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Joni (1979)

Posted: 01/26/24 09:06
by bunniefuu
Come on, tumbleweed.

Come on. Come on.

Up on your gait.
Come on.



Come on, tumbleweed!

That's it.


Come on.

Come on.

Come on, girl.

Good girl.

Let's get that hot
saddle off of you.

Give you
a good sponge-down.

Stop with
that umbrella.

You'll break it!

Come back here!

I got it.
I got it.

Butch! Aren't
you coming in?

Ow, ow, ow, ow!

A crab got me!

Joni, watch out for crabs!




Butch, help!


Butch, help!


Hey, somebody
needs help.


I got her.

I got her back.

Butch, I can't move.

Hold her head.
I got her.

It's ok.

Oh, my god.

Who is it?



Yes, joni.
I'm right here.

My nose tickles.
It feels like sand
or something.

Check her in
over there.

I'll be right back.

Once I catch my breath,
I should be ok.

This...crazy numbness
is bound to wear off.


It was super dumb.

That's 70%
of our business.

Don't feel

Ouch when
you feel something.



Excuse me, um...

Do you--
my daughter is here.

Can I go home

I know this--

it's not joanie.
It's joni.

My father assumed
I'd be a boy.

If that crab
hadn't bit me,

I never would've
turned around,

and then it would've
been too late.

John's here.

Dad, you have
to sign something.

So they
can operate, John.

All right.
Let's find a doctor.

Your numbness
is caused
by a fracture

somewhere in
the spinal column.

Now we're
going to relieve
the pressure...


In surgery.

Hey. What
are you doing?

No jokes.
Not my hair.

Be still.

Stop it!

Listen. My dad's going
to do something terrible!

Keep her quiet.

Joni, please.

Stop it!

It's all right.

Please. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
You're just scaring me.

Stop it, please.

Be still.

The lord is my Shepherd.

I shall not want.

How you feeling?

Oh, ok.

[Telephone rings]

Country club pool.

d*ck filbert?
Hold on.

Hey, d*ck!
You got a call.

d*ck filbert.

Yeah. Hi, Jay.

I know you and joni

were planning
something later.

Hey, Jay.
What happened?


the earecksons, right?

I'm doctor sherrill.

Joni's spinal column
is fractured.

Actually, the cord
is severed.

In other words,
she's broken her neck.

There's no way
she can die?

In front of US,
four critical days.


Stops bedsores.

Two hours on her back,
two on her stomach.



Must be
some nightmare.

It's the restraints
that get me.

Hey, somebody.

I'll get it.

Joni, I'm here.
What is it?

That awful groaning.

Somebody's rattling
chains somewhere.

It'll all
go away soon, honey.

You just
need some rest.

What kind of a place
is this?




I wish somebody here
knew something.

[Dog whimpers]


[Dog barks]

[Dog whines]

How's it going
with him?

[Telephone rings]

I'll work it out.

Intensive care unit.
Pauline Jensen speaking.

Oh. Yes, Dr. Thomson.


[Dog whines]

Demerol 100 mg.

Uh...uh, yes.

Three to fours
hours for pain.

All right, doctor.
I'll take care
of it.

Hey, pauline.

I need some help
with Mrs. Wallace.

Hi, gorgeous.

People die here,

Come on.

Ah, come kiss Jon.

Oh, he's wonderful.

Oh, he's
so soft and furry.

Even though
he wet on me.

I suppose
you're used to
dumb questions.

Try me.


I broke my neck,
so I'm supposed
to be dead.

Why is it
taking so long?

You've made it
through four weeks.

I'd say the crisis
was over.

You're going to continue

as a dues-paying member
of the human race.

I'm going
to operate soon,

fuse the bones
in your neck back together.

Then we can get rid
of those tongs.

Mom, did you know?


How about
a private room?

With a window?

Well, at least
there's some color.

I don't think
I'll ever like
white again.

Where can
I put tumbleweed?

On the ceiling.


Oh, that's disgusting.

Well, is it clean?

Mom, I'm not
that stupid.

I'll be back
in a minute.

John, the doctor promised
to come right down

as soon as joni's...

In recovery.

Has Dr. Sherrill come
out of surgery yet?

I really
wouldn't know, sir.

Dr. Sherrill!

She's fine,
Mr. Eareckson.

I was just coming down.
It went very well.

When I was younger,

was my game.

I made it
to the Olympics
in '32.

a split second

when you press
your opponent,

you get
a hammerlock
or something,

and you push it.

You can feel
his strength
bend to yours.

You get so high
you're invincible.

I guess you've had that
in your game, too,

where your fingers
and your brain

tell you
you're winning.

Something like that.

What I need
to know, doctor, is--

have you been winning
since you met US?

Like you said...
That fusion business
went ok?

The doctor says
the operation
went fine.

They'll be bringing
joni from recovery

in a few minutes.

Would you be interested
in redecorating

all our private rooms?

We wouldn't
be any good.

You have to know
who it's for.


Joni's going to need
lots of help.

The toughest part
of the battle

is the psychological aspect.

But you said
the operation
was successful.

The doc
says that, uh...

Joni will...

Always be paralyzed.

The fusion surgery
doesn't change that,

but we are confident

that she'll get the use
of her hands back in time.

Oh, she's here.

♪ For she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ for she's
a jolly good fellow ♪

♪ which nobody can deny ♪♪

Happy birthday.
Happy birthday.

Is it my birthday?

I'll get it, mom.

We'll have supper
in the dining room.

We'll have
to move stuff around.

The kitchen's ok.

Set up
the dining room.

No more

What should
we have tonight,
broccoli or spinach?


[Dish breaks]

We're not going to handle
this like...Nincompoops.

You idiot!

Stupid jerk!

You must have hands
like meat hooks.

Her nerves are
all standing at
attention right now.

They're beginning
to heal.

It's a good sign.

Shut the door.


Daddy, I hate it

when you get
on the floor
to see me.

The floor's
my second home.

Has been
for a long time.

You've always
been a champ.

You always will be.

I got you
a little present.

Just till
you can move
your head more.

I can almost
see the whole room.

Am I going to be
in this thing
a long time?

Dad...please be
straight with me.

It'll really help
to know.

Joni, the doctor
says your injury

is more or less


Your dancing days
are over.

Daddy, i'm
going to walk.

I--i don't know
what you're so
worried about.

[Joni mumbling]

How can any of this
be your will?

I did all the things
you're supposed to do

to be a Christian.

I was sorry for my sins.

All of them. Really.

How could you let
this happen to me?


It's stupid
trying to talk to you.

You're as...

Impersonal as the machines
in this place.

What a dumb thing
to believe

you really
care about people...

About what happens to US.

You got
to help me, Diana.

my best friend.

Sure. Name it.

We've both
been kidding.

Sooner or later
it'll happen.

I want it
to be sooner.

Give me something.

Give me some pills.

Hey, now
who's acting crazy?

I'm already dying,
and I'm nearly
dead now.

You're not.

If I could move,
I'd do it myself.

If you love me,

you got
to do something.

Cut my wrists.
There's no feeling.

It's a good idea.

There won't be
anybody to tell.

I can't.
Don't ask me.

Then I'll do it

Stop it, joni.
It's a sin.

Sin? What's sin
got to do with it?

I don't have
anything to remember
but yesterday.

We're going
to toughen you up

for transfer
to rehabilitation.

Trying to dump me,
huh, doc?

They can do
a lot more for you.

Motor-damage cases
are their specialty.

You have feelings
in your shoulders,
upper arm, and chest.

It's possible to train

other back and
shoulder muscles

to compensate for
certain arm muscles
you've lost.

You mean getting
my hands back?

Your chart says
you should have

50% use
of your biceps.

The biceps
moves the upper arm

through most of
its range of motion.

Now, we won't know
what you can do

until you
work at it.

What a hassle.

What time is it?

7:50. How
was your day?

What kind of
a visit is that?

They were
all short hops.

I started
hitching after class.

Took five rides
to get here.

Hey, what
are you doing?

Just changing
the scenery a little.

The nurse
will go crazy.

Now, do you
really care?


Had this lousy nightmare
that stayed all day.

I dreamed you left me
for Ginny north.

Ginny north?

Tell me you love me.

d*ck, tell me you'll
never leave me, never.

I love you.

Love you.

Love you.

And I will
never leave you.

Just like
a pinball machine--

you bump me,
you score.

I never thought
I'd do that.

You're moving
your head more. Great.

Therapy every day--
it's hell.

I can only make it
if you're with me.

If you leave me,
I'll die.

I just know it.

Listen, lady Macbeth...

If you'll stow
that dark soliloquy...

I'll say it again.

I love you,
and I'll always be here.


They're talking about
taking me out of here.

Uh, rehabilitation

Oh, when?

Who knows?

They decide

That means
progress, right?


Wait. Please.

Careful, honey.
It's polluted.

So much color. Mmm.

Almost hurts my eyes.

People are entitled
to leadership.

There's nothing good
on until 8:00.

They just throw in
all these reruns.

I heard there's
rioting in Newark.

Johnson's calling in

Could that happen
in Baltimore?

I only know
you better eat,

or they'll put you
back on that bottle.

Sorry. We always
talked at dinner.

Hey, don't worry.

We bat over 400
around here.


Hey, that's great.

10 degrees is good
for the first time.

Earl, could you look
at my car later?

That clutch again?

Foreign jobs
are bummers.

Yeah, but it's cute.

Wait. Don't go
any higher.

I can't.

Feels like you're
blacking out?

The blood will head
for your brain again.

You'll be sitting up
by Thanksgiving.

I'll bet you 5.

No bet with this one.

Raoul, this is not
a turnpike.

Does anybody ever walk
out of this place?

Oh, sure. We get rid
of everybody eventually.

That's it.
You got him!
Now, come on.

Guard it.

Give it to him!

You want to talk?


Where's woodlawn?

Oh, the suburbs,

Oh. Out in all that
expensive green, huh?

You must
have really been

some socie
in high school.

I counted 16 mentions
in your yearbook.

Yeah, I looked
through it.

Well, it was fun.

Where did you
go to school?

Oh, western high.

All cement.

The only grass
around got smoked.

Two years did me,
and I quit.


You and I
are roomies.

How did you get here?


They say I'm packing
a tumor on my spine.

They don't really know.

In this freak factory,

it pays to have

something mysterious

I mean...


Welfare picks up the tab

for all this
delightful attention.

How did it go
for you in p.T.?

Oh, I fainted...

I think.

Well, you're lucky
to have Barbara.

At least that girl
sets goals you can make.

sh**t. sh**t!

Pretend it's Disneyland.

Let's try
for the big money, joni.

You did it, lady.


I'll bake
some cookies tonight.

We'll celebrate.

It's snowing.


Gosh, such big flakes.

Since tumbleweed's
not working for a while,

why don't
we breed her?

A brood mare.

I don't want
to ruin her form.

One foal won't
hurt her back.

I'll share
the money.

These pants
are too short.

Maybe you've stretched.

When I leave here,
I want to put tumbleweed

back on
the show circuit.

How did you get the
folks to stay outside?

Threats mostly,

and I told them
if they came inside,

it would spoil
the surprise.


Merry Christmas.


Oh, a white Christmas.

I ordered it.

We're off.

Now, watch it, Jay.
We might skid.

Nobody's thinking
about driving

this close
to Christmas.

That's your mother's
idea of subtlety.

Mom, I can't break.
I'm already broken.

♪ Oh, come
all ye faithful ♪

♪ joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ oh, come ye,
oh, come ye ♪

♪ to Bethlehem ♪

♪ come and behold him ♪

♪ born the king
of angels ♪

♪ oh, come let US
adore him ♪

♪ oh, come let US
adore him ♪

♪ oh, come let US
adore him ♪

♪ Christ the lord ♪♪

I wrapped the most
presents this Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

The couple
with the most points--

the hassle's less here.

Everybody's fighting
the same battle.

Give or take a limb.

I like not explaining

and re-explaining
everything all the time.

Yeah. Relatives
can be a sharp pain.

They treat you
like a dummy.

Stupid uncle
of mine asked if
I could still read.

Good question.
What's the answer?

I told him, "no.

"Since my legs
got paralyzed,

my brain did, too."

Here they come--

Barbara Walters
and Cassius Clay.

We're dumping

We need clean sheets.

Can you pull rank
and get our bedding changed?

That idiot skipped US.

Short shifts
because of the holiday.

It stinks in here!

Time for your workout.

Hey, Earl,
what's going on?

Too much sitting up.

The bones are starting
to rub the skin away.

But, Earl...

I got to go.

Earl, check this out.

Is this the ward
where some guy

sticks his head in
and says,

"who wants to play

And we say,
"you know we can't

do anything
below our necks,"

and he says, "we just
want to use you

for second base."


It's really not necessary
for US to anesthetize you...

Unless of course,

you're feeling
a bit squeamish.

There'll be a certain
amount of chiseling

on your hip bone.

We'll scrape those joints
so they won't trouble you.

Carve away.





Cry, honey.
Release your feelings.

I can't cry.

There's nobody
around to blow
my nose and mop up.

I'm here.

What about tomorrow?

If I cry,
I might like it.

Then I'd want
to do it a lot.

Ok, Jon.

Maybe you hit it.

I do want
to push away...

The kind of reality
you're living right now,

these last few months,

I've looked
at just about

every area of my life.

Maybe it's because
my own faith

never really
got bumped before.

I was sort of Ret*rded

back there in junior
high somewhere.


I'm trying to match it
up to a real world...

And your pain.

God, if I can't die...

Show me how to live.


If anybody's listening.

Hey, lady,
you want anything?


I got lonesome.

That's somebody's
uniform, you nut.

It's my little uni.
You like it?

They are not big
for jokes around here.

It's just stupid
that visitors can't
come in before 2:00.

They shouldn't
interrupt your
soap operas.

I'm a staff volunteer.

I'll be with you
part of every day.

What about school?

I took off
a semester.

That is absolutely mad.

I was undeclared
at college.

They keep asking
those pointed questions.

I don't know
what I want to do.

I've even started
asking god if he has
anything in mind.

I'm open.

Until I get
a better offer,

your wish has
been granted.

You have your very own
personal candy striper.

Now let's see--
ratty hair, grungy teeth,

and, ooh, dragon breath.

Where's your toothpaste?

How's that?



How's your neck?


You know, those things
will k*ll you.

Can't wait.


Child, my hair's
going to be so tight,

it's going
to choke my brain,

but I love it.

Ha ha ha!

Dr. Martin Luther King,

long a champion
of nonviolent causes,

was sh*t today
in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr. King had
returned to Memphis

Wednesday morning
by plane

to organize support
for the 1,300
sanitation workers--

it's like the world's
falling apart.

Dr. King, as
a civil rights leader,

advocated nonviolence.

Maybe what we got
is catching.

[Dr. King] It's been
a spiritual disaster

deepening their despair
and hopelessness.

Not so tight.

You'll get
writer's cramp
in your jaw.

Back to first grade.

Why should I have
to learn to write
with my mouth?

It's disgusting.

I know I'll
get my hands
back anyway.

What if you don't?

He has to do
that for me.

It went off yesterday.

Another drippy night
in this sweatbox.

Well, you're the last one
to gripe.

Aren't jungles always hot?

Oh, all this stuff
cluttering up.

Just dust-catchers.

We are not
personal maids.

I'll bet you ain't
nobody's personal anything.

You got to flip b.J.

Nobody's been around
since supper.

I ought to leave you
like this

for the morning shift.

Not flip you at all.

n*gg*r*s and hippies,
that's all we got here.

There's supposed to be
two people to flip US.

Don't worry about it, honey.

You'll never feel a thing.

I'm going
to report you
to the head nurse.

You'll be canned.

I doubt it.

If I could get
over there fast enough,

I'd break your face.

Relax, piccaninny.

Hold on, honey.


We saw that!
She'll sue.

We're witnesses!

Good night, ladies.

Um, um, um.

Hi, Earl.


That feels great.

You know, I dream
a lot about walking.

It helps me
to work harder
during the day.

You going
to throw that at me?

I want you to draw
something on it.

You've got to be kidding.

Draw something
you like.

Use these.

It won't work.

I used to sketch
in charcoal.

My father's sort
of an artist.

That was
with my hands.

The skill, the talent,
comes from up here.

With a little practice,

you'll do as well
with your mouth
as your hands.


Oh, my young skin
is going.

I hope Jay gets here
before d*ck.

I asked her to bring
some foundation
and blush.

I guess from now on

it comes out
of a jar.


you can use some
of my stuff, joni.

You'll look like
you've been cruising
the Caribbean.



All right.


that feels good.

How do I look?

You look like one

of them high-cheeked
ladies in vogue.




[Bell rings]

Happy birthday.


It's been stuck
on three for almost
10 minutes.

They can't expect
people to walk.

d*ck, we'd better
get out of here.

It's moving.

It's moving.

Oh, let's go.


You're going
to a party, gal.

your birthday!


Try that big piece
right there.

It's not easy.

Joni. Joni.

We love you.

We love you.

Did you do that
with your mouth?

Daddy, I'm not
your little girl

But you're
still my girl.

They're going
to release you soon.

We have
to make plans.

Who said?
How do you know?

[John eareckson]
You know you
can always stay

in town
with mom and me,

but Jay's just insisting
that you be out

on the farm with her.

You think about it.

Whatever works best.

He wants it all.

He's got
to pass silverman.


Over here.

Ok, take off
the cover.

Is that me?

Maybe you can use it

to cover up
a cr*ck somewhere.

You ain't never seem me
looking that classy.

Thank you.

I wonder
if I can get welfare

to get me one
of these power jobs.

With your
driving record?

You know,

I hear one out of seven
don't make it

when they leave here.

They let them
come back?

No, they find out a way
to drop out permanently.

Hey, look
what's up ahead.

Mmm, mmm, mmm.

How did that dame
make days?

I thought she only
came out at night.

Hold on to my picture.

I'm going to get me
a vampire in white.

Wait a minute.

I am so sorry.


Oh, I bet
you're sorry.

You've been plotting
this for months.

I hit overdrive
when I should
have braked.

What you should be doing,
little black girl,

is swinging
through the trees,

not driving one
of those things.

Well, if it had
to happen

I'm glad it happened
in a hospital.

Hi, Barb.

I felt my hand tingling
again last night.

I kept waking up.

I never like goodbyes,

so one of these mornings
I'll just be gone.

Have you got
a little time, joni?

We can talk.

Nobody's asked me

if I had the time
for nearly two years.

I thank you
for that, Barb,

and for a lot
of other things, too.

I couldn't have made it
without you.

I'm a physical
therapist, joni.

My specialty
is quads,

that's why
you and I met.

God or blind fate
didn't put you
into that chair,

you did it yourself.

In school
they called it

the g*nsh*t, diving,
motorcycle syndrome.

Am I supposed
to ask what that means?

I guess I'm going
to tell you anyway.

Very physical kinds
of people,

their accidents, uh...

courting danger,
chancy kinds of things.

I have three patients
right now

who were crippled
on motorcycles.

They spend every
waking minute dreaming

of how they're going
to ride again.

Why do I have
to listen to this?

You haven't listened
until now.

I have a right
to privacy,

even in this zoo.

Would you get this?


I know
you're not paranoid,

and you don't see life
in a distorted way,


If you leave here
consciously saying

"I know,"

and it's only
lip service...


I will have failed you
in the worst possible way.

You will never use
these fingers...

To comb your hair...

Or to put on
your own lipstick...

Or to drive a car.


Then I don't want
to go home.

Not without my hands.

I've already
conceded the fact

that I'm going
to sit down

for the rest
of my life.

But without my hands
I'm a helpless freak.

You were the one
who said work hard

so I could be

You just wanted me
out of here

so somebody else
could have my bed.

Not true.

No miracles, huh?


We can still
call it off.

Just say the word.

No ghosts, dad.


[Horse neighs]

too good

to be put out
to pasture.

It's the ghosts
that get to you.


[Chopping noises]

Hey, Jay?


Who's that kid
out there?

Diana sent him over.

He needed
a summer job.

Steve something.

I thought he could
help take some

of the chores off dad.

He's going
to k*ll himself
with that a*.

Hey! Di,
what's the idea?

You've graduated, ok?

You can't live inside
a stupid yearbook.

Who are you to decide
what's best for me?

I care a lot.

Best friends get stuck
with that emotional garbage.

I didn't ask you
to care.

Don't you take
my book.

Don't you dare!

I'll keep it for you.

Di, please don't.
Come back.

I'm sorry.

Di! Aah!


Now's a great time.

There's nobody around
but you and me.

[Glass breaking]

miss eareckson.

Good morning.

I'm just waiting
for your dad.

We're going to work
on the roof today.

It's joni, ok?

I may look it,

but I don't feel
that old.



What's so good
that you have

to read it
on the roof?

I like Isaiah.

"They that wait
upon the lord

"shall renew
their strength.

"They shall mount up
with wings as eagles.

"They shall run
and not be weary,

they shall walk
and not faint."

that's very poetic.

Hey, he's
talking about

spiritual running
and walking,

not just feet.


You do
a good job, son.

You're careful,
and you get things
done right.

Where did Diana
find him anyway?

I think he spoke
at their church.

He's a Bible-thumper.

Yeah. Well,
his dad's a preacher.

You're kidding.
What church?

I don't know.

A street preacher,

Diana said something
about a Van.

A Van? Terrific.

I can see the two
of them on some corner

with a tambourine--

passing out
little leaflets

with pictures
of the devil

and scotch bottles.

"Where will you
spend eternity?"

We're being snobs.

If I were back in school,
he wouldn't exist.

Diana says
that you were

a champion wrestler,
Mr. Eareckson.

At one time,
I could b*at a man

twice my weight.

I tried out for
the junior team
last year.

But I bombed out.

You want
to talk about it?

I'm a good listener.

I just wish I...

I looked more
on the outside

like I feel
on the inside.

Maybe I could show you
a few things.


How are you doing?

I'm stuck.

How did
you do that?

You look good.


Hi is the best
you can do?

What's wrong with hi?

A nickel
for your thoughts.

A nickel
for your thoughts.

Old times
are really old.

You can
grow up together

and still grow apart.


I really
believe god gives
only good gifts.

If he
wants US to marry,

then we can handle
whatever's up ahead.

Maybe I'd feel this way

even if I wasn't
in a wheelchair.

Life changes people.

You see it
in the movies,

old lovers,
forever friends.

I'll never change
the way I feel.

[Horn honks]

Who's that?

It's di.

Yell that
we're down here.

I'm not that crazy
to see her.

Hey, di!

Hi, Jay.

What happened
with you guys?

Hey! What
are you doing?

Hey, you guys.

I think I met
a man in my life
this morning.


Frank mood. There's
only one problem.

He was
riding a horse.

The league of
Maryland horsemen

is having
a trail ride.

He asked me
to go with him.

The thing is,
I've never been
on anything

higher than a pony,

and it
was nearly dead.

I have to be
really horsy
by this weekend.

What are the odds?

1, 2, 3.

There we go.

Don't they come
in a smaller size?

do all right.



It's revenge!

Let her
walk him first.




What do I do?

Sit up straight.

Pull back
on his reins.

Those trail rides,

they last three
to four hours.


They've got
some great sweaters

on sale at the mall.

We'll go there first

and then get
something to eat.

There's dad's
new project.

In motion.

Did you meet
a girl or something?


You are going for
instant Steve McQueen.

Senior year.

Going out
in a Blaze of glory.

I had a good time
in high school.

Did you really have
a street meeting
outside the school

with all the kids


They threw pennies.

You're going to have
a heart att*ck!




Oh, great!

Hey, lead it
into the wind.

My life is like that.

Full of ups and downs.

What--what was god
supposed to do,

the law of gravity
just for you?

Well, he's supposed
to have a lot of angels

hanging around.

Couldn't he have
spared just one

to soften the impact?

If you could
just peel this back,

almost everybody's
looking for him...

One way or another.

It's just that
we want him
on our terms.

The great vending machine
in the sky.

Well, how's he
with questions?

You got to go the
distance yourself, Jon.

This is your Bible.

Aren't you going to be
lost without it?

Hey, it's all
in there, Jon.

Just be open.

Did you come here
this summer

for a cr*ck at me?

Ha ha ha.

I don't need
the aggravation.

What have you
got here?

Oh. It's Steve's.

He left it.

You've already
got three.

Well, this one's
all marked up.

The important parts.

"We can see
and understand

"only a little
about god now,

"as if we were peering
at his reflection

"in a pool or mirror.

"But someday,
we're going to see him

"in his completeness,
face to face.

"I know how foolish
it sounds

"to those who are lost,

"when they hear that
Jesus d*ed to save them,

"for god in his wisdom

"saw to it that the world
would never find him

"through human brilliance.

"And god in his weakness,

"Christ dying
on the cross,

"is far stronger
than any man.

"But someone may ask,
how will the dead

be brought back
to life again?

"What kind of bodies
will they have?

"When you put a seed
into the ground,

"it doesn't grow
into a plant

"until it dies first.

"And when a green sh**t

"comes up
out of the seed,

"it is different from
the seed you've planted.

"And just as there
are different kinds

"of seeds and plants,

"so there are also

"different kinds
of flesh.

"The angels in heaven

"have bodies
far different from ours.

"And the beauty and
glory of their bodies

"is different

"from the beauty
and glory of ours.

"But all who
become Christ's

"will have the same
kind of body as his.

"I tell you this,
my brothers.


"An earthly body
made of flesh and blood

"cannot get
into god's kingdom.

"These perishable
bodies of ours

are not the right kind
to live forever."

Ok, lord.

I'll stop trying
to work it out

to make sense
just for me.

Whatever surprises
you have in store...

Or no surprises at all.

I guess it's up to you.

And help me not to get
in the way too much.

What are you doing?

Just talking.

Shut up
and go to sleep.

Thank you, father,

that you let Steve
touch my life.

To lead me
into your word.

There's purpose in that.

[Wedding march plays]

Can I have
your attention
at the end there?

Look over here,


Say cheese.

Here we go.

There we go.

Can we go over there?


Wake up. You've
got a visitor.

A what?

A who.

Claims it's
by invitation.

This is crazy.

Good morning.

He's in
the living room.


I hope I'm not
too early.

Uh...for what?

Well, you said
come by anytime.

Your exact words.
I wrote them down.




I remember I met you
at the wedding,

and you
made me laugh,

but I've forgotten
your name.



With, uh, two ls.

Two ls.

By the way,
you look radiant.


Great. Yes.

Hey, great morning
for a ride.



Just a ride.


How about Florida?

quite a routine

getting me in
and out of the car.

You can teach me.


You'll find out
my weight.

You're light
as a feather.


You ever been
to pimlico?

Uh, sure.
The preakness.

I'm into a different
kind of race.

Can't you
feel anything?

Well, not in my legs
or in my hands,

but in my arms,

it sort of
feels like...

You know when
your foot's asleep?

Why can't you be fixed?


I can't.



My guys.


Hi, Jay.

How was it?



Can I do it?

Ohh! You're heavier
coming back.

Must be all that
pizza laying there.

You all right?

Just fix my feet.


Thanks. I had
a really great time.

Me, too.

Hey! Wait up a minute!

You don't have a license
for this road.

Come on! Go, go, go!

No roadblocks.

Hey, come here.

Next time you need bread,

come to me first.


Joni, this is Bernie.

Hi, joni.

I guess it was
pretty bad in there.

It was m*rder.

Let's go, then.

"We who believe

"are carefully
joined together
with Christ

"as parts
of a beautiful,

constantly growing
temple for god."

[Honks horn]

[Honk honk]


I've been waiting here
all afternoon.

You said 2:00.

Now, uh...

Hold on
a minute there.

Nobody's signed
anything yet.


My days are
awful full, Jon.

That's how it is.

You act like you're
allergic or something.

He's pushy.

He's pushing you,

and I
can't figure why.

That's the world
he comes from.

When he
wants something,

he just goes for it.

Can I have
some coffee?

I thought you
settled all that
with d*ck.


You mean, like a nun?

Come on, Jon!

You know, there's
more to romance...

Than what happens
below the neck.

All i'm
trying to say

is how often
are you willing
to get hurt?

This paper's been
soaking all night.

Can you set it up?

He's strong.

And if it can happen...

Don could handle it.


The feelings

and the rush

and the words are easy.

d*ck had all the words.

Well, I got to
free you up sometime.

[Horn honks]

[Honk honk honk]

It's di.


I bet she's pregnant.


Look what came
special delivery.

I feel like tinker bell

just before
her wand lights up.

First prize.

I entered it
last month.

Did you tell them
I did it with my mouth?

Hey, they
don't know you

from Norman Rockwell.

But you won.

In there.
Now this note here,


Magic fingers, if you
could do your stuff.

It's supposed to be
an augmented chord.

Jon, why
don't we forget

all the pat answers
and arguments

and just ask him?

For what?

Well, Jesus said,

"ask whatever
you will in my name,

and I'll
give it to you."



I've got enough faith
for the both of US.


you got a minute?


What's up, man?

You know, I'm not some
big bad wolf.

I'm not going
to hurt her.

You won't mean to.

I know the lord
put joni and me together

for some good reason.

For marriage?

I wish the lord
would let me
in on it.

You can't protect her
forever, Jay.

Do you ever dream?

When I sleep sometimes.

I mean when
you're awake.

Do you ever
dream about me?

You are a very
egotistical person.

You ever dream
about US?

US really together?

All the time.

Some kinds of dreaming
I gave up...

For my health.

It could work.

Someplace small.

Everything compact,

easy to handle.

I wouldn't want to
lay too much stress

on doing dishes
and stuff.

And what do we do

once we have that place
all spick-and-span?

We'd have to go to bed.




What about kids?

What about them?

I'd like to spend
a lifetime

to love you.

I've already

Don't say that
unless you're very sure

that you mean it.

Oh, and please mean it.

I've got to do
something different.

How about
caramel apples?

Yeah. That's--
that's a good idea.

We could have
caramel apples
and fudge.

[Joni] I know
that miracles can happen

when we belong to you.

Let this be my time.

When I was
in the hospital,

this guy
stormed into my room
and grabbed my arm.

And he prayed over me
loud and long.

I'll never
forget his face.

"God heal this woman."

Oh, I got a spasm
and started shaking.

I thought then
I was healed.

That was when
you were young.

You say how god
sent Steve
to help you grow.

This could be
your next step
of faith.

What about the verse

it's god's will
for you to be whole.

Well, physically
it's impossible.

My spinal cord
is severed.

He would have
to do it.

"Is anyone among you

"And is anyone sick...

"They shall pray...

"Calling upon the lord
to heal him.

"And his prayer,
if offered in faith...

Will heal him."

Jon, I believe
it's god's will

that you'll
be healed.

Dear lord...

We acknowledge that
yours is the power
to do all things.

And joni and I
have faith, father.

Faith in your word

when it says
that all things
are possible

for them
that believe.


In the name
of our lord Jesus Christ

I ask you to heal joni

so that we
may serve you together
in your kingdom. Amen.

Maybe it doesn't
happen right away.

I'll call you.


He hasn't called.


He hasn't come by
in a week.

You don't ever
want to talk
about it, right?

Maybe in 20 years.

I keep telling my hands
and fingers to move.

They're not
getting the message.

I thought you would
glorify yourself, lord,

by putting me
on my feet.

I know I believed enough.

I really did.

You must have
something else in mind.

And I will trust you...

For whatever's
around the corner.

I am in too far
to back out now.


Oh, Jay.


Come here.

Oh, come here quick.

What's up?

All my stuff is gone.

Dad's got it
in his head

you're going to
have an exhibit.

An exhibit?

Has everybody gone nuts
in this family?

What idiot's going to
give me an exhibit?

Dad's found one

♪ In the wintertime ♪

♪ for underwear ♪

♪ for underwear... ♪♪

Oh, I hope
nobody comes.

The idea
of a lot of strangers
poking and staring.

It's only lunch.

Hey, listen.

So you don't start screaming
when we get inside,

I priced everything.

You what?

You mean they're
not just looking?

They're supposed to buy?

Push me in front
of a truck. Please.

[Piano plays]

This is Adam wertz,
eyewitness news.

We're here
with the father
of joni eareckson,

a local artist who
also happens to be
a quadrapeligic.

Mr. Eareckson,
when did joni

first begin
to paint?

My daughter's accident

when she was 17,

and afterwards,
as part of therapy,

she got into
the artwork.

What beautiful roses!

Aren't they?

from the mayor!

Can you imagine?

I don't
know about this.

Joni, look.
There's your dad.

Oh, no!
I can't go in there.

we'll go in here.

When I get back
my hands

I'm going to
strangle you two.

Joni, what do
you have to say

to all the folks watching
wjz eyewitness news?


Not much.

Are these roses
a gift from your father?

I mean no!

from the mayor?

From the mayor.

We're enjoying
this whole thing.

Yeah, so am I.

This is Adam wertz,
wjz eyewitness news.


What is it, hon?

I thought
Don would be here.

I haven't seen him.

this is great.

We're so proud of you.

What's the tab so far?

Almost $1,000.

If the exhibit
stays a week,
they'll all go.

It's your party, hon.

Been a long time coming.

Why do they do it?

Don't be
so slow.
You're good.

A couple that had
gotten back from Europe

were arguing
over what room
they'd hang you in.

The bathroom.

I like this best.

Is that you?

It was.

Would you
please pull off
that price tag?

not for sale.

125 bucks?

Well, my friends try
a little hard sometimes.

I want to know
how you managed.

Uh, what?


I could give you

the reader's digest
version right here,

or we
could find a table

if you
want to listen.

have to push.

Excuse me.

When did you get out
of high school?



Me, too.

They never
told US about this
in senior problems.

No, they sure didn't.

At our school
they called it

contemporary issues
of the social sciences.


There are
a million questions

and only a couple
of decent answers in life.

Half the guys
in my class
went to college.

The other half
went to nam.

Some lived,

some d*ed...

Some of US...

Got caught
in the cracks.

No one ever told US

the world
is an outhouse,

did they?

I am sure
of only one thing--

I know who
put me back together.

How can you know?

I sleep nights,

and I laugh a lot.


If there really
is such a place as heaven

and if Jesus
really d*ed on that cross

because he wanted
to bridge the gap
between god and US...

Then getting to know him
and all that that means,

well, it should be
worth looking into,

even for you.

You see, I'd rather
be in this chair...

Knowing him...

Than on my feet
without him.

And I never really
knew that for sure

until this moment.

Self-delusion or...


You'd win my vote.

Would you
take me back, please?

Oh, no!

It's ok.


Please, Jay.



Hi, Jay.

I saw you
on the 6:00 news.

I was really
proud of you.

Yeah, well,
it was ok,

but i'd
never want to
do it again.

I need you to know
how it is with me.

I'm pretty sure
I know.

Please don't
put words around it.


Joni, I heard
about this job up north.

They needed
a youth director.

It's a big camp,
and I went for it.


When do you go?


They wanted me
right away.

I do better with kids.

Can I ask you
something crazy

before you
go off to bigger
and better things?


When you touched me,

what was going on?

Some sort
of character test
or experiment?


Joni, kissing you
and touching you

and sharing your life
was everything it
should have been.

It was beautiful.

You're the most
attractive woman I know.

It just wasn't enough

when the hard stuff


I thought I had god
all figured out.

You know, in a nice,
neat little package.

Boy, for a guy
loaded with answers,

I'm just
full up to here
with questions.

He didn't
do it our way.

I'm off balance
right now.

I'm really off balance.

Jon, I want to
leave as your friend.

Lots of pins knocked out,

but as your friend.

The kids
at that youth camp

are really lucky
to get you.

I'm ok.

I can still feel.

And I guess I'm alive.

I just want to
be alone for a while.

You know, someone
once asked me

how I managed it--

getting my life

At the time,
I couldn't say
much more than...

had done it."

I didn't know much
about the Bible
then, but...

I did feel

that god had taken
all the...

The broken pieces
of my life...

And he made something...


And today,

I know...

That the lord is...

Creating something in me

that I could never

create for myself.

Oh, but that
is not to say

that I understand
all the whys.

But, um...

I know who

holds the answers,

and...i can wait.

But I want to be right
up front with you:

You don’t have to break your neck to find god.

I think that suffering can push the search along

and our priorities get rearranged.

But I imagine

most of you would catch on a lot faster than I did.

I had to get past myself

before I could see

that handicaps
come at US

in all shapes and sizes.

Broken homes...

Broken hearts...

Anxiety feelings

that thr*aten
to take over,

burdens of doubt, a...

A deep aloneness...

And the confines
of your soul

may seem
as limiting as...

Well...a wheelchair.

I know that feeling.


I also know

that Jesus stayed
on the cross

to heal US.

And when I think
of Jesus

on that cross

simply because
he loved me,

even when I couldn't
have cared less about him,

I know

that I have
discovered something...


But trusting Christ

is not necessarily having

trustful feelings.

It’s an act of the will.

We need to believe it.

To believe Jesus
really can forgive US

and then lay our sin

and brokenness at his feet.

And receive that spiritual healing

that will start US on
a great eternal journey.

I started that journey

as a high school sophomore.

I believed my grades would go up,

homework would be less boring,

i’d be more popular.

It didn’t exactly work out that way.

To follow Christ may cost you something.

You may be asked to
fellowship in his suffering.

But when I look back
on my own experience

I can promise you
over and over again that

you will see and feel

and touch

his sustaining power.

Heaven will be...


because god will give US
new minds and...

And new bodies.

And the Bible
promises US

that we will
enjoy him forever.

And I can't wait.

I intend to stand

before the lord

with legs that walk

and arms and hands
that work

and lift them high

and shout out
before the whole universe

that Jesus Christ
is who he claims to be,

and that he is
the very son of god.

And that is only
the beginning.

If I...

Hadn't decided
to go swimming

in the chesapeake bay

on that hot July day

back in 1967...

I know I wouldn't
be sitting here

speaking to you
about the glory of god...

But I am.

Thank you for listening.

♪ Father ♪

♪ set my soul sailing ♪

♪ like a cloud ♪

♪ upon the wind ♪

♪ free and strong ♪

♪ to carry on ♪

♪ until
the journey's end ♪

♪ each mile I put ♪

♪ between the past ♪

♪ and the future ♪

♪ in your hand ♪

♪ I learn more ♪

♪ of your Providence ♪

♪ and I find out who ♪

♪ I am ♪

♪ I wanna thank you ♪

♪ for the gift
of your son ♪

♪ and for the mystery ♪

♪ of prayer ♪

♪ and for the faith
to doubt ♪

♪ and yet believe ♪

♪ that you're
really there ♪

♪ the mysteries
of your word ♪

♪ are the questions
of my days ♪

♪ I search them now
to understand ♪

♪ the wisdom
of your ways ♪

♪ Jesus walks before me ♪

♪ and clearly
marks the path ♪

♪ to guide me
to the father ♪

♪ and to ♪

♪ peace ♪

♪ at last ♪

♪ I wanna thank you ♪

♪ for the gift
of your son ♪

♪ and for the mystery ♪

♪ of prayer ♪

♪ and for the faith
to doubt ♪

♪ and yet believe ♪

♪ that you're
really there ♪

♪ yes, you're really
there ♪♪

I believe
when the Bible says

that Jesus is the way
to know god,

it is true.

We miss out on so much

when our sin causes US

to turn our backs on him.

Receiving him
as lord and savior

is the most important

you and I
could ever make.

He brings a new dimension

of love

and forgiveness

and peace.

I am praying

that you will
reach out to him

right at this moment

not because it's easy,

but because it's true.