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Flywheel (2003)

Posted: 01/26/24 10:53
by bunniefuu
All right, come on back.

Come on back.

Okay, whoa.

Yeah, it's good.

-What do I owe you?
-Forty's fine.

Here you go. Appreciate it.

-No problem.
-Thank you.

What is this?

1958 Triumph TR3, two-door coupe.

Four in the floor, twin carburetor,

electric overdrive.

[Bernie] How does it run?

It don't. At least, not yet.

That's what this man is for.
Gonna fix it up for me.

Jay, I'm your tune-up man.
I don't restore classic cars.

No, Max, you've worked miracles.

I know you can do it.

[Max] And he says that every time
he wants something he can't have.

[Jay] It's a good car.

Clean interior, good stereo.

Low mileage for an '88 Honda.

What about the back end here?
Has it ever been wrecked?

Uh, no, I don't think so.

I think that was repainted
from scratches in the bumper paint.

I see that done pretty often.

You said you like the way it drives.


Tell you what.

If you want the car today,

I'll give you a free tune-up
and oil change down the road

and a free car wash
from my porter any time you want it.

-All right, I think I'll take it
-That's my man.

We can do the paperwork quick,

and you can be showing it off
to your girlfriend inside half an hour.

Uh, I don't have a girlfriend.

[door opens]


Finally got a smart buyer
for that beautiful Accord.

Hey, congratulations.

I didn't think that would stay
as long as it did.

Bernie, this is Scott.

Scott, Bernie Meyers,
one of our sales associates.

-Well, that's a great car.

Scott, if I could get you to have
a seat right there

and I need to see your driver's license.

If you'll fill this form out,
just sign there, fill that out

-initial there and there.
-Driver's license.

Thank you. I'll be right back
while you do that.

I don't mean to be rude, but what is this?

[Jay] Oh,
that's a retail-installment contract

which says what you purchased the car for.

You also got a warranty disclaimer there
and mileage statement.

Most people don't ask,
they just sign away.

You're pretty smart
to check it out before you sign.

[Scott] Thanks.

This is really the first big purchase
I've ever made.

It's a good one.

You'll love it
and your friends will love you in it.

There's your driver's license.

Thank you, Scott. Congratulations.

-You're the owner of a beautiful car.

-Go take that girl of yours for a ride.
- I don't--

Oh, that's right, no girlfriend.
At least not yet.

But a handsome guy like you,
a hot car like this,

it's not gonna be long.

I know that's what my woman always wanted.

A 1988 wrecked Honda.

Jay just sold the Accord.

-The wrecked one?

-Just cleared three on it.
-He did not.

Yeah, he did.

No way.

How does he do that?

Man, you are the king of cheese.

What does that mean?

You just made $3,000 off that car?

That's why the sign says
Jay Austin Motors,

not Vince Berkley Motors.

Man, I didn't think we'd make
a thousand off that Honda.

You tell him it was wrecked?


[laughs] Man, you are slicker than snot
on an ice rink.

You're just jealous
'cause you wouldn't have cleared two.

You amaze me.

Remind me to tell my friends
to never buy a car from this place.

All right, shut up and go sell a car.

Hey, Judy. Hey, Todd. How y'all doing?

Hey, Bernie, Vince.
We're doing good, how are you?

Jay Austin Motors.

-What are y'all up to today?
-We're just out running some errands.

We thought we'd see
if Jay needed something to eat.

Have y'all eaten yet?

I just ate and Bernie, he's always eating.

[Judy laughs] Okay, well if you want us
to pick you up something--

No, no, no. Don't do that.

Thanks for the offer, but I think
Jay's the only one who hadn't eaten.

Actually, me and Vince
were about to go back outside.

-No, you--

You just do what you did last time.

See you, Judy. See you, Todd.

-Have a good day.
-[door closes]

I've already spent too much.

-Jay, what do you want for lunch?
-I don't care, just grab something.

No, do not do that.

I'm not spending any more than my average.

How about a burger?

I don't care.

Al right.

No. Don't let them do that to you.

You tell them you've already
gotten permission.

It doesn't matter. Just make up something.

If he gives you a hard time,
you tell him to call me.

He can't deny you access to the lot,
he did it last year.

[door beeps]

It doesn't matter.

How many you bringing back?

What year?


It is in good condition?

Fine. Look, when you come,

just don't get pulled over this time,
all right?


Good. Bye.

Vince, you gotta go get them.

That's why Bernie outsells you
every month.

I'm just honing my craft.

I'll be the main man soon.

Not by just standing around.

I'm not just standing here.

I'm watching the customer.

That way, I learn how to make
my best approach.

Every move I make is calculated.

Well, don't calculate too much, all right?

Al right.

Here's your lunch, Dad.

-Did you get me a burger?
-We got you a chicken sandwich.

I thought you were getting me a burger.
Just put it on the desk.

Tell your mom I'll be home at 5:00.

[door opens]

I thought you were coming home at 5:00.

I guess I'm late.

Does it not bother you
that you don't keep your word?

Don't start, Judy.

[sighs] I guess not.

Todd, why aren't you helping
set the table?

She asked me to do my homework.

Do your homework later. Help your mother.

But Jeff's coming over.
He's spending the night.

Did you sell any cars today?


Which one?

Black '88 Honda.

-The one that was wrecked?

How much?

-Does it matter?
-I'm just asking.

You don't wanna tell me.

-Six thousand?

You said that car wasn't worth three, Jay.

Why do you care?
It was worth $6,000 to the buyer.

Did the buyer know it was wrecked?

Judy, I've had my mind on work all day,
I don't wanna talk about it now.

No, you didn't tell him, did you?

Why are you interrogating me?

I'm a used-car salesman. I sell cars.

At dishonest prices.

That's enough.

Shouldn't bother you.
I make more when I sell more cars.

You benefit from it.

Are we going to church tomorrow?

Did we go last week?


We'll go tomorrow.

-[Todd] E-5.
-[Jeff] Nope.

Uh, C-3.

-[man on TV] Don't miss it.
-[Jeff imitates expl*si*n] Got me.

Jay Austin Motors!

Blowout blitz!

It's crazy!

'99 Chevy Blazer, $11,995.

Hey, look, your dad's on TV again.

Yeah, I've seen it.

[Jay on TV] 99 Ford F-150 T-cab, $14,995.

'02 Avalanche C-71, $25,995,

We're out of our minds.

Got bad credit? Still come and get it/

Don't forget your wheels.
I'll give you a deal.

Jay Austin Motors--

Is it weird seeing him on TV?

[Todd] Not anymore. It used to be cool.

-[Jeff] So do you wanna sell cars too?
-[Todd] I don't know.

It seems like it's hard

and I don't really wanna be like my dad.

[Jeff] Why not?

[Todd] Well, sometimes he lies to people.

[Jeff] What do you mean?

[Todd] Well,
sometimes he doesn't tell them

if something's wrong
with the car and stuff.

-[Jeff] Like if the engine doesn't work?
-[Todd] No, the engine works.

But it might have been wrecked
or have bad parts.

-[Jeff] And he sells them anyway?
-[Todd] Yeah.

[Jeff] But they're used cars.

[Todd] I know,
but he makes people pay too much.

I wanna do something different.

[Jeff] Yeah, I guess I would too.

[man] Good morning.

Hey Jeff, tell your mom I'll pick you up
after soccer practice on Thursday, okay?

Yes, ma"am.

Jay Austin,
it's good to see you this morning.

Morning, Reverend, how are you?

-Well. Judy, it's good to see you too.
-You too.

Todd, you're growing up.
You're gonna be as tall as your dad.

-It's good to have all of you here.
-[Judy] Thank you.

Jay, I'm getting ready to try
to look for a car for my daughter.

She's going to college.
I wonder if I could come by this week.

I got some sharp cars right now.
Come any time you want to.

-Thank you very much.
-I'd be glad to have you.

♪ I Praise him, praise him ♪

♪ Jesus, our blessed redeemer ♪

♪ Lord, there are days ♪

♪ When the color is gray ♪

♪ And I can't see the sun ♪

♪ Through the clouds ♪

♪ And the overcast sky ♪

I Brings a quiet refrain

♪ Gloomy over my heart ♪

♪ Like a shroud ♪

♪ Yet through the haze
Of his breakthrough ♪

♪ In song ♪

♪ And sing of your mercy and love ♪

-Todd, have you got your Bible?
-Yes, ma"am.

What are we doing for lunch?

We've got a frozen pizza at home
or we can grab something on the way.

I'd rather do something else.

I wanna come back tonight
for the evening service.

I'm not coming back.
I've got things to do at the lot.

On a Sunday? Jay.

I've already tithed my time
to church this week.

Dad, what's a tithe?

It's when you give money
to help the church.

Orin our case, an empty envelope

so people think we give money
to help the church.

Is that supposed to be funny?

You know, Jay,
I've never thought it was very funny.

We've given money before.

Oh, then I guess we're okay.

Your dad called tonight.

What did he say?

He wanted to know how we were.

What did you tell him?

I didn't know what to tell him,
to be honest, Jay.

Why didn't you just tell him we're fine?

Are we?

Jay, your dad cares about you very much.

He's never wanted anything
but the best for you.

You just need to talk to him.

My dad is still disappointed in me
and has been since I was 18 years old.

That's because you were stubborn,
rebellious and never listened to him, Jay.

If he gave me half the encouragement
and support he gives Joey,

things would be different.

But your brother honored your father.

He at least showed him enough respect
to listen to him.

Okay, we're gonna talk about
something else.

Okay. When's the last time
you did something with Todd?

What do you mean?

I mean spending quality
father-son time with him.

I spend time with him.

I'm not talking about when you're sitting
with him at the dinner table, Jay.

I'm talking about investing time with him,
doing something worthwhile.

-Okay, why do you do that?
-Why do I do what?

Why do you put me down
and try to embarrass me?

-I'm just asking a question.
-Well, I have a question.

You enjoy trying to embarrass me.

Is that a question or a statement?

It's just---
Do you enjoy trying to embarrass me?

-Now see, that was a question.
-Okay, just forget it.

-No, I'll answer the question.
-I don't want you to answer the question.

-Then how about the statement?
-Forget it, Judy.

Jay, I'm just saying
I think you should make time for your son.

He looks up to you.

No, he doesn't.

Why would you say that?

-He said he doesn't.

Don't worry about it.


You're acting like you don't even care
about your own son.

He told Jeff that he did not want
to be like me,

he did not wanna sell cars,
and he did not think I was truthful.

Should he think you're truthful?

I'm not answering that question.


-Morning, Max.

You seen Bernie and Vince?

Ah, they went to test drive the Miata,
they'll be back in a few minutes.

Still working on this thing, huh?

You gave me quite a challenge on this one.

Well, I'm wondering if I made a mistake.

It just looked so good. Price was right.

I was just hoping we could get it going.

Give me a little longer.

Let me see what I can find.

We may have it running yet.

Al right.


Just-- Move.

Man, I'm gonna have to pry them out.

I got it.

You look like two marshmallows trying
to get out of a Hot Wheel.

That's not funny, Sam.

Yes, it is too.

Well, the good reverend came after all.

-Jay, how's the car business today?
-Well, we're making ends meet.

It's good to see you.
Tell me what I can do for you.

I'm looking for a car for my daughter.
She's our last one.

I wish she were here, but she's out
clothes shopping with her mother.

And I'm just trying to find
a good buy for her.

Well, let me commit
to giving you a good deal.

Hey, Bowers is having another sale.


So I'm just saying.

Give me that last chip.

You fat, lazy, last-chip-eating punk.

Oh, like I gotta get on the ball.

You need to get on a treadmill.


Hey, who's this guy? I've seen him before.

He's a minister, isn't he?

Oh, that's right.
He did Keith and Cindy's wedding.


That would be my bag.

No, that's your bag.

Jay will probably give him a deal.

Twenty bucks says he doesn't.

You really think
he's gonna stiff a minister?

Twenty bucks says he will.

You're on.

-These are pretty cars right here.
-You got a lot of nice cars today.

Jay, tell me about this Camry.

Camrys are good cars,
one of the most reliable on the road.

Lindsay has a friend that has one.
I know she's even driven it.

-Maybe we ought to take a look at it.
-It's open. Let's look at it.

They're looking at the Camry.

I say he sells it to him.

Hey, what we get it for?

Sixty-five hundred.
It's got 89,000 miles on it.

He'll sell it for eight.


I've always liked the storage space
in the Camry, dual airbags.

It's done real well in safety tests.

I know it's a really good car.

I'm just wondering if I should try
to find one with a few lower miles.

I don't know, Camrys do real well.

Their early-'90 models were doing
a quarter million miles easily.

-Is that right?
-Yeah. Great retail value too.

I've got $8,500 in this car.

If you want it,
I'll give it to you for nine.

Would you let me take it out for a drive?

Reverend, you can drive it
all day if you want to.

He's taking it for a drive.

This is where Jay gets the papers ready.

Vince, give me the forms
for the gold Camry.

Is he buying it?

He might.

You think he will.

I do.

How do you know?

I sell cars for a living.

Ha! At what price?

We'll see.

Reverend, you bought a good car.

Thank you, I'm sure I did.
I know Lindsay will enjoy driving it.

I know she will.
I appreciate you for coming to see me.

-Thank you.
-Thank you, sir. I'll walk out with you.

Thank you.

-Good reverend.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Good night.

-No way.
-[laughs] Pay up, baby, I won.

You didn't say it'd sell for nine.
You said eight.

-Which is closer than you were.
-We didn't say whoever's closest.

-You said he'd sell it for eight.
- I said he would stiff him and he did.

I'm not paying you a dime.

Well, then you're buying
me lunch tomorrow.

I'm not buying lunch either.

-We both lost.
-[mocking Vince]

Well, I appreciate all your help today.

And if it's okay,
I'm gonna go pick up Lindsay now

'cause she's gonna be excited to see this.

She'll drop me off
and I'll get my car later.

That's fine. Fine.

Jay, I thank you so much,
you've treated me so well today.

-And I would like to do something for you.
-What's that?

I'd like to pray and ask God
to bless you in your business.

-I'd appreciate that.
-Let's pray.

Lord, today I come before you
and thank you for this day.

I thank you for Jay and his business.

I thank you for this car for Lindsay
and I ask that you'll protect her

and give her grace as she drives this car

and traveling mercies.

And, Lord, I ask that you treat Jay

just like he treated me today
in this deal.

-It's in your name I pray Lord. Amen.

Thank you, Jay, for your help.

Appreciate it, Reverend. Glad you came by.

Take care.



Max the Marvelous.

The Magnificent. [laughs]


You get it? Max-a-roni.

[Bernie] That was stupid.

-[Vince] What?
-[door opens]

Now, there's the man.

Why are you guys always eating?
When was the last time you sold a car?

I sold two last week.

I got a guy coming in today on the Jeep.

Looking or buying?

He might buy.

I didn't think you had it in you, Jay.

-What's that?
-The ability to stiff a minister.

Oh excuse me, Saint Bernard.

You think I'm interested in making
the least amount of money we can?

Hey, I'm all for making money.

I just thought you'd cut
the Reverend a deal.

-And you would have?
-I'd try to.


Vince, would you trust Bernie
to sell a car to your mother?

-To my mother?
-[Jay] To your mother.

-[chuckles] No way.
-Oh, come on.

What's worse, Bernie,

overcharging the reverend for a Camry,
which is a good car,

or squeezing that old lady
for the Marquis last week?

She wasn't that old.

-She was in her 70s.
-Late 50s.

Oh, please.

Maybe early 60s.

Don't wag your tongue at me
over the Camry.

You've ripped off more naive ladies
than anyone else in Albany.

And stop judging me
for something you do yourself.

That old lady last week is probably
an honorable woman.

Husband probably served in the m*llitary.

Or the ministry.

[phone rings]

[ringing continues]

[Jay] Jay Austin Motors.

This is Jay.

Mr. Austin, this is George MacDonald
from Franklin Bank and Trust.

I need to talk to you
if you've got a minute.

[door opens]

Yes, sir, what can I do for you?

Mr. Austin, I'm showing that you're over
a month behind

on your mortgage payment for your lot,

as well as your credit line.

And if I remember correctly,

this is not the first time
this has happened.

Sir, we've had a pretty slow month

and had extra expenses
we don't normally have.

But I think we'll back where we need to be
in a week or two.

I hope so.

It's not my intention to be cruel,

but if you don't catch up your payments
by the end of next month,

we'll come get your cars
and close you down.

I understand, sir.

We're looking at a payment of $32,400.

Yes, sir.

Thank you for your call.

Have a good day.

Todd, come to the table, please.

What is he doing?

He's building a volcano.

-A what?
-It's for his science project.

-He has to build--
-Todd, come to the table right now.

Jay, he's coming.
He's probably washing his hands.

We've got glue and paint
all over the place.

Glue and paint?

Yeah, you know, you add baking soda,

pour a little vinegar,
you get an eruption.

-You're not getting any on the carpet?
-No, sir.

Jay, we've got newspapers and towels down.

He's being very careful.

We just finished paying for that carpet.
I wanna keep it clean.

Jay, will you stop worrying about
your precious carpet?

-Nothing's going to happen to it.
-What's with the attitude?

-I don't have attitude.
-You do have an attitude.

Should I not be concerned about
a $4,000 investment?

Jay, just say the blessing.

Why don't you say the blessing?


Dear God, thank you for this food,
your blessings

and the precious carpet
we're allowed to walk on.

May it serve us well in the years to come
and be a beacon of hope

to all those who live
in the house after we're gone.


That was lame.

You're welcome to pray any time you like.

Thank you for reminding me.

Dad, would you help me with my project?

I'm getting tired of this holier-than-thou
attitude you've been dishing out.

Mom, can I have cereal instead?


Todd, honey, I thought you liked pizza.

You want cereal over pizza?

Yes, sir.

I don't care.


Did Reverend Michaels come by
to see you today?

He did.


-And he bought a car.
-He did?

He did.

And you gave him a good deal, right?

It's a good deal.

A good deal for him?

I see it's time
for my nightly interrogation.

Oh, come on, Jay, you've never kept
this stuff from me before.

What did you charge him?

Nine thousand dollars.

And what did you get it for?

Sixty-five hundred.

-That doesn't sound like a deal.
-It was a deal for me.

Oh, great.
So now you're ripping off ministers.

I want you to shut up now.

The next time you open your mouth,
you only open it to eat.

Do you understand me?

[woman] The best for your baby--

Listen, folks. Listen.

You're in the shape you're in today
because of the choices you've made.

Your marriage is
in the shape it is in today

because of the choices you've made.

Your relationship with your wife
and with your children

is in the shape it's in
because of the choices you've made.

You're in financial bondage today
because of the choices you've made.

God's word would set you free
if you would read it,

but you're in bondage and you're trapped

and you're under
all the dirt and the stuff,

and you feel like you're a sl*ve
to your debt and to a relationship

because you've not listened
to the word of God.

And until you listen to the word of God

you will make the wrong choices,

go down the wrong road,
lose your family, lose your home,

lose your security, lose your investments

because God has a way to live life.

And you and I cannot live life
on our terms and ask God to bless that.

And the reason that many people
that I'm talking to today

are in bondage and in frustration
and in defeat

is because you don't really
wanna know what God says.

And you don't wanna live it God's way.

If any man is in Christ,
he is a new creation.

All things have passed away.

All things, not some things.

All things have become new.


[Bernie] When these first came out,

they were so popular,
no one could keep them on the lot.

I'm just telling you, they're great cars.

Well, obviously you know that
or you wouldn't be interested in it.

Oh, I just love them. They're so cute.

When we graduated two years ago,
my friend got one and she just loves it.

I've been amazed it has stayed
out here as long as it has.

I keep think that someone's gonna realize
what we've got

-and take it out of here.

[Bernie] If I were able to get it,
you wouldn't have had a sh*t at it.

You're getting a corner
on an amazing vehicle.

I'd like to get it,

I just don't know about
the monthly payments.

Hey, if you tell me you want this car,

I will bend over backwards
to make it happen for you.

[woman] Oh, you're so sweet.

[Bernie] Hey, I just wanna see you get
the best car you can.

If I told you I could get the payments
under $250 a month,

-would you be able to do that?
-Oh, well,

actually, I was thinking
more like $150 a month.

Hey, I know it seems like a lot,

but ll don't wanna see you miss out
oh a good deal like this.

It's rare to find one
in this good of condition.

I don't know.

Hey, let me see if I can get it
under $230 a month,

we'll throw in a free detail,
fill it up with gas.

We could be done with the paperwork,

and you can be showing it off
to your boyfriend inside half an hour.

Um... okay.

I mean, I guess I should take advantage
of this great sale.

Hey, that's right.
You've made a good decision.

I would have hated to see you walk away
from such a good deal.

[paper ripping]

I can't believe you sold her that car.

She told me she was just looking.

You're too nice to them, Vince.

I'm too nice?

Yeah, you gotta be more aggressive.

Flatter the snot out of them
and just reel them in. [laughs]

Hey, what did you clear?

-You wouldn't believe me.


No, you didn't.

Bernie, tell me you didn't do that.

You made $5,000 off that car?

I did. I'm bringing it in today, baby.

I think it's time for you to treat me
to a round of golf.

I think you need to start selling
some cars like a big dog

and buy your own round.

Hey, what's different about
that wall up there?

[Vince] There was a clock there
or something.

Hey, Jay, did you
take anything off that wall?

You shouldn't have done that, Bernie.

Shouldn't have done what?

Someone's gonna figure out
she got overcharged $4,000 on this deal

-and make an issue out of it.

Would you not want to kick
the guy in the teeth

that overcharged your wife
several thousand on a car?

-She's not married.
-That's not the point.

She's got a boyfriend, parents or friends

that are gonna figure out
she got sloshed on this deal.

Who you talking to?

I just made a week's profit
and I'm getting slammed for it?

Bernie, it's not the profit,
it's the way you got it.

Since when did you become a Boy Scout?

You don't think you did anything wrong?

Oh, so when Jay Austin pulls in
a few thousand dollars,

it's good business,

but when Bernie Meyers does it to help
the team out, it's ripping people off?

You grossly manipulated her.

You taught me how.

I don't know what game this is,

but you've got different rules
for yourself.

All right, that's it.
We're not gonna talk about this now.

[door opens]

What the heck was that?

I don't know.

No, I'm not doing this.

If he starts unloading trash on me,
I'm out of here.

He's no saint.

You look like you just got out of a fight
where everybody had a stick but you.

How's it going, Max?

I don't know yet.

I keep thinking I got it figured out...

but I keep being wrong.

That's true for both of us.

You got something you can't fix either?

Several things.

At least I think I know how to fix them,
but I keep being wrong.

We both sound pretty pathetic.

Is that car worth
the time you're putting in it?

Well, I think the flywheel
may be stripped.

Don't tell me you don't know
what a flywheel is.

I don't.

How long you been selling cars?

Tell me what a flywheel is.

When you put the key in the ignition,
that sends power to the starter.

The starter engages your flywheel,
your flywheel turns your crankshaft

and your crankshaft starts your engine.

Without your flywheel,
you're not going anywhere.

So can we get a new one?

Well, we may need to.

I hoped it was something easier to get to.

Flywheel is sandwiched in between
the engine and the transmission.

I'll have to drop the transmission
to get to it.

Well, if there's anybody
that can do it, it's you, Max.

Then at least one of us
will have our problems fixed.

You seem to be carrying
a heavy load lately.

You okay?

Not really, to be honest.

I cannot remember the last time
I felt like my life was going right.

So I should pray for you.

Maybe you should pray for you.

I don't know about that.

Why not?

I don't think God will listen
to me right now.

What do you mean?

I mean, he knows I'm not an honest man.

He knows I'm a lousy husband and father.

He knows how selfish and prideful I am.

I don't even like myself, Max.

I've got friction with almost
every person in my life.

I owe money to the bank that I don't have.

I'm an old man, Jay.

There's some things I wish
I'd have gotten right decades ago.

But my pride got in the way.

But when I learned
to let the Lord run my life

my life got a whole lot better.

I don't mean to preach at you...

but I just know I needed him.

Frankly, I'd say that we all need him.

You know, this is a beautiful car.

Still got a good engine.

But until we get that piece
that fixes the engine

it's not going anywhere.

O Lord...

I don't want your face against me.

I need you.

I'm sorry.

Help me, Lord.

Help me get back in your will.

I want to be a good man.

Help me, Jesus.

You're in charge now.

You're the boss.

I didn't expect to see you home so early.

Can we talk?


Would you come sit with me?

I know I hurt you terribly last night.

I was wrong to do that and I'm sorry.

You're apologizing to me?

I am.

Is something wrong with you?

There is.

Jay, are you-- Are you dying?

No. No.

What's wrong with me is that
I have been living for myself.

I have not been the husband I need to be.

I have not been the father I need to be...

I have not been
the spiritual leader I need to be.

Today, I asked God to forgive me.

I have gotten myself in a mess
in almost every area of my life

and I can't fix it.

I admit that I have
not been worthy of honor

or respect, or the love of my family.

But I want to be.


Judy, I'm asking you to pray for me.

I need you.

I need you terribly.

I am resolving to let Jesus be
lord of my life.

Every day.

-You're serious.
-I am serious.

I will be honest in my business.

I will take responsibility
as the spiritual leader of my home.

I will love you, I will love Todd,
and I will love our baby.

So help me God, I will.

[Jay reading] "Blessed is the man who
does not walk in the counsel of the wicked

or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

But his delight is in the law of the Lord,

and on his law,
he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree planted
by streams of water

which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.

Not so the wicked.

They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.

the wicked will not stand in the judgment,

nor sinners in the assembly
of the righteous.

For the Lord watches over
the way of the righteous,

but the way of the wicked will perish. "

All right, Lord.

This is your lot.

I will honor you with it.

Max. I'm a little low
on transmission fluid.

How about hooking me up, man?

Where were you?

What are you talking about?

You said be at the Corner Cafe at 9:00.

No, I said be at the Biscuit Barn at 9:00.

-The Biscuit Barn?

So where are the biscuits?

I didn't feel like a biscuit,
so I went to Pearly's.

What did you get at Pearly's?

A biscuit.

You're a goober.

I know.

But at least I got a biscuit.

But I was there at 9:00 and you weren't.

I was at the Corner Cafe at 9:00.
And you better be there tomorrow at 9:00.

How about being at work at 9:00 tomorrow?

Oh, Jay's cracking the whip again.
I think we better stop being lazy.

-You admitting that you're lazy?
-Well, no.

I know it may look like it sometimes,
but I like to think of myself

as a hardworking man trapped
in a lazy man's body.

I've always thought of myself
as a tan body builder

trapped in a chubby white man's body.

Sam, anything we should know?

I'm just a black man in a black man's body

working with a bunch
of strange white boys.

Would you mind getting Max?
I'd like for us all to have a talk.


-With all of us?

What is this about?
Are we in trouble or something?

-I'll tell you when Max gets here.
-I'm planning to be here at 9:00 tomorrow.

I could get a biscuit earlier.

-Or I don't have to get a biscuit at all.
-It's not about the biscuits, Vince.

Look, if this is about Bernie scraping
the side of the Tahoe,

that was an accident. I was there.

-He was only trying to park it--
-Vince, shut up.

-You gonna tell me about that?
-Of course I was.

Morning, Max.

Thanks for coming in.
This shouldn't take but a minute.

I'd like to start by apologizing
to each of you.

Apologizing? For what?

This is my business.

For the last two years, I have not been
running it honestly or respectfully.

I wanna say I'm sorry to each of you...

for being a bad example.

You've got to be kidding me.

I'd also like to say that from now on,
we'll be selling cars at honest prices.

What does that mean?

It means you get
a fair commission off a fair sale.

Well, who determines what fair means?

Well, if you bought the car

that you're trying to sell
from another salesman

what would you feel okay
with him making off it?

Oh. That stinks.

What are you doing, Jay?

I'm changing the way we operate.

-By stripping our commissions away?
-Not necessarily.

Oh, so we're supposed to accept
your humble little apology

while cutting our salaries in half?

If you work hard at selling cars,
you can make the same you're making now

-and do it with a clear conscience.
-Who cares about your conscience?

I have to make a living for my family
and you're taking food off my table.

I'm not out to hurt your family.

But I have every intention of running
an honest business from now on.

Jay, I sell cars for you,
I organize all your promotions.

I make you look good in this community.

The last thing you should be doing
is cutting my salary.

I can make twice this right down
the road at any of your competitors.

-I don't disagree with that.
-Then why are you sh**ting us in the foot?

Don't change anything. We're doing fine.

I want a clean conscience before God.

Oh, come on. This isn't a church.

Bernie, I don't think this is a bad move.

Of course you don't.
You two aren't salesmen.

Your income stays the same.

Yours could too, Bernie.

Only if I work my tail off.

So we're changing prices on the cars?

We'll be doing that today.

No. I don't like this.

Either you're gonna allow us to keep
the same commission on every car we sell

or you're gonna raise our salaries
to make up the difference.


Well, you just got one less salesman.

-You're quitting?
-Yeah, I'm quitting.

I'm not playing this game anymore.
If you're smart, you'll quit too.

-You don't have to leave, Vince.
-Vince, don't be a fool.

You'll never make
a decent living staying here.

He's gonna make it impossible.

[Jay] Vince,
you could still be successful here.

You've got twice the opportunity
when Bernie walks out that door.

[Bernie] Why waste your time?

We can make twice what we're making here
right down the street at Bowers.

Vince, you can stay.

Come on, Vince.


I'm sorry, Jay.

I can't do this.

You've wasted two years of my life, Jay.


I told you those were strange white boys.

I'll tell you, Vince. Bowers is hiring,

and I'm about to ride down there right now
and you better go with me.

-You think we just did the right thing?
-Yeah, I think we did the right thing.

Unless you wanna stay here
and work harder for less money.

This ship is sinking, man.

Hey, did you hook me up?

Yeah, I hooked you up.

Where did you go?

You guys better come to the window
if you wanna see the big show.


What did you do?

- I left Bernie with a little parting gift.
-What's that?

I hooked his brake pedal to his horn.

No, you didn't.

[horn honks]


[horn honks]

You guys are something else.

That's not funny, Max.

[horn honks]

[honking continues]

Sam, I need your help.
I'm gonna make you a car salesman.

I'm not a car salesman.

I'll give you a raise.

Then again,
I might be a pretty good car salesman.

I'm not kidding.

Both of them quit and walked out.

So, what are you gonna do?

Sell cars by myself.

Sam will be able to help some.

Are you nervous about all this?


But if I go under,
it's because God allowed it.

I told him it was his lot now.

Then don't worry about it.

I'm trying not to.

I need to stay until 7 today.
I gotta do some of Bernie's work.

Okay, I'll see you tonight.

I love you. Bye.


Hello, Papa? It's Judy.

Do you have a minute?

-That's a flywheel for a TR3?
-Yep. That's the real thing.

-Same model?
-Same model.

Where did you get it?

A friend of mine had it in his shop.

No charge.

All I had to do was ask.

[door opens]


Hello, Jay.

What are you doing here?

I wanted to come and talk to you,
if you have a minute.

You drove down from Atlanta to talk to me?

I did.

-You wanna sit down?
-Yes, thank you.

Is Mom okay?

She's fine, son.

I wanted to come down to see you today.

I got a call from Judy this morning.

She told me about
some decisions you've made.

She said you've made quite
a change in direction.

And you've even decided
to make Jesus lord of your life.

Yes, sir.

Jay, did you really mean that?

-Yes, sir.

I have to admit I was thrilled
when I got that call.

Your mom and I have prayed
about this for a long time.


I know I've been difficult.

And I know I have been stubborn.

You have been a good father to me.


I'm sorry I was that difficult.

Jay, I didn't come for an apology.

I came to encourage you.

And to tell you how proud I am of you.

Lord, I thank you for my son, Jay.

And I thank you that
he's turned his heart to you.

Thank you for receiving him
and cleansing him

and directing his path.

I praise you, Lord,
for what you've done in him.

Now, Lord, in your name,
I bless him with courage,

with faith and with integrity.

Lord, I call him a man of strength,
of love and grace.

I ask as his earthly father

that you would rain down favor on him.

That he would know
that he is loved and treasured.

That you would bless whatever he touches.

This is my son, Lord,
and I give him back to you.

Lord, I love him.

Keep him and bless him.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

I love you, son.



What are you reading?

A book on Vesuvius.

Vesuvius? What's that?

It's a volcano that destroyed
a whole village in Italy.

I didn't know you were interested in that.
Why are you reading about that?

It's for my science project.

When did you do this?

I've been working on it for a few days.
Mom helped me.

It's incredible.


I don't think that I have been
a very good dad to you.


Well, I wanna be.

So I have asked God to help me do better.

And if it's okay with you...

I'd like to hang out
with you a little bit more.



I'm impressed with your volcano.

Good night, buddy.

I am really out of touch with my son.

That can change.

It will change.

Will you be able to handle the lot
without more help?

I can't afford more help.

I've already given Sam
a small raise to help me sell.

Unless there's some
hardworking guy out there

who'll wanna work for peanuts,
we're on our own.

Why don't you ask God
for someone like that?

Well, I can...

but who would do that?

-Good morning.
-Hi, I'm looking for Jay Austin.

-You found him.
-Oh, hi, I'm Kevin Cantrell.

Hello, Kevin Cantrell.
What can I do for you?

Well, you can give me a job
if you have an opening.

-Looking for a job?
-If you're hiring.

Why don't you have a seat?

I'm between semesters
and I got about six weeks.

And I've always wanted to see
how I'd do at sales.

So you're looking for a job for six weeks?


Well, Kevin,
I could use some help around here

but I need it for a little more
than six weeks.

I understand,
but I'm a really fast learner

and I wanna have my own lot one day,
so I'd work really hard for you.

-But six weeks.
-You could pay me minimum wage.

Come on. I wanna sell a car so badly,
I can taste it.

-Minimum wage?
-That's right.

Here's my resume and references.

I'm available any time
you can schedule me.

Six weeks.

Minimum wage.

Come on.

Whoa, whoa! That's good.

All right, we're gonna do
the same thing with the Taurus.

-We're gonna put it right here.

I'll be right back.

[engine idling]

So, uh, how long you been here?

I've been here about two years.

You like it here?

I do.

Albany's a good-sized city
that still has the feel of a small town.

I like the pace.
Just wish I could sell more cars.

Speaking of selling cars,
I wanted to ask you.

You don't seem to be getting
as much as you could out of these.

If I sold one for a little more,
could I keep the rest as commission?

Kevin, we're not gonna go that route.

We're gonna charge
what we'd feel good about being charged.

I'm gonna stick to the fair market value.

You can get away
with pushing a little bit.

I mean, don't you need money?

I do, but I've gotta live
with how I run this place.

I just don't want any more regrets.

I'm sticking
to the highest standard I can.

If you treat people right,
it'll come back to you.

You're dying to drive that car,
aren't you?

I am.

Why don't you take off? I can lock up.

You remember how to do the paperwork
if someone buys a car?

I sold the Bronco yesterday
and I didn't have a problem.

Okay, but if you have any questions,
you ask Sam, all right?

I'll be fine.

Just lock both doors
and don't forget the alarm.

[man] Butch Bowers Auto World!

Check out this '02 Yukon for just $25,995.

It's phenomenal.

Or this '99 Mustang GT,
sliced down to $10,950.

How about this '02 F-250 diesel
for just $28,995?

And if you act now, we'll throw in
a free chassis-treatment undercoating,

guaranteed not to rot, rust, bump

chip, pop, stain, cr*ck or peel,
unless it comes in contact with water.

That's a Butch Bowers factory guarantee.

Butch Bowers Auto World!

You won't find a better deal.

I'm Butch Bowers, and you can bet on it.

[door opens]

Well, I've said so long to Max and Sam.

Well, Kevin, I hate to lose you.

Well, I'm just sorry
I couldn't sell more cars for you.

[scoffs] I didn't sell many either.
But you kept your word.

-Worked hard for me. I appreciate it.
-Well, thanks for the opportunity.

You know, I have to admit,
working here has been a little bit, uh...

different than what I expected.

-Well, what'd you expect?
- I don't know.

I guess I halfway expected you'd be
a little bit more

strategic with the way you sell cars.

-Okay, devious.

[laughs] I understand.

Well, you're not a bad guy
and I'm glad I met you.

Well, I'm grateful for your approval.

[phone rings]

-Drop us aline sometime.
- I will,

Take care of yourself.

[ringing continues]

Jay Austin Motors.

Hello, Mr. MacDonald, how are you?

Yes. I realize that.

That'd be fine.

You can come whenever it's convenient.

Very good.

Twelve thousand dollars
is a good start, Mr. Austin.

That's about a third of what you owe.

You're behind with your floor plan,
your mortgage,

your checking account's overdrawn
and your insurance is fixing to lapse.

Well, we didn't sell cars
like we normally do this time of year.

Um... that's why I'm behind.

I don't suppose I can talk you
into a few more weeks to catch up?

Mr. Austin, the bank's been gracious
in giving you some extra time.

But unless you have the money by Friday,

I'll have to come get your cars.

I understand.

I'm sorry it's come to this.
I wish you luck.

And I appreciate you
meeting with me today.

So, what's the plan?

Max, I never thought I'd be saying this.

We might not have a lot next week.

We'd have to sell almost every car
on the lot to pay all our debts and bills.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do.

Well, I'm going fishing.

Well, I gave this lot to the Lord.

I guess he can do
whatever he wants to with it.

Don't you quit yet.
Let's see what the Lord does.

I wish I had more faith.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways, acknowledge him
and he will make your paths straight.”

See? It says to trust in
the Lord with all your heart.

That's not the part that hits me so hard.

It's the "lean not
on your own understanding"” part.

You're not thinking about getting
another emergency loan, are you?


It's crossed my mind,
but I know that's not the answer.

It's his lot, Jay.

It's his lot.

I'm tired of worrying about money, anyway.

That's because it's always been our money.

What, instead of God's money
that he allows us to use?

Now, there's a thought.

I know that's the right mindset.

It just feels so backwards
to think that way.

Or maybe it's the normal way

and we've just been doing it
backwards this whole time.

I've been going backwards so long,
it's a rush to go forwards.

This is from Psalms 37.

"Delight yourself in the Lord

and he will give you
the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord,
trust in him, and he will do this.

He will make your righteousness shine
like the dawn,

the justice of your cause
like the noonday sun.

Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him."

The desire of my heart
would be to finish well.

If I have to change jobs,
I wanna do it in a more honorable way...

instead of getting kicked out
because I couldn't pay my debts.

All you have to do is be still.

My car has rockets coming out the back.

Oh, yeah?
Well, my car's got a m*ssile on the top.

Yeah, so? Mine goes faster.

Let me see that.

Hey, that's not bad.

-Where'd you learn to draw?
- I don't know.

That's pretty good.

I'm gonna have to put that
on the wall when you're done.

[door opens]

You stay right here, okay?

Hey, Mary, how are you?


All right, Mary.

I'm not here to make a payment.

I'm, um...

I'm here to give the car back.

Can you tell me what's going on?

I'm so far behind on payments.

-I can't get caught up.
-Mary, you only owe $1,265.

I know.

I just can't afford it because
my husband's been out of work

for a couple of months, and--

It just seems like every week,
there's a new bill.

One on top of another,
and we just can't get caught up.

And my son, he's sick,

and we're going back and forth
to the doctor in Atlanta.

And I don't know what else to do.
I don't know what we're gonna do.

The car's been great.

I just--

I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry.

I mean, I just feel like I'm making
the right decision here. I really--


I believe you.

I know you're behind...

but you have been
one of my best customers.

I just pray that God helps you through
what you're going through.

The title?

[Jay] The car is yours.

You're paid in full.

Excuse me.

Your daddy's a really good man.

Hey, honey.

If we took our credit card offers
and put them end to end,

I'm convinced they'd go
to the moon and back.

Or you could take the cards
and buy me the moon.

Would you want it?

Well, I don't know where I'd put it.

Probably just have to leave it
exactly where it's at.

Yeah, and we'd never pay it off.


[phone rings]



Uh, no, actually
we don't need another credit card.


Oh, it's a mind-blowing rate.


I'm still not gonna take it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


-We don't need any more calls tonight.
-[phone beeps off]

So tomorrow's the day.

It is.

How you doing?

I'm not sure.

I've got some anxiety.

But it's a peaceful sort of anxiety.

A peaceful anxiety?
Can you have peaceful anxiety?


What do you call it when you feel like
your life's turning upside down

but you still think God's in control?

It's like a...

a serene chaos.

A serene--

What's the difference between
a peaceful anxiety and a serene chaos?

Serene chaos is better.

Well, there you have it.

[newscaster] Look at
the latest craze in weight loss,

With a growing number
of new energy-giving weight-loss dr*gs

is the health risk going up to trim down?

For those stories and more
on the NBS Nightly News Watch.

And now from our studios in New York,
here's Tom Jennings.

Good evening.

Our top story tonight is
about the car business

or specifically, the sale of used cars.

Each year in America,
over half a million cars are sold.

The number of used-car lots
in this country

has risen dramatically over the last year.

But how much do we really know
about buying a used car?

Most Americans take for granted

that any markdown in price
at all is a deal.

And although there are
many deals to be found

experts say that most
Americans are unaware

of just how easy it is to be deceived.

For the last six weeks,
NBS Nightly News has conducted

an undercover investigation
into the used-car business,

We have to begin with a warming,
you won't like what we found.

We decided to do an investigation
of six used-car lots

picked at random across the United States,

and we begin tonight by taking you
to a lot in North Arkansas.

Bud Morris Auto Sales has been
around for almost 30 years

with a seemingly solid reputation.

After an undercover reporter spoke
with a sales associate behind the scenes,

what we found was a different story.

[woman] / mean, how do you do it?

Is $8,000 the most you've ever cleared?

No, Bud got this lady to pay $16,000

for a Cadillac
that we'd just got for five,

[woman] Sixteen?

Oh, yeah, we made $11,000 off of her,

and she left here
thinking she got a great deal.

[woman] Does that happen very often?

Uh, no. Usually we just end up making
about two or three grand

-more than we ought to.
-On every car?

[man] Yeah, you can tell pretty quick
who's done their homework,

and if they don't know how much
a car should cost, we'll get them.

[Tom] And get them, they did.

After obtaining information on
a dozen cars

sold to unsuspecting customers,

NBS Nightly News found that on average

each car is sold for $3,500
above the acceptable range.

Next, we go to the state of Utah

where we had an undercover
reporter pose as a customer

with seemingly no idea
as to what her car of choice would cost.

Experts say this 1988 Chevrolet Blazer

should run between $1,200 and $1,500.

But listen to what
the salesman tries to sell it for.

This is a very, very popular car.
Great riding,

You drive it.
I promise, it's a great ride,

Great stereo system.
It will hold its value.

It's American made.

We've got $7,000 on this one,
but ! can give it to you for about six.

[Tom] Six thousand dollars.

Even in great condition,
our experts say, "That's a rip-off."”

As a matter of fact,
of the six lots we investigated

only one proved
to deal honestly all the time.

We now take you to south Georgia,
to the city of Albany.

Our undercover reporter actually
was hired and trained

to sell cars at Jay Austin Motors.
a small car lot with at most 35 cars.

Except this time,
what he found was a different story.

[Kevin] Speaking of cars,
I wanted to ask you.

You don't seem to be getting all
that you could out of these.

If I sold one for a little more

do you think I could keep
the rest as commission?

Kevin, I don't wanna go that route.

I'd rather charge what
we'd feel good about being charged.

I'm gonna stick to fair market value.

But you'd get away
with pushing it a little bit.

Don't you need the money?

{ do.

But I gotta live
with how [ run this place.

1 just don't want any regrets.

I'm gonna stick
to the highest standard ! can.

If you treat people right,
it'll come back to you.

[Tom] That's a good philosophy
and one that he apparently lives by.

In six weeks,
the profit averaged out at $1,500 per car,

an amount considered
completely acceptable.

In fact, Jay Austin Motors even paid
for repairs to cars

that had problems soon after being sold--

a gesture not often seen
in the used-car business,

And whereas he may not
be rolling in the dough

his honesty comes as a refreshing reminder

to treat others as you want to be treated.

When we return, we'll--

"Delight yourself in the Lord

and he will give you
the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord,
trust in him, and he will do this.

He will make your righteousness
shine like the dawn,

the justice of your cause
like the noonday sun.

Be still before the Lord
and wait patiently for him."

I am so proud of you.

Did you hear me?

I am so proud of you.

I just wanted to finish well.

You may not be finished yet.

Mr. Austin, I saw you on the news
last night and I was gonna buy a car.

-What about this Tracker over here?
-Excuse me.

You were not the first one here.
I've been here since 7:30.

Okay, uh...

Are you all here to buy cars?

-I am.

Okay, uh...

Let me run in quick and open up.
I need to make one quick call.

Would you mind staying for a minute?

Yeah, I ain't buying a car nowhere else.

Okay. Don't go anywhere.

[phone ringing]


I need a favor. I need you to get
on the phone with Max and Sam,

and get them up here as fast as possible.

Well, what's going on?

I've got 30 people outside waiting
to buy a car right now.

-Did you say 30?



I need you to call them,
get them up here as soon as you can.

And I need your help, too, okay?

What? I'm not a car salesman.

Well, you are today.


I like this Oldsmobile. How much for it?

About $7,000.

You take $6,5007

-All right.
-You will?

I guess so.

If that's what you wanna pay.

Uh... hang on.

How about $6,0007

You done said $6,500.

I know you got it,
or you wouldn't have offered it.

I'll get the paperwork.

Oh, man.









I like the way you deal.

Thirty-eight thousand,
four hundred and fifteen dollars.

And that's after
covering the cost of the cars.

-Mr. MacDonald?

-How are you doing?
-Hi, how are you?

I'm doing fine.


That's for you.

I think that should about
cover what we owe.

Where's the cars?

Well, we sold them.

What do you mean you sold them?

We had a real, real good day today.

Do you trust used-car salesmen?

They don't always have great reputations.

But one here in Albany is earning respect.

A national news organization
recently investigated Jay Austin Motors

and found his prices
and business practices are always fair.

After an undercover investigation
that lasted six weeks...

There's a new record for cars sold
in one day here in Albany.

Jay Austin Motors sold 32 vehicles
inside of eight hours.

The rush to buy cars came
after a news story ran

which highlighted the honest business
performed by Jay Austin

who says it was an answer to prayer.

So, what did your dad say?

He said we shouldn't be surprised
when God is faithful.

He's right.

Hey, I tried taping those news stories.

And I keep getting the last.
half of each interview.

I've got the last half of four stories.

Do you know anyone
who can copy these tapes

for us to give to your parents?

Just take it to the church.

Don't the church media guys
just sit around and copy tapes anyway?

I don't know what they do.

This has been the craziest
week of my life.

Jay, I wanna ask you something.

God's blessed you
because of your faithfulness

and obedience in the last couple months

but what about all
the customers before that?

I know. I've been thinking about them.

I was reading about Zacchaeus
this morning.

He returned money to all
those people he took advantage of

when he did his tax collecting.

That's a painful thought.

I mean, not only would
that take a lot of money

I'd have to eat more humble pie
than any man alive.

It's not about you
escaping discomfort, Jay.

It's about you honoring God
with what he's blessed you with.

That's two years of customers.

It's probably half of them I cheated.

Well, I'm done with the books
Are you done with your project?

Judy, this will take a lot longer
than you think to pay these people back.


We gotta have enough money
for the mortgage and light bill.

And even if we skip a check for me
I think we ought to pay Sam and Max.

But you're selling cars as fast
as you're getting them in.

You only have 12 cars
on the lot right now, Jay.

But our current profits aren't gonna cover
the $39,123.50

that I owe previous customers.

- Think we need to do it in steps.
-How much did you say?

1 figured I've made $39,000 more than
I should have over the past 2 years.

No, no, no.
What was the exact amount you said?


-No way.
-I don't think it's a coincidence, Jay.

And this is after all
our bills and salaries?

Yep. And I checked it twice.

-No way.
-What do you need?

A big neon sign above your head that reads
"This is a sign from God"?

So I'm supposed to give 100%
of our profit away

while admitting that I'm a skunk?

Jay, if God keeps blessing you,

that money will be replaced
in a matter of days.

What if we stop selling cars like this?

Jay Austin, you gave this lot to God.

And he's gonna run it the right way.

And it looks like it means repaying
all the people you ripped off.

I can't believe what I'm about to do.

-Yes, may I help you?
-Ms. Wright?


Um, I'm Jay Austin.
I sold a car to you about a year ago.

-Yes, I remember.

Well, I overcharged you for that car.


And I came to give you
a portion of that back.

And I wanted to say
I'm sorry for doing that

and to ask you to forgive me.

This is $1,500.

Right. I believe that's what
I would have owed you

had I been honest about the sale.

I'm sorry about that.

This is an answer to my prayer.
1I g got laid off my job today.

Thank you so much.

[sobbing] Thank you so much.
Thank you, God.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome. Thank you.

[screaming] Oh, I won $1,000!
I won $1,000!

No, it's--

I've never won anything before.

-I won $1,000!
-It's not a contest.

I won $1,000!

-You're giving me $1,000?
-I am.

Why? I agreed to buy it at that price.

Right, but the information I gave you
on the truck wasn't entirely accurate.

You bought the truck
on what you thought it was worth.

I apologize for that.

But it don't make sense that
you just give $1,000 back.

Why would you do that?

I guess the best way to explain it is that
I want my life to be pleasing to the Lord.

So you're just giving us $1,000 back,
no strings attached?

-Well, if you'll take it.
-Oh, we'll take it.

That ain't your money. I bought the truck.

You better take it.
The man's trying to give it to us.

Listen, you watch your mouth.
This is business.

This ain't business.
He's trying to give us free money.

He's giving me free money.
You go finish the bean dip.

If you don't share,
you're gonna be making your own bean dip.

1 could buy $1,000 worth of bean dip.

Well, I probably need to go ahead and go.

Man, I appreciate it.

And I'm sorry for calling you
a scum-sucking maggot

when I bought my truck.

I don't remember that.

Well I'm sorry anyway.

Well, I appreciate that.

-You guys have a great night.
-Yeah. You do the same, Jay.

Judy. You would not believe
how easy this has been.


People have been blown away
when I come to see them.

It's been incredible. One girl--

One girl thinks she still won a contest.

I thought I'd have to eat crow,
but this is cake.

Huh? I'm not being prideful.

I'm not being prideful.

You what? You cheated me?

I mean,
I just wasn't very honest about it.

So you think you can waltz
right in with a $1,200 check

and expect me to accept what you've done?

-Well, I'm sorry for what I did.
-You better be sorry.

Do you know how hard it is
to make it in this world today?

-The last thing we need

is a dishonest person
taking advantage of old ladies.

-Ma'am, all--
-Don't you interrupt me.

I've been working 40 long years
for every penny I got.

That's right.

Then a scam artist like you
tries to take it away.

-Tell him.
-You better give me an apology.

-Well, that's why I--
-Don't you talk back to me.

I'm tired of the lies, the deceit,
the confections and everything else.

-The confections?
-Don't you sass me.

You keep your mouth shut
till 1 tell you to open it.


-Now say you're sorry.
-I'm sorry.

Now go get out of here
and go get right with God

before I get you right with him.


Oh, sweet Jesus, $1,200.

[laughs] So she threw you out?

[Sam laughs]

So you're getting kind of cocky,
aren't you, Jay?

[door opens]

Hi there. How are you?

-Hi, Mr. Austin?

-Hi. Hillary Vale, WALB News.
-I've seen you on TV a few times.

Yes, well, we caught
your story on the national news

and we're wondering if you'd give us
an interview as well.

Sure. I don't know what I can say
that hasn't been said.

You just leave that to us.

What we would like to do is a live remote
from here tomorrow

for our 5:00 newscast.

-Okay, that'd be fine.
-All right.

Well, we'll send the crew over
around 4:00 to set up.

- Look forward to talking to you.
-Thank you.

-Thank you.
-All right.

Well, who needs to advertise
when you got all this free publicity?

So we'll stay on the two-sh*t
until we cut to the video.

Mr. Austin, we need to get
a sound check on you.

Could you count to five for us, please?

-One, two, three, four, five.
-Are we good? All right.

So are you ready to do this?

-I guess so.

You're on in five, four...

Ben, we are live
at Jay Austin Motors in Albany

where things have been very busy
ever since that story broke

on national news
about their honesty policy.

Joining us now is the owner, Jay Austin,

So, Mr. Austin, have things
really been that different

since this all happened?

That'd be an understatement.

One day we're just trying to survive

and the next day,
they're lined up to buy cars.

Now, I know about the power of the press

but it would seem like you already had
a good customer base.

Have you changed the way
you've been doing business at all?

Well, um...

[Hillary] Well, you've been in business
for over two years now?

[Jay] Right.

And you've always run
your business honestly?

-What is she doing?
-[Jay] Uh...

Well, Mr. Austin, we had the opportunity

to speak with a gentleman who claims
that he worked with you

during your first two years.

And his view of the operation
is quite different.

Let's take a look.

Honest dealer?

That's not how I'd describe Jay Austin.

I've seen him rip off tons of people.


Teenagers, young couples,

old ladies, even a minister.

He even tried to teach us
how to rip people off.

And that's why [ left.
Because of his lack of integrity.

What? You shake!

Mr. Austin, did this man,
in fact, work for you?

Yes, he did.

And is he telling the truth?

Did you, in fact, teach him
how to cheat your customers?

I'm ashamed to say this, but, yes, I did.

So you're admitting
that you were dishonest in your sales?

I admit! used to be dishonest,

but I have had
a dramatic change in my life.

Yes, sir. But why should
the public believe you now?

I'm not sure how to answer that question.

Well, Ben, last week Jay Austin
was being praised for his honesty,

but now a former employee says
that isn't the whole story.

I guess our viewers will just have
to decide for themselves.

This is Hillary Vale reporting live
from Jay Austin Motors in Albany.

Back to you, Ben.

[man] We're clear.

I'm sorry if I caught you off guard,
Mr. Austin,

but it is my job to report all the facts.

I understand,
but that is not who I am now.


All right, let's pack up and go.
We gotta get back to the studio.

Thank you.

Todd, let's pray for Daddy.

Lord, I'm angry.

I know I deserve this.

Would you help me, please?
I cannot defend myself.

Yes, we'll be there in 30 minutes.
Yep, not a problem.

I'll have it packaged for the 11:00.
Okay, what's the address?

All right, we'll be there. Yes. Thanks.

Excuse me, Miss Vale?

I saw your report,
and I know you're just doing your job,

but you need to know
that ain't the whole story.

What do you mean?

Jay Austin came to my house
and apologized for the way he misled me.

And paid me back $1,200.

-He what?
-He did the same for us.

He gave us $1,000 back.

-You've got to be kidding.
-No, ma'am.

This story ain't over
until you report that.

What are you doing in here, bud?

Complaining to God.

Well, while you're in here yapping,
he's out here working.

No, no, no. You stay right here.
You let the Lord fight for you.


I'm Ben Roberts.

Our top story tonight is a follow-up to
a story we told you about at 5:30.

There's another side to the story
about used-car dealer Jay Austin.

We go live now to Hillary Vale
with the details.

Thanks, Ben, After our report
on Jay Austin just a half-hour ago

these customers showed up at the lot
with yet another side of the story.

Miss Harris, you say that Jay Austin

came to your house
and returned money to you?

That's right, He said he overcharged me
and he gave me back $1,200.

He apologized,
and for that, I commend him,

Lord, thank you.

Reverend Michaels, you say
he returned money to you as well?

He gave me back $2,000 and apologized too.

-And what about you, Miss Carter?
-He gave me $1500 back.

-I'm so grateful for that.
-Thank you. Thank you, Lord.

-He gave us back $1,000.

Thank you, Lord.

He said he wanted his life
to be pleasing to the Lord.

And I believe him.

What you need to be doing is talking
to that two-faced Bernie Meyers joker

that used to work here,
the one going around accusing him.

Jay met us on the lot that day,
but Bernie sold us that truck,

That's right! Yes!

Now, I have rebuked you.

I have defended you.

Now it's time for you to stand up
and be a godly man worth defending.

Do you understand me?

Yes, ma"am, I do.

All right, then.

May God bless you.

Oh, yes, Lord. Yes.

Oh, yes, Lord.

Oh, no. Oh, no.

-What is it, Mama?
-Todd, get me the phone.

Oh, no.

[cell phone ringing]



Where are you?

No, I'm on my way.

Judy's in labor.

Get out of here. I'll take care of this.

Well, Ben, we've had quite
a turn of events here today.

According to these customers behind me

Jay Austin is a changed man.

And to top it all off,
his wife just called.

She's in labor
and they are now on their way

to have their baby at the hospital.

I'm Hillary Vale, reporting live
from Jay Austin Motors in Albany.

Back to you, Ben.


How you doing, Faith?


You look just like your mother.

You know why we called you Faith?

That's what Daddy was learning
when you were being born.

Hey, if you're gonna go get Todd,
you better leave now.

Shouldn't you be sleeping?

No I'm fine. You need to go.
Hey, sweet girl.



Hey, sweetheart. Hey.

Thank you for watching her
so I could rest.

Well, I loved it.

Did you have fun with your daddy?

Did you have fun
with your daddy, sweet girl?


Now, you know
we're gonna be gone until tonight.

Mom's coming over.
Faith and I'll be just fine, Jay.

This will make Todd's day. You need to go.




Say, "Bye-bye, Daddy."

Go to the left...

[boy] You know me.

You know when I sit and when I rise.

You perceive my thoughts from afar.

You discern my going out
and my lying down.

You are familiar with all my ways.

But before a word is on my tongue

you know it completely, O Lord.

"She's also bulletproof.

I'd be able to help the police
fight criminals and robbers.

The only thing she can't do is fly,
but that's okay.

She's still my favorite hero.

That's why I would like to be like her."

Thank you, Rachel. You may be seated.

Okay, who's next?

Todd Austin, you're up.

"Well, I have many favorite superheroes
that I would like to be.

But since they're not real

I thought about somebody I could be like.

My real-life hero is my dad.

He's not perfect
and sometimes he makes mistakes

but he says he's sorry.

He is spending more time with me

and sometimes takes me
to work with him on Saturdays

just so we can talk.

He's pretty smart too.

He knows a lot about cars

and he even has one
that looks like a superhero car.

He prays with our family now
and even helps my mom.

I like spending time with him.

Even though he doesn't have
special powers or anything

he is still my favorite hero,
so that's who I want to be like."

Very good, Todd. Thank you.

You may sit down.

Okay, next we'll have Joshua

then Anna, then Catherine,

and if time permits, we'll end with Caleb.

You can get me out of school like this?

Well, I got permission.

-From my teacher?
-No, from your principal.

You went all the way to the top?

Well, if your principal's
the top, then, yes.

All right. Do we get to ride in this car?

Sure do.


Here you go.

-My hat.
-Oh, yeah.

You ready?

Is it the flywheel?

No, we got that fixed.

"Everything You Are"
by Mark Willard playing

♪ Ba-da, ba-da, ba ♪

♪ Ba-da, ba-da, ba ♪

♪ Everything I once believed ♪

♪ Everything my mind conceived ♪

♪ Seem to change before my very eyes ♪

♪ When your love came and rescued me ♪

♪ From my pit of apathy ♪

♪ To the solid rock of Jesus Christ ♪

♪ You are my strength when I am weak ♪

♪ You are my voice when I cannot speak ♪

♪ Your love has opened up my eyes ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ You are the evidence of grace ♪

♪ You put this joy upon my face ♪

♪ Your spirit lives inside my heart ♪

♪ I'm surrounded by everything you are ♪

[song continues]