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Great Commandment, The (1939)

Posted: 01/27/24 09:28
by bunniefuu




Blessed be the Lord God of the universe

with giving this bird wisdom

distinguished Dave that's gratitude do a

good deed what's your exactly

This your idea of a joke have you

forgotten what happens Sabbath before

last between here and Jericho 200

zealots crucified for bearing arms 200

crosses against the sky and a few Roman

soldiers with a dagger like this in

their hearts

yes Romans can be k*lled too like other

men but we won't break the power of Rome

by wearing knives and our sleeves orders

from Jerusalem and to keep our weapons

concealed from now on till we need it

yeah it'll be safer there with mine yeah

you'll be safer too big brother

I'll forget that I'm not talking to you

as your brother now wasn't I chosen

ahead of the zealots in this village yes.

Joel but you had I mean to be obeyed

the lion doesn't bare his fangs until

he's ready to strike


come on

please what do you want water to wash it

you know it forbidden for us to speak

yes but a beggar could speak anyway

your lips are like a thread of scarlet

and your mouth is comely

you're altogether beautiful my life you

shouldn't see much from the Song of


I know but know this much more I'll say

it all for you.

That is the first thing this morning I'd

like to be working in the fields and

second the fields you the scholar of the

family Scarlett


I found him by the road at dawn he had

bound up his wound and was able to give

me the name of his village which lies

about one lead to the north more than

that he hadn't a straight to say

that's good it's good to be among

friends after the Romans Romans they

arrested me but I couldn't pay the tax a

chain on my wrist that I stumbled and

fell the soldier drew his sword now I

have no hand dogs the filthy heydon't be

warned they are coming why what is this

tax you speak up you haven't heard all.

Judea is being taxed in punishment of

the recent revolt we must drive his

Roman beasts out of our land but what

can we do without a leader to turn to

we're helpless a nation without a king

is a nation lost

nation lost he's right it looks as if we

will need our weapons Corvo zealous

together and we're wise either wait what

for you organize as elves in this

village you preach resistance to Rome

yet now you say we're not ready to

resist Judea was a nation once someday

she will be again I say wait and work

for that day go onto the fields I'll

tell father of this


Now my son will take up your study

incline thine ear alto vista mother I

han't applies thy heart to understanding

I have news important to the village the.

Romans have laid a new tax on our people

when did you hear it just now

well merchants who stopped within our

gates he had with him an escaped

prisoner prison yes this time it seems

they're taking prisoners as well as

money he's Joel this evil is still

distant from us but father when they

come here as they will we can't stop

them not now but we ought to begin to

prepare ourselves and we are prepared is

not the Lord with us always our only

duty is to follow his holy law as you're

a scholar scribe as you will be but we

need a king in Israel is it not written

that someday there will come a messiah

to deliver us someday we need the

Messiah now when the time is right he

will come wearing the crown of David and

with the sword of David in his hand yes

since he created his people the Lord has

not deserted us he has seen us through a

thousand tribulations sl*very oppression

poverty the hatred of parents do you

think he will abandon us now I have no

fear this trouble that threatens us now

is only a shadow that will pants sit

down my son yes our time has come to

review your knowledge you'll scout with

the generations of sham the generations

of our Father I could recite those in my


Oh see these are the generations of Shem.

Shem was 100 years old to get our facts

in two years after the flood and Shem

lived after he begat Arphaxad five

hundred years and begat sons and

daughters and our facts had lived five

and thirty years and begat Saylor and

our facts had lived after he begat.

Saylor four hundred and three years we


sons and daughters a neighbor lived for

and 30 years and forget come on come hey


Ava and say they lived after he begat.

Eber four hundred and three years and

get sons and daughters and they ever

lived four and thirty years and forget

Joel father what's the good of learning

all this good is the history of Israel a

sacred heritage says but to me all these

names and dates as dry as the sands of.

Kidron they genuine the carpet merchant

is here to see you I come it's one speck

bring food and wine Leah yes sir the

best wines continue with your studies

Joel did you say it was Jamie oh yes Jim

you're the father

tomate it always has been ah you are

fortunate lemak to have two fine sons.

Zedeck then joel is an excellent young

man which all has possibilities he also

has his faults he's rather irresponsible

visionary and a bit unruly yet I have

great hopes of Joel it's my wish and it

was his mother's before she d*ed someday

our firstborn should go up to study in

Jerusalem hmm I want Joel to follow in

my footsteps as a scribe but of course a

young man must marry and settle down no

matter what his profession is huh yes

you are blessed in your son's eye

unhappily have nothing but daughters it

takes a daughter to make a wife what is

the matter

and you know Tamil my eldest is a

manageable age already I've had several

offers for her hand and I don't wander

not out you have already arranged a

suitable match my mind is still open of

course you would provide your daughter

with a generous dowry oh yes I yes of

course in these hard times I don't well

well shall we say a chess the fine linen

at carpeted the best quality Tamil our

self is weaving it now a yoke of young

oxen and a flock of seven goats seven

goats of the wall you're her my herd has

been diminished lately by by wild dogs

and their seven goats eight look a dozen

goats now as a flock two dozen at dozen

and a half two does two dozen two dozen

ah for the honor of being allied with

your house in marriage scribe two dozen

goats ah

films are those generous know you taught

me a seed in my throat Leah sorry with

the wine what are you doing minding my

own business

you won't have yet you're learning I'm


Studious young man takes after his


takes after someone else if you ask me

I'm studying

want to hear the generations of sham

well Shem was a hundred years old to get

our facts in two years after the flood

tomorrow I've got something I've heard

something and Shem lived up people get

our facts it 500 years bigoted son and

daughter now faxing live five and thirty

years and forget

no one so beautiful as tomorrow

setting your scroll I've got to talk to

you I've got to tell you about about.

Shin know about us there's a women

gossiping isn't gossip is wonderful but

Joel there will be gossip oh that's all

right got to stop working for a moment a

carpet to get to my husband I have one I

can't tell you here that Jill tomorrow

No maybe it better not

please go father will be so angry peak

it's the time of year to pick herbs this

afternoon during the hour of rest a

little ravine beyond the treasure but I

couldn't I wouldn't do

Who is it I can't see it's nice and.

Indian keeper you know he's been to.

Tiberius to take the baths he'll be full

of moon watch the news from the north

hey the best news is that I left the

stiffness of my limbs of the hot springs

of Tiberius what about a new tactics Tex

out let me see I I did hear something

about it Tex

oh but but but let me tell you this

after the first day I could move one

finger the second day cool fingers and

the third day we know three fingers but

what news yes did you see any soldiers

on the road oh they're always soldiers

on the road but then my arms and my legs

they work did you meet any robbers no no

no no no rubbers you go all the way to.

Tiberius and you have nothing to report

why I didn't say that come come tell us

me come Knights and tell us the news

what if I were to tell you that a key

had appeared in Israel King did you see

em no I I didn't see him but one of his

followers a man called John told me that

his master would soon proclaim himself

king of the Jews are you sure he's as

truly well I believe this man John he

spoke with conviction he told me that

his mouth had gathered a multitude

around him and that they called him the


speak of a king a messiah who is he

how do men call him why he's called.

Jesus the son of Joseph the Galilean so

back to our name as though we all hadn't

heard of man maybe you don't know the

man I mean but I do a carpenter from.


what good think ever came out of NASA

hell they say he's created a great stir

among the people of Galilee a trickster

a magician a preaching carpenter who

breaks the laws of the Sabbath earth

that his follower John says that he's

well learning in the law impossible I'd

like nothing better than to question him

maybe you'll have the chance John said

he would pass this way I hope so hey do

you believe in this man Jesus why

because well he has the multitude with


hundreds of people who soon become

thousand a veritable army

army Israel

Come on

lucky chairs are meeting like this I

remembered it was the time of year

Are you here well at least in here now I

continue you know I think this is the

first time in our lives we've ever been

a warm no don't be frightened I'm not

because we're we're betrothed my yeah

that's why I had to tell you your father

and mine have arranged our marriage I

heard them talking about it this morning

yeah well is it true did you bother him

not yet buddy well what I did to me

that's quite logical after all in this

whole village you're the most beautiful

and I'm the most intelligent still I I

can't believe it had to be your life my

wife what am I

four to nothing just tomorrow.


A man's mind is like a house that's

always building he builds a room for

every hope he has won for his successes

fame dreams won for his love for his

country then he finds a woman he loves

he knows that the whole house is for a

woman is the Blackbird her heart is her

house and it's an empty house because I

love walks in

You go back by the ravine I'll go

through the fields

it's true marvelous is not to escape the.

Romans they're only a handful they feel

sure we won't att*ck them they may be

mistaken what are we standing here for

let's get back to the village find



What's all the excitement over I'm glad

I don't live in your village you'll feel

the weight of their hands wherever you



The Romans do nothing why not fight the

fight when the time comes not now

For the people of Judea greetings from.

Herod Tetrarch of Galilee and from.

Pontius Pilate procurator of Judea now

he that whereas there have been

disorders in the land including armed

strife against the rule of Rome it is

hereby decreed that the people of Judea

shall pay an extraordinary tax as

follows for each household five shekels

of silver which shall be paid into the

hands of the text gatherer you as of

this day already paid our taxes this is

a special t*nk we're poor people workman

and farmer what would we get silver you

know very well we won't have any silver

until the harvest is over peace fellow

your governors have already thought of


huh stop your sniveling whereas if any

man shall not be able to pay in silver

coin he shall be taken into protective

custody and held and held until his debt

be discharged by the labor of his hands

in the service of the state that reads

sl*very death of the Roman Kali's you

talk of disorders

they'll be worse disorders wait what's

your name Sadek sell of escribe Zedeck

son of the scribe for you howling about

to follow pay your taxes scribes always

the money it's done by order of Imperial

Rome issued in the 4th month of the

fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius.


over the love of Jupiter wipe your nose

I'll be at my usual patience Square to

receive payments in silver.

I come from my house prepare Joel my son

take this and pay it out to the last

shuttle it is all I have let each man

give according to his means yes you

better come with me while I pay these

vultures no remember what I said you

know what it means to be a soldier no

means your feet hurt and Jim you genuine

carpet merchant and but this year I've

only been selling little carpets I

married hmm hi Karen females yes I said

this is for me or my wife and for my

family one not three for any reduction

from Ali Thornton and how long Maddy

well she isn't exactly we haven't well

it's you're going to be married very

soon and she isn't married because I've

paid her dowry pan frog of dust I'm only

trying to save a little so I can help

the less fortunate neighbor free the

name of Lamech escribe that's enough to

pay for 10 households see that it does

mark it on your slate

doesn't your conscience they were hurt

no to my feet what do you do for sore

feet follow bathe them in water that

enlightenment all thanks friend friend.


these men were trying to escape over the

wall under arrest

put a guard over

don't hold them we'll pay the tax

somehow they tried to escape that the

crime against wrong is the crime to be

poor to love liberty enough hadn't told

me what to do who my feet I send you

along with him

Zenyk son of the scribe I don't suppose

you'd fight a man without your sword No

No I did do it keep you from making a

fool of yourself I'll k*ll him for this

stop talking nonsense

you still say do not yes you see all it

was before your eyes I'm trying to look

beyond if you can't understand that at

least obey orders here head up but what

is it missing my purse is empty but my

heart is

if a patriot should want to join with

other Patriots for the good of Israel

and swear eternal md2 wrong I swear by

this covenant of blood

I declare Nathan the innkeeper our

brother from now on his life like ours

has given to freedom for Israel if I was

you I called you together without

telling my brother I don't agree with

his policy of waiting I say att*ck a

Roman anytime you can you're right this

is a time for action yes if we could set

the prisoners free we must set them free

better to dive and run the Roman galleys

you all with me

hi good first we must be sure that the.

Centurion is well entertained the sea

you take care that mate with pleasure

then when night has gone after the

evening meal Sarah

my mother's jewels your father has a

from his father and gave them to your

mother when they repeat row

folic acid ah now Lord our God King of

the universe who has sanctified us with.

His commandments how many

My sons this has been a day of sadness

for our village but it has its thread of

joy a thread that runs through all the

tapestry of life this thread must not be


I'm an old man full of years time I saw

my line carried on and my name

perpetuated today I talked with general

the father of camel with regard to a

marriage between our houses the

arrangements have been concluded the

betrothal will follow a hope displeases

you my son

you mean I I am to marry tomorrow so.

Jamiel and I have decided these jewels

will be your gift to her father you say

come on Sarah could it be

yes but I thought that I its usual for

the oldest son to be married before the

younger true in fact samuel first

suggested that you should marry tom ah

well then why but on consideration

realizing that should be many years in.

Jerusalem studying Jaime will decide it

you rather see his grandchildren born

here at hope but father this also fell

in with my plans are time enough for you

to marry when you become a scribe and a

rabbi of your people well then you mean

it term or Omar will come to live in our

house she'll be a sister to you and a

good wife to you my son as your well

father so Pierre you'll drink to this



blessed are Thou O Lord our God who

giveth all good things

blessed be the fruit of thy vineyards

the Sun on the grape bring it to our

lips this sweet refreshment you're

drinking a good ear my friend

I can't neglect the hospitality of our

good host are you sure the prisoners are

we're guarded when I take prisoners they

don't escape a lot just the same I've

got an uncomfortable feeling that sour

cabbage you eat no I'm serious

I could spell danger you can't smell

anything but I'm afraid they're always

afraid you got the heart and the nose of

a rabbit these paper won't make any


well they might att*ck you oh they won't

att*ck the Roman Empire that's me



come on

crying you know my father just told me

we're not bound by fathers bargaining

yes we are their word is Lord what's

given it can't be broke a love can't be


our love is great to us who knows our

fathers is greater I won't give you up I

want you I want you to but go away

together leave the village we'll go

tonight tonight how could we where could


Sack dare to do this

yes I got really good man maybe I am the

least the prisoners are free you gone

behind my back you owe me a wrong turn

Thank you it I told you I smell dangers

have your yapping Korean sir you see the

birds have flown but Sir I thought that

the you thought you mean you didn't see

you didn't see any men standing around

- the fire did you there's only a trick in
- you well why don't you speak give me.

Leave and I'll put every man that's

b*llet to the sword bloodthirsty isn't

he take your men to the end stand guard

over the silver

it I thought you said you never lost a

prisoner don't bother me I'm thinking

hmm this escape is a disgrace to Rome

I want those prisoners yeah but how can

you give them time they'll come home to

roost not why you are here of course not

we will draw from the village tomorrow

and a fortnight we'll come back and

force dagger for w*apon of zealots so

entice their work in that case when we

come back I'll let Claudia indulge his

appetite for slaughter we'll clean out

this nest of vipers.

And must have dropped it outside did

some Jorian pick it up I saw it in his

head I heard him say we'll clean out

this nest of vipers

then there's only one thing to do strike

before he does he'll wait until morning

the Romans don't like working in the

dark wait longer than that he has enough

men to make his move now.

Centurions no fool he's in no hurry but

sooner or later you'll take revenge for

this nice board then why wait we

outnumber the Romans

what's the matter Joel have you lost

your nerve you're supposed to be our

leader but you seem to have no stomach

for doing anything

a pack of sheep threatened by wolves

and you want a new shepherd yeah alright

but hear me first I've said you'd do

nothing I've said wait not because my

nerve was gone and my stomach was weak

but because I had an idea now listen

this morning while most of you in the

fields Nathan brought word of a certain

man in the north the Galilean was

gathering the people around him

multitude to follow him and already

calling the king of the Jews I had made

up my mind to go and seek this man where

he may be the Messiah we've all been

praying for it seems to me this might

accomplish more than k*lling a few.

Romans for I believe that until we find

a leader for the nation none of us will

be safe

none of us will be free on my way I

meant to spread the word of revolt to

the country as I passed so that I might

offer this man the strength of a nation

now that's what I'd planned it's for you

to approve or disapprove I stay or I go

as you decide this sword belonged to a

man of my name who fought long ago in

the army of the great warrior judas


take it and offer it to the man of.

Galilee my allegiance goes with the

sword yeah

and to him who accepted

everything's quiet yes too quiet

I notice you didn't come forward to lay

hands on the sword oh why not because I

think you're going on a fool's errand

maybe you're right

the man's on a fool's errand from the

time he's born but someday some man may

find what we're all looking for peace

happiness a chance to live you believe

in what's going to happen I believe in

making it happen now

yes you've proved that tonight and as a

result you brought danger on every man

woman and child in this village on

tomorrow ma why do you speak of her I

because I yeah now I remember always

always you looked at camera and asked

where you'll not follow that to the well

and evening I've loved her always as I

love her now sure dad

what is this evil eye here is it true

that you covet the woman I've chosen to

be your brother's wife I said I loved

her you will put this thought from your

mind this love from your heart that I

can't do if you could read my heart

you'd see but you can't all your noise

your books of the law speak to me so

your father I know you could have me

stone for speaking like this but for

once let there be truth between us Joel

how can I give up a love that's as great

as my love for Israel you look at me did

you see only what you want me to be not

what I am I shall b*at you I'm not a

scholar I'm a patriot and I sell it you

you are a seller father hi no static

this is my affair you belong to that.

Park yup v*olence v*olence is the only

answer to Rome but it must be a nation's

v*olence what else can save us your

scrolls are dust your law is dead cave

our law is alive with the breath of

Moses and Abraham and all the prophets

men we're beasts until our law called

them to be the chosen of the Lord and

the Lord Himself came first into the

minds of men through the word that is

our law if there is just an outlaw it is

the desk of which the world was made

father I know you speak from your heart

but my heart speaks too and I I don't

want to go in anger you say Go Go we're

on a journey I planned he's going to

seek the Messiah some wonder-worker

Nathan told him about you you mean the

carpenter of Nazareth yes

you you're going to seek Him he may be

the savior of our people if you go from

my house you will no longer be my son

all my life I've Abed you without


I can obey you're no longer and go Oh

before I forget these I loved and

cherished you go before I curse you


take it

don't you realize what an excellent

match I've made for you.

Lamech held out for 2,000 goals I'd have

given him three then you should rejoice

it is betrothal now isn't every girl as

a father with brains enough to marry her

to a son describe huh no all right you

can go now

hm well what is it what is it what is it

Rachel said she heard the prisoners have

escaped escaped oh yeah yeah yeah yeah

there be more trouble with this why do

you bring bad news into my house

I'm willing to go with you anywhere you

were coming for me weren't you

you said we'd leave the village to eat

some more we are going I'm going alone

the village is in great danger I must

get help if I can but it's more than

that it's greater than the life of any

one village or any one of us what are

you saying I'm going in search of a man

who may be the king that we need to lead

us an open w*r against Rome why it must

come if we're ever going to be anything

but slaves why must there be w*r why

must men fight

I don't care anything about this king

all I want is to be your wife and bear

your children that's all like please

take me with you I can't take

but it must be now I may never have the

courage again my journeys successful

there may be a chance new life for all

of us if this man is the Messiah and

this hope of freedom for Israel

If any man will come after me let him

deny himself and take up his cross and

follow me

who is this man I never saw him before

and yet he spoke to me as if he knew me

that's how I felt the first time he

spoke to me.

It was as if he called me by my name and

I'm seeking the man of Galilee I heard

he was near here you found him

no Huck I mean Jesus of Nazareth he was

called King of the Jews

this is he but where the multitudes that

falling he came here to escape the

multitude then it is true he has many

followers they increased even as the

flocks of a Good Shepherd but he has

more the look of a poor pilgrim than a

king his power and greater than that of

any king my friend what sort of power

you mean he's a magician as some people

say being called worse names than laughs

I must speak with him not now

the son of man has come not to destroy

men's lives but to save them

thou son of David have mercy on me

What wilt thou that I should do unto

thee Lord that I may receive my sight

believe ye that I am able to do this J.

Lord receive thy sight

who thy way

thy faith hath me be

I am a witness to you pause

I pray that you will use it to draw our

people together that we may smite our

enemies there's need for haste all the

country to the south is overrun by the.

Romans but there are thousands like me

sworn zealots ready to join your forces.

Master we offer you our Allegiance and

our swords all they they take up the

sword shall perish with the sword

put it away my friend he's the one man

who has no use for it.

Oh useful you mean he isn't ready to

take a bombs he'll never take up arms.

I don't agree with that I feel as you do

that our master must soon draw the sword

come along with us you and I together

may persuade him twenty rule to

Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover

my village lies on that road in why not

I would like to know more of this man

where he certainly has great authority

he has indeed I'm Joe son of lamech the


I am called Judas

For what is a man profited if he shall

gain the whole world and lose his own

soul or what shall a man give in

exchange for his soul I say unto thee

arise and take up thy bed and go thy way

blessed are the poor in spirit for

theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed

are they that mourn for they shall be

comforted blessed are the meek for they

shall inherit the earth blessed are they

which do hunger and thirst after

righteousness for they shall be filled

blessed are the merciful for they shall

obtain mercy blessed are the pure in

heart for they shall see God

blessed are they which are persecuted

for righteousness sake for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven blessed are the

- peacemakers for they shall be called the
- children of God

I'm convinced he'll never take up arms

unless he's forced to the right you know

there were certain men before you joined

us who tried to seize him and force him

to be king yes

what happened he sensed their purpose

and escaped him if those men had

succeeded the history of Israel might

have been changed but they did not


or without fathers - here lies my

village the master will pass through it

he has friends in every village I'm

going on

Your camp here only this time no

blunders Claudian

most centuries around the wall when we

keep them out of sight come

But anyone enter but no one leaves the

village tonight you understand you have

your orders I'll be at the inn keep a

strict watch these people have a

fondness for striking in the dark

celebration tonight yes is the marriage

ascetic son of the scribe better I

remember him so he's getting married

mean to Tama told her a jam you a toast

the bride

well why don't you drink right I've had

enough I but we most of the village for

the town would marry Joel or Joel as

ethics brother mighty be the fellow I

knocked down on the square I yes yes why

so that extol his brother's bride oh no

it's also kinda our customer more you

have some strange customs you isrealites

go on drink what are we tasting a wine

you're trying to get me grunts that I'll

talk there's no use I can't tell you

anything do you recognize this it's a

dagger little memento I picked up the

night the prisoners escaped

all right I don't know a thing about

that you don't happen to know to which

one of your village zealots this dagger

belongs sell it no no I told you you lie

you're probably one of them yourself

I'd break your arm you might talk go

ahead break my arm Gimli I still gotta

tell you anything you'll talk when the

time comes

bring more wine will drink a toast to

the bridegroom

What freezes this the wedding feast of

tamarins are the son of the scribe what



and and I

and I.

Legis all

these cool

what would be you.


they have strong sums as you have have

got one son your pardon rabbi

my sacred pond.







Long right - Tamar the bride

Lemme don't stir the wedding feast would

call the others together the others as

many as you can but not Saturday was

then once quiet I joke it's true he did

not accept the sword that's why I've

called you together the time has come to

force his hand we can do it how Joel

he'll reach our village tonight or

tomorrow I can't go to him because he

knows me but one of us you Laban will

approach him saying that your father

lies sick of a fever

for what purpose he never refuses the

sick you'll follow where you lead him

you'll lead him here the rest of you

away here and when he comes we'll seize

him and hold him prisoner then together

with Judas and other of his disciples

who feel as I do that he should use his

power will proclaiming King you're sure

he's worthy to be our King I'm sure I've

seen his great works everywhere people

greet him as a savior his disciples

would die for him all that's needed is

- for him to become a man of action it's a
- bold idea that appeals to me I say it's.

Worth trying

ah learn by tomorrow there will be a

king in Israel go to the marriage Day

I must speak with you

the Roman is at the end why I must leave

you now to prepare to receive a guest

during yes he's trying to find out who

the zealot are in our village

he remembered your name why yes he had

this I stood when he fell asleep I say

how many men is he with a mustache he's

alone along yes thanks

those men are the disciples of Jesus he

must have come during the night you know

what to say when I give you the signal

my father lies sick unto death come to

my home o master and Hylian wait here

You have returned yes sir I came back to

to ask my forgiveness to make your peace

with your father

all right yes sure you'll forget the

past you will be my son again hey come

you will drink a glass of wine together

then we'll go on with your life as I

planned it

no father I can't I've set a hand to a

certain task so far I failed yet you set

out to find the Nazarene I found him all

right but you were disappointed in him

told you there was no girl turn the man

oh he has virtue but he uses it only to

preach adoption his doctrine is

blasphemy what is that hypocrite no of

the law he's not a hypocrite father he

believes what he teaches you defend him

perhaps you believe in him no father I

told you yes that's why you won't go

back to my teaching this man has

poisoned your mind with his crazy

ranting you're wrong I've heard this

magic is such that it fails father

against son son against father for your

judge him when you don't know him I'd

like to have him in judgment before me I

would soon show you judge not

be not judge rusty

Our village is honored by the visit of a

carpenter Deb I asked


what shall I do to inherit eternal life

what is written in the law Haridas thou

thou shalt love the Lord thy God with

all thy heart and with all thy soul and

with all thy strength and with all thy

mind and thy neighbor as thyself thou

hast answered write this do thou shalt

live and who is my neighbor a certain

man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho

and fell among thieves which stripped

him of his raiment and wounded him and

departed leaving him half dead and by

chance they came down a certain priest

that way and when he saw him he passed

by on the other side and likewise a.

Levite when he was at the place came and

looked on him and passed by on the other

side but a certain Samaritan as he

journeyed came where he was and when he

saw him he had compassion on him and

went to him and bound up his wounds

pouring in oil and wine and set him on

his own beast and brought him to an inn

and took care of him and on tomorrow

when he departed he took out two pence

and gave them to the host and said unto

him take care of him and whatsoever thou

spendest more when I come again I will

repay which now of these three thinkest

thou was neighbour unto him that fell

among thieves he that showed mercy on

him go and


Master Mike

father a my brother Joe completely

something has happened to be in your

brother sanic or what do you say come

My son is big

please to k*ll the foreigner before he


God of Israel my day of joy is turn

tonight my soul is broken within me

curse of a proposed or race m*rder

The dog still lives.

My leading to you

we'll have to hide the rooms money

I'll get help.

You got show witness

go and do likewise.

Do the likewise


go this your way of taking vengeance

choice he saw him on the part of the

Roman that's why I left the village his

plan just said it became was just of

line they need us

I come to take the body of my son

oh mighty God what class is on my house.

Jose why do you kneel beside this man

the m*rder*r of your brother

this man is my brother also



disregard all previous orders spare love


Arrest him

I'm not hungry.

Katie like ham we're storm ever saw in

Jerusalem I've been locked up here I

don't know how many days what about me

I've had the Guardian I who made me mr.

Big spectacle on the hill today

crucifixion people faded all kinds of

excitement I had to miss it because of

you being the one from outside will you

accept the thanks of a Roman for the

facts you saved my life then why was I

arrested save you from your own people

now my friend you're free

free I should have come to you sooner

I've been on sick leave until the day

today I was on duty you mean I can go no


one thing I would know is why did you

risk your life for mine I was your enemy

and yet you helped me why because I

because of a man I met and followed for

a while a great and simple man who

taught me it was right to show mercy to

anyone in distress anyone yes it's a

strange teaching who is this man

he's called Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of.


I owe my life to him

and I

just now as he hung on the cross I trust

this spear there is child.

The Pilger came to the divot he said he

had orders from a Centurion to bring me

here I didn't know why this century well

I mean wasn't lonesome analogy all the

way with I waited not knowing anything

just hoping I'm free

when pull back together to our village

for no no to me they still hate you for

helping the vermin even though the

village was feared that they might k*ll

you if I must obey no no tomorrow I went

out seeking a leader I know now that I

found him his truth is mine I was

chairing with Joel it he d*ed today


if I die tomorrow what does it matter

truth in the teaching

go on
