.

It's like a shadow growing.

L-I can't really talk about it,
even to Ma.

She puts it all on Jabez,
and I won't stand for that.

I've heard a lot of odd things

Seems he's not making
the right kind of name for himself.

Mr. Webster, you mustn't believe
all that people say.

Oh, you don't have to defend him to me.
I've been called names myself.

You see, all I care about is Jabez.

He was the first man I loved.

He never used to care
about money.

We -We were poor as Job's turkey,
and none of us minded.

Now I've seen him drive
the poor from the door,
and we used to be poor ourselves.

L-I've seen him hard and mean,
and he isn't hard or mean.

I've heard him mock at
the church bells - the bells
that rang at our wedding.

All that isn't like him, Mr. Webster.
It must be my fault somehow, my fault.

You know, Mary...

you've talked to me as you might
have talked to your father...

and I think he wants me
to help you a little.

We sometimes feel
that we're licked in this life.

We weren't put here
to be licked.

Don't you believe it.

We sometimes feel the shadows
have got hold of us -

the shadows of evil.

But still,
it's up to us to fight.

You know, I was planning,
just before you came...

to make a little trip
over to Cross Corners...

and to get acquainted with
that godson of mine and other things.

Oh, could you, Mr. Webster?

Yeah. Yeah, not bad.

Not bad at all.

Looks all right, eh, Belle? It'll give
the folks something to talk about.

- Now, the people, Jabez. The people.
- Ah, folks or people.

What's the difference
among friends? Hey!

- Don't tear it down again.
You have to do that?
- Well, uh -

I'm sorry, sir,
but that's part of the fitting.

Well, as long as you have it
ready for the party.

- Good morning, Squire Slossum.
- Good morning, Belle.

- May I have your hat?
- Oh, how do you do, Squire?

- Jabez.
- Feel that material.

Hey, you! Look out there.
You're scuffin' my carpet.

- Those things cost money.
- Won't you sit down?

Thank you. Uh, I'm rather pressed
for time, but it's very kind.

Get some wine
for the squire, Belle.

Well, very elegant home
you have here, Jabez.

- You really think so?
- Yes, but you wanted
to discuss something.

- Some business, I believe.
- Yes, yes. Won't take a minute.

- Can you keep a secret?
- Of course.

- Daniel Webster's coming to my party.
- Daniel Webster?

Yes. That's the reason
I wanted to talk to you.

Here's a list of the people
I've invited. Look 'em over.

No, no, no. Champagne for the squire,
Belle. Champagne.

- All right.
- Well, what do you say?

They all the right kind of people,
or did I miss anybody?

Well, the only person
you've missed is the president.

You think that's a joke.
I had him on that, too.

Only I was afraid Webster
might feel insulted.

No, you keep that.
That's for you.

I want you to talk up
the party and to make sure
that the best folks really come.

- You mean you want me to go around and -
- Yes, sirree.

That's the idea. You can
tell 'em all about the house,
but don't mention Webster.

We'll get them all here,
and then I'll say...

"Look here, folks. Here's
Daniel Webster, my guest of honor."

Golly, I can see their eyes
pop out right now.

- Are you sure he'll come?
- Of course I am!

- Want to bet?
- Why not?

- How much?
- Five thousand. Exactly what I owe you.

[All Laughing]

Hello there, Colonel.
Do you want a lift? Ho!

Well, I wouldn't mind.
My name's Daniel Stone.

Not the son ofJabez Stone.

- Yes, sir.
- Ha. Well, this is an occasion.

Come on. Giddyap, George.
Come on, Jeb. [Makes Kissing Sound]

Gee, that fair.

- It hasn't opened yet.
- No, but I can hardly wait.

Mister, tell me. Will there really be
a man that eats fire?

I guess there will be,
if it says so.

An-An-And "two unparalleled
Circassian beauties"?

- What is that?
- Young man, you've got me there.

Mmm. Daniel Webster
will be there, too.

Mmm. A list
of varied attractions.

Which one would you
like to see first?

I think I'd like to begin
with the fire-eater.

Well, what about
Daniel Webster?

- I'll see him last.
- And it'd serve him right.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Don't - Don't let me ever catch you
doing that again.

- Why, it don't hurt.
- Yes, it does hurt,
and don't do it again.

- You make 'em go faster.
- No, Daniel.

They're not racehorses.
They're two good, old friends of mine.

I call them Constitution
and the Bill of Rights.

Most dependable team
for long journeys.

Then I've got another one
called Missouri Compromise.

And a Supreme Court...

a fine, dignified horse, though you
have to push him on every now and then.

Golly! I'd like to see
all your horses.

Mmm. Maybe you can sometime.

I'm a farmer you know,
and I love to show my farm.

But the thing I'd like to show you most,
you'll have to see for yourself.

What's that, sir?

Well, it's high
and it's wide...

and it goes a long ways.

There's a wind blowing through it...

and it has a blue roof over it.

It's the hills and the rivers
flowing to the south...

and the new states
growing in the west.

- Anybody can see that.
- No, that's where
you're wrong, Mr. Stone.

Some people live and die
without ever seeing it.

They can't see the country
for the money in their pockets.

They think their state is the country
or the way they live is the country...

and they're willing
to split the country because of it!

Well, I hope you'll meet them all
when you've grown up.

You'll meet the fire-eaters
and the Circassian beauties.

They are part of the fair,
to be sure.

But if we had to depend upon them
in a permanent sort of way...

this country would have stopped
at the Allegheny Mountains.

But it didn't stop.
I know it didn't stop.

- Granny told me it didn't.
- Ha. No, sirree, it didn't.

And it won't,
no matter what happens...

as long as the people at the fair
believe in freedom and union.

Well, giddyap, Constitution.
We got to be getting on, Mr. Stone.

- Faster, faster!
- Oh! Oh!

Whoa.! Ho.! Ho.!

Young man, I think
you've got this coming to you!

- Didn't I tell you not to do that again?
- [Crying]

- Hello, Daniel Webster.
- How are you?

- Hello, Black Daniel.
- [People Chattering]

- Are you Mr. Webster?
- Yes, I'm Mr. Webster, your godfather.

Now, you run along
and behave yourself.

I'm sorry, Mr. Webster.

I expected to see all you folks
over atJabez Stone's
for the housewarming party.

- I hope you didn't wait for me
to lead the parade.
- Well, not exactly, Mr. Webster.

We wanted to have a chat with you
before we go to the party.

Would you mind
having a drink with us?

Would I mind having a drink
with you gentlemen?

What a question
to ask Daniel Webster.

[All Laughing]

Ma. I'm leaving.

So you made up your mind
to go to his party.

- You're not angry with me, are you?
- Aw, fiddlesticks!

I might have done the same thing
if it had been my husband...

only I'd take the whip along.

Be sure to let me know
if Daniel's there.

I won't forget.


** [Classical]

- No one here yet, huh?
- No. No one but she.

- Consarn it!
- What's the matter?

Afraid you'll lose your bet
with the squire?

Ah, it's not that.
It - It just makes me look so -

- [Mary]Jabez.
- See? They're coming.

- Daniel, I thought you were in bed.
- I got up, Mommy, because -

- What did you do to that cat?
- Nothing.

She was crying in front of my window.
I think she's sick.

Oh, she's probably hungry.

- May I give her something to eat?
- Of course you may.

- Oh, why don't they come?
- Jabez, couldn't they
play something gayer?

That's the kind of music
they play for rich people.

Belle. Belle!

Belle. Who are those people out there?
What do they want?

They want to see how fine
Jabez Stone lives these days.

They're waiting
for your guests, too.

Consarn it.! I'm paying you for playing.!
So keep on playing.!


- Jabez.
- Well, what do you think
about the new house, Mary?

Is it larger than Webster's
at Marshfield? What about it?
You've been there.

Well, it - it's different, that's all.

What's the matter with them?
Why don't they come?

He's certainly made himself
the big frog in the little puddle
around here, hasn't he?

That isn't the worst.

Show Mr. Webster
that foul contract you got with Jabez.

You see, Mr. Webster, it all seemed
so simple when it started.

Just like gettin'loans for nothin;

But when I couldn't pay him
after that big hail...

he was worse than all the rest
of the loan sharks.

I wish now I'd listened to you, Tom,
and joined the grange.

Well, I'm afraid he's got you.

All of you. Sewed up tight
in his money pocket.

Well, isn't there anything you can do,
Mr. Webster?

Oh, I shall do my best.

I see why you're here.

Belle. Didn't I tell you
to leave her alone?

You knew nobody was coming.

- I didn't.
- You're lying.

Lying to you?
Why should I?

You know that you are
in my house.

I know, and you could
show me the door.

You would, too, if you weren't
still hoping the guests might arrive.

You think you're smart,
Mrs. Stone.

You thinkJabez will be lonely,
and you can be near him again.

Looks like your big chance tonight.

But you're wrong.

You can't win him back.
Not that way.

- That's my problem.
- [Door Opens]

- Welcome, Mr. Stevens.
- Good evening, Mrs. Stone.

- I'm so glad you came.
- Yes.

- Good evening, Jabez.
- Good evening. Come in.

- I'm sorry. I'm a little late.
- Oh, no, you're not.

- That's no place for a cat.
- She's sick, Pa.

Never mind.
Take her away.

Come on.
Sit down.

- Where is everybody?
- I - I don't know.
I can't figure it out.

I invited them all.

What a fine boy
you have, Jabez.

How old is he now?
About seven, isn't he?

No, not seven.
I'm sure.

- Well, it seems to me
I remember when you paid me.
- Never mind.

What's the matter with you?
You look so -

- Aren't you afraid?
- Afraid of what?

Of what happens after we die.

Are you plumb crazy, man?

What do you think happens?
We're buried. That's all.

But what becomes of our souls?

Why are you afraid about
something that isn't there?

Don't say that.

I know it is.
I found out.

All right.
So it's buried with you.

But what if one
hasn't a soul anymore?

What of that?

Well, what about it?
Who cares anyhow?

I do. And I think
you should, too.

Stevens, what's this
all leading up to?

You know something.
Come on. Out with it.
You know something about me.

Belle, who are these people?

They're all friends of mine.
From over the mountain.

- Hooray forJabez Stone.
- [Eerie, Hushed Voices]
Hooray forJabez Stone.

Thanks. Welcome.
Eat, drink.

- And dance!
- [Eerie Voices]
Dance, dance, dance, dance!

- Music.
- **[Eerie Melody]

Mr. Webster's coming.!

- Well, where is he?
- That's his buggy
coming up the hill, isn't it?

Mr. Stevens, let's dance.

No, no. I can't dance.

- Oh, yes, you can dance with me.
- No, no.

- [Stevens] No.
- **[Eerie Melody Continues]

Mr. Webster.
I'm so glad you came.

Are you, Mary? [Chuckles]
Well, I'm glad to see you again.

Well, the party
seems to be quite a success.

- Welcome, Mr. Webster.
This is a great day for me.
- How are you?

Come on in, sir, and meet all my guests.
Take the seat of honor.

Oh, that's just fine,
Neighbor Stone...

uh, but you see, I've got to be
very careful about my seats of honor.

Where I sit, I mean. You see,
the whole country has its eye on me.

Anybody in public life
has that difficulty.

Even you, Jabez Stone.

They watch us carefully,
our neighbors and our enemies...

and they see much more
than we think they do...

and understand much more.

Do you know what
I'm talking about?

- What do you have on your mind?
- You, Jabez Stone.

You and a lot
of poor farmers hereabouts -

all good men of the earth
and in trouble because of you.

Or am I wrong
about those contracts?

- Without me and my money,
they wouldn't have anything.
- They'd have a good neighbor...

and that's worth more
than anything else. Much, much more.

Oh, no.
Not for me it isn't.

I'm sorry you can't see that.

I know you could once.

I heard you make a little speech once
that I'll always remember.

And the others do, too.

They remember
what a fine fellow you were.

And now they see
how you've changed.

And that's why they didn't
want to come here tonight.

You're as blind as a Burma bat...

you and your gold pot.

Mind you, it's not the money I'm
talking about. It's what you make of it.

Well, I don't know
what you're talking about.

**[Melody Gains Tempo]

- Let me tell you something.
- I haven't time to listen to this!

No, you haven't time
for anything or anybody!

You haven't time for your mother,
your wife or your child.

Oh, I see. It's you.

You. You brought
Daniel Webster here!

- No, she didn't.
- You're trying to make a fool out of me!

You played the sneak behind my back,
made up lies against me!

You can get yourself
out of my house right now!

Come along, Mary.

- Mommy!
- Daniel, you stay here!

- No! No, I won't!
- Daniel! Daniel!

- Why, you -
- Jabez, please!

I don't want to talk to you!

You should have done that years ago.

Fetch me a drink.

Close the windows.
Build a fire.

Feeling chilly?

Wh-Why, what's the matter,
Mr. Stone? You look worried.

You promised me happiness,
love, friendship.

Just a minute. I promised you money
and all that money could buy.

I don't recall
any other obligations.

But, uh -
Well, let's, uh -

Let's look at the contract, huh?

"Sherwin, Slatterly, Stevens."
I can cross him off the list.

- That Miser Stevens?
- Yes, yes. He's an old customer.

[Muffled Voice]
Help me, Neighbor Stone! Help me!

- That's Miser Stevens's voice.
- Miser Stevens's soul.
I'm sorry for the disturbance.

It can't be.
He's in there dancing.

He was.

- Dead?
- In the midst of life...

one really hates to close
these long-standing accounts...

but, uh, business is business.

Do they all look like moths?

Well, the ones I get
usually do. Yes.

- Are they all so small?
- Small?

Oh, I see what you mean.
Why, they vary.

Now, a man
like Daniel Webster...

if I ever got hold of him, I wouldn't
be able to keep him in my pocket.

I'd have to have
a special box built for him.

Even so, I imagine the wingspan
would be astonishing.

[Chuckles] Now, in your case, I'd be
able to put you in my vest pocket.

[Jabez] No, no.!
My time isn't up yet.!

Trying to break our contract,
Mr. Stone?

- I'm through with you!
- [Chuckles]

What a headstrong fellow.

- I guess you're quite prepared
to suffer the consequences.
- My time isn't up yet.

But you violated clause five
of our contract.

I could collect
right now if I chose.

Oh, no.
No, no. Not now.

I have so many things
to make up for.

Suddenly you seem quite desperate,
Mr. Stone.

You know I'm a generous man.
I'm always open to reason.

Uh, with a little security, I -

Anything, anything.
You can have it all back.

The money, the house, the farm -
the whole caboodle!

Oh, I'm afraid that's not
the sort of security I was thinking of.

You see, there's that
promising little fellow.

Your son.

No. Oh, no.

Not my son. Not him.

I'd rather go with you now
no matter what happens to me.

Ah. It's not fair
to bargain with you now.

I'll give you until midnight.

Until midnight, Mr. Stone,
but not one minute more.

Daniel. Daniel.
Daniel. Daniel!

Daniel! Daniel!

Daniel! Daniel!

Daniel.! Mary.! Daniel.!

Mary, where are you?

Oh, Lord, have mercy!


[Sobbing] Oh, Ma.

Little Daniel. Mary.

[Pants] Where are they?

Gone with Mr. Webster
to Marshfield, son.

You told Mary to go.

Jabez! Are you coming with me
over the mountain? Jabez!

Mary! Mary!
Mr. Webster!

- Mary! Oh, Mary!
- Jabez!

Forgive me, Mary!
Forgive me!

- Mr. Webster, you take care of the boy.
- Oh, Jabez!

[Panting] My time's up, Mary.

No, it isn't. I'd fight 10,000 devils
to save a New Hampshire man.

It's here you said
you closed the deal with him?

Yes, Mr. Webster.
It's here where it all began.

I see.

This is where he wants
to collect, too, hmm?

Here, Jabez.

- Oh, Mary.
- Can't I stay?

No, Mary, I think you'd
better go back to the house.

What love and trust can do
for a husband, you've done for yours.

And, frankly speaking,
in a few moments...

this is not going to be
any place for a lady.

- Mr. Webster, you will help him then?
- I'll do my best.

You must go, Mary.

Now, don't be afraid, Jabez.
Remember what the Good Book says.

"Set me as a seal
upon thy heart...

as a seal upon thine arm;
for love is strong as death."

We grow plucky women
in New England.

How long do we have to wait?

- Till midnight.
- Oh, that's fine.

- Then we have time to christen a jug.
- [Dog Barking]

Old Medford rum.
Oh, there's nothing like it.

You know, somehow or other...

waiting becomes wonderfully shorter
with a jug.

- [Dog Barking]
- I saw an inchworm once
take a drop of this...

and he stood right up on his hind legs
and bit a bee. [Chuckles]

[Dog Howling]

- Will you have a nip?
- No, there's no joy in it for me.

Oh, come, come, now.

Just because you sold
your soul to the devil...

that needn't make you
a teetotaler.


Hurry, Mr. Webster.
Hurry while you still have time.

No, no. I never left a jug
or a case half-finished in all my life.

- [Knocking]
- Come in.

[Wind Whistling]

Ah. So we meet again,
Mr. Webster.

Yes. I'm the attorney of record
forJabez Stone.

- Might I ask your name?
- Scratch will do for the evening.

Ah. May I join you?

Certainly, but be careful.

Medford rum
has an uncanny habit of kicking back,
even with old-timers like yourself.

[Chuckles] Even kicked back
once at you, didn't it?

- Who? Me?
- Oh. Not that you've ever been drunk.

No. No, indeed,
Mr. Webster.

But a kind of a -
an overpowering lassitude.

Or more plainly,
a deep, enveloping sleep.

Why, there isn't
enough old Medford rum...

in the whole of New Hampshire
to make me sleepy.

Talk never proved that question,
Mr. Webster.

- Cup for cup. What do you say?
- All right.

- Cup for cup.
- Mr. Webster, don't!

- Oh, don't be afraid.
- Now, Mr. Stone, are you
willing to give me your son...

- in exchange for an extension
of our contract?
- Never!

Surely this matter can be settled
out of court without any difficulty.

My client is prepared
to offer a compromise.

Ten, twenty, thirty thousand dollars.
Name your figure.

- I'll raise it even if I
have to mortgage Marshfield.
- [Chuckles]

Your spirited efforts on behalf of
your client do you credit, Mr. Webster.

But if you have no further arguments
to adduce, I'll take him along now.

Not so fast, Mr. Scratch.

If you have any evidence, produce it.

Of course. All open and above board,
in due and legal form.

- That your signature?
- You know darn well it is.

Hmm. This appears -

uh, mind you, I say appears
to be properly drawn.

But you shan't have this man.

A man isn't a piece of property.

Mr. Stone is an American citizen...

and an American citizen cannot be forced
into the service of a foreign prince.

Who calls me a foreigner?

Oh, I never heard of the de -

I never heard of you
claiming American citizenship.

And who with a better right?

When the first wrong was done
to the first Indian, I was there.

When the first slaver put out
for the Congo, I stood on the deck.

Am I not still spoken of
in every church in New England?

[Chuckles] It's true, the North
claims me for a Southerner...

and the South for a Northerner,
but I'm neither.

Tell the truth, Mr. Webster,
though I don't like to boast of it...

my name is older in the country
than yours.

Then I stand on the Constitution.

I demand a trial for my client.

- You mean a jury trial?
- I do.

And if I can't win this case
with a jury, you'll have me, too.


If two New Hampshire men
aren't a match for the devil...

we'd better give the country
back to the Indians.

- Very well. You shall
have your way, Mr. Webster.
- [Chuckles]

But you'll have to admit that this is
hardly the case for an ordinary jury.

Be it the quick or the dead.

- So it be an American judge
and an American jury.
- Quick or the dead.

You have said it.

May the better man win,
Mr. Webster.

I'll drink to that,
Mr. Scratch.

[Knocking Echoes]

You must pardon the leathery toughness
of one or two.

Mr. Webster!

Captain Kidd.
He k*lled men for gold.

Simon Girty, the renegade.

He b*rned men for gold.

Governor Dale.
He broke men on the wheel.

Asa, the Black Monk.
He choked them to death.


Floyd Ireson
and Stede Bonnet...

the fiendish butchers.

Walter Butler,
king of the m*ssacre.

Big and Little Harp,
robbers and murderers.

Teach, the cutthroat.

Morton, the vicious lawyer.

And General Benedict Arnold.

You remember him, no doubt.

Ajury of the damned.

Dastards, liars, traitors, knaves.

This is monstrous.

You asked for a jury trial, Mr. Webster.
Your suggestion.

- The quick or the dead.
- I asked for a fair trial.

Americans all.

- [Bells Jingling]
- Oyez, oyez, oyez.

The trial tream
of the midnight court...

of the state of New Hampshire in the
county of Franklin is now in session.

Justice Hawthorne presiding.

- [Bells Jingling]
- Oyez, oyez, oyez.

The Devil versus Jabez Stone.

[Bells Jingling]

Who appears for the plaintiff?

I, Your Honor.

- And for the defendant?
- I, Your Honor.

Are you content with the jury,
Mr. Webster?

I object to General Benedict Arnold,
Your Honor.

He was a flagrant traitor
to the great American cause.

- Objection denied.
- [EerieJeering]

Prosecution, proceed.


Your Honor.
Gentlemen of the jury.

This case need not detain us long.

It concerns one thing alone.

The transference, barter, sale
of a certain piece of property...

to wit, his soul,
byJabez Stone.

Now, transference, barter or sale
is attested by a deed.

I offer the deed in evidence
and mark it Exhibit "A."

- I object!
- Objection denied.

- [Jeering]
- I object to this jury, Your Honor.

I move it be discharged
for flagrant and open bias.

- Objection denied.
- [Jeering]

Mark it Exhibit "A."

I shall now callJabez Stone
to the witness stand.

Jabez Stone
to the witness stand.

Mr. Stone...

did you or did you not
sign that document?

But you tricked me into it.

You told me
my soul was nothing -

that I could forget all about a soul
in exchange for money.

- But that was a lie, a lie, a lie!
- [Chuckling]

That is highly irrelevant
to the case, Your Honor.

Leave out the soul.

I should like to ask Mr. Stone...

whether or not I faithfully fulfilled
my part of the bargain.

Didn't I give you seven years
of good luck and prosperity?

Didn't I make you
the richest man in the country?

Yes, I'm the richest man
in the country.

I can't see, I can't think of anything
but money, money, money, money, money!

Well, I'm hardly responsible
for the pricking of your wholly
unnecessary conscience.

Prosecution rests.

And does the jury wish
to consider the case?

Evidently it does not.
Take your man, Mr. Scratch.

I protest, Your Honor!
I wish to cross-examine to prove -

There will be no cross-examination
in this court.


You may speak if you want to...

but let me warn you, Mr. Webster.

If you speak
and fail to convince us...

you too are doomed.

- Lost and gone.
- [Bell Tolls]

- Lost and gone.
- Lost and gone.

- [Bell Tolls]
- [Eerie, Hushed Voice]
Drag him down with us.

- Drag him down with us.
- Lost and gone.

- [Bell Tolls]
- Lost and gone. Lost and gone.

- Lost and gone.
- Be still!

Gentlemen of the jury.

Tonight it is my privilege
to address a group of men...

I've long been acquainted with
in song and story...

- but men I had never hoped to see.
- [EerieJeering]

My worthy opponent,
Mr. Scratch...

called you Americans all.

Mr. Scratch is right.

You were Americans all.

Oh, what a heritage
you were born to share.

Gentlemen of the jury,
I envy you...

for you were present
at the birth of a mighty union.

It was given to you to hear
those first cries of pain...

and behold a shining babe...

born of blood and tears.

You are called upon tonight
to judge a man named...

Jabez Stone.

What is his case?

He is accused
of breach of contract.

He made a deal
to find a shortcut in his life -

to get rich quickly.

The same kind of a deal
all of you once made.

You, Benedict Arnold.

I speak to you first because
you are better known than the
rest of your colleagues here.

What a different song
yours could have been.

A friend of Washington
and Lafayette. A soldier.

General Arnold, you fought so gallantly
for the American cause till -

Let me see.
What was the date? 1779.

That date b*rned in your heart.

The lure of gold
made you betray that cause.

And you, Simon Girty,
now known to all as "renegade."

A loathsome word.

You also took that other way.
And you, Walter Butler.

What would you give
for another chance...

to see the grasses grow in Cherry Valley
without the stain of blood?

I could go on and on
and name you all...

but there's no need of that.

Why stir the wounds?
I know they pain enough.

You were fooled
likeJabez Stone...

fooled and trapped in your desire
to rebel against your fate.

Gentlemen of the jury...

it is the eternal right of every man
to raise his fist against his fate!

But when he does,
he's at crossroads.

You took the wrong turn;
so did Jabez Stone.

But he found it out in time.

He's here tonight
to save his soul.

Gentlemen of the jury...

I ask you to giveJabez Stone another
chance to walk upon this earth...

among the trees...

the growing corn...

and the smell of grasses
in the spring.

What would you all give
for another chance...

to see those things
you must all remember...

and often long to touch again?

For you were all men once.

Clean American air
was in your lungs...

and you breathed it deeply...

for it was free and blew across
an earth you loved.

These are common things
I speak of.

Small things,
but they are good things.

Yet, without your soul,
they mean nothing.

Without your soul, they sicken.

Mr. Scratch once told you...

that your soul meant nothing,
and you believed him...

and you lost your freedom.

Freedom isn't just a big word.

It is the morning
and the bread and the risen sun!

It was for freedom we came
to these shores in boats and ships!

It was a long journey,
a hard one and a bitter one!

Yes, there is sadness
in being a man.

But it is a proud thing, too...

and out of the suffering
and the starvation
and the wrong and the right...

a new thing has come:
A free man.

And when the whips
of the oppressors are broken...

and their names forgotten
and destroyed...

free men will be talking
and walking under a free star.

Yes. We have planted freedom
in this earth like wheat.

And we have said
to the skies above us...

"A man shall own his own soul."

Now, here is this man.

He is your brother.
You were Americans all.

You can't be on his side,
the side of the oppressor!

LetJabez Stone keep his soul...

the soul which doesn't belong
to him alone...

but to his family,
his son and his country!

Gentlemen of the jury,
don't let this country go to the devil!

FreeJabez Stone.

God bless the United States
and the men who made her free.

The jury...

finds for the defendant.

- Mr. Webster!
- [Rooster Crows]

Allow me to congratulate you
as one gentlemen to another, sir.

By the 13 original colonies!

You double-barreled, slab-sided,
lantern-jawed, note-shaving crook!

Get out of here! And don't
you ever come back to the
state of New Hampshire again!

- If I ever become the president
of the United States -
- You?

[Chuckles] You'll never be president.
I'll see to that.

- Mary.
- Oh, Jabez!

- I think we deserve a little breakfast.
- Oh, Mr. Webster!

It's good to see you
smile again, Mary.

Jabez? Jabez.!

Jabez, your new house
is on fire!

Good. The consarn thing
ought to burn.

But I'm glad you're here. There are
some other things I want to settle.

- Those contracts.
- First, let's all have breakfast.

- Oh, thank you, Mary.
- Here they are.

Ma! Ma, there's
a few more people coming.

- I've seen 'em.
- Is there enough?

Why, certainly.
We've got plenty for everybody.

- Bread and butter and eggs and sausage.
- What about Mr. Webster's pie?

Don't you worry.
I've got it all ready.

- Daniel, tell 'em to hurry up.
The coffee's gettin' cold.
- Yes, Granny.

- Breakfast is ready!
- Well, Jabez, now that you've
torn up the contracts...

would you like
to join the grange?

Of course, Tom.
I'd be glad to. From now on,
we'll all work together, huh?

Please, everybody, sit down.

Well, this is a wonderful spread
you have here, Mary.


You know,
there's nothing better...

than a good, old-fashioned country
breakfast on a morning like this.

- Where's Ma Stone?
- Oh, she'll be here in a minute.

- She's got a special surprise for you.
- Oh.

- Granny!
- [Mary] Come on, Ma.!

[Tom] There she is.!

- Peach pie?
- Peach pie.

Well! What the devil!

Well, who laughs last?
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