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Civilization (1916)

Posted: 01/25/24 19:41
by bunniefuu

PROLOGUE: Civilization has been
called the evil in modern times.

Even damage, greed and
envy are not removed

of the hearts of men, we can
not expect universal peace...

For civilization.

We can call ourselves civilized,
when we close our eyes

before the orders of the
"Prince of Peace"...

Do you love your neighbor as yourself?

Watch your soul die while
you look at bodies.

Wounded by thousands of people
who fought in the fields

of battle... desolate
houses and ruined lives.

If, at least those who follow
practice what they preach,

We would see the flowering of civilization.

This film is humbly dedicated
to the noble workers

who are fighting for a lasting peace.

Bathed by the sunlight
of peace and joy,

There is the small town of "Nurma".

w*r... Why go?

The throne of pomp and power.

Luther Rolfe, a passionate
follower of Christ, struggling.

For universal peace.

We were launched the w*r
by a bad monarch advised.

By m*llitary power.

These pacifists are the
ruin of any country.

w*r is necessary for any
nation that wants to survive.

Do not let hate and vengeance
take over you. Let's have peace.

Let's all get together
in the law battle.

Against the possible!

Screams on windows
of w*r orphanages...

Are they going to pay any w*r debts?

Parliament, with the consent of
the King, sanctions laws of w*r.

Count Ferdinand, an inventor
in the service of the king.

His Majesty demands his immediate presence.

Prove to your king that
your invention is all that.

You say you are and I
will all your wishes.

The bride of Count Ferdinand.

You will have my true
consent to marry the woman

who wants, if it is an ordinary person.

Votes from the Parliament
are sent to the king.

Majesty... w*r is the only solution!
We await your decision!

Surrounded by famished and
conscientious fighters

of his ambitions, the king
approves the request.


Under the orders of the king
these sons of men depart.

To fight against
other sons of men.

Curses against those responsible
for sending these men to death.

With the last light of
sunset on the horizon,

the specters of death
were walking dark.

After nineteen centuries of
Christian spirit, the stupidity of.

Men thirsting for blood are visible.

Civilization has no mercy
with the weak and helpless.

The blood coming out of his
wounds, praying to death...

The king's proud army
retracts, demoralized.

You are great. We need more men.

You can not take it.
It belongs to me.

No! It belongs to the Nation.

You do not want to take me... right?

My poor mother needs help.
What will happen to her?

Look, Grandpa...
are leading Hubert.

Dad! Dad! Do not go!
You will never come back to me!

Ferdinand goes on a mission to...

This is the emblem of an
invisible army of women

who want... "peace on earth".

The cries of r*ped
women reach all.

World. The Wars must be stopped.

Do you have the courage to join
this noble group of women?

Everything is ready for your departure.
Here are your papers.

The last meeting.

It's the w*r, my dear. My prize
will be the favors of the king.

Yours is a King of the
Earth, while mine is a King

of Peace and brotherly love.

How can you prove that
someone is a traitor in a

cause so unjust, so unholy?

I can not! I can not!
I gotta go!

Caught by the thoughts of her request.

And the duty of your country.

Line of boat with contraband of w*r.

Passengers used as attraction.

Stop! I'm in charge!

A conflict of conscience, as you
watch your orders are fulfilled.

Stop! Not a single torpedo
against women and children!

We are not butchers!

Have you gone crazy?
Obey the orders!

I am obeying orders
from a higher power.

I'm in charge.
You must obey my orders!

I'll k*ll the first one to move!

At death's door.

Apply all your medical knowledge.
This man must live.

Your soul seeks a
paradise to rest.

And find the Christ who
d*ed for others to live.

Peace to you, son, because
in your love for humanity

there is his redemption.

Here is the one who sowed the seeds
of hatred and laughed at love.

With my body I will return and
with your voice ask for peace.

Many curses were
carved in my name.

A miracle occurred.
The Count lives!

While giant g*ns play
their death sound...

The sea is preparing for its sound.

Filled with the horror of w*r and
conscious of its responsibility,

the King screams.

The enemy offers conditions of
peace based on human rights.

He, who has returned to the Count's
body, speaks to the people.

Count Ferdinand must be crazy.
Just talk about peace.

The Count is very courageous
in preaching peace.

Near the palace.

It dispels throughout the territory
the cry of peace, love and charity.

Can you expect happiness within
you if you simply hate it?

Your Majesty, Count Ferdinand
is urging people to come up.

Blessed are the peacemakers
and the damned who lift up

his hand against his neighbor.

Suffering the accidents of
those who crucify him again.

Bring me the Earl!

Ripping again on the
cross of injury.

In front of a modern Pilate.

Majesty, be considerate of the Earl.
It's not him.

Traitor! Stand before me and
listen to his sentence!


And God help your soul!

Repent of your sins or
you will lose your soul!

A heavenly ray burns
you with your glory.

New recruits for the cause
of peace join forces.

inv*de the Capital.

Devotions come to the palace.

Willing to make any
sacrifice for the cause.

The Mothers of men ask
for the w*r to end.

Majesty, Count Ferdinand
escaped from the sentence

of death.

The king, with humility, feels
the presence of a power.


Dismayed as in a trance.

Oh, King, let me reveal
the harvest you planted.

Soon, a powerful force...

Look at this and study it well.

Do you see the work of your hands?

Bread! Bread! We're starving!

Under his command his
goods became the.

Own hell!

The laughter of happy
people was blocked by the.

Screams of the dead.


Those whose acts were
taken into account in the.

Scales are registered here.

Is my name among them?

Yes, I check it out! A page written
with the blood of his people.

Since you have already refused
peace, you must suffer.

On the b*ttlefield Christ
passed between the victims

of greed.

Gentlemen, I want to sign this
peace treaty without reservations.

I command my subjects to
enjoy peace and prosperity.

The cry of pain is
silent forever.

The noise of the w*r is
dead and in its place the.

Sound of the shepherds' horns.
