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Siddhartha (1972)

Posted: 01/26/24 08:50
by bunniefuu
Well, you had your bath.
Aren't you going to the temple?

I am.

It's so peaceful here.


It's all right if you are my father's age.


But if you are young.

I want to be a sadhu.

I want to be free.

I want to be wild.

I...I do want to be a sadhu.

But how are you going to tell your father?

I don't know.

But I'll speak to him tonight.

He'll be very angry.

I don't think so.

I don't think he'll be angry.

I shall ask him to give me permission
to do what I want to do.

You know there's something
very tranquil about your father.

The way he moves down everyday
to the Ganges for a bath.

There's something nice about it.

It's not nice. It's the same.

Everything's the same, Govinda.

The river, the temples, the mountains,

the people, the rocks, the sand, the steps.

Everything's the same.

My son. Oh!, my son.

Will you go and stand day and night,
waiting for my permission?

I will stand and wait.

You will grow tired, Siddhartha.
Will I grow tired?

You will fall asleep.
Will I fall asleep?

Do you want to die?
Do I want to die?

Would you die rather than obey your father?

I shall never disobey my father.

Please give me your blessing.

Will you leave this idea to become a sadhu?

Siddhartha shall do what his father says.

All right, I cannot stop you.
You are a man.

Go into the forest.
If you find truth,

come back, and tell me about it.

And if you find nothing,

Come back anyway, my son.

Like the river, everything returns.

You've come?
I have come.

What do you think, Govinda?

Are we any further?

Have we reached our goal?

We learn so much
and we're still learning.

You, Siddhartha, will become a great sadhu
because you've learned everything so quickly.

The old sadhus were saying
that one day you'll be a holy man.

What is meditation?
What if I can leave my body?

What is holding of the breath?
What is fasting?

It's an escape, Govinda.
It's an escape from the torments of life.

We, sadhus are escapists.

The man in the village has the same trip.
when he takes his drug,

which is a few bowl of wine.
And then he falls asleep.

And he no longer feels himself
or the pains of life.

What's so difference from what he's doing
and what we are doing?

I don't know why you speak like this, Siddhartha.
Because you're not a farmer

And you're not a drunkard, and you know very
well that a drinker doesn't escape from anything.

He only gets a short rest.
And when he returns,

he finds everything the same as before.

He's not any wiser,
He has not gained any knowledge.

Neither has he climbed any higher.

Well I don't know, Govinda...

I'm not a drunkard.

But I'm...I'm tired of all this,
these exercises in the meditation.

I'm still as removed from wisdom and
salvation as I was im my father's house.

How old do you think is our oldest sadhu,

our worthy teacher there?

I don't know.
Maybe he's sixty?

and he has not attained Nirvana.

He will be seventy, he will be eighty.

And try he might, he can exercise,
meditate, fast,

But he will never attain Nirvana.

He will never get eternal peace of mind.
It's all tricks Govinda.

We are deceiving ourselves.
It's all tricks.

The essential thing, the way,
we do not know.

Oh, Govinda, I'm thirsty,
I'm thirsty, Govinda.

For years we've been on this path
with the sadhus.

For years we've been in search of knowledge.
For years we've been asking questions.

And there's been no.
No answer from God.

Now you want to go
and hear the Buddha?

Why? don't you want to go?

Remember what I told you?

I no longer believe in...

learning or in teaching.

But I will go with you.

What I have to teach
is not a relegion at all.

For I do not talk about substance

or soul, or even God.

Nor do I ask any of my followers to have faith

Seek grace, or worship me.

This life is full of pain,
and this world is full of suffering,

The cause of suffering is craving,
self love and attachment.

The remedy for suffering
is the systematic destruction of craving,

Nirvana, we must think of
as an enlightenment of the conscious mind.

Control of yourself.
And then, concentration

and meditation.
These should lead to wisdom.

Illustrious one.

I wish to be accepted in your order.

Siddhartha! I've been accepted.

What are you waiting for?
Are you not goin' to join?

You've taken a step, Govinda.

You've chosen your path.

Govinda, you've always
followed one step behind me.

And I've wondered
if Govinda will ever take a step on his own.

Well now you have.

Go along it my friend.

Go along it to the end.

But what's wrong with this teaching? Why?
Why aren't you goin' to join the Buddha?

There's....nothing wrong
with the Buddha's teachings.

It's just that
I must go my own way.

Tomorrow, Govinda...

I must leave you.




Be at peace, Govinda.

Be at peace.

Forgive me Illustrious One.

May I speak?

As you wish.

Yesterday, my friend and I had
the honor of hearing you speak.


My friend has sworn allegiance to you,
and left me.

Now I'm alone.

Unable to follow you,

or any teacher.

You said yesterday that,
that life was a chain unbroken.

Linked together by cause and effect.

For me,
cause and effect are not enough.

It is in my opinion that
everything is whole, unified, complete.

Opinions may be beautiful, ugly, or clever.

It is not my goal to explain this world
to those who are thirsty for knowledge.

It is salvation from suffering.
This is all the Buddha teaches, nothing more.

You can never tell me the secret of
what you yourself expierienced,

when you achieved enlightenment.

That is why I'm goin' on my way.
Not to find a better teacher.

but, but to leave behind all teachers,

And to find the way alone or die.

You are clever, young sadhu.
Perhaps too clever.

Be on your guard against cleverness.

But I will never forget this day.

The Buddha has taken away my friend.

My friend Govinda, who believed in me,
and now beleives in Him.

He's taken away my friend who was my shadow,
and is now His shadow.

But He has given me Siddhartha,
He has given me myself.

That's the only man
who I will lower my eyes for.

No other teaching will attract me
as this man's teaching has.

I wanted to know the book of the world
and the book of my own nature.

I missed the sign.

I thought the world of
appearances was the truth.

But I was wrong.

It's my own eyes and my own mouth
that I could not understand.

I could not understand myself.

Anyway that's all over.

I've awakened. I'm awake.

I've been born today.

You were very tired.
Do you feel better now?

Drink this.

Thank you.

Come. It's time to cross the river.

It is a beautiful river.
Yes, oh yes. It is a beautiful river.

I love it. I love everything about it, everything.

I often listen to it, and gaze into it.

And always I learn something from it.

There is much to be learned from the river.

I'm without a home.
I cannot pay you.

Well I can see that.
But I didn't expect anything from you.

You can pay me some other time.
We will meet again.

Everything returns.
Do you think so?

Yes, I think so.

I have learned from the river
that everything returns.

May I have a drink of water?

Who is she?

Kamala a cortes?.

Did you not stand outside yesterday
and greet me?


I thought you saw me.

Three years ago I was Siddhartha,
the Brahmin's son who left his home

to become a sadhu.

However that was yesterday.

Today I have entered a new path
that leads to your garden.

I should never lower my eyes before yours.

Not even your fan can hide the beauty.

Is that all you've come
to tell me, young Brahamin?

I've come to say...

that you are all the things that will outlive me.

That you, Kamala, will be all the beauty
that will be in the shadow we leave.

You will be my first love, my only love.

Well, this is the first time that a sadhu
has come from the woods with a desire to love me.

I have never seen a sadhu talk like this before.

I learned a lot today
when I got rid of my beard.

Look! I have oiled and combed my hair.

I'm already beginning to learn from you.

Many young men come to me
and they all have fine clothes,

fine shoes, scent in their hair
and money in their pockets.

That is how young men come to me.

You can't just be some...
beggar from the woods.

Don't you understand?

How can I be rich?

How can I be worldly?

Oh!...Many people want to know about that.

Tell me what can you do?

I can think.
I can wait. I can fast.

Nothing else?

I can recite a poem for a kiss.

Will you give me a kiss for a poem?


What about the poem?

Tell me. Can't you do anything else

other than think, fast, and compose poetry?

I can do spells.

I know how to do incantations.
I read the scriptures.

You can read and write?

I think I can find a job for you.

There is another visitor for you.
It's Kamaswami.

I'm sorry you have to go.
There is another visit for me.

But, perhaps I will
see you tomorrow.

I've found a job for you.

Oh yes?

It's with a rich merchant, Kamaswami.

You are lucky, Siddhartha.

One door after another
is being opened to you.

Tell me.
How does it happen?

You have a special charm?

I told you yesterday
that I can think, wait and fast.

But you didn't consider that important.

You will see, Kamala,

that this sadhu from the forest
can do things that other man can't.

I've come to you...
to learn about love.

From the first glance I knew
that you would be my teacher, my guru.

But...what if I said no?

But you haven't, Kamala.

Because you've recognized
that I am like a stone,

Thrown into the water.

A stone that finds its way
quickly into the depths.

In the same way, when I have a goal,
I do nothing.

I wait, I think, I fast.

I have been told that you are a Brahmin.

A man with some knowledge of writing.

That you seek service with a merchant.

Are you in need, Brahmin, that you seek service?

No! I'm not in need.

I have never been in need.

I have lived for many years in the forest.

I've been with the sadhus.

How is that..that you are not in need?

Are not all Sahus
completely without possessions?

I have no possessions if that's what you mean.

I certainly am without possessions of my own free will.
So I'm not in need.

How do you live without possessions?

I have never thought of that.

I lived for years in the forest without possessions.

I've never thought on what I should live.

Then you have lived on the possessions of others.
You're a parasite then. Eh?

A merchant also lives on
the possessions of others, doesn't he?

A merchant doesn't take from others for nothing.

He gives goods in return.

That is the way of life,
everyone takes and everyone gives.

Very well. If you're without possessions,

how can you give?
and what can you give?

Everyone gives what he can.
The soldier gives strength.

The merchant goods, the fisherman fish,
The framer rice.

Alright! You're clever. But what've
you learned that you can give?

I can think.
I can wait. I can fast.

So what? Of what use is that?

It is of great value. If a man can live on nothing,
he doesn't have to work.

He can wait calmly for another job.
Perhaps, perhaps, Brahman.

Can you read this?

Twenty bales of cotton, fifty bales of silk,

payment in three weeks.

Can you write something for me?

Writing is good. Thinking is better.

Cleverness is good. Patience is better.

Excellent. Excellent.

Have you ever made love to a woman?


Have you ever... kissed a woman?


Have you ever... known a woman?


Do you want to?

Very much.

Kiss me.

That's all?

I'll teach you.

You must never leave me, Siddhartha.


Put it over there! If this keeps up,
I'll give you a third of the business.

Did you have a good crop? Thank you very much.
We had a good crop this time.

But I'm sorry, you're just too late.

Never mind. I'll stay and cerebrate with you
since you've sold the harvest.

And maybe next year, I shall come
in time to buy your crop.

Thank you. Thank you, sir.

So, you've come back.

How much rice have you brought?


What do you mean?

You came back with nothing?

I don't understand you. Where is your mind?
You're a child. A child!

Let me ask you one thing my friend,
were you traveling just for pleasure?

Certainly, I always travel for pleasure.
I have friends, friends everywhere.

You see, I spent a lot of time with people.
I learned a lot.

I did not hurt them. They did not hurt me.

I can return. And if I'll go back
they'll be glad to see me.

I did not display any bad feelings.
So don't be angry my friend.

If you think that I, Siddhartha, will do you
any harm, then say good-bye and I'll leave.

Come on my friend. The first sign of
a good business is friendship.

I feed you. I do everything for you.

I don't understand your attitude.

I mean, you could be more thankful.

You know I've taught you everything.
Please my friend.

Don't make jokes like that.

I have learned from you
how much a basket of fish costs.

How much one can claim for lending monies.

That is the extent of your knowledge Kamaswami.

But I did not learn how to think from you.

It is better if you learn that from me.

You are like me, you know.
You are different from other people.

You are Kamala and no one else.

And within you there is a stillness and a santuary
to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.

Just as I can.

Do you realize few people can do that?

Not everyone is clever, Siddhartha.

It has nothing to do with that.

Kamaswami is clever.

Yet he has no place, no santuary.

You're the best lover I've ever had.

You're more strong,

more supple,

more willing than all the others.

You don't...really love me.

You love no one. Isn't that the truth?

Maybe I am like you.

You cannot love either.

Otherwise how could you practice love as an art?

No, Kamala, we cannot love.

Ordinary people can. That's their secret.

What a strange life you lead.

You who were once a seeker,
a man in search of his true self.

See how your life is passing you by.

Ah, it's all mine!

No water?

No water!

Go get some!

Tell me more about the Buddha.

How did he smile?

One day I will become his follower.

I will give up my pleasure garden,

and take refuge in his teachings.

What's happened to me?
What have I become?

Another Kamaswami.

What have I, what have I given up my freedom for?

For this? For all the food on my table?

I feel sick.
Sick of this world that I've created.

I must leave this cage!

My house is useless...
and my life in the town is finished.

I do not think you would like this work, sir.

It is not for somebody dressed like you.

Why judge me by my clothes?

I have no money.

I have only these clothes
to pay you for taking me across.

Are you joking with me, sir?
No, my friend, I'm not joking.

A long time ago you took me
across the river for no payment.

So please do it today
and take my clothes instead.

And where would you go
without your clothes? Where?

I would prefer not to go any further.

I would prefer it. If you would give me some
old clothes and keep me here as your apprentice.

I recognize you.

You once slept in my hut.

That was a long time ago.
I took you across the river.

I remember you face, but not your name.

My name is Siddhartha.
I was a sadhu when you last saw me.

Well, you're welcome, Siddhartha.
My name is Vasudeva.

My home is your home.

Thank you.

You know, Siddhartha?
I had a wife once.

She lives in this hut. She slept on that bed.

Siddhartha, this river is everywhere,
everywhere at the same time.

It is at its source and at the mouth.

It's in the waterfall and at the ferry.

It's at the ebb, in the ocean,
in the mountains.

It is everywhere.
The river only lives in the present.

We too must learn to live in the present.

Our great folly is to feel obliged to conquer time.

It is this endless running after money, riches,
power, wealth.

This feeling that there isn't enough time.
That obscures the truth.


They are all going to see the Lord Buddha.

He will not live long.

He is close to enlightenment,
to Nirvana.

Are you tired?

Come on.


Ma! Ma! Ma!

Help! Help! Why don't you help?
Help, quick!

Why don't you help?

Ma! Ma!


I recognize you.

Where is our son?

Don't worry, he is here.

We have grown old, my dear one.

Once again

come to me in my garden

without clothes

and with dusty feet.

Your eyes...

...your eyes are like his, Siddhartha.

I have also grown older.
Did you recognize me?

Yes, Kamala, I recognize you.

Did you recognize him too?

Have you...have you attained it?

Have you found peace?


I see it.

I will also find peace.


You have already found peace.

You have not slept, Siddhartha.
No, Vasudeva.

I sat here and listened to the river.

It has taught me a great deal.

It has filled me with good thoughts.

You have suffered, Siddhartha. But I see
that sadness has not entered your heart.

Why shoud I be sad?
My son has been given to me.


Get me some water, son!.

I'm not your servant!

Why don't you b*at me?

You can't b*at me?

You're afraid to b*at me.

You're not even a man!

I hate you. You're not my father!

Your son does not want to be followed.
I must follow him. He's only a child.

He can't go through the forest alone.
He'll come to some harm.

He's not a child. He is a strong boy.
He will find his way to the town.

No, Vasudeva. I must follow him.

Hurry up! All right.

I think I can get you out.

Yeah!, out!

I don't want to play with you.
Why? Just because I win?

No, go home.
Why? I don't have to go home.



Siddhartha, we have traveled
a long way on this river.

I am old now.
I can't work anymore.

Now it's time for me to go.

But we will meet again, and remember...
Nothing remains the same.

Everything changes...

...and everything returns.

Can you take across the river?

Where are you going?
What are you seeking?

I've been seeking for the right path all my life.

Wll, may be you have looked for too much
too long, dear friend, Govinda.


My dear friend


The trouble with goals is that
one becomes obsessed with the goal.

When you say you're seeking,
it means there is something to find.

But the real freedom is the realization
that there are no goals.

There's only the now.

What happened yesterday has gone.
What will happen tomorrow, we will never know.

So we must live in the present.
Like the river.

Everything returns.
Nothing remains the same.


Never is a man completely a saint
or completely a sinner.

The Buddha is in the robber
and in the prost*tute.

God is everywhere.
Gos is everywhere?

Umh! Do you see this stone?

This stone, in a certain length of time,
will become soil.

And from the soil it will become a plant,
maybe an animal or a man.

Now, before I realized all this things,
I used to say, "This is a stone,

it does not have any value". I think,
this stone is not just a stone.

It is an animal. It is God.
It is the Buddha.

And in the cycle of change,

it can become a man and spirit.

It can have importance.
Because it has already long been everything.

I love the stone.

I love it. Just because it is a stone.


I can love without words.

That's why I don't believe in teachers.

The river..

the river is the best teacher.

Do you remember the Buddha?

Yes, I remember the Buddha.

And all those we have loved
and who have d*ed before us.

And I have come to recognize that we must...
we must forget searching.

Tell me something that can help me.

My path is hard.

Tell me something I can understand.
Help me, Siddhartha.

Stop searching.

Stop worrying.

And learn to give love.

Stay and work with me by the river, Govinda.

Be at peace, Govinda. Be at peace.