03x19 - Double Death

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Quincy, M.E.". Aired: October 3, 1976 – May 11, 1983.*
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Series follows Dr. Quincy, a resolute, excitable, ethical and highly proficient Medical Examiner (forensic pathologist) for the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office, working to ascertain facts about and reasons for possible suspicious deaths.
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03x19 - Double Death

Post by bunniefuu »

What do you have this here for?

One of the firemen said
it fell on Ryan's head.

Didn't you forget something?

Now don't run away, please.

Are you the one who called
Lieutenant Monahan last night?

I'm looking for
somebody. A girl.

That's just eyeball stuff, man.

The touching kind's out front.

I met with the DA. Then he
pressed me for the official findings.

Homicide? And you signed it?

What are you talking about?
This is not a very complicated case.

You mind if I loosen up?

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

the most fascinating
sphere of police work,

the world of forensic medicine.

This is Laughlin, on
the Crescent Club alarm.

Casualties heavy.
Notify the morgue.

Quincy, there are five more
bodies. That should be it.

Here's the dental x-rays.

Oh, Sam, you
handle the match-up.

Pull the dental charts
on this one, will you?

Check with the
forensic odontologist.

They won't all be this
distinct. That's right.

How are you holding up?
You think we can finish this?

Do we have a choice?

Well, we're jammed up here. But
I could hold those five till morning.

We can't do that.

We have parents,
husbands and wives.

They're all eating their hearts out
wondering if their loved ones are here.

Can't keep them dangling.

All right. I couldn't
agree with you more.

I just want to check
that we will work.

We'll just continue.

What is she doing here?

You are the doctor?

Yes, but...

Then you can tell me? My
daughter, she went to this place.

I'm sorry. We just don't
have information right now.

Oh, but Rosa didn't come
home and she's never late.

And then I see
on television the...

Dr. Astin, what do you
want me to do to this one?

Oh, Rosa! Rosa! Get out of here.

Brenner! Come over here.

She's all right. I'm
telling you, she's all right.

She's all right.

Take her into my office,
make her comfortable.

What the heck is the matter with
security letting her down here?

Quincy, I'm going
to check on it.

Now there's only one guard on at
night. He was helping us down here.

One! One! One! One! Do we have
more than one of anything in this place?

You've a right to
make the point, but...

Look, we have
work to do right now.

Just got a positive ID
on the last John Doe.

I don't know how, but we did it.

Yeah. But what about the
next time? And the next?

We keep working that hard, we're
gonna end up on one of those tables.

Quincy, I did
check on that guard.

He was helping us down here.

Listen, I want you to know

I really appreciate the
work you did tonight

under very difficult

Thank you, sir.

In fact, take
tomorrow morning off.

Sleep late, whatever you want.

You deserve it.

What happened to all
that work we had piled up?

It suddenly disappeared?

Ease off, Quince.

Or better still,
miracle of miracles,

did you break down
and hire some more help?

Now, listen...

Listen, we're tired. Let's
not hassle this tonight.

But you saw how we had
to work, you were there.

We had to pray we
didn't make any mistakes!

Well, a tragedy like this does
not happen every day, you know.

The budget is not
ready to accommodate...

The budget. The budget.
Since when are we a business?

We're supposed to make
the dead help the living,

not just label them
and bury them!

Listen! Don't tell
me what our job is!

Well, somebody better, because
you seem to have forgotten!

You are not a medical examiner
anymore! You're a business executive!

You know, you're just like
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Put you in greens,
you're Dr. Jekyll.

Put you in a business
suit, you are Mr. Hyde.

Well, one day, you're
gonna wanna change back

and you're not gonna be able to.

You're gonna remain
Mr. Hyde forever!

It was along
night. He was tired.

Well, he should be tired,
he worked very hard.

Well, we all did.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah. Good night, Sam.

Good night, Doctor.

Hey, I'll clean up, sir.

What? Oh! Oh, yes, I guess.

Yeah. You go home
and get some sleep.

Yeah, right. Thank you.

Hello, Lab. Dr. Astin.


No, no, no. Bring it right up.

Well, sure, sure.
We'll finish it tonight.

Yeah, right.

They found another body.

Oh. Well, I'll see if I
can catch Dr. Quincy.

No, no. No. He's done
enough. I'm here, I'll handle it.

Supper got lost in the
shuffle and I'm hungry.

How about something to eat?

Maybe Danny's
is still open. Good.

Hey, we driving in this?

What's wrong with your car?

Well, it's being fixed. It's
an antique, remember?

Oh, yeah. Tell me the truth.

Was I wrong or what?

Don't we need more help?

Quince, one of my ancestors
was supposed to have said,

"A sticky wheel turns
better with oil than sand."

Is this the morgue?

I mean, is this where they brought
the people that were in the fire?

From the Crescent Club? Yes.

Yes, it is. Oh!


Who do I... What do I
do? Who do I talk to?

Did you know somebody
that was in the fire?

Yes. Mike! Mike Ryan!

You'll have to
check it out with...

All the victims have
been identified, miss.

Nobody by that name.
I saw the whole list.

Oh, really?

Are you sure?

Well, if he wasn't
on the list...

Oh, well...

Thanks. Thank you.

Sam. Yeah?

Listen, you phony.

It's the Chinese who make up
the proverbs, not the Japanese.

How would I know? I
read it in a fortune cookie.

He was in the office,

not the main part of the club.

That's why they didn't
find him right away.

What are you doing
here, Monahan?

Why are you so interested?

Mike Ryan, he was
the owner of the club.

You know, the arson squad
said the fire started as a torch job.


It started in his office.

So, I got lots of reasons
to be interested, Doc.

Number one, homicide.

Tell Quincy to do a good job.

Quincy's not here.
I'm gonna handle it.

Huh? You?

You know, Monahan, I'm
going to take my credentials,

I'm going to frame them, I'm
going to hang them around my neck

just to prove to
everybody that I'm a doctor.

No, it's all right. Listen,
you have an objection?

Oh, no! I'll get Quincy.

No, of course not!


Look, when you're through, why
don't you call me at the office, huh?

How many times have I
asked him to get more help?

Get down on my
knees and begged him.

You've heard me.
Didn't you hear me, Sam?

Endlessly. Endlessly.

What a wonderful choice of
a word to describe it perfectly.

"Endlessly." See.

I wasn't wrong, Danny.
You think I was wrong?

You wrong? No, Quincy.

I'm wrong for
staying up this late.

Oh, boy! Terrific friend.
I needed that, right?

All right, Sam. I want you to
give it to me straight, okay?

Do you think I'm wrong?

Okay, you're not wrong.

Well, you're wrong. I am wrong.

What? Not about what I said,

but the way I said
it. I was wrong.

But I was right.
And you shut up!

I wasn't...

I mean, why do I
have to dump on him?

He's got a lot of his
own problems here.

I said some terrible things
to him, Sam. Jekyll and Hyde.

Oh, he'll forget about it.
He always does, you know.

Don't argue with me, Sam.
You're always arguing with me.

Why do I do that to my friends?

And he's one of my
best friends, Astin is.

Why do I treat him like that?

Because you're a lovable
but miserable rat fink.

Why don't you take that
crying towel and go home?

I can take a hint, you know.

I don't need no building
to fall on me, you know.

Hey, can I give you a lift?

Just gonna walk to my boat.

How about a cane?

Come in!


All right, in about an hour.

Good morning. Good morning.

Well, sit down.

Well, did you get enough
sleep? You're in early.

Well, as a matter of fact, I
didn't sleep at all last night.

Oh, really? Gee, I'm sorry.

I feel marvelous.
Well, now, let's see.

The case loads shouldn't
be too rough today.

Why don't we knock it off?


Look, I acted like a
horse's rear end last night.

I want to apologize.
Tell you I'm sorry.

No, no, no. I
forgot all about that.

I mean, we were all
pretty tired last night.

You know, it
makes the job lively.

Yeah, thank you.

Doc. Oh! Sorry, gentlemen.

Listen, Doc, I gotta get
that autopsy right away.

Morning, Monahan.

Oh, yeah, good morning.
Hello, Quincy. How you doing?

Listen, the DA's
really hot on this.

Finally we can pin
something on Solly Arkoff.

All you have to
do is spell it out.

You're talking about that
body I autopsied last night?

Yeah, the stiff I brought in.

Which body is that?

After you left, another
body from the fire.

Only this one didn't die in
the fire. You said so yourself.

A busted skull. Homicide.

I said homicide,
pending further study.

What makes you so
sure it's a homicide?

Well, the stiff was Mike Ryan.

He was the owner of the club.

We knew he was under
pressure and the mob wanted in.

They wanted to use his
club for a front for something.

You know, gambling or
dope-hustling, you name it.

But I guess Ryan wasn't buying.

So Arkoff k*lled him, set
fire to the place to cover up.

Who's Solly Arkoff?

A hood, enforcer, torch.
You name it, he's done it.


Would you hold
the calls, please?

Look, I didn't know
this was so important.

I have to be out of
the office this morning

and I have a luncheon with
the Kiwanis this afternoon.

But I tell you
what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna let my best medical
examiner complete the findings.

Would you do that, Quincy?

Of course.

Quincy, come up with
the right answers, huh?

I want to nail this guy.

Well, if he set the fire, so
do I, for 11 innocent people.

Come on, fill me in.

What have we got so far?

A crushing defect in the dermis,

depressed comminuted
and linear fractures.

It seems plain enough.

Lungs clean, fractured skull,

undoubtedly a blunt
instrument. Homicide.

Yeah, looks like
Astin was right.

Except I can't find any evidence
that the body was moved.

Look at this, Sam.

Hmm, what is it?

His heart has had a rough time.

Loosely, I can see
three old infarctions.

He's had at least
three heart att*cks.

Coronary arteries are

He was a walking
coronary, waiting to hit.

That's just it!

Are you saying that this
was the cause of death?

Well, panic, fire,
anything like that...

He can go.

Quince, Astin has
his word on the line.

You're not saying
he's wrong, are you?

Ah! Good. Quincy.
How's it going?

Yeah. You got
the autopsy report?

Not finished. Why?

You know, Astin called it.

All you have to do
is fill in the blanks.

Not that easy.

Right. It will be if that
witness that called last night

shows up today.
You know who she is?

No, she didn't tell me.

Listen, that address I found
on Ryan's driver's license.

Is that right? 220 Westridge?

Yeah, it's an apartment. Why?

What does that got
to do with anything?

Just tie up a couple
of loose ends.

Oh, boy! Here we go again.
I'm starting to repeat myself.

Quincy, there are no loose ends!

Astin said it. He
was hit in the head.

That beam was found
across his head, right?

Oh, now, wait a minute.

I know what you're
getting at with that beam.

Just send it to
the lab, will you?

The whole thing?

No. Just the top four feet.

We're short of
toothpicks. See you later.

I'm looking for the manager.

Yeah. You the manager?


I'm with the County
Coroner's Office.


Did a Mike Ryan live here?


I'd like to look
at his apartment.


Well, do you have a
key? Could you let me in?

You spin quite a yarn.

Didn't you forget something?

Now don't run away, please.

I just wanna talk to you.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

We met last night, you
remember? In front of the morgue?

I'm with the Coroner's Office.

Are you the one who called
Lieutenant Monahan last night?

Please don't run away.
Now I just wanna talk...

Hey! What are you doing?

She's gonna get away! Let go!
What do you want, your keys?



Sam, what is that?

I don't know.
Quincy sent it over.

Why is it here?

All I know is that
it's from the fire.

Oh, it came here, huh?

Quincy, what do you
have this here for?

One of the firemen said
it fell on Ryan's head.

You mean, you think that the
skull fracture was caused by this

and not by the blow on
the head in my findings?

Well, I have to look
in every possibility.

Of course you do, of course.

And there were ashes
and cinders in the wound.

But they could have
come from anywhere.

See, I have to check it out for
tissue remains, bone fragments...

Well, of course, you should.

Oh, I'm late for an appointment.

I think you'll find that
I'm right about this.

Yes, definitely.

Finished the blood
analysis? Stomach content?

Yeah. I found traces of
propranolol and digoxin in both.

Both used in hypertensive
and coronary therapy.

These I found in
Ryan's apartment.

Talked to the pharmacist.

Said that Ryan was going into the
hospital next week for bypass surgery.

Then a heart attack's
still in the running?

That's right.

You've got to tell Astin.

I know, Sam, I know.

Well, Dr. Astin.

Hi, Danny, how are you?

How are you? All alone tonight?

No, just waiting for Quincy.

Well, tell me, did you
two kiss and make up?

Just our weekly confrontation.

Hmm, good. That means that
maybe I'll get home early tonight.

Sorry, I'm late.

I didn't get your message till I
got home about 10 minutes ago.

Oh, that's all right.

Hey, Danny.

Let's have the usual for
Dr. Quincy and on me.

And let's have a little
peanuts and some popcorn.

You know, spare no expense.

Peanuts and popcorn.

Well, it sounds like
a regular love feast.


I think I pulled it off.

I've got some
heavyweights on our side.

What do you mean?

How's this for starters?

The Police Commissioner
and the District Attorney.

I met with them this afternoon.

I got them to promise that
they would go right to the top,

personally, for me, to help get
our department more money.

Oh! Oh, that's terrific.


You're gonna be up to
your ears in lab assistants.

We can't miss. Here you go, Doc.

Your favorite libation.

Thank you, Danny. L'Chaim,


Well, I didn't expect
handsprings, but I thought that...

Oh, no, listen. It's
great news. It really is.

But we do have a problem
and I'd like to get it solved.

Oh, wait a minute. Danny,
could you just turn that up?

Look, I wanna talk to
you. This is very important.

I just want to hear this one.

.., three of the most
critically injured died today

at County Hospital.

Officials have declared the
fire to be of incendiary origin,

possibly connected to the
m*rder of the owner, Mike Ryan,

and the District Attorney's
office is filing charges

against a suspect
now in custody.

Sports and weather in a moment.

Danny, thank you.

Arkoff must have confessed.

They seem to have him nailed
and they don't need our report.

They have our report.

How could they do that?
I didn't sign anything.

Well, when I met with
the DA this afternoon,

he pressed me for
the official finding.

So I figured,
well, this'll help us.

Homicide? And you signed it?

Of course, I signed it.

But suppose you're wrong?

What are you talking about?
This is not a very complicated case.

Yeah, but you didn't
do a complete autopsy.

No, I didn't.

But you did.

And I know you well enough,
that if you'd found anything wrong,

you would have come
into my office screaming.


Well, right.

Hey, Danny, let's
have a little champagne.

Oh, I'm screaming, all right.

You just can't hear me.

Now, what is all this
nonsense about a heart attack?

Mr. Glendon, please,
this is not nonsense.

Dr. Quincy.

I found a three-vessel
occlusive coronary sclerosis.

Now, he'd had at least
three heart att*cks.

A coronary would be highly
possible, but the blow was definite.

I'm just saying we
should take a closer look.

Yes, we could do that.

I mean, he could
have had a heart attack

and sustained the
fractured skull when he fell.

Of course, if...
Now, wait a minute.

Dr. Astin, this entire office has
acted on the basis of your findings.

I understand that.

Now, the District Attorney
has assigned this case to me,

but I can't tell you how
disappointed he's going to be

if this Arkoff
case falls through.

Now I intend to prosecute, unless
you tell me right now there's no case.

Wait a minute! You can't
put him on a spot like that!

Quincy, please! I
can speak for myself.

Now, I've looked
this all over and...

Mr. Glendon, you have a case.

I stand by my original findings.

He died of a severe cerebral trauma
as a result of a blow to the head.

And tell the DA, I stake
my reputation on it.

Dr. Quincy.

They told me I could wait
here for you. Frank Bristol.

You may not remember me,
but we met in court last year.

You testified in a
case I defended.

That hoked up su1c1de.
I remember you lost.

I think I'll have
better luck this time.

Who's your client?

I'm representing Sol Arkoff.

I think you picked
another loser.

I have you on my
side in this case.

You do?

Mike Ryan's physician
phoned me, told me you'd called.

You were very interested
in the condition of his heart.

Just routine. Oh, really?


I compliment you on
your thoroughness.

Mike did have a serious
heart condition, very serious.

And I'm very busy.

I won't keep you. I just
want to let you know

that I'm asking for a
preliminary hearing.

And I'll expect you to
testify on my client's behalf.

That'll be the day.

Yes, it will, and very soon.

Unless you persuade
Dr. Astin to change his report.

I don't think you'll be able to
remove that important doubt

as to the cause of death.

And that doubt is all I need.

It'll be a cold day in
hell when I testify for you.

Truth is a two-way
street, Dr. Quincy.

As a medical examiner, you are as
compelled to testify for the defense

as the prosecution.

Bye, Doctor.

Where you going, Sam? Photo lab.

I'll go with you. What happened?

I heard you were
down at the DA's office.

Yeah. Pushy kid is
in charge, a deputy.

He wants to be
governor in 10 years.

Well, he can't push this.

Well, he is pushing

and believe me I wanna
talk to Astin the minute...

He won't be in till
late this afternoon.

He phoned a little while ago.

He sounded kind of strange, like
something really heavy on his mind.

It is heavy. I'll have to
pull out Ryan myself...

Ryan? He's gone.

What do you mean, he's gone?

They picked up
the body last night.

We let him go? Just like that?

Well, according to Jeff,
he was on last night,

they showed up with a release
signed by the DA's office.

Somebody was claiming the body.

Yeah, somebody
named Bristol, I bet.

He's the kind of guy that
would pull a stunt like that.

A mortuary picked up the body.

Which one? Eastland.

There won't be any service here.

Our instructions are cremation.

And the ashes are
to be sent to Chicago.

Mr. Ryan's home, I understand.

I'm afraid you're gonna have
to hold off on the cremation.

Well, I'm sorry, Dr. Quincy,

but I have specific orders.

And I have the authority
vested in me by the County

to get a court
injunction if necessary.

Now we're both reasonable men.

We don't want trouble, do we?

No, of course not.

Then just send the
body to the morgue.

No, I won't do that, sir.

I can't. Not without written
permission from his daughter.

His daughter?


You saw her? You
talked to her yourself?

Yes, of course.

What'd she look like?

Well, she's young,

very attractive in a
theatrical sort of way.

Yes, that's the girl.

What's her address?

Let's see.

Here. There's the order.

She filled it out, but I can't
quite read her handwriting.

Oh, boy! It's back
to the yeah man.


That figures. You act like
you don't remember me.

Yesterday you grabbed
me? The Coroner's Office?


Now that girl who
ran out of here?

She had a key to
Mike Ryan's apartment.

She used to come
here a lot, right?


Was she his daughter?

Come on. You're an
apartment manager,

you've seen this
operation a million times.

What was she, his girlfriend?


Tell me everything you
know about her, will you?

I know she was a dancer.

Did she dance at one of his
clubs? The Lido? The Crescent?

Yeah. Thank you.

Now I remember.


Weren't you once
a ballet dancer?


I knew you could say it.

That's just eyeball stuff, man.

The touching kind's out front.

Oh, no, I didn't come in...

See, I'm looking
for somebody. A girl.

Well, she's a dancer and
I heard she works here.

She looks like this.

That's Angie baby.

Well, she here tonight?

Ain't seen Angie since
Mike got the hot foot.

Well, do you have any
idea where I might find her?

Talk to Gladys. They were chums.

Gladys? Where's Gladys?

Just out there, man.

Thank you.

What do you want?


Well, it ain't Shirley
Temple. Come on in.

I'm Dr. Quincy. I'm with
the Coroner's Office.

So, what are you
looking at me for?

Well, I'm looking for Angie.

I don't know any Angie.

But your disc jockey
said you were pals.

Oh, Angie, yeah.

She ain't been around
here for a long time.

Well, do you know
where she is? She moved.

Well, it's very important
that I talk to her.

Hey, look, I gotta go on, see?

So, you mind if I loosen up?

Chapter 10. You a writer?


I'm just doing this to
see what it's all about.

Oh! A book. When's
it coming out?

As soon as anybody'll print it.

Well, you know, couple of
publishers are personal friends of mine

and I know Johnny
Carson personally, too.

And you get on one
of those talk shows,

you know, you
sell a lot of books.

Say, you're not
putting me on, are you?

Well, I wouldn't do that.



Say, why don't you leave your
name and where you can be reached,

in case I get in
touch with Angie.

I'll leave you my
card. Personal number.


I'm coming!

What's Johnny
Carson really like?

Oh, he's terrific.
He really is terrific.

I knew it.

All right, honey,
they're all yours.

See if you can wake them up.

Hey, would you hand
me that towel, please?

Oh, sure.

Thank you.

Hey, you know, if you
keep looking like that,

you're gonna have
to pay a cover charge.

Oh, sorry.

Oh, and Monahan
gets the spaghetti.

And the cannelloni is for Sam.

Thank you. Thank you.

Enjoy, gentlemen.

Thank you, Danny.

Hiya, Peg. How's it going?

I'm busy.

Hey, what's good for
tonight? I'm starved!

Oh, sautéed rodent
with a touch of basil.

Sautéed rodent?

What's the matter with him?

Hey, Ed, take any
good pictures lately?

I need a refill.

Listen, Monahan, I'm trying
to get Ryan's body back.

Excuse me. I just
lost my appetite.

What is it, Sam? My deodorant?

What, have I got the
plague? What is it?

Well, they're all pretty upset.

What? About the Ryan
matter? I wanna settle it, too.

No, it's more than
that. It's Dr. Astin.

What about him?

He's resigned.

Quincy. What do you want?

Well, may I come in?

Sure, come on in.

Well, what's the matter?

I heard you wrote a very
important letter tonight.

Now, listen, if you're gonna bring
that up, maybe you better not...

I'm not gonna leave.

All right. Come
on in, come on in.

I don't know whether
there's any food to offer you.

My wife's visiting
her sister and...

So, you want a cup of coffee?

No, I don't want any coffee.

All right.

This letter of resignation's
kind of sudden, isn't it?

No, it's not very sudden.
What do you mean, sudden?

See, you don't know
everything about me.

You don't know
that I've had my eye

on some expensive doctors'
offices on Wilshire area.

You know what I mean?

I mean, I've been thinking about
private practice for some time.

Yeah, since when? This
morning? What happened?

Well, you got something there.

You want a sandwich
or something?

No, I don't. Will
you cut it out?

The DA told me that
Solly Arkoff's attorney

would make a
shambles of our case.

The DA certainly doesn't
want to see me anymore.

Look, the buck
stops here, Quincy.

This whole mess is my fault.

No, it isn't.

What's the matter with
you? Aren't you listening?

I suppose it's not a mess that
I botched up the first autopsy?

Why are you doing this?

Look, I know when
an autopsy is botched.

Now, more attention
should've been paid

to that heart
problem. I should...

You should have had 10 heads
and 20 hands on that hectic night.

And we're still not sure that
you made that little mistake.

We are sure and there's no
such thing as a little mistake.

What am I supposed to do?

Bury my mistakes in the
ground like some doctors?

Well, I just can't
bury them up here.

We're not finished yet.

Yes, we are finished.

We're not gonna
talk this to death.

Now, look, you're right.

You don't have to be
guilty for what you said.

I am a member of every medical,

of every business
trade organization.

I am a mess in the autopsy room.

I'm not an ME anymore.
I'm an executive...

Who has to run a department,

who has to stay on a budget,

who has to argue
with the police,

who has to coddle the staff,

who has to fight with
a cranky pathologist!

But still you're a doctor

and the best medical
examiner I've ever known.

I'm not gonna let you off the
hook until you can prove it...

You're not gonna
let me... You bet I am.

You're gonna prove...
I'm gonna prove...

Boy, you sure like to argue.

Yeah, you're not bad
at it yourself. Yes?


Yes, he's here.

Thank you.

Yeah, Jeff.

You got a phone call about 15
minutes ago. Somebody named Gladys.

Didn't sound like
your usual type.

Do you mind? Was
there any message?


"If you want to see Angie,
you'd better get down to

"the downtown bus
terminal before 11:00."

Okay. Thanks, Jeff.

Is something wrong?

No, there's nothing wrong.

Just have to go, that's all.

But as I've heard
you say so often,

the work is piling up

and I expect to see you there
tomorrow morning bright and early

wearing your scrub suit, Doctor.

Quincy, thanks for caring.

The only thing worse
than arriving in town alone

is leaving alone.

Not this time, Angie.

Why don't you leave me alone?

I don't know what you
want. I don't know anything.

You know about Mike Ryan.
That's all I'm interested in.

There's nothing to
tell about Mike Ryan.

Okay. Then let's talk about
this daughter business.


Okay. Mistress. Shack up.

Is that what you wanna hear?

No daughter, right?


I said I was his daughter
so I could claim his body

without a whole
lot of questions.

Now isn't that touching?

What were you gonna do?

Put his ashes in ajar on
the mantelpiece, cry a lot?

Come on.

I know it wasn't your
idea to claim the body.

Now whose idea was it?
Arkoff's? Arkoff's lawyer?

Look, can't you
just leave it alone?

Mike's dead.

I don't know what
else you want to know.

I want to find out exactly
how and why he died.

Otherwise, Arkoff
gets off clean.

And I'm not gonna
let that happen.

I saw what happened to a
lot of people the other night,

twisted and burned.

A lot of innocent people
who suffered terrible agony.

Now, if he's responsible
for that fire, I want him.

I know you're the one who called
Lieutenant Monahan that night.

Told him you'd seen Arkoff
and Ryan together before the fire.

But you didn't
come forward. Why?

Why did you chicken out?

Because I'm scared.

I'm in a lot of trouble
because of what I know.

Solly came to me.

He told me to keep my mouth
shut or I'd end up like Mike.

What do you know?

I saw Mike at Solly's
house that night.

I was waiting
outside in the car.

And I saw Solly
carry Mike's body out,

put it in the back
seat of his car.

Astin was right.

Who's Astin?

Never mind.

Look, the District Attorney
needs this information.

Oh, yeah, I bet he does.
Well, he ain't getting it from me.

I'm not gonna let you get away.

Look, Doctor...

I don't know what your name is. I
shouldn't have said all that back there.

Forget I said that, all right?

If you say I said it,
I'll say you're a liar.

I don't know any Mike Ryan. I don't
know any Solly. I didn't see anything.

You'd be perjuring yourself.

No, I wouldn't. Because I...

You can't prove it.

I was the only witness.
I was the only one there.

A man's reputation
is at stake here.

My life is at stake.

But your testimony
will put him in jail.

You'll be safe, I guarantee.

Solly's got a lot
of heavy friends.

He m*rder*d your boyfriend
and a lot of other innocent people.

Now, how many more does he
have to k*ll before he's put away?

That's none of my business.

I just want this bus to go.

I just want to get out of here.

Go ahead.


Sign this release.

I wanna get his body
back to the morgue.

Now, you sign it or I'll get you
for impersonating his daughter.

I mean sign it.


I don't know what good it's
gonna do you without my testimony.

That's none of
your business, too.

Hey, Doc, let me
ask you something.

If you were in my place,
what would you do?

I don't know.

But I sure wish I'd have
the guts to tell the truth.

Well, what are we
gonna look for this time?

Blood, tissues.

X-rays, toxicology,
micro sections

and a detailed
anatomic examination.

We're gonna find out
what k*lled this guy.

Sam, anything?

Nothing but dilemmas.

I got a lot of those myself.

Well, that means
we have nothing new

to present to the
District Attorney.

Oh, yes, we have.

And it is the burden
of the prosecution

to present sufficient
evidence to warrant a trial

for the crime of homicide with which
the defendant has been charged.

Doctor, you said death was
caused by a blow to the head.

That's what I said.

But your autopsy showed

more than just skull
fractures, did it not?

Yes. Our autopsy
showed a heart condition.

Suppose you spell
out this heart condition.

There's nothing to spell out.

Ryan could've had a
fatal coronary at any time.

Especially during
a fire, am I right?


Trapped in an office.
Flames, panic, smoke...

And during a fight.

Particularly, if he suffered a
blow on the head, which is...

Yes. Well, that's a
matter of opinion, isn't it?

Doctor, did Mike Ryan
suffer a heart attack?

Yes, he did.


Thank you for your
honesty, Doctor.

And I'm sure I can find
a dozen medical experts

who'll testify that the cause
of death is extremely doubtful.

Yes, I'm sure you could.

Yes, I'm sure I could, too.

Thank you, Doctor.

You may step down.

I was with Mike Ryan
earlier in the evening.

I went with him
to Arkoff's house.

They were gonna have
it out once and for all.

He told me to wait in the car,

while he went inside to
have his meeting with Arkoff.

Then after about half an hour,

I saw Arkoff carry Mike's
body out of the house.

Carrying him?

Yes, to Arkoff's car.

What happened then?

He just dumped Mike's
body in the back of his car

and he drove off in a big hurry.

Did Arkoff see you?

Yes. I mean, I didn't
think so, but I was wrong.

He came to me the next day and
he warned me not to say anything.

How exactly did he warn you?

He said he'd k*ll me.

Mr. Bristol?

Your Honor, I realize
this request is unusual,

but I would like to put my
client, Mr. Arkoff, on the stand.

Lay on, Mr. Bristol.

Thank you very much.

You heard the testimony
given by Miss Wilson?

Yes. Yes, I did.

All except that
stuff about a threat.

I haven't seen her in weeks.

But you did carry Mike
Ryan out of your house

on the night in question?

Yes, I did.

Then you have been
lying all along, haven't you?

That's right.


Why? I'll tell you why.

This guy's been an
enemy of mine for years.

No secret.

He calls me up and he
says he wants to talk.

Okay. So, he comes over

and in a couple of minutes,
we've got a real hot argument.

I mean, we're
screaming at each other.

All of a sudden, he
grabs his chest like that.

I didn't know what
was happening.

He was gagging,

like he was trying to catch his
breath, making terrible noises.

All of a sudden he keeled over.


I couldn't think for a minute.

See, I was scared.

I mean, your worst enemy
drops dead in your place

and you've bought it, right?

It's like a cop chasing
you, you know?

You feel guilty even though
you ain't done nothing.

Anyway, I picked Mike Ryan up
and I carried him down to the car

and I drove him
straight to the club.

What did you do after
you delivered him there?

I got out of there. I panicked.

I was wrong.

But like I say, if
I'm around there,

I know they're gonna blame me for
anything that happens to Mike Ryan.

Was the club on fire
when you left him there?

Oh, no.

Did you smell any smoke?


I mean, I didn't even hear about
the fire till a couple of hours later.

Thank you.

You may proceed to
cross-examine, Mr. Glendon.

Well, he's lying.

I know he's lying.

And your story is
just as shaky as his.

Unless you can prove that that
heart attack didn't k*ll him, we're dead.

And I'm not going to trial.


We're not dead yet.
The Marines have landed.

Sam, did the blood types match?


Mr. Glendon.

May I question the
witness, please?

I haven't had a chance
to brief Mr. Glendon

on some fine medical points.

Nor has he had the chance to
brief you on some legal fine points.

But since we're this far
afield, go ahead, Dr. Quincy.

Thank you.

Mr. Arkoff,

you gave a very accurate description
of somebody having a heart attack.

Well, I should, I saw it.

Yes, you did see it.

After you bashed his skull in.

Objection, Your Honor.


Don't press the
privilege, Doctor.

I'm sorry.

You say he was gagging?


Was he bleeding? Bleeding?

Bleeding, bleeding. From the
mouth, the nose, the head, anything?


No. He wasn't bleeding.

Then how do you account
for Mike Ryan's blood

being on the back
seat of your car?


That's right.

Dried blood stains on
the back seat of your car.

What were you doing in my car?

Don't worry.

Mr. Fujiyama and Lieutenant
Monahan had the proper search warrant.

Your Honor, my assistant took blood
scrapings from the back seat of his car

and matched them with
the blood of Mike Ryan.

Oh, I remember what happened.

I cut my hand last week.

I reached in the back
of the car for a rag.

Is that what it was?


Do you have a bad heart?

No. It's as strong as an ox.

Is it?




This is a sample of the blood
that we took from Mr. Ryan's body.

This indicates the presence
of digoxin and propranolol.

The is the sample of the blood

that we took from the
back seat of Mr. Arkoff's car.

If your heart is so healthy,

how do you explain the
presence of these cardiac dr*gs?


Now, the blood we found
in the back of your car

was Mike Ryan's all right and
Mike Ryan did have a heart attack.

You see, Your Honor,
when we say instant death

people think it's like
turning off a light switch.

But it's not. It can be a matter
of maybe five seconds or more.

Mr. Arkoff gave him the
fatal blow, but in that instant,

the trauma also caused
him to have a heart attack.

In other words,

in that moment,
Michael Ryan died twice.

He pulled a g*n on
me. It was self-defense.

Is that right? How about the

Did they pull g*ns on you,
too? Is that self-defense?

Did you give them one thought?

Did you care?

All you wanted to do
was cover up your m*rder.

Objection, Your Honor.

You don't care
about the human life.

You have made your point.

Thank you very much. Please.

Oh, boy! Are we
gonna go to trial.

Come on.

Thank you.

What did you do with
the letter of resignation?

The letter. Well,
it's... That's shredded.

Excuse me.

Oh, Gladys! How you doing?

Oh, don't get up,
I'm not used to it.

These are for you.

It's finished.

And you want me to read it?

Well, more than that. Don't you
remember what you promised?


Johnny Carson.

You said you knew him personally

and you were gonna
get me on his television...

Oh, sure, sure.

You guys are welcome
at the Lido any time.

I'll buy you a drink.

Oh, thank you very much.

Good luck.


What was that all about?

Oh, just mind your
own business, okay?

”Getting It On with a 60-60
Girl by Gladys Hemingway."

Oh, come on.

Hey, do you really know
Johnny Carson personally?

Oh, yeah. We used to belong
to the same athletic club.

I was in a steam
room with him once.
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