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Jesus Trip, The (1971)

Posted: 01/26/24 09:02
by bunniefuu
[motor revving]

[slow music playing]


take another road.

The one we chose is dead.

And being close together
is restful to my head.

Let's sing a song of love.

But make it just today.

The hourglass may shatter,
and the sand may blow away.

Let's take another look.

Our faces are the same.

The changes we've gone through
are God's alone to mend.

Put on your Sunday best.

We're going into town.

Though the old church
clock has broken,

and the hands are hanging down.

[engine idling]

It's not so much a
duty on your motorcycles

I'm concerned about, sir.

I don't understand.

Do you mind pulling over
to the building at the side

here, please?

I told you these
bikes were hot.

Waco, let's go!

They can't chase us!

They got no cop car!

Let's get the hell out of here!

[instrumental theme music]

[helicopter engine]

That 'copter don't
look like fuzz to me.

Let's make a stop.

I think you're right.

Two more miles ahead.

Let's get 'em!

Get down!

Get down!

I've going to take
care of this side.

Just take it easy.

The convent.

And they cleared out.

Look, what clean little rooms.

Those walls are to
keep the world out.



That's what I kept
telling myself at Folsom.

Who are you?

What do you want?

WACO: Sister!

What is it?

I need your help, Sister.

[door shuts]

[heavy breathing]

ANNA: Hold him still.

[painful gasps]


[motorcycle engines]


It's not so much the
duty on your motorcycles

I'm concerned about, sir.

I don't understand.

Do you mind pulling over
to the building at the side

here, please?

[police siren]

Pinole, you better
go out find out what's

so special about those bikes.

May I ask, what crime
have you committed?

Actually, not a damned thing.

Are these for pain?


If we're finished
here, Sisters, you

can get some blankets and
pillows, whatever makes

you comfortable,
because we're going

to spend the night in here.

Waco, look.

The bikes were packed
with this stuff.


It's pure.

You better get
rid of this stuff.

Clean it out.

Folsom, you better help him.


I'll take care of it myself.

That was a helicopter keeping
their eye on their junk!

We carry it across
the boarder for them,

and they-- they get on us, man.

They follow us, right?

[SIGHING] Uh-huh.

Hey Waco, man, I just want out.

The door's open.

Heh, yeah.

I'll think about it.

Five and a half years
of colleges, right?

Got my masters.


You're kidding.


And you know what the
most important thing

I learned in all that time?

That whisky doesn't make it?

You went to school, too.


INKA: Oh, baby.


What's your name?


If I sleep before I take--


I mean, if I die before I wake.

[singing solemnly]

There's a cop car
coming down the road.

Keep an eye on it.

[WHISPERING] Keep my eye--


[motor idling]

Son of a bitch is
a damned detective.

Go tell Waco.

Come on.

[police radio chatter]

Now, if that man's
gonna come in here,

there's gonna be a lot of
blood spurting around here.

That's all up to you.

Now you get out
there, and you get

that man in here before
he gets on the phone

to call his buddies.


You find a way.

[police radio chatter]

Good morning, Officer Tarboro.

Good morning.

You're up awfully early.

Well, so are you.

I was wondering who that was.

Just me.

Listen, that
motorcycle in there--

That belongs to Father Ripley.

You know, it's
funny that Father

Ripley never told me anything
about getting a motorcycle.

That is funny.

He even mentioned
something about wanting

to join your club.


Think he'd mind if
I took a look at it?

No, I can't imagine why not.

Hold it!

Don't move!

OK, now move.

They were just leaving.

If we let them go,
they can leave.

No way.

Look, officer--

You're all under arrest.

It's best you don't
complicate your situation

any more than it is.

I'm required by the
law to advise you

of your constitutional rights.

You may remain silent if you
wish 'cause anything you say

can be held against
you in a court of law.

You have the right to the
presence of an attorney

to assist you prior
to your questioning

and to be with you during your
questioning, if you desire.

If you can't afford
an attorney, you

have the right to have
one appointed to you

prior to your questioning.

Now, do you understand
these rights?

I don't believe this.

Set my g*n--

Stay back.

WACO: Damn it.

Folsom, better get
his car inside.

Sister, you better
see if he's all right.

We've got to know
where his buddies are.

Jasper, get some rope.

TARBORO: You boys are
in a lot of trouble now.

WACO: All right.

[heavy breathing]

I'm gonna get
you for this, boy.

units, stand by.

Citizen is requesting



Check that out!

There are some
motorcycle people,

and they are taking over.

And we are helpless!

POLICE RADIO: Your message
has been received, ma'am.

FOLSOM: Get out of there!

No, please!

FOLSOM: Get out of
there, you bitch!

No, please!

FOLSOM: Get out of there!

You bitch, you!

[sister sobbing]

She blew the whistle on us!

What are you doing, you maniac?

FOLSOM: She blew
the whistle on us!

They get us now, Waco, the
least we get is two years!

Pinole, take him.

Folsom, you better
turn his car around

so we can get the bikes out.

You know the penalty
for kidnapping?

Guilty until proven innocent?

[foreboding music]

All right, let's pull
over now, nice and easy.

WACO: Get off!


Hey, what about her?

We're not gonna hurt her!

Listen, you son of a bitch!

You son of a bitch!

You better not hurt her!

Boy, I'm going to
get you for this!


No, hey!

Come back here!

Oh, sh*t!

You dirty bastard!

I'll get you!

I'll bust your head!

Hey, you're in a lot
of trouble now, OK?

I'm going to get you for this!

I wanna bust your hard head!

You won't know-- sh*t!


[music playing]

This looks like it's
going to Mexico to me.

Yeah, we don't
wanna go to Mexico.


Up here, maybe we got six,
eight forks to choose from.

We'd get ourselves
good and lost.

You wanna dump the
chick, now's the time.

Not yet.

We're going to be going
through a little town.

A couple of us, we better
split up and get some food.

You got any bread?

Oh, I've got some.

Climb on with
Pinole, dragon lady.

OK, on the other of this
little town we're coming to,

there's some trees to the left.

Now, you look for this rag.

I'll tie it to a
tree on the left.

And we're going to be down
on the other side of the road

about a half a mile.

You got it?

Got it.

What are you looking for?

Looking for big bird.

[upbeat music]

[no audio]

[no audio]

Do you have a dime?


I don't.


Thank you.


And this.

Thank you.

I'll just take a
couple of these.

CASHIER: Mm-hmm.

Thank you.

Is this it?

Nah, it's just a
temporary stopover.

[soft music]

[no audio]

[instrumental theme music]



Miss God to be.

You know, some day, I'm
going to be a missionary.

I've always admired

I'll go to Africa
or Southeast Asia.

Why don't you stay
home and save me?

No trouble?



INKA: Mmm, food.

PINOLE: What do you have there?

CASEY: Inka, let me
have that brown bag.

Jasp, chips?

Look what I found.

You have a Kn*fe?

Should be one at the bottom
of this here, somewhere.




I hope you don't think
I'm being out of line.

Any trouble?

How you feeling?

I'm all right.

That's great.

A lot better for riding
than your outfit.

I'm not going to
do anymore riding.

I'm going home.

Yeah, that's right, lady.

That's where you're
going-- my home.

I haven't moved back there
since I was a little kid.

It's a little farming town.

No, it's a mining town.

It's up in those hills.

Please, I can't go with you.

You used me to get away.

Now you're away.

And now I want to go.

[soft music]

[no audio]

Well, let's hear it.

If I go back and get
busted, I do hard time.


Can you see me in a
three-button suit again?


It's worse alone.

Well, we lost the cops.

What about your friends
in the whirlybird?

My friends?

What the hell does
that mean, my friends?

WACO: You arranged for us
to buy the bikes from them.

PINOLE: That don't
make 'em my friends.

I didn't know they gonna
lay all that H on us.

WACO: I don't care
whose friends they are.

What do you think
they're going to do now?

PINOLE: How the hell
do I know, Waco?

inv*de the monastery!

Start a w*r with
a state trooper!

They want their junk back.

I don't know.

What do you want from me?

A little less hollering.

PINOLE: Hey, we can't
take those bags.

Each of us gotta
carry some food.

[no audio]

[motorcycle engines]

There's your big bird, Pinole!

[helicopter radio chatter]

MAN: Incoming!


He's--he's sh**ting!

We're not holding!

It's gone!

MAN: Get down!

JASPER: We haven't got it!


They think we sold it, man!

Here it comes again, man!

Why you-- sh**ting, man?

Get out of here, ya mother!

You sons of b*tches!

[helicopter engine sputtering]

You hit him!

He's gonna crash.

Oh my god!

[foreboding music]

WACO: Let's go.

[motorcycle engines]

Ghost town.

PINOLE: Well, like I
say, it's been a while.

WACO: It's all right.


No neighbors.

The end of nowhere.

Are we going to
be all right here?

JASPER: Where do
you go from here?

It's like the last stop.

WACO: Hey, watch out
for rattlesnakes there.

Damn [inaudible].

PINOLE: Hey, baby, let me
take care of that for you.


[chicken clucking]

Come on, chicky chicky.


[makes kissing noises]
Chicky, chicky-bee.

come on, little
chicken, little chicken.

I got ya, ya little mother.

Come on.

Come on with papa.

Nice chicken.

Nice chick.



Look what I got!

I got us some dinner tonight!

A beautiful, fat chicken.


You can't top that!

Hey, Waco!

The wet back did it!

WAHOO: Oh, yes!

For dinner!



JASPER: Who knows how
to cook a chicken?

Who needs to cook it?

Oh, baby, I love you.

WACO: See about catching
a mate and start breeding.

Oh, yeah, what the hell is
this, the landing of the ark?

When are we gonna
get out of this hole?

Pinole, you picked this place.

Aren't your people from here?


It's exciting, huh?

Look at it.

I like it here.

Smells great.


We can take a rest while
they cool off down there.

What about Anna?

I'll take her back
in a couple days.

Here comes the
foraging committee.

hope you found more

than we picked up yesterday.

WACO: Yeah.

A lady and a chair.

INKA: Whew.
WACO: Hmm.

FOLSOM: You're pretty.

Good timing.

Boy, they really
picked this town clean.

Yeah, there's all kinds of bits
and pieces and junk out there,

but there's no food.


Think we ought to
risk a trip into town?

We got to go soon,
like it or not, man.

This isn't exactly a
Thanksgiving dinner.

[chicken squawking]

FOLSOM: Get your [inaudible].

Hey, hey, we're going away.

Hey, you guys, look.

Oh, yeah.

I can go for a
little belt-arino.

Not only that, I
could go for a drink.

You think we ought?

Well, we've got time.

One beer, OK?


You're on.

[motorcycle engines]

OK, four, five, [inaudible].

[door dings]

Well, now for old
time's sake-- All right.

Yes, sir?

Heading on a trip?


[LAUGHING] Yeah, right.

Ah, hunting ain't
very good down here.

Mmm, well--

-That's too bad.

Oh, I see.

Uh, what'll you have?

Um, ahh, whisky.

BARTENDER: All right.


Uh, beer.






JASPER: Can I buy you
gentlemen a drink?

Sure, beer.



WACO: Think they got busted?

PINOLE: I don't know.


WACO: They should
have been back.

MAN: Hey, maybe they're
ripped some place.

WACO: I hope not.

They better show up soon.

[upbeat latin music]

[no audio]

[no audio]

[SLURRING] Come on!





God damn you, yeah!

Thank you for a-- a
beautiful evening, friend.

It's been-- it's been very good.

Yeah, man!

Yeah, you folks all right?

Oh, we-- we're-- we're fine.

We're really fine.

Every-- everyone is fine.

Yeah, yeah, yeah!

Folsom's not
gonna make it, man.

He's on a righteous trip.

Oh, yeah, he is!


Yeah, he is!

Um, I don't think
we're going to make it.

Yeah, baby.

Is there a motel
around somewhere?

Yeah, bitch!

I'll make it!

Yeah, the Sleepy Hollow motel.

It's just down the road.

I'll make it just fine!

Well, that's--
the Sleepy Hollow--

that's the perfect hotel.


-What is your name again?


[folsom snorting]

Just perfect, buddy.

And thanks again.


[SOBBING] Oh, god damn it!

Oh, god damn it.

Oh, god-- please help me!

Oh, oh.

Uh-- uh.

What-- what are-- hey!


Stop it, will you please!


Hey, what are you doing?

Let's go.

Let's go.

Will you cut it out?




All right.

I'm here!

I'm here!



Let's break her down up here!

[engines cut off]

Is this is the right way?

To where?

You assh*le.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.
-To where?



San Diego?

-Ah, you know to where.

Las Vegas?

Palm Springs?
I don't know!

We all split up.

You're a liar, boy!

Five choppers came through
that town, and none of 'em

came back!

Back roads!

They're miles from here!

OK, you follow me, or else.

INKA: Hey, you guys.

You just don't listen.

We should have got
rid of this stuff.

deep enough down.

You can't do that.

TARBORO: Can't do what?

That's m*rder.


Somebody going to die?

Let's get 'em in
here sitting up.

FOLSOM: Ah, ya mother.


Oh, you're too much.

What the hell kind
of comic books

have you been reading,
you dated ass?

Hey, Tarboro, wait a minute!

You can't-- this is a -- god!

Son of a bitch!

TARBORO: [inaudible].

Come on, man!

TARBORO: Well, I don't
hear any talking.

Any volunteers as guides
as to the whereabouts

of the Catholic novice,
Anna, and her kidnapper?

They split to the city.

Phoenix, I think.

I thought they went to Mexico.

JASPER: That's right.

Who knows where
the hell they went?

They're gone.


Well, what about
all them supplies?

That's for us.

We're prospecting.

Hunting and farming.

[tarboro scoffs]

We love nature.

Well, then, you must be awful
happy right where you are, boy.

Look at all the nature
that surrounds you.

FOLSOM: Hey, Tarboro,
man, come on.

This is--

JASPER: Folsom, cool it!

He's bluffing.

I'll make you a bet.

Whatever he bets
you, friend, you take

it 'cause he's a big loser.



TARBORO: OK, boys.

Here's how we play this game.

Hey, Jasper, man.

Hey, they're not fooling.

They're gonna leave us out
here and let the ants eat us.

Then why didn't you tell him?

Oh, you're funny, man.

You're real funny.


No fink.

Well, don't talk too soon.

I think you're gonna
get another chance.

Jesus Christ!

[engines revving]


[intense music]


Oh, god, let me out of here!

Jesus, help me!





I'll take you!

Oh, god, let me out!

[folsom sobbing]

Hey, Doug, give me a hand.

[SOBBING] Oh, get me out.

Let me out.



You win.

We'll take you.

Oh, ain't you cute?

Now, wait a minute, goddammit.

[casey crying]

Hold on, baby.

I'm holding.

Boy, I better not
ever see you two again.


[heavy breathing]

Son of a bitch.

This dirt is loose.


It's loose.

Keep moving.

[engine revving]


Ohh, oh, oh!

[choking screams]



I hope we've convinced you
this ain't no wild goose chase.

How much further?

It's around the corner.

Tarboro, I'm gonna k*ll you.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

[inhales deeply]


Let's try for a little surprise.


Look, do something with
these ropes, all right?



WACO: Schools?

What about hospitals?

ANNA: Well, uh, schools are
more productive and creative.

They develop people
where hospitals

only maintain and repair them.

Tell that to a maternity ward.


I can pick him
off easy from here.

You don't.

Come on, let's get closer.

I'm gonna go get
some more water.

Would you like to take a bath?


Hey, Pinole?

What's the smoke?

We were cooking soup, and
the wall caught on fire.

It's all right.

Well, put it out.


You guys stay down.

Stay down.


What are you doing here?

[multiple g*nshots]



ANNA: Get out of here!

TARBORO: [inaudible]!

Hold your fire!

Wait a minute!


What are you doing?

What are you doing here?

What is the matter with you?



Get over here.


TARBORO: Get down a a bit.

ANNA: What are you doing?


What are you doing?

What are you doing?




You and Tyler get around
behind that church.

And don't let 'em
get away, you hear?

And be careful.

They got my g*n.

When we all get in
position, we'll rush 'em!


Doug, let's me and
you head out over here.

[g*nshots in distance]

What did they do to you, man?


Oh, they got to me, baby.

They got to me.

Let me see your face.

Go on.

Hey, man.
-Hold it.


Just take it easy.

Take it easy.

Oh, man!

Let me go.

Let me go.

Gimme that g*n!

Why should I give you the g*n?

They must have got
Jasper and Folsom!

That's why they didn't
come home last night!

That's how they found
out where we are.

They're gonna k*ll us, Waco,
unless we can make a deal.

What kind of a deal, Pinole?

I've been around in back, Waco.

[b*llet ricochets]

WACO: How many?

I can't tell, man.

Maybe six, maybe ten of them.


Hold your fire!

Hold your fire, boys.

Inside the church!


Inside the church!

You know you're surrounded.

You better answer me.

Clay, look.

[motorcycles approaching]

TARBORO: Well, that's OK.

Let 'em go.

It'll be easier if
they all get inside.

Come on!

What the hell happened?

Now, how many are out there?

Tarboro and his three
motorcycle cowboys.


Hold your fire, boys!

Hold your fire!


Everybody in the church, come
out with your hands in the air.


Close in!

[intense music]


Where's your friend?

Drop it!


Where's Anna?

She's outside,
handcuffed to a tree.

Let's have the key.

Come on, the key!




Stop it!

You got about one minute
to get those cuffs off her.

Come on!


Inka, get your bed roll.

JASPER: She gave it to Pinole.

WACO: I know that.
Get it.

Waco, wait a minute.

WACO: Will you shut up?

You came after us on that
kidnapping charge, right?

Just you.


I was not kidnapped.

I left the convent voluntarily.

That leaves your
kidnapping, a police officer.

I don't need a badge
to settle my problems.

Open it.

Look at it.

We don't take smack.

And we're not in
the smack business.

None of us.

Right, Pinole?

Throw the rest of
that junk in there.

Come on.



Let's go home, boys.

[motorcycle engine revving]

It's all over now.

Her arm is chipped.

[g*n cocking]


[intense music]

[intense music]


Let's take another road.

The one we chose is dead.

And being close together
is restful to my head.

And being close together
is restful to my head.