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06x05 - Dazai and Chuuya, Pretentious Fourteen-Year-Olds / A Day in Yokohama / The Boy and the Puppy

Posted: 01/14/24 10:24
by bunniefuu
I look at you and know your fancy clothes.

You think you're cool or something?

Says the guy, all wrapped up in bandages.

Think that makes you badass? Oh.

He's pretty badass. Do you really need your eye wrapped up,

or are you just desperate for attention?

Huh? Oh, I have a sty.

Yeah. I went and rubbed my eye with dirty hands.

That's nasty man. Wash your damn hands.

So are the rest of those bandages

covering up some kind of big injury to then?

No, this is an order to keep my powers under wraps.

Oh, it's all about your powers. Silly me.

Actually. Feeling worried. From ancient times, I have

a pact with the elementals of fire,

wind, water, light and darkness, allowing me

to control all the elements at will.

Is that right? Cool story bro. It'd be scary if it were true.

And this symbol is a conduit through which I can

channel the infinite power of the aether.

And this is a magic talisman which seals

away the demon which slumbers within me.

How terrible the demon is about to be reawakened.

Getting dressed must take forever. Well, you should know.

Chuya. Huh? From where I'm standing, you're the flashy one here.

Sure you're not compensating for something?

You could use a bandage right over that big mouth of yours.

Screw it. Check this out. Custom made gear.

All of it weighing in at a total of kg. And there's more.

Ditching my shoes is another kg, letting me move super fast.

I hope it looks like there's four

of me to you right now, doesn't it? Let's go Darci.

I feel as light as a butterfly.

I'll take your word for it. Come on.

You don't think I'm cool after all that? I'm amazing.

That stuff's a bit too infantile for my taste.

I'd rather read books instead. You like those books?

I've been spending so much time studying lately.

My brain's more active than ever. It's

the perfect time to read unintelligible books.

You just admitted you don't understand them.

Here, you can have this one.

Wow, this looks grim. I never knew

Daisy was into this kind of stuff.

Let's see here once again. Julia wouldn't

get out of my sight today.

I really wish I didn't have to look at his face.

Needless to say, though, I don't want

to be the one to look away first.

The hell is this? A notebook detailing all my grievances with you.

Get out! I also have more volumes archived at home.

Why don't you just say all that stuff to my face?

Julia put lemon on the carriage without asking.

My life sucks. That's just petty. Julia

cranks the echo up to high at karaoke.

k*ll me. Who the hell cares? You twit!

You'll regret this garbage when I get bigger.

Uh huh. That kind of hypothetical is next to impossible.

That's enough, you two. You really are

the best of friends, aren't you?

Not even close. Mr. Murray and Mr. Rando.

What's wrong? Rando? You called again? Oh, that's not why I'm shivering.

The way these two are interacting with each

other reminds me of two middle schoolers

bickering on the playground during recess. It's secondhand embarrassment, Charles.

You've been watching this whole time. That's really messed up.

Now, now calm down, Julia. If you really want to grow taller,

I can remove your Achilles tendon and stretch you out.

What is this doctor talking about? I

want to help you as well. I can give you these earmuffs.

No, thanks. Oh. Thank goodness. Without them on,

my ears get so cold, they feel

like they're about to fall off.

And why did you offer them to me?

The school bell already rang quite some time ago now.

You two had better go off to class.

You're having pudding for lunch today.

Head along now. You're an idiot. Be honest, sir. Do you

really believe those two will be able

to play nice until lunchtime? Huh?

Maybe I'm not suited to being a teacher, a useless one.

Itty bitty shorts.

I've been waiting all day for this, so I'm going to go on the

roof and eat this pudding, huh?

Why don't you watch where you're going, man?

You're the one who crashed into me. Why were you even going?

Perhaps you should try getting into a heated argument.

Rando. Such vigor might help raise your internal body temperature.

I appreciate the helpful.. Advice,

but I will have.. To decline.

Wow, this wine is expensive. I can't

understand why anyone would want to spend

an arm and a leg on liquor.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some good booze myself,

but the best drink is always the one

you enjoy with a charming lady.

Today seems like a good day for some shopping. Where to go?

A discount on bandages and bulk. Kind of dumb.

You'd have to be a complete idiot to need this many bandages.

You'd have to be some kind of wimp

or have twigs for bones. What a waste.

This isn't the kind of stuff I'm looking for.

Wow, what an over-the-top design for a hat.

Would buy something like that..

If I saw someone wearing a gaudy piece like that.

I don't think I'd be able to hold in my laughter.

Hopefully I'll never have to meet such a person.


Help wanted ten newborn retrievers looking for homes?

Call this number for details. Adopting puppies. Huh?

If I had the means to do it,

I would take nine of them in right away.

Ten might be one too many, though.

What's this? Help! Wanted ten newborn retrievers looking for homes. Sheesh.

No way. They wouldn't volunteer to take care of one dog.

Even if someone offered to pay me to do it.

Now, one in the picture looked cute though.

Oh, wow. Is that. It is nice.

I've been needing to stock up on

bandages and they're really cheap too.

Man, I pity any poor sap will

just walk past this place without snatching these up.

These hats? I've never seen such awesome designs. Hell, yeah! I'm sold.

The compliments are just gonna pour in, huh?

That's what I think it is. I've

always wanted to try this wine.

I never thought that I would find it here.

This is one of a kind. I have to buy it.

This was a very fruitful shopping trip indeed.

I haven't had such a rewarding haul in quite a while.

Huh? Yeah. Yikes! Look at all that tacky chunky pot.

Oh. Hey, Julia. I'm sure you get

jealous if I told you what kind

of sweet loot I snatched up today.

But I'll be nice for once. Hey, that's my line.

You'd bawl like a baby if you saw what I got.

Watch this first up. Don't care. I really ought to k*ll you.

Why are you following me? You're the one following me.

Huh? What would that look? You got

something to say? Then say it.

Only a diamond can polish a diamond.

Only a hand can wash a hand.

If you want to know what a dog feels,

you'll have to become a dog.

The boy and the puppy. What a moving performance that was.

One rainy day, a boy met an abandoned puppy.

The two of them wind up growing up together.

The puppy was so adorable. The way

he'd helped the boy out along the way.

Man was hella good. If only I came

across an abandoned puppy like that.

Woof! Huh? That sound. Could it be.

Woof! Oh, it's just you.

But I.. Saw nothing. I saw absolute.



Good grief. I can't believe you try and trap me in there.

That's animal abuse. I'll have you know.

What I saw was way more grotesque than an animal.

The hell are you doing out here?

Atsushi asked me if I happened to dislike dogs.

I do consider them my arch enemy.

So to get inside the mind of a dog, I tried becoming one.

Turns out it fit me way better than I expected.

You do seem pretty comfy. I guess

I'm just well suited to being a stray dog.

I want to rip that nose right off you.

You're interested in dogs too? I see

why you adopt one, though. Don't you

smell enough like one as it is? Hey, watch yourself buddy.

You want a dog? Because it'll actually

listen to what you have to say.

Is that it? Okay. Lay off of me.

Look, I mean, it's not that I absolutely need one,

but if I saw one shivering out in the cold,

I'd take care of it for life

not only happens in the movies, you know.

Are you sure you can actually take

care of a dog? Of course I can. If I were to have a puppy,

I'd buy it anything it wanted and feed

it steak each and every day. I knew it chewy would be..

Awful at taking.. Care of dogs.

What's with that look? Never mind. I don't

even want to talk to you anymore.

Later, I'll k*ll you. Wait. What?

You need practice taking care of a dog, I volunteered.

You want to adopt me? You just want me to feed you steak?

Nah, I'm only kidding. The thought of living

with a slug like you makes me shudder.

At any rate, I don't think you're

ready to have a dog yet. Like you know anything.

A book about how to raise puppies.

Oh, yeah. So you're saying it's wrong

to read a book like this? I didn't say anything. Boucles