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06x02 - Let's Go Flower Gazing! / To The Baths!

Posted: 01/14/24 10:21
by bunniefuu
You want me to save a spot?

That's right. I'd like to take the agency flower gazing,

but the area closest to us gets

pretty crowded. Could you help out?

No problem. I'll be sure to stake out a good spot.

I appreciate it. I'll endure till the end. Okay, then.

Getting here so early means I can set up our spot perfectly.

With how much effort I'm putting into this,

I can hear the praise now.

Well done Atsushi. The flower gazing was

great thanks to you. Three cheers for Otsuchi.

Yay! Although it already looks pretty crowded.

Where's a good spot?

Kyoka, why are you here?

I heard yesterday that we needed a spot for flower gazing.

Have you heard the part about how I was doing that right?

It's okay. Huh? Waiting is nothing new to me.

That still doesn't make it right.

So then when did you actually get here? Yesterday evening.

I can hear the praise now. Praise now. Now.

My moment of glory has been stolen away.

Huh? What's that? I'll need many lunchboxes. Why so perfect?

Tower of grub. Huh? Tower of grub.

Yeah. Still not getting it. It's a pun

on the anime series called tower.

Okay, okay, I got it. You can stop there.

I was looking forward to it. I

wanted to gaze at the flowers.

Kyoka. Thanks a bunch! We enjoyed the flower

gazing for a while before the others

arrived. Just the two of us.

Oh, this is good.

Why do we have to be right next to that group of all people?

What a peculiar situation. Indeed. And I can

watch my darling Kyoka enjoying the festivities.

How precious. She's so cute. I could just eat her right up.

Man, we just got here and she's already good and hammered.

Why did you have to go and pick this spot? Tachihara.

Hey, how was I expected to know?

Though I thought I heard someone calling out.

Does I, does I? That didn't tip you off.

Damn. I'm not going to be able

to enjoy my drink with that rat bastard close by. Please.

It's not like you can have more than a sip anyway, huh?

I can hold my drink just fine. Watch this.

Why are you even flower gazing anyway? That's.

This flower gazing trip is turning into a thorny w*r.

Please do something. Higuchi.

Guys! What? Uh. Since we're all here for flower gazing,

why don't we make this a joint

event between us and the agency? Just an..

Idea. What's this? A flicker of joy from Akutagawa.

Not happening. Do you expect me to associate with this guy?

Not on my watch. We're not.

What an upset. He's obviously crushed. Come on.

We're getting the hell out of here after this drink.

Shu, you just passed out. He must have been enjoying himself.

We finally have a little peace and quiet around here.

Why don't we all just enjoy a nice

little picnic in honor of the cherry blossoms?

You little devil! You. Huh?

And so the festivities continued.

It's really nice if your nose. I'm

sure it's like tickling your brain. What did you say? I said.

Chuya Nakahara out of the way and on to a certain hangover.

Quiet down. We partied into the wee

hours of the night. One shorts.

One shorts. Ha ha! Oh! Ha ha..

Ha! We have to stop them from fighting. Let's work together. Kiyoka.

What do you suggest? I hear you can

stop fights between animals by obscuring their vision.

That's all it takes. Ha ha.. Ha ha! Nice one.

The agency's bathtub broke down, so the g*ng

is forced to use the public baths instead.

You're just reading the text.

Is there

a special reason we're all heading to the baths right now?

We have to work together to stop something from happening.

Oh, can you tell me what? Yay!

It's bath time. See what you mean now?

Hey, Kenji, what do you say we have a crawl race in the tubs?

That sounds fun. Let's do it. Kenji,

we need you to help us to keep Rampo in check.

Oh, okay then.. Stay the course.

We can't go bothering the other customers

in there by crawling around Rampo.

Oh, then why don't we have a breaststroke race instead?

Sure sounds good to me. Kenji.

Oh, man, these two are just incorrigible. Aren't they cute?

Is she planning on playing in the bath too?

As her senior, I.. Have to warn her against it.

Rampo gave me these. Oh, we're going

to be separated by gender, huh? How tragic.

All I want is to just go and be with you, big brother.

Oh, they.. Never allow that.

Robin, how about you come and join

me in the female bath instead?

No, that's not even remotely better.

Bathtub handstand therapy. You stand on your

hands in the tub to improve your health.

You're pulling my leg, Darci, stop joking around.

How about su1c1de by drowning therapy? They say drowning

yourself in a hot bath is really good for you.

Good my ass. It'd be su1c1de, cold.

Bathwater, sauna therapy. You go back and forth

between a nice steamy sauna and a cold bath.

Give me a break. There's no way

a thing like that's actually real. It is.

Wait. Really? No idea. Why are you.

So where are your things? I'm glad you asked.

Atsushi. I'll just borrow what I need

from Kunie. That's not going to happen.

Oh, don't be like that. Kunikida. Remove your hands from me.

You can borrow my stuff, does I?

You're a lifesaver, Atsushi. One thing.

I wash my whole body top to bottom

with just a bar of soap. Like at my old orphanage.

You are just wild at heart, aren't you, Atsushi?

I think I'll pass.

The port Mafia's bathtub broke down, so the g*ng

is forced to use the public baths instead.

This is the laziest writing I've ever seen.

I suppose this is acceptable. It's nice

to take a bath in a big

bath house once in a while, right? At least here.

Well, boss says it's okay, but there's

no way we can just waltz into a public bathhouse, right?

Ah, if only Chuya were here to come along with us, though.

What are you doing? Over there. Anyway. With your ability.

Kapow! Ideal body weight. I could control

my weight as I like, though. I would need you to come with

me over to the female baths for that.

You're one crazy broad. I was joking. Mm.

The baths. Huh? Well, as long as that ass for brains isn't,

there might not be bad. I guess I'll come along.

Glad to hear it. Just don't forget

to take your shower cap with you. Huh? Shower cap?

They're all set. Looks great on you.

The hell I don't need this.

And these are for you, sir. I hope you like them.

There's moisturizing lotion, body cream, aroma oils and supplements.

Just be sure to towel off afterwards so you don't catch.

No thanks. Sir. Come back. No. Are you super? Super sure?

So I just had this thought. You know

how Akutagawa's ability uses his coat as a w*apon?

Do you think he's really exposed when he's taking a bath?

What you just said. What's your problem? Tachihara.

Come on. I was just joshing around, Mr. Akutagawa. Hegel himself.

Even when he's wearing nothing at all.

When he's naked. When he's naked.

Okay, let's stop before we get in trouble with the censors.

I'm here at the female base with Jean.

But is she actually a girl?

Looks like I'm going to find out.

Shall we share my moisturizer?

She's a girl. So much more than I need. She's. Girl.

De la.

Do you also. Gosh. Data.


You here. We should go break those

two up and get them back to

each other's headquarters. Octagon. You know.

The Darcy's just going to do what he wants.

Well, even if that's true, we have

to try something, right? Just let him be.

Why do you go out of your.

I got a gruesome end to your knee.


