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06x06 - Old Spice

Posted: 10/27/14 09:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Good Wife...

J-Serve has stolen millions of dollars of intellectual property.

This civil suit can't proceed until the criminal case has been resolved.

Rayna: If you help us b*at the Feds, we can pick up where we left off.

You're serious?


What choice do you have?

Man: Turning to God.

What role has God played in your life, Senator Kirk?

Pastor, they say there are no atheists in foxholes.

After my stroke, I was in a very, very deep, uh, foxhole.

Hmm. So-so you think you've become more religious?

I've become more respectful of other people's faiths.

I've heard you go home every Friday from the Senate to spend the Jewish Sabbath with your family.

I go home every Friday to be with my family.

We're members of congregation Beth Elohim.

It's where I feel at home in the heart of Brooklyn.

(Clears throat)

So, I have to do that?

If you want to get elected.

I thought it was a mistake to talk about religion.

It is except for Pastor Jeremiah's interview.

You run for office in Chicago, you have to kiss the ring.

These political rules keep changing whenever you want them to.

Yes, but you're on record saying you're an atheist, Alicia.

And voters don't vote for atheists.

So, you need to take this opportunity to say that you've changed.

Changed to what?

To someone who isn't an atheist.

(Doorbell rings)

And if I don't say that?

Then you'll lose.

And if I say it's none of their business?

It is their business.

My lack of religion is their business?

Yes, you're asking them to vote for you so they deserve to know who you are.

I'm an atheist.

They deserve to know who we want them to think you are.

(Doorbell rings)



I'm your body woman.

I'm sorry?

I'm your body woman?

I didn't know what it was either.

It's like your personal assistant.

I stick to you, making sure you're on time, get on calls and your food isn't poisoned.

I'm Marissa. Eli's daughter.

Oh, right. Hi.

I actually don't think I need a body woman.

Johnny: Yes, you do.

Dad would be upset if you said no 'cause I'm supposed to spy for him.

But I'm not a very good spy.

(Phone ringing)

So don't worry.

Excuse me.

I'm gonna...


Elsbeth: Alicia, where are you?

Um, where am I?

Yes, you're not here.

Uh, Elsbeth, where are you?

The FBI.

We're meeting with Perotti about the trade secret case.


No, today.

Yes, today until they called and said tomorrow.

And they called everyone but me?

Elsbeth, I have to go.

I'll see you in court tomorrow.


This department considers this...

I am a busy woman, Mr. Perotti. I have more things to do with my time than to come here like a, like a woman dragged here out of her day.

How are you, Elsbeth?

If you want to have lunch with me, call my office.

But don't pretend it's about business, and then call everybody else not to show up, so it'll just be me showing up.

I don't like that tie.

I'll change it. Camryn?

Did you call Ms. Tascioni and Mrs. Florrick last night and say I had to cancel?

Yes, sir. I got Ms. Tascioni's secretary.

(Quietly): Fantasia.

I'm gonna go.

So, I could ask you to lunch?

I only said that as an example.

Is this case about me?


Elsbeth, your client plagiarized their software from another company.

They did not.

And even if they did, they sell farting apps.

They sell jumping grasshopper apps.

And encryption software.

Why is the federal government suddenly so interested in protecting the code of a grasshopper app?

Because the code was plagiarized from a defense contractor.

You're making that up.

I'm not.


You're still gonna lose.

Alicia Florrick is on my side.

You expected to divide and conquer us.

But it's gonna be hard to do with both of us battling you.

Elsbeth, what are you doing?

I'm marshalling my forces. I'm...

The way you're walking. What-what is that?

You're scared of sidewalk grates.

(Stammers) No. What?!

Yes! The way you're walking.

You were avoiding the grates.


Oh, my God! You're so adorable. Come here.

Walk with me.

No, I'm fine.

Come on.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop that!

These things can support 10,000 pounds.

I could be carrying a Humvee and I would still... oh!




That was mean.

Hmm. (Sniffs)

What do you smell like?

It's beautiful.

Baby lotion.

Baby lotion.

I'm wearing old spice.

Have lunch with me.


I have to go.

This case is wrong.

And you need to stop it.

(Elevator bell dings)

Woman: Lockhart/Gardner/Canning, please hold.

Lockhart/Gardner/Canning, would you mind holding, please?

This is Lockhart/Gardner/Canning...

Canning: Family is important to this firm.

I realize it's an old fashioned thing to say because we live in cynical times, but we treat our clients like they're family.

We're highly accessible, which is why I give them my cell...

Son of a bitch!

We're being evicted.

How is that even possible?

Diane still sub-leases to us.

When Will d*ed she became the primary lease-holder.

So, what does she want... money?

No. She wants us out so she can move in. Look.

I have a friend at OSHA.

Jacques Cousteau's son?


At... OSHA?

See if we can set her up as an absentee landlord.

Yes, we can load up on all the OSHA infractions.

Diane: "Handrails or ramps.

"$120,000 for installation.

"Handicapped restroom stall.


"Warped reception floor.


Alicia: And you're wondering if we should pay?

Yes, the total is $650,000.

I don't understand.

Can't we evict them without paying?

Yes. But then they'll sue.

The question is do we take the hit?

Cary: No, the question is why are we moving at all?

Cary, we already voted.

Cary: Alicia, we are ending up right back where we started.

Yes, but we will still be us. We won't be Lockhart/Gardner.

The whole point of starting our own firm was so that we can build something on our own.

And if we weren't financially in a hole, we might be able to do more with our infrastructure.

Come on. I didn't ask you to bail me out.

Alicia: Cary, I wasn't talking about bail.

You may not need to pay.

What do you mean?

(Alicia and Cary arguing)

Alicia, Cary, hold on. Hold on!

Bailiff: All rise!

I have to go anyway.

I'll call you later.

Canning has real estate.

My guess is he'll have just as many OSHA issues on his property.

Good. See what you can find out. Let's hold off on discussing this until Kalinda can find out more.

Cary, where are you?

Five dollars.

Ivy core... the five Ivy league law schools.

Every time someone does work, it's five dollars.

Let's go.

Pay up.

Man: My name is

Nils Landrusyshym.

That's spelled the usual way.

It's L-a-n-d-r-u-s-y-s-h-y-m.

I'm an app designer at J-Serve.

And before that you worked at QZO Systems.

Is that correct, Mr. Landrusyshym?

You pronounced my name right. Thanks, man.

Well, that's because I listen.


Mr. Perotti is trying to endear himself to the witness.

(Whispers): In my opinion.


You have to say "in my opinion."

Are you hazing me?

In my opinion, Your Honor.


Uh, I'm sor... uh, what was the objection?

What am I doing wrong?

Don't endear yourself to the witness.


Thank you, Ms. Tascioni.



You're married?

I was. I'm divorced.

I didn't know that.

You didn't ask.

Judge: Excuse me, counselors.

We're in the middle of questioning here.

Oh, sorry.

Um, what was the question?

Uh, before J-Serve, did he work at QZO Systems?

You may answer, Mr. Landroo-shim-shum.

Yes, I did.

And QZO is a contractor for the United States department of defense, isn't it?

Yup. If you're ever looking for a tracking or a monitoring system, they're your go-to.

Mr. Landrusyshym, what is that?

Those are lines of code. From the Delcheck app.

Code that you wrote?

Uh, yeah.

A Nils Landrusyshym original.

Camilla, the app that he was working on...

Did you sell that as part of the package to China?

Yes. Why?

And what is that?

Uh, that looks like the same code.

It is, in fact.

This is identical code used by your former employer QZO.

Code which you also wrote.

You used the same code in each company's product.

Your Honor, objection.

The AUSA, in our opinion, is not being upfront about the real charges.

I'm not sure what the defense is talking about, Your Honor.

Your... Honor?

(Whispers): In your opinion.

Uh, in my opinion, Your Honor.

I would agree, Ms. Florrick.

What is the issue here?

This is a trojan horse prosecution, Your Honor.

The AUSA, in our opinion, has no intention of trying our client, Camilla Vargas, on trade secret charges.


Mr. Perotti intends to bring economic espionage charges against our client, in my opinion, and he has disguised his true intentions to get our witnesses on the record.

Is that true, Mr. Perotti?

Your Honor...

Answer the question, AUSA?

Camilla Vargas was CEO of J-Serve when they sold proprietary software from a defense contractor to a Chinese company.

A civil Chinese company.

A civil Chinese company with ties to the Chinese government.

That encryption software designed for our defense is now in the hands of the Chinese.

And those responsible at J-Serve are now subject to charges of economic espionage, with a minimum sentence of ten to 15 years in a federal penitentiary.

Oh, my God.

So, yes, I would like to amend the charge to economic espionage.

In my opinion.

The Good Wife 6x06
Old Spice

Woman: How do you stop a lawyer from drowning?

sh**t him before he hits the water.

You really do know them all!

So, what's the name of your firm?



Right, right. The governor's wife.


Good firm?

Yeah, yeah. We have our days.

I heard one of the partners got in trouble.

Arrested or something.


Cary Agos.

Right. What's he like?

He is a good guy.


Ah, you are, you are looking at him.



Thank you. Okay. Tonight. 8:00 P.M.

Castro interviews first.

You second.

What do I say?

You walk back the atheism.

Yes, but how?

You don't need to bring me coffee, Marissa.

It's not coffee, it's milk.

Dad says you should use the courthouse sh**ting.

It made you decide to change your life.

No, I'm not gonna use that. Why milk?

Why not?

"Recently, I've realized my negativity toward religion was based on seeing the hypocrisy among the ultra-conservative."

What is that?

It's a quote. For you.

"But then I realized there is great warmth and beauty in a higher being."

"Realized"? What is she, eight?

She just "realized"...

Whoa. Excuse me.

The body woman isn't supposed to talk so much.

Oh, uh, I guess I'm not supposed to have an opinion.

How about that book by Barbara Ehrenreich?

Why don't you say you've read it and you got to thinking about God in a new way?

Sort of a... epiphany.

They don't want to hear about epiphanies.

They're like orthodox Jews.

They want to know if you're in their column.

Who are you calling?


Alicia: Grace, it's mom.

Religion is in my life again.

♪ ♪

So, you're the felon?

That's me, the hardened criminal.

You heading out?

I was.

Back to lockup.

So Harvard to holding.

Sounds like a book. -A short one.

Three days behind bars... that doesn't give you much material.

No g*ng r*pe?


Strangely enough, not.

Well, that's too bad.

'Cause that would've been a turn-on.


Is that baby lotion?

(Elevator bell dings)

(Alicia speaking quietly)

It's not enough to show that the codes are similar.

To prove economic espionage, they need to show that you knew the Chinese company was going to give it to the government.

Good. Because I didn't.

Okay, I'll cross-examine.


The AUSA has a thing for me.

I think I can distract him.

Bailiff: All rise.

Edwin Fong.

Owner and managing partner of the Fong Consulting Group.

Perotti: Mr. Fong, you are the one who brokered the sale of the app in question between J-Serve and the Baowen Group?

I did.

J-Serve was eager to make a bigger push into China.

I connected them with Mr. Baowen.

So you worked closely with Camilla Vargas when she was CEO?

The defendant?

Fong: For three years, yes.

She was the one who hired my firm.



And did you keep Ms. Vargas in the loop during the app negotiations?

Fong: I did. I had to.

She wanted to know every detail.

And did she, uh...

Did the defendant...

Uh, did, um...

(Quietly): Ms. Vargas.

Right. Ms. Vargas.

Did she... did, uh...

Uh, strike that.

Did you ask her whether Mr. Baowen's company was connected to the Chinese government?

Yes. And I told her yes.

That's a lie.

Perotti: So she knew this app... this stolen app... would make its way to the Chinese?

Objection, Your Honor.

Calls for speculation, in my opinion.

Judge: Yes. Sustained.

Mr. Perotti?

Yes, Your Honor.

Oh, I'm good. I'm good.

No further... questions.

Mr. Fong, is Camilla Vargas a bitch?

Objection, Your Honor. That calls for an opinion.

Actually, Your Honor, I'm just quoting Mr. Fong from last week's trial.

"I advised J-Serve that China is a patriarchal society. And having a brash and bitchy female CEO was problematic."

Didn't you say that, Mr. Fong?

Fong: Yes, but just to be clear, I put air-quotes around "bitchy."

So you were quoting someone who called her bitchy?


And, um, wasn't it your opinion that Ms. Vargas be left out of the negotiations?

Didn't you testify to that?

Is that a "yes," Mr. Fong?


In fact, you went over her head to the board of directors, and kept key information away from Ms. Vargas.

Mr. Fong?


Nothing further.


It's odd, being back.

It's like being behind enemy lines.

Looks good.

Oh, yeah.

Good evening.

Diane: And to you as well.

Canning: May I offer you something to drink?

Um, no, we're fine.

Any more pleasantries or shall we start?

How is your health, Mr. Canning?

Well, I'm on a list for kidney transplants.

I'm sorry.

Canning: Oh, don't be.

At least I'm on the list.

And, uh, I feel kind of ghoulish, waiting for someone to die and give me a kidney.

Well, I really, um...

I hope things work out.

Thank you.

I don't suppose one of those folders holds a check for $550,000?

Kalinda: 44 Brewer Street. 1530 Carpenter Avenue.


220 Lonsdale Road.


Those are my buildings.

They're-they're using the same OSHA complaints against me that I used against them.

Yes, there are a dozen violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Total cost to repair is $1.6 million.

If you drop the OSHA charges against me, we won't push these against you.



No, they-they have us.

We won't report your violations.

You have my word.

Well, thank you.

And, uh, again, I'm very sorry about your health issues.

Let me know if I can do anything.

Canning: Well, there is something.

David: So we went back to the amendment to the lease agreement. Page 24, paragraph 18C.

It requires your physical presence on the premises, Diane.

And your physical presence ended when you walked out. Four weeks ago?

Four weeks, two days.

David: Since you're in violation of this lease and no longer have any legal hold on the property...

You can't evict us.

Canning: But, Diane, thank you for your concern.


Do you want to drop this?

What do you mean?

Well, there is a way to b*at them.

How? I haven't been here for four weeks.

I remember having that amendment inserted when I thought that Will would push me out.

It doesn't require your personal presence.

It just requires a partner from Florrick-Agos to be an occupant.



Diane: No.



And how do you pray?

With ACTS?

With any other mnemonic device?

Alicia: ACTS. That's from the Bible?

No, um... ACTS.

Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.

It's to remind you how to pray: Not just to ask for things.

But, mom, you don't need to know all this.

I know, I just want to feel comfortable.

It's like opening arguments in court.

I know I won't use it all, but it makes me confident.

Are you going to say that you believe in God?


Are you going to say that you're an atheist?


Then what are you gonna say?

I don't know.

That I think I'm struggling with it?

Are you?


Maybe. I don't know.

You want some help with that?


I can't believe in God, Grace.

I know.

Why not?

I don't feel it the way you do.

I don't feel the need.

Then what's the struggle?



You don't judge me?


I love you.

(Muffled rock music playing, elevator bell dings)

(Elevator doors open, woman giggling)

Cary: Hold on, hold on. Gotta get my keys.


Oh, damn.


Mr. Agos. Good evening.

Ms. Grubick.

You've been drinking, Mr. Agos.

I have.

Which is my right.

Grubick: It is. Any dr*gs?

Not yet. But the night is young.

Cary: No, she's joking.

Sylmar (Laughing): No, I'm not.

Who is this, Cary?

I am Mr. Agos's pretrial services officer.

My job is to make certain Mr. Agos lives up to the dictates of his bail.

I wish you called, Ms. Grubick.

Well, when I spot-check, I don't call.

Where's your bathroom?

Through there.

Which of you drove home?

Neither. We were too inebriated.


How many bedrooms?


Did you take a taxi?

No, we got an uber.

Oh, good, an uber car.

Can I see?

See... ?

The, uh, record on your iPhone.

Sylmar: You don't have to show her anything!

I'm not lying.

I didn't think you were.

Cary, you're obviously severely inebriated. You weren't at work all day. Your immediate superior didn't know where you were.

I was at a Harvard mixer.

Your companion says you're planning to use dr*gs.

She was joking.

All I'm asking is to see the uber trip on your iPhone to confirm that you were not driving. Click on the uber app for me, please?

Thank you.
(Disappointed sigh)


Cary, I'm going to have to call officers, place you under arrest.

What? Why?

You went over the state line.

You were in Indiana.

Oh, come on. Are you kidding me?


The terms of your bail were quite explicit.

You are confined to Illinois.

It was a half-mile into Indiana.

Yeah, and I told you to take this more seriously.

The court takes this very seriously.

Hello, yes.

This is, uh, PSO 12-385.

I need an officer.

Please, Ms. Grubick. I made a mistake.

I wasn't thinking about where I was going.

1313 Barbary Court.

No rush.

Thank you.

(Phone beeps off)

This is stupid.

Man: Three... two... one.

And now, turning to God...


(Laughing): Now why do you say "uh-oh"?

I think you're preparing to pull a quote from my past.

That's fine, she's doing fine.

You're making me nervous.

Oh, I have to go get her.

Jeremiah: Well, a matter of fact, uh...

Two years ago, you went on the record and declared that you were an atheist.

Now, do you still believe that?

Do I believe that I'm an atheist?

You were quite insistent at the time.

(Laughs) That sounds like me.

My life has gone through a lot of changes over the years.

You're speaking of the scandal?

Yes, and everything.

If you had asked me six years ago where I would be today, it would not be running for state's attorney.


Yes, life is humbling.

It is that.

And with each passing month, I find my dogmatism decreasing.

I don't understand.

Alicia: Well, I can't say for certain that God doesn't exist.

Ugh, say it positively, not negatively.

Okay. So you're not not an atheist.

(Laughs) I'm sorry, that's my inner-lawyer coming out.

I'm listening.

If it's one thing I hate it's when people don't listen.

So, I'm open.

To people who talk about God?

Yes. Recently, I have looked for answers outside of myself.

Is this due to the sh**ting in the courthouse last year of your law partner?

I'm sorry.

It's probably still difficult for you to talk about that.

It is.

Good, good.

Jeremiah: There's never a way to prepare for death.


And God sometimes fills the void.

You were talking about listening to people who share their love of God.

Now, is one of those people your daughter, Grace?

Jeremiah: I understand that she's become a Christian, herself, over the last couple of years.

Yes, it is not just the politicians who have good research interns.


Has Grace talked to you?


And shared her witness?

Well, she's talked to me about God.

You love your daughter very much, don't you?


I know you're uncomfortable talking about Christ and Grace sharing her faith journey, but she must have had some kind of impact on your thinking?

Yes, she has.

Mrs. Florrick.

Yes, that's it.

I know you don't pray, not yet.

But I want to pray with you.

And I'm sure Grace is praying at this very moment for you, too.

Jeremiah: God, thank you for Alicia's honesty tonight...

Marissa: That went well.

I was in Israel for a couple years.

Everybody there talks about God.

Like he's some Uncle hiding in the attic.

Drives you crazy.

Do you believe in God?

Yeah, but even I don't like talking about it.

I don't like pretending to be someone I'm not when I'm being interviewed.

Really? You're good at it.

Your Honor, it was one quarter of a mile outside of Illinois.

It doesn't matter if it was one mile or a hundred miles.

Yes, it does. This is the kind of minutia that makes the law insane.

Cary drove ten minutes from his home to a Harvard get-together.

The route just happened to take him outside of the state.

Yes, and I just acted as ASA on five bail hearings where the bail was revoked due to similarly picayune reasons.

And the only reason that we're debating this is because Mr. Agos went to a Harvard mixer, and he's white.

This is not a race issue.

Oh, it is, actually.

Your Honor...


I talk now.

There was a man just in here in tears, but I had to revoke his bail because he went to his child's birthday.

So, yeah, I agree Mr. Agos, it is a minor offense, but the law is the law.

Now, how long will it take you to finish your report, miss, uh... Lucy? I mean, miss...


24 hours.

Good, advise me on how to modify the bail restrictions, and then I'll make my decision.

That's it.

Alicia: Good morning.



What's up?

Not much, why?

Have you heard this song I heard on the radio?

"Call me maybe"?


I like it.

Is it popular?

It... it was, a few years ago.

Guess I'm late to everything.

I just, I can't get it out of my head.

♪ Hey, I just met you ♪

♪ And this is crazy... ♪


You're good, right?

Oh, yeah.


Oh, yeah.

Stanley Pronovost.

I'm an analyst in the CIA's Directorate of Science and Technology.

Mr. Pronovost, are you familiar with the Delcheck app designed by J-Serve, the defendant's company?


And have you analyzed the app's decryption code?

I have.

Now, have you seen this decryption code anywhere else?

Yes, last month.

Kid on my staff came across a program out of Beijing with the exact same code.

And to whom did this program belong?

The MSS, China's CIA.

And how could the MSS use this program?

It'd be like a Swiss army Kn*fe for hackers.

They could break into almost any database.

Banks, brokerage houses.

Even stock exchanges.

You want me?

This is a young firm, with young partners.

You bring experience, wisdom.

You have a lot to teach people, Howard.

Well, this is... Bit out of the blue.

Well, when one is pursuing excellence, does timing really matter?

The last time someone tried to woo me was 1958.

Farrow & McDaniel. (Laughs)

Good thing I said no... they went belly up in '59.

Well, if you'd said yes, maybe they'd still be around.


Want more money.

Howard, you know this isn't about money for somebody like you.

Come on, it's about being in court.

(Cell phone rings)

It's about the rush of cross-examination.

Canning and David Lee, they won't let you argue in court.

They don't believe in you.

We do.

Okay, so you want any app sold to the Chinese?

We think the feds are overreaching here.

The Chinese could've gotten the encryption code from any civilian-purchased app.

Okay, I'm on it, um...

How's Cary doing?

How's he... ?

What? Why? What do you mean?

The spot-check last night.

I haven't seen him here.

Uh... what?

He was re-arrested last night.

Grubick: Miss Sharma?


I'm Joy Grubick.

I'm Mr. Agos's pretrial services officer.

You have a few minutes to talk?

So... yes!

You are the firm's private investigator?

Yes, I am.

And before that, you held a similar position with Lockhart/Gardner.

Or was it Lockhart/Gardner/Canning?

Wait, no, um...

Both of them.

And, yes, I worked there.


Uh, do you work closely with Mr. Agos?


And does your relationship extend to the personal?

We're friends.


In 2012, uh...

You were arrested...

For harassing a juror.

Well, the charge was dropped.

But you were arrested?


2011? Yes, '11.

You were the subject of a grand jury hearing for the b*ating of a witness, a psychologist named Dr. Booth?

Well, there was no indictment.

I'd never met Dr. Booth.


So, have you worked for Mr. Agos on any of the Lemond Bishop cases?

Yes, for Alicia Florrick and Diane Lockhart.

So, I'm assuming that, uh...

You have regular interaction with, uh, Mr. Bishop?


He's no longer a client.



Well, what about Mr. Bishop's employees?

Might you interact with them?

Of his legitimate businesses, yes.

You have an opinion...

On whether Mr. Agos is fit for further bail release?

I do.

He's the most honest person I know.

And his re-arrest is a testament to the inadequacies of the Cook County system, not of Cary Agos.

♪ I threw a wish in the well ♪

♪ Don't ask me, I'll never tell ♪

♪ I looked to you as it fell ♪

♪ And now you're in my way ♪

♪ Hey, I just met you ♪

♪ And this is crazy ♪

♪ But here's my number ♪

♪ So call me, maybe ♪

♪ And all the other boys... ♪

No, no, no.

It's not what you think.


She's gone, she let me in.

You need to go.

I couldn't stand it when you said you were married in court.

Well, I was married.

I wanted to yell right there.



I looked at you.

♪ Your stare was holding ♪

♪ Ripped jeans, skin was showin' ♪

♪ Hot night, wind was blowin' ♪

♪ Where you think you're goin', baby? ♪

Oh, no.

♪ Hey, I just met you ♪

♪ And this is crazy ♪

♪ But here's my number ♪

♪ So call me, maybe ♪

♪ It's hard to look right ♪

Um... I-I really need to work out more.

No, I used to be a lot skinnier.

You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met.

♪ And this is crazy ♪

♪ But here's my number ♪

This is wrong.

We're in court together.


Baby lotion.

Dear God.

I couldn't get the smell of you out of my mind.

Damn your Old Spice to hell.


♪ I missed you so, so bad... ♪

Thank you, God, for all your blessings.

Thank you for tonight and for being with friends.

And for stimulating conversation.

And for your great word.

We're especially thankful tonight for Grace.

She has done something extraordinary in the last 24 hours, Jesus.

She has reached her mother.

Her mom is finally listening to her.

Her mom, whose heart was hardened, has finally come around.

So I want us all to take Grace's example and never give up on our loved ones.

Thank you, Grace.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

All: Amen.

So what did you say, Grace, that made your mom listen?

Um, well, you know, she's still struggling.

We all are.

The important thing is she opened the door even an inch.

And you opened that door.

Diane: Hello, gentlemen.

How'd you get past reception?

I let them in.

What now, Diane?

I'm here about my lease.

Page 24, paragraph 18D.

(David chuckles)

You think just showing up counts as physical presence?

There's not a court in the land...

Actually, no. We're talking about paragraph 18D.

"If the leaseholder is unable to be physically on the premises, said obligation may be fulfilled by his or her proxy."

Say hello to his or her proxy.

You hired him?

It's your final eviction notice.

You have 24 hours.

Howard: My physical presence and I will be in my office, should you need me.

Kalinda: Hi.

Kalinda, anything on the other apps?

Elsbeth: Hi, Kalinda.

It's Elsbeth, too.

Kalinda: Hi, Elsbeth.

No, um, nothing with any kind of decryption code.

But, in 2002, the same Chinese company bought a firewall program from a Boston firm by the name of Cunneyworth Dunlap.

Cunneyworth? What is that?

It's a CIA front company.

You're kidding.

No. They had to close shop a few months later after their name appeared in news stories about the Valerie Plame affair.

Alicia: Okay, well, we can argue double standard, that the U.S. government did the same thing they're accusing J-Serve of.

Elsbeth: Do you have any documentation?

I'm trying to get my hands on an invoice, but it's gonna take some time.

Alicia: We'll ask for a further delay.

Kalinda: Okay.


Yes, Elsbeth?


I think there might be another way.

What other way?

I've got his buttons.

(Phone beeps)

Are you all right?

Yeah. Why?

I heard about last night.

Yeah. 800 yards into Indiana, and I'm a felon again.

Well, we're here for you, Cary.

I know we've had our differences about work, but anything you need, we're here.

I think it's best I take a break from work.


Alicia, they're coming after me, and whatever I do, I'm an anvil here.


We do this together.



After further interviews, this officer concludes that the bail infraction was inadvertent.

But the officer also concludes that Mr. Agos has been casual in his conformity to judicial rulings.

Therefore, we advise further restrictions on bail.

What restrictions?

Ankle monitoring bracelet and a 9:00 curfew.

Your Honor, lawyer hours would make this highly impractical.

That's unfortunate. I don't care.

What else, Ms. Grubick?

No contact with the firm investigator Kalinda Sharma.

I'm sorry, what?

Uh, 725 ILCS

185 prohibits interaction with anyone considered dangerous.

Judge: Why is she dangerous?

Prior arrests, a grand jury charge and contact with Lemond Bishop.

Diane: This is unacceptable, Your Honor. Ms. Sharma is an integral part of the operation of Mr. Agos's firm.

Yes, and Kalinda Sharma works closely on Mr. Agos's cases, as well as being a social, uh, acquaintance, but my report advises that the court's rulings are paramount.

Judge: ASA Polmar, do you agree with these added restrictions?

We do, Your Honor.

All right.

The bail is approved, but only with these further restrictions applying.

And if you break the rules again, young man, your bail will be revoked, and you'll spend the rest of your time until trial behind bars.

(Door opens)


(Chuckles) Hi.

Here are your buttons.

Oh. (Chuckles)

Thank you. Oh, and here... is one of yours I found in my hair this morning.


That song's been in my head.


Actually, I'm here for work.


One of our investigators, Kalinda Sharma, found an invoice from a CIA shell company that sold firewall software to everyone's favorite Chinese company.

I think the judge would love to hear how the Justice Department is selectively prosecuting us.

Mm. I take it you have an original invoice as proof.

I do indeed.


How do I know you're not faking?




(Elsbeth gasps, shredder whirring)

That was evidence!


And now it's gone.

What you just did is illegal.

No, what you think I just did was illegal.

You just dropped it in your shredder.

(Sighs) Yes. I'm sorry.

So... last night didn't matter to you?

It did.

But work is work.

So you are fully aware that you just destroyed evidence, Assistant United States Attorney Josh Perotti, at 9:47 A.M.

Nice try, Elsbeth.

But that recording is inadmissible.

It requires two-party consent.

Well, then you need to spend more time in Illinois and less in D.C., because this state's supreme court recently struck down the two-party consent law.

I only need one party.

And that's me.

And I, oh... I consent.

(Phone beeps)

So... call me.


Are you sure about this, Mr. Perotti?

Yes, Your Honor.

We are withdrawing all charges against J-Serve and Camilla Vargas.

The Justice Department considers this matter closed.

Judge: Okay, then.

This was a supreme waste of time.

(Gavel bangs) In your opinion?

Camilla: Thank you, both.

Now we can go back to suing you for $23 million.

Oh, I can't wait.

See you in court.

You shouldn't have done it.

You shouldn't have either.

Are you heading out?

Yeah, back to D.C.

Bye, Elsbeth.

Good-bye, Josh.


(Elevator bell dings)

You've got to be kidding me.

Diane: Well, the first order of business is replacing that.

They removed the "f," the "a," and the "l."



Well, Cary says he's fine with David Lee's office, so I guess this is you and me.

No, take mine.

No, Diane.

I could use a fresh start.

You take my office.

I won't hear of it.