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Left Behind: The Movie (2000)

Posted: 01/26/24 10:42
by bunniefuu
How do you describe both a beginning and an end?

We should have known better.

But we didn't.

What does it matter what we think we know?

In the end, there's no denying the truth.

Jerusalem, 6:00 PM

Iraq, 6:03 PM

Syrian - Israeli border, 6:03 PM

Mediterranean Sea, 6:04 PM

And as the world faces the most serious
food shortage in history

Perhaps there is a ray of hope.

I'm Buck Williams and I'm standing in a wheat field

in the middle of the Israeli desert.

Doctor Rosenzweig...

It looks like Iowa!

We've truly been blessed with a miracle.

One that you have created.

Now the biggest question remains:

Who do you trust?

Every nation, every corporation wants your formula...

especially in the light of the recent crop failures.

No, no, no. Eden is not for sale.

Not for money.

All I want is

peace for Israel, a peace that...

It looks like the Israeli Air Force never sleeps...

Those are not our planes!

Not from that direction.

Let's take cover!

Mr. Williams, please, this way!

I want all four commanders to notify the front line.

Put the main squadron into a full state of alert.

This is it.

What's going on?
-It's a full-scale air att*ck.

No warning.

By who?

Could be anyone.

No one has more enemies who want to
see her destroyed than Israel.

I don't care if the electronics are jammed;
get those planes up!

We cannot get our planes up!

It's treachery!

With our technical problems,

they're over Jerusalem!

The Eden Project could've feed the whole world,

but now, it is merely going to die with us.

Enemy planes are taking direct hits?
I don't understand.

We haven't launched any missiles.

Those planes are coming down and we
haven't fired a sh*t.

It's not possible!

They're jamming our monitors, it's a cruel trick.

Only one way to find out.

No, Buck!

This is Buck Williams, reporting live from Israel.

I am standing in the middle of an all-out att*ck.

The sun is gone, thousands of planes are
soaring overhead.

Fire is raining from the sky.

This is just unbelievable!

This has got to be the biggest surprise att*ck
since Pearl Harbor.

Get out of there, Buck!

I've been informed by top-ranking m*llitary officials
that Israel has not been able to launch even a
single plane in defence.

He would have filmed Hiroshima from ground zero,
if he would've been there.

Yeah, that's our Buck!

As I stand here, fighter planes are exploding
in mid-air.

They're crashing and falling to the ground
without any explanation.

And while no one seems to be able to give me any reason
for why this is happening, I can tell you this:

This all-out, unprecedented attempt to destroy Israel
appears to be failing.

w*r will continue until the end.

Desolations have been decreeted.

He will confirm a covenant with many... for 7 years.

"Corespondents from the Israeli army deny any connection
to the destruction of the planes"

"..however, inside sources reveal"

Hey, turn that up!
-Mum said to turn it down.

Do you always do as you're told?
- Hey, you should try it sometimes.

Give me that!

"...for the most reliable and up-to-date information"

"I am Buck Williams."

Mum, can you find my art book?

Sure, if you'll help me clean up a little and put up some of these streamers.

No thanks. I am never having kids.

Lucky them.

Nice touch with the nose-ring, Chloe.

Why not just shave your head and get it over with?


I thought your flight didn't leave until midnight?

Well, they just called. They want me on the New York - London.

What about Raymie's birthday party?

He's all right. Rayme wants that knight's helmet I promised from Buckingham Palace, right pal?

Right, or a sword...

or one of those long pointy sticks that they put
heads on.

Don't push it! Where does he come up
with this stuff?

Sunday school!

You have to go now?
-For me to get that helmet, yeah I do.

I'll be back in 3 days, all right?

-all right.

See, I told you there's nothing wrong...
-Ray, we've talked about this..

- You knew...
- Look, I don't have any control...

Yes you can say no...


Yeah, comming!

- Hey, reverend!
- Hey, Ray, what's going on?

- Come on in, Bruce!
- Bruce, how's it going?

What's that, birthday boy?

- Bruce, where is Jenna.
- Baby's sick.

- Don't throw the ball in the house!
- Hey, see you, Raymie!

Well, I haven't seen you in a while.

People still have to fly, even on Sundays. Excuse me.

- Ray!
- Hey, what did I say?


- I'll see you in a couple of days.
- OK.

- I love you.
- Yeah, me too.


Dad, where are you going?

You heard me tell your mother, I have to go to London,
I have to work.

What about Raymie?

I can see that your bags are all packed, ready to go.

You know I have exams, I have to go.

And I have a flight. It's called a job.
Welcome to the real world!

Your mother has all those people coming over
and I just can't listen to it...

They're not my type of people either,
but maybe we could show her some support?

But what about her respecting what
the rest of us think, huh?

She's on me too, but I listen. You know,
sometimes I even pretend to take an interest.

- It's not like she's hurting anybody!
- I wouldn't say that.

You know, maybe you should try talking to
her instead of running away all the time.

Good luck on your exams, sweetheart!

Have a safe flight, dad.

GNN Studios, New York

Mr. Williams, good to see you back.


"Dirk Burton. I know who's behind those planes
falling out of the sky!"

- Dirk, what are you talking about?
- Not on an open line.

"Meet me at the usual spot."

The world is in danger, Buck. All of us.

Dirk, just calm down. Knock it down a couple thousand RPMs.
What's the matter?

It's Cothran. I got the file. He thought it was locked,
but I got it, I got in.

What do you know about Rosenzweig?

Dirk, what are you talking about?

Don't you see? Chaim Rosenzweig. The formula.

And it's so clear.

The att*ck. The bombers exploding, the flights exploding.

See, see, it's all fitting together now.

I see it, cause they've been behind this
whole thing from the beginning.

The research, the trust funds, and there's the currency.

That's the next step.

You see, the dollars, the pounds, the euro, the yemen,
they're going to make it all into one.

One, Buck.

Don't you see? It's always about the money, isn't it?

What do you know about Rosenzweig.
He must've said something. Come on!
Think! Think!

When is the last time you slept?

I'll get all the sleep I need when I'm dead.


Come on, Buck, Rosenzweig!

He's a scientist. He's an UN delegate. He's my friend.

Chaim is a good guy.

While he might have all the world's best intentions in mind..

But not the guys behind him. Not them for sure!


Cothran and Stonagal.

Those guys are bankers. What do they have to do
with those planes in Israel?

Ten tracks of land. The whole thing.

But it's gonna go further. Oh, yeah.
They're not finished.

What's next, huh? What's next?

Who knows? It's gonna be unimaginable. Here...

Look at this. Stonagal's plan for the world.

Come on, Dirk. This is an old college essay.

And this...

What's that?

Everything from Cothran's computer,
and all the stuff I've been working on.

No, no. I can't give it to you.
I can't risk you being caught with it.

Caught by who?

The NSA, the CIA, the Mossad...

I mean who knows how further this goes..
Dirk, Dirk!

You're a nut and I love you. I always have
and I always will. But come on, man!

If you think you got something, then
give it to me, all right?

Or give it to Alan. We will help you put this thing...

I need more time.

Don't worry, Buck. When I get all the pieces in place,

You'll blow Cothran and Stonagal out of the water.
- Dirk...

Promise me you'll do it!

Listen. You bring me a story...

and you know I'll drive it down to the bone.

Get some sleep. Seriously.

Can I get you to sign this, Mr. Williams?

Must've been a nightmare over there, huh?

Had to get the story.


What's he saying?

I don't know. It sounds like hebrew.

No. I was there. I heard him. It was english.

Amazing you could hear anything with those
explosions going off everywhere.

"What used to be a Third World problem.."

" now knocking at the door.."

"..of even the most prosperous nations."

"How can we find peace when people are starving?"

Father Theresa!

If we all listened to Carpathia, we'd be one
big happy family.

Scary would be relating.

Speaking of families this just came over the wire.

Europe has just standardized their currency with Korea.
Bizarre, huh?

One step closer to a global currency.

Come on, darling, I need you.

Ivy, see if you can get Dirk Burton
on the phone for me?

Why? Are we doing another story about Area 51?

World peace.

It's been a dream ever since Cain
looked sideways at Cabel.

And thanks to your efforts, it can become
a reality for all of us.

It has only been possible with your support,
Mr. Stonagal.

Ah yes, but you have natural presence, Nikolai.

And you give us every confidence in your
ability to lead the UN.

Thank you, sir.

Your generosity is overwhelming.

It's called money. It gives us that luxury.

Your main concern, the one thing you
have to worry about.. that one issue.

World peace.

Yes, of course.

In your opinion,

Will Dr. Rosenzweig accept our proposal?

It is an enormous decision for him.

He is very close.

Maybe this will help convince him?

This is incredible.

How did you?..

Mr. Stonagal, I'm not sure I have the authority to..

My friend, if you want events to mirror your desires..

.. You create your own policy.

Based on your past successes,
I'm sure you're right.

And Rosenzweig should know who he can trust.

So should you, Nikolai.

You know, I can see myself at your age,

and I can see your deep concern for
the global conscience.

If I could accomplish even half of what
you and Mr. Cothran..

You will! You will outdistance us.
We will see to that.

I have a plane waiting for you.

Bring us back that olive branch. Good luck!

I don't like it, John.

Don't worry.

People see him as a hero.

And we need a hero to move our plans along.

And who will deliver the Arabs? Their children
cried for hunger, and still they chose w*r.

But I've rearranged some shipments.

When their children die of hunger,
the Arabs will cry for peace.

It's all coming together perfectly.

Assuming of course, that you've taken care
of your security problems.

Dirk Burton.

Used to be an Info-Tactic advisor for the Pentagon
before he joined my Manhattan office.

Regretably, he's found it hard to get off
his meddling ways.

Well I'll have to say that Mr. Burton

will have to sacrifice his pension

and his health benefits.

Check the yaw damper?


Let's use 287.

Leaders praised J. Stonagal for his
humanitarian efforts.

Cothran fights Third World hunger.

Oh, you're cute.

I'll get a pillow for him.

There you go.

Somebody's getting sleepy!

You, would you like a pillow? How's that?

You wake my passengers and you'll be
serving them coffee.


I know I've been a little anti-social this flight.

So, how's my favorite flight-attendant?

It's OK, Buck. I can always tell when
you're working on a big story.

You kinda get this look.

Thank you again for making those phonecalls.

- I got the job.
- You did?

That's great. Congratulations!

It's gonna be a big change.
You're gonna knock 'em dead.

I can't wait.

You know, the UN's no picnic, especially right now.

And this is?

I thought it was going to be a quiet night.

- Coffee, guys?
- Oh, absolutely!

- Black for me.
- Ray?

Yeah, same for me.

So, what's this I hear about you leaving us?

What are going to take some time off?
I'm taking the job at the UN.

- Tonight is my last flight.
- Why?

What did you just wanna change?
- I felt it was time to move on.

- What?
- Nothing.

So, when were you going to tell me about this?

One of us had to make a move.

And what is that supposed to mean?

It means I'm tired of waiting.

Tired of the looks and the flirting.

Waiting for you to give me a reason
why I should stay.

Ah, Hattie.


Where are you?


Is everything OK?

It's my husband. He's disappeared.

You know what? I bet he just slipped off
to the restroom while you were asleep.

Would you mind checking please?

OK, sure.

Take this.

I think he's gone off naked.

I'll be right back.


Have you seen the kids?

Come on, I'm sleepy.

Where are they?

Where..Where are my kids?

Help! I can't find my kids.

I can't find my kids.

What's going on here?

- Ray!
- Well, that was perfect timing..

Ray, people are missing. Dozens of seats, empty.

Hattie, it's a big airplane.
People are probably in the low.

I'm telling you. They are not here.

They're not anywhere.

Their shoes, their clothes, their glasses. It's crazy!
We've all been left behind. The people are gone.

I'll be right back.

I am not nuts, Ray!

Go look for yourself.

My babies!

Have her calmed down! Just please take a seat.

Sit down, we'll find them.

I'm not leaving next!
I'm not going next!

Hattie, try and get her a knee-cap.


I've got to get out of here.

I cannot leave this planet.

No,no,no, don't grab it!

I've gotta get out!

Nobody's gonna die.

Just take it easy. Take it easy..

OK? You're gonna be alright!

- What's going on, Captain?
- I don't know.

Just take it easy.

Hi Mum. It's me.

I just wanted to apologize for missing the party.

Oh, no!

Are you OK?

The driver. There's no driver...

There! There!

It's OK. You're in shock.

Right over there.

My baby!


What's happening? What's going on?

My baby! Did you see him?

He just vanished.

Please, please! Somebody help me!

My baby!

No! Anybody, please!

No! Please, somebody help me! Please!

Hey, that's my car!


He stole my car!

Sit down. Please, everyone!

Lorry, Lorry, come over please.

Folks, listen to me, please!

We are at 12 km.

Nobody just walked off this airplane.

If I can get you to take your seats, we can
solve the problems one at a time. Please.

Hattie, we've got to get these people
back in their seats.

Start emergency procedures!

I'm so scared, what happened?

Just do it! I need you to do it! Just do it!

Hattie, come over here!

- Hey, I'll help!
- Sit down!

Sit down and take your seats!

Come on, let these people do their job!

Passenger emergency oxygen masks.

Cabin pressure is fine.

I know that. Do it now!

- But Ray?..
- I said do it now!

Everybody return to your seats and
put on your oxygen masks!

Mayday, Mayday, this is Pan Com H907, Mayday!

Ray, what is going on?

"Concorde 2701."

"I assume you're missing passengers too?"

That's affirmative, Concorde. What is going on?

"I don't know, but it's everywhere."

Say again.

"We lost air-traffic controllers."

"Missing flight-crews."

"Flights are down all over."

We're turning back!

"Attention please! All flight have been
canceled until further notice!"

"Your attention please!"

"The federal government has declared
a national state of emergency."

"Please remain calm and stand by
for further instructions."

Come on, Dirk! Come on.

"Circuits are busy.
Please try again later."

"Your attention please!"

"The federal government has declared
a national state of emergency."

"Black or white, rich and pour, both here and abroad,

"The death of the president adds to the
list of world leaders dead or missing."

"Nikolai Carpathia:"

"The phenomenon unfortunately appears
to be worldwide."

"While nations deal with the chaos
within their borders..."

"..The UN has taken a leadership role
in stabilizing the world"

"At this time.."

".. we do not know how many have disappeared."

"But what we do know.."

"Is that peace is imperative!"

"We must help our neighbours."

"Forget our differences."

"And we must do it now!"

Where are you going?

They're telling me that if I go now
I might be able to get out.

Stay with me, please, I'm so scared.

I can't Hattie. I have to go home.

Please, Ray!

I'm sorry.

Ray! Come on.

I ju.. I'm really very sorry.

"Hi. Ivy Gold. Leave a message"

Ivy, it's me. Hey listen. I know the world
is going nuts, but if you're there, I need your help.

I need you to find Dirk Burton!

I've got to talk to him. I think
he may be on to something.

- Good luck!
- Take care.


I've got to get to New-York. It's an emergency.

Afraid everybody's got an emergency right now.

But you don't understand.

Look! If I can get to New-York I
can find some answers.

No. You don't understand how lucky
we were to get to O'Hara.

All the other airports are shut down.

Come on. There's got to be some way.

Listen. I wouldn't have asked you if
it wasn't so important.

All I care about right now is
getting home to my family.

Will you excuse me, please?

Come on. Think! You've got to know
someone who can help me get me out.

Alright. I guess I do owe you
for saving my neck on the plane.

There's someone I know who's got a charter.
Come on!

Irene? Honey?



Hi Mum. It's me..

I just wanted to apologize for missing the party.
I just have to..


Raymie! Son?

In the beginning

It's a little late for that.

Come on, Dirk, come on!

Please stay in your homes!

Is anyone there?

Security violators will be sh*t on sight!

Here's another one!

Excuse me, I need to get to the air...

Get back! Get back inside!

Now!. "We are all under martial-law"

"All citizens are to remain in their homes."

"The curfew is in effect until 6:00 AM."

Good luck, Miss.

Mum! Raymie?

Mum! Raymie!



As we deal with our own crisis,

We are very grateful that the UN is doing all
that they can to ind out who or what

is responsible for this horrible act of evil.

How does this affect our food
redistribution network?

Strangely enough all of our operatives
are still in place.


The whole world turned upside down!


Convenient, isn't it?


Never wait for opportunity to knock,

yank open the door, and drag it kicking
and screaming inside.

Hold it right there! Don't move!

Buck Williams! What are you doing in my house?

Hoping you're not going to hit me with that vase?

What's happening?

My mother and brother...

You must be Chloe.

I'm sorry I scared you.

My mum and Raymie,

I'm so scared for them.

I know.

I don't know of they're dead or lost.

It's like a nightmare.

How's your dad?

He's passed out from exhaustion upstairs.

- Hey, it's OK.
- No, it's not OK!

No, it's not...

Listen. I've got to get to New York
if I'm going to find some answers.

Now your dad told me about a man...


Ken Ritz. He's a private pilot.

Can you tell me how to find him?

- I'll take you there.
- No!

I can't let you go outside.

- It's madness out there!
- I'll go mad if I just sit here and do nothing.

Let's go.

One thing. If you find anything,
you let me know.

I promise.

You want to sweeten the palm a bit, don't you.

I have 2000 dollars to San Francisco from the man
in the blue shirt.

3000 dollar till Denver!

Sorry folks, cash only.

Now carry in mind that all commercial airports are shut
down tight until further notice.

4000 till Duboning. I've got diamonds.

25 000 for 48 hours.

25 000 large, huh?

Do I hear 30, anybody? Huh?




Hey Chloe, how are you?

00:46:36,930 --> 00:46:38,550
So, can you vouch for this guy?

Well take a closer look, Kenny. He's Mr. GNN himself.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. The guy who does the news update
during football games, right?

- Hi.
- Nice hair.

Well OK mister, you've bought yourself a pilot.
I'll see you in the office.

Come on, folks!

Don't forget your promise!

As soon as I find something.

- Thanks for the ride.
- You're welcome.

I hope you find some answers.

I hope you find your family.

Aliens, that's what I think.

I'm not talking little green men, this is

You know, Area 51 stuff


Like Star Trek?

Come on. My theory's not wackier than some other
stuff floating around out there.

Alternate dimensions.

t*rror1st kidnappings.

Nostradamus prophecies.. Come on!

Guy on the radio quoted a verse from the Bible.

You know that story with the 2 men
standing in the field?

One gets taken, and the other
one's just left standing there?

Two women standing in the kitchen.

One gets taken, the other one's
left doing the dishes.

What do all the missing people have in common?

Hell, all the kids are gone;
take the Peter Pan story..

..but who's to blame the adults?

So maybe something made all the children and adults,
selected adults, a target?

- Wouldn't they be easier to snatch?
- Could be blood-type.

Brainwaves, DNA, who knows.

This is insane. People don't just disappear.

The real question is are they gone for good or
will they be sent back.

Or worse: will more of us disappear?
I mean, how do you hide from something like this?

Maybe the common factor isn't in those who were taken.

Maybe it's in those who were left behind.

Hey, news-guy!

I have been going out of my mind driving all-over
and looking for you! Why did you go?

I couldn't just sit there.

What if they were hiding somewhere?

- I'm sorry.
- I checked the hospital and the police.

I'm so scared.

- I only wish you tried the church.
- Yeah.

Don't start!

Well if your mom was right, nobody will be
there anyway, right?

Don't make fun of her, not right now!

I'm not making fun of her. But think about.

Where did she spend most of her time?
Where was she the happiest?

She was happiest when you were home.

Chloe, the things your mom believed in, the things
she talked about, what if they were true?

I'm going home.

Someone should be there when they come back.

"I want to be a pilot like my dad."




Alan Thompkins?
What did he send you?

Oh, Lord!

Oh, God.

What a fraud I am!

And everybody bought it.

Except You!

I knew Your message, I knew Your words!

I stood right here...

I preached it..

and I was good!

But they're gone!

They're gone and..

Oh, the knowing and believing are 2 different things.

I'm living a lie.

I'm living a lie, right?

Oh, God!

I am kneeling before You..

Right now, asking You..

God, forgive me of my sins.

I am asking You..

Give me one more chance..

To receive You in.

Forgive me, God!

Use me Lord! Please, just use me!

He already has.

He already has.

Alan, are you still there? It's me.

I need to know what Dirk Burton sent you.

Call me as soon as you can.

Hello! I'm pastor Vernon Billings of the New Hope
Village Church.

If you are watching this tape you are no doubt confused.

Let me encourage you. Your loved ones, your children,
your friends, your acquaintances,

have not been snatched away by some evil force
or by some invasion from outer space.

- I thought you disappeared!
- I'm trying not to!

Come on!

What's going on?

Someone tried to k*ll me!

Was that before or after breakfast?

I've got a lead on the vanishings.

It's shaky, it's insane,
it's all I've got.

Let's see what Dirk d*ed for.

What the heck?
How did Dirk get that?

What's up with this?

These letters. D A N 7

It's some kind of code.

What is that?

I don't know, but lets find out.

UN, New York.

It's a miracle!

It all matches perfectly.

Never in my life time..

I'll never forget you for this.

Israel will never forget you.

Thousands of years we've waited.

Generation after generation.

And you have made it possible!

Yes, my friend.

Now we are ready.

What? What? What's the matter?

It cannot be.

We are surrounded by our enemies..

there've been all these disappearances, so much turmoil..

Your enemies will lay down their weapons..

when they have your formula. Our formula.

We can do this, Chaim!

You and I!

We can achieve the impossible.

No question. It's a diagram of Solomon's Temple.

It's stand of a holy site in the jewish faith.

Jews have been trying to rebuild this temple ever since
the Romans destroyed it 2000 years ago.

One of the holiest sites in the Muslim faith.

The dome of the rock.

Apparently both the Jews and the Arabs feel that this
particular hunk of rock is pretty sacred.

It would cause a w*r if the Jews tried to buldoze it.

OK ladies, here's what we need..

Some sort of connection between the temple..

the tracks of land,

and the destroyed planes.

I don't know what it is, but somehow all this stuff ties
together with Stonagal and Cochran.

International bankers.

Always the same.

Follow the money, honey!


Sweetheart, I need to talk to you.

I know where mum and Raymie are.

Where? Where are they?

They're in heaven with God.

Honey! Please!

Remember when mum started to go to church
when grandma d*ed?

- Yes?
- Remember what you said then?

Aren't you doing the same thing?

Aren't you just using God as a crutch?

Listen..I know what I said

and I know this is hard to take
especially coming from me,

and I don't blame you and I don't want you
to take my word for it.

Pastor Billings left a tape.

Chloe, I want you to take a look at that tape.
It explains everything.

Do you remember when you told me you listened
to your mother and pretended to be interested?

All I ask is that you do the same for me.

Just think about it.

We have confirmed that the disappearances have been caused by
accumulated radiation from decades of nuclear testing.

We have destroyed our own children.

With our lust for v*olence and warfare.

And it has to stop now!

I am proposing..

the complete and total disarmament and destruction

of all nuclear weapons by nations with
nuclear capability.

At least somebody out there is making sense!

I am working closely with my dear friend..

...dr. Chaim Rosenzweig.

He has agreed to give his full support..

for UN peace initiative..

and a project to see..

that every human mouth on Earth is being fed.

- That's a good man!
- Thank you. Thank you very much.

Thank you.


- Hattie!
- Hey!

I wanted to check on you before I leave.

How's your family?

I still have my daughter Chloe,
but my wife and son..

I am so sorry.

- Are you going somewhere?
- I'm going to the UN.

The only place that offers any hope.

Unless I have a reason to stay?

- Hattie, I have made...
- Don't...please don't this do yourself.

We all make mistakes..

But it's not too late to start over.

Clean fresh.

Yeah, I know what you've been through would crush anyone.

- I can understand that.
- No, you don't.

I'm a different person now.

I should've listened to Irene. She tried to tell me,
but I wouldn't listen.

She was right! If I'd have listened,
I'd have known it.

Everything I need in my life,
everything I need to fulfill my life..

Is right here!

It's right here with my family.

- Do you understand?
- What?

- All this time?
- That's why I need...

- I need you to forgive me, I need to ask for..
- What are you talking about?

- I was wrong.
- Ray, tell me, that what we feel is wrong?

It's not about us.

It's not. It's about something bigger and
something better.

I really thought you were stronger than that.

Hattie, please! Hattie!

Wait, Hattie!

It's that why you never had time for us?

No, it's not that at all.

Then why don't you tell me what it is!


I'm not sure if I know..

My carrier, maybe my mortgage..

Sometimes you get so wrapped up in life that you..

Well, one day you wake up and you realise you've missed it.

You've missed out all the important things in life.

Love is what we had, Chloe!

Your mother loved me and you more than
we ever realized.

I hated the church stuff and the people that would come
over..I resented her for that..

Not because I didn't understand it, but
because I didn't want her to need..

anything more than she needed me.

Mom had the answers..

All she wanted to do was
share them with us.

She was willing to suffer through the
jokes and the patronizing..

and the coldness from me..

just to help us.

If I could go back before all of this happened,
if I could just..

If I could take the clock and turn it back
a few minutes a day, I would!

Are you telling me that they're dead? That they're
not coming back? - They're not coming back, baby.

Listen, your mother left us with the truth.

That there's something more, that
there's a greater love.

She found that.

And if she were here right now,
that's what she'd be telling you.

Are you sure this isn't just you feeling guilty
because of your friend?

It's not about guilt. I won't live without faith
anymore. I won't..

Why? Because God will send you to hell?

Nice God!

You get hell on Earth, and then
you get hell after.

Listen to me, sweetheart, it's
not about hell either.

We were given a gift, Chloe, and we
blew it. It's not his fault!

The ones that were believers are being spared
from what's coming next.

What's coming?

It's gonna get a lot worse.

What could be worse than this?

Hey, Buck, we got something here!

- What? - The 10 tracks of land,
they all tie back to the UN.

It's part of the disarmament and peace initiative.

Pretty cool, huh?

So, they belong to the UN?

All right, that's why you guys get
the big bucks.

- Now, what's that got to do with Stonagal?
- There's more.

There's an archaelogical foundation in Israel.

All under-written by Stonagal's corporation.

Your buddies, Stonagal and Cothran.

Why is it these guys keep
coming up as good guys?

Maybe they are.

- Hello!
- Hey, Buck!

- Alan, where are you?
- I'm in Chicago.

- I'm going to the airport.
- Chicago?

No, stay right there.
I'm on my way.

- All right.
- I'll call you from the plane.

Because God loves you as much as I do

Happy birthday,
Love, Mom

Here's some money. Fill her up.

That's good.

- Good to see you.
- How are you, man?

OK, considering the circumstances.

So, got any theories?

Officially, it's radiation.

Unofficially, the agencies are running scared
from the top down.

Look, about this bussiness at Dirk's place, are
you sure you didn't get a look at the guy who sh*t you?

You gotta figure he was the guy
that k*lled Dirk.

Yeah. He was so careful, I thought he
would outlast both of us.

What has he got us into?

I was hoping you could tell me.

Look, this is all that I got from him.

So, is there anything here about the
air strikes in Israel?

No, it's financial stuff. Stonagal and Cothran
have been loaning billions.. the UN for years and they're getting
ready to call the loan.

To call the loans?

What are they gonna do, bankrupt
the UN?

It's insane, right? I mean,
what are they going to get?

Ten useless tracks of land.


Rosenzweig's formula! That's it!
The UN!

That means they've been using Carpathia as a puppet!

You mean it's all about money?

Come on, you have to go now.
You've had enough fun for one day.

That's what Dirk was so crazy about!

They're trying to control the world's food supply.

I've got to get to Chaim!

Hey, hey, that's not gonna happen,

Look, you let the agency handle it.
I'm going to get you to a safe house.

- Listen, Chaim will listen to me!
- No, Buck!

I do not want to lose you too.


- Shouldn't take us too long to get to where we
need to go.
- Good.

Can you spare a dollar for an old woman?
- Mam, mam..

- Give me a dollar, that's..
- OK, OK...

Come on, a dollar's not going
to break you.

OK, I've got some change.


I'm sorry to come here, but you're the only
ones they don't know!

Come in!

My friends are dead.

Get inside.

I've gotta get to the UN and warn Chaim.

They're trying to control the world's food..

We gotta get him some help!

We're setting an emergency center at the
New Hope Church. We'll take him there.

So you're researching the disappearence of
these people?

And you say you're interested in finding out what
really happened to them?

Take a look at this.
It might help.

You're watching this tape because millions
of people have disappeared.

Babies and children still inocent in God's eyes
have vanished.

There is much to fear, but not for
those who are missing.

Because they have placed their faith in Christ alone for
salvation, they have been taken to heaven by Jesus himself.

1st Thessalonians tells us that the Lord himself
shall descend from heaven with a shout.

With the voice of the archangel and with the Tr*mp of
God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.

Then we who are live and remaining will be caught together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.

And so shall we ever be with the Lord!

What's this? Some guy thinks the Bible has
some explanation for the vanishings?

This doesn't sound convincing to you?

Oh, come on, those scriptures are so vague,
they could mean anything.

There's something else I should tell you.

Pastor Billings vanished with the rest of them.

I helped him make this tape 3 years ago.

3 years ago?

That's impossible!
How could he have known?

It's all in here. Including that!

- Ezekiel 38.
- Those codes!

- They're Bible verses.
- 38th chapter, Ezekiel.

God promised to help Israel from total
annihilation by her enemies from the north.


It's all in there.
Exactly as you witnessed it.

What about this one? These 10 tracks of land
are about to belong to Jonathan Stonagal.

- What does your Bible say about that?
- It's Daniel 7.

The rapture. The vanishings.

This marks the beginning of the rise
of the Antichrist.

He will control 10 kingdoms, which
in turn will control the world.

Yeah, but 10 tracks of useless real estate doesn't
seem like much of a kingdom for me.

Unless they have the Eden formula.


Stonagal has a plan that will unlock the world's
food supply.

And this?

2 Thessalonians 2.

And the Antichrist will sit in the Temple of God
and will declare to the whole world that he is God.

The Temple of God?

You're talking about Solomon's temple
in Jerusalem, aren't you?

- That's right.
- Whoever this Antichrist guy is...

He's gonna have a big w*r on his hands if
he tries to rebuild this temple any time soon.

Listen to what I'm saying to you. Make no
mistake about it. I's written in the Scriptures.

He will rebuild the temple.

I guarantee it.

But the arabs are not just gonna sit by and
watch them build this thing.

- They'll make peace with Israel.
- Peace? In the Middle East?

Daniel 9:27.

And he will confirm a covenant with many for
7 years.

Alright, listen, I admit, this
stuff is compelling.

Even scary. We can't just sit here.

Alright, nothing is gonna change if somebody
doesn't do something.

Buck, hold on! Wait!

Buck! Buck, where are you going?

No, I can't.

I've gotta get to the UN and
I've gotta warn Chaim.

Wait a minute, how are going to warn him?
You won't even know the truth!

The Bible says that if you don't put your
faith in God you will be deceived!

What? You think you being here is
an accident?

You know what I'm talking about.

You can feel Him.

You can feel God tugging at your heart.

Don't ignore Him, Buck!

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your
attention, please?

Ladies and gentlemen, it's official. Nikolai Carpathia
will be our new Secretary General.

We'll get you in the main auditorium in
a few minutes.

Mr. Carpathia will make a statement and then
we'll have a couple of minutes for questions.

Thank you very much.

Mr Williams! The Media room is this way!

No, I'm going to see Chaim Rosenzweig!

My orders are to make sure that
he's undisturbed.

I'll personally escort Mr. Williams.

I have my orders, Ms. Durham.

You are aware that I act on Mr.
Carpathia's behalf?

Of course. My apologies, Mr. Williams,
Ms. Durham..

I owe it all to you, Buck!

Nikolai is a huge fan of yours.

When they saw your letter of reference, I
was asked to join the staff.

He's a great man!

There's no question this is the right place to be..

for both of us.

Buck! I was hoping to see you here.

I can't think of anyone more perfect to tell
the story of this histori making announcement.

I'm here to keep you from making a horrible

Please, sit down.

OK, make sure the announcement goes worldwide,
full media saturation, repeated every 30 minutes!

Already in motion.

Do you see? Stonagal and Cothran have been
lying to you.

Eden is part of their plan.

But I'm turning over my formula to a consortium
of UN delegates.

- It's our only hope now.
- It doesn't matter.

Once they bankrupt the UN, Stonagal and
Cothran will own it all!

The land and the formula.

They will control the entire world's food supply.

We must tell Carpathia.

Can this be true?

They've used our dreams against us, Nikolai!

It seems so unthinkable.

Once the story hits, the whole world
will know the truth.

It's not that easy.

These men were my mentors.

And my friends.

Sir, they're murderers!

Buck, you have no reason to lie.

Ms. Durham!

E-mail this to Mr. Williams' office, tell them it's
me, top priority.

This information must be broadcasted

Thank you, Mr. Carpathia.

Do not worry. You're under my protection

Excuse me, what's that?

Ah, this is a dream come true for all of Israel.

Plans to rebuild our temple.

The temple? But, but, the Muslims,
they'll never allow this!

No, no. The true site of the original temple
has been found.

It will stand next to their Mosque.

Perfect harmony.

It's a wonderful moment, don't you think?

We will be set to break the ground.

In light of all this..

We move forward.

We announce the sharing of
food with the world.

And the building of this Jewish temple
as a symbol.

Not just for jews, but for every
man and woman.

For the whole humanity.

This marks the beginning of our 7
years of peace.

It can't be!

Now, despite your doubts, this is
going to be a great day, Buck!

The stage is set, gentlemen.

Let us change history.

Thank you for everything you've done.

Chaim, you want this built?

Yes of course. This is the reason for our
leaders to sign the peace treaty.

Do you have any idea what this means?

I thought I did.

Excuse me.

Are you alright?

Sweetheart, are you alright?

I just feel so helpless.
I wish he'd call or something.

Well he has to find the truth on his own.

I know. I just wish there was something
we could do.

We can ask God to help him find his way.

It's true.

All of it is true.


I'be never prayed before.

I don't know what to say.

I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me.

I just know I need You.

And I believe.

Just show me what to do.

Mr. Williams, there you are!

- Are you OK?
- Yes.


We were about to go into this meeting
before the big press conference,

and I need you there when I confront
Mr. Stonagal and Mr. Cothran.

You will see justice done here today!
Don't worry!

Carl, stay close to Mr. Williams.

Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for
the delay.

Please, be sitted.

Mr. Williams, please join us.

Mr. Carpathia, we agreed there would be no
media at this conference.

Mr. Williams will be joining our delegation as its
own media liaison.

These changes should have been discussed

With us.

Mr. William's journalistic credentials have always shown
him to be a man only interested in learning the truth.

That is what we are all interested in here, the
truth, won't you all agree?

We are about to turn this planet
into a paradise!

Unimaginable only a few short weeks ago.

Ten oasis regions.

Where each delegate is given complete control over
his respective area.

True global community.

A true world of peace.

This marks the beginning

of our 7 years of peace.

"of 7 years"

"This marks the beginning of the rise
of the Antichrist."

"He will control 10 kingdoms.."

"..which in turn will control the world."

"The Antichrist will sit in the Temple of God and
he will declare to the whole world that he is God."

Upon each of you I grant all the power
and authority..

..due to your new positions.

You are now kings and queens
in your own lands.

Bringing prosperity and plenty
to your people.

All in my name.

What are you saying, Nikolai?
We never agreed to this!

In the garden, there was a serpent
who tempted Eve.

Leading to man's banishment from paradise.

That serpent has stood between us and
paradise ever since.

What's this about, Carpathia?

It's about you 2.

Serpents in my garden. Using unity and
prosperity for your own gain.

Nikolai, you know, that's preposterous.

Do not lie to me!

So small! easily manipulated!

Tell me Jonathan, who is the
puppet here?

Look where I am, and look
where you are.

Do you have any idea, do you know
who you're dealing with?

Do you?

I welcome all of you to join this great team.

Do you accept my invitation?

We made you, Nikolai. You're
our creation!

I see!

Donald M. Otterness?

Yes sir, that's me.

Of New York, New Jersey?

Why, yes sir.

May I call you Don?

Don, give me your sidearm.

So begins an object lesson in


Have you lost your mind?
What are you doing?

- Nikolai!
- Sit down, Chaim.

Look, we all want the same thing, right?

I'm sure you're right.

Ms. Durham, could you please step back?

I wouldn't want that suit to be soiled.

On your knees, Johnathan!

No! No, I will do no such thing!

- Someone has to stop this!
- Buck!

We're all on the same team.

Are we not?

People will know that I fear no one.

That I fear nothing! That I will succeed
at anythingI set my mind to!

Without the slightest hesitation or opposition.

From this day forth, no one can
stand against me!

That's the kind of power you lusted
for, Jonathan!

Don't worry.
This will be completely painless.

After all, I am not a monster.

No, Nikolai, please!

I was so shocked when I saw Mr. Stonagal
thrust a guard and take his g*n

and m*rder his dear friend Mr. Cothran
in cold blood.

Then, to watch him turn the g*n
on himself,

it seemed inconceivable.

But Jonathan was a troubled man.

Played by guilt, fear.

And when he heard Mr. Williams was about to expose
him, he knew that it was over.

He knew that his hideous and evil plan
would come out,

and that his life, legacy, everything he worked
so long and hard for, would be ruined.

I know you wanted to do that,
for Dirk and Alan.

But I couldn't have my new media liaison
with blood on his hands.

I have big plans for you, Buck.

That story I sent to the GNN about Stonagal
and Cothran should be airing now any moment.

The whole world will feel sympathy and
love for me,

and they will follow me
wherever I lead them.

Because of you.

So thank you, Buck.

Thank you.

I think we are all in agreement.

Two lives taken in tragedy.

All because of greed.

How terribly sad!

- Terribly sad!
- Terribly sad!

- Terribly sad!
- Terribly sad!

- Terribly sad!

It's time to change history!

- Nobody move!
- Johnathan! Johnathan!

Oh, now!


Ladies and gentlemen! Get back, please!

Both dead. Let's get the delegates out
of here right now.

Ladies and gentlemen, please, clear this room
now! This way, please!

- Are you OK?
- Seal all doors. Lock this place down now!

Get back right now!

Chaim! Chaim!

What did you see?

I saw Mr. Stonagal grab the g*n from
the guard's belt,

sh**t Mr. Cothran. And then he shouted something
about wanting forgiveness.

Then turned the g*n on himself.
So awful!

You saw it!

Chaim! Nikolai!

- What about Nikolai?
- Oh, the poor man..

He was so deceived, he was so

Imagine, his own best friends!

Buck! Buck, are you OK?

- Hattie, this is unbelievable!
- I know, it's horrible!

So tragic.

When Stonagal grabbed that g*n..


- Hattie, you are in such..
- I know..

Privileged position.

I intend to do whatever I can to
help Nikolai.

He's a great man.

I have to go.

What is evident is the courage of Nikolai Carpathia
in exposing this evil plan..

And yet the head of UN continues to show no
regard for his own personal safety,

and yet has vowed to press forward with
his peace initiatives and disarmaments.

In a world sadly lacking of leadership, Carpathia
stands out as a beacon of hope for the lost.

Everything the Bible predicted is

If this is true, and the Antichrist is coming to
power, then this is just the beginning.

The next 7 years are going to be the worst
that mankind has ever seen.

Our only hope is to join together..

.. and trust God.

I don't have all the answers.

But for now, faith is enough.